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In 2001 Nico Bons and the team at Bons Holstein received their 1st homebred EX cow. Now 20 years later we have reached the milestone of 100 different animals that have reached the EX status. Three of the hundred received the maximum score of EX-94, including Bons-Holsteins Ella 158 (<Mailing), the dam of Ella 204. An important detail here is that Bons-Holsteins has been 100% homebred since 1945. (Read more about Bons Holsteins)
Classification highlights from this round include:
4th calver:
B-H Ella 204 EX-92 Atwood x EX-94 Mailing
3th calver:
B-H Ella 215 EX-91 Seaver x N.c. Lauthority
B-H Aaltje 143 EX-90 Seaver x EX-90 B-H Europe
2nd Calver:
B-H Aaltje 138 VG-89 MAX. Absolute red x EX-91 Talent
B-H Ella 222 VG-89 MAX. Goldchip x VG-88 Jasper
B-H Koba 239 VG-89 MAX. Solomon x EX-94 Jasper
B-H Koba 245 VG-89 MAX. Doorman x EX-94 Jasper
2yr olds:
B-H Ella 234 VG-88 Solomon x VG-89 3YR Atwood
B-H Ella 231 VG-87 Unix x EX-91 Stormatic
B-H Koba 252 VG-87 Solomon x EX-94 Lauthority
B-H Aaltje 159 VG-87 Unix x EX-90 Talent
B-H Aaltje 160 VG-87 High Octane x EX-90 Seaver.
(T4, D1)