Archive – Page 8

The Anti-Social Farmer: On the Verge of Extinction?

We all know what an oxymoron is: working holiday, tight slacks and freezer burn. Well here’s another one “An anti-social dairy farmer”.  Farmers have always enjoyed the “social” aspect of their 24-7 business. Wherever there are two farmers there is bound to be good gossip.. ahemm … good conversation going on.

Can we talk?

In an industry blown about by the whims of Mother Nature, politics, local regulations and world issues … there’s a lot to talk about. Facebook and all other social media are all about connecting (Read more: 7 Reasons Why Your Dairy Farm Needs To Be On Facebook).  It is absurd to think that our already social business would not grasp digital social networking with open arms and tapping fingers. Think about it.  Today at some point you will “social” ize with someone coming in your lane. Whether it’s a sales person of genetics, feed, seed, nutrition or health … you will meet, greet and connect at some level. To me, it follows that it should be natural to welcome delivery of the same informed decision-making tools from cyberspace.

Social media is made for farmers

Farmers are completely familiar with sharing opinions, recommendations and trusting those who have their feet in our barnyard, feed alley or under our board table or kitchen table.  Couple this with the home truth that farmers rarely have the opportunity to do their networking on the golf course, a sandy-beach or at the gym and social media is not only the logical choice it’s the perfect choice!

Videos such as Ram Trucks’ “Farmer” Super Bowl ad have gone viral promoting farmers to 0ver 20 million viewers on YouTube alone

Not that it doesn’t take getting used to.

Those of us, who spend time in social media, tend to live and breathe the space as if it were real life, which of course it isn’t. It is however, a great place to build a network, to find like minded people and discover what they are working on, and learn with and from them.  Just like over the line fence or at the farm supply store or at a farm meeting. It`s a place to live, learn and move forward.

The goal is to apply what we learn to real life.

Like any social interaction, the benefit comes from applying what you know to what you are doing. New ideas for improving the logistics, cash flow, genetics and marketing of our dairy businesses are what we are seeking out.  Doing these things better doesn’t only pay the bills, it also provides satisfaction for those who love their work. Now we can come in from the barn after a long day and have the quiet satisfaction of having a day’s work well done and take time to enjoy a more technical version of “cow talk”.

“The most important connection in marketing today is business to business”

I would challenge everyone in the dairy industry to modify that mantra to, “the most important connection in dairy marketing today is barn to barn”. Numbers wise, there are not a lot of us left out there.  In times past you looked to the horizon and saw farms as far as the eye could see.  Today, it’s hard to see a fellow farmer from that viewpoint. It doesn’t mean the network is lost, it simply means in the 21st Century it actually is a “network” of connected internet users.

From Face-to-Face to Place-to-Place

We need to receive these “online” conversations in the same way we receive face-to-face conversations.   When face to face we can express our view and assume from the non-reaction of the person we’re expounding to that they support our position.  It’s too bad we don’t hear their report when they share it with the next person who comes into the milk house.

There is the question of tone of voice being missing from social media.  Anyone who has had the tone in one of their emails misread will understand the problem. It’s hard to convey the subtlety of face-to-face or telephone interaction using words or text only.  However, when was the last time your spoken words were misunderstood?  Nothing promises total perfection.

What`s Next?

If you’re reading this, you’re probably already beyond the beginner level with email and Facebook.  Do you have a Website or Blog? Don’t skip this step.  Your website is the first place you can let the market know that you have something they’re looking for.  Even if you’re not planning to conduct all your business on line, you still want to drive customers to your website or to your farm.

So how do you get started?

There are online Guides for every social media program. Check them out and set up accounts on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn.  Of course (bias aside) you could check out the Dairy Breeders Guide to Facebook.  The wonderful thing about technology is that there are many ways to learn the how, what and when.  A simple question placed on “Google” and you can discover step by step instructions to your success using social media.

The first step is always the hardest.

The neat thing is that there is always somebody close to you that has the expertise to help you join up.   While “joining” is easy, it is wise to consider that rushing in and then doing nothing is like that New Year’s resolution to workout.  You join the gym but your membership is as active as the clothes hangar otherwise known as your Treadmill.  While you won’t lose it if you don’t use it, remember that it is “social” and why join, if you intend to remain a wallflower?

There are two questions to ask yourself.

  1. What do people need to know about you and your dairy operation?
  2. What do you need to know about the marketplace?

The primary goal in becoming “social” is to have your prefix, product or genetics come to a buyer’s mind the minute they have identified what they are looking to buy.  Hit people with your features and benefits and you win their minds.  Get your story out there and you win their hearts.

Make sure that you share new births, fresh heifers, your genetic successes, your dairy industry issues and your pride in your family business.  You can never post too many pictures.

Continually polish and perfect your “story”.  It’s the social magnet to attract more business.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

At the end of the day dairy farmers are definitely social.  We’re not talking extinction …but dairy DIStinction. Far from being on the verge of extinction, farmers are prime candidates for using this handy new tool.  In reality (a word overused today) we probably do better when our social life takes place in a variety of ways.  If we limit ourselves to one form … we limit ourselves period.  Let’s get social.



To learn how to get your farm on Facebook download this free guide.



Julia James: “Cow by Cow. Doing it Now.”

juliajamespicJulia James of Norwich, Ontario has the wisdom of a seasoned business analyst, the heart of a philosopher and the adrenaline of a long distance runner. However the secret of success for this one-of-a-kind dairy dynamo is the well-honed focus that allows her to live the lifelong dream of owning a dairy farm every single day. She is not yet 30!

Growing by Leaps and Bovines

Julia has numerous examples of how long she has held the dream of owning a dairy farm.  What makes her one-of-a-kind is that she apparently never put that dream on the back burner for any of the commonly accepted reasons. “I started milking cows on August 1st, 2008 in a rented facility just outside of Woodstock.” This is a mere two years after graduating with a B. Sc. Agr. (Animal Science) from the University of Guelph. She outlines the process. “I purchased my beginning quota from my parents who reside in Lanark County (Eastern Ontario). Since my start date and through buying quota as often as cash-flow allowed I have been able to grow my total quota holdings by 24% in 5 years.”

The Dream is Real. Today.

Obviously, Julia is not waiting for a better time, a different time or any time that means waiting or holding to the status quo.  She describes her setup. “Currently I milk 29 cows in a 3 row free stall, slated floor rented barn. The herd is a mixed herd of Jersey and Holstein. I raise all of my own replacements for a total of 78 head currently. Where the cows are currently milked is a rented facility. Where I reside is a 54-acre farm that I purchased last year in hopes that someday a dairy facility would be built there.”  Her use of “currently” reflects her acceptance of and push toward continuous change.

FUELING THE DREAM:  Education. Collection. Selection.

There’s an old saying that people often miss opportunities because they come disguised as work.  It’s unlikely that Julia James will ever miss an opportunity.  She works everything in.  “When I first graduated I worked as an AI technician for ABS Global for 2 years. Then started milking in 2008, once settled into my routine of farming I was hired by Select Sires Canada in June of 2009 where I currently work today as a reproductive specialist.”  The key word for Julia is that she is working.

Positively Positive

Many would consider her grueling schedule as a deterrent to success, but Julia, as expected, has a different viewpoint.  “Being a driven, independent person I don’t see many things as challenges but rather learning opportunities. There are days when it is challenging getting through your to-do list, but by putting one foot in front of the other I always manage to get there. I also have great students who help out during the week with some chores.” She loves the support of agricultural community, family and friends. “Over the past 5 years, there are definitely more people cheering me on than standing in my way or providing negative energy.” Julia is also a cheer-leader of her favorite pastimes (soccer, curling, cycling), community groups (church and milk committee) family and friends, especially Thomas. “When you’re doing what you love,” says this dynamo “there’s a time and place for everything … including dehorning and cleaning calf pens.”

While Julia works extremely hard it's doesn't hurt to have a little luck on your side.

In dairy farming Julia has found her pot of gold.

Julia James on a Mission Statement

Businesses are encouraged to be able to briefly express their goals.  For Julia the word mission could be replaced by the word passion. She says,” I am driven by passion. My heart, my passion and my dreams are rooted in the dairy industry. I am very happy and fortunate to be doing what I love and receive great satisfaction from contributing to the economy everyday as a primary producer of a safe and quality product.” That could be a motivational posting in every dairy barn.

Don’t Keep Your Dreams on the Shelf

Julia’s dreams are being achieved because she has an eye for those to follow and emphasizes that “My parents and family have always been supporting me and cheering me on, even in times when they may not agree with some of the decisions I make. “ She encourages others. “Anyone who takes responsibility for who they are and what they believe in and works hard and smart to make themselves happy all while being a productive member of society is a salt-of-the-earth hero to me. For Julia fear of the future is not an option. “People are afraid to take risks and chance their dreams in fear of failure or lack of self-confidence. You never know until you try and you have to chase your dreams. With proper research, networking and planning you will get there. But you never know unless you try and you must remain positive.” This dairy entrepreneur has teaching and mentoring talents in her resume too.

Appreciate the Gift of Every Day

Julia thrives on learning and modestly claims she has much to look forward to. “My greatest accomplishment is still a work in progress. Every day I celebrate little achievements. Whether it is a new baby heifer calf alive and well running around in its pen or watching all of my cows lie-down chewing their cud an hour and a half after milking. It could be a satisfied customer, or being in bed by 9:00 with the to-do list empty and all animals healthy and resting, preparing to start a new day. These are all accomplishments to me.” It sounds like she has achieved the perfect idyll already but she sees great things ahead. “My work in progress is to be able to farm one day with the one I love, raising a family on the farm, and running a very successful, sustainable dairy farm with my best friend, fellow team-mate and husband. Thomas and I are well on our way there taking on the challenges as they come and making them into opportunity.”

Ready for a Sustainable Future

Julia’s special talent is having her hands taking care of the “now”, while her eye is targeting the “future” with realistic assessments. She has considered the challenges ahead. “The biggest change I see coming is sustainability. Many aspects of the industry achieve this on some level already probably more so than many others. Taking responsibility for what we do and making sure our passion for what we do is evident will be critical in growing our markets and further establishing the trust of our consumers.”  She rallies her dairy peers to provide a foundation for the next generation to build on.

Flying High Between Chores

It isn’t surprising to hear that Julia would like to take speed lessons and learn to fly in an hour. “If I could learn to fly in an hour, I would do it in a heartbeat. There is so much to see in the world and so much to learn outside your own back-yard. Being able to fly would allow me to experience these wonders all between chores.”

Choose it. Do it. Achieve it.

Even when she fantasizes about having her head in the clouds, Julia’s feet are firmly planted on the ground. “Take time to smell the roses (even if they are growing in the manure pile). Never stop dreaming, believing, achieving and ALWAYS have fun!! Her dream of her ultimate dairy farm is powered by the Julia’s amazing ability to live the dream every day.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Some people dream of a life they hope to have some time. Julia has a three word answer to anything and everything that may be holding you back, “Do it now!”  


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Emma Caldwell’s Art Stirs Mind and Heart!

When successful artists recount their early inspirations, they often recall their youth.  Emma Caldwell isn’t yet old enough to look back from that distant viewpoint, but this already attention-attracting artist confirms that she is inspired by her dairy roots.” I grew up on Maple Holme Farms, a dairy farm in Carp. We milked 45 Holsteins in a tie stall barn, until we sold our quota in 2007. We mainly do cash crops now. I have been a member of the Carp 4H dairy clubs for the past 12 years. After we sold our herd, I borrowed calves from Sandy Crest Holsteins, Riview Jerseys and Drentex Jerseys for my 4H projects. Last year I bought half of a jersey calf which I co-own with Mike & Monique Bols of Russell, Ontario. The past three years I have been helping the Bols of Drentex Jerseys along with Jenna James with their show string and helping out with clipping and preparing for the classifier.  This will be my last year in 4H, but I hope to continue working with Drentex.”

Emma's recent painting "Hailey" of the great RF Goldwyn Hailey.

Emma’s recent painting “Hailey” of the great RF Goldwyn Hailey. Want to own this this painting? Click on the picture to find out how

In Praise of Painting

It’s exciting to hear how young Emma was when her artistic talent took root.  “I think I have been drawing since I was old enough to hold a pencil, and it was something my dad and I did together after he got in from morning chores.” Looking at Emma’s portfolio, one envies the vision and talent that produce such art with apparent ease. It turns out that it was indeed a special talent. “I have two learning disabilities, and up until I was diagnosed I really struggled with school. I think if you don’t think you’re good at much else you’re going to focus on anything that gets you that bit of praise from your teacher or peers. So I guess art was attractive to me from a very early age because it was and still is a method of communication that I find most natural.”

Painting Her Way to the Top

Despite challenges along the way, 21 year old Emma has always set and achieved her goals. “I think my greatest accomplishment will be graduating from Queen’s University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts. I have struggled throughout my entire education with learning disabilities. The Fine Arts program at Queen’s only accepts 30 students out of the 300 that apply each year, and since Queen’s was my first choice, to be one of those 30 is something I worked really hard for, and am really proud of.” This is a special achievement for Emma and one that, through her art, she can continue to share.

Basically Bovine with a Unique Perspective

As more art enthusiasts get the opportunity to explore Emma’s portfolio, they will become part of the evolution of this artist who feels her style is still developing. “I am always trying to grow as an artist. I want my art to have energy. I use a lot of bright colours, splashes and drips of paint with brushy strokes of paint. I like it when I let some of the underpainting show through, and leaving hints that there is more than meets the eye underneath. This year I started using gold leaf in some works and I really love the contrast it brings to a painting. It is not important that a painting be totally realistic, I am more concerned with the impression of character or presence. I think sometimes when I leave a part unfinished or just give a suggestion of something like hooves, it brings more life to the painting than I would achieve by trying to copy a photograph. What really draws me to cows is their personalities that you only get to know from being in close contact with them your whole life. I want my paintings to feel like they have captured the character of an animal.”

Emma's painting that was auctioned off as part of the 2012 Jersey Ontario AGM.

Emma’s painting that was auctioned off as part of the 2012 Jersey Ontario AGM.

Expressing Dairy Strength and Power

One of the great pleasures of being an artist is having the opportunity to explore the different aspects of the chosen subject.  “With cattle this becomes challenging,” says Emma, “because they do not fall into the two usual categories of animal painting: pets or wildlife.” She elaborates, “Cows are working animals, and although we love them, they’re not our pets, they are still bred for a purpose. I want to capture the strength and power that humans have bred them to be.” She sees the contrasting sides of these dairy animal partners. “Cows have been bred to be big, strong animals but also to have wonderful quiet temperaments that allows people to work with them). I try to convey the calm air that a mature cow has AND that tremendous physical strength that is absolutely necessary in an enduring cow, which is only really obvious in person, but also present her as feminine, dairy and stylish. That is a challenge exclusive to cow painting.”  In eagerly accepting this challenge, Emma also recognized others who excel in this field and therefore are role models for her. “Bonnie Mohr has had the biggest influence on my artistic career. Not in terms of style, I am not going to try and be the next Bonnie Mohr because there is only one Bonnie Mohr, I just want to be myself. But I definitely look to Bonnie as my role model, especially her work ethic and setting goals for myself.” (Read more: Bonnie Mohr – Science and Art Together Creates a Holstein Love Story)

Emma's picture of Gillette E Smurf who holds the world record for the highest milk yield in a lifetime by Guinness World Record.

Emma’s picture of Gillette E Smurf who holds the world record for the highest milk yield in a lifetime by Guinness World Record. (Click on image to see enlarged version)

From Work in Progress to Charitable Fund Raiser

Emma’s art has provided her with special experiences recently as she explains, “When I am at school I often tweet pictures of my ‘works in progress’. One of the works I did at school was a painting of the legendary Ayrshire Sweet Pepper Black Francesca (Read more: The Magic of Francesca). I tweeted a picture of the unfinished work and a couple retweets later, Francesca was recognized. Deer Hill Ayrshires inquired about the painting and Jason French & Kris McLeod of Holstein Ontario asked if I could work on something for the branch AGM’s fun auction. These exchanges all happened within an hour.” The painting of Ferme Gillette’s Smurf was a highlight of the auction and was purchased by another passionate bovine observer, Patty Jones. The final site for hanging the painting was also meaningful to Emma, “It was so generous of Patty Jones to hang Smurf at Gillette. I think she looks right at home!”

Check out the detailed work on "Smurf" udder

Check out the detailed work on “Smurf” udder

Sharing Art in a Social World

Emma is continually surprised and humbled by the speed with which her work has reached people and inspired their enthusiasm. “Thanks to social media, my art has reached more people from across the world than I ever dreamed. I am absolutely blown away by the response, and when people retweet or share an image of mine I am absolutely just so humbled that people want to share my art with their followers or friends. It truly is an amazing time to be growing up with social media.” This modern change inspires her to reflect on what agricultural artists who precede her faced. “It gives me so much more respect for artists like Ross Butler who were as successful as they were in getting their art out there. It used to be just word of mouth and making sure you got your art seen and traveling.”

The Agricultural Spirit – Unlimited!

Forecasting the future for this rising artist is another broad canvas for Emma, seeing as she is so recently out of school. “Right now I am still just working as establishing myself as an artist, but in the future who knows! I think that there are many opportunities out there for myself as an agricultural artist. However, I don’t want to limit myself to only one area of art. There is so much I want to do and learn.”

Motivated by a tweet by an individual alarmed about dirt on their potatoes, Emma painted this in response. (Click on image to read the full story)

Motivated by a tweet by an individual alarmed about dirt on their potatoes, Emma painted this in response. (Click on image to read the full story)

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Despite her youth, or perhaps because of it, Emma has a clear vision of the possibilities she is facing. “A lot of my work at school has to do with the future of Canadian agriculture and I think my goal as an artist will always be to depict the passion of life that Canadian agriculture embodies.  The farming community in Canada takes tremendous pride in the beauty and life in our land, and my art is a reflection of that spirit.”  Obviously her artistic future is in good hands … her own!

Don’t miss your chance to own Emma’s work of art “Hailey”  click here to find out how.

Van Den Pol: Peak Performance

Around the world whenever the province of Alberta is mentioned everyone pictures beautiful images of the Rocky Mountains. Ranchers and dairy farmers are farming in one of the most scenic settings in the world.  Imagine for a moment what it would be like to move from a country like the Netherlands with the goal of “going dairying”.  For Gys and Silia Van Den Pol and their three daughters Corien, Djoeke and Tilly they not only moved there but used the mountains, buttes and foothills as encouragement to take their goals higher all the time!

Gys and Silia Van Den Pol and their three daughters

Gys and Silia Van Den Pol and their three daughters

All the Right Moves!

Silia and Gys both grew up on dairy farms in the Netherlands. Gys had been on international exchange programs to New Zealand and Canada and considered moving to New Zealand. Married in 1985 the couple’s first move involved raising (hogs). It was good training for their future because that industry is fast moving with emphasis of technical results and management skills can make a big difference. In 1998 they visited Canada.  In 1999 they bought a going concern dairy farm near Picture Butte, Alberta which included a 60-cow purebred Holstein herd and a quarter section of land (160 acres). Seven years later (2005) they moved to their present 160 acres farm outside of Coaldale, Alberta.

Higher Ground Overview of Pol Butte

This part of Alberta is (ranch country) so you can imagine how a tie-stall barn would stand out in this free-stall landscape. Corien sums up the Van den Pol Farm logistics. “We currently milk 80 purebred Holsteins in a modern tie stall facility.  We raise our own young stock of 130 head, as well as 50 young bulls for future breeding purposes as natural sires.  We farm 150 acres of irrigated land, where we produce our own corn and alfalfa hay.”

“The Home of Contented Cows”

The Van Den Pol family are dedicated to fulfilling their farm slogan, “Home of Contented Cows”.  It is the foundation of their breeding philosophy which Gys outlines for us. “My breeding philosophy is to strive for good udders and feet and legs. Sires are selected on genomic numbers and depth of pedigree.  We have also been investing high profile cow families to breed the next generation from.” Gys makes his own breeding decisions and strives for a balance of type and production. For beginners he urges, “Start with a purchase of cows from solid cow families that will give less risks of failure in the future.  And watch for health traits!”

A Work in Progress – Then and Now

“When we purchased the original herd in 1999, it had 2 VG cows and was 50% GP and better.  Our last classification round showed our improvement.  We are now 100% GP and better.” This is remarkable but it is not the only benchmark that is being met. “We are also expecting 4 of our homebred cows to surpass 100,000 kgs this year.” Their herd average is 11,953 kg milk 3.8% F 3.1% P putting them in the top ten herds in Alberta. Oh yes and they also flush 40-50 cows a year and genomic test about 40 animals. Not to mention that three years running they were Premier Breeder and Exhibitor at the Green Acres Club Show (2009-2011). Gys looks realistically toward the future and the changes ahead.  “Marketing will change and genomics testing of our young bulls is ahead.  The very fast pace of new genetics – coming and going – will create higher risks of failures.” He cautions. “We have to watch that we don’t go too far now and just focus on genomics and index and the end number.”

BUTZ-BUTLER GOLD BANNER - VG 88-2YR 02-06  P268  13005  546  4.2  400  3.1  Kg

02-06 P268 13005 546 4.2 400 3.1 Kg

Waving Barbie`s Special Banner

Gys is obviously a man prepared to take action when he sees something he likes and he always liked what he knew about (Barbie) and her descendants with a Goldwyn x Shottle x Durham sire stack. “I saw Barbie herself a few months before her passing.  She made such an impression on me that I was determined to purchase something from this tremendous cow family.  I was also very impressed by her offspring.  Her Shottle and Goldwyn daughters were just recently milking.  So when the Goldwyn sale in PEI (2009) offered a Goldwyn choice from Brasilia, we went after it.  After the genomic results were in, Banner proved to be an easy pick.” Corien expresses the family enthusiasm for Banner. “Banner is special because she’s not just a cow. She has her special spot in the barn and shines when she gets that extra special treatment.” She is already recognizably special and the #1 Genotyped Conformation cow in Canada.  This continues to attract attention. “We still get regular email requesting offspring from her.”

Regancrest Brasilia-ET EX-92 DOM

Regancrest Brasilia-ET EX-92 DOM

Cows and Families: Worth the Drive to Pol Butte

 All the hard work would hardly be worth it, if there wasn’t a market for the results. The Van den Pols have invested in many different cow families so there is always something for the variety of buyers local and international who make their way to the Van den Pols. Imagine going to Pol Butte Holsteins and being able to buy from cow families like Barbie, Corey, Crimson, Delia, Fools Gold, Janice, Linda, Paradise and Zandra. A great choice, no matter how you stack it and well worthy of consideration.

Breeding Naturally from Top Marketable Sires

Gys looks for popular bulls with good numbers who rank at the top of the lists. He will use high genomic young sires only if they have a solid cow family behind them. Ì look for bulls that can sire long living, good framed, open ribbed cows with good udders and feet and legs. We currently have heifers by Dempsey, Goldchip, Beau, SuperSire, MCCutchen, Meridian, Hero, Cancun, Number Uno, Mogul, Colt P, Epic and Lavaman.” He sums up other points they consider. “We don`t need a 64-inch, show cow, but because one of our biggest customers is the Hutterite Colonies who buy natural bulls, we do need to also breed a good framed, commercial, barn cow with good feet and legs who can walk in a free- stall.” With a keen eye for cattle, they also watch the marketplace.

Make Contacts and Keep Them Coming

Corien explains “If you don’t have something to offer, they won’t come here.  It’s a fast moving market.  You have to find things sometimes outside of the box to attract people.”  They value other means of marketing too. “We have our own website and we advertise in magazines.  We do keep in touch with the sire analysts and give them updates.  We regularly visit our customers who purchase our natural breeding bulls.  We also enter animals into sales and shows.” A unique marketing feature was added several years ago. “We added a free-stall training area to sell more animals into the local commercial market.” Gys explains that simple changes can be very important. “The simpler you keep things, the fewer mistakes you can make.”  Wise words.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

The Van Den Pols live by the motto, “Always do your best.  Nothing half way.”  So there will always be new breeding mountains for Gys and Silia and the girls to climb. They would like to win a Master Breeder Shield. And dear to their parental hearts “It would be great to see one of the girls eventually take over the farm.” Regardless of the surrounding terrain …. mountains, buttes, flatlands or valleys, Pol Butte Holsteins have their sights set on moving on and moving up. We wish them all the best!


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We are all familiar with the saying, “It’s not WHAT you know, but WHO you know that counts!” when you’re looking for a job.  However, when you’re in the business of selling cattle, it isn’t who you know but who knows YOUR COWS that will get the job done!

If you don’t intend to sell dairy genetics, stop reading now.  However, if selling is in your future, this article is for you.

Selling breeding stock in 2013 is a rapidly changing market which means that old marketing strategies like waiting for someone to beat a path to your door just doesn’t cut it anymore.  I know the argument, “But I’ve got the best (fill in the blank with cows, bulls, calves, embryos or genetics.) They sell themselves.” To start with, all the great genetics in the world won’t have you making deposits in the bank, unless the right people (aka the buyers) know what you have to offer.

Grab Customers by the Horns and Fire Up Your Brand

You could be the best dairy cattle breeder the world has ever seen, however, if no one knows you exist you might as well be doing something else.  Branding is about letting the world know that you are here and that you are selling exactly what they need. Just like a brand burns into cowhide, you want to make a memorable impression on the marketplace.  When they’re looking for embryos, heifers, cows and bulls, you want your Herd Prefix to spring immediately to their minds. Long before you offer a product for sale, make sure you know what the market is looking for.

Don’t Just Shoot the Bull. Get Them Talking About Your Cows!

Every time you shake a hand, you market your brand.  Think of all the people you interact with daily. Share your passion so that when people talk about you they become walking, talking advertisements for what you’re selling. What other farmers say about dairy breeders is becoming the most important input in cattle genetics buying decisions. Statistics say that more than two-thirds of buyers seek review or recommendations from others.  And we’ve all been put off a product or service by a lone bad review. Make sure that everybody has heard great things about your herd. Revenue starts with your reputation and the reputation of your cow families.

You Must Have a Tale – not just a Tail – to Sell

Even if you don’t believe what you offer is truly spectacular – and it’s important to be honest with yourself about that – there are still many ways to differentiate yourself from others.  Every breeder is not starting from the top 10% and there are many improvements to be made along the way. Make sure you know what your genetic “improvers” are. Educate the audience so they know the story of your success breeding strategy and how it can work for them.  Of course, your usual farm charm and gregariousness will help too. Buyers love to be part of a success story.  Share your good news! Follow up with buyers.  Encourage their success and share it online, on your website and over the farm fence.

Establish Your Cow-Know-How

Once you have captured the interest of your audience, you must then establish your cow sense.  People do business with those they trust.  Deliver what you promise.  That is your brand.

But some will say, “I’m not a company. I’m just a one-person-show.  There is no one else to help me market my genetics.” That’s one of the biggest branding myths out there! Everyone you know is on your “marketing team” and can help spread the word! The truth is everyone already has perceptions, thoughts and feelings about you and your herd. This is why it’s so critical to take charge of your brand definition.  Leaving it to chance is no way to build a genetics business. After all great herds didn’t get to be great by accident.

You Can’t Sell All By Keeping Secrets

So let’s get down to the nitty-gritty.  If you want people to buy genetics from you, they have got to know what’s in it for them.  What can they expect to improve in their own herd, if they buy something from yours?  This means you have to be as open about problems as you are with successes.  It is never as simple as the single sale.  That customer who leaves your farm– glad or sad – is going to have an impact on your future sales too! You have heard the saying, “Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold?” Well these “old friends” are your existing customers.  Just how golden are they?  Studies show that it costs six to nine times as much to attract a new sale as it costs to keep a current customer happy.  Responsiveness is the name of the game today.

Talk Back

There will undoubtedly be times when you face a less than perfect situation.  There are many things that can change both before and after money changes hands.  The only mistake is trying to “shout down” or “freeze out” any unpleasant discussion.  Learn from big business examples.  BP failed to engage with the debate after the Gulf of Mexico oil spill in 2010.  Their big budget advertising retaliation only served to alienate people and further damage the company’s reputation. In the real world and with dairy genetics in particular, caring trumps bullying every time.  The ability to engage with customers one-on-one particularly after purchase is vital to success and key to customer loyalty.  Focus on making sales transactions, easy, convenient and delivery of real benefits.

Market Dissemination. 10 Ways to Achieve Sales Success.

The test of your marketing success will be the number of customers who know to come to you for what they need. Your goal is to have your Prefix seemingly appear everywhere.  Seize every opportunity to make sure customers have heard about your Prefix from several different validating sources

  1. Make it easy for customers to find you and your cattle genetics information.
  2. Use all media: Internet, television, radio, farm signage. Start small. Keep growing.
  3. Subscribe to industry e-newsletters and blogs, follow Twitter, “like” or comment on dairy articles on Facebook, share YouTube videos. Your “brand” will come naturally.
  4. Invest in a good website.  Unfortunately a bad one will work against you.  Highlight what makes your genetics unique.
  5. Make it easy for customers to find you, find your farm and find your genetics.
  6. Learn how to work with potential clients to help them meet their goals.
  7. Always provide full disclosure, in writing, of cows available for sale, their performance and what you see as their strengths and weaknesses. Trust travels fast.
  8. Make sure information is always up-to-date and that you are always ready to work with customers to meet their needs.
  9. Don’t hesitate to send customers to another seller if you don’t have what they’re looking for. .  Your openness will be appreciated and the favor could come back in the future, from this same potential customer or even from your competitor.
  10. Keep up the connection. Don`t miss future sales because of poor follow-up.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

If you can engage customers and enhance their good experiences with cattle breeding, you will undoubtedly build long-term dairy breeding sustainability and value! At the end of the day the it`s not YOU but YOUR CATTLE that will do the talking!


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Stephanie Aves – Anything Is Possible If You’ve Got St-yle!

Stephanie and Kyle Aves

Stephanie and Kyle Aves

“My Grandpa gave me my first Holstein when I was 6.” and that gift of Wishing Well Mata-RC really sparked Stephanie Aves lifelong interest in dairy cattle. In case there was any doubt where the family saw the future, Stephanie’s parents, Kevin and Julie, took her name and her brother Kyle’s and christened the farm with the prefix, “St-yle!” That happy label was further inspiration for Stephanie who reports that she was always involved trying to do chores and then “From age 8 I began showing at local and county fairs.”

Show Your Winning St-yle

Stephanie had successive years in the winner’s circle and has added these honors to her show ring credits:

  • 2005 Senior Showmanship Winner World Dairy Expo Fitting & Showing
  • 2006 Jr Champion Grand Int. Red & White Show (JR/Open)
  • 2007 Winner of Sr Showmanship World Dairy Expo
  • 2008 Supreme champion JR Show World Dairy Expo
  • 2009 Grand Champion Grand International RW Jr Show
  • 2010 Bred the Intermediate Champion Grand International RW Jr Show who then became my first Bred & Owned JR All American.
  • Also was honored with the Merle Howard Award in 2010.
  • 2011 Won the Sr Best 3 Class at the Grand International RW Show.  (All daughters of Joyful by Advent)

Currently In St-yle

Stephanie provides this St-yle update where we can see that the show ring is definitely part of the big picture.  “Currently ST-YLE Holsteins consist of my Parents, Kevin & Julie, and my brother Kyle and I. We have about 100 head of cattle total on the farm consisting of Holsteins, Red & Whites, and Jerseys. We also are currently boarding about 10 show quality animals being Red & White, Jersey, Guernsey, and Holstein.  In 2007 we completed our show barn that features 2 big box stalls to hold a max of 8 milking cows, along with 7 individual pens for heifers, and 2 box stalls for individual cow care when calving or needed for show rations.”

Do You Have That in Red?

Whenever you set goals that include the show ring, there are bound to be opportunities and obstacles.  Stephanie confesses “The biggest challenge to me has been to find sires that combine the pedigrees along with the conformation that are Red & White or RC. Those Red of RC sires are few and far between that have something that I would use to breed to make the next show winner. It has even gotten harder with increase in genomics.

Scenic-Edge Joyful

Scenic-Edge Joyful
Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo Junior Show 2008
Unanimous Junior All-American R&W 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009
Unanimous All-American R&W 2006 & 2008
Reserve All-American R&W 2009
3rd 5-year-old World Dairy Expo R&W 2011

The Beginning of Joyful St-yle

Once again, we hear how “luck” played a part in hard-working, well-planned dairy operations that achieve success.  “I have had a great amount of luck over my past 10 years. I have 2 animals that were the foundation of ST-YLE Holsteins. Scenic-Edge Joyful who I purchased in May 2006 who was JR Champion WDE, then on to be named Supreme Champion as a 2 year old at WDE. Joyful now has 4 daughters on the farm. 3 by Advent, and 1 by Talent-RC. Savage-Leigh Alexee-ET is also another great individual that I owned she was the 2007 All-American Spring Calf.  Both these 2 were foundation animals that have truly left an impact on ST-YLE.

Joyful was purchased after Spring Show 2006. I saw Joyful show in her class that year and I knew I needed her. Seven years later Joyful is still leaving that impression on me. When I saw her was the complete package she had everything I wanted style, balance, and strength. Joyful also has a great pedigree which is a huge selling point in animals to me. They have to be able to back up the looks that they have and show that they are going to be able to make a great cow.

From exporting embryos around the world Joyful now has 1 bull testing to be in stud at KI De Toekomst in Holland. Defender is a Debonair out of Joyful. He also has a full sister in Sweden. Semen will be available in April in the UK. In July 2013 Joyful will also have 1 heifer and 1 bull in Columbia.



Alexee I picked at the Savage Leigh sale in 2007. Alexee caught my eye being the biggest calf in the group combining that with the pedigree she had. I remember the day I bought her my mom said “She’s a 1 month old calf, and you never know how she’s going to turn out.” I knew even though she was very young she had every potential to be my next All American. “

ST-YLE-SA JUMPN 4 JOY-RED-ET Advent X Joyful-Red

Advent X Joyful-Red

Currently Looking Good and In St-yle

We love to hear how people are moving forward and what their focus is.  “Currently we are working with 2 Advent X Joyful- Jumpn 4 Joy (4yrOld), and Itz Joytime (5YrOld). I bred both of these and own Joytime still. In September 2012 a part of Jumpn was sold to Todd Galton. Advent was a choice I made as there was not a huge selection of RW Sires. Advent was popular and fit the need at that time. We also have a Fall Yearling for 2013 (JumpRope) out of a herd bull, and have a Redburst Heifer by Joytime (Itz SpringTime).”

ST-YLE-SA IZ JOYTIME-RED-ET (EX-91) Advent X Joyful-Red

Advent X Joyful-Red

St-yle Savvy Sires

As previously mentioned, Stephanie finds it’s very slim pickings when looking for red and white sires to use.  She explains. “It is especially hard to find ones to use on Advents. We are currently using Redburst on the Advents X Joyful as he is making them a little more dairy, and longer necked. As far as Holstein’s bulls we have been using Gillete Windbrook and Atwood.

Stephanie Aves’ passion for showing dairy cattle demonstrated through her junior project work, has earned her the 2010 Merle Howard Award

Stephanie Aves’ passion for showing dairy cattle earned her the 2010 Merle Howard Award

St-yle Must Have Pedigree – Pick from the Name Brands

This youthful dairy breeder encourages others to follow their dream.  “The biggest piece of advice I have is to make sure when you are purchasing animals to make sure they have the pedigree to back the animal up. I’ve seen a lot of people older and younger make huge investments in animals that have nothing behind them to fall back on. At least animals with a pedigree that can’t be shown you can say there is pedigree and that it holds value for the animal otherwise they are just another heifer.”

St-yle is getting the Word Out: Black and White and Read All Over

Having a market to sell to is especially crucial when you’re breeding show type animals.  “Social Media and Word of mouth is the 2 biggest things we use to market ourselves. We have set up a Facebook page for the farm and use that as our primary marketing tool. We used to have a website, but didn’t find the amount of interest was there from the website that couldn’t be on Facebook. I actually sold more embryos online on Facebook in 1 year then on my website in 2 years. Keeping things fresh and updated is the key. The more you see it the more it sticks in their mind. We have giveaways here and there to give away St-yle gear. People enjoy getting gifts and its free advertising for you.”

The Bullvine Bottom Line: Tomorrow’s Style Forecast

There are times when we fantasize that we would like to have three wishes granted.  Stephanie imagines what her questions would be. “What are the right choices of the dairy industry to make things profitable, and successful for my dairy career? Is it genomics, polled, red and white, Holsteins, or colored breeds? If someone could tell me now what even 3 years in the dairy industry is going to be let alone what 10 years will bring could help set up what I am doing today to make things assist in a successful tomorrow.” We hope she shares if she finds the answers.


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KEIGHTLEY and CORE JERSEYS: Heart of the Family

“All we know for sure is it was in our blood.”  This is the heartfelt reason given by every member of the family at Keightley and Core Jerseys when asked to answer the question, “What motivates you?” The Core’s who live and farm in Salvisa, Kentucky believe this is the healthy force that keeps them going strong. “While dairy farming and the show business can be a rewarding life, it also isn’t easy.  You really have to make sure that you understand the hard work, dedication, and sacrifices involved. At the end of the day, you have to have and understand the passion that is needed.” The Core family has it: Alta Mae and Jeff, son Brady, daughters Brittany and Brooke Powers (married to Chad) and grandchildren Jackson and Embry personify the vision of a close knit farm family.

They’re Putting Down Roots and Raising Records

Having found their passion the family works together to keep their focus on doing better all the time. “We currently farm about 250 acres and milk right around 70 cows with a total herd size of 175.  We are truly a family run operation and employ no outside help.  We are very proud to announce that we have recently achieved 2 milestones in production and classification. After a resent classification our herd of 71 cows has an average of 90 points, this is a first for us as we have average 89 for many years. Second, in the March issue of the Jersey Journal you will find that in the 40-79 lactation herd size we now rank 3rd in the nation for milk at 22,207 lbs of milk, 4th for protein, and 10th for fat, another exciting accomplishment at KCJF!”

Alta Mae Core recalls the 1964 Kentucky Nationals because her dad, A.J. Keightley, sold a champion cow that year, Sleeping Jester Kate.

Valued Family. Family Values.

Families are the building block that provides the foundation for how people develop in life. Alta Mae acknowledges this influence. “My parents definitely helped shape the person I am today.  I was raised on a small registered Jersey farm and was taught at a young age that the hard work is the key to success.  Both of my parents, AJ and Adelene Keightley believed in the Jersey breed and instilled that same passion within me.”

Watch the Best. Ask Questions

This nationally renowned dairy judge and 1999 Klussendorf winner expresses warm praise for other influences too. “I was also fortunate to grow up in the golden age of showing Jerseys.  I had the honor and the privilege to watch and compete against Happy Valley, Vauclause Farm, Heaven Hill, Mayfield Farms, and many others. It was both a thrill and a learning experience to see how the great cowmen associated with these farms ran the operations and managed the show string. I’m sure as a kid I was a little annoying to some of them as well as their staff. I can remember watching and asking questions as they tended their cattle. I was eager to learn the fine points of what they did whether it was making the pack, putting the immaculate edge on the pack, putting up their display ( years ago some of these places wouldn’t have a straw out of place), or even the fine art of fluffing a switch. Norm Nabholz was and is probably the master of the switch. (Read more: Halter, Pen and Gavel. That’s Just the Norm.) But people like “Big John” Bob Finberg, Dick Walraven and many many others were people I watched. Also Lew Porter and Max Gordon were people that I looked up to for their class and professionalism.”

The Family “Treasure” Album

Although there are plenty of cows that still hold a special place in our heart we consider ourselves blessed to have had the opportunity to breed and develop KCJF Regency Treasure.  She is not only one of the few 97 points cows in the breed but is also homebred on both sides of her pedigree by a homebred sire out of a homebred cow family.  Treasure has not only been a five time All American but has also won numerous production awards and at 12 years of age continues to be an impact on our herd. She defines our breeding philosophy of strong cow families and a breeding program that balances type and production.”

KCJF Regency Treasure EX-97 Supreme Champion 2012 KY State Fair

KCJF Regency Treasure EX-97
Supreme Champion 2012 KY State Fair

Family Hall of Fame:  Ritzy

“Treasure is obviously still a large part of our current program and her impact is felt in the pedigrees of numerous other cows we are currently working with.   Most notably KCJF Tracers Ritzy, winner of the 2012 National Jersey Jug Futurity is by a Treasure son.  In addition Ritzy was All American Junior Two Year Old in 2011.  Ritzy’s mother KCJF Centurion Ritz is also a cow that is still in our herd and show string and was All American Senior Two Year Old in 2009.” (Read more: Gary Sauder – The Muse in his Studio)

Puttin on the Ritzy

Puttin on the Ritzy

Family Hall of Fame: Molly

Another cow family of note that is making a current impact on the Keightley-Core herd is KCJF Sambo Molly, 2008 National Jersey Jug Futurity Winner.  They tell us, “While Molly may be gone, she left behind numerous offspring both male and female that are making waves in our herd currently.  We recently had 3 Two Year Olds all score 89 points who are all directly from that family.  In addition, Molly’s son KCJF Molly’s Ren Motion sired 1 All American and 2 Reserve All Americans in 2012.  Another son that has been collected and is now being used in many herds besides our own is KCJF One in a Million.”

KCJF Sambo Molly 2008 National Jersey Jug Futurity Winner

KCJF Sambo Molly
2008 National Jersey Jug Futurity Winner

Keightley-Core Values

At this point it is hard to say how genomics will affect our operation.  It is something we will definitely watch long term to see how it will meld into our breeding philosophy. Probably due to my upbringing and parents influence we have always believed in using bulls out of good strong cow families whether it was our own farm bred bull or from another.  Breeding strategies are as varied as the people who devise them.  Keightley-Core Jerseys has a strategy that works for them. “We definitely use a number of our own homebred bulls such as Million, Motion, Regency and although we did not breed Hollylane Response we did purchase and collect him and still use him in our current program.  We also use a number of other AI sires from both American and Canadian genetics.”

Generation “Next”

At Keightley-Core they are concerned about the steady reduction of family farms nationally, however, they have also seen many positive changes in the Jersey breed and they point specifically to the areas of productivity and efficiency. Jeff and Alta Mae agree wholeheartedly on one other thing. “Raising our children to have an interest in the Jersey breed and our farming operation has definitely been our greatest accomplishment.  All three of our children were educated in the Agriculture field and continue to be involved in the farm.  Now we also have grandchildren and are beginning to see their interest as well.  It is a great feeling of satisfaction to see the future generations taking an interest in the future of our farm and the desire to continue the legacy that was started by both Jeff and my families.”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

It is all about building on heartfelt passion for family – both home and livestock. Everyone at Keightley and Core Jersey Farm knows exactly where their heart is!


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DUSTY SCHIRM: From Show Ring to Sales Ring Building a Franchise

We all look forward to those times in life when all the pieces come together.  That is exactly what is happening for Dusty Schirm who resides in Chebanse Illinois with his wife Nicole and son Wyatt, awaiting the arrival of their second son due in June.  Dusty is the Show Manager at Butlerview Farm where he tells us he feels fortunate to work with some of the top show cattle and most sought after genetics. (Read more: Exciting Times for Butlerview) “I spend the vast majority of my time working with Joe Price and our crew with the show cattle, preparing everything for the upcoming show season.” This life he loves started at home for Dusty.

dusty family

In His Footsteps

Dusty has always had a keen eye for cows and people and gives credit to his father, Larry Schirm. “The biggest influence in my life has always been my dad. He is a man I have respected as long as I can remember.  He has always been sought after to judge the greatest shows in the world and is someone everyone always enjoys.  Mike Heath is someone who has helped me along with every aspect of learning cattle.  When I was first starting out I would spend weeks with him touring around looking at cattle and trying to learn how to see them in the rough just like he does.  He has also been one of the toughest critics on me and never afraid to push me to be better.”

Dusty’s First Top Model

Dusty’s father and Grandpa both contributed to the star maker he would become.  He looks back fondly, “My start in cattle started in Junior Jersey shows.  Both of my grandparents were Jersey breeders and the passion for not only dairy cattle but the show ring started at a young age.  When I was 8 my grandpa Schirm let me pick out a calf to start my own cow family with and to show that year.  I spotted my calf.  She was a broken color Jersey with quite a bit of white on her and I named her Dusty’s MX Butterscotch and she was a March calf.  Little did I know she would go on to be very successful the following year and be named Jr Champion at all the national shows (World Dairy Expo, Harrisburg, Louisville) and that was when I was hooked!”

dusty clippingLearning the Saw-Dusty Trail

Some people have a natural talent for bringing out the best in dairy cattle.  Dusty is modest and prefers to give credit to others.  “I first started fitting around the age of 16 and was very fortunate to have some great teachers.  Starting out with Terry Rawn and Steve Deam.  Once I turned 18 I worked with Delbert Yoder for the first year and learned many valuable tools.  After that I was fortunate to work along with all the great fitters, Paulo, Roger Turner, Mike Heath, Joel Kietzman and Mark Rueth.”  He continues to study these talents.

Roadways, Roses and Runways

For the observer, fitters are the magic makers of the show scene.  We rarely consider what hard work that must be.  Dusty explains, “For me the hardest challenge in being a fitter was the lifestyle I lived.  I would spend 320 plus days a year on the road never having much free time and when I did have some time off I would usually spend that looking for the next great one on the road.  It is a wear and tear business and not for everyone.  There are many highs and lows that also come with being a fitter and a lot of scrutiny win or lose!”  Dusty has learned to make it work.

Learning from the Topliners!

Being at the top of your chosen career is never easy but Dusty has advice to those who would follow the fitters dream, “Starting out is not as tough as one might think. There are many great people in this business that will give anyone a chance.  My advice is when you get an opportunity, take full advantage of the people you are surrounded by.  The reason you are working with those individuals is because they have the formula for success.  Take what they do and apply it to your own goals.”

dusty phoneFrom Heads and Tails to Setting Sales

Looking back Dusty’s career path is a straight line from show string to sales string but thinks it has more serendipity (he encouraged the Bullvine to use big words).  “Last year was my first sale on my own.  It is a funny story how I got pushed into doing one though.  Mike Heath always had a very successful Spring Valley Jersey Sale every other year and last year would have been time for him to do another sale.  When he told me he wasn’t going to do one I thought well, do you think I could do one.  He more or less said yep you are doing one and that was it.  Following in his footsteps was not an easy task because his success with his sales has always been top level.  Mike was great though with helping me through all the steps of having my own sale and with his help and many others we had a very successful sale.”  A little serendipity.  A lot of hard work.

Happy Talk is the Measure of Success

Everybody measures success differently.  For Dusty Schirm he likes to have people talking about him. “Success for me is getting calls from all the consignors that let me know they saw their animal win at a show or they just talked to the buyer of the animal who wants to come to the farm to purchase another one or to see the animal’s cow family.  That for me is how I measure success from a sale when seller and buyer are happy and say, “Thank you!”

Dusty Follows the Stars from Runway to Retail

Over the course of his “hands-on” career, Dusty has been side-by-side with many great cows.  As always, cow-men find it hard to pick out favorites.  “There are so many I have loved to be part of.  From Jerian Sterling Mason, Dupasquier Cousteau Mamie, Friendly-Acres Linjet Murphy, Co-Vista Airliner Sarah, SavageLeigh Linjet Joy, Harvue Roy Frosty to current stars such as Cookview Goldwyn Monique, Silvermaple Damion Camomile  and R-E-W Happy Go Lucky.  I have been so fortunate to be associated with these individuals over my short career.  But I would have to say my favorite all time was JIF Little Minnie.  I bought Little Minnie as a 3yr old many moons ago in an old tie stall barn before she was popular and she has now gone on to be such a marquee cow in the Jersey breed.”

JIF Little Minnie EX-96 4E All-Canadian Mature Cow 2002 & 2004 All-Canadian Champion Cow 2002

JIF Little Minnie EX-96 4E
All-Canadian Mature Cow 2002 & 2004
All-Canadian Champion Cow 2002

Making Change when Shift Happens

For Dusty the biggest change he has witnessed in his career has happened in the marketplace.  “The value of show cattle is increasing to extremely high ends at the top and losing some of the value for the state show and regional type of cattle.  It used to be if you had a real nice cow with a great pedigree that could win or compete at state show levels, she would be worth $7500-$15000.  Though it’s great to see the value on the greatest show cattle in the world at an all time high, it’s sad to see that the markets for smaller homebred herds to market their individuals are losing their value.”  This brings Dusty to face the future with a forecast.

Survival of the Fittest

Not one to mince words, Dusty looks ahead with a clear eye.  “The number one change ahead for my generation is survival.  This means that milking cows will probably not cut it to raise a family so you must find a niche market to provide more income to support your love for dairy cattle.  Also we must learn the art of mating cattle to achieve our personal goals.  Taking the time to study pedigrees that would be the ideal cross on a cow to make the next great one.  It seems more and more we use the “HOT” sire, which is ok for some matings, but we really need to learn about cow families and thinking outside the box.  Some of the best cattle ever have been as a result from someone doing something no one else would have!”

dusty and WyattFortunes, Favorites and Fatherhood!

Dusty says he is fortunate to have been involved in many great accomplishments from fitting cattle that have won at Madison to owning or selling individuals that have been National Winners or All Americans.  However, these are not number one on his achievement list.  He points out, “My proudest moment ever is seeing my little guy for the first time!”  He continues to add special achievements, “My greatest accomplishment so far would be seeing so many individuals go on to be successful from our Jersey Sale this past spring. It is truly one of my proudest moments seeing the Reserve Jr Champion and Honorable Mention Jr Champion heifers from Madison that sold in the Franchise Sale last spring.” (Check out the great work Dusty and the team are doing for The Franchise Kind II Sale)

Wit, Wisdom and a Happy Wife

Dusty loves the new opportunities opening up in his life and has special visions for the future. Jokingly he suggests, “Perhaps I will start up an internet site that tells the truth about the cattle industry… OOPS! … That’s been done .. The Bullvine!”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Then seriously Dusty concludes, “I would like to continue the blessings of time shared with my wonderful wife and family and someday have my own herd of cows that my children could carry on with.” No doubt his boys will enjoy learning hand-in-hand with their dad.  Dusty Schirm is a shining example!



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Dairy Carrie – Diary of a City Kid Gone Country

dairy carrie“I grew up in Madison WI, exactly 2 miles south of the World Dairy Expo grounds.” So begins what could be a simple diary entry.  But there is nothing simple about the writing of Carrie Mess who was raised in the heart of dairy land but not exactly part of it – at least not in the beginning. “Aside from seeing lots of cattle trailers on the Beltline as a kid, I had zero connection to dairy farms.” That all changed when Carrie met Patrick Mess whose family has been in the dairy business for generations. “After we got married I left my job in town and started working on the farm. We knew we wanted farming to be a part of our future but I had no idea if I could hack it on a dairy farm. I literally knew nothing about cows when I started but fell in love fast and found what I believe is the path I was meant to be on.” Those who know Carrie wholeheartedly agree.

Blogging In Vicariously!

Carrie had found her path but there would be some twists and turns. Technology became one helpful signpost along the way.  Carrie explains some of the first steps. “Via twitter I found a group of farmers that called themselves the AgChat Foundation. This group was all about using social media to tell the story of agriculture. I attended the 2nd AgChat Foundation 2.0 Conference and started thinking about creating a blog. At the time I was searching for a strong connection to agriculture. Patrick and I had had changes in our lives and weren’t on the dairy farm. I wanted something that kept me part of the dairy industry. A few weeks later I wrote my first post and the rest is history!” History yes!  But a lot more interesting for her readers!!

“All the Moos About Me!”

Patrick and Carrie are back on the farm now and have formed an LLC (Limited Liability Company) with his parents to purchase their 100 cow dairy. Carrie manages the herd health side of things as well as scheduling a few part time employees. She is a blog writer but her passion makes it so much more as she explains, “My blog is centered around agriculture and mainly dairy. However the title is “The Adventures of Dairy Carrie” and my life does include things outside of cows. Sometimes I will blog about music, food or whatever else I am thinking. It’s my blog so I make the rules! I find that writing about non dairy topics is also a great way to connect with people outside of agriculture.” You might say that anything relating to pen-manship — on the farm or on the keyboard — inspires Carrie.


This Merry Prairie Carrie has Mentors

Actresses have role models and bloggers do too! Once again, Carrie aspires to the unexpected. “When I grow up I want to be a combination of the Pioneer Woman and Mike Rowe*. They are both great at sharing stories in a fun and entertaining way.” However, Carrie’s career path has been mentored well on the serious side too. “When it comes to the cows, my in-laws, Clem and Cathy Mess have taught me the vast majority of what I know about dairy cattle. The care they give their cows is an example for all of us.” (Michael Gregory “MikeRowe is an American media personality best known as the host of the Discovery Channel series Dirty Jobs)

Carrie is Caring, Sharing and Calling YOU!

Carrie’s commitment to agriculture is a rallying cry for all of us. ““I believe that the future of agriculture, the very future of our food supply, rests in my hands and the hands of the people out there on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube sharing their lives.

dairy carrie2

Does She Get Carried Away? Absolutely!!

As the wave of Carrie’s dairy enthusiasm grows, so does the pressure on her schedule.  She admits, “I don’t sleep very much and my smart phone is glued to my hand. Between the farm, my full time position with Udder Comfort, selling semen for Sierra Desert Breeders and, my blog is often neglected. I try to post at least one post a week. A post can take me anywhere from 20 minutes to write to hours. I’ve found that some of my most popular posts are posts that I put up in a hurry. I guess I should take that as a hint and not to over think everything that I write.” Judging from her popularity Carrie probably could rest on her laurels and fall back on, “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it!” That’s not the Carrie way however!!

The Big Barn Theory Hammers Home Carrie’s “Shocking” Message

Carrie has used many means to deliver her message and one of them was especially revealing. “My most popular post, with over 42,000 views was the video I made showing what really happens on a dairy farm. I set it up as a “shocking undercover video” to mimic the animal rights videos that get out. Again, I was blown away by the response I got! The video was shot quickly and put up so I wouldn’t feel guilty about not posting all week. I think it went over so well because people who were expecting to see something bad instead watched, laughed and learned and didn’t even realize it. I find humor is the best approach to the heavy stuff. Makes it all easier to digest.” Whatever her method the results are music to dairy lovers everywhere.

Someday She Will Carrie a Tune

This dynamo has many fields that she would like to cover in the future.  “I would really love to learn to play the guitar. I am a huge music lover and wish I had the talent to make my own music.”  She’s modest but her musical enthusiasm led to a connection that was behind this hardworking ambassador’s promotion of another agricultural event. ““The Departed song “Worth the Fight” is a really great tune; it really gets me revved up and rocking,” It was the inspiration behind her Farming: Worth the Fight! Agvocacy. “The song has been my biggest inspiration. Last fall when I was organizing a Hay Drive to help struggling farmers and ranchers in Oklahoma and Texas, the guys from The Departed helped me out by sharing the Hay Drive info to their fans. I really appreciated their help and thought that this was a great way to say thanks to them, as well as tie my love for agriculture and music into one big post.” When Carrie loves something, you’re going to hear about it.

Diary of Another Fine Mess

Inspired by the family farm and loving her life with husband Patrick Mess, Carrie says he is the one she relies on. “He can make or fix anything and he keeps me sane when life   starts spiraling out of control.” And that is probably why she so firmly believes that there is hope even though as she puts it, “ the future of farming in our country is teetering on the edge of disaster.” and needs all of us to raise our voices. “Misinformation is running wild across the news channels and internet. If the people out here making the decisions about how food in this country is produced don’t speak up and provide the transparency that our customers are demanding, soon our decisions will be made for us.” Hear here!!

The Bullvine Bottom Line – Carry Forward!

With champions like Carrie sharing her Dairy Diary and carrying the Dairy Torch, the future looks brighter indeed. Let’s help her keep carrying on!! It’s good for all of us!



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Luck-E Holsteins: The Harder they work, the Luck-E-r they get!

Brothers Joe and Matt Engel and their parents, Dennis and Beth, have the obvious good fortune to own and operate Luck-E Holsteins of Hampshire, Illinois. The really fortunate part is that their luck is not just in the name but in their achievements too!

Talk About Luck-E

Luck-E Holsteins have bred or developed hundreds of Excellent cows (260+ homebred) including 5 EX-95, set national production records, bred 15+ All-American nominations. That is outstanding and Joe Engel gives further updates. “For years the average score of the dams of all cows in the herd has been EX-91 or EX-92. I think the biggest accomplishment is developing our four main cow families that transmit so consistently every generation our ‘goal cow’.” So obviously it isn’t just an accident.  But where did their Luck begin?  The Engel brothers explain.

Luck-E Goldwyn Aaliyah VG-89-2yr Dam is Luck-E Outside Anxious 3E-93 x 2E-90 x 3E-93 x 2E-94

Luck-E Goldwyn Aaliyah VG-89-2yr
Dam is Luck-E Outside Anxious 3E-93 x 2E-90 x 3E-93 x 2E-94

Luck-E Start

“Our parents grew up on Angus farms. Our dad bought the farm we are at today and started milking 38 grade cows. Our parents married in ’68 and bought their first registered cow. From then on all purchased animals were registered. When getting ready to register the first calf, they realized they needed a prefix. After seeking advice from an established breeder, they were told you want something short, positive and easy to remember. Take the Y off Lucky and put E for Engel and the Luck-E name was born. When the first of us five boys started 4-H so did going to the county fair and district show which led to State Show and then to National shows.”

What Luck-E Holsteins Looks Like

Currently the Engels are milking 150 cows in 38 stall barn with 19 machines; all cows are housed in sand freestalls and feed a one group TMR. Calves are raised in hutches for about 80-85 days and then to loose housing bedded with straw. Bred heifers, milk cows, and dry cows have access to pasture about 8 months a year. The two brothers and their parents all play an active role in the everyday operation of the farm.

 Luck-E Advent Atlanta EX-92 3yr Max Score Atlanta is a full sister to the dam of 200H6450 Adonis-Red.

Luck-E Advent Atlanta EX-92 3yr Max Score
Atlanta is a full sister to the dam of 200H6450 Adonis-Red.

Making Their Own Luck

When it comes to cattle breeding they have a well prepared plan. “We want a truly well balanced cow; wide from her muzzle to her pins with a silky well attached udder and high protein. A cow needs to be able to calve, go right out to the freestalls, be healthy, have the capacity to make a lot of milk from forage and last. Chest width is the building block for all of that.  Proven cow families on both sides of the pedigree are important. We want to develop and work with families that hit every time. It is just as important how good the worst sister is as the best one. It costs just as much to make and feed a bad one as a good one. Duds are too expensive. Protein makes a huge difference on the milk check and marketing.” Obviously they feel that the harder they work on their goals the better the results will be.

Loving All Their Luck-E Stars, Including the Red Ones!

Luck-E Holsteins have had so many great cows they feel it is hard to narrow down the list of favorites says Joe. “I can’t pick one. However Luck-E Blitz Australia and Luck-E Rubens Kaylie” stand out for him. He describes these two “*RC. Australia was built just the way we like with tremendous dairy strength and perfect udder attachments. She was the high index Blitz for a long time when Blitz was hot. She is the cow that started bringing international visitors to the farm. She has our kind of pedigree, production and type. She has had three daughters max out at EX-92 2nd calf. We are very excited about how they are starting to transmit including Asia’s in demand son Luck-E Adonis-Red.”

Luck-E Advent Kandie-Red EX-92-95-MS 2yr Daughter of LUCK-E RUBENS KAYLIE *RC EX-92

Luck-E Advent Kandie-Red EX-92-95-MS 3yr

Then their attention turns to Kaylie and an outline of her strengths. “Kaylie *RC is a Rubens from two generations EX-94. She was the first virgin heifer we ever flushed. She was the kind of heifer you just wanted to breed from. Wide chest, tremendous rump, straight lines, and *RC (like good Triple Threat). We flushed her to the first available semen from a red bull out of a really nice young Durham with a great pedigree. That flush yielded what we believe to be the first milking All-American Advent Luck-E Advent Kite-Red, the first EX-92 Advent Luck-E Advent Kalotta (first to win at a National show milking) and the first EX Advent son Luck-E Advantage. Their full sister is Luck-E Advent Kandie –Red EX-92 MS95 3yr. Kalotta’s daughter Luck-E Talent Kiwi EX-92 (max) is following the families mold with great type protein.”

Building on Luck

The plan is working well for the Engels. “We aim for consistent performance every generation. Luck-E Advent Asia EX-92, Luck-E Advent Atlanta EX-92, Luck-E Advent Kandie-Red EX-92, Luck-E Talent Kiwi EX-92, and Luck-E Goldwyn Aaliyah VG-89 2yr. are all cows built the way we like with maximum scores, and most importantly from proven cow families that seem to always transmit.

Luck-E Advent Asia EX-92 2yr Max Score 1st 2-year-old Futurity, IL Championship Show 2010 Daughter of LUCK-E BLITZ AUSTRALIA VG-87 2YR

Luck-E Advent Asia EX-92 2yr Max Score
1st 2-year-old Futurity, IL Championship Show 2010


Luck-E Matches Strength to Strength

Joe outlines how clearly they build the exact mating for each Luck-E Holstein. “Despite the opportunity to fill index contracts, we flushed Australia (dam of Asia & Atlanta) to Advent because we thought it would make a beautifully balanced cow and *RC is appealing. Kaylie we did to Advent to make Kandie because of the success of her first Advents. We mated Kaylie to Advent originally because of Advent’s cow family and sire stack. Kiwi we made because Talent and Advent makes sense. Talent just needs to be used on strength; a Talent from Kalotta is going to have that. Aaliyah’s dam we did to Goldwyn because of her tremendous frame (98 Dairy Strength) and Goldwyn’s style.”

Luck-E Talent Kiwi-ETS  *RC EX-92 93-MS 3yr Dam LUCK-E ADVENT KALOTTA EX-92

Luck-E Talent Kiwi-ETS *RC EX-92 93-MS 3yr

Spreading the Good Luck

Adonis, Absolute, Acme, Armani, Baltimor, Braxton and Buxton are some of the current service sires at Luck-E. “The Adonis- cow family is our ideal.” Joe affirms his confidence in cow families asking, “Do Altitude or Barbie ever disappoint?” He then goes on, “I would add that the Bolton blood in Buxton is a nice shot of milk where needed. Like Blitz in Guthrie and Windbrook we used previously.” He sums up their marketing goals, “We try to take a well rounded approach to marketing. Nothing is better than word of mouth and the best way to get that is happy customers. That is the most important. We think it’s also important to get out and see people at sales and shows whether it’s here, Canada or across the ocean. We try to spread our advertising around to reach more markets. Of course our website is important and the center of our advertising. Facebook is a nice way to compliment those things.” For the Engels there is one important target, “We aim to stay in touch with people and get updates out fast.”

Learning How to be Lucky

Joe gives credit to those who have contributed to his and Matt’s success. “Our parents taught us how to work, how to live, how to farm.” Others have shared lessons too. “Bill Berghorn (former herdsman of Hartman Farms) was at our first classification and almost every one since. He helped us catch the ‘show bug’ and taught us everyday cow sense. Jim Hipel helped us purchase hundreds of cows from Canada.” He wraps up the list with glowing praise.” Of course there is Barb Royle- Master Breeder of the Bardholm herd we purchased in ’99. Anyone who can breed cows like that can teach you something.”

Luck-E Braxton Maeve VG-89 EX-MS 2yr Sr 2 for 2013!

Luck-E Braxton Maeve VG-89 EX-MS
2yr Sr 2 for 2013!

Genomics On Demand

Everyone is aware of today’s changing marketplace and Matt and Joe Engel pinpoint two particular areas. “Genomics and shifts in the market resulting from them and the tightening in dairy margins that have made an efficient, long lasting cow more important than ever no matter what path you take to breed her.” In typical style they know how to deal with this. “Genomics has not had a large affect on how we manage our herd. The young sires we are using are selected because of their maternal line and sire stack. An example would be when we used Braxton and Baltimor initially. We bought a lot of semen before their genomics came out because we loved Barbie and her daughters.” The more prepared you are the luckier you get.  Matt continues discussing market demand. “Demand does seem to have made a shift from embryos to live animals. And the higher the level of animal the more demand has increased.” They both feel there is future in “polled”.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

The Engels don’t attribute success to any single method.  “There is no question there are more ways than one to breed cows and be successful.” The next step is important too. “Whether you want the highest genomics, elite type or just a herd full of balanced cows, always follow your goal with each bloodline.” say these two brothers. Joe sums their philosophy with feeling and, in doing so, gives away the secret of their exceptional success “The reason we try to breed the kind of cow we do, the way we do, is because that’s what we love doing.”  Luck-E indeed!



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SHAKE, SIZZLE and FRY! – Social Media in Agriculture is Heating Up!

Several years ago, the marketing team I worked with was led by a gentleman who loved to use the quote, “When you’re selling, don’t sell the steak sell the sizzle.” Although celebrity Chef Lynn Crawford was a keynote speaker at Canadian Dairy Xpo, the Dairy Classroom got cooking early with Billy Frey’s on-farm social media presentation. The dynamic Frey is the Senior Vice President of Alltech Ag Network and he really knows how to sell the sizzle. He grabbed attention early with on-line streaming of his presentation and one-liners like, “What happens in Vegas stays on Facebook” which caught and held the attention of the standing room only audience.

Lyons, TVs and Broadcasts – Oh My!

Alltech Ag Network, as envisioned by its founder, Dr. Pearse Lyons, has always been a company built on relationships explains Billy.  “We knew if we could build a relationship, we could learn of someone’s problems.  Once we knew the problem, we could find a solution.  About 2 years ago, we spoke with our friend Jim Host.  Jim is known as the grandfather of sports marketing for the programs he and his company (Host Communications) put together for the NCAA.  In fact, Jim was just inducted into the College Basketball Hall of Fame, not for his play, but for his contributions to the game, principally setting up the NCAA corporate partner program.” This dream team was primed for what was about to happen.

It’s iHigh Time for Ag

Frey outlines the serendipity. “Jim Host had started a new company called  This was an online TV company that broadcast high school sporting events.  The idea was simple:  iHigh put the Production Truck that you see at major sporting events into a computer and let the schools broadcast their own games.  The schools could generate revenue through advertising, which proved quite profitable.  Jim and Dr. Lyons thought “Why not agriculture?”  That was the first step and then “Alltech bought the rights to agriculture and began engaging Ag groups (FFA, rodeo organizations, horse shows, etc) to broadcast their events on iHigh.” This was a key and very logical piece according to Frey, “Agriculture has such a great story to tell, and who better to tell it than the participants themselves?”

A Communication Cover-All for Ag

As with any great idea once the pieces start coming together the momentum builds.  Frey shares this synopsis of events. “Shortly thereafter we entered into discussions with RFD-TV.  Patrick Gottsch, the founder of RFD-TV had been ‘telling ag’s story” for many years and he was looking to move into the online world.  Once he met with Jim Host and Pearse Lyons and learned about the technology, a partnership was formed.  Now, all RFD-TV content can be found online by going to  Patrick and RFD-TV have given a voice to the smaller events that might not be on network television.  Not only do they provide great coverage to their 65 million subscribers, but they also direct them to whereby fans of RFD-TV can watch even more Ag content online.” Social media was on the move and the potential it was facing, meant a lot to Billy Frey.

Frey Gets Plugged In

billy-frey-ipad_jpg-400x286[1]The timing was right for Frey who had graduated from Centre College in 1998 with a degree in International Economics. He outlines his career path, “From there I worked in a bank.  The banking business didn’t enthuse me so I applied for a job with this international animal health company called Alltech.  I had never heard of it, but after interviewing, seeing the marketing philosophy, etc, I realized that this is something that I could get into.  I’ve been with Alltech for 14 years.  When I started we were an $85M company with about 500 people.  Now, we should hit about $800M in annual sales with 3000 employees.”

Computer Traffic Increase on the Information Highway

To date we have more than 300 organizations or groups broadcasting live events online.  Our traffic continues to grow, as people watch signature events like the FFA National Convention, the National HS Rodeo Finals, and more online.  With the world, in particular the world’s youth, watching video online we have seen a 4-fold increase in traffic online.”

Watch! It`s Alive!

Frey confirms that the online Ag content that will be provided by the partnership between Alltech and RFD-TV, utilizing the technology, will continue to grow.  “Last year 12 state FFA conventions were broadcast live online.  This year, we expect 30 state conventions to be broadcast online.  We expect more rodeos, more equestrian competitions, and of course, all the same great RFD-TV content to be available online.  No longer does mom and dad have to wonder what’s going on at the FFA Convention.  They can tune in.  No longer does Grandma and Grandpa have to look at pictures of their grandchild win an award or compete in a rodeo…they can watch it live.”

Technology is Smokin’

As an observer of change Frey joins the rest of us in awe at the rapidly changing social media scene, “The rise and adoption of technology has been first and foremost of the changes I’ve witnessed.  The world is at our fingertips, so that leads to infinite possibilities.  Consumer attitudes have shifted.  Globally we’re taking an interest in what’s in our food and how is it produced.  Look at what’s happening in Europe right now with the horse meat situation.  People want to know what’s in their food and when they’re duped, they revolt.  Along with oxygen and water, it’s one of the three most important things in life.”

Family Matters. They’ve Got Freys with That!

Speaking of important things in life Frey affirms his appreciation for the Alltech philosophy of marketing through education and, he adds, “our goal of helping to feed the world while at the same time educating people as to where their food comes from”.  Frey admits  that his  current role  as Senior Vice President of the Alltech Ag Network is his biggest challenge to date but then, in his branded positive style adds,” Like most great challenges, it’s the most rewarding.” Nevertheless it isn’t Frey’s biggest success story, “Personally, in the past 5 years I’ve met the love of my life, gotten married, and last June, became a father to a beautiful baby girl.  That’s definitely the best thing I’ve ever done.”

It’s Fast. It’s Instant. It’s Ready to Serve.

There’s another old saying, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!” However, everyone knows that’s where the action is. A few minutes of listening to Billy Frey confirms that social media is the kitchen and you become a believer that this company has also found the “secret ingredient”. Frey looks into the future for us. “I see traceability and value added products coming to the forefront.  I want to know who produced this milk I’m drinking and what went into the ice cream or the cheese I’m eating (too much of by the way).  Why can’t I just use my phone, scan the carton and see the farmer?  I’m in agriculture so I trust those who provide me food.  Most people don’t have the good fortune of working in our industry, so they don’t know how milk is made.  When they don’t know, they do two things:  find out for themselves or assume the worst.  Since the internet has given us instant information, people trust whatever comes up first on a Google search.  People want to know where their milk comes from, so let’s tell them.  We have every reason to do it and zero reasons not to.” The recipe for success!


Thanks to our look at marketing through the eyes of “Shake Sizzle and Frey” we have learned that, social media is the means whereby, the farm, the farmer and agriculture are no longer anonymous.  People are eager to get to know and like who is growing their food.  The Bullvine thinks that Alltech is one of the first companies to turn up the heat on Ag sizzle. If you are still waiting for a taste test, you could not only miss the heat, but the entire kitchen altogether.  Go where the action is.  “Social Media in Agriculture is Heating Up!”



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Bryhill International Genetics: 10 BIG Steps to Following Their Dream

The Bryson family of Ormstown, Quebec are following their dream of growing Bryhill International Genetics into a leading dairy breeding operation.

Of course, expanding a farm and growing a family business can be both rewarding and challenging at the same time. Matthew and David Bryson take a moment to look back and consider how far they have come. “The past 6 years have led us to change our breeding philosophy completely, while gearing up for a large commercial dairy environment.” As the Brysons share how they made the necessary changes, Bullvine readers have a perfect opportunity to look at 10 big steps taken by Bryhill International Genetics as they follow their dream.

1. THE FOUNDATION:  Start with the Right Team

The principle of building on the foundation of a great team is the basis of success for sports and business. The team members at Bryhill are Lynn, David, Stacey, Matt, and Sarah. Jason Bryson, a cousin, is also a very important employee involved throughout the farm activities and specifically the nursery where the new calves and high end genetics get their start. A brother, Alan, helps analyze breeding decisions and investments for future genetic orientations. It takes commitment and a shared vision for the future.

David, Lynn and Matthew Bryson at the original homestead

David, Lynn and Matthew Bryson at the original homestead

2. LEADING EDGE IDEA. Make it Work.

David and Matt Bryson describe the motivation behind Bryhill International Genetics. As a founding member of Trans America Genetics, “B.I.G. was used to set focus and aim at identifying, acquiring and merchandising breed leading genetics with a specific focus in mind. The move to a large freestall, the need to adapt to the changing technology (genomics) and the need to be more efficient, means that every decision we have made has led to aggressive moves so as to be better positioned for the future in order to have a business that would move easily into the next generation.” A successful, sustainable family dairy business.

3. FAMILY MATTERS. That’s Where We’re Going.

Every big dream starts with little steps.  There are many variables that impact decisions.  This was definitely the situation facing the Bryson family. “The expansion was prompted by a few different things. First, the business needed to support two families. Second, the previous site had limitations due to highway, rivers and town in close proximity. Third we wanted to offer a working environment that facilitated high volumes using efficient methods therefore allowing quality time with our families and preparing ourselves better for the future.”

4. GROWTH IS A GIVEN.  Build More.

With growing clarity on where they needed to be, Bryhill got down to the actual building. Matt says, “The latest expansion is now complete. There are now two main dairy barns of 105’ x 475’ and a hospital, close-up barn of 75’ x 250’.The milking parlour is a double 16 allowing for more expansion and high flow as well as a calf barn with automatic feeding, just off the milking parlour. We currently milk 300 head and plan to keep growing the herd with the most efficient genetics possible.”

Innaugural feeding in Bryhill's new facility

Inaugural feeding in Bryhill’s new facility

5. A WORLD VIEW: Key in On It

Great product and facilities would be nothing, if it wasn’t meeting the demands of the marketplace.  Dave clarifies the Bryhill philosophy. “We have identified the high GTPI, NM, Polled segments as our key markets. These are to us the markets which shall develop the highest demand for the commercial dairy farm and meet over 95% of world market needs.”

The number one GTPI polled heifer of the breed, Bryhill One Sassy P. Potentially the best heifer ever bred at BIG.

The number one GTPI polled heifer of the breed, Bryhill One Sassy P. Potentially the best heifer ever bred at BIG.


Growing a successful dairy business always boils down to the cows that produce the milk, the genetics, the buyer interest and the bottom line financial success.  The Brysons share which families they have introduced, “The cow families that we are working with are Sizzle P, Planet Lucia, Chart Topper,  Shottle May, Converse Judy, Allen Dragonfly, Brocade, Baxter Carmel, Cosmopolitan,  Adeen, and Dreary.” Here too there is a great deal of thought that has gone into the selections. “These are all cow families that have proven their abilities to make extremes. Breed changers we like to call them.” BIG changers!!

7. GENOMICS. Go for it NOW.  

There is no hesitation at Bryhill International Genetics when it comes to using Genomics. “The top sires we are using are 100% genomic. Leading genomic sires will remain among the top of the breed regardless of rank.” That is important to the Brysons. “This gives us an advantage over the longer run as we shorten generation intervals and increase genetic gain.” Again it is no surprise to hear them say, “We aim to remain among the forerunners.”

8. GENOMICS. The Game Changer.

When you’re developing an international company that is relevant and sustainable you have to evolve with the modern marketplace.  David recognizes the impact of genomics. “Genomics has significantly changed the way we do business. It has made us realize the value of cattle and breeding. While we still enjoy solid conformation, it has created more objectivity in our decisions and, we look more at what that individual will potentially transmit. We take pride in making these top females available and in fact it has also helped our merchandising.  New progeny become recognized on objective, public top lists that are accessible to all. This has led to great contacts and marketing opportunities.”

9. CHANGE IS HERE. Be Part of it 

Matt confirms this viewpoint. “The marketplace will change according to changes in market demand and technology. Consumers will play a huge impact and animal welfare will play a part too.” Dave highlights another game changer. “The polled gene has been a big part of our change as we see this becoming a standard!”

De-Su 199 Chart Topper" In partnership with TAG, Bryhil purchased Chart Toppers 1st Choice Numero Uno daughter for $79,000 at World Classic Sale 2011

De-Su 199 Chart Topper
In partnership with TAG, Bryhill purchased Chart Toppers 1st Choice Numero Uno daughter for $79,000 at World Classic Sale 2011. Chart topper is a Watson x Pine-Tree Missy Oman Miranda VG-86 x Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy EX-92 3E GMD DOM x EX-90 GMD DOM x VG-87

10. GET GOOD ADVICE. Grow With It

Despite their relative youth, the Bryhill team knows the value of good mentors. “ TAG has been an influential entity in our genetic development,” say the Brysons. They admit it is tough to offer advice to others but know that their experience could help others who are interested in expanding their genetic marketing strategies. “Two things come to mind.” say the Bryhill team. “It’s hard to go wrong with high genomics from top cow families.”” Try to identify where the market is going.” “This is not easy but it is doable.”


When you want to know what makes the BIG difference, it really is clear what is working for the Bryson family and Bryhill International Genetics.  They take many small steps consistently and persistently. They are following their dream and obviously are ready to make a mountain out of Bryhill.  That’s the B.I.G. difference.




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CANADIAN BULL PROOFS – You’ve Got to Prove It to Use It!

No one likes paying upfront fees for anything.  After all, what’s the point of paying for something you haven’t received yet?  But there are some situations where paying upfront totally makes sense. Getting genetic information is one of those times.  You give up your money first and it translates into rewards later.

The Pieces are Put Together to Pull Together

Twenty years ago in Canada the dairy industry was faced with a challenge.  Government said it would fund research and development but not genetic evaluation services.  The goal was to shrink the cost and size of government.  The industry said these reports are valuable so we are going to have to get involved and that is what happened.

logo_cdn2_0[2]Canadian Dairy Network (CDN) was established in May 1995.  General Manager, Brian Van Doormaal, has been with CDN since its inception and summarizes the general details. “CDN is governed by a Board of Directors that primarily consists of breeders who are elected as representatives from four categories of member organizations, namely Breed Associations, DHI Agencies, A.I. organizations and Dairy Farmers of Canada.

The Canadian Dairy Network provides five major services:

  • Genetic Evaluation Services
  • Research and Development Projects
  • Industry Standards
  • Maintains the National Dairy Data Base
  • Operates the Data Exchange amongst the industry partners

It`s Fully Integrated and Always Moving

In the simplest terms, all the relevant information is shared by those who contribute.  Examples are:  Breed pedigrees go to CDN; CDN shares them with everyone who is a partner; DHI records go to CDN and are shared with partners.  These and more types of information are available to all users at all times via the Internet.  Everything can be found at the CDN website AT NO CHARGE for lookups.

The Dollar Division

Van Doormaal updates the funding process behind CDN. “All activities of CDN are financed by the industry organizations that are its members and for this reason the CDN Board of Directors has established an equitable service fee structure.” He further breaks out the pay structure. “80% is paid by AI and 20% by breed associations and milk recording provide their information at no charge to CDN.”

FEES: Fearsome Hurdle or Forward Thinking?

When there is a 79% cost increase (effective April 2013), there are going to be questions. Namely, “How did CDN determine the cost of $7500 to prove a bull in Canada?”  Previously the fee was $4200. The same fee has been set on a per bull basis for privately owned genotyped bulls, starting April 2013.  CDN does not have any other fees so this is an all-inclusive rate that gives the bull owners access to various services associated with genetic and genomic evaluations.”

Van Doormaal further clarifies. “With the arrival of genomic evaluations in 2009, operational costs have risen due to increased staffing needs and computer power while the number of young bulls with semen released in Canada each year has almost halved.”  Obviously, the plan is three-fold:  provide more research; more development and, at the same time, cover costs into the future.

Everybody Pays!

Van Doormaal stresses that, “In one way or another, all people and organizations will be paying fees to receive genetic and genomic evaluation services from CDN for bulls. While the mechanism for paying differs for breeders compared to A.I. organizations that are members of CDN, the level of payment is equivalent.  On the female side, no fees are applied on an animal basis since the breed associations contribute to funding CDN activities on behalf of their members.”

Brian Van Doormaal, CDN Speaking at the 2012 China-Canada Dairy Conference

Brian Van Doormaal, CDN
Speaking at the 2012 China-Canada Dairy Conference

What’s Up in Other Countries?

Van Doormaal knows the international scene and explains, “While there are other countries like Canada for which the genetic evaluation services are financed completely by industry stakeholders, as opposed to government, each country inevitably ends up with its own funding formula and mechanism.” He speaks of the American situation.  “In the US, the mechanism proposed for financing its genetic and genomic evaluation services includes some level of fee applied to every male and female for which a genomic evaluation is to be calculated.”

Proving Your Own Bull

When asked about advice for breeders looking to prove their own sires, Van Doormaal urges. “Genotyping young bull calves shortly after birth makes as much sense for breeders as the genotyping of their newborn heifers.  Once the genomic evaluations are available to the breeder, better decisions can be made about the bull’s future.  Owners (AI or breeders) of bulls with outstanding results can then pay the CDN fee to make results official and have the young bull ranked among others available in Canada.”

LPI Formula Changing

Van Doormaal reports “The LPI for Holsteins in Canada currently has a range in values of approximately -3000 to +3000, which is three times bigger than the TPI in the United States and over 50 times bigger than national indexes used in most other countries.

The CDN Board of Directors decided, after consulting all stakeholders, that the LPI scale should be halved.  To achieve this objective while maintaining the current level of LPI values for the highest progeny proven bulls, it was decided to add a “constant” value to the LPI formula in a manner similar to what the United States has done for years with its TPI formula. Conversion from current LPI values to the proposed new scale is simply done by dividing the current LPI in half and then adding the constant of 1700.”

LPI Formula Give and Take

Another adjustment Van Doormaal expects to happen to the LPI formula relates to the specific traits included and the relative emphasis placed on each.  Analysis of various options and discussion will proceed through 2013 with a likely implementation of an updated formula in April 2014. Based on feedback received from a cross-section of breeders, there seems to be a general interest to increase the overall emphasis on longevity, fertility and disease resistance in the formula. Of course, once the emphasis is increased on some traits, there also has to be other traits losing emphasis.

Future CDN Genetic Evaluation Evolution

In December 2012, CDN introduced Body Condition Score as a newly evaluated trait for all breeds, which can be used as an indicator for fertility, disease resistance and longevity.  The release in December 2013 will include the first official genetic evaluations for Mastitis Resistance in all breeds which should be followed by Resistance to Metabolic Disorders in 2014.  Other traits on the planning horizon within the next five years include desirable fatty acids and other components of milk, hoof health and feed efficiency.

Changing Gears for Genomics

Van Doormaal provides updates resulting from the introduction of Genomics. “Prior to 2009, CDN had six different genetic evaluation systems, which were run monthly to evaluate over 60 traits including production, type, longevity, female fertility, calving performance and milking speed/temperament. With the arrival of genomics, a new system was developed and implemented, which estimates Direct Genomic Values (DGVs) for all traits and combines them with traditional evaluations to produce the published genomic evaluations.  This new system is also run monthly and also required the establishment of a national database to process and store all genotypes, which now totals over 310,000 across all breeds. Operationally, these new services that are highly valued by the industry organizations and breeders, have required additional geneticists and new web site development as well as investments in advanced computer equipment and processing power.”

CDN: Providing Global Genetics and Genomics

Looking to the future, Van Doormaal gives an overview. “The era of genomics is still in its embryonic stages.  It is difficult to predict the extent to which it will continue to impact the dairy cattle industry over the next 10 or 20 years.  One thing for certain is that the world of genetics will continue to shrink at an increasing rate since it is so easy to collect DNA from any animal in the world and assess its genomic evaluation on numerous country scales.”

CDN:  Fine-Tuning

CDN will dedicate much time and effort in the coming years to fine-tuning existing traditional genetic evaluation systems and methods for estimating genomic evaluations. Van Doormaal is realistic about the possibilities. “The shift towards a higher market share held by genomic young sires compared to progeny proven sires will likely experience some pendulum swings, eventually reaching stabilized proportions as breeders and industry gain experience in the coming year.”

After 25 years working and educating in the Canadian proving system, Van Doormaal is proud of the achievements. “We are fortunate in Canada to have many geneticists and research scientists who realize that the ‘practice’ of genetic selection and mating is not the same as the ‘science’.  Both sides need to continue to respect and listen to the knowledge and experience of the other. The most progress is made by incorporating the ‘science’ of genetic improvement into a solid, practical breeding program.”


Recognizing the potential of responding to changes in the industry, in technology and from science, CDN is focused on the future on behalf of breeders.




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EUROGENES: You Love It. They List It!

Today Jan de Vries and Arjan van der Vlis keep their cattle connections productive through  Eurogenes the Netherlands based online cattle auction service.  Looking back, it`s easy to pinpoint their early interest in cows. Jan says, “Since I was a little child I have been working on farms. During holidays I always spend time on farms. I always had a special interest for breeding and mating sires.” Arjan too had a cattle connection. “Got my interest in cattle through my father with buying cows, he is a butcher and we searched for the cattle ourselves. Later on I became more interested in dairy cattle and in the breeding of them. Through practical training and family I got my extreme interest in dairy cattle breeding.” No doubt their joint enthusiasm for cattle led them to keep open minds regarding ways to be involved with the business.

Eurogenes - website

Eurogenes Means E(asy) Commerce

In 2000 Alex Arkink, a cow photographer started Eurogenes. Both Jan and Arjan were involved in managing the Eurogenes Sales. After four years Jan ws ready to take the next step with Lammert Hielema. The two of them who own Genetics Consolidated went forward. “In 2004 we purchased all shares from Alex Arkink.” Arjan is the Business Unit manager for Eurogenes. They were excited at the possibilities presented by this young company. “Eurogenes was among the first companies in cattle breeding to really use internet as its main marketing gateway.” Jan confirms their belief in this idea. “We have always felt the simple concept of having members consign embryos, calves and now also bulls to sales is a very strong one.”

Buy, Buy Bovines

Eurogenes is part of Genetics Consolidated B.V. This group of companies also includes Diamond Genetics, Holstein Plaza, AI Total, Holstein Select and more.  In a little over ten years there has been significant growth. “Eurogenes currently has 150 members from across Europe. Once a month there is an embryo sale and 2x per year there is a heifer sale. The next sale is in March.” Everything works smoothly.  They explain. “The Heifer sales work according to the Dutch Auction system, in which an animal starts with a start price and then goes down each day until a buyer decides to take it for that price.” They are pleased with the interest and report that embryos have been exported to 25 different countries.

Holland Masters Sale 2012

Holland Masters Sale 2012
Managed by Eurogenes and had the highest sale average ever in Europe with EUR 15.809

Eurogenes has Sell-A-Bulls … and cows.. and heifers… and embryos

On line cattle sales are proving to be dynamic for Eurogenes. “Current cow families that get a lot of trade done are the Atlee’s, the Roxy’s, the Ralma’s, the Barbie’s, the Altitude’s. Then there are always some specific cow families from a specific country like the Denmire Marie’s from the UK, the Rita’s from Holland, the WEH Janna family from Germany which can get a lot trade done.” The sales inventory has something for everybody.  Arjan gives examples. “Eurogenes stand for offering a wide range of Holstein Genetics, from top genomic females to show type animals to good families that a lot of cow lovers would like to work with in their barns at home.”

magazine-hotspots-covers[1]Eurogenes: E(asy) Commerce

Filling a niche and providing breeders with what they want is only part of Eurogenes success. “Eurogenes has been the first in the industry to start selling heifers on line and still has all the online record in Europe for sale averages. Eurogenes and Holstein Plaza together make the Hotspots magazine. This magazine gives you a perfect insight into what is going on on the main  breeding farms and what cow families are being actively worked with.” Jan and Arjan explain why they are on the leading edge. “Eurogenes is still the first company in the world to host online bull sales with bulls for AI companies. Inventing new things and keep going forward always looking for improvement is probably our biggest accomplishment.”

Don’t stall. Get off the Auction Block.  Just start.

With any new business there are new lessons. Both men feel that they are learning something every day. Having said that, they feel that you have to make the leap and learn some lessons as you go. “Our biggest lesson is probably that you learn by doing. If you have an idea, if you want to do something you have to do it and see if it works and then keep improving.”  There is always more to learn so Eurogenes is always learning and trying new things.  For example, Eurogenes is organizing a big live sale each year. Jan provides this update. “This year the sale will be on the farm of Eurogenes members JK Eder Holsteins on May 25th 2013.” They proudly point out that, “This sale will contain 100% Eurogenes member consignments.”

Genomics is Spreading the Opportunities

One of the biggest learning curves for any 21st Century cattle breeding business is the one presented by Genomics. This new tool is impacting every part of the industry. Everybody has new opportunities.  Jan explains, “Part of our business that is driven to make the bulls for AI companies has changed with genomics, since the world is more transparent. Embryo buyers in other countries than the former main suppliers of AI bulls suddenly have just as much chance to get a high bull that the AI companies want.” This is exciting for everyone. “People who want to are able to bring in embryos or a heifer to improve their herd. They can use genomics as a tool to make a better selection and make better matings.”

Genomics and Technology – 2013

The Eurogenes team points out that April 2013 is going to be interesting with the opening up of genomics. “It is going to be interesting how many things will settle out after this; how is the European Consortium going to respond, what will Interbull’s role be, who is in favour the big multionational AI company or the small flexible AI company.”  At the same time that this is happening, technology will continue to evolve and impact the marketplace. “Then we will see new things coming after Facebook. There will be new and better applications. The technology on pc’s, smart phones and I-pads will keep developing.” Beyond these tools, the trading word is changing as well. “The world wide growing demand for milk will create new Holstein countries.” Far from being overwhelmed these entrepreneurs are excited.”There are always more things that we do not even know about.”

The BULLVINE Bottom Line

The last decade has seen tremendous changes in the selling of cattle internationally.  Not everybody has the ability to manage a website themselves and attract visitors. Jan and Arjan have the expertise. “Eurogenes is doing all the work.  Visitors from around the world will see your top genetics with a great presentation. “ Today the sales logistics whenever you want to buy or sell are as simple as a few clicks on a keyboard.  If you are ready to consider marketing genetics internationally, Jan and Arjan have one final piece of advice, “Eurogenes is open 24/7 to advertise your genetics.” Don’t just love it.  List it!


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Han Hopman: Shooting Straight at Holstein International

Dairy breeding is about putting the right pairings together. It is also the formula for success that has worked more than once for photographer Han Hopman, one of the founders of Holstein International.  He explains the beginning of his dual interests. “With my parents I always went on vacation to a dairy farmer. He always took me with him for milking and feeding the cows. I loved them. Back home in town again I missed them dearly. When I became 10 years old I asked for a camera to take pictures of the cows and glue them into a book. From that time I wanted to be a cow photographer.”  Cameras and cows. Han can’t have one without the other.

Han Hopman has captured some of the great bull shots in history, including this one of Ensenada Taboo Planet

Han Hopman has captured some of the greatest bull shots in history, including this one of Ensenada Taboo Planet

Mission Possible:  Write On!  Great pics!  From Cover to Cover

Han’s passion for cows was later enhanced by collaboration with Jan Bierma. “We were already making articles for several magazines like Holstein World, Holstein Journal, Typex in France, Bianco Nero in Italy and Veeteelt in the Netherlands and a few more. In Holstein World we had the Euroworld section. We published in that section information about bulls and genetics from Europe. When we had to stop that because of political reasons, we decided to start our own international magazine.” In 1994 they founded Holstein International in the Netherlands. Because of their professions Jan Bierma took on the editorial part of the magazine while Han took over the photography. Another great pairing.

Special presentation by Han Hopman (holding camera) and Jan Bierma (left) to Barry Slack and Charlie Will of Select Sires.

Quantum of Success

Hopman and Bierma already shared the bonds of friendship and commitment to Holsteins and it soon became obvious how well their words and pictures would continue the complementary relationship. “We have made Holstein International as it is now. One of the most important and leading Holstein Magazines in the World. The only independent unbiased magazine in the world, which is published in six different languages in over 60 countries. And all the information so up to date!” They have come a long way as Han marvels, “I didn’t foresee this when we started in 1994.”

The Incredible Shrinking World – Cows Unlimited  

During the nineteen years spanned by their publication, Holstein dairy breeding has gone from primarily a country-by-country breeding focus to a global panorama where the Holstein breed is international in every way. “When we started HI, global breeding was just beginning. Every country was on its own. Now days you can use almost every bull you want and use every cow family you like – from anywhere in the world. The breeding world has become one big country. I think this is the biggest change I have seen. It has helped the industry a lot.” Han is happy with these changes and proudly affirms, “I am sure Holstein International did a good job to speed up this process!”

Han Hopman has captured some of the most iconic images in the dairy industry. Including this shot of the great Harvue Roy Frosty.

Genomics Isn’t a ‘Point and Shoot’ Solution

Han urges caution when incorporating new and exciting changes such as the ones coming about with Genomics. He advises. “Genomics is a good tool for a breeder. But only a few parts are known.” It is the unknown that concerns him. “What is the influence of linking genes? We don’t know yet but we act as if we know everything about it.” He has concerns for the future. “We have to take care that we do not destroy our breed by using genomic bulls on daughters of genomic bulls who don’t have a daughter-proof yet. It is a pity if we destroy what breeders like Pete Heffering, Frank Reagan and others like them have built up for us.” The worst case scenario for Han would be, “Mating purely on genomics (because that) has nothing to do with breeding any more. It is multiplying the ‘highest bull with the highest heifer’. A pity.”

Always catching the moment this is a great teamwork shot by Han Hopman.

The “BIG” Picture is Changing Focus

Han anticipates that other changes will also be coming into view. “In the long run I think that small farms cannot survive and that there will be more and bigger farms.” These evolving changes will be impacted by many other things as Han points out “Land will be expensive and also the costs of transporting food will increase.” He foresees major changes ahead for the cows he loves.  “Genetics technology will have a big influence on our Holstein population. Genomics in the future will have more and more reliability. If that is true, then you will see a larger difference between farms who have cows to produce milk and farms who produce the animals for the next generation. So the whole set up of the industry will change when genomics becomes more reliable.”

Han Hopman’s great passion is catching dairy cattle in their natural state.

Shooting Stars – Naturally

From the very beginning Han has enjoyed taking pictures of cows in a natural setting. “I started as a side shot photographer but my passion is to picture them as relaxed as possible. It is nice to make a natural shot of a cow. To picture her in a way that you can see from the picture that she is happy or at least fully herself. If you can catch that moment, it gives me a happy feeling. And it is nice that I have my own magazine, which is a beautiful podium to publish these kinds of pictures.”

Han Hopman always get’s his shot including this one of Eastside Lewisdale Goldwyn Missy & RF Goldwyn Hailey, Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion at Royal Winter Fair 2011.

You Only Love Once – Get It on Film

Han loves his work and has advice for others. “Do what you like and love. You only live once! I loved cows as a child and got homesick when I wasn’t with them. Now I have the best job in the world. I have my own cow magazine and travel a lot around the world to visit the most important herds of the world and see the most beautiful cows.”

Han Hopman pictured To-Mar Blackstar pictured a few weeks before Blackstar died.

Han Hopman pictured To-Mar Blackstar pictured a few weeks before Blackstar died.

Photographic memory: Once More with Feeling

Such enthusiasm and dedication has undoubtedly produced a huge portfolio of images. Han has an evolving list of favorites.  He says, “For a long time it was the picture of Blackstar. I pictured him a few weeks before he died in his box. He was my first important American bull that I pictured. I was so proud that I got the opportunity to do that. Charley Will from Select Sires made it happen for me and I am still thankful for that.” New pictures are always rising up his list. “At the moment it is the picture of Planet. In the picture you can see who he is. And such an important bull at the moment!” Han speaks emotionally of a picture he took last year at Omaha Beach. “Just a cow with a beautiful girl. It was the place where D-day started and you could still feel the atmosphere of the awful things that happened there. So many young people killed. The picture is very serene. And the interaction between the woman and the cow was so special. It looks as if they are alone in the world.  A great moment which I never will forget!”

Omaha Beach

The Bullvine Bottom Line: Aim High

Han has discovered much wisdom from his chosen breed and chosen career. “There are so many small lessons I have learned through the years. The biggest one is that it is better to cooperate with your competitors than to compete with them.” That’s a lesson we can all benefit from. However Han feels his greatest life lessons are owed to his friend. “Jan Bierma, taught me what friendship means and from him I learned the passion to make a magazine.”  As they head into their third successful decade, we thank Han for sharing with the Bullvine.  “All the best as you continue to aim HI.”


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RAELAND LEDUC WILHELMINA: 2012 Canadain Cow of the Year Nominee

The story of RAELAND LEDUC WILHELMINA’s Excellent Adventure began in Ontario where she was bred and owned by Rae and Concetta Stadder of Raeland Holsteins. They enthusiastically believed in improving genetics and made the sire choices that laid the groundwork that would come to fruition for Wilhelmina more than 2000 miles to the west at RockyMountain Holsteins of Alberta.



In true Cinderella story fashion, the family behind Wilhelmina started at the commercial level. Her dam was RAELAND R MARKER WINNIE VG 87 2*, followed by VG85 and a VG85 2*. With each succeeding generation the family got better due to breeding for conformation.  Her entire Sire Stack is at least Superior Type: Leduc x Red Marker x Lincoln x Unique x Ned.

Beautiful Wilhelmina, as a yearling heifer, attracted attention and soon she was off to the west to become a great show cow.

Goldwyn-ing Ways

If Wilhelmina is the Cinderella of this fairy tale, then Goldwyn is Prince Charming. To date there are nine Goldwyn daughters with seven in lactation classifying EX94, VG89, VG88 (2 yr), 2 VG86 (2yr) and 2 GP (2yr).  It’s not too surprising that Wilhelmina would have show ring successes in 2011-2012 seeing that she carries frame and capacity and Goldwyn added the udder and refinement.



Wilhelmina’s Significant Udder

Right from the start Wilhelmina’s type placed her in the top 1% of first lactation cows. By the time she was in her fourth lactation, Wilhelmina was in the top 0.1%!  Here’s how she did it:

1st Lactation  (106 days in milk)       VG85                    Mammary System VG85

2nd Lactation (152 days in milk)       VG89 max            Mammary System EX90

3rd Lactation (19 days in milk)           EX92 max            Mammary System EX90

4th lactation  2E

While type is what has distinguished Wilhelmina, her production ability should not be ignored. She grew into a great production cow as well.  Her two Superior Lactation records stand out.  Her three year old record (305D) was 13,135 kgs with 4.7% Fat and 3.2% Protein.  Then at four years of age she produced (305D) 15,746 kgs with 4.7% Fat and 3.2% Protein.  In four lactations she produced 5,975 pounds of butterfat. Wilhelmina’s production records, especially for butterfat, put her at the top for Red Carriers and cows nominated for “Cow of the Year”.

Wilhelmina Sends the Family to Make History at the Royal 2012 Ball

Years of observation and experience, would lead any judicious cattle fan to conclude that one cow cannot produce a winning Breeder’s Herd all on her own. Especially at a show of the quality of The Royal. At least, that’s what you would have said until November 2012. The RockyMountain Breeder’s herd that was 5th at the Royal Winter Fair 2012 and was nominated for All-Canadian was made up of 3 milking Goldwyn daughters of Wilhelmina.  This was the first time in the history of the Royal and All-Canadian contest that 3 full sisters made up a Breeder’s Herd.

Wilhelmina daughters part of the Rocky Mountain breeders herd at the 2012 RAWF

Wilhelmina’s three Goldwyn daughters RockyMountain breeders herd at the 2012 RAWF

Wilhelmina`s Daughters are True to Type

As a brood cow Wilhelmina really shines.  Her sixteen daughters, none over 6 years of age, score 63% Very Good or better and 50% VG 86 or better. No wonder she is a Five Star Brood Cow. There are 8 more that were born in 2011 and 2012 sired by Fever, Goldwyn, Atwood, Braxton and Dempsey.  Her daughter popularity has seen 24 of her daughters owned in 21 herds.


3RD JR.2-YR ROYAL 2012

Some are already making their presence felt.

  • Rocky Mountain Gold Winter Ex94 was nominated All-Canadian Senior 3 Year Old 2011.
  • Rocky Mountain Gold Wishes VG89 2yr was Intermediate Champion at Quebec Spring Show 2012.
  • Rocky Mountain Goldwyn Winnie VG88 2yr was 3rd Junior 2 Year Old and Best Udder in Class at the 2012 Royal and was nominated for All-Canadian.

Internationally, another Goldwyn daughter of Wilhelmina was Junior Champion at the Northern Expo and Champion Calf at the Lancashire Calf Show in 2012 in the UK.



Happily Ever After

From relative obscurity to international recognition, Wilhelmina has garnered attention as a winning example of a show matriarch.  Her consistent transmitting qualities are the magic wand that will guarantee that Wilhelmina`s influence is felt in breeding programs both near and far. Many look forward to happy-ever-after results from 2012 Canadian Cow of the Year Nominee, Raeland Leduc Wilhelmina EX 92 2E.

Make Your Vote Count

Over the next few days we will be profiling the nominees and encourage you to get your vote in before the deadline.  There are 4 ways of voting— Voting options for Holstein Canada members include mail in ballot; faxing your ballot; emailing your vote to; or voting online through your Holstein Canada account. Also share this on Facebook to make sure your fellow breeders get out and vote.


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GEN-I-BEQ SHOTTLE BARBI: 2012 Canadian Cow of the Year Nominee

Bred and owned by Syndicate Gen-I-Beq, GEN-I-BEQ SHOTTLE BARBI EX-92-CAN 5* takes the spotlight to reveal the complete package of pedigree, performance and type.  She fulfils the pedigree behind her, has excelled in her own right and she has produced progeny that are high achievers as well.


Potential 3rd Generation Canadian Cow of the Year


Barbie’s sire stack, Shottle x Champion x Storm x Grand x Aerostar, is without question one that is highly balanced and pleasing to the most discerning of breeders.  Barbie’s sire, Picston Shottle, is famous for producing daughters that are the balanced Canadian kind of cow.  His credits do not stop there however.  Shottle has produced many highly proven sons in many countries.

On the maternal side, Barbi ensures the continued success of a deep and prolific Gypsy Grand cow family.  Her dam is the solid 4 Star Brood Cow, Gen-I-Beq Champion Bambi Ex 90, whose daughters include 1 EX, 6 VG, 3 GP and 1 G daughter.  Two of her daughters are multiple star Brood Cows.


Full sister to dam of Barbi

Behind Bambi is Barbi’s second dam, 33 Star Baler Twine, 2007 Cow of the Year, 2008 Global Cow and the dam of Goldwyn! (Read more: Durham vs. Goldwyn: A Clash of the Titans and  Braedale Goldwyn: Is he the greatest type sire ever?) Baler Twine also has two other Extra sons!!


Holstein Canada Cow of the Year – 2007
2nd dam of Barbi

Of course, Barbi’s next dam is none other than Gypsy Grand 37*, the foundation of this great family. She has no less than five extra sons

In the four generations immediately behind Barbi, every sire is Extra or Gold Metal and the dams on her female side have earned 112 Stars.  That in itself is amazing!


Barbi has earned 1 Superior Lactation Award, is high in components and in three lactations has produced as follows:

2-00  (305D)    11,602 kgs  4.3%F   3.4%P
4-11  (305D)       12,917 kgs  4.5%F   3.5%P
6-06 (305D)        13,520  kgs  4.7%F  3.4%P
3 lactations  45,283 kgs 4.5%F  3.5%P BCA’s 268-324-292 +9 +55 +36

Her Mammary System is Barbi’s strong point in her conformation.

1st Lactation  (59 days in milk)            VG87                     Mammary System VG88
2nd Lactation (61 days in milk)              VG88                    Mammary System EX91
3rd Lactation (112 days in milk)   EX92                              Mammary System EX95


In addition to the previously mentioned 1 Superior Lactation Award, Barbi has placed well on the gLPI cow listing.  In fact in August 2009 Barbi was #13 with a gLPI of +2832.

Currently daughter Bibi (Man-O-Man) is the #21 gLPI cow excelling in fat, protein, components and conformation (Read more: Man-O-Man Will He Turn Platinum?).  Daughter Bellita (Man-O-Man) is the #51 gLPI cow. But it does not stop there.


Man-O-Man from Barbi
#21 gLPI Cow in Canada

Granddaughters Bermuda (Snowman x Bibi) has a DGV gLPI +3862 and Bindy (Lexor x Bibi) has a DGV gLPI +3152.  The Barbi family is putting up the numbers!

GENERATION NEXT:  Barbi’s Sons and Daughters

Barbi follows in the footsteps of her model forebears/ the model brood cows ahead of her.

She has produced 52 registered offspring: 29 heifers and 23 bulls. Barbi’s embryos have sold around the world and she has daughters in Germany, Italy, USA, France and Argentina.

Her offspring follow Barbi’s pattern excelling in both type and production. Four daughters are classified Very Good, 10 Good Plus and 1 Good. Her daughters’ first lactation performances in Canada include:

Berthe    (Baxter)   VG 87   2-01 (305D)   11,068 kgs     4.3%F    3.3%P

Britany  (Baxter)             VG87    2-01 (305D)   13,548 kgs     4.3%F   3.1%P

Bibi       (Man-O-Man)    VG86    2-03 (305D)   13,705 kgs     4.1%F   3.4%P


Barbi’s Baxter Daughter
Full sister to BRAWLER

Berthe and Britany are full sisters to Brawler and AltaBuzzer. Bibi is the dam of the #1 Fat and Protein heifer in the world.


Barbi has 8 sons in Canadian AI studs. Two are proven and six are awaiting proofs.

Barbi has a son, Brawler, who received his first official proof in August 2012 and immediately was designated as Class Extra coming in at #1 Canadian proven LPI sire at +2368 (Read more: A Closer Look at the August 2012 New Release Sires).


Barbi’s Baxter Son
Former #1 gLPI sire in Canada

He had very good genomic numbers, even though he was sampled before genomics was on the scene.  Brawler has been used as a sire of sons by many AI organizations. Not far behind Brawler, is his full brother AltaBuzzer gLPI +2148.


Investing in Barbi has provided good return on investment. Sales results from the 2012 Genetics By Design Sale show that Barbi daughter Bibi sold for $83,000 and Bibi daughters had great sales:  $124,000 (Oconnors Snowman Bermuda – DGV LPI +3862); $44,000 (choice female by Ladd P from Bibi) and $18,000 (Mapel Wood Epic Believe in ME – DGV LPI +3107). (Read more: Genetics By Design – Crosses the $4,000,000 Mark)


Barbie will have global influence through both her sons and her daughters.  The family produces progeny with high genomic numbers and comes through with high sire proofs, high cow indexes and solid performance in the barn.  Barbi`s family are the kind that every breeder wants to milk!

Make Your Vote Count

Over the next few days we will be profiling the nominees and encourage you to get your vote in before the deadline.  There are 4 ways of voting— Voting options for Holstein Canada members include mail in ballot; faxing your ballot; emailing your vote to; or voting online through your Holstein Canada account. Also share this on Facebook to make sure your fellow breeders get out and vote.


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EASTSIDE LEWISDALE GOLD MISSY: 2012 Canadian Cow of the Year Nominee

Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX 95 bred by the Thompsons and Lewis’s of Eastside and Lewisdale was bought 3 weeks prior to freshening on April 01, 2008 by Morsan Farms Ltd. Ponoka, Alberta from Frizzells Valleyville Farm Inc., Hunter River, PEI. Valleyville had purchased Missy as an embryo (Read more: Morsan Farms – Money Well Spent and Eastside Holsteins- Where Modern Marketing Rises to the Challenge). Missy has had a dominant career in the North American show ring. She and her offspring are moving the Holstein breeding industry forward. In 2009, Missy sold for $1.2 million in the Road to the Royal Sale.



Missy’s Gold Bearing Pedigree

Missy expresses the best that can be derived from her sire stack of Goldwyn x Outside x Progress x Southwind x He-Man. She has dairy strength, production and show ring prowess. Of course, she sparkles with that pure vein of gold derived from Braedale Goldwyn  Extra ’05 and Gold Metal ’12 (USA). Missy also has the example set by her dam Stadacona Outside Abel VG 88 who hits all the right numbers too (Read more: Stadacona Outside Abel: 2011 Canadian Cow of the Year Nominee) .  With 1 Superior Lactation and 29* on 35 milking daughters,  Abel has produced 5 EX and 28 Very Good daughters and was Honorable Mention All-Atlantic Intermediate Yearling in 2001. Missy has 7 VG full sisters. 3 EX Champion sisters and 3 full sisters yet to calve (Read more: You Can Bank on Amaze to Pump Up the Volume).

STADACONA OUTSIDE ABEL VG-88-4YR-CAN      29* 2011 Canadian Cow of the Year Finalist Dam of Missy

2011 Canadian Cow of the Year Finalist
Dam of Missy

Missy Is ALL Gold in the Show Ring Too

It seems like Missy has won everything. The following is the long list of show accomplishments that have made Missy a household name in show circles (Read more: Do All-Canadian Heifers Make All-Canadian Cows?).  Note that there are no less than seven major titles.

  • All-Atlantic 4H Jr Yr – 2007
  • All-Can  Jr 2 yr – 2008
  • All-American Jr 2 yr – 2008
  • All-American Jr 3 yr – 2009
  • All-Can 5 yr – 2011
  • All-American 5 yr – 2011
  • Supreme Champ WDE & Royal  2011

Missy Madison 2011

The plan is for Missy to continue writing her story in the show ring. She is due to calve in April 2013 (at 7-00 years) and hopefully will be back on the fall show circuit this year.

Missy Is Setting the Gold Standards

Only the best will do for Missy.  When it comes to posting conformation scores, during her 1st lactation (152 days in milk) she received VG89 and Mammary System VG 89. Both maximum scores possible! During Missy’s 3rd lactation (82 days in milk) she scored EX 95.

Missy’s production records are also sky high.  Missy has 1 Super3 and 3 Superior Lactation Awards.
2-00  (305D)        10,673 kgs  4.5%F   3.2%P
3-01  (305D)    14,331 kgs  4.4%F   3.2%P
5-00 (305D)      16,208  kgs  4.2%F  3.2%P
3 lactations  48,379 kgs 4.4%F  3.3%P  BCA’s 306-363-310 +58 +114 +62

On the Canadian gLPI Cow List, Missy has been as high as #86 gLPI cow.

Daughters of the Divine Miss “M”

In Missy`s biography the “M” will stand for mother.  A star in her own right, this famous mother has produced 52 fabulous daughters. Imagine the impact they will have as they take their turns in front of the classifier.  One daughter is in Germany and the remaining 51 are in North America: 15 were born in 2012 and 27 were born in 2011. Five daughters are VG 2 year olds (none lower) with four of these sired by Man-O-Man. Obviously the daughters are as eye-catching as their role model mother.

Missy’s oldest daughter, Valleyville Dolman Missy VG89, is just completing her second Superior Lactation. An interesting fact is that four of Missy’s five lactating daughters are currently projected to be making Superior Lactations. Missy’s highest gLPI daughter is a Numero Uno daughter, Morsan Miss Alined.  She has 2425 gTPI and +3061 DGV PA gLPI with +16 for Conformation (Read more: Does Genomics Belong in the Show Ring?).

Some of the more popular mates in producing Missy daughters have been – Damion (9), Hero (7), Numero Uno (6), Man-O-Man (5), Sid (4), Snowman (4) and Shamrock (4).

MORSAN MISS CONGENIALITY VG-86-2YR-CAN Man-O-Man daughter of Missy

Man-O-Man daughter of Missy

Missy daughters are in demand at sales. In 2011 eighteen daughters changed ownership and in 2012, twelve went to new homes. Everyone wants a Missy!!!

Far and Near Missy Sons

Missy’s transmitting power is expected to continue with her sons. To date, her sons haven’t embarked on their proven careers. Seven sons are in AI by Man-O-Man, Showman, Shamrock and Shottle. Her highest PA gLPI son (+2818), sired by Man-O-Man, is in Germany. Her highest DGV PA gCONF son (+15), Morsan MR Snow Business (Snowman) is currently in his sampling period. Obviously, the Missy lineup is rapidly expanding and marked for success.

Missy Leads the Way to a Gold Mine

Missy is a definite hit! Dominant in the North American show ring, Missy has fulfilled her great pedigree, performed at the highest levels and is set to transmit both production and conformation to her progeny. Clearly Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy, 2012 Canadian Cow of the Year Nominee, is ready to go for the gold!

Make Your Vote Count

Over the next few days we will be profiling the nominees and encourage you to get your vote in before the deadline.  There are 4 ways of voting— Voting options for Holstein Canada members include mail in ballot; faxing your ballot; emailing your vote to; or voting online through your Holstein Canada account. Also share this on Facebook to make sure your fellow breeders get out and vote.


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COMESTAR GOLDWYN LILAC: 2012 Canadian Cow of the Year Nominee

“It was a very good year.” can be the opening lyrics for a song or the lyrical description of a remarkable year in the life of Comestar Goldwyn Lilac.  In 2012 Lilac had daughters and granddaughters command high prices at sales.  Her progeny became list toppers during the year.  Owned by Genervations Inc., Mapel Wood Farms and O’Connor Land & Cattle Co., of Jerseyville, Ontario, Lilac was flushed in 2012 to add polled and red to the family.  On all sides she expressed what a complete cow she had become:  pedigree + performance + progeny. As her owners confirmed, “Lilac, from the Lila Z family, was great to work with in developing and marketing elite genetics.”



There are Many High Lights in Lilac’s Pedigree

An amazing year doesn’t happen just out of the blue it has to be supported by a great foundation. The sires behind Lilac read like a who’s who of highly proven, well-respected sires:  Goldwyn x Durham x Formation x Starbuck x Astro Jet.  Now that is a formula for success! And that’s just the sire side. High is more than just a word commonly used with Goldwyn who has high scoring, high producing and high genomic sons and daughters.  He has re-written the book on daughters winning at shows.

Let’s take a look back at Lilac’s dam and you face the dazzling resume of Lylehaven Lila Z  EX-94, 9* (Read more: LYLEHAVEN LILA Z – 2012 Golden Dam Finalist) .  She, herself, has two generations of EX 94 cows with high production preceding her. The Million Dollar Cow was living at Comestar, when she was flushed to Goldwyn to produce several full Goldwyn sisters, including Lilac (Read more: Lylehaven Lila Z : Was She Really Worth $1.15 Million?). They all carry high type, high production and high index. Like Lilac the other daughters have also placed bulls in A.I. and have had global demand for their embryos. Now Lilac carries on the strong transmitting potential she got from this great pedigree.


Dam of Lilac
1ST JR.2-YR ROYAL 2004

The Limelight Loves Lilac

“It never rains but it pours” could be applied to the showers of accolades that fell on Lilac in 2012. Not only was she in the top four for 2012 Cow of the Year but she topped a field of six finalists, Comestar Goldwyn Lilac was named Holstein World’s Favorite Goldwyn Daughter.

Lilac Blooms in the Spotlight

Even though 2012 was a peak year for Lilac, it merely marked the next step on a path filled with a considerable list of achievements. Over two lactations Lilac produced 53,569 kgs at 4.6% Fat and 3.6% protein.  She has garnered two superior lactation awards with records of 2-03  (305D)   14,556 kgs  4.6%F   3.7%P and 4-06  (305D)    19,612 kgs  4.6%F   3.4%P.  In addition in 2008, Lilac was named All-Ontario Senior 2 year old and in her second lactation lit up with a VG89 classification score – the maximum possible. Lilac has been competitive on the index list as well.  She has placed as high as #6 LPI cow but, even more amazing, is that she has placed in the top 16 on the LPI list no less than 9 consecutive times.  That’s blooming great no matter how you look at it.

OCONNORS PLANET LUCIA VG-86-2YR-CAN Daughter of Lilac #1 LPI Cow in Canada

Daughter of Lilac
#1 LPI Cow in Canada

Shining Lilac Reflects on her Neon Offspring

This is one family whose reputation has only been enhanced with the arrival of genomics. Lilac’s high indexing sons and daughters are set to follow in her red-carpet footsteps. Her daughters’ star power stands at 3 stars led by Lucia and Lucy.  She has 17 classified daughters: 13 Very Good and 4 Good Plus. Nothing lower!  Taking a closer look at Planet daughter Lucia, we see she was the #1 LPI Cow in August and December 2012. Lilac’s MOM daughter, Lucy, is her highest DVG LPI daughter. Another special note is that Lilac’s Brewmaster daughter Lauren 3210 DVG LPI has an unheard of +1.15% Fat and 0.40% Protein.

MAPEL WOOD M O M LUCY GP-84-2YR-CAN Lilac's highest DGV daughter by Man-O-Man

Lilac’s highest DGV daughter by Man-O-Man

No doubt this seemingly magical transmitting ability will continue with her sons who are too young yet for official proofs. Having said that Lexor was once the #1 PA gLPI Bull and Latimer (Freddie) has been high on the PA gTPI Bull List. As well as her grandsons Willpower, Liquid Gold, Fuzion and Gizmo also topping the lists (Read more: $750 Dollar Semen! Are You Crazy?)

Lilac Also Transmits the Scent of Money

Lilac’s daughter, Lucia, sold for $410,000 in the Genetics By Design Sale. She and her progeny sold for more than $2.1 Million in that November 2012 sale (Read more:Genetics by Design – Crosses the $4,000,000 Mark).  Lucy had a Sudan daughter sell for over $150,000 in 2012 at the International Intrigue Sale, as well as selling for $77,000 herself in the Genetics by Design Sale. All told, Lilac’s family accounted for approximately 66% of the Genetics By Design Sale’s total! As well, son Lexor had many high selling daughters in the November 2012 sales.

BAXTER LILAC Z VG-88-2YR Baxter Daughter of Lilac in Germany

Baxter Daughter of Lilac in The Netherlands

Lilac’s Growing Legacy

With the tremendous highs of 2012, came the ultimate heartbreak.  In July, Lilac suddenly died. Nevertheless, Lilac and the family around her, are in high demand whether for females or semen from sons. The impact of the Lilac family is spreading through numerous herds in many countries. One such daughter is Baxter Lilac Z VG-88-2yr owned by  Soureth Holsteins in The Netherlands.  Now other breeders will enjoy the sweet smell of success from 2012 Cow of the Year Nominee Comestar Goldwyn Lilac.

Make Your Vote Count

Over the next few days we will be profiling the nominees and encourage you to get your vote in before the deadline.  There are 4 ways of voting— Voting options for Holstein Canada members include mail in ballot; faxing your ballot; emailing your vote to; or voting online through your Holstein Canada account. Also share this on Facebook to make sure your fellow breeders get out and vote.


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Edward Young Morwick – Country Roads to Law Office

Edward Young Morwick

Edward Young Morwick

Edward Young Morwick, author, cattle breeder and lawyer, was born in 1945 on the Holstein dairy farm of his father, Hugh G. Morwick. Impressions from those childhood days have had a tremendous impact on his journey through life. He recalls, “One of my first memories involves my mother carrying me in her arms down the aisle in front of the cows.  She would stop in front of each cow, and I would lean over and pat the cow on the muzzle.” This is a familiar beginning for many country boys but then the picture changes. “My father died when I was six years of age and my mother Jean went back to teaching school.” No doubt there were hard turns ahead, however, Edward’s connection to Holsteins had already been forged.  He clarifies the process. “I bought my first Holstein calf in 1953 when I was seven years of age.  I have owned Holsteins ever since, except for a period in the late 1960’s to mid-1970 when I was attending university and law school.”

It’s Relative To His Case

From a very early age, Edward was interested in the lineage of both cattle and family. The connections were strong ones. “My maternal grandfather was William Young who bred the Ingleneuk Holsteins at Alberton, Ontario.  He had one of the better Holstein farms of the era.  He sold a bull to Lady Eaton named Ingleneuk King Hengerveld.  Lady Eaton sold one of his daughters to Mrs. Edith Dilworth and she became the fifth dam in the maternal line of Osborndale Ivanhoe.”

Morwick’s uncle, James R. Henderson of Strathaven Farm in Kingston, Ontario made significant contributions to cattle breeding as is noted in Edward’s book, “The Chosen Breed.” Edward expands on the list of achievements of this well-respected cattle Judge and Master Breeder. “Uncle Jim bred Strathaven Top Grade, the sire of Glenvue Nettie Jemima (EX-13*).  He also bred Inka Supreme Reflection, who was a Rosafe herd sire.  “Nettie Jemima” was dam of Rosafe Magician and Rosafe Citation R. who set records for siring All-American gets of sire.  Also, Inka Supreme Reflection is behind both Pawnee Farm Arlinda Chief and Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation.” A wonderful resume pointed to with pride. “My Uncle Jim Henderson is one of the few Canadians who bred an animal in Elevation’s pedigree.  Also, he bred the sires of dams back in the tenth to twelfth generations of the pedigree of Braedale Goldwyn.”

And The Law Won

With such solid role models, you know there has to be a story to explain Edward’s choice of law as a career. “I ended up becoming a lawyer as follows:  I entered University of Guelph in 1968.  It was my intention to be a journalist.  My ultimate goal was to be a columnist on either the New York Times or Chicago Tribune.  In my second year at university, it became apparent that I would win the Gold Medal in English Literature.  At that point I received an invitation from Osgoode Hall Law School to enroll there, in spite of the fact that I had not completed my Bachelor of Arts.  When I entered Osgoode Hall in the fall of 1970 I was one of four students out of a beginning class of 306 who did not have a bachelor’s degree.

In my first year at law school, I ended up second in a class of 306.  That fact, plus my entire academic record at law school, led to my being hired by Fasken & Calvin, a Bay Street law firm in Toronto.”

Weighing the Pros and Cons

The story continues. “I chose a career in law in preference to one that would involve teaching English Literature at the high school or college level because I thought the practice of law would be much less restrictive and would give me an opportunity to meet a lot of interesting people.  Also, the practice of law requires a great deal of writing, which satisfied my compulsion to write. However, it was my wish to practise criminal law so I set up my own practise in Hamilton in February of 1975.  I started in Hamilton because it was close to my home at Jerseyville, and also was a “hot-bed” of crime, so I knew I would be busy.” One wonders if Mr. Morwick will pen a legal book at some point in the future.

Mount Victoria 600

Morwick’s book’s The Chosen Breed and  The Holstein History are must reads for those wanting to learn more about just who and how the North American Holstein breed has developed (Digital Painting of Mount Victoria Farms with Hanover Hill Starbuck standing in front)


Penned For Posterity

It took ten years for Edward to write the highly praised book “The Chosen Breed”. He uses very few words when referring to his inspiration. “The reasons I wrote The Chosen Breed and The Holstein History can be summed up in the words recognition, remembrance and gratitude.  Further, I love to write and I love the Holstein breed and the people who support it.” A wonderful opening statement which he expands on in the book itself.  Those who have read his writing go beyond the author’s reticence. Richard Keene, of Keeneland Farms in Gilbertsville, N.Y. exclaims, ““Wow!  What a great history.  Certainly an enjoyable must read for the real student of the breed.” Dallas Burton of Berryton, Kansas supports that motion. “Tremendous job.  Thank you for taking the time and the remarkable effort in accounting these 125 years of our history.” And Richard McNamara of Stratford sums it up saying “I’m surprised you could produce this book in only ten years with all that it takes to get it done.  Really enjoyed the human interest and humour.”

 Misty Springs Shottle Satin VG-86-2YR-CAN  former #1 GLPI Cow of the Breed

Misty Springs Shottle Satin VG-86-2YR-CAN
former #1 GLPI Cow of the Breed

A Jury of His Peers

“In dealing with the greatest sires in history, you need to focus on eras.” says Edward.  Before elaborating, he admits a personal favorite.  “One of my personal favorites is Picston Shottle as he sired my cow, Misty Springs Shottle Satin, who was No. 1 genotype cow when the designation was first introduced in 2009.” Having said that, he gives a brief for consideration. “The student should not ask ‘Who was the greater bull, Johanna Rag Apple Pabst or Hanoverhill Starbuck?’  Starbuck obviously sired offspring who were superior to those of J.R.A.P., but fifty years later.  The proper way to frame the question would be to ask ‘Was Starbuck as great and as influential a sire in his era as J.R.A.P. was in his?’  And the answer would be a resounding ‘No!’”. Lest the Jury be confused, lawyer Morwick presents his arguments. “In the early period, the great sires were Netherland Prince, Billy Boelyn, Mooie and Conqueror.  Come forward three decades to Sir Pietertje Ormsby Mercedes.  And after him came Pontiac Korndyke and Hengerveld DeKol.  In the 1920’s you had Johanna Rag Apple Pabst, one of the great sires of all-time, some say the greatest; and in the same period was Sir Bess Ormsby Fobes, who left remarkable sons.  And then there was Wisconsin Admiral Burke Lad and his descendant, Wis Burke Ideal.  Important bulls in the 1950’s were A.B.C. Reflection Sovereign and Osborndale Ivanhoe.  In the modern era, the most influential bulls were Pawnee Farm Arlinda Chief and Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation.  Carlin-M Ivanhoe Bell also cast a broad influence, as did To-Mar Blackstar, Walkway Chief Mark, S-W-D Valiant and O-Bee Manfred Justice.  In the recent past, among the best bulls were Regancrest Elton Durham, Picston Shottle and Braedale Goldwyn.” The defense rests.

Raising The Bar

Are there actually role models for authors who are also lawyers? Edward says his were available early on. “In high school years I worked on the farm of my neighbor, Richard Schleissner, and also for Agro Brothers, doing the usual farm work and also helping to take out their show herds. The biggest influences on my life were the dairy farmers who lived in the community where I grew up, among whom I could name Douglas Lovering, Joe Loewith and Lloyd Hunter.  I worked for all of them.  They taught me the value of hard work.  None of them would undertake a job unless perfectly prepared to complete it to the very best of his ability.” This set the foundation which was built upon with Edward’s legal career. “In later years, the biggest influence on my life was Angelo Agro of Agro Bros. Ltd., for whom I acted as attorney for a period in excess of 20 years.  He taught me that you could be an honest businessman and still make a lot of money.  He was an extremely hard worker, a brilliant strategist and possibly the best judge of human character I ever knew.  Mr. Agro had the ability to talk for two or three minutes to a man he’d never met before, and he could pretty well tell you, quite accurately, what kind of man he was.” These are also excellent skills for a lawyer as well. It’s no surprise that his mentor also considered Edward to be exceptional.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

It’s Bovine Legal  – Edward Y. Morwick has taken a one-of-a-kind journey from those visits to the barn as a baby.  He credits his mother with teaching him a key lesson, “She taught me very early on that a person can accomplish pretty well anything he sets his mind to, if he tries hard enough.” Edward has done that.  His legacy – book and bovine – will stand beyond a reasonable doubt!

To find out how you can get a copy of Edward’s latest book “The Holstein History” click here.


GARY SAUDER: The Muse in His Studio

Gary Sauder-picHave you seen any beautiful cows lately?  If you know of artist Gary Sauder you can quickly answer, “Yes!” Gary’s detailed paintings make you feel as if you are actually there viewing the animal on the farm or over a fence.  His chosen technique of super-realism reflects the pride he takes in accurate portrayals of the cattle who are his subjects. He goes beyond photographic to artistic and many clients feel that owning his work is very special. Alta Mae Core shares her experience. “We have had the privilege to work with Gary on several occasions.  The first being a pencil drawing of our farm favorite KCJF Regency Treasure.  Since then he has done numerous other paintings of several of our cows both past and present.  I think his extraordinary talent stems from his knowledge and passion for ‘cows’ in general.  When you combine that knowledge and passion with his god given gift, it is easy to see why his work is truly one of a kind.

Gary Sauder-Keightly Core Tryptich

Keightly Core

From Farming to Framing

Gary Sauder grew up showing registered Jersey cows from a small farm in Sonoma Country, California.  During his last 4-H year, he exhibited the Grand Champion Jersey at every show he entered, including the Jr. Grand National at the Cow Palace and the California State Fair.  At the same shows, he was the dairy showmanship champion as well as the Round Robin Master Showmanship Champion.  He earned the Paul Jackson Scholarship that same year.  After college, Gary took a position caring for and exhibiting cattle for then, Meadow Glen Farms of Orland California.  It was about this time that he made the exciting leap into the realm of painting.

Puttin on the Ritzy

Puttin on the Ritzy

A Love for All Things Bovine

Sauder’s work has been juried into many exhibitions.  He is resident artist at the Healdsburg Center for the Arts.  Gary loves capturing the beauty and character of the cows he paints but he has just as much passion and concern for the dairy breeders themselves and for the generations to come. While he finds it difficult to pick a favorite from his work he does rise to the challenge. “If I had to choose one it would be my painting “The Jersey Cow.” He explains his choice. “This painting was the culmination of my Jersey experiences throughout my life and brought into play elements of many of my favorite cows that I had seen and admired from afar, as well as having had the great fortune to work with. Cows like Generators Sweet Dreams, KCJF Regency Treasure, Huronia Centurion Veronica, Lloyn Jude Griffen, Generators Topsy, Generators Imp, and Sunset Canyon MBSB Anthem and cows like that.  After that I like the painting I did of my own cattle entitled “Jersey Fields” and that is for purely sentimental reasons.  The next few are all special and I like the newest one for Brady Core of “Ritzy” and I really like the painting of “Kit Kat” that I did for George Colpetzer.

Capturing the Ideal Bovine on Canvas

Gary is a perfectionist and renowned for his ultra-realistic portrayals that some people think are photos.  “I take that as a compliment” he says and adds, “Even though I am not trying to create a photo, I am trying to show how I see and how I want to communicate to the viewer.” Of course his photos are not done in Photoshop – “I don’t get the Photoshop question” – but he goes on to explain. “I do use Photoshop myself in order to help build compositions and correct colors for reproduction and Internet promotion. It is a valuable tool and I use it as such.”  Gary has produced five “ideal” cows in his artistic repertoire: Jersey; Holstein; Brown Swiss; Milking Shorthorn and Red & White.

Mentors From Both the Barn and the Gallery

Sunset Canyon MBSB Anthem drawing

Sunset Canyon MBSB Anthem drawing

Gary acknowledges that there are quite a few in the art world that have had an effect on him.  “Most of them are from the wildlife/animal art world and they include Carl Brenders, Terry Isaac, Leslie Harrison and the great portrait artist Daniel E. Greene.” On the dairy side, Gary feels that it was his great good fortune to grow up around “some of the giants in the industry.” His list has many familiar names. “Local dairymen such as Henry Lafranchi, George, Tom and Marvin Nunes, Jim Pappas, John McKitrick and Doug Maddox.” He goes on. “These men used to judge our local county fairs and, when there, I got to compete with Cheryl LaFranchi, Hank Van Excel and John Rowe.” He speaks with the enthusiasm of a true dairyman, “ I showed Jerseys and always admired the cattle that were shown against me and the ones that stood out where the cattle with the MG prefix that were bred by Harlan Askeland and of course the Stardust cattle. Our county Fair always put on quite an Open Jersey Show with such renowned breeders as Harlan Askeland, Bob Bignami, Jack Snell, Phil Nyberg and John Giacomini. If you wanted to learn about quality Jerseys, there was no better show to watch.” Gary obviously learned from these leaders as he reports, “Later I had the privilege of working with the Askeland-Bignami herd and got to work with some great cattle like Generators Sweet Dreams, MG Tradition Robyette, Empire Amelia Beacon, and MG Master MC Lou.”  Sauder not only watched the cows he watched the competitors and he shares this interesting side note. “During the last couple of years that I showed as a junior I kept noticing and talking to a very energetic and quite enthusiastic young exhibitor who seemed to know more about Jerseys, breeders and pedigrees than anyone in the barns.  It is no surprise to me that he has grown up to be what I think is the most influential Jersey breeder of our time and I am talking about Eric Silva of Sunset Canyon Jerseys.”

Sunset Canyon Wall of Fame

Sunset Canyon Wall of Fame

Pencil, Police and Pastels 

In looking back, Gary reports that he had been drawing as long as he could remember but says, “I had grown bored with drawing in graphite and hadn’t done it for a long time.” Then one movie changed everything. “I saw a movie about a sketch artist for the police and he was using colored pencils and I decided to find out more about them. I got some books on the medium and I conquered my fear of color and shortly thereafter I graduated to pastel and even water color and oils.” A momentous change and he confirms, “I enjoy them all but I prefer to paint in pastel.”

Gary Sauder-Generationsfor web

Facebook Extends the Artist’s Reach

No matter what career path you’re on, there are going to be changes.  This has been true for Gary Sauder as well.  “The biggest changes for me are two completely different things that came about at different times for me.  The first was my discovery of coloured pencils and the second was the digital camera. The camera helps me not waste as much time and money on photographing my reference material.” But there are other tools that have made changes in Gary’s work. “Right now the two most profound things to affect my business are the new pastel product called Pan Pastel and the surface PastelMat and Facebook.” He is emphatic, “Without Facebook I would not be able to reach as many people as I do now and it really reaches my target audience.”

Passionate about Breeders, Breed Promotion and Paternity

Gary, like many artists, considers every finished painting an accomplishment.  He modestly leaves it up to the viewer to determine if that is a great accomplishment or not. For himself he ranks “becoming a father last year” at the top of the list. This fits very nicely with his commitment to the future of the dairy industry.  “I have donated a painting to the Ayrshire Junior Youth Fund and a really nice painting called “Generations” to the AJCA for their Jersey Youth Academy”.  Gary is definitely putting the positive reaction to his work to a valuable purpose.

Gary Sauder - Something in the Ayr

Something in the Ayr

No Shortcuts

Having admired the honesty of his own mentors, Gary strives to be the same. “I have always believed in the honest cow and having showed and milked many of those kinds of cattle I have always thought that I could portray that quality in a painting.  To that end I prefer to work from “casual” pictures taken by mew or a client and, if you look at my paintings of “Anthem” and “KitKat” you can really see that influence.” I also believe in no shortcuts in creating a painting and by that I mean doing a drawing first to perfect the pose or setting and then using that drawing as the basis for the painting.” As in any high calling, there is no “easy” way says Gary the encouraging mentor. “It’s going to take about a hundred paintings, before you get really good and consistent and develop a style” It is really important to learn to draw, before you learn to paint.” And, above all, “Never give up!”

Gary Sauder - Xanadu Brendan Kit Kat

Xanadu Brendan Kit Kat

Balance, Line and Proportion

Speaking of never giving up, the ultimate goal of every purebred dairy breeder is to bring all the best parts of the dairy cow together in one animal.  Gary Sauder has a parallel artistic vision and Russell Gammon, former General Manager of Jersey Canada and now Jersey Program Manager at Semex Canada, applauds Gary’s work and explains why he personally has expectations of a “Mona Lisa Jersey painting”. “Gary Sauder’s artwork fills a niche in the dairy industry. Given his long term passion for dairy cows and dairy cow conformation (especially that of the Jersey breed) he nails proportions and the small details perfectly. I’ve seen some of the cows he has painted and he captures them perfectly on canvas.”

The Bullvine Bottom Line – “Follow Your Moos”

There is no doubt that Gary Sauder, the muse in his gallery, will always follow his “Moos”.  And, as long as he does so, there will be a growing following in the dairy/art world who will agree with Gammon’s praise of his mastery, “Call Gary Sauder the Renoir, the Picasso, the Da Vinci of the Dairy World!”

To order some of Gary’s fine art work visit Cow Art and More.


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Larcrest Juror Chanel: Perfect Holstein Harmony In the Key of C

One of the fun family parts of raising Holsteins comes with naming them.  Larcrest Holsteins of Minnesota not only does a great job with the names of their herd (most of which start with “C”) but those names have earned worldwide recognition for one cow family based on the descendants of Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93 3E GMD DOM. Jon and Ann Larson and their son Tyler own and operate Larcrest Holsteins and, even without the signature “C” names, they are building an impressive reputation as hard-working, honest Holstein Breeders.  A noteworthy group all around!

Larcrest Juror Chanel 3E-93 GMD DOM

Larcrest Juror Chanel 3E-93 GMD DOM

GOOD TIMING: 8 to the Barn

As the second generation at Larcrest, Jon and Ann continue to build. “We currently milk 120 cows and farm approximately 500 acres.” says Ann. “The dairy was started in 1960 by Jon’s parents, David and Raymona Larson. When they started their family, Raymona used her teacher’s retirement savings to purchase 8 registered Holstein heifers. Most of the registered Holsteins at Larcrest have descended from the original 8 heifers.” A great opening number for the herd.  Positive dynamics have happened on the family side as well. Today Jon`s sister, Linda, and her children, Chase, Bridget and Lydia are an active part of the team.

Larcrest Crimson-ET EX-91 93-MS GMD DOM

Larcrest Crimson-ET EX-91 93-MS GMD DOM
Daughter of Cosmopolitan
Grand daughter of Champagne
Great grand daughter of Chanel
#4 GTPI Female on Locator List (12/12)

LARCREST DREAM:  The Complete Cow

At Larcrest everybody is on the same page, or to continue the musical analogy, they sing the same breeding philosophy tune. They explain their goals. “We very much strive to breed a complete cow. We have always appreciated cows with high type and longevity. Each corrective mating is important to us. Now with more modern tools we are more accurately able to identify each cow’s strengths and weaknesses. Health traits are gaining importance and service sires are screened for them.”  Such harmony in goal setting has meant that Larcrest Holsteins is recognized for “outstanding type, modern health traits and high components.”

Larcrest Chima-ETS VG-88 DOM

Larcrest Chima-ETS VG-88 DOM
Planet x Crimson
#25 GTPI Cow on the Locator List (12/12)

STRONG COW FAMILY:  Hitting the High “C’s”

Much is written, talked about and attempted in the breeding of great cow families.  With Juror Chanel, Ann and Jon got started on the right note and haven`t been off-key since. Chanel, Champagne, Cosmopolitan, Crimson, and Chenoa are making records for Larcrest. Ànn and Jon provide this update, “Our breeding and ET programs are based on the members of the Chanel family. Great Granddaughter Crimson and her daughters are the current focus. We are presently quite excited about 2 of Crimson’s daughter to calve this spring. Cale by Observer is due in March and Cordial by Atwood is due in June. Crimson and her 3 Planet daughters now rank as 4 of the top 26 CTPI cows of the breed. Larcrest Cardigan (2634 GTPI Cale x Numero Uno # 6 GTPI of the breed) and Larcrest Charmed (2590 GTPI Crimson x Numero Uno # 10 GTPI of the breed) as well as Larcrest Crayon (2512 GTPI Crimson x Mogul) show much promise in the calf pens.

LARCREST CALE Observer x Crimson GTPI+2379 +771NM$ PTAT+3.18

Observer x Crimson
GTPI+2379 +771NM$ PTAT+3.18

LARCREST:  A Chorus of Praise — Lucky Notes

Even a brief look at Larcrest leaves a strong impression of the achievements of Jon, Ann and Tyler. Theirs is the unique situation of a high index cow family that has many generations of home breeding.  “A lot of credit for the generations of success can be given to our good friend and mentor, Dr. Marv Johnson who has done our embryo transfer work from the beginning.” Says Jon and he and Ann agree, “Breeding cows and seeing the next generation improve is something that we truly enjoy.”  From the outside it’s hard to imagine such easy harmony but that too is practiced.  “Patience and focus have produced the kind of cattle that we want to work with. We have some luck along the way… Chanel was nearly lost on first calving and Champagne was twin to a bull.” Nevertheless, everything reached a positive resolution. “Fertility and aggressiveness have also helped the cow family to thrive.”

Larcrest Oside Champagne-TW VG-88 EX-MS GMD DOM

Larcrest Oside Champagne-TW VG-88 EX-MS GMD DOM
Dam of Cosmopolitan
2nd dam of Crimson
Daughter of Chanel

Key Changes Come with Genomics

Whether you consider it as the previously mentioned aggressive or put it down to natural cow sense, Jon and Ann have moved with the times. “The use of genomics has changed our breeding program. It has shaped the decisions on which members of the family to concentrate our focus on. It has encouraged the use of more young sires. We still like to use daughter proven bulls when possible, especially on intriguing matings.” They definitely like the finer details of cattle breeding, “On the genetics end the biggest change has been the shortening of the generation interval with genomics. We feel that this has both positives and negatives. The positives would include the rapid increase in genetic potential. The negative would be increased inbreeding and higher risks for holes in the pedigree. We feel that the greatest animals are the proven cattle, both male and female, sired by daughter proven bulls that can still compete with the younger generations genetics-wise.”

Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87 VG-MS DOM

Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87 VG-MS DOM
Daughter of Champagne
Dam of O-Cosmopolitan (the #1 Planet son in the world)

In the Spotlight:  And Now Here’s Cosmopolitan

When it comes to long- running performances, Cosmopolitan, the Shottle granddaughter of Chanel, steals the show.  Her progeny have been sought after by many breeders, many in embryo form, by breeders in North America and Europe.  The spotlight is held by her top son O-Cosmopolitan, the #1 Planet son in the world.  He is being used heavily in Europe.  One of his full sisters is #2 gTPI Planet in Europe. The bright lights continue to shine for Cosmopolitan progeny and the continuous production of embryos since she was flushed to top bulls for Net Merit, TPI and PTAT.

Marketing:  It Takes Perfect Pitch

Marketing elite cattle when you are not the dairy heartland can be very challenging. For Larcrest Holsteins they take advantage of all available tools to get it right. Says Ann, “We use Holstein Plaza, website on Holstein World, Facebook, ads in Hotspots, Cowsmopolitan, Holstein World, Cattle Connection, and Holstein International.” She admits that it takes great work behind the scenes as well. “I think that the best marketing that we can do is through having good people that know the family inside and out. The performance of the cattle plus the representation of this group of people have been key to our success.”

Larcrest Chenoa-ETS VG-87 DOM

Larcrest Chenoa-ETS VG-87 DOM
Planet x Crimson
Dam of Chevrolet GTPI+2490, #1 Freddie son of the breed and #6 GTPI sire worldwide

SOUND ADVICE: Practice Makes Perfect

Such resounding success doesn’t come by accident.  From day one Jon and Ann have stuck to their values. “If we were to give any advice it would be to be honest with yourself about what you have or don’t have. Accurate representation of your cattle both positive and negative in the long run will pay dividends


And so the curtain continues to rise on Larcrest Holsteins with years of great performance and headliners to come. The stage is set for Larcrest’s outstanding home bred high index cow family to remain in the spotlight. As they pay attention right down to the smallest details of name selection, there is little doubt that genetic stars from Larcrest Holsteins will be hitting all the right notes! Encore!  Bravo!!



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HALTER, PEN and GAVEL. That’s Just the Norm.

Norman Nabholz22013ectWhen you look back from the mid-point of a rewarding career, it is sometimes easier to see the tools that made success possible.  In the case of Norman Nabholz of West Union Iowa there are three tools that stand out:  Halter, Pen and Gavel. Norm has used all three of these tools to carve out a unique career spanning the show ring, the written word and as a sale promoter. However, like many of his peers, this 1989 Klussendorf Trophy Winner finds it impossible to talk about himself. He states simply that he “was born into dairying” and is emphatic that “cows have been my life from day one.”

Norman Nabholz of West Union, Iowa owns and operates Nabholz Farm that has owned or sold 16 Grand Champion Jerseys at World Dairy Expo, including two Supreme Champions.  Nabholz has also owned two All-American Grand Champions, two Royal Winter Fair Grand Champions and five Jersey Jug winners.  The farm has earned Premier Breeder and Exhibitor awards at World Dairy Expo and Premier Exhibitor at the NAILE in Louisville. Norm has served as Official Judge three times at World Dairy Expo and three times at the Royal Winter Fair.  He has judged in more than 30 states, four Canadian provinces, Argentina, Australia, Ecuador and Mexico. In 1976, Norm started Nabholz Sales Company and has since managed or co-managed the highest selling Jersey dispersal of all time and several of the highest selling sales in history. Three of the breed’s 10 highest-selling females of all times have been sold through the Field of Dreams sales, managed by Nabholz.

Despite these achievements, Norm deflects praise regarding his breeding philosophies. “As I look at my office wall I don’t see a lot Premier Breeder Banners.  If I did breed a good one it was pure luck.  For that question I would turn to somebody like Darin Meyer or Frank Regan or Jeff and Alta Mae Core.  I find it amusing all the people that talk about breeding cows and breeding philosophies and the ones that do the talking are not the ones that have bred great herds like De Su or Regancrest or Keightley Core”.

Great Mentors, Great Minds and Great Stories

He has definite opinions about those who have influenced him saying, “My parents and then several including Max Gordon, Lew Porter and, in later years, David Younger and Peter Heffering (Read more – Hanover Hill Holsteins: Peter Heffering 1931-2012).  My dad and mom started with nothing and worked harder than anybody I have ever seen.  My dad was as good a cowman as I have ever been around.  Max Gordon was a genius and such a class act.  Lew Porter taught me attention to detail.  I was blessed to have considered Dave Younger and Peter Heffering personal friends and would talk to them on a weekly basis and, toward the end, more often.  I learned so much from them.  Not to offend but “they don’t make ‘em like those anymore”.



Norm’s PEN Pals in the Barn

Norm looks for value in people and has favorites in the barn as well. Frank Regan’s Dellias and Barbies are Norm’s choices for a cow family that has had the greatest impact on the breed. “”I have had the great opportunity to have lived close to them and watched their remarkable progress.  I worked with the first daughters of Durham and Barbie’s dam “Brina” and believe she was one of the all time great show cows EVER.  These two cow families breed so true that they are as close to sure things as there are in this business.  I must say, in the Jerseys, Duncan Belle and Veronica have set the bar very high.”

Taraley Astro Sherry EX-97-2E

Taraley Astro Sherry EX-97-2E

Norm’s strong feelings don’t stop with his own cows although he avoids naming a favorite saying, “This would be like me asking a parent which of their kids is the greatest?  I have a few that are special.  Gil-Bar Unique Bonnie who was supreme champion at Madison, Taraley Astro Sherry (owned her for 2 days but she helped my confidence level a bit.) Quality Ridge Stormi Hazel (what a doll).  Response Wonder, was a Jersey we owned for a month that might have been the greatest show cow I ever saw including the previous mentioned three cows.”

Norm with PEN in Hand

Since Norm’s first visit to the National Dairy Cattle Congress, he has been drawn to such dairy showplaces and returned every year. “I was captivated by it,” Nabholz said. “I remember everything, from the smells to the sights, sounds, and the people.  It’s why I’m in the business that I’m in today”

Millionaires in the Cornfield:  The Glory Days of the National Cairy Cattle Congress

Millionaires in the Cornfield: The Glory Days of the National Dairy Cattle Congress

In time for the 100th anniversary of the fall tradition, Norm penned a book recalling those days and “some of the greatest cows God created.”  He wrote “Millionaires in the Cornfield:  The Glory Days of the National Dairy Cattle Congress.” (To order the book contact Nabholz Farm) Nabholz said he wrote the book because the last great show at the Cattle congress was in 1965, and he wanted to record the stories of the people who were there before that generation passed”. Not only a record keeper, Norm is also an active admirer, “For days I’d just live in the past, remembering,” he said. “The millionaires of the cornfield were my idols, my rock stars.”

With GAVEL in Hand:  From Show Ring to Auction Sale

While admiring those men and women around him, Norm Nabholz quietly established himself as a respected cow man as well.  Today he sells cattle ranging from commercial animals for people who milk to show cattle.  He also shows and judges dairy cattle and reads pedigrees.  A simple resume that covers the facts of his career in the show ring as showman and judge, and in the sale box, as pedigree announcer or auctioneer.  The facts but not the fine points of his attention to detail, eye for type, love for cattle and day-to-day passion for the dairy industry.  Nabholz Sales Company — biannual Field of Dreams Sale which celebrated Sale VI in 2011. Whether he’s reviewing past successes or working with a team to present the best of today, Norm takes great pleasure in working hard and doing a good job at whatever he turns his hand to and then, diverting the praise to everyone else.

Change is Normal.  Love is the Key.

Clone of the Million Dollar Apple! She sold for $30,100

Clone of the Million Dollar Apple! She sold for $30,100

Whether looking back or looking ahead, Norm is well aware that the only sure thing is that change is going to happen.  “So many changes have occurred, some good, and some not.   Technology has done so many great things to help with the care of cows and farming in general but perhaps has not helped create a new generation of cow people.  The last generation spent more time with their cattle and that meant they learned what made them tick.  Knowing a cows weaknesses made it easier to improve on them.” Considering technology somewhat further he makes two predictions and voices a concern. “Robotic milking will become the norm.  Efficiency will be a word used more often than it is now.  Something will have to be done with milk marketing in the U.S. The world will get smaller and smaller when it comes to genetics.” For someone starting out, Norm looks back at his decades in dairying and points out a truth he has learned. “You have to love this business to survive.  It will give you the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.  Being able to handle both will dictate how you survive.”

Norm says, “The cows are second to the people.”

Norm has no problem when facing difficult questions or situations.  When asked, “If you could learn to do anything in an hour, what would it be?” he answers in a flash. “Learn the art of political correctness.”  The dairy business – especially for those with a pen in their hand — can be quite challenging from that point of view. However, in Norm’s case, it goes without saying that he is driven by the best motivations and has been quoted as saying that “If you think the cows are impressive” you’re going to be amazed when you look at the people behind them.  “The cows are second to the people.”  He has a clear idea of the people he enjoys (everybody!) however if he had to narrow it down to few on an island he has a quick plan ready in response. “I have been told that I am not a very good vacation person, so being on an island, without the conveniences I so enjoy, would be tough.  But if I had to be there, it would be fun to have Ray Brubacher, Bill Fetherstone, Bob Morrell and a couple of bottles (maybe more than that).” Like his halter, pen and gavel, Norm knows that it’s important to have the right kit at the right time. He concludes, “We would laugh and wouldn’t the stories be cool?”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

There is no doubt that Norman Nabholz has already left a strong influence on those near and far, who are privileged to have known him. He is a gifted thinker, talented cowman and a sincere ambassador of all  that is great about the characters and cows that are building on the past to move the dairy business forward.  For this dairy man “Exceptional” is the every day “NORM”.  Thank you Norman Nabholz.


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XTRA! XTRA! Don’t Miss the Canadian Dairy Xpo!

CDX LOGO - exhibitor“X” marks the spot for dairy lovers this February.  The inaugural Canadian Dairy XPO is being held at the Stratford Rotary Complex on February 6th and 7th, 2013.  CDX is the realization of a dream conceived by CDX founders, Jordon Underhill and Talo Tamminga, who felt passionately about providing a platform for the Canadian dairy industry, its people and its possibilities.

Lineup of “X”perts!

Day one of the two day event starts with Andrew Dellava, Marketing Manager of Hoard’s Dairyman Magazine.  This knowledgeable Master of Ceremonies will welcome everyone to an “x”citing dairy classroom education program, which includes several internationally recognized experts.  The program is designed to give you tons of content you can use from key people in the dairy industry.  This is where you get to have your questions answered on the following topics:

  • Genetic Advancement HIR trait
    • Brad Sayles, Semex Alliance – Canada
    • Dr. Bonnie Mallard, University of Guelph
  • Technology and Social Media
    • Billy Frey, Alltech Ag Network – USA
  • Nutrition
    • Dr. Charles Swab,  University of New Hampshire –USA
  • Global Dairy Summit Meeting
    • 5 dairymen from USA, UK, Hungary, Poland, Brazil and of course Canada
  • Economics and Animal Welfare
    • Joep Driessen, CowSignals, Netherlands
  • Consumer Connection
    • Lynn Crawford, Celebrity Chef Toronto, Ontario

“X”po Recognizes Female “X”pertise

The full spectrum of agricultural opportunities and leadership will be highlighted over the two-day program.  Three women who are making their mark in diverse areas of the dairy business are recognized by CDX.  Vicky Morrison, of Bally Bright Farms in Bright, Ontario is originally from Northern Ireland and now milks around 100 cows with her husband Mark.  They have recently installed two robots and she is keen to share her experiences and says she is “grateful to have worked with some wonderful people in research, extension and practical agriculture.”  Like Vicky, Kathryn Kyle, General Manager of Jersey Canada, encourages “all women passionate about the industry to step forward and take advantage of the countless opportunities our rapidly progressing industry has to offer.”  Kathryn is looking forward to face-to-face time with breeders who visit the exhibition halls.  Dr. Bonnie Mallard, Professor of Immunogenetics at the University of Guelph is one of those who is enjoying a career that grew from her lifelong connection with farming.  Her career journey has provided the opportunity to focus on learning about genetic regulation of the immune system and its impact on dairy health.  Her talks will highlight how these new genetic tools are ways to improve animal health and well-being as well as food quality and safety.

Excited to Explore

From the complimentary pancake breakfast that will start each morning to the demonstrations, exhibitions, genetics showcase, robotic showcase and extensive seminars, there is something for everybody at this showcase of dairy innovation.  Attendees will get to evaluate the latest tools and technology for growing their dairy business.  They will learn about initiatives and all that is dear to the heart of dairy cattle breeders and industry stakeholders.  Three tradeshow halls and the Britespan Cow Coliseum (itself a massive 65 ft x 300 ft structure) will guarantee that everything is bright, light and right at hand for spectators to discover.

Real Know-How and Real X-amples

Everyone knows that the best part of attending seminars is the one-on-one opportunity to ask questions, get answers and learn from the best in the industry.  The opportunity to get up close and personal with the leading technology will be a definite highlight of CDX.  Three demonstrations will be feature twice daily in the Britespan Cow Coliseum.

  • Real Time Somatic Cell Count Testing Using An iPhone
    Milk GuardianTM using patents pending technology From Dairy Quality Inc. will demonstrate how after a sample is drawn, the device scans the milk, an image is captured and analyzed and displayed on the iPhone seconds later.  The cell activity will then be shown to spectators on a TV screen.
  • Live Colostrum Management/Feeding Demo
    The unique aspect of the ColoQuick system is a hygienic way of handling and storing colostrum without de-naturing it.  The demonstrations will show how pasteurized colostrum can be taken from frozen to feeding in less than 15 minutes and immediately fed to newborn calves.
  • Live Demonstration of Tranfaunation Using the Rumen
    Transfaunation involves the removal of rumen fluid from a healthy herd mate that is then drenched into a sick cow.  In addition to treating sick cows, research at Cornell University also shows the benefit of using this rumen fluid to greatly reduce scours in calves’ first 14 days of life.  Should every producer have a healthy fistulated cow on farm?  Come see for yourself!

As well there will be four simulated milking robot demos LIVE under one roof!

Canadian Dairy Xpo

Buildings are already being constructed.

Event organize enthusiastically proclaim that these robot demos are “first for the world!”  As the technology expands CDX is providing a showcase for dairy producers to see and compare the latest in robotic milking excellence.  They report: “In the last 15 years, milking robotics and on-farm automation have gone from expensive curiosities to redefining the dairy industry.  The growing use of robotics on Canadian dairy farms demonstrates that this technology is not only proven, but that there isn’t just one approach to farming anymore.”

X” tras  Make the Xpo Experience “X”ceptional!

It goes without saying that you will want to see Celebrity Chef Lynn Crawford who will be cooking with 4-H kids and photo opportunities with the TV star will be available.

Genervations will be selling tickets on four high genomic Holstein heifers that will be showcased in the Cow Coliseum as part of their dairy daughter showcase.  Not only an eye-full but also potentially a winning opportunity!  Tickets available to 4-H’ers at the XPO and a draw at the end of the XPO where one lucky youth will get choice of the 4 heifers for their 2013 4-H project…WOW!

Dave Carson Auctions will present an Elite Embryo LIVE auction with 100% of the sale commission proceeds going to 4-H. Support for 4-H and our future dairy industry is a recurring theme throughout the event.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

The Canadian Dairy XPO hopes to inspire both the current generation and the tech-savvy next generation.  Of course, the CDX TEAM has put their hearts into this event and are confident in saying to dairy lovers everywhere “We trust you will find this a rewarding experience!”.

Click here for a $10 off Admission Coupon

BREEDING RI-VAL-RE: Where Looking Good in the Stall Is Just As Important As Looking Good On Paper

Can a great business plan look good on paper and in the lineup too? Twenty-four year old Jerry Jorgensen of Ri-Val-Re Holsteins in Webberville, Michigan gives a resounding “Yes!” He states their breeding goal as follows” We want to breed cows that appeal to the eye as much as they do on paper.”

No Sibling Rivalry Behind the Scenes

Ri-Val-Re Holsteins milks 300 Holsteins twice a day. Jerry and his dad Aaron focus on the dairy operation.  They have 850 head of young stock and farm 8000 acres of soybeans, corn, alfalfa and wheat. Jerry outlines the setup. “The acreage is farmed in partnership with my grandpa, dad and aunt and uncle.” He outlines his own role. “I’m in charge of all breeding decisions, marketing (purchasing and selling) and have been for the past ten years. My sister Julie works full time assisting the vet and, in addition to daily chores, keeps up on all the paperwork associated with the farm.” Beyond the Jorgensen family they also have five other full time employees who milk, feed cattle and haul manure.

Ri-Val-Re Made Headlines

Golden PP adRi-Val-Re recently attracted prominent attention, when they paid $10,000 a dose for five doses of polled semen. That’s a great story in itself but this one was even more unique in that it took place on Facebook (Golden PP Facebook Page). Of course Jerry had a plan.  He wrote “I’ll pay 10K a unit if I can get the first 5 and no one else can buy it for 90 days.” The early negotiations were right out there for everyone to see as Roy MacGregor responded, “That’s a pretty hard offer to ignore!”  The deal was made and everyone eagerly pencilled out the possibilities (Read more – $10,000 a dose polled semen). It looked like Ri-Val-Re was set to turn Golden PP into golden business tactics.

Reaction To Ri-Val-Re Risk Taking

Every new shift in the marketplace, stirs up interest and sometimes controversy.  Such was the case with the $10,000 semen deal.  Jerry reports that reaction was pretty mixed, “I would guess I have received calls, emails and text from 100 different people. Most were wondering if it was true or not.” Securely grounded in his vision for the future, he reports that opinions changed. “After I explained my plan and what I was doing with the semen, most people thought it would work out well for me and that it was a good risk to take.”

Golden PP was not a Shot in the Dark

Those who are less willing to take a leap of faith are won over by Jerry’s analysis of what went into the decision. “I love the Colt P x Goldwyn cross. Also he is the first homozygous bull available that has appealing numbers across the board.” Again that combination of numbers and the eye appeal which he says “I feel okay using him without sacrificing too much. Also with IVF and what you can do with a single unit of semen and knowing that every single calf will be polled there are several advantages economically that way.”

Ready to Risk on Genomics

With this explanation of the Ri-Val-Re game plan, it isn’t surprising to learn that genomics doesn’t inspire timidity either. Jerry confirms that “Genomics has changed our breeding program in the fact that we use all young bulls, where before all we used were daughter proven bulls. We still look for good pedigrees but we definitely are willing to take a lot more risk.” It all boils down to personal confidence, “I’m a big believer in genomics so I feel safe using young sires.”

Ri-Val-Re Grows Thanks to Breeding Program Stars


+2191 GTPI, From Goldwyn Nadine family.
Her first daughter (Alchemy Nikole *RC #1 RC heifer in breed) sold for $150,000

When discussing the stars of their breeding program Jerry notes, “We have three major areas. Firstly, Ri-Val-Re Goldwyn Nadine-Et VG-87 has been on a continuous flush program since she calved as a two year old. She’s the 7th generation VG or EX and has a sire stack of Goldwyn, Oman, Jesther, Terry, Elton and Melvin. She has 6 sons in A.I. the highest indexing one being Ri-Val-Re Nely (a Facebook at Semex) with a DGV LPI +3293. She has several daughters over 2300+ GTPI by Mogul, Observer and Numero Uno. Currently we have over 150 pregnancies on the way from her and her daughters.”

RI-VAL-RE ALC MINI-P-RED-ET 2168 GTPI PO & R&W. Sold for $100,000 in August 2012

2168 GTPI PO & R&W. Sold for $100,000 in August 2012

Ri-Val-Re Adv Win-Go-Red-Et Ex-90 and her daughters are being extensively flushed. Win-Go is the Grand dam of Ri-Val-Re Alc Mini-P-Red who is the #1 GTPI polled, red and white heifer. She is also the Grand dam of Ri-Val-Re Obsrvr Dolo-P *RC one of the highest GTPI PO bulls.

Over 100 pregnancies are on the way from Win-Go and her RC daughters by MacGuiness & Observer (many will be Polled & Red). Several other heifers that are 2300-2400 GTPI are on IVF flush programs from other branches of these families and other purchases.

Currently the sires being used at Ri-Val-Re Holsteins are Shanosber-P *RC, Golden-PP-Red, Predestine, AltaOak, Shan, Cashcoin, Colt-45, Platinum, Morgan, Chevrolet, Willpower and  Liquid Gold.

Full Sales Ahead for Ri-Val-Re Holsteins

Starting in February we will be doing advertising leading up to our summer sale here at the farm. We consign to several sales throughout the year and are having our own sale June 15th. We plan to sell 300-350 genomic tested heifers in 2013 through consignment sales and our own sales in June and November.

Foreseeing An Emphasis on Health with More Polled Animals

A keen observer of the dairy business, despite his relative youth, Jerry reports “The biggest change I’ve seen in the last ten years is the emphasis put on health traits…. Not really sure what will change in the near future, I do believe the breed will be mostly polled by 2020 though once more and more polled animals are bred with comparable genetics to horned animals it will make more sense for breeders to breed polled and once that happens it will be hard to turn back .

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Jerry confirms what we have heard from many breeders. Real success comes when you can put it all together both on paper and in the barn.  “We are heavily invested in genomics but I still want a product I`m happy to have my prefix in front of.” He advises new breeders to “start off slow and buy into cow families with deep pedigrees and known success.” As they continue to have success on paper and in the barn, they are proving that, when it comes to cattle breeding,

Ri-Val-Re is here to stay!


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MILK MARKETING: How “Got Milk?” BECAME “Got Lost”

taylor-swift-got-milk2013ectIt’s just eight days into a New Year and already I’m thinking about the ‘good ol’ days!”.  Remember when the dairy industry was at the top of the agricultural sustainable list, milk was the “perfect food” and milk moustaches were seen on celebrities and sports stars? Hmmm. Where has all the glory gone? In 2013, the dairy industry is fighting to stay alive, the North American diet, including milk, is under attack as obesity from babes to the elderly is out of control and, when all is said and done, milk is a slipping way down on the favorite beverage list!

The land of milk and money is gone. In the cold light of the soul searching brought on by a new year, it seems that this shocking state of affairs has happened suddenly and for no apparent reason.  In actual fact, the signs have been there for more than thirty years and we as an industry let it happen.

MILK OF AMNESIA – We forgot the basics

It took three steps for the milk market to evaporate!

  1. We forgot about the consumer.
    The first commandment of business, “The customer is always right!”  in the dairy industry has become “The cow always comes first!”
  2. We forgot about the product.
    Somewhere production, with the myriad of logistics in between, pulled out in front of the inherent value of our end product – milk.
  3. We forgot delivery.
    Despite the first two failures, we still expected that the product we produced could be delivered in boring, hard-to-open cardboard cartons, heavy jugs or even plastic bags and compete against the “cool” the “sexy” and the “handy” beverages provided by competitors – who wanted — and stole — our market share!

MISSING THE TARGET:  Where’s The Consumer? Where’s the market?

Consumer demand is the key to market sustainability. There’s no use producing a product if there is nobody to buy it. The truth is demand for milk has been in a free fall for the last three decades.  North American milk consumption has dropped a startling 36% since the 1970s. The continuing economic downturn has refocused consumers on value.  They not only are choosing private label products and discount store venues, they are seeking low calorie, reduced sugar and functional value in the beverages they consume. Milk – even though billions of pounds are being produced is losing out to fortified, organic, sports drinks and a myriad of better-for-you products. We are paying the piper for focusing on just one highly commoditized product, ignoring market trends, and trying valiantly to sell what we make rather than what people want.  If we don’t give consumers what they want, someone else will.

LOOK BEYOND THE PAIL: Think outside the box stall.

For decades industry strategy has been to make dairy operations more efficient.  It has succeeded: From 1970 to 2006, the number of cows declined 25%, output per cow more than doubled. But while the dairy industry focused on squeezing more milk out of fewer cows, they largely ignored the fact that demand was getting squeezed as well. That’s the nature of business. Where’s the competitive spirit that drives all the other parts of the dairy industry?  Even the perfect sire or model cow, needs to be marketed.  Our over-riding concern to “protect” ourselves from each other, the economy and even mother-nature, has made us put on blinders to the dangers of not being relevant to the marketplace.  Breeder beware! We could protect our industry right to zero!!


Three steps got us into this mess.  Let’s start with four to get us out.

  1. Pay Attention:
    With per-capita North American milk consumption down 36% between 1970 and 2011, it isn’t whether or not there is a problem. The fact is the dairy industry is in trouble.
  2. Make it Functional:
    You’ve got to get the drink – in our case milk – into consumers’ hands. This is no time for doing things the way they’ve always been done.  Look at Nestle.  They wanted their milk drink containing probiotic for children to have a shelf life of one year.  Realising that it is impossible to keep the probiotic alive at room temperature for more than a few days.  The solution was a shelf-stable nutritional drink with the probiotic in the straw, instead of in the drink.  Inside the patented straw of boost Kid Essentials is the probiotic lactobacillus reuteri ‘protectus’, released by the liquid when the consumer drinks through the straw! Now that’s functional!  On-the-go consumption is increasing. Milk packaging needs to conform to this trend.  Consumers are increasingly looking for a range of package sizes to suit different beverage types and thirst levels, as well as functional and aesthetically-pleasing packaging. Not my area, you say as a dairy farmer?  Whose is it?  Who cares?
  3. Make it Healthy:
    Whether it’s the health benefits you get from drinking milk or the environmental benefits of how it is packaged – the consumer cares about both! Parents are increasingly concerned about the nutrition and sugar content of the products consumed by their children.  This can work for us (with soft drink competition) or against us (sugar added milk products).  Again packaging enters the discussion. Studies in 2011 showed there is a substantial proportion of European consumers that would be prepared to pay extra for glass containers, especially for milk, yoghurts, juices and wine. “it may well be that consumers are willing to pay more as good packaging protects the health benefits and taste of the product for longer”. The health and wellness trend is not going away.  We have a healthy product but it won`t sell itself if we continue our milk-sells-itself mind set!
  4. New Products. New Location.
    We`ve got to ask ourselves what does the market want and then find innovative ways to provide it. Perhaps even before we answer those questions we have to zero in on “where” the market will be.  In a global marketplace, we need to consider the enormous potential of focusing on the end user – perhaps in another country!

LIVE OR DIE MILK BATTLE: Consumption is the Key

We can no longer rest on our milk stools. We have to compete for the marketplace with all the old beverages … and countless innovative new ones. That may seem to be a daunting task but it can no longer be ignored.  Again.  The world is waiting.  Look at the graphic below.  While our own markets are mature in the milk marketplace, there are HUGE opportunities for dairy in the global scene. 

Consider this: One glass of milk per day per child in China could surpass the milk consumption of the entire North American market. It’s a new frontier to be won!


We can’t continue to let narrow focus override finding the consumer and serving them the milk products they want. Laying blame won’t stem the downward trend of the dairy industry.  Remember when land-line phones had a monopoly on communication? Think about large phone companies (another almost monopolistic industry, especially in Canada). Where would they be today, if they had continued to whine about the intruders into the marketplace?  The faster we learn from their example, the sooner we’ll prove that the North American dairy industry isn’t ready to kick the milk bucket yet!

Editors’ Choice – The Top 12 of 2012

With 10 months in at The Bullvine and a New Year just beginning,  this is a timely opportunity to revisit our Top 12 Favorite Stories of 2012 and tell you why we loved them so much.

These aren’t necessarily the highest-traffic stories (The Top 10 of 2012 – The most read articles of the year) although in some cases they did attract a lot of attention.  More importantly, they are the stories that best represent what we try to deliver to our Bullvine readers every day:  real stories, features, and analysis about the people, cows, issues and trends that are shaping the dairy industry in North America and around the world.

These are the ones that kept us up at night and got us out of bed in the morning!  We know that when we are engaged, you will be too! Read on for our favorites of 2012!

12. Early to Bed Early to Rise Work Like Mad and Advertise

“These days, dairy producers need to have as much confidence in handling their advertising as they do when handling their high-producing cows.” We like this article for its relevance to modern dairy producers. Just as important as what you feed your dairy cattle, what you feed your customers in terms of information can make or break your bottom line. Social media has overtaken our industry. (Read more – How Social Media is Changing the Holstein World).  What tech gadget did YOU get or give for Christmas? Unlike other advertising trends these ones are here to stay and growing more and more relevant to marketing success.


11. Which Is Your Most Profitable Cow

“Every farmer and every farm has their own individual situation. One type of cow is not the most profitable for everyone. But it is important that every cattle breeder takes the time to decide which, for them personally, is the most profitable cow. And then it’s equally important that they take the next step and breed for that type of cow. Your reality is the source for your profit.”  This is a message that The Bullvine feels is both informative and timely.  With a changing industry, global economics and advancements in genetics and technology finding the profitable cow is crucial to every producer.


10. Don Schwartz: Love What You Do and Do the Best You Can

“This was our favorite story to put together this year”.  That is saying a lot when you consider that The Bullvine provided the opportunity to interview Cristy Nurse (Read more – Cristy Nurse: From Show Ring Beauty to World Class Rower and  Cristy Nurse: Standing Tall) and Bonnie Mohr (Read more – Bonnie Mohr: Science and Art Together Creates a Holstein Love Story) – who are both amazing role models for the industry.  In the case of Don Schwartz it was the unassuming way in which he has dedicated himself to the cows he works with that stood out for us.  His passion shows in the cattle he guides from birth to the show ring — and home again. The 2012 Curtis Clark Award Winner is a fine example, like Cristy and Bonnie, of how far you can go by loving what you do and doing your best every day!


9. The Bullvine – The Party is Over

From the outset The Bullvine has stated our belief that open discussion is the best way for the industry to grow, develop and move forward.” This article reiterates that. One supporter wrote, “If only there were more people in our industries who adopted the same attitude. Don’t shy away from it, reveal it, raise it, discuss it and come out the other side better informed, more empowered, more engaged, and much stronger!”  Will do!


8. Holstein vs. Jersey: Which Breed is More Profitable?

There are many questions that are relevant to today’s dairy industry and this article is one example that we have taken a look at. Profitability is the driving force of a sustainable industry and weaves its way through many of our articles on investing in genomics, robotics and management articles that consider the money-makers and money-wasters in today’s dairy business. Of course, it’s always relevant to keep our minds and eyes open to more than “black and white”.


7. Gone But Not Forgotten.

Seventh place on my top 12 list is occupied by cows who have left a legacy for the dairy industry despite passing on much too soon for those who raised and loved them.  Rainyridge Talent Barbara (Read more: LASTING LEGACY:  A Tribute to Rainyridge Talent Barbara) and Sweet Pepper Black Francesca (Read more:  The Magic of Francesca) are two stories that are the cornerstone for why breeders dedicate their lives to dairy cattle breeding.


6. Talk About Money!

The Bullvine takes seriously its role in providing information to breeders to help them make informed decisions. We enjoy the research and analysis that provides a basis for articles that are relevant and useful. Our investment articles are consistently among the most popular and, for us, bring this article in at number 6 (Read more: Top 6 ways to invest $50000 in Dairy Cattle Genetics).


5. Answering the Tough Questions.

Every day we are faced with new ideas, financial challenges and, on occasion, the impact of Mother Nature on our day to day dairying success.  It isn`t the Bullvine`s style to fly below the radar or to deny the obvious.  Whether it`s providing a needed wakeup call  or asking a tough questions about Genomics, the Show Ring, hot house or high priced cattle or Industry leadership, we bring the issues to the table for discussion and debate.  One of our favorites earns 5th place – (Read more: $750 Semen Are You Crazy?”)  because it took a different angle on this new approach to dairy cattle semen selling.


4. The Perfect Holstein Cow.

If frequency of discussion was the only measure, this article on envisioning the perfect Holstein cow would be out in front by a country mile.  It is a topic that we never tire of at The Bullvine.  With experience in classification, true-type model designing and day-by-day cattle management, it is the “impossible dream” that eludes our grasp.  That doesn’t mean that we won’t try every scientific, photographic or genetic tool to bring it within our impassioned reach! And we WILL talk and write about it!!


3. The Story Behind the Story.

There are many obvious stories to write about: the winner at the cattle show; the top seller at the Auction; the list of industry Award Winners and so on. However, for the Bullvine, the real excitement comes from learning what goes on “behind barn doors” as we say!  By far one of our favorite articles was the one from this year’s Royal describing the touching events for the Eby family in “The 2012 Royal Winter Fairy Holstein Show – One of the Greatest Stories Ever Told”.  While it rises to the top, we are constantly impressed by the dedication, commitment and expertise of the dairy breeders we meet. Quality Holsteins (Read more: Quality Holsteins – Well Deserved Congratulations) and (Read more: Top 10 most Influential Holstein Breeders of All-Time) are great examples. It is the personal stories they shared with us that make our work a pleasure every day.


2. If it Matters, It Produces Controversy.

We continually ask ourselves, “What really matters to the dairy breeders who read the Bullvine?”  Sometimes the answers take us into areas that may be deemed politically incorrect or even none of our business. Great! Obviously, we receive (and accept) criticism especially when it leads to open and transparent discussion of these issues. When we look at industry leaders, we definitely raise hackles (Read more: Semex – The Rise and Fall of a Semen Empire). Our readers give us feedback: “I for one enjoy the service you provide. While I do not always agree with you, you always make me think” “Unfortunately truth is not always popular and frequently contradicts the institutional consensus.” and, most encouraging, “Your articles and subject are great.  I’m so damned tired of hearing the same old thing from others.” “I read The Bullvine first thing every morning and think about it, while I do chores!” Perfect!


This brings us to #1 on our Editors’ Choice list of favourites.


#1 Now That’s Timely.

Anyone involved in journalism will tell you that the Holy Grail of article writing is timeliness. At the Bullvine we strive to provide news in a way that is relevant to where you are RIGHT NOW!  Sometimes we burn the midnight oil.  Quite often we see the sun rise while we click away on our computers. It is all worth it when it works for YOU!

For these reasons our favorite article of 2012 was (Read more: Who’s Next? World Dairy Expo: Holstein Show Preview).  This choice may surprise many.  While, to some it was controversial, it comes in at number one because it met our top three criteria of timeliness, usefulness and relevance.

As we seated ourselves early on the morning of the Holstein Show at World Dairy Expo, I received a tap on my shoulder. The couple in the seats behind us had noticed our Bullvine logo on our jackets. As we introduced ourselves the gentleman pulled a paper out of his pocket. It was the article previewing World Dairy Expo.  He had printed it off and brought it with him. He updated us throughout the show on our insights.   We were right on and he followed up with comments, when he returned home. This interaction and dialogue happens often whether its auction sales, cattle shows or predictions of rising stars in genomics or the next proof run!

Input from our readers will always be #1 with The Bullvine.



At the end of the day — or at the beginning – we love what we do.  Your passion and enthusiasm for dairy breeding inspires everyone The Bullvine.  We are grateful to Len Vis, the breeder-friend who didn’t hesitate to be the first breeder to interview with us (Read more: “Mapel Wood Farms – Invest in the Best! Forget the Rest!) and are thrilled at the growing network of breeders, experts and enthusiasts who share with us regularly. We will continue to look for our best story ever!  It’s coming soon and will definitely be shared on The Bullvine.

The Magic of Francesca

Today The Bullvine joins with Beverly Donovan and Richard Caverly of Benton Maine during a sad moment in the breeding journey of Deer Hill Ayrshires, as they mourn the passing of Sweet-Pepper Black Francesca 3E-94. Francesca, wasn’t just a cow who had great show ring accomplishments, she was a cow who won the hearts and minds of breeders the world over. She was one of those rare cows that transcended her breed to be loved by all. Beverly and Richard took amazing care of “Frannie” and gained a close friend in return.

Sweet-Pepper Black Francesca - Classified EX-94-3E (USA)

Sweet-Pepper Black Francesca – EX-94-3E (USA)
Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2012, 2010
Grand Champion Royal Agricultural Winter Fair 2012
All-World 6 & 7 Year-Old Ayrshire 2012
Total Performance Winner World Dairy Expo 2012, 2011
Nasco International & Type Production Award World Dairy Expo 2012, 2011
Reserve Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2011
Grand Champion Eastern States National 2011, 2009

A Firm Foundation

Richard recalls how they found Francesca. “Beverly was looking to add a strong foundation animal to her Deer Hill herd. We visited Craig and Bonnie Hawksley, as Craig has always been the most helpful mentor and friend. He has an uncanny ability to breed Ayrshire cattle.” It was a great consultation that netted results. “Francesca was discussed and later purchased as the cow that would become a focus of Beverly’s Ayrshire passion.”

Dedication, Commitment and Support

Once the choice was made, the focus at Deer Hill became Francesca’s development. Richard describes that attention to detail. “Beverly’s passion to seek the greatest things for each and every one of her animals is something found in very few individuals. If it is chore time, no matter what the job may be, Beverly is there to provide for the animals first and foremost.” He points out that this care is not a 9 to 5 event at Deer Hill. “From the time her feet hit the floor in the morning, Bev’s sole attention is for her animals. We also have the incredible support of a team of trusted and cherished friends, family, and people willing to share their successes and help with our problems.”

Francesca being shown by close friend Jim Strout during the Supreme Champion Parade at the 2012 WDE

Francesca being shown by close friend Jim Strout during the Supreme Champion Parade at the 2012 WDE

Francesca’s Feats

At Deer Hill, Francesca, fondly known as Frannie, made high records including 6-09 (305 days), 34,560 pounds, 4.3% Fat and 3.1% Protein and has had three calves the oldest a son Deer Hill Francis EX91. Francis is the main herd sire at Deer Hill and his two Calimero sisters, Princess, now a yearling and Pixiedust, born in early August 2012, are very promising heifers. Francesca’s feats are even more amazing when you know that she calved six times before her eighth birthday.

2012 Madison Tanbark Legends Frannie with Veronica and Vivid at 2012 WDE  Team Arethusa

2012 Madison Tanbark Legends Frannie with Veronica and Vivid at 2012 WDE Team Arethusa

Francesca Truly Was a Saint!

Obviously, overcome with the loss they must face, Richard explains how Francesca’s perfection was the motivation that inspired all of them. “In many ways she was both magical and determined. She would make you turn your head with her beauty and fascinate you with her ability to excel as a cow, while she appeared to be running on cruise control!” He credits Frannie with presenting two sides to her own story. “On the one hand she made everything easy. Yet was the first to show you that nothing should be taken for granted. She would take unexpected opportunities to bring you into reality as she guided you through a dream.”

A Shining List of Achievements

Sweet-Pepper Black Francesca was the Grand Champion of the 2012 International Ayrshire Show at World Dairy Expo. She was the winning entry from the Six-Year-Old & Over Class, best uddered, the senior champion and the grand champion female of the show, the Nasco type & production award winner, and total performance winner of the show. Francesca was also the recipient of the Udder Comfort $1,000 Cash Award. This was another crowning achievement after being the 2010 Grand Champion and the 2011 Reserve Grand Champion. In 2012, she was the Grand Champion of the Eastern States Exposition for the third time in her show career, and also won Best Uddered Cow, the Nasco Type & Production Award, Total Performance Award, and the Milk Fat Production Award, all awards that she had won in 2011 at that show, too. In 2012 she was also the winning Mature Cow, Senior Champion, Grand Champion and Best Udder at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. Earlier this year, Francesca won the All-World Title for Best 6 to 7 Year Old Ayrshire from the World Ayrshire Federation. In both 2010 and 2011, she was named Unanimous All-American. Deer Hill Farm has shown Francesca 6 times at national shows in the U.S.A. and won Grand Champion at 5 of the 6 and Reserve Grand Champion at the other.

The “Frannie Pack”

As already mentioned, Francesca had 6 calves before she was 8 years old. Richard describes her offspring. “The first 3 born at Sweet Pepper were all males. Deer Hill’s first arrival was also a male who we named Francis. Francis is the hub of the Deer Hill program as his calves have truly been incredible and he currently is the service sire of choice with every female within the other families here at Deer Hill.” With justifiable pride, he points out that her daughters excel for him and Beverly as well. “Fairytale Princess is Francesca’s first daughter and the epitome of what we look for in a young female. Fairytale Pixiedust is the family baby, who like momma and siblings inspires us to go to the barn! We are blessed to be working with Craig and Bonnie with Francesca’s dam Feather. At 15 years old she was raised to Excellent 93 in a system that only allows for a 94-point maximum score. She has been a show Grand Champion as well, as recently as this summer at the state fair.” As expected there is true affection for the success of others in Francesca’s family. “She has two sisters who have both won shows in milking form this year. Faith is Francesca’s sister here at Deer Hill. She is a June baby who is truly precious to us.”

Frannie and Beverly Supreme at Skowhegan State Fair (Oldest Continueing Fair in The World)

Frannie and Beverly Supreme at Skowhegan State Fair (Oldest Continuing Fair in The World)

The Frannie Dream Team is Amazing Both “At Home” and “Away”

As Francesca’s story unfolded Bev and Richard were supported, uplifted and mentored by many others who saw the potential and possibilities facing Francesca. They recognize how much that has meant to them. “With such great family, friends, neighbors, and my employer, we always felt safe with our “home team” watching out for us!” It takes many players to pull together a winning team and Richard starts with “Pam Jeffery – because every great team is known by its cheerleaders!” He gives special recognition to Ernest Kueffner, Terri Packard, Gary and Melissa Bowers, Steve McDonald and Julie Hemp because, as Richard points out “These great individuals let us be part of their wonderful teams at the shows! Team Arethusa, Mac-Ayr, M & J Heifer Care, and Lencrest. So many people, such wonderful individuals! The veterinarians, foot trimmers, truckers, fitters, and that one very special lady who always looked Frannie up to make sure her tail looked glamorous (Joyce Thomas).Also, the ever-important leadsmen Steve White, Gary Bowers, Jim Strout and Mike Duckett.” Richard doesn’t leave out one other important group, the Judges, who contributed to Francesca’s success. “ It was always their decision in the end and for the most part they all did agree!

The Team the helped Frannie at the 2012 RAWF

The Team the helped Frannie at the 2012 RAWF

Ode To Francesca

The support, friendship and love Frannie has received through the years is amazing. “People whom we do not know spent their vacation time and hard earned dollars to travel millions of miles to see her. She brought them to the coliseum and back to the straw pack where they admired her and often had their photo taken with her.” Obviously, Francesca was more than one of the cows she was a superstar at the shows and “one of the family” all the time.

Life Lessons from Francesca

Richard is thankful and declares “It is an honor to share such an experience with so many! For everyone who loved Frannie you all shared in the dream in your own special way. Frannie touched a generation, and if they learned one thing from her she would want them to know “Dream big. Dedicate Yourself and Follow the Dream” Francesca started out in the little state of Rhode Island. Bev gave her homes in Massachusetts and Maine and Francesca conquered the world with love and friendship.”

Francesca and Beverly early one morning at Eastern States Expo

Francesca and Beverly early one morning at Eastern States Expo

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Bev and Richard have been married 2 ½ years and Francesca has been a shared dream. Faced with a future without her, they sum it up quite eloquently. The magic of Francesca is that she has excelled at showing, milking, producing nice offspring, and winning the hearts of people all over the world. She has been a magical fairytale in our lives by making Bev’s dreams come true. The future may bring more fairytale magic to Deer Hill Farm, and in time, we will see if the ‘Magic of Francesca’ continues through her offspring.

“Loved by All”
Sweet-Pepper Black Francesca

FRANCISCO RODRIGUEZ: Passion with a Purpose

As we research topics here at The Bullvine there is always an undercurrent of expectation.  You never know the “when” or “where” of the next big surprise.  Most often it is the “who” that makes our days special.  As we began the background work on a series we have planned on robotic milking, we lined up several interviews (Read more – Robotic Milking: More than just automation it’s a new style of herd management).  It became obvious that the go-to expert in this area would be Francisco Rodriguez, DVM, Holstein Breeder, Dairy Management Advisor Automatic Milking for DeLaval North America.  Not only did we get tremendous insight from his experience in this new and growing field but, once again, we met a passionate cow man who is following a dream.

Five Farming Generations in Colombia

Francisco is the 5th generation of farmers in Colombia. His grandfather was a dairyman, cattleman and one of the pioneers in the genetic development of the Paso Fino horse. Francisco, like others in his family, inherited that love for raising livestock. He recounts how his own interest was ignited. “Our dairy was relatively small and my Dad needed a simultaneous job to keep up with his new family. Then he joined Semex Colombia as a sales representative, I remember going to the farm since the beginning of my life, but I got in love of Dairy cows when every month a catalogue or a magazine from Canada or USA arrived home. Instead of reading about superman or batman I started reading about Starbuck, Aerostar, Raider, Laurie Sheik, etc. etc. I developed a true love for cows and genetics becoming the foundation of my life together with my passion for business, as my mother has had clothing stores her entire life, allowing me to get the entrepreneur spirit at a very young age.

Single Minded Student

Because of his passion for dairy cows and horses, Francisco decided to go to Vet School after graduating from High School. He had tremendous academic success and was the best student in the faculty for four years in succession. After graduation, Francisco’s internship continued in the USA. “When I finished my Vet School I started an internship in one of the largest and most progressive western dairies in the USA. I learned from the management of an operation milking thousands of cows.”

Vet-Businessman in Colombia

After one year gaining experience, Francisco made the decision to move back to Colombia.  His career now became more business focused as he adapted to the opportunities arising there. “When I arrived in Colombia two very interesting things happened. My Dad Francisco Rodriguez and my genetics mentor Juan Pablo Muriel started a partnership and became the exclusive Select Sires Dealership in Colombia!!” This was exciting explains Francisco because of the opportunity it gave him to understand both the genetics industry from both the Canadian and the US perspective.  A new opportunity soon presented itself. “At the same time DeLaval hired me as a Sales Manager for The Andean and Caribbean countries, working with farmers from 1 – 30,000 milking cows, from Water Buffalo to High yielding Holsteins, and traveling all over the world learning the different dimensions in milk production. “

More Diversity. More Studies. Big Vision.

By now, it was clear that Francisco like generations before him could comfortably handle several different challenges at the same time.  He clarifies. “Simultaneously with my work at DeLaval I continued developing my business skills graduating from Business School as a Strategic Marketing Management Specialist. I am a passionate individual, a dreamer, and I’ve been developing my life under friendship, excellence, focus and education, always starting small but thinking big, with a wide vision.

Achieving the Dream

Colganados It isn`t surprising that someone whose family, studies and passion all revolve around cows would want to own them as well. Sure enough he confirms, “Since I was a kid I had a dream of my own registered Holstein herd, I liked my Dad’s commercial cows but that was not enough for me, I wanted purebreds, I wanted to become a real breeder.”  With that end in mind he worked very hard to make it become reality.  He outlines what it took. “Simultaneously with my position at DeLaval, in 2007 my parents and I founded Colganados RV.” Colganados is a dairy business based on added value strategies, particularly genetics.  Francisco explains how they carried out this philosophy. “Colganados started with 15 cows, 30 heifers and 25 embryos selected from the best cow families available in the Colombian Market, most of them coming from well known Canadian and American Blood lines. Today Colganados RV milks approximately 200 registered Holsteins and develops one of the most aggressive Holstein breeding programs in Latin America.”

Open to A New Opportunity

For many, this would have marked the high point in a fast-rising career.  For Francisco – dairyman- veterinarian- breeder- businessman it was just the beginning. In 2010 DeLaval offered to relocate Francisco to Madison, WI as the Dairy Management Advisor – Automatic Milking for North America. In describing what this felt like, he says, “I compare it to a pilot being asked to race in Formula 1.” Joking aside he admits that it was a tough decision to make. “I had a life built in Colombia and at the same time I had a unique opportunity in the heart of the dairy industry. My parents and employees gave me the strength and then I accepted the challenge and moved to Madison in 2011.”

Francisco Rodriguez and his wife Sofia Cordabo

Francisco Rodriguez and his wife Sofia Cordabo

Love and Marriage

2011 marked special changes in Francisco’s life. He sums it up, “I got married to a wonderful woman, met wonderful people, made new friends and of course that put in the best place to continue reaching my dreams and accomplishing goals as a professional and as a breeder.”

Seen here are (l-r) Juan David Rodriguez, Francisco Rodriguez and his wife Sofia Cordabo with KHW Regiment Apple A1-Red-ETN.

Seen here are (l-r) Juan David Rodriguez, Francisco Rodriguez and his wife Sofia Cordabo with KHW Regiment Apple A1-Red-ETN.

Enter Robotic Milking

An interesting facet of Francisco’s career opportunity would be that he would be working with Robotic Milking and high end technology. This has been tremendously positive he reports. “It has exposed me to the most progressive farmers and advisors around the world, especially in the North American Market. On average I visit two robotic herds every day, it is amazing to evaluate the quantity of miles and farms we see in a year!!!”



Building on a Firm Family Foundation

Even more amazing than the miles Francisco travels, are the achievements he makes on several fronts simultaneously.  “In the beginning of 2012 I was missing having my own herd so together with my wife we started looking for the next level. For us that would mean being a dairy breeder in the North American Market with a global Scope.” Never one to dream big without doing his homework Francisco tells what they did next, all the while making it sound easy. “After visiting some of the most influential herds in the USA and Canada we met the foundation of our new project KHW Regiment Apple A1 RED-ETN a clone of the R & W world champion 2011 and million dollar APPLE.”  This purchase is a fascinating story on its own.  Another day perhaps.



The Bullvine Bottom Line

And so a passionate cattle man continues on several fronts to build his dream. In April 2012 Colganados began its history as a member of the USA Holstein Association. There have been many dimensions to the journey so far but Francisco recognizes that the diversity is what keeps him passionate “At the end of the day, the combination of all different kinds of knowledge, experiences and daily life bring a unique vision for every person.”  Exactly!

Pine-Tree Monica Planeta Is the New Genomic Super Star Maker

Sandy-Valley Farms, located in central Wisconsin, is owned and operated by three brothers, David, Patrick and Frank Bauer Jr.  A fourth brother, Greg, helps with the breeding and marketing programs.  Frank’s daughter Danae manages the calf program and assists Greg with the breeding and marketing programs. The Bauer family farms 1500 acres and milks 450 Holsteins in a free stall set-up. Embryo transfer and IVF are important tools in their program. We are already familiar with Sandy Valley families which include names like Sandy Valley Bolton, the outstanding sire with top daughters and now sons. It is exciting to talk with Greg about the future they are building toward at Sandy Valley.

Start with Clear Goals and Go Beyond

In talking about their success, Greg clarifies the breeding goals that are the basis they build from at Sandy Valley Farms. “We aim to breed a cow that can respected by the commercial dairymen, yet admired by the type enthusiast.” As simple as that sounds Greg acknowledges that it can be complicated. “When you set your breeding goals it is easy to play it safe.  However it is going to take new genetic strategies to meet the needs of the new genetics marketplace.” He says with encouragement knowing that it is only by taking risks that Sandy Valley is making progress. Pine-Tree Monica Planeta-ET is an example of a foundation cow that has the potential to launch superstar generations.



Attracted by Planetas

Hindsight is always 20/20.  That’s why it’s great to hear from breeders who have the good fortune to pick a winner. Greg ticks off the points that attracted Sandy Valley to Planeta: “She was from a proven sire;  possessed a high genomic rank in comparison to age-mates and paternal sisters; and she was from a cow family that had has brought us success in the past.”  Greg then describes why she fits so well with the Sandy Valley breeding goals, “Planeta is a modern freestall cow.  Moderate in stature with plenty of strength and width.  She has a nice spring to her rib, a silky hide and an attractive cut to her front end and shoulder.  Her udder is soundly attached with great cleft and teat placement.  She has somewhat more set to her rear leg than optimal but possesses a clean, flat bone.” He saves the best adjectives for last, “Planeta tracks beautifully and almost glides when she walks.”

New Genomic Stars at Sandy Valley Revolve Around Planeta

First let’s take a look at Planeta’s own record:

  • Pine-Tree Monica Planeta
  • Sire: Planet
  • VG-85 VVV+V @ 2-7 DOM
  • 2-01 2x 184 15564 3.8 598 3.3 508 (incomplete)
  • GTPI +2239 gTPI 697 NM$ 2.88 PTAT
  • In August 2012, Planeta was the #12 GTPI cow and dam of the #2 GTPI heifer.  She had 4 daughters over 2400G, a Numero Uno son over +2500 and a Sudan son over +2400 GTPI.
  • The starts in her orbit expanded with the December 2012 Proof Indexes.  She now has 9 daughters over DGV LPI 3000: 5 Numero Unos; 2 Epics; 1 Armitage and 1 Banco daughter. Outstanding!

Planeta Daughters Start Their Own Outstanding Orbits

The numbers definitely proclaim that Numero Uno has been the best cross on Planeta. Looking at those first six daughters, there were three over +2400 gPA TPI.

Penelope (Numero Uno) +2647 gPA TPI +3.50 PTAT  +3716 gPA LPI +4156 DGV LPI
Paxton (Numero Uno) ++2524 gPA TPI +2.64 PTAT +3463 gPA LPI +3713 DGV LPI
Precious (Numero Uno) ++2503 gPA TPI +3.22 PTAT +3509 gPA LPI +3892 DGV LPI
Paisley (Numero Uno) +2447 gPA TPI +3.30 PTAT +3282 gPA LPI +3483 DGV LPI

Planeta & Ammon-Peachey Shauna:  These Genomic Hits are Both “Miss”es

Even while we stand in awe of the offspring of Planeta, research tells us that it really could or should have been expected because of Planeta’s shared lineage with the outstanding Ammon-Peachy Shauna (Read more – AMMON-PEACHEY SHAUNA – 2012 Golden Dam Finalist). Three generations back Shauna and Planeta trace their heritage to Wesswood MH Rudy Missy and her daughters, Miss Martha, in the case of Planeta, and Miss. Monica, for Shauna. They have the exact same sire stack: Planet x Shottle x Oman x Rudolph. Definitely Planeta is a fully functioning contributor to an all-star family.



Other Prominent Cow Families at Sandy Valley

You know that Sandy Valley has high goals in mind that includes establishing other great cow families. Greg lists them for us:  “The Barbies, Dellias, Rudolph Missy, Ravens, Bolton Music, Terry Tory, Juror Faith, Cosmopolitans, and Oman 6121.

Using Genomics to Look Toward the Future

Greg has a simple viewpoint on why you should use young sires on top cow families. “Use young sires to maximize genetic progress.” He states emphatically and then looks into the future realistically, “Granted all high G young sires won’t stay high but then neither do all high proven bulls once their second crop is in the system.” Sandy Valley Farm looks for certain attributes for all young sires they use. “GTPI ranking and overall transmitting pattern are taken into account, as well as the cow family they stem from. We also prefer those out of proven sires such as “Freddie, Man-O-Man, Massey, Snowman and Super.” He notes that  “We are currently using a wide variety of high G young sires and a few of the highest GPTI proven sires.

Advice for Those Seeking Sky High Success

Every great herd starts with a plan and Greg advises everyone to start with this end in mind. “Consider your goals.  If you’re most interested in building a sound, functional herd with few ‘2yr old mistakes’ stay with proven sires, especially those with 2nd crop information.” Greg then goes on to suggest another option. “If you’re interested in working at the cutting edge of genetic improvement, incorporate some of the high G young sires.” Like all other parts of the discussion, he rounds out the advice: “When using young sires, it’s often best to spread your risk and use more than just one.” Cautionary and visionary at the same time.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

It is always wonderful when we can benefit from the insights of great cattle breeding families.  Sandy Valley Farm is building their success on a solid cow family foundation.  We wish them well as they take Planeta and go where genomics has never gone before!


The Dairy Breeders No BS Guide to Genomics


Not sure what all this hype about genomics is all about?

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EASTSIDE HOLSTEINS – Where Modern Marketing Rises to the Challenge

For most of us The Eastside Lewisdale prefix is associated with the fame of “Missy”. Maria Jones, Marketing Manager for Eastside Holsteins modestly summarizes the connection. “Here at Eastside, we were lucky enough to have co-bred Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX 95, Grand & Supreme Champion at World Dairy Expo and the Royal in 2011.  That has really helped our exposure and marketing, not only of the Missy Family, but of other families here at Eastside”. As Bloyce Thompson, owner of Eastside Holsteins, points out, “When Missy took off as a Jr 2 yr old, we needed to be able to capitalize, get on board and go with her success.”  The fact that Missy’s sister Amaze flushed well put even more marketing opportunities in front Eastside and partner Lewisdale (Read More – You Can Bank on Amaze to Pump up the Volume). “Our main focus has been selling embryos from well known families and making sure each customer is very satisfied with their purchase.”


Supreme Champion WDE 2011. Grand Champion WDE 2011.
Supreme Champion RAWF 2011. Grand Champion RAWF 2011

Viewing the Future from EASTSIDE Out!

Bloyce and partner Jamie Lewis, of Lewisdale Holsteins, thought over the potential they were facing and decided to set up a new company Eastside-Lewisdale.  They plan to have it underway early in 2013. One of their visions is of an embryo community.  In order to do that, they know that they have to plan not only the financial side but also how to brand their genetic products. “We thought about it and decided we need email a web site” and all of the modern technology that puts PEI fully accessible to the marketplace. Bloyce admits “We knew we wanted someone who had great computer skills.” That’s where Maria Jones came into the picture.

Maria Jones

Maria Jones
Marketing Manager at Eastside Holsteins

MISSY meets MARIA:  Behind Every Super Star There is a Super Marketer!

It wasn’t long before the marketing part of the plan was put into action says Bloyce, with the hiring of Maria Jones. “I knew Maria had computer skills and that she was between jobs.  She lived on PEI and started part time which has grown to almost two-thirds time now.” Maria has demonstrated her technical ability and how comfortable she is with global communication. Bloyce is enthusiastic, “She is a person I can give ideas to and she can take it from there.” Sales numbers are backing up the wisdom of the hiring a marketing person.”Since Maria started embryo sales are up 90%”
Eastside Ad

New Tools Greatly Enhance Familiar Methods

Modesty is contagious around PEI and Maria points out.”Of course, you have to have the product people want and be ready to roll.” As a marketing manager, she wears many different hats and faces the challenges and logistics of, not only marketing the products but getting them delivered. She notes,” In the cattle business it can be very complex and goes beyond the designing to record keeping, financial and managing the workload.” Time pressure is an added incentive. Bloyce states what he feels is obvious, “Holstein genomics is moving so fast that you must always be developing for the future market.” He gives an example. “Hailey has taken over From Missy so we must adapt to that.” Every tool is analysed and critiqued. “Embryo sales at World Dairy Expo time went well. We will likely try that again another year.”

More Information Sourced and Delivered with New Tools

Maria is well aware of modern tools. “We have been using Facebook and Twitter. It really helps communicate to our customers what is going on at Eastside.  They know about our new purchases and what embryos we have available. We report show results and just about anything else that is happening.” They see the potential of using social media for real time updates. “On a daily basis, we broadcast to our audience around the world what is happening.  It has been a very successful tool for Eastside.” Maria feels this asset also serves another valuable purpose, “It is a great advantage that we have two-way communication with others about what is going on in the industry.”

Good Two-Way Communication = Marketing Progress

Everyone at Eastside agrees that communication is important to their marketing strategy. Maria lists her favorite sources, “The internet, magazines, mixing and communicating with others at Shows and Sales are all great ways to keep up with the industry.” She is always eager to pick up something new. “I just keep an eye on what is going on around me and always notice everyone’s marketing efforts.  I enjoy seeing all the new ideas and try to understand why they thought it was a good idea.  I always keep in mind that they are in the same boat as I am!” She sums up the three L’s of her marketing philosophy, “I am never one to judge but I listen, look and learn!”

The Challenges of Dairy Marketing

In the fast paced world of modern dairy marketing it is important to know your priorities. Bloyce says the challenge is clear.  “You must always plan ahead and have the current product that people want.” There are the usual business pressures to keep costs under control but this team feels that marketing must be able to reach the huge number of potential clients based around the world. Bloyce recalls, “A decade ago, living on PEI was a major disadvantage but, today, with the World Wide Web, location is not a problem.” This opportunity also presents the main challenge, “We are only touching a fraction of the market.” Both Bloyce and Maria recognize that creating interest means constantly facing deadlines. For instance “The website must be updated 3-4 times per week.” Although that might seem simple, it too turns on the speed of responses to email, phone calls and messages. Maria acknowledges,”It can be frustrating.” But admits that “Marketing can be a fun and enjoyable career.”

Eastside Ad 2Walk in Your Buyer’s Boots and Walk Fast

Bloyce repeats business maxims we all know to be true, “The way that you position yourself, how you use words and how you treat customers are all very important.” He sees dairy breeding evolving to produce “a more functional cow with stronger immunity, better female reproduction and requiring minimum labour.”  Maria agrees that the market drives demand, “We have turned to more of what the market will be looking for in the future, namely the polled breed and genomics.” Acknowledging that everyone is not interested in the same thing she feels that “Eastside has got you covered” by providing show cattle, type and genomics.

Develop Marketing Skills Where You Find Them

Drawing on his positive experience, Bloyce sums up the best advice he has for those looking to market their dairy genetics.  First and foremost he feels “It is absolutely necessary that you have a product people want to buy.”  Once you have met that hurdle, he suggests “Get with technology both on the farm and in marketing.”  He points out what he feels is an obvious resource to develop, “Why not bring your children into the business via the marketing side of the farm, instead of just through the labour side.” He sums up his reasoning quite convincingly, “Kids run computers with their eyes closed.”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

At the end of the day, marketing only works if the story moves off the planning page and produces measureable results.  Eastside and Lewisdale are banking on good marketing based on a philosophy of “Listen, Look and Learn” to promote their supply of genetics that the market is asking for.  The future looks ready to shine brightly for Eastside-Lewisdale.



To learn how to get your farm on Facebook download this free guide.




What Happens after She’s Sold?

In much the same way that walking down the street with a cute puppy attracts comments and conversation, keeping in touch with your heifers after they sell often brings great exchanges and insights from other dairy breeders.  Three months ago we at The Bullvine started communications with the Crosbie Family of Caron, SK (one hour west of Regina).  Our mutual interest was a Huntsdale bred cow, Shottle Crusade, who had classified EX93.  A mutual friend then emailed us that Crusade had won the 5 yr old class at the 2012 Westerner Show in Red Deer and vouched that he heard “many individuals around the ring say that she could be the nicest Shottle daughter in Canada”.  Biased friendships aside, hearing that she went on to HM Senior Champion inspired us to exchange emails and then talk on the phone to Ian Crosbie. Once again, what starts out on the cattle trail ends up bringing people together too!



A Boy’s Passion for Cows

At twelve Ian showed a great interest in Holstein breeding, so his parents, Neil and Betty Jean, and his uncle Blaine gave him the responsibility of selecting the sires to be used on the Benbie herd.  Back then the Crosbie’s milked 90 cows through a parlour and housed the cattle in pack barns.  Ian had the challenge of choosing sires for both their commercially oriented operation and also those that he and his siblings would take to 4H shows. Folks we need to remember that Caron SK is not downtown central for the Canadian Holstein breed and believe it when Ian says that he read every book and magazine he could get his hands on and talked cows with Holstein breeders whenever and wherever the opportunity presented itself.


Ian Crosbie (2nd from right) - showing the Reserve Champion calf at the 2010 Western Canadian Classic.

Ian Crosbie (2nd from right) – showing the Reserve Champion calf at the 2010 Western Canadian Classic.

Parents’ Passion for Developing Youth

All the Crosbie children have been encouraged and supported in attending college or university.  For Ian that meant attending Lakeland College in Alberta.  Along the way he helped show herds and took part in every 4H competition that he could.  It was in fact through 4H that he met his future wife, Nicole Hylkema who was from Chilliwack, British Columbia (Hyljon Holsteins Ltd.). What started out as competition at the Western Canadian 4H Classic has developed into a lifelong relationship as Ian and Nicole are now husband and wife. After college Ian spent some time working and showing cattle for other herds, while Nicole got her university degree in Ag Business at the University of Saskatchewan.

Home to the Family Farm

In January of 2012 Ian and Nicole returned to Benbie and joined the farming operation with his parents after his uncle left the dairy farm. Since then, another pack barn has been built, quota has been purchased and the parlour updated and expanded to a double twelve.  Prior to the expansion, the 90 cows were all housed on one bedded pack. Benbie Holsteins are now milking 135 cows and have put up another addition, which includes two more packs.  One of the packs is for first lactation animals and the second pack is large enough for 6-8 head, which will be for show animals.  The remainder of the herd is housed on the original pack. These changes are already results. To answer your question the herd’s diet is the common one for Western Canada: barley silage, alfalfa haylage, some dry hay, rolled barley and supplements fed as TMR.


Res Int Champ Western Canadian Livestock Expo
Sold to Silvermaple Holsteins B.C.

Benbie Believes in Balanced Breeding

Ian has a clear vision of the Benbie breeding philosophy. He explains, “We are aiming towards a balanced breeding philosophy. We strive to breed a modern cow- high scoring and stylish, yet long living and trouble free.  We look for a cow with a balanced dairy frame, a great udder and a correct set of feet and legs. Production and health traits are also considered when making mating decisions.  We try to use bulls with a minimum of +12 Conformation, <3.00 SCS and positive figures for components and milk.”

Benbie uses 3-4 proven sires at one time and have started using a variety of genomic bulls.  Current daughter proven sires are Fever, Lauthority and Windbrook.  Genomic bulls used over the past year include- Meridian, McCutchen, Gold Chip, Day, Sajac, Numero Uno, Shamrock, Hefty, AltaHaley and Airlift.

Recent Heifer Purchases



Before we return to Crusade who brought us to Benbie Holsteins in the first place, let’s take a quick look at other more recent heifer purchases which include:  Windy-Know-View Pasian (Braxton x Pledge) due in June to Gold Chip; Speek-NJ Chrm Debbie Rae (AltaChairman from the Roxie Family) due to AltaHaley; and Winright Bolton Sugarshack (Bolton from the Splendor Family) who did well at shows in 2012 and is due to Windbrook.

Auction Fever Strikes

So that purchased animals can learn to fit into the Benbie management system and also in order not to expend high dollars, females are purchased as calves or yearlings, sometimes for 4H projects.  In 2007 one of those purchases was Huntsdale Shottle Crusade.  As Ian tells it, “Crusade was purchased as a heifer when my Uncle Blaine could not contain the Crosbie itch at an auction sale.  She was one of 10 head bought that day at the 2007 Rocky Mountain High Sale.  Even though the average price he paid was only $2800, they all had great pedigrees and the chance for a diamond in the rough was there.” We at Huntsdale love the next part. “Crusade was a very raw heifer.  It wasn’t until she freshened as a two year old that she caught your eye.  While she possessed an exceptional mammary system, she lacked power and depth and was scored GP84.”

Crusade Hits the Show Trail

Ian was pretty sure great things were ahead for Crusade. “When Nicole and I arrived home in early January, Crusade was in the close-up pen.  She had grown into quite a cow.  We were excited to calve her in and, a month after freshening, we began to prepare her for the upcoming spring shows. As part of our first full string as Benbie, Crusade did not disappoint. She was named Grand Champion of the Western Canadian Livestock in Saskatoon in April.  Throughout 2012 Crusade won or placed high at four shows.  She is now scored EX93 and continues to develop.  She is completing her third Superior Lactation, with an average 4.2% butterfat and low SCC.  She was flushed twice give 25 good embryos and is now short bred as we are hoping to have her back for the 2013 show season.”  What an incredible first year at Benbie for Ian and Nicole.



Where to Look for Advice

It seems quite obvious that this young couple have a vision for where they are going and can offer advice to others who are starting out too. “Being relatively young, we are always looking for more advice on showing and marketing top cattle! Lots of people are willing to give advice and opinions, but the best advice always comes from those that have been successful.” They continually seek out and share with other breeders and Benbie Holsteins can be followed on Facebook (

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Sometimes we make our path into the future far too complicated.  Ian suggests that moving forward can be summed up quite simply. “Be open minded.  Don’t be afraid to try new ideas.  The moment you stop progressing you being regressing.” What good advice that is coming from someone who has already launched a Crusade!

“COLD CALVES” – The Next Drama Coming to a Calf Pen Near You!

Thanksgiving in the US is the time for many breeders when the weather starts to get a lot colder. Cold weather just like hot weather can have detrimental effects on the health and well-being of your calves. Here are 12 things you can do to prepare your calves for the cold winter months ahead.

Why are they stressed?

Cold stress in calves is caused by the environment surrounding them and includes low temperatures and wind chill factors. Even temperatures that we might consider moderate, like the ones we are experiencing this week, can cause cold stress in newborn and young calves. It is particularly stressful for calves younger than 3 weeks of age.  Newborn calves experience cold stress at just below 60 degrees F. Calves more than 21 days old can be cold stressed at 42 degrees F. They are susceptible to cold stress because they consume very little calf starter and have little or no stored fat to draw extra energy from. By the time the temperature reaches zero, a calf should receive 50 percent more energy (calories) just for maintenance.

Keep in mind that if an 88-pound newborn calf has to start using its own fat storage to stay warm, it has less than one day’s worth of energy and could easily die because energy for growth and developing immune function becomes short or nonexistent.

When to begin?

Start with what you know for sure.  If you feel more comfortable wearing longer sleeves or a warm sweatshirt while doing chores, it’s probably time to consider increasing calf rations.  Even though we’re ready to look after ourselves, research suggests that 67% of dairy producers do NOT make changes to their calf feeding practices in cool weather. It’s definitely too late if you wait until temperatures are consistently below freezing.

Key Management Factors to Limit the effects of Cold Stress

The following options can help reduce the effects of cold on calves.  Work with your nutritionist and veterinarian to determine the best options for your operation.

  1. Monitor the weather
    Monitor temperature and increase feeding in response to cold weather.  At temperatures below 60 degrees F, calves must increase their energy consumption just to maintain their core body temperature.
  2. Protect animals from the Wind
    Wind markedly increases cold stress.  Producers should provide housing that allows a space for calves to have fresh air yet protects them from drafts.
  3. Bed well.
    Providing adequate dry bedding makes a significant difference in the ability of calves to withstand cold stress.  Bedding should be clean, dry and deep enough to completely hide a calf’s legs when they’re lying down.  Proper insulation will help calves stay warm without relying on energy reserves to regulate body temperature.  Calf blankets can also be used to help keep them warm. A deep bed of long-stemmed straw allows caves to burrow in and preserve body heat.  One way to determine proper bedding depth for cold weather is to look at the calf while it is lying down.  If you cannot see the calf’s feet, the bedding is deep enough
  4. Keep bedding clean and Dry
    Wet bedding can cause problems. Also their coats must be dry.  Wet coats have greatly reduced insulating properties and make calves more susceptible to cold stress. Mud-caked coats also reduce the insulating properties of the hair. Calves have much greater heat loss through wet bedding compared with dry bedding.
  5. Keep Calf clean and dry
    The calf’s coat must be clean and dry to provide maximum protection. Dirt or moisture on the coat reduces its insulation value dramatically.
  6. Provide additional Feed
    Feed more hay and grain. If wet feeds are fed, make sure they are not frozen. By implementing a cold weather feeding program that meets increased energy requirements, producers can keep their calves healthy and growing.
    For example, a 100-pound calf at 50 F requires 1.1 pounds of dry matter just for maintenance.  That is equivalent to 8.8 pounds, or about 4.25 quarts, of milk.  In the case of milk replacer, that is about 0.5 pound of powder mixed to make 2 quarts.
    If producers only feed the minimum amount, calves will struggle to keep healthy and there will be a surge in mortality, especially among fall-and winter-born calves.
  7. Feed at least two gallons of liquid nutrition each day.
    Calves fed less than two gallons of milk or milk replacer are more likely to fall behind on weight gain.  They are also more like to get sick.  Feed calves a full potential ration; calves fed a maintenance diet (less than 1.8 lb. Milk replacer daily) are more likely to fall behind on weight gain and become sick.
  8. Add a third feeding of milk or milk replacer
    A third feeding of milk or milk replacer provides extra energy to the calf.  The additional helping, especially during cold weather, preferable late in the evening provides extra energy for young calves.  Calves fed three times a day show improved growth, better starts prior to weaning than calves fed twice daily.
  9. Switch milk replacer for cold weather
    Milk replacers are available that are designed specifically for cooler temperatures.  These calf milk replacers have been developed to deliver optimal combinations of protein, energy and technologies to help during times of cold stress.
  10. Provide Free Choice Water Available at all times
    Provide warm water with morning and afternoon feedings, and consider adding a third watering as well.  By feeding liquids at closer to the calf’s body temperature of 102 degrees F., you can reduce the additional drain on its energy reserve to warm it.  Other practices may include offering warm water two to three times daily to support calf starter intake.  As the rumen develops, the calf’s nutrient intake and ability to grow and develop immune functions improve.
  11. Warming
    If a calf is cold-stressed, it will be more susceptible to disease, so warming the calf may be necessary.  The best method to use depends on your facilities.  Once the calf has been warmed, provide colostrums and maintain body temperature.  When the calf is warm and the situation has stabilised, move it back to its mother.

    1. Warm bath
    2. Warm blankets
    3. Hot box or warming box
  12. Vaccination
    Cold stress leaves calves vulnerable to a host of health problems, including Pasteurella pneumonia, one of the leading causes of bovine respiratory disease. According to bovine veterinary practitioners, the most important diseases to vaccinate against include infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, bovine viral diarrhea, parainfluenza-3 and bovine respiratory syncytial virus.  Many herds will benefit from using a coccidiostat and a vaccine to help prevent Pasteurella pneumonia in calves.  Producers should watch their calves very carefully for the first sign of respiratory disease. Some advise calves be given a coccidiostat labeled for prevention and treatment of coccidiosis.  If not treated 12 to 21 days after infection, coccidiosis causes dramatic clinical signs, such as diarrhea, inability to absorb nutrients, depression, weight loss, secondary infections and sometimes even death. Once signs of coccidiosis appear, much of the damage already has been done and a preventive strategy is best.  Disease can progress quickly and treatment must be done early to be successful.  Waiting too long can lead to irreversible lung damage and chronic or dead calves.


We can’t control the weather but we can do everything reasonable to reduce the effects of cold on calves. A well managed calf can survive and thrive in cold temperatures.

(See also: “CALF MANAGEMENT: Eight Ways to Ensure Calves Remain Alive and Thrive”)

Whispers Heard ‘Round the Royal

From my ringside perch at the Royal Holstein Show two weeks ago I heard knowledgeable Holstein breeders remarking, “There are seven breeders’ herds lined up out there and they’re all good ones! Wow!” Their amazement was echoed by Judge McKinven. (Read more –  The 2012 Royal Winter Fair Holstein Show – One of the greatest stories ever told) When giving his reasons for his placing he pointed out lack of maturity in some entries or less uniformity in others but he opened with the comment. “It is great to see seven high quality Breeder Herds’” and then he led the crowd in an enthusiastic round of applause.

Wilhelmina’s Herd In the Royal Ring

Watching the exhibitors carefully place their animals, I mused to myself that that it really is quite an achievement to reach this top level with three exceptional animals. No doubt there were seven stories (or more) for each of the seven herds. Wouldn’t you know one of those stories fell on my attentive ears as we were walking back to the cattle barn and Dr David Chalack mentioned that all three of Rocky Mountain’s animals, although young, were daughters and in fact full sisters from Raeland Leduc Wilhelmina. Can you believe it? Not only three from one herd but three from one cow.  Talk about dam good genes (Oops that’s another writer’s byline). For now let’s look back at how Wilhelmina got her start.

Wilhelmina daughters part of the Rocky Mountain breeders herd at the 2012 RAWF

Wilhelmina daughters part of the RockyMountain breeders herd at the 2012 RAWF

Wilhelmina’s (almost) Royal Beginnings

From Rae Stadder we found out that Wilhelmina’s great grand dam came to the Stadder’s because she was too late in gestation to travel as a bred heifer to Ohio. The story as Rae relates it goes like this. “My dad, Blake Stadder, travelled in our area with cattle buyer, Ken Brown from Ohio. One day they bought 4 bred heifers from a dairy farmer in Walpole and when it came time to ship them the Marquis Ned heifer, Wilhelmina’s great grand dam, was too close to calving to take the truck ride to Ohio. Dad agreed to take her for the price Mr Brown had paid for her.” Not headed to the party. Now that’s a Cinderella story for sure!  Especially when you hear that this was not the typical Ned.  “She was dairy and had a super udder – classifying VG and milking well’. Rae continues on with the history behind Wilhelmina “We bred the Ned to Unique, another Marquis son and that double cross to Marquis seemed to put into the family excellent feet & legs, high fat, stature, great udders, great reproduction and more heifers than bulls calves.” The line began and continued. “No matter what bulls were later used on the family all those traits came through”. Eventually, the family developed to comprise 35% of the Raeland Herd, with many family members the prominent cows in the herd in 2012. The Stadders then used Lincoln, Red Marker and Leduc to come up with Wilhelmina.



Wilhelmina Becomes the Wildcard

Wilhelmina was the first family member sold by Rae. In the spring of 2002, Ken Empey and Brent Howe came to Raeland seeking consignments for The Shore Spring Sale and were impressed with Wilhelmina.  By this time, she was a tall dairy, good legged year old, so off to the sale she went. And, unlike her grandmother, she made it all the way there. She was bought and moved to Alberta ownership where she classified VG85 and producer 7602 kg milk 4.0%F and 3.3%P.

Go West and Win Young Wilhelmina

David Chalack - RAWF 2012

David Chalack showing Goldwyn Winnie at the 2012 RAWF

Dr David Chalack relayed the following to us “Wilhelmina was one of the first purchases made by RockyMountain. The year was 2004 and she was the winning Jr 3yr old at the Calgary Spring Show. We bought her that day and she went on to be Res All-Canadian Jr 3 yr old. She returned to the Calgary Spring Show in 2005 and was Grand Champion as a 4 yr old. For RockyMountain she has shown her power as a transmitter of outstanding type and high butterfat. For RockyMountain she has had 2 Superior Lactations, classify EX92-2E and to date she has 26 daughters that carry the RockyMountain prefix. Of those twenty-six, 23 are owned by 23 different breeders. Sound business breeding on RockyMountain’s part – breed great animals and merchandise them to have a revenue center beyond the milk cheque. It was interesting for me to learn that Rocky Mountain is waiting to implant Goldwyn and Braxton embryos in December to produce more heifers to be born in September 2013. Yes more Wilhelmina show heifers will be seen in the future.

Wilhelmina’s Royal Family



Every cow has a best mate and for Wilhelmina that mate is Goldwyn (Read more – Goldwyn first ever to cross 1000 EX daughters in Canada).  To date there are nine Goldwyn daughters with seven in lactation classifying EX94, VG89, VG88 (2 yr), 2 VG86 (2 yr) & 2 GP (2 yr). In first lactation they averaged Mammary VG85, Feet & Legs VG86, Dairy Strength VG86, Rump VG87 and  9252 kg M (305D) 4.0%F & 3.3%P.  Like Dr Chalack says “she never misses producing tall, dairy, good uddered Goldwyns”. No wonder RockyMountain is producing more Goldwyn x Wilhelmina daughters.

Wilhelmina All The Way



Years of observation and experience, would lead any judicious cattle fan to conclude that one cow cannot produce a winning breeder’s herd all on her own.  Especially, at a show of the quality of The Royal. At least, that’s what you would have said until November 2012. Wilhelmina along with her best mate did it this year. The members of the RockyMountain Breeder’s Herd was 3rd Jr 2 yr old Goldwyn Winnie (VG88 2yr), 3 yr old Golden Winnie (VG86 2yr) and 4 yr old Gold Winter (EX94 4yr).


3RD JR.2-YR ROYAL 2012

Bullvine Bottom Line

QUESTION: Can one cow make a Breeder’s Herd all on her own?

ANSWER:     Yes! Wilhelmina can.

NEXT QUESTION:  Could an entirely new group of full sisters win at a future Royal?

OBVIOUS ANSWER:  Of course. Where’s there’s a Wilhelmina, there’s a way!


Who will win the 2012 Jersey Canada Cow of the Year?

The 2012 Jersey Canada Cow of the Year contest has three outstanding cows whose individual impact will be felt in the years to come.  Sofie (Bri-Lin Ren’s Sofie EX90), Marmie (Pine Haven SSM Marmie EX94) and Becky (RJF Remake Becky SUP EX 96-6E) have received nominations and await the final decision.

Jersey Canada- Criteria

“When selecting the three nominated animals, Jersey Canada took into consideration the performance of the cow herself in milk production, conformation and show ring success. Of high importance as well was the merit of her progeny and the impact that they are having on the breed.”

You Have Until December 1st to Vote

The selection of the 2012 Cow of the Year rests in the hands of Jersey breeders and enthusiasts. Join The Bullvine as we take a look at these exceptional individuals.

BRI-LIN REN`S SOFIE Excellent 90

Her Progeny Excel Especially for Type.



Bred by the Raymer Family, Bri-Lin Farms, Bright, Ontario, Sofie is a Hollylane Renaissance daughter out of Bri-Lin Imperial Snow, 6 Star Brood Cow. Currently she is owned by Tom Breakell, Goshen, Connecticut.

Sofie had show ring success as Reserve Jr Champion at Oxford Parish Show, was 5th at World Dairy Expo as a Sr 2yr old and 1st 4 yr old at the New York Spring Show and the Eastern States Expo.  She has become an outstanding brood cow. To date she has 11 EX and 11 VG daughters.  Her top daughter is EX94 and a three time winner at World Dairy Expo.  Becky`s impact will be through her more than 26 progeny and numerous granddaughters and great granddaughters that are also winning in the show ring.


  • VG 87 (First Lactation)
  • EX 90 (Third Lactation)

Production Record

  • Best record: 4yr 305d 9,775 kg M  5.2%F  3.8%P
  • Lifetime  (5 lactations) 32,690 kg M  5.4%F  4.0%P

Show winnings include:

  • 1st 4 Year Old, New York Spring Show, 2000
  • 1st 4 Year Old, Eastern States Expo, 2000
  • 5th Senior 2 Year Old, World Dairy Expo, 1998
  • Reserve Junior Champion, Oxford Parish Show, 1997


  • 11 Excellent and 11 Very Good daughters



Leading Lady on the Tanbark Trail



Bred by the Thompson-Dillman Families, Pine Haven Farm Ltd., Oxford, NS, Marmie is a Select-Scott Minister daughter out of Pine-Haven MBE Kitty. She is currently owned by the Sauder family of River Valley Dairy, Tremont, Illinois.

Marmie has an un-equaled and celebrated record of winning in the Jersey show ring.  She started out by being named the Reserve All Canadian Milking Yearling in 2008 and each year from then until 2011has won her class at World Dairy Expo.  Marmie has the singular accomplishment of being the Intermediate Champion twice and Grand Champion Jersey and Reserve Supreme Champion in 2011. She has also won in milking form at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair and the All American Jersey Show.  Marmie’s impact on the Jersey breed beyond the show ring will continue with her next generation to be born at River Valley starting in September 2012. Nearly 30 heifer pregnancies are due by: Fire, Tequila, Verbatim, Centurion, Remake, Sambo, Impulse and Response.

Classification Record:

  • EX 91  (First classified in Second Lactation. Maximum score.)
  • EX 94 (Fourth Lactation. Maximum score.)

Production Record:

  • Best Record  3-09 305d 9,122 kg M  5.2%F  3.8%P
  • Lifetime (1.395 days) 36,626 kg M  5.1%F  3.8%P

Show winnings include:

  • Reserve Supreme Champion & Grand Champion, World Dairy Expo, 2011
  • Back-to-Back Intermediate Champion World Dairy Expo, 2009, 2010
  • 1st 4-Year-Old, World Dairy Expo & All American Jersey Show (All-American 4-Year-Old), 2011
  • 1st  Sr 3-Year-Old, World Dairy Expo & Royal Winter Fair (All Can Sr. 3-Year-Old), 2010
  • 1st  Sr 2-Year-Old, World Dairy Expo, 2009
  • Reserve All Canadian Milking Yearling, 2008


  • Marmie’s first ET daughters were born September 2012. 30+ heifer pregnancies are due Dec 2012 to June 2013. Prior to that she had one daughter by Jewels Barbaro.



Becky Sets the Bar High for Production



Bred and owned by the Jarrell Family of RJ Farms Inc., Corbyville, Ontario, Becky is a Rock Ella Remake out of RJF Lester Beth.

Becky started out well in both classification and production and improved with each lactation until in 2012 she achieved Supreme EX96-6E.  At 12-01 (305d) she became the All-Time Jersey Production Leader with 17,407 kg milk, 4.3%F, 3.6%P.  In eight lactations she has produced 92,506 kg. milk. In addition, Becky placed 4th at The Royal as a 5 year old and again as a Mature Cow. She has also been the Production Award Mature cow at The Royal.  A 9 Star Brood Cow, Becky now has 5EX and 7VG daughters.  Becky`s impact on the breed is by the example she has set for combining type and production.  It will continue through her daughters and their progeny.

Classification Record

  • VG 85 (First Lactation)
  • Sup EX 96 – 6E (Eighth Lactation)

Production Record

  • Best Record 12-01 (305D) 17,407 kg 4.3%F 3.6%P
  • All-Time Production Leader for Milk, Fat and Protein in a single lactation
  • Lifetime (8 lactations) 92,506 kg M 4.4%F 3.7%P

Show winnings include:

  • 1st Jr 3 yr old & Best Udder Quinte Championship Show 2002
  • 4th 5 yr old RAWF 2004
  • 4th Mature RAWF 2005
  • Production Award Mature Cow, Royal Agricultural Winter Fair 2011


  • 5 EX and 7 VG daughters
  • 9 Star Brood Cow


The Bullvine Bottom Line

There you have it – three great nominees.  Take the opportunity to choose the ideal 2012 Jersey Cow. The Bullvine encourages Jersey Enthusiasts to vote. Go to

DON SCHWARTZ: “Love what you do and do the best you can!”

Don Schwartz is definitely a gentleman and a quiet one at that.  Don opens up when talking about cows but is very humble when speaking of his own success.  As the 26th recipient of the Curtis Clark Achievement Award he declares quite simply, “This is a wonderful honour.” Like Curtis Clark himself, Don does not seek the spotlight. “It was the last thing I was thinking of.”  Being called to the show ring during the 2 yr old class was both “a surprise” and “a bit of a funny story.”

“It was All a Blur”

Looking back on how he learned of the award Don says, “Apparently Ari told my brother David at nine on show morning and the crew also knew.  The big question was how they would get me to the ring.” Don is definitely most happy to be the guy in the barn. He goes on, “The two year old had gone out and someone called out that she was having trouble and I had to get to the ring. I grabbed an antihistamine and a needle and took off.” It’s been reported that Don could have won the running with the bulls in Pamplona he was moving so fast!” He continues the story. “When I got there I looked at her to see if she was hiving up or reacting.  She seemed okay. I couldn’t understand it!” And then the conspiracy continued. “Ari said, ‘I just wanted you to be here to see her show.’ Still confused, I replied, “I’ll take her back to the barn.’ Ari said, ‘Let Manuel take her, you stay here.’ As the plot thickened, Don was still in the dark, “I thought that was really strange. Then I looked around and Steve Fraser and Gary Vanderpost were nearby.” A light went off. “I asked, ‘I didn’t win that award did I?’ Gary squeezed me so hard I couldn’t believe it! The next thing I knew I was joining that amazing lineup.” Don says he has no idea what they actually said about him over the microphone. With only 4 minutes to prepare himself, he concludes, “The rest is all a blur!”

DON SCHWARTZ Curtis Clark Achievement Winner

Family Role Models and Lifelong Friends

Clearly moved by receiving this recognition from such respected peers, Don says “I never dreamed of such a thing. From day one it has always been about my passion for dairy cattle.” His admiration for his father Jim inspired his lifelong desire to be a farm manager.  “At home we showed a Guernsey Herd. Hank Vanderpost was herdsman there for 15 years.   Tannery Hill Farms earned 23 Breeder and Exhibitor Banners.” In his usual understated style he says, “That was quite a thing.” Indeed, for Don, it laid the foundation for what would lead him to his future career.

“I had the opportunity to be around the best showmen of all breeds.  I learned from the respect that was given to these ‘guys in overalls’ that they were important people. I have always tried to learn from the best.” 

He points to his 23 years with Quality Holsteins and what it means to him. (Read more – Quality Holsteins – Well-Deserved Congratulations)  “The passion and dedication of Paul – the perfectionism for fine detail of Ari – they both reinforce what I believe in.” It has been a wonderful team says this modest man who feels that his role is to fill in the blanks. “I love to see the udders bag up and feed to fill the frame.  I want them to eat as much as they can.” He enthusiastically expands, “I like to develop the cow.  I do all the feet and trim them three or four times before showing – always planning ahead for who will be there on the day and who isn’t quite ready.”

“Keep An Open Mind”

The annual trip to “The Royal” is a never-miss-family-tradition.  Although, it may seem that it’s easy, there is always something to learn.  Don advises those who aspire to winning. “I think the best thing you can do is to keep an open mind.  When you’re working at shows always look back afterwards at what worked and what didn’t.  I model myself after others who are willing to try things.  When you try new ideas some might think it’s crazy but it’s always best to keep an open mind.”

He has coped with many challenges in his years in the trenches of cattle preparation.  You never know what surprises will pop up.  Your window of opportunity may be only 30 days from calving to the show ring as Don reports it was with Valleyville Rae Lynn. No wonder he was pleased that they met the challenge and was second place two year old at the Royal.

Valleyville Rae Lynn VG-89-2YR  2nd Senior 2yr old RAWF 2012

Valleyville Rae Lynn VG-89-2YR
Under Don’s watchful care

“The Goldwyn Factor”

Over the years, Don could have written a veritable how-to book on cattle preparation.  In that time, he has witnessed many changes. He gives one example. “There’s what I call, the Goldwyn Factor.  Udders are so much better. Cows are more dairy.  Commercial breeders can appreciate the cows that are winning in the show ring today.”  This improvement has impacted preparation of cattle. This year’s 2 yr old, Rae Lynn is an example. “I only had 11 hours of milk in that cow.  People walking by were commenting. “They’re not going to have enough milk in the cow.” He chuckles, “They were probably wondering if they should have trusted this guy to get the job done?” The show ring results support the confidence in Don, with a resounding, “Absolutely!”


Valleyville Rae Lynn VG-89-2YR 2nd Senior 2yr old RAWF 2012

Valleyville Rae Lynn VG-89-2YR
2nd Senior 2yr old RAWF 2012
2ND SR.2-YR ROYAL 2012

Winning Spirit.  Winning Record.

Don points with pride to previous Curtis Clark Award winners, such as Harold Patterson. “I was so honored to be in that lineup and shake his hand.  I’m sad that Milking Shorthorns are out of the Royal! Think of the great ones, you’ll never see!” Like this man whom Don admires, the sheer volume of successes of the Quality show strings sets him apart as exceptional too. “I love to develop each cow.” This hands-on, 24-7 dedication has contributed to 20 Quality Breeder’s Herds and a record setting seven All-Canadian awards.” It’s no surprise to hear that his favorite thing to do on his day off is to “drop in on my neighbours and look at their cows before milking.”


GRAND ROYAL 2005, 2004

“It’s always all about the cows” 

Don admits that he never considered any other career. “I always admired a good cow, whether it was a good Jersey or Ayrshire.” He affirms his passion for Holsteins and then adds, “I can be happy to see a great Brown Swiss too.  That’s what I love about the Royal. I get the chance to socialize as much with Jerseys as with Holsteins.”  If you want to gets his enthusiasm really overflowing, talk to Don about the many, many cows that are his favourites. “Of course there is Quality BC Frantisco (Ex-96-3E-18*) and Quality Astre Felice (ex-27*). Quality Carlton Pam (Ex-97-6E-3*) and Quality Leadman Lady have also won his permanent affections, although Lady’s life was cut short when she was struck by lightning.



“Home Bred Makes Me Happy”

Don has seen many changes over his years preparing for the show ring. “I miss that you don’t see as many herds like Spring Farms and Romandale .. the homebred herds.” He respects herds like Ferme Jacob and explains,” That is what I love about Quality Holsteins.  People think of you as a breeder first.”  He is amazed at some aspects of the modern cattle breeding business. “Now days it’s kind of funny.  You read who won Madison and two days later she’s sold to someone else.” This accepting and adaptable guy says, “That’s okay but for me I love taking care of homebred cows. From the day they are born until they are famous, I take pride in the success of our homebred herd.” He would never criticize other’s paths. “It’s great to have a good eye for a cow and I like to make great purchases” but this Curtis Clark winner admits, “I want to look back on the success of the cow and her mother and her grandmother before her. That is the true measure of what success means to me.”  He proudly points out how the offspring from Frantisco and Astre Felice are making their way to the winners circle today.


Grand daughter of Frantisco

Not Just Show Day But Every Day

Even though Don always sets his personal standards very high, he is humbled to be with the smart business men and cattle men who have preceded him as Curtis Clark winners. “I’m the barn guy 24-7 at the barn. I have no desire to be a leadsman but I take pride in taking show cows home after the show and having them look as good as they did at the show.” Like Gerald Coughlin who Don admires he says, “I’m happy to be in the trenches.” Regardless of what challenges face Don he feels that the cows are a blessing that will see him through. “If I have a tragedy, or people are sick … or when my Dad died when I was thirteen … I always know I can go out to the barn, where the cows are calm, and I will feel their calmness.” Unconditional love works both ways.

Don being presented the 2012 Curtis Clark Achievement Award

Don being presented the 2012 Curtis Clark Achievement Award

Gentle Man. Powerful Example.

Son Randy signed by the Toronto Blue Jays as a non-draft free agent in January 2009.

Son Randy signed by the Toronto Blue Jays as a non-draft free agent in January 2009.

With emotion in his voice, Don shares a family concern that the “Royal” cattle tradition could end with him and his brother David, whom he admires and respects as a mentor too.  It’s been talked about by his son and daughter.  Son Randy had been drafted by The Blue Jays baseball team and is now married and teaching in Florida and daughter Erin manages a marina in Parry Sound.  He talks so proudly of them and concedes that “perhaps” their success is part of that 24-7 gene that he has passed on. “Oh my wife has that too!” he enthuses. “Linda works in the Quality Seed business.  She is a tremendously hard worker.” He pauses to recall how happy Linda was when he came home with his award.”I never saw her cry so much ” he says with modest amazement. “It was an emotional moment for both of us.”  When Don called his mother with the good news her voice was also filled with emotion when she said, “Look what my boys have done!” There may be new places and different careers, but Don and Linda needn’t doubt that the Schwartz family legacy lives on.

The Bullvine Bottom Line.

Following the example of other special men in overalls, Don Schwartz is a very special man himself.  He is a fine example of how far you can go by loving what you do and doing your best every day.

It is a pleasure to extend heartfelt congratulations to Don Schwartz the 2012 Curtis Clark Achievement Award Winner!


Exciting Times for Butlerview

The dairy cattle business is built by people who have the passion and persistence to bring their dreams to reality such as Butlerview Farm of Chebanse, Illinois. Butlerview, which is owned and operated by Jim and Jeff Butler and their mom Joyce, is a state of the art facility, where brood cows and show animals are on display at all times in one location. It is the realization of a family dream based on their passion for cattle.

Cookview Goldwyn Monique EX-92 EX-95 MS Reserve Grand Champion, Intermediate Champion, 1st Sr 3-Year-Old/Best Udder Owned with Joe & Amber Price

Cookview Goldwyn Monique EX-92 EX-95 MS
Reserve Grand Champion, Intermediate Champion, 1st Sr 3-Year-Old/Best Udder
Owned with Joe & Amber Price

Field of Dreams Facility

The original facility from the 1970s has undergone major renovations, with utmost attention to cow management, comfort and presentation.  From hutches, through the heifer facility, to the box stall barn, every detail has been carefully considered to provide the best environment and allow the animals to reach their full potential.  Separate housing for bulls and complete federally approved flushing facilities round out this field of dreams cattle genetics business.


Dam of Gold Chip GTPI+2450 – #2 Genomic Sire 4/11
Her daughter, Goldwyn Cash GTPI+2324 is the #1 GTPI Goldwyn of the Breed 4/11

Build It and They Will Come

Years of experience in sales and marketing and a passion for cattle have come together in this start to finish home for the production and marketing of elite dairy genetics. Jeff admits that attracting clients can be a two step process. “Type brings the foot traffic to the farm.  But genomics and pedigree get them buying.”

R-E-W Happy Go Lucky-ET HM Intermediate Champion, 1st Milking Yearling/Best Udder WDE 2012

R-E-W Happy Go Lucky-ET
HM Intermediate Champion, 1st Milking Yearling/Best Udder WDE 2012

Growing Pains: Challenges and Opportunities

Jeff acknowledges the challenges they face. “Like most businesses that are going through rapid expansion, there are certainly growing pains along the way.” The logistics alone require constant attention to detail.” We need to turn our animals 2.5 times per year for proper facility utilization.  That means keeping most newborn animals no more than 4-6 months.  This means we have to plan what sales animals are going to, contact people that have purchased 1st choices from us and get them to pick their animals, decide what bulls studs the qualified males will go to and arrange all of the proper testing.”


Goldwyn daughter of 2012 Golden Dam Finalist REGANCREST-PR BARBIE
Daughters currently at Butlerview by Supersonic, Bookem, Shamrock (GTPI +2443), Snowman, Greatest (GTPI +2358), Large (PTAT +4.13), Epic & Numero Uno

Butlerview Success Formula: People, Talent and Time Off

Even though the vision is quite large the success formula is quite simple explains Jeff. “We try to have the best employees we can find because they are the most important asset we have. We teach them how we want things done and then let them do their jobs without micromanaging them.” He adds that, “It is important to make sure that employees get some time off to prevent burnout in this type of environment.”

BVK Atwood Arianna-ET VG-89 1st Jr 2-Year-Old/B&O/Best Udder WDE 2012 Owned with Frank & Diane Borba

BVK Atwood Arianna-ET VG-89
1st Jr 2-Year-Old/B&O/Best Udder WDE 2012
Owned with Frank & Diane Borba

Marketing Strategy says “No!” to the Familiar and “Hello Wow Factor!”

The environment Jeff is referring to is the one where every animal and client benefits from the facilities and expertise offered by Butlerview Farm, Jetstream Genetics and Butler Fellers Auctions.  These are the three pillars of success according to Jeff. “I think what helps the success of Butlerview is that there are synergies between having the farm and having the auction company in Butler-Fellers to market the animals.” He points to the advantages. “This allows us to have a pulse and relationships with the buyers and sellers in the marketplace.” Each auction is an event in and of itself but Jeff doesn’t leave out the additional benefit of having the Jetstream bull stud. “This provides another avenue to market some of our bulls.”

Ms Atlees Shottle Aubry VG-88 EX-MS

Ms Atlees Shottle Aubry VG-88 EX-MS
Full sister to AFTERSHOCK

Buyers Come Through the Door for Type but Stay for Genomics and Pedigree 

A keen observer of the marketplace, Jeff homes in on what is most important to clients. “For show cows the most important thing I look for is the udder.  The other things I look for are style and show appeal, width of rump, openness and angularity, functional feet and legs and great front ends, with smooth blending of shoulders and long necks extending upward out of the shoulder. If they have all of that, then I look at size and length of body to make sure they are big enough.”  On the genomic side he has priorities as well. “For genomic animals, I look at three things in order: 1 Cow families and maternal lines; 2. Conformation of the individual; 3. GTPI score. Milk, fat, protein and high Type are the most important numbers that I look at. When trying to market offspring from them, I think those are the most important characteristics that the majority of our customer base looks at.”

RockyMountain Talent Lisorice EX-95 All-Canadian 2012 & 2011 All-American 2011

RockyMountain Talent Lisorice EX-95
All-Canadian 2012 & 2011
All-American 2011

Butlerview Seeks to Provide Exclusive Genetics

The team at Butlerview never loses sight of the fact that the goal is to be a world leader in top-ranked genomic and breed-defining type sires. “For type and show cows, we are using Gold Chip, Atwood, Brokaw, Sid, Colt 45 and Numero Uno because we really like the calves.  We anticipate using Licorice’s 2 sons that will be coming out in early 2013 at Jetstream Genetics: a red Destry son and a RC Goldwyn Son.” He outlines how they are approaching the genomic sires. “For genomic sires we are using Cashcoin, Cashmoney, Colt .45, Numero Uno, Supersire and have also ordered some Liquid Gold semen that we will be using.”


2nd Jr. 2-Yr-Old World Dairy Expo 2009
Res. All-American Jr. 2-Yr-Old 2009
Full Sister to Atwood & maternal sister to Aftershock

World Vision for Butlerview

These are exciting times to be in the dairy breeding business and Jeff offers this opinion. “Probably the two biggest game changers have been the ability to IVF animals which allowed a much quicker and more profitable ROI on the purchase of elite animals and then the invention of genomic testing which provides a tremendous tool for identifying the elite animals.”  He looks ahead to an exciting future with three important developments: “I see the value of high genomic males increasing for farmers as they move closer to 2013, when they will be able to test their own bulls. I see high genomic males topping public auctions much like high genomic females currently do.  I see the price of early semen from the high genomic bulls increasing rapidly in price, which will greatly benefit farmers.”

Ms Dundee Belinda-ET EX-94 EX-94 MS 3rd 5-Year-Old/1st Bred & Owned

Ms Dundee Belinda-ET EX-94 EX-94 MS
3rd 5-Year-Old/1st Bred & Owned at 2012 World Dairy Expo

Butlerview Shares Advice With Young Breeders

Jeff’s passion for the industry extends to everyone who shares his enthusiasm and particularly those just starting out. “When it comes to acquiring animals, I would encourage young breeders to look very closely at the maternal line.” His reason is based on years of experience.” It is much easier to market an animal when people around the world recognize the cow family that you are trying to market from.”

Micheret Alexandra Sid VG-89 5th 4-Year-Old WDE 2012

Micheret Alexandra Sid VG-89
5th 4-Year-Old WDE 2012

Innovation Changes Butlerview. Butlerview Innovates Change

If you stand still as the industry changes, eventually you will be left behind.  Through his new endeavours and keen eye for analysis Jeff talks about how modern marketing is based on engaging with the customer. He advises, “I would use the social media such as Facebook, print media and websites to get your message across to people.” He adds. “Today’s market is truly a global market.  You have to design messages that will reach and appeal to people all around the world.”

Peirstein Goldwyn Frisou EX-94 7th 5-Year-Old WDE 2012 Owned with Frank & Diane Borba

Peirstein Goldwyn Frisou EX-94
7th 5-Year-Old WDE 2012
Owned with Frank & Diane Borba

Bullvine Bottom Line

As Butlerview moves toward an exciting future Jeff is enthusiastic. “There are unlimited possibilities ahead.”  They look forward to working to grow their own business and those of their clients.

Quality Holsteins – Well-Deserved Congratulations

“Congratulations on winning!” That’s one of the nicest things you can hear when you show cattle.  Congratulations  is fine for winning the lottery or celebrating a birthday, but “well deserved” is reserved for people who put in the effort and the time and took the risk to get somewhere. Today we are looking at why the success of Paul and Ari Ekstein of Quality Farms Ltd. in Woodbridge, Ontario is well-deserved

Quality Shows to Win



Quality Holsteins is at the forefront of dairy cattle breeding and showing and Ari Ekstein of Quality Farms Ltd. attributes much of that to one cow, QUALITY B C FRANTISCO EX-96-3E-CAN 18*(Read more – The 8 Greatest North American Show Cows of All-Time). “Frantisco is having a great impact on our herd.  There is no doubt that the two years that she was Grand at the Royal the Quality herd became more famous in the world.  Her greatest impact is through her daughters and granddaughters (Read – Great Show Cows Can They Pass It On).  This family is one of the most consistent breeding families in the world.  The success of this family has helped keep Quality in the forefront of the Holstein industry. Both the Grand and Reserve grand cows at this year’s Autumn Opportunity go back to the Frantisco family.” (Read – Autumn Opportunity Holstein Show Results)



QUALITY GOLDWYN FLANSCO EX-94-CAN – GRAND AUTUMN OPP. 2012 – Grand daughter of Frantisco

Quality Winners Don’t Happen by Coincidence

You can’t count on luck or chance in cattle breeding. You have to make a plan and stick to it.  When you breed show cows, you’ve got to prove it with winners at the major shows.  Ari is familiar with analyzing and planning for show success. “There is no doubt that WDE is one of the greatest shows in the world.” However he points out that Quality’s plan was different.  “The last time we exhibited at Madison was with Quality Astro Sheri.  She was second prize three year old in 1988. We are only a half an hour from the Royal and we decided to continuously show there rather than Madison.”  They have had tremendous success at the Royal.  Perhaps this will be doubled in the future as Ari reports “You will see Quality at Madison again in the next few years.” Obviously, the key is to know where you’re showing and how to win there.

Winning today (vs. winning tomorrow)


QUALITY GIBSON FINSCO EX-95-3E-CAN 4* – HM. ALL-ONTARIO 5-YR 2008 – dam of Flansco and daughter of Frantisco

There can be high excitement and frustrating disappointments in the show ring … but everything you do today has an impact on tomorrow’s successes.  Quality’s winners, in the barn and in the show ring, start before each cow is mated. Current stars in their lineup are,Quality Goldwyn Flansco, Quality Gibson Finsco, Quality Gibson Ficoe, Quality Gibson Fantisco, Quality Carlton Pam, Quality Gold Danzi, Pine-Tree Finley Minnie and Valleyville Rae Lynn.



The Quality Strategy

“We try to breed the best type cow possible that will milk easy with no health issues.  We are very particular in what bulls we use and we try and make sure we make the best mating every time.  We love great type cows and we will continue to try and breed a “champion” cow every time.” Quality sets the benchmark high.

Change is Part of the Breeding Business

Everyone must find a way to deal with change and usually it starts with recognizing that it is happening. “I am sure everybody involved in this industry will tell you that genomics has had a huge impact in the value of cattle.”

Ari feels it isn’t’t just the sales ring but also the show ring that has seen change. “We have also seen a dramatic change in the style of today’s show winners. Goldwyn has set the new standard in today’s show ring.” says Ari, who then goes on to point out the benefits brought to the dairy industry because of evolving genetics. “Today’s modern dairy genetics have also bred cows that are profitable because they have the ability to milk throughout their lactation.  The days of cows peaking in the first three months and barely milking in their last three months should come to an end.”



Genomics Is a Quality Tool

Ari reports that Quality Holsteins uses genomics. “We have concentrated more on the bulls that combine the extremely high type with high production and health traits.” This may surprise those who feel genomics and type are mutually exclusive.  The top 10 bulls that Ari lists are: Windbrook, Sid, Goldchip, Fever, Dempsey, Braxton, Atwood, Brokaw, Bradnick, Brawler. When you break down their attributes you see that they are all high type and that there is a 70/30 split between proven and genomic sires.  (Read more – Does Genomics Belong in The Show Ring and 7 Sires to Use in Order to Breed the Next World Dairy Expo Champion)


PINE-TREE FINLEY MINNIE EX-91-CAN DOM 2* – Dam of PINE-TREE SID – Owned by Quality Holsteins

Type Leads the Way

Ari points out that even with genomics, he focuses on type. “We believe that type is still very important and we refuse to give up type for the sake of numbers.  Whether you are a commercial breeder or someone who is trying to breed a show cow, the better typed cows are always worth more. When you go to a commercial sale barn the better typed cows always sell for more than the poor typed cows. Needless to say the cow in first is usually worth more than the one in 10th.”

Quality Formula Based on Hard Work

You could be forgiven for assuming that it has been easy for Quality Holsteins to achieve their outstanding show ring success.  After all they are in the winner’s circle year after year.  Sometimes we forget that the hard work really begins long before the ribbon is awarded. There is no book, “The Lazy Man’s Way to Champions!” Ari attributes success to this finely honed formula: “The combination of dedication, hard work and passion from the Ekstein family and some of the best employees in the world has contributed to our success.”



Only Elite Breeding will have Value in the Future

Experienced in the seed industry as well as the dairy industry, Ari knows that all businesses evolve with changing markets. Ari points out where the future is headed. “The farms keep getting bigger and the importance of high producing, healthy typey cows continues.” Rather than fret about this and worry about the impact, Ari analyzes what lies ahead. “As we move forward we will see that only the true elite animals will hold their value.  Anything that is rare will always be valuable. The extremely high genomic animals and the great show cows of the breed will always be valuable.  It is very hard to breed both of these and the cows in between will not increase in value.” Simply put, when all of your competitors are busy increasing value by cutting prices, Ari points out that you can actually increase your returns by breeding only the cows that are valued in the marketplace.

Quality Focuses on Success

Sometimes we assume that if we just copy the bull selection of an elite breeder like Quality Farms Ltd., our herd will rise in the rankings too.  Ari’s advice disproves this simplistic idea. “I think it is important to realize what your goal is as a breeder, and make sure you focus on what your idea of success is.” You have to know your herd, your cow and yourself before you make even one mating decision. Of course, there are some basic rules to follow. “It is very important to try and breed from the most consistent breeding families in the breed.” Ari says. “There are many good cows with good pedigrees but very few have the ability to consistently breed.” The third piece of advice is probably the most important, “Once you realize what family you want to focus on it is equally as important to use the right bulls.  Making the proper mating is very important and do not just use a bull because he has a good proof.  It is important to use the bull that is the best mating for each cow or heifer you are breeding.”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

You might think a breeding discussion with Quality Holsteins would boil down to a choice between genomics or type.  Again, the assumption would be wrong.  The Quality answer is that, based on your own clear goals, there is something of value in the proper use of both tools. The real foundation of success Ari points out is that,”The will to succeed, devotion and hard work will eventually pay off.” That’s when the title “Quality” is well-deserved.

COW CANCER: Truth or Consequences?

Hopefully we are all beginning to face the fact that health issues in the dairy population have flown under the radar for far too long. Johnes, Leucosis and E Coli are three, all independent of each other, that come to mind easily.  The other day something came across my desk that raised more concern. A recent article out of UK reports that young women having IVF treatment are at ‘higher risk of breast cancer’. It goes on to say that the Australian study has found that , “Women who have IVF in their twenties are up to 50 per cent more likely to develop breast cancer.” The key alarm raised is that “the use of strong hormones to stimulate the ovaries to produce more eggs during fertility treatment as hyperstimulation can be fatal.” Granted this is talking about women in the human population but we have all experienced the parallels between ourselves and the girls in the barn. The article was well balanced and cautioned against making assumptions, concluding that “A lot more work would be needed before we can say definitively whether these results are true or not.” Only good can come from further study.

Now from the bovine side.  It stimulates a series of questions and considerations. Recently the dairy industry has recorded deaths of some high profile cows due to cancer.  Rainyridge Talent Barbara, Shoremar S Alicia, Winterbay Goldwyn Lotto.  When you add to that list others such as Comestar Goldwyn Lilac, dying in her prime, and then consider all the more ordinary cows, both yours and mine, that don’t make headlines, you can begin to think that this could be serious. The first question needs to be asked, “Does IVF increase cancer risk in cows?” Of course, you can’t stop there. My mind is rolling out questions such as these:

  • Is there currently any research being done into cancer in bovines?
  • Could this be a thesis – for a university student?
  •  How could we get a comparable study of cancer deaths in the bovine population?
  • Which age group in the bovine population has the largest number of deaths from cancer?
  • Are younger cattle dying more frequently of cancer?  Is there an association with IVF?
  • How many older cows are dying of cancer? How would we know?
  •  Is there a link between the cancer and the very early age that heifers receive IVF treatment?
  • What age group or sub-section of the bovine population is at the least risk of death due to cancer?

In human medicine it has been reported by Dr Linda Giudice, President-Elect of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, that: “The development of breast cancer is linked to oestrogen exposure and the longer one is exposed, the greater the risk.” Could this also be true in bovines?


As with any of the issues that face the dairy industry, the first step is recognizing the need. The next step is finding an able and willing leader. Of course, that means you can’t start with denial because that helps no one. It’s okay to say, “This is going to be difficult.” And it’s productive to point out, “We don’t know all, or even any, of the answers yet.” If we tell it like it is, we may not know where we are going  but at least we are not standing still.

Read the original article that sparked these questions.

A Preview of the 2012 World Dairy Conference Seminars

For Holsten Canada the logistics of organizing a World Conference are huge. The organizers faced this challenge by starting several years in advance to forecast what would be of interest to delegates, where to find the experts and in many ways they had to work in the dark. Then add to that the fact that the Internet and our 24-7 connected economy has turned old methods of sharing information on its head. Now, farmers are not only out-standing in their fields, they are outstanding with a smart phone in their hands. No longer are seminar audiences motivated by overheads and dry paper presentations. Presenters will be using IPADs and even the audience will be “linked up”.

A Fork Full or the Whole Load?

While 18 speakers in 1 ½ days seems like a lot to absorb, in reality it’s a hyper-compressed overview of the issues, challenges and potential facing “Holsteins Today for a Better Tomorrow”. On the one hand, it’s an opportunity to see the future through the eyes of the best in the business. On the other hand, it could be a mind numbing experience. It’s up to you to pick and choose and know what you`re hungry for.

What do you know? What do you need to know?

The social aspect of the conference is a perfectly good reason to attend and develop personal relationships that you can build on later but don’t forget that there is also the opportunity to add dairy business insights and scientific expertise to your resources. Today we will briefly preview the highlights of the sessions.

SESSION 1: It`s a Genomics Talk and Bull Session by The Know it Alls!

After four years of genomics, there is growing data to support or contradict the experts. Entitled The Genomics Revolution, three speakers from France, Australia and Canada will cover the following topics and The Bullvine will pose questions that need to be answered.

Session 2 Impact of Genomics on the Industry

  • How Genomics is changing the Business and Services of Associations – Josef Pott
    This is a hot topic in today’s dairy industry. A recent article in the Bullvine (Select Sires vs Semex: A Contrast In Cooperatives) generated discussion and raised even more questions. From the services side it would be interesting to know if there a cost effective way to include genomic and parentage testing with every registration?
  • Making More Profitable Holsteins (Male Selection) – Marjorie Faust
    There are always lots of questions in this goal setting topic which is of economic interest to every dairy breeder. Here’s a way to get your questions about how to get your bulls in a row and look toward a healthy bottom line (see the Bullvine article Going Off the Map).
  • Using Genotyped Cows to Enhance Reliability of Genomic EBV –Sander de Roos
    This topic stirred the interest of more than one of us at the Bullvine. We look forward to a description of the planned study and would like to know from which countries will the inclusion of cow performance be studied?

We’ve only looked at two of the six sessions and might be forgiven for saying “Wow! Let’s not bite off more than we can chew!” However, here’s a question for you? “When you think back to the last ten years of your dairy business, how much of what you haven’t achieved is due to missed opportunities – the technology you didn’t use, the heats you missed, or the heifers that didn’t make it to the milking string. Missed opportunities often rise out of lack of information, not being prepared or reluctance to try something new. The third session might be the one you need most.

SESSION 3: Improving Reproduction Using New Technologies

Getting our cows to reproduce is the foundation that our dairy businesses are built on. It’s so obvious that sometimes we are distracted by other issues of the moment. But if we are driven to make a positive difference in the business of making milk, reproduction has to go to the top of the priority list. It doesn’t matter how much milk the cows make if we are having problems making cows.

SESSION 4: Improving Our Cow’s Health & Welfare

There have been many who feel their concerns about healthy cattle are falling on deaf ears. We live in denial of the coming health crisis and hope that we will be lucky and miss being put out of business by the next bovine disease. Even if we can practice what I call sand box farming (that`s where you can bury your heads until the problem goes away) the problem is your money goes away too! Health is not just important it`s imperative. And even if the BIG ONE doesn`t get you, the little details of cattle health management could. Remember, on the human side 100,000 North Americans check into a hospital every year … and don`t check out because of infections or other illnesses caused by the system. Barns have systems too. The expectation is that that`s the best place to be. Check out these conference speakers, if you`re ready to shake off the sand.

Where’s YOUR Beaten Path? To the Milkhouse. To the Bank. To Retirement.
Dairy farming isn`t something you take up for the short term. It requires commitment, stamina and money. That said over time we tend to get into familiar routines and the path, or rut, becomes well worn. With our heads hunkered down we may lose sight of the goals we were originally aiming for. If we haven`t planned for the future, we may not have one. The way we use our resources and the products we produce matter to the industry, our customers and our families. What matters to you?

SESSION 5: Ensuring Farm Sustainability

SESSION 6: Getting More Out of Milk


In the business of dairy farming, knowledge is power. Are you milking it for all it’s worth?

(For more information on the 2012 World Holstein Conference go to

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