Archive for A.I. Industry – Page 2

New leaders for production, health and type traits join proven ranks at Select Sires Inc.

Results from the December sire summaries launched 12 Holsteins, four Jerseys and one Brown Swiss sire to the daughter-proven ranks. This class of newly proven sires excels for a multitude of traits and merit indexes from fertility and component yields to health and functional type.

Among the graduates are leaders for Herd Health Profit Dollars® (HHP$®) – the index designed to create healthier, longer-living cows that garner a greater return on investment, reduce herd turnover and lower your dairy’s carbon footprint.

Holstein Highlights

  • Seven graduates boast HHP$ values greater than +1,000 with 7HO15245 PERPETUAL (+1,170), 7HO15233 MILKY (+1,137) and 14HO14982 RASHAN (+1,092) leading the charge.
  • Sires that qualify for the Mastitis ResistantPRO® designation, offered exclusively from Select Sires, excel for Zoetis Mastitis Resistance, CDCB Mastitis and Somatic Cell Score. Daughters of Mastitis ResistantPRO sires have the genetic potential to experience less mastitis events – boosting milk quality and saving on treatment costs. PERPETUAL, RASHAN, 7HO14990 ROONEY, 14HO15301 GORDY, 250HO15087 ROZLINE, 7HO15124 TANGER, 7HO15325 HANANS, 7HO15203 BOEING-P-RED and 250HO15329 THUNDER STRUCK each qualify for the Mastitis ResistantPRO designation.
  • 14HO15179 TROOPER is becoming known as 250HO14134 RENEGADE’s best son to-date. He ranks among the breed’s top five sires for TPI® (+3063) and transmits positive daughter and sire fertility with high component yields and overall type improvement.
  • GORDY is a sire that does it all! He offers elite production (+1,330 PTAM), solid components (+151 CFP) and valuable health and wellness traits. In addition to his Mastitis ResistantPRO designation, he is a FertilityPRO®, FeedPRO®, RobotPRO® and GrazingPRO® sire and has gender SELECTED semen available to fill your heifer pens with high-quality replacements.
  • Red & White breeders will appreciate BOEING-P-RED’s elite health traits, unique pedigree, A2A2 beta-casein, BB kappa-casein and Polled status.
  • MILKY is an early 7HO14454 LIONEL son that moderates frame size while ranking extremely high for nearly every index from TPI (+3047) to HHP$ (+1,137).
  • PERPETUAL delivers elite CFP (+207) coupled with valuable health traits to create highly efficient and trouble-free cattle.
  • Herds looking for a unique pedigree will appreciate 7HO15465 CRUSHER (7HO14434 CALVARY x 7HO12797 LEGENDARY). He has an attractive linear profile, huge components and exceptional semen fertility.
  • ROZLINE daughters possess beautiful udder texture, well attached mammary systems and produce high-quality milk.

Showcase Highlights

  • Tanbark enthusiasts will be excited to see HANANS and THUNDER STRUCK have earned their graduation caps confirming their superior genomic type data.
  • HANANS offers elite +2.93 UDC and +3.53 PTAT values combined with mastitis resistance traits and positive sire fertility.
  • THUNDER STRUCK’s DOC-free pedigree offers diversity within the Showcase lineup and he’s a dual threat making both show-winning heifers and cows.

Jersey Highlights

  • 7JE1899 JX GOALS {5}-P is the total package: proven Polled genetics with extreme DPR (+2.1), A2A2 beta-casein and BB kappa-casein.
  • 14JE1876 JX COLGATE {6} is a production powerhouse with +1,341 PTAM and +101 CFP. Your go-to choice for daughter and sire fertility with a +0.3 DPR and a FertilityPRO designee.
  • From the famed, two-time national grand champion, Circus, hails 7JE1882 CARBINE. He’s a balanced, JX-free sire with great-uddered daughters and sought after A2A2 beta-casein and BB kappa-casein.
  • 7JE1879 JX RHODES {5} will boost mastitis resistance in the next generation while transmitting A2A2 beta casein, BB kappa-casein and big-time component volumes.

Brown Swiss Highlights

  • 9BS916 PAPARAZZI is a Toby son from brood cow extraordinaire Hilltop Acres Cad Paula  “VG87 VG88MS” CERT. He offers high PTAT (+0.7) and is siring eye-catching daughters.

For more information about individual sires, visit and use the Advanced Sire Search to locate and sort sires that match your genetic goals. To access sires conveniently on the go, download Select Sires Mobile from your app store today!

Based in Plain City, Ohio, Select Sires Inc. is committed to enhancing the productivity and profitability of dairy and beef producers. Highly fertile semen and genetic consultation are provided by three farmer-owned and -controlled cooperatives domestically, while World Wide Sires, Ltd. delivers international service. As the industry leader, Select Sires Inc. supplies farmers and ranchers with the world’s best genetics, services and programs.

CRV bulls reaffirm the confidence of farmers

 The December proof run reaffirms the confidence of farmers in CRV’s breeding programme. In recent months, several bulls added daughter information to their proofs which confirms their popularity as young InSire bulls. Based on their daughters’ excellent performance, these bulls will now be re-included in CRV’s line up. 

The introduction of the one-step model as an improvement of the breeding value estimation significantly increased the reliability of genomic breeding values at this proof run. This means that farmers can use the top InSire bulls from CRV’s breeding programme with even more confidence to improve their herds. 

Wingstar scores on feed efficiency 

For the first time, the red-and-white Delta Wingstar received a breeding value based on the performances of more than 400 daughters. With +0.28% fat and +0.28% protein, they confirm their sire’s qualities as a component sire. Wingstar’s breeding value for productive life rises to +785 days, he has a good all-round score for health traits and improves his conformation traits to 110 total score with 109 for feet and legs. 

Wingstar fits into CRV’s FeedExcel breeding strategy for developing a herd that produces higher milk yields, requires less feed, achieves higher profitability and lower emissions. Since the introduction of FeedExcel, there has been rapidly growing interest in breeding for feed efficiency. A large number of farmers have started genomic testing their herd with HerdOptimizer, included FeedExcel into the mating programme SireMatch, by putting more emphasis on feed efficiency, health and longevity in their breeding goals and started selecting FeedExcel certified bulls. 

Sunburst and Borax breed functional and efficient cows 

The red-and-white daughter proven bulls in CRV’s line-up definitely add value to the red and white holstein population but also the black-and-white population. And that is also certainly true for a number of young InSire bulls. 

The highest red-and-white InSire bull for NVI is Delta Borax. His high NVI score is on account of (among other things) more than 1,500 kg of milk with +0.31% fat, +859 days productive life, 107 total conformation with 108 udder and 106 feet and legs and 111 udder health. The Poppe Freestyle son has a breeding value for feed efficiency of 110, making him a FeedExcel bull par excellence. In Germany, Borax total index of 162 RZG, makes him the number one in the ranking of red-and-white bulls. In Germany, Borax scores 128 for feet and legs. 

InSire bull Delta Sunburst is also a FeedExcel bull. His pedigree goes back to the Skalsumer Pietjes, the exact same cow family of which Sunny Boy was also born from. Sunburst sires more than 1,500 kg of milk with positive components, resulting in 168 kg of fat and protein and almost 500 Euros Inet in combination with 113 feet and legs and 111 total score. 

Seducer with 112 hoof health, Sparkle with 116 feet and legs 

InSire bull Delta Seducer P, from the well-known Caudumer Lol cow family and hence closely related to Delta Launch PP, has an appealing breeding pattern with very high components (+0.71% fat and +0.38% protein), 109 feet and legs and 108 total conformation. This calving ease sire fits into the FeedExcel breeding strategy and also scores well for daughter fertility (104) and excels on hoof health (112). 

The new InSire bull Delta Sparkle (Powerlift x Jacuzzi) is a downright asset for the red-and-white holstein population, with an all-round breeding profile with more than 1,000 kg of milk with +0.43% fat and +0.12% protein, positive proofs for health traits and 113 total conformation, with as much as 116 for feet and legs. 

CRV distinctive with PP 

This proof run, the homozygous polled InSire bull Delta Primetime PP (Taskforce P x Abundant P) improved his breeding value for milk production. He went up by 2 points for feet and legs, to 112, and also two points for total conformation, to an absolute top score of 115. Primetime is exclusively available through the Create programme. 

Primetime PP is a flagship of CRV’s successful breeding programme for polledness. This program results, among other things, in two bulls in the top 10 red-and-white PP in Germany, such as the high component sire Delta Scrambler PP with 151 RZG. Three CRV bulls can be found in the German top 10 black-and-white PP, including Delta Volkmar PP (149 RZG) and Delta Tycho PP (148 RZG). 

Woody breeds efficient and high yielding cows 

The black-and-white Willem’s-Hoeve Woody has managed to significantly improve his breeding values this index run; with an increase of 200 kg milk to +2,126 kg of milk (still having positive components) and +22 Euros Inet to 539 Euros Inet. His breeding value for feet and legs has improved by 3 points to 109 and he added 2 points to his breeding value total conformation to 112. He also gained in udder health (108) and hoof health (108). With a breeding value for feed efficiency of 109, the Ranger son is also a FeedExcel bull. With 152 RZG, Woody ranks at the fourth position in the ranking of daughter-tested bulls in Germany. 

With Delta Universe P (Drone PP x Woody), CRV already has a polled and very interesting grandson of Woody on offer. He sires high production with more than 2,000 kg of milk with +0.25% fat and +0.20% protein, resulting in more than 200 kg of fat and protein. With a breeding value of 111 for feed efficiency, this FeedExcel bull surpasses his grandfather and with for 109 feet and legs and 106 udder health, he stands out for these sustainability traits. Universe P is already exclusively available through the Create programme. 

FeedExcel bull Delta Glory (Perfect x Martin) is also a high-yielding bull with sires almost 2,000 kg of milk and positive components. In addition, this grandson of Midwolder Martin scores breeding values of 111 for feet and legs, 110 total conformation, 107 udder health and 109 hoof health. For persistency, Glory has a unique breeding value of 118. 

Nobrainer makes a leap forward 

Delta Nobrainer has made a significant leap forward in his breeding values. He shows an all-round profile at a very high level with (among other things) +0.78% fat and +0.22% protein, 110 udder health and 107 hoof health and +840 days productive life. Nobrainer is also a FeedExcel bull. 

Delta Keystone is new to CRV’s line-up. He is an excellent production sire with +1,255 kg of milk with +0.21% fat and +0.17% protein and improves feet and legs (111) and hoof health (111). He sires modest stature which is desired by many dairy farmers and combines this with sufficient width through the bodies. Keystone is a FeedExcel bull pedigreed as Perfect x Ramsey x Benz, making him a sire with a different bloodline. 

Reliability of genomic breeding values increased due to new model 

This index run, the Animal Evaluation Unit of the CRV Cooperative has estimated the genomic breeding values for NVI using a new calculation model: the “single-step method”. This method makes better and more efficient use of all available information. Moreover, the number of markers has been further expanded. This has increased the reliability of genomic breeding values by an average of 11 percent. The reliability of the NVI increases by 10 percent to 69 percent. For production and overall conformation breeding values, with the single-step method the reliability increases to approximately 80 percent and for many health and management traits, to 60 to 70 percent. The breeding value productive life now has a reliability of 78 percent. 

As a result of the switch to the new calculation model, the genomic breeding values may change more than usual in this proof run. These changes are one-off. In the future, the single-step method will actually make breeding values more stable, particularly in the transition from genomic breeding values to daughter-proven breeding values. 

Daughters of Upswing confirm genomic breeding value 

With his first 72 daughters, Peak Upswing (I-Pursuit x Duke), from CRV’s North-American breeding programme, keeps his genomic breeding values perfectly in line as expected. He sires 739 lbs of milk with +0.26% fat and +0.08% protein and scores 906 NM$ and 2,941 TPI. For the exclusive CRV breeding value hoof health, Upswing scores 107. With 1.87 PTAT, he is an excellent conformation sire, siring wide and ideally sloped rump structures. 

With Peak Hammerhead (Overtake x Zazzle), CRV adds an absolute top ranking gTPI bull to its lineup. With 3,210 points, he ranks in the top 25 active and available bulls. Hammerhead shows a complete breeding pattern at a very high level with 1,206 lbs of milk with +0.30% fat and +0.09% protein, 1,172 gNM$ and 1.62 PTAT with 2.11 Udder Composite 

and 0.95 Feet & Legs composite. Hammerhead is exclusively available through the CRV’s Create programme. 

Peak Fugleman (Zazzle x Positive), reinforces his position as a well-balanced bull with a very complete breeding pattern, resulting in 3,026 points gTPI. He sires 1,370 lbs of milk with high components (+0.20% fat and +0.10% protein) and also scores 2.08 PTAT. With 108 for feed efficiency and 968 gNM$, this FeedExcel bull will guarantee dairy cows that will pay the bills for their owners. Fugleman has a distinctive aAa code 516. 

Fugleman’s half-brother Peak Lavezzi (Zazzle x I-Pursuit) increased to 3,055 gTPI and 1,002 gNM$. Lavezzi is a calving ease sire with 108 for feed efficiency. This FeedExcel bull sires 1,304 lbs of milk with +0.21% fat and +0.08% protein. For the exclusive CRV breeding value hoof health, he scores 107. 

Polled bulls with more than 3,000 gTPI 

CRV also distinguishes itself on polledness in its North-American breeding programme. This index run resulted in two polled bulls with more than 3,000 TPI. Genosource Fug Titus P is a son of Peak Fugleman with 1,064 gNM$. He is a winner in terms of production with +1,557 lbs of milk with +0.18% fat and +0.09% protein and sires A2A2 beta casein and BB kappa casein. Titus P will sire medium stature and the desired curvature to the rear legs. He is a FeedExcel bull with 109 for feed efficiency and high scores for health and productive life. 

Wesselcrest Lamont P (High Energy x Limelight P) is an interesting bull that increases components with 1,098 lbs of milk and +0.19% fat and +0.10% protein. With 2.01 Udder composite he is also a perfect udder improver. 

Hylander and Holymoly winners for feed efficiency 

The full brothers Peak Hylander and Peak Holymoly (Holysmokes x Big Al) both sire a complete package of production, health, conformation and feed efficiency. Holymoly scores 3,110 gTPI and 1.83 PTAT and sires 160 lbs of fat and protein in combination with good daughter fertility and excellent udder health resulting in 6.5 productive life. 

With +23% CRV Efficiency, 176 lbs of fat and protein, 5.5 productive life and 113 feed efficiency, Hylander is an absolute winner for breeding high yielding and efficient herds. With 107 udder health, he is also responsible for easily high producing daughters. Like Holymoly, Hylander is, of course, a FeedExcel bull and is exclusively available through the Create programme. 

About CRV: CRV is a global herd improvement cooperative, owned by Dutch and Flemish cattle farmers. Our farmer-owners are heavily involved in the breeding goal of CRV. CRV has already focused for a very long time on improving health and efficiency in herds. That is why today, CRV is leading in improving Health & Efficiency. We thus contribute to demonstrable improvement in the life of our farmers, their cows and the environment. We believe this is our responsibility, the reason for CRV’s existence. 

New leaders for production, health and type traits join proven ranks at Select Sires Inc.

Results from the December sire summaries launched 12 Holsteins, four Jerseys and one Brown Swiss sire to the daughter-proven ranks. This class of newly proven sires excels for a multitude of traits and merit indexes from fertility and component yields to health and functional type.

Among the graduates are leaders for Herd Health Profit Dollars® (HHP$®) – the index designed to create healthier, longer-living cows that garner a greater return on investment, reduce herd turnover and lower your dairy’s carbon footprint.

Holstein Highlights

  • Sires that qualify for the Mastitis ResistantPRO® designation, offered exclusively from Select Sires, excel for Zoetis Mastitis Resistance, CDCB Mastitis and Somatic Cell Score. Daughters of Mastitis ResistantPRO sires have the genetic potential to experience less mastitis events – boosting milk quality and saving on treatment costs. PERPETUAL, RASHAN, 7HO14990 ROONEY, 14HO15301 GORDY, 250HO15087 ROZLINE, 7HO15124 TANGER, 7HO15325 HANANS, 7HO15203 BOEING-P-RED and 250HO15329 THUNDER STRUCK each qualify for the Mastitis ResistantPRO designation.
  • 14HO15179 TROOPER is becoming known as 250HO14134 RENEGADE’s best son to-date. He ranks among the breed’s top five sires for TPI®(+3063) and transmits positive daughter and sire fertility with high component yields and overall type improvement.
  • GORDY is a sire that does it all! He offers elite production (+1,330 PTAM), solid components (+151 CFP) and valuable health and wellness traits. In addition to his Mastitis ResistantPRO designation, he is a FertilityPRO®, FeedPRO®, RobotPRO® and GrazingPRO® sire and has gender SELECTEDsemen available to fill your heifer pens with high-quality replacements.
  • Red & White breeders will appreciate BOEING-P-RED’s elite health traits, unique pedigree, A2A2 beta-casein, BB kappa-casein and Polled status.
  • MILKY is an early 7HO14454 LIONEL son that moderates frame size while ranking extremely high for nearly every index from TPI (+3047) to HHP$ (+1,137).
  • PERPETUAL delivers elite CFP (+207) coupled with valuable health traits to create highly efficient and trouble-free cattle.
  • Herds looking for a unique pedigree will appreciate 7HO15465 CRUSHER(7HO14434 CALVARY x 7HO12797 LEGENDARY). He has an attractive linear profile, huge components and exceptional semen fertility.
  • ROZLINE daughters possess beautiful udder texture, well attached mammary systems and produce high-quality milk.

Showcase Highlights

  • Tanbark enthusiasts will be excited to see HANANS and THUNDER STRUCK have earned their graduation caps confirming their superior genomic type data.
  • HANANS offers elite +2.93 UDC and +3.53 PTAT values combined with mastitis resistance traits and positive sire fertility.
  • THUNDER STRUCK’s DOC-free pedigree offers diversity within the Showcase lineup and he’s a dual threat making both show-winning heifers and cows.

Jersey Highlights

  • 7JE1899 JX GOALS {5}-P is the total package: proven Polled genetics with extreme DPR (+2.1), A2A2 beta-casein and BB kappa-casein.
  • 14JE1876 JX COLGATE {6} is a production powerhouse with +1,341 PTAM and +101 CFP. Your go-to choice for daughter and sire fertility with a +0.3 DPR and a FertilityPRO designee.
  • From the famed, two-time national grand champion, Circus, hails 7JE1882 CARBINE. He’s a balanced, JX-free sire with great-uddered daughters and sought after A2A2 beta-casein and BB kappa-casein.
  • 7JE1879 JX RHODES {5} will boost mastitis resistance in the next generation while transmitting A2A2 beta casein, BB kappa-casein and big-time component volumes.

Brown Swiss Highlights

  • 9BS916 PAPARAZZI is a Toby son from brood cow extraordinaire Hilltop Acres Cad Paula  “VG87 VG88MS” CERT. He offers high PTAT (+0.7) and is siring eye-catching daughters.


For more information about individual sires, visit and use the Advanced Sire Search to locate and sort sires that match your genetic goals. To access sires conveniently on the go, download Select Sires Mobile from your app store today!

Gary Smith honored as CentralStar’s Pioneer Award recipient

The CentralStar Cooperative Board of Directors, comprised of cooperative member-stockowners from throughout Wisconsin, Michigan, and Indiana, is proud to announce Gary Smith as the recipient of the 2023 Pioneer Award. Established in 1977, the Pioneer Award is a testament to individuals whose dedication and visionary leadership significantly contributed to the prosperity of the cooperative and its member-stockowners.

Smith’s career, spanning from April 1977 to his retirement in March 2015, reflects a journey marked by diverse roles and a multitude of significant contributions. CentralStar Board of Directors President Paul Trierweiler, Westphalia, Mich., recalls Smith’s commitment to the organization, stating, “Gary poured his heart and soul into our cooperative. His focus on people development and teamwork transformed the cooperative into a more valuable and integrated resource for our customers and member-stockowners.”

Beginning his career as an artificial insemination (A.I.) technician-distributor in western Michigan, Smith quickly moved to the role of A.I. training specialist for west Michigan and Indiana. In 1980, he assumed the position of regional sales manager for northern and central Michigan, where he was instrumental in the development and implementation of a computerized-mobile-sales program. Smith is responsible for the creation of the cooperative’s inaugural sales-training program and the establishment of a consultative-selling team, which better positioned the organization to integrate sales and service to dairy producers.

From 1988 to 1997, Smith served as director of marketing and sales, and then sales manager. In 1997, he took on the role of director of agriculture sales and technologies and was tasked with forging a new revenue stream for the cooperative. Under his direction, herd-management-product sales and technical-consultative services experienced exponential growth from $197,000 to more than $2 million, annually.

Recognizing Smith’s exceptional expertise and leadership qualities, in 2003, the board of directors appointed him as general manager and executive vice president. Over the next 12 years, his leadership resulted in revenue growth nearly doubling to $25 million, creating the opportunity to distribute more than $5.1 million in patronage to member-stockowners.

Smith’s commitment to fostering a robust team is evident in the establishment of a learning culture and the creation of service-specialist teams, both aimed to enhance outcomes for customers. Recognizing the importance of a collaborative approach at the cooperative, Smith shared, “Implementing a team approach at that time was critical to advancing the cooperative. Our offerings had expanded to include DHI services, research and development, and diagnostic testing, so it was time to bring everyone together for the benefit of customers.”

Smith’s retirement in March 2015 marked the end of an era characterized by exceptional dedication and visionary leadership “The Pioneer Award is a fitting tribute to a career marked by selfless dedication, innovative leadership, and a commitment to the success of the cooperative and its member-stockowners,” said Trierweiler.

CentralStar’s goal of enhancing producer profitability through integrated services is fulfilled by incorporating an array of products and services critical to dairy-and-beef-farm prosperity. CentralStar’s product and service offerings include Accelerated Genetics, GenerVations, and Select Sires genetics; extensive artificial-insemination (A.I.) technician service; genetic, reproduction, and dairy-records consultation; DHI services; diagnostic testing; herd-management products; research and development; and more. CentralStar’s administration and warehouse facilities are located in Lansing, Mich., and Waupun, Wis., with laboratories in Grand Ledge, Mich., and Kaukauna, Wis. The cooperative serves dairy and beef producers throughout Wisconsin, Michigan, and Indiana, with DHI and diagnostic testing services in various surrounding states. For more information, visit CentralStar Cooperative Inc. at

Carbon Technologies division of Select Sires Inc.

Select Sires Inc. announces the transition of GeneNet® operations to Low Carbon Technologies. GeneNet was purchased by Select Sires in 2021 and has since worked with packing partners to enhance the grid structure and premiums that benefit cattle ranchers and dairy farmers. In 2022, Select Sires formed Low Carbon Technologies (LCT) whose mission is to help agricultural producers contribute to improved sustainability through reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while earning a premium for low carbon production practices. Through its USDA-approved process verified program (PVP), LCT certifies beef and dairy produced with reduced GHG emissions, offering the marketplace distinction desired by today’s discerning consumers. Shifting GeneNet operations to LCT reflects both Select Sires’ commitment to sustainability and the growing importance the beef x dairy sector plays in sustainable beef production.

The combination of sexed semen and genomic testing has resulted in more heifers that possess higher genetic merit and will serve as future dairy herd replacements. This management strategy has also created opportunity for dairy herds to play an increasingly vital role in beef production through beef x dairy calves. The growth of the beef x dairy segment continues its record pace with 2022 representing the fifth straight year of record sales of domestic beef semen at nine million units according to the National Association of Animal Breeders (NAAB).

“There is incredible potential for GeneNet to evolve and expand premium pricing opportunities for both traditional beef producers and the growing beef x dairy segment,” said Ron Schuller, chief operating officer, Low Carbon Technologies, LLC. “We anticipate leveraging GeneNet to develop grid marketing and premium pricing opportunities for certified low carbon beef.”

Given the synergies between GeneNet and LCT supply chains, along with the emerging role of the beef x dairy sector within LCT’s growth strategy, Mark Johnson, director of LCT supply chains, was identified as the obvious choice to lead this initiative on behalf of LCT. “I’m extremely excited to add GeneNet to our customer offering and to lead this initiative that will deliver incremental value to our producer segments through program premiums and allow us to accelerate LCT’s growth and success. We look forward to adding more customized producer options in the future”.

ProfitSOURCE® is Select Sires’ complete beef x dairy program that includes specialty sire lineups, traceability, supply chain partners and data collection – all vital components of LCT’s certification process. For more than 20 years, GeneNet has captured valuable data throughout the beef production chain and has most recently played an integral role in collecting carcass data from ProfitSOURCE cattle. This information guides management and genetic decisions and garners better marketing opportunities and market access for cattle producers.

Based in Plain City, Ohio, Select Sires Inc. is committed to enhancing the productivity and profitability of dairy and beef producers. Highly fertile semen and genetic consultation are provided by three farmer-owned and -controlled cooperatives domestically, while World Wide Sires, Ltd. delivers international service. As the industry leader, Select Sires Inc. supplies farmers and ranchers with the world’s best genetics, services and programs.

GeneNet moves to Low Carbon Technologies division of Select Sires Inc.

Select Sires Inc. announces the transition of GeneNet® operations to Low Carbon Technologies. GeneNet was purchased by Select Sires in 2021 and has since worked with packing partners to enhance the grid structure and premiums that benefit cattle ranchers and dairy farmers. In 2022, Select Sires formed Low Carbon Technologies (LCT) whose mission is to help agricultural producers contribute to improved sustainability through reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while earning a premium for low carbon production practices. Through its USDA-approved process verified program (PVP), LCT certifies beef and dairy produced with reduced GHG emissions, offering the marketplace distinction desired by today’s discerning consumers. Shifting GeneNet operations to LCT reflects both Select Sires’ commitment to sustainability and the growing importance the beef x dairy sector plays in sustainable beef production.

The combination of sexed semen and genomic testing has resulted in more heifers that possess higher genetic merit and will serve as future dairy herd replacements. This management strategy has also created opportunity for dairy herds to play an increasingly vital role in beef production through beef x dairy calves. The growth of the beef x dairy segment continues its record pace with 2022 representing the fifth straight year of record sales of domestic beef semen at nine million units according to the National Association of Animal Breeders (NAAB).  

“There is incredible potential for GeneNet to evolve and expand premium pricing opportunities for both traditional beef producers and the growing beef x dairy segment,” said Ron Schuller, chief operating officer, Low Carbon Technologies, LLC. “We anticipate leveraging GeneNet to develop grid marketing and premium pricing opportunities for certified low carbon beef.”

Given the synergies between GeneNet and LCT supply chains, along with the emerging role of the beef x dairy sector within LCT’s growth strategy, Mark Johnson, director of LCT supply chains, was identified as the obvious choice to lead this initiative on behalf of LCT. “I’m extremely excited to add GeneNet to our customer offering and to lead this initiative that will deliver incremental value to our producer segments through program premiums and allow us to accelerate LCT’s growth and success. We look forward to adding more customized producer options in the future”.

ProfitSOURCE® is Select Sires’ complete beef x dairy program that includes specialty sire lineups, traceability, supply chain partners and data collection – all vital components of LCT’s certification process. For more than 20 years, GeneNet has captured valuable data throughout the beef production chain and has most recently played an integral role in collecting carcass data from ProfitSOURCE cattle. This information guides management and genetic decisions and garners better marketing opportunities and market access for cattle producers.

Ronald Flatness – Founder Flatness International Passes Away

Ronald Larry Flatness of Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania passed away at home on Friday, September 15, 2023. Miller Bean Funeral Home Inc., 436 Cedar Ave., Scranton, Pennsylvania, handles arrangements and on-site cremation. Ron founded Flatness Worldwide, Inc., a corporation dedicated to the worldwide selling of bull semen and embryos. In 2023, the corporation would be celebrating its 38th year. If and when it becomes available, a complete obituary will be released.

NAAB Announces Recipient of 2023 Member Director Award Mrs. Dorothy Harms

 The National Association of Animal Breeders is pleased to announce that Mrs. Dorothy Harms is the 2023 recipient of the NAAB Member Director Award. During Dorothy Harms’ 21-year commitment to CentralStar and 12-year commitment to Select Sires Inc., both organizations have experienced unprecedented growth and success. Her amazing length of service does not totally describe the contributions she has made to her bovine breeding cooperative. Dorothy served as Secretary/Treasurer for the East Central Select Sires board from 2004-2015 (12 years); then Vice-President from 2016-2019 (4 years); then Secretary for CentralStar board from 2020 until her retirement in 2023 (3 years). In her 12 years on the Select Sires Inc. board, she served 3 years as 2nd Vice Chair, 3 years as 1st Vice Chair, and 3 years as the Chairwoman of Select Sires Inc. 

Dorothy Harms graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1977 with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture. She and husband, Don, owned and operated Vally Spring Farms in Reedsburg, Wisconsin from 1982 to 2018 milking 70 Holstein cows while farming 255 acres. In 2013, they opened Vally Spring Farm Market/Bed and Breakfast. With a Pasture to Plate vision, they maintain a 60 head herd of Red Angus beef cows and produce other products alongside managing the Bed and Breakfast. 

Harms’ strong financial aptitude, coupled with her forward-looking demeanor, are two major characteristics that brought strong leadership to the boards of both organizations that allowed record growth and expansion. The result was financial stability which has allowed Select Sires to become a global leader in the industry. 

Her leadership and financial acuity helped guide and champion the ideas for East Central Cooperative to merge with Northstar Cooperative, forming CentralStar Cooperative, serving all of Wisconsin and Michigan. This led to the development of a more efficient and resilient cooperative that provides A.I. Service as well as DHI Services throughout their membership area in those two states. In her 21 years, CentralStar Cooperative achieved record growth in membership while the organization’s business volume tripled the size of both cooperative areas. 

It was these same characteristics that she brought to the Select Sires Board of Directors working with the Aggressive Reproductive Technologies (ART) committee, the Audit committee, and on the Strategic Planning committee. On the ART committee, she worked to protect the company’s genetic leadership through investing in new technologies, expanding the breeding program, and assuring astute management of these assets. She also served many years on the audit committee, to make sure the finances of the cooperative were transparent and sound. Select Sires achieved record growth but also financial success that was constantly monitored by the audit committee and its processes. Dorothy served on the strategic planning committee for the years of 2013, 2016-2020. Her forward-thinking attitude, along with the other board members, led to a mission to focus 

on producer owners, expand the role of research and optimize the Select Sires federation. Under her leadership as Chairwoman, the Board encouraged research in activity-based health and heat monitoring that led to the first successful ear mounted system and supported the expansion of doubling the size of Select Sires production facilities. Partnering with Accelerated Genetics, acquiring GenerVations in Canada and Semeia in Brazil, purchasing Diebernardi A.I. service and Reproductores in Argentina were also accomplished while Harms served in leadership roles on the Select Sires Inc. Board. As Chairwoman, she has represented Select Sires in Brazil, France, Spain, Canada, and received many guests from all parts of the world. She has championed U.S. breeding programs as the best in the world and is a great representative and ambassador for Select Sires Inc., NAAB, and the breed associations of the United States. 

Dorothy has served as a Wisconsin 4-H advisor from 1982 through 2021 and was a 4-H Hall of Fame recipient. She served on the Sauk County Senior leadership board for 10 years and served on the Farmer Angel Network along with the Farmer Suicide Prevention Organization. 

Dorothy’s significant contributions through her service to the dairy industry, CentralStar (East Central/Northstar merger), Select Sires Inc., and NAAB make her a very worthy recipient of the NAAB Member Director Award. 

NAAB Announces Recipient of 2023 Distinguished Service Award Mr. Paul Larmer

 The National Association of Animal Breeders is pleased to announce Mr. Paul Larmer as the 2023 NAAB Distinguished Service awardee. When reflecting on Paul’s 42-year career, his contributions span the globe, influence so many and are immensely multi-faceted. This includes Paul’s impact on global cattle genetic improvement, his business leadership and vision, a positive voice for global agriculture, and a supporter of youth programs. 

Paul graduated from the University of Guelph’s Ontario Agricultural College (OAC) with a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in 1981. This educational foundation provided Paul with the business acumen to become a worldwide respected leader in the agriculture and research industries. Upon graduation, he worked in the feed industry then initiated his career in the genetics industry in 1984 and began his first of many roles at United Breeders, Guelph, Ontario. In 1990, he was named Director of Marketing and was promoted to General Manager in 1995. 

A successful leader and promoter of efficient change, Paul worked closely with the United Breeders Board of Directors and the Western Ontario Breeders to facilitate and oversee the merger and formation of Gencor (EastGen as it is known today) where he served as General Manager. 

Paul was instrumental in the formation of the Semex Alliance in 1997 (an amalgamation of four farmer-owned cooperatives), which he joined as Senior Sales and Marketing Manager. In this role, Paul motivated and led his team to record sales and greatly contributed to Semex’s status as a global leader in genetics worldwide. Paul has also led Sales and Business Development within North and South America as Director of the Americas for Alta Genetics Inc. before rejoining the Semex Alliance in 2007 as Chief Executive Officer. 

As CEO of Semex Alliance, Paul introduced strategic planning with a global focus to the company’s owners with a commitment for sustainable growth. This change resulted in 15 consecutive years of sales and revenue growth while expanding Semex’s global footprint through strategic global investment in key growth markets. 

Paul’s leadership and impact is felt by many. With sales to 80 diverse countries, Paul’s vision and challenge to “demand the best” has motivated his worldwide staff of 1,800 to record sales during his tenure as CEO. Since 2007, revenues for the company have grown from $60 million annually to $160 million in consolidated revenue in 2022. Despite unexpected market challenges and export barriers, Paul’s positive attitude and fortitude continually motivates sales and marketing teams to accomplish milestones they never thought possible. He lives and breathes the company’s mission, “We demand the best of ourselves, our company and what we do for our customers.” 

At Semex, Paul is committed to innovation through research and development and is responsible for continuous investment year after year. He oversees and champions the company’s commitment to R&D projects and their commercial applications benefiting dairy and beef operations globally. Projects have included improved semen fertility, in vitro fertilization, genomic selection tools, immune genetic and sustainability traits, to name a few. 

Paul’s involvement and commitment to agriculture and youth programs is shown with his involvement in his professional and volunteer contributions demonstrating leadership and vision. To name a few, Paul is the Past President of University of Guelph Ontario Agricultural College (OAC) Alumni Association dedicated to fostering life-long connections amongst alumni, and between alumni, OAC, and the University of Guelph. Paul serves as the Past President and Chair of the Board of The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair and is a past Vice-Chairman. He is a Former Member of the Board of Trustees and Silver Sponsor of the Ontario Dairy Youth Trust Fund, and he is a former Committee Member of Scotiabank Hays Classic 4-H Show, now known as the Canadian Classic 4-H. Paul is a strong supporter of this exhibition with over 350 Canadian dairy youth competing. 

Professional affiliations include the Canadian Livestock Genetics Association (CLGA), Canadian Association of Animal Breeders (CAAB), NAAB Manager’s Committee, the Canadian Dairy Network (CDN) and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). 

Paul and his wife Margaret have been married for 31 years and have resided in Guelph since attending University of Guelph. Margaret is also a graduate of the University of Guelph with a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in 1990. They are the proud parents of two daughters –Catherine, an Honors Kinesiology graduate from Western University and Hannah, a graduate of Queen’s University with a Bachelor of Arts degree specializing in Linguistics. 

Congratulations to Paul Larmer – NAAB’s 2023 Distinguished Service awardee. 

NAAB Announces Recipient of 2023 Pioneer Award Dr. Ramakrishnan (Vish) Vishwanath

 The National Association of Animal Breeders is pleased to announce Dr. Ramakrishnan (Vish) Vishwanath as the 2023 recipient of the NAAB Pioneer Award. Dr. Ramakrishnan Vishwanath, or as he was known to his family and friends “Vish”, established, and conducted highly influential research in several key areas that helped shape the AI industry worldwide. From developing and managing innovative R&D programs, to implementing new technologies that created value for the AI industry, Vish was always searching for new opportunities for the expansion of the use of best practices for conventional and sex sorted, fresh and frozen semen. 

Through his work at Livestock Improvement Corporation, a cooperative that serves most dairy farmers in New Zealand, Vish played a key role supporting the dairy industry at a pivotal time during the 1990’s and 2000’s, when New Zealand established itself as a major global milk producer and exporter. Most New Zealand dairy farms operate seasonal production systems that require an intensive, limited breeding season and Vish’s contributions were essential to the rapid expansion of artificial insemination programs tailored to seasonal production systems. His research on liquid semen extenders allowed the use of insemination doses of 1.25 to 2 million sperm, allowing 10 times as many fresh semen doses as frozen semen doses to be produced. Thus, semen production during the limited breeding season could be maximized and demand could be met by using only bulls with the highest genetic merit. The logistical challenges associated with implementation of large-scale fresh semen programs were addressed by Vish through his role as executive leader at LIC. Some of the initiatives he was involved with included development of communication systems to estimate, track and document semen demand and utilization; tailoring semen dose to the expected time of utilization after production; development of optimal fresh semen storage and dispatch practices; and education of producers on best reproductive management practices when using fresh semen. These initiatives ensured that the percentage of cows submitted to artificial insemination increased from just over 60% in 1985 peaking at approximately 85% in 1998, at the same time New Zealand experienced a dramatic increase in overall cow population. 

Vish also exercised his industry executive leadership at AgResearch, one of New Zealand’s largest Crown Research Institutes, where he managed a dynamic team of approximately 60 staff comprising scientists, technicians, post-doctoral fellows, and PhD students. At AgResearch, Vish established a semen and embryo media manufacturing business with licenses issued to animal breeding companies and established an assisted-reproductive technologies joint venture company among AgResearch, Geron Corporation (USA) and Animal Reproduction Company (Australia). 

Upon joining Sexing Technologies in 2011, Vish led R&D efforts to better understand the physiology of sex-sorted sperm, and to develop strategies to preserve cell function during the sorting process. These efforts were instrumental in the optimization of sex-sorted semen that resulted in improved conception rates and the global launch of SexedULTRATM semen in 2013 and SexedULTRA4MTM in 2017. The increase in conception rates enhanced the acceptance and utilization of sex-sorted semen, which together with genomic selection, opened a vast array of opportunities for animal breeding and selection, and unleashed a new era of cattle genetic improvement. Some estimates indicate that sex-sorted semen is now utilized in over 50% of Holstein heifers in the US and the percentage of cows inseminated with sex-sorted semen is rapidly increasing. In Jersey cattle, some estimates indicate that over 85% of all females in the US are now inseminated with sex- sorted semen. 

Vish’s research was always at the forefront of science. His contributions extend over several decades, with many accomplishments that exemplify his knowledge in reproductive biology across multiple species. His research has been published in many leading peer review journals, and he is the author of 85 scientific manuscripts, reviews, conference proceedings, and abstracts. He has a h-index of 18 and 33 of his publications accumulate a total of 1,270 citations. Eleven of his publications have over 30 citations, while the top four have over 100 citations. Vish is the principal or co-inventor of 13 patents, which include the development of extenders for fresh semen, systems of semen bulk freezing, sensor apparatus to detect the reproductive status of livestock animals, and methods of sex-sorting that improve sperm quality and fertility, which are indications of his innovation in the field of semen research in bovine. 

Vish was always searching for new opportunities for the expansion of the use of best practices for conventional and sex-sorted, fresh, and frozen semen. Vish also provided invaluable leadership and support to many scientific teams throughout his career. He was a very well-respected and unassuming individual, that led by example, gaining the respect, trust and love of his colleagues and peers. 

Sadly, Vish passed in January 2021. His life motto was “Why have less, when you can have more”. Vish lived a full life with many passions and is missed by family, friends, and this industry. 

NAAB Announces Recipient of 2023 Research Award Dr. Kent Weigel

 The National Association of Animal Breeders is pleased to announce Dr. Kent Weigel as the 2023 NAAB Research awardee. Dr. Weigel is the Judge John J. Crown Chair of Dairy Genetics and Department Chair, Department of Animal & Dairy Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In addition to teaching undergraduate students and mentoring graduate students in the animal genetics program, he also manages the academic departments that include 30 faculty, 60 academic and university staff, 80 graduate students, 250 undergraduate students and 10 animal units. Dr. Weigel earned a B.S. in Animal Science in 1987 and a B.S. in Biology that same year at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, a M.S. in Animal Science from Iowa State University in 1989, M.S in Biometry and a Ph.D. in Dairy Science in 1992 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. 

Dr. Kent Weigel’s independent and collaborative research program, which has spanned thirty years, focuses on translational research and impactful outreach that will improve the lives of dairy farmers and their cattle in Wisconsin, North America, and beyond. The topics have evolved over the years as new needs have emerged and new technologies have become available. A primary focus has been the study of novel traits that cannot be measured in traditional milk recording or type appraisal programs. For example, his group published the first studies in North America involving the estimation of breeding values for common health disorders in dairy cattle, such as mastitis, lameness, ketosis, and displaced abomasum, using health event data from on-farm herd management software programs. This work, coupled with subsequent studies by other groups, eventually led to the implementation of national genetic evaluations for health traits in U.S. dairy cattle. 

More recently, and in collaboration with partners at several other leading land-grant universities, his group has invested tremendous resources in establishing a genomic reference population for dry matter intake, residual feed intake, and its component energy sinks. This project led to the recent implementation of national genetic evaluations for Feed Saved, an index comprised of residual feed intake and maintenance energy requirements, in U.S. dairy cattle. A second focus has been the development and evaluation of novel tools and strategies related to the genetic improvement of dairy cattle. For example, his group was the first to apply genotype imputation methods in the context of genome-enabled selection in dairy cattle. 

These studies, coupled with those of external collaborators, led to the design and implementation of low-density single nucleotide polymorphism arrays that reduced the cost of genomic testing by nearly ten-fold. As a result, more than 100,000 dairy calves are genotyped per month in North America, and the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding database now contains genomic data of more than 8 million animals. Other examples include the first published analysis of founder contributions to inbreeding depression in Jersey cattle, as well as one of the earliest studies to utilize runs of homozygosity to assess inbreeding at the genome level. A third focus has been the coupling of genome-enhanced management strategies with precision dairy management tools. This has included, for example, the use of machine learning algorithms to predict insemination outcomes and the use of lift chart analysis to develop economical breeding strategies. It has also included studies on the prediction of whole genome risk for hyperketonemia, as well as the prediction of daily dry matter intake from sensor and metabolite data. 

Going forward, Dr. Weigel is focused on several novel and exciting topics. The first is continued expansion of the genomic reference population for feed efficiency, with emphasis on understanding feeding behaviors, social competition, and their relationships with residual feed intake. The second is extension of this multi-state effort into the realm of methane emissions, in which Dr. Weigel and his collaborators will develop a genomic reference population to enable selection for reduced enteric methane production and study the interplay between host genetics and the rumen microbiome. The third topic is resilience, in which he will use high-frequency phenotypes for milk yield, dry matter intake, and behavior to identify animals that can perform consistently in the presence of environmental/management perturbations. 

Previous honors and awards include the Robert G.F. and Hazel T. Spitze Land Grant Faculty Award for Excellence, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, UW-Madison in 2020, the Lush Award in Animal Breeding and Genetics in 2010 as well as a two-time recipient of the Pound Extension Award from the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, UW-Madison in 2005 and 2008. Dr. Weigel has generated approximately 225 publications in leading peer-reviewed journals to date with over 14,000 citations. 

Dr. Weigel, his wife, Mindy, and their dogs live on a small acreage near Lodi, Wisconsin. Their son, Brady, is a mechanical engineer, and their daughter, Darby, is a substance abuse counselor, both live and work in the Madison area. 

Paul Larmer to Retire As Ceo; Matt Mccready Named as Successor

Semex, an industry leader in global genetic solutions, announced today that Paul Larmer will step down from his position as Chief Executive Officer as part of Semex’s succession plan, effective December 31, 2023, continuing in an advisory role through May 31, 2024. Semex’s Board of Directors has appointed Matt McCready, current Chief Commercial Officer, to succeed Larmer as Chief Executive Officer, effective January 1, 2024.

“As difficult as it is to say goodbye to a career that I have loved, to a company that we have grown into a global leader, and especially to my Semex family, I know this is the right decision at the right time,” says Larmer. “I am excited about what is next, spending more time with my family, and what the future holds for Semex and its people. I know that the best days for Semex are ahead!”

“For nearly 40 years and in every role, Paul has been a passionate advocate for the global genetics industry,” said Semex Board of Directors President Phil MacLean. “As Semex’s CEO for the past 17 years, Paul demonstrated his powerful ability to bring people together, build consensus, and accelerate change, while never losing sight of our people and clients. Since becoming our CEO Paul has significantly grown our global footprint, driven record revenues year after year, and provided substantial returns to our partner owners. While leading this growth, Paul has set the stage and capacity for Semex’s next phase of growth and profitability. On behalf of the Board and our partner owners, we are grateful to Paul and his family.”

MacLean continued, “Knowing Paul’s intentions, our Board of Directors has been engaged in ongoing succession planning and today’s announcement enables a smooth transition of the CEO role. Matt is an exceptional leader, and the Board and I believe he is the right person to guide Semex through its next chapter. Since joining Semex, Matt’s strategic focus, passion for agriculture, and commitment to our people and clients uniquely suited him for the role. We’re confident Semex, its partners, staff, and our clients will continue to flourish and grow under Matt’s leadership.”

McCready joined Semex in September 2018 as an International Sales Manager, first leading Semex’s Asian business. He was promoted to Vice President of International Sales in 2020 and in 2022 became the Chief Commercial Officer, leading a new division merging all client-facing business sectors into one team. Before joining Semex, Matt was Director of Business Development, Hybrid Turkeys at Hendrix Genetics, leading their global marketing and working closely with global sales directors and regional managers. Previous to that, Matt held several positions at PepsiCo Canada.

A graduate of the University of Guelph with a bachelor of commerce and agriculture business, Matt hails from an agricultural background in Ontario.

McCready commented on his appointment, “I am honored to serve as Semex’s next CEO. Steeped in history and having pioneered the bovine genetics industry, Semex continues to deliver the solutions the global industry needs for long-term sustainability and profitability. I look forward to working closely with Paul during this transition, as well as our Board of Directors and our global team on behalf of our clients and shareholders for years to come.” 

Select Sires Inc. and STgen™ sign a letter of intent

Select Sires Inc. and Inguran LLC (dba STgen™) have signed a letter of intent to combine Select Sires Inc.’s and STgen’s production, research and development functions into a new company. 

The six U.S. farmer-owned cooperatives that provide exceptional sales, service, and support for the Select Sires family of products will remain independent and continue to operate just as they do today. The STgen sales and service network will likewise operate independently and continue to provide the outstanding sales, service, and support for the STgen brands of products that their customers have come to expect. Additionally, global distributors and business units of STgen and Select Sires, including World Wide Sires, will continue to operate in their respective geographies, representing their current brands. 

Select Sires Inc. and STgen believe that by integrating their production and development capabilities into a new company, farmers will benefit from a broader and more cost-efficient offering, higher quality products, and more advanced technologies and services. If approved, the combination of the companies’ complementary capabilities will also create greater opportunities for professional advancement for employees. 

For Select Sires Inc., this was a unanimous decision made by the board of farmer-owner directors. Both organizations are confident that the anticipated combination will deliver the best opportunities to farmer-customers and employees while preserving the mission and core values of each organization. The transaction is subject to the negotiation and execution of a definitive agreement, as well as approval by each company’s board of directors and standard regulatory approvals. 

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Based in Plain City, Ohio, Select Sires Inc., is the largest global A.I. cooperative and is comprised of six farmer-owned and -controlled local organizations in the United States. As the industry leader, it provides highly fertile semen, as well as excellence in service and programs to supply dairy and beef producers with the world’s best genetics. 

Located in Navasota, Texas, STgen™ is making the world greener, more sustainable and profitable. By improving herd genetics through science and technology, we believe that the best way to predict the future is to create it, while feeding the world with our passion for the beef and dairy industries. The STgen™ Integrated Approach to management combines cutting edge genetics, innovation driven programs and gender-sorted semen to aid farmers in improving cattle performance to feed the world while reducing their carbon footprint. 

Select Sires Member Cooperative Names Chris Sigurdson Chief Executive Officer

The initial executive board of directors of Select Sires Member Cooperative is pleased to announce that Chris Sigurdson of Sartell, Minnesota has accepted the role of the first Chief Executive Officer of the newly formed cooperative. “We are very fortunate to have such a quality individual in Chris Sigurdson to be leading our new cooperative and he will have two great men, Devin Albrecht, current General Manager of Select Sires MidAmerica, and Rory White, current General Manager of All West/Select Sires, to lean on heavily for guidance and assistance.” 

Select Sires Member Cooperative was formed when All West/Select Sires, COBA/Select Sires, Select Sires MidAmerica, and Minnesota/Select Sires recently voted unanimously to merge as one cooperative representing the Select Sires federation in 27 U.S. states and the country of Mexico. 

Sigurdson will continue his role as the current General Manager, CEO of COBA/Select Sires and Minnesota/Select Sires until the new cooperative begins on October 1, 2023. Selecting a chief executive officer was Select Sires Member Cooperative’s first order of business. The board of directors and employees of the four cooperatives are now working together with Sigurdson’s guidance to create the business structure of this new cooperative. Sigurdson will be leading a team of over 300 business associates including employees, independent contractors and authorized distributors. 

Sigurdson began his career as an A.I. technician and has been able to gain valuable experience in various sales, marketing, general management and leadership roles. He is no stranger to the Select Sires federation staff and employees supporting a variety of initiatives in both the beef and dairy sectors. He is also currently chair of the U.S. Federation of Cooperatives Manager group and as a result is serving on the Senior Leadership Team of Select Sires, Inc. 

“Chris’s experience and passion for the genetic industry makes him an excellent choice for CEO of SSMC,” said Jim Barthel, Minnesota/Select Sires President. “With over 15 years at Minnesota/Select Sires, including the past 13 years of record semen sales, and his ability to find and retain the right talent for our team, he is a strong, proven leader.” Sigurdson looks forward to leading Select Sires Member Cooperative as one newly established farmer-owned-and-controlled cooperative, For The Members: By The Members. 


Merger Approved, Select Sires Member Cooperative Formed

The boards of directors of All West/Select Sires, COBA/Select Sires, Select Sires MidAmerica, and Minnesota/Select Sires have voted unanimously to merge as one cooperative representing the Select Sires federation in 25 U.S. states and the country of Mexico. “As a supporter of cooperatives, my goal was to help create something that would allow us to always remain a member-owned cooperative. We would be nothing without our members,” said Brett Gibbons, President of Select Sires MidAmerica. “This merger allows us to do just that, and from the beginning it was evident that all of us wanted the same thing. This process was successful because of the unity shared amongst co-ops and more importantly, the general managers.” The new cooperative, Select Sires Member Cooperative (SSMC), will begin as of October 1, 2023. 

This board-led process has been intentional to create a cooperative that can serve dairy and beef producers well into the future. The boards of these four cooperatives feel that this is the logical next step in an ever-evolving industry to continue to operate as a full-service A.I. cooperative. “We have four cooperatives that are in a strong financial position and have chosen to take a very proactive course to ensure that our members will continue to receive the top-level products and services that they’ve always enjoyed,” said Chad Steinberger, COBA/Select Sires President. The goal of Select Sires Member Cooperative remains aligned with the current goal of each of these cooperatives, to serve all members-owners equitably and efficiently while providing the outstanding genetics and services of Select Sires. 

Per the Agreement and Plan of Merger, the initial executive board of directors has been formed from the officers of the four cooperatives. Their first order of business was to select a chief executive officer to lead the cooperative. Chris Sigurdson, current General Manager of COBA/Select Sires and Minnesota/Select Sires, has been selected as the first Chief Executive Officer of Select Sires Member Cooperative. “There is so much synergy between the boards and Chris Sigurdson, as well as fellow current General Managers, Devin Albrecht and Rory White. This has been true ever since we began this process,” said Jerry Lanting, All West/Select Sires President. “We, as chairmen of each cooperative, have had in-depth discussions with all of them, and can confirm that they are excited to work together to make the cooperative even better for the members.” 

After significant evaluation of the best business environment to incorporate the new cooperative, the decision was made for the headquarters office to be in Columbus, Ohio. The office in Logan, Utah will serve as a joint operational headquarters. All other present locations will remain operational at this time. 

Farmer-owners can expect to continue receiving industry-leading genetics and quality service from the passionate team who serves them. On October 1, Select Sires Member Cooperative will consist of over 300 employees serving over 10,000 valued cooperative members. Among the many benefits of merging as one, Select Sires Member Cooperative will remain a farmer-owned-and-controlled cooperative led by fellow producers. 

“I’m extremely excited about the future and the vision of the four cooperatives working together as one. It has been a lot of hard work, but all parties involved have worked so well together and created an awesome new entity,” said Jim Barthel, Minnesota/Select Sires President. “I am looking forward to the success of Select Sires Member Cooperative for its members and employees alike.” The governance structure of Select Sires Member Cooperative has already been carefully determined in detail. The board members and employees of these four cooperatives are now working together diligently to create the business structure of this new cooperative. Together, Select Sires Member Cooperative will serve member-owners as one cooperative, For The Members: By The Members. 

AG3 Sires enters European Marketing Agreement with Al Total

AG3 is pleased to announce that Al Total will be the exclusive distributor for AG3 sires in Europe. This partnership is effective July 15, 2023, and semen from EU-eligible sires will be ready for distribution by Al Total throughout Europe in early September. 

The sire portfolio at AG3 has been established with exacting criteria selecting from proven maternal families, modern sire stacks, and desirable genomic profiles. Profitable production combined with high-type has been a guiding vision, and AG3 looks forward to offering their sires to European breeders, including their tremendously popular bull, Ernest-Anthony-I Have Too *RC 733HO0007

We’re very excited to be entering this partnership with Al Total. They have proven to be a innovative Al firm that has produced some of the top bulls in Europe and the world. They’ve established and enviable market share in Europe, and we are delighted for AG3 to take the next step in the global growth of our organization beyond the US, Canada, and Australia,” says David Dyment, President of AG3.

“AG3 sires will help us fill the demand from many of our type-conscious and show-oriented customers. They have bulls from several of the most popular North American cow families, and also market sons of high-profile, Expo-winning cows such as Oakfield Solom Footloose EX-96, Miss Beautys Black Velvet EX-96 and Ladyrose Caught Your Eye EX-92,” adds Jan de Vries, Manager of Genetics Consolidated 8.V., the parent company of Al Total

For more information about AG3, visit or for additional information about Al Total, visit

Delta-LAMBDA’s Passes

STgenetics® is sad to announce that Farnear Delta-LAMBDA has passed. This high Type, high LPI sire’s popularity around the world is evidenced by his over 11,000 daughters. Juan Moreno, CEO of STgenetics® states, “Special bulls that leave an imprint rarely occur. We will miss you, Delta-LAMBDA.”

Whether it’s in the showring or in the barn, Delta-LAMBDA was bred to add profits. “His unique ability to put on a great udder and put milk in the tank no matter what kind of cow he was bred to shows the dominance in his genes!” says Tim Rauen of STgenetics®. “We were very saddened to hear of his passing but know that his legacy will live on through this many daughters both in North America and around the globe.”

From the beginning, Delta-LAMBDA was bred to make well uddered cows who you enjoy seeing every day. He was a DELTA son who went back to the infamous Lylehaven Lila Z cow. “LAMBDA has an incredible sire stack, DELTA, Numero Uno, Snowman, Planet, Shottle, Durham. These are some of the most popular bulls over the last twenty years. This along with being from the Lila Z family made for a bull who was going to make great daughters,” states breeder Tom Simon.

Internationally renowned, Delta-LAMBDA was known for his daughters who are consistently balanced, feminine heifers that develop into impressive cows with phenomenal mammary systems. Delta-LAMBDA’s dominance was first shown in August of 2020 when he received his first Proven proof where his Type traits shown bright through his daughters. Considered a generational bull by many, STgenetics®, although saddened by his passing, is looking forward to seeing the success his daughters and granddaughters will have in the years to come. His genetic legend will live on.

GENEX and Genetics Australia Join Forces to Expand Global Footprint

GENEX is proud to announce a joint venture with Genetics Australia, Australia’s largest artificial breeding supplier cooperative based in Camperdown, Victoria, effective July 1.

This joint venture marks the start to a new collaboration between GENEX and Genetics Australia, as both cooperatives bring together their extensive expertise, resources and cutting-edge technologies to drive advancements in cattle genetics and reproductive services to members and customers across the globe. This mutually beneficial partnership enables each cooperative to leverage the strengths and offerings of the other.

Through this partnership, Genetics Australia will work closely with URUS companies GENEX and PEAK Genetics. Genetics Australia will gain access to a wide range of innovative products and services from GENEX, including elite genetics derived through the renowned PEAK breeding program; this will enhance Genetics Australia’s ability to deliver high-quality genetics to their members and customers.

In addition, the joint venture grants URUS A.I. market channels valuable access to Genetics Australia’s diverse grazing genetics and local Australian semen production capabilities, along with the opportunity to expand its global footprint. Through this collaboration, GENEX will be able to offer customers around the globe an expanded portfolio of genetic solutions while leveraging Genetic Australia’s deep knowledge of the grazing genetics market.

“This joint venture is a testament to our commitment to drive innovation and deliver top-notch genetic solutions to our members and customers,” states Huub te Plate, CEO of GENEX. “Genetics Australia shares our passion for excellence, and we are excited to combine our expertise and resources to shape the future of the cattle genetics and reproductive services industry. Since GENEX and Genetics Australia are both cooperatives with a deep history and passion for our members and customers, this joint venture makes perfect sense.”

Echoing the sentiment, Anthony Shelly, CEO of Genetics Australia, comments, “We are thrilled to join forces with URUS and become an operational partner with GENEX, a global leader in the industry. This partnership will unlock significant opportunities, enabling us to provide our members and customers with access to a broader range of cutting-edge genetics, products and services. We believe this collaboration will help accelerate genetic progress and drive industry advancements in Australia and beyond.”

Both organizations are working closely to integrate, share knowledge, and develop new and enhanced offerings for dairy and beef cattle producers around the globe.

GENEX and Genetics Australia Forge Joint Venture to Expand Global Footprint

GENEX, a leading global agricultural cooperative headquartered in Shawano, Wisconsin, and Genetics Australia, Australia’s largest artificial breeding supplier cooperative based in Camperdown, Victoria, finalized a strategic joint venture on July 1, 2023.

While URUS, the parent company of GENEX, is the majority shareholder of this new joint venture, GENEX will serve as the operating partner. This enables GENEX and Genetics Australia to form a cooperative-to-cooperative relationship with strong synergies and deliver even more value to their members, customers and stakeholders.

Through this partnership, Genetics Australia will gain access to a wide range of innovative products and services from GENEX, including elite genetics derived through the renowned PEAK Genetics breeding program; this will enhance Genetics Australia’s ability to deliver high-quality genetics to its members and customers.

In addition, the joint venture grants URUS A.I. market channels valuable access to Genetics Australia’s diverse grazing genetics and local Australian semen production capabilities, along with the opportunity to expand its global footprint. Through this collaboration, GENEX will further meet the diverse needs of its customers around the globe by offering an expanded portfolio of genetic solutions while leveraging Genetics Australia’s deep knowledge of the grazing genetics market.

“This joint venture is a testament to our commitment to drive innovation and deliver top-notch genetic solutions to our members and customers,” states Huub te Plate, CEO of GENEX. “Genetics Australia shares our passion for excellence, and we are excited to combine our expertise and resources to shape the future of the cattle genetics and reproductive services industry. Since GENEX and Genetics Australia are both cooperatives with a deep history and passion for our members and customers, this joint venture makes perfect sense.”

Echoing the sentiment, Anthony Shelly, CEO of Genetics Australia, comments, “We are thrilled to join forces with URUS and become an operational partner with GENEX, a global leader in the industry. This partnership will unlock significant opportunities, enabling us to provide our members and customers with access to a broader range of cutting-edge genetics, products and services. We believe this collaboration will help accelerate genetic progress and deliver industry advancements in Australia and beyond.”

Together, these cooperatives will be at the forefront of driving positive change within the cattle genetics and reproductive services industry. Both organizations are working closely to integrate, share knowledge, and develop new and enhanced offerings for dairy and beef cattle producers around the globe.

For more information about GENEX, visit For more information about Genetics Australia, visit

GENEX is a global agricultural cooperative leader dedicated to providing innovative genetic and reproductive solutions to progressive dairy and beef members and customers. Headquartered in Shawano, Wisconsin, GENEX operates globally and serves customers in over 70 countries.

Select Sires Inc. welcomes six summer interns

For years, Select Sires has fostered an environment ideal for teaching and training the next generation. This year is no exception, as Select Sires welcomes a group of six new interns to the team for the summer. Taylor Ayars and Caroline Winter will be spending their summers as veterinary interns, with Zachary Schmidt joining as a livestock technician. Samantha Adkins will start in the office as a corporate communications intern, Ian Johnson as the newest corporate account intern and Erin Curtis Szalach in dairy sire marketing.


“We offer internships in all divisions of Select Sires,” said David Thorbahn, president and CEO of Select Sires Inc. “It is this breadth and depth of our internship experience that allows students to focus on their interests. We try to tailor internship experiences to each student, often creating unique experiences to fit the needs of the student and the company.”


Mechanicsburg, Ohio, native Taylor Ayars, is looking forward to learning about the veterinarian’s role in the A.I. industry as a veterinary intern. A Wilmington College graduate, Ayars is now studying at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine with aspirations to pursue a career in either food or mixed animal medicine. She is no stranger to the agriculture industry, having grown up on a beef farm, showing both beef heifers and steers in

4-H and FFA. Ayars is heavily involved on Ohio State’s campus as a member of the Food Animal Club and the Student American Association of Veterinary Nutritionists and a Hill’s Student Representative. This summer, she is looking forward to learning about maintaining sire health, common diseases in sires, and ultimately, the veterinarian’s role in the A.I. industry.


From Ashville, Ohio, Caroline Winter will spend her summer as a veterinary intern. Winter, a senior at the University of Findlay, is majoring in animal science with a focus in veterinary medicine. She grew up on a registered black Angus cattle farm and also maintained a registered Shorthorn herd of her own. On campus, Winter serves as the vice president of Collegiate Future Farmers of America and is a member of Habitat for Humanity and Pre-Vet Club. This summer, Winter is looking forward to learning more about the bovine reproduction side of veterinary medicine, with high hopes to apply what she learns to her future career in animal science.


Zachary Schmidt, a local from Plain City, Ohio, will join the Select Sires team as a livestock technician. Choosing to travel south for school, Schmidt is a current student at the University of Alabama where he is studying mechanical engineering in science, technology, engineering and math with the intention of obtaining his Master of Business Administration soon after. Throughout his youth, Schmidt spent time working on his extended family’s farm and showing steers. Schmidt’s role as a livestock technician will provide him the opportunity to gain valuable hands-on experience, which is what he is most looking forward to doing at Select Sires this summer.


From Milford Center, Ohio, Samantha Adkins joins the communications department as a corporate communications intern. Adkins will be a senior at the University of Findlay where she is studying English and graphic design, with hopes to start her own creative agency. An active student on campus, Adkins holds positions as a resident director, literacy tutor and Sigma Tau Delta public relations officer. She grew up riding and showing horses and participated in 4-H for 13 years where she developed a familiarity with the agriculture industry. Adkins’ primary role this summer will be designing the breeding calendars, and plans to assist with any additional projects, offering experience in photography, social media management and writing.


Ian Johnson did not travel far from home before finding a role as Select Sires’ corporate account intern. Originally from Marysville, Ohio, Johnson has spent the past three years as an animal science student at Iowa State University where he splits his time between the Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity, Block and Bridle Club, Senior Class Council and being an Animal Science peer mentor. His area of study stems from having grown up on a small club lamb operation, where his family runs 30-head of crossbred and Hampshire ewes. Johnson hopes to continue his career in animal agriculture, specifically within the genetics field, which is why he is looking forward to working with everyone on the Select Sires team and learning from their experiences.


Hailing from Cazenovia, New York, Erin Curtis Szalach will serve as the dairy sire marketing summer intern at Select Sires. She brings a plethora of experience to the table, from being an active member of 4-H, FFA and the National Ayrshire Association, to even selling her own bull to Select Sires. Curtis Szalach is a senior at the State University of New York Cobleskill where she is pursuing her passion of agriculture by obtaining a degree in animal science with a focus in dairy. She grew up on a small, registered Ayrshire farm and hopes to continue working in the dairy industry, preferably in genetics. In the past, Curtis Szalach has raised and developed numerous All-American nominees and hopes to apply her past experience to her current role as the dairy sire marketing intern.


Based in Plain City, Ohio, Select Sires Inc., is the largest global A.I. cooperative and is comprised of six farmer-owned and -controlled local organizations in the United States. As the industry leader, it provides highly fertile semen, as well as excellence in service and programs to supply dairy and beef producers with the world’s best genetics.

Elena Boxey hired as Select Sires Inc. communications specialist

Elena Boxey, a native of Almont, Michigan, brings a wealth of digital media strategy, management and content creation to the Select Sires communications department. In her role as a communications specialist, she will be responsible for analyzing and implementing marketing strategies and initiatives for Select Sires Inc. as well as the Low Carbon Technologies division.     

“Elena is a great addition to our growing team,” said Leslie Maurice, director of communications, Select Sires Inc. “Her background in public relations, environmental studies and sustainability will be essential as we meet the evolving needs of our farmer-owners and create resources and promotions to educate our team members, customers and consumers.”

Following her graduation from Michigan State University in May 2019, Boxey began working for United Dairy Industry of Michigan as a communications manager. She developed marketing initiatives and social media strategies to promote the voice of Michigan dairy farmers and educate consumer audiences. Boxey was instrumental in developing the brand’s voice and key messaging. Most recently, she gained experience at an agricultural marketing agency where she led client account content execution and delivered cohesive multi-channel strategies. Throughout her undergraduate studies and post-graduate career, Boxey refined her craft and gained vast experiences in promotion, outreach, marketing strategy and event planning. Her experiences will complement the goals of Select Sires Inc. and Low Carbon Technologies and the aspirations of the communications department. 

Kevin Lincomfelt Joins Premier Select Sires as Sales Support Specialist

Kevin Lincomfelt has been named a Sales Support Specialist for Premier Select Sires’ Southern Region. In his role, Lincomfelt will assist the local Premier team in providing customers with services related to the Select Reproductive Solutions® (SRS®) program, the Select Mating Service® (SMS®), CowManager®, artificial insemination (A.I.) training, and more. He will serve primarily eastern Tennessee, North Carolina, and southern Virginia.

“I look forward to working with the Premier team and meeting a new customer base as I adapt my experience to southern farms,” said Lincomfelt.

Lincomfelt has garnered approximately twenty years of A.I. industry experience in California. For ten years he served All West Select Sires as an independent agent managing his own technician route. He also managed a reproductive and technician team for a California genetics company for several years.


“With his hands-on experience, Kevin has developed his skills as a technician and technician trainer while also becoming familiar and proficient with DairyComp, SCR, CowManager, embryo transfer implanting, and genetic selection,” said Brad Barham, Regional Sales Manager for Premier’s southern territory. “I had the privilege of working with Kevin during my time working at All West Select Sires, and I know he will make an excellent addition to the Premier team.”


In addition to his dairy experience, Lincomfelt and his family have also raised and managed a small beef herd, and he has provided service to many beef customers during his time in California. Along with performing embryo work, he worked on beef breeding synchronization projects from 50 head to 1,000 head.


Please join Premier Select Sires in welcoming Kevin Lincomfelt!


Jetstream Genetics Establishes Jetstream Genetics Australia

Jetstream Genetics Inc. is pleased to announce that Jetstream Genetics Australia will be the exclusive distributor for Jetstream Genetics in Australia. This change is effective July 1, 2023. The manager for this new brand will be based in Australia to build the partnerships with breeders and re-sellers.

The Jetstream portfolio offers breeders a wide array of sires, from breed-leading genomic sires backed by great cow families to some of the world’s highest type sires. Jetstream is also the home of some of the world’s best daughter-proven sires and Red genetics. The success of Jetstream sires in Australia is demonstrated with recent popular offerings like 534HO00049 IHG MONTANA-ET and 734HO00091 BGP YOLO-ET.

“The goal of Jetstream Genetics is to move genetics forward. Positioning ourselves in the Australian market as Jetstream Genetics helps us deliver on that goal with strong branding while providing the best genetics and services possible to our clients and re-sellers. The re-seller client in Australia is a significant component to the industry and we will align ourselves to work closely with them,” says Roger Turner, Global Sales and Genetic Manager for Jetstream Genetics.

Jetstream Genetics is part of the URUS family of companies, one of the largest and leading sources of high-quality genetics globally. For more information about Jetstream Australia or Jetstream Genetics, visit

Ann Marie Magnochi joins the communications team

“We are excited to welcome Ann Marie to our department! Her life-long passion for agriculture and strong work ethic align with our core values as a department and a cooperative,” said Leslie Maurice, director of communications, Select Sires Inc. “As we are tasked with engaging and connecting with field staff and customers, Ann Marie’s many years of experience in the dairy industry and her work in communications roles will provide tremendous insight.”

For 10 years, Magnochi was responsible for the overall operations and logistics of World Dairy Expo’s dairy cattle show. She facilitated all aspects of each breed show and managed youth contests. Since 2008, she has worked as a freelance writer and designer for independent agricultural publications. Her ongoing freelance work has provided her with many unique opportunities, including researching, drafting, editing and designing a 400-page book detailing a dairy herd’s influential history. Throughout her professional career she has expanded and refined her skillset to include written communication, publication design, event planning and contract management. Her continued involvement in breed associations, industry organizations, and deep understanding of industry trends, adds great value to her new role at Select Sires.

CowManager presents awards to Select Sires consultants

Bekah Meller from COBA/Select Sires Inc. was named the 2023 Up and Coming CowManager Specialist of the Year. Meller lives in Kenton, Ohio and joined the COBA team in August 2022 as a genetic and reproductive advisor. She has helped 31 dairies install CowManager’s activity monitoring system and interpret the data to bring more value to their operations.

CentralStar Cooperative’s Scott Hecker, Howards Grove, Wisconsin, received the 2023 Outstanding CowManager Specialist of the Year award. Hecker has been a member of the Select Sires team since 2006 and has worked as a reproductive specialist, professional A.I. technician supervisor and CowManager specialist. He has been instrumental in working with customers to review reproductive performance and develop strategies to exceed their herd goals.

Hammink Dairy, located in Select Sires MidAmerica’s cooperative region, was recognized as the 2023 CowManager Success Story of the Year. Owners William and Tom Hammink installed the system in 2019 and have seen a notable improvement in their herd’s reproductive performance and health, including a 35% pregnancy rate over the past year.

Representatives from CowManager also honored Ray Nebel, Ph.D., retired vice president of technical services, Select Sires Inc., by establishing the Dr. Ray Nebel Legacy Award. Nebel was then presented with the inaugural recognition. Since 2008, he has been the driving force behind Select Sires’ involvement with activity monitoring systems and their marketing alliance with CowManager. Lyle Kruse, vice president of U.S. market development, Select Sires Inc., has worked with Nebel for more than 20 years and describes him as “a good friend, mentor and one of the best dairy consultants in the business.” Kruse went on to say, “A true legacy is defined by the people an individual positively influences and Ray has made a tremendous impact on the lives of so many in our organization and dairy producers worldwide.”

Based in Plain City, Ohio, Select Sires Inc., is the largest global A.I. cooperative and is comprised of six farmer-owned and -controlled local organizations in the United States. As the industry leader, it provides highly fertile semen, as well as excellence in service and programs to supply dairy and beef producers with the world’s best genetics.

®CowManager is a registered trademark of Agis Automatisering. Your Success Our Passion is a registered trademark of Select Sires Inc.

Select Sires welcomes Eryn Oldham to the communications department

Eryn Oldham joined Select Sires’ communications department following her graduation from The Ohio State University in early May. With a bachelor’s degree in agricultural communications and a minor in agricultural production, Oldham brings a wealth of digital media experience to Select Sires.


“Eryn’s energy, industry knowledge and dynamic skillset will complement our creative team of communications specialists,” said Leslie Maurice, director of communications, Select Sires Inc. “We look forward to collaborating with Eryn and incorporating her ideas and media strategies to better connect with our farmer-owners and deliver the genetic and reproductive resources that they find most valuable.”


Oldham currently resides in Columbus, Ohio and was active in 4-H and FFA programs throughout her youth. As an undergraduate student, she leveraged communications internships with Willoughby Livestock and Farm Science Review. These internships were heavily focused on video production and digital content creation. In addition to her videography experience, Oldham has completed editorial work and most recently served as the assistant editor for the AgriNaturalist student-run magazine. Oldham has acquired and developed valuable communications skills from her experiences that provide her with a solid foundation to create promotional and educational content for the Select Sires federation and the cooperative’s farmer-owners.


Based in Plain City, Ohio, Select Sires Inc., is the largest global A.I. cooperative and is comprised of six farmer-owned and -controlled local organizations in the United States. As the industry leader, it provides highly fertile semen, as well as excellence in service and programs to supply dairy and beef producers with the world’s best genetics.

CentralStar and Zoetis partner to provide genomic testing

CentralStar Cooperative recently partnered with Zoetis to bring dairy producers more convenient access to CLARIFIDE®, CLARIFIDE® Plus, and Herdity™ genomic testing.

“Partnering with Zoetis to help facilitate easier implementation of genomic testing aligns with CentralStar’s current offerings and mission of “enhancing producer profitability through integrated services,” said Phillip Dieter, chief executive officer, CentralStar Cooperative. “While this area of partnership is new for us, the CentralStar and Zoetis team members have been working collaboratively on dairies for years.”

Through this partnership, dairy producers in Michigan, Indiana, and Wisconsin can now work directly with their local CentralStar team to initiate a genomic-testing plan for their herd. A powerful tool to accurately identify the genetic merit of each animal in the herd, genomic-testing data pinpoints the best animals in the herd to use for developing the next generation, helping producers improve production, profitability, and sustainability.

“CentralStar consultants already provide guidance for genetic selection and inventory management on a vast number of dairies,” said Cole Mark, director of profit strategies at CentralStar. “Now we can facilitate making genomic testing more convenient for the dairy, while providing our team more reliable tools to further accelerate the farm’s genetic progress.”

At the onset, genomic testing finds misidentification of animals, which leads to identifying the animals that are truly genetically superior for given traits. “Even with the best record keeping, identification errors occur,” said Mark. “On average, Zoetis has reported animal misidentification occurs approximately 18 percent of the time.”

For use on purebred Holstein and Jersey cattle, CLARIFIDE® Plus includes parentage verification and reliable predictions from the Council for Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) of all 50+ CDCB traits, including identifying animals with greater disease resistance through the proprietary Zoetis Wellness and Fertility traits. The CLARIFIDE® genomic test delivers parentage and reliable predictions from CDCB of genetic merit in Holsteins, Jerseys, Brown Swiss, Guernseys, and crossbreeds of these makeups. HERDITY™, an internal Zoetis evaluation, is designed for Holstein and Jersey crossbred animals, providing genomic sire and dam discovery, as well as production, fertility, longevity, and calf and cow wellness traits.

CentralStar’s goal of enhancing producer profitability through integrated services is fulfilled by incorporating an array of products and services critical to dairy-and-beef-farm prosperity. CentralStar’s product and service offerings include Accelerated Genetics, GenerVations and Select Sires genetics; extensive artificial-insemination (A.I.) technician service; genetic, reproduction, and dairy-records consultation; DHI services; diagnostic testing; herd-management products; research and development; and more. CentralStar’s administration and warehouse facilities are located in Lansing, Mich., and Waupun, Wis., with laboratories in Grand Ledge, Mich., and Kaukauna, Wis. The cooperative serves dairy and beef producers throughout Wisconsin, Michigan, and Indiana, with additional DHI territory in various surrounding states. For more information, visit CentralStar Cooperative Inc. at

Jetstream Genetics Establishes Jetstream UK

Jetstream Genetics Inc. are pleased to announce that Jetstream UK will become the exclusive distributor for Jetstream Genetics in the UK.

The Jetstream portfolio offers breeders a wide array of products, from breed leading genomic sires backed by great cow families to some of the world’s highest type sires. Jetstream is also the home of some of the world’s best daughter Proven Sires and red genetics.

Jetstream UK Sales Manager Mr Alan Timbrell said, “I am excited to be bringing Jetstream’s portfolio of World Class domestic & international products to the UK market. I believe the Jetstream product aligns itself well to the UK market and gives me a great opportunity to create genetic improvement for Jetstream UK clients”.

“The goal of Jetstream Genetics is to move genetics forward and positioning ourselves in the UK market as Jetstream UK gives us the opportunity to prepare for the future of the dairy industry while providing the best genetics and services possible to our clients” says Roger Turner, Global Sales and Genetic Manager for Jetstream Genetics.

Jetstream is part of the URUS family of companies, one of the largest and leading source of high quality genetics globally. This change will be effective from the 15th May, 2023.

For any further questions please contact either Alan Timbrell or Roger Turner on the contact numbers below.

Alan Timbrell
Sales Manager
Jetstream UK
+44 (0) 7889 044070

Roger Turner
Global Sales & Genetic Manager
Jetstream Genetics Inc.
+011 1 608 770 0012

CDCB Board Welcomes New Member, Elects Officers

Collaboration is at the core of the Council of Dairy Cattle Breeding, with producers and several organizations working together to drive dairy cattle improvement. That cooperation is reflected in the Board of Directors that governs the development, direction and continuous improvement of U.S. dairy genetics and CDCB services. The CDCB Board represents four sectors of U.S. dairy with each sector represented by three individuals.

The CDCB Board met April 18-19, 2023, in Louisville, Ky., with emphasis on strategic planning, appointment of Producer Advisory Committee, the CDCB Annual Meeting and Board reorganization.

New to the CDCB Board is Tony Allen, General Manager of AgriTech Analytics, representing Dairy Records Processing Centers. Tony has been active in the western U.S. dairy community for several years, previously as records processor at AgriTech and in sales of dairy feed and supplements. His leadership roles include American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists and steering committee for the Californian Animal Nutrition Conference. Tony lives in Fresno, Calif., with his wife Stephanie and their three sons.

Tony fills the seat previously held by Eddie Ormonde of VAS. We express sincere appreciation to Eddie for his commitment to dairy improvement and service to CDCB.

New officers were elected to two-year terms, serving in these roles through April 2025.

  • Chair: Lindsey Worden, Holstein Association USA
  • Vice Chair: Dan Sheldon, Woody Hill Farm
  • Treasurer: Jay Weiker, National Association of Animal Breeders
  • Secretary: Mark Rodgers, MKVT Polled Holsteins
    2023-24 CDCB Board of Directors

    Dairy Records Providers
    • Susan Lee*, Idaho DHIA, Jerome, Idaho
    • Jay Mattison, National DHIA, Verona, Wis.
    • Dan Sheldon, Woody Hill Farms, Salem, NY
    Dairy Records Processing Centers
    • Tony Allen*, AgriTech Analytics, Fresno, Calif.
    • John Clay, Dairy Records Management Systems, Raleigh, NC
    • Mark Rodgers, MKVT Polled Holsteins, Glover, Vt
    National Association of Animal Breeders
    • Paul Hunt*, URUS Group, Madison, Wis.
    • Katie Olson, ABS Global, DeForest, Wis.
    • Jay Weiker, NAAB, Madison, Wis.
    Purebred Dairy Cattle Association
    • Jonathan Lamb*, Oakfield Corners Dairy, Oakfield, NY
    • Neal Smith, American Jersey Cattle Association, Reynoldsburg, Ohio
    • Lindsey Worden, Holstein Association USA, Inc., Brattleboro, Vt.
    *Designates election or re-election to a three-year term starting April 2023

Ron Schuller hired as Low Carbon Technologies’ chief operating officer

Low Carbon Technologies (LCT), the industry-leading agricultural sustainability company and a division of Select Sires Inc., has hired Ron Schuller to focus on business leadership and marketing strategy. He will join an experienced team and help to manage the responsibilities and timelines associated with the Low Carbon Technologies USDA PVP, LCT Enrolled and the Low Carbon Technologies USDA Climate Smart Pilot Programs. Schuller will collaborate with various departments to facilitate LCT operations, including science and program development teams, beef and dairy supply chains, ProfitSOURCE® and GeneNet® programs, IT, marketing, communications and human resources.


“Ron has an extensive background in brand management and marketing strategy,” said David Thorbahn, president and CEO, Select Sires Inc. “We look forward to welcoming him to Low Carbon Technologies and Select Sires. Ron has been tapped to develop a marketing strategy, implement business process, and elevate brand awareness for this new initiative within Select Sires Inc.”


Schuller has more than 30 years of experience in a variety of roles, including key executive leadership positions within specialty retail, consumer packaged goods and financial services. He has worked with some of the world’s most successful brands as a strategic consultant and owns a boutique consultancy, Red Barn Consulting, based in Dublin, Ohio. Prior to Red Barn Consulting, Schuller was the chief marketing officer of Benjamin Moore & Co. – a Berkshire Hathaway company. He also spent many years in fashion apparel retail where he held chief marketing officer and executive marketing and strategy leadership positions.


Schuller is a graduate of The Ohio State University where he earned his Bachelor of Science in business finance and focused his graduate studies in marketing at the Fisher College of Business. He currently serves on the Advisory Board of Directors of The Ohio State University Fashion and Retail Studies Program within the Fisher College of Business.


Based in Plain City, Ohio, Select Sires Inc., is the largest global A.I. cooperative and is comprised of six farmer-owned and -controlled local organizations in the United States. As the industry leader, it provides highly fertile semen, as well as excellence in service and programs to supply dairy and beef producers with the world’s best genetics.


Abbott and Duckett launch new high-type sire lineup

Showbox Sires LLC, a new genetic venture backed by trusted industry leaders, will be collaborating with Select Sires and Semex to bring a high-type, show-focused sire development program to dairy breeders. The team at Showbox Sires includes Tim and Sharyn Abbott and Mike and Julie Duckett. Both couples have had tremendous success in the industry and have combined their experiences and sheer passion for genetics to launch this new venture. Showbox Sires will leverage the industry’s many tools, including genomic evaluations as well as pedigrees that are proven winners on the tanbark. At this time, Showbox Sires will offer elite Holstein and Red & White genetics with tentative plans to release the first sire in late 2023.


“Whether you want to improve your herd, compete at the county fair or exhibit a winner at national shows, Showbox Sires is built from families that have done just that! Our vision is to acquire and develop bulls to meet the needs of any passionate dairy breeder,” said Tim Abbott, Showbox Sires LLC. “The team at Showbox Sires is thrilled to work with two companies that have set the pace for high-type cattle through industry-leading genetics over the past several decades: Select Sires and Semex. We believe our thought process and goals are closely aligned, and we look forward to working with their teams to bring our product to this sector of the global market.”


Cooperative collaboration

All bulls from Showbox Sires will be branded with a single, unique NAAB identifier. While Select Sires and Semex are the program’s exclusive marketing and distribution channels, no individual sire will be marketed by both companies. Select Sires and Semex will house the sires assigned to their lineup and carry out collection, processing and distribution. It is expected that both conventional and sexed semen will be available for these sires.


“We’re excited to work with the Abbotts, the Ducketts and their amazing cows and cow families,” said Brad Sayles, chief operating officer, Semex. “Their long, successful track record, and the deep passion for the future of their enterprise, make this cooperative effort a logical option for both A.I. organizations. Semex and Select Sires share a common foundation of farmer ownership and the common goal of meeting our clients’ genetic needs. Adding this relationship further enhances our mutual histories of excellence.”


“As farmer-owned organizations, Select Sires and Semex uphold customer success and genetic transparency to the highest degree,” said Jeff Ziegler, vice president of dairy cattle breeding, Select Sires Inc. “Partnering with experts in the field to grow our offering and continually exceed the expectations of our farmer-owners is paramount. We are grateful to work with Tim and Sharyn and Mike and Julie to afford our farmer-owners the benefit of their expertise and professionalism.”


To order Showbox Sires genetics

A unique website to promote Showbox Sires is currently under construction. To order semen, please contact your local Select Sires or Semex representative.

Select Sires hires long-time district sales manager to lead global sire products and logistics

After serving farmer-owners for nearly 25 years on behalf of COBA/Select Sires Inc., Bruce Smith joins Select Sires Inc. as the manager of global sire products and logistics. In this new role he will monitor member marketing sales and export trends to predict product demand. Based on this information, Smith will coordinate sire movements, determine production needs and semen inventory, while ensuring proper health qualifications for sires to fulfill forecasted sales and shipping deadlines.


“Select Sires is excited to welcome Bruce to the marketing department,” said Jeff Reidman, vice president of Latin America marketing and dairy sire services. “Bruce knows the dairy and beef industry inside and out. His many years of service with COBA/Select Sires included working closely with customers to craft their genetic and reproductive strategy. There is no doubt that those experiences and skills, combined with his professionalism, leadership, and passion for customer success, make him the ideal candidate for this position.”


Smith has more than 38 years of experience in the dairy industry. After graduating from The Ohio State University with his bachelor’s degree in agricultural economics, he worked for Milk Marketing Inc. for 11 years and then joined the team at COBA/Select Sires Inc. Since 1998, he has provided customers with genetic consultation as a district sales manager and beef specialist. Smith has worked alongside local Select Mating Service® (SMS®) specialists and Select Reproductive Solutions® (SRS®) specialists to improve the genetics and reproductive performance of the herds he served and has successfully introduced programs and resources, including NxGEN® and ProfitSOURCE® as well as genetic audits and genomic testing. Because of his dedication to customer success, Smith is a two-time recipient of Select Sires’ Super Achiever award and has been honored as a member of the President’s Club multiple times.


Outside of Select Sires, Smith is heavily involved in dairy and beef industry organizations, including the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, Ohio Holstein Association, Holstein USA, Ohio and Union County Farm Bureau and Ohio Cattleman’s Association, where he serves as a member on the Allied Industry Council.


Based in Plain City, Ohio, Select Sires Inc., is the largest global A.I. cooperative and is comprised of six farmer-owned and -controlled local organizations in the United States. As the industry leader, it provides highly fertile semen, as well as excellence in service and programs to supply dairy and beef producers with the world’s best genetics.

Stetzer and Hyde awarded specialists of the year by Select Sires

Carla Stetzer, CentralStar Cooperative, and Tim Hyde, Select Sires MidAmerica, were honored at Select Sires’ annual Trusted Advisor Conference in late April. The 2023 conference was held in Fresno, California and hosted by All West/Select Sires. Stetzer was named the Select Mating Service® (SMS®) Specialist of the Year, while Hyde was named the Select Reproductive Solutions® (SRS®) Specialist of the Year.


“We recognized outstanding individuals with the SMS and SRS awards,” said Jeff Reidman, vice president of Latin America marketing and dairy sire services, Select Sires Inc. “Our federation benefits from the expertise of these team members and they bring immense value to the herds they serve. From sire selection and mating knowledge to reproductive troubleshooting, both Carla and Tim help dairy producers improve their herds to enhance their profitability.”


Stetzer grew up in the dairy industry and continues to be involved with Registered Milking Shorthorns. She hails from Jackson County, Wisconsin where she resides with her husband, Dan, and three sons. Stetzer began working for Accelerated Genetics in 2001 as a genetic consultant and has since been a tremendous asset to the CentralStar and Select Sires teams. As an SMS genetic consultant serving west central Wisconsin, southeast Minnesota and northeast Iowa, Stetzer has worked with many herds for two generations of ownership. Her passion for the dairy industry and helping customers exceed their goals is her motivation.


“Carla is deeply valued by her customers because of her vast knowledge and expertise,” said Phil Dieter, chief executive officer, CentralStar Cooperative. “Her friendly and helpful demeanor combined with years of experience, make her a go-to mentor for colleagues. She finds balance between encouraging customers to think outside of the box and try new things, while simultaneously strengthening the existing relationships and providing what they already desire. Her eye for cows and tremendous work ethic boosts our cooperative.”


Hyde was raised on a dairy farm in Idaho and went on to manage dairies in Colorado and New Mexico, the latter of which he shared ownership. Prior to working for Select Sires MidAmerica and COBA/Select Sires in a joint reproductive specialist position, he was employed by Accelerated Genetics in a similar role. He has since assumed the role of regional sales manager for the state of Idaho, now working exclusively for Select Sires MidAmerica and continues to work with many Idaho dairies to improve their reproductive programs. Additionally, Hyde is a key account manager and works with the Idaho team to connect customers with valuable resources to achieve their goals.


“Tim is a consummate professional who brings his real-world experiences and extensive dairy background to the Select Sires MidAmerica customers he works alongside,” said Devin Albrecht, general manager, Select Sires MidAmerica. “He is very collaborative with the herds he works with and continually challenges them to improve their reproductive performance.”


Based in Plain City, Ohio, Select Sires Inc., is the largest global A.I. cooperative and is comprised of six farmer-owned and -controlled local organizations in the United States. As the industry leader, it provides highly fertile semen, as well as excellence in service and programs to supply dairy and beef producers with the world’s best genetics.”


Premier Gives Over $25,000 in Support to Scholarship Applicants

Premier Select Sires awarded a total of $25,950 to students through the 2023 Premier Future Ag Leaders Scholarship Program. Two students received $2,500 scholarships through the Johnny Daniel Memorial Scholarship and the Wayne Dudley Scholarship. Fourteen other students received scholarships of $750 to $1,250 in value.

William Coltrane of Pleasant Garden, N.C. is the son of David and Amy Coltrane. William received the Johnny Daniel Memorial Scholarship. William is from Coltrane Dairy LLC, a Holstein operation milking 5,500 cows. He is a student at the University of Mount Olive studying Ag Business and Animal Science. After graduation, William plans to return to his family’s fourth generation farm. He says that although today’s farmer faces many challenges, the future looks better, and he plans to play a part in helping farmers gain the respect they deserve for their dedication and work ethic.

Julia Heijkoop of Gainesville, Fla. is the daughter of Johan and Trisha Heijkoop. Julia received the Wayne Dudley Scholarship. Julia is from Milk A Way Dairy (1,070 milking cows) and K&H Dairy (760 milking cows, 315 dry cows and springers). She is a student at Santa Fe College studying Agriculture Operations Management with a minor in Agriculture and Natural Resource Law. After graduation, Julia hopes to work in policy and become a lobbyist for an agriculture-related company. She wants to work with lawmakers to pass legislation that will support farmers and ranchers while promoting the sustainability of the agriculture industry. 

Jordan Anderson of Centre Hall, Pa. is the daughter of Don and Angela Anderson. Jordan is from Locust Rock Farm (home of Cabaret Cattle Company), an operation with 20 head of cattle. She is a student at the University of Wyoming studying Agriculture Communications. After graduation, Jordan plans to pursue a career that allows her to advocate for the agriculture industry and help give hardworking farmers a voice that reaches consumers. She is also considering working in the marketing and communications department of an agriculture company.

Elise Balmer of Lititz, Pa. is the daughter of Jeffrey and Jesslyn Balmer. Elise is from Stoney Path Farm, a dairy operation with 120 milking cows and a total of 240 head. She is a student at Lebanon Valley College studying Exercise Science. After graduation, Elise plans to become a physical therapist. In her role, she hopes to connect with farmers who may need physical therapy for various injuries that can occur on-farm and educate patients without an agricultural background on the benefits of agriculture.

Hayley Daubert of Dayton, Va. is the daughter of Jeremy and Rebecca Daubert. Hayley is from Stox Dairy, a dairy operation with 30 head of cattle. She is a student at South Dakota State University studying Dairy Manufacturing with a Microbiology Focus. After graduation, Hayley plans to become a physician assistant. She hopes to work in the emergency room of a rural hospital. She believes the medical profession needs more people with a farming background to understand how to best treat those with a farming lifestyle, and to help farmers through difficult times when farming accidents occur. She also hopes to start a farmstead cheese business.

Brooklyn Drake of Marathon, N.Y. is the daughter of Richard and Susan Drake. Brooklyn is from Drake Farms, a Holstein operation with 600 head of cattle, milking 320 head. She is a student at SUNY Cobleskill studying Agriculture Business. After graduation, Brooklyn hopes to pursue a career as a middle school agriculture educator, work part-time at a local dairy processing plant, and run her own business selling vegetables, cut flowers, pumpkins, mums, wreaths, etc. Through her ventures, she hopes to promote the dairy industry in numerous ways.

Laurel Gray of Stony Point, N.C. is the daughter of Andy and Amy Gray. Laurel is from Grayhouse Farms, a dairy operation with a 1,200-cow milking herd. She is a student at North Carolina State University studying Agricultural Business Management. After graduation, Laurel plans to return to her family’s dairy farm to assist with the financial aspects of the business including payroll, bills, and accounting. She also enjoys field work and working with calves and heifers. In addition, she plans to raise and sell beef direct to consumer and play a role in her family’s hunting business.

Darcy Heltzel of Martinsburg, Pa. is the daughter of Andrew and Jennifer Heltzel. Darcy is from Piney-Mar Farm, a dairy farm with150 milking and dry cows and 120 heifers. She is currently a senior at Central High School and plans to pursue a degree in Food Science with a minor in Animal Science. With her education, she hopes to impact both her family’s heritage of farming and the lives of others by advocating for dairy’s story in food production.

Madelynn Hoffman of Manheim, Pa. is the daughter of Curt and Psuche Hoffman. Madelynn is from Tui Genetics where they milk 65 cows with a robot and have about 200 animals in total. She is a student at Cornell University studying Animal Science. Madelynn is currently in a pre-vet track in school and is thinking of becoming a veterinarian. She has considered specializing in reproduction or genetics. Madelynn would like to someday have her own business, either a veterinary practice, dairy farm, or both.

Regan Jackson of Boyce, Va. is the daughter of Kevin and Laura Jackson. Regan is from Waverly Farm, a Jersey operation in Clearbrook VA. She is a student at Louisiana State University studying Food and Nutrition with a minor in Biology. After graduation, Regan plans to attend medical school and become a doctor. She will use her position to advocate for production agriculture among doctors and patients. She also plans to volunteer with many of the youth organizations that molded her and guided her to many opportunities.

Kendal Jenkins of Columbia Crossroads, Pa. is the daughter of James and Tracy Jenkins. Kendal is from Leona-View Holsteins, a dairy operation milking 60 registered Holsteins. She is a student at Penn State University studying Animal Science, and she will also graduate with a Smeal College of Business Certificate. After graduation, Kendal plans to pursue a career as a dairy nutritionist. She feels that this career path will allow her to be involved in multiple agricultural areas such as animal science, cow care, agronomy, forage crop management, and more.

Lainey Koval of Stillwater, N.Y. is the daughter of Christopher and Jennifer Koval. Lainey is from Koval Brothers Dairy, LLC, a dairy operation milking 500 Holsteins. She is a student at Cornell University studying Agricultural Science. After graduation, Lainey plans to pursue a career where she can work alongside farmers, either in agricultural sustainability or financial and business management. She hopes to assist farmers in ensuring their farms remain viable and able to feed communities while also protecting their land and earning a living.

Katheryn Longenecker of Williamsburg, Pa. is the daughter of Doug and Yvette Longenecker. Katheryn is from Penn England LLC, a dairy operation with 2,010 milk cows and 1,850 heifers. She is a student at Penn State University studying Animal Science. After graduation, Katheryn plans to obtain a job as a sales representative or nutritionist for a feed company. As she grew up on the farm and showed animals, she enjoyed the advice of others serving in those positions and hopes to help other producers raise animals that grow and produce to their best ability.

Constance Maxwell of Shady Dale, Ga. is the daughter of Cuyler Johnson. Constance is from Godfrey Dairy Farm LLC, a Holstein operation milking 1,100 cows. She is a student at Georgia Military College and the University of Georgia studying Agriculture Business with a minor in Dairy Science. After graduation, Constance hopes to pursue a career in which she can serve as a bridge between dairy producers, consumers, and agricultural companies. She is passionate about creating opportunities to help shape and heal the dairy industry and other agriculture industries.

Charles Patterson, V of Chestertown, Md. is the son of Charlie and Sherry Patterson. Charles is from Patterson Farms Inc., a Holstein operation milking 300 cows. He is a student at Purdue University studying Ag Systems Management. After graduation, Charles plans to return to his family’s dairy farm and use what he learned in college to make the farm more efficient and profitable. He also hopes to expand the farm in the future.

Danae Ranck of Ronks, Pa. is the daughter of Darrell and Tina Ranck. Danae is from Walnut Hollow Farm, a dairy operation milking 65 cows. She is a student at the University of Arkansas studying Agricultural Communications. After graduation, Danae hopes to work for an organization that is educating consumers about the truth behind food and farmers. She has special interest in working strategically with children and low-income families to make sure they are educated about nutrition and food.

Honorable Mentions for the scholarship program include:

  • Joseph Coltrane of Pleasant Garden, N.C.
  • Lemuel Coltrane of Pleasant Garden, N.C.
  • Alex Empet of Kingsley, Pa.
  • Rachel Featherstone of Manhattan, Kan.
  • Katelyn Poitras of Brimfield, Mass.
  • Madison Sifford of Goldvein, Va.
  • Cole Verano of Okeechobee, Fla.

The Premier Future Ag Leaders Scholarship Program provides financial support to eligible students pursuing agricultural education, and it also provides additional return to the cooperative’s member-owners by supporting the next generation of young people desiring to study and work in the agriculture industry. The Premier Select Sires board of directors has made a commitment to providing money to support this scholarship program on an ongoing annual basis.

Premier Select Sires is a farmer-owned cooperative that serves beef and dairy producers in its 23-state member area. Dedicated to providing its members with all they need to achieve success, Premier provides:

  • Industry-leading genetics from the Select Sires, Accelerated Genetics, and GenerVations brands
  • Effective herd health and management products, as well as artificial insemination supplies
  • Reliable services and programs backed by years of success
  • Knowledgeable industry experts who are easily accessed for consultation, advice, and on-farm assistance

Together with its five sister cooperatives across the United States, Premier owns and controls Select Sires Inc., the world’s most recognized name in bovine genetics.

Hendel joins Select Sires’ communications department

“Lauren is a very skilled and creative designer, and we look forward to adding her talents to our team,” said Leslie Maurice, director of communications, Select Sires Inc. “Her practical knowledge of the dairy industry combined with her previous work experiences will bring immense value to our communications and campaigns.”

In 2019, Hendel graduated from the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities with a bachelor’s degree in animal science with a dairy production emphasis. During her undergraduate education, she pursued internships within the industry, including Select Sires’ dairy sire marketing internship. Since graduating, Hendel has acquired exceptional experiences in the genetics industry, including work as a genetic consultant for CentralStar Cooperative, a member of the Select Sires federation, and most recently, as a U.S. sales and progeny specialist for another genetics company. She has also worked with professional cattle photographers on farm and at local, state and national shows.

Grant Sardella Accepted Into Exclusive National Institute for Animal Agriculture Program

The National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA) has announced their second cohort of the Advanced Training for Animal Agriculture Leaders, and ABS Global Beef Testing Coordinator Grant Sardella is among the twenty honorees. Sardella was nominated by peers, then applied and was accepted to the elite second-ever cohort.

NIAA is a non-profit organization that provides programs that work towards providing solutions for disease, fostering a safe and wholesome food supply, and promoting the best practices of environmental stewardship, animal health, and well-being. With guidance from its members and stakeholders, NIAA developed the Advanced Training for Animal Agriculture Leaders as a world-class leadership and experiential program to empower animal agriculture leaders to positively affect the future of animal agriculture.

Candidates for the program must demonstrate leadership in the agriculture industry and be committed to advancing animal agriculture’s role in today’s food system. After cohort nominations, potential candidates must apply to the program and be accepted.

“Grant represents the kind of talent our industry needs to cultivate and develop,” says Jared Wareham, NuEra Business Development Manager, who nominated Sardella. “He has all the raw talent to be a genuine leader. Opportunities like this serve as the perfect incubator to help young leaders evolve and thrive.”

Over 16 months, program participants partake in five in-person three-day seminars, regular virtual meetings, and a final group capstone presentation at the NIAA Annual Conference. Throughout the program, curriculum cornerstones include critical thinking, leadership development, connecting and relating skill development, and operational excellence.

“I’m really thankful to be a part of this cohort and have this chance to develop as a leader,” says Sardella. “I’m very excited to meet cohort members from other areas of the agriculture sector, learn what they do, and work together to create quality products for consumers.”

Sardella will begin the program in February with an in-person seminar in Kansas City, Missouri.

About ABS Global

Headquartered in DeForest, Wisconsin, USA, ABS Global is the world-leading provider of bovine genetics, reproduction services, technologies, and udder care products. Marketing in more than 70 countries around the globe, ABS has been at the forefront of animal genetics and technology since its founding in 1941. In bovine genetics, ABS serves more than 40,000 customers globally, including some of the world’s leading beef and dairy producers. ABS Global owns bull studs in Europe, North America, Latin America, and India, selling genetics to dairy and beef customers in North America, Latin America, Asia and Europe. ABS Global is a division of Genus plc.

Zoetis and Select Sires Inc. partner to help cattle producers apply data for strategic decision-making

Data from Performance Livestock Analytics software and competitive grid marketing access from GeneNet helps beef producers market the value of their cattle

Zoetis and Select Sires Inc. are excited to announce their partnership to help cattle producers gain more from data. The partnership provides a grid marketing service, GeneNet, which will provide Performance Livestock Analytics customers a designated marketing platform to communicate and promote the value of their cattle. Select Sires’ farmer-owners will gain value with access to the Precision Animal Health portfolio from Zoetis, including beef genetic testing and Performance Livestock Analytics software.

The GeneNet grid marketing service negotiates fed-cattle pricing based on carcass characteristics including quality and yield grade. With this partnership, Performance Livestock Analytics customers will receive an exclusive offer to use GeneNet’s competitive marketing grids and gain bargaining power for the quality cattle they raise, plus carcass data on those cattle.

“This partnership creates a winning opportunity for producers,” said Justin Sexten, head of Industry and Network Partnerships, Precision Animal Health, Zoetis. “GeneNet allows cattle feeders to leverage their animal data from our management software to strategically market their investment in quality genetics and exceptional management. This information arms them with collective negotiation power on GeneNet’s marketing grids to communicate to buyers the value of their cattle.”

Cloud-based software developed by Performance Livestock Analytics, part of Zoetis, helps digitize cattle records and turn data into actionable insights to inform strategic decisions regarding health, genetics, marketing and financials.

Sandra Utter, GeneNet manager at Select Sires Inc., said the collaboration with Zoetis will help drive better genetic and management decisions to breed and market quality cattle.

“Because Select Sires is positioned at the front and back end of the beef production chain, we can help beef producers capture and analyze data that allows them to create, measure, manage and make changes to increase profitability from conception to consumption,” Utter said. “Data captured in Performance Beef can help us evaluate cattle performance in the feedlot and provides the necessary history and genetic makeup critical to successfully marketing on GeneNet grids.”

Through this partnership with Select Sires, Zoetis will begin the development of connecting the carcass data to the digital ecosystems for Performance Livestock Analytics and BLOCKYARD™ to enable more seamless management and genetics decision-making tools. This integration will provide participating customers access to valuable carcass data within their current platform for Performance Beef®. This will help minimize data entry and also provide producers insights into how their use of elite genetics is performing on the rail and adding value.

Select Sires customer, Trent Winter, of Wintergreen Farms in Clifton, Kansas, has benefited from marketing cattle through GeneNet. He emphasized the need for data to make good marketing decisions.

“Without the data, it’s hard to see the progress or know the areas to improve,” Winter said.

From the carcass data Wintergreen Farms received from GeneNet, they made sire selection adjustments to improve their cattle’s marbling ability and ultimately optimize both premiums and yields on the grid.

For Zoetis and Select Sires customers interested in learning more about competitive and profitable marketing opportunities for their cattle, visit

Based in Plain City, Ohio, Select Sires Inc., is the largest global A.I. cooperative and is comprised of six farmer-owned and -controlled local organizations in the United States. As the industry leader, it provides highly fertile semen, as well as excellence in service and programs to supply dairy and beef producers with the world’s best genetics.

As the world’s leading animal health company, Zoetis is driven by a singular purpose: to nurture our world and humankind by advancing care for animals. After 70 years innovating ways to predict, prevent, detect and treat animal illness, Zoetis continues to stand by those raising and caring for animals worldwide, from livestock farmers to veterinarians and pet owners. The company’s leading portfolio and pipeline of medicines, vaccines, diagnostics and technologies make a difference in over 100 countries. A Fortune 500 company, Zoetis generated revenue of $7.8 billion in 2021 with approximately 12,100 employees. For more, visit

Select Sires Inc. announces new enterprise

Select Sires Inc. announces the creation of Low Carbon Technologies, LLC, as part of its farmer-owned cooperative. Low Carbon Technologies will serve beef and dairy farmers who are looking to document, verify and improve their operation’s carbon footprint and overall sustainability.

“Our farmers are looking for ways to both prove and improve how they are producing food sustainably. Through Low Carbon Technologies, we intend to be their partner in increasing the value of environmental stewardship to their operations,” said David Thorbahn, president and CEO, Select Sires Inc.

As part of its launch, Low Carbon Technologies is acquiring Low Carbon Beef, LLC (LCB). This cattle certification company enables beef farmers and ranchers to add value to cattle that are raised with less greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. LCB is a USDA Process Verified Program (PVP) service provider and has the distinction of being the first PVP for calculating the GHG emissions for the beef production life cycle.

Colin Beal, Ph.D., founder of Low Carbon Beef, has been named CEO of Low Carbon Technologies and Chief Sustainability Officer at Select Sires Inc.

“LCB’s certification programs enable farmers and ranchers to earn premiums for reducing carbon emissions of their operation,” said Beal. “We are excited to develop Low Carbon Technologies with Select Sires given Select Sires’ long history of helping beef and dairy producers enhance productivity and profitability.”

Low Carbon Technologies’ science-based certification programs utilize a comprehensive life cycle assessment (LCA) to determine certification scores for candidate cattle based on management practices and cattle performance. The criteria in the current program span the “four F” categories of feed, fuel, fertilizer and cattle function to determine the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of the cattle being evaluated.

Low Carbon Technologies will certify cattle regardless of the source of genetics. Longer term, the enterprise intends to expand sustainability assessments to other agriculture goods.

“Every day, farmers are taking action to be more sustainable,” said Beal. “Farmers and ranchers who produce cattle efficiently and with reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and the packers or processors who participate, deserve a premium for their efforts to improve the carbon footprint of beef products. Low Carbon Technologies provides third-party certifications that retailers, restaurant operators, and consumers need to make informed choices about their beef.”

Based in Plain City, Ohio, Select Sires Inc., is the largest global A.I. cooperative and is comprised of six farmer-owned and -controlled local organizations in the United States. As the industry leader, it provides highly fertile semen, as well as excellence in service and programs to supply dairy and beef producers with the world’s best genetics.

Developing cows that reduce methane emissions

Semex UK, thinks it can reduce methane production by 20–30% by 2050 by breeding cows that make less methane.

The company has been working with Lactanet, a Canadian company that keeps track of milk and looks at its genetics, and the University of Guelph to find a genetic way to stop methane emissions.

Over the past 5 years, Canada’s milk-recording organisations have collected more than 13 million milk mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy records, of which 700,000 were analysed by Lactanet geneticists to predict methane emissions from milk-recorded cows across Canada.
Methane must be cut by 2050.

The results showed that genetic selection can be used to cut methane emissions by a lot. Scientists found that there was an 85% correlation between the methane that was collected and the methane that was predicted. This means that there is a genetic way to reduce methane. This is because, along with the microbes, the cow’s genes also affect how much methane is made in the rumen.

The trait is 23% heritable, which is similar to how production and immune response can be predicted with 70–80% accuracy. It has no effect on yields or fat and protein levels, so Semex said at its annual conference in Glasgow that methane production could be cut by 20–30% by 2050, depending on how much selection is done.

Semex’s vice president of research and innovation, Dr. Michael Lohuis, said that the study was important: “We know that genetics has a major role to play in reducing emissions because it is the main way dairy farmers can produce more outputs with less emissions from fewer inputs. But this technology takes the contribution of genetics to the next level.”
Consider methane when you breed cows.

Semex and Lactanet are now putting the technology on the market all over the world. In April, Lactanet will publish a value that breeders can use to reduce methane emissions from their herds. From then on, dairy farmers will only be able to get a methane index for all tested females through Semex Elevate. This will let them include methane in their breeding plans and get to a lower methane herd that much faster.

Drew Sloan, vice president of Corporate Development for Semex, said that methane is the world’s biggest problem right now. He said, “In many countries, agriculture, especially cattle, is blamed for excess emissions, and many developing countries have passed laws that aim for net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.” This is another way to lower emissions on farms, which will help reach that goal.

In response to the announcement at the Glasgow conference, Stuart Roberts, a former vice president of the NFU, said, “This is great news. Society expects us as an industry to do our part to fight climate change. I think it’s a real breakthrough that we now have a genetic tool that can help us a lot on this journey.”

The UK government has been putting pressure on the industry to reduce methane emissions, and last year it asked for information on feed products that reduce methane emissions. Feed products that stop methane from being made could help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, especially from cattle kept in barns. Some of the things that might be in these products are things that stop methane from being made, seaweeds, essential oils, organic acids, probiotics, and antimicrobials.

CentralStar Coop Hires Nine Summer Interns

CentralStar Cooperative, serving dairy and beef producers in the upper Midwest, will host nine interns, this year, in their genetics, laboratory, and research and development business units.

Six students will join the genetics and artificial-insemination (A.I.) team as A.I. Specialist Interns. Averie Sieverding, Bellevue, Iowa, is a junior at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, majoring in animal science with a minor in business. Sieverding comes from a fifth-generation crop and cattle farm. Her passion for large animals and reproduction started young. Today, she raises beef cattle with her sister, utilizing both embryo transfer and A.I.

University of Wisconsin-Platteville, Platteville, Wis., is the school of choice for Austin Rider, who’s a junior majoring in dairy science. He grew up on a family hobby farm in Sauk City, Wis., showing dairy cattle at the state, national, and world levels. Alyssa Derks was raised on a 60-cow, tie-stall dairy farm in Cadott, Wis. She attends Northeast Iowa Community College, Calmar, Iowa, pursuing a degree in agricultural business. Taylor Mulder, Fremont, Mich., is a junior studying animal science at Michigan State University, Lansing, Mich. Her agriculture background includes growing up on a cow-calf operation, showing pigs, and overall involvement in FFA.

Jake Baumgartner, Genoa, Wis., is the fifth generation to continue farming, and he takes great pride in that. Baumgartner attends Southwest Wisconsin Technical College, Fennimore, Wis., for agribusiness science and technology with an emphasis on animal science. As a student at Southwest Wisconsin Technical College, Sydney Schroeder, Lancaster, Wis., is also studying agribusiness science and technology with an emphasis in animal science. She’s involved in The F.A.R.M. Club, Professional Agricultural Students, Community Action and Public Safety Club, the livestock-judging team, and student senate. Schroeder grew up working with her uncle and grandpa on the family’s dairy farm, Pitzen Family Farms, Dickeyville, Wis. She was involved in FFA, raising her own swine, beef, and lambs, as well as serving as an officer and competing on the livestock- and soils-judging teams. Schroeder serves her community on the local fire department and with emergency medical services.

CentralStar’s Kaukauna, Wis., laboratory looks forward to welcoming Maddie Smith, this summer, as their laboratory intern. Smith says her life revolves around agriculture. She grew up on her family dairy farm in Bonduel, Wis., which has been in the family for four generations. Some of her passions include showing dairy cattle, horses, pigs, poultry, and rabbits at the county fair. Smith is currently attending St. Norbert College, De Pere, Wis., for a degree in organismal biology; she wants to be an animal geneticist.

The research and development business unit at CentralStar foresees and studies opportunities for helping dairy cattle be healthier and more productive. Two interns will join the research group this summer.

Growing up in Mason, Mich., Irene Nielsen was involved in 4-H, showing dairy and beef cattle, as well as lambs. Dairy cattle have always been a primary interest of hers, and she developed a small herd of registered Holsteins she shows on a state and national level. Nielsen attends Iowa State University with a dairy-science major and minors in public relations and international agriculture. She’s involved with the Dairy Science Club, Honors Program, undergraduate research, An-Cy Guide Program, and the Center for Food Security and Public Health.

Evan Ma, Dublin, Ohio, is a sophomore at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, pursuing a Bachelor’s in animal science with a minor in computer science. Ma says, “I’m excited to work with dairy cows, because I love everything dairy, and I think they’re generally great to work with. I also enjoy molecular biology, so I’m really excited to get to know everyone I’ll be working with this summer!”

CentralStar’s goal of enhancing producer profitability through integrated services is fulfilled by incorporating an array of products and services critical to dairy-and-beef-farm prosperity. CentralStar’s product and service offerings include Accelerated Genetics, GenerVations and Select Sires genetics; extensive artificial-insemination (A.I.) technician service; genetic, reproduction, and dairy-records consultation; DHI services; diagnostic testing; herd-management products; research and development; and more. CentralStar’s administration and warehouse facilities are located in Lansing, Mich., and Waupun, Wis., with laboratories in Grand Ledge, Mich., and Kaukauna, Wis. The cooperative serves dairy and beef producers throughout Wisconsin, Michigan, and Indiana, with additional DHI territory in various surrounding states. For more information, visit CentralStar Cooperative Inc. at

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