meta 1.7 Wisconsin Dairy farms a day left the business in 2018 :: The Bullvine - The Dairy Information You Want To Know When You Need It

1.7 Wisconsin Dairy farms a day left the business in 2018

In Wisconsin, Ag Department officials say the Dairy State lost 1.7 licensed dairy herds every day. The economic downturn caused many dairy farmers to get out in 2018.  

In December fifty-four more dairy operations closed bringing the year’s total to 638.  February and March had the least number of closings with 41.  November saw the greatest number leave, as 87 farmers quit dairying, or nearly 3 farms a day. June Dairy Month saw the second-most dairy farms shut down with 78.

According to University of Wisconsin dairy economist Mark Stephenson,  even with fewer farms, the other farms are growing in size and the state is producing more milk than before.


(T1, D1)
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