meta Reese Burdette – Kidney Surgery Update :: The Bullvine - The Dairy Information You Want To Know When You Need It

Reese Burdette – Kidney Surgery Update

Reese Burdette survived a house fire at her grandparents home during the 2014 Memorial Day weekend when she was 7 years old. She suffered burns over 35 percent of her body, and extreme smoke inhalation so severe that her heart and lungs had to be placed on a complicated bypass system normally not used for children. Now 10 years old, Burdette went in yesterday kidney transplant after her family learned she needed a new one. Burdette was able to return to her Mercersburg home in 2016, but she was admitted to Johns Hopkins Hospital in the middle of September. It was there that her family learned she was in the final stages of renal failure and would need a kidney transplant.  After searching a donor was found — 32-year-old Alyssa Hussey, a special education teacher in Winchester, Virginia. “Being around her and seeing that she’s such a sweet little girl just made me want to try and help.”  The transplant took place yesterday and Reese’s aunt Laura provides us with the following update: It was a long day but a good day. Donor, Alyssa started her surgery about 7:30 this morning and is now recovering in her room. Bless Alyssa for all she has been through. Please ask God to ease her pain as she heals. From what we were told Alyssa’s kidney was large and healthy! Reese started surgery a little later and is now in recovery. Her surgeon was very pleased with how the surgery went. As always, Reese rocked her surgery and handled it very well. Now, it is a wait and see game to see if the new kidney kicks in! Pray for Reese as she wakes as she is sure to be in some pain. Pray this new and healthy kidney takes over and learns to love its new home! Please send well wishes to both of these special patients. What a blessed day it has been.

Doing well this evening. Reese was just prescribed pizza because of lab work being so good!

11-21 (Tuesday Update) Reese and Alyssa update: so far so good! So many are wanting to know and we do appreciate having each of you behind us all. Reese was able to sleep last night and get some rest. She is in pain which is to be expected but still tough to bear witness to. So far, her new kidney is making itself at home and making LOTS of pee! (Which makes us hap-pee!) It is doing all that a kidney should do by clearing her body as kidneys should. We of course need to continue to pray for Reese. Pray that Reese pushes through the pain, pray that her body continues to accept this new organ and that she stays well. Pray for patience and comfort for Reese and all that stay with her. 
Alyssa is also doing well. Tired from lack of quality sleep and also in a good deal of pain. They are hoping to get Alyssa up and moving some today and hoping to move her to a solid food diet. We pray for Alyssa as she heals. Pray that her pain subsides quickly and that her body stays free of infection. Pray that Alyssa is comforted by her friends and family and her NEW friends and family. Please continue to shower this special woman with your thoughts, prayers, and any special well wishes. We adore her, we thank her for such an extraordinary gift. She sure grew a fantastic big, healthy kidney! We love this special woman! Thank you all for your continued prayers as we know God is watching over these special patients. 





Friday – Reese is heading home!

(T1, D1)
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