meta Milk Futures Drop Thursday in Chicago | The Bullvine

Milk Futures Drop Thursday in Chicago

On the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, milk futures were lower and cash dairy prices were mixed Thursday.

Class III milk was down $0.04 to $17.71 in March. At $17.45, April was down $0.14. May was trading at $17.80, down $0.10. June’s price was down $0.13 to $18.32. Contracts from July to January ranged from unchanged in October to ten cents lower in August.

Dry whey fell $0.0125 to $0.4350. At that price, one sale was recorded.

Cheese blocks increased by $0.01 to $1.91. Four sales ranged from $1.89 to $1.91.

Cheese barrels fell $0.0225 to $1.53. Three sales were recorded, with prices ranging from $1.5250 to $1.53.

Butter was trading at $2.3450, down $0.0350. Two sales of $2.3450 and $2.35 were recorded.

Nonfat dry milk fell $0.0025 to $1.18. Three sales were recorded, with prices ranging from $1.1750 to $1.18.

(T1, D1)
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