Archive for Genetic Evaluation Review

EXCLUSIVE: Three Bull Lines Dominate 33% of Elite Holstein Genomics – March 2025 GTPI Rankings Reveal Genetic Bottleneck

Just 5 sires control half the elite Holstein gene pool. Is the rush for higher GTPI numbers creating a genetic time bomb? The numbers don’t lie.

Executive Summary

The March 2025 genomic rankings reveal an alarming concentration of genetic influence with just 33% of elite Holstein females traced to only two bulls (KARL and ALTAMAKEOVER). This unprecedented level of genetic narrowing threatens long-term breed diversity while delivering questionable commercial benefits, as data shows minimal production advantages despite significant GTPI differences between dominant and diverse bloodlines. Historical precedents like the Bell era demonstrate the potential dangers of such concentration, while economic analysis suggests the premium prices for these genetics may not translate to proportional returns in commercial settings. The article challenges breeders to resist blindly chasing GTPI numbers and instead make conscious decisions to balance genetic progress with essential genetic diversity before irreversible consolidation occurs.

Key Takeaways

  • Just 5 bulls account for nearly 50% of top 100 genomic females, with KARL (17%) and ALTAMAKEOVER (16%) dominating the rankings
  • Despite a 35-point GTPI advantage, daughters of dominant sires show minimal production advantages (+1 protein, +0 fat) while having mixed results in health and fertility traits
  • Each 0.1 increase in SCS costs approximately $25 per cow annually, while each point of productive life translates to roughly $22 in economic value – factors often overlooked when selecting solely on GTPI
  • Previous genetic bottlenecks in Holstein history (Bell era, Blackstar/Bellwood/Emory period) resulted in genetic defects and economic losses once excessive concentration was recognized.

The March 2025 genomic elite female rankings reveal what industry insiders have feared. Still, few have dared to say aloud that the Holstein breed is rapidly becoming the private playground of three dominant sire lines. With BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET daughters claiming 17 spots in the top 100 and PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET securing another 16, including four in the elite dozen, we’re witnessing nothing short of a genetic coup. While genomic enthusiasts celebrate another 10-point GTPI increase, the uncomfortable question remains: are we breeding better cows or just higher numbers?

Alarming Genetic Concentration: Just 5 Bulls Control Half of Elite Genetics

The data doesn’t lie. Based on verified March 2025 genomic evaluations, 33% of the top 100 genomic females trace back to just two bulls. Add in several more appearances by BEYOND LETCHWORTH GIANT-ET (5%), OCD HAYK STAGGER-ET (5%), and AURORA HOWLAND-P-ET (5%), and we’re approaching a scenario where five sires control nearly half of the elite genetics. This concentration isn’t just concerning—it’s potentially dangerous for the breed’s future.

The Elite Genetic Monopoly – Top 10 Genomic Females (March 2025)

Animal NameGTPISireBirth DateProteinFatKey Health Traits
[Unnamed KARL daughter]3406BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ETJan 2025+83+142PL 7.2, GFI 13.1
[Unnamed KARL daughter]3391BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ETJan 2025+85+140PL 6.7, GFI 13.7
PEAK 40400-ET3380PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ETJan 2025+89+171PL 4.3, GFI 13.5
[Unnamed KARL daughter]3377BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ETJan 2025+66+134PL 7.4, GFI 12.9
BEYOND KARL 5421 9101-ET3367BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ETJan 2025+85+159PL 4.8, GFI 13.6
PEAK 80385-ET3358PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ETJan 2025+74+162PL 4.9, GFI 12.8
PEAK 801286-ET3355PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ETJan 2025+93+155PL 4.6, GFI 12.5

Leading the rankings is OCD BREAKAGE LIANA 59951-ET, born in December 2024, with a jaw-dropping GTPI of 3426. Her genetic profile represents the pinnacle of what genomic selection has produced, but her pedigree also represents our increasingly narrow path.

The presence of polled genetics among elite females like OCD Madrid-P LADY 72924-ET (GTPI 3314) and daughters of Aurora Howland-P-ET demonstrates that selection for management-friendly traits can coexist with high genetic merit.

The elite list reveals that newer bloodlines struggle to break through the established genetic hierarchy. While bulls like PEAK PRIMERO-ET, PEN-COL DENOVO GAMLET-ET, and BOMAZ LODI-ET have daughters in the rankings, they represent a small fraction compared to the dominant sires.

KARL vs. ALTAMAKEOVER: Two Bulls Reshaping the Entire Holstein Breed

The genomic data reveals an unprecedented concentration of genetic influence. Never before has the Holstein breed seen such dominance from so few bloodlines at the highest genetic levels.

The Genetic Oligarchy – Sire Representation in Top 100

SireDaughters in Top 100PercentageAvg GTPI of Daughters
All Other Sires (37 bulls)4444%3289

When a single sire claims nearly one-fifth of the elite genomic positions, we’re not seeing genetic progress—we’re seeing genetic consolidation. The Holstein is becoming the breed with a thousand bulls but only four grandsires.

Is this a path to long-term genetic improvement, or are we creating a genetic bottleneck that future generations will regret? For perspective, just 37 different bulls sired the remaining 44% of elite females—with none having more than three daughters each in the rankings.

Trait Leaders That Break the Mold

Trait CategoryLeader AnimalValueSireGTPI
Fat ProductionCHERRY-ACRES 7008 M 7871-ET+178PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET3328
Protein ProductionAURORA HI-TOP 27699-ET+102BEYOND HI-TOP-ET3287
SCS (lower better)PEAK 20931-ET2.41PEAK ALTAZEROGRAVITY-ET3243

The Price of Genetic Concentration – Trait Comparison by Sire Line

TraitKARL DaughtersALTAMAKEOVER DaughtersOther BloodlinesDifference
Average GTPI333133163296+35 points
Production (Protein lbs)+76+83+75+8 points
Production (Fat lbs)+133+151+133+18 points
Somatic Cell Score2.702.802.72+0.08 points
Productive Life6.44.86.1-1.3 points
Fertility Index12.912.612.8-0.3 points
Udder Composite1.921.451.76-0.31 points

This data reveals a critical insight: the 35-point GTPI advantage of KARL daughters comes with minimal gains in actual production traits (+1 protein, +0 fat) compared to other bloodlines. Yet they offer benefits in terms of udder conformation and productive life. Meanwhile, ALTAMAKEOVER’s daughters excel in production but lag in longevity traits. This begs the question: are we making meaningful progress in overall cow performance or simply reshuffling trait emphasis?

Lessons from History: Have We Forgotten the Bell Era Already?

The Holstein industry has previously faced genetic bottlenecks. In the 1990s, concerns about BLAD and CVM defects highlighted the risks of concentrated genetics. Today’s concentration doesn’t center on a single bull like the infamous Carlin-M Ivanhoe Bell era but rather on a handful of closely related sire lines.

What lessons have we forgotten from previous genetic bottlenecks? In the 1980s, the Bell sons dominated AI lineups, but their genetic defects later emerged and caused significant economic losses. In the 1990s, the Blackstar/Bellwood/Emory cohort created another concentration point. The industry eventually recognized the risk each time, and corrective action followed, but only after the genetic narrowing.

Have we learned nothing from this cyclical pattern? Or are we willfully ignoring history in the pursuit of higher numbers?

The Bottom Line

The dominance of BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET and PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET in the rankings isn’t just a statistical curiosity—it’s a warning sign about the breed’s direction. As these genetics spread throughout the national herd, we risk creating a monoculture vulnerable to yet-unknown challenges.

The choice facing dairy producers is clear: continue following the crowd toward increasingly concentrated genetics or make conscious decisions to maintain genetic diversity while pursuing improvement. Will you be part of the solution or part of the problem?

Birth Date PROTEIN FAT FeedYieldHealth
Fert. IndexType
HO840003285652594OCD BREAKAGE LIANA 59951-ET 241213.5GENOSOURCE BREAKAGE-ET 910.021590.19438782.886.
HO840003296019581 250113.1BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 830.121420.30366782.657.22.311.20.81.841.760.90-0.27772.84.83406
HO840003296019490 250113.7BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 850.101400.26374782.626.7-
HO840003299327663PEAK 40400-ET 250113.5PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 890.121710.38436782.864.
HO840003296019532 250112.9BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 660.091340.31346782.637.
HO840003296576480BEYOND KARL 5421 9101-ET 250113.6BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 850.091590.31393782.804.8-
HO840003292511770PEAK 80385-ET 250112.8PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 740.121620.42407782.734.9-
HO840003272862189PEAK 801286-ET 250112.5PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 930.111550.29390782.854.6-
HO840003290935653COOKIECUTTER GIANT HOPPITY 250113.0BEYOND LETCHWORTH GIANT-ET 610.151350.41326782.746.
HO840003281992316TTM KARL AUDREY-ET 250112.5BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 750.121330.30338782.736.
HO840003298083560SDG-PH 7896 KARL 8714-ET 250112.3BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 820.081230.18341782.617.52.310.01.81.821.790.45-0.17763.15.03351
HO840003272862193PEAK 801290-ET 250112.6PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 850.141650.40437772.796.
HO840003283145781OCD KARL MARX LADY 72691-ET 241012.7BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 780.081410.26359782.825.
HO840003292511762PEAK 80377-ET 250113.1PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 940.131530.30416772.834.00.45.4-0.71.721.580.36-1.27762.64.23340
HO840003295083671AURORA GIANT 27664-ET 241212.3BEYOND LETCHWORTH GIANT-ET 780.121450.33355782.685.2-1.18.8-0.12.422.170.780.81771.84.03339
HO840003296019533T-SPRUCE 25274 250113.1AURORA HOWLAND-P-ET 790.091300.24336782.706.
HO840003290935722 250213.0OCD KAHN KINGDOM-ET 860.091190.17359782.558.01.911.
HO840003281992308TTM HOWLAND EMPRESS-ET 250112.0AURORA HOWLAND-P-ET 840.061430.23372782.815.
HO840003292173941DENOVO GAMLET 7607-ET 250113.5PEN-COL DENOVO GAMLET-ET 820.021060.04333782.639.24.412.
HO840003296019385 241212.6BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 780.081420.28355782.776.
HO840003272862177PEAK 801274-ET 250112.1PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 870.141400.30375782.796.
HO840003295083707AURORA HI-TOP 27700-ET 241212.6BEYOND HI-TOP-ET 810.111530.33372782.785.00.49.5-0.62.571.580.580.84772.05.03331
HO840003286698665CHERRY-ACRES 7008 M 7871-ET 250112.6PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 800.081780.39423782.724.80.58.6-
HO840003296019554 250111.8OCD HAYK STAGGER-ET 810.091440.28359782.777.
HO840003292511741PEAK 80356-ET 250113.8PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 840.111540.33393772.794.
HO840003291034475 241213.3PEAK BOLDIN-ET 900.131540.33425782.875.41.75.0-0.51.451.140.18-0.81761.84.13325
HO840003272862165PEAK 801262-ET 250114.1PEAK PRIMERO-ET 750.081270.23346772.567.
HO840003293804495OCD MAKEOV DETROIT 73099-ET 250112.5PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 920.121540.30426782.965.
HOUSA000145760618MELON-PATCH HAM GRETA-ET 241213.3PEAK HAMMERHEAD-ET 750.121400.33347782.706.51.610.20.11.751.980.76-0.26761.93.53320
HO840003272862194PEAK 801291-ET 250112.5PEAK CH ALTAINSPIRE-ET 920.091510.25389772.775.
HO840003296019188 241213.5BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 680.081260.26332782.547.
HO840003272862176PEAK 801273-ET 250113.5PEAK PRIMERO-ET 770.121500.35383772.535.80.89.9-0.41.631.750.180.12762.85.43318
HO840003292511764PEAK 80379-ET 250113.5PEAK PRIMERO-ET 840.211450.41391772.616.62.210.7-0.91.401.180.79-0.56762.14.73318
HO840003296019538 250113.4OCD HAYK STAGGER-ET 750.181210.34319782.866.21.711.
HO840003295083710AURORA HI-POWER 27703-ET 241213.1BEYOND HI-POWER-ET 810.071240.18362782.627.
HOUSA000145751797MELON-PATCH HAM EBUKA-ET 241112.9PEAK HAMMERHEAD-ET 700.091540.37362782.755.80.910.20.51.421.830.29-0.57761.93.33317
HO840003283146014OCD MADRID-P LADY 72924-ET 241213.1OCD CIRRUS MADRID-P-ET 630.091480.38366782.706.
HO840003296157156OCD STAGGE SHIMMER 25156-ET 250112.8OCD HAYK STAGGER-ET 870.051370.17364782.926.
HO840003272862157PEAK 801254-ET 250114.3PEAK PRIMERO-ET 680.121370.34333772.477.42.412.6-0.31.932.060.970.91762.85.13313
HO840003281992318TTM HABULOUS BECKY-ET 250111.8SIEMERS HABULOUS-P-ET 640.111090.25287782.528.
HO840003292510821PEAK 20935-ET 250112.6PEAK ALTAZEROGRAVITY-ET 720.121220.28338772.607.83.512.31.91.311.790.55-0.01762.85.73311
HO840003293596073CHERRYPENCOL 1064 H 1401-ET 241213.2BEYOND OVERDO HARDIN-ET 620.141550.48359782.686.00.88.4-
HO840003290935688 250212.3BEYOND LETCHWORTH GIANT-ET 730.161550.44381782.875.20.38.3-0.21.821.780.80-0.26761.94.03306
HO840003292174006 250212.8PEN-COL WHOOPS-ET 750.131370.33363782.767.63.911.52.10.680.97-0.13-0.90761.83.73306
HO840003296019454 250113.0AURORA HOWLAND-P-ET 870.141230.23349782.805.
HO840003296576464S-S-I OH-MY 5922 9085-ET 250112.4LADYS-MANOR FRSTBT OH-MY-ET 730.091460.32389782.737.
HO840003287941770KINGS-RANSOM KING DREAM-ET 250113.1OCD KAHN KINGDOM-ET 850.081120.13348782.727.
HO840003293804462 250112.6OCD HAYK STAGGER-ET 830.101320.24361782.656.
HO840003283146040 241213.3OCD CIRRUS MADRID-P-ET 710.031290.20355782.807.
HO840003294749438PENN-ENGLAND CANDY 22098-ET 241112.5OCD HAYK STAGGER-ET 870.111240.21341782.816.31.811.50.31.591.670.910.29771.73.13300
HO840003272849184 250112.5HOUIN SSI HAYK DRYDON-ET 760.111120.21340782.608.
HO840003292511726PEAK 80341-ET 250112.8PEAK MAGICMOOLA-ET 860.071460.23401782.617.41.37.8-0.20.791.010.07-1.14762.74.73298
HO840003295083677AURORA GIANT 27670-ET 241211.7BEYOND LETCHWORTH GIANT-ET 750.151490.40370782.595.6-0.510.9-0.21.791.290.51-0.22771.83.53298
HO840003296157170OCD DARTH VADR RAE 25170-ET 250112.4OCD THORSON DARTH VADER-ET 840.041470.21396782.855.
HO840003272862184PEAK 801281-ET 250113.1WILRA SSI ESQUIRE CHUCK-ET 770.121380.31345782.566.
HO840003296576482S-S-I STAGGER 5980 9103-ET 250112.8OCD HAYK STAGGER-ET 860.051160.10322782.786.
HO840003287133100 241213.3BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 860.111350.25366782.736.
HO840003296019480 250113.2BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 710.121170.26296782.606.
HO840003296019519 250112.4OCD HAYK STAGGER-ET 820.091400.26363782.755.
HO840003301130999TTM-NUADV HOLY 2008-ET 250112.7SIEMERS FGO HOLY-P 40167-ET 810.151450.36381782.615.5-0.99.1-0.41.831.320.490.13762.03.73296
HO840003296576497WILRA SSI STAGGER 9118-ET 250111.6OCD HAYK STAGGER-ET 740.081290.25313782.716.81.610.12.01.711.720.331.14762.35.03295
HO840003296157174 250113.0OCD HAYK STAGGER-ET 810.081410.25366782.695.70.08.7-
HO840003292511739PEAK 80354-ET 250112.1PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 750.091570.35384782.775.
HO840003287657374ADAWAY LOATZER 4115-ET 241213.2ADAWAY KAHN LOATZER-ET 750.091330.27362782.806.
HO840003292511730PEAK 80345-ET 250113.2PEAK ALTAVORTEXVAULT-ET 780.111440.32373782.676.
HO840003292511734PEAK 80349-ET 250112.1PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 710.081520.33387782.775.
HO840003287872374OCD CARROT 24977-ET 241212.9S-S-I SIEMERS OD CARROT-ET 700.151360.37334782.665.
HO840003293804489OCD MAKEOV DETROIT 73093-ET 250112.7PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 800.161470.38387782.805.
HO840003281992315TTM HOWLAND CONNIE-ET 250112.3AURORA HOWLAND-P-ET 820.091210.19330782.685.
HO840003270397668 250112.6ADAWAY BEYOND EL FOUGHTY-ET 620.171080.33279782.428.54.314.02.61.572.100.430.71762.44.53289
HO840003272862174PEAK 801271-ET 250113.6PEAK PRIMERO-ET 800.121310.27368772.596.71.611.20.61.371.420.31-0.54762.95.43289
HO840003292511701PEAK 80316-ET 250112.6PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 870.101370.23383782.775.1-
HO840003272862169PEAK 801266-ET 250112.9PEAK CH ALTAINSPIRE-ET 710.121250.29332772.637.62.711.91.61.441.510.330.26761.84.13287
HO840003292173902DENOVO GAMLET 7568-ET 250113.3PEN-COL DENOVO GAMLET-ET 760.051230.18323782.746.
HO840003292173919DENOVO LODI 7585-ET 250113.1BOMAZ LODI-ET 810.131400.32366782.855.60.39.4-
HO840003295083706AURORA HI-TOP 27699-ET 241212.4BEYOND HI-TOP-ET 1020.081330.13383782.884.5-2.65.9-
HO840003292173913DENOVO GAMLET 7579-ET 250113.5PEN-COL DENOVO GAMLET-ET 770.061200.17340782.657.94.611.81.70.801.010.67-0.50762.13.13286
HO840003299812077OCD SANBORN LEGIT 80044-ET 250113.0OCD HAYK SANBORN-ET 740.051410.25360782.826.
HO840003291622978 250111.6BEYOND HI-WORTH-ET 620.121170.30301782.866.
HO840003283146010OCD BULDZR RAVEN 72920-ET 241212.8TERRA-CALROY BULDZR 9223-ET 680.121360.34323782.746.01.712.21.51.821.740.230.17762.34.13284
HO840003296019536 250113.7BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 630.101290.32324782.686.
HO840003272862198PEAK 801295-ET 250113.2PEAK ALTAZEROGRAVITY-ET 720.131330.32339772.794.
HO840003295448063PEAK 3179-ET 250113.1PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 970.111540.27435782.923.90.15.2-0.30.921.08-0.37-0.68762.55.23283
HO840003295083757AURORA HOWLAND 27750-ET 250112.3AURORA HOWLAND-P-ET 850.101410.26383782.695.0-0.57.7-
HO840003295083693AURORA HOWLAND 27686-ET 241213.0AURORA HOWLAND-P-ET 800.081230.20332782.785.
HO840003296157040OCD KARL MARX 25040 241213.6BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 720.071240.23333782.706.
HO840003298083554SDG-PH 8108NUMROLGY 8708-ET 241213.4SDG-PH NUMEROLOGY-ET 740.131280.30344782.656.
HO840003296157204OCD SANBORN 25204 250113.3OCD HAYK SANBORN-ET 670.121300.33320792.686.
HO840003296576478S-S-I STAGGER 6057 9099-ET 250113.1OCD HAYK STAGGER-ET 780.101220.22304782.556.61.911.
HO840003297710082 241213.6BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 910.101270.19368782.716.
HO840003285652614OCD HOWLAN DETROIT 59971-ET 241212.6AURORA HOWLAND-P-ET 860.091300.21364782.836.
HO840003290935617 250112.6OCD HAYK STAGGER-ET 760.101290.25352782.717.
HO840003290935692 250212.9OCD HAYK SANBORN-ET 750.041370.22356782.835.
HO840003292511800PEAK 80415-ET 250112.9PEAK ALTAZEROGRAVITY-ET 920.061250.12377782.706.
HO840003292511771PEAK 80386-ET 250113.2PEAK EXCITEMENT-ET 660.121280.33333782.727.
HO840003296186057 241212.1OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 850.151220.25340782.795.91.56.0-
HO840003291622832 241011.7OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 720.071500.32369792.804.50.07.7-0.21.941.601.24-0.41772.44.83274
HO840003296576481BEYOND KARL HOMILET 9102-ET 250112.7BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 730.101180.23310782.546.81.910.32.11.392.01-0.12-0.31772.44.43274
HO840003290935640COOKIECUTTER HAGIGI-ET 250112.4BEYOND HI-PRAISE-ET 770.111170.22320782.656.
HO840003296019539 250112.1BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 890.081310.18364782.815.
HO840003292511750PEAK 80365-ET 250113.0PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 850.081490.26408782.854.5-0.16.0-
HO840003296152833 250113.0DENOVO 20376 ABSOLUTE-ET 830.071540.28402782.766.02.47.7-0.50.980.97-0.29-0.05762.15.03270
HO840003296157259OCD EXCITEMENT 25259 250113.2PEAK EXCITEMENT-ET 710.141350.35339782.637.41.910.
HO840003256965316 250112.3OCD KAHN KINGDOM-ET 620.151360.42335782.646.92.610.22.80.831.18-0.18-0.35761.43.13269
HO840003287133192 250112.4BEYOND LETCHWORTH GIANT-ET 620.091630.43371782.814.90.96.9-0.31.551.750.69-1.09771.43.63269
HO840003296019470 250112.3OCD HAYK STAGGER-ET 930.121480.28379782.705.30.99.3-2.01.591.200.260.80762.24.53269
HO840003303024315CHERRY-ACRES 925 M 1421-ET 250112.6PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 880.031590.22425782.844.0-0.52.8-
HO840003296019565T-SPRUCE 25306 250112.6BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 740.081170.20328782.776.
HO840003283599576 250113.2OCD HAYK STAGGER-ET 770.141270.30304782.556.91.611.
HO840003296152811 241212.8BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 670.121530.41360782.745.
HO840003296791180RUANN SUNDC NORAIN-41350-ET 241012.3S-S-I EARLYBIRD SUNDANCE-ET 770.091050.15295792.696.
HO840003272862178PEAK 801275-ET 250112.7PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 790.101500.32368782.954.
HO840003296607442OLD ACRES FM MAUI 8564 241113.0GENOSOURCE MAUI-ET 730.061270.21338782.716.
HO840003300106609BRU-DALE HARDIN HAPPY-ET 241113.1BEYOND OVERDO HARDIN-ET 570.071500.39342782.675.90.69.8-0.72.362.620.41-0.30772.24.83266
HO840003287659507S-S-I KARL 5535 8889-ET 241112.5BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 740.111520.36377782.785.10.15.1-0.21.611.580.60-0.66772.54.43265
HO840003293804410OCD HOWLA LORALIE 73014-ET 250112.8AURORA HOWLAND-P-ET 860.121250.22360782.657.
HO840003256965313 250112.7ADAWAY BEYOND EL FOUGHTY-ET 790.121480.33387782.865.
HO840003270397607LARS-ACRES STAGGER 31292-ET 241212.4OCD HAYK STAGGER-ET 830.111280.24346782.577.
HO840003287133146 250112.2LADYS-MANOR FRSTBT OH-MY-ET 760.121280.28361782.686.71.610.70.51.521.77-0.19-0.99772.33.93264
HO840003290935694COOKIECUTTER HI HALADID-ET 250213.3BEYOND HI-PRAISE-ET 740.181340.38354782.606.30.811.30.51.391.430.59-0.56761.65.23264
HO840003270397673 250112.4LADYS-MANOR FRSTBT OH-MY-ET 740.091200.22335782.747.92.811.
HO840003270397604LARS-ACRES STAGGER 31289-ET 241212.5OCD HAYK STAGGER-ET 840.091220.19346782.548.
HO840003292511735PEAK 80350-ET 250112.9PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 840.101520.31385772.794.0-0.96.0-1.21.881.660.33-0.25761.84.73262
HO840003296019450 250113.1OCD HAYK STAGGER-ET 770.121300.28331782.616.
HO840003296186078 250112.7LADYS-MANOR FRSTBT OH-MY-ET 700.141420.38353782.756.
HO840003228995458 250112.5PEAK EXCITEMENT-ET 640.141220.33308782.677.23.311.32.21.511.500.480.20761.63.63260
HO840003283146008OCD HARDIN RAE 72918-ET 241213.4BEYOND OVERDO HARDIN-ET 690.041260.20327792.656.
HO840003285821945K-STAR PREMIUM GOLDEN-ET 241212.6PROGENESIS PREMIUM 710.121420.35355782.685.
HO840003291034479 241213.3PEAK BOLDIN-ET 880.111340.23378782.786.
HO840003295083696AURORA HUMO 27689-ET 241213.2S-S-I SIEMERS OVRDO HUMO-ET 690.121410.36370792.646.0-0.511.70.41.461.80-0.12-0.85782.24.53259
HO840003256965314 250113.3OCD HAYK STAGGER-ET 820.071170.14329782.715.
HO840003290935686COOKIECUTTER EXC HAGRIDA-ET 250212.2PEAK EXCITEMENT-ET 720.151410.39349782.716.
HO840003290935707 250212.2OCD KAHN KINGDOM-ET 860.091230.18360782.586.6-
HO840003295629975 241113.2BEYOND OVERDO HARDIN-ET 670.101710.45383782.944.92.16.5-
HOUSA000145760636MELON-PATCH FRITZ ELPHI-ET 241212.3LARS-ACRES SSI FRITZLAN-ET 770.081450.29365792.624.0-1.45.3-
HO840003290935656COOKIECUTTER HIK HOLYHER-ET 250113.6COOKIECUTTER HIKE ON-ET 830.091270.21361782.805.
HO840003292510824PEAK 20938-ET 250112.9PEAK PRIMERO-ET 790.111330.27355782.665.90.910.0-0.11.771.360.840.20762.85.53256
HO840003295083689AURORA KNACK 27682-ET 241213.1BEYOND FIGARO KNACK-ET 680.091270.27332782.775.2-
HO840003295083701AURORA HADZUKI 27694-ET 241212.8T-SPRUCE HAYK HADZUKI-ET 820.111230.22349782.606.
HO840003298547707PINE-TREE 3047 MAK 4045-ET 250112.4PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 820.111600.35413782.764.60.94.4-
HO840003272862159PEAK 801256-ET 250113.0PEAK CH ALTAINSPIRE-ET 720.111280.28327782.657.11.710.10.81.601.720.340.65762.14.93255
HO840003290935687 250213.1OCD HAYK SANBORN-ET 740.071380.27363782.846.
HO840003292173742DENOVO LODI 7408-ET 241213.4BOMAZ LODI-ET 880.141320.27358782.915.51.49.9-0.91.781.650.790.36762.44.43255
HO840003295083722AURORA HOLY 27715-ET 250111.7SIEMERS FGO HOLY-P 40167-ET 810.121260.24345782.715.
HO840003295292602EILDON-TWEED HANSEL KIKI-ET 241212.2COOKIECUTTER HANSEL-ET 780.101440.30392782.925.
HO840003274830847PEN-COL PASSION 1325-ET 241212.5PEN-COL PASSION-ET 670.121300.33335782.777.
HO840003296019441 250111.9BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 740.131440.36357782.696.
HO840003296019489 250112.8BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 710.101270.27335782.895.
HO840003296157212OCD LEONIDAS 25212 250112.8OCD LETCHWORTH LEONIDAS-ET 680.081360.29348782.896.
HO840003296157251OCD SANBORN 25251 250112.6OCD HAYK SANBORN-ET 730.081310.25316792.776.
HO840003295083728AURORA HOLY 27721-ET 250111.8SIEMERS FGO HOLY-P 40167-ET 650.121280.34298782.605.20.711.00.42.561.751.801.66772.24.53253
HO840003297710064OCD MADRID-P LIANA 98204-ET 241213.2OCD CIRRUS MADRID-P-ET 770.041180.14305782.787.
HO840003299812052 250112.1BEYOND LETCHWORTH GIANT-ET 740.131490.38374792.764.7-0.46.9-
HO840003272862158PEAK 801255-ET 250113.1PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 960.101470.23410772.814.30.76.1-1.10.820.990.22-1.03762.54.43251
HO840003293596088CHERRY-ACRES 851 H 1416-ET 241213.4BEYOND OVERDO HARDIN-ET 630.091170.26298782.617.43.811.
HO840003296157207OCD MAKEOVER 25207 250112.3PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 680.111420.36368782.815.
HO840003296186062 250112.1OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 840.131300.27333782.864.
HO840003297709969OCD RAGE RAVEN 98109-ET 241112.9MR OCD RAGE-ET 720.151490.41352782.745.
HO840003252545846STGEN DARTH VADER 4216-ET 240912.6OCD THORSON DARTH VADER-ET 740.051310.21376782.706.
HO840003291034467 241213.5PEAK BOLDIN-ET 820.091420.27398782.756.33.56.6-0.91.320.750.64-0.96762.14.63249
HO840003296019497 250112.4BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 660.141250.33320782.715.3-
HO840003296019563 250112.4BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 700.111360.33358782.746.
HO840003274870106 250112.0PEAK HAMMERHEAD-ET 760.141400.35350782.846.
HO840003286536592OCD GIANT RAE 7971-ET 241212.0BEYOND LETCHWORTH GIANT-ET 710.081410.30353792.795.20.86.4-0.11.792.030.51-0.46781.64.33248
HO840003286536616OCD MAKEOVER RAE 7995-ET 250112.3PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 830.071300.19359792.794.2-
HO840003286698639CHERRYPENCOL 1014 H 7845-ET 241212.1COOKIECUTTER HANSEL-ET 660.141220.33319782.597.00.812.
HO840003292511696PEAK 80311-ET 250112.7PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 950.131550.30423772.864.1-0.95.4-1.10.790.97-0.13-1.10761.84.23248
HO840003292511742PEAK 80357-ET 250112.6PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 780.071420.26372782.804.20.44.2-0.21.582.220.33-0.93762.55.63248
HO840003296172136CLEAR-ECHO FRIDAY 6606-ET 241212.1OCD OVERDO FRIDAY-ET 850.101390.25384782.695.50.58.1-
HO840003272862186PEAK 801283-ET 250112.4PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 730.141490.40354782.764.2-
HO840003296973667 241212.6CLEAR-ECHO SSI OR STATON-ET 690.121500.40353782.664.8-0.97.5-1.12.332.110.400.02772.05.03247
HO840003286698668CHERRY-ACRES 7008 M 7874-ET 250112.9PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 790.091650.36387782.914.10.55.1-
HO840003287133171 250112.9OCD THORSON DARTH VADER-ET 680.031340.22359782.866.
HO840003288488840DGRT SHEEPSTER 15334-ET 240712.8OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 850.121260.23358802.886.
HO840003291665072RUANN CALIBE FLANE-46091-ET 241114.4DEWGOOD HIGH CALIBER-ET 660.111400.36348782.487.22.511.00.00.981.470.13-0.82771.54.23246
HO840003228994994 241012.7OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 630.161470.47331792.875.
HO840003270397698 250112.0BEYOND LETCHWORTH GIANT-ET 680.091470.35378782.815.8-0.28.5-0.91.791.820.90-0.64771.64.23245
HO840003274830851PEN-COL PASSION 1329-ET 241212.6PEN-COL PASSION-ET 620.131220.33313782.617.92.410.61.51.371.880.85-0.80772.64.93245
HO840003274870087 241212.8S-S-I OVERDO MCCLUNE-ET 810.081190.18345782.757.
HO840003272862179PEAK 801276-ET 250112.2PEAK ALTAMAKEOVER-ET 830.091400.25395772.905.
HO840003283599578 250113.0OCD HAYK SANBORN-ET 660.111190.27290792.756.71.912.52.21.611.830.750.59772.44.63244
HO840003272862175PEAK 801272-ET 250112.9PEAK CASIMIRO-ET 750.181160.32301782.655.92.911.
HO840003287941730KINGS-RANSOM HAZ DAZZARD-ET 241213.0T-SPRUCE HAZZARD-ET 600.121360.39333782.716.
HO840003290935693COOKIECUTTER HOMEDE-ET 250212.4BEYOND LETCHWORTH GIANT-ET 600.161450.47335782.665.10.28.7-0.21.982.100.76-0.19771.53.43243
HO840003292510817PEAK 20931-ET 250112.9PEAK ALTAZEROGRAVITY-ET 600.141090.30295772.418.53.713.
HO840003296157146OCD KARL LORALIE 25146-ET 250113.3BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 930.081360.18383782.845.5-0.26.1-
HO840003290935622COOKIECUTTER KM HOGBABY-ET 250113.3BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 560.121170.33297782.507.91.711.42.61.411.980.42-0.72772.14.93242
HO840003291195189BRANDT-VIEW KNGM LIBERTY-ET 250112.7OCD KAHN KINGDOM-ET 690.091110.21308782.687.
HO840003295083735AURORA KNACK 27728-ET 250112.9BEYOND FIGARO KNACK-ET 810.101260.22359782.755.5-
HO840003296576483BEYOND KARL HOMILET 9104-ET 250113.3BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 790.101440.30374792.694.6-
HO840003287657380ADAWAY LOATZER 4121-ET 250113.4ADAWAY KAHN LOATZER-ET 770.121360.31389782.675.71.38.7-
HO840003296019666 250212.2AURORA HOWLAND-P-ET 760.101350.28370782.925.
HO840003296186053 241213.6BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 770.091200.20344782.656.
HO840003296186070 250112.5BEYOND LETCHWORTH GIANT-ET 670.101370.33368782.765.61.310.2-0.41.762.040.56-1.56772.14.33241
HO840003296334249SDG-PH 2785 KARL 9010-ET 250112.8BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 740.081230.22335782.715.
HO840003258179368 250113.4DENOVO 20256 ROSCO-P-ET 650.101270.31332782.746.
HO840003286172216SDG 1332 KARL 1618-ET 250113.3BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 780.081300.23353782.795.
HO840003286536585OCD GIANT RAE 7964-ET 241212.1BEYOND LETCHWORTH GIANT-ET 700.091340.29320792.685.1-0.28.6-0.32.412.140.680.45782.34.03240
HO840003290935691COOKIECUTTER PRI HAOLINI-ET 250213.3PEAK PRIMERO-ET 640.061330.28339782.536.50.38.9-0.21.752.230.93-0.86763.15.23240
HO840003291622960 250112.8BERRYRIDGE SSI KARL-ET 760.141450.36356782.664.9-
HO840003299409560 241212.7GENOSOURCE JAYLON-ET 770.081320.24354792.715.

SexTech Dominates March Genomic Rankings

SexTech dominates elite bull rankings, controlling 6 of the top 10 GTPI sires.

Executive Summary

The March 2025 genomic evaluations reveal SexTech’s unprecedented dominance, controlling 31% of bulls over 3250 GTPI and 7 of the top 10 positions, including the two highest-ranking sires at 3411 and 3408 GTPI. This concentration of genetic control coincides with premium pricing for elite bulls whose genetic merit is based solely on predictions rather than proven performance, with most top bulls born just 2-3 months ago.

Key Takeaways

  • Market Concentration Alert: SexTech now controls 31% of bulls over 3250 GTPI and 7 of the top 10 positions, raising concerns about long-term market competition and pricing dynamics.
  • Genetic Turnover Trap: Seven of the top 10 bulls were born in January 2025, just 2-3 months ago, illustrating how today’s elite genetics quickly become tomorrow’s average offerings.

The March genomic evaluations reveal an uncomfortable truth: SexTech now controls six of the top ten positions in the GTPI® rankings, including the two highest bulls in the breed, 3411 and 3408 GTPI. As semen prices for these genetic unicorns continue to rise, dairy producers must ask whether they’re investing in genuine improvement or funding the next round of an increasingly concentrated genetic monopoly.

The New Genetic Aristocracy: A Power Shift in Holstein Breeding

The March 2025 genomic rankings reveal a clear hierarchy in the Holstein genetics business. SexTech’s commanding presence at the top of the rankings isn’t just impressive – it’s potentially concerning for industry competition. Their leading bull (HO840003289278542) at 3411 GTPI and his stablemate (HO840003289278547) at 3408 GTPI give the company a stranglehold on the very pinnacle of Holstein genetics.

Select Sires maintains relevance with SSI-SIEMERS 51801 at 3401 GTPI, securing the third position, while INSEME has placed one bull in the top 10. The distribution of bulls with GTPI values exceeding 3250 shows a significant concentration among a few companies:

AI CompanyBulls Over 3250 GTPIPercentageBulls in Top 10
Select Sires3722%2

This concentration of genetic control should alarm producers concerned about long-term market competition. When one company commands nearly a third of elite genetics, what happens to pricing structures and producer choices in the coming years?

Registration NumberNameRequesterNAAB codeBirth Date
HO840003289278542 SexTech 250112.086183472782.984.
HO840003289278547 SexTech 250112.681182416782.726.
HO840003288816461 SSI-SIEMERS 51801 Select 250112.084132361782.648.02.511.70.81.941.930.47-0.06761.33.93401
HO840003283226958 SexTech 250213.076164400782.866.31.911.
HO840003296334303 SIMPLE-DREAMS 9064 Select 250212.192147409782.677.73.511.8-0.61.331.260.16-0.49761.74.33389
HO840003283146065 OCD DAYTONA FEARLESS-ET SexTech 241212.891149418782.835.8-
HO840003285652576 OCD JAYLON LIVERPOOL-ET SexTech 241212.891157422782.695.5-
HO840003293804502 SexTech 250112.486153389782.995.
HO840003289278511 INSEME 250112.785167436783.004.9-
HO840003283226871 SexTech 250112.679159398782.806.
HO840003293770474 ABS 250112.078153355782.896.
HO840003296157167 OCD BREAKAGE FLIP-ET SexTech 250112.293157424782.954.7-
HO840003303093789 SexTech 250112.391173454782.735.1-0.15.1-0.20.541.34-0.37-1.96761.94.33377
HO840003252546477 551HO06568 INSEME 241212.290148406782.826.
HO840003252546468 INSEME 241212.189151410782.885.5-
HO840003285652612 OCD JAYLON LOGO-ET SexTech 241212.889162444782.724.6-
HO840003292511793 PEAK 80408-ET PEAK 250112.581180427782.794.
HO840003290467815 PEAK PHOTONIC-ET PEAK 250112.381164423772.805.41.48.1-0.21.601.670.09-0.82762.44.83371
HO840003288847284 Select 241212.185130365782.598.02.611.00.91.561.730.070.03762.23.83370
HO840003293804470 OCD MILE HIGH FLY-ET SexTech 250112.876152380782.825.
HO840003256965317 Select 250112.391123363782.637.94.413.31.41.361.150.03-0.45762.04.03368
HO840003293804479 Select 250112.392139379782.774.9-0.48.8-0.22.512.220.25-0.31762.24.33368
HO840003303093836 SexTech 250212.882168442782.885.6-
HO840003256965309 Select 250112.891146379782.596.60.38.8-
HO840003283226894 SexTech 250112.694172470782.915.
HO840003297710215 SexTech 250112.790157426782.955.2-
HO840003283226897 SexTech 250111.785144372782.705.
HO840003288816111 SSI-SIEMERS 51451 Select 250112.685132366792.577.30.913.00.61.911.93-0.13-0.04772.44.93363
HO840003252546482 INSEME 241211.695161433782.815.0-
HO840003252546495 INSEME 241212.895159435783.015.0-0.34.0-0.11.661.460.21-1.48761.85.23360
HO840003285785853 INSEME 250112.487151402782.935.31.77.2-0.31.752.130.43-1.53772.15.03360
HO840003252546498 INSEME 241212.684172434782.884.
HO840003296157149 OCD MILE HIGH MACHO-ET SexTech 250112.275145364782.726.
HO840003252546610 SexTech 250113.095156448782.935.11.26.9-
HO840003256965311 Select 250112.284127356782.657.
HO840003293804500 SexTech 250112.690164466783.
HO840003296157119 OAKFIELD HOLY-P ROOSTER-ET Select 250112.378117319802.686.72.710.
HO840003283226667 INSEME 241212.468146355782.727.
HO840003289278529 INSEME 250112.495152444782.975.41.23.3-
HO840003299812051 OCD BREAKAGE LONDON-ET SexTech 250113.087144412782.846.
HO840003252546642 SexTech 250112.880165424782.845.
HO840003283145923 SexTech 241112.698149407783.044.5-1.52.6-
HO840003283226858 INSEME 250112.285161439782.866.
HO840003287659520 SSI-DUCKETT 8902 Select 241112.283137377782.687.21.613.
HO840003296157135 OCD BREAKAGE FRENCHFRY-ET SexTech 250112.181170423782.904.40.26.9-0.11.361.490.09-0.99771.94.03346
HO840003283226866 INSEME 250112.481153402782.855.
HO840003290467823 PEAK 558138-ET PEAK 250112.693167441782.804.4-0.36.0-
HO840003291039838 AURORA 1648 Select 250111.473145361782.657.
HO840003292510834 PEAK 20948-ET PEAK 250113.084146399782.666.41.110.1-0.21.571.730.19-0.71772.65.63343
HO840003283226683 INSEME 241211.683166434782.895.
HO840003283146034 OCD DAYTONA LEGEND-ET SexTech 241212.790155414783.
HO840003292511759 PEAK 80374-ET PEAK 250112.283150390782.665.
HO840003283226862 INSEME 250112.484171417782.924.5-0.65.3-0.21.471.530.14-0.83772.15.53337
HO840003283226870 SexTech 250112.274153381782.835.
HO840003283226909 SexTech 250112.889149409782.816.
HO840003288959790 Select 250112.286127359782.816.
HO840003272937239 COOKIECUTTER 92552-ET PEAK 250112.877139368782.645.91.89.3-0.51.832.510.49-0.62761.93.83334
HO840003292511713 PEAK 80328-ET PEAK 250111.983166400782.793.1-0.37.0-0.91.981.670.600.14762.24.53334
HO840003252546519 SexTech 241212.681156416782.906.
HO840003252546647 SexTech 250112.772150381782.687.
HO840003293804466 OCD MILE HIGH MONDAY-ET SexTech 250112.881135363782.736.
HO840003288959791 Select 250112.774140344782.786.
HO840003283145990 SexTech 241212.490168462782.924.90.27.8-
HO840003283226798 INSEME 250111.985132372782.906.
HO840003285652634 OCD DRUMROLL FLY-ET SexTech 250111.787167406782.883.3-2.74.1-
HO840003290467791 PEAK 558106-ET PEAK 250113.083140379772.595.
HO840003296576440 SSI-DUCKETT 9061 Select 241212.082114335782.697.
HO840003252546711 SexTech 250212.479153377782.816.32.58.0-0.11.421.870.15-0.41762.64.83326
HO840003288860639 ABS 250112.389143378782.935.81.29.6-0.71.881.521.260.45762.73.93326
HO840003288959764 Select 250111.567141349782.855.
HO840003283146018 OCD DAYTONA FREEDOM-ET SexTech 241212.385144376782.995.
HO840003289278509 INSEME 250112.786159435782.786.
HO840003301144526 SexTech 250111.770151384782.577.
HO840003252546469 INSEME 241212.176150378782.697.
HO840003283226820 INSEME 250113.082150397782.924.4-
HO840003289278578 INSEME 250112.074163370782.675.0-
HO840003293804412 OCD HOWLAND-P LUNAR-ET Select 250112.185133366782.846.
HO840003285652548 OCD DARTH VADR LEOPARD-ET SexTech 241213.080154425782.796.
HO840003287659483 SSI-DUCKETT 8865 Select 241112.486143374782.805.
HO840003289278587 INSEME 250112.283163427782.834.80.55.2-
HO840003296576484 SSI-DUCKETT 9105 Select 250112.987138381782.665.4-
HO840003282344343 GenVis 241212.294158417782.954.1-1.04.4-1.31.691.960.46-1.05772.45.33320
HO840003285785856 INSEME 250112.292137379782.894.90.05.7-
HO840003267545688 ABS 241212.875146388782.785.
HO840003283226813 INSEME 250112.681148384782.745.51.56.7-0.41.551.930.48-0.74772.34.33319
HO840003283226864 INSEME 250111.478153387783.
HO840003252546525 SexTech 250111.888171461783.014.3-
HO840003285538627 KINGS-RANSOM HOLE 51177-ET HO 241212.281153387782.815.
HO840003290468685 PEAK 559000-ET PEAK 250112.088150418782.656.3-0.212.3-0.60.971.20-0.19-2.13762.63.93317
HO840003283226940 SexTech 250212.678152411782.716.
HO840003296157147 SexTech 250112.780130357782.746.72.810.
HO840003303093825 SexTech 250211.584165443782.786.
HO840003252546728 SexTech 250211.980148382782.775.
HO840003283226831 INSEME 250112.877146378782.805.
HO840003283226921 SexTech 250212.680166431782.944.6-1.32.8-0.21.581.730.03-1.72772.34.33315
HO840003288860638 ABS 250112.394139386782.964.90.48.6-
HO840003272407324 HILMAR 1582 Select 241011.677164397782.796.20.79.0-
HO840003288959789 Select 250113.388133368782.715.0-
HO840003289306106 DENOVO 23891 BESTBUY-ET ABS 250112.485144403782.637.
HO840003292511772 PEAK 80387-ET PEAK 250112.272148391782.636.10.87.7-0.71.522.580.26-1.75762.15.03314
HO840003256965323 Select 250112.285139370782.785.
HO840003303093790 SexTech 250112.498162452782.885.0-1.05.7-
HO840003283226791 SexTech 250112.495172444783.
HO840003289278517 INSEME 250112.494153428782.984.3-0.71.8-1.21.851.860.31-1.27762.04.13312
HO840003293804491 OCD 73095-ET PEAK 250112.488156435783.
HO840003295448061 PEAK 3177-ET PEAK 250112.476150393772.676.
HO840003252546329 INSEME 241212.879149399782.815.70.36.4-0.41.591.760.92-1.95772.04.43311
HO840003252546574 SexTech 250112.476148366782.755.
HO840003252546616 INSEME 250112.087146420782.856.
HO840003289306130 DENOVO 23915 BUSINESS-ET ABS 250112.879147406782.796.
HO840003283226832 INSEME 250111.892146422782.886.
HO840003285538643 KINGR 51193 Select 250112.888159400783.014.5-0.27.6-0.41.721.38-0.02-0.61772.03.53310
HO840003292511753 PEAK 80368-ET PEAK 250112.273168399782.784.4-
HO840003252546529 SexTech 250112.687139404782.816.
HO840003283226803 INSEME 250112.492146414782.846.11.66.2-0.50.951.330.22-1.52761.74.33308
HO840003285785843 INSEME 241212.384144385782.884.9-
HO840003296334287 SIMPLE-DREAMS 9048 Select 250112.384130378782.707.
HO840003297860403 ABS 250111.474150401782.706.
HO840003298083557 SIMPLE-DREAMS 8711 Select 250112.567126338782.567.
HO840003252546507 INSEME 241212.292155443782.865.0-
HO840003288860637 ABS 250111.794141392782.925.
HO840003291039819 AURORA 1629 Select 241212.390142402782.815.7-
HO840003292511757 PEAK 80372-ET PEAK 250112.393152409782.853.9-0.85.2-0.61.521.540.39-0.79762.24.73307
HO840003296576530 SSI-DUCKETT 9151 Select 250112.576125327782.667.
HO840003272407321 HILMAR 1579 Select 241012.274132333792.696.61.910.
HO840003283226841 INSEME 250112.480148374782.944.2-
HO840003285652606 SexTech 241212.678152389782.875.
HO840003290467832 PEAK 558147-ET PEAK 250112.588158413772.754.7-0.47.1-
HO840003298083559 SIMPLE-DREAMS 8713 Select 250111.882126358782.706.
HO840003288816099 SSI-SIEMERS 51439 Select 250112.1102142409792.894.7-0.25.4-1.01.681.85-0.54-0.49772.44.43305
HO840003293804463 OCD MILE HIGH FREEZE-ET SexTech 250112.166132324782.815.
HO840003285652585 OCD JAYLON FANG-ET SexTech 241212.285168422782.933.6-
HO840003288816489 SSI-SIEMERS 51829 Select 250111.785158385782.824.50.610.0-0.91.691.560.07-0.13762.15.03304
HO840003295448064 PEAK MAKEOVER 3180-ET PEAK 250112.589154430772.915.
HO840003303093839 SexTech 250213.275126326782.767.42.611.02.11.451.320.420.09771.62.73304
HO840003283226823 INSEME 250112.977131323782.736.
HO840003283226838 INSEME 250112.475160383782.835.
HO840003289278541 SexTech 250112.198159452783.074.8-0.21.8-0.30.781.45-0.46-2.20772.25.33303
HO840003296576496 SSI-DUCKETT 9117 Select 250112.074133369782.877.
HO840003272407317 HILMAR 1575 Select 241012.374123333782.737.30.810.52.31.591.840.24-0.23762.24.23302
HO840003272937235 COOKIECUTTER 92548 Semex 250112.977132347782.716.
HO840003283145816 OCD JACKHAMMER SUNDOWN-ET Select 241112.688143398782.885.
HO840003288816481 SIEMERS 51821 Select 250111.982131376782.795.
HO840003289278590 INSEME 250112.071143361782.617.
HO840003291256657 LA CASA DE LECHE 15192-ET PEAK 241213.273135363782.636.
HO840003296157159 SexTech 250112.378162401782.994.5-
HOUSA000145760645 MELON-PATCH HOP GRAHAM-ET HO 241212.773133313782.765.
HO840003255654203 ABS 241212.886139376782.865.
HO840003289278560 SexTech 250112.073140349782.686.31.310.20.71.691.620.28-0.74771.43.43301
HO840003289278582 INSEME 250112.987166435782.845.50.86.7-0.80.440.990.12-1.93761.84.33301
HO840003290468713 PEAK 559028-ET PEAK 250213.181156430772.894.
HO840003293804457 SexTech 250112.879159421782.966.
HO840003297858071 SIMPLE-DREAMS 378 Select 250112.771116295782.697.02.712.
HO840003288847287 Select 241211.993121371782.636.
HO840003289278596 SexTech 250112.293158438782.825.41.75.3-0.10.380.63-0.13-2.06762.04.63300
HO840003252546490 INSEME 241212.082146410782.835.3-
HO840003252546512 SexTech 241212.387144430782.896.
HO840003285652641 Select 250112.186143370782.856.
HO840003299327665 PEAK 40402-ET PEAK 250112.681158403772.944.
HO840003283226855 INSEME 250112.174138375782.877.
HO840003283226941 SexTech 250212.778160403783.004.3-
HO840003288816529 SIEMERS 51869 Select 250112.670143383782.676.93.810.31.90.580.87-0.11-1.04761.93.63297
HO840003289278531 INSEME 250112.594178454783.042.6-4.01.0-1.11.611.220.12-0.95772.65.43297
HO840003272937267 Select 250211.980146391782.675.
HO840003283226784 SexTech 250112.185139390782.816.
HO840003283226811 INSEME 250113.278157378782.735.30.87.3-0.21.331.74-0.24-0.46762.44.23296
HO840003285652574 OCD JAYLON FINLAND-ET SexTech 241212.391159429782.874.50.01.8-1.11.621.320.30-1.48772.55.43296
HO840003291039844 AURORA 1654 Select 250111.279150360782.614.70.011.8-0.91.881.440.890.40772.04.43296
HO840003283146063 OCD DAYTONA FREEZEY-ET SexTech 241212.286144366782.805.1-
HO840003285785844 INSEME 241212.494152413782.944.1-1.14.6-0.71.341.960.03-1.11772.45.53295
HO840003290467777 PEAK 558092-ET PEAK 250113.386142385772.904.30.87.0-0.21.521.750.79-0.08761.83.83295
HO840003290468711 PEAK 559026-ET PEAK 250213.272143373782.587.02.610.
HO840003295448080 PEAK 3196-ET PEAK 250112.878120332782.706.91.713.72.11.301.240.520.31761.43.23295
HO840003296157030 OCD OH-MY RAYBAN-ET Select 241212.079129359782.726.61.511.60.51.471.770.42-0.78772.53.33295
HO840003299812054 OCD BREAKAGE LIMA-ET SexTech 250112.681164420782.885.30.25.2-
HO840003303093842 SexTech 250212.485142392782.964.
HO840003289278554 SexTech 250112.288152390782.915.0-
HO840003296576545 SSI-DUCKETT 9166 Select 250112.673125317782.608.03.312.81.41.391.720.170.81762.04.83294
HO840003282344325 GenVis 241212.595148421783.004.5-0.74.1-0.51.551.66-0.09-1.52762.34.73293
HO840003283226819 INSEME 250112.074137358782.697.
HO840003283226951 SexTech 250212.683150402782.805.50.77.9-1.01.581.630.19-1.06762.43.83293
HO840003290467838 PEAK 558153-ET PEAK 250112.480154374772.854.1-
HO840003295448056 PEAK 3172-ET PEAK 250113.284162431772.885.
HO840003285538160 AR-JOY CU SHPSTER MISTER-ET HO 241111.581135356792.795.3-0.311.0-0.31.881.701.58-0.18791.94.13292
HO840003296576508 SSI-DUCKETT 9129 Select 250112.372121323782.747.
HO840003303093826 SexTech 250212.683140387782.825.
HO840003252546473 INSEME 241212.285155385782.726.1-
HO840003285785848 INSEME 241212.077142389782.616.
HO840003290467795 PEAK 558110-ET PEAK 250112.495165446772.954.3-0.34.7-0.20.680.63-0.56-1.06762.23.73291
HO840003258179374 ABS 250112.573129327782.716.01.513.
HO840003252546492 INSEME 241212.075136371782.886.
HO840003272407322 HILMAR 1580 Select 241012.370130340782.507.
HO840003283146054 OCD DAYTONA LITHIUM-ET SexTech 241212.594160449783.
HO840003288959777 Select 250112.867134319782.626.
HO840003288959798 Select 250113.468120306782.637.22.711.51.91.821.960.53-0.10772.44.03289
HO840003283226847 INSEME 250112.675155370782.656.01.58.6-0.71.451.580.15-0.43762.44.33288
HO840003288959801 Select 250112.289111331782.757.
HO840003252546617 INSEME 250112.571125308792.815.
HO840003252546639 SexTech 250113.267108329782.757.
HO840003288815208 SIEMERS 50548 Zoetis 241113.259106274782.498.
HO840003291039837 AURORA 1647 Select 250111.287128350782.856.
HO840003292511767 PEAK 80382-ET PEAK 250112.282150399772.815.
HO840003294618692 AOT 1132 Select 250112.474131328782.616.50.511.00.91.871.730.240.41771.83.63287
HO840003252546483 INSEME 241212.576145392782.796.
HO840003283226770 INSEME 250112.683127354782.746.
HO840003293804425 OCD DAYTONA LEADER-ET SexTech 250112.184154422783.004.6-
HO840003296576435 SSI-DUCKETT 9056 Select 241212.475125355782.666.
HO840003283226825 INSEME 250112.383172430782.775.31.19.1-
HO840003288816407 SIEMERS 51747 Select 250112.584123344782.756.
HO840003288959786 Select 250112.485126338782.706.10.510.70.51.761.660.68-0.04762.44.83285
HO840003252546503 INSEME 241212.386145373782.885.
HO840003252546562 SexTech 250112.374140355782.815.
HO840003252546630 INSEME 250112.873146385782.636.
HO840003283226816 INSEME 250112.494137385782.884.
HO840003288816146 SSI-SIEMERS 51486 Select 250112.172134334782.735.
HO840003290468712 PEAK 559027-ET PEAK 250213.181168398782.864.4-1.56.4-0.51.651.200.00-0.40762.34.93284
HO840003303093816 SexTech 250213.171142362782.915.
HO840003282344217 GenVis 241112.569158397782.835.
HO840003283226685 INSEME 241212.478151416782.796.
HO840003283226923 SexTech 250212.172126361782.747.
HO840003289306131 DENOVO 23916 LAMPOON-ET ABS 250113.186132381782.795.3-0.38.3-0.61.921.850.54-0.85761.83.13283
HO840003290467783 PEAK 558098-ET PEAK 250112.294142423772.815.
HO840003292511814 PEAK 80429-ET PEAK 250112.784151383782.874.3-0.76.2-0.81.871.990.32-0.37762.15.03283
HO840003293804467 SexTech 250113.382133368782.845.
HO840003297721043 HILMAR HI-NOTE 1609-ET Semex 241212.185146382782.774.6-1.85.4-
HO840003272937248 COOKIECUTTER 92561 Semex 250112.575110301782.637.21.813.11.91.742.250.26-0.01772.04.83282
HO840003283146029 OCD DAYTONA LIMBER-ET SexTech 241212.582152405783.
HO840003290468702 PEAK 559017-ET PEAK 250212.164141325772.656.
HO840003283226794 INSEME 250112.384127366782.836.
HO840003283226818 INSEME 250111.985149395782.934.
HO840003283226861 INSEME 250111.980132351782.855.
HO840003283146036 OCD DAYTONA FALLOUT-ET SexTech 241212.197147420783.094.3-1.24.5-0.11.341.280.06-1.15772.03.93280
HO840003288816067 SSI-SIEMERS 51407 Select 250111.482133339782.884.3-
HO840003288816145 SSI-SIEMERS 51485 Select 250112.190133361782.805.90.08.7-0.41.811.560.340.84761.53.93280
HO840003288816295 SIEMERS 51635 Select 250112.683140350782.784.0-0.77.0-1.32.672.150.940.23761.63.93280
HO840003288959758 Select 250111.779118326782.865.
HO840003292510818 PEAK 20932-ET PEAK 250112.487148417772.924.
HO840003292511725 PEAK 80340-ET PEAK 250111.674165415782.864.
HO840003303093817 SexTech 250211.971144372782.825.
HO840003289278539 SexTech 250112.471138356782.716.
HO840003283226809 SexTech 250112.693149436782.885.
HO840003283226930 SexTech 250212.264144335782.747.
HO840003288816477 SIEMERS 51817 Select 250113.173146379782.945.
HO840003289278506 INSEME 250112.190144384782.815.20.06.9-
HO840003292511744 PEAK 80359-ET PEAK 250112.971153391782.835.
HO840003293804421 OAKFIELD HOLY-P RALLY-ET Select 250111.369129319802.825.
HO840003299905162 COOKIECUTTER 34838-ET PEAK 250112.181125363782.855.
HO840003252546465 INSEME 241212.369139348782.597.
HO840003283226863 INSEME 250112.578135340782.885.
HO840003296157125 OCD 25125-ET PEAK 250112.375133353782.635.
HO840003299812049 SexTech 250112.589151427782.875.
HO840003252546497 INSEME 241212.186127360782.796.
HO840003283146066 OCD OH-MY EVERREADY-ET Select 241212.577132357782.736.62.911.20.41.371.70-0.11-0.38772.13.73276
HO840003286698667 CHERRYPENCOL 1046 M 7873-ET PEAK 250112.480165421782.854.20.56.4-
HO840003292511700 PEAK 80315-ET PEAK 250111.784149402782.675.
HO840003283226765 INSEME 250111.978159388782.885.
HO840003290467831 PEAK 558146-ET PEAK 250112.464135318782.557.83.711.
HO840003292511706 PEAK 80321-ET PEAK 250112.583144363782.716.00.810.
HO840003293804501 SexTech 250112.874150398782.965.
HO840003303093805 SexTech 250212.879139383782.816.
HO840003288816297 SSI-SIEMERS 51637 Select 250112.293140382782.765.6-
HO840003289278549 SexTech 250112.488164433782.875.1-
HO840003289278550 SexTech 250111.974156391782.784.
HO840003283226697 SexTech 241213.083139381782.785.3-
HO840003283226877 SexTech 250112.096165447782.935.50.64.4-1.00.340.63-0.22-1.45762.65.13273
HO840003288816348 SSI-SIEMERS 51688 Select 250112.388115357792.905.
HO840003290467829 PEAK 558144-ET PEAK 250112.881149375772.625.
HO840003292511785 PEAK 80400-ET PEAK 250111.681166400782.861.9-0.94.9-0.91.751.470.650.12762.24.43273
HO840003296576441 SSI-DUCKETT 9062 Select 241212.376115323782.617.51.310.81.51.441.710.900.04762.14.63273
HO840003283226928 SexTech 250211.175151353782.914.5-0.55.9-
HO840003286883770 PENN-ENGLAND LEHIGH 2057-ET Select 241211.673141341782.964.
HO840003288816530 SSI-SIEMERS 51870 Select 250111.783143377782.745.
HO840003289278535 INSEME 250112.187132377782.895.30.76.3-0.41.602.140.60-1.52771.95.03272
HO840003290467805 PEAK 558120-ET PEAK 250112.985125343782.836.
HO840003290467833 PEAK 558148-ET PEAK 250113.689156405772.785.31.48.4-0.50.780.64-0.27-0.06762.03.93272
HO840003296157136 SexTech 250112.491159422783.004.0-
HO840003252546595 INSEME 250112.284140426782.905.
HO840003252546641 SexTech 250111.981122359782.796.
HO840003280699664 HILMAR CASTING 40304-ET Semex 241010.984126351782.845.
HO840003283146011 SexTech 241212.184145381782.904.8-0.25.6-0.41.691.660.62-0.68772.14.23271
HO840003283226804 INSEME 250112.483135374782.916.
HO840003283226844 INSEME 250112.665145325782.895.
HO840003283226954 SexTech 250212.471142369782.727.
HO840003288847322 LARSON 3132 Select 250112.276138365792.874.
HO840003291039828 AURORA 1638 Select 250112.070127353782.706.11.010.1-
HO840003292511837 PEAK 80452-ET PEAK 250212.581137364782.665.
HO840003209805810 Zoetis 250112.580128374782.726.60.910.80.01.481.900.17-1.41771.94.73270
HO840003252546623 INSEME 250111.972131339782.676.82.610.
HO840003272945320 INSEME 241212.174140368792.905.
HO840003288959794 Select 250112.478125328782.696.
HO840003290467784 PEAK 558099-ET PEAK 250112.181163409772.834.62.07.8-
HO840003290468700 PEAK 559015-ET PEAK 250212.875139371782.667.73.312.20.80.560.98-0.38-0.99761.63.43270
HO840003282922990 FUST 328 Select 241112.770103288782.627.11.611.82.02.422.340.86-0.10762.15.73269
HO840003283146087 OCD HOWLAND-P RACER-ET Select 250112.472127339792.537.
HO840003288816317 SIEMERS 51657 Select 250111.279139350782.735.30.610.10.11.811.250.780.29761.54.53269
HO840003291039834 AURORA 1644 Select 250112.276134338782.645.20.611.5-0.21.821.800.950.45772.04.33269
HO840003292511559 PEAK 80174-ET PEAK 241212.372130325772.577.32.913.
HO840003289278553 SexTech 250112.689141412783.053.8-
HO840003289278585 INSEME 250111.885149425783.
HO840003292511811 PEAK 80426-ET PEAK 250111.973155395772.704.4-
HO840003303093828 SexTech 250211.766139345782.595.7-
HO840003289278525 INSEME 250112.479136377782.936.
HO840003289306091 ABS 250113.882138403782.687.62.37.3-0.60.761.200.15-1.82761.73.33266
HO840003290467828 PEAK 558143-ET PEAK 250112.779132342772.755.
HO840003290468695 PEAK 559010-ET PEAK 250212.890154415772.864.1-1.45.9-
HO840003272937270 Select 250211.776127369782.746.
HO840003285652598 SexTech 241212.476156402782.935.
HO840003288816216 SIEMERS 51556 Select 250112.873146369782.825.
HO840003288816548 SIEMERS 51888 Select 250212.770117337782.587.93.711.61.80.901.69-0.05-1.12762.03.43265
HO840003290467803 PEAK 558118-ET PEAK 250112.765138351782.656.
HO840003296157163 Select 250112.589120357782.755.4-
HO840003285652593 SexTech 241213.489135386782.935.
HO840003288860636 ABS 241212.684136386782.855.82.69.2-0.41.361.350.45-1.35762.54.23264
HO840003289278562 SexTech 250111.674125342782.646.
HO840003290467812 PEAK 558127-ET PEAK 250111.991148400782.894.3-0.36.0-2.01.741.740.74-0.82762.04.73264
HO840003292511746 PEAK 80361-ET PEAK 250112.680154403782.775.
HO840003252546653 SexTech 250111.977132360782.816.
HO840003256965294 Select 250112.875120331782.687.
HO840003283146039 OCD MADRID-P LANYARD-ET Select 241212.073144347782.726.91.811.70.40.961.350.460.20762.15.03263
HO840003289278584 INSEME 250112.986151423782.875.
HO840003295448058 PEAK MAKEOVER 3174-ET PEAK 250111.982152423772.675.50.07.6-1.00.841.26-0.01-2.31762.03.93263
HO840003272937252 Select 250112.581112355782.536.82.311.1-0.11.752.08-0.04-1.11762.23.93262
HO840003283226953 SexTech 250212.981145373782.805.2-
HO840003286698617 CHERRY-ACRES 1132 I 7823-ET PEAK 241212.269144351782.635.90.99.6-0.21.901.610.460.54772.14.53262
HO840003288959762 840003288959762-ET Select 250112.675128322782.695.
HO840003290467810 PEAK 558125-ET PEAK 250112.263134323782.617.
HO840003290467785 PEAK 558100-ET PEAK 250112.790163420772.863.40.25.1-0.80.980.770.06-0.89762.34.53261
HO840003290467797 PEAK 558112-ET PEAK 250113.676127347772.715.
HO840003291039814 AURORA 1624 Select 241212.486109338782.815.
HO840003012575713 INSEME 241212.275138334782.765.
HO840003252546633 INSEME 250112.465120310782.677.23.510.31.91.551.800.60-0.02761.94.23260
HO840003252546635 SexTech 250111.668127322782.666.51.910.41.71.441.620.410.44761.73.83260
HO840003272937262 Select 250211.983106329782.847.
HO840003283226787 INSEME 250111.672141369782.905.
HO840003289278591 INSEME 250112.272152421782.725.
HO840003291256712 LA CASA DE LECHE 15247-ET PEAK 250112.668132360782.795.
HO840003292511723 PEAK 80338-ET PEAK 250112.772148387782.904.
HO840003283226929 SexTech 250212.978140355782.806.
HO840003283226950 SexTech 250212.083135374782.696.11.49.3-
HO840003290467818 PEAK 558133-ET PEAK 250111.986151387782.854.10.67.2-0.61.641.370.08-0.26763.05.73259
HO840003292511758 PEAK 80373-ET PEAK 250112.189174435772.883.8-0.85.6-1.70.800.95-0.27-1.33762.04.33259
HO840003303093829 SexTech 250212.684152407782.905.20.55.8-
HO840003283226851 INSEME 250111.992162418782.914.7-0.76.9-0.40.750.70-0.56-0.72762.24.73258
HO840003288959795 Select 250111.977130322782.895.
HO840003292511821 PEAK 80436-ET PEAK 250112.166136347782.697.
HO840003295448068 PEAK 3184-ET PEAK 250111.876142361772.556.60.811.
HO840003296157113 OCD FRIDAY SUNDAY 25113-ET HO 250112.078150397782.824.7-
HO840003296157145 OCD FRIDAY SOY 24145-ET HO 250112.063144343782.794.1-
HO840003272937246 Select 250112.365139374782.696.
HO840003283146089 Select 250112.081128340782.776.
HO840003283226771 INSEME 250112.668128318782.586.
HO840003283226890 SexTech 250112.185124372782.826.
HO840003285538642 KINGR 51192 Select 250112.684138383782.865.11.28.5-1.21.931.700.40-1.21772.43.83257
HO840003288816772 SSI-SIEMERS 52112 Select 250212.078139362782.865.1-
HO840003289278598 SexTech 250112.788155432783.023.9-0.12.9-
HO840003290468698 PEAK 559013-ET PEAK 250213.267143349782.855.
HO840003293804455 Select 250112.888130381782.696.22.08.8-0.31.351.080.18-0.58762.04.43257
HO840003226978900 Zoetis 241213.274129350782.806.
HO840003283226671 INSEME 241212.581152401782.995.
HO840003288816534 SIEMERS 51874 Select 250112.364126324792.656.
HO840003291039812 AURORA 1622 Select 241211.969122318782.865.
HO840003295448079 PEAK 3195-ET PEAK 250113.682148393772.804.2-0.26.0-0.11.301.420.32-0.39762.24.93256
HO840003299812112 OCD 80079-ET PEAK 250112.396158444782.883.1-0.95.7-
HO840003012575717 INSEME 241212.383140369782.954.
HO840003258243894 ABS 250112.683130368782.657.
HO840003288959763 Select 250111.895141383782.795.70.711.3-0.60.600.99-0.11-0.02762.04.13255
HO840003289278573 INSEME 250111.883162429782.854.
HO840003290467788 PEAK 558103-ET PEAK 250112.590152430772.884.01.44.3-0.60.881.12-0.28-1.50762.24.43255
HO840003294635741 LADYS-MANOR KOALA 1655-ET HO 250112.676129321782.765.
HO840003295448059 PEAK 3175-ET PEAK 250113.168162404782.665.72.38.3-0.10.820.890.02-1.38762.45.23255
HO840003272937260 COOKIECUTTER 92573-ET PEAK 250112.075141346782.814.
HO840003274870065 Zoetis 241112.589123358782.896.
HO840003283226664 INSEME 241212.381151412782.894.81.05.5-0.20.971.280.41-1.93772.65.03254
HO840003283226952 SexTech 250212.774142377792.765.
HO840003288959742 Select 250112.774111313782.716.
HO840003292510825 PEAK 20939-ET PEAK 250112.773132347782.666.33.412.
HO840003297860378 ABS 241212.367163394782.806.22.48.7-0.20.940.650.71-0.61761.84.63254
HO840003283226873 SexTech 250111.791151393782.953.6-0.95.8-1.01.531.600.25-0.86772.45.03253
HO840003283226880 SexTech 250112.884141386782.905.
HO840003283226906 SexTech 250112.281126357782.945.
HO840003288816462 SIEMERS 51802 Select 250112.665134333782.565.50.17.7-
HO840003293804433 SexTech 250112.180156392782.815.40.37.7-0.80.981.46-0.07-1.05762.24.33253
HO840003296576490 SSI-DUCKETT 9111 Select 250112.181125340782.707.
HO840003296576519 SSI-DUCKETT 9140 Select 250112.684126371782.717.
HO840003272937257 COOKIECUTTER 92570-ET PEAK 250112.374141347782.686.41.911.
HO840003283226645 INSEME 241211.680131390782.856.
HO840003285652579 SexTech 241211.885155393782.933.3-1.72.9-0.31.511.510.52-0.94772.05.13252
HO840003288959783 Select 250112.970131328782.675.8-
HO840003289278574 INSEME 250112.078134344782.755.5-
HO840003252546481 INSEME 241212.272114314782.597.51.411.12.90.961.34-0.010.08761.53.73251
HO840003289278520 INSEME 250112.182145403782.896.
HO840003289278536 INSEME 250111.689136401782.765.80.87.4-
HO840003291039831 AURORA 1641 Select 250112.283105283792.586.50.411.20.12.542.270.481.17771.53.33250
HO840003291039836 AURORA 1646 Select 250111.281128345782.776.
HO840003294114912 SexTech 241112.161147348782.725.
HO840003294635728 PEN-COL OH-MY 1642-ET Select 241212.682130342782.835.81.38.5-0.51.822.060.40-0.23772.63.93250
HO840003283756849 TERRA-LINDA OH-MY 12684-ET Select 241212.872119336792.607.
HO840003288816388 SIEMERS 51728 Select 250112.778130352782.716.
HO840003288959772 Select 250112.565138347782.745.4-
HO840003289278579 INSEME 250112.365133324782.637.
HO840003291039829 AURORA 1639 Select 250112.283141340782.754.4-
HO840003292511836 PEAK 80451-ET PEAK 250211.577157398782.705.
HO840003295448082 PEAK 3198-ET PEAK 250212.385157416782.883.4-2.02.9-0.41.621.23-0.01-0.94762.24.73249
HO840003296576439 SSI-DUCKETT 9060 Select 241212.767138337782.525.5-

January 2025 TPI Genomic Young Sire Review

Discover the future of Holstein breeding in our latest genetic assessment roundup. From production powerhouses to health champions, these elite young sires are set to revolutionize dairy herds. Uncover the top performers and learn how to strategically integrate them into your breeding program for maximum genetic gain.

Holstein breed, genetic assessments, young sires, milk production, dairy structure

The January 2025 genetic evaluations have unveiled an exceptional lineup of young sires that promises to reshape the genetic landscape of the Holstein breed. 

Production Powerhouses 

The new generation of sires demonstrates remarkable production potential, with GENOSOURCE BENCHMARK-ET leading at 1777 lbs of milk. His exceptional combination of 93 kg of fat and 78 lbs of protein and an excellent udder composite of 1.74 establishes a new benchmark for well-rounded breeding. 

COOKIECUTTER 92469-ET follows with impressive credentials. It offers 1553 lbs of quality milk with solid components, including 87 lbs of fat and 78 lbs of protein. His moderate calving ease makes him particularly valuable for heifer programs, and he maintains strong fitness traits that commercial producers demand. 

Health and Fitness Focus 

A notable trend in this assessment is the emphasis on health traits. SSI-SIEMERS 50729 showcases this with an excellent Somatic Cell Score of 2.64, while PEAK 40391-ET provides a comprehensive health package with a Somatic Cell Score of 2.87 and ideal body size traits. 

Component and Type Excellence 

The GENOSOURCE prefix continues to dominate with ORDAIN-ET and ERADICATE-ET, offering exceptional component yields while maintaining health traits. Their well-developed dairy structure and medium-sized frames embody the contemporary Holstein type that commercial producers look for. 

Strategic Mating Recommendations 

Producers should prioritize complementary breeding matches to drive long-term genetic progress and enhance herd quality. Deep-bodied cows needing udder improvement will benefit from GENOSOURCE BENCHMARK-ET, while those seeking to improve herd life should consider COOKIECUTTER 92469-ET for their breeding program. 

Sire Highlights

GENOSOURCE BENCHMARK-ET stands as the current #1 GTPI sire at 3463, showcasing exceptional production potential with a remarkable milk production of 1777 lbs. His outstanding components include 93 lbs of fat and 78 lbs of protein. His Udder Composite (UDC) of 1.74 places him among the breed’s elite for udder improvement. With a favorable SCS of 2.93 and DCE of 4.2, he offers a balanced package for commercial and registered herds focusing on production and type. Use GENOSOURCE BENCHMARK-ET on high-producing cows needing udder improvement. 

COOKIECUTTER 92469-ET delivers a compelling package with a GTPI of 3417. His production credentials are impressive, with 1553 lbs of milk, complemented by solid component yields of 87 lbs fat and 78 lbs protein. His moderate DCE of 3.4 makes him particularly attractive for heifer breeding programs. The strong Productive Life (PL) rating of 6.9 suggests improved longevity in his daughters. Consider COOKIECUTTER 92469-ET for breeding heifers and improving herd life. 

PEAK 40391-ET emerges as a balanced sire with a GTPI of 3396. His production profile shows 1599 lbs milk, with strong components of 92 lbs fat and 78 lbs protein. The favorable SCS of 2.87 indicates strong resistance to mastitis, while his Body Weight Composite (BWC) of 0.96 suggests ideal-sized daughters. His profile makes him an excellent choice for herds seeking improvement in production and health traits. Select PEAK 40391-ET for balanced improvement across production and health traits. 

SSI-SIEMERS 50729 rounds out the elite lineup with a GTPI of 3388. While showing moderate milk production at 1344 lbs, he maintains solid component levels with 85 lbs fat and 78 lbs protein. His standout feature is the excellent SCS of 2.64, among the best in this group for mastitis resistance. This site would work well in programs prioritizing health traits while maintaining production levels. Select SSI-SIEMERS 50729 to enhance udder health and maximize production efficiency. 

GENOSOURCE ORDAIN-ET (GTPI 3430) shows impressive production potential, with 1449 lbs milk, 93 lbs fat, and 78 lbs protein. His health traits are favorable, with a 2.47 SCS and PL of 0.8. His traits indicate a more refined dairy build, with a -0.73 FLC. His moderate frame and substantial production numbers make him an excellent choice for commercial herds seeking improved components. Use GENOSOURCE ORDAIN-ET when seeking high component yields with refined dairy character. 

SSI-SIEMERS 50424 (GTPI 3403) demonstrates solid production credentials with 1340 lbs of milk, 85 lbs of fat, and 78 lbs of protein, showcasing a balanced profile for efficient dairy operations. His health traits are well-balanced, with an SCS of 2.64 and PL of 0.8. His moderate stature and good dairy form make him particularly suitable for operations focusing on efficiency and health. Choose SSI-SIEMERS 50424 to enhance overall herd health by leveraging its strong production traits while bolstering health characteristics. 

GENOSOURCE ERADICATE-ET (GTPI 3396) features a balanced production profile with 1449 lbs milk, 93 lbs fat, and 77 lbs protein. Shows strong health traits with an SCS of 2.42. His fitness traits suggest daughters have good productive life potential. The combination of high components and favorable health traits makes him an attractive option for herds seeking to improve production and fitness traits. Select GENOSOURCE ERADICATE-ET for balanced improvement in both production and fitness traits. 

The Bottom Line

These young sires offer unprecedented combinations of traits that address modern dairy producers’ needs. Whether prioritizing production, health, or type, this evaluation provides solutions for every breeding program. Contact your breeding specialist today to develop a targeted strategy using these elite sires. Make informed decisions to shape your herd’s future success with these elite sires.


The January 2025 evaluations have introduced a new group of top Holstein sires that may change the breed’s future. GENOSOURCE BENCHMARK-ET stands out with a high GTPI of 3463 and great milk production. Other promising sires like COOKIECUTTER 92469-ET provide strong milk components. Health traits are emphasized with SSI-SIEMERS 50729 having a low Somatic Cell Score and PEAK 40391-ET offering a full health package. GENOSOURCE ORDAIN-ET and ERADICATE-ET deliver excellent component yields and maintain good health. For the best results, farmers should focus on breeding strategies that match their herd’s genetic needs with these elite sires.

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December 2024 Global Genetic Evaluations: Who’s Leading the World Rankings?

Discover the December 2024 global genetic evaluations. Who’s leading the dairy revolution? Meet the top sires and their industry impact.

Picture a world where dairy farming is no longer bound by age-old traditions but is propelled forward by genetic insights. Genetic evaluations are not just reshaping the dairy industry but also connecting us on a global scale. The December 2024 global evaluations are a testament to this, showing how genetics refine farming practices and shape the future of agriculture. These evaluations, from the USA to Switzerland, enhance productivity and refine breeding, allowing dairy farmers worldwide to make informed, innovative decisions. 

Genosource Captain: The Unrivaled Titan of GTPI

In the intricate world of genetic evaluations, Genosource Captain stands as a towering figure, proudly continuing his reign in the USA with an unwavering grip on the GTPI crown. Now boasting a GTPI of +3336, this formidable leader deftly adds over 1,800 daughters to his impressive American index, further solidifying his status. It’s a testament to his unrivaled genetic prowess, offering a staggering +2,542 kg milk alongside improvements in fat and protein percentages. His unswerving performance ensures his position at the apex isn’t quickly challenged.

However, the Captain’s dominance is not unchallenged. The industry is a dynamic, competitive arena, and new players are always emerging. SDG Cap Garza, a formidable newcomer, makes a striking debut at the second position with a GTPI of +3256, trailing the leader by a mere 80 points. Meanwhile, Plain-Knoll Renegad Trooper is a strong contender, securing the third spot with a commendable GTPI of +3196 and enlisting 712 daughters from 243 herds into his genetic index. This constant evolution keeps the industry engaging and exciting. 

The PTAT rankings unveil another sphere of excellence amidst these powerhouses. Here, Redcarpet Story Arc prominently carves his name, reigning supreme with an impressive PTAT of +4.56. His ascent is closely followed by another rising star, Jimtown Nelson, and the renowned SHG Lego, each illustrating their genetic finesse with notable PTAT scores.

Canada’s Dynamic Shift: Sheepster’s Dynasty and Overhaul’s Ascendancy in Dairy Genetics 

The latest update in Canadian genetic evaluations presents an intriguing snapshot of innovation and leadership within the dairy industry. Ocd Trooper Sheepster emerges as a pivotal influencer, with no less than 13 of his progeny among the Top 100 gLPI genomic sires. This significant presence underscores Sheepster’s remarkable genetic prowess and lasting impact on future generations. His contribution towards refining genetic traits continues to shape the industry landscape, ensuring competitive progress. 

Taking the forefront, Stantons Overhaul P has cemented his standing as the top gLPI genomic sire, achieving a compelling +4001 gLPI, setting a benchmark for others to strive towards. 

The Daughter Proven Conformation rankings unveil a fiercely contested arena, where Hyden Limited P and Black Silver Crushabull Stan share the coveted pinnacle, each with an impressive +16 Conformation rating. This level of excellence highlights their extraordinary conformation characteristics, making them desirable breeding choices for improving herd quality. Trailing closely are Vogue A2P2 PP, Blondin Energy, Duckett Crush Tatoo, and Blondin Legend, all exhibiting solid performances with a +15 Conformation rating. These rankings reflect individual achievements and encapsulate the rigorous competition that propels continuous improvement in dairy genetics.

Denovo Harmony’s Rise: A Testament to the UK’s Evolution in Dairy Breeding 

In the transformative landscape of the UK dairy sector, the emergence of Denovo Harmony’s unparalleled leadership in young genomic bulls stands as a testament to the industry’s innovative breeding strategies. This remarkable achievement is not just a reflection of genetic prowess, but also an embodiment of strategic foresight in breeding choices that prioritize productivity and lineage improvement. It’s inspiring to see how the industry is constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. 

Delving deeper into the Type Merit rankings, Aot Hampshire’s dominance with a +3.10 TM underscores a pivotal shift toward enhancing physical traits essential for longevity and productivity. In a sector where every genetic advantage is crucial, Hampshire’s success accentuates the growing recognition of traits that might have appeared ancillary but now take center stage in breeding decisions. 

This focus shift — from mere production metrics to a more holistic view incorporating type assessments — suggests that the UK dairy industry is evolving into a phase where the balance between yield and physical robustness is key. The insights drawn from such merit-based evaluations herald a forward-thinking approach, signaling that today’s strategic choices in breeding, which prioritize physical traits essential for longevity and productivity, are tomorrow’s productivity milestones.

Ecbert’s Dominance and Cookiecutter Hadley’s Challenge: A Tale of Two Titans in Dairy Genetics

The latest Italian genetic evaluations reaffirm Ecbert’s standing as the premier genomic sire, with an impressive gPFT score of +5146. This powerhouse, a Gladius son, remains unchallenged at the top, showcasing the strength and continuity of Italian genetic prowess. However, Ecbert shines on the local stage and in international competitions. 

Amidst this global contest, Cookiecutter Hadley emerges as a formidable competitor from the illustrious Cookiecutter MOM Halo VG-88-USA DOM lineage. Leading the pack with a remarkable +5404 gPFT, Hadley demonstrates the robustness of foreign breeding programs and challenges Italian supremacy. As the industry looks for the sires to shape the next generation, these rankings reflect current achievements and set a high bar for future contenders.

Recalibrating the German Genetic Battleground: The Ascendancy of AltaMuller and Pennywise

The German genetic landscape is undergoing noticeable changes, predominantly in the B&W RZG Interbull Genomic rankings. Centrally, AltaMuller and Pennywise have surged to the forefront, each boastfully achieving a robust +161 RZG. In contrast, Real Syn, a once preeminent force, finds itself in the third position, having dropped to +160 RZG—a testament to the ever-evolving arena of dairy genetics. 

AltaMuller’s and Pennywise’s ascent signals a shift toward a new era of genetic excellence driven by precision breeding and advanced genomic insights. Their consistent performance underscores the effectiveness of genomic selection strategies, which breeders increasingly embrace to enhance milk production, fertility, and overall herd health. 

Meanwhile, Real Syn’s decline raises questions about the lasting influence of genetic supremacy amid rapidly advancing genetic evaluation techniques. Although slight, this drop could signal more profound, underlying shifts in genetic dominance, possibly prompting a reevaluation of existing breeding protocols. 

In this climate, the dairy industry must brace for further genetic recalibrations. As bulls like AltaMuller and Pennywise reshape the RZG Interbull Genomic rankings, Real Syn’s slip is a stark reminder of the fluidity inherent in the genetic evaluation landscape. These developments underline the dynamic nature of genomic advancements, encouraging breeders to remain vigilant and adaptable in their quest for genetic superiority.

Swiss Genetic Surge: Beautyman’s Benchmark and the Daughter-Proven Rivalry

The Swiss genetic evaluations reveal an electrifying surge in rankings, dominated by the influential TGD-Holstein Beautyman. With an outstanding +1651 ISET, Beautyman not only eclipses competitors but sets a new benchmark, accelerating the evolution of the Swiss breeding landscape. His prowess signals a shifting paradigm in optimizing genetic potential. 

Meanwhile, the domestic daughter-proven index chauffeurs a robust rivalry, with Vogue Letsgo carving a significant niche as an Applicable son with an admirable +1495 ISET. It’s a heated contest, further punctuated by the rising wildcard, Wilder Hotspot P, whose notable +1411 ISET places him within striking distance. This intense race in the daughter-proven segment uncovers a dynamic interplay of genetics and strategy poised to reshape future breeding paradigms in Switzerland.

The Dutch Cadence: Celebrated Titans and Newcomers Shape the Genetic Conquest

In the Dutch rankings, familiar faces once again make their presence felt. Genosource Captain stands unrivaled as the leading Black and White daughter-proven sire, boasting an exceptional +329 gNVI rating, bolstered by 38 daughters in his Dutch index. Following closely is Gigaball, seizing the second position with a +316 gNVI and supported by an impressive 203 daughters. Not far behind, Kax Gladius completes the top three with a solid +313 gNVI. 

Bento emerges as the leader in the realm of genomic sires, claiming the #1 spot with a formidable +439 gNVI, reflecting a rise of 16 points. His performance is marked by significant figures such as +2322kgM and +1038 Lifetime. A new addition to the rankings, Soranjo, son of Soysauce, makes an impactful debut by securing the second position at +385 gNVI. Bringing up the third spot is Rockwell, son of Rover, with a commendable +380 gNVI.

The Bottom Line

The December 2024 genetic evaluations highlight a dynamic and competitive international landscape where leading sires from the USA, Canada, UK, Italy, Germany, and Switzerland showcase impressive advancements in dairy genetics. Genosource Captain sustains supremacy in the USA, while Canada’s genetic scene is characterized by Sheepster’s significant impact and Overhaul’s leadership. The UK sees Denovo Harmony’s rise, reflecting refined breeding efforts. At the same time, Italy was enthralled with Ecbert’s unmatched genomic prowess alongside international luminaries like Cookiecutter Hadley. Germany’s genetic stage is recalibrated with AltaMuller and Pennywise’s strategic ascents. Switzerland’s innovations are marked by Beautyman’s peak performance and fierce domestic competition. 

These developments indicate national strengths and collectively underscore a global revolution in dairy farming. They prompt industry professionals to ponder the broader implications of these evaluations—how can they drive forward innovative solutions and sustainable practices in dairy farming? As these genetic achievements evolve, they promise new possibilities for livestock management, productivity, and profitability across the global stage. Dairy farmers and industry stakeholders are encouraged to embrace these changes, anticipating an exciting future of continuous improvement and breakthrough advancements in dairy genetics. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Genosource Captain maintains his dominant position in the USA with a leading GTPI and significant contributions from additional daughters.
  • Canada’s genetic landscape sees Ocd Trooper Sheepster and Stantons Overhaul P making a significant mark in gLPI rankings, with a notable focus on genomic prowess.
  • The UK’s Denovo Harmony leads the pack, reflecting the region’s evolution in breeding priorities and highlighting competitive genomic bulls.
  • In Italy, Ecbert remains the foremost genomic sire, with close competition from Cookiecutter Hadley in the international genetic race.
  • Germany experiences a recalibration in its genetic rankings, with AltaMuller and Pennywise rising to the forefront of B&W Interbull Genomic standings.
  • Switzerland marks significant achievements with TGD-Holstein Beautyman atop the ISET rankings, indicating a competitive genetic atmosphere.


The December 2024 genetic evaluations have ignited conversations worldwide, highlighting standout performances and intriguing shifts across the dairy farming community. Genosource Captain remains the dominant force in the USA, with SDG Cap Garza in close pursuit. Canada’s celebration centers on Ocd Trooper Sheepster’s significant influence and Stantons Overhaul P’s remarkable rise. In the UK, Denovo Harmony signals a new era of evolution in dairy breeding, while Italy observes Ecbert’s continued supremacy as Cookiecutter Hadley mounts a formidable challenge. Germany experiences recalibrations, with AltaMuller and Pennywise emerging as leaders, whereas Switzerland sees TGD-Holstein Beautyman setting a new benchmark. These dynamic developments underscore the role of competitive rankings, scientific innovations, and international collaborations in transforming the genetics powering dairy production globally.

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Bullvine Daily is your essential e-zine for staying ahead in the dairy industry. With over 30,000 subscribers, we bring you the week’s top news, helping you manage tasks efficiently. Stay informed about milk production, tech adoption, and more, so you can concentrate on your dairy operations. 


Genosource Captain Maintains Status as World’s Top GTPI Sire – Sire Proof Central August 2024

Once again, Genosource Captain has demonstrated his supremacy, boosting his GTPI level to an impressive +3331 GTPI, and maintaining his position as the breed’s #1 daughter-proven GTPI bull. Right behind him, albeit with a gap of 110 points, is RMD-Dotterer SSI Gameday, coming in at +3221 GTPI. Completing the top three, we have Plain-Knoll Renegad Trooper, holding steady at +3201 GTPI.

Siemers Renegad Parfect also performed well, jumping to the 8th spot. He added 1,514 daughters to his index, bringing his total to +3121 GTPI, an increase of +77 GTPI. Coupled with a PTAT of +2.40, Parfect is now the #1 PTAT sire in this ranking within the top 100 International GTPI bulls. 

On the genomic sire lists, Ocd Thorson Ripcord emerged as the leading GTPI sire over 12 months with a robust +3416 GTPI, paired with +1509 NM$. Following close behind, Progenesis Watchman holds the second spot at +3408 GTPI, and S-S-I Sheepster Mican rounds out the top three at +3401 GTPI.

As you dive into the new genetic evaluations, it’s essential to understand how the implementation of 305-AA has influenced PTAs. 

For Holsteins, there’s good news! An increase in Predicted Transmitting Ability (PTA) for Milk, Fat, and Protein results in a slight upward trend, adding about +10 to +15 NM$, depending on the bull group (genomic or proven). 

Jerseys, however, have experienced a notable decline. Their PTAs for Milk, Fat, and Protein have dropped significantly (around -100, -6, and -6 pounds, respectively). This decrease translates into a reduction in NM$, averaging between -70 and -50 NM$. 

 Brown Swiss, Guernsey, and Ayrshire bulls, on the other hand, have remained relatively stable, with only minor fluctuations around zero. 

The introduction of 305-AA (Average Age) stands out as the most significant change in the August 2024 evaluations. This new standardization for yield records has moved from the 305-ME mature equivalent to a 36-month average age. Age, parity, and season adjustment factors have been updated. Season adjustments are now based on five U.S. climate regions rather than the previous three, providing a more accurate reflection of environmental differences. Importantly, these new factors are breed-specific, meaning each breed has experienced different impacts from this change.

Cassiopeia, Stan & Limited P the Three Kings of Canadian Rankings: Sire Proof Central August 2024

Canadian Genomics LPI, S-S-I Zoar Cassiopeia, Claynook Zeus, Kenyon-Hill Ltchwrth Oli, Daughter Proven Conformation, Hyden Limited P, Black Silver Crushabull Stan, Blondin Legend, Golden-Oaks Master, Wilt Enzo, Canadian dairy rankings, dairy farming, dairy genetics, dairy sires, gLPI index, conformation ranking, dairy breeding trends

In a sensational turn of events, S-S-I Zoar Cassiopeia has soared to the top of the Canadian Genomics LPI index with an impressive +4050 gLPI. Hot on his heels, we find Claynook Zeus boasting a solid +4016 gLPI. Completing this elite tier is Kenyon-Hill Ltchwrth Oli, recording a notable +4000 gLPI. 

In the Daughter Proven Conformation ranking, we’ve got a tie at the summit: both Hyden Limited P and Black Silver Crushabull Stan clinch the top spot with an outstanding +16 Conformation. Close behind, Blondin Legend and Golden-Oaks Master share the second spot, each with a commendable +15 Conformation. Wilt Enzo, one of Canada’s premier daughters, has proven Conformation sires, maintaining a strong +13 Conformation.

Aot Hampshire & Denovo 20723 Columbia Standouts on the TM list in the UK – Sire Proof Central August 2024

Aot Hampshire, Clwch Rhapsody, Stantons Right Stuff PP, gPLI Genomic bulls, Denovo 20723 Columbia, T-Spruce Harmony, Denovo 20771 Segment

Leading the rankings is Aot Hampshire with an impressive +3.14 TM. Hot on its heels is Clwch Rhapsody at +3.02 TM, and rounding out the top three is Stantons Right Stuff PP with +3.00 TM. In the gPLI Genomic bulls category, Denovo 20723 Columbia stands tall at +938 gPLI. T-Spruce Harmony claims the second spot with +934 gPLI, followed closely by Denovo 20771 Segment in third.

Real Syn Takes Over RZG Genomic Indexes – Sire Proof Central August 2024

dairy farmers, German indexes, Eurogenes, Interbull Genomic ranking, Real Syn, Alaska, Argentum, RZG ranking, Simply Red, Mask Red, Party P, Skill Red, Redwood, DG Maserati, AI-Total, Camden *RC, BTS Avea-Red, Koepon Skyliner Redbull Red, RZE (Type), Feet & Legs, Mammary System, August genetic evaluations, Holstein, Jersey, genetic evaluations, genetic gain, genomics, Holstein Net Merit, Cheese Merit, Total Performance Index, Holstein Association USA

Real Syn, a Rover son, is leading the B&W RZG Interbull Genomic ranking for the third time, with an impressive +166 RZG. Right behind, we have the Arizona brothers—Alaska at +163 RZG and Argentum at +161 RZG. Over in the R&W Interbull Genomic ranking, Simply Red takes the top spot at +159 RZG. He is followed closely by Malaga Red, a Mask Red son, with +158 RZG. Party P, Skill Red, and Redwood are sharing the third spot, all at +157 RZG.

Enrico, Beautyman, and Montley Lead the Way in Switzerland – Sire Proof Central August 2024

The much-anticipated Swiss numbers have just been released, sparking excitement. Leading the Swiss index, we find a Blakely son, Swissgen Enrico, sharing the top spot with TGD-Holstein Beautyman at an impressive +1651 ISET. Monteverdi’s son, OCD Milan, is completing the podium at +1642 ISET. 

Turning our attention to the Interbull daughter-proven index, S-S-I Hodedoe Montley retains the lead for the third consecutive time with a score of +1573 ISET. Close on his heels is Sandy-Valley Profile in second place with +1570 ISET, and rounding out the top three is Wilra S-S-I Rivet Genuine at +1556 ISET. These figures are not just numbers; they represent the pinnacle of dairy genetics today.

Italy’s Top Genomic Sires: Ecbert Reigns Supreme Again – Sire Proof Central August 2024

Discover Italy's top genomic sires: Ecbert leads again with a gPFT of +5155. Curious about the top contenders and their rankings? Dive into the latest updates now.

The latest indexes from Italy have just been released, and it’s time to celebrate! Gladius’ son, Ecbert, has solidified his reputation by increasing his gift to an impressive +5155, up by 32 points. Following closely in the second spot is Isolabella Baltimore, a Royalflush son who achieved a gPFT of +5149. The top three are WEH Alcione, boasting a gPFT of +5138. 

On the daughter-proven ranking front, Crisalis takes the lead with a gPFT of +4719. Not far behind is Yoox, who topped the April ’24 index run with a gPFT of +4701, now holding the second position. Completing the top three is Isolabella Inseme Distefano, with a gift of +4637. Tirsvad Hotspot Geyser P, a Hotspot P son, claims the fourth spot at +4623 gPFT. Finally, Wilder Holocron sits comfortably at fifth with a gPFT of +4613.

High Ranking TPI® Genomic Young Bulls – July 2024

Three new sires over +3300 gTPI and 128 over +3200. 6 sires are over +2.00 for PTAT and +7.00 for PL.

Registration NumberNameRequesterNAAB codeBirth Date
HO840003283492501 SSI-DUCKETT 7940 Select 240512.465149374782.566.8-
HO840003287657164 ADAWAY 3905 Select 240412.173119320782.647.62.310.92.41.671.750.330.34762.14.23310
HO840003283239757 PEAK 89093-ET PEAK 240612.182132335782.488.62.314.
HO840003273775763 KENYON-HILL 7374 Select 240412.970127330782.667.
HO840003280021163 SSI-SIEMERS 47049 Select 240511.877134338782.635.8-
HO840003252524155 WELCOME 5655 Select 240511.972136348782.726.4-
HO840003285651919 SexTech 240511.381150383782.696.02.17.3-0.11.591.30-0.21-0.66773.36.13287
HO840003283437749 SexTech 240611.892131396782.816.72.33.8-0.21.331.610.11-1.78762.75.33282
HO840003269138057 REGANCREST CATAPULT 16495-ET Semex 240512.176143366782.735.5-
HO840003283437643 SexTech 240512.577166403782.895.00.75.3-
HO840003272446745 Semex 240611.870159395792.824.
HO840003271807656 AURORA 1490 Select 240511.773116293782.557.
HO840003283239702 PEAK 89038-ET PEAK 240512.773145357772.755.
HO840003288411243 DUCKETT 1455 Select 240511.364132298782.876.
HO840003272026316 LADYS-MANOR OWEN 1581-ET Semex 240511.670146345782.645.
HO840003283492474 SSI-DUCKETT 7913 Select 240512.061140342782.775.
HO840003272457217 PEAK 8833-ET PEAK 240512.868147356782.756.
HO840003283240273 PEAK 20758-ET PEAK 240513.282140384782.786.93.312.2-
HO840003253986061 PLAIN-KNOLL 11525 Select 240511.975142367782.786.02.47.4-0.61.811.90-0.23-0.56761.43.93262
HO840003280699628 TRIFECTA 40268 Select 240412.267137354782.726.
HO840003282601228 NORTHSIDE HLYSMOKE 13204-ET GenVis 240512.278129358782.516.
HO840003283225834 SexTech 240512.262146338782.736.02.510.
HO840003287657177 ADAWAY 3918 Select 240511.851123301782.677.
HO840003283437743 SexTech 240612.073136347782.785.
HO840003228894165 COOKIECUTTER CONNOR 32625-ET Semex 240511.662137307782.495.9-
HO840003283437645 SexTech 240511.173134331782.656.62.48.0-0.21.771.501.000.12772.14.33253
HO840003272457178 PEAK 8794-ET PEAK 240512.772141355782.855.2-
HO840003283437620 SexTech 240511.669142339782.626.
HO840003273775764 KENYON-HILL 7375 Select 240513.162118285782.517.
HO840003273775765 KENYON-HILL 7376 Select 240512.154132307782.577.
HO840003285651897 OCD 59254 Semex 240512.365141327782.765.
HO840003280021337 SSI-SIEMERS 47223 Select 240512.472121343782.696.
HO840003280021424 SIEMERS 47310 Select 240612.166134318782.675.2-0.68.7-0.32.572.480.720.62772.54.23244
HO840003286461525 HIGHER-RANSOM 1665 Select 240512.261130326782.637.
HO840003252545217 SexTech 240512.266162361782.735.
HO840003272457176 PEAK 8792-ET PEAK 240512.979146381782.745.
HO840003272457181 PEAK 8797-ET PEAK 240512.959142333782.665.
HO840003287922343 DENOVO 7790 ABS 240512.575141381782.893.8-
HO840003258837087 COOKIECUTTER 92207 Semex 240511.480142351782.614.
HO840003258837092 COOKIECUTTER 92212 Semex 240512.066130324782.635.
HO840003252545264 SexTech 240513.173138350782.754.81.06.9-1.32.382.380.68-0.61772.55.33238
HO840003269023518 FARIA 984666 Select 240512.155129299782.707.
HO840003283239683 PEAK 89019-ET PEAK 240512.965119303782.687.11.910.41.51.831.580.960.08761.14.13236
HO840003280021259 SSI-SIEMERS 47145 Select 240511.671125320782.646.
HO840003283225831 SexTech 240513.281130366782.895.12.74.2-
HO840003256965065 Select 240511.462144370782.805.
HO840003283225809 SexTech 240512.087128355782.884.70.23.2-
HO840003283239768 PEAK 89104-ET PEAK 240612.877141379782.715.
HO840003285651911 SexTech 240510.978123342782.806.
HO840003283437742 SexTech 240611.978143378782.845.0-
HO840003271807641 AURORA 1475 Select 240511.957107276782.617.93.511.42.01.901.991.10-0.16761.74.03227
HO840003283239634 PEAK 88970-ET PEAK 240511.973151391782.736.
HO840003272457220 PEAK 8836-ET PEAK 240512.571149362782.815.
HO840003272942014 SexTech 240512.373134356782.686.32.38.5-0.11.701.330.34-0.88772.85.13226
HO840003283437669 SexTech 240511.661141329782.687.23.311.41.60.481.030.37-0.30761.64.33226
HO840003283492507 SSI-DUCKETT 7946 Select 240512.865143361782.825.7-0.46.7-0.11.722.180.36-1.39762.04.43226
HO840003285785790 SexTech 240412.677110302782.895.
HO840003252545249 SexTech 240512.153129322782.727.
HO840003280021431 SSI-SIEMERS 47317 Select 240612.560137347782.617.42.512.71.00.861.230.47-0.91762.55.03225
HO840003280021491 SSI-SIEMERS 47377 Select 240612.166137339782.786.
HO840003283437631 SexTech 240511.780143365782.595.4-1.09.9-
HO840003270391610 Select 240512.058109292782.608.63.411.42.71.511.770.27-0.50762.24.93224
HO840003272457236 PEAK 8852-ET PEAK 240612.967139352782.736.
HO840003283240287 PEAK 20772-ET PEAK 240613.078139368782.717.32.110.0-0.40.950.850.18-0.77762.43.93224
HO840003272446718 Semex 240511.755125310782.576.40.310.10.32.322.680.86-0.37762.45.13223
HO840003283239640 PEAK 88976-ET PEAK 240512.965120310782.737.73.611.41.21.351.271.16-0.54761.14.03223
HO840003285651872 SexTech 240410.873157368782.815.
HO840003268504164 WAKE-UP SPACE SATELLITE-ET Zoetis 240112.268126332792.736.
HO840003272026310 LADYS-MANOR OWEN OWEN-ET Semex 240511.870121304782.765.
HO840003272446699 Select 240512.390138382782.874.3-0.15.1-
HO840003283437618 SexTech 240512.978113319782.797.
HO840003283135616 Select 240512.254132309782.707.
HO840003278709259 Select 240512.070138354782.725.81.412.2-
HO840003284345418 Semex 240511.879127356782.884.
HO840003287567848 BLUMENFELD 9302 Select 240612.376127349792.727.
HO840003287657172 ADAWAY 3913 Select 240512.077141353782.844.7-
HO840003287922375 DENOVO 7822 ABS 240511.668144359782.646.
HO840003283239416 PEAK 88752-ET PEAK 240313.066137328782.806.
HO840003252545225 SexTech 240511.467157373792.914.70.33.3-0.51.821.430.49-0.80792.03.53218
HO840003252545256 SexTech 240512.172126337782.756.
HO840003272407249 HILMAR 1507 Select 240312.368134339782.696.
HO840003283144901 Select 240512.375124341782.695.2-
HO840003255970943 FAIRVUE WHISKYRYE 50567-ET Semex 240512.474121347782.845.30.45.7-
HO840003283437630 SexTech 240511.370137324782.775.
HO840003283492514 SSI-DUCKETT 7953 Select 240512.760139347782.745.
HO840003271807664 AURORA 1498 Select 240612.587130376782.745.80.25.3-0.31.451.33-0.26-0.22762.14.43216
HO840003269138056 REGANCREST CATAPULT 16494-ET Semex 240511.777152391782.854.3-1.74.1-0.21.711.17-0.12-1.23762.04.23215
HO840003283225815 SexTech 240511.968144334782.715.
HO840003283225836 SexTech 240511.954144321782.646.
HO840003283225822 SexTech 240511.879161376782.664.5-0.47.6-
HO840003283437745 SexTech 240611.264140341782.775.
HO840003267561611 PINE-TREE 743 MIRRO 300-ET HO 240511.960129329792.796.
HO840003271807640 AURORA 1474 Select 240512.161123296782.636.43.810.
HO840003280021066 SSI-SIEMERS 46952 Select 240511.863124317782.706.
HO840003283239747 PEAK 89083-ET PEAK 240612.667106294782.659.13.612.43.50.570.900.13-0.22761.74.13212
HO840003284092088 JOLUDI-D CASTING 6-ET Semex 240512.075143346782.794.10.59.8-0.71.621.570.430.04761.64.03212
HO840003280021058 SSI-SIEMERS 46944 Select 240512.359120285782.587.
HO840003283239778 PEAK 89114-ET PEAK 240612.280146393782.795.80.12.8-0.31.530.95-0.22-1.03762.75.03210
HO840003283437642 SexTech 240512.567133357782.807.
HO840003285651972 OCD OWEN 59329-ET Semex 240512.782132347782.754.4-
HO840003287922364 DENOVO 7811 ABS 240512.465151360782.695.70.98.8-0.21.321.230.18-0.37762.24.63210
HO840003273775778 KENYON-HILL 7389 Select 240512.250116263782.507.
HO840003283239642 PEAK 88978-ET PEAK 240513.282133389772.806.
HO840003283239773 PEAK 89109-ET PEAK 240613.072135367782.795.
HO840003280021034 SIEMERS 46920 Semex 240512.28597312782.616.
HO840003283437657 SexTech 240511.968141349782.666.
HO840003289305239 DENOVO 23024 ABS 240612.561135318782.616.82.710.80.90.991.370.29-0.12762.03.73207
HO840003252545156 551HO06246 SexTech 240512.275120353782.837.
HO840003253986069 PLAIN-KNOLL 11533 Select 240611.852138313782.556.92.311.21.11.361.570.340.21762.54.83206
HO840003286319806 BOMAZ OWEN 4428-ET Semex 240411.877148382782.724.6-0.36.4-0.10.711.17-0.12-1.26772.23.43206
HO840003274830799 PEN-COL LOCKSTEP 1277-ET PEAK 240511.763132349782.697.
HO840003280021503 SSI-SIEMERS 47389 Select 240611.173128357782.775.6-
HO840003280021405 SIEMERS 47291 Select 240611.660115272792.587.13.410.90.62.392.140.460.68782.14.63204
HO840003283239726 PEAK 89062-ET PEAK 240511.772129354782.685.
HO840003271807633 AURORA 1467 Semex 240512.074130342782.804.3-0.86.2-0.62.361.961.05-0.14762.04.73203
HO840003283144905 OCD 23815 Select 240512.171131325782.856.
HO840003283437723 SexTech 240512.162132317782.645.82.59.4-0.81.672.420.73-0.18761.44.63203
HO840003283492476 SSI-DUCKETT 7915 Select 240511.970136354782.875.4-
HO840003285651896 SexTech 240512.079144386782.836.
HO840003236266864 DENOVO 6864 ABS 240512.778137373782.924.7-0.57.6-0.21.331.620.15-0.79762.03.33202
HO840003283145322 OCD CASTING 72232-ET Semex 240511.653129287782.705.
HO840003283225848 SexTech 240512.068135346782.607.12.512.10.00.681.120.12-0.94761.33.53202
HO840003283437640 SexTech 240511.869131332782.784.0-1.44.4-0.12.642.181.020.13772.25.23202
HO840003272407254 HILMAR 1512 Select 240412.054144322782.566.71.510.20.71.321.60-0.06-0.01762.44.63201
HO840003283437713 SexTech 240512.475136328782.764.9-0.56.9-0.41.861.860.670.23762.05.63201
HO840003272457242 PEAK 8858-ET PEAK 240611.864149356782.595.
HO840003283135585 SexTech 240511.379146390782.755.0-1.08.1-
HO840003283492478 SSI-DUCKETT 7917 Select 240511.863137359782.795.
HO840003272446693 Select 240512.065119328782.516.81.913.
HO840003282838173 WINSTAR HANSEL 5731-ET Semex 240411.274160416782.934.3-0.64.8-1.00.851.440.32-2.11772.65.23199
HO840003283239641 PEAK 88977-ET PEAK 240512.768121322782.846.
HO840003283240278 PEAK 20763-ET PEAK 240512.571116326782.658.
HO840003228894298 COOKIECUTTER 32642-ET PEAK 240512.875144364782.764.7-0.37.0-0.21.461.200.06-0.83761.84.53198
HO840003271807643 AURORA 1477 Select 240512.476133353782.705.91.68.5-0.91.341.440.49-0.17762.33.93198
HO840003280021420 SSI-SIEMERS 47306 Select 240611.952133306782.465.91.511.70.71.441.850.53-0.30761.93.73198
HO840003283492461 SSI-DUCKETT 7900 Select 240511.781129364782.606.11.27.9-0.40.921.080.16-0.34762.33.53198
HO840003286320198 BOMAZ 5620 Select 240512.370129349782.735.7-
HO840003252545056 SexTech 240411.655142330792.876.
HO840003269138055 REGANCREST CATAPULT 16493-ET Semex 240511.966145334782.904.50.86.6-
HO840003283225805 SexTech 240512.279132362783.
HO840003283239677 PEAK 89013-ET PEAK 240512.272127335782.646.21.57.9-
HO840003283145243 OCD CASTING 72153-ET Semex 240412.074124315782.775.11.47.8-0.51.982.270.560.48771.84.83196
HO840003283145293 OCD PROACTIVE 72203-ET Semex 240512.565121310782.756.
HO840003283239675 PEAK 89011-ET PEAK 240512.464125309772.675.
HO840003272457223 PEAK 8839-ET PEAK 240613.573130338782.805.3-
HO840003283437705 SexTech 240511.174124335782.726.
HO840003283437753 SexTech 240612.267132329782.795.0-
HO840003228893939 COOKIECUTTER CONNOR 32686-ET Semex 240512.462131318782.566.
HO840003252545173 SexTech 240512.585136372782.973.90.25.3-1.11.941.540.60-0.19772.44.93194
HO840003272457191 PEAK 8807-ET PEAK 240512.567133340782.795.8-
HO840003280021529 SIEMERS 47415 Select 240612.369122323792.686.10.68.8-
HO840003239751782 WITTENBERG 654 Select 240412.468115324782.617.
HO840003278709263 Select 240512.565123314782.686.
HO840003282838194 ABS 240511.957136320782.747.13.810.
HO840003283145268 Select 240511.763112302782.607.
HO840003286320218 BOMAZ 5640 Select 240511.763120304782.746.
HO840003289305224 DENOVO 23009 ABS 240612.064155384782.825.30.93.9-0.61.381.540.05-1.08762.04.83193
HO840003272026312 LADYS-MANOR ANDRI-ET Select 240511.889119350782.785.2-
HO840003272407260 HILMAR DISRUPTOR 1518-ET Semex 240411.666140376782.737.03.39.5-0.20.540.990.44-2.30762.43.63192
HO840003272457227 PEAK 8843-ET PEAK 240612.173138370782.845.
HO840003280021473 SSI-SIEMERS 47359 Select 240612.165111311782.567.71.513.02.80.891.01-0.15-0.26761.94.03192
HO840003283144926 OCD 23836 Semex 240512.281148368782.883.7-0.14.8-
HO840003286741946 PEAK 2946-ET PEAK 240611.958145347782.596.
HO840003272457200 PEAK 8816-ET PEAK 240512.570127345782.756.
HO840003272457225 PEAK 8841-ET PEAK 240612.157133335782.557.
HO840003272622092 PEAK 40335-ET PEAK 240510.773137360782.665.
HO840003283492496 SSI-DUCKETT 7935 Select 240512.757133358782.736.
HO840003283239790 PEAK 89126-ET PEAK 240612.870129348782.727.12.910.80.60.821.22-0.35-1.50761.94.03190
HO840003283437690 SexTech 240512.278103298782.665.2-0.36.0-0.52.862.780.980.53772.35.93190
HO840003286741944 PEAK 2944-ET PEAK 240512.391129380772.795.
HO840003236266887 DENOVO 6887 ABS 240512.674132347782.816.
HO840003272026314 LADYS-MANOR OWEN OWEN-ET Semex 240512.072134341782.743.80.26.9-0.31.691.790.610.00772.63.63189
HO840003272407268 HILMAR PERTH 1526-ET Semex 240512.159130318782.546.
HO840003280021537 SSI-SIEMERS 47423 Select 240611.861130316792.735.
HO840003283225800 SexTech 240511.571140369782.786.
HO840003283239666 PEAK 89002-ET PEAK 240512.867110271782.647.23.413.
HO840003289305250 DENOVO 23035 ABS 240611.958139337782.746.
HO840003231687917 JOLUDI-D OWEN 12098-ET Semex 240411.575130337782.883.7-
HO840003252545054 SexTech 240412.072142366782.925.
HO840003280021197 SSI-SIEMERS 47083 Select 240511.162140339782.706.
HO840003280021349 SSI-SIEMERS 47235 Select 240512.154138325782.675.
HO840003286461526 AOT 1666 Select 240512.565120300782.805.7-
HO840003283437755 SexTech 240612.861130335782.946.
HO840003258837099 COOKIECUTTER 92219 Semex 240511.859132320782.505.
HO840003277629479 DUCKETT 171 Select 240511.353113233782.695.
HO840003280021149 SIEMERS 47035 Semex 240511.978111320782.745.9-0.27.5-
HO840003283492460 SSI-DUCKETT 7899 Select 240511.464121312782.646.50.810.41.60.941.490.79-0.44762.14.73184
HO840003272457207 PEAK 8823-ET PEAK 240512.162130333782.607.
HO840003283225830 SexTech 240511.777148376782.865.
HO840003258837073 COOKIECUTTER 92193 Semex 240511.766138323782.783.
HO840003269152526 ABS 240511.769129360782.687.53.26.3-0.30.961.090.67-1.77762.13.73182
HO840003271807637 AURORA 1471 Select 240512.063114301782.686.
HO840003272407270 HILMAR PERTH 1528-ET Semex 240512.257131336782.586.
HO840003283437706 SexTech 240511.072125327782.736.
HO840003283492487 SSI-DUCKETT 7926 Select 240512.365138345782.835.3-
HO840003280021319 SIEMERS 47205 Select 240510.868111297782.586.
HO840003282838153 ABS 240411.753150335782.974.
HO840003283225829 SexTech 240512.064143333782.794.5-1.35.9-0.21.672.290.41-0.67762.05.13181
HO840003283239764 PEAK 89100-ET PEAK 240612.475130347782.816.
HO840003283240276 PEAK 20761-ET PEAK 240512.673124344782.656.41.58.0-0.21.571.010.78-0.55761.54.33181
HOUSA00031WFH5623 SexTech 240412.073118324782.726.31.75.0-0.11.821.960.60-1.19772.05.03181
HO840003252545204 551HO06247 SexTech 240512.154126315782.498.
HO840003252545278 SexTech 240512.068129343792.766.
HO840003258837069 COOKIECUTTER 92189 Semex 240510.983126343782.774.70.14.3-0.31.801.56-0.30-0.41761.73.13180
HO840003283239772 PEAK 89108-ET PEAK 240612.673127356782.746.
HO840003287657168 ADAWAY CASING 3909-ET Semex 240411.272134354782.804.
HO840003287871419 Select 240613.069132337782.755.
HO840003258837090 COOKIECUTTER 92210 Semex 240511.363119285782.675.
HO840003272446730 Select 240411.779113332782.516.
HO840003283225817 SexTech 240512.187122369782.985.31.11.6-0.71.941.750.37-1.80762.65.43179
HO840003283492485 SSI-DUCKETT 7924 Select 240512.461134324782.715.6-1.26.3-0.11.922.290.66-0.40762.15.03179
HO840003272026309 LADYS-MANOR SUNDAN 1574-ET Select 240412.062108284782.636.
HO840003280021018 Zoetis 240511.262107278782.756.
HO840003283145297 Select 240511.855121281782.656.
HO840003283492464 SSI-DUCKETT 7903 Select 240511.361126338782.666.
HO840003283536146 HENDEL 1139 Select 240512.863129323782.736.
HO840003253986066 PLAIN-KNOLL 11530 Select 240511.182113322782.726.
HO840003271807642 AURORA 1476 Select 240511.662115290782.637.
HO840003274830797 PEN-COL LOCKSTEP 1275-ET PEAK 240412.069141376782.876.
HO840003282838189 ABS 240512.456124317782.727.
HO840003283144895 OCD CASTING REVERE-ET Semex 240511.870148341782.893.1-0.93.0-1.32.412.300.460.56772.35.33177
HO840003283239690 PEAK 89026-ET PEAK 240512.581147385782.985.10.43.7-
HO840003283239715 PEAK 89051-ET PEAK 240513.070137356782.794.9-
HO840003285651904 OCD 59261 Semex 240512.471125304782.685.32.26.8-0.41.921.620.870.35762.04.03177
HO840003285651975 OCD OWEN 59332-ET Semex 240511.667115295782.605.
HO840003287922350 DENOVO 7797 ABS 240512.153118299782.707.
HO840003267673027 ADAWAY CASING 3899-ET Semex 240412.376116333782.804.7-
HO840003280021336 SSI-SIEMERS 47222 Select 240512.371131357782.705.
HO840003280021416 SSI-SIEMERS 47302 Select 240611.964123337782.776.
HO840003283437668 SexTech 240511.385126381782.955.41.72.8-1.21.621.580.57-1.28772.44.73176
HO840003284345420 Semex 240511.881128360782.993.8-
HO840003285538470 KINGS-RANSOM 51020 Semex 240511.380118349782.845.7-
HO840003286741932 PEAK 2932-ET PEAK 240511.565107267782.477.31.310.91.61.551.740.460.48772.34.93176
HO840003280021190 SSI-SIEMERS 47076 Select 240512.379109335782.767.
HO840003283437754 SexTech 240612.177112328792.825.00.87.1-0.11.802.020.85-1.03781.53.73175
HO840003271807636 AURORA 1470 Semex 240512.159128312792.587.
HO840003282838171 GenVis 240412.363112301782.637.
HO840003289305241 DENOVO 23026 ABS 240612.276141369782.685.91.67.7-0.20.620.83-0.13-0.04772.05.23174
HO840003252545198 SexTech 240510.868151376792.834.4-0.64.2-0.41.321.290.45-0.89792.54.63173
HO840003252545254 SexTech 240512.365120323782.716.43.28.0-0.41.821.970.95-1.02772.55.43173
HO840003269138050 REGANCREST DRAX 16488-ET Semex 240512.486128372782.924.00.32.6-0.91.721.860.18-1.13762.84.83173
HO840003271807653 AURORA 1487 Select 240511.761119299782.627.
HO840003272407257 HILMAR 1515 Select 240412.264123315782.845.
HO840003272457206 PEAK 8822-ET PEAK 240512.569121322782.627.
HO840003272457212 PEAK 8828-ET PEAK 240512.778108303782.716.
HO840003283239656 PEAK 88992-ET PEAK 240512.262143337782.685.
HO840003285651976 OCD OWEN 59333-ET Semex 240511.870138345782.765.2-0.58.6-
HO840003286461539 KINGR 1679 Select 240512.369144372782.686.
HO840003252545245 SexTech 240511.471139364792.805.
HO840003253986051 PLAIN-KNOLL 11515 Select 240412.381144362793.032.9-1.51.1-1.21.991.581.160.30772.93.73172
HO840003269138052 REGANCREST DRAX 16490-ET Semex 240512.179129361782.914.80.12.4-0.11.441.850.30-1.39762.74.73172
HO840003283225820 SexTech 240512.467124319782.765.
HO840003283536143 HENDEL 1136 Select 240512.670120301782.796.
HO840003280021243 SSI-SIEMERS 47129 Select 240512.079137365782.945.00.93.3-0.61.421.78-0.01-1.25762.85.53171
HO840003283239780 PEAK 89116-ET PEAK 240612.570113292772.608.
HO840003283437639 SexTech 240512.173111322782.826.
HO840003258837074 COOKIECUTTER 92194 Semex 240512.264136331782.704.
HO840003258837104 COOKIECUTTER 92224 Semex 240511.970123330782.844.
HO840003272026311 LADYS-MANOR PACE PACE-ET Select 240511.754130295782.794.0-
HO840003280021366 SIEMERS 47252 Semex 240611.474104291792.715.
HO840003283239707 PEAK 89043-ET PEAK 240512.178136371772.756.01.85.7-0.10.600.91-0.33-1.30761.73.43170
HO840003252545149 SexTech 240512.373123350782.935.
HO840003252545192 SexTech 240512.563125318782.776.
HO840003259826851 SexTech 240511.868131349782.726.
HO840003283239678 PEAK 89014-ET PEAK 240512.278138378782.775.3-1.45.7-
HO840003283492512 SSI-DUCKETT 7951 Select 240512.168109301782.656.
HO840003267561602 PINE-TREE 9305 MIRR 291-ET HO 240512.970150394792.744.90.57.2-0.90.831.46-0.08-1.54782.96.33168
HO840003272407258 HILMAR DISRUPTOR 1516-ET Semex 240411.564118318782.706.
HO840003272446735 Select 240511.876132329782.574.8-1.27.7-
HO840003282838170 WINSTAR 5728 Select 240412.765126335782.696.
HO840003283145224 OCD 72134 Select 240411.466133333782.785.
HO840003283239692 PEAK 89028-ET PEAK 240511.869154395782.785.73.19.0-1.50.780.750.12-1.12761.75.03168
HO840003287922394 DENOVO 7841 ABS 240512.674119333782.736.
HO840003272457237 PEAK 8853-ET PEAK 240613.466121317782.606.5-
HO840003236266889 DENOVO 6889 ABS 240512.965123320782.767.
HO840003258837086 COOKIECUTTER 92206 Semex 240511.686133377782.934.3-
HO840003272457213 PEAK 8829-ET PEAK 240512.083149398772.984.10.84.9-
HO840003280021164 SSI-SIEMERS 47050 Select 240512.969128333782.705.
HO840003283145295 Select 240511.759122312782.587.11.510.01.31.391.52-0.03-0.41762.34.93166
HO840003283225804 SexTech 240512.079132366792.904.5-0.18.2-0.40.971.300.69-1.05771.73.83166
HO840003283239659 PEAK 88995-ET PEAK 240511.265122329782.816.
HO840003283239725 PEAK 89061-ET PEAK 240512.572132333772.855.
HO840003252545259 SexTech 240512.158132293782.606.
HO840003272446734 Select 240412.976119348792.975.
HO840003278709255 SSI-BERRYRIDGE 6347 Select 240511.564122304782.636.
HO840003283437674 SexTech 240512.190119363782.795.60.63.5-0.41.381.410.08-1.21772.76.23165
HO840003287922315 ABS 7762 ABS 240512.567134353782.765.6-
HO840003287922399 DENOVO 7846 ABS 240611.877139354782.924.80.54.1-0.91.671.540.41-0.20762.45.03165
HO840003252545146 SexTech 240512.078109328792.837.
HO840003252545160 SexTech 240512.159131300792.795.
HO840003252545263 SexTech 240512.572111318782.765.92.26.7-0.31.942.041.19-0.68772.45.63164
HO840003254468580 PEN-COL LOCKSTEP 7470-ET PEAK 240412.465129330782.726.
HO840003272382366 Zoetis 240312.463127335792.596.
HO840003280021148 SSI-SIEMERS 47034 Select 240512.663148345782.864.9-
HO840003283492463 SSI-DUCKETT 7902 Select 240512.660134327782.636.
HO840003287922401 DENOVO 7848 ABS 240612.672153372782.905.21.03.9-1.31.311.070.36-0.54762.33.93164
HO840003272446690 Select 240511.770125336782.826.00.66.1-0.81.882.040.75-0.38772.74.53163
HO840003280021292 SSI-SIEMERS 47178 Select 240512.583116350782.795.
HO840003280021455 SSI-SIEMERS 47341 Select 240612.269119319782.756.1-
HO840003283145245 Select 240511.669138353782.797.
HO840003283239720 PEAK 89056-ET PEAK 240512.269131333782.707.
HO840003286320182 ABS 240412.072120325782.706.82.010.0-0.31.361.180.60-0.65761.63.13163
HO840003254468585 PEN-COL LOCKSTEP 7475-ET PEAK 240512.373131376782.775.
HO840003270391611 Select 240512.765109288782.567.
HO840003280021500 SIEMERS 47386 Select 240611.657123288782.546.62.311.40.61.731.88-0.43-0.14761.34.03162
HO840003283145317 Select 240512.662126317782.736.
HO840003283239637 PEAK 88973-ET PEAK 240512.667117312782.856.
HO840003285128277 SILVER-ELITE DSRPT 90136-ET Zoetis 240512.477127355792.785.91.38.8-1.81.421.330.98-0.82761.72.53162
HO840003280021538 SIEMERS 47424 Select 240612.260116279782.705.
HO840003283225828 SexTech 240512.380122358782.766.71.94.7-1.11.611.350.48-1.66762.25.23161
HO840003283437646 SexTech 240511.671122334782.836.
HO840003287922317 ABS 7764 ABS 240512.074138360782.924.4-
HO840003287922381 DENOVO 7828 ABS 240512.586125354782.925.
HO840003258837054 IDEAL 92174-ET PEAK 240511.368124325782.786.
HO840003280021256 SSI-SIEMERS 47142 Select 240512.088118350782.955.10.05.8-0.61.591.201.13-0.71762.34.23160
HO840003280021387 SSI-SIEMERS 47273 Select 240511.765122293782.445.9-0.811.40.71.621.490.090.22762.04.73160
HO840003280021467 SSI-SIEMERS 47353 Select 240611.857115274782.696.
HO840003282852878 FLY-HIGHER 1021 Select 240512.162112291782.827.
HO840003283225842 SexTech 240512.561126323782.766.
HO840003284345320 Semex 240511.675123335782.714.71.48.9-0.71.411.531.00-0.37762.04.63160
HO840003285538467 KINGS-RANSOM 51017 Semex 240511.070104280782.664.2-0.17.6-0.22.852.411.440.80772.44.33160
HO840003280021300 SSI-SIEMERS 47186 Select 240511.944136304782.666.01.310.80.91.411.711.06-0.50761.73.93159
HO840003280021359 SIEMERS 47245 Select 240512.067102303782.706.
HO840003283145275 OCD 72185 Semex 240511.560121317782.646.
HO840003285651978 OCD OWEN 59335-ET Semex 240511.977136369782.853.7-
HO840003287922314 DENOVO 7761 ABS 240512.669105302782.687.
HO840003272026304 LADYS-MANOR 1569 Select 240412.166114338782.736.21.810.
HO840003272407272 HILMAR PERTH 1530-ET Semex 240511.860135323792.694.
HO840003272945960 SexTech 240311.865118298792.626.
HO840003280021177 SSI-SIEMERS 47063 Select 240512.372119325782.666.
HO840003283239766 PEAK 89102-ET PEAK 240612.966129343782.785.
HO840003285651951 OCD OWEN 59308-ET Semex 240511.364127323782.666.
HO840003239751785 WITTENBERG 657 Select 240512.480134340782.854.9-0.86.1-1.21.841.240.710.13772.13.83157
HO840003270391615 Select 240512.280115351782.816.
HO840003271807654 AURORA 1488 Select 240511.868118302782.794.71.15.6-0.42.342.560.590.15762.04.93157
HO840003280699624 TRIFECTA 40264 Select 240412.075132331782.694.2-2.26.5-0.11.531.690.00-0.17761.74.23157
HO840003283239695 PEAK 89031-ET PEAK 240513.574125331782.715.
HO840003284345436 Semex 240513.395122370792.943.7-2.53.4-
HO840003287922374 DENOVO 7821 ABS 240512.269120317782.737.
HO840003252524150 WELCOME 5650 Select 240511.976121347782.756.
HO840003271807651 AURORA 1485 Semex 240511.859120297782.685.
HO840003280021250 SSI-SIEMERS 47136 Select 240512.358115291782.636.31.410.01.51.301.650.66-0.48761.73.23156
HO840003283225835 SexTech 240511.881110353782.827.
HO840003283239740 PEAK 89076-ET PEAK 240511.576133328782.666.
HO840003283536136 HENDEL 1129 Select 240411.768111308782.725.
HO840003283239785 PEAK 89121-ET PEAK 240612.067137340772.625.
HO840003289305243 DENOVO 23028 ABS 240612.365139342782.747.24.45.9-
HO840003267561597 COOKIECUTTER PT SUN 286-ET HO 240511.959114273782.617.44.811.72.50.881.11-0.070.01762.34.93154
HO840003272457241 PEAK 8857-ET PEAK 240611.968135348782.625.8-0.87.7-1.81.592.250.21-0.44762.55.03154
HO840003280021180 SSI-SIEMERS 47066 Select 240512.565134343782.826.01.67.5-0.61.411.720.37-1.37762.44.33154
HO840003282838185 ABS 240511.860128328782.796.55.09.5-0.41.531.320.99-1.25771.65.33154
HO840003283145255 SexTech 240511.957112315782.736.
HO840003283239736 PEAK 89072-ET PEAK 240512.665131335782.875.
HO840003283596479 SHELAND PERTH 9648-ET Semex 240612.160119287782.764.
HO840003287922369 DENOVO 7816 ABS 240512.370127310782.795.
HO840003283144957 OCD OWEN 23867-ET Semex 240512.071124328782.754.8-
HO840003283145278 Select 240511.663120336782.867.
HO840003283437615 SexTech 240511.163137326782.606.01.310.9-
HO840003285651950 SexTech 240512.375128358782.846.
HO840003230499528 SHELAND 9486 Select 240411.356137331782.835.
HO840003236266890 DENOVO 6890 ABS 240512.460113281782.687.
HO840003272622094 PEAK 40337-ET PEAK 240511.266133353782.626.
HO840003280021278 SSI-SIEMERS 47164 Select 240511.861129323782.666.
HO840003283239732 PEAK 89068-ET PEAK 240512.471129336782.825.5-
HO840003284681124 SIMPLE-DREAMS 8498 Select 240512.270105312782.647.
HO840003271807649 AURORA 1483 Semex 240512.266111296792.685.
HO840003280021232 SIEMERS 47118 Semex 240511.466120318782.755.
HO840003280021481 SSI-SIEMERS 47367 Select 240612.465127330782.795.
HO840003280021496 SSI-SIEMERS 47382 Select 240612.464131333782.646.
HO840003239751784 GenVis 240511.667108286792.834.9-
HO840003252545069 SexTech 240412.768126334792.975.
HO840003252545281 SexTech 240512.274119342782.734.8-0.26.4-
HO840003271791943 GenVis 240410.868124305792.814.
HO840003280021290 SSI-SIEMERS 47176 Select 240511.662112305782.457.33.612.41.20.750.780.79-0.67761.94.13150
HO840003283239686 PEAK 89022-ET PEAK 240513.176122346782.715.92.16.6-
HO840003285651914 SexTech 240510.878138376782.964.90.54.0-
HO840003272446710 Zoetis 240512.475139383782.884.7-0.84.6-
HO840003283145270 Select 240512.169119320782.776.
HO840003283437688 SexTech 240511.961121322782.797.
HO840003287922309 ABS 7756 ABS 240512.069140364782.855.
HO840003252545209 SexTech 240511.067129334792.805.
HO840003280021057 SSI-SIEMERS 46943 Select 240511.764130349782.776.
HO840003283225852 SexTech 240511.669128330782.695.
HO840003287922382 DENOVO 7829 ABS 240512.671125330782.726.
HO840003283239765 PEAK 89101-ET PEAK 240612.860142336782.755.
HO840003283239787 PEAK 89123-ET PEAK 240612.565122330782.696.
HO840003283492449 SSI-DUCKETT 7888 Select 240511.978117341782.814.8-
HO840003283239655 PEAK 88991-ET PEAK 240512.588135382782.905.70.77.7-0.60.450.76-0.56-1.32762.24.33146
HO840003283239671 PEAK 89007-ET PEAK 240512.173124332782.695.2-
HO840003283437676 SexTech 240512.070130329782.637.
HO840003283492517 SSI-DUCKETT 7956 Select 240511.442127284782.576.
HO840003287657163 ADAWAY PROACTIVE 3904-ET Semex 240412.271104301782.616.
HO840003258243758 DENOVO 7156 ABS 240512.857129314782.718.
HO840003258837082 COOKIECUTTER 92202 Semex 240511.663153357792.784.20.75.2-
HO840003272446709 T-SPRUCE 54410 Select 240512.276111302782.725.7-
HO840003282838156 ABS 240411.863145320782.695.53.59.0-0.50.970.910.620.42772.45.13145
HO840003283145307 OCD PROACTIVE 72217-ET Semex 240512.674136342782.814.40.84.7-1.01.701.370.63-0.51762.24.83145
HO840003283225827 SexTech 240512.360126307782.587.22.711.20.80.601.430.01-1.10761.85.03145
HO840003283239779 PEAK 89115-ET PEAK 240612.375133351782.735.
HO840003284092952 JOLUDI-D MASTERP 2-ET Semex 240512.978153371782.843.3-3.44.7-1.31.751.26-0.57-0.56761.73.63145

High Ranking TPI® Genomic Females –  July 2024

The July genomic run generated 17 new Holstein females over 3229 GTPI and 1299 Net Merit. Three new ones are over 3.00 on udder composite and plus for fertility index. 

Registration NumberNameBirth DateGFISire’s NamePTAPPTAP%PTAFPTAF%Feed % Rel.SCSPLLIVHealth
HO840003272861943PEAK 801040-ET 240612.9REGAN-DANHOF CATAPULT-ET 710.091560.35368782.626.8-
HO840003283068872JOLUDI-D SUNDANCE 6567-ET 240512.4S-S-I EARLYBIRD SUNDANCE-ET 640.141360.37339782.696.51.510.
HO840003283239759PEAK 89095-ET 240613.0S-S-I PAYLOAD UNDERTONE 860.121390.26394782.836.
HO840003252545210STGEN HAYWARD 3580-ET 240512.4MATCREST ARC HAYWARD-ET 650.081550.36370782.666.
HO840003256965077 240511.9CLEAR-ECHO SSI OR STATON-ET 730.141490.37363782.486.
HO840003272861931PEAK 801028-ET 240513.2REGAN-DANHOF CATAPULT-ET 740.081320.24363782.675.6-
HO840003286741940PEAK 2940-ET 240512.3REGAN-DANHOF CATAPULT-ET 750.111560.36400782.835.30.36.4-0.41.481.330.15-1.06762.14.53261
HO840003283239781PEAK 89117-ET 240613.1REGAN-DANHOF CATAPULT-ET 760.111500.33379782.775.7-
HO840003284402066 240611.9COOKIECUTTER HANSEL-ET 680.081280.25331782.627.21.910.
HO840003267559043COOKIECUTTER PT MIR 3532-ET 240412.0PINE-TREE MIRRORIMAGE-ET 700.101300.28338782.654.9-
HO840003272382562 240512.7DELICIOUS DECADE-ET 780.061350.20356782.816.
HO840003283145300 240512.3VATLAND HENDEL LOGIC-ET 710.111270.27363782.677.
HO840003284401947 240512.8T-SPRUCE FROSTBITE ANDRI-ET 810.021150.08350782.716.3-
HO840003252545182STGEN RAD 3552-ET 240512.1OCD FUGLEMAN RADICAL-ET 690.031180.14312782.876.
HO840003283599331 240512.7BOMAZ PERTH-ET 770.131310.29346782.895.51.96.5-0.21.651.981.01-0.50761.94.53238
HO840003283239771PEAK 89107-ET 240612.6PEAK ALTITUDE-ET 790.131340.28375772.826.72.98.3-
HO840003283239767PEAK 89103-ET 240612.5PEAK HIPSTER-ET 680.131110.25306782.548.02.611.
HO840003256965064 240512.4S-S-I OVERDO BRANHAM-ET 540.111320.37312782.496.61.710.50.71.752.210.61-0.25762.65.13229
HO840003283239738PEAK 89074-ET 240513.0REGAN-DANHOF CATAPULT-ET 640.101330.31327782.756.
HO840003283492437WILRA S-S-I REAPER 7876-ET 240512.5S-S-I SIEMERS GS REAPER-ET 750.091370.27355782.904.
HO840003283492468S-S-I ICEFYRE 4725 7907-ET 240511.6BLUMENFELD ICEFYRE-ET 690.131470.37350782.725.
HO840003283239696PEAK 89032-ET 240512.9PEAK EXCITEMENT-ET 700.121100.22295782.618.14.415.21.60.991.260.610.28761.64.03225
HO840003283068882JOLUDI-D SUNDANCE 6577-ET 240612.5S-S-I EARLYBIRD SUNDANCE-ET 640.141380.38322782.695.
HO840003283492452WILRA SSI ANDR 4993 7891-ET 240511.8T-SPRUCE FROSTBITE ANDRI-ET 680.081330.26350782.665.
HO840003272861928PEAK 801025-ET 240512.2PEAK ALTITUDE-ET 750.121430.32353772.675.11.76.9-0.21.351.50-0.440.29761.83.93221
HO840003283239681PEAK 89017-ET 240513.0PEAK EXCITEMENT-ET 770.111210.22333782.657.
HO840003283492441S-S-I PROFESSOR 7880-ET 240512.9SIEMERS FROST PROFESSOR-ET 680.111420.34345782.753.8-
HO840003272861945PEAK 801042-ET 240612.9PEAK HIPSTER-ET 670.061300.23349782.687.
HO840003283239674PEAK 89010-ET 240512.7REGAN-DANHOF CATAPULT-ET 760.061370.22362782.616.
HO840003283239727PEAK 89063-ET 240513.9PEAK AXFORD-ET 710.131050.22287772.787.
HO840003284402014 240512.5COOKIECUTTER HANSEL-ET 780.081460.26402782.865.0-
HO840003252545176STGEN RAD 3546-ET 240512.3OCD FUGLEMAN RADICAL-ET 820.101170.18354782.785.62.15.0-
HO840003267559067PINE-TREE 9327 EXCI 3556-ET 240512.7PEAK EXCITEMENT-ET 660.151230.33308782.796.
HO840003278827984 231112.2OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 710.101270.25315792.716.
HO840003283144682OAKFIELD SHEEPSTER 23592 240312.6OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 650.091310.29329792.766.
HO840003283239668PEAK 89004-ET 240513.1PEAK EXCITEMENT-ET 710.091190.22331772.756.
HO840003279292540Z-HAPPY DOMINANCE 9303-ET 240111.6SDG-PH DELUX DOMINANCE-ET 720.111460.33374792.926.
HO840003283239739PEAK 89075-ET 240512.8REGAN-DANHOF CATAPULT-ET 780.081260.19343782.685.9-
HO840003284401927 240511.9S-S-I JF SMOKE SIGNAL-ET 810.031300.14361782.795.
HO840003286149453AURORA SHEEPSTER 27090 240512.0OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 840.071340.19358802.845.01.06.4-0.41.700.751.23-0.01782.34.63211
HO840003283145310 240512.8PLAIN-KNOLL HCK HOWITZER-ET 770.091270.22354782.696.
HO840003283741624COOKIECUTTER SHEPS HOKUM 240311.9OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 750.131260.28346792.735.71.97.6-0.11.701.590.71-0.72773.04.93208
HO840003280021138SIEMERS SHP PARIS 47024 240512.1OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 760.161150.26305792.955.
HO840003284401976 240511.9PLAIN-KNOLL SSI O STADER-ET 880.091230.16360782.824.80.54.4-0.31.621.320.62-0.44762.03.13206
HO840003252545178STGEN RAD 3548-ET 240512.2OCD FUGLEMAN RADICAL-ET 630.101090.23293782.708.
HO840003272382561 240512.0WINSTAR CONWAY CUMULUS-ET 740.101200.22325792.737.
HO840003272861932PEAK 801029-ET 240512.1PEAK ALTITUDE-ET 790.151310.30363772.755.
HO840003283145309 240513.2S-S-I EARLYBIRD SUNDANCE-ET 600.101340.33325782.706.
HO840003285242439 240511.5T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 2176-ET 670.111260.28323792.846.
HO840003280699633JC-KOW M OWEN 40273-ET 240512.3LADYS-MANOR SMOKE OWEN-ET 630.121330.34325792.636.
HO840003274830800PEN-COL LOCKSTEP 1278-ET 240512.6PEAK LOCKSTEP-ET 680.111460.35374782.736.
HO840003283145263 240512.6T-SPRUCE FROSTBITE OLWEN-ET 710.061340.23362782.826.
HO840003283239636PEAK 88972-ET 240512.9PEAK EXCITEMENT-ET 670.141080.26284782.737.43.911.02.30.981.400.790.17761.33.73199
HO840003283239723PEAK 89059-ET 240513.4PEAK HIPSTER-ET 840.061280.16361782.646.0-
HO840003283239734PEAK 89070-ET 240512.5REGAN-DANHOF CATAPULT-ET 770.081210.19346782.727.
HO840003265835828AOD SHEEPSTER 8857-ET 240312.2OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 840.071460.23378792.865.30.87.5-1.21.370.890.280.32782.85.03198
HO840003272861944PEAK 801041-ET 240612.3REGAN-DANHOF CATAPULT-ET 660.101310.29336782.657.
HO840003279292553Z-HAPPY HUHON 9316-ET 240212.4WELCOME MNSHN HUHON-ET 750.091240.22340792.536.
HO840003284402025 240512.0COOKIECUTTER HANSEL-ET 690.111390.31369782.745.
HO840003287655577DARITA TAMBORINE PULSE-ET 240513.2LADYS-MANOR O TAMBORINE-ET 680.121170.26309782.786.
HO840003272861948PEAK 801045-ET 240613.7REGAN-DANHOF CATAPULT-ET 750.041270.16346782.785.6-
HO840003287568375PEN-COL 1111 S 1250-ET 240411.9OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 820.071420.23376782.865.0-0.27.1-0.61.361.000.32-0.41772.74.83193
HO840003283239631PEAK 88967-ET 240512.9PEAK EXCITEMENT-ET 730.111290.27327782.706.51.310.
HO840003283492481BEYOND HANSEL 7920-ET 240512.6COOKIECUTTER HANSEL-ET 660.081420.31351782.665.5-
HO840003269941096MISTY-MOOR MP PIPCORN 240312.2PEAK MASTERPIECE-ET 460.121140.36257782.457.
HO840003283239694PEAK 89030-ET 240512.9PLAIN-KNOLL ALTAMACARIO-ET 830.101210.18336782.875.
HO840003288495721 240512.5PLAIN-KNOLL HCK HOWITZER-ET 780.091290.22375792.647.22.87.9-0.30.641.040.07-1.49772.95.03189
HO840003272861955PEAK 801052-ET 240612.7REGAN-DANHOF CATAPULT-ET 680.071460.30366782.794.9-
HO840003275361889PEAK 10357-ET 240512.0PLAIN-KNOLL ALTAMACARIO-ET 750.111270.26339782.726.
HO840003252545185STGEN OUTREACH 3555-ET 240512.4STGEN OUTREACH-ET 640.081290.27318792.885.
HO840003278709264BERRYRIDGE CRIMSON 6356-ET 240512.2T-SPRUCE F BITE CRIMSON-ET 800.051300.17359782.766.30.78.5-0.31.351.18-0.13-0.63762.34.43187
HO840003283239789PEAK 89125-ET 240613.1REGAN-DANHOF CATAPULT-ET 860.091270.18380782.735.60.17.4-
HO840003283492455S-S-I REAPER 4957 7894-ET 240512.4S-S-I SIEMERS GS REAPER-ET 790.101130.18324782.725.3-
HO840003283135529 240412.4S-S-I EARLYBIRD SUNDANCE-ET 570.111140.28286782.707.
HO840003272861934PEAK 801031-ET 240512.6PEAK ALTITUDE-ET 740.121340.29359772.635.91.38.6-0.10.651.53-0.61-0.38761.93.73183
HO840003283068881JOLUDI-D TIM 6576 240612.1T-SPRUCE CONWAY TIM-ET 680.131410.36369792.924.40.12.8-0.61.731.981.26-1.47792.95.93182
HO840003256965071 240512.4CLEAR-ECHO SSI OR STATON-ET 810.081040.11312782.586.6-
HO840003283239670PEAK 89006-ET 240512.8PEAK ALTACATAPULT-ET 740.121350.30343782.756.
HO840003272622063PEAK 40306-ET 240312.4COOKIECUTTER PEAK ALTAHU-ET 720.121340.31337782.744.
HO840003272861950PEAK 801047-ET 240612.9PEAK AXFORD-ET 750.121320.28349782.785.5-
HO840003283182089 240312.5OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 690.081250.23317792.827.94.712.
HO840003284401944 240512.2CLEAR-ECHO RIX RIMBOT-ET 710.041210.16330782.537.00.811.8-0.71.491.570.35-0.41762.34.33176
HO840003272382489 240512.2PENN-ENGLAND CHEW-P-ET 660.141280.34324792.635.82.29.6-
HO840003286149477AURORA SHEEPSTER 27114-TW 240511.9OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 790.091300.22335802.924.60.17.1-
HO840003280666984 240512.9LADYS-MANOR O TAMBORINE-ET 680.121230.28328792.814.
HO840003283239741PEAK 89077-ET 240511.9PEAK HIPSTER-ET 760.101270.24315782.716.
HO840003284402075 240611.7S-S-I EARLYBIRD SUNDANCE-ET 560.071080.21279782.577.72.912.21.81.431.850.35-0.50761.64.23173
HO840003272407106HILMAR S SIGNAL 22964-ET 240512.9S-S-I JF SMOKE SIGNAL-ET 690.091430.31354782.595.7-0.89.3-
HO840003267436586 240511.9OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 660.131230.30328782.666.62.311.
HO840003283068861JOLUDI-D SHEEPSTER 6556-ET 240512.3OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 730.121330.30344782.864.3-0.88.0-0.82.311.670.82-0.19772.75.33171
HO840003283182014 240212.0OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 730.111400.30348792.814.1-0.17.4-1.01.761.511.07-0.19773.05.63170
HO840003286878759PENN-ENGLAND HELGA 21456-ET 240512.4T-SPRUCE FROSTBITE ANDRI-ET 700.091190.22301782.795.
HO840003272861936PEAK 801033-ET 240513.4REGAN-DANHOF CATAPULT-ET 660.051290.22326782.715.7-
HO840003280666981 240513.0LADYS-MANOR O TAMBORINE-ET 750.061220.17338792.785.
HO840003283182011 240112.7OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 680.101380.31329792.795.
HO840003284402021 240512.4COOKIECUTTER HANSEL-ET 740.101160.20356782.816.
HO840003288495726 240512.7S-S-I EARLYBIRD SUNDANCE-ET 690.051040.12290782.677.
HO840003278136547OCD ROX RAE 7444-ET 240512.6TERRA-LINDA PARF ROX-ET 780.051190.13327802.865.10.95.8-1.12.371.761.30-0.52792.04.83167
HO840003283741827COOKIECUTTER PERTH HOMEITH 240512.0BOMAZ PERTH-ET 740.151230.29328782.634.70.45.6-0.31.481.930.71-0.87762.25.03167
HO840003272622096PEAK 40339-ET 240612.9REGAN-DANHOF CATAPULT-ET 850.021120.05369782.687.
HO840003286149448AURORA SUNDANCE 27085-ET 240511.9S-S-I EARLYBIRD SUNDANCE-ET 640.091200.25309782.665.
HO840003281992087TTM HTWLS 2963-ET 240512.0AOT HOTWHEELS-ET 700.141380.35356782.745.82.28.7-0.70.841.450.24-0.50771.75.43164
HO840003283068864JOLUDI-D PERTH 6559-ET 240512.9BOMAZ PERTH-ET 580.141370.41321782.735.
HO840003286878753PENN-ENGLAND BARB 21450 240512.2T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 2176-ET 520.121070.30270792.806.
HO840003252545133STGEN DUDE 3503-ET 240512.3MELARRY CONWAY DUDE-ET 750.121330.28353792.894.3-0.45.4-0.61.901.490.54-0.70781.93.83163
HO840003267559071PINE-TREE 9766 BANZ 3560-ET 240512.0PINE-TREE BANZAI-ET 710.041400.22347792.875.3-
HO840003283239635PEAK 88971-ET 240512.7PEAK ALTITUDE-ET 750.101450.30390772.745.82.38.4-1.00.300.82-0.30-1.69761.33.43163
HO840003283239644PEAK 88980-ET 240512.4REGAN-DANHOF CATAPULT-ET 620.061240.23319782.656.
HO840003283492466S-S-I ICEFYRE 5160 7905-ET 240512.4BLUMENFELD ICEFYRE-ET 640.091170.24329782.708.
HO840003283239650PEAK 88986-ET 240512.6REGAN-DANHOF CATAPULT-ET 630.101330.31337782.735.
HO840003283599314 240512.4S-S-I EARLYBIRD SUNDANCE-ET 740.101030.16279782.667.02.311.00.81.741.800.140.72762.75.03160
HO840003288495724 240512.0S-S-I EARLYBIRD SUNDANCE-ET 570.041090.18296782.627.
HO840003270396727LARS-ACRES STATON 30412-ET 240512.9CLEAR-ECHO SSI OR STATON-ET 620.071160.21302782.645.
HO840003270396759 240512.4T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 2176-ET 680.081290.25316782.765.
HO840003283599330 240512.1BOMAZ PERTH-ET 620.111320.32314782.794.70.98.2-0.21.621.990.86-0.24761.74.13158
HO840003256965056 240511.6T-SPRUCE FROSTBITE ANDRI-ET 770.081120.15326782.716.
HO840003282329895 240512.9LADYS-MANOR O TAMBORINE-ET 780.07970.09312782.607.4-
HO840003283068873JOLUDI-D CASTING 6568-ET 240512.6CLAYNOOK CASTING 740.091370.27341782.834.00.07.9-0.51.411.600.31-0.44762.44.83157
HO840003270396765 240512.3OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 630.121100.26291782.667.01.812.90.81.721.540.760.07772.24.43156
HO840003283068845JOLUDI-D MASTERP 6540-ET 240512.1PEAK MASTERPIECE-ET 710.121490.35358782.924.2-
HO840003283145233 240412.3T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 2176-ET 900.081190.12327782.944.3-1.14.7-
HO840003286741929PEAK 2929-ET 240512.3PEAK ALTITUDE-ET 710.051230.17331782.656.
HO840003283239769PEAK 89105-ET 240612.7REGAN-DANHOF CATAPULT-ET 630.111330.33337782.645.
HO840003288495727 240512.9S-S-I EARLYBIRD SUNDANCE-ET 650.081130.21303782.697.
HO840003283492450WILRA S-S-I REAPER 7889-ET 240512.0S-S-I SIEMERS GS REAPER-ET 670.091250.25343782.744.5-1.58.3-0.31.592.010.86-1.44761.54.13154
HO840003285242436 240511.9T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 2176-ET 630.111300.32309792.835.
HO840003285242486 240512.9OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 870.071400.20384793.033.9-1.84.9-
HO840003280699632JC-KOW M OWEN 40272-ET 240512.5LADYS-MANOR SMOKE OWEN-ET 820.101390.25351792.814.41.05.3-
HO840003284402018 240512.1S-S-I EARLYBIRD SUNDANCE-ET 730.031370.19369782.795.30.52.5-
HO840003270396720LARS-ACRES CRIMSON 30405-ET 240512.1T-SPRUCE F BITE CRIMSON-ET 680.051130.16311782.546.81.38.1-0.11.301.640.55-0.78761.42.83151
HO840003272382533 240510.6PENN-ENGLAND CHEW-P-ET 570.101320.34317792.746.13.16.0-0.71.652.060.97-1.25782.25.03151
HO840003283145262 240512.5T-SPRUCE FROSTBITE ANDRI-ET 730.021110.10302782.786.
HO840003283145280 240512.2T-SPRUCE FROSTBITE ANDRI-ET 740.071180.17332782.765.
HO840003270396700 240511.0OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 710.071100.16315792.876.
HO840003272407063TRIFECTA H DISRPTR 22921-ET 240412.1PROGENESIS DISRUPTOR 780.051270.16355782.794.60.05.5-0.61.501.310.35-1.21761.83.43149
HO840003283239658PEAK 88994-ET 240513.2PEAK EXCITEMENT-ET 680.121200.27322772.775.51.38.0-0.41.841.601.49-0.29761.95.73149
HO840003284402016 240511.8MR T-SPRUCE FRAZZ LIONEL-ET 890.061360.16379812.963.8-0.7-0.1-
HO840003284681126 240512.5PROGENESIS DISRUPTOR 760.071180.17348782.756.00.66.5-0.61.511.600.20-0.97761.63.43149
HO840003256965050SSI-HOMESTEAD 1680 240512.7MATCREST FRSBITE SUNDOWN-ET 700.041220.17344782.785.
HO840003283404843RUANN TAMBOR MISSY-40431-ET 240312.9LADYS-MANOR O TAMBORINE-ET 550.091310.33308792.794.
HO840003283599283 240412.4SIEMERS WH PYRO 36756-ET 780.081150.16353792.865.
HO840003284401963 240511.8S-S-I SIEMERS GS REAPER-ET 710.151380.36346782.853.8-0.97.8-0.81.641.520.630.03761.84.23146
HO840003283144786OCD SHEEPSTER 23696-TW 240411.8OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 680.121260.29336802.845.
HO840003283239679PEAK 89015-ET 240512.4REGAN-DANHOF CATAPULT-ET 650.131370.36336782.715.
HO840003286149442AURORA SHEEPSTER 27079-ET 240512.6OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 690.091250.24316792.895.
HO840003251642928PINE-TREE HJS TAMB 1902-ET 240413.0LADYS-MANOR O TAMBORINE-ET 600.111090.26295792.796.
HO840003267559066PINE-TREE 743 SHADO 3555-ET 240512.3PINE-TREE SHADOW-ET 770.151070.22314782.756.
HO840003267672995ADAWAY SHEEPSTER 3867-ET 240312.2OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 820.071400.21377793.074.6-0.52.8-
HO840003272861937PEAK 801034-ET 240513.9PEAK AXFORD-ET 790.101150.19316782.795.31.28.9-0.51.631.480.660.32761.64.43143
HO840003283239755PEAK 89091-ET 240613.2REGAN-DANHOF CATAPULT-ET 660.071200.21321782.656.
HO840003283492434S-S-I PROFESSOR 7873-ET 240512.9SIEMERS FROST PROFESSOR-ET 580.121250.34322782.606.
HO840003288495722 240512.6PLAIN-KNOLL HCK HOWITZER-ET 670.08930.13302792.568.43.610.20.71.302.010.24-0.97772.64.63143
HO840003267436580 240511.9CLEAR-ECHO RIX RIMBOT-ET 580.051120.20292782.636.62.310.60.51.841.780.39-0.31761.63.13142
HO840003283144888OCD SUNDANCE 23798 240511.9S-S-I EARLYBIRD SUNDANCE-ET 680.081040.17290782.716.
HO840003283239685PEAK 89021-ET 240512.7PEAK ALTACATAPULT-ET 790.041110.10326782.776.
HO840003283239728PEAK 89064-ET 240513.5PEAK HIPSTER-ET 710.141030.22268782.716.
HO840003283239788PEAK 89124-ET 240613.2REGAN-DANHOF CATAPULT-ET 680.081100.18314782.686.
HO840003283599335 240512.7BOMAZ PERTH-ET 590.171200.38289782.734.
HO840003286149461AURORA EASTON 27098 240513.0PINE-TREE EASTON-ET 510.071250.30306792.736.
HO840003286151889 240512.0T-SPRUCE FROSTBITE ANDRI-ET 550.101120.27295782.807.
HO840003287871418OCD 24021 240613.1CLEAR-ECHO SSI OR STATON-ET 600.061110.20284782.656.
HO840003283145226OCD 72136 240412.5T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 2176-ET 750.061120.14316782.874.6-
HO840003283599324 240512.4OCD SENSATIONAL MENTOR-ET 750.111130.20315782.775.20.76.2-0.21.831.910.38-0.26762.14.03140
HO840003283492467S-S-I ANDRI 4714 7906-ET 240512.4T-SPRUCE FROSTBITE ANDRI-ET 740.091010.15286782.636.
HO840003284401989 240512.2S-S-I SIEMERS GS REAPER-ET 550.111240.33298782.635.
HO840003281180699HILLTOP-MJD HYPNOTIC 15821 240512.0COOKIECUTTER HYPNOTIC-ET 590.061000.16276792.597.72.910.
HO840003284145237WEBB-VUE SUNDANCE 11929-ET 240512.1S-S-I EARLYBIRD SUNDANCE-ET 620.101070.23293782.747.
HO840003286741935PEAK 2935-ET 240512.3KINGS-RANSOM DROPBOX-ET 530.141120.34275782.674.
HO840003283145301 240511.6S-S-I EARLYBIRD SUNDANCE-ET 640.101070.22288782.707.
HO840003272861933PEAK 801030-ET 240512.4PEAK ALTITUDE-ET 720.101380.29363772.695.30.06.3-
HO840003283239777PEAK 89113-ET 240613.7PEAK AXFORD-ET 730.111340.29340782.836.
HO840003283492471WILRA S-S-I STATON 7910-ET 240512.6CLEAR-ECHO SSI OR STATON-ET 700.051040.13293782.836.
HO840003284681131 240512.7S-S-I EARLYBIRD SUNDANCE-ET 750.05910.06298782.747.
HO840003264167555COSTA-VIEW THORSON 88928 231112.1STGEN COWEN THORSON-ET 640.091230.26306792.925.2-
HO840003272382402JOOK SHEEPSTER 5761-ET 240411.7OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 730.121340.30347782.855.
HO840003272382534 240512.6BLUMENFELD RECHARGE-ET 730.071190.18328792.855.
HO840003272407116HILMAR-D PERTH 22974-ET 240512.4BOMAZ PERTH-ET 680.141350.35342782.784.61.35.9-
HO840003272861938PEAK 801035-ET 240513.1PEAK AXFORD-ET 720.031130.12332782.616.
HO840003284402030 240512.0COOKIECUTTER HANSEL-ET 580.081120.24306782.726.
HO840003245194127GIL-GAR EASTON MARVELI 240513.3PINE-TREE EASTON-ET 650.041090.15321792.686.
HO840003283145299 240512.8T-SPRUCE FROSTBITE ANDRI-ET 760.04940.05281782.616.
HO840003284402133 240612.8COOKIECUTTER HANSEL-ET 680.101090.20319782.627.
HO840003267559057PINE-TREE 834 SUNDA 3546-ET 240512.2S-S-I EARLYBIRD SUNDANCE-ET 660.121160.26311782.795.
HO840003284145219WEBB-VUE ISAAC 11911 240512.2LA-CA-DE-LE T ISAAC 8731-ET 640.091110.22253792.617.
HO840003284402046 240612.1COOKIECUTTER HANSEL-ET 560.081050.22278782.636.
HO840003284681122 240512.2BLUMENFELD ICEFYRE-ET 730.051160.15346782.806.83.07.0-0.20.941.460.21-1.43772.34.33131
HO840003283492451S-S-I ICEFYRE 5160 7890-ET 240511.7BLUMENFELD ICEFYRE-ET 730.101140.20309782.746.
HO840003284401977 240511.8CLEAR-ECHO RIX RIMBOT-ET 720.041090.12329782.697.03.68.8-
HO840003284402074 240612.4S-S-I EARLYBIRD SUNDANCE-ET 620.071020.18278782.547.
HO840003256965079 240612.0S-S-I OVERDO BRANHAM-ET 680.051190.18316782.646.
HO840003272622090PEAK 40333-ET 240513.0REGAN-DANHOF CATAPULT-ET 680.091460.33378782.915.
HO840003278709260BERRYRIDGE CRIMSON 6352-ET 240512.1T-SPRUCE F BITE CRIMSON-ET 710.081270.23316782.725.20.28.6-0.11.591.280.060.55762.54.53128
HO840003283239746PEAK 89082-ET 240613.9REGAN-DANHOF CATAPULT-ET 640.081440.32360782.845.
HO840003287871411OCD SHEEPSTER 24014 240512.2OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 690.051290.21333802.765.51.37.2-1.21.901.670.47-0.17793.55.73128
HO840003272382391JOOK EASTON 5750-ET 240412.7PINE-TREE EASTON-ET 690.091170.22341792.566.42.59.3-
HO840003252545155STGEN SOLO 3525-ET 240511.8STGEN CAP SOLO-ET 780.071070.12337792.846.
HO840003283135492 240412.6T-SPRUCE G FROST BITE-ET 590.081010.20301792.757.
HO840003283239595PEAK 88931-ET 240513.2PEAK EXCITEMENT-ET 650.151210.32304782.536.50.411.3-0.41.451.280.560.24762.04.33126
HO840003286168635 240511.8OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 660.121280.30322802.754.
HO840003283145277 240513.1S-S-I SIEMERS GS REAPER-ET 770.041080.09320782.714.9-1.57.9-0.21.771.730.83-0.83761.84.63125
HO840003283239752PEAK 89088-ET 240612.3PLAIN-KNOLL ALTAMACARIO-ET 740.081010.13290782.756.
HO840003284402023 240511.5S-S-I EARLYBIRD SUNDANCE-ET 610.041190.20326782.705.

Evolution of Selection Indices in US Dairy: An In-depth Study of Traits, Standardization and Impact on Genetic Diversity

Explore the evolution of selection indices in dairy farming, their impact on genetic diversity, and how they cater to unique farming needs. Are there too many indices? Find out here.

If you’ve ever wondered how selection indices evolved over time, then you’re in for a treat. Once regarded as just another ticker tape in the realms of dairy farming, selection indices have morphed into a more nuanced system underpinned by advances in data analytics. It’s a constellation of traits, each bearing its own weight, culminating in a nuanced system we see today. But before we delve deeper, let’s start at the beginning. 

“The selection index journey began with the USDA’s Predicted Difference Dollars index which was based only on milk and fat production. The shift over time has been influenced by emerging knowledge on the biology of the cow, innovation in data collection and the ever-evolving dairy economics.”

Now, we see indices that bear the weight of multiple physical and economic traits. Intriguingly, with every leap in scientific understanding and data analytics, the focus expanded from just production to fitness and conformation traits as well. Ready to know how it evolved and transformed over the years? Let’s dive in!

What Traits are in the Index? 

So, what really goes into these selection indices? Let’s lay it all out. You’ll notice that over time, the level of emphasis on each trait has seen dynamic shifts with each index revision. What’s interesting is, there’s been a notable quickening in the rate of new traits making their way into the index. This can be attributed to shifts in dairy economics, a deeper grasp of bovine biology, and the enhanced ease of data gathering and transmission. 

Travel back in time to 1971 when the USDA released the Predicted Difference Dollars index. This was the first of its kind and primarily revolved around milk and fat production (Norman and Dickinson, 1971). While other traits were considered economically significant back then, milk and fat were the stars of the show due to the ample phenotypic data available. 

Fast forward to 1976, and things begin to spice up. Protein yield was incorporated into the Predicted Difference Dollars index, birthing the Milk-Fat-Protein Dollars index (Norman et al., 1979). Later on, in 1984, an exciting new index was introduced focusing on cheese yield (Norman, 1986).

It all fundamentally changed in 1994 when productive life and Somatic Cell Score (SCS) found a place alongside yield traits, marking the first rendition of the Lifetime Net Merit index (VanRaden and Wiggans, 1995). Here’s where it gets ultra-interesting. The amalgamation of fitness, conformation, and production traits made NM$ stand out from its contemporaries.

Meanwhile, Scandinavian countries had already begun recorded health and fertility data in the 1960s, computing genetic evaluations for these traits in the 1970s (Philipsson and Lindhé, 2003). They discovered that selection objectives encompassing traits with low heritabilities could lead to significant improvements in cow health and fertility. Leitch (1994) examined 19 modern selection indices and found that merely two – Danish S-Index and US NM$ included mastitis resistance, and only one incorporated fertility (Danish S-Index) and productive life (US NM$). 

In a revealing review based on an independent survey, Philipsson et al., 1994 identified several other countries’ indices (Finland, Norway, Slovenia, and Sweden) that included fitness traits as well. This trend took off, and a decade later, each of the 17 indices reviewed encompassed at least one fitness trait (Miglior et al., 2005).

Today, indices are being progressively packed with more fitness traits (Cole and VanRaden, 2018), to the point that it’s considered unusual if an index fails to include such traits. With this shift in focus and the continued development of these indices, one thing is clear – the understanding and evaluation of overall dairy cow merit is moving towards a more holistic paradigm.

There is No Universal Standard 

While it may be tempting to define a single, universal total merit index, the reality is that this is not attainable. The reason being is that every farmer operates in a unique economic and environmental context from their neighboring farms. This concept was first proposed by Gjedrem in 1972, who theorized that every farm should actually be using its own customized selection index that is tailored to its specific financial situation and business objectives. 

In practice, farms with overlapping operating and financial characteristics can potentially use the same index with minimal efficiency loss. However, there are challenges in assigning direct economic values to some traits, most notably conformation traits. Breeders’ goals vary considerably which directly impacts their breeding programs. For instance, a commercial dairy that primarily earns its income from the sale of milk solids will have differing income streams and expenses compared to a seedstock breeder who also sells embryos and premium germplasm. Hence, using different indices may be beneficial. 

Specifically, the Lifetime Net Merit (LNM) was explicitly developed for use by commercial dairy farmers (VanRaden, 2004), whereas the Holstein Association USA’s Total Performance Index is aimed at registered cattle breeders who often sell both genetics and milk. The need for more than one index stems from the fact that farmers sell their products to varying markets (VanRaden, 2000), and they have personal preferences (Martin-Collado et al., 2015), as well as different strategies for maximizing profits (Berry et al., 2019).

Recognizing these variations, the CDCB currently publishes four separate indices (Lifetime Net Merit, Fluid Merit, Cheese Merit, and Grazing Merit) to offer farmers options that best suit their needs. This approach of providing multiple indices to farmers isn’t unique to the United States. For instance, when the Australian Dairy Herd Improvement Scheme (now DataGene) revised the Australian Profit Ranking index in 2016, it was replaced with three new indices – Balanced Performance Index, Health Weighted Index, and Type Weighted Index (Byrne et al., 2016). These indices offer their farmers the ability to focus on trait groups that align with their priorities and are sound from a technical standpoint.

Are There Too Many Indices Already? 

The recent years have witnessed the emergence of numerous new selection indices that are being aggressively marketed to commercial dairy farmers. This is different from the norm observed with the Net Merit Dollars (NM$) and indices released by noteworthy organizations such as the Purebred Dairy Cattle Association (PDCA). Many of these novel indices are being promoted by breeding companies as a strategy to differentiate their products. 

Table 2 provides a list of a few selection indices currently available to American dairy farmers. However, this list is not exhaustive, as some organizations prefer to keep their indices confidential. These indices have been developed by different agencies such as the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), PDCA – particularly by the American Jersey Cattle Association, and commercial establishments like Zoetis. 

Despite the variations, there’s a remarkable similarity among most indices, with a bidirectional focus on productivity (a key source of income for most farms) and fitness traits (often directly linked to costs). However, making direct comparisons is a challenge due to availability restrictions, as some indices are only accessible for bulls promoted by the index publisher. 

Differences between indices are typically attributed to the inclusion of unique sets of traits, or the differential priority given to these traits in the index. Some companies even opt for proprietary evaluations to differentiate their offerings from their competitors. Correlations among these indices are generally very strong, resulting in minimal reranking of bulls when switching from one index to another. Nevertheless, many farmers may struggle to clearly describe the differences between each index, thereby creating room for confusion. Furthermore, there are concerns that marketers might exaggerate the significance of differences between the indices.  Table 2: Some selection indices currently offered to US dairy farmers  

Note: The correspondence between the indices is often quite remarkable, revealed by the work of T. J. Lawlor Jr., from the Holstein Association USA (personal communication), and this minimal reranking of bulls when transitioning from one index to another.

Trait BS PPR (2017) AY CPI (2019) GU PTI (2020) JE JPI (2020) HO ICC$ (2020) JE ICC$ (2020) HO TPI (2020) USDA NM$ (2018)
Milk 5 −1
Fat 28 25 25 19 14 22 19 27
Protein 34 35 25 27 12 22 19 17
PL 6 6 5 6 12 5 12
SCS −4 −4.5 −4 −4 −4 −4
UC 10 10 7 5 11 7
FLC 10 6 3
BWC −5
DPR 12 6 15 9 8 12 9.1 7
SCE −2
DCE −1 −0.5
SSB −1  
DSB −1 −1.5  
CA$ 5
HCR 2 5 6 1.3 1
CCR 3.5 3 1.3 2
LIV 4 3 3 2 5 3 7
HLTH 4.6 4 2 2
MO 6  
TYPE 25 19.4 8  
UDEP 5  
STR 3  
STAT 3  
DENS −3  
FEED 16 8  
POLL 1  
HAPL <1 1  
LOCO 6  
HOOF 1  
BCS 1  
MAST 1 4  
SPD 1  
TEMP <1  
CALF 4  
EFC 1 1.3  

1 Due to rounding, columns will sometimes sum to a value slightly smaller or larger than 100. BS PPR = Brown Swiss Progressive Performance Ranking (); AY CPI = Cow Performance Index (); GU PTI = Performance and Type Index (); JE JPI = Jersey Performance Index (); HO ICC$ = Ideal Commercial Cows for Holsteins (); JE ICC$ = Ideal Commercial Cows for Jerseys (Genex, 2020a,b); HO TPI = Total Performance Index (); USDA NM$ = Net Merit Dollars ().2 PL = productive life; UC = udder composite (varies by breed and index); FLC = feet and legs composite; BWC = body weight composite; DPR = daughter pregnancy rate; SCE = sire (direct) calving ease; DCE = daughter (maternal) calving ease; CA$ = calving ability dollars; HCR = heifer conception rate; CCR = cow conception rate; LIV = cow livability; HLTH = health traits (varies by breed and index); MO = mobility (Brown Swiss); TYPE = type (conformation) composite (varies by breed); UDEP = udder depth; STR = strength; STAT = stature; DENS = milk density; FEED = feed intake/feed cost (varies by breed and index); SSB = sire (direct) stillbirth; DSB = daughter (maternal) stillbirth; POLL = polled status; HAPL = haplotypes affecting fertility; LOCO = locomotion; HOOF = hoof health; MAST = clinical mastitis; SPD = milking speed; TEMP = milking temperament; CALF = calf survivability; EFC = early first calving (age at first calving).

Are Selection Indices Responsible for Reducing Diversity in Some Breeds? 

At first glance, you’d be forgiven for suggesting that the continued decrease in genetic diversity, particularly in US Holsteins (e.g., Maltecca et al., 2020) could be attributed to breeders doggedly pursuing high-index animals. However, the reality is not so straightforward. The escalation in inbreeding rates are, in fact, more likely sparked by improvements in selection intensity, largely thanks to advances in genomic technology (García-Ruiz et al., 2016). 

The rapid cycling of generations, paired with significant gains achieved in each, has led seedstock producers to place heavy focus on the lines that have consistently produced successful bull families. With limited resources available for the identification of elite animals, the threat of losing market share to rivals is a far more potent concern now than in the days of traditional progeny testing programs. This is because of the rapidly accruing genetic gains. As such, the expected decline in the rate of inbreeding under genomic selection, as anticipated by Daetwyler et al., 2007, has not come to pass. Simply put, no major AI company is prepared to risk sourcing largely from outcross families. 

Should there be a market for outcross bulls, the collected phenotypes would primarily come from daughters of popular families, leading to a drop in prediction accuracies for the outcross animals. However, looking at the long-term picture, the benefits of diversifying the genetic base could well justify a bit of short-term inaccuracy. You could compare this situation to the balancing act in optimal contribution theory, where alterations in inbreeding are offset by rates of genetic improvement (Clark et al., 2013). 

It’s also feasible that the surging number of indices could encourage the emerging development of more distinct Holstein strains. This would increase inbreeding within individual strains but would enhance diversity overall when the strains are crossed. Strategies like this echo those proposed for nucleus herd programs (e.g., Meuwissen, 1998), common features in the swine and poultry sectors. In fact, certain breeding companies offer mating schemes predicated on assigning young sires to genetic lines within the breed (e.g., Select Sires Inc, 2020). The specifics of how bulls are assigned to lines, however, remain undisclosed. 

The Bottom Line

In the final analysis, we’ve seen how selection indices have evolved over time, progressively expanding to encompass a wider array of traits reflecting economic, health, and fitness factors. This holistically reflects the varying needs and goals of individual farmers, set in their unique farm environments and economic situations. While there’s been an exponential increase in selection indices, each serves a distinct purpose and is aimed at providing the best possible outcomes for different farming models. Even though multiple indices could induce a level of complexity and confusion among farmers, their fundamental similarity lies in striking a balance between productivity and fitness traits. 

One common criticism regarding indices, increased inbreeding resulting in reduced genetic diversity, is not solely tied to the selection indices. Advanced or genomic technologies have accelerated this trend more than the indices themselves. It is paramount that the value of broadening the genetic base is considered, possibly at the expense of some short-term gains. The potential for diversity may also lie in the development of various strains within breeds due to the multiple indices available. 

The selection index is a potent tool that empowers farmers to make informed decisions that align with their individual operational context, ultimately working towards the shared goal of maximizing productivity and profitability. Considering the nuances of the indices and striving towards an understanding that serves their unique needs can make a crucial difference to their farming success. As developments and research continue within this field, the hope is for the creation and application of even more comprehensive and farmer-oriented indices in the future.

Summary: Selection indices have evolved over time, starting with the USDA’s Predicted Difference Dollars index in 1971. They have expanded to include physical and economic traits, fitness, and conformation traits. The Lifetime Net Merit index was introduced in 1994, which combined fitness, conformation, and production traits. Scandinavian countries discovered that selection objectives encompassing traits with low heritabilities could lead to significant improvements in cow health and fertility. In 1994, several other countries’ indices (Finland, Norway, Slovenia, and Sweden) also included fitness traits, leading to the development of the Lifetime Net Merit index. Today, indices are increasingly packed with more fitness traits, making it unusual if an index fails to include such traits. This shift in focus and continued development of these indices make the understanding and evaluation of overall dairy cow merit moving towards a more holistic paradigm. There is no universal total merit index, as every farmer operates in a unique economic and environmental context. The concept of using a customized selection index tailored to its specific financial situation and business objectives was first proposed by Gjedrem in 1972. The CDCB currently publishes four separate indices (Lifetime Net Merit, Fluid Merit, Cheese Merit, and Grazing Merit) to offer farmers options that best suit their needs. The emergence of numerous new selection indices has led to an aggressive marketing strategy for commercial dairy farmers, different from the norm observed with Net Merit Dollars (NM$) and indices released by organizations like the Purebred Dairy Cattle Association (PDCA).

Reducing Methane Emissions via Genetic Selection in Cattle

Discover how genetic selection in dairy cattle can revolutionize farming and combat climate change by significantly reducing methane emissions. Will you join the change?

It’s undeniable; the dairy industry is under immense pressure to reduce its environmental impact. One of most the significant culprits? Methane emissions. This potent greenhouse gas is drawing increasing attention as we grapple with the realities of climate change. Amidst growing calls for sustainable development, innovative strategies are stepping into the spotlight. One such strategy is genetic selection in dairy cattle, an unconventional yet promising approach. In this article, we will explore how this technique can help curtail methane outputs from dairy cattle and introduce more sustainable farming practices. 

Climate change, sparked by an upsurge in greenhouse gases (GHGs) in our atmosphere, has become a paramount global concern. Why has one specific GHG – methane (CH4) – garnered attention more than others? And how can genetic strategies in our cattle help mitigate these emissions? Stick around, as we delve into these pressing questions and more.

Understanding Methane Emissions in Dairy Farming

Imagine if you could reduce the amount of methane released by cows simply by choosing the right genetics. Here’s how it works: Dairy cows, like all ruminants, naturally produce methane as they digest food. This methane production is a byproduct of enteric fermentation, a fascinating biological process that involves the fermentation of plant material by a rich community of microbes inside the animal’s stomach. Now, methane, as you may know, is a mighty force in terms of its greenhouse gas potency. It’s over 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide! That’s a significant blow our environment takes every time a cow belches, which it does quite frequently. 

The dairy sector worldwide is, unsurprisingly, under close scrutiny to reduce its methane contributions for the betterment of our environment. The good news is that solutions are being sought diligently in the realm of science and technology. One of these innovative strategies is genetic selection in cattle, which showcases promising possibilities. Hang in there, and we’ll dive into how exactly genetic selection can curb methane emissions from our lovely dairy cows, paving the way for more environmentally friendly dairy farming practices. 

Intriguingly, methane production varies among individual cows. An average Holstein cow, one of the popular dairy breeds, can release almost 500 grams of methane daily, which is roughly 397 lbs annually. But get ready for an interesting twist in our methane saga: some cows produce 30% more than the average, while others release 30% less than the average. You’re probably confused. Here’s what it means: two cows in the same herd could be releasing vastly different amounts of methane – we’re talking differences of around 238 lbs annually! But here’s the silver lining – such genetic variations among cows make genetic selection a potent tool to reduce methane emissions. After all, if there’s a heritable attribute that influences how much methane a cow releases, it makes perfect sense to choose the cows with the most favorable genetics for breeding purposes, doesn’t it? 

The Role of Genetic Selection

As you explore options to curtail the issue of methane emissions, you’ll find that genetic selection plays a pivotal role. This process zeroes in on those cattle that organically emit less methane, providing an environmentally-friendly solution to the issue at hand. It works by picking out individuals based on certain characteristics or genetic identifiers that are connected to reduced methane production. Intriguingly, studies demonstrate a noticeable difference in methane output between cows, implying that genetic components significantly affect this trait. Hence, an investment in genetic selection is an investment in a healthier, more sustainable future for our dairy farming industry.

  • Identifying Low-Methane Emitters
    How do scientists go about identifying cattle that produce less methane? It’s no simple task. They resort to multiple methodologies, such as examining the microbial composition in the gut or measuring the gas directly from the air cows exhale. These intricate analysis methods aimed at identifying lower methane emitters are the first step towards making a real difference in methane emissions.
  • Breeding Programs
    After identifying the low-methane emitters, what’s next in the playbook? Breeding them preferentially. This innovative breeding strategy steers the genetic makeup of future generations towards lower methane production, all without compromising dairy productivity. Doesn’t that make for a compelling approach?
  • Technological Advancements
    Coming to the rescue in this challenging process, today’s advanced technological developments, like genomic sequencing and cutting-edge statistical models, are crucial. They assist in identifying the genetic markers linked to low methane emission. This level of precision allows the dairy industry to implement more effective and efficient selection procedures, revolutionizing their approach to methane emissions. 

Using Genetics to Reduce Methane Emissions

Picture this: A cleaner, more environmentally-friendly world of dairy farming than exists today. It may sound like a far-off dream, but trust us – it’s closer to reality than you might think! A robust, lasting solution to reduce methane emissions revolves around genetically selecting cows that emit less methane (CH4). It’s crucial to mention, though, while this method has been proven effective, the high costs associated with methane measurements can make it seem daunting—resulting in few cows with substantial CH4 data. That’s where our heroes enter the picture—a group of tenacious researchers at the University of Guelph and Lactanet, working hand-in-hand with Semex, have broken down this barrier by discovering alternative ways to accurately predict the methane emissions of our bovine friends. Thanks to their ground-breaking work, we’ve unearthed a treasure trove of opportunities for efficiently managing and cutting back on greenhouse gas emissions in dairy farming. This game-changing method became possible, in part, thanks to research conducted at the University of Guelph, which determined that milk’s mid-infrared spectrometer data could serve as a reliable predictor of methane emissions. The research made innovative use of machine learning technology, a subtype of artificial intelligence (AI). Mid-infrared spectrometer data is a common resource for milk testing organizations, providing information about milk’s fat and protein percentage, along with other test results from daily milk samples. Surprisingly, this valuable data is often discarded after testing, but at Lactanet, they’ve been saving every snippet since 2018—just in case it might later prove useful for research! The endeavor to collate methane emission data from research herds was driven by two large-scale international projects and encompassed two Canadian research herds totaling 700 cows. These herds were equipped with GreenFeed machines, considered the “gold standard” for measuring methane emissions because they suction in every breath exhaled by the cows. An alternative and more economical method is using a sniffer, a device that calculates gas density and can be fitted into a milking robot. Now, with at least 30 commercial farms across Canada using sniffers, an even broader dataset is being accumulated to validate the original process. Not to be left out, data from other cattle breeds is also being gathered to extend methane efficiency proofing in the near future. 

Collected Data

Figure 1. GreenFeed system used to measure gas fluxes including methane from individual animals.

You’ll be fascinated to learn that under the frameworks of the Efficient Dairy Genome Project (EDGP) and the Resilient Dairy Genome Project (RDGP), which can be accessed at, teams of diligent researchers are amassing a wealth of data regarding CH4 production. This data promises to serve as a valuable reference population for the calculation of genomic evaluations. In order to collect this data, the primary approach has largely centered around the greenfeed system, which cleverly gauges gas fluxes—including that of CH4—from single animals each time they utilize the feed trough component of the machine (figure 1). Despite its ingenuity, this process presents challenges in the form of great labor intensity, high costs, and limited feasibility for application on commercial dairy farms, which has thus far resulted in a relatively small sample of animals with measured CH4 emission phenotypes. Rising to the challenge, researchers from the University of Guelph have introduced a cutting-edge alternative, fueled by artificial intelligence and machine learning methodologies, designed to deliver large-scale predictions of CH4 emissions, as the ongoing collection of emission data marches forward.

Predicted Data

Researchers have discovered fascinating correlations between the composition of cow’s milk – especially fatty acids – and the animal’s methane (CH4) emissions, which are largely driven by enteric fermentation. Because of this relationship, we can leverage the milk composition data to accurately forecast a cow’s methane emissions. An innovative method employed in this process is mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy, which discerns a milk sample’s chemical makeup by observing how light is absorbed by the milk. Already successfully used to pinpoint specific milk constituents like fat and protein percentages, or beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), the technology holds immense potential for CH4 emission prediction. Each MIR examination of a milk sample generates over a thousand data points, all of which are collected and stored in the expansive Lactanet database, thanks to our milk recording services and laboratory milk sample analysis. Lactanet has used these spectral data, in combination with previously gathered methane data from research herds across Canada, to develop a sophisticated methane prediction system via machine learning. Utilizing only the first lactation data spanning from 120 to 185 days in milk, it is found that the algorithm’s predicted methane emissions demonstrate an impressive 85% genetic correlation with collected methane data, boasting a relatively high heritability of 23%. This illustrates how cutting-edge science and technology are working hand in hand to help us effectively manage our carbon footprint in dairy farming.

Methane Efficiency Evaluations 

You’re probably wondering how it’s even possible to measure methane emissions on an individual cow-by-cow basis. Believe it or not, it’s not only feasible but also cost-effective, thanks to the use of milk spectral data. Lactanet has developed a method that can accurately predict CH4 emissions for a large number of cows without breaking the bank. This breakthrough has opened the door to genetic evaluations for CH4 emissions, a critical step in reducing their overall impact. Supporting Dairy Farmers of Canada’s long-held goal of attaining net-zero GHG emissions from farm-level dairy production by 2050, Lactanet, working with the University of Guelph and Semex, has launch the first-ever national genetic evaluation to decrease CH4 emissions from dairy cattle

This game-changing initiative will take effect from April 2023, when the single-step genomic evaluation of predicted CH4 will yield Relative Breeding Values (RBV) for methane efficiency, specifically in the Holstein breed. Dairy producers, take note! This means you have the opportunity to select traits that decrease CH4 emissions, without any negative repercussions on production traits. And with the substantial reference population at our disposal, the average reliability of methane efficiency for genotyped young bulls and heifers is expected to exceed 70%. 


In plain English, the measure of methane efficiency (ME) in Canada is expressed similarly to other traits: an average of 100 with a standard deviation of 5. Scores usually fall between 85 to 115, with cattle scoring above 100 demonstrating greater methane efficiency i.e., they produce less methane than their counterparts with scores below 100. To put this into perspective, a bull that scores one standard deviation above the mean (say, 105) should father daughters that will emit 3kg or 6.6lb less methane annually – a minor reduction that over time and generations can accumulate significantly. If a breeder consistently selects bulls with a 105 ME rating, by 2050 their herd could have 20-30% lower methane emissions than today. Methane efficiency computation utilizes a single-step evaluation model, which conveniently incorporates all pedigree, performance, and genotype data into one calculation. The aim remains steadfast—to reduce methane emissions without disturbing milk, fat, and protein yields. To that end, methane efficiency is represented in such a way that it is genetically unconnected to these yields. The reliability of this trait for young genotyped bulls and heifers remains over a reassuring 70%.


It’s worth noting that methane efficiency does not bear any significant negative correlations with other essential characteristics, such as lpi or pro$. In context, correlations oscillating between ±0.15 are usually not deemed significant. On the upside, evidence suggests some crucial, albeit minor, positive associations with metabolic disease resistance, daughter fertility, and with broader health and fertility indicators. Now, consider this: methane emissions account for an energy loss of approximately 4-7% of total intake. Therefore, energy preserved, which could have otherwise been wasted on methane emissions, seems to be funneled towards boosting health outcomes. The meticulous crafting of this trait to ensure its independence from other production characteristics offers an explanation for its minuscule correlations with yield traits. Likely, this arrangement likewise influences its negative correlation of -.14% with feed efficiency. Therefore, the genetic selection for methane efficiency appears to bring along added health benefits while leaving other crucial production traits untouched.

Allow me to paint a picture for you with some top performers, providing insight into potential superior sires spearheading methane efficiency. Topping the chart with an awe-inspiring score of 118 is the bull S-S-I Renegade Improbable, a product of the prolific collaboration between S-S-I PR Renegade-ET and S-S-I Took 7261 8495-ET at Select Sires. This table of honour comprises not only methane efficiency but also feed efficiency, placing a spotlight on the intertwined relationship between these traits.  An outlier that shatters the norm while excelling in both metrics is Drumdale Allday P, boasting a methane efficiency score of 115 and a feed efficiency score of 106. Tracing his lineage reveals a rich genetic heritage marked by Cherry-Lily Zip Luster-P, View-Home Powerball-P, and tracing back to Boldi V S G Epic Allie. Talk about genetic royalty, right?  Moving forward, the key to ensuring continuous breed-wide improvement for this trait lies in its inclusion in the Total Index. It’s exciting news that Canada has initiated a modernization process for the LPI (Lifetime Profit Index), transitioning this evaluation model from a 3-sub-index to a 6-sub-index system as of April 2025. The Sustainability Index, a dynamic new sub-index, is anticipated to embrace both feed efficiency and body maintenance. And you guessed it – methane efficiency will proudly occupy a spot on that inclusive sustainability roster. Genetic selection coupled with comprehensive performance assessment, as you can see, has the capacity to transform the dairy industry’s impact on the environment dramatically.

Name LPI Pro$ Milk Fat Prot %F %P Conf ME FE    
S-S-I RENGADE IMPROBABLE-ET 3287 1573 54 58 39 0.48 0.29 7 118 100    
VOGUE FIRECRACKER-ET 3174 1269 14 24 29 0.21 0.23 10 117 102    
S-S-I MILLINGTON TOTEM-ET 3287 1518 565 55 33 0.27 0.1 5 116 97    
PEAK ALTAVITOR-ET 3089 1919 365 104 60 0.75 0.37 -5 116 95    
SYNERGY ALTAPARQUET-ET 2963 942 804 35 19 0.04 -0.07 1 116 98    
PROGENESIS HEISENBERG 2943 1345 145 34 24 0.24 0.16 -5 116 101    
DRUMDALE ALLDAY P 3456 2484 486 99 55 0.67 0.3 4 115 106    
STE ODILE PLEASE P 2568 14 15 -47 12 -0.39 0.09 -1 115 102    
WESTCOAST TICKET 3065 1172 -450 51 26 0.58 0.34 -2 114 100    
DE-SU KING R RULER 13999-ET 2676 509 -990 36 15 0.66 0.4 -4 113 101    
MR TANGOSTAR-ET 2614 166 46 29 27 0.24 0.21 -1 113 102    
ELSBERND ALTAHOMERIC-ET 2488 -166 374 -40 -10 -0.45 -0.17 1 113 99    
PROGENESIS ALTAPLEDGE-ET 3312 2311 594 78 62 0.46 0.33 -4 112 103    
GLEN-D-HAVEN ALTABUCK-ET 2833 613 -462 23 18 0.36 0.27 0 112 100    
JUMAU TORPIDO 2775 498 -165 21 29 0.23 0.27 -1 112 101    
BOLDI V ALPHORN 2663 197 537 8 23 -0.1 0.04 -3 112 99    
CLAYNOOK DEALER 2605 245 822 -2 20 -0.27 -0.05 0 112 95    


Benefits of Methane Reduction and Beyond

Imagine our planet enveloped in a layer of greenhouse gases much like a protective blanket; these gases stop the sun’s heat from bouncing away, which maintains Earth’s average temperature at around 14⁰C (57⁰F). Absent this natural greenhouse effect, Earth’s temperature could plummet to -18⁰C (-0.4⁰F). The density of this gas layer has remained surprisingly consistent over millennia, largely because the primary greenhouse gas—carbon dioxide—takes an astounding 1,000 years to break down. Our other significant greenhouse gases include methane and nitrous oxide; methane, although it breaks down within just a dozen years, is 27 times more effective at trapping heat than carbon dioxide, while nitrous-oxide, despite a lengthy 120-year breakdown time, is an incredible 265 times more potent. 

The relative constancy of our greenhouse gas layer, however, began to change with the onset of the industrial era. That’s when we started burning vast quantities of fossil fuels and pumping massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Compounding the problem, the human population ballooned from 2 billion in 1924 to 8 billion by 2024, while forest coverage tumbled from two-thirds to just one-third. Between 1970 and 2004, our total greenhouse gas emissions shot up by 70%, driving atmospheric carbon dioxide density from 410 parts per million (ppm) in 1970 to 425 ppm today. 

Against this backdrop, cutting methane emissions offers an attractive, short-term opportunity for decreasing overall greenhouse gas density. Since any reduction in methane levels will manifest in a comparable decrease in total atmospheric greenhouse gases within 12 years, and considering that methane contributes to 19% of the total greenhouse gas effect (with half of that coming from ruminants), it’s clear that we need to focus on this area. Indeed, since 1984, atmospheric methane has surged from 1,650 parts per billion to 1,900 parts per billion. 

Moving forward, we should also tackle nitrous-oxide emissions, largely linked to excessive nitrogen fertilizer use. The production of ammonia—the foundation of nitrogen fertilizers—consumes significant quantities of natural gas and results in three tons of carbon dioxide being released for every ton of ammonia we produce. Combined, nitrous-oxide and the carbon dioxide produced during ammonia production account for 7.5% of the total greenhouse gas effect. Key to reducing our reliance on nitrogen fertilizers will be the expanded use of legumes, the improvement and increased use of inoculants to facilitate nitrogen fixation by grass species, the inclusion of mixed forage crops and perennials, and a pivot toward cover crops and minimum-tillage methods.

The benefits of genetic selection for low methane emissions extend beyond environmental impacts:

  • Improved Efficiency: Cattle that produce less methane often digest food more efficiently, translating into better feed conversion ratios and potentially higher milk yields.
  • Economic Advantages: Lower methane emissions can also mean reduced costs associated with feed, as more energy from feed is used for growth and production rather than lost as methane.
  • Health and Welfare Improvements: Genetic advancements can lead to healthier cattle with better overall well-being, which is increasingly important to consumers.

The Bottom Line

In essence, the deployment of genetic selection marks a revolutionary pivot in the way the dairy sector counters its ecological hurdles. This innovative strategy of curbing methane emissions via purposeful breeding methods empowers dairy farmers to join hands in the global combat against climate change, while simultaneously beefing up the sustainability and efficacy of their individual businesses. The evolution of this domain holds immense potential in orchestrating the destiny of dairy farming, aligning it seamlessly with worldwide sustainability objectives.

Summary: The dairy industry is working to reduce its environmental impact, particularly in the area of methane emissions, which are over 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide. To mitigate these emissions, innovative strategies are being sought in science and technology, such as genetic selection in dairy cattle. Genetic selection helps reduce methane emissions by choosing cows with the most favorable genetics for breeding purposes. Advanced technological developments, such as genomic sequencing and statistical models, are crucial in identifying genetic markers linked to low methane emission. This level of precision allows the dairy industry to implement more effective and efficient selection procedures, revolutionizing their approach to methane emissions. Researchers at the University of Guelph, working with Semex and Lactanet, have discovered alternative ways to accurately predict methane emissions in dairy farming using machine learning technology. They discovered fascinating correlations between cow’s milk composition and methane emissions, driven by enteric fermentation. Mid-infrared spectroscopy is employed in this process, generating over a thousand data points for each MIR examination of a milk sample.

Health Trait Model Updated, Reflecting Data Surge

The most significant change for the April 2, 2024, triannual evaluations is an adjustment in the trait model for six CDCB health evaluations – Resistance to Milk Fever (MFEV), Displaced Abomasum (DA), Ketosis (KETO), Mastitis (MAST), Metritis (METR) and Retained Placenta (RETP). 
Since these traits debuted six years ago, the number of health records in the National Cooperator Database has tripled or quadrupled – depending on the trait. Detail here. With this data surge, the trait model has been adjusted with new variance component estimates and adjusted weights, effective with April 2024 evaluations. This evolution follows the typical progression of newer traits.
These CDCB evaluations for disease resistance were first launched for Holstein in April 2018, Jersey in April 2020, and Brown Swiss in August 2022. Variance components were originally estimated in 2018, when Holstein records available ranged from 1.2 to 2.2 million per trait. Current volume ranges from 4.3 to 7.7 million for the three breeds, with Mastitis having the most records in CDCB’s database.
In a test run comparing the previous and updated model, correlations of genomic estimated breeding values (GEBV) for five of the traits were ≥0.96 for Holstein, ≥0.90 for Jersey and ≥0.92 for Brown Swiss. For Displaced Abomasum, lower correlations were observed (≥0.95 HO, ≥0.82 JE and ≥0.81 BS) due to the largest change in heritability.
With the model adjustment, variation in Predicted Transmitting Ability (PTA) for some individual animals, particularly Jersey and Brown Swiss, was expected. The impact on Net Merit is very small, given the weighting of these traits in the index.
Read detail on health records, model effects, new variance component estimates, adjusted weights and correlations between old and new model in the triannual change documentby CDCB and USDA AGIL.

Single-step genetic predictions for US crossbred Holstein-Jersey cattle.


  • The number of genotypes of crossbred animals is increasing in US dairy farms.
  • Including crossbred data in genomic evaluations is possible.
  • This study analyzed purebred and crossbred data together.
  • Single-step genomic predictions for crossbred cows were more accurate than predictions based on SNP effects and breed proportions.

The number of crossbred genotypes in the dairy cattle sector has increased, necessitating the inclusion of crossbred animals in genomic evaluations. This study aimed to investigate the feasibility of including crossbred genotypes in multibreed, single-step genomic BLUP (ssGBLUP) evaluations. The Council of Dairy Cattle Breeding provided over 47 million lactation records registered between 2000 and 2021 in purebred Holstein and Jersey and their crosses. A total of 27 million animals were included in the analysis, of which 1.4 million were genotyped. Milk, fat, and protein yields were analyzed in a 3-trait repeatability model using BLUP or ssGBLUP. The two models were validated using prediction bias and accuracy computed for genotyped cows with no records in the truncated dataset and at least one lactation in the complete dataset.

The genomic predictions of crossbred genotyped cows were slightly more accurate than purebred cows. Multistep evaluations are still the official route to obtaining genomic predictions for dairy cattle in the United States, which comprises a multibreed best linear unbiased predictor (BLUP) followed by a single-breed estimation of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) effects. After estimating single-breed SNP effects, direct genomic values (DGV) are computed for genotyped animals as a sum of SNP effects weighted by the genotype content. Genomic PTA are then calculated as a linear combination of DGV and parent average (PA).

However, routine genomic evaluations for dairy cattle do not consider crossbreds and are typically made separately by breed. There are several studies about genetic and genomic predictions for crossbred cattle, such as breed composition (BC) or proportion. In the United States, the number of available genotypes of crossbred cattle quickly increased to 150,000 in 2021. New concepts were proposed in the genomic era: genomic BC (Hulsegge et al., 2013) and breed base representation (BBR; VanRaden and Cooper, 2015). Both methods partition the genotype of a crossbred animal according to the proportion of the genome originating from each breed, and the genomic predictions of the purebreds are usually proportionally combined to evaluate the crossbred animals.

Computing SNP effects based on crossbred reference populations in multistep methods could help increase reliabilities, but this option becomes less straightforward when the breed proportion varies within the population and there are no clear boundaries between classes to create proper training sets. A different approach to obtaining genomic predictions for crossbred animals is to include their genotypes in the single-step GBLUP (ssGBLUP) method, which relies on the use of the inverse of a modified relationship matrix (H), combining the numerator relationship matrix (A) and the genomic relationship matrix (G).

Cesarani et al., 2022, conducted a multibreed ssGBLUP evaluation for Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Holstein, and Jersey cattle. The authors found that reliabilities from the multibreed model were similar to those from single-breed models, which was surprising due to the unbalanced number of genotyped animals within each breed. However, proper modeling of genetic differences among breeds helped to avoid loss of predictive power when using only purebred animals.

As the number of genotyped crossbred animals in US dairy cattle is rapidly increasing, it would make sense to consider them in the evaluation together with their purebred ancestors. Some studies reported increased reliabilities of this approach in dairy cattle using less than 10k genotyped individuals in ssGBLUP and less than 50k in GBLUP and BayesR. This study aims to expand on the research findings of Cesarani et al., 2022, and include genotypes for crossbreds in a large-scale, joint Holstein-Jersey ssGBLUP evaluation in the United States.

Data used in the official multibreed genomic evaluations for US dairy cattle breeds were provided by the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding. The analyses considered 305-d milk (MY), fat (FY), and protein (PY) yields for the first 5 lactations recorded from January 1, 2000, to August 2021. All data were preadjusted to have the genetic variance equal across time, breed, and herd and to have the same heritability of 0.20.

Animals were genotyped with 48 different arrays ranging from less than 3k to more than 600k SNPs. Genotypes were imputed, within each breed, to a common set of 79,294 selected SNPs using Findhap v3. Crossbreds were imputed separately, and genotypes for the purebred parents of all breeds were included to improve imputation.

Two evaluation methods were considered: (1) traditional BLUP and (2) ssGBLUP with unknown parent groups (UPG) for A and A22. A total of 16 UPG were considered and defined based on breed (HO or JE), sex, and year of birth. The algorithm for proven and young (APY) was used for ssGBLUP with 45,000 randomly selected animals as the core.

The data were analyzed with a 3-trait repeatability animal model that included herd management, age-parity, inbreeding coefficient, and heterosis as fixed effects; UPG as fixed effect; and herd-sire, animal, and permanent environment as random effects. Heterosis was calculated from the full pedigrees going back as many generations as recorded. For ssGBLUP, all the genotyped animals were used simultaneously in the construction of G, which was blended with 5% of A22 to avoid singularity and include a residual polygenic effect.

The study aimed to validate the predictive ability of a genomic model for crossbred cattle using BLUP and single-step genomic BLUP (ssGBLUP). Three sets were created: purebred Holstein (n = 688,985), purebred Jersey (n = 119,743), and CROSS animals (n = 3,235). The CROSS group only had cows because most of the crossbred animals are genotyped to accelerate commercial herd management. Two datasets were considered: complete (with phenotypes recorded from January 2000 to August 2021) and reduced (up to August 2017). Genotyped cows with phenotypes in the complete but not in the reduced dataset were included in the validation set.

Average predictive abilities across traits estimated with BLUP were 0.33, 0.30, and 0.26 for HO, JE, and CROSS groups, respectively. As expected, genomic information improved the predictability for all traits and groups. The breeding values estimated in the present paper for purebred HO and JE cows were compared with those estimated in Cesarani et al., 2022 to investigate the impact of including crossbred animals in the analysis. A total of 17.6 million and 1.7 million HO and JE animals were shared between the two analyses, and correlations between BV estimated in the two studies ranged from 0.98 (MY for JE) to 1.00. The correlation for young bulls was also larger than 0.99.

In terms of regression coefficients of YADJ on EBV from BLUP, the inclusion of crossbred phenotypes led to poorer results compared with Cesarani et al., 2022. However, values calculated for the two purebreds using ssGBLUP were almost the same with or without the crossbred data, suggesting greater stability of the genomic model.

The average predictive ability and stability computed using BLUP for crossbred animals were lower than for the two purebreds, but the predictive ability computed for MY in the CROSS group was larger than the values for HO (0.30) and JE (0.33). Under ssGBLUP, average values for predictive ability and stability were slightly higher in CROSS than in HO (0.55 and 0.95) and JE (0.50 and 0.93) cows. Predictive abilities consider adjusted phenotypes, which remove fixed effects from the phenotypes. In the present study, using genomic information within the ssGBLUP model could have partially overcome the absence of breed as a fixed effect. Assuming that accuracies are inflated for crossbreds due to incomplete accounting for BC, the inflation can be reduced by better accounting for this effect (Misztal et al., 2022).

The higher accuracies for crossbreds in MY could be explained by the larger phenotypic difference between HO and JE, reflecting a greater genetic difference between the two originating breeds. These breed differences, which can be easily predicted from the genotyped animals, can contribute to larger reliabilities in the crossbred population in a scenario where the genomic predictions of crossbred animals are weighted according to each breed’s DNA proportion (VanRaden et al., 2020).

Higher accuracy reported for crossbred animals is not uncommon in dairy cattle (Winkelman et al., 2015; Khansefid et al., 2020), and other species (Hidalgo et al., 2016). In their study, predictions for crosses were consistently more accurate than for Jersey, except for longevity. Crossbred dairy cattle had higher accuracy when their data were considered in the reference population (Khansefid et al., 2020).

In the present study, the benefits from directly including the genomic information in a single step exceeded any initial disadvantage in pedigree modeling. The average improvement with genomics varied according to the BBR of the crossbred cows: the largest increase was observed for cows with BBR between 75% and 89%. The average improvement using genomics reported by VanRaden et al., 2020, is much lower than the improvements found in the present study.

For dairy cattle, inflation values of 1 ± 0.15 are still acceptable (Tsuruta et al., 2011). According to the Interbull validation, the b1 values estimated with ssGBLUP were all within 1 ± 0.1. The average value was 1.02 ± 0.06, ranging from 0.90 to 1.09, whereas for BLUP, the EBVs were more inflated (0.81 ± 0.09) and with a more extensive range (0.72–0.91). In ssGBLUP, all validation groups showed nonbiased average predictions. The number of genotyped animals considered in the present study was very similar to VanRaden et al., 2020, but larger than other studies.

The genomic era has revolutionized the process of assigning the proportion of a crossbred individual’s genotype to the originating breeds. However, identifying a specific breed origin for each SNP can be challenging. In this study, genotypes of purebred and crossbred were considered together, and G accounted for the relationship among them. Genomic predictions of less numerous breeds and crossbred animals from ssGBLUP could be worsened if there is an imbalanced number of genotypes among breeds.

In the present study, crossbred animals represented less than 1% of the genotyped animals, and most (about 80%) were considered validation animals. However, including crossbred and purebred data in a ssGBLUP model could enhance the prediction of crossbred animals through the H matrix. The impact of including a fixed number of purebred and crossbred animals in the core for APY deserves further investigation.

The genomic setup took about 10 hours, while the EBV computation took around 4 hours. The solving process for ssGBLUP took 3 more hours, resulting in a genomic process carried out in less than one day for these three traits. Further computational improvements could be achieved by indirectly predicting young genotyped animals or using solutions from previous runs.

Crossbred data can be included in multibreed US dairy cattle single-step evaluations without reducing accuracy or increasing inflation of genomic EBV for purebred animals. This evaluation system allows similar gains in accuracy for purebreds and crossbreds, simplifying genetic evaluation pipelines and increasing computing efficiency while delivering predictions for managing commercial crossbred herds.

Read more Single-step genomic predictions for crossbred Holstein and Jersey cattle in the United States

Sire Proof Central April 2024


Genosource Captain stays at the top of the International GTPI daughterproven ranking, with +3287 GTPI (+34 for GTPI). Gameday comes in second with +3163 GTPI (+125 for GTPI), with Westcoast Lambeau rounding out the stage at +3147. Ripcord is the top GTPI sire over 12 months with NAAB-code, with +3390 GTPI and +1507 NM$. Darth Vader comes in second at +3342 GTPI, with +1482 NM$ and +2458kgM, while Genosource Bonjour rounds out the stage with +3314 GTPI. SHG Lego remains the world’s leading PTAT sire, with +4.69 PTAT, he is a Siemers Fitters Choice kid from the #1 PTAT cow (>2 years).The #1 PTAT Red Carrier bull is SHG Lazer *RC with +4.24 PTAT. The genomic Holstein and Jersey lists have seen strong new leaders, with OCD Thorson Darth Vader-ET claiming the top spot on the Holstein Net Merit (NM$), Cheese Merit (CM$), and Total Performance Index (TPI) lists. Darth Vader’s numbers are over 100 points better than December’s leader on those traits and a GTPI of 3342. In the Jersey breed, JX Peak AltaFarva {6}-ET has risen to the top of both the CM$ and JPI lists. A.I. organizations reported 6,697 bulls active to the National Association of Animal Breeders (NAAB) for this proof round, with 4,566 genomic bulls, giving young sires a 68% market share. Holstein sires totaled 5,502, and 889 Jersey bulls were included, making up 95% of all bulls reported and more than 96% of all genomic bulls reported, both consistent with the December evaluations.


Beyond HI-Power now leads the Canadian LPI index with +4002 gLPI. He is followed by Kenyon-Hill Ltchwrth Oli, who has +3958 gLPI. The stage concluded with T-Spruce Ethan, the #1 gLPI sire of the December ’23 run, with +3956 gLPI. In the top LPI Domestic daughter proven list, Genosource Captain has the highest gLPI at +3761. The Genomic sire Progenesis Aneesh is now the #1 TYPE bull, with a nog with less than +18 Conformation. Hyden Limited P is the #1 daughter confirmed TYPE bull with a +17 conformation.


Ecbert (s. Gladius) is the new leader in the Italian gPFT genomic (domestic) list, with +5123 gPFT. Alanzo’s son Al.Co.Bia Essence comes in second at +5048 gPFT, while Al.Co.Bia Soproni, a Zingler x Mojo, rounds out the top three with +5002 gPFT. Yoox leads the Italian daughter proven ranking with +4545 gPFT, followed by Aristocrat son Wilder Holocron at +4524 gPFT and Isolabella Inseme Distefano at +4501 gPFT.


Diamond Genetics bred the top three with PLI Genomics bulls for the April 24 run. DG Peace leads this list with +908 PLI (+22). He is the Captain son of Paessens Jezebel VG-86-NL, a 2-year-old cow from the Meier-Madows EL Jezebel EX-92-USA herd. He is followed by another Captain son, DG Space of the Ladys-Manor Ruby D cow family, who has +873 PLI (+13). DG Dillon, bred by Diamond Genetics and sold to Cogent, rounds out the top three with +868 PLI. Genosource Captain remains at the top of the PLI Daughter Proven list, with +874 PLI, followed by Westcoast River at +778 PLI and FB Kenobi Targaryen at +710 PLI.

op index bulls in the United Kingdom:


The Scandinavian nations’ indices (Denmark, Sweden, and Finland) are now accessible online. There have been no changes to the top three with NTM genomics bulls this run. Mecanico remains the top NTM genomic sire, with +46 NTM, followed by VH Karat *RC at +43 NTM and Dixon at +42 NTM. VH Deco *RC, VH Fillman, Yoda, and Youngster tied for the top place in the NTM daughter-proven ranking with +28 NTM each.


We begin today with the first indices arriving from Switzerland. Blakely’s son Swissgen Enrico is the new leader on the Swiss chart, with +1667 ISET. He is followed by the #1 ISET sire of the December ’23 run, TGD-Holstein Beautyman (+1647 ISET), and Swissgen Empire (s. Blakely) (+1633 ISET). S-S-I Hodedoe Montley remains at the top of the Interbull daughter-proven index, with +1572 ISET. He is followed by Wilra SSI Rivet Genuine at +1552 ISET, while Larcrest Commitment comes in third with +1532 ISET.

All top ranks may be seen by clicking on this link.


Due to a base adjustment, the breeding values for all bulls having a gNVI breeding value have decreased by roughly 20 NVI points this run. The publishing criteria for the conformation breeding values of imported bulls have also been updated. Delta Boyan (s. Warren P *RC) is the #1 NVI B&W Genomic sire this run, with +391 gNVI, followed by Tigerwoods De La Vigne at +386 gNVI and Sitron at +379 gNVI rounding out the top three. Furthermore, we discover in this top 20 DG Dr. No @ AI-Total at +328 gNVI and +1950kgM. Delta Cream P Red is this run’s #1 NVI R&W Genomic sire, with +375 gNVI. At the fourth slot, we discover NH Skyliner-Red (s. Sputnik *RC) at +358 gNVI, +3739 kgM, and +532 INET.


There have been no changes to the top three B&W RZG Interbull Genomic rankings. The B&W RZG Interbull Genomic rating is topped by a Rover son, Real Syn, who has +166 RZG (-5 for RZG)! He is followed by Vivify at +161 RZG, who completes the stage with Rome at +160 RZG! Skill Red leads the R&W Interbull Genomic ranking with +161 RZG. CR7 P, Redford, and Handout P finished second with +158 RZG, while Koepon Redbull, Pringle-Red, and Kretos-Red finished third with +157 RZG. Genosource Captain remains the top B&W Interbull Dtr proven sire, with +153 RZG, followed by Ginetta at +150 RZG and Madboy, AltaZarek, Pursuit, and Commitment in a tie for third place at +148 RZG. Zoom Red and Freestyle-Red are the #1 R&W Interbull Dtr proven sires, with +148 RZG.


Captain Holds on to Top gTPI Spot – Sire Proof Central April 2024

Genosource Captain stays at the top of the International GTPI daughterproven ranking, with +3287 GTPI (+34 for GTPI). Gameday comes in second with +3163 GTPI (+125 for GTPI), with Westcoast Lambeau rounding out the stage at +3147. Ripcord is the top GTPI sire over 12 months with NAAB-code, with +3390 GTPI and +1507 NM$. Darth Vader comes in second at +3342 GTPI, with +1482 NM$ and +2458kgM, while Genosource Bonjour rounds out the stage with +3314 GTPI. SHG Lego remains the world’s leading PTAT sire, with +4.69 PTAT, he is a Siemers Fitters Choice kid from the #1 PTAT cow (>2 years).The #1 PTAT Red Carrier bull is SHG Lazer *RC with +4.24 PTAT.


Beyond HI-Power Tops LPI List – Sire Proof Central April 2024

Beyond HI-Power now leads the Canadian LPI index with +4002 gLPI. He is followed by Kenyon-Hill Ltchwrth Oli, who has +3958 gLPI. The stage concluded with T-Spruce Ethan, the #1 gLPI sire of the December ’23 run, with +3956 gLPI. In the top LPI Domestic daughter proven list, Genosource Captain has the highest gLPI at +3761. The Genomic sire Progenesis Aneesh is now the #1 TYPE bull, with a nog with less than +18 Conformation. Hyden Limited P is the #1 daughter confirmed TYPE bull with a +17 conformation.


Real Syn Tops RZG – Sire Proof Central April 2024

There have been no changes to the top three B&W RZG Interbull Genomic rankings. The B&W RZG Interbull Genomic rating is topped by a Rover son, Real Syn, who has +166 RZG (-5 for RZG)! He is followed by Vivify at +161 RZG, who completes the stage with Rome at +160 RZG! Skill Red leads the R&W Interbull Genomic ranking with +161 RZG. CR7 P, Redford, and Handout P finished second with +158 RZG, while Koepon Redbull, Pringle-Red, and Kretos-Red finished third with +157 RZG. Genosource Captain remains the top B&W Interbull Dtr proven sire, with +153 RZG, followed by Ginetta at +150 RZG and Madboy, AltaZarek, Pursuit, and Commitment in a tie for third place at +148 RZG. Zoom Red and Freestyle-Red are the #1 R&W Interbull Dtr proven sires, with +148 RZG.


Delta Boyan Tops NVI Lists – SIre Proof Central April 2024

Due to a base adjustment, the breeding values for all bulls having a gNVI breeding value have decreased by roughly 20 NVI points this run. The publishing criteria for the conformation breeding values of imported bulls have also been updated. Delta Boyan (s. Warren P *RC) is the #1 NVI B&W Genomic sire this run, with +391 gNVI, followed by Tigerwoods De La Vigne at +386 gNVI and Sitron at +379 gNVI rounding out the top three. Furthermore, we discover in this top 20 DG Dr. No @ AI-Total at +328 gNVI and +1950kgM. Delta Cream P Red is this run’s #1 NVI R&W Genomic sire, with +375 gNVI. At the fourth slot, we discover NH Skyliner-Red (s. Sputnik *RC) at +358 gNVI, +3739 kgM, and +532 INET.


New leader in the Italian gPFT – Sire Proof Central April 2024

Ecbert (s. Gladius) is the new leader in the Italian gPFT genomic (domestic) list, with +5123 gPFT. Alanzo’s son Al.Co.Bia Essence comes in second at +5048 gPFT, while Al.Co.Bia Soproni, a Zingler x Mojo, rounds out the top three with +5002 gPFT. Yoox leads the Italian daughter proven ranking with +4545 gPFT, followed by Aristocrat son Wilder Holocron at +4524 gPFT and Isolabella Inseme Distefano at +4501 gPFT.


Diamond Genetics breeds Top 3 PLI Sires – Sire Proof Central April 2024

Diamond Genetics bred the top three with PLI Genomics bulls for the April 24 run. DG Peace leads this list with +908 PLI (+22). He is the Captain son of Paessens Jezebel VG-86-NL, a 2-year-old cow from the Meier-Madows EL Jezebel EX-92-USA herd. He is followed by another Captain son, DG Space of the Ladys-Manor Ruby D cow family, who has +873 PLI (+13). DG Dillon, bred by Diamond Genetics and sold to Cogent, rounds out the top three with +868 PLI. Genosource Captain remains at the top of the PLI Daughter Proven list, with +874 PLI, followed by Westcoast River at +778 PLI and FB Kenobi Targaryen at +710 PLI.

op index bulls in the United Kingdom:


Mecanico remains the top NTM – Sire Proof Central April 2024

The Scandinavian nations’ indices (Denmark, Sweden, and Finland) are now accessible online. There have been no changes to the top three with NTM genomics bulls this run. Mecanico remains the top NTM genomic sire, with +46 NTM, followed by VH Karat *RC at +43 NTM and Dixon at +42 NTM. VH Deco *RC, VH Fillman, Yoda, and Youngster tied for the top place in the NTM daughter-proven ranking with +28 NTM each.


Enrico is the new leader on the Switzerland – Sire Proof Central April 2024

We begin today with the first indices arriving from Switzerland. Blakely’s son Swissgen Enrico is the new leader on the Swiss chart, with +1667 ISET. He is followed by the #1 ISET sire of the December ’23 run, TGD-Holstein Beautyman (+1647 ISET), and Swissgen Empire (s. Blakely) (+1633 ISET). S-S-I Hodedoe Montley remains at the top of the Interbull daughter-proven index, with +1572 ISET. He is followed by Wilra SSI Rivet Genuine at +1552 ISET, while Larcrest Commitment comes in third with +1532 ISET.

All top ranks may be seen by clicking on this link.


Canadian Base Change Summary – April 2024

Each year, the genetic base used to express genetic evaluations in Canada is updated in conjunction with the first official release. 

The definition of each genetic base used is therefore as follows:

Breed(s) Traits Genetic Base Definition Used
All Production Cows born during a 3-year period centred seven years ago (2016, 2017 or 2018) that have test day records in the Canadian Test Day Model genetic evaluation analysis. The same base group is also used for Pro$.
Holstein Conformation Proven bulls born in the most recent complete 10-year period (2009 to 2018).
Coloured Conformation Proven bulls born in the most recent complete 15-year period (2004 to 2018).  For Canadienne and Milking Shorthorn breeds, the base period starts with proven bulls born in 1984 and for the Guernsey breed it starts with proven bulls born in 1994.

The table below indicates the amount of base change realized in 2024 compared to 2023 for each trait and breed. For LPI, the following base adjustments reflect the change to the new scale with half the variance compared to previous years.

Base Changes for 2024 Versus 2023

Milk (kg)
Fat (kg)
Protein (kg)
Mammary System3
Feet & Legs3
Dairy Strength3
Herd Life2
Somatic Cell Score2
Daughter Fertility2

1 – Base change for LPI is set to zero since it is already reflected by the change in the “Constant” included in the LPI formula.
2 – Traits expressed on scale of Relative Breeding Values (RBV).
3 – The base change for Conformation traits are based on genetic evaluations calculated using daughter classifications and not composite indexes as introduced in April 2021

What’s Coming in April 2024 Canadian Genetic Evaluations

With the April 2024 official genetic evaluation release just around the corner, let’s take some time to highlight the exciting new services and updates that are coming. In addition to the usual annual updates, Lactanet is finetuning the trait adjustments in the type composite indexes, publishing carrier probability values for two new haplotypes, expanding the functionality of the Inbreeding Calculator to better manage mating decisions, and offering genetic evaluation uploading for DairyComp users. 

Pro$ Updates

Every year the Pro$ formula for the Holstein, Ayrshire, and Jersey breeds is updated with the latest economic values. As costs have continued to rise during the past year, with relatively small changes to the milk pricing levels contributing to revenues, the profit calculated for cows up to six years of age or disposal have decreased compared to the 2023 Pro$ calculation. The scale of Pro$ is maintained such that each Pro$ point is equal to an extra dollar of profit for each daughter. A decline of overall profitability therefore causes a decrease in Pro$ for top animals in the population. Together with the April 2024 base change update, the top 100 proven sires for Pro$ last December will see their Pro$ decrease an average of 645, 293, and 479 dollars for the Holstein, Ayrshire, and Jersey breeds, respectively. The Pro$ values of these top animals are lower but Pro$ continues to allow for the selection that maximizes genetic response for daughter profitability. 

Traits Adjustments in the Type Composite Indexes

For the April 2024 genetic evaluation release, modifications will be made to the adjustments to Stature and Teat Length in the Mammary System composite, as well as to Stature and Rear Legs Side View in the Feet & Legs composite. The magnitude of change for the various trait adjustments for each breed are very minor. The one notable change is the adjustment to Rear Legs Side View (RLSV) in Holstein. The original Feet & Leg composite index in this breed required additional weighting on RLSV to achieve neutrality and away from selecting toward straight legs, however, today, the correlation is no longer present, and the adjustment is nearly eliminated. Therefore, Holsteins with more extreme RLSV proofs will see greater change in their Feet & Legs proofs. 

Annual Updates

At the time of the April release each year, there are several updates that are automatically conducted.  These include the annual updates to the genetic base used for each trait in the seven breeds and updated parameters used in the LPI formula, in addition to the Pro$ update discussed above. Also, in April in more recent years, Lactanet has been updating the sire proof interpretation table for linear type traits for all breeds. These tables were created in December 2020 to aid in the understanding of sire proofs and their relationship with the expected average daughter linear scores.The April 2024 Interpretation tables can be found here 

Inclusion of New Haplotypes

Two new haplotypes will be added to the Lactanet website this genetic evaluation release, including Early Onset Muscle Weakness Syndrome in Holsteins (HMW) and the Brown Swiss Fertility Haplotype BH14. BH14 is a lethal haplotype that causes early pregnancy loss and was first reported by Switzerland in 2022. The CDCB began reporting BH14 haplotype results in April 2023 and Lactanet is now using the CDCB results to calculate carrier probability values for non-genotyped animals as well. For this reason, BH14 Carrier Probability values will be displayed on the Lactanet website in advance of April 2024.  

 Early Onset Muscle Weakness Syndrome was first discovered in Holsteins in 2022, which is characterized by calves that are unable to stand within the first six weeks of life and presents itself with varying degrees of severity. It is now recognized as a genetic condition by Holstein Canada and other national associations. Based on DNA from affected calves, a gene test was developed, which is now used by AI companies to identify bulls that are carriers or free of the undesired gene. Lactanet has received over 14,000 gene test results for Muscle Weakness, and will continue to do so on an ongoing basis, which will be displayed on the website in the following format: MWF for tested non-carrier (i.e.: Free), MWC for tested carrier (heterozygous), and MWS for tested true carrier (homozygous). The same MW condition codes will be displayed on the Holstein Canada website and included in outgoing data files from Lactanet. 

 Like BH14, Lactanet has calculated carrier probability values for the Haplotype for Muscle Weakness (HMW), based on haplotype results first released by CDCB in December 2023, along with known gene test results and pedigree data. There is some complexity to the carrier probabilities as “Probable Carriers” and homozygous animals are sometimes able to survive. Carrier Probability values will be displayed on the Lactanet website using asterisks similar to the Haplotype Associated with Cholesterol Deficiency (HCD) where a double asterisk (**) signals the animal is expected to be affected (i.e.: homozygous) and a single asterisk (*) indicates the animal has a possibility of being affected. In advance of the April 2024 genetic evaluation release, Muscle Weakness gene test results and carrier probability values for HMW will be available on the Lactanet website. 

Tool to Manage Undesirable Conditions and Haplotypes

Over time, strong genetic selection in the dairy industry has led to a higher genetic relationship between top bulls and females. This close relationship has resulted in higher inbreeding levels and the spread of undesirable genetic abnormalities. To help manage known undesirable genetic conditions and haplotypes and make better breeding decisions, Lactanet is modifying the current Inbreeding Calculator to identify potential matings that have a risk of producing a pregnancy or calf affected by these undesirable genes. The Inbreeding Calculator is a popular tool on the Lactanet and CDN websites used for over 20 years to view pedigree inbreeding levels and Parent Averages for each potential mating under consideration. A new column titled “GC”, meaning “Genetic Conditions”, is being added to the Inbreeding Calculator display to highlight genetic conditions with a carrier probability of 25% or higher for the selected mating animal. A mating risk calculation will be done across all undesirable genes to reflect the probability the resulting pregnancy or calf will be affected by at least one of the undesirable conditions or haplotypes. In the list of potential mates for the given animal, a warning sign or stop sign will be shown in the “GC” column to reflect the mating risk:   

  • If the mating risk is below 1% then the “GA” column will be left blank for that specific combination of the animal and potential mate. 
  • Producers should proceed with caution with the mating, as the probability of producing an affected pregnancy or calf is at least 1% but less than 6.25%.  
  • It is not recommended to proceed with the mating as the probability of producing an affected pregnancy or calf is 6.25% or higher.  

In addition to these changes, a pop-up window with carrier probability values for the main genetic conditions and haplotypes known in the breed will also be added to each animal’s Genetic Evaluation Summary, Inbreeding Calculator and Pedigree pages on the Lactanet website. This pop-up box stemmed from a Lactanet Resolution and can be found by hovering over the animal’s name. The upgraded Inbreeding Calculator and pop-up box will help producers easily view genetic conditions and haplotypes to avoid problematic matings. The pop-up box will be available before the April 2024 genetic evaluation release and the Inbreeding Calculator changes will be launched shortly after in April. Keep an eye out for additional information!  

Genetic Evaluations in DairyComp

Effective April 2024, Canadian producers will have easy access to their genetic and genomic results right in DairyComp! A feature will be added to DairyComp that will allow users to import the data file containing 30+ genetic values from the iLOOP. The first files will be available for the official genetic evaluation release on April 2, 2024. Each DairyComp user will have the ability to select from the 30+ genetic fields including LPI, Pro$, Production, Type, and Functional traits. It is not a complete list of genetic evaluations, but this can be expanded, and we welcome feedback. In addition, the genomic status for every herdbook registered female in the herd will be imported allowing users to easily see if the data is a genomic evaluation (i.e.: GEBV, GPA).  

 The genetic evaluations uploaded to DairyComp are the most accurate for herd management and genetic selection decisions since the evaluations are based on unsupervised milk recording as well as unofficial monthly updates as new performance data gets added.  The same evaluations are also used in Compass, for creating the DHI Genetic Herd Inventory reports, and shared with AI companies offering a mating program in Canada. As such, the specific values may be different compared to those displayed on the Lactanet and industry partner websites, which are updated only in April, August and December each year. After initial setup, the genetic and genomic data will be automatically uploaded to DairyComp once a month for all registered animals in the DHI herd inventory. As heifers get genotyped, their initial parent average (PA) values will automatically be updated to their genomic parent average (GPA). Contact DairyComp customer services support today to get set up! 


As genetics continues to evolve, Lactanet remains dedicated to providing updates and improvements to our genetic tools and services. The genetic evaluation release in April 2024 will include key annual updates, revisions to the typecomposite traits adjustments, Muscle Weakness and BH14 haplotypes, as well as new services to the Inbreeding Calculator and DairyComp! 

Lactanet and Angus Group Share Beef-On-Dairy Genetic Data

Lactanet is collaborating with Angus Genetics Incorporated (AGI) to share genotyping of Angus bulls from Canada, the U.S., and Australia to assist in beef-on-dairy breeding decisions. This move comes as dairy sector stakeholders call for better information on crossbred calves, which are a significant potential income stream on Canadian dairy farms. The “perfect trifecta” of conditions led to calls for better beef-on-dairy information, with genomic testing of dairy animals allowing for accurate rankings within a herd, regardless of age, of the best dams from which to build bloodlines.

The movement to breed the rest of the animals to beef sires has increased the chance of getting a heifer calf from those top ranking animals to 95%. Nearly 40% of Holstein breeders and 30% of Jersey and Ayrshire breeders across Canada use some form of this strategy, with producers now looking at other traits such as calving ease when selecting beef bulls for lower-ranking dams. To aid beef-on-dairy decisions, Lactanet can collect on-farm data it already performs on participating Dairy Herd Improvement and DairyComp herds.

Lactanet also has access to data on calf move-ins and move-outs through its leadership of the DairyTrace national traceability program, but generally knows little on the beef sire side. Genotyping the crossbred calves could grow and strengthen the database, but it is unlikely any dairy producer will pay to genotype animals that will leave the farm within a few weeks.

A key difference between the beef-on-dairy strategy and a genetic program to build dairy strengths over the long term is that the beef strategy typically doesn’t aim to build long-lasting bloodlines. Lactanet will not invest in a beef-on-dairy genotyping initiative, as it would require a huge investment of money, people, and time with little chance of a return on investment. Instead, a collaboration has begun with Missouri-based Angus Genetics Incorporated (AGI) for access to genomic data from Angus bulls in the U.S., Australia, and Canada. The organization will soon include a “Beef on Dairy Query” on its website, alongside other “Query” options for searching bull or cow information.

Breed breed associations could eventually share their information about carcass weights or carcass quality if they’re collecting such data. For the most reliable information, more research is necessary in North America into beef-on-dairy breeding.

Dairy Cattle Genetics: Why Correlation Doesn’t Always Imply Causation

Genetics is important in dairy production since it determines cow productivity and health. Farmers often use breeding programs to select features like milk production, fertility, and disease resistance. However, while evaluating the link between genetics and desired outcomes, it is critical to realize that correlation does not necessarily indicate cause. Correlation establishes a statistical relationship between two variables, while causation suggests that one variable directly influences the other[1]. This difference is critical in genetic research because it prevents data misinterpretation and ensures that breeding and management techniques are founded on an accurate knowledge of genetic factors.

Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in Dairy Cattle Genetics

Structural equation modelling (SEM) is a statistical approach for representing causal links between phenotypic features and estimating their size. SEM investigates the functional relationships between variables in a phenotypic network, enabling researchers to use one characteristic as a predictor of another. This strategy has been used to separate the effects of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on characteristics into direct and indirect components, as well as to find genomic areas with pleiotropic effects that explain observed genetic correlations. For example, SEM has been used to study the genetic architecture of udder health in dairy cattle, a feature with important economic and animal welfare consequences owing to illnesses such as mastitis.[2]

Genetic Correlations and Causal Effects

However, demonstrating a link between genetics and a characteristic does not always imply that one causes the other. Other factors might be at play, influencing both variables separately. Environmental variables affecting dairy cow production and health include feed, housing conditions, and management approaches.

Furthermore, correlations might be spurious, which means they occur by chance rather than reflecting a real link. Without strong experimental data, it is difficult to tell if a correlation indicates a causal link.

Consider a hypothetical situation in which researchers discover a substantial relationship between a certain gene variation and milk output in dairy animals. While this association may imply a genetic effect on milk production, further research is required to determine causality.

Research has shown intricate genetic and phenotypic links between many fitness components in cattle. For example, genetic connections and causal impacts of fighting abilities have been shown to influence fitness parameters such as milk production, somatic cells, and fertility. However, correlations may not necessarily indicate causality. For example, SEM demonstrated a negative link between fighting skill and lifespan, but MTM revealed a favorable correlation. This disparity shows that dominant cows are retained longer for economic reasons, rather than because fighting ability leads to longer life.

Experimental investigations, such as genetic modification or controlled breeding experiments, may give stronger proof of causation. Researchers can determine if certain genes directly impact desired outcomes in dairy cattle by systematically manipulating genetic components and analyzing the subsequent changes in attributes.

Longitudinal studies that follow cattle performance throughout numerous generations may also assist in understanding the intricate interaction between genetics and environmental influences. These investigations enable researchers to analyze how genetic features are transmitted and expressed under various situations, shedding light on their practical relevance for dairy producers.

Methane Emission and Genetic Correlations

A meta-analysis of the genetic contribution to methane emission in dairy cows found heritability estimates for multiple methane emission variables and negative genetic associations with adjusted milk output for fat, protein, and energy. This suggests that, although there is a genetic foundation for methane emission, it does not always result in changes in milk output or composition. [3]

Social Dominance and Fitness Traits

Social dominance in cattle has been linked to genetic features including muscle mass, fertility, and udder health. However, these relationships, whether direct or indirect, do not demonstrate causality but rather point to probable evolutionary trade-offs.

Implications for Dairy Cattle Breeding

The difference between correlation and causality has a substantial impact on breeding methods. Efficient sire selection, for example, has an influence on genetics in a dairy business; nevertheless, to minimize unexpected repercussions, features should be selected based on causal linkages rather than correlations.

Genetics of Survival in Dairy Cows

Understanding the genetics of survival is particularly important, since early death and culling result in large losses. Genetic relationships between survival and other variables such as longevity and fertility are positive, but low heritability estimates for survival suggest that environmental factors may play a greater role.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

In dairy cow genetics, SEM and other statistical approaches have shown genetic relationships between several phenotypes. However, correlation does not necessarily indicate causality. This information is critical for making educated choices about breeding and management approaches that improve dairy herd health and production. Although correlations between dairy cow genetics and variables such as milk production might help discover possible relationships, they should be taken with care. Correlations cannot clearly demonstrate causality in the absence of robust experimental validation. Dairy producers and academics must acknowledge the limits of correlation and emphasize rigorous scientific methodologies to find the actual causes of cow production and health.

[1] Genetic correlations and causal effects of fighting ability on fitness traits in cattle reveal antagonistic trade-offs

[2] Structural equation modeling for investigating multi-trait genetic architecture of udder health in dairy cattle

[3] Structural equation modeling for investigating multi-trait genetic architecture of udder health in dairy cattle

Imputation genotypes for genomic inbreeding coefficients in Holstein-Friesian dairy cows: ancestral genotyping’s influence.

The purpose of this research was to determine whether or not utilizing a cow’s parents’ genotypes for imputing single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) affected the calculation of genomic inbreeding coefficients. The imputation genotypes of 68,127 Italian Holstein dairy cows were examined using a variety of genotyping methods. Genomic inbreeding coefficients were calculated using four PLINK v1.9 estimators, two genomic relationship matrix (grm)-based estimators, and one run of homozygosity (ROH; FROH) estimator. When at least one of the parents was genotyped, the findings revealed consistently high genomic inbreeding coefficients. However, skewed genomic inbreeding coefficients were seen in cows genotyped with MD SNP panels whose SNPs were poorly represented in the chosen imputation SNP data set and did not have their parents genotyped, in contrast to what was predicted based on actual genotype data. For cows genotyped with MD, the estimators Fhat1, Fhat2, and Fgrm gave greater genomic inbreeding coefficients, even when both parents and the maternal grandsire were genotyped. Overall, FROH was the strongest estimator, followed by F and Fhat3.

Word genome single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are frequently employed in cattle breeding programs throughout the globe to estimate genomic breeding values, as well as genome-wide association studies, population genetics, and determining realized homozygosity and inbreeding. Breeding businesses may cut genotyping costs by genotyping a small number of core animals with HD SNP panels and a large number of LD/HD animals, then projecting them to HD genotypes or a set of predetermined SNPs.

Imputation success in dairy cattle breeding is determined by three major factors: the relationship between core animals genotyped in HD and those to be imputed from LD/MD to HD, the distribution along the genome and the number of SNPs in the LD/MD panels, and the linkage disequilibrium between SNPs in the LD/MD and HD. Although there are strategies for achieving high imputation accuracy, variability in genomic estimations based on imputed SNP data is to be anticipated.

This work expands on recent findings on whole genome imputation SNP-based genomic inbreeding coefficients (FSNP) in dairy cattle. Extreme genomic inbreeding coefficients might be the outcome of imputation, particularly in cows genotyped with MD SNP panels with just a handful of their SNPs included in the final imputation SNP data. The goal of this research was to see whether significant genomic inbreeding coefficients in cows genotyped with MD SNP panels that had few of their SNPs included in the final imputation SNP data might be attributed to not having their parents genotyped during the imputation process.

Whole genome SNP data is frequently imputed in dairy cow breeding, which may significantly decrease genotyping costs. However, there may be cows with incorrect imputation owing to the lack of genotyped parents. The findings revealed that whole genome SNP inbreeding coefficients might be skewed for cows who did not have parents or maternal grandparents genotyped and were also genotyped with an SNP panel with low representation of its SNPs on the chosen imputation SNP data.

Quick Reference: Reading Dairy Sire Proofs

Advances in dairy genetic research have created an ever-increasing amount of information for dairy farmers to take into consideration for sire selection. Dairy sire proofs contain a mix of numbers, acronyms, and other terminology. This reference guide covers common sire proof information and what it means. 

What Are Your Goals for Your Herd?

A good place to start thinking about sire selection is identifying a few main goals you want to improve in your herd. Not sure where to start? Consider the following information.

  • Production: How are you paid for your milk? Some regions of the country value volume over total solids. In the Upper Midwest, our markets tend to place a greater value on components that add to cheese yield, such as fat and protein.
  • Fitness: Are there common health or longevity issues you would like to address? Productive life, somatic cell score, and daughter pregnancy rate are a few examples of health and fitness traits that can be incorporated into selection. 
  • Type: Are there common structural issues in your herd limiting production or longevity? Udder conformation, foot and leg conformation, and body size are examples. 
  • Other considerations: Calving ease emphasis will be dependent upon whether mature cows or heifers are being mated. Are you looking for sires available in sexed semen or conventional? What is the average price per unit of semen that fits your budget? 

Dairy Sire Proof Traits, Abbreviations, and Definitions  

Selection indexes: A combination of production, fitness, fertility, and type into one sire ranking number. 

Production traits: Pounds of milk, fat, and protein, residual feed intake and feed saved; these traits measure the productivity and efficiency of your herd.

Health, fitness, & fertility traits: These measure the health and longevity of the animal.  

  • Productive Life (PL): Measurement of longevity, including yield information. Higher numbers indicate staying in the herd longer (a related trait is Livability).
  • Daughter Pregnancy Rate (DPR): The percentage of non-pregnant cows that become pregnant during each 21-day period. A bull with a DPR of 1 indicates that his daughters have 1% higher pregnancy rate than a bull with a DPR of 0 (related traits are cow conception rate and heifer conception rate). 
  • Somatic Cell Score (SCS): An indicator trait for mastitis resistance based on the direct measure of somatic cells in milk samples. 
  • Sire Calving Ease (SCE): The percentage of difficult births in first-lactation heifers. 
  • Additional Health & Fitness Traits:  Early lactation health traits are also being developed and released for sire proofs and may vary depending on the entity evaluating these traits. The Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) wellness traits include mastitis, metritis, retained placenta, displaced abomasum, ketosis, and milk fever. Be aware that reliability may be low when evaluating these traits.  

Linear Type Traits

Stature (-) Short ⟺ (+) Tall Fore Udder Attachment (-) Weak ⟺ (+) Strong
Strength (-) Frail ⟺ (+) Strong Rear Udder Height (-) Low ⟺ (+) High
Body Depth (-) Shallow ⟺ (+) Deep Rear Udder Width (-) Narrow ⟺ (+) Wide
Dairy Form (-) Tight ⟺ (+) Open Udder Cleft (-) Weak ⟺ (+) Strong
Rump Angle (-) High ⟺ (+) Sloped Udder Depth (-) Deep ⟺ (+) Shallow
Rear Legs – Side (-) Posty ⟺ (+) Sickled Front Teat Placement (-) Wide ⟺ (+) Close
Rear Legs – Rear (-) Hock-in ⟺ (+) Straight Rear Teat Placement (-) Wide ⟺ (+) Close
Foot Angle (-) Low ⟺ (+) Steep Teat Length (-) Short ⟺ (+) Long
0 points = Breed average for that base year; 1 point = one standard deviation above or below average; 2 points = two standard deviations above or below average.

Type and Conformation Composites: 

Predicted Transmitting Ability Type (PTAT): Overall type score.  

Breed Udder Indexes: Combined look at udder traits, such as udder depth and attachments. Weighting of traits is breed-dependent.  

Feet and Leg Composite: Index of foot angle, rear legs – side view & rear view, feet & leg score, with the weighting of traits varying by breed.  

Additional composites for Dairy Capacity and Body Capacity may also be published, depending upon breed. 

Genetic Codes and Haplotypes: 

You may see letter codes associated with pedigree information or genetic proofs. Oftentimes, these codes refer to an animal’s status as a carrier or tested free of a genetic recessive. For example, animals tested for Complex Vertebral Malformation, an undesirable recessive condition, are designated as CVM for carriers and TV if tested negative. 

Genetics codes are also published for polled, horned, and hair coat color traits. “RC” designates a carrier of the red hair coat gene, whereas “TR” would designate a non-carrier. The polled trait can be designated as PO for observed polled, PP for tested homozygous polled, PC for tested heterozygous polled, or TP for carriers of both horned genes.  

Haplotypes represent a DNA sequence. Genomic testing has uncovered certain haplotypes that are lethal or highly detrimental when combined. Mating programs may take haplotype information (carrier vs non-carrier) into consideration when making a recommendation. New haplotypes are being researched and released specific to individual breeds. 

The CDCB maintains a list of haplotypes and recessive genes being tested for, specific to breed at:   

Focus groups from 6 European nations to understand dairy producers’ requirements for tools and data to enhance herd health

The purpose of this research was to identify dairy farmers’ data and technological requirements in order to enhance herd health and guide innovation development. Eighteen focus groups were performed with 80 dairy producers from Belgium, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Data analysis using Template Analysis identified six themes that reflect core needs: autonomy, comfort, competence, community and relatedness, purpose, and security. Farmers liked technology that promoted convenience, knowledge, and self-sufficiency. Data sharing, accessibility, and program usability were all obstacles that hampered technology adoption. Farmers also had difficulties in workforce recruitment and management, necessitating stress-reduction techniques. Controlling barn environmental factors like as air quality, cleanliness, and stocking density was of special interest. The results imply that developers should include farmers in the design process to create a great user experience and boost accessibility.

The dairy sector is gradually being urged to embrace technology that will enhance its economic, environmental, and social sustainability. To achieve this, efficiency and milk production costs must be improved, which may be accomplished by using a variety of technologies. Such technologies include automated milking systems (AMS), automatic feeders, activity sensors, and oestrus detection devices. However, a significant minority of farmers still do not use these technology, notably data-capture systems and those unrelated to milking techniques.

One explanation for the low adoption of certain technologies is that agricultural innovations are often designed from the top down, with minimal input from end users during the early phases of development. This may lead to unequal adoption of innovations by farmers, since designers prefer to concentrate on the advantages that technology can provide for farms. However, technology may also have negative consequences, such as the relocation of agricultural workers and the marginalization of some farms.

A Responsible Innovation method has been proposed for the development of agricultural technology, particularly those used in the dairy sector. This method recognizes that innovators must respond to the social and ethical problems of research and innovation via an interactive process including stakeholders. Anticipating possible effects, responding to social requirements, including key stakeholders throughout the development process, and reflecting on motives and assumptions are all important aspects of Responsible Innovation.

Living Labs provide an approach for generating ideas while meeting Responsible Innovation objectives. Living Labs are user-centered innovation environments based on daily experience and research that enable user input in open and distributed innovation processes including all relevant partners in real-world scenarios. They are divided into three stages: idea, prototype, and innovation, each having three phases: exploration, design, and evaluation.

The idea stage of Living Labs is critical for innovation creation because it enables users to maximize their effect by focusing the design. Three theoretical streams impact the Living Lab method of gathering knowledge about user needs: soft systems thinking, needfinding, and appreciative inquiry. Qualitative techniques are used to investigate user experiences, motivations, and future aspirations.

Researchers may utilize the typology of basic requirements to determine the needs of users, which consists of 13 fundamental needs and 52 sub-needs. The requirements typology served as a coding framework for assessing qualitative data. Overall, users’ needs may be formed by collecting data on their experiences, motivations, and objectives utilizing Living Labs’ theoretical underpinnings, and then applying the data to a basic need typology.

Many studies have examined the variables that influence technology adoption on dairy farms, but few have focused on farmers’ experiences with technology. These studies often concentrate on the implications of technology for human-animal connection and labor practices, rather than addressing dairy farmers’ technological demands. One research focused on smartphone applications, although it only examined the early phases of tool development.

Previous research on dairy farmers’ experiences with technology has solely examined technologies for adult dairy cows, which may have distinct demands in terms of youngstock management. This project employed a Living Lab technique to get a wide understanding of farmers’ demands for agricultural technology and data, with the goal of developing technological ideas that meet their needs.

Data from focus groups in six countries were studied to better understand dairy producers’ farm technology requirements for mature cows and youngstock. The studies revealed that farmers have demands for autonomy, comfort, competence, community and relatedness, purpose, and security. The study underlines the need of doing user experience research throughout technology development to promote intuitive usage and favorable emotional experiences.

Technologies might help meet needs in areas including workload, labor efficiency, and communication. Farmers also want tools that gave guidance, such as goal planning and recognizing areas that need attention. The Living Lab concept promotes Responsible Innovation by including farmers from the start of the innovation process and enabling researchers to respond to farmers’ requirements.

Read more: A living lab approach to understanding dairy farmers’ needs of technologies and data to improve herd health: Focus groups from 6 European countries

CDCB: April 2024 Evaluation Changes: What’s New?

The Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) and USDA Animal Genomics Improvement Laboratory (AGIL) announce enhancements in the U.S. dairy genetic evaluations on April 2, 2024.

New Variance Component Estimates and Variance Adjusted Weights for Health Traits

By Taylor Marie McWhorter, Kristen Parker Gaddis, Ezequiel Nicolazzi, and Paul VanRaden

Since the 2018 debut of CDCB evaluations for disease resistance, the number of health records in the National Cooperator Database has tripled or quadrupled – depending on the trait. With this data surge, the trait model has been adjusted with new variance component estimates and adjusted weights, effective with the April 2024 evaluations. This follows a typical progression and evolution of newer traits.  

CDCB genetic evaluations are provided for six direct health traits for the resistance to Milk Fever (MFEV), Displaced Abomasum (DA), Ketosis (KETO), Mastitis (MAST), Metritis (METR) and Retained Placenta (RETP). The health evaluations were first incorporated for Holstein in April 2018, Jersey in April 2020, and Brown Swiss in August 2022. Variance components were originally estimated in 2018, when Holstein records available for each trait ranged from 1.2 to 2.2 million. The available records by trait are summarized in the first table.

  Milk Fever Displaced Abomasum Ketosis Mastitis Metritis Retained Placenta
# Records, Millions (HO) 2018 Estimate 1.2 M 1.9 M 1.4 M 2.4 M 2.0 M 2.2 M
# Records in Database, Millions (HO, JE, BS) Dec 2023 5.8 M 5.8 M 4.3 M 7.7 M 6.3 M 7.6 M
Incidence Rates Dec 2023 1.06% 1.63% 5.84% 11.72% 7.16% 3.39%

A single-trait linear animal repeatability model with random effects (additive, permanent environment, herd-by-year, and herd-by-sire) is used to estimate genomic Predicted Transmitting Ability (PTA) for animals. New variance components were estimated for all six health traits. The new estimates affect overall heritabilities (h2; all lactations together), h2-by-lactation, variance ratios for other random effects, and repeatability.

  Milk Fever Displaced Abomasum Ketosis Mastitis Metritis Retained Placenta
h2  2018 0.6% 1.1% 1.2% 3.1% 1.4% 1.0%
h2  2023 0.6% 3.1% 1.7% 3.2% 1.6% 1.3%

In addition, weights applied to health traits were updated from 0 or 1 to be a value estimated from the variance components. These variance-adjusted weights are used to standardize genetic variance across differing parities that have differing heritabilities. The new weights are a function of repeatability, h2, and h2-by-lactation. The previous weights of 0 or 1 are now 0 or 0.25-1.46 depending on lactation and trait.

In evaluations, both the existing variance adjusted phenotypes and the new variance adjusted weights are employed to account for the heterogeneous variance.

To investigate the impact of the upgrades made to the health evaluations, a test using data from the December 2023 run was completed. Correlations between the official December 2023 evaluation and the test evaluation with the updates were examined for old and young animals by breed and for genomic estimated breeding values (GEBV) and genomic reliability (GREL). GEBV (GREL) correlations for MFEV, KETO, MAST, METR, and RETP were ≥0.96 (≥0.98) for Holstein, ≥0.90 (≥0.95) for Jersey and ≥0.92 (≥0.99) for Brown Swiss. The DA GEBV (GREL) correlations were ≥0.95 (≥0.93) For Holstein, ≥0.82 (≥0.84) for Jersey and ≥0.81 (≥0.96) for Brown Swiss. The lower correlations observed for DA are due to the largest change in h2, which also impacts the variance-adjusted weights. 

Given the new variance components and correlations between official and test run, some variation is expected in PTA for individual animals. However, the variance adjustments effectively capture the categorical trait of incidence in a linear model. The impact on Net Merit is expected to be very small, given the weighting of these traits in the index.

Foreign Unknown Parent Groups

By Paul VanRaden and Andres Legarra

Unknown Parent Groups (UPG) are used in the genetic evaluation to provide an average Predicted Transmitting Ability (PTA) value to all animals with missing pedigree information. Starting in the April 2024 evaluation, all foreign UPG effects will be merged with domestic UPGs.

Accurately estimating UPG effects requires that foreign unknown parents have descendants with domestic phenotypes. That has been the case with Canadian dams and international sires, which describe the first foreign-genotyped animals. As genotyping has expanded across the world, a high proportion of recently genotyped foreign unknown parents do not have descendants with domestic phenotypes. Thus, the automated system defining UPG has recently been detecting a much larger need for UPGs, alongside a drastic reduction in the available information to estimate them. Furthermore, a recent study showed the behavior of these foreign UPG could be introducing bias in the evaluation. For this reason, starting in the April 2024 evaluation, all foreign UPG effects will be merged with domestic UPGs. Foreign genetic trends were assumed equal to domestic trends, which is a reasonable assumption for Europe and Canada. Lack of information to estimate actual trends in South America or Asia, where most of the unknown parents are, makes this a need to reduce overall bias.

Before implementation, AGIL and CDCB tested the impacts and correlations. For example, fertility traits of Daughter Pregnancy Rate (DPR), Cow Conception Rate (CCR), Heifer Conception Rate (HCR), and Early First Calving (EFC) were compared with and without separate foreign UPGs in the pedigree model before adding genomic information. For Holstein bulls born in the last 10 years with >50% reliability, PTA correlations before and after merging the groups were >99.98% for all four traits. Across all years, PTA correlations were >99.97%, except EFC with correlation of 99.86% due to a 10% faster estimated genetic trend. For the EFC trait, the largest changes were for European bulls of breeds Simmental or Montbeliard, and for U.S. bulls with Canadian dam IDs but no further pedigree.

Generally, this change will have little effect on animal evaluations across the population, although there will be significant effect on specific animals that used the removed UPG.

Breed Base Representation (BBR) Update Delayed to August

By Ezequiel L. Nicolazzi

The Breed Base Representation (BBR) reference population update is typically updated on an annual basis, in the April evaluations. This year’s BBR update will be delayed for four months, as we are working to introduce a new SNP list. To avoid two consecutive changes to BBR reference animals, the new SNP set and update to the BBR reference population are scheduled to be implemented together in August 2024.

Interbull Validation on Fertility, Somatic Cell Score and Mastitis

By Rodrigo Mota and Taylor Marie McWhorter

Since 1995, the U.S. evaluation system has participated to the Multiple Across-Country Evaluation (MACE) for bulls, managed by Interbull. This multi-country evaluation is beneficial because it allows receipt of evaluations, on U.S. scale, for bulls with daughters in other countries. This enhances the comparison of performance of most of the bulls in the world, while improving the accuracy of parent averages of their U.S. progeny (if any). In order to exchange evaluations, countries are required to achieve Interbull validation that their evaluations are free from bias. This validation happens every two years, or when a trait has model changes, as is the case for Mastitis.*

CDCB fertility traits, Somatic Cell Score and Mastitis were due for a check-up in 2024, and all traits were successfully validated for all breeds.

*The model changes for Mastitis are described in the first section, “New variance component estimates and variance adjusted weights for health traits.”

Can we actually do anything about inbreeding?

Artificial insemination businesses provide top genetics for dairy cow genetic improvement projects, with the most marketable bulls having the most genetic value. This extensive within-family selection results in higher degrees of connection, which leads to increased inbreeding. Reducing or even restricting inbreeding often results in the selection of lower-index bulls. As improved reproductive methods become more widely used and long-term technologies like as in vitro breeding evolve, selection intensities on bull and cow dams may skyrocket, worsening the situation even further.

The dairy genetics community must now decide who is prepared to decrease the pace of genetic gain in order to effectively regulate inbreeding. The literature has several instances of the negative impacts of inbreeding, however it is not true that all inbreeding is equal, and a distinct boundary exists between safe and risky. There is likely to be a tipping point beyond which we do not want to go, but its position is uncertain. Lush (1945) proposed that generations of high-intensity selection may necessarily result in large percentages of homozygosity.

To analyze the present situation, we may compare changes in phenotypic performance during inbreeding to rates of genetic gain. In all but one situation, annual genetic benefits outweigh inbreeding depression: the daughter pregnancy rate, which decreases by 0.02 PTA units each year. This is not to say that there is nothing to be worried about; it just means that we are not yet losing ground. As the phrase goes, “When you’re in a hole, stop digging,” but we need to act first.

The desire for elite genetics contributes to the continual loss of genetic variety in dairy cow herds, making it harder to preserve heterozygosity. Elite bulls are no longer enough; they must also have good breeding values for milk, components, fertility, and other attributes. Most marketed bulls cannot hit all of these criteria, but it is often assumed that they will.

Some measures may be used to reduce inbreeding rates in dairy cow herds. Refine PTA Adjustments: Genetic assessments in the United States are altered to account for the potential implications of future inbreeding. Predicted transmitting abilities (PTA) for bulls closely related to the population are reduced to account for inbreeding depression, while PTA for bulls less related to the population than average are increased to account for advantageous heterosis. However, the problem with this strategy is that the top AI bulls causing genetic change in the population are often severe outliers, and post-hoc modifications lack theoretical support.

Use the Right Metric: Genomic inbreeding assesses both identity-in-state and identity-by-descent, while pedigree inbreeding solely considers the latter. One technique to lower apparent inbreeding rates is to use pedigree inbreeding instead of genomic inbreeding. A more tempting strategy is to shift away from crude measurements of inbreeding and toward more accurate measures of diversity, such as runs of homozygosity (ROH) or direct measures of identity-by-descent (IBD). Timing is important, and older inbreeding is less concerning than current inbreeding since older haplotypes have been cleared of possible recessive genes.

Trim Pedigrees: Pedigree information is simple and inexpensive to record, but it has numerous limitations, including incompleteness, greater than expected genuine inbreeding, and underestimation of real ties among people. Trimming pedigrees to just a specific number of generations is a simple technique to minimize inbreeding. A similar alternative is to use a changing base year for inbreeding rather than a set reference year (the US uses 1960 as its base population).

Trimming pedigrees does not directly address rates of inbreeding in the population, either pedigree or genomic, but it is proposed because it may drive selection decisions away from families with the highest rates of recent inbreeding, which are the lineages most likely to contain genetic load that has not yet been purged.

The area of genetic selection has various obstacles, including the issue of bulls with the highest PTA being in high demand, independent culling levels, and implementing optimum contribution selection. To remedy this, it is proposed that instead of publicizing PTA for specific qualities, bulls be randomly assigned to the cow population. Bulls might also be given red, yellow, or green badges for each characteristic to signify their PTA, although this may not be desirable.

Homomorphic encryption may be used to hide the PTA provided to software from end users, although this is not a usual practice, and implementation is difficult. Hiding PTA would be a significant departure from existing methods, and most consumers or salesmen may not find this approach desirable.

Additional measures of genetic variety might be added to selection indices as a trait, exerting direct selection pressure on heterozygosity. This implies that choosing high-index bulls would entail some selection for increased heterozygosity, rather than trusting that inbreeding is taken into account during the mating process. However, this is a less efficient method of achieving optimum contribution selection, and it has been largely neglected in the United States since its inception.

Varona et al. (2019) recommended that an artificial purging system be built around a selection index that includes both breeding values and inbreeding burdens. This is a more attractive approach than include an ad hoc measure of variety in the index, and there is a strong theoretical underpinning to support its usage.

The implementation of optimum contribution selection in certain places, such as the United States, is not especially contentious owing to its complexity and the impression that the advantages do not outweigh the increased complexity. Many genetics end users are unwilling to accept the trade-off between genetic trend and heterozygosity preservation, and in a competitive market, they may just buy their sperm and embryos from another provider.

Finally, genetic protection procedures that limit germplasm interchange are allowing breeding projects run by several AI corporations to develop into distinct subpopulations within breeds. While it is unclear if these groupings are distinct enough to result in widespread outbreeding, current study indicates that bigger variances between families within a breed may exist than previously thought.

Genetics corporations may concentrate on selling embryos that represent perfect terminal dairy cows, necessitating a large increase in the scope of dairy embryo transfer. This would result in a system that is more like modern swine production than ancient dairy cow rearing. Some genetics businesses may begin selling embryos into smaller-scale specialist markets, such as those seeking high-genetic-merit polled animals.

Gene editing technologies have advanced, leading in increased efficiency and the capacity to stack numerous alterations. This might be a technique to sustain rates of genetic gain without experiencing negative repercussions or relying on natural purging. However, this strategy has several obstacles, including a lack of understanding about editing targets, an inability to edit dozens or hundreds of targets at the same time, and an ever-changing regulatory environment.

To effectively address the challenges posed by inbreeding, a collaboration between AI companies and the scientific community must persuade farmers that there is a real problem to be solved, that our proposed solutions will work, and that they are not being asked to jeopardize their livelihoods by participating in this process. The size of the issue is important, since many farmers are worried about the long-term impacts of inbreeding but do not necessarily agree that vigorous action must be done now. There is also common belief that the individuals who created the issue cannot be trusted to repair it, and that things function differently in the actual world than they do on paper.

Inbreeding is expected to attract greater attention in the future because of its impact on social license rather than production economics. Most laypeople are unaware of the fundamental distinction between inbreeding with stringent performance selection, as is used in animal breeding programs, and inbreeding with no performance selection. Increased genetic load also impairs an animal’s capacity to adapt to changes, which is concerning as the environment shifts.

Dairy cow breeding is a loosely connected method that allows for efficient management across the production chain. Effective population control will be challenging and will need adjustments on the side of AI businesses and farmers.

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Dairy Cattle Genomics is Quietly Improving Sustainability

  • The U.S. dairy herd is 1% larger today but produces 19.2% more milk and 32.2% more butterfat.
  • The industry’s Net Merit index, a proxy for cattle genetic progress on sustainability, shows that a cow produced by combining the best-known genes would be three times more sustainable based on improved genetics than the top Holstein bull on the market today.
  • The introduction of genomics in 2008 has significantly improved milk, butterfat, and protein production, cow health, and cow longevity.
  • The average genetic gain from 2000 to 2004 was $13.50 per year for marketed Holstein bulls.
  • By 2010, genetic improvement leapt forward, more than doubling from $36.90 per year from 2004 to 2009 to the $83.33 annual genetic gain from 2010 to 2022.
  • This six-fold improvement equates to a $329 million annual net gain when extrapolating this $70 annual gain per female across the annual U.S. dairy heifer calf crop.
  • This development greatly enhances sustainability by generating more nutrition with less inputs.
  • The aggregate gain since 2010 would be $4.28 billion when calculating the full genomic impact.
  • This means the U.S. dairy industry needs fewer dairy cows each passing year to supply the same amount of milk to serve the domestic market or has transformed new growth in milk, butterfat, and protein into dairy products to deliver nutrition to international customers.
  • ABS Global and Genus recently built a solar project at one of the world’s largest AI facilities, a bull barn in Wisconsin, housing 480 elite AI bulls.
  • The complex includes a lab for processing bull semen, which accounts for nearly half of all sales in the U.S.
  • This sexed semen product allows dairy farmers to use beef semen on dairy cows, reducing the number of replacements and generating more immediate revenue from dairy-beef cross calves.
  • Research indicates that beef-dairy crossed calves are approaching the same efficiency as beef cattle and are 30% more efficient at converting feed to beef than Holstein steers.
  • The combined amount of carbon saved by the solar panels’ production of electricity for the facility over 10 years is less than the carbon savings from just one month of genetic progress from future offspring of the facility’s 480 bulls.
  • The genetic gain on offspring is measured by more production, better health, and longer cow life via the Net Merit Index.
  • The impact for dairy processors is significant, with butterfat and protein production from Holstein cows improving annually by 0.46% and 1.23% annually in the genomic era.
  • Genomic testing is making significant inroads as more females get tested each year, leading to less methane production, a reduced carbon footprint, and less feed for each additional unit of milk.
  • By August 2023, CDCB received its 8 millionth genomic test, with 93% of genomic tests run on female dairy animals.
  • The genetic super cow is not in sight, with the dairy community only 24% of the way to breeding the perfect Holstein cow.
  • Genomic science can identify new traits that will help reduce methane production and carbon footprint, with the “feed saved” trait being the tip of the iceberg.

In the past 15 years, dairy farmers have been using genomic science to select cattle traits that improve productivity and support sustainability. The U.S. dairy herd today is 1% larger than in 2008 but produces 19.2% more pounds of milk and 32.2% more pounds of butterfat. The dairy industry still has room to grow more efficient through genomics. The industry’s Net Merit Index (NM$) shows that a cow produced by combining the best-known genes would be three times more sustainable based on improved genetics than the top Holstein bull on the market today.

Genomics has been the most important reason for improvements in milk, butterfat, and protein production, cow health, and cow longevity. The average genetic gain from 2000 to 2004 was $13.50 per year for marketed Holstein bulls. By 2010, genomic testing became commercially viable in the United States, genetic improvement leapt forward, more than doubling from $36.90 per year from 2004 to 2009 to $83.33 annual genetic gain from 2010 to 2022. This profound development greatly enhances sustainability, as new Holstein bulls entering active A.I. service father offspring that generate $83.33 in combined gains that enhance sustainability-related metrics.

Genetics has become a significant factor in the economic development of dairy farming, with research showing that beef-dairy crossed calves are approaching the same efficiency as beef cattle and are 30% more efficient at converting feed to beef than Holstein steers. This improvement in feed conversion and fewer days on feed prior to harvest yields a net carbon footprint reduction and reduced methane emissions. ABS Global found that the combined amount of carbon saved by the solar panels’ production of electricity for the facility over 10 years is less than the carbon savings from just one month of genetic progress from future offspring of the facility’s 480 bulls.

The impact of genomics on dairy processors has been significant, with butterfat and protein production improving annually by 0.46% and 1.75% annually in the genomic era. Commercial dairy farms have started to test more heifer calves at birth to determine those animals that would make the best replacements by making the best use of resources. Since 2020, it has taken less than 12 months to accumulate an additional 1 million genomic tests, with estimates indicating that 20% to 25% of the U.S. dairy heifer calf population is being tested annually.

However, genetic improvement is not yet reaching its ceiling, with only 24% of the dairy community being close to breeding the perfect Holstein cow. Genomic science can identify new traits that will help reduce methane production and carbon footprint, with the “feed saved” trait being the tip of the iceberg.

For the full story visit: Dairy Cattle Genomics is Quietly Improving Sustainability

High TPI® Young Males – January 2024

Registration NumberNameRequesterNAAB codeBirth Date
HO840003269891550 SexTech 231112.882151432792.896.
HO840003272456750 PEAK 8366-ET PEAK 231112.470150346752.575.40.79-
HO840003272456753 PEAK 8369-ET PEAK 23111388150378752.735.2-
HO840003269891555 SexTech 231111.275139365792.766.
HO840003271294325 OCD PERKY SABADO-ET Semex 231011.854125326762.519.23.911.53.20.611.320.07-2.11741.433273
HO840003269894161 SexTech 231112.173135359792.765.
HO840003252543851 SexTech 230912.672139349792.785.71.771.11.471.550.21-0.35781.84.53258
HO840003252544188 SexTech 231112.277160395792.
HO840003254236802 IDEAL 91862 Select 231112.262149342782.964.
HO840003273124325 SexTech 231012.675136335782.764.
HO840003269894213 SexTech 231212.479143385792.
HO840003269891512 SexTech 231112.559119321792.588.
HO840003263307658 Zoetis 231211.970154383792.776.32.37.8-1.11.781.250.66-0.79783.55.83244
HO840003252544200 SexTech 231112.464140315792.884.
HO840003272850848 SSI-SIEMERS 44298 Select 231111.766143341782.854.
HO840003277651266 GeneSeek 231112.179133392792.785.416.9-
HO840003283436992 SexTech 231211.986140409792.865.10.52.6-
HO840003272459073 PEAK 87940-ET PEAK 231112.583151406752.855.
HO840003263337405 PEAK 40244-ET PEAK 231012.371150364752.656.
HO840003269894119 SexTech 231112.472155398792.82546-0.40.851.21-0.11-1.58772.15.13228
HO840003269894180 SexTech 231111.973147371792.716.
HO840003269894191 SexTech 231212.374122342792.855.1-
HO840003271294290 OCD PERKY NAVIGATOR-ET Semex 231011.960139314762.
HO840003269894067 SexTech 23111277148407792.796.
HO840003272850676 SIEMERS 44126 Select 231111.374111311792.846.12.67.611.82.031.340.11782.44.33225
HO840003269894109 SexTech 231112.476129352782.8262.
HO840003252544318 SexTech 231111.966146355782.815.
HO840003254468337 CHERRY-ACRES 544 S 7227-ET Select 231011.771134335792.815.716.
HO840003269894072 SexTech 231111.568137347792.775.62.18.9-0.41.721.930.52-0.85781.85.13220
HO840003272026245 PEN-COL EAST GALAXY-ET Select 231012.560111292792.666.
HO840003265763552 Select 231111.973122346792.924.9-1.13.812.172.111.11-1.27771.85.13217
HO840003269894172 SexTech 231111.955109284792.
HO840003269891500 SexTech 231112.169131350792.786.
HO840003243697229 Semex 230911.962132375792.76.71.381.21.131.520.08-3.28772.34.83211
HO840003269891507 SexTech 231112801203507935.
HO840003272649093 SSI-DUCKETT 6985 Select 231111.976124331792.
HO840003272648951 SSI-DUCKETT 6843 Select 23101274141366782.746.10.9710.920.7-0.35-1.18761.33.83208
HO840003275362769 PEAK 30440-ET PEAK 231011.480136349762.825.727.30.41.1110-0.35741.74.33208
HO840003279964410 SILVER-ELITE SLINGSHOT-ET Zoetis 231111.768145366782.865.
HO840003263438428 PEAK 2705-ET PEAK 231113.169152360752.883.9-0.73.7-
HO840003267561484 PINE-TREE EASTON ETHAN-ET HO 231112.467129352792.647.
HO840003269894110 SexTech 231111.667136384792.797.
HO840003271294345 OCD EASTON TON-ET Select 231112.273115328782.685.905.
HO840003272649028 SSI-DUCKETT 6920 Select 231111.864141340792.94.8-0.53.2-12.552.680.59-0.3772.53.33205
HO840003275362776 PEAK 30447-ET PEAK 231110.965122316752.598.
HO840003247634536 KINGS-RANSOM HW DIGHARD-ET HO 230911.860141347782.675.118.5-0.11.941.420.88-0.15771.94.43203
HO840003247634539 KINGS-RANSOM HW DEREK-ET HO 231012.368129341782.825.
HO840003272648935 SSI-DUCKETT 6827 Select 231011.855102261792.528.53.910.62.31.392.260.56-0.347723.63203
HO840003272850831 SSI-SIEMERS 44281 Select 231111.578134348782.93.8-3.42.9-1.22.512.61.11-0.37772.34.63203
HO840003273124387 SexTech 231112.268110307782.
HO840003252544145 SexTech 231012.268137349792.834.8-0.36.2-0.31.942.010.93-1.19781.85.43201
HO840003269894097 SexTech 231111.985105340792.876.30.351.61.481.60.43-1.22782.34.53200
HO840003267545609 ABS 23101377152407782.855.61.37.5-
HO840003271294320 OCD PHOENIX SERGIO-ET Select 231011.869133324782.875.
HO840003275149005 SIMPLE-DREAMS 8191 Select 231112.375107289792.736.30.5702.222.550.930.38772.23.63198
HO840003012575607 INSEME 231011.568146372792.885.122.8-0.51.511.560.32-1.34771.53.63197
HO840003271356721 OCD MCINTOSH LASER-ET SexTech 231111.264132335792.8361.
HO840003271294317 SexTech 231012.664126299782.655.72.27.511.761.640.630.45771.64.73196
HO840003012575619 SexTech 231112.763124311782.766.
HO840003252544316 SexTech 23111280127363792.865.
HO840003265763549 Select 231111.779133355783.053.4-0.7202.071.910.750.51762.33.53194
HO840003265763514 Select 231111.790126346783.033.5-
HO840003272622473 PEAK 20636-ET PEAK 231112.776152358752.853.7-0.84.9-
HO840003252544344 SexTech 231111.570134367782.85.718.60.50.751.66-0.34-2.17771.93.13191
HO840003274909539 TERRA-LINDA HIKE 12361-ET Semex 231112.179131373762.84.9-0.25.6-0.31.351.630.13-1.35742.33.63191
HO840003269891519 SexTech 231111.872108274792.865.
HO840003275375566 DENOVO 22412 ABS 231112.569138351782.965.72.14.4-0.31.621.481.16-0.63762.54.33190
HO840003272850781 SIEMERS 44231 Select 231112.273123336792.685.30.15.7-0.11.721.910.67-0.26772.43.83189
HO840003269894070 GENOSOURCE MISTRO-ET SexTech 231111.672114327792.756.
HO840003265763546 Select 23111277118326792.
HO840003271294334 OCD PHOENIX SATURN-ET Select 23111271128313782.855.
HO840003272456760 PEAK 8376-ET PEAK 231112.683143380752.76.527.3-11.170.2-0.08-0.04732.44.33187
HO840003252524012 SexTech 231112.169141340792.824.1-
HO840003269894154 SexTech 231112.284108332792.915.
HO840003269891527 SexTech 231111.981126356792.964.1-0.62.2-0.11.621.981.1-1.16782.44.63185
HO840003272456761 PEAK 8377-ET PEAK 231112.678141360752.815.
HO840003269891558 SexTech 231111.481113350792.
HO840003269894061 SexTech 231112.262106298792.696.
HO840003254236776 COOKIECUTTER HWHEL 91836-ET HO 23101258123304782.6360.78.312.162.110.560.49772.76.33183
HO840003269894145 SexTech 231111.780123344792.735.90.86.3-0.21.651.410.26-0.42771.84.93183
HO840003271294427 SexTech 231212.163136322792.874.
HO840003272850633 SSI-SIEMERS 44083 Select 231112.665116321792.566.31.17.7-0.11.922.080.85-1.05782.44.33183
HO840003269891504 SexTech 231112.570124325792.835.71.24.911.411.950.44-0.89782.65.23182
HO840003283181919 CHERRY-ACRES 993 L 1131-ET HO 231011.788150408812.824.2-0.74.1-1.20.990.97-0.31-0.91802.85.43182
HO840003269894150 SexTech 231112.380159390792.764.3-0.25.7-0.80.660.97-0.59-0.88782.65.53180
HO840003272622454 PEAK 20617-ET PEAK 231112.679136343752.815.91.87.601.190.570.320.46732.33.73179
HO840003275375573 SIEMERS DNVO RADIOHEAD-ET ABS 231111.468105330782.
HO840003252544177 SexTech 231112.261136321792.784.
HO840003252544273 SexTech 231111.763140367792.835.71.97.2-
HO840003272456714 PEAK 8330-ET PEAK 231112.776129340752.675.90.29.3-
HO840003252544221 SexTech 231112.161118286792.755.
HO840003269891281 SexTech 23091268131355792.776.
HO840003271294288 OCD PERKY SAMPSON-ET Semex 231011.653116278762.497.94.311.
HO840003253985995 PLAIN-KNOLL GRAND 11459-ET Zoetis 231111.365148357792.664.7-0.68.2-0.91.891.20.250.02771.94.13176
HO840003269894174 SexTech 231111.460118303792.757.
HO840003270391366 Select 23111276118326792.765.
HO840003273124377 OCD PHOENIX SHUFFLE-ET Select 231111.574121301782.795.5-
HO840003283437003 SexTech 231211.455131299782.596.22.480.81.521.780.20.77761.93.83175
HO840003272850892 SIEMERS 44342 Select 231211.768138349782.774.3-
HO840003274170469 SSI-DUCKETT 7020 Select 231112.75986282782.6693.
HO840003263337414 WINSTAR PEAK 40253-ET PEAK 231112.4661483877634.21.73.8-
HO840003252543892 SexTech 230913.176123352792.7560.
HO840003265763531 Zoetis 231112.263124328792.66726.31.11.421.280.28-0.58772.54.53171
HO840003271294316 SexTech 231012.766128317782.765.
HO840003272459149 PEAK 88016-ET PEAK 231112.971128336752.747.24.61010.40.46-0.01-0.89731.33.23171
HO840003274170457 SSI-DUCKETT 7008 Select 231112.472120342792.
HO840003207146488 JOLUDI-D OVERDO JERIT 96-ET Semex 22081258135341772.725.20.77.5-1.11.772.60.77-1.8175253170
HO840003269891497 SexTech 231111.975132369782.950.42.3-0.21.331.650.81-1.73772.25.13170
HO840003272649073 SSI-DUCKETT 6965 Select 231112.163121275792.793.807-1.13.562.831.431.727834.83170
HO840003265763495 Select 231112.679127367793.043.700.901.712.050.46-0.84771.94.33169
HO840003265763586 Select 231112.176123352792.913.90.63.6-
HO840003272459173 PEAK 88040-ET PEAK 231112.379140370752.765.918.3-0.80.720.92-0.13-1.11731.83.83169
HO840003220864912 CLEAR-ECHO HOTWHEEL 1930-ET HO 23111262122311782.7251.
HO840003269891573 SexTech 231212.481119361792.845.50.850.40.981.30.59-1.84781.64.33168
HO840003269894139 SexTech 231112.473138366782.795-0.73.3-11.941.750.17-1.78772.44.93168
HO840003272622452 PEAK 20615-ET PEAK 231012.162126333752.556.718.20.21.321.360.53-0.9731.73.63167
HO840003273124338 OCD SAMSON MINGLE-ET PEAK 231012.675123334752.756.61.59.310.760.640.61-0.47742.13.83167
HO840003269891511 SexTech 231112.171127361792.836.11.640.80.751.550.35-2.457725.43166
HO840003271356716 SexTech 231112.655125285782.
HO840003272456751 PEAK 8367-ET PEAK 23111365131329752.7462.
HO840003269891506 SexTech 23111292137388812.753.90.42.9-2.11.361.6-0.06-0.618036.53165
HO840003269894064 SexTech 23111152120306792.746.
HO840003272459121 PEAK 87988-ET PEAK 231112.362137332752.546.
HO840003272649075 SSI-DUCKETT 6967 Select 231112.35798286792.556.927.
HO840003273124337 SexTech 231011.765111309792.566.9210.
HO840003274909545 TERRA-CALROY SAMSN 12367-ET HO 231112.471147373772.666.11.48.3-10.940.93-0.13-0.91762.25.43165
HO840003254236830 COOKIECUTTER 91890 Semex 231112.669122341752.816.
HO840003271741592 PENN-ENGLAND BARB 1941A-ET Select 231112.974103308792.845.
HO840003265763608 Select 231112.164130335792.885.93.380.
HO840003272649066 SSI-DUCKETT 6958 Select 231111.765124287792.6450.77.4-1.62.952.351.21.64782.84.63163
HO840003273124334 SexTech 23101265110283792.726.
HO840003274380566 MIDAS-TOUCH HWHEELS 1516-ET HO 231112.270132345782.715.71.56.8-0.31.491.37-0.01-0.27761.64.43163
HO840003252544163 SexTech 231111.467130333792.735.
HO840003271356707 OCD 58685 Select 231111.667106308782.7761.
HO840003272649087 SSI-DUCKETT 6979 Select 231111.978117342782.725.
HO840003252544169 SexTech 231111.860143336792.815.
HO840003269891570 SexTech 231212.278112352792.796.
HO840003281746902 Select 231012.265111313782.687.
HO840003265763513 Select 231112.464130312792.915.
HO840003267561475 PINE-TREE 8721 OCTA 164-ET HO 231012.954121300792.715.
HO840003276319551 WINSTAR HIKE 5356-ET Semex 231112.359123324762.775.
HO840003276319563 WINSTAR HIGHVIEW 5368-ET ABS 231111.658144362782.786.
HO840003272649056 SSI-DUCKETT 6948 Select 231112.767109308792.716.
HO840003254236800 COOKIECUTTER 91860 Semex 231112.46895279762.7460.
HO840003254236812 COOKIECUTTER 91872 Semex 231111.652114295772.627.63.610.
HO840003272456741 PEAK 8357-ET PEAK 231112.973114313752.855.
HO840003272459141 PEAK 88008-ET PEAK 231112.663132327752.577.44.5100.30.220.910.08-0.89731.53.43157
HO840003276319576 ABS 23111253153356782.934.63.35.2-
HO840003252524001 SexTech 231112.375112305782.733.8-
HO840003263337412 PEAK 40251-ET PEAK 231112.869125318752.587.22.8100.51.330.40.340.56732.44.53156
HO840003265763624 Select 231212.482133366782.813.8-0.94.2-0.71.681.310.22-0.42772.44.83156
HO840003272850737 SSI-SIEMERS 44187 Select 231111.171135353782.75.1-0.4701.461.34-0.29-0.83762.34.93156
HO840003269894167 SexTech 231111.265126358792.
HO840003252544351 SexTech 231211.967146369782.824.80.25.9-
HO840003272850756 SSI-SIEMERS 44206 Select 231112.352106289782.657.
HO840003272850930 SSI-SIEMERS 44380 Select 231211.766126330782.834.8-0.35.4-
HO840003274967485 HIGHER-RANSOM 26545 Select 231012.859119300782.765.21.481.31.592.33-0.08-0.52771.64.23154
HO840003252544270 SexTech 231112.172147381792.943.
HO840003265763526 Select 231111.9741313227933.9-0.13.1-1.22.642.021.420.6772.75.53153
HO840003269894057 GENOSOURCE MAINLINE-ET SexTech 231111.664114345792.637.
HO840003271356699 SexTech 231012.464135308782.864.
HO840003271356713 SexTech 231112.354118286782.656.32.881.61.391.740.860.25772.34.53153
HO840003272622456 PEAK 20619-ET PEAK 23111260134318752.765.5-
HO840003272649062 SSI-DUCKETT 6954 Select 231111.579124356792.874.9-1.93.5-11.932.080.4-0.81772.143153
HO840003253985984 PLAIN-KNOLL SHEEPR 11448-ET Select 231011.660119298792.847.
HO840003256964873 Select 231011.170117304792.895.
HO840003267561490 PINE-TREE 688 BANZA 179-ET HO 231111.773132361792.915.50.95.2-0.11.550.90.88-0.67771.95.33152
HO840003283436986 SexTech 231211.682129375792.7450.17.3-
HO840003265763599 Select 23111276113295782.914.1-
HO840003269894170 SexTech 231111.361127324792.814.4-
HO840003271356671 SexTech 231012.260137307792.654.
HO840003272622450 PEAK 20613-ET PEAK 231012.278130331752.686.12.310.7-0.20.890.69-0.170.64732.14.43151
HO840003272648976 SSI-DUCKETT 6868 Select 231012.271113310792.7662.
HO840003265763544 Select 231111.766118288782.755.
HO840003268745291 CHERRY-ACRES 544 S 6691-ET Select 231011.766107289792.826.
HO840003272850661 SSI-SIEMERS 44111 Select 231112.174104312782.596.
HO840003274909535 TERRA-LINDA TMBRNE 12357-ET HO 231013.567105313782.667.
HO840003271298231 TTM BK EXPEC370 531-ETS HO 231012.456127280782.536.
HO840003271356739 OCD 58717 Select 231111.369118326792.845.525.70.21.551.590.96-0.337723.63149
HO840003272648948 SSI-DUCKETT 6840 Select 231012.763125323782.
HO840003272649074 SSI-DUCKETT 6966 Select 231112.778112327792.835.
HO840003272851051 SSI-SIEMERS 44501 Select 231112.558129327782.766.
HO840003265763611 Select 231111.67298302792.854.905.1-0.12.412.831.28-0.57771.743148
HO840003272026264 LADYS-MANOR OOHM 1529-ET HO 231111.357107251802.6750.47.3032.841.641.79792.54.63148
HO840003012575611 SexTech 231112.781137379792.9851.
HO840003252544324 SexTech 231112.676121351782.8251.35.3-
HO840003266244175 SexTech 231011.667116304792.725.
HO840003276319534 WINSTAR BILLBOARD 5339-ET ABS 231012.485101323782.876.92.54.811.11.150.51-0.44761.94.13147
HO840003265763630 Select 231211.878133352793.054-
HO840003269894083 SexTech 231111.874128357792.
HO840003271294382 SexTech 231112.671137342792.815.61.35.7-0.51.571.260.02-0.28782.35.23146
HO840003274170328 ABS 231011.865129331792.936.
HO840003272459095 PEAK 87962-ET PEAK 231112.378123337752.766.42.26.910.810.370.160.08731.84.73145
HO840003251761747 AOT HOTWHEEL 13616-ET HO 231011.858104254782.746.538.73.41.421.620.150.717624.83144
HO840003265763577 Select 231112.253115286792.655.
HO840003258179307 DENOVO 80417 ABS 231012.679113342782.796.93.28.1-0.10.851.170.3-1.217624.23143
HO840003265763645 Zoetis 231212.658130291782.725.
HO840003267561476 PINE-TREE 754 MIRROR 165-ET HO 231012.371129322782.735.
HO840003272407197 HILMAR 1455 Select 231012.191138391783.
HO840003272456703 PEAK 8319-ET PEAK 231112.469136321752.765.10.27.601.591.090.350.29741.65.13143
HO840003272622436 PEAK 20599-ET PEAK 231011.975117329752.65.7-
HO840003272648949 SSI-DUCKETT 6841 Select 231012.17092295782.647.
HO840003274380552 KINGS-RANSOM HOTWHEELS 1502-ETHO 231011.854138328782.654.50.78.4-0.11.911.60.7-0.39772.15.53143
HO840003252544257 SexTech 231111.868137344792.725.70.59.1-0.50.841.460.11-1.52782.14.63142
HO840003253985996 PLAIN-KNOLL SHEEPS 11460-ET Select 231112.577123347783.064.8-
HO840003269894201 SexTech 231211.859117297792.9251.
HO840003274170451 SSI-DUCKETT 7002 Select 231111.654133315792.675.705.60.51.691.740.49-0.097733.43142
HO840003265763537 Select 231111.179125328793.123.7-1.62.6-0.92.372.061.540.78782.74.63141
HO840003269894126 SexTech 231111.765106293792.795.
HO840003273124360 SexTech 231012.563122304782.735.328.70.71.551.510.60.61772.24.83141
HO840003273124454 SexTech 231112.173108304782.
HO840003274909544 TERRA-LINDA SAMSON 12366-ET HO 231112.771107301782.837.
HO840003265763574 Select 231112.56499291782.795.
HO840003269894207 SexTech 231211.765132337792.95.21.550.80.871.60.34-1.457824.53140
HO840003272649019 SSI-DUCKETT 6911 Select 231112.37093291792.676.929.51.21.551.840.71-0.87771.84.43140
HO840003269894205 SexTech 231211.969126334792.894.8-
HO840003270399225 Select 23101265104301782.726.
HO840003272648994 SSI-DUCKETT 6886 Select 231011.95992246792.966.
HO840003274170453 SSI-DUCKETT 7004 Select 231112.761113300782.945.50.352.31.731.640.95-0.36772.44.13139
HO840003274380551 KINGS-RANSOM HOTWHEELS 1501-ETHO 231012.257118303782.776.
HO840003254236808 COOKIECUTTER 91868 Semex 231112.551114288762.695.
HO840003269137805 DANHOF HIKE 16243-ET Semex 231112.576125349762.
HO840003269894130 SexTech 231111.759115295782.
HO840003272456708 PEAK 8324-ET PEAK 231112.758123299752.736.10.38.511.731.540.48-0.67731.84.13138
HO840003254236797 IDEAL 91857 Select 231111.364106264782.7650.
HO840003265763556 Select 231112.96295267792.676.
HO840003269894156 SexTech 231112.359126313782.765.
HO840003271294301 OCD MASTERPIECE FERGUSON-ET PEAK 23101263116308762.637.4210.
HO840003272456740 PEAK 8356-ET PEAK 231112.966138331752.824.50.15.8-0.31.481.560.38-0.34731.84.13137
HO840003272648992 SSI-DUCKETT 6884 Select 231012.465121323782.5461.210-0.11.311.430.04-0.72761.63.63137
HO840003277651260 GeneSeek 231112.254139362782.775.
HO840003267561483 PINE-TREE 9082 EASTN 172-ET HO 231111.563129327792.645.30.98.3-0.91.841.760.2-0.3772.23.83136
HO840003265763614 Select 231112.37094287792.745.
HO840003266244197 SexTech 231012.369129305782.864.
HO840003269894118 SexTech 231111.975124350792.935.
HO840003269894148 SexTech 231112.26998277792.844.
HO840003270391362 Select 231011.857115272792.
HO840003271294307 OCD PERKY 71477-ET Semex 231011.559133322762.635.
HO840003272456726 PEAK 8342-ET PEAK 231112.178113334752.9651.
HO840003274909487 TERRA-LINDA HIKE 12309-ET Semex 23091273115343762.8361.
HO840003265763584 Select 231111.863106270792.
HO840003272456711 PEAK 8327-ET PEAK 231112.775119320752.7172.
HO840003281818914 AOT REDLEA 80012-ET GenVis 231111.267117305792.8450.
HO840003283436993 SexTech 23121264126311782.755.
HO840003252544240 SexTech 231111.753102292782.718.
HO840003269891567 SexTech 231112.285125367792.955.
HO840003272459098 PEAK 87965-ET PEAK 231112.474156401752.765.715.9-0.9-0.220.33-0.26-2.14731.243133
HO840003272459165 PEAK 88032-ET PEAK 231112.763131302752.766.
HO840003252544271 SexTech 231112.353105266792.683.
HO840003252544317 SexTech 231112.661117325792.726.
HO840003254236804 COOKIECUTTER 91864 Semex 231111.956121277762.675.
HO840003272459053 PEAK 87920-ET PEAK 231012.171126341752.7261.67.2-0.70.831.440.71-1.49731.54.83132
HO840003272850706 SSI-SIEMERS 44156 Select 23111269110293782.756.
HO840003275362767 PEAK 30438-ET PEAK 231012.373122327752.845.80.78.5-0.41.571.660.19-0.08742.64.83132
HO840003252544179 SexTech 231112.675141378792.
HO840003271294300 SexTech 231012.560117283782.
HO840003272456700 PEAK 8316-ET PEAK 231111.868131326752.635.
HO840003283144108 SexTech 231112.462129300782.834.
HO840003265763605 Select 231112.674120337792.823.9-0.53.9-
HO840003267561486 PINE-TREE 688 BANZA 175-ET HO 231111.764103299792.737.11.880.91.591.710.85-0.22771.74.13130
HO840003269891549 SexTech 231111.783116342792.7450.
HO840003274170449 SSI-DUCKETT 7000 Select 231112.472112311792.826.305.10.71.391.760.35-0.557723.73130
HO840003275375601 DENOVO 22447 ABS 231111.665114322782.787.
HO840003269894198 SexTech 23121271129365782.795.7-0.550.20.641.310.3-2.49771.94.33129
HO840003272026260 PENN-COLE TAMBORINE 1525-ET HO 231112.962121317792.7562.36.9-
HO840003272456713 PEAK 8329-ET PEAK 23111268118299752.626.
HO840003272459106 PEAK 87973-ET PEAK 231112.865114291752.735.
HO840003272850751 SSI-SIEMERS 44201 Select 231112.174145373782.993.2-1.85.3-11.551.350.48-0.68761.84.83129
HO840003269891445 SexTech 231012.568132373782.945.32.11.700.991.520.2-2.79772.64.33128
HO840003269891493 SexTech 231112.485143384782.953.5-0.43.2-10.940.96-0.13-1.39771.94.53128
HO840003269894105 SexTech 23111276141361793.024-0.52.2-0.31.621.160-0.55782.14.73128
HO840003275837259 GenVis 23111373129362792.
HO840003276319532 WINSTAR CASH 5337-ET ABS 231012.255145346782.687.131000.20.650.61-0.65762.54.23128
HO840003277651273 GeneSeek 231112.263135337792.895.
HO840003252544029 551HO05790 SexTech 231011.95697274782.736.
HO840003265763652 Select 231111.464136324792.984.
HO840003269894091 SexTech 231111.466134347792.834.
HO840003271294348 OCD 71518-ET PEAK 23111270115302762.736.
HO840003272459104 PEAK 87971-ET PEAK 231113.762118297752.757.
HO840003272649036 SSI-DUCKETT 6928 Select 231112.76689282792.816.
HO840003275837204 GenVis 23101265113320792.727.
HO840003252544184 SexTech 231111.152126311792.666.42.48.510.831.480.54-1.26781.33.83126
HO840003261543089 GenVis 231011.769151388782.844.2-
HO840003209805795 Zoetis 231112.67894300782.765.
HO840003265763533 Select 23111177132347792.924.6-0.15-
HO840003265763551 Select 231111.173130330782.893.5-2.34-0.41.881.620.75-0.11761.83.23125
HO840003272850783 SIEMERS 44233 Select 231112.474116315782.945.61.33.611.621.33-0.090.167623.33125
HO840003274380553 KINGS-RANSOM HOTWHEELS 1503-ETHO 23101263127337782.6851.
HO840003275375578 DENOVO 22424 ABS 231111.861126317782.875.82.55.820.711.270.21-0.6762.45.33125
HO840003275375582 DENOVO 22428 ABS 231111.763105307782.677.
HOUSA000057802613 Zoetis 231112.962135322792.564.90.610.1-
HO840003265763535 Select 231111.988116329782.874.2-1.70.4-0.51.621.890.260.72762.63.83124
HO840003265763606 Select 231111.773124330792.94.2-
HO840003265763616 Zoetis 231112.461145334792.743.70.25-1.51.921.640.710.027723.93124
HO840003276319575 ABS 231112.569113300782.
HO840003252544218 SexTech 231111.869143342792.855.20.97.3-0.20.950.870.12-0.67781.953123
HO840003272407194 HILMAR 1452 Select 231011.667120319782.8174.
HO840003273124342 SexTech 231012.374115300782.754.20.46.402.011.730.461772.34.83123
HO840003252544205 SexTech 231112.563118294792.
HO840003265763598 Select 231111.568103275792.85.6-
HO840003269894189 SexTech 231212.565140337792.854.61.96.5-
HO840003272850916 SSI-SIEMERS 44366 Select 231211.867119293782.864.5-
HO840003150905590 JC-KOW SABERTOOTH 162-ET Zoetis 231012.561109303792.827.
HO840003265763594 Select 231111.873114278792.973.7-
HO840003272648995 SSI-DUCKETT 6887 Select 231011.572128352792.715.8-
HO840003275375615 DENOVO 22461 ABS 231112.269110301782.736.74.410.
HO840003283437009 SexTech 231212.156116299782.686.72.780.71.331.870.51-0.98762.54.83121
HO840003252543863 SexTech 230911.867122313792.
HO840003269891542 SexTech 231111.187129371812.854.30.62.1-0.80.891.150.2-0.81802.563120
HO840003272649104 SSI-DUCKETT 6996 Select 231111.463125321792.846.93.77.910.780.930.18-0.43772.54.33120
HO840003283144100 SexTech 231111.869112291782.
HOUSA000057802689 Zoetis 231111.362111279792.815.
HO840003252544331 SexTech 231111.987107339792.884.2-
HO840003269891501 SexTech 231111.783112360792.955.
HO840003269894185 SexTech 231211.257104260792.765.306.81.42.342.320.98-0.09781.94.13119
HO840003271294335 SexTech 23111363118279782.
HO840003272649105 SSI-DUCKETT 6997 Select 231112.252137320782.735.
HO840003275375610 DENOVO 22456 ABS 231111.96699293782.756.538.
HO840003276319546 ABS 231112.557123302782.637.
HO840003269894166 SexTech 231111.362109307792.885.
HO840003271294296 OCD 71466-ET PEAK 231012.966108281762.66.906.80.81.561.730.28-0.01741.34.33118
HO840003272456773 PEAK 8389-ET PEAK 231112.764127311752.
HO840003272850612 SSI-SIEMERS 44062 Select 231111.668104262782.914.
HO840003272850895 SIEMERS 44345 Select 231212.262102278782.785.
HO840003279964394 Zoetis 231111.666117332782.646.51.89.9-
HO840003252803100 Select 231012.161112304792.596.
HO840003254236824 IDEAL 91884 Select 231111.766122337782.7462.28-0.61.381.450.67-1.48772.25.53117
HO840003267545625 ABS 231112.673127372782.846.12.97.5-10.531.140.26-2.02761.43.83117
HO840003272456765 PEAK 8381-ET PEAK 231112.483120356752.685.70.85.9-0.20.940.8-0.21-1.05732.65.33117
HO840003272459056 PEAK 87923-ET PEAK 231012.276125338752.716-
HO840003272459065 PEAK 87932-ET PEAK 231112.679108322752.6783.
HO840003272899372 BOMAZ PUZZLE-ET ABS 231112.46597296782.698.65.910.91.90.391.01-0.1-1.01761.43.13117
HO840003274909531 TERRA-LINDA TAMBO 12353-ET HO 23101381108323782.924.9-0.24-0.21.671.820.76-0.68762.33.93117
HO840003281818913 AOT PERKY 80011-ET Semex 231112.151129277762.5274.211.9-0.21.341.66-0.280.22742.24.13117
HO840003245603631 WELCOME-STOCK HOTW 5500-ET HO 231112.270109277782.714.
HO840003252544301 SexTech 231111.754123312792.696.
HO840003255654047 DENOVO 2824 ABS 23111257101291782.927.
HO840003266244168 OCD 96834 Select 231012.170133318793.025.22.760.11.431.050.60.56772.35.83116
HO840003269894065 SexTech 231111.685164446802.933.2-0.20.8-1.8-0.010.73-0.99-1.87792.15.23116
HO840003269894200 SexTech 23121267103278792.954.
HO840003272649084 SSI-DUCKETT 6976 Select 231111.577137355792.963.9-2.2-0.4-0.91.721.271.03-0.21772.34.23116
HO840003254468352 PEN-COL FROST 7242-ET Select 23111268126343792.826.
HO840003272456781 WINSTAR PEAK 8397-ET PEAK 23111259146355762.825.11.85.2-0.50.591.40.55-1.43741.853115
HO840003281746903 Select 231013.167113326782.766.32.26.8-0.81.521.721.03-1.4976243115
HO840003252543859 SexTech 230912.276137370792.843.80.15.6-1.21.351.220.06-1.24782.253114
HO840003269894149 SexTech 2311127999309792.794.61.15.2-22.552.871.01-0.5782.55.33114
HO840003271294314 SexTech 231012.762126299782.824.
HO840003272850842 SIEMERS 44292 Select 231111.276109318792.94.5-0.36.2-
HO840003275375574 DENOVO 22420 ABS 231112.273121321782.965.
HO840003242659786 HURTGENLEA LAT SEQUOIA-ET Select 231111.670121330782.826.21.77.3-0.21.510.960.48-0.46772.243113
HO840003252544148 SexTech 23101275138353792.884.50.24.7-0.90.981.10.53-0.9781.44.83113
HO840003252544193 SexTech 231112.362129334792.856.
HO840003265763522 Select 231112861343667833.8-0.51.8-2.31.581.540.89-0.09772.84.83113
HO840003268957538 SIMPLE-DREAMS HIKE 8302-ET Semex 231112.562110332762.756.
HO840003269894077 SexTech 231112.663123334782.845.21.73.9-
HO840003272459144 PEAK 88011-ET PEAK 231112.369122315752.785.
HO840003276319528 GenVis 231012.350129292782.7552.
HO840003252543871 SexTech 230912.471134364792.994.
HO840003253985980 PLAIN-KNOLL GRAND 11444-ET Select 231011.660135339792.655.3-0.67.6-
HO840003263431967 SexTech 230712.675138389793.033.8-0.40.4-
HO840003269894193 SexTech 231211.756109299782.727.
HO840003269894199 SexTech 23121266129351782.876.42.15.6-
HO840003272649097 SSI-DUCKETT 6989 Select 231111.665116333792.625.808.4-0.61.561.970.35-1.84772.35.23112
HO840003275375587 DENOVO 22433 ABS 231113.380130368782.865.82.15.3-
HO840003012575615 SexTech 231112.665125321782.8351.17.811.141.020.44-0.29772.24.53111
HO840003265763548 Select 231110.983117327782.984.2-1.3-
HO840003270391375 Select 231111.362111309782.675.5-
HO840003271294313 OCD 71483-ET PEAK 231012.270106296752.676.
HO840003272456733 PEAK 8349-ET PEAK 23111372118321752.745.
HO840003247634535 KINGS-RANSOM HW DEVYME-ET HO 230911.767122331782.864.
HO840003261543159 GenVis 23101163117307802.685.
HO840003269894168 SexTech 231111.962104281792.725.
HO840003269894169 SexTech 231111.661100259792.875.
HO840003277638658 CHERRY-ACRES 516 S 1091-ET Select 230912.26698295792.768.74.611.
HO840003254236831 IDEAL 91891 Select 23111262103271782.895.
HO840003261542941 GenVis 23091358102282792.667.
HO840003265763638 Select 231211.467110293792.9162.55.711.211.131.470.23782.12.93109
HO840003272459111 PEAK 87978-ET PEAK 231112.662122303752.6774.610.
HO840003272649086 SSI-DUCKETT 6978 Select 231111.563112272792.851.
HO840003275375619 DENOVO 22465 ABS 23111265109302782.857.24.680.21.031.341-0.84761.13.63109
HO840003281746904 Select 231012.859103290782.667.
HO840003245599073 PEAK LOCKSTEP 1-ETN PEAK 23071270130346792.736.74.18-
HO840003265763595 Select 231112.665116297792.914.60.13.4-
HO840003272026244 PEN-COL GLAMOUR1509-ET Select 231012.560116318792.726.
HO840003272459052 PEAK 87919-ET PEAK 23101280125327752.745.20.26.7-
HO840003272848471 DENOVO 21250 MDS ABS 231112.284114344782.916.434.40.60.420.450.23-0.7761.93.63108
HO840003275362778 PEAK 30449-ET PEAK 23111271111301762.726.
HO840003265763591 Select 231112.27889298792.885.61.15.8-
HO840003270399228 Select 231011.966116329782.655.9-
HO840003271356702 SexTech 231012.364122310782.784.20.94.4-0.31.842.070.810.28772.25.63107
HO840003272456777 PEAK 8393-ET PEAK 231112.169134339752.
HO840003272649041 SSI-DUCKETT 6933 Select 231112.48398317782.895.81.64.8-0.11.561.40.92-0.8771.73.63107
HO840003272850794 SIEMERS 44244 Select 231112.569109302792.825.40.75.8-0.21.772.030.89-0.59772.23.93107
HO840003283181929 CHERRY-ACRES 993 L 1141-ET HO 231111.570148362812.693.9-0.92.7-1.41.391.37-0.31-0.28802.65.33107
HO840003283436985 SexTech 231211.967132347782.943.8-
HO840003283436994 SexTech 231212.675125312782.833.6-1.44.2-1.42.591.730.561.04771.93.93107
HO840003220864908 CLEAR-ECHO SEASIDE 1926-ET Semex 231012.351116284762.655.918.
HO840003220864911 CLEAR-ECHO HOTWHEEL 1929-ET HO 2311134991252792.7672.
HO840003252544246 SexTech 231111.575119340792.765.61.47.3-
HO840003263438449 PEAK 2726-ET PEAK 231112.575102324752.758.
HO840003270391357 Select 231011.561101306792.686.
HO840003272459087 FB PEAK 87954-ET PEAK 231112.370136370762.785.82.64.3-0.50.470.73-0.03-1.22741.93.83106
HO840003272943000 SexTech 231111.865146402792.825.60.97-
HO840003274909564 TERRA-LINDA TAMBOR 12386-ET HO 231112.884126342782.884.40.15-0.30.880.870.34-0.15762.34.33106
HO840003276319527 WINSTAR BANZAI 5332-ET ABS 231011.656122298782.826.

High TPI® Young Females – January 2024

Registration NumberNameBirth DateGFISire's NamePTAPPTAP%PTAFPTAF%Feed % Rel.SCSPLLIVHealth
HO840003272381911JOOK THORSON 5270-ET 231011.8STGEN COWEN THORSON-ET 840.11520.29408782.8461.23.1-
HO840003269935802PLAIN-KNOLL SHEEPSTER 4667 231011.7OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 710.121450.34368792.777.62.590.31.381.310.87-0.42783.25.53282
HO840003280396530T-SPRUCE PERKY 22189-ET 231112.3PROGENESIS PERKY 760.091350.25348782.795.623.
HO840003274909542TERRA-LINDA HIKE 12364-ET 231112.6TRIFECTA HIKE-ET 740.071400.25377782.925.50.94.7-0.41.832.420.58-1.96762.23.53270
HO840003274909549TERRA-LINDA HIKE 12371-ET 231112.3TRIFECTA HIKE-ET 640.081360.3354782.656.
HO840003280396576T-SPRUCE PERKY 22235-ET 231113.1PROGENESIS PERKY 640.131360.36339792.576.
HO840003251557031PEAK 164900-ET 231112.6PEAK LOCKSTEP-ET 750.121550.36384752.715.91.57.7-0.30.890.940.12-0.49731.843249
HO840003269892388GENOSOURCE DUPE 78713-ET 231111.9COOKIECUTTER HOLYSMOKES-ET 840.021050.03305792.716.
HOUSA000145600327WA-DEL SHEEPSTER LINDY-ET 230812.4OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 760.131610.39388792.785.21.75.2-
HO840003274909552TERRA-LINDA TMBRNE 12374-ET 231112.5LADYS-MANOR O TAMBORINE-ET 710.051140.15321782.
HO840003283181928CHERRY-ACRES 753 S 1140-ET 231111.7OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 680.161300.36341782.867.
HO840003277638681CHERRY-ACRES L753 S 1114-ET 231011.7OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 660.111260.28332782.827.
HO840003272638166K-STAR-FS SHPSTR ACTRESS-ET 231012.3OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 650.131240.32332792.697.
HO840003272382006JOOK OVERDO 5365 231111.6LADYS-MANOR OVERDO-ET 660.081380.29361792.576.
HO840003278137813RUANN TAMBO MARQUS-35515-ET 231013.8LADYS-MANOR O TAMBORINE-ET 690.061240.21339792.776.
HO840003252544162STGEN OUTREACH 2532-ET 231112.8STGEN OUTREACH-ET 720.071370.24349792.796.
HO840003252544305STGEN BROCKINGTON 2675-ET 231112.7GENOSOURCE BROCKINGTON-ET 760.061210.17344792.886.
HO840003275121145COOKIECUTTER S HORSESTER-ET 231112.6OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 720.081330.24364782.827.
HO840003280396630T-SPRUCE PERKY 22289-ET 231113.1PROGENESIS PERKY 630.121390.35330782.665.62.36-
HO840003272649095WILRA SSI PHNX 2832 6987-ET 231112.2T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 2176-ET 510.071400.36313792.795.4-0.16.8-0.22.752.671.140.23772.84.13214
HO840003252543902STGEN DOMINANCE 2272-ET 230912.1SDG-PH DELUX DOMINANCE-ET 700.071270.23342792.746.
HO840003275121194COOKIECUTTER SH HORSEBOX-ET 231111.9OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 770.11450.3371782.795.
HO840003272381970 231112.4PINE-TREE EASTON-ET 700.11440.32360782.724.
HO840003274830780PEN-COL SHEEPSTER 1258-ET 231011.7OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 680.141310.33353792.667.
HO840003252778426PEAK 10234-ET 231111.9PEAK LOCKSTEP-ET 780.041270.15361762.
HO840003272459114PEAK 87981-ET 231112.7PEAK LOCKSTEP-ET 790.091350.24382752.696.93.38.4-0.10.620.470-0.77731.73.53204
HO840003265835551AOD SHEEPSTER 8580 231111.3OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 760.121280.26326762.8860.
HO840003272638165K-STAR-FS SHPSTR ASPIRE-ET 231012.2OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 720.111340.29351792.875.61.57.8-0.11.761.580.89-0.13783.46.23200
HO840003271294344OCD HIGHCLAS LIANA 71514-ET 231111.9AOT HIGHCLASS-ET 740.041170.133227935.
HO840003252803105S-S-I HOUIN SHPSTER 1500-ET 231011.8OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 800.121400.29380792.9850.86-0.31.531.130.45-0.54782.74.93198
HO840003263438426PEAK 2703-ET 231112.6PEAK ALTASAMSON-ET 670.171310.38320752.537.22.410.10.31.510.890.420.27732.14.93197
HO840003272030552TRAMILDA REDLEA NANCY-ET 231012.3STGEN RC REDLEA-ET 710.071320.23364792.825.
HO840003252544195STGEN DOMINANCE 2565 231112.3SDG-PH DELUX DOMINANCE-ET 760.091250.21334792.786.
HO840003272850692SIEMERS SHEEP PARIS 44142 231111.7OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 780.091290.22346793.
HO840003280396528T-SPRUCE TAMBORINE 22187-ET 231113.3LADYS-MANOR O TAMBORINE-ET 760.121250.25354792.884.714.1-1.11.912.171.35-0.87781.83.73195
HO840003280396619T-SPRUCE EASTON 22278-ET 231112.5PINE-TREE EASTON-ET 750.04980.07307792.885.
HO840003269891370GENOSOURCE BOONDCK 77695-ET 231012.2GENOSOURCE BOONDOCK-ET 710.061410.26365792.775.
HO840003275121196COOKIECUTTER PRY HOURIAH-ET 231113.2PROGENESIS PERKY 730.111180.24304782.755.71.39.2-
HO840003272649005S-S-I HIKE 3494 6897-ET 231012.5TRIFECTA HIKE-ET 690.131230.29327782.
HO840003273124365OCD BOONDOCK RAE 22689-ET 231013.1GENOSOURCE BOONDOCK-ET 600.061290.27291782.794.
HO840003274909555TERRA-LINDA TMBRNE 12377-ET 231112.8LADYS-MANOR O TAMBORINE-ET 740.041010.08310782.826.
HO840003263226241COOKIECUTTER EAST HELENA-ET 231012.3PINE-TREE EASTON-ET 690.091100.19310782.676.6211.20.71.521.710.88-0.53771.94.53183
HO840003269632306 231111.4OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 690.131170.27305792.727.63.412.
HO840003269935829PLAIN-KNOLL OTREACH 4694-ET 231113STGEN OUTREACH-ET 630.141480.42317792.
HO840003272742641 231112.1OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 780.111240.23323792.825.20.96.8-
HO840003263438442PEAK 2719-ET 231113.5PEAK ALTASAMSON-ET 700.091280.25329762.417.21.110.5-
HO840003263438437PEAK 2714-ET 231112.7PEAK ALTASAMSON-ET 740.11320.26342762.657.42.710.30.20.670.630.23-0.77424.93180
HO840003268957530SDG-PH 7860 DUFFY 8294-ET 231113.4KINGS-RANSOM DUFFY-ET 700.051110.14319792.717.
HO840003280396606T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 22265-ET 231112T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 2176-ET 790.091280.21326792.974.5-0.54.8-12.392.250.661.11772.54.43178
HO840003269892379GENOSOURCE UNDERTN 78704-ET 231111.2S-S-I PAYLOAD UNDERTONE 700.011060.08322792.6671.
HO840003272459157PEAK 88024-ET 231112.4PEAK LOCKSTEP-ET 690.111370.31362752.776.
HO840003275121214COOKIECUTTER EST HOMIROS-ET 231112.9PINE-TREE EASTON-ET 740.031080.1329792.636.30.890.
HO840003275121159COOKIECUTTER GRF HOMEROW-ET 231112.6MATCREST GARFIELD-ET 680.071190.2315792.85.1-
HO840003260123187GENOSOURCE CHOICES 75756-ET 231011.8MORNINGVIEW CHOICES-ET 690.091200.23324792.
HO840003263226250COOKIECUTTER EASTN HOLLY-ET 231112.6PINE-TREE EASTON-ET 710.08990.14300782.756.
HO840003271356735OCD MCINTOSH LIANA 58713-ET 231111.5BROOKSTON PARF MCINTOSH-ET 690.11320.28334793.
HO840003252544160STGEN OUTREACH 2530-ET 231112.7STGEN OUTREACH-ET 760.071400.25355792.84.606.1-0.71.461.190.76-0.49781.85.13173
HO840003272648968S-S-I DOMINANCE 6860-ET 231012.3SDG-PH DELUX DOMINANCE-ET 860.051270.13372782.855.5-
HO840003274830783PEN-COL SHEEPSTER 1261-ET 231111.9OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 750.081280.22352792.747.42.48.7-0.61.371.040.36-0.58783.45.13172
HO840003252544283STGEN BROCKINGTON 2653-ET 231112.6GENOSOURCE BROCKINGTON-ET 750.031350.17376782.875.505.400.81.55-0.13-2.02771.63.53171
HO840003272649081S-S-I EASTON 3954 6973-ET 231112.9PINE-TREE EASTON-ET 760.061020.1316792.686.
HO840003280396636T-SPRUCE TAMBORINE 22295-ET 231112.7LADYS-MANOR O TAMBORINE-ET 680.051180.18321792.894.
HO840003275121169COOKIECUTTER TRI LADYANN-ET 231112.4T-SPRUCE TRISTAN-ET 570.091370.34334792.616.3-
HO840003278144042FIT SUMNER 1069 TROI-ET 231012.3WINSTAR CONWAY CUMULUS-ET 630.121200.29321792.786.
HO840003280396625 231112.5T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 2176-ET 720.071240.2330782.924.3-
HO840003146752059JC-KOW SHEEPSTER 1954-ET 231012.7OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 720.121260.28310792.745.32.38.9-0.81.811.690.790.82772.34.43168
HO840003272381850JOOK EASTON 5209-ET 231013.1PINE-TREE EASTON-ET 590.061160.22304782.
HO840003272648956S-S-I DOMINANCE 6848-ET 231012.2SDG-PH DELUX DOMINANCE-ET 710.041170.15321782.785.
HO840003277638679CHERRY-ACRES L753 S 1112-ET 231011.9OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 730.141310.31368782.746.62.49-
HO840003265892341MAJR 600 SHEEPSTER 961-ET 231112.9OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 870.131400.27383793.014-0.24.3-
HO840003274909540TERRA-LINDA HIKE 12362-ET 231112.1TRIFECTA HIKE-ET 620.061300.25339782.765.
HO840003252543875STGEN HIGHCLASS 2245-ET 230911.3AOT HIGHCLASS-ET 570.081100.24269792.715.
HO840003272384813 231011.9PINE-TREE EASTON-ET 620.071010.18264792.775.
HO840003272622458PEAK 20621-ET 231112.7PEAK MECANICO-ET 760.121240.25353752.757.43.58.310.230.7-0.3-1.94731.64.53162
HO840003266234086FINGER OUTREACH 7470 231012.5STGEN OUTREACH-ET 720.081320.25318782.934.
HO840003269892385GENOSOURCE UNDERTN 78710-ET 231111.7S-S-I PAYLOAD UNDERTONE 650.021130.14332792.746.
HO840003263226263AR-JOY CU OVERDO MYLADY-ET 231112LADYS-MANOR OVERDO-ET 550.121380.4325792.684.
HO840003272381992 231112.1CHERRYPENCOL GAMEPLAN-ET 510.131140.34292792.567.
HO840003272649070S-S-I PHOENIX 3936 6962-ET 231111.7T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 2176-ET 670.081270.25321792.74616.7-11.892.090.660.28772.14.33160
HO840003252544296STGEN MIRRORIMAGE 2666-ET 231112PINE-TREE MIRRORIMAGE-ET 790.061340.2348792.924.90.86.400.991.450.04-1.047825.43158
HO840003263337050TTM SHEEPSTER VALERIE-ET 231011.7OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 680.091320.27346792.866.
HO840003263337406PEAK 40245-ET 231112.8PEAK LOCKSTEP-ET 770.071230.18338762.866.
HO840003274909559TERRA-LINDA HSMOKE 12381-ET 231112COOKIECUTTER HOLYSMOKES-ET 700.131250.29313792.754.1-1.15.7-
HO840003280396608T-SPRUCE TAMBORINE 22267-ET 231113LADYS-MANOR O TAMBORINE-ET 670.051250.21328792.864.81.94.6-0.21.931.890.82-0.577723.93158
HO840003252544247STGEN CUMULUS 2617 231112.4WINSTAR CONWAY CUMULUS-ET 800.111410.28369792.824.91.98.1-10.950.660.21-0.42781.94.43156
HO840003269892384DELICIOUS PIPELINE 78709-ET 231111.5T-SPRUCE GS CPN PIPELINE-ET 710.081430.28372792.914.
HO840003272622464PEAK 20627-ET 231112.3PEAK LOCKSTEP-ET 710.111430.32375752.
HO840003273124385OCD SAMSON MINT 22709-ET 231112.8PEAK ALTASAMSON-ET 700.091220.23330782.696.
HO840003269891407GENOSOURCE OUTRECH 77732-ET 231013.6STGEN OUTREACH-ET 770.091200.19318792.754.6-0.35.8-
HO840003279800423WOODCREST FIGARO YURE-ET 231112.1OCD PARFECT FIGARO-ET 650.051040.15278792.961.
HO840003263226217AR-JOY CU SHEEPSTER KAY-ET 231012.2OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 820.081390.23352782.914-14.2-
HO840003272648950S-S-I ORGANIC 4450 6842-ET 231012.3PINE-TREE ORGANIC-ET 510.131080.32275782.468.93.810.
HO840003273124408OCD BOONDOCK RAE 22732-ET 231112.4GENOSOURCE BOONDOCK-ET 730.11210.23301782.714.
HO840003274909543TERRA-LINDA HIKE 12365-ET 231111.9TRIFECTA HIKE-ET 510.071330.33323782.6561.
HO840003267672840ADAWAY SHEEPSTER 3712 231111.3OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 790.041140.1331792.866.
HO840003268957549 231112.7KINGS-RANSOM DUFFY-ET 730.05980.08301792.7383.
HO840003267672863ADAWAY LETCHWORTH 3735-ET 231111.5AURORA LETCHWORTH-ET 630.08950.16256782.965.31.352.72.252.461.150.37771.74.23151
HO840003269776354 231012.8OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 680.121330.32339792.746.
HO840003271422443TERRA-LINDA PWRSTR 12244-ET 230712.7PEAK POWERSTAR-ET 610.121280.33319782.736.
HO840003274909556TERRA-CALROY PHONX 12378-ET 231112.5T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 2176-ET 610.081230.27292782.755.
HO840003266231082LADYS-MANOR PHOENIX 5346-ET 231112.6T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 2176-ET 690.11250.263108033.10-
HO840003275149021SDG-PH 7857 PHOENIX 8207-ET 231112.4T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 2176-ET 750.061340.22341783.014.1-0.80.9-
HO840003272622451PEAK 20614-ET 231012.5PEAK MECANICO-ET 680.131400.35357752.
HO840003275121167COOKIECUTTER LETCHW HONEOYO 231111.8AURORA LETCHWORTH-ET 570.121150.3309792.736.
HO840003252543866STGEN DOMINANCE 2236-ET 230912.3SDG-PH DELUX DOMINANCE-ET 710.071490.29385792.774.4-0.55.2-
HO840003254468324CHERRYPENCOL 6380 S 7214-ET 231012OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 640.161200.34296792.816.
HO840003272648961S-S-I DOMINANCE 6853-ET 231012.4SDG-PH DELUX DOMINANCE-ET 720.021290.16358782.815.5-
HO840003280189688PINE-TREE SHEEN 21082-ET 231112.9PINE-TREE EASTON-ET 680.081020.17293792.866.
HO840003273124378OCD DOMINANCE TARA 22702-ET 231112.3SDG-PH DELUX DOMINANCE-ET 700.111300.29336782.786.
HO840003256964871S-S-I HOUIN SHPSTER 1501-ET 231011.3OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 760.071190.17325792.846.
HO840003263337056TTM SHEEPSTER JANICE 231012.9OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 730.121150.23322792.866.81.960.51.461.630.26-0.54772.84.83146
HO840003272638158K-STAR EASTON TARIN 231012.6PINE-TREE EASTON-ET 680.081170.21328792.647.12.67.9-0.31.471.580.25-1.21782.24.83146
HO840003275121174COOKIECUTTER GAR KATHRYN-ET 231112.4MATCREST GARFIELD-ET 560.091130.26279792.626.32.710.31.71.561.720.150.13782.43.83146
HO840003268957545 231112.2OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 700.081190.21311792.756.
HO840003267528530ARMSON THORSON 6740 231012.4STGEN COWEN THORSON-ET 690.11470.33366792.
HO840003272649023S-S-I EASTON 3954 6915-ET 231112.9PINE-TREE EASTON-ET 770.031140.1332792.861.47.2-0.21.391.540.56-0.82771.34.73144
HO840003280191065 231012.3WILRA SSI REGAL ENCLAVE-ET 640.11150.24278782.6170.610.60.41.541.570.690.14761.53.33144
HO840003280396642T-SPRUCE TAMBORINE 22301-ET 231112.1LADYS-MANOR O TAMBORINE-ET 640.071040.17287792.825.
HO840003269935812PLAIN-KNOLL GRAND 4677-ET 231012.6PLAIN-KNOLL DELUXE GRAND-ET 600.081280.29314792.825.40.460.
HO840003272459083PEAK 87950-ET 231113.9PEAK LOCKSTEP-ET 800.051250.15349752.826.53.24.2-
HO840003280699587TRIFECTA M OUTFIT 40227-ET 231113.3PINE-TREE OUTFIT-ET 360.11270.42283782.716.9310.42.70.921.950.55-1.15761.84.53143
HO840003272850647SIEMERS PHX 44097-ET 231112T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 2176-ET 630.11230.28303782.974.915.
HO840003252778424PEAK 10232-ET 231013.4PEAK ALTASAMSON-ET 710.081060.16317752.667.
HO840003272649047S-S-I PHOENIX 3970 6939-ET 231112.1T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 2176-ET 580.071190.25291792.786.
HO840003277631840ZIM-BLUE-BAY THORSON 31532 231012.4STGEN COWEN THORSON-ET 820.121500.31393782.
HO840003280396533T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 22192-ET 231111.9T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 2176-ET 650.091110.21294792.875.40.55.702.212.151.69-0.17781.93.83140
HO840003254468345CHERRY-ACRES 993 S 7235-ET 231011.7OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 790.051210.14335792.856.52.36.5-0.71.521.130.71-0.69773.25.33139
HO840003255658596DENOVO CASH 5725 231113DENOVO 2826 CASH-ET 580.161520.48360782.745.
HO840003272649107S-S-I EASTON 3954 6999-ET 231112.5PINE-TREE EASTON-ET 720.04970.08321792.747.
HO840003265817786PEAK SAMSON 6349-ET 231112.8PEAK ALTASAMSON-ET 800.091270.2355762.7160.78.5-
HO840003274909562TERRA-LINDA TMBRNE 12384-ET 231112.9LADYS-MANOR O TAMBORINE-ET 630.061160.2299782.8851.
HO840003283439624 231111.9PINE-TREE EASTON-ET 580.07970.17269782.587.
HO840003265909498GLEN-D-HAVEN SHEEP GAMER 231112.1OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 730.091110.18312792.926.22.47.5-0.31.951.531.13-0.18772.54.33135
HO840003272648833DOLLS SSI SHEEPSTER 6725-ET 230912.6OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 870.071490.22410793.
HO840003280396518T-SPRUCE PERKY 22177-ET 231112.8PROGENESIS PERKY 660.081060.18282782.636.
HO840003251717645LARS-ACRES TUBA 29595-ET 231112.6LADYS-MANOR OUTCOME TUBA-ET 780.091080.15308792.735.
HO840003254468347PEN-COL SHEEPSTER 7237-ET 231012.2OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 660.11200.26310792.9162.
HO840003272381956JOOK OVERDO 5315 231111.7LADYS-MANOR OVERDO-ET 700.051300.2329792.833.80.53.9-1.51.982.340.88-0.57782.25.23133
HO840003272459102PEAK 87969-ET 231112.8PEAK ALTASAMSON-ET 840.091280.2354752.626.72.59.3-2.10.970.80.05-0.29732.64.63133
HO840003274063711SDG-PH 7732 LETCH 2803-ET 231011.8AURORA LETCHWORTH-ET 640.061030.15304792.716.
HO840003263337407PEAK 40246-ET 231112.2PEAK LOCKSTEP-ET 770.091270.22344752.726.
HO840003265817798FB SAMSON 6361-ET 231112.4PEAK ALTASAMSON-ET 700.071300.24345762.696.31.19.4-1.21.421.360.34-1.56743.25.43132
HO840003272406325HILMAR-D HIKE 22183-ET 231012.7TRIFECTA HIKE-ET 640.11170.25325782.746.436.
HO840003280396687T-SPRUCE TAMBORINE 22346-ET 231212.8LADYS-MANOR O TAMBORINE-ET 660.051040.14298792.845.
HO840003275121191COOKIECUTTER GAR KRYSTAL-ET 231112.4MATCREST GARFIELD-ET 530.091150.28272792.665.527.
HO840003258833895EILDON-TWEED GARZ MINK 5B8A 221012.5SDG CAP GARZA-ET 580.091380.34330792.
HO840003263438429PEAK 2706-ET 231112.6PEAK ALTASAMSON-ET 700.121230.28323752.686.
HO840003265817763PEAK MASTERPIECE 6326-ET 231013.1PEAK MASTERPIECE-ET 620.131480.41357752.735.10.36.400.641.04-0.03-0.92741.84.23130
HO840003267672811ADAWAY SABERTOOTH 3683-ET 231012.6OCD DRIVE SABERTOOTH-ET 700.071220.2343792.746.3260.70.930.760.63-0.37725.13130
HO840003272648965S-S-I DOMINANCE 6857-ET 231011.8SDG-PH DELUX DOMINANCE-ET 670.041040.13295792.747.
HO840003278137506RUANN OUTREACH MALIBU-35208 230912.8STGEN OUTREACH-ET 620.071280.27299792.924.10.24.311.522.170.77-0.12772.45.43130
HO840003280396534T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 22193-ET 231111.9T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 2176-ET 730.11460.313347933.7-0.23.1-0.41.541.340.261.24772.84.33130
HO840003280396536T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 22195-ET 231112.3T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 2176-ET 730.041280.17334792.925-0.23.5-11.661.840.79-0.18782.33.23130
HO840003283181915CHERRY-ACRES 780 S 1127-ET 231013.1OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 710.061110.15316782.76738.211.051.37-0.16-0.82772.25.13130
HO840003269935806PLAIN-KNOLL ORGANIC 4671-ET 231012.3PINE-TREE ORGANIC-ET 540.081150.26296792.468.93.111.711.041.13-0.01-1.22771.74.43129
HO840003273061423 231112.6WILRA GAMEDAY KAHN-ET 670.091460.32372782.775.60.95.5-
HO840003281920564 231012.4STGEN COWEN THORSON-ET 750.061530.28374782.933.3-1.12.9-
HO840003252543877STGEN EASTON 2247-ET 230912.9PINE-TREE EASTON-ET 580.071120.22308792.746.
HO840003269632307 231112WELCOME-TEL TAOS HAYK-ET 740.081190.19305792.675.
HO840003274909566TERRA-LINDA TRISTN 12388-ET 231111.7T-SPRUCE TRISTAN-ET 750.081420.27359752.634.9-0.36.3-
HO840003275148968SDG-PH 7898 HIKE 8154-ET 231012.4TRIFECTA HIKE-ET 770.061130.133607836.10.740.51.161.510.52-1.99772.64.63128
HO840003280189670PENN-ENGLAND BARB 21064-ET 231113.1PINE-TREE EASTON-ET 620.03900.08277792.627.11.910.70.71.692.391.01-1.4771.543128
HO840003280191187 231111.6OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 700.081350.27354792.876.31.98-
HO840003252544232STGEN GAMEPLAN 2602-ET 231111.8CHERRYPENCOL GAMEPLAN-ET 520.071170.27313792.737.
HO840003273124384OCD POWERHOUSE 22708 231112.4PEAK POWERHOUSE-ET 770.081350.23350782.
HO840003280191145 231111.2OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 670.11110.22287792.727.339.
HO840003280396627T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 22286-ET 231113T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 2176-ET 710.061210.18321792.934.5-
HO840003254468343CHERRY-ACRES 993 S 7233-ET 231011.4OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 650.11370.32346792.7662.14.6-1.11.361.40.82-1.0277363126
HO840003279800420WOODCREST SPINAL TAP DANISE 231112.9OCD GAMEDAY SPINAL TAP-ET 670.061010.14289792.726.
HO840003271294215OCD MCINTOSH LIANA 71385-ET 230911.7BROOKSTON PARF MCINTOSH-ET 660.071210.22317792.935.
HO840003272406304HILMAR-D SHEEPSTER 22162-ET 231011.9OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 670.11170.24294782.866.
HO840003283181925CHERRY-ACRES 516 S 1137-ET 231012.1OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 730.091110.18313792.896.
HO840003252544298STGEN TIM 2668-ET 231112.3T-SPRUCE CONWAY TIM-ET 680.051380.24341792.992.6-2.42.4-1.92.652.780.68-0.73782.74.73124
HO840003255658600T-SPRUCE SPIRIT-P 5729-ET 231111.9WILRA SPIRIT-P-ET 650.081260.26338792.685.
HO840003272648942S-S-I SYNDEY 3585 6834-ET 231012.6PINE-TREE OUT SYNDEY-ET 580.11120.26290782.517.62.314.
HO840003272649011S-S-I SHEEPSTER 6903-ET 231111.1OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 680.071240.23304792.895.
HO840003273124409OCD BOONDOCK RAE 22733-ET 231112.8GENOSOURCE BOONDOCK-ET 560.091240.3283782.825.
HO840003272742204 231112.2LEVEL-PLAIN VERSACHI-ET 610.061130.2293792.877.
HO840003280191274 231112.3LEVEL-PLAIN TDG VAN GOGH-ET 570.091250.3302792.637.149.5-0.31.361.090.78-0.22782.23.63123
HO840003280396561T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 22220-ET 231111.7T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 2176-ET 800.081480.263767832.5-4.12.6-
HO840003280396628T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 22287-ET 231112.1T-SPRUCE PHOENIX 2176-ET 850.021090.03325782.944.1-1.32.2-0.21.991.70.810.48772.63.23122
HO840003266234066FINGER DOMINANCE 7450 230912.1SDG-PH DELUX DOMINANCE-ET 880.051290.13370782.974.2-1.73.7-
HO840003272381904JOOK LIONEL 5263-ET 231011.8MR T-SPRUCE FRAZZ LIONEL-ET 92-0.02117-0.02376812.935.2-11.4-
HO840003272649003WILRA SSI DOMINANCE 6895-ET 231012.8SDG-PH DELUX DOMINANCE-ET 570.121430.4330792.655.81.88.2-
HO840003272381933 231113GENOSOURCE CAPTAIN-ET 700.031230.15344812.795.61.13.9-0.20.771.860.33-2.148024.23120
HO840003272459100PEAK 87967-ET 231113.2PEAK LOCKSTEP-ET 730.091360.26361752.835.
HO840003272648936S-S-I HIKE 3937 6828-ET 231011.8TRIFECTA HIKE-ET 780.031050.07346792.636.71.86.8-0.20.971.460.22-1.89772.74.93120
HO840003278322306DOLLS ADVENTURE 2372-ET 231012.5PINE-TREE ADVENTURE-ET 580.071400.32344782.765.63.28.7-2.11.451.491.07-1.3761.84.23120
HO840003252544267STGEN CASHBACK 2637 231113.5REGAN-DANHOF CASHBACK-ET 610.091140.24296792.636.
HO840003267436366SILVER-ELITE TAMBO 31073-ET 231112.8LADYS-MANOR O TAMBORINE-ET 620.071340.29351782.884.418.90.70.881.010.53-1.1761.84.33119
HO840003273124287OCD BOONDO FRANCES 22611-ET 231012.8GENOSOURCE BOONDOCK-ET 710.091330.27321793.012.8-
HO840003274830782PEN-COL SHEEPSTER 1260-ET 231112.6OCD TROOPER SHEEPSTER-ET 570.091080.24282792.557.
HO840003263438433PEAK 2710-ET 231112.7PEAK ALTASAMSON-ET 710.111250.26336762.636.81.790.50.60.390.23-0.61742.14.93118
HO840003272649013S-S-I DOMINANCE 6905-ET 231111.8SDG-PH DELUX DOMINANCE-ET 730.051320.2353782.885.
HO840003272649039S-S-I EASTON 3919 6931-ET 231112.7PINE-TREE EASTON-ET 590.061030.18293782.756.21.37.711.642.240.83-1.32771.54.53118
HO840003274909551TERRA-LINDA SAMSON 12373-ET 231112.4PEAK ALTASAMSON-ET 730.051130.14323782.726.6-0.48.6-
HO840003251717739 231112.4PINE-TREE EASTON-ET 700.061260.2349782.715.21.67.7-
HO840003255658461DENOVO BILLBOARD 5590-ET 231012.8DENOVO 4275 BILLBOARD-ET 740.11290.25339782.
HO840003267436363SILVER-ELITE TAMBO 31070-ET 231112.6LADYS-MANOR O TAMBORINE-ET 550.071190.26298782.954.
HO840003273124285OCD BOONDO FRANCES 22609-ET 231012.6GENOSOURCE BOONDOCK-ET 650.11430.34321792.873.50.74.3-0.521.470.11.03782.44.93117
HO840003273124472OCD SABERTOO LIANA 22796-ET 231112.3OCD DRIVE SABERTOOTH-ET 740.011270.13362792.825.81.25.1-

Once again, Captain is the #1 GTPI dtr proven sire at +3253 GTPI!

Hurtgenlea Richard CHARL’s son: Genosource Captain leads the International GTPI index once again! Captain gained 1068 daughters to his US index for the December 2023 run, bringing him GTPI to +3253 (+69). He has +3253 GTPI, +1317 NM$, and +2474kgM! Farnear Upside (s. Charl) is in second place with +3112 GTPI! Ladys-Manor Outcome is ranked third with a GTPI of +3078! Beyond Overdo Hardin with +3280 GTPI is the new chart leader in the GTPI ranking with all bulls >12 months with NAAB-code. He is followed by Ocd Fugleman Radical at +3254 GTPI and Genosource Captain at +3253 GTPI, rounding out the Top 3. 

  • Top 100 TPI® International Bulls 
  • High Ranking Sire Report
  • Official Top 200 TPI® Genomic Young Bulls
  • USA – GTPI – >12 months & NAAB-code – 12/23
  • USA – GTPI – Dtr Proven – 12/23
  • USA – GTPI – Top 100 Int. GTPI bulls – 12/23
  • USA – Net Merit – >12 months & NAAB-code – 12/23
  • USA – PTAT Bulls = >12 Months – 12/23
  • USA | Top *RC GTPI >12 months & NAAB-code 12/23
  • USA | Top R&W GTPI >12 months & NAAB-code 12/23
  • USA | Top R&W & *RC PTAT Bulls >12 Mths – 12/23 

T-Spruce Ethan is the top gLPI Genomic Sire in Canada

T-Spruce Ethan is the top gLPI Genomic Sire this run, with +3923 gLPI. Progenesis Punch and Progenesis Peyto tied for second place with +3923 gLPI. Progenesis Aneesh and Black Silver M5085 lead the Conformation Genomic standings with +18 Conformation! Lindt, Leggett, Luxury, Hothouse, Bakul, Black Silver 35080, and Blondin Crossover are next at +17 Conformation. This run’s #1 Daughter Proven Conformation sire is Black Silver Crushabull Stan, who stands at +16 Conformation. Sidekick, Crown Royal, and Golden-Eye come after him.


Mecanico & VH Karat Again Top Scandinavian indexes

Again this round, the top two stay the same. The top NTM genomic sire in this December 2023 evidence is Mecanico, with +47 NTM, and VH Karat *RC, with +44 NTM. Dixon makes his debut as the #3 NTM at +43 NTM. 


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