meta NAAB Announces Recipient of 2016 Member Director Award | The Bullvine

NAAB Announces Recipient of 2016 Member Director Award

naab-daniel-10011Johnny Daniel’s commitment of over 35 years of service, leadership and as an ambassador for Southeast Select Sires, Select Sires Inc., and NAAB, while operating his recognized commercial dairy herd, make him a worthy recipient of the NAAB Member Director Award.

As a board member of Southeast Select Sires, he served on two successful merger committees in 1994 and 1996. In addition, he served as vice board chairman from 1996 to present. He was elected to the board of Select Sires beginning in 2001. In 2004, he served as 2nd vice chairman from 2004-2007 and 1st vice chairman from 2007 – 2010, and chairman of the board from 2010 to 2013. Daniel has served on the Production Review committee from its inception in 2006 to present. He has been on the Reproductive Technology committee from 2008 to present for the development of the Select Sires MOET herd. Daniel was also a board director of World Wide Sires from 2010-2013.

Daniel presided over one of the largest growth and expansion periods in Select Sires history, growing by more than 20% in those three years. He will also be known as the Select Sires “technology chairman” during his tenure. During that time, Daniel oversaw and led board investment in extender research, and Select Sires development of improved quality control processes of all Select Sires semen. This resulted in major improvements in on-farm conception rates and higher SCR scores. Daniel also presided over the cooperative at a time when four new production facilities were completed to house an additional 120 new bulls at Select Sires. As a part of this commitment, Daniel has attended the last 4 NAAB Technical Conferences.

Additionally, Johnny Daniel was one of the most involved NAAB farmer-board member leaders during the reorganization of the duties of the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding. He attended various pertinent meetings and wrote letters to dairymen, industry players, and members of Congress on Select Sires’ behalf supporting the transfer of duties of genetic evaluations from USDA to the Council. The results of this development was a major step forward for our industry.

While an officer of Select Sires, Daniel has travelled to the United Kingdom, Italy, Turkey, and Canada giving presentations regarding, Select Sires, the US Cooperative system, and US Artificial Insemination industry.

Outside of Select Sires and NAAB activities, Daniel has served on the Dixon Tennessee Farmers Cooperative board for 20 years and the Tennessee Farmers Cooperative board for seven years. During his tenure as chairman, Daniel is proud to have started a grass roots round-table where stakeholders can provide input on products and services that will add value to the cooperative. For Daniel’s leadership and service, Daniel received the Tennessee Farmers Cooperative James B. Walker Cooperative Spirit Award in 2013.

Daniel received a BS degree in Animal Science from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN and a masters degree in Reproductive Physiology from Mississippi State University. He managed the MSU experiment station dairy herds in Starkville, MS and Holly Springs, MS from 1972 to 1975. From 1976 to 1981 he served as a branch manager for Farm Credit System.

Daniel and his wife, Statia, operate their 5th generation farm with his son Benjie Daniel (6th generation). The Daniel’s milk a herd of 220 Holstein cows, and farm 1,200 acres corn, soybeans, rye grass and haylage in Charlotte, TN. Johnny and Statia are active members of the Charlotte Fagen United Methodist Church.

Daniel’s enthusiasm, leadership, international experience and service to Southeast Select Sires, Select Sires Inc., and NAAB over the last 35 years make him worthy of the honor of the Member Director Service Award.


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