meta Arethusa Response Vivid now EX-96 sets new record | The Bullvine

Arethusa Response Vivid now EX-96 sets new record

Arethusa Response Vivid is the newest classified EX-96 Jersey in North America. Vivid is a daughter of 2 time Supreme Champion at World Dairy Expo, Huronia Centurion Veronica 20J, who herself is classified EX-97.  There have been several EX 96 mother-daughter combos, but this makes them the first mother-daughter pair in any breed to score EX 97 and 96. Vivid has a long list of accolades for her owners, Arethusa Farms, Litchfield, CT, including Supreme Champion at the Royal Winter Fair 2014 and Reserve Supreme Champion at World Dairy Expo 2012. Congratulations to everyone who’s been involved with Vivid’s success over the years!

(T1, D1)
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