Working together to improve genomic evaluations for Jersey breeders across Canada and the United States, Canadian Dairy Network (CDN), with Jersey Canada as one of its members, the Cooperative Dairy DNA Repository (CDDR), represented by the National Association of Animal Breeders (NAAB), and the American Jersey Cattle Association (AJCA) have increased the North American Jersey database of genotypes on proven bulls by more than 1,100 through an exchange of Jersey genotypes with Scandinavian based Viking Genetics. The reliability of genomic evaluations increased 1.8% in the United States with similar gains expected in Canada due to the 46% increase in the size of the Jersey reference population for genomics.
The formation of the CDDR by six U.S. and one Canadian A.I. center almost 20 years ago provided the sire DNA that enabled research by CDN, the University of Guelph and the Agriculture Research Service of the United States Department of Agriculture (ARS USDA), which resulted in genomic evaluations now being utilized by dairy producers in both countries.
The new agreement establishes an ongoing exchange of genotypes for progeny proven Jersey bulls in North America and Scandinavia. This groundbreaking agreement will further enhance selection programs aimed at maximizing genetic potential while maintaining genetic diversity.
The agreement is the culmination of several years of collaboration between CDN, the CDDR and the Jersey associations in each country to define exchange terms with Viking Genetics. Gary Bowers, Chairman of CDN comments: “Given the Jersey population size in Canada and other countries, this exchange agreement with Viking Genetics is a positive example of the international collaboration that is required to improve Jersey cattle in this era of genomics.” Agrees Kathryn Kyle, General Manager of Jersey Canada, “This is a great opportunity for Jersey breeders in Canada to increase the benefit of genotyping their animals to maximize genetic improvement in their herd.”
Canadian Dairy Network (CDN) is the national genetic evaluation centre for dairy cattle and provides services to Canadian dairy producers and member organizations including breed associations, DHI agencies, A.I. organizations and Dairy Farmers of Canada. Jersey Canada, based in Guelph, Ontario, is the second largest and fastest growing breed association in Canada with over 1,000 members. The National Association of Animal Breeders, based in Columbia, MO, USA represented the CDDR in this agreement whose aim is to improve the accuracy and reliability of genomic evaluations for the benefit of breeders in Canada and the United States.
For more information, please contact:
Brian Van Doormaal
General Manager Canadian Dairy Network