Even a worldwide pandemic could not stop the Fun in the Sun. Managed by The Cattle Exchange, 32 lots averaged $30,537. 5 of the total of 32 lots on offer traced back to OCD Supersire 9882 VG-86, who sold for $270,000 at the 2016 World Classic Sale. The Supersire daughter out of OCD Robust Shimmer and fetched an average of $48,840. Leading the way was the sale topper, Pine-Tree 8169 Bigal 620. That Big Al-Marius-Fortune-Profit out of Supersire 9882 sold at $160,000. The sale’s second-highest bit ($81,000) was made for Sandy-Valley Super Bitsy, a Positive-Achiever-Jedi from the Barbie family. The rights on an IVF session with Ms T-Spruce Legacy 13312, a great-granddaughter to Synergy Supersire Posh, cost $80,000.
(T1, D1)