Discover how Coöperatieve Rundveeverbetering’s 150 years of innovation has revolutionized dairy farming. Will their new polled bulls change the game further?
As we usher in 2024, we get ready to light the candles on a magnificent milestone; the 150th anniversary of the esteemed Coöperatieve Rundveeverbetering (CRV). This is not just your typical celebration, rather it’s an acknowledgment of a century and a half of dedication coupled with remarkable innovation. Over this period, CRV has been a beacon of reliable figures, steering Dutch and Flemish dairy farmers towards significant progress in breeding.
CRV states: “In the first proof run of the anniversary year, through their daughters’ performance, our bulls confirm their genomic breeding values and the value of the reliable CRV breeding programme.”
This assertion not only amplifies the success of CRV’s breeding programme but also emphasizes the early commitment to new developments. For instance, it’s intriguing to observe how this commitment has translated into a fascinating array of new polled bulls for the FeedExcel breeding strategy in the proof run.
- Dependable innovation and accurate figures leading to breeding advancement
- Celebration of 150 years marked by the success of CRV bulls in the first proof run
- Early dedication driving the generation of new polled bulls for the FeedExcel breeding strategy
So, as we raise a glass to toast to CRV’s 150 years, let’s also take a moment to appreciate the relentless pursuit of excellence and continuous adaptability that will no doubt pave the way for many more successful years to come.