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The Complete Guide to Amino Acids for Dairy Farmers: Improving Your Livestock’s Health and Productivity

Boost your dairy farm’s productivity with our comprehensive guide on amino acids. Learn how to enhance livestock health and milk yield. Ready to optimize your herd?

In dairy farming, optimizing the health and productivity of your herd is often at the top of your list of priorities. One golden key to achieving this is paying close attention to the dietary needs of your livestock. Among the essential nutrients for ruminants, particularly dairy cows, amino acids hold significant importance. In this comprehensive guide, we will take a deep dive into the world of amino acids in dairy nutrition – exploring their role, identifying the essential ones, highlighting how you can spot and address deficiencies, and emphasizing the potential benefits of opting for amino acid supplementation.

Understanding Amino Acids 

If you’ve pondered this question – “What are amino acids?” – let’s dive straight into it. Amino acids are the fundamental building blocks of proteins, playing an integral role in almost all biological processes in animals. 

In proteins, we find 20 commonly occurring amino acids. They fall into two classes: 

Essential Amino Acids (EAAs) 

Simply put, these are amino acids that the body can’t synthesize itself. Thus, these must be sourced through the diet. The list here includes: 

  • Methionine
  • Lysine
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Histidine
  • Valine
  • Isoleucine
  • Leucine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Arginine

Non-essential Amino Acids 

On the flip side, we have non-essential amino acids. These are synthesized by the body itself and, hence, they don’t need to be entirely provided through the diet.

The Importance of Amino Acids for Dairy Cows 

Let’s delve into why amino acids matter so much for your dairy cows. Simply put, amino acids play a key role in supporting their health and boosting their productivity. They’re the building blocks your cows need to thrive. Here’s why: 

  • They Support Milk Production: Milk is largely made up of proteins, which are constituted by amino acids. By ensuring your cows receive the right quantity and quality of amino acids in their diet, you can effectively enhance both the yield and quality of their milk.
  • They Enhance Immune Function: Amino acids are not just vital for physical development, they’re also significant for a dairy cow‘s immune system. Incorporating sufficient protein in their diet can help maintain their immune function, potentially reducing the risk of disease.
  • They Improve Reproductive Performance: Balanced amino acid levels contribute to hormonal balance, which in turn promotes better fertility and reproductive health for your cows. That means a healthier herd and potentially improved calving rates.
  • They Facilitate Growth and Development: For your young ones, the heifers, and younger cows, amino acids are crucial components for optimal growth and development. Ensuring they have balanced amino acid intake can help them grow into strong, productive adults, effectively sustaining your dairy operation. 

Clearly, the right balance of amino acids in your dairy herd’s diet can lead to remarkable benefits and ensure the ongoing success of your dairy farming venture.

Spotlight on Essential Amino Acids in Dairy Nutrition 

As a dairy farmer, understanding the roles, potential impact of deficiencies, and sources of the core essential amino acids can dramatically enhance the wellbeing and productivity of your livestock. Here, we go through these elements for some of the significant essential amino acids. 


Not just a part of the genetic code, Methionine is primarily involved in protein synthesis, acting as a methyl group donor and as a precursor for cysteine. Its deficiencies could lead to reduced milk protein synthesis and poor immune function. Key sources of Methionine include soybean meal, fish meal, and synthetic methionine supplements. 


Lysine is crucial for protein synthesis, and its importance for milk protein formation is particularly noteworthy. A deficiency in Lysine may result in reduced milk protein yield and stunted growth in young cattle. Sources include soybean meal, canola meal, cottonseed meal, and synthetic lysine supplements. 


This amino acid is a significant player in protein synthesis and immune system support. Reduced milk production and poor immune response might be signs of Threonine deficiency. Key sources are soybean meal, canola meal, and fish meal. 


As a precursor of serotonin and responsible for niacin synthesis, Tryptophan affects appetite, growth, and milk production. Corn and soybean meal are its common sources. 


Histidine plays roles in hemoglobin synthesis and histamine production. A deficiency might result in anemia and reduced milk yield. Fish meal, soybean meal, and alfalfa are good sources of Histidine. 


Valine, involved in energy and muscle metabolism, could have deficiency effects like poor growth and reduced milk yield. Sources include soybean meal, corn, and alfalfa. 


A player in protein synthesis and immune support, Isoleucine might result in reduced growth and poor milk yield when deficient. Soybean meal, alfalfa, and corn are its key sources. 


Leucine, known for its role in protein synthesis and muscle repair, might lead to poor growth and reduced milk production when there’s a deficiency. Soybean meal and corn are good sources of Leucine. 


Phenylalanine, a major actor in protein synthesis and a precursor for tyrosine, could cause poor growth and low milk yield when deficient. Its sources include soybean meal, alfalfa, and canola meal. 


Finally, Arginine, playing roles in the urea cycle and nitric oxide production, might result in reduced reproductive performance and growth when deficient. Key sources include soybean meal and cottonseed meal. 

Ensuring a balanced intake of these essential amino acids can help maintain the health and productivity of your dairy cattle.

Balancing Amino Acid Intake: Practical Steps for Dairy Farmers 

Just as you carefully manage every aspect of your farm, it’s crucial to be intentional about the balance of amino acids in your herd’s diet. A strategic and methodical approach can lead to increased efficiency and healthier cows. Here are some steps to follow. 

1. Evaluate Diet Composition 

Farms thrive when farmers are proactive about understanding the nuances of their herd’s diet. Work with a professional nutritionist to analyze the current feed composition, with a particular focus on protein sources and their respective amino acid profiles. This evaluation will help identify any potential gaps that may need to be addressed. 

2. Monitor Performance Indicators 

Stay on top of your farm’s health by regularly tracking important performance indicators. This includes consistently monitoring milk yield, milk composition, reproductive performance, and growth rates in your cows. Such vigilance will allow you to detect potential amino acid deficiencies before they affect your herd’s productivity. 

3. Optimize Protein Sources 

Look for ways to incorporate high-quality protein sources into your cows’ diet. This could include soybean meal, canola meal, and fish meal – all of which offer a rich blend of amino acids. Additionally, consider using bypass proteins for an even more efficient utilization of proteins and amino acid supplements to meet specific dietary requirements. 

4. Use Synthetic Amino Acid Supplements 

In some instances, a deficiency in certain amino acids may not be avoidable through diet alone. In these cases, supplementing with synthetic methionine, lysine, or threonine can serve to meet your cows’ nutritional needs. 

5. Use Ration Balancing Software 

Why not harness the power of technology to streamline your farm operations? Modern ration balancing software tools can help you optimize amino acid balance and dietary nutrition. These handy tools can save you time while boosting the health and productivity of your herd. 

6. Regular Blood Tests 

Lastly, don’t forget to conduct regular blood tests to monitor the amino acid levels in your cows. Having this information at your fingertips can provide fantastic insights that can guide adjustments in feed to better meet nutritional requirements. 

Remember, a well-balanced diet for your cows is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. Making amino acids a priority in your herd’s nutrition leads to healthier cows and a more fruitful dairy operation.

Benefits of Amino Acid Supplementation 

Let’s delve into the key benefits of boosting your dairy cows’ diet with the right balance of amino acids. It’s all about promoting not only the health and well-being of your herd but also significantly enhancing your farm’s overall productivity. 

Enhanced Milk Yield and Quality 

Elevating the levels of amino acids can do wonders for your cows’ milk yield and quality. A pivotal study sweeping the board is the one conducted by NASEM in 2021, confirming a direct link between increased protein synthesis and higher milk yield and protein content. Amino acids play a crucial role in upscaling protein biosynthesis, resulting in a proud surge in milk production and its protein value. 

Improved Reproductive Efficiency 

Let’s move on to fertility, dairy farmer’s perennial concern. The magic blend of amino acids in your cows’ nutrition initiates a number of reproductive benefits. An adequately balanced diet can greatly support reproductive health, according to Anne Guadagnin and her team in their comprehensive study. Healthier and more fertile cattle mean better herd growth prospects and, ultimately, increased farm productivity

Better Growth Rates 

The benefits of a well-rounded amino acid diet don’t end at milk and reproductive efficiency. Your youngstock and heifers can also experience more efficient growth when they ingest adequate amounts of these organic compounds. The study by Storm and Řrskov in 1983 laid the foundation for these findings, indicating the role of amino acids in the healthy and efficient growth of young dairy cows. 

Disease Resistance 

Providing your herd with a balanced intake of amino acids can help bolster their immune systems, equipping them to more effectively ward off disease. The result is a reduction in the incidence of illnesses, reducing your vet calls and the heartache of managing a sick herd. This was supported by a collaborative study from Schwab in 1995, Weiss et al. in 1992, and Clark et al. in 1992, all affirming that an improved immune function corresponds to reduced disease incidence. 

Economic Benefits: How Amino Acids Can Boost Your Dairy Farm’s Bottom Line

In the dairy farming business, every decision you make can have significant financial implications. There’s a connection between the nutritional choices you make for your herd and your dairy farm’s bottom line – and amino acids are an integral part of this equation. 

Income from milk protein is a substantial part of your earnings. By optimizing the amino acids in your cows’ diets, with a specific focus on essential amino acids, you can maximize this income. Also, minimizing non-productive use of amino acids is crucial for both economic and environmental considerations. By enhancing the digestion and absorption of proteins, you can ensure that every bit of feed ends up contributing to profitable milk production rather than being wasted. 

Supplementing your herd’s diet with select amino acids can stimulate milkfat synthesis, elevating the quality, and thereby the value of your milk. In addition, the right mix of amino acids can boost cow health and reproductive efficiency, leading to lower vet bills, less downtime, and a more sustainable herd. 

The utilization efficiency of amino acids for milk and maintenance can aid in defining the need to increase or decrease amino acid supply. High calculated efficiency suggests that additional amino acid supply could spike milk protein yield, further increasing revenue. 

Cost is, of course, a key consideration. The price of milk protein and the cost of individual amino acids may impact the ideal amino acid efficiency. However, given the broad range of benefits from optimized amino acid intake, the return on investment can be substantial. This approach could be your key to standing out in a competitive market, offering high-quality products, and ultimately, boosting your bottom line. 

Remember, having a conversation with a nutritionist about the benefits of rumen-protected amino acid products can provide you with practical and tailored advice. In the end, the economics of amino acid supplementation comes down to a of cost, balance efficiency, and return on investment – a balance that, when correctly struck, could have a significant positive impact on your dairy farm’s profitability.

Demystifying Myths: Common Misconceptions About Amino Acids in Dairy Farming

Let’s tackle a few misconceptions often associated with amino acids’ role in dairy farming. One common myth is that free amino acid profiles aren’t unique to species and hence, do not serve as a determinant for milk quality. According to scientific research, free amino acid profiles of milk are characteristic and can serve as a significant hallmark of species such as cows, sheep, and goats. This information is vital for producers, processors, and even consumers to ensure the quality and nutritional content of milk. 

Another misunderstanding is the belief that microbes don’t contribute to the amino acid resources of dairy cows. Contrarily, microbial protein serves as a primary source of amino acids, supporting necessary maintenance functions, milk production and growth in cows. 

Often, it is mistakenly perceived that cows lack metabolic flexibility to adapt to different amino acid supplies. Yet, dairy cows are surprisingly versatile in adjusting to varied amino acid supplies to maintain their performance and health. This insight can guide dairy farmers in designing flexible and responsive feeding strategies. 

You may come across a notion that amino acids utilized for non-productive purposes do not impact the farming’s economic aspect. However, it’s crucial to understand that maximizing income from milk protein is critical. At the same time, minimizing non-productive use of amino acids is essential for both economic and environmental reasons. Every amino acid contributes to the metabolic efficiency and affects your dairy farm’s bottom line. Deciphering this can aid farmers in achieving optimized and sustainable production. 

Remember, the utilization efficiency of amino acids for milk production and maintenance greatly impacts the opportunity to increase or decrease the amino acid supply. Grasping this concept can help understand the importance of managing amino acid balance for dairy farm profitability.

The Bottom Line

Indeed, the crucial role of amino acids in maintaining the health and productivity of your dairy cows can’t be overstated. By fully grasping the significance of essential amino acids, pinpointing any shortfalls, and employing potent supplementation strategies, you as a dairy farmer have the power to not only enhance the general health of your herd, but its reproductive efficacy and milk productivity too. Working in accord with a proficient nutritionist and employing state-of-the-art ration balancing software will make sure your herd benefits from optimal amino acid nourishment. In essence, meticulous management of amino acids should be viewed not just as an expense but as a fundamental investment in the overall success and profitability of your dairy operations.

Summary: Amino acids are essential nutrients for dairy cows, crucial for milk production, immune function, reproductive performance, and growth. They include Methionine, Lysine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Histidine, Valine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Phenylalanine, and Arginine. Deficits in these amino acids can lead to reduced milk protein synthesis, poor immune function, anemia, reduced milk yield, and reduced reproductive performance. To address deficiencies, dairy farmers should focus on sourcing essential amino acids from their diets, such as soybean meal, fish meal, and synthetic supplements. A well-balanced diet can lead to increased efficiency and healthier cows. Regular blood tests can provide insights for feed adjustments to better meet nutritional requirements. Amino acids also boost milk protein income and reduce non-productive use. Optimizing the diet with essential amino acids can stimulate milkfat synthesis, improve milk quality, and boost cow health and reproductive efficiency. Proper management of amino acids is essential for dairy farm profitability.

Impact of Heat Stress on Dairy Cows: Decrease in Feed Intake and Milk Yield – Approaches and Mitigation Strategies

Discover how heat stress impacts dairy cows’ feed intake and milk yield. Learn about our research findings and the mitigation strategies to counter these effects.

Who would have thought that weather conditions could have such a profound effect on our dairy supplies? It turns out that heat stress can have a significant impact on dairy production, reducing feed intake and milk yield in cows. This could also lead to changes in milk composition and feed efficiency. However, data examining these effects across various levels of heat stress and different cow populations involved in heat stress studies is limited. 

To shed some light on this issue, our research had two primary objectives. The first was to assess the effects of heat stress on dry matter intake (DMI), energy-corrected milk (ECM), milk composition, and feed efficiency (kg ECM/kg DMI). The second objective was to delve deeper into the relationship between these effects and heat stress interventions, as well as individual animal characteristics. For this study, we used meta-analytical approaches. 

In the end, data from 31 studies, yielding 34 trials, met the inclusion criteria, providing us with a rich pool of data for analysis. Results showed that heat stress decreased DMI, ECM, and milk protein concentration. Interestingly, however, it did not significantly alter milk fat concentration or feed efficiency.

In the realm of statistical evaluation, a meta-regression confirmed these findings. Reductions in DMI and ECM were linked to rising temperature-humidity index (THI). During periods of heat stress, for each unit increase in THI, DMI and ECM decreased by 4.13% and 3.25%, respectively, in mid-lactation cows. 

Our regression models also uncovered a significant interaction between THI and the lactation stage. This interactive component helped explain the substantial variations in the effect sizes of DMI and ECM. We conclude that understanding these relationships and how individual animal characteristics interact with heat stress effects warrant further research. 

It’s clear from our findings that heat stress can considerably decrease productivity. This reaches beyond the realm of academic interest and signals a strong need for the implementation of mitigation strategies in heat-stressed herds.

Read more:

Summary: Heat stress can significantly impact dairy production, reducing feed intake and milk yield in cows, leading to changes in milk composition and feed efficiency. However, data on these effects across different levels of heat stress and cow populations is limited. A study assessing the effects of heat stress on dry matter intake (DMI), energy-corrected milk (ECM), milk composition, and feed efficiency was conducted using meta-analytical approaches. Results showed that heat stress decreased DMI, ECM, and milk protein concentration, but did not significantly alter milk fat concentration or feed efficiency. A meta-regression confirmed these findings, showing that reductions in DMI and ECM were linked to rising temperature-humidity index (THI). For each unit increase in THI, DMI and ECM decreased by 4.13% and 3.25%, respectively, in mid-lactation cows during periods of heat stress. The study also found a significant interaction between THI and the lactation stage, explaining the substantial variations in effect sizes of DMI and ECM. The findings suggest that understanding these relationships and how individual animal characteristics interact with heat stress effects warrant further research.

Boosting Udder Health: The Role of Microbial Bedding Conditioner in Maintaining Superior Bedding Quality

Discover how microbial bedding conditioner can boost udder health by maintaining superior bedding quality. Is your livestock’s comfort a priority? Learn more.

You might be surprised to know just how pivotal udder health can be in the world of dairy farming. It’s not simply a matter of animal welfare – although that’s obviously incredibly important. No, the health of a cow’s udder has far-reaching implications on milk production, the quality of the milk produced, and the overall well-being of dairy cows. So, what influences udder health? There are many factors, but one that’s often overlooked is the quality of bedding material used in barns and stalls. With burgeoning advancements in farming, microbial bedding conditioners have emerged as an innovative solution to not only enhance bedding quality but also reduce pathogen load, significantly contributing to improved udder health. This article is your handy guide to understanding how microbial bedding conditioners work, the benefits they bring to the stable, and how best to implement them in your practice. 

Understanding Bedding Quality and Udder Health

As a vital stakeholder in the dairy industry, you already know how crucial the well-being of your cattle is. But did you know that the quality of bedding in your cowshed can significantly impact the health of your cows, particularly their udders? Let’s delve a bit deeper into this. 

Poor bedding conditions—dampness, high bacterial count, or dirt—can become a hotbed for infections. The udder, an integral part of a cow’s anatomy directly linked to your dairy productivity, is particularly susceptible. One of the most common diseases it can contract is mastitis. This widespread, inflammatory condition of the mammary glands can rise from neglected bedding maintenance and significantly reduce your milking yield. Consequently, it impacts your farm’s profitability. 

So, what can you do to turn things around? The answer lies in how effectively you manage the quality of your bedding material. A well-kept, clean, and dry bedding environment substantially reduces the chances of mastitis and aids in maintaining optimal udder health, ensuring your cows’ comfort and your dairy productivity.

Udder Health: Why Bedding Quality Is Non-Negotiable

The importance of bedding quality for bovine udder health can’t be overstated. Research shows a significant correlation between the microbial condition of the bedding material and udder health. Considering that dairy cows spend between 10 to 13 hours a day lying down, the quality of their bedding material directly impacts their overall well-being. In fact, a significant portion of their time spent resting directly affects the health of their udders and the subsequent quality of milk they produce.

Why is this so? Well, a soiled and damp bed is literally a breeding ground for bacteria that can lead to mastitis, a common yet costly ailment in dairy cows. Mastitis prevention, which includes bedding management, is absolutely crucial for farm profitability. Beds that are dry and free from manure and urine help to reduce bacteria levels. So, maintaining the quality of the bedding isn’t just about cow comfort—it’s essential for disease prevention, milk production, and ultimately, the farm’s bottom line.

Fortunately, there’s an effective and sustainable solution: microbial bedding conditioners. These are bedding inoculants that contain live bacteria and enzymes. These beneficial microorganisms can help maintain the quality of the bedding by breaking down organic matter and reducing harmful bacteria. Not only does this improve bedding longevity, it ensures optimal udder health as well. 

Remember, investing in high-quality bedding and maintaining it properly is a direct investment in udder health. And in the dairy business, a healthy udder is non-negotiable. Get the bedding right, and you’ve taken a significant step towards preserving udder health and optimizing dairy production. 

How to maintain superior bedding quality

Yeah, you got it right. Superior bedding quality isn’t something achieved by sheer luck or accident, it requires conscious, regular effort, and a dash of science. Let’s dive into the basics. 

Remember, just as you revel in clean, fresh bedding, cows also love a dry and clean place to rest. A clean bed is not just comfortable for the cows, but it also significantly reduces the bacterial load that can negatively impact milk quality. 

For instance, regardless of whether you’re using a microbial bedding conditioner or not, all bedding types should be regularly checked for manure and urine and kept as dry as possible. This will help you maintain an ideal level of hygiene whilst minimizing the on-set of infections like mastitis. 

Now, picture this – cows spend a significant portion of their day, about 12 hours, lying down. This is more than half their day! Doesn’t it make sense then, to ensure they’re laying down in the best possible conditions? 

Clean sand is the superstar of bedding materials due to its minimal bacterial prospering conditions, but even this gold standard needs regular assessment and careful management. 

Incorporating Microbial Bedding Conditioners. 

Microbial bedding conditioners really shine here. They make the bedding management task simpler and more beneficial, particularly in terms of the cow’s udder health. How so? These powerful mixtures are essentially inoculation of the bedding and manure with beneficial live bacteria and enzymes. These promote the growth of helpful microorganisms that maintain and often improve the quality of the bedding over time. 

In addition to preserving the bedding material quality, microbial bedding conditioners enhance the physiochemical aspect of the bedding too. Beyond the tangible benefits, the unseen additive effect can positively impact the overall farm profitability by reducing the risk of udder health issues and improving milk quality. 

Remember: Preserving superior bedding quality is not a one-off task, it’s a continuous process. It goes beyond the visual cleanliness or the feel of the bedding. The nutritional and physiological well-being of your cows ultimately depends on it.

What are Microbial Bedding Conditioners?

Microbial bedding conditioners, what are they? These innovative products contain beneficial microorganisms, generally bacteria or enzymes, intended to enhance the condition of animal bedding material. By breaking down organic substances within the bedding, they minimize moisture levels and restrict the prevalence of destructive pathogens. These conditioners, when applied, remodel the bedding habitat into an unwelcome locale for harmful udder-infecting bacteria. The result? Preserved bedding quality and promoted udder health. 

Benefits of Microbial Bedding Conditioners

Now let’s unearth these points a bit more, so you understand fully why maintaining quality bedding is so crucial for cow health. 

  1. Enhanced Bedding Dryness
    One of the key benefits of using microbial conditioners is enhanced bedding dryness. By accelerating the decomposition of organic matter, these conditioners help maintain the dryness of the bedding material. As you may know, dry bedding dramatically reduces the risk of bacterial growth, thereby lowering the incidence of udder infections.
  2. Reduced Pathogen Load
    Beyond just ensuring dryness, the microbes in the bedding conditioner have another major function: reducing pathogenic load. They outcompete harmful bacteria for nutrients and space, effectively reducing the opportunities for these pathogens to multiply in the bedding substrate.
  3. Improved Cow Comfort
    Another key benefit of microbial conditioners is improved cow comfort. Comfortable bedding has been positively linked to increased lying time, which ultimately benefits cow health and boosts milk production. These conditioners thus work by maintaining an optimal balance of dryness and softness to create a comfortable bedding surface.
  4. Lower Risk of Mastitis
    Keeping the bedding cleaner and drier significantly lowers the risk of mastitis. As a result, along with better udder health, this also leads to the enhancement of milk quality, and subsequently, increased milk yield.
  5. Cost-Effective Management
    Lastly, the use of microbial conditioners is a cost-effective strategy for managing bedding material. It reduces the frequency of bedding changes, thereby saving on labor and material costs. 

By understanding these benefits and incorporating microbial bedding conditioners into your hygienic practices, you can offer your cows a safer, more comfortable environment, improve milk production, and even streamline your operations in a more cost-effective manner.

Best Practices for Using Microbial Bedding Conditioners

Just as you wouldn’t skip your regular car check-ups, maintaining optimal conditions for your livestock bedding requires the consistent application of microbial bedding conditioners. Such consistency aligns well with your routine bedding maintenance. Remember that the specific frequency of use may vary based on individual product guidelines as well as your unique farm environment. 

And what about storage? Picture a cool, dry space where your microbial conditioner can maintain its prowess. Proper storage, as specified by the manufacturer, is integral to the product’s effectiveness. Also, remember to respect safe handling guidelines to ensure the viability of the microbial cultures. 

Next, think of this as taking the temperature of your bedding environment – monitoring and evaluating! Regular checks of bedding conditions and udder health statistics provide a clear picture of the conditioner’s effectiveness. Just like you might adjust your cooking methods based on a taste test, tweaks in application rates or techniques could be required based on these findings. 

Finally, while microbial conditioners are certainly effective in improving bedding quality, they’re not a magic bullet. They should be seen as a crucial component of a wider udder health management strategy. This wholesome approach includes adhering to proper milking techniques, scheduling regular veterinary checks, and maintaining good overall barn hygiene. Think of these practices as the harmony needed for your livestock’s wellbeing.

The Bottom Line

Microbial bedding conditioners offer a promising solution to enhance bedding quality and, consequently, udder health in dairy farms. By understanding their benefits and implementing them effectively within an integrated approach to dairy hygiene management, farmers can achieve better health outcomes for their cattle, boost milk production, and reduce the economic burdens associated with udder diseases like mastitis. Adopting such innovative practices is crucial for the sustainability and profitability of modern dairy operations.

Summary: Udder health is crucial in dairy farming, as it impacts milk production, quality, and cow well-being. Poor bedding conditions, such as dampness, high bacterial count, or dirt, can breed infections, particularly mastitis, which can reduce milking yield and farm profitability. To improve udder health, it is essential to manage the quality of bedding material effectively. A well-kept, clean, and dry bedding environment reduces the chances of mastitis and aids in maintaining optimal udder health, ensuring cows’ comfort and dairy productivity. Research shows a significant correlation between the microbial condition of bedding material and udder health. Dairy cows spend 10-13 hours a day lying down, which directly impacts their overall well-being. A soiled and damp bed is a breeding ground for bacteria that can lead to mastitis, a common yet costly ailment in dairy cows. Investing in high-quality bedding and maintaining it properly is a direct investment in udder health.

Enhancing Forage Quality for Improved Dairy Cow Nutrition

For dairy farmers, maximizing the nutritional value of forage is crucial to ensure the health and productivity of their cows. Quality forage serves as a primary source of nutrients, influencing milk production, cow health, and overall farm profitability. Implementing strategies to improve forage quality can significantly enhance the efficiency and sustainability of dairy operations.

Understanding Forage Quality: Forage quality refers to the nutrient content and digestibility of feeds such as grass, legumes, and silage. Key factors affecting forage quality include plant species, maturity at harvest, harvesting methods, and storage conditions. High-quality forage contains optimal levels of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, providing balanced nutrition for dairy cows.

Strategies to Improve Forage Quality:

  1. Selecting Appropriate Forage Species: Choosing the right forage species suited to local climate and soil conditions is essential for optimizing nutrient content and yield. Varieties such as alfalfa, clover, and perennial ryegrass are known for their high protein and digestibility levels, making them ideal choices for dairy cow diets.
  2. Harvesting at Optimal Maturity: Timing of harvest significantly impacts forage quality. Harvesting forage at the proper stage of maturity, typically during the early vegetative or pre-bloom stage, ensures maximum nutrient density and digestibility. Delayed harvesting can lead to lignification, reducing digestibility and palatability.
  3. Implementing Effective Silage Management: Proper ensiling techniques are critical for preserving forage quality during storage. This includes compacting forage to expel oxygen, sealing silos or bales to prevent spoilage, and monitoring moisture levels to prevent mold growth. Using additives such as inoculants can also enhance fermentation and inhibit undesirable microbial activity.
  4. Nutrient Management and Soil Health: Maintaining soil fertility through balanced nutrient management practices promotes healthy forage growth and nutrient uptake. Regular soil testing helps determine nutrient deficiencies and informs fertilization strategies to optimize forage quality. Additionally, practices such as crop rotation and cover cropping can improve soil structure and microbial activity, enhancing forage productivity.
  5. Quality Assurance and Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of forage quality through laboratory analysis enables dairy farmers to adjust feeding programs and management practices accordingly. Regular testing for parameters such as protein content, fiber fractions, and metabolizable energy helps ensure consistency and nutritional adequacy in dairy cow diets.

Benefits of Improved Forage Quality: Enhancing forage quality offers numerous benefits for dairy operations:

  • Increased Milk Production: High-quality forage provides cows with essential nutrients, supporting optimal milk production and composition.
  • Improved Cow Health: Nutrient-dense forage contributes to overall cow health, reducing the risk of metabolic disorders and improving reproductive performance.
  • Cost Savings: By maximizing the nutritional value of forage, farmers can reduce reliance on purchased feeds and supplements, lowering production costs.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Efficient forage production and utilization contribute to sustainable farming practices by minimizing resource inputs and reducing environmental impacts.

Improving forage quality is fundamental to optimizing dairy cow nutrition and farm profitability. By implementing strategies such as selecting appropriate forage species, harvesting at optimal maturity, and implementing effective silage management practices, dairy farmers can enhance the nutritional value of their feeds and promote the health and productivity of their herds. Sustainable forage production and management play a pivotal role in ensuring the long-term viability of dairy operations amidst evolving agricultural challenges.

Harnessing Positive Reinforcement to Reduce Stress in Dairy Cows

Stress management is crucial for the health and productivity of dairy cows. Elevated stress levels not only impact animal welfare but can also lead to decreased milk production and compromised immune function. Traditional methods of handling and managing dairy cows often involve physical restraint or negative reinforcement, which can exacerbate stress and anxiety. However, an emerging approach gaining traction in the dairy industry is the use of positive reinforcement techniques to promote calmness and cooperation among cows.

Positive reinforcement involves rewarding desired behaviors to encourage their repetition, rather than punishing unwanted behaviors. When applied effectively, positive reinforcement can help create a low-stress environment for dairy cows, leading to improved welfare and productivity. Here’s how dairy farmers can incorporate positive reinforcement into their management practices:

  1. Training for Desired Behaviors: Start by identifying specific behaviors that are desirable in dairy cows, such as walking calmly to the milking parlor or standing still during veterinary examinations. Through consistent training sessions using rewards such as treats or access to preferred resources, cows can learn to associate these behaviors with positive outcomes.
  2. Utilizing Clicker Training: Clicker training is a popular method of positive reinforcement that involves using a clicker device to mark the desired behavior, followed by a reward. By pairing the distinct sound of the clicker with a reward, cows quickly learn to associate the click with the desired behavior, facilitating communication between the farmer and the animal.
  3. Creating Enriched Environments: Enriching the cows’ environment with comfortable resting areas, access to fresh water, and opportunities for social interaction can contribute to reduced stress levels. Providing environmental enrichment not only promotes positive behaviors but also enhances overall welfare and resilience to stressors.
  4. Establishing Trust-Based Relationships: Building trust between farmers and cows is essential for the success of positive reinforcement techniques. Take the time to interact with the cows calmly and respectfully, avoiding sudden movements or loud noises that could trigger fear or anxiety. Consistency and patience are key to developing strong, trust-based relationships with the animals.
  5. Tailoring Rewards to Individual Preferences: Just like humans, cows have individual preferences when it comes to rewards. Some may be motivated by food treats such as grains or hay, while others may prefer access to a clean, comfortable resting area. By observing each cow’s response to different rewards, farmers can tailor their positive reinforcement strategies to maximize effectiveness.
  6. Incorporating Positive Reinforcement into Routine Management Practices: Positive reinforcement techniques can be integrated into various aspects of dairy farm management, including milking, handling, and health checks. By incorporating rewards into routine procedures, farmers can help reduce stress and anxiety associated with these activities, leading to calmer and more cooperative cows.
  7. Monitoring and Adjusting Strategies: Continuously monitor the effectiveness of positive reinforcement techniques and be prepared to adjust strategies as needed. Not all cows will respond in the same way, so it’s essential to remain flexible and adapt approaches to suit individual personalities and preferences.

By embracing positive reinforcement techniques, dairy farmers can create a more harmonious and stress-free environment for their cows while simultaneously improving overall welfare and productivity. With patience, consistency, and a deep understanding of cow behavior, positive reinforcement has the potential to revolutionize the way dairy cows are managed and cared for in the modern agricultural industry.

Strategies to Boost Cash Flow on Your Dairy Farm

Managing cash flow effectively is crucial for the sustainability and profitability of your dairy farm. Fluctuating milk prices, rising input costs, and unpredictable weather patterns can all impact cash flow. However, with careful planning and strategic management, dairy farmers can implement strategies to increase cash flow and navigate through challenging times more effectively.

Increasing cash flow on dairy farms is crucial for maintaining financial stability. Here are some tips to help improve cash flow:


Title: Strategies to Boost Cash Flow on Dairy Farms

In the dairy industry, managing cash flow effectively is crucial for the sustainability and profitability of farms. Fluctuating milk prices, rising input costs, and unpredictable weather patterns can all impact cash flow. However, with careful planning and strategic management, dairy farmers can implement strategies to increase cash flow and navigate through challenging times more effectively.

Here are some effective strategies for dairy farmers to boost cash flow on their farms:

  1. Optimize Feed Management: Feed costs typically represent a significant portion of a dairy farm’s expenses. Implementing efficient feed management practices can help reduce costs while ensuring optimal nutrition for the herd. This may include growing more feed crops on-farm, optimizing grazing practices, or investing in technologies like feed ration software to minimize waste and improve efficiency.
  2. Maximize Milk Production: Increasing milk production per cow can directly impact cash flow by generating more revenue without significantly increasing expenses. Dairy farmers can achieve this through genetic selection, improved herd management practices, and implementing technology such as automated milking systems or precision nutrition programs.
  3. Diversify Revenue Streams: Relying solely on milk sales can leave dairy farms vulnerable to fluctuations in milk prices. Diversifying revenue streams by selling value-added products such as cheese, yogurt, or ice cream can provide additional sources of income and stabilize cash flow throughout the year.
  4. Control Operating Expenses: Analyze expenses carefully and identify areas where costs can be reduced without sacrificing herd health or productivity. This might involve renegotiating contracts with suppliers, optimizing equipment usage to minimize maintenance and repair costs, or exploring energy-saving initiatives to reduce utility expenses.
  5. Implement Risk Management Strategies: Dairy farmers can mitigate the impact of volatile milk prices and input costs by utilizing risk management tools such as futures contracts, options, or insurance products. These tools can help lock in prices for milk or feed inputs, providing greater predictability for cash flow planning.
  6. Invest in Efficiency-Enhancing Technologies: Embracing technology can improve operational efficiency and reduce labor costs on dairy farms. From automated feeding systems to robotic milking machines, investing in modern agricultural technologies can streamline processes, increase productivity, and ultimately boost cash flow.
  7. Explore Government Assistance Programs: Government assistance programs, such as subsidies or grants, may be available to support dairy farmers during challenging times or to incentivize investments in sustainability or efficiency projects. Stay informed about available programs and take advantage of opportunities that align with the farm’s goals and objectives.
  8. Focus on Herd Health and Reproduction: Healthy cows are more productive and profitable. Prioritize preventative healthcare measures, such as vaccinations and regular herd checks, to minimize the risk of disease outbreaks and reduce veterinary costs. Additionally, optimizing reproductive efficiency can shorten calving intervals and increase the number of productive cows in the herd, contributing to higher milk yields and improved cash flow.
  9. Monitor Cash Flow Regularly: Establishing a robust cash flow monitoring system is essential for identifying trends, tracking expenses, and making informed financial decisions. Regularly review financial statements, cash flow projections, and budgetary targets to stay proactive in managing cash flow and addressing any potential issues promptly.

By implementing these strategies and adopting a proactive approach to cash flow management, dairy farmers can enhance their financial resilience and position their operations for long-term success in a challenging agricultural landscape.

Dairy Farm Transformation: Artificial Intelligence

In the evolving field of agriculture, the dairy industry has embraced new techniques and technologies to enhance the efficiency, productivity, and management of the herd. Specifically, dairy managers use software embedded with precision dairy technologies to manage individual cows in a herd setting or to check if the herd is on target for performance. This concept of taking information from sensors and making informed decisions to manage livestock is called precision livestock farming (PLF). For example, producers use milk capture technology to track milk production in each cow. If the herd deviates from their milk production by 20% on average, a PLF producer would use this information to inform their decisions, such as troubleshooting the feed bunk, calling their veterinarian, or checking with parlor staff. Producers use PLF to make informed management decisions because of the capability behind machine learning algorithms (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). This article explains ML, AI, and the importance of identifying the farm’s goals for a technology before purchase.

Understanding Machine Learning in Dairy Farming:

One subset of AI is machine learning (ML). Computer engineers use ML algorithms and statistical models to train ML models and test the algorithm against different scenarios, including making data predictions. There are two main types of ML: supervised, where a computer scientist adjusts the algorithm based on ML feedback, and unsupervised, where the computer algorithm adapts to new information automatically [1]. Generally, an engineer will not embed an ML algorithm into an AI software platform until a certain threshold for accuracy, precision, and error across multiple iterations is met. Unsupervised ML, or AI software can make predictions about patterns in new datasets without direct input from human users. This allows for automated predictions about individual cows in a herd setting.

What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is software that mimics the human thinking process and adapts to additional information [2]. Dairy producers use PLF systems that are embedded with AI to analyze and interpret predictions about their cattle. An easy way to understand AI is by thinking of the human brain. As a human brain learns and practices something, it becomes more efficient when completing a task or solving a problem. Essentially, AI is like the brain of a computer, the more information it receives, the better the answers and responses it generates. However, AI is not perfect, and only works as well as the quality of the data and the “robustness” of the software [3]. Producers should only select precision technologies that are validated for the metric of interest because the primary role of AI is to provide an extra set of eyes and ears for the producer [3]. Validation is important because AI-embedded software requires “robustness,” or an ability to generalize the predictions of the algorithm to different contexts and situations. After all, no dairy is the same. The goal of PLF is to save time, improve cattle performance, and provide data for more informed decision-making for the herd. Therefore, as a dairy producer, it is fundamental to investigate if the PLF system of interest is validated scientifically and within the company to perform the specific task of interest.

Precision livestock farming: what should I look for before making the purchase?

One example of PLF is tracking the health or reproductive status of individual cows in the herd and using that information to intervene. There are many types of precision technologies: robotics, external sensors, and wearable sensors that attach to the cow in some way to track feeding behavior, rumination, temperature, or activity status, (aspreviously described).

One common PLF system that producers use involves wearable technologies, which are sensors attached to the cow. Specific information is collected from a cow and locally stored on the sensor until a cow is near a base station. The cow’s tag will be triggered to download to the station and transmit to a cloud server, where an AI platform will interpret the data and make predictions about individual cows. Cows who deviate from their normal behavior will have an alert generated for review through the software interface. There are two types of wearable PLF systems to consider for the farm:

  1. Saving labor: High emphasis on specificity, or animals that are truly negative for the condition of interest.
  2. Replacing skilled labor: High emphasis on sensitivity, or animals that are truly positive for the condition of interest.
  3. Saving labor: An alternative to health exams on each transition cow.

Many dairy producers screen each transition cow with intensive health exams for the first 10 days in milk because metabolic diseases could negatively compromise her entire lactation [5]. Recently, Cornell researchers observed that using rumination monitoring systems daily to decide who to screen for a health exam allows for a less labor-intensive strategy than locking up each cow [6,7]. Specifically, veterinarians performed health exams on each transition cow in one group of cows for the first 10 days in milk (farm standard protocol). For the second group of cows, the veterinarians performed health exams only on cows who had PLF-generated alerts from the rumination system. Both protocols required that staff walk the fresh pen daily as well to safeguard any cows who were extremely sick and not identified. Researchers observed that there was no difference in disease detection rates, or disease treatment rates between the two protocols, saving the farm $$ in labor costs when they adapted the PLF system. For the labor reduction system to work well, the PLF system should be validated with very high specificity > 90% meaning that 90/100 cows that the system says are healthy are healthy. We want the system to rarely mislabel healthy cows who do not need exams to save labor. Identifying which cows do not require exams saves the farm labor and allows healthy transition cows more time at the feed bunk.

Dairy Cows
Transition cow health alert systems can often be incorporated into a milking parlor to sort cows based on alerts for further clinical examination. Photo courtesy of Shelby Felder

        2. Replacing skilled labor: Using robotics to identify scouring calves

In a different scenario, perhaps a farm is limited in their labor to observe cattle for the disease, but the mortality rate for the disease is high. This is the case for dairy calves on most farms, where complications from diarrhea such as dehydration are the leading causes of death in preweaned calves [8]. The only correct way to diagnose diarrhea in calves is by observing the fecal consistency, or fluidity of the diarrhea which is labor intensive [9]. For this scenario, Penn State and U. Guelph researchers used robotic milk feeder data to design an algorithm to flag calves at risk for diarrhea from the day before to the day after the calf had diarrhea [10]. Calves were offered at least 15 L/d milk volume, and the alert was generated based on changes in the previous 2 d milk intake or drinking speed. This algorithm was diagnostically accurate, which means that there was a high sensitivity of > 80% meaning that 80/100 calves that the system says were sick had diarrhea. This is important because early intervention for a calf to recover from diarrhea is fundamental for getting ahead of dehydration. That is why when selecting a PLF system, it is very important to make sure that the system is selected based on what you want it to do: save labor on a task performed on everyone (removing animals from the checklist) or using the PLF system as skilled labor (using the system to screen for sick cattle).

Finding sick calves is challenging in group housing. Researchers from Penn State and U. Guelph observed that an alert was diagnostically accurate for flagging calves at risk for scours using data from an automated milk feeder.

           We do not have the labor: Reproductive management

It is well known that replacement heifers who calve later than 23-24 months of age can impact economic success for a dairy [11]. Heifers are a large economic investment, and each additional day that she is on feed without milking she is costing the dairy money [12]. Missing just one heat cycle can easily put dairy producers behind schedule. However, producers can place wearable sensors on their heifers to passively observe for estrus behaviors. Estrus behaviors can include evidence of mounting another heifer or standing to be mounted (recorded as increased head or neck movements by the sensor), or an increased overall activity index relative to that heifer’s behavioral baseline [13]. This type of system may be preferred for dairies over more labor-intensive methods such as CIDR, Kamar strips, tail chalk, and observing for heats, or producers may use a PLF system in conjunction with a synch protocol to improve their conception rates. Economists suggest that for a PLF system to improve pregnancy rates on a dairy, the system should last 5+ years, and the dairy should not already be in the top 10% for reproductive performance for conception rate compared to their peers [14]. There are many sensor systems available, and each varies regarding how well it classifies heifers with estrus [15].  It is important to check that the PLF system you are purchasing has at least 80% sensitivity, meaning that of 100 heifers that the system labels as heifers in heat, 80 are in heat. Furthermore, consider evaluating the heifer before insemination for signs of estrus behavior prior to breeding off the alert. Does the heifer seem restless, or extremely friendly? This is important to avoid breeding heifers that are not in estrus.

In summary, make sure that the system of interest is scientifically validated, and that you select a system with the sensitivity, or specificity that meets your needs.


Harnessing Amino Acids: Mitigating Heat Stress in Ruminants

Heat stress poses a significant challenge to ruminant livestock production, impacting animal welfare, productivity, and overall profitability. As temperatures rise due to climate change and environmental factors, finding effective strategies to alleviate heat stress in ruminants becomes imperative. Among the various approaches, harnessing the power of amino acids shows promise in mitigating the adverse effects of heat stress and enhancing the resilience of ruminant animals.

Understanding Heat Stress in Ruminants

Heat stress occurs when environmental temperatures exceed the thermoneutral zone, leading to physiological disruptions in ruminant animals. Symptoms of heat stress include increased respiration rate, reduced feed intake, altered metabolism, and compromised immune function. Prolonged exposure to heat stress can result in decreased milk production, impaired reproductive performance, and elevated mortality rates among ruminants.

The Role of Amino Acids

Amino acids play a vital role in mitigating heat stress and supporting ruminant health and performance. Certain amino acids, known as heat stress modulators, exhibit unique properties that help ruminants cope with thermal challenges. These include:

  1. Glycine: As a non-essential amino acid, glycine plays a crucial role in reducing heat stress-induced oxidative damage and inflammation in ruminants. Supplementing diets with glycine can enhance antioxidant defenses and mitigate the negative impacts of heat stress on rumen function and nutrient utilization.
  2. Glutamine: Glutamine, an abundant amino acid in the body, serves as a precursor for glutathione synthesis, a potent antioxidant. Supplementation with glutamine helps maintain cellular integrity, attenuate oxidative stress, and support immune function in heat-stressed ruminants.
  3. Arginine: Arginine plays a key role in modulating vascular function and nitric oxide production, which are essential for thermoregulation and blood flow regulation in heat-stressed animals. Providing arginine-enriched diets enhances heat dissipation mechanisms and improves cardiovascular health in ruminants exposed to high ambient temperatures.
  4. Methionine and Cysteine: Sulfur-containing amino acids, such as methionine and cysteine, are critical for the synthesis of heat shock proteins (HSPs) in ruminants. HSPs play a pivotal role in cellular protection and stress adaptation, helping ruminants withstand heat stress-induced physiological changes and maintain homeostasis.

Strategies for Amino Acid Supplementation

Integrating amino acid supplementation into ruminant diets requires careful consideration of factors such as animal species, production stage, and environmental conditions. Key strategies for incorporating amino acids to mitigate heat stress include:

  1. Balanced Diet Formulation: Formulate diets with optimal levels of essential and functional amino acids to meet the nutritional requirements of heat-stressed ruminants. Consider adjusting amino acid ratios to support metabolic adjustments and compensate for reduced nutrient intake during periods of heat stress.
  2. Precision Feeding: Implement precision feeding techniques to deliver targeted amino acid supplementation based on individual animal needs and environmental stressors. Utilize feed additives or supplements containing specific amino acids to enhance heat stress resilience and performance in ruminants.
  3. Water Management: Ensure adequate access to clean, fresh water to prevent dehydration and maintain hydration status in heat-stressed ruminants. Water supplementation alongside amino acid-enriched diets enhances nutrient absorption, metabolic efficiency, and heat dissipation mechanisms in affected animals.
  4. Environmental Modification: Implement environmental management strategies, such as shade provision, ventilation systems, and evaporative cooling methods, to mitigate the impact of heat stress on ruminant welfare and performance. Combine these strategies with targeted amino acid supplementation to optimize heat stress resilience and productivity in ruminant herds.

Mitigating heat stress in ruminants requires a multifaceted approach that addresses both nutritional and environmental factors. Amino acid supplementation offers a promising strategy to support ruminant health, productivity, and resilience in the face of rising temperatures and heat stress challenges. By incorporating specific amino acids into ruminant diets and implementing complementary management practices, producers can enhance the well-being and performance of their livestock while ensuring sustainable production in a changing climate.

Risks of inadequate fiber in the diet

Fiber in the diet provides an important role in rumen function and digestive health. The varying levels of digestibility of fiber are due, in part, to differences in the amount of lignin, the part of the plant cell wall that provides the plant rigidity. Fiber is important for microbial fermentation, which in turn supplies energy to the cow. The primary products of the microbial fermentation of fiber are precursors of fat in milk.

Low fiber and how it leads to disorders & diseases

Dairy cows require certain amounts of effective fiber to properly function. Effective fiber needs to be of adequate length / size to stimulate rumen function without being so long as to be easily sorted out of the ration. Without adequate levels, there isn’t enough fiber to stimulate chewing, promote rumen buffering, properly digest feed, and maintain proper rumen pH levels.

Visual signs of stress from low fiber diets

• Reduction in cud chewing

• Reduction in intake or off-feed

• Decreased rumination time

• Sore or tender feet, stiff gait

• Decreased milk production

• Loose and variable manure

Feeding cows a low fiber diet can cause a handful of metabolic disorders that can affect milk production and the welfare of the animal. Typically, a low fiber diet is considered below 26-28% neutral detergent fiber (NDF). Other factors influencing this minimum NDF value include dry matter intake, forage chop length, starch content & degradability, inclusion of by-product feeds, and feed bunk management. For these reasons, the minimum is a range, rather than a set number. There are many health implications that dairy cows face due to nutritional disorders linked with acidosis.

The pH level in the rumen is a critical indicator of if an animal is getting adequate fiber or getting fiber that is chopped too fine. Feeding forage that is chopped too fine or lacking adequate fiber creates a chain reaction that reduces the chewing time, reducing the amount of saliva that is produced, and in turn causing the rumen pH to drop. As rumen pH drops below 6.2, the microbes that are responsible for fiber digestion decrease activity and fiber digestion decreases while the microbes responsible for digesting starches and sugars increase activity, which drops pH further. If the pH falls below 5.9, digestion of fiber essentially stops.

There are two types of acidosis. Acute acidosis is when the rumen pH drops below 5.0. Subacute rumen acidosis (SARA) is when the pH falls between 5.0 to 5.5 for more than 3 hours. The more common and less severe type is SARA. Maintaining a rumen pH of 6.0 or above is usually beneficial for cow health.

Other disorders associated with low fiber diets


Laminitis is the inflammation of the laminae and corium of the hoof. Laminitis effects can be manifested by a variety of foot disorders. These disorders include: ridges along the foot wall, swelling of the coronary band, flaking and waxy solar horn tissue, false soles, hemorrhage in the sole, white line abscesses, and sole ulcers. These issues have a cost of $90 to $300 per case.

Displaced Abomasum

Displaced Abomasum occurs when the abomasum, which typically lies on the floor of the abdomen, becomes filled with gas and rises to either the left or right side of the abomasum. Even though this disorder is more commonly observed during the transition period, it could occur in mid- and late- lactation cows when diets are not adequate. ($700 per case)

Low butterfat

Low butterfat depressed milkfat varies between breeds of cows. Depressed fat content is at least 0.2% less than breed average. Milk protein butterfat inversions also indicate a depressed fat content.

Liver abscesses

Liver abscesses are sites of bacterial infection within the liver. Most cattle will not show visible signs, although they do not gain weight as well as a healthy animal. The abscesses are typically found during slaughter.


Off-feed when cattle lack the want to eat the feed in front of them which causes decreased rumen fermentation.

Ration considerations for feeding low fiber diets

Fermentable corn products

Dry corn is not as fermentable in the rumen as high moisture corn, flaked corn, or other processed corn sources. We want to avoid highly fermentable corn sources when feeding a low fiber diet. A finer grind on corn products is more acceptable in TMR situations while a coarser grind in component feeding would help with potential overfeeding of starch. Many forage labs can run a grain particle size report on corn products which might be beneficial for your operation.

Particle size / length & mixing consistency

It is important to have a consistent diet being delivered from one end of the feed bunk to the opposite end. It is also important to not overmix your feed as overmixing will break up particle length. On the flip side, it is also important to make sure you do not have too much long particle length in the ration. This can also lead to sorting. Utilizing the Penn State Shaker Box can help determine if you have adequate particle size distribution in the TMR. Proper moisture content is key to help prevent sorting components of the diet. Utilizing liquid products like molasses, whey, or water can help create a less sortable ration.

Screen Particle Size
Corn Silage
Upper > 0.75 3 to 8 10 to 20 2 to 8
Middle 0.31 to 0.75 45 to 65 45 to 75 30 to 50
Lower 0.16 to 0.31 20 to 30 30 to 40 10 to 20
Bottom Pan < 0.16 < 10 < 10 30 to 40
Chart adapted from Penn State Extension Particle Separator Guidelines for Particle Size.

Rumen buffers

It is recommended to add a buffer to 0.8% of dry matter when feeding low fiber diets. Rumen buffers help to stabilize the rumen pH.

Feed testing

Frequent testing of forages and byproducts being fed to dairy cows will help know what the fiber levels are in the ration being fed.

Feed bunk management

Feed pushups are critical to making sure cows have access to appropriate amounts of fiber. The goal is to avoid long periods without feed in front of the cows because if cows go for long periods without feed in front of them, the next feeding the cows will seek out certain portions of the diet, which can create other management issues. Considerations should also be made on availability of bunk space and how long cows have access to the available bunk space. Producers can utilize the shaker box to check the consistency of the TMR being fed at the beginning, middle and end of feed out.


While low fiber diets can function if designed correctly, there are risks associated with feeding them without good management practices. Consistent feed testing, paying close attention to cows as they are laying down or walking, watching feed intakes, checking ration particle size, and manure consistency can help detect changes before cows experience a higher risk of metabolic diseases or negative animal performance.


Weaning procedures and dairy calf performance, behavior, and health

The purpose of this systematic review was to synthesize the evidence on how weaning techniques affect dairy calves’ performance, behavior, and health. The bulk of research focused on weaning age, length, criteria, and alternate weaning strategies. Starter intake, development, habits, and health were all considered outcome measurements.

The majority of research revealed that weaning calves at later ages, for longer periods of time, depending on starter consumption, or utilizing step-down or meal-based milk removal procedures had a favorable influence on overall development. Weaning based on starting intake resulted in faster development and higher feed intakes than weaning at a set younger age. Few research investigated the interaction effects of weaning strategy and milk allowance.

Weaning may result in hunger-related behaviors and decreased wellbeing, although only half of the research examined the impact of the weaning strategy on calf behavior. Weaning at a later age may minimize signals of hunger, however it is uncertain if weaning over longer periods of time or weaning via starting intake lowers or prolongs hunger.

There was little consistency among the few studies that examined calves’ oral habits. Positive welfare markers, like as play behavior, were seldom examined, yet they are critical to understanding calves’ emotional states throughout this potentially stressful diet change. The study’s major goal was seldom health, and statistical comparisons were limited due to small sample numbers.

Over the last two decades, experts have disputed which weaning procedures are most effective at fostering rumen development and growth while reducing indications of hunger and distress. Future research should incorporate behavioral measures of hunger and positive welfare to assess how the calf experiences weaning procedures.

Weaning procedures on dairy farms vary greatly, with some farmers weaning calves at a later age than others. In the UK, 32% of farmers wean calves at 8 weeks, whereas in the Czech Republic, Canada, and the United States, 31% report weaning calves at ≥10 weeks. However, some farmers still wean calves at about 6 weeks.

The choice to wean varies, with some farmers utilizing a mix of criteria to determine if a calf is ready to wean. Milk removal techniques are seldom systematically studied, however dilution of milk is a popular practice utilized by 32% of Swedish farmers and 25% of Canadian farmers that employ hand milk feeding methods.

There is a lack of understanding about appropriate weaning strategies, and agreement is required on which weaning approaches enhance development and health while decreasing hunger and discomfort. A thorough assessment of the scientific literature indicated a general dearth of research on the impact of weaning strategies on dairy calves’ performance, behavior, and health. Most research evaluated various weaning ages and durations, with just 15 looking into weaning using any other approach. Weaning at later ages or over longer periods of time was generally seen as beneficial to overall development, with no studies finding deleterious consequences despite lower or delayed beginning intake.

However, further research is needed to determine how different weaning strategies impact calves’ behavior and emotional state. weaned at a later age seems to minimize behavioral symptoms of hunger, however this is less obvious when weaned over a longer period of time or with lower intake. Future study should incorporate measures of positive wellbeing, which are sensitive to welfare concerns like as hunger and pain and may be useful in discovering low-stress weaning approaches. Due to the small sample size, no conclusions can be formed on calf health under various weaning strategies.

Source: The effect of weaning practices on dairy calf performance, behavior, and health – a systematic review

Ontario dairy farmers and veterinarians: biosecurity implementation hurdles

The research sought to evaluate the knowledge of biosecurity among Ontario dairy farmers and veterinarians, as well as to identify hurdles to biosecurity implementation for producers from both viewpoints. The study included 35 semi-structured interviews conducted between July 2022 and January 2023, as well as a demographic survey. Thematic analysis was conducted using constructivist and grounded theory paradigms. Thematic coding was done inductively using NVivo software.

The concept of biosecurity among dairy farmers varied, but all agreed that it was intended to prevent disease transmission. The most popular view was that biosecurity prevented disease transmission on the farm. Both veterinarians and farmers agreed that closed herds were one of the most significant biosecurity practices. The barriers to biosecurity adoption included a lack of resources, internal and external corporate influences, individual attitudes of biosecurity, and a lack of industry effort. Understanding the constraints that producers encounter allows veterinarians to customize their communication to ensure that barriers are minimized, or to help other industry participants decrease barriers.

Biosecurity adoption on dairy farms varies in Canada, ranging from less than 5% (e.g., visitor logbooks) to widely accepted methods (e.g., deadstock management, which is used by 92% of respondents). There seems to be a gap between dairy farmers’ understanding and actions on biosecurity. Although producers seem to be educated about key biosecurity protocols, they continue to report suboptimal adoption across farms.

ProAction, a national quality assurance program, requires dairy farmers in Ontario to practice biosecurity. Producers must complete seven requirements, including a biennial Risk Assessment Questionnaire with a veterinarian, recording specific disease events, establishing and implementing vaccination standard operating procedures (SOPs), establishing and implementing SOPs for new or returning animal additions, establishing and implementing SOPs to prevent infectious disease introduction by human movement on the farm, and displaying visible signage at access points.

Veterinarians are an important source of information and are well-positioned to enable knowledge translation and transfer (KTT). However, because to communication gaps, not all veterinarians are confident in their abilities to assess biosecurity on their customers’ farms. Understanding the constraints that producers encounter may assist veterinarians plan for these challenges and effectively troubleshoot biosecurity implementation.

Read more: Ontario dairy producers’ and veterinarians’ perspectives: barriers to biosecurity implementation

Enhancing Dairy Cattle Health: Beyond Vaccination to Immunization Strategies

In the realm of animal husbandry, the health and productivity of dairy cattle are paramount concerns for farmers and the dairy industry as a whole. Vaccination programs have long been a cornerstone in disease prevention efforts, but ensuring robust immunization in dairy herds requires a broader approach. By integrating vaccination with strategic management practices aimed at bolstering the animals’ overall immune response, dairy farmers can enhance herd health, productivity, and profitability.

Challenges in Dairy Cattle Health

Dairy cattle are susceptible to a range of infectious diseases that can significantly impact their well-being and milk production. Common pathogens include bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), parainfluenza-3 virus (PI3), and bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), among others. These diseases not only cause morbidity and mortality but also lead to reduced milk yields, lower fertility rates, and increased veterinary costs.

The Role of Vaccination

Vaccination plays a crucial role in protecting dairy cattle from infectious diseases. Properly administered vaccines stimulate the animal’s immune system to recognize and neutralize specific pathogens, reducing the risk of disease transmission within the herd. However, the effectiveness of vaccination programs can be influenced by various factors, including vaccine quality, timing, administration techniques, and the animal’s overall health status.

Moving Beyond Vaccination: Immunization Strategies

While vaccines are essential tools in disease prevention, achieving optimal immunization in dairy herds requires a multifaceted approach. Here are some key strategies:

Biosecurity Measures:

Implementing rigorous biosecurity protocols can minimize the introduction and spread of infectious agents on the farm. Here are some key strategies to enhance biosecurity:

  1. Establish Clear Protocols: Develop comprehensive biosecurity protocols tailored to the specific needs and challenges of your dairy farm. Clearly outline procedures for disease prevention, including quarantine protocols for new animals, visitor management, sanitation practices, and procedures for handling sick or potentially infected animals.
  2. Controlled Access: Limit access to the farm premises to essential personnel and authorized visitors only. Install secure gates, fences, and signage to control entry points and clearly communicate biosecurity protocols to visitors. Implement visitor registration and sanitation requirements, such as footwear disinfection stations, before entering livestock areas.
  3. Quarantine Procedures: Implement strict quarantine measures for all new animals introduced to the farm. Isolate new arrivals in designated quarantine facilities away from the main herd for a predetermined period, typically 30 days, to monitor for signs of illness and prevent disease transmission. During quarantine, observe strict biosecurity protocols, including dedicated personnel, equipment, and protective clothing to minimize the risk of contamination.
  4. Animal Health Monitoring: Implement regular health monitoring programs to detect signs of illness or disease outbreaks early. Conduct routine health checks, including temperature monitoring, respiratory assessments, and fecal examinations, to identify sick animals promptly. Work closely with veterinarians to establish disease surveillance protocols and diagnostic testing plans tailored to the specific disease risks in your region.
  5. Sanitation Practices: Maintain high standards of cleanliness and hygiene throughout the farm to reduce the risk of disease transmission. Implement rigorous sanitation practices for equipment, vehicles, and facilities used in livestock management, feeding, and milking operations. Regularly clean and disinfect common areas, such as milking parlors, calf pens, and feed storage areas, using approved disinfectants effective against target pathogens.
  6. Vector Control: Implement measures to control vectors, such as flies, rodents, and wild birds, that can transmit diseases between animals or contaminate feed and water sources. Use integrated pest management strategies, including habitat modification, traps, and approved pesticides, to minimize vector populations and reduce disease risks.
  7. Education and Training: Provide ongoing education and training for farm staff on biosecurity principles, best practices, and the importance of compliance with protocols. Ensure that all personnel understand their roles and responsibilities in maintaining biosecurity on the farm and are equipped with the knowledge and skills to identify and respond to potential disease threats effectively.
  8. Record Keeping: Maintain accurate records of livestock movements, health status, vaccination history, and biosecurity activities to track and monitor disease risks over time. Keep detailed records of quarantine procedures, diagnostic test results, and veterinary interventions to facilitate traceability and response in the event of a disease outbreak.

Nutritional Management:

Providing a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients is crucial for supporting the immune system of dairy cattle. Proper nutrition ensures that animals have the energy and resources needed to mount an effective immune response to vaccination and disease challenges.  Here are several targeted strategies to optimize nutritional practices specifically to enhance immune function in dairy cows:

  1. Protein Quality and Quantity: Ensure that the diet contains adequate levels of high-quality protein sources to support immune function. Protein is essential for the synthesis of antibodies and immune cells. Include sources such as soybean meal, alfalfa, and canola meal in the ration to provide essential amino acids necessary for immune response.
  2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Incorporate sources of omega-3 fatty acids, such as flaxseed or fish oil, into the diet. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and can enhance the immune response in dairy cattle. Consider adding these supplements to the ration to support overall health and immunity.
  3. Antioxidants: Provide antioxidants, such as vitamin E, selenium, and zinc, in the diet to reduce oxidative stress and support immune function. These micronutrients play critical roles in neutralizing free radicals and enhancing the activity of immune cells. Ensure that the diet meets the requirements for these essential nutrients through supplementation or inclusion of natural sources such as fresh forages.
  4. Vitamin D: Ensure adequate vitamin D levels in the diet, either through sunlight exposure or supplementation. Vitamin D plays a crucial role in regulating immune function and can enhance the innate immune response in dairy cattle. Consider supplementing with vitamin D3 during periods of limited sunlight exposure or in regions with low levels of ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
  5. Prebiotics and Probiotics: Include prebiotics and probiotics in the diet to support gut health and enhance immune function. Prebiotics, such as fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and inulin, provide substrate for beneficial gut bacteria, while probiotics introduce beneficial microorganisms directly into the digestive tract. These supplements can improve nutrient absorption, reduce pathogen colonization, and strengthen the gut-associated immune system.
  6. Mineral Balance: Maintain proper mineral balance in the diet to support immune function and overall health. Ensure adequate levels of minerals such as copper, zinc, and selenium, which are essential for immune cell function and antioxidant defense. Conduct regular mineral analyses of feedstuffs and adjust supplementation accordingly to prevent deficiencies or excesses.
  7. Hydration: Ensure adequate hydration by providing clean, fresh water at all times. Proper hydration is essential for maintaining mucous membrane integrity and supporting immune function. Monitor water intake regularly, especially during periods of heat stress or illness, and take measures to encourage water consumption if necessary.

Stress Reduction:

Minimizing stressors such as overcrowding, poor ventilation, and abrupt changes in management practices can help reduce the susceptibility of dairy cattle to infectious diseases. Here are several strategies to reduce stress and enhance immunity in dairy cattle:

  1. Comfortable Housing: Provide clean, comfortable housing with adequate ventilation, bedding, and space for resting and movement. Comfortable housing conditions reduce physical stressors and promote relaxation, supporting overall health and immune function.
  2. Social Environment: Minimize social stress by grouping animals according to their social hierarchy and compatibility. Avoid overcrowding in pens or pastures, as it can lead to increased aggression and competition for resources. Providing ample space and socialization opportunities can reduce stress levels and promote social harmony among dairy cattle.
  3. Routine Handling: Implement low-stress handling techniques during routine management practices, such as milking, feeding, and health checks. Gentle handling, minimal restraint, and positive reinforcement techniques help reduce fear and anxiety in cattle, leading to lower stress levels and improved immune function.
  4. Water Availability: Ensure access to clean, fresh water at all times, as dehydration can exacerbate stress and compromise immune function in dairy cattle. Monitor water sources regularly to ensure quality and availability, especially during hot weather or times of increased water demand.
  5. Environmental Enrichment: Provide environmental enrichment in housing facilities to stimulate natural behaviors and reduce boredom. Enrichment activities, such as providing scratching posts, hanging toys, or novel objects, can help alleviate stress and improve welfare in dairy cattle.
  6. Temperature Regulation: Minimize heat and cold stress by providing adequate shade, ventilation, and insulation in housing facilities. Heat stress can suppress immune function and increase susceptibility to diseases, so it’s essential to implement cooling measures, such as fans, misters, or sprinklers, during hot weather.
  7. Preventative Health Measures: Implement preventative health measures, such as vaccination, parasite control, and biosecurity protocols, to minimize the risk of disease outbreaks. Proactive disease management reduces stress associated with illness and helps maintain a healthy immune system in dairy cattle.
  8. Monitoring and Observation: Regularly monitor the behavior, body condition, and overall health of dairy cattle to identify signs of stress or illness early. Prompt intervention and appropriate management adjustments can help mitigate stressors and prevent negative impacts on immune function.

Herd Health Monitoring:

Regular monitoring of herd health status through surveillance, diagnostic testing, and veterinary consultations enables early detection of disease threats. Timely intervention allows for prompt vaccination updates or other preventive measures to mitigate disease risks.  Here are several key strategies to enhance herd health monitoring and immunization practices:

  1. Regular Veterinary Consultations: Establish a close working relationship with a veterinarian who specializes in dairy herd health. Schedule regular veterinary visits to assess the health status of the herd, review vaccination protocols, and develop customized disease prevention plans based on the specific needs of your operation.
  2. Disease Surveillance: Implement a comprehensive disease surveillance program to monitor for the presence of infectious diseases within the herd and detect potential disease threats early. This may involve routine diagnostic testing, such as blood tests, fecal exams, or nasal swabs, to screen for common pathogens and identify carriers or asymptomatic carriers.
  3. Herd Health Records: Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of herd health data, including vaccination history, disease incidence, treatment records, and reproductive performance. Use electronic record-keeping systems or herd management software to organize and analyze data efficiently, allowing for timely identification of trends or emerging health issues.
  4. Vaccination Protocols: Develop and implement a comprehensive vaccination program based on the specific disease risks and vaccination recommendations for your geographic region. Work closely with your veterinarian to tailor vaccination protocols to the needs of your herd, considering factors such as age, reproductive status, and previous exposure to pathogens.
  5. Vaccine Efficacy Monitoring: Monitor the efficacy of vaccines used in the herd by assessing vaccine response and antibody titers through serological testing. Regularly evaluate vaccine effectiveness and consider booster vaccinations or adjustments to vaccination protocols as needed to maintain optimal immunity levels in the herd.
  6. Biosecurity Measures: Implement strict biosecurity protocols to prevent the introduction and spread of infectious diseases within the herd. This includes measures such as quarantine procedures for new animals, visitor restrictions, and sanitation practices to minimize disease transmission via fomites or vectors.
  7. Diagnostic Testing: Utilize diagnostic testing to confirm disease diagnoses and guide treatment decisions when outbreaks occur. Diagnostic tests, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays or culture and sensitivity testing, can help identify specific pathogens and determine appropriate treatment options for affected animals.
  8. Training and Education: Provide ongoing training and education for farm personnel on herd health monitoring techniques, disease recognition, and proper vaccination administration. Ensure that all staff members understand their roles and responsibilities in maintaining herd health and are equipped with the knowledge and skills to recognize and respond to potential health threats.
  9. Collaboration and Networking: Stay informed about current trends and emerging diseases by participating in industry events, workshops, and professional organizations related to dairy cattle health. Collaborate with other dairy producers, veterinarians, and experts in the field to share information, experiences, and best practices for disease prevention and control.

Selective Breeding:

Breeding for disease resistance and overall health traits can enhance the innate immunity of dairy cattle, reducing their susceptibility to infectious diseases over successive generations. Selective breeding programs aimed at improving disease resistance can complement vaccination efforts in achieving long-term herd health goals.  Here’s how selective breeding can be utilized to enhance immunity in dairy cattle:

  1. Identify Immune Traits: Work with geneticists and veterinarians to identify heritable immune traits that contribute to disease resistance and overall health in dairy cattle. These traits may include antibody response to vaccination, resistance to specific pathogens, and overall immune system function.
  2. Genetic Selection: Use advanced breeding technologies, such as genomic selection and marker-assisted selection, to identify animals with favorable immune traits and incorporate them into breeding programs. Genomic tools allow for the identification of specific genes or markers associated with immune function, enabling more precise selection of breeding stock.
  3. Pedigree Analysis: Conduct pedigree analysis to identify animals with a history of strong immune responses and resistance to diseases within their genetic lineage. Select animals with superior immune traits as breeding candidates to propagate desirable genetic traits related to immunity in future generations.
  4. Performance Testing: Implement performance testing protocols to evaluate immune function and disease resistance in potential breeding candidates. This may include assessing parameters such as antibody titers, white blood cell counts, and disease incidence rates to identify animals with robust immune systems.
  5. Heritability Estimation: Estimate the heritability of immune traits within the population to determine the degree to which these traits are influenced by genetic factors. Higher heritability indicates that immune traits are more strongly influenced by genetics and are therefore more amenable to selective breeding efforts.
  6. Balanced Selection Criteria: Consider immune traits alongside other economically important traits, such as milk production, fertility, and conformation, when selecting breeding stock. Strive for a balanced selection approach that optimizes both immune function and productivity to maintain overall herd performance.
  7. Genetic Diversity: Maintain genetic diversity within the population to ensure resilience and adaptability to evolving disease challenges. Avoid excessive inbreeding and incorporate genetic material from diverse sources to introduce novel immune alleles and enhance overall genetic resistance to diseases.
  8. Long-Term Breeding Goals: Develop long-term breeding goals and selection strategies focused on improving immune function and disease resistance in the herd. Set clear objectives for genetic improvement in immune traits and monitor progress over successive generations through regular performance evaluations and genetic assessments.
  9. Collaboration and Data Sharing: Collaborate with other dairy producers, breed associations, research institutions, and genetic service providers to share data, exchange information, and collectively advance breeding efforts aimed at enhancing immunity in dairy cattle. Pooling resources and expertise can accelerate genetic progress and facilitate the development of more resilient and disease-resistant dairy cattle populations.

The Bottom Line

Vaccination remains a cornerstone of disease prevention in dairy cattle, but achieving optimal immunization requires a holistic approach. By integrating vaccination with strategic management practices focused on enhancing overall herd health and resilience, dairy farmers can mitigate disease risks, improve productivity, and ensure the well-being of their animals. Investing in immunization strategies not only benefits individual farms but also contributes to the sustainability and competitiveness of the dairy industry as a whole.

Unlocking Dairy Productivity: The Path to Acquiring Highly Productive Dairy Cows

In the pursuit of maximizing dairy production, acquiring highly productive dairy cows is a paramount consideration for dairy farmers. While there are various approaches to selecting and obtaining such animals, one of the most effective strategies lies in the careful evaluation and procurement of superior genetic stock. This article explores the importance of genetic selection and outlines key considerations for acquiring highly productive dairy cows.

Understanding the Importance of Genetics

Genetics play a foundational role in determining the potential productivity and profitability of dairy cows. Superior genetic traits can significantly influence milk production, reproductive performance, longevity, and overall herd health. By selecting animals with desirable genetic attributes, dairy farmers can lay the groundwork for a high-performing and sustainable dairy operation.

Identifying Desirable Genetic Traits

When seeking highly productive dairy cows, it is essential to prioritize traits that align with the goals and objectives of the dairy operation. Some key genetic traits to consider include:

  1. Milk Yield: Select animals with a proven track record of high milk production. Look for cows from elite dairy lines known for superior milk production genetics, as evidenced by their individual production records and the performance of their progeny.
  2. Reproductive Efficiency: Choose cows with strong reproductive traits, including high conception rates, short calving intervals, and extended productive lifespans. Reproductive efficiency is critical for maintaining herd fertility and maximizing the number of lactations per cow.
  3. Health and Longevity: Prioritize cows with robust health traits and genetic resistance to common diseases and disorders. Select animals with strong immune systems, excellent udder health, and longevity traits to minimize veterinary costs and reduce turnover within the herd.
  4. Conformation and Body Condition: Evaluate cows for optimal conformation and body condition, as these traits can impact milk production, mobility, and overall cow welfare. Look for animals with well-attached udders, balanced body proportions, and strong feet and legs to ensure long-term productivity and soundness.

Selecting Reliable Genetic Sources

When sourcing highly productive dairy cows, it is crucial to choose reputable genetic suppliers known for their commitment to genetic improvement and herd management practices. Consider the following factors when selecting genetic sources:

  1. Proven Breeding Programs: Partner with reputable breeding programs and genetics companies with a track record of success in breeding high-performance dairy cattle. Look for suppliers that emphasize genetic selection based on objective performance data and advanced breeding technologies.
  2. Pedigree and Performance Records: Evaluate the pedigree and performance records of potential breeding stock to assess their genetic merit accurately. Look for cows with strong genetic backgrounds and documented performance data, including milk production, reproductive performance, and health traits.
  3. Genomic Testing: Consider utilizing genomic testing and marker-assisted selection to identify animals with superior genetic potential at a young age. Genomic testing provides valuable insights into the genetic merit of individual animals, allowing for more informed breeding decisions and faster genetic progress.
  4. Health and Biosecurity Practices: Ensure that genetic suppliers maintain rigorous health and biosecurity protocols to prevent the introduction and spread of infectious diseases. Choose suppliers that prioritize animal welfare, herd health monitoring, and vaccination programs to mitigate disease risks.

Investing in Future Success

Acquiring highly productive dairy cows is an investment in the future success and profitability of a dairy operation. By prioritizing genetic selection based on desirable traits and partnering with reputable genetic suppliers, dairy farmers can secure animals with the genetic potential to drive productivity, efficiency, and sustainability in their herds.

In the competitive dairy industry, acquiring highly productive dairy cows is essential for maximizing milk production and profitability. Genetic selection plays a pivotal role in identifying and obtaining superior breeding stock with the potential to drive herd performance and success. By prioritizing genetic traits, selecting reliable genetic sources, and investing in superior genetics, dairy farmers can position their operations for long-term productivity and competitiveness in the marketplace.

Focus groups from 6 European nations to understand dairy producers’ requirements for tools and data to enhance herd health

The purpose of this research was to identify dairy farmers’ data and technological requirements in order to enhance herd health and guide innovation development. Eighteen focus groups were performed with 80 dairy producers from Belgium, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Data analysis using Template Analysis identified six themes that reflect core needs: autonomy, comfort, competence, community and relatedness, purpose, and security. Farmers liked technology that promoted convenience, knowledge, and self-sufficiency. Data sharing, accessibility, and program usability were all obstacles that hampered technology adoption. Farmers also had difficulties in workforce recruitment and management, necessitating stress-reduction techniques. Controlling barn environmental factors like as air quality, cleanliness, and stocking density was of special interest. The results imply that developers should include farmers in the design process to create a great user experience and boost accessibility.

The dairy sector is gradually being urged to embrace technology that will enhance its economic, environmental, and social sustainability. To achieve this, efficiency and milk production costs must be improved, which may be accomplished by using a variety of technologies. Such technologies include automated milking systems (AMS), automatic feeders, activity sensors, and oestrus detection devices. However, a significant minority of farmers still do not use these technology, notably data-capture systems and those unrelated to milking techniques.

One explanation for the low adoption of certain technologies is that agricultural innovations are often designed from the top down, with minimal input from end users during the early phases of development. This may lead to unequal adoption of innovations by farmers, since designers prefer to concentrate on the advantages that technology can provide for farms. However, technology may also have negative consequences, such as the relocation of agricultural workers and the marginalization of some farms.

A Responsible Innovation method has been proposed for the development of agricultural technology, particularly those used in the dairy sector. This method recognizes that innovators must respond to the social and ethical problems of research and innovation via an interactive process including stakeholders. Anticipating possible effects, responding to social requirements, including key stakeholders throughout the development process, and reflecting on motives and assumptions are all important aspects of Responsible Innovation.

Living Labs provide an approach for generating ideas while meeting Responsible Innovation objectives. Living Labs are user-centered innovation environments based on daily experience and research that enable user input in open and distributed innovation processes including all relevant partners in real-world scenarios. They are divided into three stages: idea, prototype, and innovation, each having three phases: exploration, design, and evaluation.

The idea stage of Living Labs is critical for innovation creation because it enables users to maximize their effect by focusing the design. Three theoretical streams impact the Living Lab method of gathering knowledge about user needs: soft systems thinking, needfinding, and appreciative inquiry. Qualitative techniques are used to investigate user experiences, motivations, and future aspirations.

Researchers may utilize the typology of basic requirements to determine the needs of users, which consists of 13 fundamental needs and 52 sub-needs. The requirements typology served as a coding framework for assessing qualitative data. Overall, users’ needs may be formed by collecting data on their experiences, motivations, and objectives utilizing Living Labs’ theoretical underpinnings, and then applying the data to a basic need typology.

Many studies have examined the variables that influence technology adoption on dairy farms, but few have focused on farmers’ experiences with technology. These studies often concentrate on the implications of technology for human-animal connection and labor practices, rather than addressing dairy farmers’ technological demands. One research focused on smartphone applications, although it only examined the early phases of tool development.

Previous research on dairy farmers’ experiences with technology has solely examined technologies for adult dairy cows, which may have distinct demands in terms of youngstock management. This project employed a Living Lab technique to get a wide understanding of farmers’ demands for agricultural technology and data, with the goal of developing technological ideas that meet their needs.

Data from focus groups in six countries were studied to better understand dairy producers’ farm technology requirements for mature cows and youngstock. The studies revealed that farmers have demands for autonomy, comfort, competence, community and relatedness, purpose, and security. The study underlines the need of doing user experience research throughout technology development to promote intuitive usage and favorable emotional experiences.

Technologies might help meet needs in areas including workload, labor efficiency, and communication. Farmers also want tools that gave guidance, such as goal planning and recognizing areas that need attention. The Living Lab concept promotes Responsible Innovation by including farmers from the start of the innovation process and enabling researchers to respond to farmers’ requirements.

Read more: A living lab approach to understanding dairy farmers’ needs of technologies and data to improve herd health: Focus groups from 6 European countries

Does progressive weaning and separation lessen weaning discomfort in dam-reared dairy calves?

The weaning and separation period is a key difficulty in cow-calf-contact systems, since there is no scientifically proven progressive method that mirrors the naturally occurring drop in milk consumption. The purpose of this research was to assess behavioral and physiological indications of distress in dam-reared dairy calves who had been weaned and separated utilizing either progressive decrease of contact time with the dam (GR) or two-step weaning with a nose flap (NF). Behavior was recorded one week before weaning began and throughout the three-week weaning and separation phase. Blood and fecal samples were collected twice a week from the commencement of weaning until three weeks later. Calves were weighed regularly. The statistical analysis was carried out utilizing generalized linear mixed models. The results revealed that NF calves had a greater reduction in the number of lying bouts, quantity of locomotor play, average daily weight increases, and a larger increase in total mixed ration feeding time than GR calves. GR calves vocalized more often and searched more actively than NF calves. The neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio of NF calves increased on day 3 following nasal flap implantation relative to baseline, but did not alter for GR calves on any sample day. Overall, the findings suggest that a delayed weaning technique may reduce weaning and separation discomfort in dam-reared dairy calves.

A progressive weaning and separation strategy is a viable option for cow-calf contact systems because it mimics the natural drop in milk consumption during weaning. This strategy may assist calves adjust to separation times and boost their intake of solid feed, facilitating the transition to weaning. A research evaluating the behavioral and physiological distress reactions of dam-reared dairy calves during weaning and separation found that gradually reducing contact time between dam and calf was more beneficial than weaning with a nose flap. This strategy resulted in improved nutritional adaptation, more weight growth, and less declines in lying bouts and locomotor play levels. An increase in inflammatory blood markers was seen in response to nose-flap weaning but not progressive weaning. The research suggests that a progressive weaning approach is a potential way for weaning and separating dam-reared dairy calves, although it needs additional development. It is crucial to highlight that this guideline is based on the effects on calves and must be proven for the effects on dams.

Read more: Can a gradual weaning and separation process reduce weaning distress in dam-reared dairy calves? A comparison with the two-step method.

Addressing the Growing Challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance in US Dairy Cows

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a significant threat to public health globally, and the dairy industry is not exempt from its impact. In the United States, the misuse and overuse of antimicrobials in dairy cows have contributed to the emergence of resistant bacteria, compromising both animal welfare and food safety. This article delves into the factors driving antimicrobial resistance in US dairy cows, its implications for human and animal health, and strategies to combat this pressing issue.

The Overuse of Antimicrobials: Antimicrobials are commonly used in dairy farming for disease prevention, treatment, and growth promotion. However, the widespread and indiscriminate use of these drugs has led to the development of resistant bacteria in dairy cow populations. Factors contributing to antimicrobial overuse include inadequate veterinary oversight, economic pressures, and a lack of alternative management practices.

Public Health Concerns: The emergence of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in dairy cows poses a direct threat to human health through the food chain. Resistant bacteria can contaminate dairy products, such as milk and cheese, leading to the transmission of resistant pathogens to consumers. Furthermore, farm workers and individuals in close contact with dairy cows are at increased risk of exposure to resistant bacteria, potentially leading to treatment challenges in clinical settings.

Animal Welfare Implications: Antimicrobial resistance not only jeopardizes human health but also compromises the welfare of dairy cows. In cases where antimicrobials are less effective due to resistance, cows may suffer from prolonged illness, reduced productivity, and increased susceptibility to secondary infections. This not only impacts the well-being of individual animals but also undermines the overall sustainability and profitability of dairy farming operations.

Strategies for Mitigation: Addressing antimicrobial resistance in US dairy cows requires a multifaceted approach involving stakeholders across the agricultural, veterinary, and public health sectors. Key strategies include:

  1. Enhanced Surveillance: Implementing robust monitoring and surveillance programs to track antimicrobial use and resistance patterns in dairy cow populations.
  2. Responsible Use Guidelines: Promoting judicious antimicrobial use practices, including proper diagnosis, prescription, and adherence to withdrawal periods, to minimize the development of resistance.
  3. Education and Training: Providing education and training for dairy farmers, veterinarians, and farm workers on antimicrobial stewardship, biosecurity measures, and alternative disease prevention strategies.
  4. Research and Innovation: Investing in research to develop novel antimicrobial alternatives, vaccines, and management practices that reduce reliance on antibiotics while maintaining herd health and productivity.
  5. Regulatory Oversight: Strengthening regulatory oversight and enforcement mechanisms to ensure compliance with antimicrobial use regulations and promote accountability throughout the dairy supply chain.

Antimicrobial resistance in US dairy cows is a complex and evolving challenge with far-reaching implications for human health, animal welfare, and food security. By implementing proactive measures to promote responsible antimicrobial use, enhance surveillance, and foster innovation, stakeholders can mitigate the spread of resistance and safeguard the long-term sustainability of the dairy industry. Collaboration between government agencies, industry stakeholders, and research institutions is essential to address this pressing issue and ensure the continued safety and viability of dairy farming in the United States.

Revolutionizing Dairy Farming: The Impact of Wearable Technology on Cow Health and Productivity

In the age of digital innovation, the dairy industry is undergoing a technological transformation, with wearable technology emerging as a game-changer. These devices, designed specifically for dairy cows, offer real-time monitoring and insights into various aspects of their health and well-being. From activity tracking to health management, the integration of wearable technology promises to revolutionize dairy farming practices. This article explores the potential benefits and applications of wearable technology for dairy cows, highlighting its impact on animal welfare, farm efficiency, and overall productivity.

Enhanced Health Monitoring: Wearable devices equipped with sensors can monitor key health indicators in dairy cows, such as body temperature, heart rate, rumination, and activity levels. By continuously collecting and analyzing this data, farmers can detect early signs of illness, stress, or discomfort, allowing for timely intervention and treatment. This proactive approach not only improves individual cow health but also helps prevent the spread of diseases within the herd, ultimately reducing veterinary costs and improving overall herd management.

Optimized Reproduction Management: Reproduction plays a critical role in dairy farming, impacting herd profitability and sustainability. Wearable technology enables accurate estrus detection and monitoring of reproductive cycles in cows, facilitating timely insemination and maximizing breeding success rates. By leveraging data insights from wearable devices, farmers can optimize breeding strategies, minimize calving intervals, and enhance genetic selection, ultimately improving the overall reproductive efficiency of their herd.

Precision Feeding and Nutrition: Nutrition plays a vital role in maintaining cow health, milk production, and reproductive performance. Wearable devices can track feeding behavior and rumination patterns, providing valuable insights into individual cow dietary preferences, digestive health, and nutrient intake. Armed with this information, farmers can tailor feeding programs to meet the specific needs of each cow, optimize ration formulations, and minimize feed wastage, thereby improving feed efficiency and reducing production costs.

Monitoring Lameness and Comfort: Lameness is a common and costly issue in dairy farming, impacting both cow welfare and productivity. Wearable technology can detect subtle changes in gait, posture, and movement patterns, allowing farmers to identify lameness issues early and implement targeted interventions, such as hoof trimming or treatment protocols. By prioritizing cow comfort and mobility, farmers can reduce the prevalence of lameness, improve overall welfare standards, and enhance milk production efficiency.

Data-Driven Decision Making: One of the most significant advantages of wearable technology is its ability to generate actionable insights from real-time data analytics. By integrating wearable device data with farm management software and predictive analytics algorithms, farmers can make informed decisions regarding herd health, reproduction, nutrition, and productivity. This data-driven approach empowers farmers to optimize resource allocation, mitigate risks, and drive continuous improvement in dairy farm operations.

Wearable technology holds immense potential to transform the dairy industry by providing actionable insights into cow health, reproduction, nutrition, and welfare. By leveraging real-time data monitoring and analytics, farmers can enhance herd management practices, improve productivity, and ensure sustainable long-term success. As the adoption of wearable technology continues to grow, its role in shaping the future of dairy farming cannot be overstated, offering a win-win solution for both farmers and cows alike.

The Hidden Risks of Prolonged Standing: Contributing Factors to Claw Issues

Prolonged standing is a common aspect of various professions, including retail, manufacturing, and healthcare. While often overlooked, the effects of extended periods spent on one’s feet can have detrimental consequences on musculoskeletal health. Among these, claw issues, characterized by the deformation of the toes and feet, are increasingly recognized as a significant concern. This article explores the relationship between prolonged standing and the development of claw issues, shedding light on contributing factors and preventive measures.

Understanding Claw Issues: Claw issues, also known as claw toes or hammertoes, refer to a deformity where the toes bend downward at the middle joints, resembling claws. This condition can cause discomfort, pain, and difficulty in walking, ultimately affecting an individual’s quality of life. While various factors contribute to the development of claw toes, prolonged standing emerges as a significant precursor.

Contributing Factors:

  1. Footwear: Ill-fitting shoes with narrow toe boxes and high heels can force the toes into unnatural positions, increasing the risk of developing claw issues, especially when combined with prolonged standing. Shoes that lack adequate support or cushioning further exacerbate the problem.
  2. Muscle Fatigue: Standing for extended periods places excessive strain on the muscles and ligaments of the feet, leading to fatigue and weakness. As the muscles weaken, they become less capable of maintaining proper toe alignment, contributing to the development of claw toes.
  3. Poor Posture: Maintaining the same posture while standing for prolonged durations can lead to postural imbalances, affecting the alignment of the toes and feet. Over time, this can manifest as claw issues, particularly if corrective measures are not taken.
  4. Occupational Demands: Certain professions, such as retail, hospitality, and manufacturing, often require employees to stand for the majority of their shifts. Consequently, individuals in these occupations are at a higher risk of developing claw issues due to the repetitive stress placed on their feet.

Preventive Measures:

  1. Proper Footwear: Wearing supportive shoes with ample room for the toes is crucial for preventing claw issues. Opt for shoes with a wide toe box and adequate arch support to reduce pressure on the toes and promote proper alignment.
  2. Regular Breaks: Incorporating regular breaks and opportunities to sit or rest can help alleviate the strain on the feet and reduce the risk of muscle fatigue and deformities.
  3. Stretching Exercises: Performing regular stretching exercises targeted at the feet and toes can help improve flexibility, strengthen muscles, and maintain proper alignment.
  4. Ergonomic Considerations: Employers should prioritize ergonomic workplace design, providing anti-fatigue mats, adjustable standing desks, and supportive footwear to minimize the adverse effects of prolonged standing on employee health.

While prolonged standing is often unavoidable in certain professions, awareness of its potential health implications, including claw issues, is essential. By addressing contributing factors such as footwear, muscle fatigue, poor posture, and occupational demands, individuals and employers can take proactive measures to mitigate the risks associated with extended periods spent on one’s feet. Through a combination of proper footwear, regular breaks, stretching exercises, and ergonomic considerations, individuals can safeguard their musculoskeletal health and reduce the likelihood of developing claw issues.

Digesters on Dairy Farms: Maximizing Efficiency and Sustainability

In recent years, dairy farmers have been increasingly turning to innovative solutions to manage waste and reduce their environmental footprint. One such solution gaining traction is the implementation of anaerobic digesters. These digesters offer a promising avenue for converting organic waste into valuable resources while also mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.

Anaerobic digesters function by breaking down organic materials, such as manure and food waste, in an oxygen-free environment. This process generates biogas, primarily composed of methane and carbon dioxide, which can be captured and used as a renewable energy source. Additionally, digesters produce nutrient-rich digestate, which can serve as a potent fertilizer for crops.

One dairy farm that has embraced this technology is the Green Pastures Dairy Farm in the heart of agricultural country. With a herd of over 500 cows, waste management had long been a significant challenge for the farm. However, by investing in an anaerobic digester system, they have not only addressed this challenge but have also unlocked numerous benefits.

The digester at Green Pastures operates round the clock, processing thousands of gallons of manure daily. The captured biogas fuels a generator, producing electricity to power the entire farm and even surplus to sell back to the grid. This renewable energy source has significantly reduced the farm’s reliance on fossil fuels, leading to substantial cost savings and a smaller carbon footprint.

Moreover, the digestate produced by the system has revolutionized the farm’s approach to fertilization. Instead of relying solely on chemical fertilizers, which can be costly and have negative environmental impacts, Green Pastures now utilizes the nutrient-rich digestate to nourish their fields. This closed-loop system not only cuts down on waste but also enhances soil health and crop yields.

The success of anaerobic digesters at Green Pastures serves as a testament to the potential of this technology for dairy farms across the globe. By harnessing the power of anaerobic digestion, farmers can simultaneously address waste management challenges, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and generate renewable energy. As sustainability becomes an increasingly pressing concern in agriculture, digesters offer a practical and impactful solution for dairy farmers committed to environmental stewardship and economic viability.

Evaluating the Benefits of Lower Undegraded Forage Fiber in Dairy Rations

Forage fiber is a crucial component of livestock diets, providing essential nutrients and facilitating proper digestion. However, the level of undegraded forage fiber in these diets has been a topic of debate among animal nutritionists and researchers. Undegraded forage fiber refers to the portion of fiber that remains intact in the digestive tract without being broken down by rumen microbes. In recent years, there has been growing interest in the potential benefits of lower undegraded forage fiber levels in livestock diets. This article explores the rationale behind this trend and evaluates its implications for animal health and performance.

The Role of Forage Fiber: Before delving into the debate over undegraded forage fiber levels, it is essential to understand the role of forage fiber in livestock nutrition. Forage fiber encompasses both structural carbohydrates, such as cellulose and hemicellulose, and nonstructural carbohydrates, including pectins and lignin. These fibers provide bulk to the diet, promoting rumen motility and stimulating saliva production. Furthermore, microbial fermentation of forage fiber produces volatile fatty acids (VFAs), which serve as a significant energy source for ruminants.

Undegraded Forage Fiber: While microbial fermentation is essential for breaking down complex carbohydrates in the rumen, not all fiber undergoes this process. Some portions of forage fiber remain undegraded and pass through the rumen to the lower digestive tract, where they contribute to fecal bulk and promote hindgut fermentation. However, high levels of undegraded fiber may reduce nutrient digestibility and hinder overall feed efficiency in livestock.

Benefits of Lower Undegraded Forage Fiber: Advocates for lower undegraded forage fiber levels argue that reducing the amount of indigestible fiber in livestock diets can enhance nutrient utilization and improve animal performance. By optimizing the balance between degradable and undegradable fiber, producers can maximize feed efficiency without compromising digestive health. Furthermore, lower undegraded fiber levels may lead to reduced fecal output and improved manure management on farms.

Considerations for Implementation: While reducing undegraded forage fiber levels holds promise for optimizing livestock diets, several factors must be considered when implementing this approach. Firstly, producers must carefully select forage sources with favorable fiber characteristics, such as high digestibility and low lignin content. Additionally, dietary formulations should be tailored to meet the specific nutritional requirements of different livestock species and production stages. Regular monitoring of animal performance and digestive health indicators is essential to ensure that adjustments can be made as needed.

In conclusion, the debate over undegraded forage fiber levels in livestock diets highlights the complex interplay between dietary components, digestive physiology, and animal performance. While lower undegraded fiber levels may offer potential benefits in terms of nutrient utilization and feed efficiency, careful consideration must be given to factors such as forage selection, dietary formulation, and monitoring protocols. Ultimately, a balanced approach that takes into account the unique needs of individual livestock operations is essential for optimizing animal health and productivity.

The Benefits of Extended Maternal Care: Keeping Calves with Their Mothers for Longer

In recent years, there has been growing interest in re-evaluating traditional practices in animal husbandry, particularly concerning the separation of calves from their mothers shortly after birth. A mounting body of evidence suggests that extending the duration of maternal care can have profound benefits for both the welfare of calves and the productivity of dairy and beef operations.

Traditionally, dairy and beef farming practices have involved early separation of calves from their mothers, often within hours or days of birth. This separation is primarily driven by the need to maximize milk production for human consumption and to facilitate management practices such as individual calf feeding and disease prevention.

However, research has increasingly shown that early separation can have negative consequences for both cows and calves. Calves experience stress and distress upon separation from their mothers, disrupting the natural bonding process and hindering their emotional and social development. Moreover, maternal care plays a crucial role in providing calves with essential nutrients, antibodies, and immune factors present in colostrum and milk, which are vital for their health and growth.

In response to these findings, some farmers and researchers have begun exploring alternative management practices that allow calves to remain with their mothers for a more extended period. This approach, often referred to as dam-rearing or cow-calf contact, involves keeping calves with their mothers for several weeks or even months after birth.

The benefits of extended maternal care for calves are manifold. Firstly, it promotes better physical health and growth. Calves that have access to their mother’s milk for a more extended period tend to experience fewer health issues, such as diarrhea and respiratory infections, and exhibit improved growth rates compared to artificially-reared counterparts.

Furthermore, extended maternal care supports the development of natural behaviors and social skills in calves. By allowing them to interact with their mothers and other herd members, calves learn essential social cues, establish hierarchies, and develop coping mechanisms that are crucial for their long-term well-being.

From an economic standpoint, there are also potential benefits to keeping calves with their mothers for longer. While there may be initial challenges in terms of management practices and milk production, the long-term gains in calf health and productivity, as well as potential improvements in cow fertility and longevity, can contribute to overall farm profitability.

In addition to the welfare and economic advantages, extending maternal care aligns with evolving consumer preferences for more ethical and sustainable farming practices. Consumers are increasingly concerned about the well-being of farm animals and are willing to support systems that prioritize animal welfare, including allowing calves to remain with their mothers for extended periods.

However, transitioning to extended maternal care practices requires careful planning and consideration of various factors, including herd management, infrastructure, and labor requirements. Farmers may need to invest in facilities that support cow-calf contact, such as spacious pens with shelter and adequate feeding areas, as well as develop protocols for monitoring cow and calf health and behavior.

In conclusion, there is growing recognition of the benefits of keeping calves with their mothers for longer periods in dairy and beef production systems. By prioritizing the welfare of calves and promoting natural behaviors, extended maternal care not only enhances calf health and productivity but also aligns with consumer preferences for more ethical and sustainable farming practices. As the agricultural industry continues to evolve, re-evaluating traditional practices and embracing innovative approaches to animal husbandry will be essential for building a more resilient and humane food system.

Boost Your Dairy Profits in 2024

Dairy owners in the United States confront various obstacles in the calm milk market, including the possibility of declining profitability. As milk prices remain variable, dairy farmers may achieve profitability by focusing more on management, animal genetics, nutrition programs, and general efficiency.

Dairy farmers should explore selling carbon credits in 2024 and beyond, since they have been shown in study to reduce enteric methane while increasing milk output and feed efficiency. This initiative is already in place, with participating dairy farmers receiving compensation for reducing enteric methane while improving the sustainability of their operations. On-farm replacement heifer stocks should be reviewed on a regular basis, since having too many heifers takes up valuable facility space and depletes feed stockpile. An increasingly common strategy is to breed future dairy replacement heifers from heifers and first-lactation animals, whose genetic composition is statistically superior to that of older cows.

Maximizing farm-raised feedstuffs is critical for dairy farmers, since high-producing herds thrive on diets with forage levels of 60% or higher. High-oleic soybeans may be utilized as an on-farm protein source since they have a better fatty acid profile than normal soybeans do. Research has shown that feeding high-oleic soybeans may increase milk fat by 0.2 units when compared to normal soybean feeding.

Maximizing milk solids to promote energy-corrected milk (ECM) may result in a good return on investment while maintaining milk volume. Supplementing methionine hydroxy analog (MHA) and/or bypassing palm fat may increase butterfat percentages on-farm by 0.3-0.5%. Moving ahead, increased profitability targets will be aligned with maximum butterfat synthesis.

Cow grouping may enhance health, increase productivity, and generate cash above feed expenses. The advantages of correct grouping include a decreased frequency of metabolic diseases, cheaper feed costs, better reproduction, higher lifetime milk output, and optimal parlor flow. Grouping tactics based on parity and stage of lactation may assist dairy farmers in navigating these hurdles and achieving future profitability.

There are various ways that may be used to improve dairy operations. These include lowering feed shrink, improving feed bunk management, developing close-up dry cow diets, enhancing herd reproduction, and incorporating organic trace minerals.

Reducing feed shrink entails limiting losses at critical control points such as feed ingredient processing, storage, mixing and feeding, feed bunk management, and weather-related disruptions. Proper silage face management and frequent dry matter determination analysis on wet forages may also assist to prevent shrinkage.

Increasing feed bunk management entails creating a timetable that corresponds to the milking schedule, supplying new feed when cows return to the parlor, and arranging more push-ups throughout the day. Maintaining a uniform distribution of feed over the feedline guarantees that all cows may eat at their preferred place. Time-lapse cameras may be used to track regular chores and keep cows from running out of fodder.

During the transition phase, close-up dry cow meals reduce metabolic issues while increasing cow comfort by giving enough room for laying down and eating while limiting pen movements. Manage the feed bunk by adjusting intakes and utilizing only high-quality forages with sufficient fiber. Implement daily cow-level monitoring to check for changes in body temperature, activity, and eating behavior.

Continue to increase herd reproduction by employing systematic breeding programs and/or wearable technology to boost heat detection efficiency, first service, 21-day pregnancy rate, labor demand, and overall reproductive success. Using organic trace minerals may help optimize herd genetic potential, resulting in greater efficiency advantages such as higher milk supply, better reproductive performance, better hoof health, and a lower somatic cell count.

Successful dairy businesses are based on a trusted team of advisers that collaborate with farmers to offer something of value to the table. A successful team establishes objectives on a regular basis, communicates a vision, maintains priorities, and keeps each other responsible for achieving them. The farm manager/producer should facilitate and own the strategy, with the assistance of each team member’s area of expertise.

Developing a culture of continuous improvement on the farm is critical to success. Setting and setting down objectives for profitable improvements in the next year might help you track your progress over time. Contact your local Hubbard Feeds dairy salesperson for more information on these suggested adjustments.

Finding calm in the chaos

Jayne Sebright, Executive Director Center for Dairy Excellence

The winter months, to me, are some of the most peaceful on our small dairy farm in Adams County, Pennsylvania. Because of our milking schedule, I often go to the barn when it is dark out, and the stars are bright in the sky. The cows are often peacefully lying in their beds by the time I make my way into our freestall barn to bring them into the holding pen. The air is cool and crisp, and the moonlit sky creates a glow across the icy ground in our valley. Being out there amid that stillness is all I need to calm my soul.

When I tell people that I spend many evenings in the barn after working all day in my center role, they often question my sanity. “Aren’t you exhausted?” they ask. But the truth is, for me, my evening milking routine provides the “alone time” I need to destress from a job that requires me to be “on” for most of the day.

To be honest, there are nights when unexpected calvings or moody first-calf heifers can derail my sense of calm. But, often an evening in the barn is exactly what I need after never-ending meetings, mental challenges, computer frustrations and a nasty commute. That’s because, the way our parlor system works, it only requires one person to milk. It’s just me and my girls and plenty of time to work through whatever is causing chaos in my brain.

I am not the only one who feels this way about being in the barn. The past couple of years, the center did a holiday social media campaign in which we asked farmers to share something that brings them joy. Last year, a dairy farmer named Casi shared how it’s the quiet moments in the barn that bring her peace and the ability to reset and start again. Her post was one of our more popular on the center’s social feed, which predominantly reaches farmers.

The truth is we live in stressful times, as farmers and as a society. We are all so busy moving from one place to the next, one task to another, that we become hyper-focused on just checking things off our list. Finding time to rest and relax is often the last thing we have time for on that list.

Instead, we try to power through, which can lead to lashing out against whatever gets in our way. Think about it. Have you ever found yourself late for an appointment or event? You rush around trying to leave on time and find yourself stuck in traffic. Instead of recognizing that there is nothing you can do, your driving suddenly becomes more aggressive, and your foot gets heavier. I can remember a couple of instances where I found myself with a speeding ticket because I was too stressed rushing to get somewhere.

This can also happen on our farms. The day starts OK until you find out that the milk didn’t get picked up on time and your tank is nearly full. You have a cow who is struggling to calve, and the repair man can’t get there in time to fix the feed mixer tractor before the cows are out of feed. Your son walks into the barn, and suddenly you find yourself in a full-fledged argument about something that really wasn’t that important because both of you are overcommitted and overstressed.

The reality is, with mounting financial pressures, weather woes and a host of other things causing us stress on the farm, finding the space for whatever it is that allows us to reset is essential, not only for our own well-being but for the relationships we share with those around us. So, how can we do that?

Here are three simple things you can do when you find yourself overwhelmed.

1. Take a deep breath

You may think it seems silly, but simply taking a deep breath can signal a sense of calm in the brain. That’s because the process of deep breathing can slow your heartbeat and calm your nervous system. Have you ever tried it? Next time you feel anxiety creeping in, stop yourself and take a few minutes to intentionally breathe deep. Breathe in slowly through your nose, letting your abdomen move forward, and hold it for 3 to 5 seconds. Then, let the air out slowly. Repeat the process a few times until you feel your body relaxing.

2. Find what feeds your soul

That is what an evening alone in the barn can do for me. It is time by myself to listen to music, find a podcast I like or even just be in the rhythm of the milking routine. Everyone is different. Some farmers enjoy spending time in the tractor cab, while others might find an evening away from the farm is what they need to reset. No matter what it is, the most important thing is to intentionally find what feeds your soul and make time for it.

3. Give yourself grace and space

“Farmers juggle many hats” is a phrase we hear often, and it has become a badge of honor that we wear proudly. So, the idea of putting down one of those hats can feel uncomfortable. When we give up a responsibility or say “no” to something, we feel like we are letting someone down. But, the reality is we are all human, and we can’t do everything. Make sure you give yourself grace and space to recognize your limitations and let go of what you cannot carry.

For those who are managing thousands of cows, the idea of going to the barn to calm your soul may seem crazy. But, especially in the wintertime, that is all it takes for me to reset and reframe my mind after a chaotic day. I often leave the barn in a much better place than where I was when I first walked into it. Whether we are on or off the farm, we all have plenty of stressors causing chaos in our lives. Hopefully, you can find whatever it is that brings you calm in a chaotic world.


Moo-ving Towards Better Livestock Management: The Rise of Fitness Trackers for Cows

In an era where wearable technology has become increasingly ubiquitous, it’s not just humans who are benefiting from fitness trackers – even cows are getting in on the action. With advancements in sensor technology and data analytics, farmers are turning to wearable devices to monitor the health, behavior, and productivity of their bovine companions.

Traditionally, livestock management has relied on visual observation and manual record-keeping to assess the well-being of cattle. However, these methods can be time-consuming, labor-intensive, and often provide limited insights into individual animal health and performance.

Enter fitness trackers for cows – innovative devices designed to collect real-time data on various aspects of bovine physiology and behavior. These wearable gadgets, typically attached to a cow’s ear tag or collar, are equipped with sensors that monitor parameters such as activity levels, rumination patterns, and even body temperature.

One of the primary benefits of cow fitness trackers is the ability to detect early signs of health problems or distress. Changes in activity levels or rumination patterns can indicate issues such as illness, stress, or discomfort, allowing farmers to intervene promptly and provide appropriate care. This proactive approach not only improves animal welfare but also helps prevent disease outbreaks and reduce veterinary costs.

Moreover, fitness trackers can provide valuable insights into the behavior and productivity of individual cows. By analyzing data on activity patterns and feeding behavior, farmers can identify high-performing animals, optimize feeding strategies, and even detect estrus or reproductive cycles more accurately. This data-driven approach to livestock management enables farmers to make informed decisions that enhance herd health and maximize productivity.

In addition to health and productivity monitoring, cow fitness trackers offer benefits in terms of herd management and resource allocation. By tracking the location of individual cows within a herd, farmers can identify social dynamics, monitor grazing patterns, and optimize pasture utilization. This information can inform decisions related to herd grouping, breeding strategies, and resource allocation, ultimately improving overall farm efficiency.

Furthermore, the data collected by fitness trackers can be integrated with farm management software systems, enabling farmers to access real-time analytics and insights from anywhere, using their smartphones or computers. This digitization of livestock management not only streamlines data collection and analysis but also facilitates data-driven decision-making and long-term performance monitoring.

While the adoption of cow fitness trackers represents a significant advancement in livestock management, there are challenges to consider, including cost, data privacy concerns, and technological barriers. However, as the technology continues to evolve and become more affordable, the benefits of real-time monitoring and data-driven decision-making are likely to outweigh these challenges.

In conclusion, cow fitness trackers offer a glimpse into the future of livestock management, where data-driven insights and wearable technology converge to optimize animal welfare, productivity, and farm efficiency. By embracing innovation and leveraging the power of data analytics, farmers can moo-ve towards a more sustainable and resilient agricultural future.

Study Finds Calves Perform Well in Pairs: Insights into Social Dynamics of Young Cattle

In a recent study published in the Journal of Animal Behavior, researchers have uncovered fascinating insights into the social dynamics of young cattle, particularly focusing on the performance of calves when housed in pairs.

Traditionally, livestock management practices often involve keeping animals in large groups or individually, with minimal consideration given to the potential benefits of pairing. However, this study suggests that pairing young calves may have significant advantages for their well-being and development.

The research team conducted experiments in which they observed the behavior and performance of calves housed both individually and in pairs. They monitored various parameters such as feeding behavior, growth rates, and social interactions to assess the impact of pairing on calf welfare and productivity.

Surprisingly, the findings revealed that calves housed in pairs exhibited several positive outcomes compared to those kept individually. One notable observation was the enhanced social interaction between paired calves. They engaged in more play behavior, such as running and butting heads, which are essential for developing social skills and establishing hierarchies within the group.

Moreover, paired calves demonstrated improved feeding efficiency. By sharing a living space, they seemed to stimulate each other to eat more frequently and consume larger quantities of feed. This resulted in better growth rates and overall development compared to their solitary counterparts.

The study also highlighted the psychological benefits of pairing for young calves. Being social animals, cattle thrive on companionship, and pairing provides them with the opportunity for social interaction and mutual support, reducing stress levels and promoting a sense of security.

These findings have significant implications for the management of young cattle in agricultural settings. Incorporating pair housing into livestock management practices could potentially improve calf welfare, enhance productivity, and contribute to more sustainable and ethical farming practices.

However, it’s essential to note that the success of pair housing largely depends on various factors such as space availability, social dynamics within the group, and management strategies. Further research is needed to explore optimal housing arrangements and address potential challenges associated with implementing pair housing on a larger scale.

In conclusion, the study sheds light on the importance of considering social dynamics in livestock management and highlights the potential benefits of pairing young calves. By promoting social interaction and improving welfare, pair housing offers a promising approach to enhancing the well-being and productivity of cattle in agricultural systems.

DMC Makes First Strong Payment of 2024

The January Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) revenue above feed costs was computed at $8.48/cwt, resulting in indemnity payments of $761.56 per million pounds enrolled in the 2024 program. In 2023, eligible producers received indemnity payments for 11 out of 12 months, with an average monthly payout of $2.80 per cwt. The DMC program was approved in the 2018 farm bill to provide farmers with protection when the gap between the all-milk price and the average feed price falls below the producer-selected margin threshold. The FSA Administrator, Zach Ducheneaux, emphasized that DMC is a critical risk management instrument for dairy enterprises to financially withstand the multiple uncertainties that negatively effect milk market pricing. Gregg Doud, president and CEO of the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF), invites every dairy farmer to seriously consider signing up for DMC, noting the program’s permanent inclusion of updated production records as well as current low producer margins.

Calf Colostrum Versus Replacer – Which Is More Beneficial?

Explore the debate between calf colostrum and replacer. Which provides more benefits for calf health and growth? Dive into the research with us.

In the dairy industry, the health and vitality of newborn calves are paramount, as they determine the future productivity of the herd. One of the critical decisions that dairy farmers face is whether to feed newborn calves natural colostrum or use a commercially available colostrum replacer. This article explores the benefits and drawbacks of each option, examining the ongoing debate within the dairy community to determine which is more beneficial for calf health and long-term productivity. In this article, we dive into both the benefits and drawbacks of each option. Our goal is clear: to provide you with the necessary information to make an informed decision, aligning not just with the current demands of your herd, but also considering their long-term productivity. 

What’s the real value of natural colostrum?

Natural colostrum is invaluable for dairy calves, providing a multitude of benefits that are critical for their early development, health, and long-term productivity. Here’s an overview of the key values that natural colostrum delivers:

  1. Immune System Support: Natural colostrum is rich in immunoglobulins (antibodies), especially IgG, IgA, and IgM. These antibodies are crucial for the passive transfer of immunity from the mother to the newborn calf, which is born with an immature immune system. This early immunity helps protect the calf from various infectious diseases during its first weeks of life.
  2. Nutritional Content: Colostrum is much more nutrient-dense than regular milk. It contains higher levels of proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals that are essential for the calf’s growth. This includes energy-rich components that help the newborn maintain body temperature and energy levels in the critical early hours and days post-birth.
  3. Growth Factors: Colostrum contains growth factors such as insulin-like growth factor (IGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF), which stimulate the development and maturation of the gut. This is vital for helping the calf to digest food more efficiently and absorb more nutrients, supporting better growth rates.
  4. Enhanced Disease Resistance: Beyond the immediate passive immunity, the components of colostrum can enhance the calf’s own immune system over time, leading to improved disease resistance throughout its life.
  5. Reduction in Mortality and Morbidity: Studies have shown that adequate colostrum intake is linked to lower mortality rates in calves. Calves that receive sufficient colostrum are more likely to grow into healthy adults, with fewer instances of diseases like diarrhea and respiratory infections.
  6. Long-Term Productivity: Calves that are fed adequate amounts of high-quality natural colostrum tend to have better overall health and higher productivity later in life. This includes improved growth rates and, for female calves, better future milk production when they become lactating cows.

Given these extensive benefits, it’s clear that natural colostrum is crucial for maximizing the health, welfare, and economic returns of dairy calves. Ensuring that calves receive an adequate amount of high-quality colostrum immediately after birth is one of the most effective strategies to set the foundation for their future success.

How effective are commercially available colostrum replacers?

Commercially available colostrum replacers can be quite effective for dairy calves, especially when high-quality natural colostrum is not available or when there is a risk of transmitting diseases from the cow to the calf. These products are designed to mimic the nutritional and immunological properties of natural colostrum and provide several key benefits:

Effectiveness of Colostrum Replacers

  1. Immunoglobulin Content: High-quality colostrum replacers are formulated to contain a specific amount of immunoglobulins, particularly IgG, which is crucial for establishing passive immunity in newborn calves. The effectiveness largely depends on the concentration and absorbability of these immunoglobulins.
  2. Nutrient Density: Replacers are also rich in nutrients, including proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals, ensuring that calves receive the essential nutrients they need right after birth.
  3. Disease Control: One of the significant advantages of using colostrum replacers is their ability to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases such as Johne’s disease, Mycoplasma, BVD, and Leptospirosis, which can be passed through natural colostrum.
  4. Consistency and Reliability: Colostrum replacers offer consistency in nutrient and antibody levels, providing a reliable alternative when the quality or quantity of natural colostrum is insufficient.

Limitations and Considerations

While colostrum replacers can be highly effective, they also come with some limitations:

  • Cost: High-quality colostrum replacers can be more expensive than natural colostrum, making them a significant cost factor for some farms.
  • Variability in Quality: Not all colostrum replacers are created equal. The effectiveness of different products can vary based on the source and concentration of immunoglobulins and other nutrients.
  • Absorption Rates: The rate at which immunoglobulins are absorbed from replacers can be lower than that from natural colostrum. This makes it critical to administer replacers properly and within a specific time frame after birth.

Best Practices for Use

For optimal effectiveness, it’s important that colostrum replacers are administered correctly:

  • Timing: Calves should receive colostrum replacers within the first 2 hours of life to maximize the absorption of immunoglobulins.
  • Dosage: Follow the manufacturer’s recommended dosage to ensure that calves receive enough immunoglobulins to establish passive immunity.
  • Handling: Proper mixing and handling are crucial to maintain the integrity of the replacer.

Colostrum replacers can be a valuable tool in calf rearing, especially under conditions where the quality or availability of natural colostrum is compromised, or there is a need to avoid disease transmission. When selected and used correctly, high-quality colostrum replacers can effectively substitute for natural colostrum, providing the essential immunity and nutrients that newborn calves need to start a healthy life.

  • The milk replacer’s composition stays constant if it’s prepared consistently using the correct amount of water and powder.
  • There is no risk of vertical transmission of diseases, which is possible with raw milk.
  • This may sound odd because whole milk is produced by the cow, but milk replacer is easier to use because with whole milk you are always dependent on milking times,
  • The lower fat content makes it easier for calves’ roughage uptake
  • The added health formula in calf milk replacer contributes to optimum intestinal and airway health, which in turn leads to higher growth rates proven in trials on CAIR and the IMAGRO health concept.

Choosing Wisely: Factors in Selecting Calf Colostrum or Replacer

When deciding between natural colostrum and a colostrum replacer, there are several key factors to consider. 

First, the origin and intensity of disease presence in the herd plays a role. For instance, research demonstrates that calves fed colostrum replacer at birth are less likely to be infected with Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis compared to those fed colostrum, in herds with Johne’s disease. Hence, if this disease is a concern in your herd, choosing a good-quality colostrum replacer might be a safer option. 

Secondly, the availability and perceived quality of maternal colostrum are important factors. If maternal colostrum is unavailable, or its quality and quantity cannot be guaranteed, a product like OptiPrime Colostrum Replacer, which contains globulin proteins derived from bovine colostrum, might be a worthy choice. Remember, feedings of poor or moderate quality maternal colostrum may not provide calves with the adequate level of antibodies for optimal health. Colostrum replacers can help bridge this gap as their contents are more regulated and they contain more immunoglobulin than supplements. 

Also, the practicality of use and the need for obtaining passive immunity swiftly might affect your decision. Colostrum replacers can be measured accurately and are easy to mix, enabling a quicker access to antibodies for the calf, especially vital in the crucial first few hours after birth. 

Lastly, several studies have investigated the impact of different additives like trypsin inhibitors and egg proteins in colostrum supplements on dairy calves. These additives may enhance the functional value of the colostrum and be beneficial for certain health conditions or management goals. 

All in all, there is no blanket solution for every situation. To find the most suitable option, a thorough understanding of the calf’s specific needs, the herd health status and the practicality within your farming operations is essential.

Meeting Nutritional Needs: How Calf Colostrum and Replacer Stack Up

Let’s dive deeper into how calf colostrum and colostrum replacers meet the nutritional needs of newborn calves. Colostrum, nature’s first milk, is packed with essential nutrients, antibodies, and growth factors that not only fortify calf immunity but also support their early growth and development. Its unique biological makeup makes colostrum an absolutely indispensable start for every newborn calf. 

However, when the quality or quantity of colostrum is not adequate, using a good quality commercially available colostrum replacer becomes crucial. They are designed to mimic the nutrient composition and immune-boosting properties of natural colostrum. 

According to research studies, colostrum replacers can potentially offer similar or even better nutritional values in certain cases compared to natural colostrum. A suitable example would be a study that observed 497 calves over a period of 54 months and concluded that there were no noticeable differences in various parameters between calves fed either maternal colostrum or a serum-based colostrum replacer at birth. 

Another key finding in research is that calves fed colostrum replacers at birth were found to be less likely to get infected with Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis – a causal agent of Johne’s disease, as compared to those fed with natural colostrum. This suggests that colostrum replacers might offer certain health protective advantages. 

Additionally, one should acknowledge that replacers contain more immunoglobulin than supplement products – often supplying more antibodies than poor or moderate quality colostrum. In an experiment comparing colostrum and serum-based colostrum replacer, no differences were observed in analytical measures such as IgG levels, efficiency of IgG absorption, the incidence of scours, or growth rates

Furthermore, certain replacers come enriched with different beneficial additives like trypsin inhibitors and egg proteins, thereby offering enhanced nutritional value and improved digestion in calves. 

In conclusion, while natural colostrum remains the gold standard, colostrum replacers when wisely chosen, based on quality, nutrient content, and specific needs of the calf, can do an excellent job in delivering nutritional needs and boosting immunity of neonatal calves.

Can one truly replace the other without any significant implications?

You might be asking, can calf colostrum and its commercial substitute be swapped without causing any major impacts? The research we analyzed offers an illuminating response to that question. A myriad of scientific investigations, including 26 research trials involving approximately 90 assorted treatments, has delved into the implications of substituting natural colostrum with commercial replacers or supplements. 

For example, one prominent study followed 497 calves from birth to 54 months old. When these calves were fed with either maternal colostrum or serum-based colostrum replacer at birth, no discernable differences were observed across several parameters. These statistics extend to rates of IgG absorption, efficiency, the incident of scours, and overall growth, shining a positive light on colostrum replacers. 

Another important experiment compared calves fed colostrum and those given a serum-based colostrum replacer. Again, no major differences were observed in IgG levels or the rate of growth amongst the calves, further substantiating the effectiveness of colostrum replacers. 

Amongst calves born in herds with Johne’s disease, those fed colostrum replacers at birth showed decreased susceptibility to infections, specifically from Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis, when compared to calves fed traditional colostrum. A stark contrast that indicates the disease-fighting potential in colostrum replacers. 

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, you, the calf rearing professional, have at your disposal a viable solution in colostrum replacers. They become an indispensable aid when natural colostrum is of subpar quality or simply not enough in quantity, or in scenarios that necessitate dodging disease transmission. The trick lies in making the right selection and mastering the correct usage. Once this is achieved, top-notch colostrum replacers can step in for natural colostrum successfully, delivering the vital immunity boost and nutrients newborn calves require to embark on a healthy life journey.

Summary: The dairy industry is crucial for the health and productivity of newborn calves, which determine the herd’s future. The choice between natural colostrum or commercially available colostrum replacers is essential for calf health and long-term productivity. Natural colostrum offers immune system support, nutritional content, growth factors, disease resistance, reduced mortality, and better overall health. Colostrum is more nutrient-dense than regular milk, containing higher levels of proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals essential for calf growth. Adequate colostrum intake is linked to lower mortality rates in calves, making them more likely to grow into healthy adults with fewer diseases. Long-term productivity is also improved by providing high-quality natural colostrum, including improved growth rates and better future milk production for female calves. Over 95% of calves fed natural colostrum survive to weaning, with a 40% lower incidence of diarrhea in the first two weeks of life.




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AI technology identifies cow lameness before symptoms occur

Winson Agriculture, a UK-based agtech startup, has created an AI-powered bovine hoof monitor that can detect small temperature changes in cows’ feet or legs. The technology, financed by the British government, is being developed in collaboration with the Agri-EPI Centre and software company Rhyze Softworks. Elevated temperature is an early indicator of infection, appearing before the disease’s obvious symptoms. Early identification would enable dairy farmers to begin treatment right away, avoiding the economic and welfare consequences of lameness.

The Agri-EPI Centre is contributing R&D expertise and a 200-head herd at the Dairy Development Centre in South West England to test and enhance the tool, which is still in the prototype stage. The Hoof Monitor is affixed to the cows’ feet and can detect temperature changes in individual legs and feet, which distinguishes it from other monitoring technologies such as mobility scoring, accelerometer-based precision technology, and camera and AI-based visual gait analysis. Artificial intelligence is utilized to automate processes, eliminating the need for manual locomotion scoring.

Testing at the Dairy Development Centre is scheduled to continue until May 2024, when the system will be relocated to a bigger commercial dairy unit to examine its real-world capabilities. If everything goes well, early users may be able to test the technology by 2025.

Lameness costs the British dairy sector around £53.5 million per year, ranking second only to mastitis in terms of economic damage. The monitoring technology might help to reduce production inefficiencies and carbon emissions per liter of milk produced, hence boosting sustainability.

$$$ The reason many dairy farmers are NOT considering Robotic Milking

Wisconsin’s Dairy Innovation Hub is looking into why some dairy producers use robotic milkers while others avoid them. According to a university survey, 75% of dairy farmers do not consider automated milking systems due to the high cost of purchasing, installing, and maintaining them. The study also discovered that farms with more cows, higher rolling herd averages, and larger acres to manage were more likely to use automated milking systems. Farms with more than 1,000 cows and farms under 60 were less likely to use robots. The younger generation and farmers over the age of 60 were more likely to use automated milking systems because they grew up with and were more comfortable with technology. The study is currently underway to investigate profitability in automated systems and compare guided-flow versus free-flow barns. The survey found an equal split in the use of robot brands.

Four Actions To Hep Producers Make the Switch to Beef-On-Dairy

According to CattleFax, the beef-on-dairy program is predicted to reach 4 million to 5 million head in the United States, accounting for around 15% of total cattle harvest by 2026. This program is becoming more important for farmers, vets, and the industry, as the sexed-and-beef type of production becomes the norm. Veterinarians play an important role in assisting dairy farmers with the transition to this program, which will be critical to their long-term success.

The sexed-and-beef approach focuses on lowering heifer inventories by utilizing sex semen on a producer’s top heifers and cows, while maximizing returns in the remaining cows by combining beef genetics to generate a high-quality beef-cross. Most dairy producers have farms that fall into one of two categories: maintaining their present herd size with a commensurate cull rate, or increasing their cow herds internally to optimum growth via planned mating.

Veterans may help farmers make choices about beef-on-dairy production by understanding how many heifers each dairy farm needs and emphasizing health and reproductive practices to prevent heifer and cow mortality. Partnering with a genetics business or other specialist may assist in determining and achieving the optimal number of heifers for each farm.

Reducing heifer non-completion is critical since the majority of losses are caused by health or reproductive issues, as well as mortality. Stillbirth risk, cull risk, reproductive failure risk, and culling risk in pregnant heifers are all factors that contribute to this proportion being low.

In conclusion, the beef-on-dairy initiative is becoming more important to dairy farmers, veterinarians, and the industry. By understanding the two situations and using the sexed-and-beef paradigm, veterinarians may assist dairy farmers in making educated choices about beef-on-dairy production.

The article examines the significance of genetics in dairy production, with an emphasis on employing top genetics for replacement breeding and optimizing genetic development and herd health. It highlights the need of identifying top animals in the herd to optimize genetic advancement in heifer production and drive profitability, removing unfavorable characteristics from the herd, and producing high-value beef calves. The average cost of raising a heifer today ranges between $2,000 and $4,000, making it more crucial than ever for farmers to focus on profitable matings.

Heifers are regarded the most elite genetic animals on dairy farms, and utilizing sexed semen in them results in a greater return on investment. Genomics testing may assist farmers in selecting the finest animals, whether heifers, first-lactation or second-lactation cows, to get sexed semen. However, this procedure may be difficult to manage, and a breeding plan can guide farm staff on what to do when withdrawing an animal for insemination.

Step #3: Select the best semen product to help farms meet their short- and long-term business objectives. To lower expenses and increase beef-x-dairy profits, use sex-sorted semen that maximizes genetic improvement, health, fertility, and heifer ratios. Producers should choose the top 40% or so of the herd’s heifers for sexing, with the other 60% receiving beef semen. Semen purity is an essential factor in choosing the number of heifer matings to conduct, and genomic testing may assist identify people who have inherited genes that cause abortions or poor health.

Step 4: Recognize and exploit the characteristics that provide value to the chosen beef sire. Increase the value of beef-x-dairy profit by selecting sires that prioritize fertility, pricing, growth, efficiency, and yield. Everyone in the production chain has their own opinion on what makes a good beef sire, and dairy farmers want their cows to conceive, therefore fertility is the most important attribute.

According to Hockett, outdated inventory is no longer an issue in beef-x-dairy, since research demonstrates that conception rates in Holstein dairy cows are identical whether Angus or Holstein sires are employed. To meet demand, genetics firms must maintain low stockpiles. Sidestep discounts for different breeds, such as Charolais, Limousin, and Wagyu, may assist producers in establishing the value of beef-on-dairy calves and maintaining it over time in the business.

Enhancing Dairy Cow Health and Performance through Well-Mixed Feed Access

Optimizing dairy cow nutrition is crucial for ensuring herd health, milk production, and farm profitability. One often-overlooked aspect of feeding management is providing cows with access to well-mixed feed. This article delves into the importance of well-mixed feed for dairy cows and its impact on overall herd performance.

The Significance of Well-Mixed Feed: Well-mixed feed refers to a balanced blend of ingredients, including grains, forages, minerals, and supplements, thoroughly combined to provide consistent nutrition to dairy cows. Ensuring feed is properly mixed is essential for promoting rumen health, maximizing nutrient utilization, and minimizing feed wastage. When cows have access to uniform feed, they are more likely to consume a balanced diet, leading to improved milk production, reproductive performance, and overall well-being.

Benefits of Well-Mixed Feed Access:

  1. Improved Nutrient Intake: Cows are selective feeders and tend to prefer certain ingredients over others. With well-mixed feed, cows have access to a uniform ration, ensuring they consume essential nutrients in the correct proportions for optimal health and performance.
  2. Enhanced Rumen Function: The rumen, a fermentation chamber in the cow’s stomach, relies on a consistent diet to maintain microbial balance and fermentation efficiency. Well-mixed feed promotes rumen stability, reducing the risk of acidosis and other digestive disorders.
  3. Increased Milk Production: Consistent access to a balanced diet translates to higher milk yields. Well-mixed feed provides cows with the energy, protein, and vitamins necessary for peak lactation performance, ultimately boosting farm profitability.
  4. Reduced Feed Waste: Inconsistently mixed feed can lead to segregation of ingredients, resulting in cows picking and choosing certain components while ignoring others. This selective feeding behavior increases feed wastage and compromises nutritional intake. Well-mixed feed minimizes sorting behavior, reducing feed losses and improving feed efficiency.

Strategies for Ensuring Well-Mixed Feed:

  1. Utilize Proper Mixing Equipment: Invest in high-quality feed mixing equipment capable of thoroughly blending ingredients to achieve uniformity.
  2. Monitor Mixing Procedures: Train staff to follow standardized mixing protocols, ensuring consistent feed quality and nutrient distribution.
  3. Conduct Regular Feed Analysis: Periodically test feed samples to verify nutrient content and assess mixing accuracy. Adjust formulations as needed to meet herd requirements.
  4. Implement Feed Bunk Management: Manage feed delivery and access to encourage consistent intake among cows, minimizing competition and bullying at the feed bunk.

Providing dairy cows with access to well-mixed feed is a fundamental aspect of modern dairy farming. By prioritizing feed quality and consistency, farmers can optimize herd nutrition, health, and productivity. Investing in proper mixing equipment, adhering to mixing protocols, and monitoring feed quality are essential steps toward achieving well-mixed rations. Ultimately, ensuring cows receive a balanced diet translates to improved milk production, profitability, and sustainability for dairy operations.

Gene Editing Produces BVDV-Resistant Calves

The use of gene editing in cattle has resulted in bovine viral diarrhea (BVDV) resistance. This study, undertaken by USDA researchers and the University of Nebraska, intended to lower a calf’s vulnerability to BVDV. BVDV is a difficult cow illness that harms animal health by weakening the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, and reproductive function. It may also be a quiet plague, since sick animals can transfer it to their herd members while seeming healthy.

The researchers employed CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing technology to modify six amino acids in the CD46 gene, which is the site inside the cell where the virus cleaves and enters to infect and multiply in a new host animal. They utilized cloned Gir cow embryos and transferred modified cells to part of them, leaving the other half unedited and serving as “wild-type” controls. Eight embryos of each variety were transplanted into cows.

Of the resulting fetuses, one edited and one unedited fetus were collected at 100 days to assess BVDV resistance in cells from many bodily systems. Ultimately, one full-term pregnancy emerged from an altered embryo, and the calf was delivered by cesarean section at 285 days gestation.

The research discovered that the altered calf was considerably less susceptible to BVDV in a laboratory environment than the unedited fetus. Live tissue samples revealed that the altered calf had a much lower BVDV susceptibility in the three cell types studied – skin fibroblasts, lymphocytes, and monocytes – than the unedited control calf.

The research also found that although gene editing did not completely protect the calf from BVDV, it did greatly increase its capacity to tolerate the viral onslaught. The commercial use of such technology has yet to emerge, but the capacity to help cattle fight BVDV has potentially far-reaching consequences.

Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is one of the most burdensome viruses affecting the health and well-being of cattle throughout the world. The main host receptor mediating BVDV infection is CD46. This proof-of-concept study showed that substituting six amino acids in CD46 caused a dramatic reduction in BVDV susceptibility in a gene-edited calf without causing any obvious adverse effects in the first 20 months of life. This provides the first example of gene editing in cattle to reduce the impact of a major viral disease. This approach could significantly improve animal welfare, increase the long-term sustainability of cattle production, and provide an opportunity to reduce antibiotic use in agriculture, given that BVDV infection puts calves at risk for secondary bacterial diseases.

When to Assist with Calving

Bovine parturition is a three-stage procedure that includes the dilatation of the cervix, the delivery of the calf, and the placenta or afterbirth. The choice to help a female during calving is based on the birth process, typical Stage 2 timings, and the calf fetus’ usual appearance.

Intervening in the calving process too early or too late might have detrimental consequences, such as slowing contractions and delaying calving. It is critical to let the natural birth process to take its course before interfering, since waiting too long might result in debilitated or dead calves.

Starting the clock upon the appearance of the water bag at the start of Stage 2 is critical. Every few minutes, the uterus contracts, followed by contractions of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. The calf’s front feet and potentially nose emerge from the vulva, and the dam applies maximal force to drive the shoulders and chest through the pelvic girdle. After passing through the vulva, the abdominal muscles relax and the hips and legs stretch back, making it simpler to pass through the hip area.

According to recent studies, healthy heifers and cows should calve independently within 60 minutes following the development of the water bag, whereas healthy cows normally calve in less than 30 minutes after Stage 2 begins.

Deciding whether to give aid requires judgment, and excellent judgment comes with experience. Uncertainty might develop while watching a heifer or cow with an odd appearance or a big calf. If you don’t know when Stage Two began, no progress is being made, or all symptoms are normal but the deadlines are running out, a vaginal exam may be required to establish the issue and if assistance is required.


Diets with botanicals help dairy cows utilize energy more effectively.

A Penn State study discovered that supplementing high-producing dairy cows with the botanical extract capsicum oleoresin, derived from chili peppers, or a combination of that extract and clove oil resulted in the animals using feed energy more efficiently and emitting less methane from their largest stomach. The cow would use the available energy on body weight increase rather than milk production or milk components.

The data imply that supplementing with this botanical combination may have a good physiological and environmental impact. The researchers understood that botanicals had the ability to alter fermentation in the dairy cow’s biggest stomach, known as the rumen. In a nearly two-decade-long attempt to boost milk output and minimize environmental emissions from dairy farms, they have experimented with supplementing the diet of high-performing dairy cows with anything from seaweed to garlic and oregano oils to synthetic chemicals.

Methane, a strong greenhouse gas produced by cows’ belching, is the product of fermentation in the cow’s rumen. This technique enables the animal to eat and use fibrous meals and waste that are indigestible to humans or other agricultural animals with simple stomachs. The combination of capsicum oleoresin and clove oil reduced methane output and intensity in the study’s cows by 11%, with the effect being most noticeable in first-lactation cows.

Botanicals, also known as phytonutrients, are plant-derived bioactive chemicals that have antimicrobial activities against bacteria, protozoa, and fungus. Studies on non-ruminant species have demonstrated that phytonutrients may cause particular gastrointestinal and immune responses in animals. Various botanicals containing active compounds such as eugenol, cinnamaldehyde, allicin, and capsaicin may stimulate immunological responses, decrease oxidative stress, and impact insulin secretion and function.

In a 10-week study at the Penn State Dairy Barns, 48 Holstein cows were randomly allocated to one of three food regimens. The research discovered that cows supplied with capsicum oleoresin or a mixture of capsicum oleoresin and clove oil used energy more efficiently.

What if cows could talk?

Lead researcher James Chen is developing an acoustic data-driven tool to help enhance animal welfare and lower methane emissions in precision livestock farming. Photo courtesy of James Chen.

Virginia Tech researchers are deciphering cow vocalizations using acoustic data and machine learning, with the goal of improving animal welfare and lowering methane emissions via precision livestock farming. James Chen, an animal data sciences researcher and assistant professor, is utilizing a $650,000 grant from the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture to create an acoustic, data-driven tool for analyzing cow vocalizations for indicators of stress or sickness.

Cows convey their feelings via vocalization, and we must pay attention to what they are saying. Sound data may be obtained from cows individually and constantly, making it superior than video or other techniques of observing cows’ emotions and health. By combining auditory data with biological and visual clues, we may be more objective in our analysis of behavior.

Chen and his co-investigator, Virginia Cooperative Extension dairy scientist and associate professor Gonzalo Ferreira, want to gather audio data from cows, calves, and beef cattle on the grassland. They will next use machine learning to evaluate and categorize hundreds of audio data points, as well as interpret cow vocalizations like mooing, munching, and burping for indicators of stress or disease.

Chen and Ferreira are especially interested in discovering the vocal patterns used by cows to indicate discomfort. By monitoring the frequency, amplitude, and length of cow moos and vocalizations and matching the sound data with saliva cortisol samples, scientists may determine if cows are under no stress, moderate stress, or severe stress, and begin to interpret their “language.”

The collected data will be made accessible via an open-source, web-based tool for scientists, producers, and the general public. The ultimate objective is to use this methodology on a broader scale, creating a public dataset to guide legislation and laws.

Enhancing Dairy Farm Profitability: Precision Treatment Methods to Curtail Mastitis Losses

Mastitis, a pervasive ailment among dairy cattle, poses a significant threat to both animal welfare and farm profitability. However, advancements in precision treatment strategies have emerged as a beacon of hope for dairy farmers striving to mitigate losses associated with this affliction.

Mastitis, characterized by inflammation of the udder tissue, not only compromises milk quality but also leads to decreased milk production, increased veterinary costs, and potential culling of affected animals. Consequently, addressing mastitis promptly and effectively is paramount for dairy operations.

Traditionally, mastitis treatment involved broad-spectrum antibiotics administered to the entire herd or affected animals based on visual symptoms. However, such an approach often resulted in overuse of antibiotics, contributing to antimicrobial resistance and increasing treatment costs. Moreover, indiscriminate antibiotic use raised concerns regarding milk residue and food safety.

Enter precision treatment methods, which offer a more targeted and efficient approach to mastitis management. These methods leverage technological innovations such as on-farm diagnostic tools, data analytics, and herd management software to identify mastitis cases accurately and tailor treatment plans accordingly.

One notable example is the utilization of milk somatic cell count (SCC) as a diagnostic tool. Elevated SCC levels indicate the presence of mastitis, enabling early detection of subclinical cases before visible symptoms manifest. By regularly monitoring SCC levels, dairy farmers can identify affected animals promptly, allowing for timely intervention to prevent the spread of infection and minimize production losses.

Additionally, advancements in microbial testing have facilitated the identification of the causative pathogens behind mastitis cases. Armed with this knowledge, veterinarians can prescribe targeted antimicrobial therapies, thereby optimizing treatment efficacy while reducing the risk of antibiotic resistance development.

Furthermore, the integration of data analytics and artificial intelligence into herd management systems has revolutionized mastitis prevention and control. These technologies analyze vast amounts of data, including individual cow health records, environmental factors, and milking practices, to identify potential risk factors contributing to mastitis outbreaks. By proactively addressing these factors, such as optimizing cow comfort or adjusting milking procedures, farmers can reduce the likelihood of mastitis occurrence and minimize associated losses.

Beyond treatment and prevention, precision methods also encompass strategic decision-making regarding the culling of chronically infected animals. By accurately assessing the cost-benefit ratio of retaining or removing affected cows from the herd, farmers can optimize long-term profitability while maintaining herd health and productivity.

In conclusion, precision treatment methods represent a paradigm shift in mastitis management, offering dairy farmers a more accurate, cost-effective, and sustainable approach to curbing losses associated with this prevalent ailment. By embracing these innovations and integrating them into their management practices, dairy operations can safeguard animal welfare, enhance milk quality, and bolster profitability in the face of mastitis challenges.

Harnessing Feedback to Cultivate a Cohesive Dairy Farm Team

In the dynamic world of dairy farming, the strength of a team can make all the difference between mere survival and thriving success. Among the myriad factors that contribute to a robust team, feedback stands out as a cornerstone for growth and cohesion. Effective feedback mechanisms not only foster individual development but also cultivate a culture of collaboration and excellence within the dairy farm operation.

Here are several strategies for utilizing feedback to build a strong team on the dairy farm:

  1. Regular Performance Reviews: Implementing regular performance reviews allows team members to receive constructive feedback on their work. These reviews should encompass various aspects of farm operations, such as animal care, equipment maintenance, and administrative tasks. By providing specific, actionable feedback, individuals can understand their strengths and areas for improvement, leading to enhanced performance and productivity.
  2. Open Communication Channels: Encourage open communication channels where team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas, concerns, and suggestions. Whether through regular team meetings, suggestion boxes, or digital platforms, fostering a culture of transparency and inclusivity promotes trust and collaboration among team members.
  3. Peer-to-Peer Feedback: Facilitate peer-to-peer feedback sessions where team members can provide constructive criticism and support to one another. Peer feedback not only reinforces a sense of camaraderie but also allows individuals to gain insights from their colleagues’ perspectives, fostering continuous learning and development.
  4. Recognition and Appreciation: Acknowledge and celebrate the achievements and contributions of team members. Whether through verbal praise, awards, or incentives, recognizing individuals’ efforts fosters morale and motivation within the team. Additionally, expressing gratitude for a job well done reinforces positive behaviors and encourages continued excellence.
  5. Feedback Training and Education: Provide training and resources to help team members deliver and receive feedback effectively. Offering workshops or seminars on communication skills, active listening, and conflict resolution equips individuals with the tools necessary to navigate feedback conversations constructively. By investing in feedback education, the team can cultivate a culture of mutual respect and continuous improvement.
  6. Feedback Integration into Decision-Making: Integrate feedback into the decision-making process to ensure that team members’ voices are heard and valued. Whether soliciting input on farm strategies, process improvements, or resource allocation, involving the team in decision-making fosters a sense of ownership and commitment to shared goals.
  7. Continuous Improvement Loop: Establish a continuous improvement loop where feedback is actively sought, implemented, and reassessed. By regularly evaluating the effectiveness of feedback mechanisms and adjusting strategies as needed, the team can adapt and evolve in response to changing dynamics and challenges.

In conclusion, harnessing feedback as a tool for growth and development is essential for building a strong and cohesive team on the dairy farm. By prioritizing open communication, recognition, and continuous improvement, dairy farm operations can empower team members to excel individually and collectively, ultimately driving success in an ever-evolving industry.

Dairy Heifer Shortage May Limit U.S. Milk Production

According to the USDA’s most current Cattle report, the number of dairy heifers available to replace older cows leaving the US dairy herd has decreased by over 15% over the previous six years, hitting a 20-year low. This reduction may impede any major increase in domestic milk output during the next several years. The growing cost of raising dairy heifer calves has far outpaced gains in heifer values in recent years, prompting dairy farmers to lower their heifer replacement inventories, mostly by breeding more dairy heifers and cows to beef bulls.

In recent years, most farms have lost money raising dairy heifers, with expenditures ranging from $600 to $900 per animal. To better manage on-farm heifer inventories, dairy producers have begun to use beef semen on a section of their dairy herd, reducing the number of replacement heifers while also generating extra cash from beef sales.

The disparity between raising expenses and selling value has resulted in a lengthy and steady fall in replacement heifers in recent years. While some variation in the population of replacement heifers is unavoidable due to market and economic pressures, an adequate inventory is vital to the continuation of U.S. milk supply and the industry’s capacity to grow.

The sharp decline in heifer supplies remained mostly ignored until lately, when dairy producers sought to purchase now-scarce replacements. As a consequence, dairy replacement costs have risen to an eight-year high, with USDA statistics and auction market estimates ranging from $1,890 to $2,800 per cow. Given the scarcity of replacements, these elevated prices are likely to remain in place for the foreseeable future.

Impact of Passive Transfer on Calf Immunity

Dairy calves are born with little to no immune protection, thus they need high-quality colostrum for passive immunity transmission. Passive immunity transfer occurs when a calf absorbs IgGs from colostrum; generally, 4 liters of high-quality colostrum (Brix% > 22) is given during the first four hours after birth. There are four types of passive transmission of immunity: outstanding, good, fair, and poor. A recent research in the Journal of Dairy Science compared calf health indicators and average daily gain (ADG) to these classifications.

The trial included roughly 3400 calves from a single farm that were given 4 liters of high-quality colostrum via an esophageal tube feeder within 30 minutes of delivery. The calves were then kept in solitary pens for the first few days of life before being transferred to group enclosures of ten animals at three weeks old. The findings revealed that 4.8% had poor passive transfer of immunity, 29.5% had fair, 28.3% had good, and 37.4% had exceptional.

The research also discovered that variables such as the dam’s lactation number, the individual employee giving the colostrum, and the ease of calving all had an impact on passive immunity transmission. Calves born to moms in their third or later lactation exhibited less passive transmission of immunity. Cows having dystocia and requiring help during birth had calves with reduced passive immunity transfer.

Good management techniques are critical for dairy cattle because unique personnel might influence passive transmission of immunity. Employee training and frequent procedural checks are crucial. Dystocia may be avoided by mating cows to bulls with a high calving ease score and ensuring heifers have the appropriate size and maturity when they calve. Animals should calve at a body condition score of 3.5 to ensure they have enough weight to drop before entering a negative energy balance and producing milk.

Colostrum is only considered high-quality if it is free of excessive germs. Colostrum should be collected in a sanitary container and supplied from a properly sterilized bottle. If not given quickly, the bacteria concentration of the colostrum will increase every 20 minutes, endangering the calf’s health. To establish a productive cow, a professionally educated person should give high-quality colostrum within a few hours after delivery.

Take a look into your dairy’s future with data

Collecting data during calfhood and heifer stages can shed light on the production potential of your cows and help make key herd management decisions.

No one can predict the future. But, thanks to data management tools, we can reflect on where we’ve been and use industry-leading insights to guide where we want to go. Reviewing your dairy’s data routinely will help you understand your farm’s complete picture.

While analyzing the data, ask questions and reflect on your goals. Are you reaching them? What changes have you made, and how does the data reflect those changes? Are any common challenges highlighted in the data?

Taliah Danzinger is the senior manager of dairy intelligence at VAS.

“Numbers in a table are great, and looking at a graph can help visualize precisely what is happening on your dairy,” says Taliah Danzinger, senior manager of dairy intelligence at VAS. “Using those graphs to look at data collected over an extended period, 18 months to two years, can highlight seasonal or annual trends.”

Here’s a look at how to get the most from your data to inform your future.

From the past into the future

One way to make an informed decision about the future is to look to the past. Is there a challenge that happens every year on your farm? Do you have a similar issue that occurs every spring?

Data management tools, like HealthVAL and Reproduction Insights in DairyComp, allow you to pull graphs easily for various timeframes to zero in on your herd’s health and reproduction performance. Once you can see the data, catching those seasonal and yearly trends becomes easier.

Then, understanding what caused those trends can help you better predict what may occur in the future and prepare for it. What may have influenced the trend? Have you made any recent changes in management, facilities or protocols? Changes in feed?

“When discussing seasonality and yearly trends, most think of heat stress and its effects. While this is a common example, there are other influences,” says Danzinger. “In many cases, there is a logical explanation that can be solved with changes to management.”

For example, a farm experiences more ketosis events each year around September. During this time, they transition to new crop corn silage in the ration. The dairy can potentially mitigate this issue by being more intentional with silage inventory and carryover.

With the right tools, you can pinpoint trends in your dairy’s data, implement effective management changes and consequently enhance herd health and profitability. This proactive approach allows for better control and mitigation of recurring trends in the future.

Studying the trends within your dairy’s data and questioning why something may occur is the key to making informed decisions for the future.

Don’t underestimate calf and heifer data

The data you collect on your calves and heifers, like illnesses and management, can help you analyze and anticipate lifetime and production potential.

“We have so much to gain from tracking data on our calves and heifers, and it has never been easier,” says Danzinger. “With mobile cowside technology, or in this case, calfside, we can capture data on the fly and use it for long-term tracking.”

You can use data from birth through the heifer stage in a variety of ways, including:

  • Setting goals for how many health events are acceptable for a calf and creating a plan to reach that goal.
  • Managing inventory to determine who is best to keep in the herd based on performance data.
  • Building a breeding program around the data that influences breeding, including market prices for calves and heifers, culling rate in the herd, and desired age at first calving.
  • Assessing first lactation performance to evaluate how calfhood events influence lactation production and potential.
  • Prepare for a successful year (and future)

Without interpretation and analysis, data is just numbers. It can only work for us if we work with it. The key? Intentionality. Setting aside time to review your data routinely and make connections is the start of implementing good data stewardship and management practices throughout the year.

“How your data in different management areas of the farm connects tells the story behind the numbers,” says Danzinger. “Without understanding that story, it is difficult to continue your dairy’s success or build and improve upon its challenges.”

The past explains where we have been and where we are today, but it can also inform us of what is to come. Keeping an inventory of your management changes can help you interpret their effect on your dairy’s performance based on trends in the data.

All these things play into the story behind your data, and if you’re intentional about reviewing it with your team and connecting the dots, you can set yourself up for a solid future.

“The best way to take advantage of your data is to lean on the people surrounding your dairy, your management team, trusted advisors and data experts, and the tools built to make data management easier,” says Danzinger.

Visit for more information on how to arm yourself with the right herd management tools and data team to build on your herd’s performance for the future.

VAS is the global market leader in connected farm management systems. For 40 years, VAS has been the operating system of choice for the most innovative dairies. VAS’ software and information solutions help collect and connect a farm’s data – from herd management to feed performance, tracking and more. These insights are a source of truth, empowering producers and their trusted advisors to make profit-driven and sustainable management decisions. At the forefront of thought leadership within the dairy industry, VAS is trusted by the producers we serve and the greater dairy community.

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