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Zootecniche Cremona International Exhibition 2023: breeders and businesses representing the industry

The organisational machine that will bring the livestock farming world to Cremona for the 78th Zootecniche Cremona International Exhibition on 30 November and 1 and 2 December 2023 has now swung fully into gear. The figures for the upcoming edition: more than 800 animals entered by 150 farms, exhibition area of 50,000 m2, more than 100 technical events and 9 countries involved.

The figures forecast for the 78th edition of the Zootecniche Cremona International Exhibition confirm the event as an international point of reference for the livestock sector. There are already more than 800 animals entered, from more than 150 farms from all over Italy and 9 European countries, for the livestock industry’s leading event, to be held at CremonaFiere from 30 November to 2 December 2023, not to mention displays of the best animal husbandry technologies already booked on an area of 50,000 m2 and more than 100 discussion, updating and research events for industry professionals. However, Cremona’s key importance is also clear from the huge interest Italian and foreign breeders are showing in the exhibition and the livestock show. With support from ICE Agenzia, CremonaFiere is implementing its international marketing programme which has already attracted official delegations of industry professionals from 20 countries, currently including Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, the USA, Canada and South American states. The exhibition programme comprises a rich schedule of events, with more than 100 seminars, workshops and conferences as well as the livestock shows and the @CR European Sale auction. The technical and scientific talks schedule will cover the industry’s main topics of interest, from raw materials to production chain promotion and from renewable energy from farming sources to technological innovation and sustainability within the sector. The livestock show will exhibit the best of European cattle rearing in the Holstein, Red Holstein, Bruna and Jersey breeds, not to mention the international auction with lots from Italy and Europe. As in the last two years, the auction will also have a charitable side, with the proceeds from some lots donated to worthy causes.

As always, innovation will play a central role both in terms of solutions – with a vast showcase of ever-greater variety and quality – and awards to businesses for their achievements. The “Targa Beltrami” prize, which, as its regulations state, “was established to identify and award companies and researchers in the agri-food value chain for innovation in their machinery, methods and processes”, will be presented during the exhibition.  The prize promotes a culture of innovation by growing awareness that innovation means above all increasing the efficiency of products and processes, and hence contributing to environmental sustainability.

The “Targa Balestrieri” prize, an award promoted by the Italian Young Breeders’ Association (ANGA – Associazione Nazionale Giovani Allevatori) and named after a breeder who died tragically young, pursues a similar aim, highlighting the achievements of young people within the animal husbandry sector.

Cremona’s tradition of significantly contributing to development within the industry is reflected again this year with a strong focus on refresher events for professionals and education programmes for students. These include “On the way to Cremona”, a national competition for high schools specialising in agriculture, and other projects for elementary and middle school students which were very successful last year and will be further expanded this year.

“The Zootecniche Cremona International Exhibition’s innovative approach derives from its engagement with breeders and companies within the sector,” President of CremonaFiere Roberto Biloni explains. “Our show welcomes inputs from all sides and is organised in partnership with breeders, businesses and the public sector. All these inputs generate a format that is renewed every year but which above all provides businesses and breeders with useful tools, offers a vision of the future and the opportunity for international meetings and discussions to grow and promote our production model.”

World’s Largest Robotic Dairy to be built in Chile – 64 Units

DSC_0040Fundo El Risquillo, a large farm in Chile with 6500 dairy cows, has just signed an agreement to install 64 DeLaval VMS™ milking robots making it the world’s largest robotic milking farm.

The farm, owned by Agrícola Ancali and part of the Bethia Group, already has 16 DeLaval VMS™ installed and has been able to see the results; an average yield of 45.2 litres for the 920 cows going through the robotic milking system today. That is a 10% increase in milk production from before as well as a reduction in labour costs. It is all about doing more with less

DELAVAL - VMS2016-01-52

Odrióm Escobar – Herd Manager

“The benefits have been remarkable,” says Pedro Heller, CEO at Ancali Agrícola. “More production, better animal welfare conditions and less stress for the cows. This project included two stages. Firstly, we compared the benefits of using DeLaval VMS™ systems versus rotary milking system. We started using robots for 500 cows, and when we saw the economic benefits and we realized that it was possible to improve production per cow by 10% and reduce the stress of the cow we decided to further explore. During the second stage we decided to modify the farm, changing our conventional milking system for an automatic milking system. Plan is to have our best 4500 cows milked by DeLaval VMS™ and we believe we have a perfect set up should we decide to grow more in the future.”

The barn today also includes a range of other cow comfort solutions from DeLaval such as ventilation systems, cow cooling, rubber flooring, swinging cow brushes, water troughs and illumination.

Ancali aéreaWhen the new installation is complete, 4,500 cows will be milked robotically while one rotary will remain for fresh and special needs cows. There are currently four rotaries in operation today. While many farmers see DeLaval VMS™ as a robot for a smaller operation, CEO Pedro Heller calculated easily after the first installation that there was a clear return on investment together with the other cow comfort solutions.

The first DeLaval VMS™ installation took place with eight milking robots in October 2014. By early 2017, 64 DeLaval VMS™’s will be installed making this farm the largest robotic milking farm on the planet and one of the most productive.

The El Fundo Risquillo farm is located 500km south of Santiago and is part of a larger operation including a beef farming operation and a stud farm.

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