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A research from Australia discloses dairy sector figures.

According to Dairy Australia’s In Focus report, issued late last year, dairy is one of Australia’s most significant rural businesses, ranking third after cattle and wheat in 2021/22.

The authoritative source on all things dairy, According to In Focus, Australia’s national milk output fell marginally from the previous year to 8.6 billion litres, while farmgate production grew to $4.9 billion.

Milk consumption in Australia is among the highest in the developed world, with 90% of families purchasing milk. Cheese, yoghurt, and butter are also purchased on a daily basis.

In 2021/22, 36% of milk production was exported. Because to rising commodity prices, Australia’s exports grew to $3.8 billion, up from $3.2 billion.

Despite relatively high milk prices, the number of dairy farms has decreased. Increased company diversification and farm departures have resulted from high land and meat prices.

Significant labour issues have been encountered in all dairying regions.

“Just over 34,700 people are directly engaged in the business, either on farms or with processing firms,” said Dairy Australia industry analyst Eliza Redfern.

“The analysis demonstrates that industry-related jobs, such as transport, distribution, and agricultural services, as well as research and development activities, provide considerable economic activity and employment in regional Australia.”

In Focus provides comprehensive information about Australia’s milk production, its place in the worldwide market, domestic sales and consumption, and dairy product manufacturing using impartial statistics from across the dairy supply chain.

For more information and to subscribe to In Focus, visit Dairy Australia

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