meta Holstein Canada Announces 2018-2019 Committees | The Bullvine

Holstein Canada Announces 2018-2019 Committees

Holstein Canada is pleased to reveal the 2018-2019 committees, ensuring the Board of Directors continues to receive input from its grassroots membership and industry partners.

This year, Holstein Canada has made four new additions to two of the nine committees: the Show and Judging Committee welcomes Pierre Boulet, Scott Brethet, and Dan Doner to the fold, while the Young Leaders Committee adds the expertise of Alex Dolson.

Committee members represent all regions across Canada and are selected for their respective expertise relating to a committee’s area of concern. These individuals are selected by the Holstein Canada President with consultation of the Board of Directors and Provincial Branches.

Pierre Boulet (Montmagny, QC) has been an official Holstein Canada Judge since 1995. Pierre has judged many shows in Canada, France, Australia, Ecuador and the United States. He has bred or owned many All-Quebec, All-American and All-Canadian Holsteins. He operates Ferme Pierre Boulet Inc. under the Pierstein prefix.

Scott Brethet (Tottenham, ON) has been an official Holstein Canada judge for over 15 years, and has handled many judging assignments across Canada, as well as in Mexico, Chile, Australia and Brazil. He has shown cattle for close to 25 years, as well as fitted cattle in Canada and 9 other countries. Scott, who also sits on the Royal Dairy Committee, is from Tottenham, Ontario, Canada.

Dan Doner (Whitby, ON) owned and operated Donelea Holsteins and is current Chairman of Ontario Holstein’s Judging Committee. Dan has judged shows locally, across Canada, and internationally in Mexico, Spain, Australia, Switzerland, Argentina, and the United Kingdom. Dan has been in the center of the ring for both the World Dairy Expo and the Royal Winter Fair.

Alex Dolson (Erin, ON) is the third generation on his family’s Holstein farm, under the prefix Dolafton. The herd’s quality encourages Alex to one-day take over the family farm after completing his degree at the University of Guelph. He hopes to one day achieve a Master Breeder award. Alex also serves as a Youth Director for the Wellington 4-H and is a director for the Erin Agricultural Society.

Holstein Canada thanks all committee members for their time, effort and dedication to the Association. Special thanks to outgoing committee members: Ralph Martin, John Devries, Alan Hawthorne, Tyler Doiron and Stephanie Warner-Murphy.

Each year, the newly elected Board reviews and updates the committees. Terms range from one to three years, with members eligible to be reappointed for second and third terms, depending on the committee. Board Directors serve on each committee and every committee is also supported by Management Advisors from Holstein Canada’s team. Ideas, comments and suggestions from all Holstein Canada members are always welcomed by committee members. One of the key roles of Committees is to provide recommendations to the Board of Directors on the follow up to the member resolutions presented at recent Holstein Canada AGMs. They also do the ‘leg work’ to ensure Holstein Canada programs and services remain current in a rapidly changing industry.

Holstein Canada hosts nine committees. The 2018-2019 committees list can be found below; contact information can be found at the Holstein Canada website under: About Us > Governance > Committees.

2018/19 Committees

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