meta Genetics in the Age of Genomics – Seminar Recordings and Recap | The Bullvine

Genetics in the Age of Genomics – Seminar Recordings and Recap

Butlerview, Butler Feller Sales, Jetstream Genetics, Accelerated Genetics and Holstein World combined to put on an outstanding seminar on the current state of dairy cattle breeding.  Titled “Genetics in the Age of Genomics” and held at the beautiful Kierland Weston in Scottsdale Arizona, the seminar consisted of many of the top minds from around the world.  There where speakers from Research, A.I., and producers who combined managed over 30,000 milking cows.

  1. IMG_1541Welcome – Jeff Butler -Butlerview

    Jeff Butler, of Butlerview and Butler Fellers sales welcomes everyone to the Genetics in the Age of Genomics Conference in Scottsdale Arizona. Jeff and his team have brought together some of the greatest minds from across North America to share there thoughts about where the state of the dairy cattle genetics marketplace. Jeff also shares that Ed Fellers a key member of the team is unable to attend.  It was Ed who first introduced Jeff to genomics, telling him that it is Genomics that was going to change the breed.  Then a few weeks later Ed called Jeff and said “You are not going to believe this, but I own part of this bull and he is going to be a great genomic bull”.  His name was Atwood.  Atwood had 5 brothers and he was the last one, everyone else had been in there and taken all the other ones.  But this thing called “genomics” said that Atwood was going to be the best one of them all. In fact Atwood was the first genomic sire the Butler used. And they had some of the first Atwood calves on the ground.  It just so happens that two of them are named Adrianna, and Abrianna.  So as a result of these two early success stories and how Atwood was doing, and how genomics impacted the decisions to use Atwood Jeff was convinced on genomics.  While the old way was working ok, this “new way” was doing away better.(Read more: BUTLERVIEW: The Goals are Simple. The Genetics are Exceptional. and Exciting Times for Butlerview)Listen to how Jeff explains how dairy cattle genetics will help the dairy industry feed the world.

  2. IMG_1551Joao Durr – CEO of the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding – Update on U.S. Genetic Evaluations: What’s to come?

    Joao Durr shares with us how CDCB operates, some of the major initiatives that they have coming up and how the US genetic evaluation system works as far as an operational sense.  Joao Durr brings a truly international perspective to the world of genetic evaluations having a background that involves many of the top dairy breeding countries as well as working at INTERBUL.

  3. IMG_1592Brian Van Doormal – GM Canadian Dairy Network – Profitable Genetics in Canada: What are your priorities?

    Brian Van Doormal has been the GM of the Canadian Dairy Network since its inception 20 years ago.  Brian highlights how CDN and other industry partners work together to help accelerate the Canadian dairy genetics industry.  Brian also shares with us some of the great work they have been doing to more accurately evaluate profitability, as well as identifying herd and daughter bias in genetics evaluations. (Read more: CANADIAN BULL PROOFS – You’ve Got to Prove It to Use It!)

  4. IMG_1604Dr. Dan Weigel, Zoetis – Genomics and the Commercial Dairyman

    Dr Weigel shares just how genomic testing has changed, but then also how much genomic testing can help all type of dairy operations.  Dr Weigel is able to bring an interesting perspective to the science of genomic testing, but also is a breeder of dairy cattle and able to put the science in a language that all dairy breeders can understand.  One of the key areas the Dr Wiegel shares is just how much performance difference producers can expect, especially based on how well managed their herds are.  During his presentation also makes it interactive for those in attendance, polling the audience about many of the key questions. (Read more: Herd Health, Management, Genetics and Pilot Projects: A Closer Look at ZOETIS)

  5. Breeder Panel Discussion – Our Options for the Future

    The panel consists of: John Andersen, Double A Dairy (JOHN ANDERSEN – COMMERCIAL and PEDIGREE – Building a Field of Dreams); Greg Andersen, Seagull Bay Dairy (“Breeding for Efficient Production and a Healthy Herd” with Greg Andersen from Seagull Bay – 2014 Holstein USA Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder); Greg Coyne, Coyne Farms; Don Bennink, North Florida Holsteins (NORTH FLORIDA HOLSTEINS. Aggressive, Progressive and Profitable!!). These 4 breeders represent over 30,000 milking cows, and all are invested in genetics and genomics.  This panel that is not afraid to share their thoughts about inbreeding, classification and the type of animals that commercial breeders are actually looking for.

  6. IMG_1629Dr George Wiggans – Research Leader, AIPL/ARS/USDA – Genomics and Where it Can Take Us

    Dr Wigeons shares with everyone the latest stats around inbreeding and genetic advancement. Dr George Wiggans from USDA shared with the group at the Genetics in Age of Genomics Conference that if you look at the top 100 bulls from 2012 (Dec 2012 NM$ compared to Dec 2014 NM$) the results are 94% accurate.

  7. AI Panel Discussion – Where Will the Bulls Come From?

    A great cross section of sire analysts from many of the top companies, including: Brian Carscadden – Semex Alliance; Paul Trapp – ABS Global; Lloyd Simon – Industry consultant; Ryan Weigal – Accelerated Genetics; Dan Bauer – Genex CRI & Jon Schefers – Alta Genetics. These gentlemen discuss inbreeding, polled, their selection process as well as where the industry is headed.

  8. The International Perspective Panel Discussion

    IMG_1702IMG_1704 IMG_1703
    To bring some international prospective to the discussion there is Jan DeVries – AI Total; Declan Patten – Australia; Paul Hunt – Alta Genetics.  These gentlemen represent not only many different countries but also many different roles in the industry.  From the COO of one of the largest AI companies, to a very successful entrepreneur to global dairy marketing expert.

  9. Dr. Tom Lawlor – Executive Director of Research & Development Holstein Association USA

    Dr Lawler shares with everyone some of the latest developments at HUSA, as well as an in-depth look into the state of inbreeding, herd profitability, and GTPI’s ability to predict actual profitability.



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