meta Holstein UK Crowns 2023 Presidents Medal Award Winner | The Bullvine

Holstein UK Crowns 2023 Presidents Medal Award Winner

Holstein UK crowned the champion of its prestigious 2023 Presidents Medal Award last night at the Semex Conference in Glasgow. Alison Lawrie from Scotland Holstein Young Breeders Club has claimed the title and won an engraved medal and a trip to the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto, kindly funded by HYB’s principal sponsor, Semex, later this year. In addition, Alison was presented with the Sue Cope Memorial Trophy. Holstein UK would also like to congratulate the two runners up Tom Hull (Lancashire) and Will Horsley (Border & Lakeland).

Sponsored by Semex, the Holstein UK President’s Medal recognises and rewards young talent and highlights individuals who are the dairy farmers of the future.  The Award recognises a member who has made a remarkable contribution to the breed, Holstein Young Breeders (HYB) and their own Club.

The entry process began as each HYB Club was asked to nominate one young breeder aged between 18 and 26 years of age. Six young breeders were invited to Rackery Retreat – the home of Holstein UK President, Andrew Jones. Joining Andrew on the judging panel were Mrs Katie Jones (Farmers Guardian Head of Livestock and Editor of Dairy Farmer) and Mr Aran Owen (Regional Manager at Semex UK).

On behalf of the judges, Andrew said “Alison has a great passion for HYB and the Holstein breed. She is very ambitious and has the ability to adapt her understanding of the industry to educate the public. Her dedication for HYB and her club is truly inspiring, her enthusiasm is contagious and has brought new life to the club. She has a passion to encourage and educate others in her club and especially enjoys working with the younger members to help them become the future of the dairy industry. 

Andrew continued “Both Will and Tom were confident and extremely knowledgeable candidates. Both are passionate and I have no doubt that they have promising futures ahead of them. Will is a very engaging and ambitious young man who will certainly excel in the future. Tom has a passion for his herd that will ensure his success, using every opportunity available to him to develop his business. ”

Naomi Lewis, HYB Coordinator added “We are very proud of the three finalists and would like to congratulate them all. On behalf of Holstein UK and HYB we would also like to thank our principle sponsor Semex UK who continue to make a significant financial contribution to the advancement and success of Holstein Young Breeders.”

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