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Conversion of dairy products into bioplastics revealed by US research

Atanu Biswas, a research chemist at the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), is developing a new approach to combat plastic pollution in the United States. Biswas’ latest project involves converting dairy waste, specifically lactose, into bioplastic polymers with potential applications in various industries and consumer products. The use of microwave technology has allowed Biswas to quickly create bioplastic polymers, and lactose may be biodegradable due to its disaccharide nature.

The challenge for scientists developing new bioplastics is replicating the characteristics of conventional plastics, such as hardness and flexibility. While lactose-based bioplastics may not fully replicate these characteristics, they can be useful for niche applications like insulation, cushioning material for furniture, footwear, rubber flooring, and medical equipment. With further work, Biswas believes they can be used for hundreds of applications.

Bioplastics can replace a significant portion of conventional plastic supplies but may not entirely replace them. However, they represent a “win-win-win situation” for industry, farmers, and consumers. Industry can present a cleaner and greener image while using renewable feedstock, while consumers appreciate a less damaging option for the environment. Farmers can find a use for waste, a win-win situation for all involved.

(T1, D1)
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