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Lil’ Bill Is The Smallest Cow You’ve Ever Seen

Lil’ Bill weighs less than 10 pounds.

Cows gan grow to be quite large. In some cases, the size of a small car.

Lil’ Bill isn’t one of those cows.

The pint-size bovine weighs less than 10 pounds, just about as much as a large pet cat. There’s nothing wrong with him, as the experts at the Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine can attest.

He’s just, well, lil’.

As MSU posted to Facebook, “Occasionally, we get a case that has us scratching our heads a bit. Lil’ Bill is one of those cases! He was born weighing a little over one-tenth of what newborn calves typically weigh. Stay tuned for more updates on Lil’ Bill!”

The veterinarians are still trying to figure out what makes Bill so lil’. He doesn’t seem to have any major health issues. He’s not malnourished or eat, he’s just smaller than every other cow in the world.

“Rest assured that Lil Bill is still receiving incredible care and lots of love!” The college posted, “We are working on a story that will give you all an idea of why he’s so small, what we’re doing for him, and what his prognosis is, so keep your eyes peeled!”

Lil’ Bill’s story is quite unique, but he’s not the only cow making headlines thie year. Down under in Australia, a hefty bovine named Knickers has set records for his mass, as well as being “almost as tall as Michael Jordan.

Meanwhile, in Manitoba, Dozer is tipping the scales, too. At about 6 feet, 5 inches tall, he’s one of the largest cows in the world.

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Standing next to Lil’ Bill, you might think such a small cow would get some inspiration to grow a few inches. As of yet, that’s one technique the Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine hasn’t tried yet.


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