meta New leaders for production, health and type traits join proven ranks at Select Sires Inc. | The Bullvine

New leaders for production, health and type traits join proven ranks at Select Sires Inc.

Results from the December sire summaries launched 12 Holsteins, four Jerseys and one Brown Swiss sire to the daughter-proven ranks. This class of newly proven sires excels for a multitude of traits and merit indexes from fertility and component yields to health and functional type.

Among the graduates are leaders for Herd Health Profit Dollars® (HHP$®) – the index designed to create healthier, longer-living cows that garner a greater return on investment, reduce herd turnover and lower your dairy’s carbon footprint.

Holstein Highlights

  • Sires that qualify for the Mastitis ResistantPRO® designation, offered exclusively from Select Sires, excel for Zoetis Mastitis Resistance, CDCB Mastitis and Somatic Cell Score. Daughters of Mastitis ResistantPRO sires have the genetic potential to experience less mastitis events – boosting milk quality and saving on treatment costs. PERPETUAL, RASHAN, 7HO14990 ROONEY, 14HO15301 GORDY, 250HO15087 ROZLINE, 7HO15124 TANGER, 7HO15325 HANANS, 7HO15203 BOEING-P-RED and 250HO15329 THUNDER STRUCK each qualify for the Mastitis ResistantPRO designation.
  • 14HO15179 TROOPER is becoming known as 250HO14134 RENEGADE’s best son to-date. He ranks among the breed’s top five sires for TPI®(+3063) and transmits positive daughter and sire fertility with high component yields and overall type improvement.
  • GORDY is a sire that does it all! He offers elite production (+1,330 PTAM), solid components (+151 CFP) and valuable health and wellness traits. In addition to his Mastitis ResistantPRO designation, he is a FertilityPRO®, FeedPRO®, RobotPRO® and GrazingPRO® sire and has gender SELECTEDsemen available to fill your heifer pens with high-quality replacements.
  • Red & White breeders will appreciate BOEING-P-RED’s elite health traits, unique pedigree, A2A2 beta-casein, BB kappa-casein and Polled status.
  • MILKY is an early 7HO14454 LIONEL son that moderates frame size while ranking extremely high for nearly every index from TPI (+3047) to HHP$ (+1,137).
  • PERPETUAL delivers elite CFP (+207) coupled with valuable health traits to create highly efficient and trouble-free cattle.
  • Herds looking for a unique pedigree will appreciate 7HO15465 CRUSHER(7HO14434 CALVARY x 7HO12797 LEGENDARY). He has an attractive linear profile, huge components and exceptional semen fertility.
  • ROZLINE daughters possess beautiful udder texture, well attached mammary systems and produce high-quality milk.

Showcase Highlights

  • Tanbark enthusiasts will be excited to see HANANS and THUNDER STRUCK have earned their graduation caps confirming their superior genomic type data.
  • HANANS offers elite +2.93 UDC and +3.53 PTAT values combined with mastitis resistance traits and positive sire fertility.
  • THUNDER STRUCK’s DOC-free pedigree offers diversity within the Showcase lineup and he’s a dual threat making both show-winning heifers and cows.

Jersey Highlights

  • 7JE1899 JX GOALS {5}-P is the total package: proven Polled genetics with extreme DPR (+2.1), A2A2 beta-casein and BB kappa-casein.
  • 14JE1876 JX COLGATE {6} is a production powerhouse with +1,341 PTAM and +101 CFP. Your go-to choice for daughter and sire fertility with a +0.3 DPR and a FertilityPRO designee.
  • From the famed, two-time national grand champion, Circus, hails 7JE1882 CARBINE. He’s a balanced, JX-free sire with great-uddered daughters and sought after A2A2 beta-casein and BB kappa-casein.
  • 7JE1879 JX RHODES {5} will boost mastitis resistance in the next generation while transmitting A2A2 beta casein, BB kappa-casein and big-time component volumes.

Brown Swiss Highlights

  • 9BS916 PAPARAZZI is a Toby son from brood cow extraordinaire Hilltop Acres Cad Paula  “VG87 VG88MS” CERT. He offers high PTAT (+0.7) and is siring eye-catching daughters.


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