meta “Clarica” named Canadian Milking Shorthorn Cow of the Year | The Bullvine

“Clarica” named Canadian Milking Shorthorn Cow of the Year

The Canadian Milking Shorthorn Society is proud to announce that Lynmark NS Clarica has been voted Cow of the Year for 2016. 

Lynmark NS Clarica 1

This award was presented to her breeder and owner, Lynmark Farms of Norwood, Ontario, at the CMSS Field Day and AGM held on Saturday, July 23rd at Ferme Serol in Roxton Falls, Quebec.

Clarica, scored Excellent 92-6E, is a daughter of the Australian sire Glenbrook Storm Ruler marketed by Semex Alliance and Hauxwell Clara 20th EX-90, a Six Star Brood Cow that traces back to a British importation in the early 1990s.  Clarica is currently milking in her eighth lactation at twelve years old, and has a lifetime production of more than 72,000 kg of milk.  Across her lactations, she has averaged more than 150 points above herd average for Composite BCA, while also producing two Very Good daughters and a son that is being marketed internationally by Semex (Lynmark St Clare).    (Photo : CMSS President presents the 2016 Cow of the Year Award to Irene Vietinghoff of Lynmark Farms, recognizing Lynmark NS Clarica.  Photo credit CMSS)

In addition, Clarica has had success in the show ring.  She was the 1st Place Three Year Old and Reserve Grand Champion at the 2007 National Show, as well as the 1st Place Mature Cow and CanWest DHI Production Award Winner at the 2010 National Show.  Clarica also has two other Top 3 placings at previous National Shows.

Clarica was bred by her owners, Tim Shearer and Irene Vietinghoff, after purchasing her dam at a CMSS National Sale.  According to Tim and Irene, “that purchase was one of the best decisions we’ve made, as that cow family has become foundational in our herd.  We emphasize cow families in our herd, and Clarica is a direct result of working with great genetics.”

LynmarkNSClaricaCow of the Year voting was completed in June, with members of the Society eligible to vote for their choice of two worthy candidates.  The runner-up in voting was Oceanbrae Pingerly Betty VG-88-2y, National Show Grand Champion in 2015 and #4 LPI cow in Canada, owned by Oceanbrae Farms of Miscouche, Prince Edward Island. ( Photo : Lynmark NS Clarica EX-92-6E, photo credit Jon Karn )

Canadian Milking Shorthorns are increasingly recognized for fertility, feed efficiency, longevity, calving ease, and overall producer satisfaction.  For more information on the Milking Shorthorn breed in Canada, please visit our website at HERE.

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