Archive for Genetics

Creating the Perfect Dairy Cow….For Your Herd

Boost your dairy’s profitability with modern genetic tools. Learn how to create the ideal cow for your herd. Are you optimizing your milk production?

Breeding the ideal dairy cow is not just a lofty goal; it’s a strategic pathway to long-term success and increased profitability. The perfect cow isn’t just about high milk yield; it’s about seamlessly integrating into your herd, boosting efficiency, and driving your business forward. By understanding your milk market, using genetic tools, and assessing your operation’s needs, you can cultivate a herd that not only meets your current demands but also paves the way for a more prosperous future. 

Creating the perfect dairy cow is about understanding your herd’s current and future needs, leveraging genetics, technology, and market insights to drive precise progress.  This article will explore essential components of crafting your ideal dairy cow, offering actionable insights on genetic selection, economic optimization, and herd management strategies to navigate modern dairy farming confidently.

It All Starts With a Plan

To craft a genetic plan for future success, it’s crucial to assess your current herd’s performance and genetic potential. As a dairy farmer, you are in a unique position to identify which cows are contributing positively and which ones need improvement. This active role in shaping the genetic blueprint will help pinpoint the key traits to carry forward and those that need enhancement, empowering you to steer your herd toward greater productivity and profitability. 

Next, envision your ideal cow in terms of productivity, health, and adaptability. Use this vision to guide your selection criteria. For example, if higher protein content is rewarded in your milk market, prioritize genetics that enhance this trait. Ensure firm health profiles support these traits to reduce veterinary costs and increase longevity. 

Genomic tools are a game-changer in the breeding process. They provide detailed insights into the genetic makeup of your cows, empowering you to make more precise breeding decisions. Custom indices can be created to tailor your breeding program to your dairy’s specific goals and needs, ensuring you’re always one step ahead in optimizing your herd’s productivity and profitability. 

Consider genetic diversity in your herd as a key strategy to avoid inbreeding issues that can negatively affect health and productivity. Balancing desired traits with maintaining diversity is not just about short-term gains, but also about ensuring the long-term sustainability and resilience of your herd. This approach should reassure you about the robustness of your breeding program and the future of your dairy operation. 

Collaborate with genetic experts and use resources from established organizations to conduct comprehensive genetic assessments. These experts can refine your genetic strategy, ensuring each generation of cows is more productive and efficient. Incorporating these methodologies lays a strong foundation for your dairy’s future success. 

Designing your ideal cow begins with understanding your current herd and future goals – it’s all about genetic progress. The formula for the rate of genetic gain in dairy cattle is: 

Genetic Gain = (Selection Intensity x Accuracy x Genetic Variation) / Generation Interval 

This equation underscores the importance of focusing on each variable—selection intensity, accuracy, genetic variation, and generation interval—when aiming to enhance genetic progress in your herd. By optimizing these factors, you can achieve significant improvements in productivity and efficiency over time.

Key Questions

To design the ideal cow for your herd, begin by asking yourself key questions that can influence your breeding and management decisions. Understanding the answers to these inquiries will not only help you optimize milk production but also ensure the long-term sustainability and profitability of your dairy operation. 

  • How do you get paid for your milk? Understanding your payment structure is crucial. Different markets and processors may value milk components such as fat, protein, or overall milk volume differently. Knowing these details will guide your genetic selection to prioritize traits that maximize your revenue. 
  • What are your reasons for culling cows from your herd? Identifying reasons for culling is essential. Are cows leaving due to health issues, fertility problems, or perhaps production inefficiencies? Making data-driven decisions can help you target genetic improvements that mitigate these issues, leading to a more resilient and productive herd. 
  • What processor demands and facility changes are anticipated in the future? Market demands can shift, and processing facilities might update their requirements. Stay ahead by understanding future trends and requirements. This strategic foresight will help you breed cows that meet upcoming standards and consumer expectations
  • What does your herd need to look like in five years? Setting long-term goals is vital for sustained success. Consider what traits will be necessary to maintain profitability, efficiency, and herd health in the coming years. This forward-thinking approach will inform your genetic strategy, ensuring your herd evolves in alignment with market demands and operational goals. 
  • Are thre functional conformation issues that affect the efficiency of your operation? Physical traits such as udder conformation, foot and leg structure, and overall cow size can significantly impact milking efficiency and herd longevity. Addressing these trait issues through careful genetic selection can lead to improved operational efficiency and reduced labor costs. 

Answering these key questions thoroughly and honestly will provide a solid foundation for your genetic plan, propelling your dairy operation toward greater efficiency and profitability. By focusing on these critical aspects, you lay the groundwork for developing a herd that not only meets but exceeds market and operational expectations.

Selecting the Ideal Breed

When it comes to selecting the ideal breed for your dairy operation, it’s crucial to evaluate the milk production capabilities of different breeds. Holsteins, for instance, are known for their high milk yield but have lower butterfat content, making them ideal for markets that emphasize volume. Jerseys, on the other hand, produce less milk but offer richer milk with higher butterfat, attracting premium prices in specific markets. Ayrshires, Guernseys, and Brown Swiss each present unique advantages in milk composition, feed efficiency, and adaptability to various systems. Understanding these differences can help you make the right choice for your operation. 

Environmental factors such as climate play a significant role in breed selection. Jerseys and Guernseys are better suited to warmer climates due to their lighter coats and higher heat tolerance. At the same time, more giant Holsteins are better suited to more relaxed environments. Diet is equally essential; Holsteins require a diet rich in energy and protein to sustain high milk production, whereas breeds like Brown Swiss or Ayrshires thrive in grazing systems by efficiently converting forage. 

Management practices also influence breed choice. Holsteins require high management standards to reach their genetic potential, making them less ideal for operations with limited resources. In contrast, Brown Swiss and Ayrshires often exhibit strong durability and resilience, better fitting extensive, lower-input systems. 

Ultimately, selecting cows with good genetics is essential for optimizing milk production. Using modern genetic tools and focusing on traits aligned with your operational goals—such as health, longevity, and fertility—can significantly enhance herd productivity and profitability. Genetically superior cows can produce more milk with reduced health and management costs.

BreedAverage Annual Milk Production (lbs)Milk Fat (%)Milk Protein (%)Health TraitsFertility
Holstein23,0003.73.1Moderate Health IssuesAverage
Jersey17,0004.93.8Better HealthHigh
Ayrshire19,5004.13.4Good HealthGood
Guernsey16,2004.73.5Moderate HealthModerate
Brown Swiss22,0004.03.6Good HealthAverage

Envision Your Ideal Cow

They are creating the ideal cow for your herd, which centers on enhancing productivity, health, and adaptability to ensure efficiency and profitability. Focus on traits such as milk yield, fat and protein content, and feed efficiency. High milk production and quality components are vital, especially where premium prices are available. Efficient feed conversion leads to inherently more profitable cows. 

Health traits are crucial. Healthy cows incur fewer veterinary costs and have longer productive lifespans. Key characteristics include disease resistance, excellent udder health, and fertility. Efficient breeding reduces calving intervals and ensures a steady supply of replacements. In contrast, calving eases impacts the cow’s well-being and calf viability. 

Adaptability ensures cows thrive in your environment. Heat tolerance, resilience to varying feed availability, and environmental adaptability are essential. Behavioral traits like temperament and ease of handling affect operational smoothness and labor efficiency. 

In summary, envisioning your ideal cow involves balancing productivity, health, and adaptability. Utilize modern genetic tools and strategic breeding to create a herd meeting these criteria for long-term success.

Leveraging Modern Tools 

With the continuous advancements in genetic technologies, dairy producers have tools to speed up genetic progress and boost herd performance. These tools ensure that each cow generation surpasses the last in productivity, health, and adaptability. Here’s a closer look at these cutting-edge tools: 

Genomic Selection: Using high-performance genetic markers, genomic selection allows producers to predict traits precisely, ensuring superior genetic material is passed on. This reduces the risk of unwanted characteristics and enhances the chances of high-yield, disease-resistant cows. 

Genomic Testing: This tool creates a detailed genetic roster for all females in the herd, enabling accurate ranking based on a custom index. It helps design targeted breeding programs, identifying which females should produce replacements and which to breed to beef. 

Custom Index: A custom selection index tailored to your management style and herd goals is a roadmap for genetic progress. Prioritizing essential traits ensures genetic gains align with your economic objectives. 

Sexed Semen: With rising input costs, efficient herd management is crucial. Sexed semen increases the likelihood of female offspring, allowing you to raise only the most genetically superior heifers, reducing unnecessary costs. 

Moreover, genome editing technologies promise to revolutionize dairy cattle breeding by allowing precise genetic modifications. This can accelerate the improvement of production and reproductive traits while maintaining genetic diversity, ensuring robust and resilient herds. 

Building a Custom Index for Your Herd

A custom index is a valuable tool to match your dairy’s goals and management style. It involves selecting the traits most crucial to your operation and assigning them suitable weightings, like creating a recipe with perfectly measured ingredients for optimal results. 

Start by evaluating the key performance indicators (KPIs) that drive profitability, such as milk yield, fat and protein content, reproductive efficiency, health traits like somatic cell count, and longevity. Collect and analyze data to understand which traits most impact your success. Farm records, historical data, and market demands will help shape your custom index. 

Technology simplifies integrating these data points into a unified strategy. Advanced genetic evaluation programs can calculate and refine your custom index, ensuring each trait is weighted accurately to reflect its economic impact. This allows you to prioritize traits that significantly influence productivity and profitability. 

A custom index aims to enhance your herd’s genetic potential in alignment with your specific needs. By focusing your breeding programs through this targeted approach, you can improve genetic quality, boost milk production efficiency, and enhance herd health. This strategy supports sustainable growth and market resilience.

Milk YieldTotal volume of milk produced per lactation periodHigh
Fat PercentageProportion of fat in milk, crucial for dairy products like butter and cheeseHigh
Protein PercentageProportion of protein in milk, essential for cheese production and nutritional valueHigh
Somatic Cell Count (SCC)Indicator of milk quality and udder health, lower is betterMedium
FertilityMeasures reproductive efficiency and calving intervalsMedium
LongevityExpected productive lifespan of the cowMedium
Feed EfficiencyAbility to convert feed into milk, optimizing costsHigh
Health TraitsInclude resistance to diseases and overall well-beingMedium
Calving EaseLikelihood of a cow to give birth without complicationsMedium
Environmental ImpactEfficiency-related traits to reduce carbon footprintLow

The Power of Genomic Testing

Genomic testing is a game-changer in dairy farming, advancing how producers make decisions about their herds. By analyzing cattle DNA, it provides detailed insights into each animal’s genetic potential, surpassing what can be determined through pedigree and phenotype alone. 

This technology is precious for predicting the potential of young heifers before they produce their first calf, allowing for early and accurate selection decisions. Research shows that genomic evaluations offer more excellent reliability for traits such as residual feed intake (RFI) than traditional methods, aiding in selecting feed-efficient heifers and reducing costs. 

Genomic testing creates a detailed genetic profile of the herd, identifying strengths and areas needing improvement, such as milk yield, fat content, fertility, and health traits like mastitis resistance. This understanding allows for targeted breeding strategies that enhance productivity and profitability. 

High-density genomic tools are also beneficial for smaller herds or those with limited data. They boost the accuracy of genetic evaluations and enable meaningful progress. 

Incorporating genomic testing into dairy management leverages genetic data to shape a herd that meets and exceeds operational goals, optimizing efficiency, productivity, and long-term profitability.

YearRate of Genetic Gain Without Genomic TestingRate of Genetic Gain With Genomic Testing

Maximizing Efficiency with Sexed Semen

Utilizing sexed semen can significantly enhance the genetic and economic outcomes of your dairy operation. By increasing the probability of female calves, sexed semen allows for more targeted breeding, aligning to create the ideal cow while minimizing the costs of raising unwanted male calves. 

This increased selection intensity ensures that the best-performing dams contribute to the next generation, leading to a uniform, high-performing herd. It accelerates genetic gains and optimizes traits such as milk production, longevity, and reproductive efficiency. 

Using sexed semen also helps manage herd size by controlling the number of heifers born, avoiding overpopulation, and reducing feed costs. This ensures that resources are invested in the most promising individuals, enhancing overall profitability. 

Moreover, sexed semen allows for strategic planning and maintains a consistent, high-quality milk supply. It creates a sustainable blueprint adaptable to the dairy industry’s economic variables and allows for increased revenue from programs like Beef on Dairy.

In essence, leveraging sexed semen is a forward-thinking approach that maximizes genetic progress and economic efficiency. It prepares your herd to meet evolving market challenges and optimizes productivity and profitability.

AspectSexed Semen ROIBeef on Dairy ROI
Initial InvestmentHighModerate
Genetic ProgressHighLow to Moderate
Time to ROI2-3 Years1-2 Years
Profitability ImpactHighModerate
Operational FlexibilityModerateHigh

Embracing Genetic Diversity

Genetic diversity within your herd is essential. It ensures robust health and adaptability and mitigates the risk of genetic disorders from inbreeding. A diverse gene pool helps your herd withstand diseases, adapt to environmental changes, and maintain productivity under varying conditions. This resilience is crucial in the face of climate change, new pathogens, and shifting market demands

Additionally, genetic diversity enhances the overall performance of your dairy operation. With a range of traits, you can selectively breed for specific strengths such as milk yield, fertility, and longevity. Guided by genetic testing and genomic selection tools, this approach improves your herd incrementally while maintaining a broad genetic base. 

Promote genetic diversity by using a variety of sires and incorporating genetics from different lineages. This prevents a narrow genetic pool and introduces beneficial traits. Regular genomic testing can identify carriers of genetic disorders, allowing you to manage these risks strategically while maximizing your herd’s potential. 

In conclusion, balancing productivity with genetic diversity will pay long-term dividends. A diverse herd is more sustainable, resilient, and adaptable to future challenges in the dairy industry. By leveraging modern genetic tools and strategic breeding practices, you can cultivate a herd that is both productive and genetically diverse, ensuring ongoing success and viability.

YearInbreeding Coefficient (%)Impact
20003.5Mild impact on genetic diversity
20054.8Increased vulnerability to diseases and reduced fertility
20105.4Notable decline in performance traits observed
20156.2Further losses in productivity and adaptability
20207.1Serious concerns over long-term sustainability

Partnering with Genetics Experts 

Engaging with genetic experts can significantly enhance your breeding efforts. These professionals bring advanced knowledge in dairy cattle genetics, offering strategies tailored to your herd. By consulting with them, you gain access to tools like custom indices, genomic testing, and sexed semen, streamlining the genetic selection process to meet your productivity and profitability goals. 

Genetic consultants help interpret complex data and develop breeding programs that align with your dairy’s goals. They can customize selection indices prioritizing traits like milk yield, udder health, and cow longevity, ensuring your cows thrive in your specific environment and meet market demands. 

Collaborating with these experts ensures continuous improvement. They offer regular assessments and adjustments to your genetic plan, keeping your herd robust, adaptable, and productive, maximizing profitability in a changing dairy industry.

Type of ExpertRoleHow They Help
GeneticistAnalyzing Genetic DataInterprets and utilizes genomic information to enhance the genetic potential of the herd.
VeterinarianAnimal Health ManagementProvides insights into breeding for disease resistance and overall health improvements.
Dairy NutritionistDiet OptimizationEnsures that dietary needs align with the genetic goals for milk production and cow health.
AI TechnicianArtificial InseminationAssists in selecting the right sires and implementing effective breeding programs including the use of sexed semen.
Economic AnalystFinancial PlanningHelps optimize the economic aspects of herd management, including cost-benefit analysis of genetic strategies.

The Bottom Line

Creating the ideal dairy cow for your herd hinges on careful planning and management. Understanding your milk market and aligning your herd’s genetics to these needs can boost profitability. By using a focused genetic plan and tools like custom indices, genomic testing, and sexed semen, you can develop a herd that is both productive and cost-efficient. 

Dairy farmers must stay updated and flexible, ensuring their herd evolves with market changes. Manage your herd composition, cull wisely, and leverage genetic innovations for sustained success. Now is the time to review your strategies, consult genetics experts, and implement these tools to enhance productivity and profitability. Your ideal herd is within reach with informed decision-making.

Key Takeaways:

  • Optimize your dairy’s economics by focusing on input costs, milk composition, and understanding your milk check structure to boost profitability.
  • Leverage modern genetic tools such as custom indices, genomic testing, and sexed semen to create an ideal, profitable cow for your dairy operation.
  • Focus on raising the right number of productive heifers to ensure efficient culling and maximize the yield from a mature herd.
  • Continuously evaluate why cows are leaving your operation; targeted genetic improvements can address health and efficiency issues.
  • Stay adaptable to future market and processor demands by envisioning what your herd needs to look like in the years ahead and integrating those insights into your breeding program.

Summary: The ideal dairy cow is not just about high milk yield, but also about integrating into the herd, boosting efficiency, and driving the business forward. By understanding your milk market, using genetic tools, and assessing your operation’s needs, you can cultivate a herd that meets your current demands and paves the way for a prosperous future. To craft a genetic plan for future success, assess your current herd’s performance and genetic potential, and visit your ideal cow in terms of productivity, health, and adaptability. Genetic tools provide detailed insights into the genetic makeup of your cows, enabling you to make more precise breeding decisions. Balancing desired traits with maintaining diversity is essential for long-term sustainability and resilience. Collaborating with genetic experts and using resources from established organizations can refine your genetic strategy, ensuring each generation of cows is more productive and efficient.

Dairy Cattle Genetics: Are we breeding cows for the correct environment?

What does a bull’s daughter profile reveal? A description of how the daughters are expected to perform in an intensive barn-housed environment. That works for temperate climates where there is winter, machinery for harvesting forages and cheap fossil fuels. However, what about areas, where only grasses can be grown? Are today’s dairy genetics suited for heat, new bugs and grazing?

The World is Changing

Our dairy cows, developed in north central Europe, operate best in temperatures -20C to +22C ( -5F to 72F). In the 21st century, there are many new factors at play as we breed cows for a variety of environments. Some of these factors include:

  • Climate Change: Predictions are that North America will be 5F warmer by 2050. Dairy cows, like humans, will need to be able to operate optimally at higher temperatures. It will be a significant added cost to keep cows cool for more than half the year. Heat resistance in cattle will be an important characteristic in the future.
  • Land Use: Around the world land for cities is gobbling up vegetable, grains and fruit lands. In turn those crops will push forages for livestock on to land only suitable for grasses or pasture.
  • Regions of Population Increase: The next 2B people, bringing the world to 9B, will be in Asia. Dairy cows there will need to be able to pasture the hillsides and floodplains.
  • Diseases / Insects Resistance: Hot climate and non-temperate climate diseases and insects will add stress to a cow’s life.
  • Fossil Fuel Usage, Machinery and Technology: All of these will become costlier. This will have a significant effect on farms without high cow/heifer numbers. The current trend to replace the cost of labor with technology will continue. Many producers will have cows harvest the forage instead of machinery doing it.
  • Consumer Opinion / Support: The world is no longer about farmers producing food and consumers accepting what is in the store. Consumers are making their needs and requirements known and, in the future, will put many more stipulations on the food they buy. Sure, the milk will be wholesome, but animal welfare, use of drugs on animals, feeds fed to cows, natural environments and many more items will be dictated by consumer understanding. The customer is always right, and they will only buy products that meet their specifications.

As with all things, it comes down to economics. The need to include and the relative importance of these and other factors in genetic indexing and breeding schemes will take time to become a reality. Cows will need to take care of their needs by themselves as much as possible. That also includes nutrition, health, welfare, … and intelligent robots everywhere.

Breeding Must be Ready

Our one-size-fits-all dairy cows are not ready for coping with and prospering under some of the above and other factors. It will take planning and implementation for dairy cattle breeders to be ready with adapted breeds or blood lines. It is hard to look long term when the current cost of production (COP) is not being exceeded by farm gate price in many dairy countries, but the future COP on dairy farms must be addressed by both progressive breeders and breeding organization. First come the ideas, then the research, then the development and finally the application.

A Breeding Goal – A Cow that Manages to Her Own Needs.

We already are breeding for the cow that, on her own, visits the milking machine. Now can we breed the cow that harvests her forage, resists diseases and infections and does it at optimal levels when the thermometer reads 90+F (32+C). Oh yes and she needs to do all that and get back in calf within 80-100 days after her previous calving.

Currently we do not have farm data to use in developing genomic ratings for sires and cows for their ability to forage and exist in tomorrow’s hotter world. So, it will be some time before we can rate and select animals genetically for the traits associated with grazing and a warmer planet.

Some genetic matters that are being worked on include: Slick hair gene, where animals with that gene cope better in hot climates; Tick resistance has yet to be successfully introduced into dairy cattle; Fertility (cow and heifer) is presently receiving much research study; Calf livability and scour resistance is being worked on but with only very limited farm data it is almost impossible to genetically rank sires for these matters.  Without devices that attach to cows it is not possible to measure intake for pastured animals. Information on feed conversion efficiency genetic indexing for animals consuming harvested forages was covered by the Bullvine (reference) but that is for machine harvested forage not for grazing animals.

Information Currently Available to Breeders

Health and wellness genetic ratings have become available for milk cows in the past 3-4 years and for calves and heifer in the past year. More health and disease will be added in the future.

That still leaves research into which sires are genetically the best in terms of heat resistance and forage intake from pasture.

Regarding the ability to cope with tropical temperatures relatively little new information has been found to help breeders. Some breeders rely on their understanding of added body capacity for lungs, solid red color, crossbreeding (i.e. using the Gyr breed from India) and raising heifers at higher altitudes to develop larger lungs. There are no sire indexes for breeders to use. Research needs to be done and field data captured so that more is known on the genetics of dairy cattle coping with tropical conditions.

On the matter of which sires produce daughters more suited to grazing, there are currently three indexes provided by organizations. These indexes are:

  • GM$ (Grazing Merit is published by CDCB) – it includes the same traits as NM$ (Net Merit) but puts 253% as much emphasis on fertility, 85% as much emphasis on production traits and 59% as much emphasis on PL and LIV as NM$ does. The AIPL-USDA research shows that grazed cows need to calve annually, do not need to produce as much fat and protein volume and have fewer longevity and livability problems as compared to housed cows. As in NM$, higher milk volume, higher SCS and higher body weight all receive a negative weighting in GM$. The trait emphasis for GM$(2018) follows:


GM$ = 38% Yield* + 24.5% Fertility* + 16% Type* + 13.5% PL/LIV/Health* + 3.5% SCS + 4.5% CA*

                (* indicates that a number of traits are combined to create the category.  Calving Ability is 4 traits related to calving.)

Table 1: Top Ranking US Holstein Sires for GM$ (Grazing Merit)

Daughter Proven Sires   Genomic Sires
        GM$ NAAB Code Name           GM$ NAAB Code Name
893 203HO1468 Delta   1016 551HO3529 Charl
880 29HO17553 Josuper   990 11HO12174 AltaExplosion
874 7HO12600 Modesty   975 11HO12157 AltaLawson
827 151HO0681 Rubicon   972 29HO18611 Skywalker
827 151HO1602 Director   947 29HO18682 Colorado
815 1HO10396 Cabriolet   939 29HO18693 Crimson
797 7HO12266 Yoder   935 1HO13404 Samsung
787 7HO12021 Ponder   932 29HO18708 Kenobi
785 1HO11327 Gatekeeper 932 29HO18296 Achiever
783 7HO13250 Jedi   916 29HO18633 Roxbury
  • GrazingPRO(Published by Select Sires Inc.) – SSI designates their sires as GrazingPRO™ based in their GM$ rating and requiring that the DPR is >+3.0, Stature is <+0.5, Fat% is positive and Protein% is positive.
  • GrazingPro™ (Published by Semex) – Semex designates their sires as GrazingPro™ and thereby Pasture Perfect for sires that will maximize component yield and put a focus on health and reproductive traits to ensure highly profitable, long-lasting animals with limited problems. These sires will also produce easier calvings and darker colored calves.
  • Outside of North America both Ireland and New Zealand prove their sires on grass-based feeding systems so their EBI (Ireland) and BW (New Zealand) indexes rank sires with consideration of grazing.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Dairy cattle being fed on grazing systems and living in warmer and warmer climates will be part of our industry’s future. To date there is only limited genetic information, based on assumed trait emphasis, available for breeders to use if they choose to graze their cattle or farm in regions having heat and humidity. Research and genetic evaluation centers need to address these topics.



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The Genetics of Feed Efficiency in Dairy – Where are we at?

Feeding dairy animals has gone from least cost to balanced rations to now where Income Over Feed Costs is king on a herd basis. Producers are now wanting to know which animals are the more efficient at converting feed to growth or milk. Since feed intake in dairy cattle has been considered to be too costly to measure, progeny testing programs have not provided sire daughter feed efficiency indexes.

Breeders want more for less. More growth and more milk from less feed. In this article, The Bullvine do an overview on where the genetics of feed efficiency is at.

Why is Feed Efficiency Important?

With feed costs being 50-60% of the total cost for the milking herd and an even higher percentage for calves, heifers and dry cows, it means that the managers of tomorrow need answers on the genetic side of feed efficiency to help attain future success. The margins in dairy farming are narrow and are likely to remain so into the future. Genetics, along with other disciplines, need to advance efficiencies.  Of course, this not just a “cow” issue, it is also a crop production, harvest, storage and processing issue.

 In other livestock industries, poultry, swine and beef, the genetics of feed efficiency has become a must-have. Dairy is behind in using genetics to advance feed conversion efficiency.

In dollars, saving $0.25 in feed costs per animal per day without reducing income, amounts to $83,500 per year for a 600-cow herd, that milks 500, has up to 100 dry cows and raises their own heifers as herd replacements. That’s not pocket change and if by genetic selection that $83,500 can be achieved – that’s significant.

Tracking Feed Efficiency

Many ways of tracking feed intake have been tried by researchers and companies to monitor animals. They include dry matter intake (DMI), residual feed intake (RFI), feed saved, time at the feed bunk, head movements during feeding, rumination activity and the use of novel electronic devices. But none, as yet, have been found to be the answer to the question – “Which sires produce the daughters that take less feed to produce the same milk revenue?”

Current State of Public Research Results

Dr. Kent Weigel (University of Wisconsin-Madison) on March 24, 2018 presented a very comprehensive report to the Northeast (Cornell) Dairy Production Medicine Symposium on a three-country dairy feed efficiency project (eleven research institutions with nine from the United States, one from Canada and one from The Netherlands) that analyzed numerous research projects and in each project the cows’ intake and performance.  A synopsis of the facts that he reported include:

  • The RFI data available, on approximately 8,000 cows, is not enough to provide accurate sire proofs. Heritability was found to be 19%, but the reliability of sire indexes is only 20-25%. Many, many more cow feed intake records are needed to go along with production and other data.
  • DMI information is closely associated with level of production and cow size but it is not a good indicator of the genetic ability of a sire’s daughters for saving feed costs without altering yield.
  • The ‘feed saved’ research results from Australia provide an interesting concept but, there again, much more data is needed, in order to provide sire genetic indexes.
  • To get to the point of sire genomic indexes for feed efficiency will take time. First of all, a broad-based reference population is needed. Breeders are accustomed to genomic indexes being 65%-75% REL, so the current 20-25% REL for feed efficiency is not high enough.
  • Currently high and low feed efficient cow families have been identified with some level of confidence. So there is progress being made in arriving at useful information.
  • The three country international project, studying dairy cow feed efficiency, will continue including trying out new measurements and devices but breeders cannot expect answers any time soon.

General Recommendation by A. I. for Selecting Sires for Feed Efficiency

The general recommendation from A.I. for breeders who want to move their herds forward, genetically, for feed efficiency has been that they place emphasis on sires with higher fat and protein yield indexes but that also only have average to below average size/frames proofs. National total merit indexes and A.I. stud composite indexes (TPI, NM$, JPI, LPI, Pro$, ICC$, …) usually only place about 50% of their emphasis on those three traits, so changing a herd genetically for feed efficiency will not occur quickly. And it will only occur if the top-ranked sires for those three traits are used extensively to sire the next generation.

Four Organization are Stepping Out and Publishing Feed Efficiency Sire Ratings

There are four organizations that are publishing sire ratings for feed efficiency. A closer look at their information, currently available to breeders, follows:

Holstein US Predicts Feed Efficiency by Using Other Genetic Indexes

All sires on Holstein US various sire listings contain a ‘FE’ (feed efficiency) column. It is an estimate of the net profit a milk producer can expect to receive. Factors included in ’FE’ are: dollar value of extra milk produced, feed costs of the extra milk and extra maintenance costs for large cows. This is the formula that Holstein US uses:

FE = (-0.0187 x Milk) + (1.28 x Fat) + (1.95 x Protein) – (12.4 x Body Weight Composite)

Table 1 – Top FE Proven Holstein Sires

Bull NAAB Code           FE*          Milk            Fat     Protein Body WC          SCS             PL             FI          PTAT           TPI          NM$
1. Josuper 29HO16553 260 3442 114 98 1 2.83 6.1 -0.1 1.42 2806 998
2. Princeton 1HO11881 252 2669 107 84 -0.16 2.77 3.9 -4.6 1.7 2562 842
3. Denver 151HO0690 240 2365 108 76 0.15 2.99 2.5 -0.3 2.14 2695 787
4. Peterpan 7HO12255 235 2226 108 75 0.62 2.96 2.2 -1.5 1.02 2459 708
5. Cabriolet 1HO10396 234 1064 101 53 -1.73 2.89 6.2 1 -0.03 2562 895
6. Maguire 7HO12256 230 1580 116 61 0.62 2.76 3.9 -1.9 1.39 2553 805
AVG Top 15 FE Sires 228 1972         101** 69 -0.09 2.87 4.6          -0.5** 1.54 2625 826
AVG Top 15 TPI Sires 206 1961          86** 68 -0.01 2.86 4.9          0.9** 1.82 2655 807

* Data Source – Holstein US Official Top 100 TPI List of Proven Sires (April ’18)
** Top 15 sires for FE and TPI differ significantly in averages for fat yield (Fat) and fertility (FI). FE sire are superior for fat yeild but inferior for fertilty. As well TPI sires have somewhat higher type (PTAT).

In Table 1 the only points of difference between the Top 15 FE and TPI sires are in the traits FE, Fat Yield, and FI (fertility index). The FE sires are inferior to the TPI sires for fertility (FI), but superior for FE and Fat Yield.

It is worth noting that a feed efficiency index in this context has no direct measurement of feed intake.

Select Sires Uses Indexes and Designates Sires as FeedPRO®

Select Sires identifies the top 20% of their sire lineups as FeedPRO® Sires. The purpose of this selection tool is to highlight sires for producers who are concerned about feed costs and want to improve overall profitability. FeedPRO® is based on US and UK research that found that production, body traits, body condition score and daughter fertility accounted for 90% of the difference in feed intake between animals. Sires that qualify are designated as FeedPRO® Sires but are not assigned an independent index.

Third party researcher reviews were sought by Select Sires in FeedPRO®’s development. Dr Chad Dechow (Penn State) in his analysis found the “FeedPRO® Sires have an advantage, on average, of $0.13 to $0.18 (USA$) per day in income over feed cost when compared to the average active A.I. sire”.

Table 2 – Top SSI FeedPRO® Holstein & Jersey Sires ranked by NM$

Bull NAAB Code          NM$         Milk          Fat     Protein           PL          DPR        PTAT         TPI Codes
(Holstein Proven Sires Designated FeedPRO® )*
Modesty 7HO12600 927 1012 90 56 6.7 1.3 1.93 2748  
Yoder 7HO12266 863 1243 107 53 5.1 -0.3 1.9 2690    A2A2
Jedi 7HO13250 825 2480 70 82 6.5 1.6 2.02 2716  
Tetris 7HO11985 793 2074 90 64 5.6 -0.7 0.69 2526  
Trenton 7HO13094 782 495 79 48 6.7 0 1.56 2562    A2A2
Montross 7HO12165 781 2910 80 85 4.1 -0.5 1.94 2641    A2A2
All 16 Designated Sires* 740 1542 73 56 5.3 0.7 1.41 2546  
(Jersey Proven Sires Designated FeedPRO® )*           JPI  
Chrome 7JE5004 539 1143 71 43 4 -0.9 2.3 180  
Jammer 7JE1254 493 1232 71 34 3.9 -0.7 0.7 139  
All 4 Designated Sires* 481 956 68 39 3.2 -0.7 1.43 150  

* Only the top 20% of SSI sires according to more income from less feed, high production, moderate size, long-term fitness and productivity are designated FeedPRO® 
** Note: These FeedPRO® sires always high high production and longevity but are variable for fertility and type.

The sires listed in Table 2 are among the current top sires that Select Sires has available based on the TPI and NM$ ranking systems.

Table 3 – Correlation of FeedPRO® and Other Indexes.

    Milk     Fat    Protein       NM$      TPI
0.54 0.7 0.7 0.91 0.9

* Data Source – Select Sires Inc Program Description for FeedPRO®

These correlations are moderately high. They show that FeedPRO® is aggressively selecting for increased production, but still, it identifies a noticeably different group of sires at the very top of the lists.

CRV Uses Genetic Indexes and Feed Intakes to Predict Lifetime Efficiency, and Feed Saved

CRV partnered with Wageningen Livestock Research to develop a large dataset of genotyped cows with individual feed intake measurements and then conducted the genetic analysis. From the results of this work CRV has developed two indexes relating to efficiency:

  1. a) ‘Better Life Efficiency’ – Its main components included the breeding values for fat yield, protein yield, longevity and feed intake. CRV has determined that, across a genotyped cow population of >60,000 cows, the top 25% of cows for life efficiency produced over 13,000 kgs. more milk per lifetime than the poorest 25% of cows. Ratings are published for every bull of every breed.  and
  2. b) ‘Saved Feed for Maintenance’ – Cows with a positive breeding value for Saved Feed for Maintenance need less than an average amount of feed for their body maintenance and therefore convert feed into milk more efficiently. This breeding value indicates how much feed (in kg dry matter per day) is saved because the cow is more efficient than average. It has been added to the Dutch/Flemish total merit index, NVI.

Table 4 – Top BLE (and SFM) Sires

US Sires
Sire Name and Code/ID BLE**    SFM***  F + P (lbs)         NM$           PL         DPR
1. Nash 97HO41910 19 0.64 130 877 7.4 0.8
2. Ligero 97HO61744 19 1.22 145 811 5.3 0.6
3. Dirk 97HO41786 17 0.76 117 763 5.7 2.1
4. Shero 97HO41974 16 -0.33 129 841 7.6 2.4
5. Audible 97HO41830 15 0.48 170 846 4.4 -0.4
6. Exclusive 97HO41855 14 0.89 117 820 6.7 3.1
Netherland Sires
Sire Name    BLE**    SFM***  F+P (kgs) Longevity   Fertiltiy  
1. Monaco NL937658659 25 1.77 167 847 97  
2. Empire NL729539557 18 0.85 123 1195 104  
3. Jethro NL872395552 18 1.07 141 855 101  
4. Locker NL872395552 18 1.05 138 832 102  
5. Treasure NL946221484 17 0.52 103 1248 108  
6. Smiley RC DE0539391976 14 0.82 114 932 102  

* Feed Efficiency has two indexes composing it – Beter Life  Efficiency and Saved Feed for Maintenance
** Better Life Efficiency uses the genetic indexes for fat yield, protein yield, longevity andfeed intake.
*** Saved Feed for Mantenance is the feed saved expressed in kg dry matter pe day
Longevity is expressed in days of productive life
Fertility has average value of 100 and STD Dev of 5.

The CRV sires in Table 4 give breeders a variety of pedigrees to choose from and are high production rated.

STgenetics Conducts Progeny Tests for Feed Intake and Performance to Predict Feed Efficiency

STgenetics has been capturing individual animal feed intake information for the extensive group of heifers and cows they own or control. From that feed intake data, along with all genetic indexes and DNA profiles, they have developed a program called ‘EcoFeed™’.

EcoFeed™ is more than simple feed efficiency for milking cows. It is a continuously growing database that monitors the animal’s growth and productivity throughout its entire lifetime from calves, to heifers, to milking cows. Feed efficient animals are expected to use fewer feed resources and convert feed more efficiently while creating less waste, manure, methane and CO2 per unit of production. All of these outcomes should greatly assist in making future dairying more viable, more sustainable and an environmentally friendly industry.

Some of the key components of EcoFeed™ sire indexing include: 1) it is a multi-factor efficiency index that encompasses the entire lifespan of a cow; 2) it is based on modern technology that measures daily individual animal consumption; 3) it includes a progeny testing program, the gold standard of dairy cattle genetic indexing; and 4) once proven, STgenetics sires reach high levels of reliability for EcoFeed™.

STgenetics reports that “To qualify as an EcoFeed™ sire, a bull’s progeny must be genomically tested and complete feed efficiency testing.  Ecofeed™ rankings are based on a 100 base system where every five points, over 100, equals one pound less feed that a sire’s progeny can be expected to consume each day while producing the same amount of milk as their peers.”

Table 5 –  Top Six ST genetics EcoFeed™ Progeny Tested Holstein Sires

Sire NAAB Code EcoFeed EcoFeed REL Milk Fat Protein BWC SCS PL FI PTAT FE TPI NM$ Codes
1. Charismatic 513HO03092 118 69% 850 81 27 -0.44 2.8 6 0.5 1.6 146 2468 709  
2. Comanche 147HO00500 115 53% 704 85 26 -0.67 2.94 5.7 1.1 0.88 155 2390 689  
3. Author 151HO00628 107 42% 543 35 32 1.25 2.92 1.3 1.3 1.69 82 2180 375  
4. Detour 513HO03091 106 64% 1342 73 51 -0.81 2.77 5.6 1.4 1.61 178 2596 795   A2A2
5. Missouri 147HO02462 106 44% 1888 52 54 -1.15 2.68 5.6 0.3 1.74 151 2487 707  
6. Mador 151HO00664 106 43% 1968 36 40 0 2.91 2.3 -1.1 1.91 87 2177 402  
15 Sires with REL >40% 106 53% 1187 62 40 0.02 2.81 4.9 1.1 1.52 134 2415 630  3 are A2A2

1. EcoFeed™ reliabilities are only moderate compared to other traits but they are double the reliabilities for other FE rating systems. As more research is conducted and more animal data is captured, the reliabilitites will increase.
2. Production and longevity focused dairy breeders want productive, fertile, longer lived and moderate sized cows.  The averages for fat, protein, BWC, SCS , PL and FI of the EcoFeed™ sires all should assist in achieving breeders needs.

In Table 5 full brothers, Charismatic and Comanche, stand out ahead of other STgenetics sires for EcoFeed™. Both have good reliabilities with considerable daughter information included, and neither is yet four years old. It appears that the story has just begun for EcoFeed™ sire indexing given that, every week,  STgenetics captures more feed intake and performance data on milking first lactation cows.

Table 6 ST’s correlations table

         TPI         NM$         CM$        Milk          Fat     Protein          PL         DPR         FE
0.02 -0.01 -0.01 0.06 -0.01 0.06 -0.05 -0.08 0.01

* Data Source – ST Genetics information materials

Table 6 reports no correlations between EcoFeed™ and other traits. We would not have expected that as Table 3 shows moderate to high correlations for FeedPRO® with other traits. But when we consider that EcoFeed™is more than just feed efficiency, it may not be as surprising as it first appears. Definitely, breeders will be following the research that STgenetics is doing on lifetime efficiency. It should be noted that the concept of lifetime efficiency is also what CRV bases its ‘Better Life Efficiency’ index on.

 The Bullvine Bottom Line

It is very encouraging to see that organizations have recognized the need to put weight on feed efficiency in their genetic programs.  The potential for increased profit is thereby using genetic indexes to save on feed costs.

 Now is the time for all dairy breeders to study the matter of feed efficiency sire indexing and decide how they will incorporate it into their breeding program. Dairy cattle breeders must use feed efficiency sire ratings now (2018-2019) for milk producers to be able to benefit tomorrow.





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Breeding for Kappa Casein to Increase Cheese Yield

The Bullvine seldom talks about the processing of milk into product when it comes to writing about the breeding of dairy cattle. We expect it happens even less frequently that dairy cattle breeders consider the yield their processor obtains in products from the milk they ship. The different kappa casein genotypes found in today’s dairy cattle can have a significant effect on the volume and quality of cheese produced from milk. Here are some interesting details that we found from our research on this subject.

The Situation

Dairy cattle are evaluated for their ability to produce the percentage of protein in milk and the total protein yield.  Milk processors find that: 1) some milks clot quickly, its cheese is firm and produces the most cheese per unit of milk; 2) some milks clot, but not quickly, and have varying degrees of firmness and produces 10%-15% less cheese, and 3) some milks do not clot. Cheese makers are not prepared to buy milk that fits into the latter category. Studies from Europe and North America have found a strong association between the kappa casein genotype BB and milk that clots quickly, produces firm cheese and has a high volume of cheese yield.

The situation of poor or non-clotting milk came to international attention in the 1970’s when Italian cheese makers were no longer able to make their cheeses from the milk from certain farms. After studying the situation, it was determined that some daughters from North American Holstein sires produced milk that was not desirable for cheese making.  In-depth study identified the problem to be with the kappa casein produced by these non-Italian sires’ daughters.

Kappa Casein Alleles

At least nine alleles have been identified for kappa casein. Specifically, three alleles, A, B, and E, dominate in global dairy cattle populations. Initially, it was thought that two alleles, A and B, were the main ones present in dairy cattle. However, a third allele, E, was found to exist approximately 10% of the time. E is the allele associated with the milk that does not clot to make cheese.

Cheese Yield by Genotype

A synopsis of the published findings on kappa casein genotypes follows:

  • Cheese from the milk of BB cows’ clots 25% faster and is twice as firm as cheese made from AA cow’s milk.
  • Milk from BB cows produces 1.0- 1.5 lbs (about 10%) more cheese per cwt of milk than milk from AA cows.
  • Milk from AB cows is about midway between BB and AA cows for clotting speed, firmness, and yield.
  • Milk from EE cows does not clot and is not suitable for cheese making
  • Milk from AE cows is also considered by most cheese makers to be unsuitable.
  • The literature is not informative on the properties of milk from BE cows. There are suggestions that it may be similar to milk from AA cows when it comes to cheese making.
  • A 1985 study by Okigbo, Richardson, Brown and Ernstrom found that milk with impaired clotting properties was not improved by mixing it with an equal amount of well-clotting milk.

General Stat’s with respect to Kappa Casein

Initially, our focus was on kappa casein relative to North American dairy cows. However, we found interesting information from published studies in Italy, France, Estonia, The Netherlands, Scandinavia, and Turkey.  Milk for cheesemaking is important in these countries because from 40% to 75% (Italy) of the national milk is used to make cheese. Some additional facts include:

  • About 10% of North American Holsteins are BB.
  • North American Jerseys have a significantly higher percent BB than do Holsteins. Likely the result heavy use of two BB Jersey sires from twenty years ago.
  • Globally Brown Swiss are reported to be 35% BB.
  • Holsteins in Europe have between 15% and 23% BB
  • Water Buffalo are almost 100% BB. India, the world’s largest milk producing country, gets half its milk from Water Buffalo.

What About Current Holstein Sires?

Table 1 is the frequency of occurrence for the kappa casein genotypes for the top North American proven or most used Holstein sires.

Table 1 – Kappa Casein Genotype Profiles for North American Holstein Sires

Grouping Total Sires BB AB AA BE AE EE
Most Registered Daughters – USA* 20 2 6 4 4 4 0
Most Registered Daughters – Canada** 20 2 8 5 0 5 0
Top Proven TPI Sires *** 20 4 8 6 1 1 0
Top Proven NM$ Sires *** 20 2 7 6 2 3 0
Top Proven CM$ Sires *** 20 2 6 6 2 4 0
Top Proven LPI Sires *** 20 6 6 5 0 3 0
Top Proven Pro$ Sires *** 20 6 6 6 1 1 0
Average (%)   17% 34% 26% 7% 16% 0%

* For time period two weeks prior to April 03, 2017
** Based on registrations in 2016
*** April 2017 Proofs

Some points that should be noted from this table include:

  • The sires in Table 1 have a higher occurrence of BB (17%) than in the general cow population (10%).
  • There are no EE sires but the 16% level of AE should concern breeders and A.I studs when it comes to cheese firmness and lost potential yield in the future.
  • The frequency of BB & AB is higher in the Canadian sire proof groupings than in other groupings.
  • The overall 38% gene frequency of the B allele gives hope that genetic progress to eliminating E and reducing the A allele should be possible in the not too distant future.

Some BB daughter proven sires that topped or were near the top of the groupings in Table 1 are listed in Table 2.

Table 2 –  Leading BB Daughter Proven Sires

Sire NAAB Code Sire Stack Rank
Aikman 250HO01043 Snowman x Baxter x Goldwyn #2 LPI, #20 Pro$
Aikosnow 200HO03914 Snowman x Baxter x Goldwyn #4 Pro$, #14 LPI
Balisto 29HO16714 Bookem x Watson x Oman #20 TPI
Bob 7HO11752 Bookem x Oman x Manat #8 TPI
Camaro 250HO01109 Epic x Freddie x Lucky Star #9 LPI, #19 Pro$
Donatello 7HO11525 Robust x Planet x Elegant #14 US Registered, #14 CM$, #17 NM$
Dragonheart 7HO12111 Epic x Planet x Elegant #1 Pro$, #4 LPI
Facebook 200HO03753 MOM x Airraid x Shottle #20 CAN Registered
Impression 200HO00560 Socrates x Potter x Durham #1 CAN Registered
Living 200HO06573 Epic x MOM x Shottle #12 Pro$, #19 LPI
Punch 7HO11207 Boxer x Oman x Manat #13 Pro$, #18 LPI
Rookie 7HO11708 Bookem x Bronco x Shottle #9 TPI
Trenton 7HO13094 Sterling x Robust x Planet #9 CM$, #12 NM$

One BB genomically evaluated sire is in the top registered USA sire grouping in Table 1:

  • Jedi                       (7HO13250)                             (Montross x Supersire x Bookem)                #8 US Registered

What About Genomic Sires?

With over half of the semen being used coming from genomically evaluated sires it is important to consider this category. In some herds, only genomic sires are used. However, to summarize the kappa casein genotype frequency for this group is not reasonable as many of the top sires on the April 2017 listings are too young to have semen available yet. As well the usual cautions that The Bullvine gives apply do not overuse any one genomically evaluated sire as their indexes range from 55% to 75% REL. Moreover, take into consideration the future inbreeding coefficient of these sires as a breeder may already have those sires close up in their animals’ sire stacks.

Some genomically evaluated Holstein and Jersey sires that are BB for kappa casein that are worthy of breeder consideration include:

Table 3 – High Ranking BB Genomic Evaluated Sires

Sire NAAB Code Sire Stack          CM$          NM$      TPI/JPI          LPI         Pro$
Achiever 29HO18296 Yoder x Altafrido x Robust 1062 1023 2788 3332 2902
AltaCraig 11HO11749 Stoic x Supersire x Massey 842 806 2643 3188 2498
AltaForever 11HO11821 Silver x Freddie x Obrian 774 746 2642 3313 2767
Baylor 551HO03419 Delta x Bob x Uno 874 846 2735 3379 2722
Cam 7HO13592 Jedi x Moonray x Bookem 893 876 2727 3263 2709
Cardinals 200HO10668 Yoder x McCutchen x Robust 804 785 2682 3108 2155
Galahad 200HO10755 Penmanship x Jacey x McCutchen 732 678 2636 3377 2695
McGuffey 551HO03350 Montross x Robust x Mac 834 820 2683 3199 2657
Medley 29HO18343 Yoder x Balisto x O-Style 986 966 2779 3447 2962
Powerfull-PP 224HO04510 Powerball-P x Supersire x Colt-P 670 635 2462 2962 2225
Selfie 224HO04273 Supershot x Aikman x Larson 749 734 2561 3231 2561
Yale 7HO13328 Yoder x Altafrido x Robust 836 824 2683 3286 2654
AltaBlitz 11JE01320 Axis x Kilowatt x Karbala 619 593 173 1803 1701
Charmer 29JE04009 Chili x Dividend x T-Bone 630 588 178 2010 1824
Halt 29JE03989 Harris x Hendrix x Redhot 664 628 187 1911 1744
Joyride 200JE10011 Rufus x Paramunt x First Prize 152 139 48 2014 1712
Torpedo 250JE01456 Santana-P x Fastrack x Nathan 408 390 118 1823 1514
Tyrion 203JE01632 Hulk x Action 782 736 231 1755 1587

Take Home Ideas

The Bullvine offers the following ideas for breeders and breeding industry people to consider:

  • Cheese Making: In the future, it is entirely possible that cheese processors will not buy milk from Holstein herds that cannot guarantee that their cows are at least a high percentage are BB. Jersey herds and totally BB Holstein herds are likely to be paid a premium for this milk.
  • Niche or Mainstream: In the next five years breeding to increase the percent of BB females will be niche. However, as more and more milk is used to make cheese selection for the B allele and away from the E allele is likely to be mainstream. Selecting sires on total protein without regards to the kappa casein profile of those sires should become a practice from the past.
  • Breeding Animals: Breeders and breeding organizations would be well advised to commence selecting for the B allele when it comes to sire and ET donor selection. An achievable objective would be for A.I. studs to only enter BB and AB bulls into stud starting in 2019. Breeders are advised not to flush any females that are EE, AE and perhaps even BE starting in 2019 or before. Breeders need to ask their semen sales reps for a sire’s kappa casein profile before buying semen. Bull kappa casein profiles are not included in CDCB or CDN files but are most often included in A.I. stud electronic bull files or hard copy catalogs.
  • Research: More research is taking place in many countries of the impact of kappa casein genotype on cheese production. At the University of California (Davis) there are major projects underway on how to use genetic engineering to eliminate the E allele and to fast track changing Holsteins into being BB.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

One characteristic, like kappa casein, cannot rule the breeding, milk production and milk processing industries. However, with a higher and higher percentage of dairy cows’ milk being used to make cheese, breeding for animals with the BB kappa casein genotype can no longer be ignored or thought not to be important. Breeders are advised to ask their semen suppliers for the kappa casein profiles of sires before they purchase semen. Starting immediately sires with EE and AE profiles should be avoided and if the semen is already in the tank then even throwing it out may make good business sense. Because producing females that are EE or AE will delay when premiums may be possible for milk sold for making cheese.



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Epigenetics will be a Driver for Future Successful Dairying

Dairy breeders spend considerable time choosing the next round of bulls to use. That’s important because improvements in genetics has a significant influence on the generations that follow.  Nevertheless, future performance will depend on how epigenetics regulates the DNA acquired through breeding.  When epigenetics enters the picture,  breeders will need to re-consider how they breed and manage their dairy cattle.

What’s Epigenetics?

Epigenetics underlies processes that affect health, ­ fertility, longevity and many traits of dairy cattle. Epigenetic effects differ from direct genetic effects because the animal’s DNA sequence is not changed by epigenetic processes. Rather, epigenetic processes act by regulating whether genes within DNA sequences are “turned on” or “turned off” without any change in the DNA sequence. (Read more: FORGET GENOMICS – EPIGENOMICS & NUTRIGENOMICS ARE THE FUTURE)

Genetic and Epigenetic Differences

Traits such as milk yield, milk protein, conception rate, somatic cell count and udder conformation are heritable, meaning that differences among animals in these traits can be accounted for by family relationships among sires, dams and ancestors. Heritability ranges from around 3% to over 50% for various traits, therefore 3 to 50% of differences among animals are accounted for by differences in their DNA sequences.

The non-genetic variation in traits is included in what we refer to as environmental effects. Weather, feed, facilities, management practices and everything else that cattle are affected by in a herd fits into environmental effects.  Many responses of cattle to environmental effects are regulated by epigenetic or closely-related processes at the cellular level in animals.

Epigenetic effects do not change an animal’s DNA sequence (genome). Instead, epigenetic effects alter how individual genes or groups of genes are controlled or as geneticists say “silenced or differentially regulated” throughout an animal’s life. Originally, epigenetic effects were thought to represent only alterations that could be passed to the next generation without changing in the animal’s genetic code. More recently it seems that epigenetic effects may impact various tissues and organs during certain periods in the animal’s life, without being passed to the next generation.

Epigenetic Triggers

Animal scientists are using the term “developmental programming” to define practices that may trigger epigenetic effects. Developmental programming may act through epigenetic or similar pathways to influence almost any trait of interest in dairy cattle. For dairy farmers, it matters little whether the action occurs through one mechanism or another, as long as responses are predictable and repeatable.

Repeatability means that there is a fairly predictable pattern of an action causing a specific or response separated by weeks, months, years or generations. That makes it challenging to determine cause and effect, without careful observations, good records and repeated verification.

Epigenetic effects may be triggered by conditions associated with natural biological process or by adverse conditions such as negative energy balance, heat stress, exposure to toxins or other disturbances. Epigenetic effects can be either positive or negative, so as we learn more it will be useful to incorporate management practices that stimulate positive effects and limit negative ones.

Epigenetic Effect #1        Calf Feeding and Future Performance

One epigenetic or epigenetic-like effect is the latent response to feeding higher levels of milk or replacer to heifer calves. Calves fed at higher levels produce more milk in first lactation about 2 years later, so the response occurs beginning about 700 days after the action. Preliminary data suggest that heifers fed more milk develop more mammary epithelial cells that become milk-secreting cells when first lactation begins. This is the kind of epigenetic effect that one would see for stem cells that are dividing rapidly when the milk is being fed. The exact regulatory mechanism for this effect is yet to be determined.

Epigenetic Effect #2        Milking Frequency Immediately After Calving

Similar to the situation in calves fed more milk, it has been demonstrated that cows milked 4X daily during the first 3 weeks of lactation and then 2X daily thereafter produce considerably more milk than cows milked 2X from freshening. The 4X milking early in lactation apparently stimulates development of more milk-secreting cells and these then remain throughout lactation, even when milking frequency drops to 2X.

Epigenetic Effect #3        Embryo Survival

It is highly probable that negative epigenetic effects occur when eggs (oocytes) are developing within the ovary when a cow is under stressful conditions. Such can be the case for the egg ovulated by an energy and/or health stressed cow that comes into heat 80 days post calving. The egg ovulated at day eighty actually started growing as an oocyte within her ovary about 3 weeks before calving.

 Oocytes that develop under these stressful conditions have low survivability as embryos. Their fertilization rate is normal, but they degenerate and die at a higher rate in the first week after fertilization. This is a classical example of an adverse epigenetic effect. Our North Carolina State research team published the first report of this effect in 1992. It is referred to as the Britt Hypothesis and it has taken about 25 years for scientists to begin to understand this phenomenon at the DNA level.

Stay Tuned As We Learn More

There is a strong interest in understanding how epigenetics affect the developing fetus and how management of the pregnant cow influences the future long-term responses of the calf she is carrying. During fetal stages, tissues that will form muscles, mammary tissue, the immune system and all other systems undergo development.  We will see a lot of new discoveries about epigenetics in these areas in the years ahead and this will give us tools to support development of better calves during pregnancy.

Husbandry practices trigger many of the epigenetic effects, both good and bad.  Understanding how such effects are mediated will give us husbandry tools to improve both DNA-based genetics and ways to regulate the DNA in a beneficial manner.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

The Bullvine found that this information shared by Jack Britt assisted us in better understanding the topic of epigenetics.  Yes, epigenetics is yet one more piece of the puzzle that progressive breeders are likely to use in the future to both breed and manage their dairy herds.



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