meta Meet the 2020 Gold Cup dairy farmer finalists | The Bullvine

Meet the 2020 Gold Cup dairy farmer finalists

The Gold Cup is the premier national dairy herds competition, recognising efficiency in commercial milk production.

Gold Cup will be awarded at Dairy-Tech 2022

The 2020 NMR RABDF Gold Cup will be presented at Dairy-Tech 2022 on 7th April 2022.

The 2021 Gold Cup competition will not be awarded. This is not taking the Gold Cup history into unchartered waters. In 1925, five years after its introduction, the award was cancelled due to a foot-and-mouth pandemic. Between 1939 and 1946, World War II brought the award to a halt and then, more recently in 2001 and 2002, the competition did not take place again due to foot-and-mouth disease.

The Gold Cup remains the country’s top prize and the lineup of finalists for the 2020 title certainly maintains the high standards expected of such a coveted prize.

 The competition

Major changes were made to the Gold Cup competition in 2017 to ensure herds across the whole range of management systems could compete in the UK dairy industry’s flagship award.  

These changes were implemented to ensure that more extensive grass and forage based businesses can compete alongside housed and higher input herds, however, it is imperative applicants realise the competition will remain focused on herds, whatever their system, who demonstrate high standards of parameters, such as herd health and fertility.

Whilst the traditional entry route will remain through Milk Recording Organisation’s, focusing on milk production, somatic cell count and genetic merit data from official milk records, the spring calving index, that also appears on the herd’s milk records, will be considered in herds where this is applicable. Additionally, herds can be nominated through regional and national discussion groups and specialised grazing groups. While official milk recording will not be a prerequsite in these nominated herds, judges will expect to see recording protocols in place.

New for the 2020 competition we asked industry stakeholders to nominate up to three herds which meet a set of indicative KPIs (see T&Cs below).

The criteria for entry and judging will continue to be reviewed to ensure it best reflects the UK dairy industry and that the award continually showcases the top herds as examples of good management.  We want to make sure that all dairy businesses connected to the competition will continue to, as they always have, to be an inspiration to other producers.

Criteria connected to the Gold Cup associated awards – Silver Salver, Lilyhill Trophy and Chairman’s Cup has also changed to the below:

  • Silver Salver – presented to the qualifying Holstein herd with the highest value of total solids produced (fat and protein)
  • Lilyhill Trophy –  presented to the qualifying Jersey herd with the highest value of total solids produced (fat and protein)
  • Chairman’s Cup – presented to the qualifying non Holstein or Jersey herd with the highest value of total solids produced (fat and protein)

The Chris May Memorial Salver for the highest average Lifetime Daily Yield will continue as before with no changes.

All forms, documents and Adobe software can be downloaded using the buttons below:

  • 2019 Winner – Firm of Bryce Sloan, Darnlaw Farm, Cumnock Ayrshire
  • 2018 Winner – Metcalfe Farms, Washfold Farm, Leyburn, North Yorks
  • 2017 Winner – Rich & Chris Norman, The Leen, Pembridge, Leominster
  • 2016 Winner – R E Bugler & Partners, Pilsdon Dairy Farm, Bridport, Dorset
  • 2015 Winner – Neil Baker, Rushywood Farm, Haselbury Plucknett
  • 2014 Winner – Michael Eavis, Worthy Farm, Glastonbury
  • 2013 Winner – The Higgins family, Wilderley Hall, Shrewsbury
  • 2012 Winner – M Miller, Shanael Farms Ltd, Evesham
  • 2011 Winner – Tom King, Vortex Holsteins, Dorchester
  • 2010 Winner – Michael & Chris King, Kingspool Holsteins, Iron Acton

 To visit the NMR website please click here.

Gold Cup Open Day

Each competition winner has the privilege of hosting the prestigious Gold Cup Open Day.  This not only provides the farm with an opportunity to showcase their business but offers visitors the chance to look around, network with a large number of local and national trade companies and listen to a variety of engaging and informative talks and demonstrations relevant to both the winning farm and the industry as a whole.


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