[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/qnetics/posts/722003425149273″ width=”900″ height=”600″ onlyvideo=”1″]
Topping the Online-sale of Qnetics (`Sonderkollektion`) at €18.500 was Bacon-Hill Kay-Red (2743 gTPI). Kay goes back to the well-known breed cow Art-Acres Shottle Kay EX 90 via Crown Red x Salvatore RDC x VG 88 Delta x VG 87 Delta x VG 87 Cashcoin x VG 88 Man-O-Man. A Copyright–Gymnast (Marilyn Monroe-family) and a Radar-Benz from L-L-M Jedi Dysis sold at €9.400 und €9.000. The average: €5.150.
(T7, D5)