meta Getting to know 2016 European Red & White Show Judge Jaume Serrabassa Vila :: The Bullvine - The Dairy Information You Want To Know When You Need It

Getting to know 2016 European Red & White Show Judge Jaume Serrabassa Vila

While many of the top judges in North America enjoy celebrity status around the world, most of the top names in Europe are unknown to most tanbark enthusiasts.  With this in mind The Bullvine wanted to introduce you to this years Red & White Show Judge, Juame Serrabassa Vila.

Jaume owned the Comas Novas farm, Barcelona, until 2010 and still keeps some of his best cows in Cal Marquet farm (Best Breeder National Show 2013), where he has been technical director. Today he is Breeding Adviser at Triangle Holstein, and also he is a teacher at the Spanish National Young Breeders School and European School in Battice, Belgium.


When did you first find out you had been selected to judge the show?

It was in November after the Royal, and I started to receive congratulatory messages from good friends and then I found the nomination posted on Facebook. Then in December, I received the official invitation from the European association.


What was your reaction?

I felt very surprised and proud at the same time. I’m feeling very happy. It will be a great honor and a great privilege.



Was does this honor mean to you?

It is an honor to received such public recognition.  It also comes with a great responsibility to respond to the trust that the exhibitors have placed in me. It will be a big challenge and a great opportunity to introduce myself to many people who do not know me.


How are you preparing for the show?

I am not doing any special work to prepare for it. I’m doing my usual work, seeing cows every day, selling semen, and when I’m driving for a long distance I practice giving reasons in English and some words in French. But nothing special.


What have been some of your greatest experiences/accomplishments over the years?

Like many breeders, when I received the award for Best National Breeder at our national show. It was a great show and I I keep great memories, wining several classes including reserve grand Champion. I also am proud to have judged our national show, as well as in Èpinal (France), in Codogno (Italy), the junior show in Cremona (Italy).  It was also an honor to be one of the master judges in the meeting of European judges last year. Another great experience is teaching in Battice (Belgium) in the European young breeders school.


12496031_813381828772691_8776085710399473264_oWhat do you think the biggest challenge will be?

For now I am focus on Colmar and then we will see. My challenge in Colmar is trying to do a good job with the placements and through these placements transmit my ideas or philosophy about my type of cows giving good and real reasons.


How would you describe your ideal cow?

My ideal cow is the balanced cow. I don´t need to pick the tallest cows in the classes. I prefer the cows without weak points. I love cows with strength, angularity, dairyness, fancy udders and good legs. I´m a big lover of the mammary system, with strong fore attachment, nice rear attachment and with good depth of the udder. I look for feminine and stylish cows.  I think that my ideal cow is very similar of the true type of cow that most of the breeders are looking for.


11156302_354781261396641_7626364407593904518_nWho would you like to thank for help along your career?

I must thank to my family and specially to my brother Quim. (Read more: TRIANGLE HOLSTEINS – THREE PART HARMONY) I would like to thank to my teachers and people who had been my reference, my model, my inspiration… People like Gabriel Blanco, Mauro Carra, Alfonso Ahedo, Brian Carscaden, Roger Turner, John Gribon, to name a  few of the many people who have helped me over the years. And I thank to all my friends that give me all their support every day. THANKS to all.



12487017_803886763055531_3606754377441402980_oWhat advice would you give to someone who aspires to judge a major show like this one day?

It’s very important to know about the cows.  Take the time to work with them.  It is also very important give good and real reasons in the ring.  Don’t be afraid to feel and show your passion. Make sure you take advantage to visit shows around the world.  This will help you to keep an open mind and learn something new every day.  Be simple and friendly. Be a judge is a great honor but is is also a big responsibility.


Watch full coverage of the 2016 European Championship Show starting tomorrow.

(T1, D1)

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