meta Holstein Canada Launches New Young Leader Program | The Bullvine

Holstein Canada Launches New Young Leader Program

Holstein Canada continues its commitment to the development of the next generation of dairy leaders with the launch of the newly revamped Young Leader Program.

Geared towards young Canadian dairy enthusiasts aged 19 to 30, the new programming is based around five main pillars: Formal Gatherings, Awards & Recognition, Sponsorship, Practical Learning Opportunities and Shows & Judging. Under the five pillars there are several new initiatives including increased scholarship amounts, international and domestic travel opportunities, increased support of youth events and activities organized by industry partners, as well as the creation of an Outstanding Young Dairy Leader Award. Additionally, a conference focused on dairy advocacy training is a long-term goal.

“The Holstein Canada Board of Directors gave a very clear signal when developing our current Strategic Plan: Youth is a top priority! The passion of our next generation is inspiring and we want to offer these keen Young Leaders as much support as possible,” proudly states Holstein Canada President Richard Bosma.

In addition to new programming, Holstein Canada will continue to offer the Young Leader Convention Program held during the National Holstein Convention as well as sponsorship of major youth events and the Education and Bovine Medicine awards.

The launch of the Young Leader Program kicks off with the Education Award applications. Application forms are now available on the Holstein Canada website and the deadline for submission is Friday, November 29, 2013. In the coming months, details from the other pillars will be rolled out. As their deadlines approach, they will be announced via the new Holstein Canada website, social media, InfoHolstein and other media sources.

Holstein Canada has always recognized the importance of fostering the industry’s leaders of tomorrow. The revamp of the Young Leader Program further demonstrates the long- standing commitment to the development of the nation’s next generation of dairy leaders.

(T1, D1)
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