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Miss Tarmstedt 2024: GMH Hermine

Meet Miss Tarmstedt 2024, GMH Hermine from Kumlehn, Spangenberg, and Henckel at Holzminden. Read about her journey now.

GMH Hermin

The 1st Tarmstedt Summer Animal Show truly lived up to expectations. The sun shone brightly, spotlighting this grand competition featuring 51 animals and 16 classes from all over the Hanover area of MASTERRIND. During three thrilling winner selections, breeders earned their way to the grand final to claim the coveted title of “Grand ChampionMiss Tarmstedt 2024.” Judges Thore Lünschen and Jürgen Ballmann made clear and insightful decisions, ultimately awarding the overall victory to GMH Hermine, proudly owned by the breeders’ association Kumlehn, Spangenberg, and Henckel (breeders Garthe and Metz GbR, Frankenau). 

GMH Hermine, a captivating R&W cow with three calves, truly stole the show with her remarkable femininity. The seasoned judge Ballmann lauded her for her international show quality, highlighting her strength of loin and exceptional udder. Her 1A line placement and superb udder texture distinguished her, earning her the esteemed Grand Champion Miss Tarmstedt 2024 title.

Junior Show Winners

The first final decision of the day began after the conclusion of four class decisions. The judge faced the challenge of selecting the best from a group of eight top-notch heifers. Impressively, four of these heifers came from the respected Morisse farm in Bremen. Unsurprisingly, two of these esteemed heifers entered the winning photo. Leading the lineup was the stunning black-colored Daisy from Morisse GbR. With a gold chip for a mother, this remarkable heifer dazzled the judges thanks to her superior udder qualities, earning her the top spot. The Tatoo daughter, Fearless, was close behind from the Kumlehn/Spangenberg plant. Fearless impressed everyone with her elegance, pleasing head, graceful neck, and excellent gait. An honorable mention went to Linn from the breeder Morisse, gracefully presented by Christian Wiechers.

Intermediate Show Winners

The winning selection of medium cows (those with two or three calvings) featured competition from four distinct classes, and it delivered an unforgettable surprise for the Tarmstedt audience and the dedicated breeders. Presenter Michael Hellwinkel could barely contain his excitement, exclaiming, “I haven’t experienced anything like that yet!” upon announcing the winner. The esteemed breeders’ association Kumlehn/Spangenberg claimed all three top placements, with the winner also associated with Henckel. 

Judge Ballmann encapsulated the excitement perfectly: “Madness these three animals.” Leading the pack in a clear pole position was the red-colored three-calf cow, GMH Hermione, securing her chance for the overall victory across all age groups. The elegantly formed two-calf cow, Glamour, was hot on her hooves, noted for her exceptionally beautiful neck and shoulder area. Rounding out the top placements was the honorable mention GTB Anna-Lena.

Senior Class Winner

The old cows category showcased a remarkable testament to sustainable dairy farming. These seasoned bovines were in prime condition, displaying exemplary performance and impeccable overall presentation. Before the final selection, two class decisions set the stage. Enthusiastic spectators basked in the sun as they cheered on the ring’s eldest contestants and awaited the judges’ verdict. When Thore Lünschen made the first move with owner Carsten Morisse, it clearly indicated that catalog number 100, the magnificent old cow named Forgotten, had clinched the top spot. This six-time calving beauty stood out with her strikingly open rib and an impressively high udder. 

The reserve title was awarded to the remarkable four-calf cow American S, from Derboven GbR Hof Bünkemühle in Helzendorf, who outshone many with her broad body and superior udder quality. She completed her third lactation, producing nearly 14,000 kg of milk. MAO Melina, from Milchhof Ole Au KG in Marschacht, earned a well-deserved third place with her excellent structural foundation, fine ankles, and perfectly aligned topline.

Congratulations to all participants and volunteers for making this competition at the Tarmstedt Exhibition a resounding success. It’s the ideal platform to showcase top-tier animal quality. We can’t wait for the 2nd Tarmstedt Summer Animal Show.