meta #FarmTourFriday Brings the Dairy Farm to Classrooms Across Indiana :: The Bullvine - The Dairy Information You Want To Know When You Need It

#FarmTourFriday Brings the Dairy Farm to Classrooms Across Indiana

Warren County dairy farmer Michael Poland will welcome thousands of students from all across Indiana to his farm on Friday, the 18th. Not physically, that might get a little crowded. His farm is the first stop of 2022 on American Dairy Association Indiana’s virtual #FarmTourFriday.

Teachers across the state will tune in and let their students see, “What a modern dairy farm looks long and how we care for the cows, and what a day in the life of a cow and a dairy farm looks like, says Poland.

And Poland’s dairy farm is very modern.

“We have a robotic milking set up that we put in about 5 years ago and most of our cows go through that. Even the small number of cows that go through our milking parlor, even the milking parlor is fairly automated and has a lot of sensors to collect lots of data for us.”

Poland is hopeful that after the virtual farm tour, students will understand that milk doesn’t originate from the grocery store and how dairy farmers take care of their cows.

“We treat our cows very well and they live a happy, comfortable, humane life.”

If you are a teacher and want your students to take advantage of this tremendous opportunity, visit here to register.

Source: 953mnc

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