Archive for The Bullvine – Page 3

The Top 15 of 2015 – The most read articles of 2015

While we always try to be as forward thinking as we possible can, it’s at this time we take a look back.  Once again we had a record year with the largest number of visitors in the dairy industry.  While our innovative show coverage this year certainly attracted record setting visits with the top 10 viewed shows all receiving more views than the 2014 World Dairy Expo Holstein Show, here are the top 15 articles (non show results) from the past year.

#15 – Used Car Salesman, Ducks, and the Future of the Dairy Cattle Breeding Industry
If it quacks like a duck, looks like a duck and walks like a duck.…it is usually a goose. That is how I sometimes feel when I attend certain elite dairy cattle auctions. You attend some of these high-end auctions, and you see the top prices that some of these animals sell for, and you can’t help but be amazed. But, something just doesn’t feel right. You never see a complete buyers list from these sales. Heck, you sometimes don’t even see people actually bidding on these animals. And yet they get knocked down at $200,000+ for a 2-month-old? Sometimes it just doesn’t feel right. It feels like you have been sold a lemon by a used car salesman. It just feels dirty. (Read more)

#14 – Australia misses its quota prices
Much has been written about what goes on in the market free-zone of the southern hemisphere. The truth in 2015 is that unless the farms have no mortgage, private price contracts with niche companies or no paid staff, Australian producers are as exposed as any other nation’s to low milk prices. It is hard to generalise on the producer’s position in the world’s third-biggest milk exporting country, because of its size and diversity. The state of Victoria produces 66% of the country’s total milk production (and 86% of the country’s export milk). So it is Victoria that gives the most complete focus to what the bulk of Australia’s dairy farmers face up to every day. (Read more)

#13 – Introduction to Genomics – Zoetis Webinar #1 Video
For decades, much has been known about the bull’s side of the pedigree while little information was available for dams. Now, genomic testing helps us discover much more about females. The first webinar in the series focuses on the basics of genomics to provide producers with a better understanding of the benefits of knowing more about their heifers. (Watch video)

#12 – Donnanview – The Culmination of a Lifetime Journey in Dairy Farming
The Bullvine sat down with Donny Donnan of Donnanview Holsteins to discuss his journey in developing this amazing herd that will be offered for sale next week. Donny and his wife Bev have spent their lifetime breeding great dairy cattle. Opportunities to invest in herds like Donnanview are few and far between. Not only a Master Breeder Herd, home of the 2014 Canadian Cow of the year, sires in AI, but they are also 90% VG and EX cows. These achievements have been built over years of intuitive, selective breeding choices. Not since the likes of Hanoverhill’s complete dispersal have we seen a herd of this size and quality, sell all at once in a public auction. Join us in watching this video as Donny explains how they have achieved this success and who has helped them along the way. (Read more)

#11 – 16 Sires That Will Help Limit Inbreeding – October 2015
Genetic diversity is a critical problem in the Holstein dairy cattle breeding industry. On the one hand, the rate of genetic gain has accelerated but also has the rate of inbreeding. With $23 lifetime cost per percent inbreeding, it is easy to overreact and try to avoid inbreeding at all costs. The trick is not to use sires that are inferior, but rather to have a balance of genetic improvement and enough of an outcross not to accelerate the inbreeding. These 16 sires will do just that and help control the rate of inbreeding in your herd. (Read more)

#10 – Immunity+ Does It Actually Work?
Since we first heard about High Immune Response, now marketed as Immunity+*, the Bullvine has been a big fan of the theory behind this research. But, as with all things that are proposed in theory, there comes a time when you need to put the numbers to it to validate the theory. As the saying goes “In God we trust. All others bring data”. So here at the Bullvine we did just that. (Read more)

#9 – Are Dairy Cattle Shows Holding Us Back?
Dairy cattle shows started out as a breed awareness tool. They then became an improvement tool. More recently they primarily function as a marketing opportunity for breeders and a training process for youth. Today many breeders are thinking that shows have gone beyond their best before date and are not serving a purpose for the vast majority of dairypersons. Let’s talk about show standards and show procedures. (Read more)

#8 – Select Sires – Sire Tour 2015
In a Bullvine video exclusive join Select Sires Holstein Program Manager, Charlie Will, as he tours us through some of the top proven sires at Select Sires. Including PLANET, MOGUL, EPIC, GOLD CHIP and BRADNICK. See these amazing bulls as the parade around the Kellgren Center. (Read more)

#7 – Roybrook Revisited
Legendary Holstein breeder Roy Ormiston celebrates his 100th Birthday in a few weeks hence. Bruce Jobson and Roy recount the legacy of Roybrook in an exclusive interview. In this unique conversation, Bruce included some additional datelines for reader clarity and understanding. (Read more)

#6 – Culling for $$$ – The Six Animals You Need To Cull Immediately
Today I drove past a crew of highway maintenance workers and one was pounding in a stake, one was holding the stake, one had a white hard hat and was obviously the crew chief and three were watching. Like most Bullvine readers, my mind reacted by saying – “Now isn’t that an inefficient use of our taxpayers dollars!” Fifty percent of that crew were taking their pay check but not giving back. You could be correct if you were to say that I judged too quickly. Perhaps I did not have all the facts. Most of us are quick to judge outside situations. However when it comes to our own milk producing work force are we business like, when it comes to the number of workers required to get the job done? (Read more)

#5 – Stud Wars Episode III – The Conflict for Control
There is no question when it comes to semen sales having a great product is key to financial performance. In the Stud Wars the battle for top sires is key to maintaining market share. With that in mind The Bullvine once again takes a look at just which artificial insemination companies have the power and what ones are falling behind. (Read more)

#4 – The 12 Sires You Should Consider Breeding Your Show Winning Goldwyns To
Let’s face it there are two undeniable facts in the international show ring; One, that Goldwyn has the most show winning daughters over the past ten years, And two, that if you have been using Goldwyn you were pretty much breeding for a unique show type animal. But the questions becomes what do you breed you current Goldwyn’s to in order to breed the next generation of show winners. With this challenge in mind the Bullvine took a closer look.  (Read more)

#3 – Grace Under Pressure
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in the moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Who we are as human beings presents itself more fully at times of adversity than at times of ease. I have had the pleasure of knowing the Burdette and Stiles families a long while know and always found they to be great people, but over this past year I have learned through their actions after the horrible accident that happened to them, that they are also people of extraordinary character.  (Read more)

#2 – Show Ring Ethics: Cheater’s Never Prosper….Or Do They
When we were young, we were always told to be honest and never to cheat. The phrase “Cheaters never prosper” was ingrained in us from an early age. But, as we grow older, we begin to wonder about this statement. We all know people who have cheated and were not caught and they sure seem to have prospered. This phrase also baffled me when seen in the show ring. At my local county show, the exhibitor that took all the big awards might also be known as one of the greatest “cheaters” in the history of dairy cattle showing. So how can we say that cheaters never prosper? (Read more)

#1 – The 16 Sires Available in 2015 That Every Dairy Breeder Should Be Looking At
With weekly evaluations now being released, it can be hard to sort out exactly what sires are available and which ones you should be using. To help you sort through the confusion, we have compiled the 16 sires that we think all breeders should consider using. Instead of producing one generic list, we looked for the four top sires in each key breeding area. (Read more)

Top 15 News Stories of 2015

With over 33,000 subscribers and the most daily subscribers in the world…The Bullvine Daily has become the #1 source for news in the dairy industry.

  1. The World’s Largest Dairy Farm Will Be Home to 100,000 Cows
  2. ‘Murdering’ farmer turns over new leaf
  3. Austin Ayars Killed in Farming Accident
  4. Dairy Farmers in China dumping milk and putting cattle down as milk prices plummet
  5. Three sisters killed in tragic farming accident
  6. World’s largest robotic dairy barn produces happy, high yielding cows
  7. Wisconsin father and son died after falling into a manure pit at their family farm.
  8. Animal abuse alleged at major dairy company
  9. Woman Made Her Favorite Cow a Bridesmaid at Her Wedding
  10. Reese Burdette and Patricia Stiles Update – June 22nd 2015
  11. Smurf Completes World Record Career
  12. 250 Animals Die in Barn Fire at Quebec Dairy Farm
  13. Washington and Oregon Dairy Farmers Evacuate Cattle After Rising Flood Waters
  14. Barn fire at Stoneden Holsteins
  15. Still no charges after video showed cows being beaten on dairy farm

Top 15 YouTube Videos of 2015

What a year for Bullvine TV. In the past year Bullvine TV had over 1 million viewers, that is almost 40 times the number of viewers as any other dairy publications videos.

  1. The Royal 2015 Supreme Champion
  2. World Dairy Expo Day 1 – Tuesday September 29th 2015
  3. Junior Champion 2015 Northeast Fall National Holstein Show
  4. Grand Champion — 2015 Northeast Fall National Holstein Show
  5. Intermediate Champion – 2015 Northeast Fall National Holstein Show
  6. Quality Farms – April 2015 – Dairy Breeder Interview
  7. World Dairy Expo – 2015 International Holstein Show – Post Show Interviews
  8. Gen-Com Holsteins – March 2015 Dairy Breeder Interview
  9. World Dairy Expo Day 5 – Saturday October 3rd 2015
  10. World Dairy Expo Day 2 – Wednesday September 30th 2015
  11. All-American Dairy Show 2015 Supreme Champion Parade
  12. World Dairy Expo Day 3 – Thursday October 1st 2015
  13. World Dairy Expo Day 4 – Friday October 2nd 2015
  14. Select Sires Sire Tour 2015
  15. Junior Champion Ontario Summer Holstein Show 2015

The Bullvine Bottom Line

We certainly appreciate all of those who have helped us make this year a record setting year in the dairy publication industry.  Without your support we could not deliver the most wide reaching thought provoking articles, interviews, videos the dairy industry has ever seen.

Dairy Farmer Fashion – TAKE THAT OFF!

I don’t consider myself a clothes snob of any kind. I even enjoy what some would call strange outfits.  I don’t turn up my nose at hand me downs. I shop discount racks.  I’ve been known to take scissors and re-design a dress into a skirt, a blouse, or even a shawl. I like to think of myself as being almost as creative as the blogger lady who wrote about turning a dog sweater into a skirt! Well. She goes a little further than I would, but you get the picture.  I am broadminded in the area of fashion.

Having said all that, today the point of my rant is my hubby’s clothes choices. As you know, he’s a senior citizen and his name is Murray.  However, if you are visiting Huntsdale or you are a neighbour within hearing distance (anything up to 4 km) you wouldn’t be blamed if you were convinced that his name is “IsThatWhatYou’reWearing?” “AreYouKiddingMe?” or “WhyIsn’tThatIntheWash?”

Now actually, Murray can appear to be quite attractive. But don’t let this trick you the way it does me. He has me fooled with his thick white hair and his twinkling eyes and his big smile. He is a great hugger, and 99% of our daily interactions are just right.  But today we are talking about his choice of barn clothes. That’s where the attractive part becomes challenged. Now … it’s only fair to acknowledge that for the last three months the fields and barns at Huntsdale have not held a single cow. Nevertheless, chores are still a major part of the daily routine. Every day Murray needs barn clothes.  Moreover, every day it becomes an issue between us, especially if I catch him before he gets out the door.

You are probably asking, “Does he have a choice?” Yes.  He has lots of barn clothes.  Six Rubbermaid tubs to be exact. All sorted by specific item: jeans, overalls, sweatshirts, t-shirts, etc. As well there are several wall hooks in his personal work changing room.  And, furthermore, a washing machine is the first thing that he sees, when coming in from the barn or when going out to the barn.  My point?  He lacks for nothing in the “How-to-have-clean-barn-clothes-department!” However clean barn clothes for Murray are as rare as a good hair day is for Donald Trump.

So how does this scenario happen so often you ask?

Well. Sometimes, it starts when he is walking rapidly past where I am involved in my daily routine and says something like, “Hey! I’m going next door to pick up some fresh eggs!” Helpful. Yes.  Eat local?  Great!  But…he has a strange pair of pants on … the legs look like they wear shortened using a dull knife …. They are held up with a belt (also too big) that he has tried to “tie” because there are no holes in the right place.  When he turns around … there is something fresh and fragrant hanging from the shirt that he’s been wearing for longer than my memory reaches back  It is obvious that  he didn’t quite clear the area when he was housecleaning in the newly cow-free stable.

“Are you going like that?” I ask.  “Of course!” is the short reply. “I’ve been working.  They are farmers too! No problem.”

Yes!  For Murray, when it comes to clothes selection, that “I’m working” part covers a lot of dirt, grime and dairy airs!”

And of course, he’s right. This egg picking up outfit is probably not a big deal.  But the same outfit, or one very like it, also makes the suitable list, when he heads out to the feed store, a fast food restaurant or choir practice!

If he saved pennies like he saves clean clothes, we would be laughing all the way to the bank, and I probably wouldn’t care what he was wearing! Wrong!  I would care.

However, he is only stingy, when picking out barn clothes … He refuses to change them before they are standing waiting for him jump in. His argument, “Why put on clean clothes, when I am only going to get dirty?”

My argument … the embedded dirt is so ground in by the time I get to it with my super Washing-Soda-Oxyclean-Tide” treatment that I’m fighting a lost cause.

In frustration, I have pointed out the choices folded and waiting and he says incredulously, ““But these are all good. Why would I wear them?” “Because they are clean.” I reply and add. “No one is going to whip their head around, when you go by and ask, “What is that smell?”

To give him credit, he keeps his hair tidy, his teeth clean, he helps in the house and provides social and work outings that are vastly entertaining …. But this smelly Freddy the Freeloader look alike always sends my wife meter into the danger zone. And it’s not that I don’t have ragged fragrant days of my own … But … the world is still sexist enough that when he looks so unkempt… I imagine I can overhear observers saying. “Poor Murray.  His wife obviously doesn’t keep his clothes clean!” Well, I would if I could get at them!

So what is the answer?  Well, I always say, “Name the problem and you have the solution”.  And I have a plan. Gradually those wretched barn clothes handed down from the cousin, father-in-law or uncle twice his size are gradually reducing in numbers until, like the cows that necessitated wearing them, they will eventually be gone to greener pastures.

But, so far, he isn’t fooled. I am now starting to hear, “You threw out my good overalls!”  “Would those be the ones with the binder-twine strap and the ripped off pocket?” I innocently ask. “Yes!” is the horrified explanation. “They were broken in just the way I like them! I loved those ones.”

So now it’s my turn to listen and be understanding and sympathetic. We all have our quirks.  It isn’t really too surprising that I find myself standing over a washing machine in an attempt to “break in” a load of blue jeans, coveralls and sweatshirts picked out for his role of a general handyman. They look and feel even older than they already are.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Who says there’s nothing new after 46 years and 4 months of married life? If old is what he wants … I am ready to become an expert at old looking. That’s what married teamwork is all about. He wears a better fit, and I don’t have a fit!  It’s a win-win!



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The 2015 Dairy Farmers Christmas Wish List

While some would wish for 12 doses of Goldwyn semen or a higher milk price, with 18 days left till Christmas here are 18 realistic Christmas gift ideas for the dairy farmer on your list:

  1. 2015 World Dairy Expo and 2015 Royal Winter Fair Holstein Show Photo Books
    Due to the extremely popularity over the past two year’s photo books, we brought them back for 2015. These 80 page 10”x 8” coffee table books each contain over 150 hi-resolution photos.  You can relive all of the action and excitement of the 2015 World Dairy Expo Holstein Show and The Royal Winter Fair 2014 Holstein Show with these one-of-a-kind photo books.  Check out these photo books here.
  2. Paintings by Gary Sauder
    Since the first time I saw Gary’s work on Facebook, I was amazed by the super-realism of his paintings. His passion and understanding of what great dairy animals look like comes through in each and every one.  We had the chance to interview Gary in our feature article – GARY SAUDER: The Muse in His Studio. To order some of Gary’s wonderful artwork visit Cow Art and More.
  3. Get the gift of maximum genetic progress
    Why not give the dairy breeder on your list some embryos from their favorite cow or even a gift card for semen for that young sire they have always wanted. Check out our mating recommendations section for some ideas, or Sire Proof Central to find that needle in a haystack sire to change your breeding program.
  4. A Special Lady from Steel Cow
    Although she is neither a dairy breeder nor a show ring competitor, artist Valerie Miller of Steel Cow is, nevertheless, completely hands on in her relationship with cows. This passionate painter not only paints her girls larger than life but she also aligns their bovine characteristics with dear family members and friends. These paintings are admired by all and make a great Christmas gift for the dairy breeder on your list.  Steel Cow’s Valerie Miller: Larger Than Life With Her Cow Girls.
  5. The Chosen Breed and The Holstein History by Edward Young Morwick
    Anyone who likes history, even in the slightest, will greatly appreciate either the US history (The Holstein History) or the Canadian History (The Chosen Breed) by Edward. Each of these books is so packed with information that they are each printed in two separate volumes.  We had a chance to interview Edward – Edward Young Morwick – Country Roads to Law Office and you get a real sense of his passion and quick wit and they also come shining through in his books.  Be sure to get your copies of an amazing compilation of Holstein history in these books.
  6. Prints by Emma Caldwell
    Probably one of the most talented young artists I have ever come across, Emma Caldwell is well on her way to becoming a worldwide household name. Although she is just starting out in her career, she has already done some amazing paintings of Hailey, Smurf, and Francesca.  Check out our feature interview with Emma, Emma Caldwell’s Art Stirs Mind and Heart, as well as her many great prints available from her web shop.
  7. Legends of the Tanbark Trail by Tim Baumgartner
    Dairy cattle have been on exhibit for nearly 200 years and taking home the coveted title of National Grand Champion has always been a compelling force. Tracing the first 100 years of U.S. national dairy cattle shows, Legends of the Tanbark Trail is a remarkable account of the people, the places, and the superb and unparalleled animals that have graced the show ring throughout its history.  Be sure to get your show enthusiast their copy of this special book.
  8. Prints by Bonnie Mohr
    For a long time, Bonnie Mohr has been the industry standard for excellent dairy Like many, our family has had the opportunity to appreciate Bonnie’s great work.  My wife has purchased me a Bonnie Mohr print every year on our anniversary.  That is why when we had the opportunity to interview Bonnie – Bonnie Mohr – Science and Art Together Creates a Holstein Love Story; it was an honor for us.  Be sure to check out her website for more extraordinary fine art from rural America.
  9. Millionaires in the Cornfield: The Glory Days of the National Dairy Cattle Congress by Norman Nabholz.
    For me, Norm is probably one of the greatest cattle minds of the past 50 years. It only takes a few moments of chatting with Norm to recognize his passion for this business we all love.  His book is easy to pick up but hard to put down.  Not only does it recount the achievements of legendary breeders and showmen with words and countless pictures, the background information and this behind-the-scenes look are most entertaining and interesting.  The Bullvine had a chance to sit down and interview this multi-talented man in our feature article – HALTER, PEN and GAVEL.  That’s Just the Norm.
  10. Facebook Page for Their Farm
    Instead of wasting hundreds of dollars on a web page that no one will ever read, give the dairy breeder in your life a Facebook page that will reach the world. The best part about it? It’s free!  That’s correct, it will cost you nothing.  All you need to do is download this simple guide, The Dairy Breeders Guide to Facebook and you will be well on the way to helping the dairy breeder in your life market to the world.
  11. The Dairy Queen: A History of the Jersey Breed Worldwide
    This 300-page book is a great Christmas present for anyone interested in the Jersey breed. It chronicles the origins and development of the Jersey breed through detailed text and photos.  Be sure to check out our interview “THE DAIRY QUEEN” HAS ALL THE ANSWERS! with Co-Author Derrick Frigot.  He tells how this book came to be and what makes it so unique.  Supplies are limited, so be sure to check out their Facebook page and order your copy for the Jersey breeder in your life.
  12. A True Type Model of their Favourite Cow
    Give them that special gift that will stand out for years to come. When ordering from Holstein Canada you can even get these items painted with the same markings as your favourite cow.
  13. A New Smartphone
    If there is one thing we have learned since starting The Bullvine, it is that Dairy Farmers love to check out the latest news on their smart phones. More than half our web traffic comes from a mobile device.  So make life easier for the dairy farmer on your list and get them that smart phone that makes reading the last news on The Bullvine, or gossip on Facebook that much easier.  While your at it, be sure to join the world’s largest community of dairy breeder discussion, The Milkhouse.  There are over 5,000 members, and 20-30 posts every day about all the issues that face Dairy Producers from around the world.
  14. We Need a Show – 50 years of World Dairy Expo
    World Dairy Expo will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2016, and to celebrate this milestone, journalists have collaborated to create a historical book reminiscing on 50 years of Expo memories. The limited edition commemorative book, We Need a Show, gives insight into how the show began, explores the struggles and successes over the years, and looks into what the future might hold. Order Here
  15. Coupons for relief milking
    It may seem silly to some, but dairy farming is a 365 day per year job, and sometimes you just need time to step away for dinner with their partner. Coupons for 2 or 3 milkings might just be the gift they never forget and greatly appreciate.
  16. A Show-Cation
    Taking relief milking to another level, how about giving the Tanbark enthusiast on your list a vacation, or as we like to call it a Show-Cation to World Dairy Expo or The Royal. Better yet maybe you can send them to IDW in Australia or European Championship show in France.  If you cannot be there be sure to check out The Bullvine for coverage of all these great shows and more.
  17. A Great Pair of Work Boots
    Never underestimate the power of a pair of comfortable, warm work boots. When mucking around chasing that fresh heifer who just doesn’t want to go into the robotic milker nothing beats a pair of great work boots.
  18. A Subscription to The Bullvine
    For those that are tight on budget, go for a FREE subscription to the largest dairy breeder publication in the world. Filled with over ten daily news items and feature articles, this subscription is the gift that keeps on giving year round.

Top Dairy Industry News Stories from November 21st to November 27th

Bullvine Cover 11-27-2015

Feature Articles

Top News Stories

Allergy Free Kids Need More Cows and More Dirt

An interesting hypothesis has come out of Ghent University. It suggests that farms have the best germs for preventing respiratory problems and allergic reactions later in life. The Bullvine and our readers will be happy to know that “it is statistically proven that growing up on a dairy farm is a good way to have fewer allergy and asthma problems than the rest of the population.”

Now granted I am a small sampling of one but until I read this article in The Post, I assumed that coming from a house construction and horse rearing family, I had much more hacking, coughing, and wheezing than anyone else in the whole world.  Miraculously after getting married into a dairy family I suddenly became wheeze free. I’ve always attributed it to love, but it could be that cows and dirt were just not in the right proportions in my earlier years.

The FACTS:  Seasonal allergies make an estimated 50 million people suffer.

The HOPE:  Early exposure to cows and dirt may hold the key to preventing allergies in children.

The Hygiene Hypothesis: More Cows + More Dirt = Less Allergies

This new perspective proposes the hypothesis that allergy and asthma result from a lack of exposure to microbes as a young child. While I am not ready to “roll kids around on the floor of the subway” as suggested by some microbiologists, I do recognize that it’s counterproductive health wise to insist on (germ-free).  In fact, there is growing data used as evidence that “farms have the best germs for preventing respiratory problems and allergic reactions later in life.”  As well, reports from Southern Bavaria and Switzerland report that only 25 percent of children living on farms in those countries reacted to allergens such as dust mites, pollen, animals, and mold.  In contrast, 45 percent of children in the contemporary general population reacted. Researchers also looked at the Amish and discovered that allergic reactions in Amish children are at an incredibly low 8 percent or less.

Research is proving that epithelial cells of the lungs are more important in the development of allergy responses than previously considered.

A report published in SCIENCE on September 4, 2015, under the heading, “Farm dust and endotoxin protect against allergy through A20 induction in lung epithelial cells.” In short, they feel they have pinpointed the mechanism for allergy protection.  In trials on mice, they concluded that the immune system isn’t the affected area to watch but, rather, the structural cells that make up the lining of the lung.

Furthermore, they have pinpointed A20 as the beneficial protein.

Do you remember how your body reacted the first time the air that you breathed in triggered an allergic response?  As we search for cause and treatment, we have tended to believe that the immune system is responsible for this unpleasant process. Now Bart Lambreht and Hamida Hammad of Ghent University proposed that the first receptors are not the immune system but rather the structure cells that make up the inside of the lungs. To prove this, they worked with mice.  They induced them with dust mite allergies and then by exposing them to dust from a dairy farm early in life they discovered that they were able to make them immune.

Building on this success, they studied what exactly was protecting the mucous membranes of the mice.  They identified a protein called A20 that was produced by the mice that were exposed to farm dust. When A20 was not present in the subjects’ lungs, the farm dust ceased to protect them from allergic reactions.

Of Mice and Men

Having tested the hypothesis, researchers had the impetus to go to the next level. They were able to test 2000 farm children.  Some children, despite their farm backgrounds, still suffered from allergies.  The breakthrough came when researchers were able to prove that these children suffered from a mutation in the gene related to A20. There is certainly much more to discover, but the first steps to a solution have been taken.  How allergies develop and finding ways to prevent them – especially in children — is a challenge that Lambrecht and his colleagues are eagerly seeking solutions for. They are hoping that the cells of the lung itself will get more attention in research. He proposes that “This could be a sign that allergy and asthma vaccines need to be administered by aerosol instead of injection to be truly effective. Moreover, it may mean that epidemiologists need to think twice before focusing on blood samples alone in their allergy studies.”

“It’s time to enjoy a roll in the hay OR drink from the well, the hose or the stream!”

So to experience the benefits, find that dusty haymow and have a cold drink from an old farm pump because it may be exactly what the allergy specialist ordered. Yes, it’s time to cut back on hand sanitizers, disinfectant wipes and take a deep breath of that dust-filled and smelly breeze blowing over the barnyard. Those fragrant airs laden with cow dander, dust, pollen, and bacteria could be carrying beneficial effects to your respiratory system. It may not be quite that simple. But it could be a sniff in the right direction.

The Good News and the Bad News

The good news is that early exposure to dust and cows may have a beneficial effect in protecting against allergies.  The bad news is that prolonged exposure to “non-allergenic” factors … for instance non-allergenic factors such as chemical exposure may modify that early protection. Nothing works in complete isolation from all other factors.  Finding the links and triggers is the challenge ahead.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

It is time to stop stereotyping all germs as bad.  No one wants to see children suffer from allergies, so we constantly seek methods for reducing their discomfort and increasing their enjoyment of healthy living. Young and old both welcome the good news that suggests that there is a positive allergy suppressant between two things kids are already attracted to …. Cows and dirt.  Go out and start inhaling those dairy airs!



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Le Supreme Laitier Results To Be On-Line at The Bullvine


The Bullvine will be posting the results of the 2015 Le Supreme Laitier – Supreme Dairy Show live starting Thursday November 5th “as they happen”. The top placings in each class, videos as well as pictures of all the champions and other award winners, will appear on our web site at

Thursday Nov. 5th

8 am : Brown Swiss – Judge Rejean Leclerc
8 am: Jersey – Judge Claudio Aragon, Brazil
11 am: Ayrshire – Judge Callum McKinven, QC
12 pm: Opening cocktail
2 pm: Canadienne – Judge Luc Pelletier, QC
Other activities:
Continuous training by ITA: Dairy clinics on different themes
Panel on robotic milking system “open to all”

Friday Nov. 6th

8 am: Red Holstein – Judge David Crack, Jr., QC
10 am: Conference offered by CRAAQ
12 am: Boumatic robotic happening
13 pm: Supreme Sale
17 pm: Lunch offered by ETE
18 pm: Holstein Québec embryo sale

Saturday Nov 7th

8 am: Holstein Judge Brian Carscadden, ON
17 pm: Supreme Junior Championship and Supreme Senior Championship


You’ve got to Learn How to Pick Your Dairy Battles

As a sister, mother and grandmother, I am well-aware of the battles that can arise between siblings.  On the one hand, this frustrates me because I think it’s inherently a great thing to have a ready-made playgroup, captive audience or blood-is-thicker-than-water defender.  On the contrary, I don’t care who “started it” because I enjoy a good fight that moves things forward. Having said that, I hate arguments that are solely for the sake of a power trip by an individual or a group. To me, they are a complete waste of time! Furthermore, I don’t limit my position on proper fighting to family only.  I think a good fight is even more important in the business world.

How does the dairy industry deal with fighting?

Dairying is by its nature competitive in many ways.  We compete for genetics. We compete for sales. We compete for recognition. This can naturally expose us to many contentious issues. There is nothing wrong with that.  In fact, when two or more co-workers or competitors recognize a problem and have differing viewpoints, it sets up the potential for a solution that could end up being better for everyone. However when anyone puts their own interests above the dairy operation or the association or business they represent, fighting erupts and becomes counterproductive in every sense of the word.

How NOT to pick a GOOD fight

If we are looking for examples of how not to pick a good fight, we can all point to dairy industry operations or family farms, competitors or dairy suppliers, who are so single-mindedly focused on putting down their competition that they end up shooting themselves in the foot. When it’s all about, “Me. My job.  My people. Pay me”, it closes the door to sharing of progressive ideas that keep the industry as a whole relevant.

Agreement Masks Problems

We think we like it when everyone appears to agree. It might seem to be working when everyone is chummy all the time. After all, harmonious agreeable teamwork is a dream we would all like to live with on a daily basis.  However, there is a danger of becoming too agreeable and too loyal.  It backfires when people are content to follow even when they have concerns about the final destination. When harmony is the over-riding goal, signals of impending trouble will not be acknowledged.  Nobody wants to be the whistle-blower, drama queen or lone wolf. Everyone is afraid to point out the elephant in the room.

Beyond Contented Cows

A peaceful, harmonious milking line is the dream workplace for productive cows.  However, it can be the worst thing in the world for a progressive dairy business. While we want contented cows, complacency in other areas of our dairy business becomes one of the first indicators of trouble ahead. For example, why is it that we continually say the dairy industry is healthy when farms passing to the next generation are steadily declining? Or — Why is it so hard to find a pool of labor for agriculture? Maintaining a façade of harmony can become a mask for behind-the-scenes problems.  Essential work is overlooked because nobody wants to rock the boat.  Those who try to “fix” everything to maintain the outward look of teamwork, eventually burn out, as they become dissatisfied with the lost potential. Too much harmony doesn’t work.  Friction and in-fighting don’t work. It’s a fine line, and it’s one that is too important to be ignored.

How do you pick your battles?

There are ways to determine if you are picking the right fight.  First and foremost you must be fighting to gain value.  There are three value propositions that are worth fighting for:

  1. Saving 15% a year. This could be 15% of your resources.  It could be 15% of your time.
  2. Adding 10%. Will the change you’re fighting for allow you to charge more?
  3. Faster growth. The fight is a good one if it enables you to grow sales or market share faster than the current market.

If you answered “Yes!” to one of the above three questions, your battle passes the value test.  If all three answers are “No!” you need to reassess either your business plan or your action plan — perhaps both!

Are you ready to FIGHT for a change?

Change is a hard concept for everyone to get their heads around.  There used to be an advertisement showing a black-eyed smoker who said, “I’d rather fight than switch!” This has so many issues, but most of them are better addressed another day.  Today the key to knowing whether it’s better to fight can be solved with another 3 point checklist.

Will the change you’re fighting for

  1. Require the team, farm, board or business to work in a way that is fundamentally different than the current process?
  2. Will the change require new training, different perspectives or specialized knowledge that is not being used currently?
  3. Change always turns on communication. Will the proposed change require a different real-time information flow between various parts of the dairy operation, team or advisors than the way information is managed now?

You have picked the right fight if you answered “Yes!” at least once.  If all three questions earned a “No!” response, then you are ready for a task force, not a fight.

Turning pain into gain builds dairy strength

We all know that, if there is a fight, not everyone will win.  Winners and losers must both find the way to move on. Not all ideas are good ideas. Not all strategies work. Communicating the outcome to the ones whose position lost can be hard. How it is handled can damage relationships and affect the milking line, the board meeting or the management team. Good leaders find a way to turn disappointing news into an occasion for personal development.

Fighting the right fight is a discipline, not an event.

When one fight ends, the best leaders will be looking for the next fight. That’s not to say that the workplace should be an environment of constant turmoil. Progressive dairy managers know when to give people rest. But they continually seek ways to push people to the point where they find their energy and enthusiasm to seek the next way to move forward.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Always remember that in order to make dairy progress, “It’s not important whether you win or lose. Its how you fight to get it right that makes all the difference!



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We all recognize leaders when they are at the head of the line … but are we astute enough to pick them out when they are among the pack. Who is on your leadership short list?

What is the Short List?

Every group, industry or sport has a short list of people who stand above the rest. Who do you instantly think of when you hear the words baseball, money or politics?  Does it work when you think of dairy industry leaders?

Imagine that you’re sitting around the table discussing an upcoming sale or show booth design. “Maybe we can get Bonnie Mohr to design it?” Or you need an upcoming ad campaign for your selling your heifers, cows or embryos.  “Maybe Michael Heath or Charlie Will could give us an endorsement…” or if you’re having a downsizing sale, “Wouldn’t it be great if Norm Nabholz was reading the pedigrees and Brian Craswell calling the auction?”  Do you see the trend here? The shortlist are those folks who are recognized as industry “household names.” They’re known for excelling in their field. When you think about today’s dairy industry, who would you put on the shortlist of people who have that kind of recognition in their area of expertise? Who are the people who have achieved excellence and are setting an active example for the rest of us? ALL the time?

Let’s Identify Short List Leadership Characteristics

What do stubborn and trustworthy have in common, if anything?  They are two characteristics that put exceptional people on the S.H.O.R.T list of dairy leaders. Let’s look at the top five characteristics: 1. Stubborn 2. Humble 3. One-of-a-Kind 4. Resilient 5. Trustworthy.


Leaders are selectively stubborn.  There’s a difference between stubbornly moving … and stubbornly stopped! Leaders are stubborn about maintaining a sustainable level of improvement.

Lots of us are good at something.  Fewer of us are the very best at anything.  Leaders stubbornly work to continually improve the level that they perform at. For the rest of us, I think it’s a crime that we all stop short.  We never test how good we could have been. We GO BUST before we allow ourselves Reach BEST.  Getting to the shortlist is like your favorite cows in the milk line … it takes persistence.  Not only do they have the genetics but they have the will.  Not only do they have the potential but they show up and produce.

Only the persistent manage to achieve and maintain leadership.  It’s a daily job that requires working in the right-place-in-the right way day after day for a very long time. It takes the stubborn will to meet and outlast the challenges — not for just one year — but for a decade or three. Those who are running from confrontation or fearfully seeking the widespread consensus will forever find themselves detouring around progress. Valued leaders accept the harder road and stubbornly work through problems to the solutions.


We don’t often associate leadership with humility. Often those who tell us they are leading … are merely emphasizing the size of their egos, not the distance they can take us toward the future.  Of course, recognized leaders are especially good at something but they are also exceptionally good at seeing what is great in those around them.  They aren’t threatened by others strengths … Nor do they seek to steal other’s work and claim it as their own.  True leadership recognizes everybody’s short list of strengths.  Whether it’s bringing out the best in cows, facilities, processes, employees or organizations, real leaders do so by example and work to raise everyone up to a better standard.  They lead by example and have very little concern for the title or badge.  Too often we experience the complete lack of results produced by those who want the badge before they’ve done the work.  Instead of seeking the number one solution, they are only interested in themselves being #1.


Being “the same as everyone else” is NOT a short list trait. Take the daily very good and lift it to remarkable. They stand up, and they stand out.  They encourage others not to be the same as everyone else… or even anyone else.  Be better.   Dr. Seuss is right. “Why fit in, will fall when you were born to stand out?” You can’t walk where the crowd is and make the short list.  Regardless of how you measure ‘best’, it is almost never present in the thing that is the most popular.

One of the things wrong with today’s marketplace is that there is far too much rehashing of old ideas spun as new.  Great leaders aren’t copycats.  They abhor me too!  Leaders have no patience for the status quo.  They focus their efforts on shattering the status quo.  Game changers refuse to allow their organization to adopt conventional methods and bureaucracy.  They challenge norms, break conventions.  The encourage diversity of thought.


They don’t cry.  They create.  Leaders don’t complain when times are tough.  They create, improve on and innovate in order for things to get better. While they believe in and develop best practices, they don’t stop there.  They move on to next practices. Have you ever wondered how some people come up with the proverbial big idea? To put it simply, “They never settle for the way things are today!” They are not stopped by those who say, “We don’t do it that way” or “it might not work.” They aren’t just dreamers; they are doers.  Successful leaders are persistent.  They are never stopped by the setbacks.  They realize that potential is of little value if said potential fails to be realized.


You can get through anything if there is trust.  However, once that is broken, it’s hard to move forward.  Leaders have to communicate.  They don’t have to be perfect.  They don’t have to have all the answers.  But they have to inspire trust in the fact that they are doing the best they can and will always tell the truth.  That means knowing the difference between right and wrong and having the character to do the right thing. Some so-called leaders who are charged with confronting problems only grow them because of their lack of accountability and questionable motives.   Sometimes real leadership means changing direction.  People follow a leader because of trust.  That’s the real meaning of charisma.


If you hang around long enough, you get the thrill of experiencing the game-changing moments in the dairy industry. Those are the ah-ha moments when the industry takes a leap forward – and moves from ordinary to exceptional. Of course, hindsight is 20/20.

In the past, we had individuals!  We have them today, but we may be too timid to recognize them.  The industry is at a crossroads.  Leaping ahead because of science.  Held back because of economics.  World issues and local issues are each having impact on the way dairying is done. Today we need groups:

  • Scientists and researchers continually breaking new ground
  • Breeders acting outside the box
  • Boards of Directors investing in innovation

Yes, we need leadership.  We know we need it.  Do we know where to find it?


Being a leader isn’t easy.  It’s hard.  Until success is realized, many will label and malign you.  Some people, despite their potential for leadership, are so afraid of ending up on this short sh*t list that they will do anything to avoid landing there.  This ultimately undermines any chance to do something good for the industry, themselves or their dairy. If you are wondering where today’s potential is …. Who can you name that is being labeled “black sheep” “troublemaker” or “pot stirrer”?  Now. Name a leader you admire and respect.  Were they appreciated in their own time? When they started out? If not, why not?


Now we have five punchy adjectives that at first glance might suggest that leadership characteristics overlap. While the characteristics are shared, the areas of excellence are varied.  It takes a broad range of talents to excel in dairying, and there is a need for excellence in every one of them. We need leaders in breeding, advertising, business, sales, showing and fitting, pedigrees and any of the myriad of details that inspire our passion to improve this industry.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Leadership starts with each recognizing and fulfilling a need.  Everyone in dairying needs to stand up for what will take us forward.  We can’t rest on what got us here.  Now we have to move in a dynamic growing direction.  Look for the leader that’s needed.  True leadership is a short list. Don’t be surprised if you find them – or yourself — standing alone. That’s where all the leaders are!!



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Today more than one of us at The Bullvine was interested in reading about “the jobs where people are most likely to marry each other.

We all liked the statement that “farmers, fishers, and lawyers are more likely to find true love among their own”. Having said that, I was a student from a construction family when I married a student from a dairying family. And two of my dairy offspring married outside the farm family. The other one married into a vegetable growing dynasty.  Nevertheless those of us who chose to “have and to hold” a farmer are always interested in having our choice validated. Will it last?  Are farmers good for the long haul?  Here’s my answer to the question, “Do you take this farmer?”

A Simple Love Story

More than a few know the story of me falling in love with my dear husband Murray at a very early age.  The legend is that at 12 I discovered he lived on the same road as I did, albeit at the other end and a whole county away. I then proceeded to chase him until he caught me.  For a while, it looked like higher education was going to win all his affections but just before he ended up with more degrees than a thermometer, I got the chance to marry my favorite farmer. That was a dream come true for Murray and Karen.

Moo-Roo and Kow-ren together forever.

Even though I knew from older and wiser family members that the “girls” in the barn would always be #1 on the list of his affections, I felt up to the task even if I did occasionally rank somewhere between number two and number forty. That positioning lasted until Murray was hired by Holstein Canada to run the Type Classification program.  At that point, the list of girls became much larger and spanned several countries. All that analysis.  The charts.  The computers. The True Type Models.  Believe me I learned never to ask, “Does this dress make me look fat?”

The only thing worse than being married to a classifier is aging alongside a former classifier.
A confirmed “boob” man, my husband, never ever looked me in the eye … but these days he’s looking so far down that people think he has fallen asleep standing up.  In fact, we both have concerns about failing and falling body parts, and it is showing up in our farm management.  When we named the last two genomic heifers “Plummet” and “Nosedive”, we recognized our growing preoccupation with gravity was affecting our marketing.

It’s A Stage We Are Going Through

What isn’t serious in our marriage is the fun ways we have found to adapt to life’s changes. After all, here was a cow loving geneticist married to a story telling carpenter`s daughter who is allergic to the hay, cows, horses and dogs.  It was soon evident that there would be many pratfalls taken during my extensive tractor and animal husbandry training.  From the calf pan to the ink pen, we both have learned to laugh at ourselves in the barn, in the house, and on the stage.  For 32 years, I wrote scripts for local musical comedy productions, and we both acted up in them. Of course back then inspiration was easy to find. It was simply a matter of taking my daily diary and setting it to original tunes such as the,”I Raise Couch Potatoes” waltz or “They Call Them Offspring because they Leak” symphony. These days I’m branching out into Seniors Stand-up Comedy and an exercise video entitled, “Stand up Vacuuming for the Dusting Impaired.”

There is once again excitement in being dairy farm comics.

We are always breaking new ground at Huntsdale, Wellspring, and the Bullvine. Just yesterday I was working on an improv piece entitled, “Looking like a Farmer!” that I thought might work for a skit in a talent show. I asked Murray for enlightenment. Do old farmers wear boxers or briefs? ” His clever reply? “Depends!” I think he is onto something there, as we both are fighting the continuous fashion feud better known as the battle between body and clothes.  Speaking personally, there was a time when a bra used to keep everything up where it was perky — now the holdups are slipping out under the wire!  Along with every other ailment, following fashion in your later years can make you sick. Murray says he’s spent more than sixty years trying to avoid furniture disease.  “You know! That’s when your chest keeps falling into your drawers!”

Even our faces betray us these days.

Have you ever had one of those busy days on the farm, when you had no choice but to sneak a little nap? Unfortunately, although you wake up refreshed, you have one of those deep lines across your face.  Inevitably, that’s exactly when the doorbell rings. It’s the veterinarian, “Are you all right Mrs. Hunt?”  he asks while staring at this new wrinkle.  Of course, I think humor will save face, so I reply, “It’s not mine. I’m wrinkle sitting for my mom.  She’s always losing things, so I offered to mind this one while she goes to Bible Study!”  This didn’t get far with the vet. I can’t imagine how it would go over with my daughter-in-law at the door.  She is a psychiatrist. (Note to self: Never answer her if she asks, “How are you today Mrs. Hunt?”)

Of course, farm wives have to live up to the fabulous cook reputation.

My recipes although not always tasty are earning a reputation for being legendary. For instance, there was the raspberry pie I made for visiting non-farming relatives. No one could get their forks to cut through the piecrust.  One gallant cousin tried so hard that his fork went right through the pie and sent the piece flying across the room. Mom’s Rocket Dessert has become a legend that is recounted at every family reunion.

So once again I’m sharing the errors of my daze.

Throughout forty plus years, I not only have stayed in love with my farmer husband but I’ve fallen in love with cows too! Because of course “Cows don’t shed like dogs and cats do…they won’t chase the cat or bark at the neighbors.  A cow will not bring you dead mice, or spend all night singing on the fence post!”  Here I am talking myself into loving cows, and we just sold the last twenty-one of them last Saturday.  Better late than never I always say!!


With everyone focusing on picking the right mate and staying together longer, I think there are many years left in my adventure with animal husbandry. For the two of us, our marriage and our humor has benefitted just like our crops from being homegrown – or is that home groan?  We’re putting a “Laugh Local” sign at the end of our lane and, my answer to the question, “Do you take this farmer” is now and always will be:  “Yes. I do. Forever.”



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Dairy Girls ARE Making a Difference in the Dairy Industry

dairygirllogoNetworking with the hopes of starting or expanding your career opportunities is a nerve-racking experience for anyone.  But when you’re a woman in a man’s world, the tension can ratchet up even further.

Last week I was in Madison for World Dairy Expo and attended the Dairy Girl Network Dinner which was held off site. As a member of the media (The Bullvine) and representing a publication that positions itself as a somewhat radical, I was worried that some might have a problem with my Canadian loyalties or what they might assume them to be. My worries were the only thing about the whole evening that was proven to be narrow minded. At the end of the day, this networking experience was the enthusiastic start I needed to make my trip to “Dairy in our DNA” a success from both a social and a business leads point of view.

Laura Daniels Dairy Girl Network founder and president from Heartwood Farm in Cobb, Wisconsin welcomed one hundred and eighty women and expanded on the goals of The Dairy Girl Network. She explained “Dairy Girl Network is growing rapidly and working on future opportunities for women. A mentorship program will be starting soon to bring together women on both professional and personal levels.”  Laura then worked the room and made each one feel that they could have a personal impact on the future of women in dairying.


After that very enjoyable evening of introductions, I had common ground whenever I walked up to any of the “dairy girls” manning booths in the commercial buildings or seated beside me at the showring. I was never disappointed.  Ladies’ who work in agriculture were eager to share not only how they became involved with the companies they represented, but also how deep their dairy passion ran outside of work.  Many were raised on dairy farms or had tapped into their passion through romantic or educational connections. For several showing cattle — the premier feature of World Dairy Expo – has been the starting point for both careers and family. Agricultural jobs have wide open arms to those who can bring their expertise and put it into terms that are relevant to dairy farmers and their suppliers.

“If there’s anything that Dairy Girl Network can provide, it’s the confidence that dairy and agricultural connections offer an undeniable advantage when attracting clients or providing service to the dairy industry.”

Inside the large room at the Monona Terrace in Madison it was exciting to see that, along with the well-known champions of woman in agriculture, there was a whole platoon of enthusiastic girls that were drawn together. There was no question that it was planned to have a non-threatening agenda.  No one was required to stand up and account for their right to be there. Quite the contrary.  With enthusiastic encouragement from the energetic and personable Laura Daniels, we had as much time and freedom as we could use, to meet, greet and connect with other dairy girls. It was exciting to hear the variety and passion of the stories that brought girls from all over the U.S, Canada, and Europe to spend time together at the greatest dairy cattle show in the world.  It was proven time and time again over the next three days that those few hours of glad-handing were useful in making contacts relevant to my dairy work, and I’m sure the same was true for many others. Overall we soon recognized that “Everybody knows somebody and developing a colleague relationship allows us to share our list with others.”


Not only were the doors to friendship open, but the very relaxed nature of the setting also provided an opportunity to discuss problems or issues.  Along with the delicious hors oeuvres and dinner,  I learned how other peers are dealing with gender bias, salary issues and problems getting a foot in the barn door in a predominantly man’s world.  Some had no problems at all.  Others recognized that it could take time and would be up to them to earn respect.  Others said that being a girl could be an asset but that it had to be followed up with the knowledge and action that would build and support a long-term positive business relationship.

The entire evening and the days that followed were also a great opportunity to share valuable connections in media relations and problem solving.  It was inspiring to learn of the many other “value-added” services that woman are providing in the dairy industry.

At the end of the evening, my animal nutritionist daughter, Heather Hunt, and I felt that the event had been a real energizer.  We agreed that “It’s important that we understand how different stakeholders feel about different dairy issues.  Coming together from a broad range of dairy backgrounds and companies, it’s helpful for women who have been in different situations to share insights and solutions with other dairy girls. Kudos to The Dairy Girl Network for their plans to develop mentoring.  What a great resource sharing expertise. “It builds confidence to know that we aren’t one woman trying to make a difference on farm or in the boardroom.  We aren’t just wives and daughters but leaders with gifts and skills to share.”


Laura Daniels is enthusiastically receiving feedback and working with the first Dairy Girl Network Board of Directors to empower dairy women everywhere. “It has been a momentous year for the Dairy Girl Network.  We have truly moved the group nationwide.” From my point of view, it could become international.  Dairy girls from Canada and The Netherlands were also motivated upon hearing the plans as shared by Laura. “Our mission of connecting dairywomen across the nation becomes clearer every day.  I am proud of this network we’ve developed.”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Dairy women are making a difference, not just because they are different, but because, especially when networking together, they share and expand the same dairy passion.  “It is exciting to look forward and imagine where the Dairy Girl Network will be five years down the road.” Better make that three!!! This group is on the move.



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Immunity+ Does It Actually Work?

Since we first heard about High Immune Response, now marketed as Immunity+*, the Bullvine has been a big fan of the theory behind this research. (Read more: Your Cattle Are Under Attack!)  But, as with all things that are proposed in theory, there comes a time when you need to put the numbers to it to validate the theory.  As the saying goes “In God  we trust. All others bring data”. So here at the Bullvine we did just that.

With over 50 Immunity+ sires now with official proofs, we decided to take a closer look to see if the theory behind Immunity+ has proven itself.  When analysing the performance of health traits the key factors are specifically Productive Life (PL), Somatic Cell Score (SCS), Daughter Pregnancy Rate (DPR) and Daughter Calving Ease (DCE).  For our analysis, we compared the top 10 current proven sires from two lists.  We first looked at the top 10 proven Immunity+ sires for NM$ to  the top 10 Proven NM$ sires and found the following:

Table 1 Proven NM$ Immunity+ Sires vs August 2015 Proven Sires

Proven Immunity+ for NM$ 2226 484 95 4.3 2.82 2.1 6.4
Proven NM$ 08/2015 2526 715 96 5.9 2.94 1.2 4.9
Immunity+ vs. Proven Aug 2015 -299 -232 -1 -1.6 -0.12 0.9 1.5
-13% -48% -38% -4% 42% 23%

At a quick glance we see some key trends.  Immunity+ sires have performed well for SCS, DPR and DCE but are  significantly lower in PL, TPI and NM$.  However,  since this is a comparison of current top proven TPI sires, it is unfair to compare the top Immunity+ sires with the top NM$ sires  because  no one could have 100% accurately predicted what sires would be the top 10 proven sires back in 2011, when most of these sires would have been used.  So instead we decided to compare the top current Immunity+ sires to the top Genomic Sires from December 2011.  In doing so, we found the following:

Table 2 Proven NM$ Immunity+ Sires vs December 2011 Genomic Sires

Top 10 Proven Immunity+ for NM$ 2226 484 95 4.3 2.82 2.1 6.4
Genomic NM$ 08/2011 2176 509 98 6.0 2.76 2.3 5.7
Immunity+ vs. Genomic 12/2011 50 -25 -2 -1.7 0.06 -0.2 0.7
2% -5% -41% 2% -11% 11%

In looking at the results, we find that the performance of Immunity+ sires compared to the top NM$ genomic sires from December 2011 was lower especially  for the key health traits PL (41% lower), DPR (11% higher) and DCE (11% lower).

We wondered if this performance only occurred with the top NM$ sires so we decided to compare the top Immunty+ TPI sires.  In doing so we found the following:

Table 3 Top 10 Proven TPI Immunity+ Sires vs August 2015 Proven Sires

TPI Proven Immunity+ 2241 471 95 3.9 2.81 2.1 6.1
Proven TPI 08/2015 2511 684 97 5.0 2.92 1.1 5.4
Immunity+ vs. Proven 08/2015 -270 -214 -2 -1.1 -0.11 1.0 0.7
-12% -45% -29% -4% 47% 11%

Similar to the comparison of the top current NM$ sires, we found that the Immunity+ sires performed pretty well for SCS and DPR but performed significantly lower for Productive Life and Daughter Calving Ease.  Again, as we pointed out earlier, it is best to compare these sires to the sires of 2011 to see how they really stacked up at the time of the breeding decision.  The results are as follows:

Table 4 Top 10 Proven TPI Immunity+ Sires vs August 2011 Genomic Sires

TPI Proven Immunity+ 2241 471 95 3.9 2.81 2.1 6.1
Genomic TPI 12/2011 2290 499 98 5.4 2.76 2.5 5.6
Immunity+ vs. Genomic 12/2011 -49 -28 -2 -1.5 0.05 -0.4 0.4
-2% -6% -40% 2% -21% 7%

Similar to the trend with the NM$ sires, the Immunity+ sires performed significantly lower for Productive Life and Daughter Pregnancy Rate.

For a complete listing of sires and calculations click here

The Bullvine Bottom Line

There is no question that breeding healthier long-lived cattle is the ultimate goal of all dairy producers.  Ultimately, the most accurate measure of how long a dairy cow lasts in a herd is Productive Life (PL). (Read more: SHE AIN’T PRETTY – SHE JUST MILKS THAT WAY!)  In theory Immunty+ or High Immune Response sires should also be higher Productive Life sires.  The challenge with  the performance of the top current Immunity+ sires is  that they are performing over 29% lower than non-tested sires.



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*Immunity+ is a Trademark of the Semex Alliance 

Teardrops on my work boots…

27 years ago I stood videotaping the sale of our family’s Master Breeder herd, crying the whole time. It was especially heart wrenching when my first 4-H project (and the only one to carry our Huntsdale prefix) sold, I cried even more, but the heifer sold for twice as much as she was worth.   The sale would become the highest herd sale of the year.  I told myself that one day I would rebuild that herd and make my grandfather and father proud. Today, as the Huntsdale animals once again leave our farm for the last time, I find myself feeling very disappointed for not fulfilling the promise I made.


When we sold in’88, we knew there would be animals coming back to the farm.  My older brother had already made arrangements to purchase some in the sale and keep them on our family farm.  We knew then that it was not the official end of Huntsdale, as there were three  young children (brother, sister and myself) that were so passionate about dairy cattle that we would rebuild and make our grandfather and parents proud.

IMG_0085-2To get an understanding of why I feel that I have failed my father and grandfather, you first need to understand why there is Huntsdale Farms exists in the first place. You see my grandfather was not a livestock farmer. His passion was never the cows.  It was the passion of his young son who loved visiting his grandfather’s mixed breed herd that led my grandfather to purchase his in-law’s farm and start a new career as a dairy farmer.  My father would visit his grandparent’s dairy farm so often s that he ended up spending more time there than he did on their own market garden operation.  Upon moving to the farm, they transitioned to Holsteins and Huntsdale Holstein was started.  While in University, and later when dad graduated, it was always dad who had the passion for the dairy cows and my grandfather for the crops.  At university his Masters thesis was entitled, “A.I. Breeding Schemes”. It included “The Dollar Difference Guide”, which was the precursor to the Canadian LPI system.  Dad’s Masters was implemented by Canadian A.I. organizations that went from sampling less than 50 bulls per year to over 400.

Like so many  talented youth, my father was recruited by the dairy industry side and dad started his career, working  for the Ontario Government in a division that would become the Ontario Dairy Herd Improvement organization. He then joined Holstein Canada where he managed type classification and breed improvement for 18 years, Dad certainly was making changes in the dairy industry.  But that did not cause him to lose track of his first passion which remained the dairy cow.  In partnership with my grandparents, and some great hired help, Huntsdale Farms, had many great achievements, including Master Breeder status, class extra sires, many superior production awards and star brood cows.  But when the time came for my grandfather to retire in the late 80’s my father was traveling the world helping implement the Canadian Classification system in many countries, including  Cuba Australia, Argentina, and other regions.  He had to make the tough call to either leave that and start farming full time or sell the herd.  Though my parents did purchase the family farm and the Huntsdale prefix, the milking herd was dispersed.  Thus was born my dream that maybe one day, one of us children would continue the legacy.

IMG_0104My brother, who was about to start university, had big plans for building on the base that was provided by Huntsdale.  He started with 10+ animals that were purchased during the sale.  But once again plans changed. Upon graduating from University, Paul was offered the incredible opportunity to work with Dr. David Chalack and Doug Blair at Alta Genetics. An opportunity he could not refuse.  Twenty years later, Paul is still with Alta Genetics serving as their Chief Operating Officer with  key focus on projects in Russia and the Peak female program, very similar to the work that was my father’s Masters work.  He certainly continues Murray’s Dairy Industry Legacy.  My sister and I like to call him Murray and Karen’s “Golden Boy” who can walk on water.  Perhaps that frozen water will melt someday….

My sister, also the princess of the family, in true princess style  started out for 3 years of university with the goal of becoming an animal geneticist. Then in a last minute non-princess move, she threw her father a curve ball and ended up becoming an animal nutritionist.  Nevertheless, like all good princesses, she retained her shine and has developed a very successful career in a challenging and sometimes gender biased industry.  (Read more: IS THE DAIRY BREEDING INDUSTRY SEXIST?)


As the third and last hope, the dream of being the 3rd generation Master Breeder at Huntsdale was certainly one that I have had over my lifetime.  As a teenager, I worked as a fitter, with the dream of one day showing a homebred Royal Winter Fair Grand Champion.  However, once again life threw us a curveball, and I developed such severe allergies that my eyes would swell shut and start to puss every time I was fitting cattle. This quickly ended my fitting career, although I did continue to fit for 4-H shows until I was done.  It was at that time that a new opportunity presented itself, I was contracted to do the marketing for GenerVations and their soon to be #1 LPI sire, Calbrett-I HH Champion.  From the start that I got with   David Eastman and Albert Cormier, I was able to build my first company.  Side note: it is for this reason it is fitting that the last Huntsdale cattle will sell as part of the final sale for Albert Cormier and his Cormdale herd.  It was also the lessons I learned from Albert during those days that helped me develop many companies over the years. In my corporate presentations, I like to credit Albert for helping me lose my inhibitions about starting a business.  I would say, “Albert Cormier taught me that if you can make a $1, start a business. If you can make $2, start two”. It is the motto that has helped me launch many successful companies.  (Read more: Cormdale Genetics Legacy Sale 2015) Then, it seemed like my dairy career was over, when I found the love of my life and we moved to Toronto, where I started doing demand generation for Fortune 500 companies.  (Read more: HOW I USED EVERYTHING I KNOW ABOUT ANIMAL BREEDING TO CHOOSE MY WIFE, THE OTHER WOMAN, THE MOST IMPORTANT PARTNERSHIP IN THE WORLD, THINKING ABOUT ENDING IT ALL…)It is the success that I found there that has provided me with the opportunity to launch The Bullvine and do my share in continuing the legacy my father started.  Ironically, it is also this legacy that has contributed to the end of Huntsdale Holsteins , as Murray is now a key member of our team here and that keeping the cattle on the home farm is actually very challenging, considering  the amount of travel required by The Bullvine. (Read more: THE BULLVINE – COMFORTABLE MAKING OTHERS UNCOMFORTABLE)

The Bullvine Bottom Line

And so, it is with mixed emotions that I will watch as the final Huntsdale bred cattle will sell once again at Brubacher’s Sales Arena.  While I am certainly very proud of the impact our family has had on the dairy industry around the world, a little piece of my dreams are going to die. .  As I reflect on this, I see this occurring on many farms these days.  Often the best and brightest get called to careers off the family farm, draining the dairy breeding industry of some of its greatest talent.  While there are certainly those that don’t answer that call and carry on  the passion on their family farm, for our family, the calling was too strong and thus  the Huntsdale prefix will end  shy of its next Master Breeder award.  Regardless of this turning point,   the impact that Huntsdale will have is far greater than any top sire or great brood dam could ever have provided

Murray loves to talk about impact and change.  How many “industry” executives can say that they were also Master Breeders and produced class extra sires and many sires into AI?  Often in his career he has had to make the tough choice that meant forgoing his own personal success and doing what was best for the industry as a whole.   While Huntsdale Holsteins will end, the legacy and impact on the industry will continue stronger and better than ever, with children living their dairy passion through AI, nutrition and the media industry.

This Saturday, at the  Cormdale Genetics Legacy Sale 2015, there will definitely be teardrops on my work boots once again as the last Huntsdale cattle are sold…but .I can promise you this, “The legacy has only just begun.”



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Could Breed Wars Be Heating Up?

Various dairy media reports, including recent Hoards Dairyman and breed journal articles, have documented differences between breeds in both performance and trends. The question remains “What factors will influence breed choice in the future?”

Tradition Has Ruled

We often hear breeders and show judges say “A good dairy cow is a good cow no matter what the color.” Is that true? Do you agree? If passion determines your answer, then you will not likely agree with the ‘anything works’ philosophy.

Breeders are usually not color blind when it comes to seed corn, haybines, barn cleaners or computers. Our forefathers were not tied to breed when they started move from dual purpose to milk production breeds in North America, one hundred years ago.

For this article, I ask that you set passion aside and consider the factors that may determine the breed of choice in the future.

The Players

Although there may be ten or a dozen dairy breeds around the globe, it basically comes down to two breeds. Holsteins and Jerseys. These two now account, in North America, for just short of 99% of purebred animals on the farm.

Table 1 Percent by Breed of Cows on DHI

1988 2013
Ayrshire 0.6 0.2
Brown Swiss 0.9 0.8
Guernsey 1.4 0.2
Holstein 91.4 89.1
Jersey 5.3 9.5
Milking Shorthorn 0.1 0.1
Red and White 0.3 0.1


So the breed of choice is between the Holstein and Jersey breeds. Why have Jerseys gained in popularity? Was the gain because of what Jerseys did or Holsteins did not do? Why have the other breeds dropped in market share? Think about that – it could be a combination of many factors.

Jersey Breed Not Standing By

Almost twenty years ago Jersey Canada had a slogan ‘a brown cow in every barn’. Moreover, during the last two-plus decades American Jersey has put considerable resources into marketing of Jersey milk and promoting payment based on the component content.

In 2014, Jersey Canada and a University of Guelph economics professor published a study report that claimed that Jersey herds can be slightly more profitable in the Canadian supply management system. Recently Hoards Dairymen published an article showing Jerseys yield $66 more profitable per cow per year in the large herd environment of California.

Holstein Breed Satisfied

While Jerseys have been aggressive about competing for market share, Holsteins have seemingly looked the other way. Holsteins have been satisfied, confident and perhaps even complacent. They are assuming Holstein dominance will prevail without the need to: 1) promote the strengths of Holsteins; and 2) remove from their breeding population animals with significant limitations (i.e. negative DPR, negative PL, lower component yields, …, etc.).

Why Crossbreeding Happened

It is estimated that 4.5% of dairy animals on DHI test in the USA are crossbreds. The proportion may be even higher in non-recorded herds. Based on the numerous reports on crossbreeding it is obvious that cross breeding came about because of limiting factors of purebreds. Even though the benefits of heterosis are short lived, one generation or two generations when a three-way crossing program is used, crossbreds have provided dairy enterprises the opportunity to increase profit in a short period.

The F1 black beauties sometimes called Hojo’s, as the Holstein x Jersey cross is known, have been popular for dairy farmers focusing their attention on fertility, component percents, younger calving age for heifers, less time spent in dry cow pens and the cost of maintaining larger body mass animals.

If there was some way for Hojo’s to breed true perhaps both Holsteins and Jerseys would be challenged for market share. That could be possible once we know more about how to use the DNA information. Time will tell.

Future Challenges for Breeds

The future of dairy farming and the genetic makeup of animals on a global basis promises to be much different than in the past. How breeds prepare genetically, beyond solids yield and productive life, will be significant in determining which breed comes out ahead.

Here are a seven change makers to think about:

  • New Breed
    Some Holstein breeders currently will not use a sire that does not have 100% North American lineage. And it is only within the last few years that Jersey Island breeders have allowed the registration of animals sired by Jersey sires from outside of Jersey Island. Are breeds so sacred that they cannot be improved upon? Perhaps purebred breeders have missed an opportunity in the past to bring new genetic material into their chosen breed. Then again could there be a move to a new composite breed in the future? It has happened in beef, why not in dairy?
  • Genomics
    Gene level study of the gene makeup of animals is here to stay. Realistically it is even more than that. It will be the driving force to moving genetics forward at a very rapid pace. (Read more: Forget Genomics – Epigenomics & Nutrigenomics are the Future) From the Holstein Canada 2014 Annual Report, it can be seen that about 8% of animals being registered were also genomically tested. That percentage is far too low given that parentage can be verified, genetic defects can be tested for, 60–70% accurate transmission patterns are available and that in the future genomic information will be used to make feeding and management decisions. Breeds need to be progressive and move the percentage genomically tested up to 50% by 2020. This is the Information Age and the breed with the facts will have the advantage.
  • Animal Nutrition
    Considerable work has begun to study the role that genetics can play in enhancing feed conversion efficiency in dairy cattle. In 2014, Holstein USA started rating bulls for FE (Feed Efficiency) which considers the extra production of a bull’s daughters less feed and maintenance costs. We can expect to learn a considerable amount about the topic of feed efficiency over the next few years. Some believe that there are breed differences but as yet that is not proven. However, if one breed shows superiority for converting feeds to milk, then it could be a big leg up for that breed.
  • Reproductive Ability
    We already know that the Jersey breed, through the bloodlines they have used, out-do Holsteins reproductively. Jerseys breed at an earlier age and have higher conception rates. The race is on. For Holsteins to identify bloodlines that are reproductively superior within the breed ….. for Jerseys, through genetic selection, to improve their already lead position. It behooves both breeds to give reproduction added attention. If they stand still then, a composite breed might ride to the lead position for reproduction.
  • Environmental Factors
    Dairypersons are familiar with information on carbon footprint, pollution, water usage, heat and cold stress, nutrient management, the cost of transporting the water in milk… etc. Although today we do not have facts and figures on animal or breed differences on these matters, our industry can expect that we will learn more about them in the future. Breed associations need to assist in the development of animal and breed information in these areas.
  • Health & Immunity
    Breeders have, for some time, had information on animals and breeds about Holsteins have the advantage in number of breed leading sires that have low SCS ratings. Immunity to disease information on sires is now being used or watched by breeders. We are in the infancy of knowing more about breeds and their ability to resist diseases, including production limiting diseases. Breeds need to be prepared to retain accurate health and immunity genetic information on their data files and, no doubt, to include them in total merit indexes.
  • Animal Maintenance
    All breeders want a cow that does not require special attention. High maintenance pampered cows must be a thing from the past. We often hear about cow families that are promoted as low However, there is usually little hard data to support the promotion. If a breed can genetically identify that their cattle require less labor and attention across a whole herd, then it would have a selling point.

Breeding Strategies

Currently, Holstein and Jersey breeding strategies are mainly limited to production and conformation. The breed, which expands its breeding strategy to include some genetic information for the factors mentioned previously, will position itself for increased market share.

One total merit index (TPI, LPI, JPI, NM$, Pro$… etc.) will not satisfy all breeders within a breed. I read with interest the comment on The Milk House by Hei-Bri Jersey (Iowa, USA) “Jersey is a breed that is two breeds within one. The show or the go. We see an enormous drop in first lactation production when using showring bulls. I think producers that buy the wrong style for their operation are the ones missing out on the true Jersey cow.” Can the same be said for Holsteins?

The Immediate Future

Predicting the future, as to breed dominance, is not a perfect science. However, the proportion of current semen sales is a good indicator.

Table 2 USA Dairy Semen Sales*

Holstein 83.50%
Jersey 12.60%
R&W / Red & RC Holstein 2.40%
European Breeds (3x) 0.60%
Brown Swiss 0.40%
All Other Breeds 0.50%

*Total sales 23.64M doses (Domestic 98.8% + Imported 1.2%)

Table 2 shows that Jerseys, at almost 13%, has the potential to grow in market share. Having said that it could be that a portion of the Jersey sexed semen sales may now be used on Holstein cows to produce crossbred females. At the very least, the increased proportion of Jersey semen sales should be taken seriously by the Holstein breed.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Today breeds are more than color markings, unbroken lineage, and tradition. Breeds in the future, on a global basis, will be about their genetic makeup and how they serve the needs of the dairy food industry.

Accurate visioning, strategic planning, research & development and effective service provision are all integral to what breeds need to do on a continual basis. If that means there will be increased competition for market share amongst breeds, so-be-it.



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Are Dairy Cattle Shows Holding Us Back?

Dairy cattle shows started out as a breed awareness tool. They then became an improvement tool. More recently they primarily function as a marketing opportunity for breeders and a training process for youth. Today many breeders are thinking that shows have gone beyond their best before date and are not serving a purpose for the vast majority of dairypersons. Let’s talk about show standards and show procedures.

Show Standards

The following standards may need revision or rethinking:

  • Stature: The show ring has moved to the stage where an animal must be extremely tall to place near the top at state, provincial or national shows. (Read more: Are Today’s Holstein Cows Too Tall? And 15 Strength Sires That Will Still Fit In Your Stalls) Often there are very high classifying cows, which are 58 to 62 inches tall, down the line that have high gTPI’s. In heifer classes the requirement for excessive stature is even more evident. From a spectator perspective, there appears to be a 25% emphasis placed on stature in the show ring that has a 5% weight in the scorecard. This over-emphasis is being challenged by many lifetime profit improvement focused breeders.
  • Mobility: Recently some judges have been placing emphasis on how an animal walks. That’s a good thing. Could we take this one step further and have judges designate the best in class for mobility, just like they do for best udder? (Read more: Mobility – The Achilles Heel of Every Breeding Program and Cow Mobility: One Step Forward or Two Steps Back?)
  • Maturity: As I listen to judges’ reasons for heifer and young cow classes I hear comments that one animal is placed over another for depth of fore or rear rib. Bullvine research (Read more: She Ain’t Pretty, She Just Milks That Way) shows that young animals do not need to have deep bodies at a young age to be long-lived and profitable. They do need good mammary systems and sound feet and legs.
  • Dairyness: It seems to me that exhibitors and judges confuse ability to produce large volumes of milk with an animal being railed off (skinny). There is a difference. Skinny cows do not have body reserves, usually do not get in calf easily, and cannot cope with hot weather, herdmate competition or other adversity. Placing a dairy cow 200+ days into lactation, and three months pregnant, down the line because she has put on some cover is not what breeders want or need. The definition of dairyness needs to be reconsidered by show judges.
  • Over Filled Udders: Yes we like to see a capacious well attached udder. But is that actually what happens? With more and more cows milked 3x or milked 4-5 times per day by robots do we need to show mature cows with 100 lbs of milk in their udders to demonstrate that they can produce a high volume of milk? On-farm the breed ideal is changing to a cow that can produce 4 pounds of milk per hour at 22 months of age or 6.5 pounds per hour at 72 months of age and be milked every eight to ten hours. Cows with over filled udders loose definition of cleavage, walk with difficulty and are under significant stress.
  • Cow Class Determination: Dairy cows exist to produce milk. It is our opinion that using age is an out-moded method to determine cow, After the first lactation classes, classes could be divided by pounds of milk already produced as follows: 1) 20,000 to 40,000; 2) 40,001 to 65,000; 3) 65,001 to 95,000; 4) 95,001 to 135,000; 5) 135,001 to 185,000; and 6) Over 185,000. Basing classes on milk produced would be a more appropriate method than birth date given the ideal of breeding for lifetime production.
  • First Lactation Classes: First lactation cows go through many stages from calving until day 305 of lactation. After calving, they have more udder depth, lack body depth, need more udder quality and are low front ended. By day 305 they will be markedly changed in all these areas. With many first lactation cows at most shows, it is the Bullvine’s opinion that having four classes would be an asset. The four groups could be determined by stage of lactation as follows; 1) Less than 75 days in milk; 2) 75 – 150 days in milk; 3) 151 – 225 days in milk; and 4) over 225 days in milk.

Show Procedures

Some ideas that may also enhance cattle shows could also include:

  • Information in Catalogs: Spectators want to know performance as well as pedigree as they assess the animals on parade. Without performance information it can be a quite boring exercise for all but the keenest. I want to know more and perhaps I can use my cell iphone to search for more details but that is costly. In today’s information age show catalogues can contain DGV’s for heifers or calving date, number of lactations and pounds of milk, fat and protein produced for Surely we are past treating spectators as mushrooms and keeping them in the dark when it comes to animals in the ring.
  • Message Delivered: Most shows have youth, domestic and foreign breeders and consumers watching. Why not have five of the 15 – 25 minutes while the class is being judged used to deliver a message about dairy farming. All shows have announcers who presently give a very limited amount of information. Why not have them deliver interesting and useful information? After all dairy farming is more that just watching a runway beauty contest. Awareness and education would be a great addition to the show.
  • More Winners: Presently beside the class winners, best bred and owned and best udder winners are awarded. Considering all the effort that breeders go to exhibit their animals, awards for mobility, milk, fat, protein, gTPI, etc would give exhibitors more opportunity to promote their animals. I fully understand that this takes more effort at entry and checking time but if exhibitors are going to the effort why not expand their marketing opportunities and, at the same time, educate and inform?
  • Milk Outs: At one-time milk outs were required for the top few of each milking class. That was abandoned due to the time needed and cows not having milk in their udders in champion parades. Milk outs have been replaced by ultra sounding of udders. The question should be asked is ultra sounding serving a worthwhile purpose? If so, why is ultra sounding not used at all shows?

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Shows and showing have remained quite static for the past twenty years during which time the breeding goals have changed significantly. With fewer and fewer exhibitors and interested, involved people watching the shows, it is time for a re-assessment. Not since the birthdays for classes were changed from January and July to September, December, March, and June and the milking senior yearling class was added have there been changes to align shows with genetic advancement. It is time that a North American across breeds task force be named and charged with the responsibility of bringing forward standards and procedures that will make shows relevant to the breeder needs for the future.



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Show Ring Ethics: Cheater’s Never Prosper….Or Do They

When we were young, we were always told to be honest and never to cheat. The phrase “Cheaters never prosper” was ingrained in us from an early age. But, as we grow older, we begin to wonder about this statement. We all know people who have cheated and were not caught and they sure seem to have prospered. This phrase also baffled   me when seen in the show ring. At my local county show, the exhibitor that took all the big awards might also be known as one of the greatest “cheaters” in the history of dairy cattle showing.  So how can we say that cheaters never prosper?

I have come to the realization in life that you can tell the true measure of a person by what they do when they are under the greatest pressure.  Nowhere have I seen this to be truer than in the show ring.  As the stakes and intensity of the competition get higher, for some, their ethics begin to deteriorate.  Now there are those that say, as long as you don’t get caught, it’s ok.  But I wonder if some of the exhibitors who test these limits think about the bigger picture that is being created, whenever their ethics are being tested?

Media Headlines – Killers to our industry

Recently a headline from the Indiana State Fair, “Drugged animals disqualified, kids punished at Indiana State Fair” not only caught the attention of exhibiters but also the general public.  Those consumers  buy our milk and we are dependent on their good will.  Dozens of Indiana State Fair contestants have been disciplined in the past four years, after their show animals tested positive for drugs.  Most of those disqualified were top prize winners in the sheep, cattle and swine competitions. They earned an automatic disqualification for each “doped” animal and harsh penalties for the children who raised them. In some livestock categories, the drug problem among top contestants is considered epidemic – but, usually, it all happens away from the crowds and cameras and it’s not detected until long after each fair is over.

The Indiana State Fair started testing show animals for banned substances and illegal drugs in 1992 – and the program was strengthened a few years later in response to a cheating scandal discovered nearby.  After the 1994 Ohio State Fair, meat inspectors found that the Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion steers were tainted with banned substances. One of the animals was injected full of vegetable oil to make its muscles appear larger (a violation of federal pure food laws),and the other tested positive for an illegal drug that makes animals gain muscle instead of fat.

Last year they detected two unapproved drugs in last year’s group of winning sheep. The first is Zilpaterol (brand name Zilmax), a common feed additive that builds muscle mass in cattle but is not approved for use in sheep.  The second is methylprednisolone, also known as Depo-Medrol that can be used to treat pain associated with arthritis, tendinitis and other musculoskeletal conditions in horses and dogs. It is not approved for use in lambs, where some competitors inject it under the skin to help hide and reduce wrinkles when sheep are sheared for competition. “Depo-Medrol to a sheep is like Botox to a supermodel,” explained an Indiana sheep breeder. “To a judge, the smoother the hide, the better,” he said.

When it comes to positive drug tests at the Indiana State Fair, sheep are not the only animals affected.  In 2013, the fair disqualified five champion beef and dairy cows for failed drug tests, and in recent years, multiple swine have tested positive too. Fair records show 42 animals were disqualified due to drug residues detected since 2011.  That represents approximately 3.7% of all the animals tested during that time – a small percentage, but still a significant concern.  The problem is not unique to Indiana. Information from state fairs and livestock expositions across the US,  such as Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Nebraska, Texas, Missouri, Utah and Louisiana all say they too, like Indiana, disqualified recent winners for failed drug tests.

It’s Not Just a Dairy Issue

The problem stems from the fact that anytime you have competition, you are going to have those people that will do whatever it takes to win.  Just like Tom Brady and the New England Patriots and the “Deflate Gate” scandal, or steroids in baseball, you are going to have those who push the envelope. Moreover, there will be those that step over the line.  But where is that line. Is it just when you get caught?

There is no question that when they do get caught  and it makes national headlines it’s very detrimental  not only to the show ring but also to the industry as a whole.  While the animals exhibited at shows only represent a very small portion of the industry, the effect this publicity can have enormous impact on the industry as a whole.   As an industry, we cannot afford to risk the public perception of the food we produce.

That is why the Indiana State Fair and 4-H spend about $16,000 each year to test for drug residues in livestock entries at the state fairgrounds, and why they’ve implemented strict guidelines and harsh penalties for violators.

At major dairy shows across North America, there are ultrasounds and other rule enforcement methods that are trying to protect, not only the equality and ethics of the competition, but also the industry as a whole.  It’s our job as an industry to not only keep a fair playing field for all but also to protect the food chain and the public perception of our industry.  But even severe penalties – losing significant prize money and being banned from future competitions – have failed to eliminate cheating from our industry.  Maybe the unwritten code among exhibitors is no longer enough? (Read more “The Code: The Unwritten Rules of Dairy Cattle Show Ethics”) There are many exhibitors over recent years that have not been able to exhibit at some major shows because they are banned from those shows due to ethics violations.  Sure they may not make the media headlines for these actions, but young people see these people win, and yet they never realize that they have been caught cheating and are now paying the price.  Instead, they think that these cheaters are hero’s and seen as “winners” something they also aspire to be.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Anytime you have intense competition, there are going to be those who want to push the limits.  Add to that the financial considerations and the pressure to perform increases that much more.    When you’re dealing with the potential to make six figures, and you’re dealing with that much pride and competition, some exhibitors will step out a little too far. I think the ones that do step over this line are forgetting that even if they don’t get caught and make the headlines, or even if they don’t have children of their own, they are affecting others. There are  young people watching them and those who are raising children. You want to teach them the right values and you want to make sure they do things the right way.  Most may never end up in the dairy industry, let alone showing cattle, but the values you are teaching them at this young age, are they values they will have for the rest of their lives.  We need to remember why we all love this industry and show cows in the first place. (Read more “For Love of the Ring!”)  Competition breeds jealousy in any business. We have  very gifted people in the industry, but sometimes the competition does drive some  to go too far and,when that happens, it does give a black eye to the industry and has long lasting effects on our youth.  There is no room for cheating.  I hope more attention on this issue will bring more awareness, more education and more confidence to our food supply. Without excuses.  Without exceptions. Cheating must be stopped!



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Grace Under Pressure

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in the moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.  Who we are as human beings presents itself more fully at times of adversity than at times of ease.  I have had the pleasure of knowing the Burdette and Stiles families a long while know and always found they to be great people, but over this past year I have learned through their actions after the horrible accident that happened to them, that they are also people of extraordinary character. (Read more: WHY THE DAIRY COMMUNITY IS THE GREATEST IN THE WORLD….)

Robin Sharma once wrote, “Anyone can be positive, polite and kind when things are going well.  What distinguishes people with an extraordinary character character from the rest of us is how they respond when life sends one if its inevitable curves.”  Some would give up and surrender, some who claim woe and complain how life sucks.  But those people of extraordinary character don’t crumble, they don’t surrender.  Like the Burdette and Stiles families have exhibited over this past year, they reach deeply into themselves and present even more of their true nature to the world, and shine bright at times of great adversity.

This past week the family and friends of Reese, brought her favorite cow, Pantene , to come and see her and help her through her healing process.

This past week the family and friends of Reese, brought her favorite cow, Pantene , to come and see her and help her through her healing process.

Nobody is perfect, and nobody has the perfect life.  I am certainly not, and my life certainly isn’t.  We all face challenges on a daily basis that are both large and small. But when we are facing these challenges it helps to keep this in perspective.  Every minute of every day their are people dealing with the death of a loved one.  There are people dealing with problems much greater than the once that I face.  I find myself at times of great stress and challenge, having to step back and look at people who are dealing with these situations, and take perspective on life.  It’s at these times that people like the family of Reese Burdette that are watching their amazing little girl show such character, such strength, such grace going through something I can not even imagine.


This past weekend I saw this picture of Justin Burdette holding his daughter, and I could not help but cry.  Crying tears of joy, tears of sadness and more importantly feeling inspiration.  I am inspired by the amazing character that the Burdette and Stiles families have displayed over this past year.  It’s starts at the top of this families, with Patricia risking her life to save that of her grand daughter, and it is exhibited daily by the class these families have exhibited in a time that must rock you at your core.  These families have rallied in support of Reese, they have also shown the world what makes them special.  It’s also at this time that the dairy community has also exhibited its extraordinary class.  Sure we may not be as “rich” an industry as others.  We may not all drive big fancy cars, or have billions of dollars.  But as a community we have shown to the world  through our support of these amazing families, that we are a group of people with extraordinary character.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

No one get’s through life without experiencing adversity.  But you and I have the ability to rise above these circumstances and show our true nature, like the Burdette and Stiles families have demonstrated over this past year.  We all have the ability to choose to be strong and positive when things fall apart.  We have the right to use our stumbling blocks as stepping stones to a greater life.  Over this past year the Burdette and Stiles families ability to show grace under pressure, and extraordinary character through a time that certainly it would seem much easier to give up.  What distinguishes these families and our industry is the extraordinary character we all are able to show when life sends us one of its inevitable curveballs. Grace under pressure.  Thats what separates leaders from followers and inspires all of us.



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Missing Fathers: Have You Missed the Mark with Your Sire Selection?

Yesterday was Father’s Day and our focus was on what our fathers do for us. For fathers no longer with us, yesterday would have been all about the memories. For some fathers, perhaps, it was about how successful they have been as fathers.

Future Bovine Fathers

Dairy cattle breeders know all about the importance of great fathers when it comes to creating the next generation.  The breeders of future generations of dairy cattle will have the opportunity to feed the world high-quality protein and fat.  For this article let’s focus on the protein that consumers will be needing in the milk products they purchase. Let’s also consider the possible ways that consumer needs will impact the selection of the bovine fathers that breeders use to produce future generations of cows.

Cheese Predictions

Recently there has been considerable positive media coverage on cheese.

Elizabeth Crawford on June 15, 2015, article entitled Cheese could be the next health food, industry expert suggests”. Author Crawford’s summary from her research concludes that “The tide may be changing for cheese, as science helps re-position the dairy food as a protein-dense, calcium- rich, healthy snack rather than as a high-fat and high–sodium food to be enjoyed in moderation”. Now, isn’t that a breath of fresh air for the dairy cattle industry!

It Could Very Well Go Beyond Cheese

Also, hot off the press on Friday was the announcement of the Dairy Innovation Forum to be held Wednesday July 29, 2015. It will be a free-to-attend online 60-minute forum.  An expert panel of milk product innovators and marketers will address the following:

  • How difficult is it to launch a new dairy brand?
  • What are the hottest new trends in dairy?
  • What’s natural? And does it matter?
  • What keeps you awake at night?

Although many breeders may question the importance to them of such a forum, it will provide food for thought for leading edge breeders or geneticists at breeding companies who are considering what will follow a2 Milk (Read more: 12 Things You Need To Know About A2 Milk) and Greek yogurt. Both of these products focus on the protein in cows’ milk.

In the next five years, there will be other new products that are built on the presence of unique proteins in bovine milk. It is not a “what if situation”. It is only a matter of time until milk with certain protein combinations will be given a premium farm gate price. That means big bucks when it comes to farm profit.

The Impact on Bovine Fathers

With the protein in milk garnering much attention, the genetic merit of service sires currently being used is essential. Well, not just important, the sires need to excel.

The Bullvine recommends that breeders interested in having hard-working, long-lived, trouble free cows make the primary selection criteria for their service sires – protein yield (Protein), length of life (Productive Life) and total merit (NM$).  (Read more: Mating Recommendations)

Differences do exist between breeds for what the genetic merit of active sires are. For Holsteins, the top sires have 60+ lbs Protein, 5+ Productive life and 750+ NM$. For Jerseys, they are 45+ lbs Protein, 5+ PL and 200+ NM$. Some breeders may wish to include in their selection criteria DPR, SCS, inbreeding level (Read more: The Truth About Inbreeding) and polled (Read more: Polled Genetics: The Cold Hard Facts). However, that will limit the progress that their herd will make for protein, herd life and total merit. Sires are now rated for beta casein and kappa casein, in demand by some cheese producers. It could very well be that other proteins will be identified as necessary in the future to make other specialty milk products.

The current top five active Holstein protein sires that do not have negative ratings for DPR or SCS are:

  • Jedi (7HO13250) 79 P, 6.0 PL and 859 NM$
  • Supershot (224HO02881) 70 P, 7.5 PL and 853 NM$
  • Supersire (7HO11351) 68 P, 6.5 PL and 834 NM$
  • AltaStratify (11HO11462) 68 P, 6.6 PL and 777 NM$
  • Superman (200HO07846) 67 P, 5.4 PL and 783 NM$.

How Do Your Current Service Sire Stack Up?

There is no time like the present for breeders to compare the sires they are presently using.  If those sires do not favourably compare, the best decision could well be to dump the semen from the lowest half and replace them with top protein sires. The $25 to $50 lost per dose of semen dumped may be small in comparison to the money lost in the milking daughters four and more years down the road.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

If the milk that you plan to sell in the future needs to be protein rich, then the sires used today need to be top of the line. Compromising in sire selection is like not doing the best we can for our children. Fathers, in the house or in the barn, need to do their best.



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Thinking about Ending it All…

There is no question that farming is one of the toughest industries to work in. The fact that farming is a 24 hours a day, seven days a week commitment – usually working alone and in all sorts of weather – can easily trigger feelings of stress and depression. The comparative isolation of rural life means it is far from easy to find a neighbour or friend to chat with and, when taken all these elements are taken together, it is not difficult to see why farming is one of the highest professions for suicide.

Working in agriculture can be extremely stressful. As well, working with heavy machinery means that not only is the work hard labor, it is also dangerous.  There were 216 farm accident fatalities in 2012 alone, prompting Forbes magazine to rank farming as one of the nation’s deadliest jobs. Beyond the stress of farming and the workplace hazards, a farmer is also at the mercy of nature. And nature can be cruel. When the earth doesn’t cooperate, then a farmer’s livelihood can be completely in jeopardy, resulting in a suicide rate that is 1.32 higher than average.

In the U.S. the rate of farmer suicides is just under two times that of the general population. In the U.K. one farmer a week commits suicide. In China, farmers are killing themselves daily to protest the government taking over their prime agricultural lands for urbanization. In France, a farmer dies by suicide every two days. Australia reports one farmer suicides every four days. India yearly reports more than 17,627 farmer suicides. — Newsweek 2014

As I child growing up on a dairy farm, I was raised in a very protected loving environment.  But I was also raised with a strong belief system.  One such belief was that it was a sign of weakness to have a mental health issue. When I played sports this belief system was further engrained into me.  I was a member of such a small community that the saying that everyone knows everything about each other is true. Going to a mental health professional or admitting you are depressed would quickly become news. To the point where we would look down on those who had “mental issues”.  I never wanted to admit my own weaknesses, as I thought it  would make me a “lesser” person.  Then I met my now wife, who was a student in medical school, training to ultimately become a physiatrist.  She really opened my eyes to the fact that mental health was not just for the weak, but it can affect everyone.  (Read more: HOW I USED EVERYTHING I KNOW ABOUT ANIMAL BREEDING TO CHOOSE MY WIFE)

Stigma and lack of education about depression are the main culprits of farmer suicides. It was certainly the case for me.  Like most farmers I tended to adhere to the stereotypical image of the self-reliant, tough farmer who doesn’t complain. I believed that a farmer who complains of being depressed would be labelled crazy, whiner or wimp by  fellow farmers. This is probably why instead of talking about their depression, most farmers might say, “I’m just tired, worn out.” Ignoring or hiding depression is not the way to deal with depression.

So how can we help farmers reduce their rate of suicide? 

In the U.K. the charity organization YANA (You Are Not Alone) works to help depressed farmers. They have GPs, counsellors and people who know what it’s like to farm. The Farming Community Network (U.K.) also helps farmers and their families. From 1999 to 2010, the United States federal office of Rural Health Policy funded Sowing the Seeds of Hope, a network of phone hotlines for rural communities. The project was shut down due to lack of funding. NY FarmNet has since filled the void left by Sowing the Seeds of Hope.

The other and most important part of dealing with depression is talk. Talking about depression is key to understanding and healing yourself. Talk removes or smashes apart stigma and brings new ideas, proper advice and sources of help. Talking about depression in farming at agricultural shows and events also helps. We know depression affects farmers. Bring the issue into the public as a workplace health concern that is talked about at these venues. The old saying, “The more you know…” goes a long way in dealing with depression.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Sometimes it’s hard to admit when you are wrong or when you have a problem.  We all like to think we can just handle it and bury our nose in our work.  Add to that the limited isolation that comes with being a farmer and it starts to make a lot of sense why farmers have one of the highest suicide rates of all professions.  But it doesn’t have to be that way.  There are many productive ways to deal with stress and anxiety.  Life doesn’t have to be a constant grind, where you think about ending it all.  You just need to ask for help and talk.



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Dairy Breeding Lessons from Triple Crown Winner American Pharoah

It considered to be one of the greatest accomplishments in horse racing.  All you have to do is win three races in five weeks. Until this Saturday, when American Pharoah did it, there had only been 11 of them in history and none in the past 37 years.  In that same period, America has elected five presidents, fought three wars and lived through at least three economic downturns since Affirmed last completed the feat in 1978.  In that time, there had been 12 horses enter the final leg of the Triple Crown, The Belmont Stakes, at the grand old racetrack in Long Island. Twelve with a chance to accomplish that feat but ultimately failed.

screen-shot-2015-06-06-at-7-08-51-pm[1]Sometimes it happens by a nose. Sometimes it’s right out of the starting gate.  It was believed to not be possible any longer since so many horses in this final and longest leg of the Triple Crown, don’t race in the first two races, saving themselves for the longer track and, thus, making it very hard for those horses trying to accomplish the taxing triple feat.  Last year California Chrome came into the Belmont Stakes with a chance at immortality to ultimately fail (Read more: The Story of Kentucky Derby Winner California Chrome is an Inspiration to Dairy Breeders).  Chrome’s co-owner Steve Coburn argued that the Triple Crown should be a closed circuit – No parachuting in to run the Belmont if you haven’t already run the previous races in the series. “It’s not fair to the horses that have been in the game since day one,” Coburn said. “It’s all or nothing. This is the coward’s way out.” Coburn has a point. Post-race recovery is no joke for a thousand-pound animal that can run more than 40 miles per hour. There are two weeks between the Derby and the Preakness, and three weeks between the Preakness and the Belmont. That tight schedule—and the super-specific needs of racehorses—mean horses competing in the grueling back-to-back-to-back Triple Crown races have a significant disadvantage when they are up against fresh horses.

So How Did American Pharaoh’s Pedigree Help Him Win?

“The sire line is very stamina oriented, but the female line of descent — the dam, the second dam, the third dam — they’ve all been very speed oriented horses,” says Sid Fernando, president and CEO of thoroughbred research and consultant Werk Thoroughbred Consultants. “It’s a unique pedigree, in a way.”


American Pharoah’s pedigree includes horses adept at classic race distances on his sire’s side and endowed with speed on his dam’s side.  Sire, Pioneerof the Nile, won the Santa Anita Derby and ran second in the 2009 Kentucky Derby, with all of his wins at distances of 1 1⁄16 or more. Prior to American Pharoah, Pioneerof the Nile had sired five other winners of stakes races of a mile or more in his relatively new career as a stallion.  Through Pioneerof the Nile, American Pharoah is a grandson of Unbridled, who won the 1990 Kentucky Derby and the Breeders’ Cup Classic. He carries lines to Grade I champions Toussaud and Fappiano and to the top-rated European two- and a three-year-old colt of 1983 and 1984, El Gran Senor. He is also descended from Northern Dancer, Buckpasser, and Mr. Prospector—whose descendants have won 43 Triple Crown races—all through Empire Maker, Pioneerof the Nile’s sire, who won the 2003 Belmont Stakes. Ultimately, via Unbridled and his ancestors, American Pharoah’s sire line traces to the Darley Arabian.

Meanwhile, the bottom side of this pedigree is slanted toward sprint success. His dam, Littleprincessemma, by Yankee Gentleman, was unplaced in both of her career outings. Her only other starter is Xixixi, who scored both career wins at six furlongs. Littleprincessemma is a half-sister to graded stakes-winning sprinters Storm Wolf and Misty Rosette.  Her own undistinguished racing career, combined with the modest record of her sire, Yankee Gentleman, dampened initial public expectations for her second-born foal. Yet American Pharoah’s maternal bloodline includes Storm Cat, a Grade I winner retired early due to injury, Northern Dancer, a Kentucky Derby and Preakness Stakes winner, and Terlingua, a celebrated broodmare, through whom he is a fifth-generation descendant of Secretariat. He is also descended through his dam from Flying Paster, a Grade I champion who was 1978 California Horse of the Year, and Exclusive Native (sire of Affirmed and Genuine Risk). Through both sire and dam, American Pharoah is a fifth- and sixth-generation descendant of Bold Ruler, as well as a sixth- and seventh-generation descendant of Tom Fool, one of the top thoroughbreds of the last century.

american-pharoah-bob-baffert-ab8804342ee79687[1]Hall of Fame trainer Bob Baffert observed that Pioneerof the Nile also raced with “a big, long stride” and had “that same springing motion as American Pharoah, whose acceleration is pretty remarkable.” To Baffert, American Pharoah’s bloodline is a source of fascination: “Every time I work him, I go back and look at the pedigree, and I go, ‘What is going on here?’”

What is going on is that, instead of very selective breeding for distance races as is practiced by most breeders dreaming of winning the Triple Crown one day, American Pharoah bucks that trend and his maternal line is more geared for short speed.    This breeding was so outside of normal that, when American Pharoah was offered for sale at the August 2013 Fasig-Tipton Select Yearling Sale in Saratoga Springs, N.Y by Taylor Made Sales, no one wanted to pay the $300,000 reserve bid on him (Note: Taylor Made Sales was also the principal speaker at the recent Day at the Derby sale).  American Pharoah was in the sales ring for all of five anticlimactic minutes. Horsemen from around the globe appraised the animal and refused to raise the bidding to the listed minimum sale price of $300,000 – a figure that would be reached or surpassed for 32 of the 151 other yearlings up for sale in the two-day event.


The thing that American Pharoah has in common with many of the greatest impact sires in the Holstein breed is that he bucks the conventional breeding pattern.  Instead of doing balance on balance or long distance racehorse on a long distance racehorse, American Pharoah, looks to leverage the power of mating two opposite extremes together to raise the results even higher.

This is something many dairy breeders overlook when developing their dairy breeding strategy.  Generation after generation most breeders like to use balanced sire on balanced sire and, while this will give you the most overall herd consistency, it will not deliver that one game-changing animal that will cause the world to take notice.

The Bottom Line

In today’s high-end genetics market, there is no question that the biggest money and most impact comes from sires that are built for extremes.  Sure there will be those animals that don’t deliver but, for the ones that do, they will produce in a big way.  American Pharoah demonstrates to us that it takes looking outside the box of what is expected. It means, selecting from the extremes to achieve extreme results.


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It Takes All Kinds…

I expect most of us can remember a time in school when we were selected last when it came to spelling matches or a pickup sports game. Not being much interested in spelling and being vertically challenged, I can remember both situations. Being excluded isn’t nice, no matter when it happens. So how does that relate to the world of cattle breeding you ask? Well, how often have you seen or have you excluded another dairy cattle enthusiast because they did not fit in or share your perspective?

I know. I was that Outsider

I grew up on a small mixed farm, mainly market garden. We had three cows and shipped milk in cans to a butter factory. My first calf was a Jersey that died at her first calving and my first 4H calf was a grade, ugly for type, Holstein.  She and I brought up the bottom end of the classes for both conformation and showmanship. I was made to feel that I was not part of the dairy industry. If it had not been for a very supportive youth-oriented extension worker, I might not have enrolled for a second year in dairy 4H calf club. He took me under his wing and helped me. A side note – he not only helped me as a 4H’er, but also as an MSc student and in several stages of my career. But this article is not about me. It is about how we need to help and include others and help our industry.

We Tend to Center Out Dairy People – Rather Than Include Them

Throughout my lifetime, I have witnessed many situations where dairy cattle breeders have been centered out because they did not conform to what the ‘in group’ was doing.  We see this a fair bit on the extremely popular Milk House, closed discussion group exclusively for dairy farmers on Facebook.  (Read more: INTRODUCING THE MILK HOUSE – DAIRY BREEDER NETWORKING ON FACEBOOK)

We tend to look down on those who operate differently:

  • they own grades, not purebreds
  • their herd has been graded up to purebred rather than descending from purebreds
  • they own a breed different from ours
  • they use herd bulls and not A.I.
  • they use on-farm systems or DHI owner sampler and not DHI or DHIR

We exclude those who don’t share the social side of dairying:

  • they do not attend breed events
  • they do not take animals to breed shows
  • they attend World Dairy Expo but only to walk the aisles of the trade show

We cannot even imagine breeding cows the way they do:

  • they use 100% young sires rather than using the higher priced top proven sires
  • they select only for production or for animals that maximize milk solids produced per acre
  • they choose solely on genetic indexes without concern for actual performance
  • they select sires using NM$ and not TPI (or its equivalent in other breeds or countries)
  • they select for traits that we do not consider in vogue – R&W, polled, beta casein, calving ease, calving interval, etc.
  • they mate their cows on a herd basis instead of mating each individual cow
  • they select based on genomic indexes and not progeny performance or pedigree indexes.

The eye-opening fact about many of these examples is that they have become, over time, the accepted practice for the majority of breeders.

Encouraging Other Breeders

The dairy cattle breeding industry has made significant advances in recent years, and that needs to continue. Each of us can and should encourage other breeders to make the future better than the past for this industry.  (Read more: WHAT IS YOUR OPINION?)

Encouragement from respected breeders and peers goes a long ways in helping breeders, young and old, feel positive about themselves and the industry. Think about others, respect others, respect yourself and go the extra mile to find ways to give a pat on the back.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Whether it’s an individual or the entire dairy industry, success and one size does not looks the same for every breeder. There are many ways to get from A to Z and we can learn a lot from those who take a less familiar road. It takes all kinds.



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Stud Wars Episode III – The Conflict for Control

There is no question when it comes to semen sales having a great product is key to financial performance.  In the Stud Wars the battle for top sires is key to maintaining market share.  With that in mind The Bullvine once again takes a look at just which artificial insemination companies have the power and what ones are falling behind.



Select Sires increases their stranglehold on the top TPI proven sires by increasing 5% over last year to now posses 31% of the top sires.  Dropping slightly is ABS global going from 22% to 16% but moving up to a tie for the #2. Showing a significant decline in the top proven sire rankings is former #2 and now #3 dropping 8% to 16% is CRI. (Read more: STUD WARS – THE BATTLE FOR A.I. SUPREMACY STUD WARS: EPISODE II – APRIL 2014)


Powered by their purchase of GenerVations the Select Sires Empire takes a jump going from 22% of the top genomic sires in 2014 to 30% currently.  (Read more: SELECT SIRES ANNOUNCES THE ACQUISITION OF GENERVATIONS INC. AND SIRE LODGE INC. and SAY GOODBYE TO SMALL A.I.  But the big story is how Sexing Technologies through acquisition of smaller studs and an aggressive sire acquisition program jumps to the #2 spot, up 9% from 2014. (Read more: QUESTION AND ANSWERS WITH TAG & SEXING TECHNOLOGIES – THE STORY BEHIND THE DEAL)


As a result of 3 factors, the purchase of GenerVations, an effective heifer program as well as an aggressive sire acquisition program, Select Sires increases their dominance over the top TPI offerings.  Of interesting note is the significant decline (6%) that CRI experienced over the past year as well as the aggressive climb that Sexing Technologies is making.



Not surprisingly we see the same big players dominating the proven NM$ sire line ups.  Though similar to the TPI proven sire listing we again see a notable decline in the number of top proven NM$ sires being offered by CRI.


What was a 3 way tie for top spot between CRI, Select Sires and Semex, now sees Select Sires moving up 6% to take sole possession of the #1 spot, and CRI and Semex both drop 7% to now stand tied for 3rd with ABS.  Jumping again to the #2 spot is Sexing Technologies.


Select Sires remains strong and once again possess that best NM$ sire line up.  Dropping slightly in numbers but still holding on to the number 2 spot is CRI.



Semex and Select Sires hold steady dominating the top proven PTAT lists, with more than 15 sires each out of the top 100 than their nearest competitors.  When it comes to top proven type sires it really is just a two horse race.


It’s not surprising that both Semex and Select Sires dominate the top type proven sire lists, because they also dominate the top genomic sire lists.  Proving that genomic type sires are something some type breeders need to pay a little more attention to.  (Read more: OLD SCHOOL DAIRY BREEDERS – STOP PISSING ON GENOMICS) Sexing Technologies continues their aggressive acquisition of genomic sires to come in 3rd on the list with 10 sires in the top genomic PTAT sire list.


There is no question if you are breeding for high type you are dealing with Semex and Select.  In previous analysis we started to see some smaller AI companies enter into the fold, but this round we see that these two studs have slammed that door shut, now possessing over 53% of the top PTAT sires (up 9% from last round).



The big studs have certainly taken notice of the emergence of polled sires and that has not been a good thing for the niche polled boutique Dairybullsonline,which drops from the top position into the #2 spot with ABS, Accelerated and Semex.  Jumping to the number one spot is Select sires, supported by the acquisition of GenerVations. (Read more POLLED DAIRY GENETICS: THE COLD HARD FACTS and POLLED GENETICS: WAY OF THE FUTURE OR PASSING FAD?)

PTAT R&W Sires


One area that seems to be a, we need to have something, but not carry loads of them is type red sires.  While most AI unites have something to offer in the category, there is no dominant player and over 20 studs have sires in the top 100 genomic PTAT R&W sires.

The Bullvine Bottom Line


Select Sires continues to have the strongest proven sire line up.  Dropping 6% and falling from #2 last year to tied for #4 is CRI.


Pulling out of the tie with Semex last round and increasing by 6%, Select Sires now possess the strongest genomic sire line up exclusively. Making a 9% jump and moving into the #3 spot is Sexing Technologies, and dropping 6% is CRI to fall into a tie for 5th, down from #3 spot last time.


With acquisition of GenerVations, Select Sires increases their #1 position in the stud wars, now possessing over ¼ of the top sires.  Semex holds steady in the #2 position, bolstered by their strong showing in the type segments of the battle.   With a strong proven sire showing ABS moves into the #3 spot.  Dropping from the #3 spot last round and now in the 4th place is CRI.  Making the biggest move up the list is Sexing Technologies who’s aggressive genomic sire acquisition strategy now finds them with 8% of the top sires, more than double what they had last year.



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Are Breed Associations Missing Important Breeding Signals?

A primary purpose of breed associations is to provide genetic information and services that assist breeders in their cattle genetic improvement efforts that have a direct effect on breeders bottom line. Although some significant changes in genetic information and techniques have been made over the past decade, there is still much that many breeds need to do. They must provide leadership so that future seed stock breeders can be successful.

Breeding has Changed

The dairy cattle breeding industry has changed significantly in the 21st century. On-farm management sexed semen and embryos produced using have tipped the balance. IVF (Read more: MASTER BREEDER KILLED IN TRIPLE HOMICIDE and MASTER BREEDER’S ARE NOT HOME RUN HITTERS)  Today revenue generated from the sale of solid, but not outstanding, breeding stock has diminished. At the same time, milk producers are asking for new traits, a different emphasis on traits and improved levels of performance for existing traits. Life for modern dairy cattle breeders is far from same old, same old.

Genomic Information Has Helped

Genetic evaluation centres have done an excellent job of linking the DNA results with the previous genetic information to produce genomic indexes. In short, half a decade of genetic improvement was achieved the day genomic indexes were published. Today, seven years after the introduction of genomic indexes, we have proven sires that were selected for sampling based on their genomic indexes and that have proofs close to those of current top genomic sires. (Read more: THE TRUTH ABOUT GENOMIC INDEXES – “SHOW ME” THAT THEY WORK!, WHAT HAPPENS IF GENOMICS DOESN’T WORK? And THE BULLVINE PROVES GENOMICS DOES NOT WORK!)

Breed Societies are Missing a Key Role – Facilitator

Taking energy and resources to bash or promote genomic versus proven should be abandoned. The debate is over.  It’s like debating whether you should use a fax versus send an email. For the next decade, more focus needs to be placed on genetic improvement for all economically significant traits. Breeds have a role to play when it comes to helping breeders who have varying objectives but who need to work collectively and profitably.

Change the Emphasis on Traits

Over the next five to ten years, breeders and milk producers will not be satisfied with selecting only for the traits previously considered to be important.

In herds where 85-90% of the income is from milk sold, breeders are asking for genetic information that highly correlates to revenue generated or variable cost reduction. Revenue generation traits are usually fairly easy to identify. However, most data captured by breeds and herd recording agencies do not lead or have direct correlations to being available between genetic merit and key variable costs.  The top four variable costs that account for over 80% of the COP (cost of production) are: feed (50-55%); labor (13-15%); reproduction (11-13%); and replacement animals (10-12%).

Breeders want to have genetic information that relates to variable cost reduction, for their herds and the sires they use in order to use genetics for improving the farm’s bottom line. Even gains of 5% improvement in profit, using genetic information, would be significant.

Why Continue With Global Breed Groups?

Dairy cattle breeding has gone global. Breed research efforts no longer apply to one country, one breed or one breeder organization. Global breed organizations could better serve all areas of the globe by focusing on animal research and development, rather than breed purity, breed superiority or nice tours for breed officials.

Information Needed

Eight areas that breeders will require genetic information on and that breed associations could provide or facilitate are:

  • Breed 5-10 Years in the Future: Most total merit indexes are based on today’s circumstances and each country promotes their own total merit index as the best. Where does that leave breeders who want to be prepared for the future and want to use the best there is globally? It takes three generations or ten years of females to change a herd. Therefore, breeds need to provide leadership on total merit indexes for a decade down the road.
  • Heifers Need to Calve at 20-22 months: Male and female genetic evaluations for growth rates and age at first heat for heifers must be available. The longer it takes until first calving, the longer it will take for cows to show a lifetime profit.  Breed associations need to promote data capture for heifers from birth to first calving.
  • Animal Health and Disease Resistance Must Be Improved: Breed associations need to be promoting that all herds need to be capturing health and disease data at the farm level for both heifers and cows. With accurate data, genetic evaluations can commence. Recent research results indicate an association between genetics and tuberculosis.  Could that be true for leucosis, Johnes, etc.? We don’t know. But we need to know.
  • Labor for Animal Care Must Be Minimized: – For many readers labor may seem like an area where genetics cannot have an effect. However, when we think about how the animals that breeders work with impact how labor is used, it is indeed a significant cost factor.  In the future, individual animal attention for most herds will be a thing of the past. Unfortunately, most breed associations are silent about the relationship between genetic merit and labor required.
  • Milk Composition Needs To Be Addressed: The majority of milk is consumed in a solid form. The world’s population increase will be in the developing countries and there an even higher proportion of consumption will be on the solids side. Unique proteins (i.e. A2A2 Milk) and healthy fats need to be considered when breeding cows. Most breed associations do not store information on the unique properties of a cow’s milk and are not encouraging breeders to consider the components of milk in their breeding program.
  • Reproduction Must Improve: – For most breeders reproductive performance is both the biggest frustration and a big time profit eater. If breeders only wanted a cow to calve once in her lifetime then it would not matter. It is long past time for breed associations to incorporate reproduction information into their data files. Breeders need the facts on family differences for reproduction.
  • Conformation is More Than Beauty: Some progress has been made in moving away from an artistic perception of the breed ideal for type. Nevertheless, it is still quite far from form following function when it comes to most type classification programs. Traits such as style, height at the shoulder, angularity, sweep of rib and smooth blending of parts are still required for the Very Good first calf cow at the expense of a superior mammary system, superior mobility and the ability to function very well in her environment. Type classification programs need to totally divorce themselves from current show ring type standards. (Read more: SHE AIN’T PRETTY – SHE JUST MILKS THAT WAY!)
  • Breeds Need to Publish All The Facts:  Breed associations only publish data that they consider to be official. As well, breeds often charge for every data look up. Is that what tomorrow’s breeders will want and support?  The world has changed. Nothing is exclusive, and information is the driver. The breeding industry is moving more and more to information at the gene level. When will breed organizations provide all the facts, identify the data sources and let the reader determine if they trust the information or not?

The Bullvine Bottom Line

To date, most breed associations have taken the comfortable route and followed tradition. However, tomorrow’s world is coming quickly, and breeds are not reading the signals that breeders are giving regarding the genetic information that they want and need.

Tomorrow’s breeders will not accept the continuation of the outdated practices of their breed associations. The cart is before the horse. It is not about breeders funding a breed association. It’s about the association providing relevant and up-to-date tools and information, in order for dairy breeders to be profitable and sustainable.



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Le Tour De Quebec – Le Tour De Force

Three decades ago, touring the Province of Quebec was a completely different experience compared to today. Bruce Jobson reports from Quebec.  

Communication in the 1980s and early 90s was very different; in fact almost non-existent. There were no mobile phones, no phone-cameras, no e-mail, no texting, no Twitter, no internet, no Facebook and therefore, no Bullvine website. English was rarely spoken. Today, the modern and cultural face of Quebec has dramatically changed.

For all intents and purposes the Province remains a “country” within a country; it has its own customs and culture and its own dialect of the French language – distinct from the European versions. However, travelling the back-roads, farm-tracks and visiting Quebec milking-barns has changed unrecognisably – as has traditional milking times due to robotic machines, with Quebec now having a 4% uptake compared to 89% tie-stall and 7% free-stall.

Quebec is the power-house of Canadian genetics; a driving force that has gathered juggernaut momentum. This did not happen overnight; and did not happen by chance. This has occurred through ambition, drive, focus, “will-power” and the two “Cs” – communication and cooperation.

Supreme Dairy Show

For the past 20 years, in the week preceding the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto, Holstein Quebec organized a major provincial show at St Hyacinthe. The event garnered prestige owing to the sheer quality of Holstein cows turning out at the event and then moving up to Toronto to take further honours. Today, Quebec can arguably claim to have the best cows.

RF Goldwyn Hailey – 2014 Grand Champion Le Supreme Laitier

In 2014, the show format changed through cooperation and a realisation that the Province of Quebec, may, just may, produce a significant third dimension on the North American show circuit juxtapose Madison and Toronto. In simplistic form, an agreement with the city authorities; the 175 year old local Society of Agriculture and the major breed societies, resulted in the expansion from 200 Holstein animals to 750 exhibits across five dairy breeds.


Supreme Dairy Show President Norman Fontaine

President of the Agricultural Society, Mr Norman Fontaine, speaking through interpreter Marie-Claire Girod, explained the reasons for the development. “The Society owns 15 acres of land within the city and wanted to expand the event to be more inclusive and bring other breeds to the show. We also want to attract exhibitors and visitors from other parts of Canada such as Ontario as well as, neighbouring USA and international visitors.

“We have also included a symposium as there is a responsibility to educate the younger generation. There are many aspects to holding a major show such as showcasing animals, trade, an embryo sale and the potential sale of livestock. But educating the next generation plays an important part of our future vision.”

The Role of Quebec Women


Supreme Dairy Show manager Jenny Henchoz

Quebec has always involved women as part of its drive towards future development; whether in the AI industry, marketing and promotions, showing, milking, breeding or, respective breed societies and organizing committees. Tasked with delivering and managing a multi-breed show, Jenny Henchoz, is typical of the young women who play an important role within Quebec farming circles.

The entire bench of show organisers was staffed by young, professional women administrators in their 20s and 30s (as was previously with Holstein Quebec) taking on responsibility to deliver a major event. Having been at St Hyacinthe events for many years – communication is now easier as the language barrier has virtually disappeared. Commenting on the event Ms Henchoz said.

“We are delighted at the success of the first Supreme Dairy Show with over 750 animals exhibited over the course of the three day event. The show is primarily a livestock event, maintaining a strong link with dairy producers across Black and White and Red and White Holsteins; Jersey, Ayrshire and Brown Swiss animals.

“It’s been a steep learning curve and there has been immense cooperation in order to make the new format happen. The response from breeders, societies, sponsors and trade exhibitors has been tremendous. However, we have room for further expansion with facilities to host over 900 animals, if required.”

Quebec Farm Tour

Charles Darwin stated, “It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive, but those who can best manage change.”

There are approximately 5,000 dairy herds in Quebec compared to 3,000 in Ontario – almost as many in the Province as the rest of Canada combined. In the 2011 census the number of operators involved within Quebec was just under 11,000 – once again; the same number of operators as the rest of Canada.

Quebec also leads with the number of operators below the age of 35, with 1,800 compared to Ontario with 1,000 and the Province has 54% of the Canadian total. Between the ages of 35 – 44; and 45 -55; Quebec again leads the way with 50.5% and 50.8%, respectively. From an age group of 55 and above, the figure dips to 45.2%.

Visiting progeny test herds in Quebec in the 1980s and 90s was a challenging experience. Traditional Quebec family farmers did not speak English and the likes of Steve Laroche from St Hyacinthe-based AI stud CIAQ, acted as driver, tour guide and interpreter when viewing progeny of emerging Canadian Holstein sires.

Today, the younger generation of highly educated farmers, invariably speak English and French. Quebec children now learn English at an early age and TV and films have brought a diverse range of language and understanding into the family living-rooms. This has integrated into the Quebec milking barns.



Remi Guay translates French into English at the Supreme Dairy Show, Quebec.

A big challenge remains – getting young people involved in milk production. Remi Guay is typical of the new generation; still in his 30s, he translated the Holstein judge’s native French into English at the inaugural Supreme Dairy Show at St Hyacinthe and the following week at the Royal Winter Fair, translated English comments into French for the Jersey breed.  He started milk production in October 2009, having purchased his father’s Hillover Farm on the Quebec-Vermont border.

Purchasing milk quota for 15 animals leverages any fledgling business however; an official Canadian scheme to help new entrants donates an additional quota for five cows to help get new entrants started. Each year, over the next five years, the level is reduced by one cow – and it is hoped, the new entrant is able to replace with additional quota.

During the past year, very little quota has come onto the market by way of auction, and in some cases, the quota auction has been cancelled due to lack of supply. In order to expand his business, Remi may decide to sell his current holding and purchase a larger farm – with additional quota.

He said: “Milk quota purchase has stabilised at $25,000 per cow over the past few years; but none is available at present and a lot of people are also seeking to expand. It’s a ‘catch-22’ situation. However, I consider that if we are to expand or purchase another farm, this is a positive investment for the future.”

Owing to higher level of milk components, less required milk volume and higher milk price (around 90cents litre) it can be advantageous to milk Jersey animals within the Canadian Supply Management (quota) system. Furthermore, the traditional Quebec tie-stall milking barns do not have to be extensively renovated to accommodate Jerseys compared to the modern Holstein cow; and pedigree Jerseys can be purchased at reasonable prices compared to Holsteins.


Dave Berube of Caberoy Jerseys with FDL Minister S Blessing VG88 – August 2014 #1 Jersey Conformation Cow.


Preferring to focus on high genomic material, Remi sold four milking heifers including the August 2014 no. 1 Jersey Confirmation cow, FDL Minister S Blessing VG88. She was purchased by Dave Berube, a 32-year old breeder who had started his own Caberoy herd, six months earlier.  He was also assisted by the official quota scheme and received an additional allocation.


Dave Berube is similar – a young, ambitious, 35-year old motivated breeder, eager to get on the first steps of the farming ladder. He has a wife and young family and is also seeking to further expand his 30 milking cow herd; originally from a Holstein background, Dave also started with Jersey cows and speaks excellent English.

“The costs remain extremely high to gain a foothold within the Canadian dairy industry and the level of investment required can be off-putting for young people eager to get started. The hours are long, often working on your own, but the dairy industry is rewarding and I love working with my cows. It has always been my ambition to be a herd owner and in time, I aim to expand,” he says.

Thirty years ago, Holsteins were dominant and the Jersey breed static or, in decline. A major change during the past decade has been the emergence of Jersey herds as well as mixed herds of Holsteins and Jersey breeds. The increasing brown-cow popularity is not just confined to Quebec or Canada; with US Jersey figures predicting 20% of the US semen market by 2020.

Besides the benefits of herd health, calving-ease and animal welfare aspects, the younger generation, with limited budgets, can better afford the price of Jersey calves for 4H competitions. The high price of purchasing a Holstein show-calf; unless homebred – may have influence within participating family circles.

The Demise of the Sire Analyst

While Quebec maintains its own major AI organisation, the number of Canadian units has declined. Twenty years ago, neighbouring Ontario had three major AI units under the Semex Canada banner in the shape of WOBI, Eastern Breeders and United Breeders; today; amalgamation and “restructuring” has resulted in one Ontario-based Semex Alliance company, EastGen.

Before genomic testing, it was common to cross paths with numerous Canadian sire analysts treading the same Quebec back roads, viewing progeny or making bull contracts on cows. Comestar Holsteins, Victoriaville, was always a popular location as the Laurie Sheik family evolved into a dominant Canadian bloodline. Each AI unit was fiercely independent and with huge loyalty from its membership, procured its own bulls.

Independent AI unit competition was therefore more intense – but today; that is no longer the case under the unified Semex Alliance banner. Today; generation turnover is intense. And a sire analyst “eye-balling” a second or third lactation animal, bred from three generations of VG or Excellent cows appears an antiquated concept – and bullmothers and genomic young sires are predominantly identified at birth through genomic screening. The role of the traditional sire analyst has changed – and young bulls do not need to have any milking daughters to have an evaluation.


For the past 25 years, the logo acronym, CIAQ (Centre d’insemination du Quebec) has become one of the most powerful symbols within the cattle-breeding world. Pronounced in Quebec as “see-ak” -the organisation has developed many of the greatest bulls to have emerged through the Canadian evaluation system including the legendary Hanoverhill Starbuck.

In November 2014, the organisation updated its logo and tag-line to reflect the modern identity of the company. The acronym now becomes a word in itself written as, Ciaq and a new logo promotes the company with the sun rising over the landscape horizon.  A new corporate tagline promotes the company vision and its core values with “Let’s conceive the future.”

The organisation is located in St Hyacinthe, which is effectively the agricultural-hub for businesses, education and cattle-breeding within the Province. Established in 1948, Ciaq employs 320 people across all divisions and operates over 200 qualified field technicians throughout Quebec.

Cooperation remains at the very heart of the organisation, which is owned by three groups; Quebec milk producers (PLQ) Quebec breed associations (CQRL) and Quebec breeding clubs (CPCAB) Today, Ciaq is the driving force within the Canadian AI industry accounting for 45% of the domestic market-share and supplies over 800,000 units of semen annually to Quebec breeders. Ciaq also owns 45% of Semex Alliance, with the remaining 55% in partnership with Eastgen and Westgen AI centres.

Ciaq communications director Vincent Landry wearing the new corporate logo.

CIAQ communications director Vincent Landry wearing the new corporate logo.

The launch of the new corporate identity took place as part of activities during the inaugural Supreme Dairy Show at St Hyacinthe. Attendees were also invited to visit the new CIAQ facilities at nearby Sainte-Madeleine, view some of the top sires; tour the sexed semen laboratory, semen collection facility and distribution facility. Commenting on the new company profile, CIAQ communications director Vincent Landry said:

“The previous logo of a bull’s head was introduced in 1988 and we wanted to update the image to reflect a modern and forward thinking organisation that has farming at its core-value. The consultation process has taken over a year and CIAQ conducted a large survey with its dairy and beef producers as part of the process.”

Quebec Today

The Province of Quebec remains an enigma, at times complex due to its quintessential French customs juxtapose its deep, rich cultural heritage. The ability to communicate in spoken and written English and the use of modern communication technology; has aided and brought mutual understanding; greater cooperation, integration, opportunity, focus and development of desired business goals. Quebec has, as Darwin stated: “managed change.”



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Master Breeder’s are not Home Run Hitters

Whenever I talk with breeders about what sires they are using or how they make their breeding decisions, it quite often seems like they are trying to hit a home run with every mating.  However, as professional baseball players have shown us, more often than not, you fly out instead of hitting the home run.

It seems to be that most breeders want to get that perfect calf with every mating they make.  The problem is that no one is breeding from the perfect cow or has access to the perfect sire.  Yet they seem to think it is possible to produce the perfect calf. Which we know does not even exist in pictures. (Read more: The Perfect Holstein Cow and No Cow Is Perfect – Not Even in Pictures)

When I started looking through some of the mating decisions behind some of the most legendary animals in the history of the Holstein breed, one thing became abundantly clear.  Great impact sires and dams are made over generations, not simply after one mating. When I looked at these pedigrees, what I noticed is that the breeders had crafted them over 2 or 3 generations.  They used what I like to call “constructor” bulls instead of balanced sires generation after generation.  One generation they would use a sire with a significant impact on production and then they would follow that with a sire who offered high type improvement.

Even  Peter Heffering, and Ken Travina, owners of the great Hanover Hill Holstein herd, used this strategy extensively. (Read more: Hanover Hill Holsteins: Peter Heffering 1931-2012)  In Hanover Hill pedigrees, you will see production sires like Southwind being used and then followed with type sires like Starbuck.  They were working at building a pedigree instead of crossing their fingers for a home run.

I am a big Toronto Blue Jays fan. One thing I have noticed over recent years is that, while the Jays are usually near the top of the league in home runs, they are not winning the most games in a season.  That is because they are often hitting the home runs when there is no one on base.  In the past, they have had a lineup of batters who would either hit a home run or strike out.  They were not able to get batters on base and have those sustained run production innings.  In order to achieve that and win more games, they need to have more batters who can get on base.  Batters who can do certain things well, like bunting, stealing, hitting doubles etc., that make for big innings when an opposition pitcher is struggling.

The same applies for the breeders that I see trying to breed for the home run animal every time.  Instead of trying to swing for the fences, they should rather look to improve only a few key aspects of each mating and then come back with the next generation and look to improve the other areas that are needed.

No sire is the perfect sire. No sire can enhance every trait significantly.  That is why you cannot hit a home run with every mating.  Instead, you need to look at the 2-3 traits that need the greatest improvement and use a sire that improves those traits. Then in the next generation look to improve the next most important 2-3 traits.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

You cannot improve every area with every mating.  In order to achieve maximum genetic gain over the long haul, you are far better to look to improve the 2 or 3 key areas with each generation, then build on that.  This is what is called constructing a pedigree.  It is something some of the greatest breeders in history were masters at and that many modern breeders have forgotten about.  Often we get so  arrogant about the current status of genetic offerings, we believe that we can try to  hit a home run every time, instead of trying to get that bunt single that starts a big rally.


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“News Flash: Dairy Industry Mistreats Their Animals” ANOTHER BLACK EYE? Or could this be THE KNOCKOUT PUNCH?

Thus begins yet another round in the battle between public perception and livestock raising. As I reviewed the NYTIMES article (Read more: U.S. Research Lab Lets Livestock Suffer in Quest for Profit), I couldn’t help but wonder if this was yet another black eye or, as I feared, would this atrocity deliver the knockout punch to dairy industry credibility? (Read more: Dairy Cattle Abuse Video – A black eye for the dairy industry)

This time the Good Guys are Bad

Unfortunately the latest headlines shouted out that a well-respected organization was the guilty party.  Immediately we in the industry blush with embarrassment.  But wait.  What is it about human nature that makes us think that the bigger the good reputation, the more likely the allegations are true? Or for that matter not true?  The real question is “When did we put ourselves in the position of Judge and assume that what we read in black and white truly is a black or white representation of the truth?”

With every new black eye, the dairy and the general public has been softened up. Each new punch requires that we go on the defence.  Somewhere inside you start to assume that eventually the challenge will be so formidable that defence becomes impossible. In this most recent case, the facts as presented accuse not only MARC but every veterinarian, supplier, consultant who entered their facility. Indeed, if the allegations are true, everyone failed at the most basic level to carry out their responsibility to protect and respect animal life.

Is this More of the Same?

I usually don’t have a problem giving a little room to those who criticize the dairy industry from an outside position. After all, it could be that they don’t have all the facts.  However, when I read that MARC, a well-respected research facility was the defendant, I didn’t give them room for doubt or the assumption of innocence until proven guilty. I rapidly searched the Internet.  I poured over reams of comments condemning what had been supposedly seen and reported.  And then… I was significantly influenced to the negative, when a Senator stepping in and demanded a review — with a stringently short timetable.

It wasn’t until my mind was made up that I asked the second question:  “Is there another side to this story!”

Why was I hesitating? Was it because of the presumed stature of MARC that I was prepared, “For the bigger they are, the harder they fall”?  It is always bad when journalists, amateur videographers and sleuths set out to find and expose mistreatment of animals. So what flipped my “guilty” switch, when it was researchers and veterinarians being accused as perpetrators? Why did I allow my trust to be so swiftly shaken to the core?

I agreed wholeheartedly with Dan Murphy, who wrote an opinion piece about MARC’s questionable research for Drovers CattleNetwork, concluding “There is a line that must be drawn between research that produces beneficial results in terms of yield and efficiency, and projects that are conducted without the necessary regard for the health and welfare of the livestock involved.”

It is long past time for the entire industry to step up and admit their failure.

We can’t become spectators when our peers put the whole industry into a negative spotlight. If we expect the industry to continue into the future we can’t pull the childish excuse, “They did it.  Not me!” We aren’t prepared for respected organizations to succumb to unethical behavior.  The headlines blared: “U.S. Research Lab Lets Livestock Suffer in Quest for Profit / Animal Welfare at Risk in Experiments for Meat Industry.” That was followed up with an editorial that claimed “Farming Science, Without the Conscience.”

Which is worse?  Getting a Black Eye? Or Turning a Blind Eye?

There can be no justification for animal mistreatment.  The ends do not justify the means. As more and more questions are raised, one perspective is particularly upsetting. “Have the best-of-the-best in the science of modern animal agriculture became so tone deaf in their search for a better cow/pig/sheep that they ignored their better voices and intentionally tortured animals in a vain and misguided attempt to reach their goals?”

Don’t Assign Blame.  Find Solutions!

As the media headlines grow ever more provocative, more shocking, and more attention grabbing, there is the temptation to blame them, if not for lying, at the very least for exaggerating.  The truth is, the media is doing they’re doing their job.  They are doing what they are paid to do.  If our response is simply to wish that the attention would go away, it means that we are less than passive in dealing with these blows to our credibility.

It’s time to step up as an industry … all up and down the line … and demand that those we support with our dollars, advocacy and trust are accountable for the way they manage the animals in their care.

Sixty Days to Judgment – from the Top

USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack called for an immediate investigation to be completed in 60 days.  But even this unprecedented speed could prove to be too little too late. Once again, laying blame and seeing that “heads will roll” does not address a problem that is a symptom of an entire industry that prefers to have a black eye, if it allows us to turn a blind eye to effective action.

Still, inquiring minds will want to know how much of the report was true. Could any of it be merely misconstrued observations by an untrained eye? Had MARC, in search of a better and more efficient animal, really crossed the line?  Surely things have not gotten so out of hand that the goals of higher production, higher birth rates and the drive for more, more and more, has gone too far and has now put at risk, not only the dairy cattle, but the entire dairy industry?

One of the most scathing statements made in the accusatory articles arose from the point that the scientists were trying to make animals more productive to better feed the world. The question was posed, “Do people really want that if it means a decrease in animal welfare?”

By now you have probably sensed that my first accusatory position has been somewhat changed.  If you’re reading The Bullvine, you are absolutely allowed to assume that my lifelong pro-dairy bias could be rising to the top. I will accept criticism of the bias but that does not mean an acceptance of animal mistreatment. The Bullvine holds ourselves and the industry to a standard of animal care that always seeks out the highest standards.  But are we too easily accepting o slow progress toward raising those standards higher?

It was an opinion posted by (Matthew J Cherni, MS, DVM February 13th, 2015  ) that made me question my rapid rush to judgement against MARC.  It gives us much to think about:

I was privy to the interview techniques used by Michael Moss, author of the New York Times article. Michael Moss was brought to my home, and introduced as a friend of someone I had worked with during much of my career at the USMARC. After a half an hour, to maybe as much as an hour of talking to Michael Moss I asked him what he did for a living, and he told me. I probably escaped being misquoted, or taken out of context like others referenced in the article only because after learning why he was visiting with me, I told him: “You do not have my permission to quote me, or use my name.” He protested, and I repeated my statement.

I spent a career (September, 1978-June, 2012) working as the sheep operations manager at the USMARC. I know, in many cases from firsthand knowledge prior to June, 2012, the accusations of animal mistreatment/abuse described in Mr. Moss’s article, and Dr. Jim Keen’s interview are without merit. Unfortunately for the sake of truth, it is not possible to prove something did not occur. I believe this story is the result of an unscrupulous HSUS/PETA sympathetic reporter being willingly fed false accusations by (a) disgruntled former employee(s), and a willingness by the reporter to misquote, take statements out of context, and exaggerate occurrences to support the accusations. Unfortunately, it is the people/consumers and livestock of America, and world who will suffer the most in the future if this article affects funding, or activities at the USMARC.”

People make mistakes. Accidents happen. We all understand that. But how do you make allowances for shortcomings of supposedly well-trained, highly motivated and industry respected individuals and organizations? We don’t.  While many are anxiously awaiting the report demanded by Secretary Vilsack, it’s time to stop leaving the judgment calls to someone else.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Wherever we are on the spectrum, we must take responsible action. And that has got to include responsible reporting as well.



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Master Breeder Killed in Triple Homicide

Technologies like IVF and Sexed Semen and ownership of genetic rights and females by AI companies have killed the dairy cattle breeding industry.  More specifically they have taken things to such a level that the days of the average individual breeder being able to make a little money from selling genetic stock are long dead.

It was first believed that when the exclusive use of genomic information by AI units was going to be lifted (April 2014) that dairy breeders who owned top sires were going to cash in.  And while it did happen, it was very short lived.  As we predicted here at The Bullvine, these AI units needed to control their costs of sire acquisition and so the majority of them went out and started buying their own females.  All except Semex, (Read more: Should A.I. Companies Own Females?, Why Good Business for A.I. Companies Can Mean Bad Business For Dairy Breeders )

Now there are those who believed that, if these had been the only changes, that breeders would have been able to compete, as history had many instances where breeders were able to out perform the geneticists at the AI companies.

IVF not Genomics – the Original Killer

The biggest difference this time is that dairy breeders and genetics are not playing on a level playing field.  Technologies like IVF have significantly changed the game.  When this whole rat race started, breeders and AI companies alike took advantage of extensive IVF work to accelerate their rate of genetic gain.  But more accurately, that allowed them to cover up their mistakes.  You see IVF does not make you a better breeder, but rather, gives you more chances to make mistakes.  Instead of only being able to select 3 or 4 crosses on a cow a year and get about 10-18 progeny from your top animals, IVF allows companies to make selections every 2 weeks, or up to 26 crosses a year, resulting in hundreds of progeny a year.  The challenge with this is that it’s a very costly expense and breeders, as a result of low royalty prices on sires and next to no genetic female sales, cannot afford to IVF their top animals as much as AI companies who stand to make significantly more from the sale of semen.

There is also the fact that many seed stock breeders could not control the cost of their recipient programs.  The biggest expense in any IVF program is not the drug or flushing costs but rather the costs of the buying and raising recipients. That is what makes or breaks most flushing programs.  Large herds can keep their costs down, since they have a couple thousand recipients around, whereas smaller programs have to purchase and rely on the sale of fresh heifers in order to have enough recipients available.

Who has the Rights?

One of the changes that many breeders did not think about is the fact that AI and genetics companies would own the rights to the early release semen.

In the past, this semen was not seen as a premium item.  Once it became in much demand, for a short period, it was sold at a significant premium price.  But the AI companies got wise to the fact that it was more advantageous to use this semen for their own programs than to sell it at any price.  So as a result what you see is that all AI units now use their top sires for their own exclusive contract matings or on their females, months before other breeders can even get access to the semen.  This results in a 2-6 month advantage for the AI companies.

Also, many AI companies have started forcing breeders to sign a contract that, in order to get this advantage, breeders have had to give exclusive rights for the resulting animals to the AI company.  This means that in order to use the semen, you cannot even get the advantage for yourself. The company you are buying the semen from is forcing you to sell the resulting progeny to them.  Some companies are even going as far as to only sell sexed semen from their sires, meaning that the breeders will only get females from these matings and will not get a chart topper sire.

A Whole New Game Changer

Recently I have watched many AI companies make some significant moves and purchase companies that are outside their core offerings.  When I first saw this, I asked myself ….  Why?  Why would this company go out and buy a company in a whole different field than what they specialize in.  While first glance tells you that they are looking to gain more revenue from each relationship they currently have, there is also something else that catches my eye.  In reading some of the most recent technological advances in IVF technology, I start to find that the age of the donor at which they are successfully starting to recover oocytes is getting drastically younger.  Sure it only makes sense! Since a female is born with a set number of oocytes. If you can advance the instruments and drug program, it’s not surprising that they can start this process younger and younger.  The challenge becomes as this technology becomes more and more exclusive to the large genetics companies, who can either afford or own the technology, this means that all others are going to fall farther and farther behind.  Think about how much quicker our rate of genetic gain is, as a result of the introduction of genomics. If a select few companies can now start flushing animals as early as 1 month of age, or about 1 year ahead of others, they will receive that much of an advantage over everyone else.  This also explains why these companies have been so aggressive at buying top females so that they can have the seed stock needed to start this process. Now that they have the technology and the base animals,  there is nothing stopping them from passing all others.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Over the past few years, The Bullvine has begged and pleaded with breeders to not sell females to the AI companies as it would lead to their own downfall.  Then we tried to open their eyes to the fact that technologies like IVF and Sexed Semen were going to limit their options, instead of significantly enhance their revenue streams.  Now, as we are well past the time to do anything, the average seed stock breeding program is living on life support.  Looking for those few chances to get a breath of air while drowning in a battle they cannot win. Instead, we are watching a triple homicide of the dairy cattle breeding industry. Shortly we will be exactly like the swine and maize industries, where only a few global companies own the top genetics.


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Donald Dubois – Always a Champion

Everyone loves to win. Some more than others.  There are those who work hard every day to come out on top.  Donald Dubois was one of those people.  From cattle fitting, to showing to judging.  Donald excelled in every aspect Unfortunately, the man who worked with so many champions and was himself a great champion in life, lost his battle to cancer this week.

Donald  and his wife France Lemieux

Donald and his wife France Lemieux

For the past few years, Donald has fought  the biggest fight of his life…cancer.  Always a great fighter and competitor, Donald did not give up the fight easily.  Knowing the prognosis was not good, he nevertheless accepted the honor of judging the 2015 Royal Winter Fair Holstein show. He knew that it would be a challenge for him.   He performed his duties with class and to the highest quality.  That is the signature style that Donald brought to everything he set his mind to.  This courageous champion,  even went on to  judge the Italian National Open show in February, even though his health was failing him.  Donald was not going to go down without a fight.

Donald Royal

With the  news of Donald’s, his colleagues and friends expressed  homage to Donald’s ability and legacy on social media. Brian Carscadden, who started out as a competitor when he led and fitted against Donald and had the honor of judging many cows that Donald was leading, said “There was nobody better at uddering a cow without the use of electricity, ice or modern medicine. In a sense, Donald  raised the stakes and made everyone around him better, including myself.” “As the years went by Donald  quickly became the most sought after leadsman of this decade. I personally had the honour to award him many red and blue ribbons, as well as multiple rosettes for animals he owned and/or led. As a judge, it was always a pleasure to see Donald leading a good one because you could be assured that his animal would look the part, regardless of what set of eyes or cameras were watching. He was a true “student of the game” and exuded laser focus in everything he did! ““This past November, Donald was able to fulfill a dream by judging the Royal and did so in style – he raised the stakes once again! He moved around the ring with grace and professionalism and spoke (in his second  language) clearly, accurately and with conviction. He asked me when he left the Royal ring if I was proud of him? I replied “Of course, but I am more proud to call you a friend!”


Mark Rueth, another one of Donald’s greatest competitors also grew to be a friend,  added “Some people are just winners!! No doubt the show industry is a sport and every team needs a leader and quarterback to lead the team to success.” “Donald  always comes out on top. Over the years I’ve watched him and competed against him and he was always a winner. Nine  out of ten times  he would beat you, whether  it was clipping, showing or judging. He was always successful. He never let cancer define who he was. He continued to fight and show and judge and live with his family until the last days. People can live a hundred years and never accomplish as much as Donald has in his shortened life. As Brady would make that late game-winning drive, how many times did we see Donald standing in second place and at the last minute get the pull into first place. “


Donald was one of the guys I loved chatting with.  His eyes lit up with  excitement for great cows.  He loved the dairy industry and especially loved great cattle and the people who work with them.  Donald was born a Holstein enthusiast. His education and training centered around the Holstein cow. He developed a Love to Lead a Winner and got the very best out of every animal he led. He had a very keen Eye for cattle that most closely resembled the True Type., He placed them the way he saw them and backed up his placing with very sound reasons. Husband, Father, Son, Brother, Partner, Employee and friend to thousands. The World is a Better Place because of Donald Dubois.


Donald was a world-class cattle judge, with over 15 years of experience. He judged many prestigious shows in Quebec, Ontario, United States, the Dominican Republic, Belgium, Brazil, Italy, and Portugal. He also served as judge at The Royal Winter Fair several times. Donald had a great eye for cattle, owning many All-American and All-Canadians in partnerships such as Blondin Lyster Beauty, Lacoulée Justine Goldwyn, Tri-Koebel Aspen Jolly and Humqui Irma Goldwyn. More recently, he co-raised Liberty PGA Damion Lazzie, All-American 2009, as well as Belfontaine Drake Starlette, first Intermediate Calf at the 2010 Holstein Québec Spring Show.


Donald  is survived by his wife France Lemieux, his children  Carl (Lysanne), Audrey-Ann Brunelle (Alex) and Anthony; his parents, Anita Dion and Jacques Dubois; his in-laws, the late Aline Giasson and Joseph-Arthur Lemieux (Julie Cloutier). He  is  survived by his siblings, Rolland (Christiane), Caroline (Yves), Isabelle (Daniel) and Frédéric; his nephews and nieces, Jean-Philippe (Jessica), Roxanne, Marc-André (Joelle) Kevin, Maxime and Rosalie; his brothers-in-law Peter and Bernard (Sonia); and nieces, Danae and Maelle and several other relatives and friends.


The Bullvine Bottom Line

I feel that Brian Carscadden’s comments say it best “Donald Dubois, you have blazed a trail that few will ever repeat. You were taken from us way too soon and, unfortunately, you weren’t finished yet! Rest assured that your legacy will drive us to blaze our own trails in this great industry as France and your family proudly watch on. Rest in Peace my friend – you will be missed but never forgotten!”


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Arm Chair Quarterbacks, Monday Night Football and Tuesday Morning Genomics

If you were the coach of an NFL football team, would you  select your players based solely on  looking at them or would you want to see their performance statistics, in order to decide how to assemble the best team possible?  That is the question that Don Bennink (Read more: NORTH FLORIDA HOLSTEINS. Aggressive, Progressive and Profitable!!) asked at the recent genomics conference.  (Read more. Genetics in the Age of Genomics – Seminar Recordings and Recap) While it’s a pretty simple question, it may forever change the way you make your mating decisions.

For generations, we have all been taught to look at a cow the same way, and that’s the way we continue to teach the next generation to look at dairy cows today.  But just because that is the way it has always been done, does not mean that we have been doing it correctly.  We all start out learning the parts of the dairy cow and have learned the same way as we always have on how to evaluate cows.  In fact, one major publication did seven editions in a row about how to evaluate cows, and each one presented the same way it’s been done for generations.  It doesn’t seem to matter that evaluating type or conformation has been proven not to be the most accurate way to determine longevity (Read more: She ain’t pretty she just milks that way).

For years, it has been assumed that, if a cow had “high type” and lots of production, she was the perfect cow.  But we all know that perfect cows don’t always exist (Read more: The Perfect Holstein Cow).   Nevertheless, we have bred for these two key areas: high type and lots of production.  We totally disregarded that we did not make substantial gains in profitability.  And, furthermore, herd life actually decreased, even though we all bought into to the theory that a high type cow is a long lasting cow.  Unfortunately, actual performance data shows that, as we bred for this the cows were actually lasting less time than before.   In fact mortality rates increased; conception decreased and the number of lactations that most cows lasted decreased.

Through the years, the use of high production and low fertility bulls has actually decreased overall herd conception rates.  Don points out that when he “first started milking cows, and AI was in it’s infancy, farmers up and down the road, had a 60% conception rate. Today people brag if they have a 30% conception rate.”  Don also points out that in 1996, 93.4% of the calves that were born in the US lived, (i.e.  a 6.4% stillborn rate). In 2002, the stillborn rate increased to 11% (i.e. 89% lived) and by 2007, 14% of the dairy calves died at birth. It’s only in more recent years that the industry has acknowledged this trend and has started to put more emphasis on conception and the significant impact it has on profitability.  The reason for this is we put so much emphasis on a two-year-old production that we were killing reproduction.  That is because cows that get back in calf regularly drop in production because they have to use some of their energy to support the development of their calves.  So the sires that gave the maximum amount of milk were also the sires who had the lowest conception rates.  We all know that a cow that is milking hard is the hardest cow to get back in calf.  No matter what their conformation.

The thing is that we have the systems and technology to make the changes we need to make for the future.  As Don points out, we don’t need to go to the 125-year old technology of type evaluation to solve this problem.  Instead of having to use theory to predict longevity, we can actually measure productive life through the actual length in months that cows last in herds compared to their herd mates. We don’t need type evaluation to guess who will last longer; we have the actual information. We have the ability to see just which cows will last longer, not from trying to figure out what type trait links best to longevity.  We have actual longevity data, SCS, fertility, conception, still births, etc.

We are all armchair quarterbacks.  We are all willing to second guess the mating decisions of others after the fact. The challenge is that, with the technology we have available today, we don’t have to do as much second guessing as in the past.  Tools like genomics and new performance data such as DPR, Still Birth Rate, and Productive Life tell us everything we need to make an informed decision.  Don asks, “Can you just pick the perfect team by just looking at your players? Or would it  help to know which players have drug issues, which ones will end up in jail, which ones will last a full season, and which quarterbacks can actually complete a pass, or know how many sacks your linebackers have made in the past.  As a coach, you want all this data to choose your team.  Well we are not coaches we are dairy farmers, and we make our money milking cows. Don’t you want that data on your animals? Or are you just going to keep looking at them and think that you can guess which ones could perform?”

In today’s day and age, we not only have traits that are more directly connected to longevity than type evaluation, we also have genomic testing that can more accurately predict  what sires and cows will last longer. Every Tuesday we now receive genomic predictions on animals.  We don’t need  to wait till  for a quarterly classification visit, that may or may not catch a cow on her best day, to evaluate what we think from  looking at her is the probability that she will last more lactations.  We can actually get much more accurate data at a younger age on how long she will stay in the herd.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Sometimes it can be hard to change the way we have always played the game.  When something has been done for generations, there will always be those who are resistant to change.  However, the industry has changed and the amount of information available today to make mating decisions is light years ahead of what it was just a few years ago.  The game is changing, and you need to change what you base your breeding decisions on. .  The best coaches and quarterbacks make their decisions based on performance data, not on hypothesis. Genomics has helped take away the guessing game.  We can now know at a very young age, what the genetic potential of that calf is.  We can make better decisions faster.  In the past art and practical knowledge was what drove mating decisions.  However, today’s breeding world calls for a different approach.  It takes a level of focus and commitment, and it’s a business.  It is just like football, where the coaches now use all the information possible to decide what players to put on the field and how to use those players for the big game on Monday nights.  Tools like genomics have changed the game forever.

The Dairy Breeders No BS Guide to Genomics


Not sure what all this hype about genomics is all about?

Want to learn what it is and what it means to your breeding program?

Download this free guide.




Show Heifer Ages – About as accurate as my horoscope

It seems like a question that comes up every February 28th, May 31st, August 31st, and November 30th among dairy breeders around the world. Since we launched The Milk House, it certainly seems to be a question of great debate. The problem is …. Is the question, in fact, irrelevant?

How big an issue is it?

The fact of the matter is that, no matter what date you choose, there will always be those who choose to “test” the system. There will be those who think they need to get the edge and register that February 28th heifer as a March 1st calf. The problem is those that really want to test the system are pushing even further and further. Now anyone who has worked with dairy calves knows that 1 or 2 days is not going to make a significant difference in the size of an animal. In order to actually see a noticeable difference, you would need to push the limits by at least 2-3 weeks. So when you talk about how much this has to be done, in order to get a true advantage, we are talking about a significant amount of time. Otherwise, you are just looking for a heifer being in the start of another class instead of at the end of the class before. While not nothing, it is certainly not that big deal that some make it out to be. The much bigger issue is those heifers that seem to get lost for weeks and weeks on end.

Any time you see a heifer with a March 1st, June 1st, September 1st, or December 1st birthday, there will always be those that suspect that the heifer is actually much older than that. Especially if she is well grown for her age. The thing that I caution is that with so much embryo transfer work and breeders using timed A.I. they are setting up their programs for calves to be born at the first of these months. Sure there will be those that come a little early, but given that the program is set up for these calving dates, the calves that come “naturally” early will usually be a little smaller because they did not have as long a gestation in their mother/recipient. And for the ones that got lost for a few days, well the relative advantage is not as big as you think, as we described earlier. In looking at the show results from last year’s World Dairy Expo and Royal Winter Fair, only a small percent were born on the 1st of the month.

Sure there will be heifers that look a little bigger for their age or squeak into a younger class. But the financial benefits are nominal. For if you are selling the heifer as a show heifer, sure size is a part of it. But if you again look at last year’s Expo and Royal results, in pretty much every class it was not the largest animal that won the class, but rather the most correct. And I advise those looking to purchase a calf for a 4-H member that you are always best to go with the most correct heifer versus the largest heifer. Not only will they be a much easier heifer to show for the 4-Her but they will also have the greatest chance of making the best cow.

How Do You Catch?

Over the years, there has been great discussion on how to catch these date of birth cheaters. There have been record audits by breed associations. Talk of judging age by teeth analysis. There have even been those that claim that they can tell the age of a heifer by looking at her tail. While all of those ways have their merits, well maybe not the tail analysis, ultimately they have not been successful. The big reason for this is that, unless you are on each farm each day, there is no actual way to judge. And all other measures are cost prohibitive. More recently there has been talk about using a lottery system. Two weeks before the nation’s first spring show, the dates for calf and heifer calves could be established using two bowls filled with numbered ping pong balls. The first bowl will have 12 balls (1 to 12) and the second bowl 31 balls (1 to 31). The ball drawn from the first bowl would represent the month, the second bowl would indicate the day. If 2 and 14 were drawn, classes could begin on February 14 and every three months thereafter . . . May 14, August 14 and November 14 . . . for both calves and heifers. If 29, 30 or 31 are drawn for months without those dates, simply draw again. Though that is counter productive as how would you compare one class from one year to the next.  In order to get an age range large enough to actually mean something the variance from one year to the next in actual age for each class would have to be too large, also, in theory, you could end up with classes that have calves being born in a 2-3 day time frame. Note: For those that think the robotic milking systems and new on-farm herd management programs will make it harder to cheat, there is still the simple switch to full sisters born from different recipients, one that came a little earlier for one from a later date. There will always be a way.

The Great Equalizer

In looking at the winners of the cow classes from this past year’s Expo and Royal you will find that none were born on the 1st of the month. That is because by the time these animals reach the age of maturity any advantage they have had from being born earlier it long since gone.

A bigger reason why you see certain herds always having heifers at the top of the classes at the big shows is the management they provide their heifers. If you talk to and watch any of the herds that consistently have the winning cows, as well as heifers, they will tell you it’s a 365 day a year job that starts the day the heifer is born. These herds are treating their heifers the same as a well-tuned athlete is treated. They are getting the ultimate nutrition and management. They are getting lots of exercise and worked with on a daily basis. Not expecting significant results by just pulling the animals off the rough pasture or a TMR ration just before the show.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

While there will always be those who cheat the system, trying to find that “edge” that they think will bring them fame and fortune in the show ring. History has shown that just does not happen. While there are certainly a few dollars here and there, but at what expense? There will always be those that doubt the age of a heifer, but how relevant an issue is it? It’s not like these animals are going to be used as bull mothers at A.I. centers. The big thing to remember is when buying a heifer, always go for the most correct heifer you can find. Conformation correctness will most certainly offer the greatest long-term return on your investment, and don’t waste your money, or lower your ethics for something that will not even make a difference.


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The Bullvine – Comfortable making others Uncomfortable

andrew crazy cow cover‘We have made people uncomfortable … and we are comfortable with that’

No one saw it coming.

The Bullvine arrived like a speeding freight train.

It also knocked the media outlets off their axes. It challenged everyone. Its early online stories rampaged through the industry like a bull in a china shop. 

It wrote the calls people thought, but never said.

People were shocked, even horrified … and they starting talking.

And that was exactly what founder Andrew Hunt wanted. Conversation and dialogue. Because this dramatic entry almost three years ago was no fly-by-the-seat-of-your pants’ decision. This was a strategic start to a fresh age of media coverage in the dairy industry.

And as everything starts to shake down and settle in, The Bullvine has rapidly become a power player with purpose and 30,000 readers. Its reach and impact is now unquestioned.

The publication is heading into 2015 with big plans that have yet to be revealed, but in an exclusive interview at World Dairy Expo (WDE), Andrew briefly stopped and allowed a tour of the frenetic and clever brain that is poised to dominate this industry’s media…

Andrew Hunt, 37, is a man of many layers. He comes from a powerful, tight well-connected family within the Canadian industry, who all had something to lose when their son/brother made the decision to initiate the outwardly controversial, online media outlet, The Bullvine.

He appeared — to many — to come from nowhere. The opposite is true.

His parents, Murray and Karen, are not only Master Breeders (Huntsdale Holsteins) but also integral industry leaders at the highest levels in the Canadian Holstein industry.

His brother, Paul, is the Chief Operating Officer for Alta Genetics (based in The Netherlands) and his sister, Heather, is a nutritionist for ANC (Agri-Nutrition Consulting, based in Ohio, USA). All are strong personalities with responsible roles. They are also potentially visible targets for any Bullvine detractors.

Strong connections

However, that is not how this close family works. Andrew has his parents’ and siblings’ support. They often disagree, but they are always in each others’ corners. And they were all sitting ringside together at WDE.

Andrew says, “If you know Paul, you know him as Paul Hunt and respect him for who he is. He’s not Andrew, Murray, Karen or Heather Hunt. If you judge any of my family because of what I do on The Bullvine, then you are discrediting yourself, not my family.

“We are all A-type personalities and we have all charted our own courses. But it doesn’t mean we’re not close. We’re family. We just had to learn to separate our work from our family time, and I have to say that kids have been amazing for changing that Christmas dinner-time conversation!”

Andrew’s mother, Karen Hunt, muses, “The first discussions about The Bullvine were colourful. You might say we were as surprised as anybody. However, with a lifetime of experience with Andrew’s somewhat unorthodox approach to technology and communication, we were ready to trust his instincts.”

Dad Murray adds, “And there was only two weeks between the time Andrew first ran the idea of The Bullvine up the flag poll, and the day the first article went up on February 24, 2012.”

Murray and Karen are the only additional official team members working for The Bullvine today, although staff from his two other companies play roles when they’re needed.

Murray says, “We both love it!  Every day brings new ideas, challenges and contacts. It has taken the discussions that we’ve always had around our kitchen table and expanded them more than a little … to around the world.”

Driven back to dairy

Andrew went to the University of Guelph in their Bachelor of Commerce, Agricultural Business and Management programme, and earned his stripes on a six-figure income in the Fortune 500 consulting services world.

He was always a ballsy, driven and restless personality.

So it did not surprise the people who knew him well when he left the security of his former employment with the full support of his new wife, Dr Zosia Hunt (who was still a student then). They also had a two-year-old and a newborn child at the time.

He established his own marketing agency from the ground up, Inbound Sales Network (which would also later include Inbound Accelerator, for tech start-ups). Today it has over 100 team members. The company has been incredibly successful and, for many, that would have been plenty.

Not for Andrew.

“I love the dairy industry. That’s why I left and came back. It’s a drug that I’m hooked on. And it’s what I’m most excited and passionate about,” he says.

The Bullvine is the result of Andrew’s ongoing passion to work within the dairy industry, blended with a skill set and history that brings new dynamics to a sometimes-predictable news medium.

Real and edgy

He did not launch The Bullvine to make money. He launched it to create energy and a strong message for the industry.

The opening salvo on The Bullvine’s webpage remains as a reminder that things were going to be shaken up:

“Let’s start with what we are not. We’re not just an event reporting magazine. We’re not a billboard or promoter of whoever will pay us the most money. We are something different, something real.”

Andrew says, “When we first looked at the publications in the marketplace, we knew we were up against well-established, traditional family-around-the table reads. If we did the same thing, we were never going to be successful. We had to use the power of community and conversation to really drive our growth.

“We also needed to be edgier — especially in the first year. We have made people uncomfortable, and we’re comfortable with that. Over time, some would say we have softened our stance. But I think the industry has also adjusted and there is greater acceptance of what we do. I think the industry has come to us somewhat.”

Shock and relief

There was no question that the opening stories shocked some. Others were relieved someone had finally put a voice to what they were thinking.

In the beginning, 2000 people read The Bullvine’s email and online messages a day.

Today, it reaches that number within an hour of an article being posted. In a week, 30,000 dairy people are reading what The Bullvine shares. In any given day it has between 7000 and 10,000 visitors. It’s a bustling outlet that publishes five feature articles a week and 10 news releases daily on anything from show time and profiles, to genomics, sire breakdowns, politics, innovation and education.

Andrew says it’s not so much the shock value that drives him, as the desire for transparency.

“Yes, we wanted to get people’s attention and knock people off their centre and be as far from the norm as we could be. But we have always been about clarity and transparency. In my industry, those are your staples. In the dairy industry everyone has been too worried about being friends with everyone else. It is a small community, so there is pressure to not offend anyone.

“But because of our monetisation strategy, I don’t depend on income from the typical sources, so I can say what I want to say and take it for what it is. What I don’t think a lot of people understand is that because we had planned our strategy for the first three years, we didn’t take the initial feedback personally.

“We knew it would be coming. The interesting thing for us was because we weren’t connected to the industry as a financial driver, it gave us the freedom to express ourselves honestly.”

Honesty achieves

And honest they have been.

They have called out many people from many parts of the industry, and entertained stories few dare to write. They have tackled taboo topics such as Photoshop and show previews.

The Photoshop editorial prompted Andrew to introduce the Dairy Marketing Code of Conduct, designed to make photographers, AI centres, breeders and graphic designers accountable for any changes to cattle photographs.

“I discovered many new issues with current photography practices. The biggest one is just plain old laziness,” Andrew says. “They are too lazy to do it right. ‘Photoshop saved careers’, they told me. I say, ‘Photoshop has made many photographers lazy.’”

Advertising pressure

Yes, today The Bullvine carries advertising. But that has not changed who or what they write about.

“I’ve always written what I’ve wanted to write. There’s been some people we’ve written about that most would argue that we shouldn’t have because of their backgrounds and/or industry perception.

“But if I think they are interesting and I’d like to know more about them, then we’re going to write about it. And if I’m the only person that reads it, cool. We have done those stories. But I say to the people who challenge me on that, that the decision’s on me since I’m paying for it. So I guess I can have that opinion. If they don’t like it, they don’t have to read it.”

God or data

Andrew has also called opposing media outlets to account for making claims on readership. The most notable and recent being readership demographics.

“You need data to back what you say with regard to that. Here’s my analysis: in God we trust, everyone else better bring data.

“When you have a number of Facebook followers from India and Pakistan — that have an average herd size of three cows — those readers are not showing cattle or selling genetics. The top four cities that register on The Bullvine are Quebec, Madison, Toronto and Montreal. We’re Canadian. It’s self-explanatory who has the most useful readers.”

Hefty research into ringside photography

One of the strongest evolutions of The Bullvine has been the initiation of ringside online show coverage and extensive ring photography.

“When we started I wasn’t going to do it because everyone else was,” Andrew says. “I’d never done photography, but soon realised that I needed photographs, and, being a techno guy, I thought, ‘let’s rock’ n’ roll’.

“I was a huge fan of Han Hopman [Holstein International photographer] and I used my technical skills to study his photos and assess his camera settings. I have also spent close to $50,000 on camera equipment since we started, and received training from photographers outside the industry and drove everywhere in North America to get better. I also bored my kids senseless picturing them. But we do have some insane family memories because of it.

“I still think Han is the best composition photographer there is in the world and he does an amazing job of telling a story with a photograph. This journey for me has turned out to be very rewarding and helped the growth of the company.”

It has also added to the workload, because, while many outlets have several staff ringside, Andrew is mostly either on his own or accompanied by his parents as back-up. He uses his technical skills to overcome running a smaller team, and makes it look more effortless than it probably is.

Coffee-table book + picturing for free

Picturing led Andrew to producing a coffee-table book of photographs post WDE and he has many showman ask for photographs for their marketing campaigns. It is something he does for free.

“They work so hard to get those animals out there, how can I have the right to charge them and reap the benefit of ‘snapping a photo’ of a cow that looks amazing?

“It’s an honour to have that opportunity and that’s why I put every photograph on Facebook. All I ask of the breeders and owners of the cows I picture is that they don’t remove my logo. Other than that, they can go nuts with them.”

Last year, over 14 photographs taken by The Bullvine were used for industry magazine covers.

Next steps: education and mentoring

Taking on the photography pushed Andrew to embrace the next step — something he likes to do.

“If you stay in your comfort zone, you are not progressing and if you don’t challenge yourself every day by either improving your strengths or working on your weaknesses, then you’re not developing as a person. The day that happens, I will quit.”

The business has evolved from its base as a genetics, show and genomic-based commentary, through to also being an educational tool. It now has as much focus on dairy industry issues as it does on the subjects it began with — genetics and shows.

The Bullvine recently initiated The Milk House — the World Wide Dairy Breeding and Dairy Genetics Group on Facebook. It is a closed chat room for producers from all around the world to share ideas. Already, all manner of things have been covered, connecting the industry in a new way at the grassroots level. There are more than 2000 posts a week.

Andrew has also established a network where dairymen can be part of conference calls with a “board of advisors”. Andrew is not involved, other than to facilitate. It is purely actioned to help dairy farmers. “The quality of discussion on these calls is very informative and helps us understand our industry better and how we can better serve it.”

It’s learning from others that first got Andrew started in the dairy marketing industry.

“When I was in university, I was approached by Albert Cormier and Dave Eastman to do the marketing for their soon-to-be-released sire Champion and their new company GenerVations.  Albert is legendary for his ability to market dairy cattle and David’s one of the smartest guys in the industry and at the forefront of breeding circles.” Andrew says they were a “great breeding ground for what he has become”.

Running a responsible line

Day to day, The Bullvine is growing and Andrew Hunt is growing with it — including his presence in the dairy industry.

With that comes greater responsibility — and that’s something he does not take for granted.

Of his direct approach, Andrew says, “I am more apt to run you over than stab you in the back.”

But helping the industry share ideas and progress is what drives him and makes him happy.

“I’m the luckiest man there is in the world,” he says. “I have a wife who ‘gets me’, who supports me and who is out of my league. She is the biggest stabilising factor in my life outside of my parents, who taught me to always believe in myself.

“When you are doing what you love and you can pay your bills, what else is there? The Bullvine can go on forever if I still have passion for it. How do you get bored with something that at your core is who you believe you are?”

This article first appear in the December 2014-February 2015 Edition of Crazy Cow in Print.  Click here to check out there Facebook group and watch for their new website soon.

The Bullvine is Dead!

Today, a single email can launch a worldwide movement. Three years ago today, a single email started what would become the greatest social change movement in the dairy industry. (Read more: Twice the Bull – Half the S**T)  However, it’s all going to fail without your support. Let us explain.

For years, the media has been censored.  What you read and what you heard and the opinions expressed were those that the powers that be wanted you to hear.  Magazines only published viewpoints that they knew would be popular with advertisers because that is how they made their money.   That model had to be broken, and it took more than just technology to change the world as we know it.


In 2012, the Turkish military jets had bombed and killed 34 Kurdish smugglers near the border region and Turkish media completely censored that news. Editors sat in their newsrooms and waited for the government to tell them what to do. One frustrated journalist could not take this anymore. He purchased his own plane ticket and went to the village where it had occurred.  He was confronted by this scene: a line of coffins coming down a hill and relatives wailing. He felt   overwhelmed.. He didn’t know what to do, so he took out his phone, like any one of us might, and snapped that picture and tweeted it out.  Voila! That picture went viral and broke the censorship and forced mass media to cover the story.

These same feelings are the feelings we here at the Bullvine felt when watching what was happening to the dairy industry.  We could see the media and the industry censoring what information was being shared with producers from around the world.  Scared to share an opinion that was contrary to that of the companies that had the power, the industry was heading down a slippery slope.  We felt the need to say something.  We didn’t like feeling overwhelmed. So we started the Bullvine.

However, sometimes starting the conversation or sharing a different opinion is not enough.  Take what occurred in Turkey in 2012.  A year later, Turkey’s Gezi protests began. It started as a protest about a park being razed but became an anti-authoritarian protest. It wasn’t surprising that the media also censored it, but it got a little ridiculous at times. hings were very intense. At the same time that  CNN International was broadcasting live from Istanbul, CNN Turkey was airing a documentary on penguins. Now, I love penguin documentaries but that wasn’t the news of the day. An angry viewer put his two screens together and snapped that picture, and that one too went viral, and since then, people call Turkish media the penguin media.


We find this same level of censorship, either intentional or not, still exists in the dairy industry.  Most publications are so afraid to offend the companies that have the power or the money that they are allowing them to choke out those same breeder-producers they claim to serve. Instead of standing up for those that they claim are members of the community, they sit back and watch as the industry slowly dies.   They prefer to post pretty pictures of baby calves or young kids, choosing to hide their heads in the sand like CNN Turkey did, instead of analyzing the actual news of the day.

Nowadays, technology like Facebook, Twitter, and etcetera allow people from around the world to connect on any topic they choose.  We see it all the time in chat forums such as The MilkHouse, where breeders express their concerns about actual issues that all breeders face.  The challenge is, for the most part, it’s just talk.  It’s a few breeders who are expressing their concerns while others lurk in the background afraid of repercussions.

A great example of this is when one breeder expressed their concerns over a sire of theirs failing health tests, after initially passing them upon entering an AI unit. The level of discussion went insane.  Breeders and producers from around the world were expressing their support and outrage about how this AI unit had conducted themselves. The AI unit representative had even called the breeder threatening them for their actions.  The problem is nothing changed.

Sure social media helped flame this fire to proportions never before seen in the dairy industry.  However, nothing changed.  Everyone eventually moved on.  No one has purchased less semen from this AI company as a result of their actions and breeders still lease their sires to this AI company.  So nothing has really changed other than the megaphone has gotten louder.

While we here at the Bullvine certainly see the need to raise and give a megaphone to the issues that face breeders here today, it is going to take more than just a louder voice to bring about real change.  It’s going to take all members of the community to unite and take action.

The dairy breeding industry is on the edge of extinction as we know it.  AI companies and other genetic organizations are using the superior technological and capital power they possess to choke out the dairy breeding industry as we know it.  Unfortunately, dairy breeders are sitting back and watching this happen.  They are letting these companies choke out their future.  Sure a few voices on social media are shouting, “Hell no!”  But no one is taking action.

The companies that are making these decisions that best serve their own interests see that, despite all the discontent that is being expressed through social media, no one is changing their buying habits.  It was much the same when we first took on the touchy subject of AI units owning females. Sure everyone was upset about the issue but no one took action.  Now these organizations own the majority of the top index animals in the world and have more than enough females to produce their own next generation of sires, without having to purchase bulls from breeders at all. Breeders have become like that  little dog with a big bark that has no bite. There is no incentive, need or concern, on the part of the AI companies, to change.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

In the past, when dairy producers had a problem, the only way they could be heard was to join committees and get on boards in order to have their voice heard.  In contrast, in today’s day and age, you can simply take to social media and express your opinion.  The problem is that it’s too easy.  It’s too easy to get it off your chest and then move on.  This method leads to no sustainable change being made.  So, the next time you are so pissed off about something in the dairy industry or the next time you are so concerned about the future of the breeding industry, don’t just take the easy route and put up an angry post   on Facebook.  Ask yourself what sustainable action you are taking to bring about change?  For us here at the Bullvine, that is the motivation that first got us started three years ago today. That is the motivation that we use daily to do what we do. However, without you taking action it all dies on the vine – The Bullvine.


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25 Ways to Score Dairy Love on Valentine’s Day

If you have a dairy farmer in your life, there are 25 ways to irrefutably confirm that Valentine’s Day 2015 has arrived and romance dairy-style is making its presence heartfelt!! He may not have done ALL of these today but you can put a kiss (X) on the heart, if your dairy man has put romance, as described here, into your life.

25 Ways to Score Dairy Love on Valentine’s Day

  1. Valentine’s Day he makes a YOU-turn especially for love. He salutes February romance by bringing his lunch to share with you in the calf barn where you’re re-bedding calf pens. It’s his idea of a “roll in the hay with his little honey”.
  2. The only other women on his mind have four legs and udders. You have the magazines and advertisements and newspapers to prove it. Unfortunately he thinks of them nine days a week.
  3. He’s always inventing more ways to spend quality time together. Recently you have had two-gether time stable cleaning, bagging feed and bookkeeping.
  4. The last handwritten card you received on Valentine’s Day said, “We’re out of colostrum. The feedstore will leave it on the ramp after closing.” Who said your man no longer delivered any good pick-me-ups?
  5. You may be owed it but don’t bank on a dairy farmer producing anything with more poetic rhythm than the seat on the tractor you get to drive to rake hay. Although you would love him to pen “Ode for my wife” you are more likely to receive laundry room “odor for my wife!”
  6. Although you have a romantic vision of total agreement in your partnership, in actual fact, men and women working on dairy farms often disagree. It’s the GMO effect:  Genetically Modified Opposition.
  7. It isn’t that dairy farmers don’t like matchmaking. In fact it’s practically a full-time hobby. Give him a stack of pedigrees and the latest bull proofs and his thoughts, although maybe not focused on love, are definitely focused on finding the perfect mates.
  8. When you occasionally ask why he never says anything romantic to you or about you, his response is, “I am struck dumb by your perfection.” Now that’s a smart dairy farmer.
  9. The last time he presented you with a surprise box on Valentine’s Day, it turned out to be a trip to the granary to see the new litter of kittens that were making their home there. If you were lucky, he also had a second special box … a cardboard one….. so that you could move them somewhere that wouldn’t interfere with your daily chores. Such a thoughtful guy!
  10. Thoughtful and sentimental. Or should that be “scent”imental. Women love it when a man lets his presence be known.  Dairy farmers are great at that. Barn boots across the clean floor, greasy hands on the fresh towels — barny barn smell on the pillow cases.  It may not be better housekeeping but it’s definitely animal husbandry.
  11. Thank goodness most passionate dairy farmers don’t play the field they plough them!
  12. Dairy farmers talk funny – especially when give instructions. You better know where the rock ridge is so that you can bring him a cotter pin when the tractor breaks down north of the dry well by the rail fence on the old Sutter place.
  13. Dairy farmers may not be the brightest valentines in the chocolate box but they are definitely the sharpest ones in the laundry. More times than I can count I have washed pocket knives, burned out light bulbs and udder towels and turned everything the bright red of that new hat that was his “favorite”
  14. It all comes out in the wash… if you’ve ever spent Sunday morning trying to untangle a pair of nylons from 200 yards of binder twine ….you know that isn’t true!
  15. Washing the milk check takes money laundering and strained relationships to a whole new level.
  16. However, on most days, there is no need for a matchmaker in dairy romances. Mother Nature does a wonderful job using storms, drought, wind and rain to keep the relationship from becoming routine or, heaven forbid, predictable.
  17. You both know that your dairy guy thinks it’s a compliment to be asked, “Where you raised in a barn?”
  18. Going “out” is a phrase you have to eliminate from your vocabulary. Out means: the cattle are out; or we’re out of feed;
  19. Some couples share their love by going out to shows. When you share your life with a farmer you have a 24/7 front row seat for the greatest show on earth brought to you by Mother Nature productions.
  20. Dairy sweethearts don’t need Valentine Surprises. The 24/7 of dairy farming has surprises built in. Like the ones that happen when the dairy man who has the key to your heart also leaves every door he passes through open:  house, barn, calf pens.
  21. Dairy love is always ready to cut to the chase. ‘Cattle are out’.
  22. On the other hand, nothing says love like duct tape and binder twine. You may prefer the ribbons and lace of Valentine’s Day, but duct tape and twine get the job done until the perfect fix is available. It’s quick. It’s easy.  Two can do it!!
  23. So don’t expect a dairy farmer to get a fresh haircut for Valentine’s date. Keeping his shaggy locks is a sign of unconditional love. This romantic is not going to do anything that would make him attractive to somebody else.
  24. If you’re still longing for a special treat for Valentine’s Day, sit hubby down and explain your vision for redoing the farmhouse in country modern style. When he looks up, obviously confused, ask, “What do you think?”  Nine times out of ten he will answer, “Sounds great to me”. When he comes in from the barn next week he will have no choice but to love the brand new living room furniture.
  25. This man can fix anything that’s broken but with dairy luck on your side he will never break your heart

The Bullvine Bottom Line

So looking back over our checklist, how does your Dairy Valentine’s Day lover rate? If you checked more than three of these boxes with a smile on your face, the truth is obvious.  You’re in love with a dairy farmer.  You need to repeat this phrase often “I’ve fallen for a dairy farmer and I can’t give him up!!” So to all my peers who also love dairy guys, Happy Valentine’s Day Ladies from the Broadside of the Bullvine!! (Read more: 8 OF THE GREATEST DAIRY LOVE STORIES IN THE WORLDTHE DOS AND DON’TS OF DATING A FARMERTHE MOST IMPORTANT PARTNERSHIP IN THE WORLD)


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Has Social Media Infected the Tanbark Trail?

For years, there has been considerable debate about how the person who leads or owns a cow influences a judge’s opinion and how the judge places the class.  With the introduction of Facebook and other social media platforms, this debate has been amplified.  Which leads to the question “Have Facebook and other social media platforms infected the show ring?”

There is no doubt that Facebook is the most powerful social tool in the history of mankind.  The ability for Facebook to connect people with similar interests from around the world is unmatched.  Previously, when you wanted to know the results of a cattle show or how a particular cow looked at a show, you had to call someone you knew who was there or wait at least a month to see the results and a few posed pictures in a print magazine.  Now, in the age of social media, pictures are placed on Facebook even before the class has exited the ring. Larger shows now offer live streaming of the show and those at the show and/or watching the show online post their comments in real time.

How the World has changed

All this has significantly changed both the method and the speed that show oriented breeders communicate with one another.  However, has this changed how animals are placed in the show ring? Ten years ago, most often the first time a judge would have seen most cows would have been in the show ring on show day. But today  judges have more than likely seen pictures and heard comments on animals long before they ever enter the show ring.

One of the great things about social media is that it has enabled members of a small, remotely located community, such as the Tanbark Trail, to connect and share their thoughts very easily.  Many top judges are active on social media and they see how certain animals are doing at shows and how popular certain animals are, long before they enter the show ring to judge a show.

Everyone has an opinion

In the past, when members of the Tanbark Trail disagreed with a judge’s placing, their comments would only be heard by a select few.  Now in the age of social media, their opinion can reach thousands in a matter of minutes.  While I have not seen many negative comments about a judge, I have indeed seen comments made about how certain cows where “gifted” due to certain circumstances.  This touches on the question of the integrity of the show ring and those who are selected to judge it.

It’s a question of integrity

The question of integrity is not a new one.  It has been around for as long as there has been subjective cattle judging.  In the age of social media the need for integrity has been amplified.  One of the interesting challenges with selecting dairy cattle judges is the fact that the best ones are often very involved in the show scene.  This means that they have developed friendships, preferences and opinions over the years. The best judges have always been those that are able to let their judging performance not be influenced by these factors.  In the age of social media, a whole new level of integrity is required.  No longer is it just the opinion of a select few, but rather the opinion of thousands that can significantly influence a judge’s decision.  Those who are of the highest integrity are able to tune out all the traditional influences as well as the new ones that social media brings to the table.

There are some who would comment that judges should not be active on social media.  I argue the exact opposite.  I want a judge who is involved in the dairy community.  All aspects of the dairy industry.  In today’s day and age, that means social media as well.  There are many judges that are very active on social media and whom I trust to have the integrity  to tune out what they read on Facebook or see online when, they are making their final decision in the ring.

Does social success influence show ring results?

There are some that would say that how popular a cow is on social media greatly influences her placing at a major show.  I would argue that the reason that most of these cows have become so popular is because they have been able to demonstrate again and again their superior conformation and hence have developed a loyal following.  There is no question that many cows’ show ring pictures have been able to go viral on social media.  However, there is a very sound reason why these cows have great pictures….they are of superior conformation.

One of the great things about show ring pictures is that they are 100% honest.  Since these photos are being posted online usually within minutes of being taken, there is no opportunity for them to be doctored or altered in anyway.  Hence, when a cow looks great in her show ring picture, it is because she looked great in the show ring.

One of the greatest pleasures I get from taking pictures in the show ring at the major shows is that I am able to get the same view of the animals in the ring that the judges of the shows see when they make their decisions.  Often I receive comments from people outside the ring about how one cow placed higher than another when from their view it did not look correct.  Very seldom have I ever had a case where these questions proved accurate. When you see the pictures afterwards, you often see that particular cows looked better from a distance than they did up close.  So while many will let their personal preference or influences affect the questioner’s own opinion, I have seldom found a case where it was not at least a tossup or where one judge’s decision on the day may be slightly different than another’s.  However, never have I seen a blatant error on the judge’s part.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Judging a dairy cattle show is never easy. Since the introduction of social media and the growth of dairy show coverage, the job of judging has only gotten harder.  Probably the most important trait a judge has always needed is that of Integrity.  In today’s social media age, the necessity of integrity is greater than ever.  Now instead of hundreds of eyes watching you there are thousands, all with their own opinions.  Facebook and other social media platforms have done wonders for growing the popularity of the Tanbark Trail, but it has also led to the potential infection by the influences they bring.  It takes judges of the utmost integrity to tune all that out and place the animals based on how they appear on show day and only that day.  And that’s exactly what the best judges have been doing for years.


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Big things are happening in 2015…

With the New Year comes new excitement, new ideas and new plans.  After insane growth in 2014, the pressure is on us here at the Bullvine to continue our innovative ways….and we certainly plan to keep the dairy industry on its toes.

Since our launch, almost three years ago, The Bullvine has indeed changed the dairy industry media.  While all our competitors are trying to be like us, we continue to break new ground in our coverage of all the key facets of the dairy industry.  In 2015, we have the following exciting plans that will continue this innovation:

  1. Bullvine TV will be weekly
    The Bullvine is getting into video in a big way. Since we got our feet wet with Bullvine TV in 2014, the response has been very positive and, in 2015, we plan to take this to new heights.  That means a weekly TV show that summarizes the week that was in the dairy industry.  For those of you that would rather listen to or watch a 30 minute broadcast of the goings on from the past week, Bullvine TV is for you.  We will provide our same unique perspective on all the major issues and help you to stay up to date on the latest events, issues and challenges that face the dairy industry.   We will also be introducing a new show called TanbarkCenter that will be similar to the “SportsDesk” highlight show. It will feature all the shows we cover live in 2015.  This will include video, interviews and analysis of the major shows in North America, as well as many international shows.  It will start from Australia with our coverage of International Dairy Week from January 19th to 25th.
  2. Introducing the Bullvine Quarterly
    While our opinions on print magazines have been well documented, we certainly see the value in offering our unique perspective in that format. It has been a daily request from our community members that we make some of our unique content available in print form.  That is exactly what we are going to do.  Starting in February, we will be launching a quarterly magazine that will have all the best content from the last quarter as well as many unique articles.   While there were certainly rumors about our potential acquisition of a few of our competitors, we decided that, in the end, we wanted to start something new and continue breaking new ground.
  3. Greater International Perspective
    Since our launch in February 2012 we have not been short of opinions. Love us or hate us, there is no denying that we have certainly made people think.  That has been our goal since the beginning and, in 2015, we plan to take that global.  When we first considered how to grow The Bullvine in 2015, we sat down and looked at the international dairy industry and noticed that we had not been applying our same analysis to all markets.  Therefore in 2015 we are going to change that.  We scoured the international dairy media to see who were the best of the best at providing this type of perspective. We are pleased to announce that we have been able to bring two such innovators onto The Bullvine Team.Leading the way is Dianna Malcom from Australia and Crazy Cow fame. Dianna has a wealth of experience in authentic journalism.  Not just skilled at event reporting, Dianna has a knack for getting to the heart of the story.  We have long been a huge fan of Dianna’s and we are excited about the opportunity to partner with her in 2015 (Read more: Dean and Dianna Malcolm: Forward in Five Gears! That’s Aussie D.I.Y. and Dean And Dianna Malcolm: Gobsmacked In Australia – Landing Right Side Up Down Under!). In looking for a distinctive voice in Europe one name kept coming up. Everyone we talked to, everywhere we looked we heard and saw the name Bruce Jobson.  Bruce much like me has not been afraid to tackle the tough stories and challenge his readers.  This is something that we feel the dairy industry needs a lot more of. We are excited to give Bruce this platform to share his unique perspective with the world.  Much like us Bruce views dairying from many different facets. He knows how to cut through the BS and tell it like it is. This refreshing approach is something those who read have come to expect.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

There are those who believe that “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.  We here are the Bullvine believe that “It is our job to Break it”.  We did not start the Bullvine to do the same things the same way that they have always been done.  Instead, we believe the world is changing and you can either lead that change or become irrelevant.  In 2015, we plan to break as many things as we possibly can.  While we certainly don’t want to mess with the success that we have already had in becoming the most influential media outlet in the dairy industry, we believe that in today’s fast paced world we need to be innovating not procrastinating. We will be doing many big things in 2015 to make that happen.  Get ready for an exciting ride.


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2014 Breeders Choice Awards – Tanbark Trail Edition Nominations

Back by popular demand, the 2014 Breeder’s Choice Awards – Tanbark Trail Edition are better than ever. The final show ribbons and rosettes have been awarded for 2014 and now it is your turn, the passionate dairy breeder, to decide who is the “Best of the Best”. With many class winners from World Dairy Expo not attending or repeating their victory at the Royal, there are sure to be some interesting results.  (Read more: International Holstein Show – World Dairy Expo 2014 and Royal Winter Fair Holstein Show 2014)


The Breeder’s Choice Awards celebrate fan favorites in the show ring, index cows, sires and dairy celebrities.  It stands alone as the only major award where real people – not industry insiders – determine the winners.

Enter Your Vote


Spring Heifer Calf

Winter Heifer Calf

Fall Heifer Calf

Summer Yearling Heifer

Spring Yearling Heifer

Winter Yearling Heifer

Fall Yearling Heifer

Milking Yearling

Junior 2 Year Old

Senior 2 Year Old

Junior 3 Year Olds

Senior 3 Year Olds

4 Year Olds

5 year old

Mature Cow


The Top 14 of 2014 – The Bullvine’s Most Popular Articles of the Year

Every year we wonder if it will be possible to top the year before (Read more: Top 13 of 2013 – The Bullvine’s Most Popular Articles of the Year). Fortunately, thanks to the support of you, our loyal readers. 2014 was our best year yet.


Listen in on two dairy breeders’ conversation and you might think you were listening to an entirely different language.  The show ring, dairy cattle breeding and the dairy farming industry are full of strange terminology that most people would simply not understand.  Here are 22 phrases that have totally different meanings to dairy breeders. (Read more: DAIRY SLANG: 22 PHRASES THAT MEAN DIFFERENT THINGS TO DAIRY BREEDERS )


Have you ever wondered what it takes to have a successful Facebook page for your dairy farm?  Well, look no further! (Read more: THE TOP 10 DAIRY BREEDER FACEBOOK FAN PAGES AND WHY THEY’RE SUCCESSFUL)


In picturesque upstate Vermont, the team of St. Jacobs ABC, Ferme Blondin and Brian Craswell Auctions Ltd. did an outstanding job coping with the wet weather to host this great sale at the St. Jacobs new dairy facility. (Read more BEST OF BOTH WORLDS – SALE REPORT)


On a beautiful Ontario summer’s day judge Gerald Caughin placed some of the best cattle in the world. Check here to see complete results (ONTARIO SUMMER HOLSTEIN SHOW RESULTS 2014).00


This is one of the best kept secrets of the tanbark season.  Timed just a few weeks before World Dairy Expo, here is a showcase of what the champion state herd from the past 2 World Dairy Expo’s has to offer. Clearly, it is one of the best shows of the year (Read more: EXPO PROVINCIALE DE MONTMAGNY).


Everyone wants to breed the next great one. The popularity of this article proves it. (Read more: THE TOP 10 HOLSTEIN SIRES OF 2014 THAT WILL SIRE THE NEXT WORLD DAIRY EXPO GRAND CHAMPION)


Every year it seems like the Red & White show at World Dairy Expo is never short of a story line.  Last year it was the domination of Apple. This year it was the great Seisme vs Apple competition.   (Read more: INTERNATIONAL RED & WHITE SHOW – WORLD DAIRY EXPO 2014)


In its sophomore season the Fantasy Exhibitor contest added more excitement and much more discussion to the 2014 Tanbark season. (Read more: FANTASY EXHIBITOR© – WORLD DAIRY EXPO 2014)


For those looking to take a risk, these 10 sires will breed the extremes.  They will either hit a home run or miss miserably.   Sometimes that is the risk you have to take in order to breed the next great one. (Read more: THE 10 EXTREME TYPE SIRES MOST LIKELY TO SIRE THE NEXT WORLD CHAMPION)


Growing up on a dairy farm is certainly one of the most rewarding experiences anyone could ever have.   Here are just a few of the many lessons you can learn growing up on a dairy farm. (Read more: 12 LESSONS YOU CAN ONLY LEARN FROM GROWING UP ON A DAIRY FARM)


Always one of the top shows in the world, it’s not surprising that The Royal comes near the top of our list.  This year’s show was a showcase for some of the greatest cattle in the world, with Hailey taking that next step to securing her spot as one of the greatest in history. (Read more: ROYAL WINTER FAIR HOLSTEIN SHOW 2014)


How would you react if you woke up tomorrow morning to find that an eviction sign had been posted on your farm and you and your family had a deadline to remove yourselves and your goods? What if the expropriation was being carried out by no less than the army and your legal rights amounted to absolutely zero? (Read more: SAVE FRANK & MARJORIE MEYERS FARM – THE ARMY IS AT THE GATE & THIS FARMERS NUMBER IS UP!)


There is no question that the Holstein Show at World Dairy Expo is one of the highlights every year.  This year the popularity of the show hit such levels that we had over 20,000 people ping our server in under a 1 minute span. That crashed our server momentarily.  The excitement from the show ring was just that hot.  (Read more: INTERNATIONAL HOLSTEIN SHOW – WORLD DAIRY EXPO 2014)


Imagine this….You wake up in the wee hours of the night to smell smoke. You discover that your house is on fire. And your grandchild is trapped in her bedroom with no way to escape.  What would you do? This is exactly the scenario Patricia Stiles faced.  This tragedy has gripped the dairy industry and helped prove why the dairy community is the greatest in the world. (Read more: WHY THE DAIRY COMMUNITY IS THE GREATEST IN THE WORLD…)

The Bullvine Bottom Line

2014 was certainly a great year.  Just like the show at World Dairy Expo you wonder if the next year will be able to top the previous year. It always does.  The same can be said here at the Bullvine. We’re always looking for new stories and things to do to make the next one better than the last.  Watch for even greater things planned for The Bullvine in 2015.



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Editor’s Choice 2014 – The Top 12 Picks from the Bullvine

Welcome to December 2014 at The Bullvine.  It is the final month of another exciting year and time to pick a dozen articles for “Editor’s Choice 2014”.  I hope you will join me in looking back at which articles exploded out of the gate, which ones won our reader’s hearts and which ones brought attention to agriculture and the dairy industry.

12. MAKING IT BIG! World Dairy Expo and The Royal!

A single dairy class may only take up half an hour – a whole show one day — but in terms of breeding, buying, planning, fitting, travelling, preparing and follow-up, dairy shows represent a significant investment of time and money. It is no surprise then that huge numbers of our readers follow The Bullvine reports from across North America and around the world (Read more: International Holstein Show – World Dairy Expo 2014, Royal Winter Fair Holstein Show 2014 and International Red & White Show – World Dairy Expo 2014 ). Like our readers, we enjoy the showcase opportunities that World Dairy Expo and the Royal Winter Fair provide.  Live attendance, broadcasting and connecting with cows and breeders is what we like best. Bringing our readers as close as they can get to the show, without being with us on the scene, easily makes our top 12 picks of 2014. Thus both these North American showcases make our list of top picks.

11. ROSY-LANE HOLSTEINS – “Don’t Follow the Herd”

It’s not enough to know who the big show winners and top selling animals are. Dairy breeders are looking to understand, not only what got them to these lofty positions but also, how exceptional dairies are winners at producing milk.  They want to know the decisions that were made before the award went on the mantel and the money went into the bank.  Dairy breeders everywhere study the stories of great entrepreneurs like Quality Holsteins and Don Bennink. Lloyd and Daphne Holterman at Rosy-Lane Holsteins would tell you it isn’t a matter of one person or one ingredient.  They would say that success comes from a functioning partnership of people, teamwork and strategic planning. (Read more: ROSY-LANE HOLSTEINS – “Don’t Follow the Herd!”). This was a great interview and stands out as an example of how following your dairy breeding vision leads to success.

10.  The 10 Outlier Sires that Will Accelerate Genetic Gain

Recommendations on which sires to use always draws the attention of Bullvine readers. When our articles combine, not only list toppers but also important topics like reducing inbreeding, they draw increased attention (Read more: The 10 Outlier Sires that will Accelerate Your Genetic Gain the Fastest). These are the posts that our readers often refer back to, when discussing which bulls can offer the most genetic advancement. This article rang the bell with many breeders.

9. Why Braedale Goldwyn Wasn’t a Great Sire of Sons

An important part of what we do involves opening up discussion about what is not working too! When we identified Goldwyn, undoubtedly the greatest sire of show winning daughters, as less than a great sire of sons it generated many comments. The theory put forward in this article will be something bull breeders are likely to pay close attention to in years to come. (Read more: Why Braedale Goldwyn Wasn’t a Great Sire of Sons)

8. The 7 Most Influential Holstein Brood Cows of the Modern Era

Second only to bull lists are articles that turn the spotlight on cows. The seven cows included in this article cover all areas of breeding from show winners, to red, to polled, to dams of AI sons (Read more: The 7 Most Influential Holstein Brood Cows of the Modern Era). It is every breeders dream to breed one such cow. Clearly there is not a common definition of what makes an outstanding brood cow. This look back at the most influential cows may provide inspiration for those to come.

7. 50 Sires That Will Produce Feed Efficient Cows

For a second year, the Bullvine provided a list of sires using our Bullvine Efficiency Index (BEI). This index rewards bulls that sire cows that get the job done in the milking parlor after consuming the feed at the bunk. This approach to selecting sires has caught on with many of our readers. New or novel breeding strategies, although not always popular, definitely catch the attention of our readers and we enjoy the discussion and feedback that is generated.  (Read more: 50 Sires that will Produce Feed Efficient Cows)

6. Look Who’s Talking – Dairy Slang

We regularly cover the major issues, the controversial ones and those that everyone finds difficult. That’s why it is sometimes fun to take a look at the lighter side of the dairy industry.  So much of our time is focused on words, grammar, spell checking and expression, it was a special treat to look at dairying from the spoken word side. (Read more: Dairy Slang: 22 Phrases that mean different things to dairy breeders) It then continued with conversations on The Bullvine’s new platform ‘The Milk House’ (Read more: Introducing The Milk House – Dairy Breeder Networking on Facebook). Dairy breeders from New Zealand and Australia helped bring us up to speed on the lingo used by our counterparts from ‘Down Under”.  (Read more: Australian Dairy Slang – They say things a little differently down under)


Like many who follow The Bullvine, although motivated by dairying, we too are most inspired by people.  That is why our top five picks are based on people from the dairy industry. We are inspired by the personal stories, the amazing achievements and the many ways that real life people face the challenges of growing a 21st Century dairy. Although focused on cows, the dairy industry is, at its heart, all about the people.

5. FORGET KATE – The Dairy Industry has Kassidy Upton

The fact that the  interview with Kassidy Upton caught fire among Bullvine followers, was no surprise in an industry that values the success of its young members most of all. The celebrity level success that this young lady is attracting will inspire young people from inside and outside of agriculture (Read more: Forget Kate – The Dairy Industry Has Kassidy Upton). For dairy folks it is especially encouraging that Kassidy feels that her farm background has contributed to her achievements – not only in international competition but also in landing an acting role.  Certainly not everyone expects a girl from a dairy background to rise to the top of the Miss Teen Canada Globe competition or to win a part in a movie. It is unexpected until you learn the whole story. That is why it was one of my favorite picks and inspired us to continue to seek out articles on the ways agricultural is building a positive image through role models like Kassidy Upton.

4. BONS HOLSTEINS “The Type That Wins”

“Bons-Holsteins is a home bred farm.  In the last 60 years we never bought a cow, heifer or embryo.” Thus begins a fascinating international story that, remarkably, also includes a significant amount of showring success. Nico Bons explains how family teamwork has successfully propelled them toward the shared dream of “breeding a European Grand Champion.” The emphasis on show type has been a winning breeding formula for this family in The Netherlands and we learn that – worldwide – there is a common passion for dairying that unites dairy breeders.  (Read more: Bons-Holsteins: The Type that Wins!)

3.  JOHN ANDERSEN “Building a Field of Dreams”

For the John Andersen family, dairy farming is a family affair. The unique part of this story is the way in which they have managed to balance family life while building a dairy business and managing a very large milking herd. Furthermore, they have brought both commercial and pedigree dairy farming together in a successful manner that many would consider an unlikely combination. Here is an entire family – multi-generations with a full-range of dairy skills – who are focused on dairying and setting a model for the industry (Read more: JOHN ANDERSEN – COMMERCIAL and PEDIGREE – Building a Field of Dreams).

Facing Impossible Odds

Sometimes the odds seem insurmountable.  The top two Editors’ Picks for 2014 certainly fall into that category.

2.  SAVE FRANK AND MARJORIE MEYERS FARM – “The Army is at the Gate and this Farmer’s Number is UP”

Here was a story that inspired The Bullvine to rally the troops in a call to action. Ironically, the call to action was one that we hoped would stop actual military troops from taking over a family farm. The battle for the Meyers family to be allowed to stay on their farm seemed doomed from the start.  Too little.  Too late.  The opposition was too big.  And – in the end — the outcry became enormous too, as the story spread and many took up the cry for a fair resolution to this travesty. Nevertheless, despite the support from thousands, the Meyers were evicted. The numbers didn’t count except to Frank Meyers (Read more: Save Frank & Marjorie Meyers Farm – The Army Is At The Gate & This Farmers Number Is Up!).


Sometimes all you can do is pull together, pray and offer support.  That is what became the unifying force for everyone touched by the events that forever changed the lives of Patricia Stiles and Reese Burdette. Seven months ago Patricia saved her grand-daughter Reese from a fire.  She too suffered burns. Both faced a fight for their lives. That fight goes on to this day. It is a tough struggle. (Read more: Why the Dairy Community is the Greatest in the World…)

The great thing about communities is that they pull together, when times are tough.  The dairy community – the agricultural community – and all those who identified themselves as part of a community that could reach out to Patricia and Reese — did that and continue to do so.  So many months of struggle and setback. Many more months to go.  As we enter into the Christmas season, let us be thankful that these lives were spared.  Help and prayers are needed now – perhaps more than ever – as this courageous family faces the long road ahead.  Patricia and Reese have won our hearts. We sincerely appreciate the grace of their families and thank them for keeping updates coming, despite how hard that has to be for everyone involved. We thank all those in the worldwide community who through prayers and fundraising are providing ongoing positive support. That is why the dairy community is the greatest in the world.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

At the end of each dairy day, we can’t guarantee that everything is perfect.  But we love what we do and dairying will always be our passion. We care for our families, our cattle and our community. Here at The Bullvine we are thrilled that you have made The Bullvine part of your online home, and that you use this platform to express yourselves, far and wide, around the globe. We’re growing together in dairying and look forward to continuing our conversations with you in 2015.



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A Guide to Understanding How to Breed For Feed Efficiency and Fertility

Are your breeding decisions in tune with where you want your herd to be in the future? As I follow the breeder discussions on The Milk House (Read more: Introducing The Milk House – Dairy Breeder Networking on Facebook ), I see three different approaches: 1) Some breeders are asking what to breed a cow or heifer to, in order to get a show winner; 2) Some are saying that Holsteins are not the only breed and that Jerseys can also get the job done at returning a profit; and 3) The majority are saying that they want to stay with Holsteins but neither the show ring nor only filling the milk pail to overflowing suits their breeding plans for the future. This latter group want cows that, on average, stay in the herd into at least their fourth lactation, and that are efficient at converting feed to milk. They must also be fertile.

The good news for the third group of breeders is that there are two interesting new ratings that can assist them when it comes to sire selection for feed efficiency and fertility.

New Indexes for Feed Efficiency & Fertility

With the revisions to the TPI® formula (Read more: US Genetic Evaluation Changes: Are You Keeping Up?) made on December 2nd, Holstein USA added indexes for Feed Efficiency (FE) and Fertility (FI) for breeders to use when they evaluate sires for their daughters’ ability to convert feed to milk and for combining the various indexes that relate to fertility.  The weighting of these indexes in the TPI® formulae are not large – 3% for Feed Efficiency and 13% for Fertility. Breeders wishing to place more emphasis on either or both of these areas in sire selection can eliminate bulls, during their selection process, that are inferior for one or both of FE and FI.

In order to provide information, that may be useful to breeders, The Bullvine has taken the top fifty daughter proven sires on Holstein USA’s Top 100 International Bulls -December 2014 list and selected and analysed the top ten sires for both of these indexes. The top fifty gTPI® proven sires are 2210 gTPI or higher.

Feed Efficiency Index

Table 1 lists the top ten sires for Feed Efficiency (FE) as well as these sires’ indexes for other traits that breeders normally use when evaluating sires to use in their breeding programs.

Table 1 Top 10 Proven Sires for FE (Feed Efficiency) that are in top 50 gTPI

Sire and NAAB CodeFENM$*gTPI*PTATMilkFatProteinFIPLSire Stack
1. Robust177767(1)2504(2)0.99114381491.86.3Socrates x Oman x Manat
2. AltaFairway 11HO10980163643(3)2303(18)0.46145772520.54.7Planet x Oman x Morty
3. Manifold 200HO00402154575(9)2286(20)0.36144069521.93.7Oman x BW Marshall x Emory
4. Facebook 200HO03753150512(33)2366(4)1.51128180472.21.1MOM x Airraid x Shottle
5. AltaGreatest 11HO10928145619(6)2338(11)1.18210454600.55.2Planet x Bolton x BW Marshall
6. AltaPhonic 11HO10997145539(20)2262(25)0.3891469431.52.5MOM x Nifty x Lynch
7. Mogul 7HO11314142728(2)2586(1)2.84114381490.35.1Dorcy x Marsh x Bret
8. Mixer 7HO11313128543(16)2332(12)1.75897604203.6Dorcy x Marsh x Bret
9. Myrle 29HO14828128554(12)2278(21)0.697869361.13.8Lief x Encino x Oman
10. Erdman 1HO09800126631(4)2260(28)-0.5299159323.66.9Planet x Ramos x Amel

* Bracketed number is the rank within NM$ or gTPI

Robust, the #1 NM$ sire and #2 gTPI®, easily comes to the top for FE. In second place is AltaFairway. All bulls on this list are superior for their ability to sire high production daughters with their proofs averaging Milk 1258 lbs, Fat 69 lbs and Protein 46 lbs. Further study of these bulls shows that they have a variety of sire stacks, have high Productive Life (4.3) but are not outstanding for type (PTAT 0.96) or fertility (FI 1.3). The indexes of these ten sires have a better correlation between FE and NM$ than between FE and gTPI®. It should be noted that only Facebook and Erdman, on this list, are over 2.0 for FI. Breeding for feed efficiency will not automatically get improved fertility.

Fertility Index

Table 2 lists the top ten sires for Fertility Index (FI) as well as these sires’ indexes for other traits.

Table 2 Top 10 Proven Sires for FI (Fertility Index) that are in top 50 gTPI

Sire and NAAB CodeFINM$*gTPI*PTATMilkFatProteinFEPLSire Stack
1. Wright 7HO11235.3631(4)2355(8)-0.194012820729.6Freddie x Wizard x Rudolph
2. Sobieski 1HO098535.1501(37)2311(15)0.443634525904.3Freddie x Lynch x Duce
3. Denim 1HO102185615(7)2356(7)-0.738955271147.3Freddie x Wizard x Mtoto
4. Freddie 1HO087844.6533(23)2349(9)0.518663328775.6Oman x Die-Hard x Metro
5. Sapporo 200HO037734.5438(82)2248(29)1.065723211435.9Jeeves x Goldwyn x Outside
6. Army 1HO096594.5338(203)2210(49)1.06-1002721742.2Jet Stream x BW Marshallx Rduolph
7. Gallon 29HO146844489(42)2245(30)0.4213803331744.9Jeeves x Goldwyn x Oman
8. Yano 1HO100854530(24)2210(50)-0.154511523647.6Planet x Bret x Manfred
9. Sherman 7HO111643.9432(93)2230(35)0.67632924823.6MOM x Shottle x Roy
10. Petrone 7HO11693.8549(13)2361(5)1.396243213477.5Super x AltaBaxter x Buckeye

* Bracketed number is the rank within NM$ or gTPI

Wright (Read more: TPI® – Do we have it all wrong?) comes to the top of this list. The first three on the list are all Freddie sons and Freddie himself is #4 on the list.  Knowing that leads to the question – Who says the fertility is not heritable or at least that there are sire lines that have daughters that are superior for fertility? The averages for these ten sires give a very clear indication that selecting for higher production is inversely related to fertility. As well, PTAT and FE are only slightly positively correlated to fertility. And that fertility (FI) has no correlation to NM$ or gTPI® for sires that are in the top 50 gTPI®.

Except for Freddie himself, breeders are not likely to recognize the names of the other nine bulls in Table 2. It is noteworthy to see that the ten sires in Table 2, on average, are high for PL (5.9). Cows that have a high genetic ability to get pregnant stay longer in herds. Commencing to select sires for FI but not at the total expense of production will be a wise decision for breeders that focus on profitability in their breeding programs.

Always Compare to the Top Sires

When making comparisons and selecting sires, it is always useful to know what the profile is for the best in the breed.  Table 3 contains the index averages for the top 10 gTPI® daughter proven and genomic sires. The genomic list is limited to sires born in 2013, as this is the group of sires that breeders are likely to be using currently or in the near future.

Table 3 Index Averages for Top 10 Proven and Genomic Sires – December 2014

Feed Efficiency (FE)104170
Fertility Index (FI)2.81.7
Productive Life (PL)5.86.4

It goes without saying that the averages for these two top 10 sire lists are outstanding. Due to Freddie’s influence, the top 10 proven sires are very high for FI. While for FE the genomic list is far superior due to their milk, fat and protein indexes being almost double those of the proven list.

In studying these lists it did come to our attention that Mogul (#1 gTPI®) is the sire of six of the top 10 genomic sires. As well, Robust is the second sire for six of the genomic sires and Planet is the third sire for six of the genomic sires. Most breeders feel that inbreeding levels should not be ignored. Mogul, Robust and Planet are not closely related but it is always wise to check on the Expected Future Inbreeding level of a sire before purchasing semen (Read more: The Truth about Inbreeding, Twenty Things Every Dairy Breeder Should Know About Inbreeding, 6 Steps to Understanding & Managing Inbreeding in Your Herd and 12 Outcross Sires to Help Control Inbreeding).

By comparing the group average in Tables 1, 2 and 3, it can be seen that the top Fertility sires in Table 2 lag behind the other groups except for FI and PL. Also note that the Feed Efficiency sires in Table 1 are generally equal to the top 10 proven sires in Table 3. And except for fertility (FI) the genomic sires in Table 3 are the highest indexing group.

Sires to Select

The first sort of sires available should be the top fifty sires for NM$ or gTPI®.  A few bulls that may qualify for their total merit and are significant improvers for FE and FI are listed below:

Proven Sires

  • Facebook (2366 gTPI & 512 NM$)
  • Denim (2356 gTPI & 615 NM$)
  • Robust (2504 gTPI & 767 NM$)
  • Manifold (2286 gTPI & 575 NM$)
  • Altaphonic (2262 gTPI & 539 NM$)

Genomic Sires

  • Supershot (2675 gTPI & 848 NM$)
  • Rubicon (2718 gTPI & 864 NM$)
  • Hotshot (2661gTPI & 815 NM$)
  • Delta (2709 gTPI & 873 NM$)
  • Draco (2642 gTPI & 810 NM$)

Polled Sires

  • Powerball-P (2534 gTPI & 653 NM$)
  • Multitude-P (2249 gTPI & 418 NM$)
  • Ewing-P (2229 gTPI & 510 NM$)
  • Yahtzee-P (2408 gTPI & 588 NM$)
  • Ladd Man-P (2201 gTPI & 365 NM$)

Red, RC and high PTAT sires do not rank high for either feed efficiency (FE) or fertility (FI). One exception is Mogul at 2.84 PTAT who received 142 for FE however his FI is only slightly above average at 0.3.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Breeding for feed efficiency is closely related to breeding for increased production. However breeding for increased milk yield is counter-productive to increasing the genetic merit of females for reproductive traits. Based on our study of the new indexes for feed efficiency and fertility, we recommend that breeders select bulls that are over 80 pounds for fat and protein combined and that are over 1.0 for FI.

The Dairy Breeders No BS Guide to Genomics


Not sure what all this hype about genomics is all about?

Want to learn what it is and what it means to your breeding program?

Download this free guide.




All a Dairy Breeder wants for Christmas is…

Most dairy breeders are pretty simple.  Give ‘em  a VG-89-2YR who wins Intermediate Champion at Expo and they will be happy.  If you are stymied about what to buy your father, wife, brother, sister, best friend or hired help, but can’t afford that 2700 TPI heifer from an early release sire, we have prepared a list of top 10 unique gift Ideas for the special dairy enthusiast in your life.

6275686-fa3d011e8c4b4890d291b6dd46f5bee3-fp-14180575812014 World Dairy Expo and 2014 Royal Winter Fair Holstein Show Photo Books

Due to the extremely popular demand for  last year’s photo books, we  brought them back for 2014.  These 90 page 10”x 8” coffee table books each contain over 200 hi-resolution photos.  You can relive all of the action and excitement of the 2014 World Dairy Expo Holstein Show and The Royal Winter Fair 2014 Holstein Show with these one-of-a-kind photo books.  Check out these photo books here.

A Special Lady from Steel Cow

Although she is neither a dairy breeder nor a show ring competitor, artist Valerie Miller of Steel Cow is, nevertheless, completely hands on in her relationship with cows. This passionate painter not only paints her girls larger than life but she also aligns their bovine characteristics with dear family members and friends.  These paintings are admired by all and make a great Christmas gift for the dairy breeder on your list.  Steel Cow’s Valerie Miller: Larger Than Life With Her Cow Girls.

Puttin on the RitzyPaintings by Gary Sauder

Since the first time I saw Gary’s work on Facebook, I was amazed by the super-realism of his paintings.  His passion and understanding of what great dairy animals look like comes through in each and every one.  We had the chance to interview Gary in our feature article – GARY SAUDER: The Muse in His Studio. To order some of Gary’s fine art work visit Cow Art and More.


The Dairy Queen: A History of the Jersey Breed Worldwide

This 300-page book is a great Christmas present for anyone interested in the Jersey breed.  It chronicles the origins and development of the Jersey breed through detailed text and photos.  Be sure to check out our interview “THE DAIRY QUEEN” HAS ALL THE ANSWERS! with Co-Author Derrick Frigot.  He tells how this book came to be and what makes it so unique.  Supplies are limited, so be sure to check out their Facebook page and order your copy for the Jersey breeder in your life.



Emma's recent painting "Hailey" of the great RF Goldwyn Hailey.

Prints by Emma Caldwell

Probably one of the most talented young artists I have ever come across, Emma Caldwell is well on her way to becoming a worldwide household name.  Although she is  just starting out in her career, she has already done some amazing paintings of Hailey, Smurf, and Francesca.  Check out our feature interview with Emma, Emma Caldwell’s Art Stirs Mind and Heart, as well as her many great prints available from her web shop.







Millionaires in the Cornfield: The Glory Days of the National Dairy Cattle Congress by Norman Nabholz.

For me, Norm is probably one of the greatest cattle minds of the past 50 years.  It only takes a few moments of chatting with Norm to recognize his passion for this business we all love.  His book is easy to pick up but hard to put down.  Not only does it recount the achievements of legendary breeders and showmen with words and countless pictures, the background information and this behind-the-scenes look  are most entertaining and interesting.  The Bullvine had a chance to sit down and interview this multi-talented man in our feature article – HALTER, PEN and GAVEL.  That’s Just the Norm.\

The Dairy Breeders Guide to Facebook

Facebook Page for Their Farm

Instead of wasting hundreds of dollars on a web page that no one will ever read, give the dairy breeder in your life a Facebook page that will reach the world.  The best part about it? It’s free!  That’s correct, it will cost you nothing.  All you need to do is download this simple guide, The Dairy Breeders Guide to Facebook and you will be well on the way to helping the dairy breeder in your life market to the world.

Edward Young MorwickThe Chosen Breed and The Holstein History by Edward Young Morwick

Anyone who likes history, even in the slightest, will greatly appreciate either the US history (The Holstein History) or the Canadian History (The Chosen Breed) by Edward.  Each of these books is so packed with information that they are each printed in two separate volumes.  We had a chance to interview Edward – Edward Young Morwick – Country Roads to Law Office and you get a true sense  of his passion and quick wit and they  also come shining through in his books.  Be sure to get your copies of amazing compilation of Holstein history in these books.

Legends of the Tanbark Trail

Legends of the Tanbark Trail by Tim Baumgartner

Dairy cattle have been on exhibit for nearly 200 years and taking home the coveted title of National Grand Champion has always been a compelling force.  Tracing the first 100 years of U.S. national dairy cattle shows, Legends of the Tanbark Trail is a salient account of the people, the places, and the superb and unparalleled animals that have graced the show ring throughout its history.  Be sure to get your show enthusiast their copy of this special book.



Prints by Bonnie Mohr

For a long time Bonnie Mohr has been the industry standard for great dairy paintings.  Like many, our family has had the opportunity to appreciate Bonnie’s great work.  My wife has presented me with   a Bonnie Mohr print every year on our anniversary.  That is why when we had the opportunity to interview Bonnie – Bonnie Mohr – Science and Art Together Creates a Holstein Love Story-; it was an honor for us.  Be sure to check out her website for more extraordinary fine art from rural America.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Instead of buying the tie that they might only wear for weddings or funerals, or those  work gloves that could get lost the first time they are worn, consider these 10 great gift ideas.  Not only will they thank you for connecting them to their dairy passion, but also our  thoughtfulness will touch dairy breeder’s hearts and make lasting memories this Christmas!

Be sure to LIKE and SHARE this post on Facebook to let your friends and family know exactly what you are wanting for Christmas.


Put Some Jolly Into Your Very Dairy Christmas!

The holidays are almost here. And along with it, another seemingly endless list which demands that it, and you, are checking twice. Regardless of the chores, breeding, feed, finances, calvings, frozen pipes, storm damage …. And the fifteenth bull calf in a row … you are definitely feeling that you’re on thin ice.

The gifts, the tree, the perfect pies and turkey …. Christmas at the Farm … in some in one month.  No wonder we’re stressed exhausted and in some cases, dairy depressed.

We may catch ourselves envying the non-farm neighbours who head to warmer climates for their winter break. After all, how hard is it to care for a cat (and maybe a dog)? They can even choose to sleep in while they get time off from that barely stressful 9-5 job that pays their bills so effortlessly.

Oops!  Want a little cheese with that whine?

Try to remember that not everything about Christmas on a dairy farm is bad! And everything OFF the farm isn’t perfect either.  Almost everyone has to deal with debt loads, decision making and lack of control over the weather. While they may not be as isolated as the typical farmer, they also don’t have nearly as much hands-on control of their daily living.

Long days and late nights may make Christmas parties, concerts, sleigh rides and ski hills seem out of reach. Don’t get your Christmas stockings in a knot yet.  Put a wreath on the barn door.  Remind yourself where the Christmas season started. Have you got a Santa Claus hat?  Put it on your favorite cow.  After all, she never tires of giving her best to you every day.  Now that your workplace and staff are in a holiday moo-ed, take fifteen minutes to invite your family — or a neighbour to enjoy a hot chocolate.  Find a place where the view of your farm, cattle, or pastures will recharge your energy.

Here Comes Christmas Stress!  Right down Dairy Farm Lane!

Christmas is a time of waiting … and hurrying and worrying. The very fact that it is seen as a time to celebrate sets us up for the measuring, comparing and competing that can add huge stress to an already busy time.  Unfortunately, just when there are all these added challenges, we seem determined to respond to them in ways that aren’t usual either.

  • Don’t cut off your usual support groups.  While bemoaning what you’re missing don’t cut yourself off from church, 4-H or coffee at the local diner or Timmy’s.  That hour isn’t going to make your list any shorter, but you will confirm that you’re not the only one coping with Christmas.
  • Make a Happy Christmas in the Stable.  Don’t take your anxiety out on your cows.  Remember Christmas started in a stable.  But regardless of your faith beliefs, taking care of animals (and friends) takes the focus off ourselves.
  • Take Care of YOU:  Seasonal stress can show itself through coughs, colds, flu, aches and pains.  If you have annual visits from these ailments, try to anticipate the trigger situations and take steps to prevent getting worn out.
  • Make the Job a Game:  If you’re missing family activities. Bring Christmas fun to your farm.  Surprise your staff by wearing antlers or hanging mistletoe.  It’s surprising how the sound of laughter can change drudgery to fun
  • Ask for what YOU Need:  Never mind your list for Santa.  If you’re feeling low, share that with those closest to you.  There may not be an easy solution, but it’s important not to carry the whole load by yourself! Every little hug helps!

Make Someone Else Happy!

We all know how our outlook can change in an instant, when someone shines the light of appreciation on what we are doing.  Make sure you light up someone else’s day with a sincere, “Thank you!” Everyone struggles.  Don’t add to their stress with criticism or shared anxiety about all the troubles of the world.  Find a piece of happiness to share with someone else!

A written thank you note to family who give up some of their time for the farm could make a big difference.  A note to staff shows that you appreciate them beyond the daily dairy grind.   The very effort of putting your thoughts of gratitude on paper will make a difference in your own outlook too!

Put Some Fun in Your Own Life!

Every year I have fun performing in Christmas Musicals and Concerts.  This year, various issues tempted me to give up this frivolous behavior.  However, fate stepped in, and just as I was about to give up my ladies’ performance choir – our new leader asked me if I would assist her with the stage managing.  Well, there’s nothing like being needed to make you forget your troubles.  Believe – herding cows or even cats — is less work than getting forty-five women on and off stage three times in one show!

Having recently turned 65, it seemed like this, finally, should be the year that I stopped putting on costumes and doing home groan comedy routines.  But – like clockwork— I woke up one morning giggling at an idea that occurred to me for my church Altar-Ego “Sister Page Turner” to deliver.  Our church is struggling through a somewhat dark period, and I thought the topic should be “Light!”  Thus- “Batteries Not Included!” will, hopefully, send a message of hopefulness.  As usual, trying to see the humour in an awkward situation actually does help.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Learning to deal with stress takes time but, in the end, we develop coping strategies that help in many areas of life — not just in the barn. So friends, give yourselves a well-deserved pat on the back.  The work you do goes far beyond your own farm gate.  Chin up! Here at The Bullvine we’re glad to share our issues, concerns and joys with you.  We’re proud of you. Have yourself a very – merry – dairy Christmas.


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