meta 2014 Education Award Winners Announced | The Bullvine

2014 Education Award Winners Announced

Holstein Canada’s commitment to young dairy leaders across the country remains evident in the Education awards given annually. The $1,000-Education Awards fall under pillar three of ‘Awards and Recognition’ in the Association’s Young Leader program, and are awarded to up to six exemplary Young Leaders from across the country each year.

The Young Leader Committee consisting of Kenton Lindenbach (Western Canada); Stephanie Murphy (Ontario); Melissa Marcoux (Québec); and Nick Brown (Eastern Canada) helped in selecting four worthy recipients from a fantastic crop of 2014 applicants. Candidates were evaluated on their farm and work involvement; youth program involvement; career choice; and scholastic achievements.

Congratulations to the following four individuals chosen as the 2014 Education Award winners:

  • Deanna Ringelberg, Troy, Ontario
  • Dennis Catt, St. Thomas, Ontario
  • Laurence Boulet, St. Francois, Québec
  • Maggy Desrochers, Victoriaville, Québec

The goal of the Education awards is to select and award well-rounded individuals in the Canadian dairy industry that have made a commitment to their industry, career, community and school. Winners selected to receive the awards excel in all of these areas, and every year are exceptional candidates amongst strong groups of applicants.

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