meta Holstein Canada Announces Finalists for the 2019 Cow of the Year Competition | The Bullvine

Holstein Canada Announces Finalists for the 2019 Cow of the Year Competition

Since 1995, Holstein Canada’s annual Cow of the Year competition aims to recognize elite Canadian cows that have had an impact both domestically and internationally and have been enjoyed by Canadian producers. These animals could be a bull dam; a brood cow; a high or consistent milk producer; a show winner; a high-index animal; or a top cow in another country.

Holstein Canada has announced the finalists for the 2019 Cow of the Year!

View the finalists and their biographies HERE

Cast your vote in four easy ways:

  1. Mail your postage-paid ballot (in the Jan/Feb edition of InfoHolstein): 20 Corporate Place P.O. Box 610 Brantford, ON N3T 5R4
  2. Fax your ballot to 519-756-5878
  3. E-mail your vote to
  4. Online-vote from your confidential online web account: To vote online, simply log into you member profile and click on the Cow of the Year banner at the top of the page. (*Each prefix or client ID is entitled to one vote.)

Visit Holstein Canada’s website for more information.

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