meta Outside Deri third German two-hundred-tonner | The Bullvine

Outside Deri third German two-hundred-tonner

The 17-year-old cow Deri from Grünefeld Holsteins from Backemoor (Eastern Friesland) has achieved a lifetime production of 200,000 kg of milk. She is the third cow in Germany to pass this special milestone. With that, Deri is the only active German cow with such a high lifetime production.

Deri, classified with 87 points, was born in November 2004 and is a daughter of the Canadian bull Comestar Outside. She is not an unknown cow in Germany. In 2018, for example, she was presented at the Excellentschau in Leer, where she was honored as the cow with the highest lifetime production ever to appear at the inspection.

In 2020, Deri finished second in the election of the ‘best economic utility cow’ of the association ‘Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lebens Linien’. At that time, she had already produced 174,000 kg of milk. On this occasion, her owner – who milks 250 cows with robots – described his favorite as a “unobtrusive, trouble-free cow who has rarely seen the vet in her life and almost always got pregnant on the first insemination.”

The third German two-hundred-tonner comes from a cow family that has proven its breeding power with several AI bulls, including Jocko Besne son Jardin, who is also used in the Netherlands. The eldest daughter of Deri – whose father is Boss Iron – has also produced more than 100,000 kg of milk in her lifetime.


(T1, D1)
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