meta Cumberland County Milk Processor Saves Northern Pennsylvania Dairy Farm | The Bullvine

Cumberland County Milk Processor Saves Northern Pennsylvania Dairy Farm

Stephanie Painter and her sister grew raised in northern Pennsylvania on their family’s dairy farm. They saw neighbouring farms struggling and realised:

“If we want to have control over our own destiny, we have to take matters into our own hands,” Painter stated.

After years of investigation, the sisters teamed with Reykjavik Creamery, a milk processor in Cumberland County.

“We knew there was no other choice,” Painter said. “If we want the best dairy product, and the best way to use our milk, we have to get it made at Reykjavik Creamery.”

Painterland Sisters Icelandic Yoghurt is made using milk from the family farm, which is trucked to the creamery.

To produce the high protein, lactose-free food, Reykjavik use a specialised technique.

To bring their goods to customers, the sisters teamed with Market Waggon, an online farmers market.

“The more we optimise and utilise that, the better we’ll be able to keep up with what people want today,” Painter says.

(T1, D1)
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