meta Rainyridge Holsteins Dispersal 2013 Results | The Bullvine

Rainyridge Holsteins Dispersal 2013 Results

The legendary Rainyridge Holsteins sold to a capacity crowd.  Over the years Ron and Karen Boerchers and their family have done an amazing job developing Rainyridge into one of the most recognizable herds in the world (Read more: Rainyridge Holsteins: A Turn In The Road). 164 Live cattle sold at the Rainyridge Dispersal June 24th in Beauséjour, MB for an average of $3,606.

ron and karen rainyridge

Ron Boerchers welcomed everyone. “It quite an honour to see all people from all over NA. It is a hard to decision to decide but the body will tell you when it is time. Herd is at prime and ready to go across NA and produce for new breeders, index, show cattle and generations of EX. Don’t think the heifers and cows looked that good on the farm but this team has done a great job of getting these cattle ready. My wife Karen has been the backbone of the operation. All of this is in her heart. This week she has cooked for the crew and done a great job. I hope everyone will have as much happiness with cows and families as we have enjoyed creating them over the years in creating these cow families.

Rainyridge Super Beauty (sale)

Topping the sale was lot 1 Rainyridge Super Beauty VG-87, selling for $48,000 by Cornerstead Farms Inc. Denfield, Ontario.  Selling open sell with 1 Doorman & 2 embryo contracts for Germany and Australia, Super Beauty is a Superstition x Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95 1* x Breeze EX-95 2E 2* from Tony Beauty’s.

Ms Apples Uno Amber

2nd highest seller at$19,000 was Ms Apples Uno Amber RDC  purchased by Rainyridge Holsteins.  The high GTPI (CTPI+2149 Highest PTAT Uno Daughter +3.81)  Red Carrier Uno daughter of  KHW Regiment Apple Ex-95 2E DOM 2*- 2011 WDE Grand Champion R&W.  Amber was purchased by Matvale Farms, SK


Selling for $17,000 was Ravenbrook Shaquille Bunny VG-87 also purchased by Cornerstead Farms Inc. Denfield, Ontario.  The +2233 LPI Shaquille daughter of  of the Legendary Talent Barbara EX-95 1*. (Read more: Lasting Legacy: A Tribute to Rainyridge Talent Barbara)

The rest of the story:
$2500- Lot 165-Rainyridge Baxter Erika Due feb 2014 to Jordan (Baxter x Rainyridge stormatic Edna GP x Marker Elite VG-88)

$2600- Lot 99- Rainyridge Talent Elma Ex-90 -Due Dec 2013 to Lauthority (Talent x Donohoe Echo Lheros VG-88 plus 2 gen VG)

$2050- Lot 100- Rainyridge Windborok Evelin (Sept 2012 Windbrook x Rainyridge Talent Elma Ex-90)

$2600- Lot 77- Rainyridge Esteem Dorothy VG-87 –Due to Apr 2013 service to Windbrook (Esteem x rainyridge Rudolph Daisy EX-91 4E 2*)

$1500- Lot 78- Rainyridge Fever Dot (Sept 2011 Fever x Rainyridge Esteem Doroty VG-85 x Rudolph Daisy EX-91 4E 2*)

$1600- Lot 79- Rainyridge Windbrook Dawna (May 2012 Windbrook x Rainyridge Dundee Damalis GP-82 x Rudolph Daisy EX-91 4E 2*)

$2100- Lot 76-Rainyridge Thunder Delia VG-87 (Thunder x Rainyridge R Marker Day VG-87 x Daisy EX-91 4E 2*)

$5400- Lot 46- Rainyridge Destry Lisa RDC* VG-86 Due Sept 2013 Female Pregnancy by Relief P – (Destry x London MtElgin Shottle Leah EX-91 x Roxy Lee VG-87- James Rose family)

$9700- Lot 47- Rainyridge Numero Uno Love (Sept 2012 Numero Uno x Rainyridge Destry Lisa RDC* VG-86 2yr x Shottle Leah EX-91 from James Rose Family)

$3900- Lot 45- Mt Elgin Shottle Leah EX-91 Preg to May 2013 service to Lotus (Shottle x Roxy Lee VG-87- James Rose Family)

$1100- Lot 49- Rainyridge Artful Rose (Mar 2013 Artful x London MtElgin Shottle Leah Ex-91 – maternal sister to James Rose

$2600- Lot 48- Rainyridge Atwood Reese – Fresh Jun 2013 (Atwood x London MtElgin Shottle Leah EX-91 – maternal sister to James Rose)

$800- Lot 48A- June 12, 2013 Sympatico x Rainyridge Atwood Reese x London Mt Elgin Shottle Leah Ex-91

$48,000- Lot 1- Rainyridge Super Beauty VG-87 –open sells with 1 Doorman & 2 Ebmryo contracts for Germany and Australia (Superstition x Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95 1* x Breeze EX-95 2E 2* from Tony Beautys)

$4200-Lot 2- Rainyridge Colt Blue Ivy (Mar 2012 Colt P x Super Beauty VG-87)

$7200-Lot 3 – Rainyridge Dusk Blossom VG-87 GLPI+2240–Due Oct 2013 Chipper P (Dusk x Talent Barbara EX-95 1*)

$17,000- Lot 4- Ravenbrook Shaquille Bunny VG-87 GLPI+2233 Due Sept 2013 to Relief P (Shaquille x Talent Barbara EX-95 1*)

$9000-Lot 5- Ravenbrook Lad Betsy GLPI+2462 DGV+2487 (Apr 2013 Ladd P x Ravenbrook Shaquille Bunny VG-87)

$6000-Lot 6- Rainyridge Shaquille Babs VG-85 GLPI+2234 (Due Sept 2013 To windbrook – Shaquille x Talent Barbara EX-95 1*)

$2000-Lot 7- Rainyridge Larson Beauty –GLPI+2466 Bred May 2013 to Doorman ( Larson x RR Shaquelle Babs VG-85 x Barbara Ex-95 1*)

$11,500- Lot 8- Rainyridge Rampage Barb Red VG-86 Due Sept 2013 to Edmund (Rampage x Talent Barbara EX-95 1*)

$3300-Lot 10-Pick of 2 Sid calves x MDF Goldwyn Breezer 40 VG-85 – sister to Talent Barbara EX-95 1*

$6400-Lot 51-Rainyridge Triumpahnt Crystal Ex90 Due Sept 2013 to Windbrook (Triumphant x Jol Candy Ex-92 3E 1* x Candace EX-90 4E 10*

$4600-Lot 54-Rainyridge Shottle Cecily VG-85 Due Sept 2013 to Windbrook (Shottel x Jolt candy Ex-92 3E 1*

$2700- Lot 53-Matvale RR Lauthority Candy I (Lauthority x Rainyridge Jolt Candy Ex-92 3E 1* x Broker Candace EX-90 4E 10*)

$1600 Lot 52-Rainryidg Bruno Camilla (May 2012 Brunox Rainyridge Damion Calhoun Vg-88 x Jolt Candy EX-92 3E 1* x Candace Ex-90 4E 10*)

$4300- Lot 50-Rainyridge James Cyrene Ex-93 Due Jan 2014 to Bigstone (James x Lee Candice EX-94 2E 8* x Broker Candace EX-90 4E 10*)

$4100- Lot 59- Rainyridge Dundee Chandi VG-87 Due Sept 2013 to Brawler (Dundee x Lee Candice Ex-94 2E 8* x Candace Ex-90 4E 10*)

$2000-Lot 60-Rainyridge Rainy Carlotta (Jan 2013 Barnie x Dundee Chalsie Vg-87 x Lee Candice Ex-94 2E 8*)

$3500- Lot 64-Rainyridge Goldwyn Caryl Vg-85 PReg to Apr 2013 Service to Windbrook (Godlwyn x Leee Candice EX-94 2E 8*)

$4700- Lot 66-Rainyridge Fever Chairty (Oct 2011 Fever x Lee Candice Ex-94 2E 8*)

$4700- Lot 63-Rainyridge Fever Clairie (Oct 2011 fever x Lee Candice Ex-94 2E 8*)

$2700- Lot 65-Rainyridge Fever Connie Due Aug 2013 to Bruno (Fever X Lee Candice Ex-94 2E 8*)

$4300-Lot 62- Rainyridge Jordan Colline Bred May 2011 to Doorman (Jordan x Lee Candice Ex-94 2E 8*)

$3500 Lot 61- Rainyridge alchemy Carol (Dec 2012 lchemy x Lee Candice Ex-94 2E 8)

$4000- Lot 70- Rainyridge Lathuroity Code Bred May 2013 to Doorman (Lathrity x Rainyridge Blitz Cyrilla Ex-91 x Lee Candice Ex-94 2E 8*)

$2600- Lot 69- Rainyridge Bonair Cindie GP-82 (Bonair x Triumphant Charm VG-88 x Broker Candace EX-90 4E 10*)

$3200-Lot 68- Baxter x Triumphant Charm VG-88 x Candace Ex-90 4E 10*

$2600-Lot 67- Dundee x Broker Candace EX-90 4E 10*

$1200-Lot 56 – Lou x Leader Cotton Ex-90 x Candace Ex-90 4E 10*

$2100- Lot 57- GP 83 Red marker x Leader Cryola Vg-86 x Candace Ex-90 4E 10*

$1700- Lot 58 VG-87 Dundee x Lee Candice Ex-94 2E 8*

$1500- Lot 72- April 2012 Barnei x Edison Charlotte Vg-85

$4800- Lot 157-Matvale sanchez Julie IV VG-86 plus 3 more Gen VG or EX

$1500- Lot 72- April 2012 Barnei x Edison Charlotte Vg-85
$4800- Lot 157-Matvale sanchez Julie IV VG-86 plus 3 more Gen VG or EX
$5300- Lot 73- Rainyridge Shottle Kelly VG-85 Carrying embryo Rainyridge dusk Blossom x Guthrie (shottle x Cheam Kalya Dundee Vg-87 x Ex 3E 6* x VG-88)

$1600- Lot 74- Sept 2012 Bruno x Shottle Kelly VG-85 x Cheam Kayla Dundee Vg-87

$1600- Lot 75-Xacobeo Sept 2012 x Shottle Kate GP-83 x Kayla Dundee VG-87

$4000- Lot 156-Lakefield Shot Sally (Shottle x Chief Sally EX-95 2E 2* x Sally Slocum EX-90 4E 3*)

$3800- Lot 155-Lakefield Dundee Shirley Vg-87 (Dundee x Chief Sally EX-95 2E 2* x Sally Slocum Ex-90 4E 3*)

$2800- Lot 154- Lakefield Outside Shelly Ex-90 Due Dec 2013 to Bud Light (Outside x Sally slocum Ex-90 4E 3*)

$2800- Lot 154- Lakefield Outside Shelly Ex-90 Due Dec 2013 to Bud Light (Outside x Sally slocum Ex-90 4E 3*)
$3200-Lot 150-Glenridge shottle Moria GP-83 Due Nov 2013 to Seaver (Shottle x Glenridge Igniter Moria Vg-85 x Mydream EX 12*)

$4600- Lot 144-Vandyk K Rainyridge Petula (Dec 2012 Shottle x Gold Paradise EX-92 x Integ Paradise 3 ETN VG-87)

$3300-Lot 158-Benbie Lauthority Billy Jean (Mar 2012 Lauthority x Wedgwood Billie Soveregin GP-84 from Tony Beautys)

$19,000-Lot 164- Ms Apples Uno Amber RDC* CTPI+2149 Highest PTAT Uno Daughter +3.81 (Oct 2012 Uno x KHW Regiment Apple Ex-95 2E DOM 2*- 2011 WDE Grand Champion R&W)
Buyer: Matvale Farms, SK

$10,500- Lot 161- Krown Mccutchen Dream GPLPI3198 DGV+3274 Type+20 GTP+2217 3.98Type (McCutchen x Regan ALH Desha Vg-85 x G Destini Vg-88 GMD 2*)

$6100- Lot 162-Benner Mayfield superlass (Dec 2012 Mayfield x Ammon Peachey Shana Vg-87 x Martha Sheen VG-86 1* x Martha Vg-86)

$5800- Lot 160- Crasdale Super Ariel GPA LPI+3022 (Supersire x s Ariel Domain Atara Vg-85 x Ariel EX-92 x Atlee EX -92 DOM GMD 6*)

$3900- Lot 163- Eastside SS Star GPA LPI+2780 (Mar 2013 Supersire x Morsan Miss snow Angel x Golde Missy Ex-95 – 3X All-American & 2X All-Canadian)

$4500- Lot 12- Ravenbrook Windhammer Emma (Apr 2012 Windhammer x Rainyridge Dundee Ember Ex-93 x Leader Ezra EX 7* x Evelyn x Beauty)

$7200- Lot 13- Rainyridge Baxter Elieen VG-87 (Baxter x Rainyridge Dudnee Ember Ex-93 x Leader Ezra EX 7*)

$4800-Lot 14-Rainyridge Jordan Em (Jan 2012 Jordan x Rainyridge Baxter Eileen VG-87 x Dundee Ember EX-93 x Leader Ezra EX 7*)

$6000-Lot 11-Rainyridge Dundee Ember EX-91 (Dundee x Ezra EX 7* x Evelyn EX-90 13* x Tony Beauty EX 5E 9*)

$3600-Lot 16-Rainyridge Windbrook Ethel (Dec 2012 winbrook x Rainyridge Pronto Eleanor VG-87 x Goodluck Evelyn EX-90 1* x Leader Ezra EX 7*)

$3400- Lot 15-Rainyridge Pronto Eleanor VG-87 – Bred may 2013 To Doorman (Pronto x Goodluck Evelyn Ex-90 1* x Leader Ezra 7*)

$3700-Lot 17-Rainyridge Pagewire Erin VG-87 (Pagewire x Rainyridge Shottle Etain VG-89 3* x Leader Eva EX 1* x Evelyn Ex-90 13*)

$4000- Lot 171-Rainyridge Xacobeo Elation VG-86 (Xacebeo x rainyrige pagewire Erin VG-88 x Shottle Etain VG-89 3*)

$2500-Lot 18- Rainyridge Exacebo Estelle (Oct 2011 Xacebeo x Rainyridge Pagewire Erin VG-87 x Shottle Etain VG-89 3*)

$3400-Lot 19-Rainyridge alex Estel Due Aug 2013 to Bruno (Alexander x Pagewire Erin VG-87 x Shottle Etain VG-89 3*)

$2800-Lot 20-Rainyridge Admiral Enya (May 2012 Admiral x Pagewire Erin VG-87 x Shottle Etain VG-89 3*)

$3800- Lot 22-Rainyridge Windbrook Eternity Fresh June 3, 2013 (Windbrook x Mr Burns Eara VG-89 x Shottle Etain VG-89 3*)

$6800-Lot 23-Rainyridge Destry Edith VG-85 GTPI+1985 3.08 Type (Destry x Mr Burns Eara VG-89 x Shottle Etain VG-89 3*)

$2200-Lot 21-Rainyridge Salon Ezraty GTPI+2177 595 (Mar 2013 Saloon x Rainyridge Jordan Ezor x Mr Burns Eara VG-89 x Shottle Etain VG-89 3*)

$3400-Lot 43-Rainyridge Jordan Cannon VG-86 (Jordan x Rainyridge Leduc Cameron Ex-90 2E x Stardust Carlene Vg-85 2* from Beautys)

$3400-Lot 44-Rainyridge Goldwyn Chaole VG=85 (Goldwyn x Rainyridge Leduc Cameron Ex-90 2E x Stardust Carlene Vg-85 2* from Beautys)

$3200-Lot 142- Sept 2012 Bruno x rainyridge Wildman Marla GP-83 x Progress Megen EX-94 5E 1*

$2900- Lot 141- GP-83 Milllion x Progress MEgen EX-94 5E 1*

$3000-Lot 140-Dec 2011 Jordan x Leduc Margaret Vg-88 x Progress Megen EX-94 5E 1*

$2900-Lot 139-Rainyridge Leduc Margaret VG-88 (Leduc x Progress Megen Ex-94 5E 1*)

$3100-Lot 82 VG-87 Baxter x Rainyridge Jed Dolarita EX-93 2E 2* x Buck Dolly VG-87 9*

$4400-Lot 83- VG-88 Lou x Leader Ninetta Ex-91 4E 3* x Eminent Nel Vg-85 8* x Buck Dolly VG-87 9*

$2800-Lot 84- VG-85 Lou x Leader Nientta Ex-91 4E 3*

$2500-Lot 85-Jan 2012 Jordan x Rainyridge Lou Neleta GP-83

$3700-Lot 87-VG-88 Triumphant x Rainyridge Leader Nedya EX-92 4E 1*

$2600-Lot 88
$2400- Lot 89
$2700- Lot 86
$2300- Lot 166
$1600-Lot 172

$2400-Lot 93

$2000-Lot 94

$1900-Lot 96
$1900-Lot 97
$2200-Lot 98
$2800-Lot 92
$1300-Lot 90
$1200-Lot 91
$2500-Lot 111
$2800- Lot 112 –
$1500-Lot 113-
$3300-Lot 114-Larest Fever Harmony (Oct 2012 Fever x Lee Holly EX-95 2E)
$5100-Lot 25-Rainyridge Talent Elle VG-87 due Oct 2013 Embryo Cornell Casey MarioVG-88 x Blitz)
$3000-Lot 26
$2300-Lot 27
$1700-Lot 29
$2200-Lot 28
$1700-Lot 24
$2800-Lot 30
$4000-Lot 33-Rainyridge Fortune Blossom EX-90 (Fortune x Journalist Babe EX-94 3E 2*)
$3500-Lot 34
$2400-Lot 35
$2500-Lot 36

$2300-Lot 37
$3100-Lot 38
$2700-Lot 31
$2700-Lot 32
$2000-Lot 170
$2000-Lot 40
$2800-Lot 42
$5000-Lot 80 – Rainyridge Dundee Dalaney EX-91 (Dundee x Sammy Dawn Ex-92 2E)
$1600-Lot 169
$3100-Lot 123
$1100-Lot 117
$3100-Lot 118

$2900-Lot 119
$2500-Lot 120
$2100-Lot 121
$3000-Lot 122
$4700-Lot 125-Rainyridge Destry Janet VG-86 (Destry x Rainyridge R Marker June EX-94 2E 1*)
$2500-Lot 124
$1400-Lot 126
$1100-Lot 127
$1600-Lot 128
$3000-Lot 129
$2800-Lot 130

$2200-Lot 131
$2700-Lot 109
$3600-Lot 152
$2600-Lot 143
$2700-Lot 149
$3100-Lot 148
$2000-Lot 147

$2600-Lot 146
$2800-Lot 135
$1900-Lot 136
$2200-Lot 137
$1500-Lot 138
$2900-Lot 151
$1500-Lot 167
$950- Lot 168
$1800-Lot 132
$2500-Lot 115
$2900-Lot 106
$3400-Lot 107
$1500-Lot 103
$1900-Lot 104
$2000-LOt 105
$2800-Lot 108
$3300-Lot 102
$2400-Lot 101
$7500-Lot 9

(T1, D1)
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