meta Canada’s Best Managed Dairy Herds Revealed | The Bullvine

Canada’s Best Managed Dairy Herds Revealed

Lactanet is proud to recognize excellence in dairy herd management by publishing the list of Canada’s 25 best managed dairy herds of 2021, according to the Lactanet Herd Performance Index (HPI). The official reveal took place on February 22, 2022 at a virtual event streaming profiles of top dairy herds in both English and French.

To calculate the HPI, Lactanet Canada analyzes data from six key indicators: milk value, udder health, age at first calving, herd efficiency, longevity and calving interval. Each year, Lactanet customers enrolled in milk recording receive their HPI and data from these six indicators.

This information tells a story about the sustainability and health of their dairy operation.

“I truly believe that the Lactanet Herd Performance Index can help us improve, identify solutions, and make the right decisions. Today, we are taking the time to celebrate our best Canadian herds and be proud to be part of this great industry,” says Barbara Paquet, Chair of Lactanet Canada’s Board of Directors.

“We want to acknowledge the incredible effort, commitment and work that goes into developing a high-performing herd and are excited to share and feature each herd over the internet for everyone to see,” explains Neil Petreny, CEO at Lactanet Canada.

A list of Lactanet’s top 25 best managed herds, as well as outstanding herd performance by province and other categories such as milking system and organic production is available here.

Watch for top 1% list of the best managed herds next week.

A video recording of the event can be accessed here:

About Lactanet Canada

Lactanet is the leading dairy herd improvement organization responsible for milk recording, genetic evaluations, knowledge transfer and dairy cattle traceability. As a farmer-run organization serving 8,000+ Canadian dairy producers, Lactanet provides the dairy industry with products and services to help manage their dairy operation for maximum efficiency and profitability.


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