meta Milk Futures Continue Higher in Chicago Tuesday | The Bullvine

Milk Futures Continue Higher in Chicago Tuesday

Milk futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange closed higher Tuesday following strong cheese demand while cash markets were mixed.

July Class III milk up three cents at $13.86. August 49 cents higher at $15.80. September up 39 cents at $16.50. October 29 cents higher at $17.30. November through January contracts 10 to 28 higher.

Dry whey down $0.01 at $0.24. Fourteen sales were made from $0.24 to $0.2475.

Blocks up $0.09 at $1.5850. Four trades were made at $1.5050 and $1.5850.

Barrels up $0.05 at $1.4575. Four sales were made from $1.42 to $1.4575.

Butter unchanged at $2.56.

Nonfat dry milk down $0.0150 at $1.10.

(T1, D1)
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