1. You learned to drive by the age of 13. Most likely in a truck.
You laugh in the face of Smart Cars.
2. You don’t know what it means to sleep in on the weekends.
What do you mean you didn’t wake up until 12?
3. You’re good at ignoring the angry honks when you’re driving a tractor down the road.
We’re just trying to feed people.
4. You know that no gym will ever give you the same workout as lifting hay bales does.
Sore for days.
5. If you’re a girl, your whole world would change depending on who the summer help was.
Please, please, please let it be that hottie in the grade above.
6. If you are a boy, your entire summer was spent in the fields. PRIME SEASON.
Waking up at 5, working until the job is done…or dark. Whichever comes first.
7. When it rains in the summer, you feel yourself start to panic.
This better not last long… We have hay down.
8. You learned early on not to get too attached to the livestock.
Because they become food.
9. You know that cow-tipping isn’t a thing that happens.
At least not with YOUR cows.
The greatest activity of all time.
11. You have a strong affiliation to your brand of farm equipment.
12. Work comes before play, and school, and sleep.
Farm chores never stop.
13. Fences needing repairs are actually the subject of most of your nightmares.
14. The weather is sometimes your best friend and sometimes your worst enemy.
Oh, a flood? There goes half our crop…
15. Any sort of snow day simply did not exist.
There is always work to do.
16. It’s always been hard to imagine living in a city or to actually live in one.
What do you mean by “limited yard space?” What is all this NOISE?!
17. Birth doesn’t really scare you because you have already witnessed several new lives being brought into the world.
And you’ve even helped pull the legs.
18. Your next door neighbor lived at least 2 miles away.
Anything closer than a mile is “right next door.”
19. All your friends had WIFI before you did.
And don’t get me started on cable…
20. Your cell phone service was always questionable.
So you had to hold it up in the air Simba style and stand on your couch to send a picture.
22. And all the couples you know have pictures like this.
<3 #FarmLove
23. Your family probably owned the local “haunted cornfield” around Halloween.
And your friends have been pretty scared of your dad ever since.
24. There’s a 95% chance that you were involved in FFA.
We made those blue jackets look GOOD.
25. There’s also a 95% chance that you participated in the county fair.
Grand Champion Alfalfa.
26. And you honestly can’t imagine growing up anywhere else.
Give up this view? NO THANKS.
Source: Buzzfeed