meta Nutrition Symposium Helps Dairy Producers Get Expert Insight on Today’s Toughest Challenges | The Bullvine

Nutrition Symposium Helps Dairy Producers Get Expert Insight on Today’s Toughest Challenges

Novus hosted its ninth annual Dairy Nutrition Symposium on June 11th at the Watkins Glen Harbor Hotel in Watkins Glen, New York. The customer-focused event brought together researchers and scholars, farm and dairy business consultants, experts from Novus’s dairy team and dairy nutritionists for day of thought-provoking discussion, centered on addressing the ongoing nutritional challenges of today’s dairy industry.

“Our purpose in hosting events like the Nutrition Symposium is to give dairy nutritionists the information they need to make better decisions,” notes Lyle Rode, PhD and technical services manager – ruminants, Novus. “Better decisions related to the nutritional requirements of the herd support better animal performance, milk production, animal health and sustainability at dairy operations. It is our privilege to help customers address their challenges, today and in the future.”

The symposium kicked off with a presentation entitled, “Get more milk for your money: Understanding the economics of decision making on your dairies,” by Steve Eicker, DVM, director, research and development, Valley Ag Software. Dr. Eicker’s presentation centered on examining income over feed costs at varying production levels on the dairy.

Speakers from Novus, Penn State and Cornell University addressed several additional topics of interest including the practical applications of organic trace minerals in dairy cattle; the use of trace minerals to improve overall production, reduce lameness and improve reproduction; and the effect of methionine on the ruminal fermentation, digestibility, milk fatty acids and performance of lactating dairy cows.

The day concluded with an interactive panel discussion, “Managing the Risks of Overcrowding Dairy Cattle.” Featured panel participants included Lindsay Collings, Novus C.O.W.S. project manager; Rick Grant, president, Miner Institute; John Lehr, farm business consultant, First Pioneer Farm Credit; Betsy Bullard, owner and manager, Brigeen Farm; and Steve Eicker, Valley Ag Software.

To learn more about the comprehensive programs and products Novus has available to support the dairy industry, visit the company’s corporate website at

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