meta Let’s Help End the Nightmare – Fundraiser to Support the Stiles & Burdette Families Ends at Midnight :: The Bullvine - The Dairy Information You Want To Know When You Need It

Let’s Help End the Nightmare – Fundraiser to Support the Stiles & Burdette Families Ends at Midnight

Eighteen days ago, Patricia and Mike Stiles woke up to a nightmare. One that they and their families are still going through today.  It’s a nightmare that is going to continue for some time to come.   Since that time the dairy industry from around the world has rallied to their support.  Sending out prayers, love, support and giving generously to aid them.

Both Patricia Stiles and her granddaughter, Reese Burdette, who Patricia risked her life to try and save, continue to fight their battles. (Read more: Patricia Stiles – Dairy Farmer, Grandmother, Hero, Fighting for her life!) Pneumonia is huge demon that both are facing, as well as the other infections and trauma that face burn victims. Surgeries for skin grafting are working, and slowly, but surely, Reese and Patricia are healing. Doctors have estimated at least 15 to 30 operations for the Reese over the next few months — many for skin grafting.

The dairy industry continues to rally around these families, with support and donations.  Thanks to the support of many of our community members, for the past two weeks we have been running a fundraiser to help these families deal with the costs associated with these many surgeries.

Highlights from the Helping Heroes

To see full details on these lots please visit Helping Heroes – Fundraiser to Support the Stiles & Burdette Families

How to Bid

There are three simple ways to bid; you can enter your bid in the comments below, place your bid on the Facebook, or email, and we will keep all locations up to date with the latest bids.


The Bullvine will act as a dairy breeder’s version of eBay. That means that once the sale is complete we will collect the funds from the successful bidder, notify the breeder who donated the lot of who and where to send the lot to. Once the winning bidder has successfully received the items, we will release the funds. The buyer will be responsible for all shipping expenses.

Please share this article to help raise awareness of this great opportunity to support the Stiles and Burdette families at this time.

Please continue to reach out to this family, and continue to pray for little Reese and Miss Patricia, and their family.

(T1, D1)

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