meta German Sunrise Sales Results | The Bullvine

German Sunrise Sales Results


For the third year in a row Sunrise Sale is the highest averaging auction in Germany. Before a huge crowd and a great atmosphere were 30 of the 31 sales numbers at an average price of € 7923 -. Sold!

The Top prices:
#24 PG Midland-P RDC € 18.000.- Deutschland / Germany
#6 HLM Shot-Drugi-Red € 17.000.- Frankreich / France
#28 1. Wahl / 1st Choice WEH Jill € 15.000.- Deutschland / Germany
#9 1. Wahl / 1st Choice RR Barbie € 14.000.- Deutschland / Germany
#7 Julia-P RDC € 12.000.- Deutschland / Germany
#36 KNS Rilanja € 11.500.- Frankreich / France
#34 Idaho € 10.000.- Deutschland / Germany
#1 OWN Do Yoga € 9.700.- Deutschland / Germany
#20 DT DG Tamara € 9.000.- Niederlande / Netherlands

(T1, D1)
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