meta Minnesota Milk Names Legislator of the Year | The Bullvine

Minnesota Milk Names Legislator of the Year

Jeanne Poppe with Rick Smith

Rep. Jeanne Poppe and Minnesota Milk Producers Association Director and dairy farmer Rick Smith.

State Representative Jeanne Poppe (DFL-District 27B: Austin, MN) has been selected as the 2013 Legislator of the year by Minnesota Milk Producers Association for demonstrating support to dairy farmers, the dairy industry and rural Minnesota by her actions at the State Capitol. The award was announced during the Midwest Dairy Expo on December 3 in St. Cloud, Minn.

Representative Poppe serves as Agriculture Policy Committee Chair and on the Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture Finance Committee where she has fought to keep the funding level intact for the Agricultural Growth, Research, and Innovation (AGRI) program.

Before Representative Poppe’s strong interaction, funds in the AGRI account were being earmarked for a variety of purposes – some of them not directed to agriculture. AGRI is the sole-source of funding for the Livestock Investment Grant Program, a critical tool in helping Minnesota dairy farms improve and modernize their operations.

“We appreciate the time and attention Representative Poppe has provided dairy farmers and her positive working relationship with us. We are fortunate to have her working closely with us on issues affecting the Milk Producers,” said Pat Lunemann, President of Minnesota Milk Producers Association.

Minnesota logoAbout the Minnesota Milk Producers Association
Minnesota Milk Producers Association works to “Advance the Success of Minnesota Dairy Producers.” They are a grassroots organization for the industry with a democratically elected board of dairy farmer directors. For more information, visit

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