Archive – Page 4

A “Global” Twist on “Eat Local”

With two of our three children living outside of Canada, we have been a sounding board for the challenges of trying to eat locally, when you have emigrated from your native country.  For those who went to the US, the changes were small …. Missing Smarties and Tim Horton’s.  Moving to The Netherlands meant not only new and different food, but unrecognizable labels and a foreign language to navigate. Easily recognized brands no longer pointed the way to the ingredients required for home cooking or favorite comfort foods.

This kind of international adaptation is no longer the exception to the rule as the next generations build their career histories and experienced dairy people expand their resumes with jobs farther afield.  Today most who started out on a dairy farm in a small, somewhat isolated rural village have had the opportunity to travel, study and consult in countries beyond the borders of their homeland. This ever moving, international consumer segment, affects everything, not the least of which is producing dairy products to meet local tastes.

Impact of Immigration on North American Food Markets

Most of the North American population growth of the past 20 years is due to immigration. Canada’s annual growth rate in 2011/2012 (+1.1%) exceeded that of other industrialized countries including the United States (+0.7%), Italy (+0.3%) and France (+0.5%). This growth represents a new and growing segment of the food consuming market and opportunities for dairy producers. In the US sales directly from the farm can adapt products more easily than in Canada where increasing the supply managed market means growing a consumer segment. Taking a closer look at the Canadian immigration situation shows that since 2001 most of Canada’s population growth was due to immigration. In 2011, it accounted for 67 percent, according to Statistics Canada, which projects that growth could rely almost entirely on immigration in the future. By 2017, the agency projects one out of every five people could be a visible minority. This raises the question, “How do immigrants fit into or even have the opportunity to buy into the “buy local” proposition?

What’s Missing in Local Markets? How to Find the Taste of Home?

It’s human nature to look for what’s familiar. Amid change, stress and the daily demands of work and family, everyone seeks the comfort of food that is familiar.  While young children in a new country may adapt more quickly to eating the same as their contemporaries, research shows that parents “want something that tastes like home.” If they can’t find those familiar dairy products, their diet switches away from dairy.

Who’s Got Milk?

From the dairy production side, the problem basically comes down to the fact that, without a consumer for the dairy products we produce, the industry is not sustainable. Overlooking the dairy preferences of the immigrant market is short-sighted in planning for the next generation of dairy producers. While great strides are made in genetics, genomics, and dairy management, it will all be pointless if there is no one drinking milk. And yet the questions must be asked, “Who lobbies for milk consumption?” (Read more:  MILK MARKETING: How “Got Milk?” BECAME “Got Lost” and “Got Milk” is becoming “Got More”)

Ethnic Specialist Finds Markets Could Be Hiding in Plain Sight

Sometimes the markets are not as far away or as difficult to supply as we might imagine. Nissim Avraham is an Israeli-born ethnic market specialist for the Dairy Farmers of Ontario (DFO). You might ask, “What is an ethnic market specialist?” Basically, Avraham looks for markets – some hiding in plain sight — in Canada’s immigrant population. While working on a project for his M.B.A. at the University of Guelph, his research looked into demand for dairy products for the Middle Eastern community in the Toronto area. Following a presentation to Canadian dairy farmers the first question was, “Why don’t they make their own?” For Avraham, the answer was to point out that there was an enormous opportunity there. “At the time, the Middle Eastern opportunity had a value of 10 million liters (4 million lbs.) of milk in the Toronto area alone.”  From this opening dialog, Avraham got an interview with DFO, and a new job focused on filling demand for the eleven Middle Eastern, South Asian and Chinese populations in Ontario. Today, he’s a popular guy throughout the Canadian provinces, and his successful practices in Ontario are being replicated elsewhere.

Lost in Translation of the Supermarket Aisle

It could be as simple as an added sign or label. Living in a country where every food product has both French and English (explanations), it doesn’t seem problematic to me to let a particular consuming segment clearly understand the dairy products being offered. However, as my immigrant children will tell you, it can be frustrating and time-consuming to try to find products you want in a foreign, to you, supermarket. Looking for familiar dairy products could make a quick shopping trip into a morning or afternoon of hide and seek. One such example is Paneer.

“We have newcomers from Asia shopping for the first time looking for Paneer. They’re vegetarians who drink full-fat milk, eat yogurt, want a higher-fat butter, and would consume nearly double the dairy products in a year that a native North American would. They couldn’t find Paneer in the market, except a cheap version.” Avraham points out that “Paneer is actually pressed ricotta.” Avraham helped an Italian cheesemaker create and label a more traditional Paneer, which quickly took 30% market share in those markets.

Since that first big success, the calls just keep coming. Avraham now consults with dairy processors in other Canadian provinces,  convincing them that rather than making another version of an existing product, they can go after a market already waiting for them.

Targeting, not Changing, Ethnic Markets

Avraham thinks targeting ethnic markets with specific products is something more countries should look into, including the United States.  “Sure, I can advertise a mozzarella or cheddar to different ethnic groups,” Avraham said. “But why would you go there? You think you’re going to change 5,000 years of Chinese tradition? It’s the first generation that we can target with these products.

Certification Clarity

While it may be difficult to find the familiar, it is also challenging when moving to a new culture to find foods that are important to different religions. When the requirements are understood, labels with particular types of certifications provide a shortcut for consumers who would otherwise have to read an often-complicated ingredient list to see whether they can consume products to conform to their religious preferences. Both sides experienced a learning curve. Processors were not familiar with Halal certification, but Avraham describes it as “Kosher-light”, meaning if you fit Kosher certification — a designation many Ontario processors were already comfortable with — you also fit Halal.

Trade Hurdles

Avraham knows Canadian processors who have orders for their ethnic products in the U.S. However, between exporting tariffs and the higher cost of Canadian milk, trying to fill that market from north of the U.S. border is nearly impossible. Of course, it means that there is potential waiting to be realized by American dairy entrepreneurs who merely have to tap into local ethnic demand.

Niche Markets

Developing markets is something of a Catch 22 situation.  Do you invest millions of dollars in developing a new product?  Millions of dollars converting generations of taste buds to an unfamiliar product. Or take the small step route of modifying products to be more aligned with the new immigrant locals.  In the latter case, there is already identifiable models to build from…the popularity is guaranteed. The challenge is making the match that “tastes like home”. While these modified niche markets will never be huge, they do represent an opportunity.  In the Canadian supply management program, it represent more milk that can be made by dairy farmers.

Growing Local Markets

The 62-year old specialist, Nissim Avraham, has been tagged as the ethnic market milkman.  A more fitting title might be market matchmaker, as he brings together distributors, eager to buy, with processors, who need a little coaching in product presentation. Success stories continue to grow:

  • With Avraham’s encouragement, Ontario processors are now making butter ghee, a type of clarified butter; lassi, a fruit-flavoured yogurt drink; and dahi yogurt, a market that has grown from 200,000 to more than two million litres per year.
  • There are now about 25 Ontario cheese and yogurt makers with halal certification.

2.2% Growth

In Ontario, products that Avraham helped introduce are now worth 2.2% of the market.  Not huge. But a start.  It’s the incremental growth that says it’s worthwhile in the modern dairy market. The hardest part is having the decision makers recognize the opportunity.

The Bullvine Bottom Line – Eating locally!  Together!!

Regardless of the culture you were born in, trading recipes and eating homegrown and locally grown foods is not only healthy but also an excellent way to build community. Shopping, sharing and eating together creates connections that are good for everyone involved. We may not recognize the opportunities an ethnic market specialist points out but, if the dairy industry doesn’t open itself up to these new markets, we could go from “Got Milk!” to “Not Milk!”


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8 Things You MUST Know About The BLV Virus

Bovine Leukemia Virus Is Even More of a Threat Than Previously Considered

There are many areas to keep on top of when dealing with the health of your dairy herd.  Some are immediate and obvious (lameness, injury).  Others are recurring (mastitis, contagious diseases, assistance with calving).  And some, although undetectable, are continually attacking the health and productivity of your cattle. This last area is one that needs more consideration.

“Out of sight out of mind” only works until the negative effects mount up.  And, with so many of the more visible problems heading your “to do” list, you might prefer to “let sleeping dogs (or diseases) lie.”  After all, just keep your fingers crossed and hope the unseen and active problems remain that way. However, with dwindling margins, no dairy herd manager can afford to wait for a health crisis to make itself known — especially if it could have been prevented or, at least, downgraded to something less devastating than the death of a productive animal.

Bovine Leukemia virus is a case in point for a disease that is not being dealt with effectively.

Prevalence of BLV

When it comes to statistics, we are often comfortable with 10 to 15% or even 20%.  In the case of Bovine Leukemia Virus the stats are much higher. In the USA, recent surveys estimate that 44% of dairy cattle have BLV. This is very high compared to many places in the world. European countries, Australia and New Zealand have eradication programs in place that have led to negligible rates of BLV infection. In Canada there is the CHAH program but very few use it. In the USA there are voluntary control programs in place but, combined with the increasing incidence that occurs with increasing herd size and increasing age of cattle,  it is obvious that BLV is a continuing problem.

BLV Has Been Beneath the Radar

Bovine Leukosis Virus (BLV) is a retroviral infection that causes leukemia in cattle by targeting white blood cells and causing them to grow uncontrollably. The virus is transferred from cow to cow by BLV-laden white blood cells found in blood, saliva, semen and milk. The vast majority of BLV-infected cattle do not present with outward clinical signs. Only 5% will develop malignant tumors or lymphosarcomas. While approximately 30% of infected animals will have abnormally high white blood cell counts, only the most severe cases of BLV will exhibit enlarged lymph nodes, weight loss, loss of appetite, infertility and decreased milk production. That is why BLV stays off the priority radar of dairy managers.

Does BLV Alter the Immune System Response to Other Diseases?

It’s bad enough to have cattle affected by a virus but the idea that having that virus could also compromise their entire immune system is a problematic scenario. If that is indeed a possibility, then it is dangerous to be accepting of BLV in the belief that the small (5%) group does not represent a major health issue. Instead there is the  rising spectre of infectious diseases and mastitis pathogens which could be gaining a foothold in herds.

Operational Procedures Spread BLV

There are many health issues which are beyond the control and, to some extent, the management of dairy operators.  However, in the case of Bovine Leukemia Virus, there are definite causes and controls that can be handled by farm personnel.  The most obvious areas to consider are any equipment or procedure that expose animals to contaminated blood.

  • used needles
  • unsterilized equipment
  • multiuse rectal sleeves
  • biting insects
  • tattooing
  • rectal palpations
  • dehorning

These seven are all contributors to the tumor growing, lymph node swelling that comes with Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV). There is also evidence to suggest that BLV-infected dams may transmit the virus to offspring via infected blood, colostrum or placental transfer.

Management and Control of BLV

To ignore or underestimate the problem of BLV is to risk your dairy herd. Dr. Lew Strickland DVM, MS, DACT Bovine at the University of Tennessee suggests a management list that includes the following:

  • Test all cattle entering the herd for BLV, and isolate them for 30 to 60 days. Test again at the end of the isolation period.
  • Implement annual testing.
  • If your herd is infected with BLV, maintain 2 herds; clean and infected.
  • Perform all veterinary procedures on BLV-positive cows last.
  • Use individual sterile needles for transdermal injection or blood collection.
  • Visit to learn how to properly dispose of used sharps
  • Disinfect all equipment between animals.
  • Wash and rinse instruments in warm water, then submerge in an appropriate disinfectant.
  • Use electric dehorners, or disinfect dehorning equipment between animals.
  • Replace examination gloves and sleeves between animals.
  • Use milk replacer to feed preweaned calves.
  • Heat-treat or pasteurize colostrum.
  • 140º for 30 minutes will kill BLV without damaging IgG antibodies.
  • Use BLV-seronegative recipients for embryo transfer.
  • Reduce numbers of biting insects.

What Damage Results from BLV – Transmission?

BLV presents multiple implications for your dairy herd.

  • Tumors of the abomasum may lead to signs of cranial abdominal pain, melena (digested blood in feces), or abomasal outflow obstruction.
  • Pelvic limb paresis progressing to paralysis can occur in animals with spinal lesions.
  • Tumors in the eye socket cause protrusion of the globe, resulting in exposure keratitis,
  • Tumors of the heart may be mild and undetectable clinically, or may cause arrhythmias, murmurs, or heart failure.
  • Uterine lesions may lead to reproductive failure or abortion.

Once infected with BLV, cattle become lifetime carriers, since there are no vaccines or treatments that can eliminate the infection.

Numerous Negative Effects of BLV

The appearance of lymphomas in BLV-infected dairy cows has a direct economic impact on the industry, due to increased replacement costs, loss of income from condemned carcasses of cull cows and the inability to export cattle, semen and em­bryos to countries that maintain BLV control programs. Other losses may include reduced re­productive efficiency and decreased milk production. Beyond these obvious impacts there is the effect (not fully known) on the immune system of infected cattle. Because of BLV they have reduced ability to fend off other infectious diseases.

BLV Negatively Affects Immune Function and Vaccine Efficacy

One epidemiologist has reported a significant association between BLV infection and the occurrence of both clinical and subclinical mastitis. BLV-infected herds have also been found to have a higher risk of hoof problems, gastroenteritis, pneumonia, and culling when compared with BLV-free herds

One area of investigation that has received very little attention is the potential impact of BLV status and altered immune function on vaccine efficacy. Vaccine trials have been performed in attempts to vaccinate against BLV with some promising results. However, there are limited published reports on how cows may respond to non-BLV related immunization protocols based on BLV status. Unfortunately, the impact of BLV status on other vaccine programs has not been investigated.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Whereas the observational studies do not necessarily prove that BLV causes other illnesses, the potential impact on the ability of cows to resist the development of health disorders is worth a closer examination. It is time to speed up the research and data collection.  Control and eliminate the BLV problem before the battle for dairy health is lost without a fight.


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MILK QUALITY: When You Are Out of Quality, You Are Out of Business!

The idea of opening a discussion on milk quality almost seems redundant.  After all, everybody knows the how-to processes of producing milk.  Producing quality milk isn’t rocket science.  No it isn’t.  But are we letting the familiar process lower the benchmark of the product we are producing?  Furthermore, from the cow to the container is everyone along that production line committed to the highest level of quality? Should they be? Are we able to prove it?  Do we want to?

What Does Quality Milk Mean?

Sometimes we need to start with the questions. When processors receive milk are they limited by the level of quality?  Are there products they can’t make because the quality isn’t high enough?  Are they – under pressure from retail stores and consumers – to prove that the highest standards of quality have been met?  How much more is it worth to the processor?  Is it worth it to the dairy producer? When we try to answer the questions, we find there isn’t one simple answer.  Let’s look at 8 Quality checkpoints that you may or may not be using.

1 – Quality Milk Pays for Itself

Admittedly, the quality of milk produced on your farm directly impacts your profits. But, before we even begin to look at expenses and profits of quality milk, we need to put our accounting pencils to work on the costs we are paying if our milking herd is fighting a losing battle against diseases. At the University of Wisconsin researchers addressed this problem and, along with advice on how to calculate individual farm data, they reported. “The association between herd bulk tank SCC and production losses was recently compared between herds with low SCC (<200,000/ml), herds with medium SCC (200,000-399,999) and herds with high SCC (>400,000/ml). The overall production loss for the average US dairy farm was estimated at $110/cow annually.” The researchers sum up “Lost premium opportunities, decreased milk production and discarded pails of milk are only a partial accounting of the total actual cost of mastitis on most dairy farms. Mastitis causes additional losses due to death, culling, decreased genetic gain and reductions in reproductive efficiency.” The National Mastitis Council sets the benchmark even higher placing the average cost of a case of mastitis at $184.

2 – Quality Udder Care Makes Quality Milk

Udder and teat end health is critical when it comes to avoiding instances of infection in your herd. Using a five- point scoring system can help to analyze the condition of teat ends, as well as ensuring that the bacteria-blocking keratin plug is able to fulfill its responsibilities.  Teat ends should maintain a smooth structure, avoiding any lesions or fraying, as these rough surfaces can more easily allow bacteria to enter the gland. Reports in the Journal of Dairy Science by D. M. Galton demonstrated a direct relationship between premilking hygiene procedures and both bacteria counts in milk and incidence of clinical mastitis. Numerous studies continue to prove that specific milking procedures such as predipping and forestripping are beneficial to improve milk quality. As well, milking equipment should be serviced routinely, as equipment not performing properly can cause teat end problems.

3 ­- Quality Routines Every Time

The daily parlor routine can be very often overlooked. Getting cows milked two to three times a day is a big job on its own. Ironically, some of the smallest things can make a world of difference.  Wearing gloves, making sure there is adequate predip coverage, and keeping in mind the contact time of predip before it is wiped off can have a significant impact.  Are all employees well trained and committed to following the set standards and completing them properly? Milking clean, dry, teats, is the priority.  In 1998 Smith and Armstrong divided premilking hygiene into three groups: none, minimal and full. They reported: “Herds using full preparation averaged 9 lbs. of milk per cow more than those using minimal udder preparation. They theorized the difference could be explained by improved milk let down since they observed partial let down followed by no milk flow through machine clusters for one to one and a half minutes before a second milk let down occurred when minimal teat preparation was used.”

4 – Quality is Supported by Exceptional Biosecurity

When purchasing cattle make sure proper screening takes place before these new animals join your herd. Access milk culture and production records for any information that could flag a potential problem. Quarantine incoming animals. Take steps to minimize instances of introducing a new infection to your herd.

5 – Quality Milk Starts with Quality Equipment Management

Continuous improvements and modifications of milking equipment, support quality milk production.  Equipment should never be taken for granted.

  • Always check the vacuum level at the start of each milking.
  • Test your milking machine annually and change liners at 2000 milkings;
  • Monitor bulk tank SCC closely and take prompt action to stop spread of infection.
  • Some systems monitor cows for udder health. Be sure to query the system every day regarding problem cows.

Regularly maintain all milking equipment to the highest standards.

6 – Quality Handling/Processes and Procedures

  • One milker performing the entire milking routine on a group of cows is considered the most consistent for performance and speed.
  • Always wear clean gloves when milking. Bare hands harbour up to 98% more bacteria than gloved hands. Clean gloves periodically during each milking with warm water and sanitizer.
  • Always apply clusters to clean and dry teats. Wash dirty teats and always dry with an individual paper towel.
  • A drying towel removes the most bacteria from the teat and provides extra stimulation.
  • The secret to successful drying is to make sure the teat end is wiped dry.
  • Use a clean or new filter sock before each milking.
  • Check the filter sock for clots after every milking.
  • Dry off cows abruptly – do not milk once a day.

Proper procedures provide pay-off, but only if they are done properly every time!  Staff training takes time but is absolutely necessary.  The approved milking routine should be given to every employee and posted in the parlor. Supervision and incentives will pay off.

7- Quality Means Mastitis Prevention

The most common threat to milk quality is that of mastitis. Procedures to identify sub-clinical mastitis and proper handling of identified cases is a priority.

  • Forestripping all cows is the most effective way of identifying clinical cases early. It may appear time consuming, but it actually encourages faster milking, through natural oxytocin let-down.
  • Culture milk samples. Early identification of the bacterial challenged in the herd can help with treatment choice.
  • Treat appropriately, discussing with your vet the herd history, culture results and cow history. Ensure that the appropriate withdrawal period is observed and treated cows are well marked and easy identifiable so their milk can be segregated from the bulk tank.
  •  Teat-dipping all cows immediately after every milking is the single best thing you can do to prevent new infections.
  • Ensure all teat area is well covered with teat disinfectant.

Less Mastitis = More Profit

It isn’t surprising that there is a direct correlation between managing mastitis and improving your financial bottom line.  Lower SCC means better milk quality and increased production. By decreasing the risk of infection you’ll spend less time and money on treating mastitis. You will keep your herd profitable by not having to cull as many good producers due to mastitis.

8- Quality Can Mean Significant Returns!

Every farm is different and will vary to some degree based on the variables involved. It is well worth it to do an economic analysis based on your own data.  Identify and benchmark areas for improvement.  Don’t overlook calculations regarding the annual cost of mastitis on your farm.

Looking outside of our own familiar situation can often help in providing perspective. Dairymen in New Zealand have taken quality to the forefront and consultants and trainers there project how significant it can be to their bottom line. “By halving your Somatic Cell Count (SCC) you will gain, on average, a 1.8% increase in milk production. If your herd is New Zealand’s average size of 350 cows and you halve your SCC from 300,000 to 150,000, you will produce an extra 2110kg of milk solids per year. “At last year’s milk price payout (2014) of $7.50, that’s an extra $15,750 earned.”


Are you managing all eight of these variables?  If not, why not? Investing money, time, training and equipment with the goal of improving milk quality, is the best investment you can make.  “Quality Milk is Not Expensive.  It’s Priceless!”


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Dairy Pharmacology – When Good Drugs Go Bad

When the headlines scream that yet another drug used by agriculture is deadly …. I must admit that I only continue to read until I discover whether or not it affects my particular herd, family or lifestyle.  If not.  I let it go.  However, I must also admit, that this “what’s in it for me?” attitude hasn’t provided a huge record of success in herd health or personal health. It seems that we always find out the real truth too late. And whose fault is that?

Who is Accountable?  Who is Responsible?

Part of the problem is that we are always looking for the information that supports our current status quo. We don’t accept responsibility for managing our own health and cross our fingers that our comfortable routine won’t cause actual harm. However, in my case, there isn’t a lot of scientifically documented evidence that says that copious amounts of coffee, no exercise and daily cheats on the diet are going to add up to good health. Nevertheless, I remain optimistic…at least until after receiving bad news in the doctor’s office. Then, like many, I hope for the pill that will take away the problem and unpleasant responsibility that’s on my shoulders.  If one pill works, that’s marvelous!  If not, I will take two and, once again, hope for the best!

SO What’s the Bad News in the Barn?

It’s a similar scenario in the barn.  Before we invest in changes in our setup, systems or animal health management, we look for the drug that will make it “easy”.  Of course there are protocols and procedures to follow. But even that doesn’t ensure 100% compliance, because each situation is different and there can always be human error. If something works!  Let’s use more of it!!

Mastitis is a Big Problem.  Ceftiofur is a Powerful Answer.

Every now and then a drug comes along that seems to hold all the answers. The antibiotic ceftiofur, which was introduced in 1989, is one of those. It is strong.  It has a short withdrawal time.  These two features add up to considerable savings for dairy farmers.  For some, it means keeping a cow milking longer – and thus preserving her value at the slaughter stage, regardless of whether or not this is beyond the prescribed uses of the antibiotic.

Mastitis is a costly problem. It doesn’t respond quickly to treatment, thus causing additional costs in milk production, vet bills, labor and cow health. Any treatment is costly. And, to date, something 100% effective has not been found. 

In practice, administering any antibiotic for several consecutive days is a practice that is used to treat many types of infections. Until recently no antibiotic had been approved and labeled for use beyond three consecutive days. Ceftiofur hydrochloride was given FDA approval for infusing up to eight consecutive days for treating clinical mastitis caused by coagulase negative staphylococci (CNS), Streptoccus. dysgalactiae, and E. coli.

In 2004, Dr. Steve Oliver and his colleagues at the University of Tennessee studied the effectiveness of the antibiotic in three research herds and reported their results in the Journal of Dairy Science. “Ceftiofur proved to be the most effective when it was administered for 8-days, with an overall infection cure rate from all types of pathogens of about 66%. Cure rates for the 5 and 2-day administration times were reduced to about 54% and 39%, respectively. The non-treatment group had an 11% spontaneous cure rate. While ceftiofur is not labeled for treating Staph. aureus infections, the researchers found that the cure rates of infections caused by Staph. aureus were 36% for the 8-day treatment group, but only 17% for 5-day, 7% for 2-day, and 0% for the no treatment groups.”

But Now The Ceftiofur Bad News! Ceftiofur could spawn antibiotic-resistant bacteria

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration cautioned in 2012 that ceftiofur could pose a “high public health risk,” The warning is the FDA’s strongest kind.  Twenty three years after approval this warning is issued and we immediately ask, “If this is true, why didn’t we know? Why wasn’t I told? The answer of course, “We didn’t know, and I wasn’t told, because it can take 10 or 20 years or longer for such a problem to appear.” Unfortunately the bad news is double-barrelled in the implications for dairy. First of all ceftiofur is very strong. Secondly, it is frequently used improperly.

These two issues cause a third problem and that is raising serious concerns, “The threat that Ceftiofur could pose to public health.” This particular drug belongs to a class of antibiotics considered critically important in human medicine. The concern is that ceftiofur in animals could spawn antibiotic-resistant bacteria, superbugs that can infect people and defeat conventional medical treatment, even when the drug is used as directed.

The stakes are especially high because the drug is part of a crucial class of antibiotics called cephalosporins. The class includes ceftriaxone, a drug that’s vital to treating pneumonia, meningitis and salmonella infections in children, according to the FDA. The use of one type of cephalosporin can compromise the effectiveness of others in the same class.

“There is a very clear link between ceftiofur use and ceftriaxone resistance,” said Paul Fey, a professor of microbiology at University of Nebraska Medical Center. “We know that ceftiofur-resistant salmonella are clearly ceftriaxone-resistant.”

Are We Getting ALL the Facts?

Question: Are Dairy cows to blame?

Answer: Some 32.5 million head of cattle were slaughtered in 2013, of which about 3.2 million were dairy cows.

Question: Is there full disclosure of all the numbers?

Answer:  The residues reported by Reuters represent only one part of USDA’s inspection program and come from the sampling of suspect animals that appear sick or ill as they come in for slaughter.

Question:  Are the numbers being selectively reported by both sides?

Answer: Perhaps. The Reuters news states, “Violations involving high levels of ceftiofur in meat rose by 323 percent between 2008 and 2013 – from 98 violations to 415. (of the 33 million slaughtered?) Last year alone, more than a quarter of all 1,634 residue violations were for ceftiofur – more than four times its share of violations in 2008, the analysis shows. Violations involving ceftiofur have continued at a similar rate during the first half of 2014.”

Roger Saltman, Group Director, Cattle and Equine Technical Services at Zoetis Inc., doesn’t dispute those numbers. But he says the residues reported by Reuters represent only one part of USDA’s inspection program. “The numbers Reuters reports comes from the sampling of suspect animals that appear sick or ill as they come in for slaughter. Reuters did not report residues from USDA’s statistical sampling program, which identified only three antibiotic positive animals from healthy animals during the first six months of 2014. And none of those positives were for ceftiofur.”

Nevertheless, Antibiotic Residues in Meat Are Still a Concern

Who is responsible? The producer of the product.  The user.  The regulators.  The dairy farmer.  While fingers can be pointed at each one, it’s probably most realistic to say that anyone connected with ceftiofur use needs to step up to the responsibility plate.  False or misleading advertising is the start.  Then, ceftiofur should not be used for unethical prolonging of a cows life merely to get her off the farm and recoup some money.   Of course, the administering of Ceftiofur must be for the right reasons and under the right usage. Regulators need to be more conscientious.  While there is huge expense to testing, there is enough information and scenarios to target where and when better information, and protocols need to be identified.  Stronger fines might also act as a deterrent. With regards to Ceftiofur, the Reuters report does suggest USDA inspectors are doing a good job of scrutinizing suspect cows. The odds of finding a residue by marketing questionable animals—resulting in a condemned, valueless carcass–go up substantially.

Recognize the Risks

Every drug has risks.  As with most things, whether it’s good or bad depends on the circumstances. For instance take aspirin. — if you have a bleeding ulcer, it’s a bad idea. If you have a headache, or are taking a low dose on the advice of a physician for cardiovascular health, it may well be a good idea. Taking the whole bottle at once is bad in any case.

This may be the case behind the Reuters report that. “Time is money for a farmer with a gravely ill cow on his hands. Interviews with farmers, veterinarians and field researchers, and a review of FDA warning letters, show ceftiofur has been administered to animals by farmers eager to keep a sick animal alive long enough to sell it.”

Act on the Information – Antibiotic Residues in Meat Are Still a Concern.

Meat withhold times are four days for Excenel RTU and Naxcel, and 13 days for Excede. When given in the muscle or subcutaneously, ceftiofur does not transfer into milk and thus there is no milk withhold. Dairies can’t lay all the blame at the feet of the manufacturer of the drug. Saltman urges dairy farmers to strictly follow drug treatment protocols and withhold time. “Before putting her on the truck, make sure you know what you’ve treated her with and that she has completed the full withdrawal time,” he says. “And if she still appears sick, don’t market her.” It’s unknown if extremely sick animals might metabolize antibiotics differently. “The dairy farmer should ask, ‘Would I put her on my own table?’” says Saltman.  “If the animal is sick, the answer is no” says Saltman. “The animal should not be marketed until she’s healthy. And if she doesn’t recover, she should be humanely euthanized on the farm”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

When it comes to the Bottom Line, there is no Bottom Line. It’s one thing if you misuse a drug through lack of information or understanding.  It’s another thing entirely if you make choices for personal gain or unethical reasons. That goes below a bottom line to completely unethical. Regardless of who is the “most” right or wrong, if you are anywhere on the spectrum between production to consumption, you must share the responsibility. And the appropriate ACTION!


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25 Ways to Score Dairy Love on Valentine’s Day

If you have a dairy farmer in your life, there are 25 ways to irrefutably confirm that Valentine’s Day 2015 has arrived and romance dairy-style is making its presence heartfelt!! He may not have done ALL of these today but you can put a kiss (X) on the heart, if your dairy man has put romance, as described here, into your life.

25 Ways to Score Dairy Love on Valentine’s Day

  1. Valentine’s Day he makes a YOU-turn especially for love. He salutes February romance by bringing his lunch to share with you in the calf barn where you’re re-bedding calf pens. It’s his idea of a “roll in the hay with his little honey”.
  2. The only other women on his mind have four legs and udders. You have the magazines and advertisements and newspapers to prove it. Unfortunately he thinks of them nine days a week.
  3. He’s always inventing more ways to spend quality time together. Recently you have had two-gether time stable cleaning, bagging feed and bookkeeping.
  4. The last handwritten card you received on Valentine’s Day said, “We’re out of colostrum. The feedstore will leave it on the ramp after closing.” Who said your man no longer delivered any good pick-me-ups?
  5. You may be owed it but don’t bank on a dairy farmer producing anything with more poetic rhythm than the seat on the tractor you get to drive to rake hay. Although you would love him to pen “Ode for my wife” you are more likely to receive laundry room “odor for my wife!”
  6. Although you have a romantic vision of total agreement in your partnership, in actual fact, men and women working on dairy farms often disagree. It’s the GMO effect:  Genetically Modified Opposition.
  7. It isn’t that dairy farmers don’t like matchmaking. In fact it’s practically a full-time hobby. Give him a stack of pedigrees and the latest bull proofs and his thoughts, although maybe not focused on love, are definitely focused on finding the perfect mates.
  8. When you occasionally ask why he never says anything romantic to you or about you, his response is, “I am struck dumb by your perfection.” Now that’s a smart dairy farmer.
  9. The last time he presented you with a surprise box on Valentine’s Day, it turned out to be a trip to the granary to see the new litter of kittens that were making their home there. If you were lucky, he also had a second special box … a cardboard one….. so that you could move them somewhere that wouldn’t interfere with your daily chores. Such a thoughtful guy!
  10. Thoughtful and sentimental. Or should that be “scent”imental. Women love it when a man lets his presence be known.  Dairy farmers are great at that. Barn boots across the clean floor, greasy hands on the fresh towels — barny barn smell on the pillow cases.  It may not be better housekeeping but it’s definitely animal husbandry.
  11. Thank goodness most passionate dairy farmers don’t play the field they plough them!
  12. Dairy farmers talk funny – especially when give instructions. You better know where the rock ridge is so that you can bring him a cotter pin when the tractor breaks down north of the dry well by the rail fence on the old Sutter place.
  13. Dairy farmers may not be the brightest valentines in the chocolate box but they are definitely the sharpest ones in the laundry. More times than I can count I have washed pocket knives, burned out light bulbs and udder towels and turned everything the bright red of that new hat that was his “favorite”
  14. It all comes out in the wash… if you’ve ever spent Sunday morning trying to untangle a pair of nylons from 200 yards of binder twine ….you know that isn’t true!
  15. Washing the milk check takes money laundering and strained relationships to a whole new level.
  16. However, on most days, there is no need for a matchmaker in dairy romances. Mother Nature does a wonderful job using storms, drought, wind and rain to keep the relationship from becoming routine or, heaven forbid, predictable.
  17. You both know that your dairy guy thinks it’s a compliment to be asked, “Where you raised in a barn?”
  18. Going “out” is a phrase you have to eliminate from your vocabulary. Out means: the cattle are out; or we’re out of feed;
  19. Some couples share their love by going out to shows. When you share your life with a farmer you have a 24/7 front row seat for the greatest show on earth brought to you by Mother Nature productions.
  20. Dairy sweethearts don’t need Valentine Surprises. The 24/7 of dairy farming has surprises built in. Like the ones that happen when the dairy man who has the key to your heart also leaves every door he passes through open:  house, barn, calf pens.
  21. Dairy love is always ready to cut to the chase. ‘Cattle are out’.
  22. On the other hand, nothing says love like duct tape and binder twine. You may prefer the ribbons and lace of Valentine’s Day, but duct tape and twine get the job done until the perfect fix is available. It’s quick. It’s easy.  Two can do it!!
  23. So don’t expect a dairy farmer to get a fresh haircut for Valentine’s date. Keeping his shaggy locks is a sign of unconditional love. This romantic is not going to do anything that would make him attractive to somebody else.
  24. If you’re still longing for a special treat for Valentine’s Day, sit hubby down and explain your vision for redoing the farmhouse in country modern style. When he looks up, obviously confused, ask, “What do you think?”  Nine times out of ten he will answer, “Sounds great to me”. When he comes in from the barn next week he will have no choice but to love the brand new living room furniture.
  25. This man can fix anything that’s broken but with dairy luck on your side he will never break your heart

The Bullvine Bottom Line

So looking back over our checklist, how does your Dairy Valentine’s Day lover rate? If you checked more than three of these boxes with a smile on your face, the truth is obvious.  You’re in love with a dairy farmer.  You need to repeat this phrase often “I’ve fallen for a dairy farmer and I can’t give him up!!” So to all my peers who also love dairy guys, Happy Valentine’s Day Ladies from the Broadside of the Bullvine!! (Read more: 8 OF THE GREATEST DAIRY LOVE STORIES IN THE WORLDTHE DOS AND DON’TS OF DATING A FARMERTHE MOST IMPORTANT PARTNERSHIP IN THE WORLD)


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Caught Between Your Cattle And A Court Case

“Although only binding law in Wisconsin, a particular case between an insurance company and a dairy farmer, raises an important issue that all farmers and ranchers need to be aware of.”

When we hear about legal cases concerning manure, the usual expectation is that it will have something to do with odor and air pollution. However, in this case, which went all the way from the local court to the Supreme Court of Wisconsin,  it was ground water pollution, not air pollution that triggered the conflict. The question that the whole case resolved around was, “Is manure a fertilizer or a contaminant?” At each level, there were different answers. If you think, this is too fine a distinction to argue over, you’re probably thinking in a way that could have you on the wrong side of a court decision in the future.

The Court Case –Wilson Mutual Insurance Co. v. Falk, (Cases No. 2013AP691 & 2013AP776)

In this particular case, the Court found a Wisconsin dairy farmer, who allegedly caused groundwater contamination by spreading manure on his fields, was not covered by a farm liability insurance policy. The allegation was that the farmer had contaminated the underground aquifer and several neighboring wells.

The Defendant Had Done his Homework

In looking back at what preceded the court case, it is interesting to learn that the Falks had actually tried to be prepared for any eventuality.  Along with their agronomist, the Falks had developed a nutrient management plan to govern their use of manure as fertilizer. The plan was approved by the county conservation office. All was well.  Or was it? When they faced lawsuits, the Falks turned to their insurance company, Wilson Mutual Insurance Co., with whom they had a farm liability policy providing coverage for property damage or bodily injury. And this is when the unexpected happened.

The “Pollution Exclusion” Clause

With the close scrutiny of impending legal action, it was discovered that the policy contained a “pollution exclusion” clause.  This clause stated that coverage was excluded for damages if they resulted from the “actual, alleged, or threatened discharge, dispersal, seepage, migration, release, or escape of pollutants into or upon land, water or air.” The exclusion defined “pollutant” as a “solid, liquid, or gaseous irritant or contaminant, including waste.” At that point, the insurance company filed a declaratory judgment action, requesting the court to determine whether the pollution exclusion clause in the Falks’ policy applied to the claims related to groundwater contamination from manure.

Trial Court, Court of Appeals, Supreme Court. Three Courts. Three Decisions.

The Trial Court found for the insurance company.  In this case, the ruling was that manure was unambiguously a pollutant as defined by the policy.

The Wisconsin Court of Appeals reversed the first court’s decision. The reasoning that a “reasonable farmer would not consider ‘manure’ to be a ‘pollutant.’” Indeed, the Court of Appeals noted, in Wisconsin, most farmers would consider cow manure to be “liquid gold.”

The insurance company then appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court reversed and sided with the insurance company. Rather than looking generally at manure used to fertilize fields, the court focused on “whether manure is a pollutant at the point it entered the injured parties’ wells.” In the Court’s view, it was not the spreading of manure that caused the problem, but rather the seepage of manure into the aquifer. “A reasonable insured would not view manure as universally present and generally harmless when present in a well….A reasonable insured may not consider manure safely applied on a field to be a pollutant; however, a reasonable insured would consider manure in a well to be a pollutant. Just because manure may be beneficial when spread on a field, does not mean it is not a pollutant.” Based on this rationale, the court found manure is a pollutant as defined by the exclusion, and that the Falks could not rely on their farm policy to provide coverage for the lawsuits.

Similar Case. Similar Result.

There have been other cases from Iowa and New York that are in accord with the Falk ruling. In

New York in 1997, a dairy farm was sued for allegedly contaminating wells by the use of manure as fertilizer. There, the New York Appellate Division sided with the insurer, finding that while liquid manure may not always be a pollutant, it was where it leached into the groundwater supply. See Space v. Farm Family Mut. Ins. Co. 652 N.W.S. 2d 357 (N.Y. App. Div. 1997).

There have been other cases in the U.S. with a similar variety of results.  The issue isn’t the findings, but the rising number of conflicts that are finding their way into the court system.

What’s the Best Policy? Avoid Confusion AND Exclusion

The Wisconsin case matters to dairy and other livestock farmers elsewhere:

  1. This issue is crucial for farmers who may be faced with a defending a lawsuit with no assistance from their insurance company. If an applicable exclusion exists, that means that the insurance company is neither under no obligation to pay a judgment entered against the farmer nor is the company required to provide legal defense for a farmer. The costs of a lawsuit alone, much less the potential amount of a verdict, poses significant risks for farm All farmers who could even potentially face suit over odor or manure should review their policy to determine whether a pollution exclusion exists and then seek advice from their insurance agent and attorney to determine what might be done to extend coverage to manure and/or odors, such as an additional rider or pollution policy.
  2. The fact that similar cases involving the application of pollution exclusions to manure and odor from farms have arisen in various states across the country indicates it is a common occurring problem.
  3. More generally, this case is an excellent example of the importance of reviewing and understanding an insurance policy and its exclusions. It is critical that farmers know what coverage their policy offers and what limitations may exist.

A Quick Look at Similar Issues Around the World

This is one aspect of dairy farming that has been in the courts and/or with the rule makers in other countries much longer than it has been in North America. Although the issues may not be specific to exclusions, the lesson to be learned is that management of manure is not going to go away.  With growing populations and concerns of those whose properties are affected by agricultural practices, it is totally unrealistic to think that this is just a fad that will lose momentum.

In the Netherlands, numerous acts have been passed since the mid-eighties to try to address the excess minerals problems. The first law (1983) was the Interim Law for Restricting Pig and Poultry Farms. It prohibited the start-up or expansion of such farms in sandy soil regions but proved ineffective in preventing increases in animal numbers. The Manure Law and the Soil Protection Act replaced it and introduced manure bookkeeping. It took a 3-phase approach.  Phase II of this approach however was proving to be unrealistic in trying to meet the EC’s Nitrate Directive. In late 1995, a new manure and ammonia policy was developed, and is mainly what is being followed now. The primary act in force now is generally termed the Act on Manures and Fertilizers. It receives periodic revisions and fine-tuning.

In England, there has been a Pilot Nitrate Scheme since 1990.  It was replaced in 1995 with the Nitrate Sensitive Areas (NSA) scheme. A total area of 35,000 ha within 32 NSA’s were affected, and these areas all fell within the category of Nitrate Vulnerable Zones as classified under the EC (European Commission) Nitrate Directive. Regulations relating to the structural strength of concrete and steel manure storage tanks are in place. Generally, concrete and steel tanks are not the preferred storage system due to their cost. Earthen storage facilities are required to meet minimum hydraulic conductivity prior to use. All storage facilities must have an expected life of 20 years. The minimum required storage capacity is four months.

Also in place is the “Code of Good Agricultural Practice for the Protection of Water”.

Some key requirements for the code are as follows:

  • Manure nitrogen application rates should not exceed 250 kg N/ha/year
  • Manure should not be spread within 10 meters of a watercourse or 50 meters of a well
  • The maximum recommended liquid manure application rate is 4500 gal/ac. A minimum three-week period between such applications is recommended.

At this writing, I have not researched how many court cases or verdicts have been rendered in upholding these regulations. However, once again, it isn’t “if” there will be more court cases, it is “when”!

The Bullvine Bottom Line

It is critical that farmers know what current coverage their policy offers and what limitations may exist. Have an attorney review your policy and advise on what activities are covered and what specific exclusions exist. It’s important to review your policy and carefully evaluate the potential applicability to your operation! Don’t get caught between your livestock and a court case!


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Photographer Laurens Rutten “A Rising Star”

Laurens Rutten is only 19 years old but, already, he has garnered recognition in the world of dairy photography. He is both humbled and amazed at what he has achieved in under three years. “Whenever I see one of my photos passing (on the Internet or in magazines), I look back with a heart full of passion. They all contributed tremendously to my incredible journey.”

Little Laurens

Laurens Got His Start with Dad and Dairy Shows

Since he was a child, cows have always been part of Laurens’ life. “My dad has always been actively involved in the dairy industry. He has been the best mentor I could wish for to teach me about the business.” Laurens explains how broad that exposure was. “Back then my dad used to fit a lot of cows in Belgium and sell semen. I regularly went with him to the cow shows and farms to see my dad clipping and showing lots of his own cows/heifers.” Very soon Laurens took a more active part. “When I was six years old (2001), I participated for the very first time in a junior showmanship competition in Battice, Belgium.” That was the start. “After my first experience in the ring, I was so passionate about cows that it kept on growing.”

Dad and I2

Setting Up for Success

Not every dairy photographer starts in the show ring however Laurens has a good foundation there. “In 2004 I became reserve champion handler in Battice and Champion handler in Roeselare (Biggest showmanship competition in the Flemish part). I continuously kept participating at shows, my lifetime highlight in showing was at the European Young Breeders School in Battice, Belgium with my team “Flanders Future”. I ended up 3rd in my class of the showmanship competition, 2nd in the class of the best participators under 16, 3rd with our team and eventually a 14th placement in total out of the 125 participants.”

Roccafarm Windbrook Zaninda

Valued Training

Although he is very young, Laurens already recognizes the importance of getting dairy experience. “Besides showing and helping at shows, I have been doing training during my summer holidays in order to improve my knowledge about cows, travel abroad and improve my languages. I started doing this at an age of 13 years old. Currently, I have trained in Belgium, France, Switzerland, Spain and Italy. My first training was at the well know Italian Farm M.E.dal Farm Ladina in Pandino. When I was 15, I did training at Ruegruet Holsteins where I was able to work with some of Switzerland’s best-known cows such as Mox Kite Maryrose. For the last four years, I have been to Spain to farms such as Ganaderia CID, Ganaderia Blanco, Ganaderia La Benera. All of them have been very successful in the show ring with cows such as James Gretta, James Rosalia and Pebi.” One other thing stands out for Laurens in this list of valued achievements.” I was one of the first 3 members in the junior panel of Holstein International.” He describes this experience of having the opportunity to share his opinions about dairy topics in one word – “Awesome!”


Laurens Begins His Quest for the Very Best

It isn’t surprising to learn that Laurens has always sought out something different. “I was looking for a new challenge besides showing cattle and helping at the shows, so I thought, why not start taking photos and showing my passion through them?” He describes his mindset at the time “I want to make the best photos of the best cows in the world” He immediately took steps to achieve his goal. “I bought myself a professional camera. I bought iPhoto on my IPad and started visiting international shows to seek out the best cows in the world.”

Butz Butler Gold Barbara back

Reaping Recognition from the Right Shot at the Right Time

Part of Laurens’ always-ready-attitude, relates to technology. “I always carried an IPad with me where I always saved side photos of the best cows in the world.” This was a significant undertaking. “I remember having around 800 photos of cows and heifers of which I could nearly name all of them by name, classification results and show results.” His very focused passion paid off. “During my visit at the National Show of Italy in Cremona (2012) I shot a couple of photos for fun. Afterwards I published 2 of my photos on my Facebook profile and got instant reaction from M.E.dal farm Ladina which used them in an ad and were also used by an All-Breeds dairy magazine in it as their show result. This resulted into massive support and positive comments from lots and lots of people. This was the start of Laurens Rutten Photography.” reports this young entrepreneur.

Voorpagina Hotspots kopie

From Covering the Shows to Capturing the Cover Shot

Laurens describes what happened next. “Things got serious when I took photos at the European championship: Afterwards I made a Facebook page and published a series of photos. Hotspots contacted me to see if I had a photo which would fit for their front cover. I couldn’t find a photo until I looked in my garbage can on my computer. There I found a great photo of O’Kalibra that would later become one of my most seen and famous photos ever!” That was just the beginning. “I have had many fantastic opportunities since providing them with that Jun2013 Hotspots cover.”  Including covering World Dairy Expo and Swiss Expo and many sales.” Things were moving quickly for the young man who was a high school student at that time. ‘I decided for myself to try and cover only the biggest shows or the shows, which were during the holidays to stay focused on my studies.’


Laurens Has Favorite Shots in a Growing Portfolio

Photographer Laurens is passionate about which of his photos are his favorites. I absolutely love two of the early photos that I made of O’Kalibra. I still get goose bumps when looking back at the great moments captured in these pictures. These photos truly gave me tears in the eyes the first time I saw them!  I find them to be so special!” He appreciates what it means to him and his future “It gives me great pride I had this chance to capture this amazing cow in this amazing setting. Both photos just show the fantastic quality of O’Kalibra all the way through combined with the great atmosphere of the European show.”

Laurens "The Pretzel" Rutten

Laurens “The Pretzel” Rutten

Young Talent Nurtured by Family

One has to ask how such talent seems to blossom overnight.  Laurens attributes it to his parents Karel Rutten and Anne-lies. “My parents have been the persons, best friends and mentors who have helped me so much in my life and are the reason for where I am today. My dad has a huge network, which helped me tremendously to build up my own network. Besides, without him I would probably never have done anything with cows. Everything I know about cows to preparing and showing cattle is because of him, and I am so happy we share the same passion. Whenever we are together, we talk about it and share our opinions about the dairy industry. My mom has been a great help giving feedback on my work making me more critical and making me more aware of details. Their support has been outstanding, and I cannot thank them enough for what they have done for me and for what they have meant to me in this story.”

1st side photo

Building an International Network of Support

Laurens’ passion and experience continue to grow thanks to the wonderful mentors, advisors and friends that he hasThrough Karen Knutsen I was able to cover my first show, which was the European show. Thanks to her trust I had the incredible opportunity of photographing Europe’s best cows. Thanks to Eurogenes – Holstein Plaza – Hotspots and the people behind these companies such as Jan de Vries, Arjan Van Der Vlis, Jennifer Dingbaum, and Steve Mower.  They have been terrific supporters of my work and were one of the first ones back then that had confidence in my work even though I was rather unknown as a photographer.” Laurens also credits others who helped him to grow his network. “Another person that comes to mind is Isaac Lancaster, who introduced me to Andrew Hunt of The Bullvine. Andrew has been a fantastic help for me with his advice and trust in my work. The Bullvine commissions most of the shows I currently cover for which I am gratefully thankful for.” Laurens continues to hone is photography skills. “Giorgio Soldi has been a great mentor to me on the photography side, through him I learned more about cow photography. Especially on the branch of side photography he has shared incredible amounts of knowledge with me. I had the chance to photograph with him one week during one of his trips in France.”

Ribs Swiss Expo

Capturing the Excitement and Mystique of Showrings around the World

Laurens is enthusiastic about the opportunity to photograph elite dairy shows such as the European Championship and World Dairy Expo. “To me it is a great honor being part of these kinds of shows. It gives me an enormous amount of pride and satisfaction. Both shows are different from each other and are both in their own way a tremendous experience for every dairy photographer.” He explains. “At World Dairy Expo there is the quality of the cows each class all the way through and the way it is organised is beyond excellent.” Laurens especially likes the atmospheric touch, which brings his loyalties close to home. “The European Championship and Swiss Expo are a true must for every dairy enthusiast who loves to see a great show, quality and atmosphere wise.” He particularly loves the great atmosphere of Swiss Expo. “For me it the most epic show I have ever covered. The atmosphere is so special, and the cows are from tremendous quality.”

Laurens Crazy Cow

Laurens Enjoys the Insiders’ Perspective on the Show Ring

As his global experiences have mount up, so has his appreciation for the dairy show ring. “I have noticed that you get a better view of the cows when you are photographing them. Especially at shows like World Dairy Expo or European Championships as the rings are so big.” However, he admits his enthusiasm isn’t only about the photography. “I notice that whenever I am in the ring, I start judging the cows myself to see if I have a true match with the judge. On the other hand, I feel useless whenever I sit and watch the show, I always get the urge to jump in the ring and start making photos of potential winners.”


Laurens is ready for Future Challenges

It isn’t surprising that Laurens is looking to challenges ahead. They may come at University where the 19 year old is currently studying International Agribusiness and Trade in his first year at the University of Applied Sciences Van Hall Larenstein in Wageningen. Here too he has set a goal. “I would like to specialize myself in commodity trading and all the aspects that come in mind to this such as logistics.”  His attitude is positive. “I look forward to what and where the future will still bring me. I look back with great pride and emotion on what I have achieved so far. It has been a tremendous, and I have enjoyed every second of it. On the way, I have been able to meet so many great new people from all over the globe and build up an international network. I am truly honored and thankful that I have had the chance to travel already so much to photograph at some of the best shows along with the best cows in the world.

Medal Stormatic Ilma

The Bullvine Bottom Line

This has indeed been a whirlwind ride for Laurens and the Bullvine, and our readers join in wishing him all the best as he continues to shoot for the top in studies, cameras+ and cows!

How to Increase Milk Production and Herd Health with Better Lighting

Although I resolutely hate New Year’s Resolutions, I confess that each turning of the calendar year will find me dreaming up a “project” for the next twelve months.  Although I hate resolutions because they just don’t work, nevertheless, I am hooked on projects that that actually do something!  Thus, I happily substitute project planning for resolution breaking. However, the project chosen has to have certain features.  It must make a difference.  It must have a plan.  It must have buy in, finances and scheduled action.

Today when I applied those criteria to topics for Bullvine articles, lo-and-behold in the cold dark days of January a light went on!!! Well duh!  As I keep an eye on dear hubby’s daily trips to our little barn, I watch to see his progress by looking for the lights in various locations.  Lights are also the handy way that my ninety-seven-year-old Mother in Love and I signal that “all’s well!” at her house next door! If the signal light is off after dark, it’s time for a check in. This led me to recall some experiments we implemented during our milking herd days regarding long-day versus short-day lighting on milk production and herd health management.

What’s Light Got to Do With It?

While it would seem simple to simply program dairy facility lighting to turn off and on for the desired amounts of time, there are other considerations that complicate the procedure.  For one thing, not all dairy chores are on a predictable schedule.  Calvings, maintenance, health issues all require that the human staff can see clearly to carry out their work. Happily, there are studies that allow the necessary dark time for the cattle but allow the necessary light for reading ear tags, medication or other detailed activities.

To measure the level of lighting available, a light measure should be used to measure the foot candles. Fifteen (15) foot candles of light in the housing is the recommended benchmark for benefiting from a long day photoperiod. At the other end of the light manipulation spectrum, darkness also plays an important role. Research shows that cows do not perceive light under five foot candles.  This is an important piece of information, particularly for managing 3X operations and anywhere that employees need to be able to continue their work without disrupting the photoperiod being targeted for the herd. One recommended solution is the placing of low-intensity red lights 20 to 30 feet apart and 20 feet off the ground.

You might think the amount of light in your barn doesn’t matter much. Think again. You can improve cow comfort, herd health and productivity by the flick of a light switch.

You might think the amount of light in your barn doesn’t matter much. Think again. You can improve cow comfort, herd health and productivity by the flick of a light switch.

Working in the Right Light

Studies carried out by Professor Alma Kennedy at the Universities in Canada (Manitoba and Alberta) conclude that dairy cattle can tolerate at least one foot-candle of white light and still experience this as “dark.”  This research also showed that exposure to 5 foot-candles at night reduced the normal level of the main nighttime hormone (melatonin) by 50 to 70 percent, a significant interference with the animals’ normal nighttime function.

Based on the present research findings, it is determined that night light in dairy barns can be designed with an intensity of about 1 to 1.5 foot-candles. When this is the case, dim light at 1 to 1.5 foot-candles allows surprisingly precise observation. Literature reports that “a person with normal eyesight can read newsprint with one foot-candle of light. More specifically, dairy farmers report that ear tags can be read, and cows identified at a distance when using this level of dim light.” Some farmers refer to this as “moonlight.” Dual-level fixtures and specially designed fluorescent fixtures are commercially available to meet this purpose.

And the Studies Show

Source: Dahl, G.E. & D. Petitclerc: Management of photoperiod in the dairy herd for improved production and health.

Source: Dahl, G.E. & D. Petitclerc: Management of photoperiod in the dairy herd for improved production and health.

The investment in special lighting is well supported by research trials that provide proof on the effectiveness of long-day lighting as a tool for all dairy operations.

Lactating Cows – More production

There is up to a 10% increase in milk production when cows are given a long day photoperiod. One study reports that cows receiving 16 hours of light a day produce 3.7 pounds more milk a day than cows under a natural lighting scheme. Furthermore, after 20 days, the difference increases to 6.8 pounds per day. Sixteen hour lighting also slowed the decrease in milk production of those cows that originally started with natural lighting.

Lactating Cows – More DMI

Results of studies also supports that cattle exposed to long day lighting take in more dry matter. Compared to cows under a natural photoperiod of 9 to 12 hours of light, the 16-hour exposure can result in up to 6% more dry matter intake.  It is interesting that the additional intake did not have a corresponding weight gain.  This suggests that long day photoperiod cows are more feed efficient and are capable of converting increased dry matter intake into milk.

Photoperiod Can Affect Reproductive Performance

Dairy herds that provided 24 hours of light to cattle saw negative results.  Providing 24 hours of light resulted in longer days between breedings, more days open, and more breedings per cow.

Numerous research studies in North America have clearly demonstrated that when dairy cows are provided summerlike, long days in the winter, they respond with increased milk production. The increase in yield noted in nine such studies average 5 pounds per cow per day. No adverse effects on fertility or health have been reported.

Light Can Mean Lower Age to Puberty

A goal of the industry has been to get heifers into the milking herd as soon as possible. Previous research has indicated that long day photoperiod can lead to leaner growth, greater mammary development, and lower the age to puberty by an average of one month.  One study determined that breeding and calving of the heifers in the long day photoperiod occurred earlier than heifers in a short day photoperiod.  Even though long day photoperiod heifers had a lower body weight, they did not experience limited skeletal growth.  Instead, they had lower body condition scores because they were using the energy that they consumed for skeletal growth.  Feed intakes did not differ between the short day photoperiod and long day photoperiod groups and long day photoperiod heifers spent less time at the feed bunk, which would suggest they were more feed efficient.  The long day photoperiod heifers also had higher milk production throughout the first 5 DHI tests.

In one of the first studies looking at differences in the growth between heifers with supplemented lighting (16 hours) and natural lighting, heifers in the supplemented lighting group had a larger heart girth size of about 1.6 inches after the 16-week trial.  These heifers also averaged 1.9 pounds of daily gain compared to the 1.7 pounds for the heifers in a natural lighting scheme.

Dry Cows Need Less Light

Dry cows have the opposite effect with a long day photoperiod compared to lactating cows and heifers.  Providing dry cows with a short day photoperiod leads to higher milk production the next lactation.  One study has shown milk production increased 6.8 pounds per day in the next lactation.  Milk, fat and protein yields were also higher in the short-day photoperiod cows.  A short-day photoperiod also lead to 2.9 lbs more daily dry matter intake during the dry period.

Additional Management Factors

Farmers have many different protocols to increase milk production including manipulating the amount of light available throughout the day.  One practice that would yield significant results would be to start managing lighting at a young age.  Producers should provide long day photoperiod to their heifers to help increase dry matter intake and make them more feed efficient.  Providing a long day photoperiod would also allow them to breed heifers at an earlier age.  Dry cows benefit the most from a short day photoperiod, 8 hours of light and 16 hours of dark.    Dry matter intake increases when dry cows have shorter lighting periods.

With ever-narrower margins, dairy farmers are always seeking tools that will improve the productivity of their dairy farms.

First make the plan. Modernize and develop lighting on your dairy enterprise.

Then consider the finances. Sure there will be expenses but there will also be proven profitability.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

As we have learned, long-day light is a simple and well-proven technique to increase milk production and profitability.

Don’t make resolutions that you won’t follow through on.

Instead, make sure that you’re seeing your dairy herd in the right light!


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Editor’s Choice 2014 – The Top 12 Picks from the Bullvine

Welcome to December 2014 at The Bullvine.  It is the final month of another exciting year and time to pick a dozen articles for “Editor’s Choice 2014”.  I hope you will join me in looking back at which articles exploded out of the gate, which ones won our reader’s hearts and which ones brought attention to agriculture and the dairy industry.

12. MAKING IT BIG! World Dairy Expo and The Royal!

A single dairy class may only take up half an hour – a whole show one day — but in terms of breeding, buying, planning, fitting, travelling, preparing and follow-up, dairy shows represent a significant investment of time and money. It is no surprise then that huge numbers of our readers follow The Bullvine reports from across North America and around the world (Read more: International Holstein Show – World Dairy Expo 2014, Royal Winter Fair Holstein Show 2014 and International Red & White Show – World Dairy Expo 2014 ). Like our readers, we enjoy the showcase opportunities that World Dairy Expo and the Royal Winter Fair provide.  Live attendance, broadcasting and connecting with cows and breeders is what we like best. Bringing our readers as close as they can get to the show, without being with us on the scene, easily makes our top 12 picks of 2014. Thus both these North American showcases make our list of top picks.

11. ROSY-LANE HOLSTEINS – “Don’t Follow the Herd”

It’s not enough to know who the big show winners and top selling animals are. Dairy breeders are looking to understand, not only what got them to these lofty positions but also, how exceptional dairies are winners at producing milk.  They want to know the decisions that were made before the award went on the mantel and the money went into the bank.  Dairy breeders everywhere study the stories of great entrepreneurs like Quality Holsteins and Don Bennink. Lloyd and Daphne Holterman at Rosy-Lane Holsteins would tell you it isn’t a matter of one person or one ingredient.  They would say that success comes from a functioning partnership of people, teamwork and strategic planning. (Read more: ROSY-LANE HOLSTEINS – “Don’t Follow the Herd!”). This was a great interview and stands out as an example of how following your dairy breeding vision leads to success.

10.  The 10 Outlier Sires that Will Accelerate Genetic Gain

Recommendations on which sires to use always draws the attention of Bullvine readers. When our articles combine, not only list toppers but also important topics like reducing inbreeding, they draw increased attention (Read more: The 10 Outlier Sires that will Accelerate Your Genetic Gain the Fastest). These are the posts that our readers often refer back to, when discussing which bulls can offer the most genetic advancement. This article rang the bell with many breeders.

9. Why Braedale Goldwyn Wasn’t a Great Sire of Sons

An important part of what we do involves opening up discussion about what is not working too! When we identified Goldwyn, undoubtedly the greatest sire of show winning daughters, as less than a great sire of sons it generated many comments. The theory put forward in this article will be something bull breeders are likely to pay close attention to in years to come. (Read more: Why Braedale Goldwyn Wasn’t a Great Sire of Sons)

8. The 7 Most Influential Holstein Brood Cows of the Modern Era

Second only to bull lists are articles that turn the spotlight on cows. The seven cows included in this article cover all areas of breeding from show winners, to red, to polled, to dams of AI sons (Read more: The 7 Most Influential Holstein Brood Cows of the Modern Era). It is every breeders dream to breed one such cow. Clearly there is not a common definition of what makes an outstanding brood cow. This look back at the most influential cows may provide inspiration for those to come.

7. 50 Sires That Will Produce Feed Efficient Cows

For a second year, the Bullvine provided a list of sires using our Bullvine Efficiency Index (BEI). This index rewards bulls that sire cows that get the job done in the milking parlor after consuming the feed at the bunk. This approach to selecting sires has caught on with many of our readers. New or novel breeding strategies, although not always popular, definitely catch the attention of our readers and we enjoy the discussion and feedback that is generated.  (Read more: 50 Sires that will Produce Feed Efficient Cows)

6. Look Who’s Talking – Dairy Slang

We regularly cover the major issues, the controversial ones and those that everyone finds difficult. That’s why it is sometimes fun to take a look at the lighter side of the dairy industry.  So much of our time is focused on words, grammar, spell checking and expression, it was a special treat to look at dairying from the spoken word side. (Read more: Dairy Slang: 22 Phrases that mean different things to dairy breeders) It then continued with conversations on The Bullvine’s new platform ‘The Milk House’ (Read more: Introducing The Milk House – Dairy Breeder Networking on Facebook). Dairy breeders from New Zealand and Australia helped bring us up to speed on the lingo used by our counterparts from ‘Down Under”.  (Read more: Australian Dairy Slang – They say things a little differently down under)


Like many who follow The Bullvine, although motivated by dairying, we too are most inspired by people.  That is why our top five picks are based on people from the dairy industry. We are inspired by the personal stories, the amazing achievements and the many ways that real life people face the challenges of growing a 21st Century dairy. Although focused on cows, the dairy industry is, at its heart, all about the people.

5. FORGET KATE – The Dairy Industry has Kassidy Upton

The fact that the  interview with Kassidy Upton caught fire among Bullvine followers, was no surprise in an industry that values the success of its young members most of all. The celebrity level success that this young lady is attracting will inspire young people from inside and outside of agriculture (Read more: Forget Kate – The Dairy Industry Has Kassidy Upton). For dairy folks it is especially encouraging that Kassidy feels that her farm background has contributed to her achievements – not only in international competition but also in landing an acting role.  Certainly not everyone expects a girl from a dairy background to rise to the top of the Miss Teen Canada Globe competition or to win a part in a movie. It is unexpected until you learn the whole story. That is why it was one of my favorite picks and inspired us to continue to seek out articles on the ways agricultural is building a positive image through role models like Kassidy Upton.

4. BONS HOLSTEINS “The Type That Wins”

“Bons-Holsteins is a home bred farm.  In the last 60 years we never bought a cow, heifer or embryo.” Thus begins a fascinating international story that, remarkably, also includes a significant amount of showring success. Nico Bons explains how family teamwork has successfully propelled them toward the shared dream of “breeding a European Grand Champion.” The emphasis on show type has been a winning breeding formula for this family in The Netherlands and we learn that – worldwide – there is a common passion for dairying that unites dairy breeders.  (Read more: Bons-Holsteins: The Type that Wins!)

3.  JOHN ANDERSEN “Building a Field of Dreams”

For the John Andersen family, dairy farming is a family affair. The unique part of this story is the way in which they have managed to balance family life while building a dairy business and managing a very large milking herd. Furthermore, they have brought both commercial and pedigree dairy farming together in a successful manner that many would consider an unlikely combination. Here is an entire family – multi-generations with a full-range of dairy skills – who are focused on dairying and setting a model for the industry (Read more: JOHN ANDERSEN – COMMERCIAL and PEDIGREE – Building a Field of Dreams).

Facing Impossible Odds

Sometimes the odds seem insurmountable.  The top two Editors’ Picks for 2014 certainly fall into that category.

2.  SAVE FRANK AND MARJORIE MEYERS FARM – “The Army is at the Gate and this Farmer’s Number is UP”

Here was a story that inspired The Bullvine to rally the troops in a call to action. Ironically, the call to action was one that we hoped would stop actual military troops from taking over a family farm. The battle for the Meyers family to be allowed to stay on their farm seemed doomed from the start.  Too little.  Too late.  The opposition was too big.  And – in the end — the outcry became enormous too, as the story spread and many took up the cry for a fair resolution to this travesty. Nevertheless, despite the support from thousands, the Meyers were evicted. The numbers didn’t count except to Frank Meyers (Read more: Save Frank & Marjorie Meyers Farm – The Army Is At The Gate & This Farmers Number Is Up!).


Sometimes all you can do is pull together, pray and offer support.  That is what became the unifying force for everyone touched by the events that forever changed the lives of Patricia Stiles and Reese Burdette. Seven months ago Patricia saved her grand-daughter Reese from a fire.  She too suffered burns. Both faced a fight for their lives. That fight goes on to this day. It is a tough struggle. (Read more: Why the Dairy Community is the Greatest in the World…)

The great thing about communities is that they pull together, when times are tough.  The dairy community – the agricultural community – and all those who identified themselves as part of a community that could reach out to Patricia and Reese — did that and continue to do so.  So many months of struggle and setback. Many more months to go.  As we enter into the Christmas season, let us be thankful that these lives were spared.  Help and prayers are needed now – perhaps more than ever – as this courageous family faces the long road ahead.  Patricia and Reese have won our hearts. We sincerely appreciate the grace of their families and thank them for keeping updates coming, despite how hard that has to be for everyone involved. We thank all those in the worldwide community who through prayers and fundraising are providing ongoing positive support. That is why the dairy community is the greatest in the world.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

At the end of each dairy day, we can’t guarantee that everything is perfect.  But we love what we do and dairying will always be our passion. We care for our families, our cattle and our community. Here at The Bullvine we are thrilled that you have made The Bullvine part of your online home, and that you use this platform to express yourselves, far and wide, around the globe. We’re growing together in dairying and look forward to continuing our conversations with you in 2015.



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Put Some Jolly Into Your Very Dairy Christmas!

The holidays are almost here. And along with it, another seemingly endless list which demands that it, and you, are checking twice. Regardless of the chores, breeding, feed, finances, calvings, frozen pipes, storm damage …. And the fifteenth bull calf in a row … you are definitely feeling that you’re on thin ice.

The gifts, the tree, the perfect pies and turkey …. Christmas at the Farm … in some in one month.  No wonder we’re stressed exhausted and in some cases, dairy depressed.

We may catch ourselves envying the non-farm neighbours who head to warmer climates for their winter break. After all, how hard is it to care for a cat (and maybe a dog)? They can even choose to sleep in while they get time off from that barely stressful 9-5 job that pays their bills so effortlessly.

Oops!  Want a little cheese with that whine?

Try to remember that not everything about Christmas on a dairy farm is bad! And everything OFF the farm isn’t perfect either.  Almost everyone has to deal with debt loads, decision making and lack of control over the weather. While they may not be as isolated as the typical farmer, they also don’t have nearly as much hands-on control of their daily living.

Long days and late nights may make Christmas parties, concerts, sleigh rides and ski hills seem out of reach. Don’t get your Christmas stockings in a knot yet.  Put a wreath on the barn door.  Remind yourself where the Christmas season started. Have you got a Santa Claus hat?  Put it on your favorite cow.  After all, she never tires of giving her best to you every day.  Now that your workplace and staff are in a holiday moo-ed, take fifteen minutes to invite your family — or a neighbour to enjoy a hot chocolate.  Find a place where the view of your farm, cattle, or pastures will recharge your energy.

Here Comes Christmas Stress!  Right down Dairy Farm Lane!

Christmas is a time of waiting … and hurrying and worrying. The very fact that it is seen as a time to celebrate sets us up for the measuring, comparing and competing that can add huge stress to an already busy time.  Unfortunately, just when there are all these added challenges, we seem determined to respond to them in ways that aren’t usual either.

  • Don’t cut off your usual support groups.  While bemoaning what you’re missing don’t cut yourself off from church, 4-H or coffee at the local diner or Timmy’s.  That hour isn’t going to make your list any shorter, but you will confirm that you’re not the only one coping with Christmas.
  • Make a Happy Christmas in the Stable.  Don’t take your anxiety out on your cows.  Remember Christmas started in a stable.  But regardless of your faith beliefs, taking care of animals (and friends) takes the focus off ourselves.
  • Take Care of YOU:  Seasonal stress can show itself through coughs, colds, flu, aches and pains.  If you have annual visits from these ailments, try to anticipate the trigger situations and take steps to prevent getting worn out.
  • Make the Job a Game:  If you’re missing family activities. Bring Christmas fun to your farm.  Surprise your staff by wearing antlers or hanging mistletoe.  It’s surprising how the sound of laughter can change drudgery to fun
  • Ask for what YOU Need:  Never mind your list for Santa.  If you’re feeling low, share that with those closest to you.  There may not be an easy solution, but it’s important not to carry the whole load by yourself! Every little hug helps!

Make Someone Else Happy!

We all know how our outlook can change in an instant, when someone shines the light of appreciation on what we are doing.  Make sure you light up someone else’s day with a sincere, “Thank you!” Everyone struggles.  Don’t add to their stress with criticism or shared anxiety about all the troubles of the world.  Find a piece of happiness to share with someone else!

A written thank you note to family who give up some of their time for the farm could make a big difference.  A note to staff shows that you appreciate them beyond the daily dairy grind.   The very effort of putting your thoughts of gratitude on paper will make a difference in your own outlook too!

Put Some Fun in Your Own Life!

Every year I have fun performing in Christmas Musicals and Concerts.  This year, various issues tempted me to give up this frivolous behavior.  However, fate stepped in, and just as I was about to give up my ladies’ performance choir – our new leader asked me if I would assist her with the stage managing.  Well, there’s nothing like being needed to make you forget your troubles.  Believe – herding cows or even cats — is less work than getting forty-five women on and off stage three times in one show!

Having recently turned 65, it seemed like this, finally, should be the year that I stopped putting on costumes and doing home groan comedy routines.  But – like clockwork— I woke up one morning giggling at an idea that occurred to me for my church Altar-Ego “Sister Page Turner” to deliver.  Our church is struggling through a somewhat dark period, and I thought the topic should be “Light!”  Thus- “Batteries Not Included!” will, hopefully, send a message of hopefulness.  As usual, trying to see the humour in an awkward situation actually does help.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Learning to deal with stress takes time but, in the end, we develop coping strategies that help in many areas of life — not just in the barn. So friends, give yourselves a well-deserved pat on the back.  The work you do goes far beyond your own farm gate.  Chin up! Here at The Bullvine we’re glad to share our issues, concerns and joys with you.  We’re proud of you. Have yourself a very – merry – dairy Christmas.


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HOW TO DODGE DAIRY DISASTERS – 7 Ways to Be Ready for Almost Anything!

Every dairy operation faces the unexpected.  Sometimes on a daily basis.  The key is to foresee the negative and plan ahead to stave off downtime. Of course, unexpected emergencies mean dairying interrupted: health, natural disaster, financial, personal. It’s the unexpected part that causes problems. Having said that, there is nothing new under the sun so we should try to be prepared and, hopefully, face fewer unforeseen downtimes. While you can’t really predict or control nature, the economy or world markets, you can control (at least partly) the effect that they have on your business. The goal is not to let a natural disaster, human error or even a security breach lead to the destruction of your dairy operation. It’s very hard to recover from “unplanned downtime” and, if it becomes extended, it could mean that recovery is impossible. Preparedness is really about giving yourself options.

7 Priorities:  Planned and Prepared

If you’ve made it this far, take a quick look at this list of seven items. Check off what you have in place on your dairy.  If you take care of one item that is currently missing from your preparedness plan, at least you will be further ahead than you were yesterday.

  • People Plan
  • Livestock Plan
  • Livestock Disaster Box
  • Facility Plan
  • Natural Disaster Plan
  • Financial
  • What Many Forget

People First: Planned and Prepared

We all imagine that we would know what to do if faced with fire, flood or tornado.  Depending on the frequency of these occurrences in your area, you may be more or less prepared.  It can’t be left to chance.  The first priority is people safety.  That can only happen if there is a plan in place and everyone is trained in exactly how to follow it. Every person must know what to do and how to do it.  Practicing for a disaster may seem negative, at first consideration but, if you have ever been faced with impending disaster, you know how your response must be immediate.  It could mean the difference between life and death.  Beyond the equipment to fight fire, control flooding or board up against wind and hail, everyone must have the personal safety gear and training to know what is required. If you never get to use the training you have had, that isn’t the worst thing that could happen.

Livestock:  Planned and Prepared

When we have ensured the safety of people to the best of our ability, we are in a far better place to effectively look after the livestock in our care. When faced with the stress of evacuation, we need to have a clear idea of what options are available so that we don’t add to the stress of an already stressful situation. Depending on the type of disaster, it could take days for help to come. Every facility will have to determine a basic response and give consideration to an exit strategy. Getting to high dry land or moving cattle through smoke or debris may have a chance of success, if a plan has foreseen the particular needs that will be required. If the emergency situation is ongoing or vastly destructive, it will be absolutely necessary to have longer term preparation, including facilities or shelter to move to. Survey your property for the best location for animal sheltering (free from debris, hazards from potentially falling or fallen trees etc.)

Livestock Disaster Box: Planned and Prepared

  • It is human nature to avoid bad news. It is also human nature to procrastinate. The two together might prevent you from dealing with disaster planning and preparation.  If you do only one thing (after taking care of your family emergency kit) make sure that you have a livestock disaster box that is prepared and accessible. Check off items you have ready to go.
  • Ropes, halters, chains
  • Feed, hay, supplements and medicines
  • Copies of ownership papers
  • Buckets or feed nets
  • Garden hose
  • Flashlight or lantern
  • Blankets or tarps
  • Wind-up flashlight.
  • Hand crank or battery powered radio
  • Extra batteries
  • Multipurpose tool (i.e. Swiss army knife)
  • Livestock first aid supplies

Note: Often we place our emergency kits where we think the emergency will occur.  That, in itself, could make the kit inaccessible.  Having two or more will ensure against this problem. Two key things for your livestock disaster box are accessibility (i.e. not in a locked cabinet) and secured shelving.

Facility – Planned and Prepared

Changing weather patterns have presented new problems for modern dairy operations.  Recently unusually high winds in our area saw tree destruction, overturned equipment and battered buildings putting pressure on an already busy harvest season. It was not easy trying to repair damage and prevent new issues, while the wind was literally taking control out of the hands of repair crews. Besides the danger to people and animals from wind-blown objects, electricity and feed supplies were facing spoilage and complete destruction. Storage of volatile or dangerous chemicals has to be taken into consideration. What was previously safe must now be modified for the new uncertain possibilities.

Natural Disaster: Have a Plan. Be prepared.

In most cases, the response time and resources in rural areas are greatly reduced.  Handling disasters, those catastrophic events that stretch the capacity of communication, can only be approached with preparedness and pre-planning. Have you taken care of these 8 items?

  • Know your area and what disasters are possible.
  • Review any experiences you have already dealt with in the past. What worked?  What didn’t?  What would have helped? Take action on the answers to those questions. Involve everyone.  Someone may alert you to something you are forgetting.
  • Generator – Every dairy should have one to cope with electricity outages. Milking and manure handling must go on. Make sure your generator is in good working order. Check that you have extra fuel.  An extended power outage in our area a year ago, also meant shortages of diesel fuel.  Thankfully our remarkable supplier delivered on New Year’s Eve!
  • Snow load. You don’t know when it could happen but make sure your buildings are engineered and maintained to hold. Regular snow removal is necessary.  Don’t wait!
  • Feed contamination. Flooding, winds, fire … all can cause spoilage. Provide protection.
  • Crop destruction. Disasters don’t wait for the post-harvest season. What is your plan?
  • Develop an emergency response and fire prevention plan for your dairy. The local fire, rescue and emergency management authorities may be able to provide recommendations. Be observant of fire bans. Get a fire permit and attend to all fires all the time
  • Winter and spring run offs can turn small tributaries into major rivers – quickly. Be sure you have provisions in place to protect against flooding.

Financial Emergency. Planned and Prepared.

From the simplest question, “Where are the important papers, or computer files?” to more serious “What happens if everything is lost?” Complete losses to fire, natural disaster or an unforeseen calamity must be given consideration. You must prepare for how your dairy operation can function in the aftermath. Beyond the paperwork and obvious losses and animal safety concerns, how will you handle a decrease in milk income or increased building, equipment or replacement costs? What insurance should you have in place?

Five Things Many People Forget To Plan and Prepare For

  • No electricity. What does that impact?  How will you release animals?  Open doors?
  • Know your evacuation routes. How will you get yourself and your animals out of the barn if the normal exits are blocked or destroyed?
  • Dangerous materials. Even though safely stored under normal conditions, a natural disaster can turn safe into extremely dangerous. Consider how to mitigate this possibility.
  • Designated meeting spots. Pick an area near the home to meet in the event of a fire.  Choose another that is in the region, in case everyone is scattered and can’t get home. Who is your backup for livestock care in that case?
  • Schedule regular times to review, test and update your emergency plan, supplies and information.

The Bottom Line

Each year, thousands of dairy operations face emergency situations that could change their lives forever. Your dairy livelihood could depend on how you plan and prepare.  It’s easy to let life get in the way of preparing for the future. Ironically, that very life is shaped by what we do, or don’t do, TODAY!


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Best Practices for Achieving Longer Lived More Productive Dairy Cows

We all wish our cows could meet their potential and live 20 years or longer. However, until we discover the Bovine Fountain of Youth, this remains an elusive dream. Indeed, the average on most dairy farms is only six years. With so much potential, we need to focus on how we can help our cows live long, productive lives.

What Do WE Know About Longevity? Why Aren’t we Using What we Know?

When we develop illnesses, we don’t always have enough information to know what the root cause is.  This isn’t so in dairy farming. Mountains of data have been collected, analyzed and reported but, in general, dairy farmers are not acting up the information. We know what causes involuntary culling. We know what best practices could prevent it.  Unfortunately, the knowing and the implementing are still too far apart.

How Big is the Current Problem with Involuntary Culling?

According to Government of Canada and USDA reports, 30-40% of cows are being culled from herds each year.  Some of this is accounted for because of low production or sales of breeding stock. Those are conscious decisions made for specific reasons.  However, much of the culling is involuntary and is a huge contributor to decreased longevity. The majority of cows are culled because of reproductive problems, poor udder health, lameness and problems with feet and legs. Other illness or injuries also contribute to the high statistics. A culling rate of 40% means that a herd cannot raise enough heifers to meet replacement needs.

What Does this Mean?

High rates of involuntary culling are probably directly correlated to poor levels of animal welfare.  Unfortunately, these health/welfare problems may be indicators of something much more problematic.  The underlying health and welfare problems may be much higher than the rate of culling indicates.  Ito et al reported in 2010 that the actual prevalence of lameness among dairy cows is above 20%.  That percentage is considerably higher than the 2% that are reported as being culled because of feet and leg problems (Government of Canada, 2011). In 2008, 46% of cows in free stalls had hoof lesions (Cramer et al, 2008).  The numbers are similar in the USA.  USDA (2007) reports that four percent were culled for lameness, however an average of 20% to 55% of dairy cows are lame at any one time, depending on the region (Espejo et al, 2006, von Keyserlingk et al, 2013).

Mastitis Has the Same Pattern

In 2011, the Government of Canada reported that about 4% of cows are culled because of mastitis, high SSC or poor udder health. However, Rierkerink et al estimate that mastitis incidence is around 23 cases per 100 cow years.

Who Does A Good Job Of Achieving Longevity?

Best management practices, derived from proven science, are providing some breeders with improved animal welfare and increased profits.

Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean we can’t help our cows live long, productive lives.  We need to put what we know, into practice to extend their longevity.

Are you meeting these herd composition benchmarks?

  • 1st lactation                  24%
  • 2nd lactation                 20%
  • 3rd lactation                  16%
  • 4th lactation                  12%
  • 5th lactation and later   28%

Best Practices that Ensure Longevity

  1. Calf Management – Protocols to raise health and reduce calf mortality.
  2. Implement Indoor Housing Factors – To reduce lameness, injury, and illness.
  3. Benchmarking of farm performance.
  4. Implement an aggressive reproduction program.
  5. Reducing lameness.
  6. Build dairy producer knowledge.

Calf Management

It might seem unusual to start with calf management when you’re talking about extending the life expectancy of cows.  Many place involuntary culling of cows in the number one slot for how to improve longevity. That seems obvious. However, less obvious, but with perhaps even more impact are the calves that never make it to the milking line. Vasseur et al reported in 2012 that pre-weaning calf mortality rates are high in North America. Mortality rate record keeping, which needs to be dramatically improved and increased, is the first step.  Setting a realistic benchmark is also important.  Unfortunately, the Vasseur study also reported “some farms with mortality rates above 19% did not consider calf mortality to be a problem.”

  • Individual housing may not affect small groups but could reduce mortality among larger groups (more than 7-10 animals).
  • The effect of a calf’s illness on her ability to milk as a cow is, in general, underestimated. Recent research (Soberon et al, 2012) shows the effect of pre-weaning growth rates on later milk yields.
  • Failure to implement well-known and documented best practices is a major reason for the continuing high levels of calf mortality on many farms.

They also noted that in Canada there are significant differences in mortality rates between farms. The differences between the highest quartile of farms and the lowest is significant which is positive in so far as it indicates that, when good management practices are implemented, it is possible to dramatically reduce the problems.

The Role of Housing in Dairy Cattle Longevity

The characteristics of the environment that your cows are house in can have a significant impact on their longevity. Even when you have bred for the best possible feet and leg conformation, it can be compromised if the housing situation itself raises the risk of injuries. Some conclude that pasturing is the answer.  More thoughtful study and design needs to be applied to creating the ideal indoor environment for lactating cows.

One Canadian survey found that nearly 25% of Canadian dairy farms scored lameness results at less than 10%. This is lower than the results reported by some pasture-based dairies, proving that it is definitely possible to do make sustainable improvements.

Five improvements:

  1. Take responsibility: Zero grazing puts the responsibility upon the producer to create housing and provide management that does not negatively impact the dairy animals.
  2. Raise the rail height: Simply by increasing the height of the feed rail at the feed bunk to above 140cms from the floor can greatly reduce the risk of neck injuries. (Zaffino, 2012)
  3. Reduce standing time: Standing on wet, concrete floors has a direct correlation with lameness.
  4. Provide comfortable stalls: Depending on the situation, sand or mattresses have been shown to contribute to reduced instances of lameness.
  5. Sufficient Bedding: Switching to sand bedding requires significant change to buildings. Simply adding more straw or sawdust bedding results in hock lesions falling to 31% from the 80% prevalence that is seen when cows are housed on mattresses and no bedding.

Benchmarking of Farm Performance

More often than not, record keeping has a positive impact. Knowing the exact incidence of lameness, mastitis or other illness help set a target for reducing them. Well-managed dairies are reaping the financial benefits of reducing lameness and raising the welfare of their milking herd.  More training, data collection, and peer sharing is a pro-active and positive way to get the results heading in the right direction.

From Candid Camera to Can-Do Care!

Consciously and conscientiously targeting the reduction of involuntary culling is directly correlated to increased cattle longevity. Ensuring that all possible means – health, housing, and genetics – are being responsibly managed – will have a direct effect on reducing involuntary culling and mortality rates.

Reproduction Must Be Managed Better

Much is written about improving reproduction. At one time, the emphasis was solely placed on heat detection.  However, successful dairy managers are now paying particular attention to reproductive management from birth, through rearing, to transition and milking.  Definitely too many breeders are willing to accept less than the best reproductive performance. The first step is acknowledging that there are reproductive problems that aren’t being solved. This must be followed up by bringing in whatever help you can to build improvements into your repro program.

Lameness is Running Away with the Profits

We expect some degree of slowness, bent backs and hesitant steps in the aging and elderly folks we see around us.  However when our dairy herd is limping, falling down or unable to get up, we are forced, whether we like it or not to cull the animal – regardless of her age.  Lameness is a serious problem which adversely affects milk yield.  Research has shown that high yielding cows are more susceptible to lameness.  Too often, we accept this as one of the outcomes of an intensive focus over the past few decades on dairy production. Even though there are excellent best practices that can be used, too often this area is disregarded at the expense of the dairy operation and the welfare of the animal.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

It takes information to make improvements.  You can’t fix what you don’t acknowledge.  Dairy farmers are recognizing that they are responsible for improving their knowledge and understanding of the factors that impact longevity.  Sharing the statistics and setting benchmarks is next.  Most important, however, is implementing an action plan.

Only when improved record keeping and best practices are acted upon, will we begin to see our dairy herds reach their full lifetime potential.


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4-H Canada’s Volunteer of the Year – John Drummond “A Passion for the Program”

Head, Heart, Hands, and Health is not just a motto.  For John Drummond, it is three decades invested in training and encouraging the youth in his community.  His leadership is all about “we”.

john presentation

John being honored as the 4-H Canada’s Volunteer of the Year

Once In 4-H, Drummond Never looked Back

Young Canadians often look forward to hockey but for John Drummond of Lanark County there was another tradition that inspired his participation. “I was born and raised in the 4-H program.  As the youngest of 6 kids, I watched my older siblings all be very active in the program, and waited with anticipation until it was my turn.  My mother was a ‘Homemaking’ 4-H Club Leader, and I remember a group of girls coming over on Saturday afternoons – I would have been 4 or 5 at the time.  I joined the Lombardy Calf Club at age 12, which was the starting age” way back then”, and never looked back.”


John competing at the 1982 Contact Hays Classic

4-H Leaders Ignited John’s Involvement

In the same way that he inspires others to get involved in 4-H leadership, John was inspired by his leaders. “Ron McMillan and Gerald Hunter were awesome guys, lots of fun, and great 4-H club leaders.  I remember them giving me the tap on the shoulder that I should become a leader of the club, which I did for my first two years after graduating from the program.  I also consider Bruce Witmer to be a great example of a lifetime of 4-H involvement.” John didn’t stop at the club leader level. He was on the Ontario 4-H Council Board of Directors from 2003-2010, serving as President in ’06/07.  “That totally ignited my involvement on a provincial level.  The influence of great executive directors like Rob Black and Lyndon Stewart provided lots of fuel and excitement for the program.”

4-H and Career Became Synchronized

John feels it was a natural transition to move from member to leader in the Lombardy Calf Club.  “When I graduated from the University of Guelph, I accepted a position with Floradale Feed Mill, a move that brought me to Waterloo County, as a dairy feed specialist, and the wonderful 4-H program they have there.”


The Years Passed and the Commitment Grew

John merely did what was expected of him, and that certainly built an incredible leadership record. He is as surprised as anyone at the long standing commitment. “Waterloo Vet Club… 29 years now.  Wow.  Floradale Dairy Club for 28 years and the Senior Dairy Club for almost as long.  In 2006, I became a lifeskills club leader when we started the Kitchener Market 4-H Club, a cooking club that runs Saturday mornings at the Kitchener Farmers’ Market.” John is still filled with youthful enthusiasm and, even more so, over another new club. “One of the most exciting clubs I’m involved with is the Waterloo Paintball 4-H Club, which has provided me with some great days of exercise, strategy, teamwork and leadership development.

People Make the Difference

Although he loves the variety of programs and experiences, John Drummond feels that there is one fundamental thing that makes the difference for him. “The people.” He asserts. “When I was President of the Ontario 4-H Council, I travelled across the province to Awards Nights and Annual Meetings, Judging Competitions and Achievement Programs.  I loved meeting people that had a similar passion for the program.”  Like other passionate leaders, John has found that two people performing the same job can produce quite different results in terms of quality because of their passion for what they are doing (or lack thereof).


4-H Memories are the Foundation

We all build on our successes.  For John, many of these relate to his early 4-H experiences. “In 1981, my 4-H calf was virtually undefeated at shows, going on to be Honourable Mention All Canadian that year.  The following year and my last as a 4-H member, I showed a calf of my own breeding, who went on to be nominated All Canadian.” With understated enthusiasm John sums that up as “Such an enormous thrill for an 18-year-old.”

Over the years, John has been involved in making it possible for others in 4-H to have outstanding experiences and memories. “In 2005, Waterloo hosted the 90th Anniversary Celebration of 4-H in Ontario.  We formed a club that planned and presented such a great reunion and celebration that I don’t know how we’ll ever top it for next year’s 100th Anniversary.   We do have a 100th Anniversary Club running now planning the celebration for next year, and the ideas that are taking shape are well on their way to making a party that will be every bit as amazing.  As the home of Ontario’s first 4-H Club, we’ve had such great opportunities to put 4-H in the spotlight.  We’ve never backed down from doing it.”

4-H has something for both Leaders and Members

John doesn’t hesitate in encouraging people to become involved at any level of the 4-H program. “It’s not hard; it’s not confusing. It’s always rewarding, and it’s always fun.  The rewards of being a leader are every bit as much as they are for being a member.”  Obviously, John is a natural born recruiter as well as a leadership specialist. It’s his enthusiasm that inspires the 4-Hers John works with. He not only motivates participation but encourages individuals to share their uniqueness. “Don’t be afraid that you don’t have something to offer – everyone does.”


There is no looking Back. For John, it is always about Building Forward.

When John Drummond sums up what is so great about the Waterloo 4-H Board of Directors, he is summarizing what has kept him passionate about 4-H. Hearing John describe his pride in the teamwork of his local group, sounds a lot like what great leaders say about great teams. “We work together, laugh together, celebrate our successes, learn from our mistakes and never lay blame.  We’re not afraid to try new things!” It isn’t the least bit surprising that they work toward delivering a strong and fun 4-H program of the best value for everyone.” Of course, John deflects any personal praise, “ I have such an excellent backup of co-leaders who do more than I do to make these clubs fun.  Great people like Wilf Strenzke, Jason Brownridge, Kevin Snyder, Lyndon Stewart, Linsday Oxby, James Martin, Joanna Follings, Lynsay Beavers, Colin McNabb, Anne Snyder, Susan Martin, Luke Wheal, Megan Pollock, Tayler Black, and countless others.”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Any time you invest your Head, Heart, Hands and Health, there is going to be growth.  John Drummond shares his 4-H passion and has a positive effect on youth and his peers and, as a result, everyone grows forward together. We extend our congratulations and heartfelt thanks to John Drummond for leading by example to serve, equip and inspire the next generation and being named 4-H Canada’s Volunteer of the Year.


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World Dairy Markets: Hot, Cold or Cooling?

One of the best feelings I’ve experienced in the dairy industry is the pride that comes from being part of an industry that is world class, profitable and sustainable. When the industry you work in is thriving, it makes daily problem solving a challenge and not a burden.  However, realistically, sustainable profitability doesn’t apply across the board in the 21st Century dairy industry and there are many variables. While one area moves ahead, others fall behind and finding a sure thing to invest in is, itself, one of the fast changing variables.

Consumption Drives the Dairy Industry

Global dairy consumption is expected to increase by 2% per annum; production is expected to increase by 1.8% per annum. The impact that this will have on the global dairy cross border trade is far more powerful than what the deficit number may initially suggest. The deficits exist primarily in markets that are already short of product and where demand is rising fastest due to rising incomes such as China, India, ASEAN (and Indonesia in particular) and the Middle East. Such markets will have to turn to the global dairy trade to try to satisfy the domestic demand.

Dairy as an agricultural investment sweet spot

Even a rudimentary knowledge of economics, such as mine, accepts that supply and demand are key to investment growth of any global product.  Dairy is unique in the fact that it has great versatility and can be marketed as many different products. Prem Maan, marketing from Southern Pastures in New Zealand, outlines the positives. “In its powdered form it has a long shelf life and can be transported and consumed at room temperatures. It is the only acceptable animal protein source for India’s primarily vegetarian population and is certifiable as Halal for Muslim markets. Infants can consume milk thereby providing protein during the critical development phase as they progress from mothers’ milk to solids. Dairy products are easily consumed by and fortified for the elderly for their protein, calcium and vitamin needs.” A Harvard study showed that even people who smoke and have high blood pressure reduce their risk of having heart related issues if they consumed grass fed milk. Having said that, markets are in a constant state of change and there is volatility in milk prices.  Milk prices are expected to remain high as movements in global supply have a material impact. The volatility is due to many factors including climatic conditions in India, USA, NZ, Australia and Europe and feed costs.

What Markets are Hot, Cold and Cooling?

As 2014 winds down, it could be informative to look at how the industry is doing from a global perspective.  Let’s look at what has been hot, cold or cooling in the past year.

New Zealand is Hot

New Zealand has a 37% market share of the global dairy trade; it is twice as important to the global dairy trade as Saudi Arabia is to oil.

The New Zealand dairy industry is based on grass-fed milk and sells at a premium compared to milk from other countries that rely on milk production from non-forage feeds. Hormones are not used.  Any cow given antibiotics is excluded from milking.  New Zealand dairying has a low carbon footprint.  For example, products are deliver to UK consumers at less than half the carbon footprint of local products.
New Zealand’s production has been built on its fortunate geographical positioning that provides it with a temperate climate blessed with rich water resources. Lacking subsidies and consuming only 3% of the country’s milk production New Zealand has been forced to seek export markets and free trade agreements. New Zealand now exports dairy products to over 150 countries and accounts for around 90% of China’s imported dairy products.

New Zealand dairy industry structure, the bulk of the country’s milk production is sold to farmer owned cooperatives, provides unique advantages. It ensures that global dairy prices are transmitted in a timely and transparent manner to farmers whilst providing a greater part of the dairy value chain as the cooperatives profits are distributed back to shareholding farmers. In the current season when milk payments to farmers in other exporting countries such as Australia, US and Europe has increased by 25%, New Zealand farmers have enjoyed a 40% increase (and from a higher base).

In this latter respect New Zealand is well insulated against price volatility – a pastoral dairy farm locks in the bulk of future feed costs. New Zealand continues producing, when other key producers are culling cows due to high feed costs.

New Zealand enjoys the benefits of producing a premium product, a material market share, and the ability to withstand high feed prices.

Africa is heating up.

It looks like Africa is the new land of milk and money and could be a booming market for global agricultural investment.  Speaking in Lexington Kentucky Charles Moore from Cape Town South Africa, outlined the challenges and opportunities involved in the rising African beef and dairy industries. Moore suggests Angola, Zimbabwe, Kenya and South Africa are most suitable for dairy investment.

Angola:  The strong economy fueled by the oil industry makes Angola excellent for dairy.  The large population, suitable climate and access to water also are positive attributes.  Furthermore, proximity to Middle East and Southeast Asian markets is also an asset.

Zimbabwe: On the one hand Zimbabwe has a built-in infrastructure, a culture that values cattle, a favorable climate and quality water sources.  On the other hand, political upheaval could be a major negative to realizing the full potential.

Kenya: The numbers are right in Kenya.  A million Kenyan dairy farmers milk 3 million cows. At only 3 cows per farmer, there is a lot of room for growth of the home based, small land base dairy industry.

South Africa: Moore believes that South Africa needs to look at value added products to increase profitability. Much like the rest of the world, there is a lot of consolidation within the South African dairy industry. Farmers there are on the cutting edge compared to the rest of the continent. South Africa produces approximately 50% of Africa’s milk. Moore believes that South Africa’s model will be “the way to go in Africa with 500 to 1,000 cow herds. The small producers are going to get eaten up.”

On the cool side is Russia.

When Russian authorities banned all dairy imports from Ukraine, the decision was justified by authorities as being based, among other things, on misleading branding.  However, banning has been used in the past by Russian officials in retaliation for strained relations. Banning wine from Georgia and fruits and vegetables from Moldova are two examples.

India is Hot

Before 2025, India will overtake China to become the most populous country in the world. Milk and dairy products are fundamental to Indian tradition and culture, Having said that, there is high regional diversity in eating habits and thus huge potential for supplying dairy products that meet that diversity. Distribution is currently a complex market with 15 million scattered retail ships.  Furthermore, there are millions of dairy farmers with two or three animals, making a huge potential to expand national dairy numbers.  In this direction, there has been effective development of a strong cooperative movement in India as the dairy industry becomes organized.  For example, AMUL, turned a small dairy collecting 200 liters of milk per day into a dairy giant handling 16.6 million liters of milk daily.  As of 2012 that placed that processor at #18 of the 20 top milk processors in the World.

China is Hot

Rising consumption (12.8% annually) is driving dairy imports into China, with 82% of those imports being skim or whole milk powder. Liquid milk imports from the US grew from 40 tons in 2010 to 2,750 tons in 2012.  It is reported that four foreign companies have capitalized on the uncertainty which grew out of the melamine and price-fixing scandals. They now have 42 percent of the Chinese infant formula market. Here too, as in India and Africa, there is huge potential to grow from the small herds.  Before 2007 there were 2.1 million farmers milking less than five cows.  That number fell to 1.7 million in 2010. At the same time, herds over 1,000 cows grew from 330 to 836.  The herds from 500 to 999 cows grew from 760 to 2,061. Investors are setting targets for investment in China.

Canada/China Heat is Cooling

Last year 5.2 billion in agriculture export sales to China made Canada their second largest agriculture trade partner after the U.S.  That $5.2 billion represents only five percent of China’s agriculture imports.  A column in June by John Ivison writing for the National Post states that “China is debating moving its North American base from Toronto to New York.”  Besides concerns over investment performance, Ivison feels that “dairy would be another area for mass a (investment) appeal were it not for the aberration of supply management.”

The US is a Catalyst

As investors look for the best place to grow their dollars and dairy producing countries seek ways to be attractive to those investors, there is a growing niches for dairy expertise. When China went looking for this the UW-Madison was chosen from a wide field that included top agricultural schools in several countries says UW dairy science professor, Dr. Pamela Rueeg.  She believes the UW-Madison was selected because of its reputation as a world leader in dairy science overall and particularly in the area of milk quality and food safety, which have been major issues for milk processors in China. Another key factor was the UW-Madison’s long experience doing dairy training in China and its extensive network of connection within the Chinese dairy industry.”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

It’s time for all dairy producers to recognize that we are in a world of global trade. Global supply and demand economics means that milk prices, inter and intra seasonal volatility notwithstanding, should continue to appreciate. The potential for dairy investment is attractive.


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Is It Milk or Is It Make Believe? 

I have always said, “If you can name the problem you can solve it.”  Today when it comes to food production, the problem being named is unsustainable dairy production.  The answer? Create a synthetic dairy.  California now has Muufri (“Moo-free”) where they are perfecting artificial cow’s milk made from a special variety of yeast that has been genetically engineered to produce milk proteins. In Ireland there is a completely artificial milk being developed.  This is a reaction to the sins of environmental damage, greenhouse gases and water pollution that are held up in the headlines as being committed by industrial farming operations.

The “Name’ Game.

It is ironic that in the beverage advertising industry the word of choice is “milk”.  Today everything from soybeans, to almonds, to rice and nuts is masquerading as “milk”. In California they’ve gone beyond imitation naming to bioengineering.  Perumal Gandhi and Ryan Pandya – two bioengineers in California… are trying to go beyond other milk imitators. Their “out-of-body-udder” aims to match the popularity and health benefits of real milk. This is certainly startling.  After daily focus on developing each udder to realize its full potential, we are now faced with milk that can be created in test tubes.

But Will It Taste the Same?

Imitators come and go.  Successful imitators make the grade by being identical to or better than the original product. Most fall by the wayside, because of poor taste.  Although that sounds more like social commentary, in this case it really does refer to the fact that, so far, the imitators don’t taste like milk.  But what if Muufri can get the taste just right? Then the price factor enters the equation. Is the imitator expensive?  Cheap?

The “Claim” Game

To win the market, milk imitators must make claims that resonate with milk drinkers.  One that is out there is that “Dairy is unsustainable?”  It is up to consumers to ask the second question. “Unsustainable compared to what?”  If you’re talking plants.  Where is the land base that will produce all those crops?  The issues are many.  Too hot.  Too cold.  Not enough ground cover.  And then, as mentioned previously, what do plant based milks taste like?

Is Everything Unsustainable?

The vegan inventors of synthetic milk — Gandhi and Pandya – market their invention as a solution for “overcrowded dairy barns where cows are fed a constant cocktail of growth hormones and antibiotics and have their tails docked and their horns removed.”  It sounds horrible but is it truthful? If we look back at the bioengineers, it is like saying everyone who works in a lab is male, with above average IQ who dresses only in white lab coats.  Talk about unsustainable!

The Negative is Heard Louder Than the Number

When the inventors of milk were making their formula, what percentages moved them forward?  It is frustrating when small statistics are reported to imply large negative impact. In this case the quote is “According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, dairy production is responsible for 3 percent of the world’s annual greenhouse gas emissions.” Who or what is responsible for the other 97%.  Is 3% a huge amount to be attributed to one source?

Who’s Making It?  Who’s Faking It?

Fortunately for Gandhi and Pandya, synthesising cow’s milk is a relatively simple process. It’s got less than 20 components, and consists of about 87 percent water. Here is the breakdown, according to John Anderson at Gizmag, “Muufri milk will contain six proteins to help form its structure, and eight different fatty acids to give it its rich flavour.” He outlines the process. “The milk is made using the same process that pharmaceutical companies use to produce insulin. DNA is extracted from dairy cows and certain sequences are inserted into yeast cells. The yeast culture is then grown in industrial-sized petri dishes at just the right temperature and concentrations, and within a few days, the yeast will have produced enough milk for harvesting.”

It’s All Milk and Mirrors!

Real milk is the starting point reports  National Geographic “Although the proteins in Muufri milk come from yeast, the fats come from vegetables and are tweaked at the molecular level to mirror the structure and flavour of milk fats,” “Minerals, like calcium and potassium, and sugars are purchased separately and added to the mix. Once the composition is fine-tuned, the ingredients emulse naturally into milk.” This of course means that all of the nutritional values can be tweaked by Gandhi and Pandya, so their artificial milk could potentially be even better for you than regular milk.”

Is this Milk Worth It at Any and All Costs?

Initially Muufri milk will be more expensive to buy than regular milk. This is not an insurmountable problem. Gandhi and Pandya hope to eventually make it cheaper as their production is scaled up. But because it won’t contain bacteria like regular milk does, the shelf-life will be much longer. The pair hopes to have their milk on the market by mid-2015.

The Magic in the Milk Glass

Before ensuring family health, getting to the bottom of the glass can be a double edged sword. Where do you get your information?  Is your Doctor providing preventive medicine?  Do you believe the press?  TV? Your own intuition and feelings? Is there any way to be certain that what you eat and drink is good for you?

With so many sources – good and not so good — you can’t be blamed if you wish there was magic wand that would just fill your table and lunch boxes with the best, safest and healthiest food. However, wishing for a “sure thing” may be what has led to the situation where we now have pretend food. Food that is completely man made … it bypasses all that bad agriculture … drugged animal controversy!  So are you ready for “Let’s Pretend It’s Healthier?”

Perfection from the Petri Dish

It seems that we are dissatisfied with the food provided by agriculture … now we seek perfection from the petri dish. We have actually come to the point where we have “Bogus Beef and Imitation Milk”.  A quick search tells us that today we have imitation egg mayonnaise, imitation milk and coming soon to a grocery store near you – petri dish meat. Cows are NOT all Bad.

After All, Cows Poo It Forward!

We milk them for all their worth.  They poo it forward by returning fertilizer to the land.  That fertilizer, unlike most, is not created in a laboratory. Manure does a great job building soil structure. It reduces erosion, nitrate leaching, and the energy needed to make natural gas-based nitrogen. We can do a better job in using this valuable resource.

Nature or Nurture?  Cows or Culture?

The one thing that is as sure as death and taxes is our need to consume healthy food and water on a regular basis.  Of course, it’s up to each one of us to choose what actually goes into our moths.  They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but is imitation healthy?

And then there’s “Buy Local!”

Two or three hours north of our farm buying local becomes a question of what can be grown.  This summer market garden producers didn’t get a harvest before the “summer” people – their largest consuming demographic – returned to the city.  It was an unprofitable season and that, only logically, will have a serious impact on the next season, let alone getting through the winter.  And, this is only a very mall example of the actual problems in producing plant based diets.

My questions is, “Are we going to ignore livestock which is renewable?”

Bold statements and brash claims are all well and good.  But, at the end of the day, we’ve got to produce food.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Are you ready to skip the cows and go directly to the Lab.?  Are you thinking outside the barn?  Not only your livelihood is at stake. Your health is at stake.  Are you ready to fake it?


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The November tradition is building.  For several years now November has seen a resurgence in moustaches!  Now MoDairy, a subset of the national organization called Movember USA, has a moustache challenge for dairy folks everywhere. MoDairy is building on the tradition of November being recognized as the men’s health awareness month, specifically focused on health challenges facing a high proportion of males – including cancer, and specifically prostate cancer.

Buford, the mascot at Jaylor, even grew a mustache for Movember Dairy. They Jaylor team writes: "Buford is proud to be a part of Dairy Farmer's Cancer network for this year's Movember. The team is ready to grow their 'staches for November 1st."

Buford, the mascot at Jaylor, even grew a mustache for Movember Dairy.

The MoDairy is Spreading a Wakeup Call!

The call has been heard by thousands and, among them, by MoDairy. MoDairy is a tiny coalition of just 11 dairy industry and dairy-related Wisconsin companies. Despite the lighthearted and somewhat hairy visual side of the campaign, the message is a serious one:

“It is a statistical fact that one in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime.”

The issue is a grave one considering that 92 percent of U.S. dairy producers are men and that inspired Amy Throndsen, director of international sales for DCC cow waterbeds. “Dairy farmers have less awareness as to signs and symptoms [of cancer], likely have less frequent medical examinations and simply are often more focused on the care of their cows and crops than they are of their own health.”

A Good Idea is Right Under Your Nose

Recognizing the high potential the campaign is built on sharing information. “The good news is that, if prostate cancer is detected early, the cure rate nears 100%.”

MoDairy and the Movember Foundation encourage routine health exams for men in the dairy industry and, with a campaign centered around the mustache, the coalition is joining forces to start the conversation on men’s health through: industry mustache parties, a Facebook page ( radio public service announcements – and much more.


Keep Calm and Moustache ON

This is where you come in. Get your MO-GOING! Some ideas include:
• Post photos of your family and farm team with fake mustaches – either homemade or digitally added.
• Hold a mustache growing contest with your friends and post updates on your blog. A new mustache is a great conversation starter about Movember.
• Share how cancer has impacted a family member and your farm.

Post a MOOstache photo on Movember Dairy’s Facebook wall for a chance to win a 20×20 Steel Cow print!


Good health is the best gift.  Preventing prostate cancer is possible with early checkups.  Awareness of the facts about prostate cancer and the importance of early screening is something we can all share with those whose health we care about. It starts with conversation.

Ironically, or fortuitously, whichever way you look at it, the idea for Movember actually started  reports the Australian founders “with a conversation between mates. There’s a nice synergy to the fact that today it’s conversation that is central to achieving our goals. That one conversation back in 2003 has today grown into billions, taking place around the world.”

Josh, who is an engineer, blogger and cancer survivor encourages everyone to get involved. “With greater awareness of these issues should come empowerment for men to face these challenges, knowing they are supported by their peers and wider community without judgement or stigma, and a lasting change in the state of men’s health worldwide.”


Movember is Global and It’s Changing the Face of Men’s Health

Since those humble beginnings in 2003 in Australia, the Movember Foundation has made huge strides, inspiring support from over 4 million Mo Bros, Mo Sistas around the world. The founders report. “The Movember Foundation currently runs official campaigns in 21 countries, however, we’re aware of pockets of support in virtually every corner of the world, from Moscow to Rio de Janeiro and everywhere in between. Movember’s success can largely be attributed to the strength of the global community; regardless of the city in which they live, they feel part of something bigger, united by a commitment to help change the face of men’s health. It’s about global mateship.” They describe their word-of-mouth method. “The global expansion of the Movember campaign is not something that has been driven from within – it has been invited and encouraged. Our policy is only to enter a new market if there is an existing strong ground swell of support. Word of mouth, the movement of expats and the incredible power of the internet have all contributed to the campaign stretching out across the globe. The geographic expansion supports and delivers on our primary objective of spreading key health messages to men everywhere.”

The call to action is, “Let’s MO!”

As MoDairy members say, “Whichever option you choose, you will be helping our industry raise awareness of men’s health and the importance of early detection. With your help, we can build support throughout the agriculture industry to help dairy farmers protect themselves against health risks. If you would like additional information or ideas, please feel free to click here.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Here at the Bullvine we hope all of our readers will share your Movember pictures, thoughts and blogs. Start a conversation with those you love.  It could save a life.

I would love to stay and chat but I really MOUSTACHE!


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GMO’s – It’s a political issue!

On November 4th the issue of GMOs made it to the USA ballot box. For the first time Colorado, Oregon, Hawaii and California placed the question of GMOs before the electorate. Although the results didn’t rise to the same headline level given to the Republicans winning control of the Senate, many hurried to put their spin on the outcome.

The Actual Results of Four Votes

Initiatives requiring labels for genetically altered food were defeated in Colorado and Oregon. Voters in Hawaii and California adopted two county level bans on the production of genetically modified organisms. Does that make it a tie?

Here is a Closer Look

  1. Voters strongly rejected Proposition 105, which would have mandated labeling for genetically modified foods.
  2. The vote was much closer in Oregon, but Measure 92 still failed.
  3. Maui County, Hawaii. A ballot measure slapping a temporary ban on genetically engineered crops passed by a slim margin. The new law will prohibit the growth, testing, or cultivation of GMOs until environmental and health studies declare them safe.
  4. Humboldt County, California. Voters handily approved Measure P, which will prohibit growing genetically modified crops in the northern California County.

Looking at GMOs from Both Sides Now

Hawaiian opponents to the proposed law, which included agribusinesses and family farmers, called the law flawed and said it would hurt the local economy. Indeed, the GMO seed corn industry on Molokai Island, which is part of Maui County, may be threatened as a result of the election. But supporters, who were reportedly outspent by more than 87 to 1, hailed the result. “Residents of Hawaii are acutely aware of their islands’ ecological uniqueness, and they are willing to stand up to chemical companies to ensure that biodiversity is protected,” said Ashley Lukens of the Hawaii chapter of the Center for Food Safety.

Everybody is Claiming Victory

Regardless of the outcome, both sides are claiming victory.  This alone should signal that something irregular is at work here! Those in support of GMOs claim science won.  Those anti-GMOs say that million dollar campaigns made the difference.

Can’t Get Respect

You have often read here in The Bullvine that it is hard for farmers to be accorded respect for the 24/7 labor they put into food production.  However relative to GMOs, the real lack of respect is being given to the food consumer.  GMO activists see them not only as being easily manipulated by the big money interests, they are apparently unable, without threats and manipulation, to make healthy choices when feeding themselves and their families.  Of course, farmers don’t eat the food they produce or so anti-GMO activists would have the public believe.  Anti-GMO activists find that farmers are somehow immune to the deadly effects of something that would kill not only the animals that provide their living but themselves too!  These poor farmers simply don’t know any better!!

Finger Pointing at the Villains

Of course when any discussion descends to shouting and name calling, it is less and less likely that something beneficial to anybody will be the end result.  No one has a perfect answer. Extremists are lined up on both sides of the issues.  Agricultural is frustrated with misinformation.  From their viewpoint, ballot initiatives at the state level seem misguided at best and fear mongering at worst. With barn boots dug in, they are as unbending as the anti-activists who can only rally the cries driven by fear and mistrust.

“It is time to step back and choose elected leaders — from both viewpoints—who are willing to work together to find solutions.”

History Repeats Itself

The results in Colorado and Oregon follow similar ballot initiative defeats in California in 2012 and in Washington State in 2013. The food industry spent nearly $70 million to thwart those efforts.  The expenditure is not seen as information or education but, negatively, as brain-washing.

Put a Label On It

Now, legislative action around GMOs may shift to Congress, which will see Republicans take control of the Senate and expand their control of the House in the new year. A GOP-led Congress could add momentum to the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act. The bill was authored by the food industry and proposes voluntary GMO labeling nationwide.  It would preclude states from adopting their own mandatory labeling laws. The nominally bipartisan bill has had few co-sponsors, but a more business-friendly Washington could give it new life.

What in The World???

Genetically engineered foods must be labeled as such in 64 countries, but in the United States only Vermont has approved labels. Even there, the law doesn’t take effect until July 2016—if it can withstand legal challenges. Maine and Connecticut also have passed GMO labeling bills, but both remain dormant unless and until other states also pass similar legislation. Legislation to label genetically altered food has been introduced in 20 states.

From the Feed Box to the Ballot Box Which Way are the Tides Turning?

Despite the setbacks for GMO opponents, public distrust of genetically modified foods seems to be growing. And companies that make and sell food are paying attention. One example which is held up is that General Mills changed the recipe for Cheerios.  This was so that the product would no longer include genetically modified ingredients.  Another national retailer (Whole Foods) plans to label genetically altered products by 2018.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

So what does this mean for the dairy industry? The world of labeling products is changing. Consumers have the right to know what they put in their bodies.

Our industry needs to be proactive in the face of changing perspectives. Instead of fighting are we prepared to show that using GMOs is one way – one safe way – that we may be able to feed nine billion in 2050 and our milk products are not negatively impacted by GMOs.

Sitting on the fence is not an effective way to think outside the GMO ballot box.  



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10 Things You Must Know About Parasites

Every ecosystem everywhere is full of parasites!  They can take control of their hosts causing unimaginable harm to production, reproduction and health.  The very worst thing happens when a dairy operator reads an article like this and says, “I don’t really need to worry about parasites!”  That’s how they worm their way into your operation and end up running off with your profits.

Know When It’s Parasite Time … and Get Rid of Them.

Most dairy operators are aware of the susceptibility of pastured animals to parasites, and late fall or winter is a good time to re-evaluate your parasite control program. “What program?” you ask. And actually that’s a good question because the most common thing about being under attack from parasites (worms) is that, because they’re subclinical, they fly below the radar. We tend to respond quickly when we can see visible signs of illness or losses in production in our dairy herd. However, the insidious nature of parasites is hard to prove even though they cost money (estimates suggest nearly $2 billion nationally per year). These losses are affected by several variables including age, stage of growth, degree of exposure, level of nutrition, management and genetics.

Won’t Frosts Freeze out Most Parasites?

Once passed several hard killing frosts here in the northeast, parasites are much less prevalent on pastures. That is what makes this a good time to give a de-worming treatment to the herd. But is that enough?  Sure it helps deal with the stomach worms which may fall in number with cold weather, but protozoan parasites (coccidia or cryptosporidium) may be on the rise when animals of various ages and production levels are housed together in larger groups inside barns. With these situations, a more considered approach is necessary.

Ten Reasons to Bother With Deworming

So we have established that parasites are present.  They’re hard to detect.  And we don’t know what and when or even whether we should bother with the work of getting rid of them.  Here are ten reasons to help you make that pro-active decision.

  1. Worms affect the immunity of your cattle. Any improvement in immunity will mean healthier cows.
  2. Get rid of the parasites and your animals will feel better and eat more.
  3. Animals that aren’t fighting off parasites are able to make better use of the nutrients present in the feed they eat.
  4. It’s easier for a dairy animal to maintain proper weight, metabolic and reproductive processes if they are parasite free.
  5. A target benchmark for dairy heifers is an under 15 months of age breeding date. This won’t happen if her maturity is hampered by parasites.
  6. Another measure of dairy success is when an animal starts milking. That date can be delayed by parasite problems.
  7. It is only common sense that there will be more milk if there are fewer parasites.
  8. Preventing the previously mentioned late calvers will save on culling costs and replacement expenses.
  9. Get rid of parasitism and your cows will be better at reaching a stabilized weight to support the reproductive cycle and settle into a new pregnancy.
  10. The gains due to better feed efficiency will be reflected in decreased feed input costs.

Got Parasites? Get Pharmaceuticals!

The last four decades of research and product development have ensured that the cattle industry has access to effective pharmaceuticals. A variety of delivery methods via syringe, bolus, drench or pour on make it easy to reduce parasite burdens. This very easiness could be another reason why producers don’t take the time to develop a parasite strategy or a whole farm approach to de-worming.

Don’t Exchange Your Parasite Problem for Parasite Resistance

Dairy managers need to go beyond the easy solution of reaching for an anthelminthic and treating worms every few months.  It is important to determine through diagnostic efforts what the actual parasite load is in the herd. The downside of the ease of broad spectrum anthelminthic is that indiscriminate use and improper dosing has resulted in emerging problem with resistant parasite strains. This is happening in some regions of the world with sheep and goats and is emerging in horses. If these products are not used proper and only as needed, it is just a matter of time until resistance become a major problem in dairy cattle.

The Whole Farm Approach Is More than Just the Animal and the Drug

Four areas must be given thorough investigation and consideration when setting up a whole farm approach:

  1. the life cycle of the parasite that is present
  2. the immunity or resistance of the animal
  3. the pasture, stall or environment where the parasites are present
  4. the long term concerns for developing resistance.

Got Parasites?  Who Ya’ Gonna’ Call?

With so many variables, dairy producers are encouraged to get assistance in developing a parasite control program. Veterinarians can help here.  A truly effective program will have to assess not only how the animals are housed or pastured, but also, where manure is spread and the planning of control methods for crops and forages.

How to Manage an Effective Parasite Program

  1. Review and assess the levels of risk for each animal group or housing situation.
  2. Reduce exposure to fecal oral pathogens.
  3. Minimize infective parasite larvae through pasture rotation, making hay, sward height and maintenance of some susceptible genes in the parasite population.
  4. Limit manure applications on grazed pastures.
  5. Conduct routine fecal egg counts (FEC) on animal groups and use them to assess the need for and effectiveness of treatment strategies.
  6. Work with a veterinarian to set target levels to determine when treatment is necessary.
  7. Minimize the development of resistance by working with veterinarians to develop protocols and to screen for the emergence of resistance parasite.

Least Cost. Most Effective.

The goal is to find a low cost, effective way to prevent parasites from negatively affecting the dairy herd.  This means keeping the parasite levels as low as possible during the first 100 days after calving.

  • If the cattle are exposed to low levels of parasites, treatment given in early lactation or given as a whole herd treatment in late fall will probably be sufficient.
  • If cattle are exposed to moderate to high level of parasites, two dewormings per lactation (one at calving and one given later) or two herd treatments per year (one given in late fall and a second six weeks after spring green up) will be necessary to maintain adequate control.
  • Deworming cows that are harboring parasites at the time of calving will remove the parasites before they begin their greatest period of lactation stress. If parasites are at a moderate to high level the second strategic-timed deworming would be six weeks into lactation.

Timing is Key.

The efficacy and efficiency of a parasite control program is heavily affected by timing.  The right pharmaceutical and the right time is a priority. Deworming strategies are designed to control parasites by correctly timing the intervention so that it interrupts the parasites’ life cycle and prevents reinfection.  Again, assistance from someone familiar with these techniques is invaluable.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

It is far less expense to deworm cattle than to incur losses from wasted feed, illness or reproduction or replacement costs. Developing a deworming strategy is becoming a fundamental management tool for many profitable dairy operations. 



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Forget Kate – The Dairy Industry Has Kassidy Upton

_MG_92382014 editors choice graphicIf you simply read through Kassidy Upton’s resume you could be forgiven if you assumed that she was in her twenties with years of experience contributing to her list of achievements. What a surprise to learn that she is a 15 year old from central Canada and has just entered Grade 10 this fall. She has grown up in an active and close knit family with four siblings in the beautiful Kawartha Lakes region of Ontario, where her family runs Misty Springs – a breeding and milk production Holstein farm. Kassidy graduated from grade 8 with honours, her school letter and an award for overall contribution to school life. She has carried that zest and passion into her high school career and continues to be an honours student in the academic stream. She is an avid skier and has volunteered her time to help teach children to ski at Lakeridge Ski resort through their apprenticeship program. Last season she was a member of the Blue Mountain team as an assistant Pro. This year her personal achievements took a new and interesting turn.

KASSIDY’S First Pageant is The Miss Teen Canada Globe

Sometimes a chance meeting will open doors. That happened for her says Kassidy.  “I met Michaela Zinsmiester. She was in the Miss Teen Canada Globe competition last year and she told me about it. When I was asking her questions she suggested that I put an application in for the 2014 pageant.” Although she had no previous experience with this type of competition Kassidy did enter it.  “I really didn’t know what to expect. I just wanted to meet other girls from Canada and hoped to have some fun.” She certainly met those expectations but there were many surprises in store for her.

miss teen globe canada

KASSIDY Gets Off to An Amazing Start

You can well imagine that whether it’s in the ring or on the runway, achieving exceptional results doesn’t happen without a lot of hard work.  Kassidy confirms that this was true for the Teen Pageant. “There was a lot of work involved in preparing for it. “  She outlines what that consisted of. “I had to develop a complete profile and platform.”  However, the work didn’t stop there and she says that the long hours were the biggest surprise.  “Michaela had warned me that I wouldn’t get a lot of sleep but I hadn’t expected to be training from 7 am to 3:30 am every day. When you are watching beauty pageants on TV it looks all glamourous but what you don’t see is the hard work and long hours that go into them.” Nevertheless Kassidy rose to the challenge and completed the work. “I felt I was ready.”

KASSIDY is in the National Finals

Indeed Kassidy was ready.  She made it to the National Finals. “I was also surprized to make it as far as I did. There were so many beautiful, smart and talented girls in the competition.” Once again she was taken by surprise. “After it was announced that I was in the top 10 I even sent a text message to my Mom in the audience that night saying “OMG MOM!!!’”  She knows that her success was built on her preparation as well as another key Kassidy ingredient. “I wasn’t willing to give up.” she declares. “It was exhausting at times but I learned a lot and I got an opportunity to meet some fantastic people.” She didn’t let anything intimidate her. Some of the girls had modelling experience or had been in pageants before and I hadn’t done anything like this.”

miss teen globe canada results

KASSIDY is well grounded. Being herself was the key to her success.

Kassidy already has a mature viewpoint on how to present herself.I don’t know how to be anyone but me, and I just decided that if they didn’t want the person that I am, then it wasn’t the right fit for me. I think that when I look at all the girls who made the top 5 that they really are looking for someone who is an example of a Canadian girl. The title holders need to be someone who all teenage girls can relate to and who is a good representative of what it means to be a Canadian woman. That is how I would describe myself – a typical teenager!”

From the Laneway to the Runway

Kassidy may see herself as typical however many would consider that her path to becoming a pageant competitor was quite unique. “When you grow up on a farm you get used to the fact that if things don’t go your way you can’t just walk away. The work only gets done if you go back and try again.” But although hard work helped it didn’t make it a sure thing. “I’ll be honest. When the Regional assessment was finished, my score was one of the lowest of any girl in Ontario.” She provides some background. “The Regional Assessment takes place in the first three days and this is where you get your training. Throughout the training process you are judged and this determines your Regional score. Your scores are wiped away and you start fresh in the National Pageant. This was my first try at anything like this. So what you have to do is take what you learned during the regional assessment and apply it to the National pageant, which takes place immediately after Regionals.”

Kassiy Upton - Crown

She is a Worthy Competitor. Kassidy Learned from Each Step

Not only is Kassidy open about her results but she was bold in other ways too. “Instead of letting my Regional score affect me I went in to the Nationals and decided to show the judges the work I had done prior to the pageant to prepare my profile and all that I had learned during Regional Assessment. I didn’t give up. I think that my background and upbringing is what instilled this attitude. Lots of girls quit after the Regional assessment but I wasn’t going to be one of them.”

Kassidy’s Team Had a Big Impact on Her

The two people who have the greatest influence on me are my mom and dad. My mom and dad have taken care of me my whole life with assistance later on by my step-dad Dominique. They have taught me right from wrong and have strived to see me succeed. They always put positive thoughts in my mind and always push me to my greatest self. They are my parents so of course they have the greatest influence on me because they have been here through thick and thin. They have pushed me to achieve every goal I set. And to set as many goals I can. I don’t think I could ever thank my parents enough for what they do. They are my inspirations.


“I would like to thank Misty Spring Holsteins for being my main sponsor.

Dominque and my Mom have been behind me all the way in this. Everything from helping me to prepare, running me around to events, shopping for my clothes for the pageant, to running supplies down to me. They were in the audience every night that was open to the public.” (Read more: Misty Springs Clearly On Course!)

Having a support group is a great lift when you are competing.

Kassidy confirms how important it was to her. “I had some rough days during the pageant and many people sent me Facebook messages of encouragement and support and that meant a great deal to me.  I had several other people who came down to support me on audience choice nights, and the many people who voted for me on line.”


Kassidy Passes the Caring and Sharing Forward

Kassidy goes beyond competition and giving back is a big part of the reason she enjoyed this experience. She has been a member of the local youth group, has a passion for helping people and volunteers her time with the local food bank. “The thought of so many people in this country, especially children, going to bed hungry is incomprehensible.” says this young member of a multi-generational, food providing family. She can often be found pitching in on the family dairy operation and has a definite love of caring for the calves. Kassidy is as comfortable in a pair of work boots as she is in high heels. Her upbeat “can do” attitude shines through in everything she does. In her spare time she loves to paint and draw. Kassidy intends to become an electrician.

A Special Thank You from Kassidy

Building on her experience with a particular charity, Kassidy has a special highlight to share. “Another person who really earned a big thank you from me is a lady by the name of Sandy Norris. She runs our local food bank. It is that charity that I have been working with and that I developed my platform on. She took the time to make sure that I had a solid understanding of every aspect to the food bank’s operations. She made sure I had an opportunity to experience them for myself and, because of her time and effort, I was prepared, knowledgeable and as a result scored very high marks on my platform and interview.”


Kassidy Shares Advice and Encouragement

There are many opportunities that are available for young people who are ready to stretch their limits and try new experiences. Kassidy encourages others to ‘give it a try’ because “You never know how far you can run if you don’t step up to the start line. I never realized that anyone can do this until I talked to Michaela. It is a unique experience and one that will have a lasting impact on me. I have made some great friends from all over the country and some beautiful memories from my 10 days in Toronto.”

What Is Next for Kassidy?

“I’m going into grade 10 to hopefully complete my goal of reaching an average above 80%. I am also going to strive to keep up to MCGP’s expectations by making appearances throughout this coming year and scouting more girls for this experience. I also am seeking to find some modelling opportunities with magazines, stores, companies, etc.” But she is ready to stretch further. “I also plan on supporting the food bank as much as I can because they have been very supportive of me in this pageant and have helped every way they could.” She sums it up with enthusiasm. “I plan on living my normal life but with a few other responsibilities.”


…. And Kassidy’s Story Takes Another Turn

We were just recently updated on the next turn in the growing resume that Kassidy Upton is building. Her mother emailed that they are surprised and delighted that “Kassidy has walked her way into a lead role in a movie that she is shooting right now.  It is called Groupies and will be released in 2015 on Netflix.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

We congratulate Kassidy Upton on her unique experiences in competing in the Miss Teen Canada Globe competition.  The Bullvine and our readers wish her all the best in utilizing her skills, experience and knowledge not only in the dairy industry, but also in helping others. 

Those young ladies looking to get into this can contact Kassidy here.



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Get Ready. Get Set. It’s Time for a Better Dairy Winter Feeding Program!

As the fields give up their harvest, it’s time to look ahead to what feed is available for the dairy herd for the coming fall and winter.  Is a plan in place for how you will use your homegrown forages?  Is there enough?  What purchased feed will you need to cover anticipated shortfalls?

Before closing the file or deciding to make purchases, there are two steps without which all of your planning could end up going nowhere. These steps are ones that you cannot skip, ignore or overlook.

FIRST: Sample all forages and submit them for testing.

The success of your feeding program depends on knowing the exact nutrient content of your forage. This is where you begin to balance rations. Send samples to a forage testing laboratory. An often missed consideration is that you must make sure that the samples are fermented before having them sampled.  However, testing doesn’t end there. Don’t bypass ongoing testing throughout the feeding season. “Single samples often do not accurately represent the nutrient content of feeds sampled.” Keep an up-to-date inventory of all forages, their source (i.e. what hybrid they are from) their storage location and current amount. According to nutritionists, an area that is often almost always overlooked, is that of keeping accurate records of home grown inventories.

SECOND: Using forage analyses Balance Rations for all Groups of Cattle

Of course, before you can balance the rations, you must determine how you will group your herd for feeding. Different age groups, stages, have different needs and meeting them in the best way possible is always the goal. You will have specific requirements for fresh heifers under four months into lactation and for early lactation, high-production and dry cows.

Stringent protocols for measuring wet feeds need to be in place as well.  Dry matter contents can vary tremendously depending on the storage structure, load or storage time. Changes in the amount added to the TMR mixer can only be accurately determined if the dry matter has been measured at least weekly. More often is better.

NINE MORE WAYS to Get the Most Output from Your Feed Program Inputs

Once you have sampled all your forages, balanced the rations to meet your particular goals there are

Specific areas that you can fine tune to improve your fall and winter dairy feeding program.

  1. Study the Financial Variables
    There is so much volatility in commodity prices that farmers must make it one of their jobs to constantly monitor ingredient prices and re-evaluate feeding programs. Keeping up with suggested changes by feed and nutrition experts can also have a positive impact by decreasing feed costs and positively affecting cash flow. Some changes may also positively affect the impact on the environment.
  2. Provide Optimum Access
    The milking dairy herd should have the maximum opportunity to consume the nutrients they need for production.  Ideally access should be available 20 to 22 hours daily, with no more than two hours in a holding pen.  Multiple meals = optimum intake.
  3. Feed on Schedule
    Cows are creatures of habit.  Being fed a ration they are familiar with and getting it at the same time every day is the consistency that will yield results. Observe daily or weekly refusal to assess the consumption by the group of cows. Discuss any problems with the nutritionist.
  4. Improve Feed Bunk Management
    Feed should be provided along the entire feed bunk at each feeding. Feed should not be heating in the feed bunk. Uneaten feed should be removed on a daily basis from the feed bunk. If you are feeding for an empty bunk, then feeding times will have to be adjusted accordingly and will require monitoring throughout the day.
  5. Properly Allocate Feed to Groups
    Determine the group that can return the most profit from the forage.  Early location and high production groups will yield the most profit from the highest quality forage.  Mid to late lactation cow groups are the place for lower quality forages.
  6. Hygiene has High Importance
    Waterers must be kept clean.  This should be done multiple times throughout the week and then, once a week, use a brush and weak chlorinated solution (1 cup household bleach to 5 gallons of water). Rinse thoroughly after cleaning.
    Keeping the face on the bunker clean and maintaining all silage storage structures will prevent heating and ensure the quality of the feed being fed.
  7. Manage Facilities
    Avoid overcrowding. Provide bunk space at a ratio of 24 inches of space per cow. For fresh and close-up dry cow groups increase the bunk space per cow to 36 inches and one freestall or 100 square feet per cow.
    Aim for a temperature humidity index below 68.  Use fans when temperatures rise above 65 to 70 degrees F
  8. Equipment Maintenance
    TMR mixers should be regularly maintained.  Both over-filling and under mixing must be avoided. Mixers need servicing, and adjustment for the feeds being added and additions should be done in the correct amounts and order for the particular mixing.  The use of a tool such as the Penn State Particle Size box can evaluate mixes.  Watch that the forage particle is consistent over the whole bunk.
  9. Teamwork
    Everyone who has involvement with the production and delivery of the cattle nutrition program needs to be on the same page.  Nutritionists and other consultants will work with your detailed information to develop and modify your feeding program.  Although everyone will have a different level of expertise, the combined dialogue is critical, if you’re program is to be successful, sustainable and profitable.

Are you Doing a Great Job? Okay!  Now Get READY for NEXT SEASON!

Using forage analyses, review whether your harvest techniques have resulted in the highest-quality forages that are needed to feed high-producing dairy cows.  If not then you need to make changes.  Next, complete a plan to incorporate these changes into next year’s cropping season.

  • Crop variety to consider.
  • Harvest time. Are you harvesting at the proper stage of crop maturity and proper moisture concentration?
  • Is your harvesting method having a positive or negative impact on your forages? Are you using your equipment properly? Could you get better results by hiring a custom operator?
  • Do you have the proper fertility for the planted crop? Are the nutrients provided to your crops available at the right time during the growing season?

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Dairy cattle produce best when they have the proper nutrients to support their health, production levels and growth. It can positively affect your bottom line if you make modifications to your feeding program that prevent problems and enhance the nutritional intake of your milking herd. Nothing is more important to your bottom line than feeds and feeding.



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Life or Death on the Dairy Farm – Nature is cruel, we don’t have to be!

Death is part of dairy farming. The National Animal Health Monitoring surveys estimate the death loss of adult cows on dairy farms to be 5 percent, with pre-weaning heifer deaths averaging 7.8 percent and post-weaning heifer losses at 1.8 percent. As these statistics indicate, death is an unfortunate reality of dairy farming. Deciding when euthanasia is necessary and how to do it humanely is a serious consideration for al livestock handlers and veterinarians.

Having said that, euthanasia isn’t just an on-farm issue.

Consumers are part of the equation. They are increasingly concerned about all aspects of how their food is grown or raised. The majority of consumers have no real connection to the farm, making it essential to open up discussion.  Euthanasia, although an unpleasant task, is an inevitable component of animal husbandry. It is necessary to establish a dialogue between agriculture and consumers and openly discuss why euthanasia is an essential and humane aspect of animal welfare.

If you work with livestock, you have to have the equipment and training to conduct euthanasia efficiently and effectively.

These are the first steps and will help minimize the apparent stress associated with carrying out this necessary act. The goal is always to prevent the unnecessary suffering of dairy animals. Working with a veterinarian you can set up operating procedures for your dairy farm.  Yearly review and ongoing training will be necessary as part of your herd health program

Make Sure You’re Using The Most Up-To-Date Euthanizing Information

As with most livestock handling procedures, the methods used are continuously being reviewed and revised. “There are not only right and wrong ways to euthanize dairy cows, but the guidelines for humane killing were recently revised,” say Jan Shearer of Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine and James Reynolds of Western University College of Veterinary Medicine.

There are many excellent resources for learning about euthanasia. The AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) has classified euthanasia techniques as “acceptable,” meaning methods that consistently produce a humane death when used as the sole means of euthanasia; and “acceptable with conditions,” meaning methods that require certain conditions to be met to consistently produce a humane death. These may carry greater potential for human error or safety hazard and may require a secondary step to ensure death.

Establish Criteria for Decision Making

Animals that should be considered for humane euthanasia include:

  • Severely lame animals that do not respond to treatment or are in severe pain, especially if the foot or leg is extremely swollen.
  • Animals that cannot stand.
  • Animals that are not responding to treatment.
  • Animals with broken bones or severe injuries.
  • Animals with disease conditions for which no effective treatment is known (i.e. Johne’s disease, lymphoma).
  • Animals with diseases that involve significant threat to human health (i.e. rabies).

Euthanasia Dos and Don’ts

  • Do involve your veterinarian to create a euthanasia program, so you and your employees understand the correct way to induce a “good death” that causes no pain or distress for your animal.
  • Don’t cull sick animals as a way to “get rid of them.” The public does not want to consume infected cows especially if they have been treated with medications. Do not sell animals that may have violated drug residues.
  • Don’t leave ailing or suffering animals to die.
  • Don’t drag a non-ambulatory animal. “That is unacceptable,” says Iowa State University’s Jan Shearer. If the animal that is to be euthanized is ambulatory and can be moved without causing distress, discomfort or pain, consider moving it to an area—before euthanization—where the carcass may be more easily reached by removal equipment.
  • Do recognize that euthanasia is not a procedure that all persons are mentally or emotionally able to perform.
  • Do provide adequate training for euthanasia and support for individuals faced with this task.
    Source: Euthanasia Done Right

Proper Euthanasia Methods

There are only three approved methods of euthanasia for cattle, and they are: IV injection of a pentobarbital (a drug your veterinarian must administer), gunshot, or captive bolt. All other methods are not appropriate. It is important to note that all of these methods must be done correctly in order for it to be considered a humane euthanasia. Downloadable materials on cattle euthanasia.


Death of an animal can be a time to review what went wrong. It is necessary to evaluate your death rate in adults and heifers with your veterinarian. It is important to determine if there is a treatment failure, a problem with not intervening with treatment soon enough or a problem with not euthanizing the animal when she is suffering and instead letting her die an inhumane death. Consumers who have pets understand euthanasia is a humane choice for a suffering animal. It is important that euthanasia be given proper consideration on dairy farms.

Many farms, regardless of size, need to establish protocols for euthanasia.

Breeding, treating with medications, milking routines, and managing calving problems are examples of common protocols. Proper humane euthanasia is often a protocol that is overlooked, but it is one that is crucial to the consuming public. Every farm should work with their veterinarian to develop a proper Euthanasia Protocol and evaluate its implementation on a regular basis.

“The public is concerned about animal welfare, and their perception has a strong influence on today’s agricultural policies and industry standards.”

Notes Dr. Suzanne Millman of Iowa State University. She adds. “The more confidence the public has in animal agriculture’s programs to safeguard animal care, the less likely we are to see them legally regulate our policies.” Determining when to euthanize an animal and the most humane method to do it aren’t the only concerns. Those within the livestock industry must be cautious of the language used to avoid appearing or becoming insensitive.”

Temple Grandin, renowned advocate for the proper care and handling of animals, states that “Nature is cruel, we don’t have to be.”

Humane euthanasia should be a written protocol on all of our dairy farms.  One conference participant goes a step further “Every cow on our farms should come with an “end-of-life-plan.” Meaning that costs associated with a humane and respectful last few weeks of her life need to be accounted for when we take on the responsibility of bringing her onto our farm”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Unfortunately, death does occur on dairy farms, and we all need to be careful not to become “desensitized” to it. Euthanasia is part of the hard decisions that need to be taken with the goal of providing a gentle ending.



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High Heels and Work Boots – You are what you wear!

Barn-appropriate attire has certainly changed over the years. Overalls, coveralls, boots and the iconic farm hat have defined ‘looking like a farmer’. The options available are weatherproof, waterproof and, if I had my way, they would be smell-proof and self-cleaning too.  Regardless of what dairy folks choose to work in, we make our choices of what’s appropriate based on the job we are doing. There are no extra points given for fashion when cleaning stalls, filling feed bunkers or helping with a calf delivery in pouring rain in a muddy field. Dust, dirt and manure are ever present and ready to turn our country fresh style into downright dank and dirty.

While most dairy folks make excellent clothes choices for barn conditions, the ones we make in public, at meetings or in the show rings are sometimes questionable. What side of the fashion line are you on?

Ring, Booth and Barn Clothes are Broadcasting Your Farm Message

Clothes make a strong visual statement regardless of the industry you work in.  Comfort and serviceability, boots and barn hats may serve their purpose in the barn.  Unfortunately, some might think wearing them directly to a meeting not only saves time but sends a message that you’re a hard working dairy professional. Well. Not so much. You want your co-workers and potential customers to take you seriously. They should not smell where you’re coming from.

Should Farmers Dress for Success?

Yes, they should.  Something as superficial as how you’re dressed does make a difference. Is there something clinging to your boots or pants from your last walk through the barn.  Does your grooming and basic hygiene suggest that you have become “nose blind” to those country smells that city folk are not so familiar with?  Maybe we are too familiarized with the messy side of our work day and forget that the uninitiated, who are also dairy consumers, are a little more fidgety about where there food comes from and what and who it comes into contact with. We have all seen how bad publicity over animal treatment can reflect on an entire industry.  Wardrobe malfunctions can hurt too. It is always better to represent the industry as a professional whose outfit does not harm public perception of the people who produce or come into contact with the animals and food they eat..

Looking like a Farmers Starts with Who, What and Wear!

You can’t not communicate. Everything you do makes some kind of statement.

The old saying, “You can’t judge a book by its cover” may be true, but book jacket and product packaging designers around the world have created an industry betting that people will judge and purchase products based on how they look.

Things move incredibly fast today.  Only things that catch our eye capture our attention.  That goes for magazine ads, product packaging and, of course, people. Because we are so busy, looks count for a lot more than they used to. Like it or not, we are under a lot more scrutiny and looks make the first and most lasting impression.

We at The Bullvine make a big deal about the need to tell the story of farming in a positive way. However, before any of that story can come into play, we must get past the first impression. Whether we like it or not, that starts with your appearance. That first wave of impressions severely impacts perceptions of capability and credibility.  Positive or negative that is what will stop you or start you moving forward.

“Dress for the ribbon you want”

If there were dairy ring fashion advisors, no doubt they would advise their clients to dress for the ribbon they want – in the same way job counselors tell you to dress for the job you and not the one you already have. When we stand at exhibit hall booths, or visit farms with our advice or products or simply converse with the public at a show, meeting or in the grocery story, we are evaluated by our appearance.  It is important to “look the part”.  There is no value in dressing low key in some misguided idea that it sends a humbler, more low key message. It simply says you don’t care.

You are What You Wear to the Show Ring!

To be fair, most dairy people display common sense when making their fashion statements in the show ring. Creativity is, usually, restricted to belt buckles for the guys and belts with bling and pants with sequined pockets for the girls. However, sometimes we witness some fashion statements which draw less positive attention to “those farmers”. If attention on yourself is more important to you than the animal you are leading, you might want to reconsider why you are in the ring in the first place.

First Do No Harm

When in the public eye either in the show ring or at a commercial booth – either buying or selling — the primary rule to observe is “first do no harm:  The harm referred to is what happens right after split second decisions are made.  While a showring Judge is unlikely to be affected by unprofessional, too tight, too revealing or unbecoming ring-wear, the audience has a great deal of time to ask themselves, “Is that the best they could do?” And then there’s the fact that you yourself are affected when your clothing is a distraction. We put countless hours preparing our animals for the best few minutes of their lives under scrutiny from a dairy judge who, in most cases, is formally dressed befitting the level of attention being given to selecting the top animals in each category.

Put Your Best Foot Forward

Dressing for success presents your true potential. It’s like putting your “best foot forward.”

Like it or not, most of us carry subconscious thoughts about what is acceptable or not. Especially in the workplace or when doing business. When given the choice between a well-dressed person and one in sloppy clothes with unkempt hair, the public, the judge or the possible client will choose the former… hands down

Although we loudly proclaim that looks should not make a difference …One advisor suggests this test. Wear your “barn” clothes to the bank one time and “professional farmer” clothes the next time. Pay attention to the difference in the attention you receive.  Even though, we may protest, we are constantly judged on our appearance.  And admit it.  We do it too!

Start by Keeping it Covered!

We have all seen the outfit that looks great when the person is standing but becomes way too revealing when the wearer is seated on a chair at ringside or, worse yet, on a raised platform or stage.  Too revealing works with tops too.  It would be great if we all had perfectly toned bodies.  We don’t.  At the very least, keep it covered. Avoid cleavage displays, midriff tops and informal sheer T-shirts and butt views

Dairy Do’s, Don’ts and Dress Codes

In the dairy world, not all fashions are created equal. We’ve seen some pretty cringe worthy looks in our day.   Here are some examples from the ring, exhibition hall and ag meetings that deserve a spot in the Don’t Hall of Fame!

  • Skin Tight Pants. Thank goodness that, in general, they are a thing of the past. At best, they are uncomfortable at their worst they provide a severe case of TMI.
  • Too much cleavage. If it isn’t right for the grocery store, it isn’t right for the red carpet, show ring or presentation ceremony.
  • Too much color. In most dairy show rings, white and black are the best choices. For show ring photographers, many shows request all black clothing.  The focus (pun intended) is meant to be on the cows.
  • Too much glitter. So far this season, too much bling has not made it to the winners circle. My informal study indicated that glitter belts rarely place above sixth.
  • Keep your wardrobe malfunctions out of the news. With instant sharing through social media your wardrobe slip-ups or fallouts could go viral. It’s how you handle these wardrobe malfunctions that will determine whether you’re dressed for success or seen at less than your best.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

A well put together outfit sends the message that you pay attention to detail. It suggests if you put so much effort into your image, you’re probably just as meticulous in your work. If how you look is sending a message…. what are you saying about dairy farmers?



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The Future Of Dairying Is Uncertain!!

You are committed to dairying. You have recognized that changing markets and rising demand for milk, means you will have to expand, specialize or exit. You’re staring at a future that is looming with complications from genetics to finances, and you are not entirely sure which direction you should be headed in. Suddenly an unforeseen challenge is right on your doorstop, and it could mean disaster for everything you have invested in your dairy business.  You thought things were fine.  That’s what “they” have been telling you.  You can’t be blamed for asking, “Why didn’t we see this coming?”

Stuck in the “If only Rut” While the Future is Bearing Down Fast

If only the economy would turn around.  If only government would give us support and protect our markets. If only the consumer would understand that producers are part of their team too!  If only we had unconditional support from the membership.  Oh yes…. And it would be great “If only we had the right people leading us?  You know the ones.  People we like.  So we don’t have to deal with personalities, politics and publicity.”  Yes, the if-only rut is a deep one and very hard to dig yourself out of, once you have given all responsibility for change to someone or something else!  If only that worked!  But … it doesn’t.

Who Is Representing YOU?

Sometimes it seems like the rest of the world continually underappreciates the hard work, planning and vision of modern dairy farmers.  Part of the reason for this is that they are not supported with that same focus and energy when it comes to their boards, suppliers and associations. That is too bad because they impact our long-term viability as an industry.  Take, for example, your breed association, milk recording agency or cooperative AI stud.  You have just read the newsletter where they voted in a direction that has nothing to do with actually supporting your dairy objectives.  Not surprising since the board itself is grossly under-represented by progressive dairy operators who are hands on and in tune with modern dairy growth. In fact, the business agenda hasn’t changed in thirty years.  And neither has the makeup of boards.  They are entirely missing the issues that are well beyond the writing on the wall stage.

Why Aren’t Dairy Associations Relevant To Modern Dairying?

Boards who move industries or associations or dairy operations realize that if great work is going to get done they will have to do it.  However, that takes long term vision, and it is difficult to rock the boat and chance finding yourself out of work. Currently – too many decisions are made that keep people in their jobs and have less to do with making the dairy industry profitable. When it becomes a choice between keeping a grant, maintaining the interests of a major financial supporter or putting some other agenda ahead of the actual dairy operators’ needs, it’s easily seen who wins out. Furthermore, too many dairy co-ops or board decision makers don’t work entirely on farm and see what they do as a perk or supplement or cushion for retirement.  Too often this means they are not motivated to carry out the hard decision making that forward progress always requires.

Who is Serving?  Who is Hiding?

If the boards, associations and suppliers are actually serving the industry they must be comprised of the people who understand what it takes to be sustainable and profitable in the dairy industry.  All sectors of the industry – commercial, show type breeding, purebred – must, at the end of the day, be both profitable and sustainable. We have all been at industry meetings, where the folks at the front of the room said all the right words about where the industry needs to be, but there is always one thing missing.  First: Progress.  Secondly: Actual actions undertaken.  If the group is in exactly the same position as they were a year ago at this time, that actually means they are falling behind. It’s frustrating to receive dairy industry meeting agendas where the only change in the format, presenters and reports is the date at the top of the first page.

Does The Buck Stop In The Barn Or In The Boardroom!

“You have to continue to move forward.  The moment you decide to stand still, the rest of the industry goes by you very quickly.” Thomas Boch speaking of the college sports industry.

To move forward.  Being a board member isn’t a reward for surviving in the dairy industry to the point where you have time to attend meetings.  Time – is the kicker.  The ones who are so busy 24/7 in dairying that they don’t have time to travel for meetings…. to do the homework — know the issues. They aren’t prepared to say “No!” to the status quo. Having said that, it’s amazing how fast a meeting can be wrapped up if one or more of the attendees is showing at a dairy show the next day. There are ways to manage the time, place and length of meetings.  After all, the most important part of a board meeting happens when it is written up and the actions and whom they are assigned to has been recorded. Then the real measure of success comes when the work gets done. Too often the action item remains “incomplete” for far too long.

How Many Of Your Dairy Leaders Use These Excuses!

The Bullvine is fortunate in being able to dialogue with all dairy stakeholders from all sectors of the industry.  We enjoy nothing more than sharing our viewpoints, learning those of others and, best of all, challenging those we meet to confront change for the good of the industry.  We are making excuses when we face something hard but here are the ones that we are getting for the lack of leadership currently facing many dairy organizations and the industry as a whole.

“I would, but I’m too busy” This speaks to the previously mentioned self-preservation priority.

“We would lead but we are currently facing too much competition amongst ourselves.”  This says that they don’t care about you until they can be sure they are the only ones in your wallet.  “We would lead but we are in the midst of downsizing.”  They see the challenges ahead, and they want to hang on to as much as they can for as long as they can, even if it reduces their own effectiveness.

In other words – rather than  making changes that meet the needs of the current and future membership, the associations who make excuses are only considering their own needs. Unfortunately, they don’t recognize that, without a sustainable, profitable industry, they too will disappear.  As Benjamin Franklin put it so clearly, “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately!”

This is NOT a News Flash!

If it was easy to foresee the future, our industry would not be facing the issues and challenges it does. It’s hard work to be progressive.  When you picture the time it takes to serve on industry boards, associations and consulting groups, you might not be blamed for seeing it as a waste of time.  Who needs to sit around a table offering platitudes at best, sharing gossip at worst, and all the time thinking, “My time could be so much better spent back on the farm?”  You’re not wrong if that’s the kind of organization you’re specifically thinking about. Who wants to endure lengthy, time-consuming presentations (aka death by PowerPoint) , bickering board members, deadlocked decision-making, sneaky power grabs or, worst of all, a rubber-stamp committee that might as well not exist at all. Maybe it’s better to wait and see and hope that it all changes (positively) on its own.

Procrastinate Until They Legislate

Indeed, procrastination does lead to change.  If left to its logical negative end, someone will step in, whether it’s the government, banks or competitors. They will then take the decision making right out of our hands. If we are not ready to determine the genetics, herd size, animal care or leadership we need, someone else will do it for us.  The trouble is we won’t have any say, and certainly it will be neither profitable nor sustainable for those who give up their voice. Do we want to be forced to change?

Looking Back.  Looking Ahead.

Thirty years ago not all farmers cared about international markets, research or genetics – let alone genomics.  That didn’t mean, however that Boards, Associations or Universities where ignoring these issues.  Indeed the worldwide reputation of North American dairy cattle impacted the entire industry right back to the farm gate.  Riding that wave may one of the reasons contributing to our current complacency and willingness to rest on past laurels.

Today the very success of not only North American dairying but dairying in developing countries as well has contributed to a more level global playing field.  Contrary to resting on past achievements, it is time once again to take the industry to the next level in all areas: genetics, research, health, tools, equipment and systems. Once again we need leadership.  It’s time to accept that not all of us see the dairy industry in exactly the same way, but all of us need to embrace change that will build the future. Take risks.  Do things differently.   Never lose your courage to move ahead.  Don’t be paralyzed by what is coming at you.  Be energized.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

The goal is not to avoid the issues or to completely eradicate them.  There isn’t a three step plan that will guarantee the future.  The future of the dairy industry will be made by initiators who figure out how to keep moving, when it seems that the only choice is to stay still and remain stuck.  Let’s use our insights to keep this industry where it deserves to grow … in the spotlight!




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The Last Minute Survival Guide to the 2014 WORLD DAIRY EXPO

Have you ever had one of those days where you’re walking through a huge crowd and pass a cow draped in roses and so you step out of the way and your path is blocked by a young man proposing marriage to his radiant sweetheart? Chances are you were at World Dairy Expo and taking part in five days of high pitched dairy excitement.  Every fall Madison Wisconsin welcomes the world to enjoy dairy. Cows, equipment, seminars, dairy shows and cows, cows and more cows. Expo caters to everyone’s dairy desires. But not everyone ends up fulfilling their dairy dreams. Perhaps because they are unsure how to brave such a massive event. For those of you who are finally ready to take the plunge we have your ultimate guide to surviving World Dairy Expo.


World Dairy Expo spans six glorious days. Once you have decided to spend all or part of that time completely surrounded by everything dairy that you love, it will pay to make sure that your adventure gets off to a good start … just like thousands of experienced Expo-Goers are doing.

Coming In From Outside the USA? Register in Advance

For any non-USA visitors to Expo, this is absolutely the best advice that I can give you.  The lineups start early and – although staff is extremely pleasant and efficient – you will appreciate being able to speed through this step.  Here’s the advice they give: “Simply complete the form on the website and print the confirmation email (Click here).  When you arrive at International Registration, located in the East Lobby of the Coliseum, present the confirmation.  You will then receive an official pin and ribbon, which grants access to the International Lounge all week and the International Party on Friday night.  At registration, you will also receive a souvenir tote bag with the special The International Visitor publication inside.”

NOTE:  If you’re only going for 1 day, then choose which day carefully. Thoroughly check out the show guide to make sure you see the dairy animals you’re looking for. Seats at the dairy shows fill up quickly and some have been warmed by the same spectators for generations.  Getting to the dairy ring a couple of hours in advance isn’t enough to guarantee you a ringside seats. Sitting at ringside for a few minutes and then heading off for another event, doesn’t qualify as good planning.  If you’re a “newbie”, don’t destroy your welcome by being rude or upsetting the traditions.  If you’re a veteran, sending one person to save twenty seats doesn’t send a positive message either.  Find a happy medium between organized and greedy! 

Pack the Right Supplies

You don’t plan a trip without packing and since properly seeing all of World Dairy Expo qualifies as a “trip”, it’s important to be prepared.

  • Take a portable charger for your phone or camera.  It can be very easy to run out of battery power, if you’re taking lots of pictures or videos.
  • A lot of booths, and the International Registration, give out shopping bags or tote bags.  That is very helpful as you gather loot but, as I tell my husband, there is an awful lot that ‘absolutely wants to go home with us!’ In that case your hands may fill up quickly, restricting you’re picture taking ability as well as cutting down on hand-shaking, simultaneously with enjoying refreshments.  Your best option might be a backpack.  It also reduces the chances of setting something down and forgetting it.

Cows, Manners and Celebrity

You’re going to see a lot of cows and dairy industry leaders. But always keep in mind that they are there for a purpose! That purpose is The Dairy Expo competition. They have spent a year at least focused on getting their animals ready to compete as the best in their age group. Make sure you don’t do anything to hinder that flow to the winners circle. Dairy Expo is the time for cows to shine!  Here are ground rules everyone should know.

  • If you want to take a picture of a specific cow, be polite, you are not the paparazzi. If they are in a rush and say no to posing for you or having you too close to their setup, just remember they are the reason World Dairy Expo exists. Sometimes they can’t stop for a pic because they are on a tight time schedule. If you want a picture with them then do ask if they are okay with that. Again some might say no, and that’s life.

Plan Ahead!

If you want to make the most of World Dairy Expo you must PLAN AHEAD!  It can’t be said too often.  There are resources on the World Dairy Expo website (LINK) to help you plan your day once you arrive in Madison. Planners have provided the following:

  • Interactive maps show where each of the over 850 companies are located and provide contact information along with links to social media accounts like Facebook and YouTube. You can add companies of interest into a “must see” list to utilize while at the show. New this year, is Innovation Unveiled, a new, online product showcase that features a Pinterest-style layout. Search the latest products that will debut at this year’s show. View Innovation Unveiled here.
  • Also available this year is an animal location search. Like the interactive maps for the trade show, there will be interactive maps for the New Holland Pavilions with stalling locations. Just simply enter the name of an animal, exhibitor or town to see which Pavilion, section and row they are housed. There will be kiosks in the Pavilions for your use.”

With so much to see and do in several buildings, barns and display areas, there will be times when the weather could decide to be a partner in your enjoyment of World Dairy Expo.  Once again preparation ahead of time will pay off!

Dress for the Weather

First and foremost make sure you have comfortable footwear.  There are miles of aisles.  Make sure that your feet don’t give out before you’ve seen everything.

  • Dress in layers.  You may need a jacket in the morning but will find it too warm in the afternoon.  Be prepared for rain and nothing will put a damper on your day.
  • Repeat:  Hats, gloves and umbrellas can make the difference!  Bring them!
  • Expo has posted this forecast “sun and overcast conditions during expo with temperatures of 60 (15 C) degrees Fahrenheit to 50 (10C) degrees Fahrenheit.”

Food and Refreshments

There are lots of choices for food on the Expo grounds.  You will quickly find your dairy favorites.  However, once again consider that there will be thousands of people with the same food needs as yours.  Eat a good breakfast before arriving in the morning and plan ahead to either miss the “peak” times or to go off site (sometimes a long distance off site) to enjoy a meal in one of the many excellent restaurant options to be found in and around Madison (Read more: for more entertainment ideas).

If you do plan to leave the Expo Grounds or the Coliseum during peak times you may find that parking and seating could reach capacity while you’re gone and you may be held up from finding a parking space or seating space when you return.

Rest UP

Get plenty of sleep after each day.  If you’re exhausted, it’s hard to fully enjoy what is going on.  Staying healthy and well-rested can help you avoid getting “Expo Flu” when you return home.  It happens when you spend so much time in large crowds.

Virtual Farm Tours

Seeing is understanding and seeing how real dairy operations incorporate the newest science and technology and management is invaluable.  Here is what you can get this experience without even leaving the Expo grounds. “Virtual Farms Tours give World Dairy Expo attendees the opportunity to experience a wide variety of farms, topics and management styles, all from the comfort of a chair. This year’s operations excel in areas of water conservation, genetics, robotics and more. The tours are led by dairy owners and managers, with a half-hour pictorial overview of their operation, general information and highlights of exceptional management practices. After each session there is time for questions and discussion. The tours are presented daily, Tuesday, Sept. 30 through Saturday, Oct. 4 in the Mendota 1 meeting room in the Exhibition Hall. The presentations will also be posted on World Dairy Expo’s website after the show. Sponsors of the 2014 Virtual Farm Tours are AgStar Financial Services, American Jersey Cattle Association, DuPont Pioneer, Kansas Department of Agriculture, Lely, Livestock Water Recycling Inc., Quality Liquid Feeds Inc. and Zoetis.” Check out the World Dairy Expo website for descriptions of each tour.

Here is a final note that the organizers include regarding farm tours and which we at The Bullvine heartily endorse.” Wisconsin is home to numerous companies and some of the finest dairy operations in the world.  If you are making the trip, be sure to stay a few extra days and tour our great state!!

The Bullvine Bottom Line

There is so much to see and do at World Dairy Expo that we hope our insights and suggestions have been helpful. Have a great time and enjoy your Dairy Expo experience.  Hoping to see you there! To share some time together would be awesome!!




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Everything You Need to Know To Get Ready for World Dairy Expo!

What do these three things have in common?

  • 24 million dollars,
  • 2600 head of cattle
  • 5 exceptional  leaders of the dairy industry

The answer is “They will all be in the spotlight at this year’s World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin”. However, although Expo is the common link, there is nothing common about any one of these headlining attractions. This is the year that will go down in the record books as the biggest show and tell dairy extravaganza ever.

A New Skyline! 

The largest all dairy show in North America has always been on the leading edge of demos — meaning demonstrations for many years.  In April 2014 demo took on a whole new meaning. Demo now meant demolished. Nine former World Dairy Expo buildings where, for many years, we enjoyed getting up close and personal with the best in the dairy breeds, (see pictures) became part of history and picture albums only.  In their place the Alliant Energy Center skyline now has two $24 million dollar New Holland Pavilions and the price tag isn’t the only thing that’s huge. The first of the two New Holland Pavilions is 90,000 sq. ft. The second is 200,000. With nearly seven acres under roof—World Dairy Expo is ready to house more than 2,600 dairy cattle from September 30 to October 4, 2014.

Seeing Barns and Bovines! 

“These state-of-the-art, modern facilities will enhance the WDE experience for everyone involved—the exhibitors, other attendees and the cattle themselves,” says Scott Bentley, WDE general manager. “We’re excited about the possibilities this opens up for showcasing all of the elite dairy cattle that are a centerpiece of our show.” The opportunity to see these huge changes unveiled is one that people from everywhere in the dairy industry will want to experience first-hand. Using input from all perspectives, the planners, architects, builders and sponsors have created a seamless one-of-a-kind facility. The old barns, which were added at different times, have given way to new ones that will raise the level of everything from cattle comfort, to BouMatic milking facilities, to concessions and state of the art cattle prep wash bays and more. “The improved air quality will be one of the first things people notice when they step inside the new buildings,” Magnochi says. “Things are set up so that the farthest anyone will have to push a wheel barrow to dump manure or lead a cow to the wash rack is 150’,” Magnochi explains. ”It will provide a much better working space for exhibitors.  And it will be a lot more inviting for spectators.”

Moving Right Along!

A covered walkway runs the length of both buildings. “If you want to go from a stall in the very back corner of Pavilion 2 to the front of Pavilion 1 and it’s raining, you can make the entire trip under a roof (excluding the open span between the two pavilions),” Magnochi says. “If it’s a hot, sunny day, you’ll have some shade.” A wide, center aisle running from east to west in both buildings will lead to a more enjoyable experience for exhibitors and visitors alike. ”

They Thought of Everything!

A housing task force, made up of cattle exhibitors, dairy cattle show superintendents and WDE staff was assembled to establish objective, sound and sustainable criteria for animal and exhibitor stalling and housing during WDE. “We felt it was important to get the input of the people who would be using the buildings day in and day out during Expo,” Magnochi says.

“The committee looked at feed and bedding storage needs, developed protocols for checking animals in and out and addressed stall criteria and distribution,” she says. Industry partners that helped with funding the project include Dane County, Wis., the State of Wisconsin, World Dairy Expo…are there more?

Awesome Achievement!

By any measure, the newly completed New Holland Pavilions that are being unveiled at this year’s World Dairy Expo are a marvel of architectural and engineering design. Here’s a quick look at a few numbers that tell the story: 171 days from official ribbon cutting in April and the opening day of World Dairy Expo September 29, 2014 = 600 additional parking spaces – 2500 dairy cattle

Name that Cow.  Find that Cow.

With more than 2,500 dairy cattle on hand, locating a specific cow or exhibitor on the Alliant Energy Center grounds during Expo has often been a “needle in a haystack” undertaking. No longer. Now, with a new “Dairy Cattle Show Animal and Exhibitor” search tool, available on the World Dairy Expo website (, we can carry out a location search in a few seconds. No more hit and miss wandering through crowded stall areas as you search from one barn to another. These directions have been provided: “To use the tool, simply type in part of the animal or exhibitor name (Examples: “Maya” or “Ty-D”). The tool will respond by displaying a list of the complete animal name, exhibitor and stalling location in the New Holland Pavilions. Click on the stall information, and you’ll be immediately linked to a map highlighting the stalling section location in the Pavilions.” Now, if we could do the same to find where our car is parked, every visit to Expo would be hide-and-seek-free!!

International Person of the Year—Lowell Lindsay

It’s Time to Meet and Greet the Stars!

Behind every world class cattle show, they are world class dairy industry people who have contributed to all aspects of the dairy industry. “World Dairy Expo [WDE] is excited to host these four dairy industry leaders in 2014,” shares Scott Bentley, WDE general manager. The 2014 World Dairy Expo Recognition Award Winners are: Dairy Woman of the Year—Pam Bolin of Beaver Creek Farm, Clarksville, Iowa.; Dairyman of the Year—James S. Huffard III of Huffard Dairy Farms/Duchess Dairy, Crockett, Va.; Industry Person of the Year—Curtis P. Van Tassell, DVM, USDA–Agricultural Research Service, Bovine Functional Genomics Laboratory, Beltsville, Md.; and International Person of the Year—Lowell Lindsay, Retired, Semex Alliance, Guelph, Ontario. “Their creative and unique contributions to the industry have strengthened the whole dairy community. World Dairy Expo wishes to congratulate each of them on being honored as a 2014 Recognition Winner.”

Show and Tell Provided by Industry Experts!

With all the examples of excellence that will be showcased at this year’s World Dairy Expo, it isn’t surprising that organizers have arranged an outstanding calendar of opportunities for those attending to raise the level of their information and skill levels. Not only is World Dairy Expo the place to find the latest dairy technology, cutting-edge genetics and the latest research information, it is also the place to interact with industry experts from coast-to-coast who will be on hand to presenting research and management practices. Seminars will be showcased every day from Tuesday through Saturday in the Mendota 2 meeting room in the Exhibition Hall. There will be eight in all and, once again, the organizers have worked hard to bring a wide-ranging, challenging and informative selection.

Learning How to Make a Difference!

One  seminar that is part of an expert-studded lineup is the one offered on Tuesday September 30th entitled, “How to Handle Difficult Questions from Consumers and Make a Difference for Dairy” Stan Erwine, Vice President of Producer Communications, Dairy Management Inc. CO

Consumers have access to more information than ever.  However, sometimes that information is inaccurate.  This leads to more questions about dairy farming than ever before.  Stan Erwine will focus on developing a values-based approach to responding to consumer questions and the skills and techniques to welcoming and responding effectively to difficult questions.  This interactive workshop will focus on questions for dairy producers, veterinarians and agribusiness professional across the country. It will offer skills and tips you can use the moment you leave the room.  Erwine is the vice president of producer communications for Dairy Management Inc. (DMI). He trains dairy farmers and industry stakeholders in the checkoff led consumer confidence effort including the use of social media, farm tours and conversations.  Prior to being VP of Producer Communications at DMI, Erwine was the publisher of Dairy Herd Management magazine.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Whether you go home with an autographed program from someone you have admired for a long time or with a  photograph, painting or special memorabilia commemorating World Dairy Expo 2014, there is no doubt that this year will be one for the record books! See you there!




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“Breeding for Efficient Production and a Healthy Herd” with Greg Andersen from Seagull Bay – 2014 Holstein USA Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder

There isn’t anything much better than being recognized by your peers for being outstanding in your chosen field. Just this past June at the Holstein Association USA’s Annual Convention, Greg Andersen was awarded the 2014 Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder Award. Greg, manager and one of the owners of Seagull Bay Dairy, American Falls, Idaho, would be the first to acknowledge the tremendous support he receives from his family as he carries on the family tradition of breeding outstanding Holsteins. (For more on Seagull Bay Dairy and the Andersen Family read Charting the Right Course at Seagull Bay Dairy AMMON-PEACHEY SHAUNA – 2012 Golden Dam Finalist and JOHN ANDERSEN – COMMERCIAL and PEDIGREE – Building a Field of Dreams) The Bullvine decided to dig deeper and find out more about how Greg sees breeding Holsteins in the future. We are confident that you will find Greg’s thoughts interesting.

A Strong Base – Holstein and Family

Seagull Bay Dairy, established in 1980 by Greg’s parents Alan and Norma, has a reputation for using genetics and management to grow their herd and breeding stock sales.  Seagull Bay (Read more Charting the Right Course at Seagull Bay Dairy) has been awarded both Progressive Breeders Registry and Progressive Genetic Herd awards on numerous occasions. College educated, Brigham Young in Animal Science and Business, Greg became the manager at Seagull Bay in 2006 and has moved the herd ahead rapidly to the point that only very highly rate bulls are used and breed leading heifers are the focus for producing embryos for sale and the herd’s next generations.

greg-andersen and family

The first family for Greg is his wife Gwen and their five children Lydia, Wyatt, Amy, Dallin and Corbin all showing great interest in their education, community (church, 4H and service groups), farm and Holsteins.  Greg has three brothers involved in the dairy industry. Ben operates the 1600 cow commercial milking herd which includes both crossbreeding and females used as ET recipients. John manages Double A Dairy and with his family, owns Triple Crown Genetics (Read more: JOHN ANDERSEN – COMMERCIAL and PEDIGREE – Building a Field of Dreams). And Brandon, manager for the Double A Dairy calf ranch, also breeds Holsteins under the Andercrest prefix. No doubt when Alan and Norma’s family hold a celebration, discussion on how to return the most profit from dairying could be lively.

“Efficient production from a healthy herd” is the Seagull Bay Slogan

Greg expands upon the above slogan as follows “I believe that cows with moderate stature but adequate width and strength and the ability to produce high total pounds of protein will be desirable and profitable for dairy businesses throughout the world for many generations. Calving ability, udder quality and fertility will, of course, also be imperative. The modern Holstein, as well as the cow of the future, will need to be able to produce large quantities of milk solids while still maintaining healthy body condition.” Seagull Bay, like many many other herds, sells their milk for cheese processing and so their farm gate price is very dependent upon the pounds of protein shipped. As a result, PTA’s for protein is important for the males and females they include in their breeding program.

Seagull Bay’s slogan and emphasis on fitness traits comes from experience.  Popular A.I. plus proven sires used 10+ years ago left them very disappointed. Greg describes is as follows – “Those kind of sires perpetuated a long list of health and utility issues that have taken several generations to begin to correct.” Greg expands on Seagull Bay’s success on breeding for fitness and utility – “through breeding and selection we now have a core group of elite Holsteins that possess the traits that we highly value.” The July 2014 herd production average at Seagull Bay and Andersen Dairy was 85 pounds of 3.9% fat and 3.2% protein milk. That is 6 pounds of fat + protein per cow per day. The goal is to do that every day of the year. For Bullvine articles on breeders that share Greg’s approach read about North Florida Holsteins (Read more: NORTH FLORIDA HOLSTEINS. Aggressive, Progressive and Profitable!!) and Rosy-Lane Holsteins (Read more: ROSY-LANE HOLSTEINS – “Don’t Follow the Herd!”)

Seagull Bay Works to High Genomic Standards

Simply stated the history of Seagull Bay has been to purchase high genetic females and develop families around them. Two cows that come quickly to mind are Lynmead Celsius Minnow and Ammon-Peachy Shauna. Both families have produced outstanding daughters and sons. Combining both these families resulted in the popular and highly ranked sire, Seagull Bay Supersire.

Shauna in the front pasture at Seagullbay this past spring. 5 years old. Due again this winter.

Shauna in the front pasture at Seagullbay this past spring. 5 years old. Due again this winter.

Over the past six months Greg has used seventeen sires, all genomic rated, in his ET program. Three are Seagull Bay bred – Supersire, Silver and Secretariat. Six are Mogul and five of his sons. One is the breed leading gTPI polled sire, Powerball-P, and the remainder are leading sons of other high genomic sires.  The averages for these seventeen sires are very high and are sure to help keep Seagull Bay as a prominent name in Holsteins. Note the very high CM$ average. Seagull-Bay Silver tops the group with 2621 gTPI and 3.28 PTAT.  Uecker Supersire Jospuer is highest for fat + protein at 211 pounds. And MR Mogul Delta 1427 is highest for CM$ at 1115.

Table 1 – Recent Seagull Bay Service Sires

Averages (17x) 2490 895 967 90 70 2.57

At the present time, all the Seagull Bay donors are heifers. Their impressive averages are listed below. The leading lady of this group EDG Hallie Uno Heather with CM$ 935, 7.2 PL, 2.64 SCS and 2.4 DPR. Two of the eight are from the Shauna Family, and one is from Pine-Tree Dorcy Alexa II. So donors used in the past continue to contribute to the current Seagull Bay breeding program. Three of the current eight donors are sired by Uno, two by Supersire, two by Jacey and one by Mogul.

Table 2 – Seagull Bay’s Current Donors (all heifers)

Average (8x) 815 884 5.7 2.65 1.6

Tall Cows Not a Requirement

Greg sums up his sire selection as follows. “I mostly select high NM$ and gTPI sires. However, sires that have similar gTPI and NM$ values can, of course, get to those values in very different ways. In general, I choose sires over 60 pounds PTAP, above 0 for DPR and below 8 SCE. I will often not use a sire that is over 2.5 STA with preference given to sires less than 2.0 STA. The McCutchen sons are often high for STA, so I haven’t used them as mating sires with the exception of using Kingboy one time on one donor.”

Helpful Tools

Like all progressive breeders, Greg is always searching for new information. He shares useful advice: “ is the most user-friendly site available to look up sire information from my experience. The new Enlight program from Holstein USA and Zoetis could also be a helpful tool for analyzing genetic trends in our herd in the future.”

Leading to the Future

It is clear to see why Greg was selected as the 2014 Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder when he provides thoughts such as the ones that follow.

“We hope to continue to be a supplier of good bulls into the AI market for many years to some. We’d like to sell or lease at least 30 young bulls to various AI companies annually. We have four young bulls right now in our hutches with NM$ values between 900 and 1148. Long term I hope that there are many Seagull Bay sires with very good and highly reliable proofs with thousands of daughters throughout the world. I hope that at least one Seagull Bay sire will reach the Millionaire milestone.”

Greg expands on the future. “Genomic and IVF technologies will continue to help accelerate the genetic advancement of dairy breeds. It is true that many of the genomic values are over-estimated, however by-and-large we have seen that genomic predictions are pretty good at identifying which heifers ought to be donors and which heifers ought to be bred AI or used as a recipient. The same is true for males. The high number of males and females tested each month with gTPIs over 2500 does not surprise me nor does it bother me.”

Seagull-bay Shauna Saturn VG-85 VG MS

Seagull-bay Shauna Saturn VG-85 VG MS

At Seagull-Bay, Greg sees great promise for two heifers. “Soon to enter our donor group will be Seagull-Bay Somthngroyal-ET. For me, she is the most exciting heifer we’ve ever had on our farm. Somthngroyal is a Jacey x VG86 Seagull-Bay Shauna Saturn x Shauna with 926 NM$, 1060 CM$, 75 PTAP, 96 PTAF, 2.62 SCS, 2.0 DPR, 5.0 PL, 6.9CE and 2.22 PTAT. Noteworthy as well is a polled Ohare-P daughter from a VG86 Observer x VG Shottle x EX Seagull-Bay Manat Mirage (Granddam of Robust) with gTPI 2306 and 63 PTAP.’

In talking about the future, Greg is a big picture thinker. He provides the following global perspective. “We live in a growing world and we will continue to need to produce more animal protein from a resource base that will grow at a slower pace than the growing demand. There will likely be 9 billion people on this planet by the year 2050. Genetics, biotechnology, animal nutrition, etc. must continue to advance in a way that improves both the quality of our products and the efficiency in which they are produced.”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Greg Andersen takes a global approach to breeding and all aspects of dairying and how they will impact feeding our world’s growing population. Without a doubt, it can be said that Greg is a man on a mission to make this a better dairy world. The Bullvine considers Greg to be the type of leader our industry needs.




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The Other Show at World Dairy Expo!

I must admit that I have always loved the big Ag shows.  Taking time away from the farm (but not away from agriculture) has been a family tradition from my early days in a horse training household to the years spent raising our own dairy focused clan.  However, despite the holiday feeling, there is always an underlying goal of trying to get the most out of these trips.  This year The Bullvine is looking forward to World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin September 30 – October 14. Of course, whenever you’re devising a strategy, it is always better when you have great resources to draw upon.   Connie Eibergen, Marketing Coordinator, Agri-Nutrition Consulting LLC and Shirley Kaltenbach CMP, Director of Communications at Select Sires Inc. have the experience and enthusiasm that gave us valuable input from the exhibitor perspective, as we took a look at the “other” show at Expo.

9 Ways to Win at the “Other” World Dairy Expo Show!

  1. International visitorsBe prepared. Plan ahead.
    “Thousands of dairy farmers and professionals from around the world attend World Dairy Expo every day to discover new technologies and watch or participate in the cattle shows” points out Connie Eibergen referring to both the Dairy Show and the Trade Show. However, even though the trade show also has excitement and entertainment, it isn’t the show ring where you can see everything from a comfortable seat. You’re on foot in six commercial exhibit areas covering nearly one-half million square feet of exhibit space and exhibits from 850 companies from more than 28 countries.  As one of 72,000 annual attendees, navigating your way through this maze can either be a big waste of time or, if you’re prepared, send you home enthused and ready to try something new and improved. Our best advice is to do your first “once around the ring,” while you are at home and checking out (show link). Not every booth will have the perfect answer for your three biggest dairy challenges (Of course, you DO know what they are!). But World Dairy Expo is the best place to get started finding the solutions! That is exactly what exhibitors like Select Sires are eager to prove. “This five-day event showcases the finest in dairy genetics and the newest technologies available to the dairy industry. Select Sires makes sure plenty of experts are on hand to be a resource to dairy producers seeking assistance.”So with your booth layout in hand and already highlighted, check-marked or circled, you are ready to make a well-planned trip through the World Dairy Expo Trade Show.
  2. Pay Close Attention to Who is Strutting Their (New) Stuff!
    The 24/7 nature of dairy farming doesn’t make it easy to keep up with new products or ideas. This roadblock is removed, when you’re live where all the latest and greatest are being showcased at WDE. “Expo is a great place to launch new products,” says Shirley Kaltenbach adding that it is also “great for generating new leads.”   Shirley also feels that the Expo venue is a win-win for exhibitors and attendees and especially valuable for strategic planning. “Expo gives us an opportunity to obtain customer feedback.”  This teamwork approach to industry problem-solving is important to ANC says Connie Eibergen. “ANC is rolling out our brand new “Go Beyond Nutrition” look and initiative.” She explains. “As part of this initiative we are launching an integrated ‘I go beyond for dairy’ campaign at World Dairy Expo.” that will proactively involve participation from current and future customers. Therefore, if you are an attendee start your planning by thinking about your dairy service providers. If you are happy with the product being displayed or even if you have concerns or problems, you will be welcomed by discerning businesses who are always seeking ways to serve their customers better. Shirley further defines this win-win situation: “I think attendees use this tradeshow opportunity to comparison shop.” While she sees “building brand awareness” as a definite plus for businesses such as Select Sires, for clients it is an excellent opportunity to have your voice heard and questions answered.
  3. TradeShow4Be on the offence, not the defence.
    When entering the show ring side of World Dairy Expo, it is always a better strategy to show off the best of your animal, rather than trying to hide the faults.  Non-dairy cattle show observers might think that simply leading an animal around the dairy ring is relatively easy.  Of course, they’re wrong.  Dairy competitors have used every piece of cattle presentation art and science to present their animal so that she represents the best for her age in the breed. Throughout the Trade Show, exhibitors have prepared demonstrations, displays, videos, and trained personnel to present themselves at their best. Shirley Kaltenbach confirms that this is the case for Select Sires. “Exhibiting at Expo allows us to demonstrate why our product and services are superior.” As a customer of these products and services, you not only get to judge their work and have them prove to you why you should go home with their new idea, better solution or even leading edge piece of dairy equipment.  If you feel something is missing from your products or services, make sure that someone at World Dairy Expo is interested enough and committed enough to provide the answer.
  4. Go Home with the Loot
    In the dairy ring, you can’t be guaranteed to win.  But an organized Trade Show strategy could guarantee that you won’t go home empty handed or weighted down with the usual trade show giveaway bags, bells and whistles.  While these tchotchkes may be fun for the kids back home, it’s your job as a trade show attendee to get real value.  Connie Eibergen and the team at Agri-Nutrition Consulting LLC have come up with a great way to inspire meaningful dialogue between their clients and their consultants. She encourages everyone to get involved. “To participate in our “Go Beyond Nutrition” initiative, stop by ANC’s booth (Booth #4403) and tell us how you “go beyond for dairy” in our photo booth.  Each participant will receive a free “I go beyond for dairy” shirt and will be entered to win a $100 ANC gift certificate” ANC will literally focus a camera on farmers who share how they focus on dairying. Together the goal is to “go beyond.” Everybody ends up grinning and winning. It’s that personal contact that Shirley Kaltenbach values. “Expo puts our company and our products face-to-face with customers and prospects” She sees it as a double win for Select Sires. “Expo allows us to present our products and services to a wide audience in a short period of time.”
  5. Presentations7Be Part of a Positive Image for Dairying
    There are too many times these days when the image of agriculture takes a negative hit in the media.  World Dairy Expo is an opportunity to showcase all that is best about the people, animals and industry that means so much to all of us. With so many thousands of people on the show grounds, a positive message can be shared exponentially. Not all issues can be solved in so public a venue, but many exhibitors take WDE Trade Show as a showcase for the care, concern and commitment that farmers bring to their chosen work. Connie Eibergen touches on the bigger picture that Agri-Nutrition has in mind. “We hope this campaign brings awareness to the general public and those that may not be as familiar with today’s farming practices about the many ways farmers care for their animals every day while providing safe and nutritious food for the world.”
  6. Learn from the Best …
    There is always room for improvement in the modern dairy business which is constantly evolving and presenting challenges. World Dairy Expo is a dynamic classroom ready to customize to your needs.  Consultants, marketing contacts and dairy experts can be found manning trade show booths.  This is an outstanding opportunity for attendees to learn directly from individuals you likely would not otherwise meet. Shirley is enthusiastic. “Expo is the perfect place to gather industry information just by walking the show floor.” She feels there is something for everyone. “Expo is a great place to introduce new employees to the industry. It gives them a baseline understanding of the industry and our competitors and allows us to introduce them to key individuals in the industry.” Connie Eibergen sums it up from the exhibitor perspective. “The opportunity to meet and speak with so many different dairy farmers is one that any dairy company just can’t pass up.” It is an opportunity to build valued networks. Shirley Kaltenbach feels that investing in a World Dairy Expo presence “demonstrates to customers that we are committed to a long term business relationship.”
  7. TradeShow68Don’t Follow the Herd
    With so much to see and do, it can be challenging to keep your focus. That’s another reason why advance planning, regarding what you want to get out of World Dairy Expo, is necessary.  In the same way that show ring exhibitors accept that a year of planning and hard work comes down to a few minutes in front of the judge, you want to be sure that you go home with what you came for.  World Dairy Expo planners have put a lot of thought into speakers and presentations.  Companies showcase their businesses and provide farm tour opportunities. While you can’t do everything, you can choose a variety of events that will meet your goals.  Pick what is of interest to you and stay energized and engaged throughout World Dairy Expo. The person next to you may have solved the same issues you’re struggling with. Getting the most out of WDE and not returning home exhausted is all about timing. It takes planning to do it well. What choices should you make? Should you cut off a great conversation at on the trade show floor to attend a dairy session?  Should you take in a sponsored breakfast meeting or listen to a keynote speaker?  The greatest benefits of World Dairy Expo can be both planned and spontaneous. Be open to the possibilities. Don’t feel pressured.  Of course, World Dairy Expo organizers hope that you enjoy the full agenda. However, you must ultimately make sure that your needs are met first.
  8. Take What You’ve Learned Back to the Barn
    For years I faithfully took copious notes and collected brochures and handouts and I still enjoy capturing excellent interviews, observations and quotes for the Bullvine. However after several years where I never even re-read my notations, I now try to boil everything down to an action agenda.   I look for and star (*) those items that can be acted upon. That could include people to follow up with or ideas for improving something at the farm or in the office or at the Bullvine.  Every starred item goes into my “Control Journal” … go ahead laugh, my whole family does (but not where I can hear them!)… With the advantage of a long drive home, these items find their way into follow up scheduling. Before we make that final turn into the farm lane, I can rest assured that it’s been a value-added time “away.”
  9. 2013 World Dairy Expo Supreme ChampionBecome an Expo “Designer Dairy” Winner
    You have probably attended many conventions, annual meetings, conferences and trade shows — big and small – exciting and boring, entertaining and academic.  Not all of them provide content as varied as that of World Dairy Expo or networking opportunities as rich.  For Connie Eibergen and Shirley Kaltenbach “World Dairy Expo is the one dairy event of the year that you just can’t miss.” Hopefully, these nine ideas will inspire you to custom design your 2014 Dairy Expo “Designer Dairy” experience into a big win for you and your dairy operation.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

At the end of any good day, it’s always rewarding when the sum adds up to something greater than the parts. Going over to the “other” side of World Dairy Expo may be the decision that achieves that for you.  We hope to see you in the winners’ circle at World Dairy Expo.




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One of our favorite Bullvine things to do is to compare the incredible success stories of people in the dairy industry.  From show ring legends to dairy breeding icons, we are inspired by their tenacity, hard work and passion.  When we meet dairy breeders who have managed to excel in breeding for both type and production, it is especially inspiring. Such is the story of Bob and Denise Behnke and Bur-Wall Holsteins of Brooklyn, Wisconsin.

The members of Bur-Wall Holsteins pose with Bur-Wall Buckeye Gigi who was named the 2013 Star of the Breed. The crew is pictured (back row, from left) Lisa Behnke, Taylor Behnke, Roger Behnke, Morgan Behnke, Donna Behnke, Bob Behnke, Denise Behnke, Tori Evert, Tami Behnke, Brian Behnke; (front row, from left) Rebecca Murphy, Al Murphy, Brenda Murphy, Sterling Evert, Keri Evert, Carter Murphy. PHOTO BY RACHEL POMEROY

The members of Bur-Wall Holsteins pose with Bur-Wall Buckeye Gigi who was named the 2013 Star of the Breed. The crew is pictured (back row, from left) Lisa Behnke, Taylor Behnke, Roger Behnke, Morgan Behnke, Donna Behnke, Bob Behnke, Denise Behnke, Tori Evert, Tami Behnke, Brian Behnke; (front row, from left) Rebecca Murphy, Al Murphy, Brenda Murphy, Sterling Evert, Keri Evert, Carter Murphy.

“We Were Inspired After Entering the Show Ring.”

Bob, the youngest of five children of Donna and Wally Behnke looks back on the beginnings of their Holstein story.  “My grandparents had grade Holsteins, but when my oldest brother was old enough to start showing cattle at the local fair, my dad purchased our first registered Holsteins.” That was a defining moment for the Behnke’s “From that point forward, all of us had a tremendous interest in growing our herd.”

“We Focus Primarily on Proven Performance”

Today Bob and his wife Denise have done the practical hard work and careful management that has built Bur-Wall Holsteins’ success. “We milk 60 head of registered Holsteins in a tie-stall barn and also raise 70 head of young stock. We crop 265 acres of corn, soybeans and alfalfa.”  This modest summary doesn’t yet highlight the dairy operation achievements that this dairy has benchmarked.  Bob points out the philosophy that has been their foundation. “We focus on making sound, productive cows from good cow families.  We show and classify, so type is certainly important to us, but it’s more important that our cows be balanced with good front end strength, deep rib, a wide rump, good feet and legs and strong udder attachments.  Cows like this will last for many years.  We also have learned that good cows from good pedigrees will always have interest in the marketplace, so while we do contract and breed to some high-ranking genomic sires, we focus primarily on proven sires with proven performance.” And performance has been outstanding for this hard working committed family.



“Camille is the Definition of What We Are Looking For.”

The Behnke’s, like many passionate dairy breeders, have worked with many favorites, but they point with pride to Rose-Lyn Durham Camille, EX-93 3E.  “Camille just fit what we were looking for:  she classified VG-88 as a 2 year old, grew into a hard-working cow with all records over 30,000 lbs. of milk, and was a cow that would undoubtedly catch visitors’ eyes with her wide front end, walk-uphill frame and wide rear udder.” That beauty would set her apart alright, but Bob then explains what made her truly outstanding. “Perhaps the best thing about Camille was her ability to transmit.  She has Excellent daughters from Shottle, Goldwyn and Jasper, and numerous high-VG daughters from Shottle, Goldwyn, and Stormatic.” Again rising above the crowd but then, even the daughters excel. “Virtually all her daughters have posted records over 30,000 lbs., with some over 40,000, and we are excited to see this type and production being passed along to her granddaughters.”


All-American Sr. 3Yr Old 1999
1St Sr 3Yr Old Madison 1999
Next Dams: EX-94 2E DOM GMD, VG-88 DOM GMD, VG 87 DOM GMD, VG-86, VG-88, VG-87

Choosing Camille’s Sire was Key for Behnke

“Camille’s dam was an EX-93 2E Rudolph from Wilcoxview BC Cami that was a very powerful cow in her own right, but needed a little more youthfulness of udder.  With the Rudolph’s overall strength and width, we felt Durham would be a great mating.”

Rose-Lyn Jasper Corvette EX-90 (2nd calf) Jasper x EX-93 2E Durham x EX-93 2E Rudolph EX-93 Wilcoxview BC Cami x EX-94 2E Roylane Mark Carmen

Rose-Lyn Jasper Corvette EX-90 (2nd calf)
Jasper x EX-93 2E Durham x EX-93 2E Rudolph EX-93 Wilcoxview BC Cami x EX-94 2E Roylane Mark Carmen

Bur-Wall is Always Preparing for the Spotlight

When your plans come to fruition, it can be great in many ways.  Bob talks about how the future is shaping up. “Rose-Lyn Jasper Corvette EX-90 is the Jasper daughter of Durham Camille and is showing as a 4-year-old this year.  Corvette was Res. Senior and Res. Grand Champion of the Junior Show at this year’s Midwest National Spring Show.  She is a silky black cow with a great leg, fantastic udder quality and a high, wide rear udder.  She classified 90 points (2nd calf) just 10 days fresh and is looking to exceed 40,000 lbs. of milk this lactation.” Wow! Seems appropriate here. And then Bob summarizes in understated fashion. “So we are really excited to see what else is in store for this young cow.”

Corvette will have plenty of help in carrying Camille’s legacy. “Two full sisters by Pellerat Moon from an EX-93 2E Shottle from Durham Camille are due to calve early this fall for the first time and are looking exceedingly promising.  These heifers are a result of a contract mating, and both are incredibly balanced and stylish.”

In much the same way that they have excelled at bringing show ring beauty and milk house parlor production together in their own breeding, the Behnke’s seek it out when purchasing cattle as well. “Another young cow we are particularly excited about is a Jr. 2-Year-Old Braxton from a VG Marconi out of an Excellent Goldwyn we purchased from the Hagen family of Milton, WI several years ago.  She’s a bit immature to hit the shavings this year, but the Braxton has tremendous promise, and we plan to breed her back right away to hopefully bring out for next year.”

Finding the Right Bulls for Beauty and Production

“Sires we are using are Armani, Gold Chip, Brokaw, Chipper-P (on our red and red carrier cows) and Shottle.  As I mentioned earlier, we focus are making balanced cows with good type, and these bulls have all the potential to get us the kind of cows we are looking for.  We have also seen numerous calves from each of these sires at local and state shows and they have been particularly impressive.  We are continuing to use Shottle, although he is an “aging” bull because, with the amount of Durham and Goldwyn in our herd, he makes for an excellent cross.”

Bur-Wall Buckeye Gigi EX-94 2E 2013 Star of the Breed

Bur-Wall Buckeye Gigi EX-94 2E
2013 Star of the Breed

Star of the Breed Award Spotlights Bur-Wall Holsteins

Receiving the 2013 Star of the Breed Award has been a pretty neat experience. “It came completely out of the blue, and we were absolutely surprised and honored.  We knew Gigi was a special cow, since she has had a successful show campaign over the last few years, but we never anticipated how special she would become!”

Continuing to Raise the Bur-Wall Profile

“My father, Wallace, has been by far my biggest influencer. He always demanded the very best from us, something which has helped shape our farm and our family.  His passion for the Holstein cow and his extensive involvement in the industry has also been instilled in myself and the rest of my siblings, and we plan to pass on this passion to the next generation.

“Just this year, we started a farm Facebook page to provide instant updates on the day to day activities, show happenings, classifications, etc.  It’s also an excellent way to connect with other breeders and to create awareness of what we have on the farm.” Bob and Denise are happy to see that awareness paying off and they are continuing to grow. “With the success of our cows at Spring Show and the Wisconsin State Show and having been honored to receive the Star of the Breed Award for Bur-Wall Buckeye Gigi EX-94 2E, we will be doing a bit more advertising at the national and international level to promote our genetics.”

Always Moving Ahead

The Behnkes are looking forward to seeing how dairy farming will change with the use of more and more technology whether it’s on the breeding side of things or in terms of equipment, software, etc.

The use of genomics has probably been the biggest change I’ve seen in my lifetime” reports Bob. “Its great information to have on both male and female animals, and it’s exciting to see how breeding animals will evolve as we learn more about genomics. I think we will certainly see more and more from genomics to the point where genomics may be able to approach the reliability of daughter-proven information. That would give us, the breeders, a way to better our herds at a faster interval.” As he specifically looks at genomics and Bur-Wall, he says “It has affected us to the extent that I now know more about the bulls I am using in my herd.  I also may be a little more apt to use a “young sire” if he has genomic information available.  However, my personal opinion is that the “gold standard” is still daughter-proven sires. Genomics are a great tool, and that tool needs to be used wisely.”

The Bur-Wall Action Plan

So often we admire the successful examples we see in the dairy business, but overlook that one thing that they do so well.  They take action. All kinds from the biggest to the smallest. But they are always in motion. Bob says it best. ““Know what you want and go for it, whether it’s in the show ring, in merchandising, in the milk cooler or all of the above. And never be afraid to ask for advice or help…that’s often the best way to build connections in the dairy industry, connections that will help you succeed as your business grows.” Following in and enlarging the footsteps of the family they have learned from and enjoy working with, Bob and Denise are an exceptional team. They will undoubtedly leave clear signposts not only for their own young family but for others who are passionate about dairying.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Bur-Wall Holsteins demonstrates the exceptional management, breeding, selection and understanding of the hard work and detail that is required to achieve goals. This is what sets them apart among those unique dairy operations that target and achieve both type and production.   We wish Bob and Denise well as they continue to pursue their passion at Bur-Wall Holsteins.




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Zahbulls Holsteins Takes First Class Genetics all the Way!

Matt Zabel says, “Genomics has had a huge impact on our breeding program at Zahbulls Holsteins” He acknowledges that he may have had a more open mind than some who experienced the dramatic impact of this new tool. “With my commercial herd background, genomics may have been easier for me to adjust to.”   Matt farms with his wife, Emily, and his parents, Tim and Tammie in Plainview, Minnesota. He sums up his viewpoint, “Genomics has changed the industry tremendously!” Dairy people worldwide would agree with that assessment, as many AI organizations now report well over half their semen sales are from genomic bulls.


Matt and Emily Zabel with their children, Ruby and Heston.

Megan Zabel Holmes, Dan Holmes, and Tim Zabel

Megan Zabel Holmes, Dan Holmes, and Tim Zabel

The Genomics Debate is Ongoing but Zahbull Holsteins are About Growing

After attending UW-Madison Farm and Industry Short Course, Matt became interested in Registered Holsteins. He describes where the family farm is today. “We milk 195 cows 3 times a day in a double 5 parabone parlor. The cows are housed in sand bedded freestalls. We have 180 youngstock and farm 530 acres of corn and alfalfa.” Tim is the crop manager, while Matt manages the dairy operation. Emily is responsible for calves, social media and website. 

Zabel has a “Get Real” Breeding Philosophy

You never find a successful farmer who doesn’t have a clearly defined breeding philosophy.  For Matt Zabel that means “Practical, breeding for medium sized cows, functional type with the will to milk.” He has a very clear goal in mind. “I strive for real cows competing in real environments.”

Zahbulls Dorcy Glamour GP-83 Dam of Zahbulls Alta 1st Class GTPI 2611 Dam of Zahbulls Halogen Giant GTPI 2574 Daughters: Zahbulls SS Genova-ET GTPI 2322 Zahbulls SS Gentry-ET GTPI 2230 Zahbulls Lexor Glad-ET GTPI 2301

Zahbulls Dorcy Glamour GP-83
Dam of Zahbulls Alta 1st Class GTPI 2611
Dam of Zahbulls Halogen Giant GTPI 2574
Zahbulls SS Genova-ET GTPI 2322
Zahbulls SS Gentry-ET GTPI 2230
Zahbulls Lexor Glad-ET GTPI 2301

All that Glitters is Genomics

When it comes to breeding success, Matt enthusiastically relates the story of his favorite achievement – Johnan Toystory Glitter. “I always had an interest in her dam Johcar Rudolph Ginger. At the time, Toystory was a mating sire that I was using and had interest in. Genomics were gaining popularity and I heard a few members of her family were genomically testing well. We tested Glitter and she went up over 300 TPI points. Her offspring went on to produce some of the highest genomically tested bulls in the world, including Alta 1st Class.”


Johnan Toystory Glitter EX-90
2-04 2 305 23400 95 4.1 956 3.0 711 95
4-00 2 305 29220 95 3.5 1025 3.0 887 95
2nd dam of Alta1stClass

In a (1st) Class By Himself

Alta 1st Class (Uno x Dorcy x Toystory) not only has a rather unique name but he excels in many important categories.  He debuted at #3 gTPI (2597) genomic sire of August 2013’ with high values for Udder Composite, pTAT, PL, SCS, DPR, and CM$ and now stands at +2598 gTPI. Seldom do breeders see a bull that has at or near +5.00 for udder attachments and udder depth.

Zahbulls Alta1stCLASS-ET Numero Uno x Dorcy BY x Toystory

Zahbulls Alta1stCLASS-ET
Numero Uno x Dorcy BY x Toystory

And the Zahbull List Goes On

Building on their success, the bulls bred by Zahbull Holsteins continues to grow:

  • Zahbulls Flame Gogebic (gTPI +2625, Vieuxsaule Flame x Zahbulls Ss Genova x Zahbulls Dorcy Glamour-ET GP-83)
  • Zahbulls Halogen Giant (gTPI +2570, Cookiecutter Petron Halogen x  Zahbulls Dorcy Glamour-ET GP-83)
  • Zahbulls Greenway Gump (gTPI +2484, De-Su Mgl Greenway 11396-ET x Zahbulls Ss Genova x Zahbulls Dorcy Glamour-ET GP-83)
  • Zahbulls Mccutchen Gil-ET  (gTPI +2419, De-Su Bkm Mccutchen 1174 x Zahbulls Dorcy Glamour-ET GP-83)
  • Zahbulls Racer Gibson (gTPI +2415, Clear-Echo Lexor Racer-ET x Zahbulls Dorcy Glamour-ET GP-83)
Zahbulls SS Genova-ET  Dam of #1 bull in the world! Zahbulls Flame Gogebic GTPI 2654

Zahbulls SS Genova-ET
Dam of #1 bull in the world! Zahbulls Flame Gogebic GTPI 2654

Zahbulls Holsteins Welcomes Variety

Matt keeps the options open when developing his breeding lines. His current list includes:

Zahbulls Uno Emily, Zahbulls O-Style Chilli, No-Fla Paradise 33729, Zahbulls Lexor Glad, Zahbulls SuperSire Genova and Zahbulls Ransom Edina. He explains the reasoning behind these choices. “I’ve been working with these because they all have something different to bring to the table.” On the bull side Matt names nine of his sire picks: “Alta 1st Class, Yoder, Pure, Delta, Mega Sire, JoSuper, Tango, Mr. Mud and Impression”. The unifying ingredient to all these animals is that they have high gTPI indexes even though they are from a number of different bloodlines, each with unique breed topping indexes.

Sapa Ska Toystory Courtney EX 92 Dam of Zahbulls O-Style Chili and A Iota son Zahbulls Iota Cashew

Sapa Ska Toystory Courtney EX 92
Dam of Zahbulls O-Style Chili +2222 GTPI
and A Iota son Zahbulls Iota Cashew

Keeping Up With Zahbulls Means All the Right Moves

It isn’t enough to have the right strategy, the right genetics and the right records.  Matt knows it doesn’t work unless the message gets out. To maintain a steady flow of information, Zabels have a multi-point strategy here too. “We keep potential buyers and other people interested in our genetics and up-to-date on what we’re doing by using our website, , social media , advertising , participating in various consignment sales and taking part in interviews.”  

“Never let genetics take a back seat”

Matt is proud of the mentorship provided by his father. “I admire my Dad because he never let genetics take a back seat.” Matt reiterates that family breeding philosophy over and over. “Dad bestowed in me the importance of always using quality genetics in a commercial herd.” Ultimately that shared vision contributed to changes at Zahbulls Holsteins. “He supported me 100% in my interest for pursuing registered Holsteins.” Zahbulls Holsteins has excelled in operating a commercial herd and have also achieved outstanding results in breeding registered Holsteins. This means a lot to Matt. “Breeding Alta 1st Class has been my greatest accomplishment so far. I am so proud that my research, dedication and hard work produced one of the highest genomic bulls in the world.” 

Johcar Rudolph Ginger-ET EX-94 3E GMD DOM 3rd dam of Alta1stClass

Johcar Rudolph Ginger-ET EX-94 3E GMD DOM
3rd dam of Alta1stClass

A Positive Outlook on the Future

Matt is proud of the family farming tradition that goes back to his great grandfather Reuben and is enjoyed by his family today. He has a positive attitude. “I see that there will be constant new technologies introduced that will make it possible to be efficient and keep your margins from thinning.”  For those just starting out to build success in the registered Holstein business, he urges them to be proactive. “Accept that you will make mistakes. Don’t be afraid. If you have a question ask it.  Call people you know that have done well.  Make sure that you do your research before buying into a cow family.” That’s sound advice from Matt who looks forward to whatever challenges may arise in the dairy breeding industry and has confidence that they will be met and overcome. 

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Congratulations to Matt Zabel and Zahbulls Holsteins for achieving a distinctive place among their dairy breeding peers! They are setting the bar high with dairy breeding that covers the full spectrum from ‘Commercial Excellence to Genomic Giants!’




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Silage Inoculants: Are They An Investment, Insurance or Intervention?

Sometimes it is challenging to be a dairy farmer.  When it comes to producing high quality dairy feed, the results can be affected by everything from weather, to timing, to handling and storage. One seemingly small misstep can turn a perfectly good crop into something you can’t or shouldn’t put in front of your cows. Which brings us to silage inoculants and how they may be used to maintain and improve feed.

To Inoculate or Not to Inoculate? That is the Question.

First off let’s remember that feed accounts for 55-60% of the cost of running a dairy operation.  Providing high quality feed is crucial for success. Today your strategy must go beyond deciding “if” you should use an inoculant or whether you should only use it only on certain forages. Advisors are clear. “A quality silage inoculant should be used on all ensiled feeds.” A quality silage inoculant will quickly guide the fermentation process towards the production of lactic acid to drop the pH of the forage.  A quality silage inoculant will also provide some measure of insurance against sub-optimal harvesting, chopping, filling, packing, and covering conditions.  An inoculant will not make bad forage good, but it will maintain the quality of the forage better than uninoculated silage.  Forage is the foundation of a dairy cow’s diet. Better quality forage will allow animals to perform better. Better quality silage will prevent loss of silage due to shrinking. Don’t throw 4% of your biggest expense away. It also will help you secure that your storage inventory will last you until the next harvest.  Better quality silage means less need to purchase high energy, and high protein feeds. Thus, the short answer is “yes” to inoculants, in order to get improved performance at a lower cost.

Taking the Fear out of Fermentation

“Fear” may seem like an extreme choice of words because after all fermentation is simply the process where bacteria use sugars to form organic acids that lower pH and preserve the forage. Simple yes.  But it’s a precarious balancing act that has water, time, oxygen and other variables working to upset the feed cart. Getting the crop harvested and ensiled at its highest nutrient level is step one. It’s at this point that all oxygen must be eliminated so that the bacteria can get to work. Any slip ups here and there will be nutrient and dry matter losses. The fact that the silage is out of sight means it could easily slip off your radar. Meanwhile, there are micro-organisms .. both good and bad … and what you want is to have sufficiently large quantities of the right bacteria dominating  the fermentation. That’s where a silage inoculant can be a useful tool.

The Next Important Question. “Which Inoculant to choose?”

First of all you have to establish what you need?  When you have decided whether you need a fermentation aid or a spoilage inhibitor, then you must make sure your choice is one that is backed by research. There are significant genetic differences between LAB (lactic acid bacteria) species and strains.  It is difficult to compare products because not all products are equally effective. Your provider should be able to support claims of reduced dry matter losses or improved feed efficiency.  You must pick based on the type of silage (corn silage vs. haylage). Not all inoculants are created equal.  Seek out the answers to your quality control questions.

Okay, But Will It Actually Work?

All is lost if you use an inoculant that doesn’t work.  You must make sure that you have the right bacteria that will grow rapidly in the pH range of the forage they are growing in and produce lactic acid. Here is the point where understanding silage inoculants becomes a science lesson. If this isn’t an area you readily understand, it might be best to seek out he assistance of a specialist, nutritionist or feed consultant.  At the most basic level, you want the bacteria to be live and vigorous and the count of the bacteria (CFU) to be at least 100,000 CFU/g.

Population of Lactic Acid Bacteria Applied to the Forage

The population of LAB applied should be at least 10% greater than the natural bacteria that are on the forage. Most inoculants are applied at a rate of 100,000 cells per g (CFU/g) of silage, but applying L. buchneri at 400,000 to 600,000 CFU/g may further improve its efficacy provided it is addressing the problem in your silage. Inoculation at rates that are even just 1% less than natural populations can result in these additives having little impact on silage quality (Muck 1989). Consequently, proper application rates are critical to deriving value from inoculants.

Nature of the Forage Being Ensiled

The forage should have sufficient substrates (e.g. water soluble carbohydrates) and optimum moisture for fermentation (Muck 1989). Consequently, stage of growth of forage at the time of ensiling impacts the value of inoculants.

Are Enzymes Value Added?

In an effort to make more plant sugars available to the bacteria, enzymes can be added to a quality inoculant and is particularly helpful if the plant sugar content of the silage is low. Adding enzymes that work is more costly but can increase dry matter recovery and dry matter digestibility. This is a case where you have to trust that “you get what you pay for.”

Doing your homework and getting advice from knowledgeable feed consultants will certainly help with informed decision making in this area. 

Good Inoculants Have Good Data or “Buyer Beware.”

Another key is to make sure the inoculant you are going to use has good research documenting its’ efficacy. Multiple university research trails over different years and growing conditions on the forage type you are inoculating is highly desirable. Research should support the efficacy of the product at the application rate it is being sold at and should validate any and all claims made for the product.  Be very cautious VOUR using only “testimonials.”

Don’t buy an inoculant only on price. Often, you get what you pay for. Quality bacteria and enzymes cost more money to manufacture than cheap bacterial. You are better off not spending any money on an inoculant than spending a small amount of money on an unproven or low-quality inoculant.  Find the inoculants that all have the technology and research you want and then look at the price.

The Economics of Silage Inoculants from Feed Bunk to the Bank

You are ready to accept that silage inoculants are insurance but are they an investment that either saves the silage of increases profit or both. Results of many research studies show that inoculants improve DM intake and milk production by 4 to 5% for grass, corn and alfalfa silages. Assuming that inoculants improved DM recovery by 1.25 to 2.5% and milk production by 0.1 L per cow per day, net returns were estimated at $5.76 and $14.40 per tonne of corn and alfalfa silage, respectively. (Bolsen et al.)

Worth the Money or Not?

Will you get your money back from using inoculants? It is hard to see subtle changes in animal performance.  Measuring reduced dry matter losses or silage shrink.  If the bottom line shows improved production is it due to the inoculants or should some other management factor get the credit. Fortunately, university research is providing data showing the successes of inoculant products.

The cost of silage additives can range from 25 cents a treated ton to almost $2 per treated ton. Paying 30 cents a ton on a product that does nothing to improve fermentation is a bigger waste of money than spending 30 cents too much on a product that does improve the value of your feed.  Evaluate additives to be sure the product can lower pH and preserve the silage.

Where Does that Leave Your Inoculant Knowledge?

To make good quality silage, one must have an appreciation of the plant and microbial and environmental factors that influence silage fermentation, all of which ultimately dictate the nutrient value and quality of silage.

Advancements in inoculant science have produced inoculants that can improve the aerobic stability of silage and in the case of 3rd-generation inoculants, even the digestibility of fibre. Fourth-generation inoculants are presently under development with a focus on delivering silage with probiotic properties that could deliver health benefits to the animal.

All of the preceding factors must be considered as an integrated package. Neglect of any one component can lead to a breakdown in the forage preservation process. Silage inoculants can facilitate the ensiling process, but they are not a replacement for paying attention to the fundamental factors that are the keys to making good quality silage.

Proper Application Is Key

Make sure that you have the ability and knowledge to properly apply silage inoculants according to manufacturer’s recommendations combined with sound ensiling best practices. Remember the application of a silage inoculant will not overcome the effects of poor silage management or poor weather conditions.  Three important keys to good silage fermentation are harvesting at the correct moisture and chop length, quick and adequate packing, and sealing immediately after filling.  If all of these are well handled, commercial inoculants can be a valuable tool in silage systems.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

The ecology of ensiling is exceedingly complicated, however, since forages represent a large proportion of the feed costs of dairy production, the generation of high-quality silage is especially important in achieving profitability. At the end of the day, properly selected, applied and managed silage inoculants can make three significant contributions:  insurance for obtaining quality forage, an intervention to prevent negative organisms in harvested forage and an investment to increase DM intake and milk production.




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JOHN ANDERSEN – COMMERCIAL and PEDIGREE – Building a Field of Dreams

We all know the old saying, “East is east and West is west and never the twain shall meet”.  The dairy business has traditionally seen irreconcilable differences in the areas of commercial dairy vs. registered dairy; corporate farms vs. family farms; genomics vs. proven; corporate owners vs. family ownership; employee goals vs. owner strategies.  Of course, it’s the exceptions to the rule that show us how to push the envelope and create new successes in an industry that is under constant pressure to be profitable and sustainable. John Andersen brings many of these disparities together in his passion for dairying and in doing so is building a playing field most dairy breeders can only dream of.

John & Caroline Andersen Family

John & Caroline Andersen Family

Taking Care of Business

Some might see it as trying to keep too many balls in the air at once or a tricky balancing act but for John it is neither.  He sees running a thriving commercial herd and breeding elite genetics as two sides of the same dairy business coin. As Manager at Double A Dairy in Jerome, Idaho he is more than comfortable with a two pronged approach. “I do believe that it is possible to have the best of both worlds and this is what we are trying to accomplish.” John feels the key to success for both visions is still built on the same firm foundation. “Have a passion for whatever it is that you choose to do.  Do something that you look forward to getting up in the morning and going to work.”

Double A Dairy

Double A Dairy

Genomics Is the Game Changer

The Double A Dairy in Jerome Idaho is owned by the Aardema family, and John Andersen is the manager.  The 13000 cow Double A Dairy is recognized as one of the largest users of genomic tests on a commercial scale “Genomics has changed the game and whether you like it or not, I believe it is here to stay and will continue to become more reliable.” says John Andersen who, with his team runs genomic tests to sort out high and lower end genetics. “It is not the end all say all, but it is an important tool that gives us additional information to make decisions in our day to day business.”

Lifelong Learning and Earning In the Dairy Industry

Although the ready acceptance of genomics as a tool for a commercial dairy may seem somewhat unexpected, it’s not out of line with John’s dairy background. “I grew up on Seagull Bay Dairy (500 cows), our family dairy operation located in American Falls, Idaho.  I went to college at BYU (Brigham Young University) in Provo where I got my degree in Ag Business and a minor in Business.  While at college, I worked as a herdsman at the University’s 600 cow dairy where I helped manage the breeding and Embryo Transfer program.  We worked with a good number of high index cows and sold a fair number of bulls to stud from the University herd.  After my Junior year of college, I spent a full summer in the central valley of California working as an intern with Monsanto.  It gave me the opportunity to spend time on a number of different large dairies.  After graduation, I returned home to manage Seagull Bay beginning in January of 2000.” It was an enjoyable way to develop a career and John was evidently gathering invaluable experience.  (Read more: Charting the Right Course at Seagull Bay Dairy)

DOUBLE A DAIRY.  Specialized and Organized

John explains how things changed in 2005. “After spending five years at Seagull Bay, I took the opportunity to work with the Aardema Group in Jerome, Idaho.  We milk a total of 26,000 cows on six different facilities.  More than half of the cows are milked at Double A dairy (14,000 Holsteins) and the remainder of the dairies milk Jerseys.  70% of the cows at Double A are housed in freestall barns while the other 30% are housed in open lots with shades.  Double A has four Double 50 parallel milk parlors.  We also have a centralized calving facility dedicated to caring for dry and close-up cows and heifers.  All heifer calves are kept and raised at our calf ranch up to six months of age and then sent to our heifer feed lot where they are housed up to a month before calving when they are send back to the calving facility.”

Seagull-Bay Manat Mirage-ET EX-90 EX 93 MS GMD DOM Mirage has 1 EX and 26 VG daughters Granddam of Roylane Socra Robust #2 NM proven sire

Seagull-Bay Manat Mirage-ET EX-90 EX 93 MS GMD DOM
Mirage has 1 EX and 26 VG daughters
Granddam of Roylane Socra Robust #2 NM proven sire

MIRAGE and MIRROR.  Reflections on Building Breeding Success

Over time, breeding cattle provides its own reward system since your successes meet you (or not) in the milkhouse every day.  John Andersen looks at two who rose to the top of his list. “After returning home from college to manage Seagull Bay, I had the opportunity to breed Seagull-Bay Manat Mirage-ET and her daughter Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror-ET.  Mirage was flushed to Oman as a two yr old.  She was a medium sized cow with an excellent mammary and great feet and legs.  High production was a strength of the Minnow family.  Oman brought many of the health traits and calving ease that the breed was desperate for at the time and so it seemed like a logical mating. Mirror was purchased by Roylane in our 2005 sale and went on to have as big an impact in the genomic era as any cow I can think of through daughters, granddaughters, and great granddaughters that have topped the CTPI cow lists and GTPI heifers lists.” And John sees that this family will make more contributions in the future. “Mirror’s son Robust and grandson SuperSire will continue to influence the breed for years to come.  Last year, I had the opportunity to purchase Mirror back from Roylane, and she is now housed at Double A.  Even at nearly ten Yrs old, she continues to make high testing offspring.  She recently had a Deductive bull go to Semex who is +2403 GTPI, and she just had a daughter, Triplecrown Alright 756, sired by Alright come back at +2537 GTPI +868 NM  80F 64P.  Mirror also has a granddaughter in the Double A herd sired by Niagra and out of the EX full sister to Robust that is EX-92 as a 3 yr old and was the 1st place Sr. 3 at the Utah State show and 3rd place Sr. 3 at the Western Spring National.”

Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror  VG-86 DOM

Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror VG-86 DOM
Dam of Roylane Socra Robust


It is obvious that John Andersen enjoys the challenges inherent in running a large commercial operation and encourages others to take the same opportunity. “There is plenty of demand in the dairy industry for leaders with good work ethics and common sense.”  The triple talents of ethics, common sense and passion have served John Andersen well for several decades to this day and in 2005 he further rounded out his dairy breeding vision. “Triple Crown Genetics came about when I left Seagull Bay in 2005, I wanted to stay involved in the registered cattle and genetics side of the business and continue to work with elite genetics.  Triple Crown Genetics was formed in September of 2005 as a partnership between myself, Seagull Bay, and Jordan Leak.  In 2010, I took over 100% ownership of Triple Crown and all cattle that I own are registered under the Triplecrown prefix.”

COWS AND BULLS.  The Highlights.

There have been special cows to highlight John’s breeding journey.

Triplecrown Uno 602-ET

Triplecrown Uno 602-ET
Numero Uno x T-C-G Jeeves Milley-ET EX-90 x Seagull-Bay Lauden Megan-ET VG-87
+2428 GTPI, +88 Fat +32 Protein +2.53 PTAT


Numero Uno x Ammon-Peachey Shauna-ET VG-87
+2390 GPTI +1187 Milk +3.08 PTAT

  • TRIPLECROWN JACEY 556-ET (Jacey x Jeeves x Laudan back to Minnow family)
  • SEAGULL-BAY MOGUL 1723-ET (Mogul x Observer x Shottle x Toystory x Oman Mirna)
  • AARDEMA FREDDIE 1994-ET (#1 Freddie in the breed at +2414 GTPI)

The Genomic Bull Story at Double A

“I started using high genomic bulls at about 40-50% of our usage as soon as they were made available and was at 99% within about two years.”  I will occasionally go back and use a proven bull that I missed as a genomic bull if I really like him.  Massey was an example of this.  Freddie has been one of my favorite bulls that I have used in the past five years and am excited about the Robusts that we are now milking as well as the Moguls that are starting to freshen now. We currently genomic test the top 25% of our heifers each month based on parent average (about 150 head/month).

We then select a few elite females each month that will enter our IVF and flush program based on genomic results.  We do OPU on farm every Monday with 10-12 Holstein and Jersey donors.  All collection and transfers are done in-house, and we ship Oocytes to a lab for fertilization.  We are considering to start genomic testing all new females in the next couple months.

 “I feel that we will make faster genetic improvement by using groups of high genomic bulls than we would by using only high proven sires, although if someone isn’t comfortable using the genomic bulls, there is nothing wrong with using good proven sires.” There is not any one trait that will keep a bull off of the list if he is good enough in other areas.  Traits I look at closely that I am trying to maintain or improve in the herd:  Milk, # Protein, PL, DPR, SCS, CE, UDC, FLC and Stature.  I try to have different sire stacks among the group of bulls we are using.”

Sires being used on the herd currently:  Troy, Stoic, Emerald, Speaker, Pure, El Bombero, SuperSire, Yoder, Jacey, Tango, Deductive. Current IVF mating sires:  Troy, Pure, Yoder, Silver, Delta, JoSuper, Desired, Powerball, AltaSpring. John takes a look further back in the breeding program. “A few of the bulls that have had a big impact on our herd pre-genomic era were Oman, Die Hard, Boliver, and Shottle to name a few.”


I like the fact that the breed is putting more emphasis on production in the TPI formula, but would prefer that some of the emphasis were taken away from PTAT rather than some of the health traits.  The main problem I have with PTAT is that I feel it is too heavily correlated with stature.  Stature is a trait that continues to increase at an increasing rate within the Holstein breed, and I think it is a must that we slow it down considerably.

“My concern is that too many of the top gTPI bulls right now are over 3 pts on stature and to me this is a red flag.” 

“I have always said that there is no right or wrong way to breed cows, but you need to have an end goal in mind.” 

Quite often you get the best understanding of what motivates a particular dairy breeder, by tuning in on the advice they give others.  John Andersen has a well-thought out guidance to share. “If you want to market bulls, heifers, or embryos, it is important to remember what the market is demanding.  My opinion is that the bull market is what drives the registered genetics market, and the producers that are purchasing the majority of the semen are driving the bull market.” Further emphasizing the need for keeping the end goal in mind, John refers to his passion for the show ring. “We like to show as a family”, so on occasion I will make a mating with the goal of making a show winner.  Some of those sires that I use with the show mating in mind are bulls that I would never use in my commercial herd.”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

“Technology has continued to advance at a rapid rate and it has changed the way we dairy and breed cattle.”  Having said that, John doesn’t feel that it is time for anyone to rest on their dairy laurels.  “We need to continue to help make improvements to the Holstein cow so that she is the cow that dairymen feel is the most profitable to milk.” Thank you John Andersen and congratulations to Double A Dairy and Triple Crown Genetics for the fine examples of doing exactly that!




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MILKING FREQUENCY: How Much is “Just Right!”

Depending on where you live in the dairy producing world, you could be penalized for over-producing or under-producing on targets that relate to payment received for milk shipped. In Canada, there are zero payments for over-quota production.  In the U.S., producers need to be able to respond to the rise and fall in milk prices.  Everyone in this business sees the benefits of having a way to more finely target milk production.

STRATEGIC THINKING:  Factors in Making a Choice.

In general, genetics plays a major role in how much milk you get from your cows. However, that is a long-term strategy that is not responsive in the short-term. When seeking the right numbers at the right time, milking frequency and nutrition are the tools that breeders can turn to.

As with anything else, there are benefits and issues, when it comes to changing milking frequency.  While it may seem easy to reduce milking times, that choice has implications for the health of the animal.  Careful monitoring of energy status is necessary to avoid serious udder health complications and long-term-production losses. As well the extended milking intervals may run up associated costs from requiring additional veterinary services.  On the other hand, milking more often incurs expenses too in terms of labour and feed however breeders will be most interested in factors contributing to the profitability of frequent milking which also are impacted by labor, herd size, herd health, management, feed costs and milk price (Armstrong et al., 1985; Culotta and Schmidt, 1988)


  • Higher yields
  • Lower incidence of mastitis  
  • Economic return:

o   3x increased net income by 21% compared to 2X (Rao and Ludri 1984)

o   $93/cow/year when milked 4X for the first three weeks of lactation followed by 2X (Wall and McFadden, 2007)



  • Damage from increased washing and drying of teats
  • Teat end damage from poor milking techniques.
  • Milking equipment injuries to teats and udders from liner slippage, poor cluster attachment or infection from infected milking equipment or unhygienic milking procedures.



Significant research has been compiled on milking frequency, and it is quite interesting.

  • Erdman et al. 1995
  • Effect of six times daily milking (Journal of Dairy Science Sept 2010)
  • Increasing Milking Frequency (University of Maryland)

One milking frequency study that is particularly interesting comes from Israel where an experiment was conducted in a herd of 300 cows. The study investigated the effect of six milkings per day during the first 21 days of lactation. The conclusion was that a higher milk frequency had a positive effect on milk yield. Furthermore, the positive effect was determined to be permanent throughout the lactation, as the production of the cows that were milked six times per day was higher than the group that had been milked only three times.  Even when transferred back to three milkings per day the milking production of the six time milking cows remained higher.

Along the same lines, is a study conducted in Maryland that also concluded that increasing the milking frequency to 4X from 2X milking during the first 21 days could result in a persistent milk yield increase throughout the entire lactation. The article results were reported as follows:

The yield, at 37.8 kg/day, was higher over the entire lactation following this milking frequency changed when compared to 34.5 kg/day when 2X milking was used from the beginning of the lactation. A persistent yield increase to 37.6 kg/day was observed even when the milking frequency was delayed by four days after calving.


Researchers have looked at the effects on milking production when switching milking frequencies for a specifically limited amount of time. They found that timing is critical and concluded that the best results are observed in early lactation. The studies looked at changes taken during the first 21 days of the lactation and then reversion to the normal frequency for the rest of the lactation

“The first three weeks of lactation have the greatest impact on milk yield, whether slowing down or increasing production.”

Another interesting research project by Master’s researcher Ashely Sanders at the University of Maryland yielded these observations from examining the effects of 6X versus 3X milking, from the time immediately after calving until week six postpartum in both first- and second-lactation cows.

“Milk production increases were maintained even beyond the six weeks of increased milking. While the response from first-lactation cows was minimal and nonsignificant, the second-lactation 6X and 3X cows produced 97 lb/cow/day and 83.8 lb/cow/day, respectively. Even after increased milking ceased, and cows were milked only 3X, significant differences in milk yield within the second lactation group persisted. Over 305 days, second-lactation 6X cows produced 90.4 lb/cow/day while the first lactation 3X cows produced 84.0 lb/cow/day. The parity effect on milk production was attributed to lower body weight at calving as well as younger average age.”


Studies have found that cows respond with an average increase of about 6 pounds of milk daily for the entire lactation.  Of course, there will be variation in response.  Producers must be very aware of cow body condition at freshening. Nutrition management is also a factor in improving the response to increased milking frequency.

As research is accumulated, there are always more understanding of ways to manage increased milking frequency.

Targeted Selection: Whether increased or decreased frequency is chosen, it doesn’t have to apply to the whole herd at once. Target first-time fresheners for increased production.  Alternatively, cows with large udder capacities could be separated for less frequent milking.

Studies by Fitzgerald, Annen, Baumgard and VanBaale ( further outlined interesting management considerations when increasing milking frequency.

Timing of Extra Milkings: Moderate sized hers report achieving 6x frequency by milking fresh group at both the beginning of a milking cycle.  Large sized herds can achieve 6x frequency by scheduling milkings for the fresh group every 4 (or 6 hours).  Robotic milking herds produce more milking by moving fresh cows up to the robot.

Reduce Stress: Minimize time spent in holding pens in order to decrease pre-milking stressors and support the potential milk yield increase for 4X and 6X milking.

Cow Throughput:  The number of cows milked per hour, and the number of stalls and milkers in the parlor are considerations when increasing milking frequency.

Walking Distance: In 2002 John Smith and co-workers suggested that the consideration should be given to maximum walking distances in order to minimize feet and leg stress when increasing milking frequencies:

  • 2X – 1,000 ft.
  • 3x – 700 ft.
  • 4x – 500 ft.

Shade and Cooling:  Providing the milking cows with shade and cooling.  They use up energy reserves trying to cool down. The energy is needed for converting feed to milk production.

Adequate Water:  To maximize feed intake cows need lots of water. Dairy cattle may increase water intake by 50% under periods of heat stress.  This is a consideration in hot weather environments especially (Arizona; New Mexico)


Regardless of the goals, changing milking frequency during the first 21 days of production can have the most significant impact on milk production.

Superior management is key in achieving the highest percentage increase from changing milking frequency. 




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Dairy Farm Management – Keep Calm and Carry a Smart Phone

If your mind is open to using digital technology in the barn, then you will agree that everything from the first PDA’s to the newest phones have forever changed our dairy management and communication capabilities. We have been amazed at the way phones seem to get cheaper, smaller and faster overnight.  Today, if we want it, we have the power to access information and organize in ways never before possible, using simpler, more effective tools like the smart phone.


Regardless of the tool, the choice of using it or abusing it is ours. Lifestyle farmers may have a knee jerk reaction against technology in the barn.  But again, it’s a choice. Do you want faster resolution of health issues?  More focused work time? Real time updates to bookkeeping and record keeping rather than a once a week, month or year scramble. Regardless of your dairy farming philosophy, there will always be a large list of what needs to be dealt with. Even if you are comfortable with crisis management, your smartphone can ease the pressure when panic strikes.


Some people use all the power and functionality of their smartphone.  Others only use a few features.  No matter which side you are on, here are three that can make an enormous impact on how you manage.

Synchronize Your Calendars – One of the most powerful smartphone features is the ability to sync your information across multiple devices.  Synchronizing is not a new word in the dairy business, but using it to mean that all your electronic devices are intern-connected may be a new application. At the very least, ensure that your calendar is synched to your desktop, office and home PC. This will allow you to maintain one calendar instead of many separate ones.  The same is true for your contacts and to do items.

Use the Camera For MORE than Pictures – Beyond the picture of your calf, your John Deere or a “selfie,” your smartphone’s camera can be used to capture all kinds of information.  Whiteboards.  Notes. Reminders.  (Which pasture feeder is empty?)  Documents.  And more.  There are some great applications to help you manage your information pictures.


You could be holding back from advertising the genetic successes that your dairy is producing because of your reluctance to take time to meet and coordinate with a photographer, magazine ad salesperson and your banker. That’s why you should consider YouTube videos that can be made with smartphone cameras and (with or without cheap props) can generate as much buzz as a very expensive ad campaign. The brilliance is that you can have it at the right time …. YOUR time! Instant visibility.  Ongoing market awareness.


There are pitfalls in using any tool.  The smartphone is no exception.

  • USE IT WISELY: You can let your smartphone help you or you can let it complicate your life and take up all your time.
  • SAFETY FIRST!  Don’t let your new buddy in your hand distract your attention from safe procedures that are necessary on every dairy operation.
  • DON’T INTRUDE: Don’t pressure your friends. You aren’t the only one who wants to manage their time. Don’t interfere with others.

“Keep Calm and Carry a Smart Phone”

A couple of weeks ago my 12-year-old grand-daughter was in charge of her sister – … when the family dog, while chewing on a stick, got a piece lodged between her gums.  Frantic and unable to close her mouth, the dog began shaking her head spraying spit at an alarming rate.  Thinking fast, my grand-girl grabbed her smart phone, took a quick video and forwarded it to her parents with accompanying questions about, “What should I do?”  Very quickly both mom and dad responded.  One was on the way home.  The other got on the phone and reassured that the situation was not life-threatening and would soon be resolved. Thank goodness for the bright girl and smart phone.

“Should You Hire or Fire Your Smart Phone?”

By using a smartphone, your farm team can start developing systems to work better, cover for each other and share project information. As each person knows more about the dairy’s priorities, they can understand and anticipate each other’s needs better. They can overlap responsibilities and the needs of the herd re well-covered. The smartphone camera, text and email capture issues and transforms the work day. Could you imagine just a couple of years ago that a manager could walk through the barn or pasture with a handheld smartphone, review cattle within sight, update information on heats and health, electronically send tasks to other staff, take photos, capture videos and voice memos, then have all that information be available in the office? Alternatively, could you have imagined just a few years ago that a dairy owner could actually leave the farm with the family and still be connected enough for consultation or updates? Many would not have thought that possible. It is now.

Always Connected. Office time is Blending with Barn Time

In the past, after chores were done, there was still the desk work. Today many dairy managers are taking a page from medical professionals who are accessing medical files in real cow side time. And speaking of professionals, vets, nutritionists and feed suppliers are increasingly willing to consult using digital devices. In the next few years, the fields of dairy health and management will become radically transformed.  Smartphones will pair with the Internet “cloud” to monitor individual health to the greater benefit of the cattle. “One-size-fits-all” cow care will become a thing of the past. It is not difficult to envision a day when an animal caregiver will have individual cow vital statistics and health data available in 24/7 on his or her smartphone.

“There are Other Digital Devices” ….. “Beyond the Smart Phone”

Increasingly available and/or developing quickly or on the horizon

  • Laboratory and “cow side” blood and milk testing for pregnancy and hormone status
  • Robotic milking units married to complex testing mechanisms that give real-time, current physiological data on the cow, including conductivity measurement to diagnose mastitis status, progesterone levels to aid breeding management and beta hydroxyl butyric acid (BHBA) quantification to reveal subclinical and clinical ketosis.
  • Individual cow monitoring technology via activity and rumination monitors.
  •  Economical, in-dwelling rumen boluses that collect and report rumen pH and other metabolic and physiological variables.

“Farming with Your Smartphone:  Get the most work done … and get a break too!

No matter where you are, eventually someone will talk about overcoming smartphone obsession.  They are concerned that we don’t interact or make real connections. We are devolving into a world with less face time.  They scream “It’s taking over work life balance!”   Well, in the first place, for dairy farmers work-life balance has never meant the same as it does for people with regular day where you are at work or not at work. Secondly, most dairy farmers have already chosen to blur the lines between work and life, and see balance as that wonderful situation where they get to do everything! Many time management organizers frown on this preference for multi-tasking – but they are not in the hurry up and wait world that happens daily on a dairy operation.  Around calving, loading, feed delivery or weather change on harvest or planting days you are literally at a standstill.  With a smart phone, your office is wherever you are. On those same days, when you are in “hell bent for leather” mode, being able to call for help, assign priorities or order in pizza for everybody seems like the best balancing act of all!


Whether you’re an early adopter or the last one to follow the crowd, longevity in the dairy business means producing healthy milk at enough profit margin to meet the needs of you and your dependants.  Whether that’s three cows in a village in Africa or 300,000 on a dairy in Florida, it is the difference between the cost of production and the profit received that makes a dairy business sustainable or not. You can’t phone it in, but you can dial into modern methods and make continuous improvements.


Let’s face it.  We love our cows, but there’s always room for improvement. Are you operating at your most effective level? The next time you’re in the middle of a significant crisis or even a minor problem, ask yourself if a smartphone could have helped. If the answer is “Yes!”  then get smart and …..” Pick up the phone!!!”




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If You Know What’s Good for You… Eat Butter!

As dairy breeders, we pay special attention to the nutritional needs of our dairy herds.  As food consumers, we are also well aware of the responsibility of keeping ourselves and our families healthy.  It sometimes feels like being placed between a rock and a hard place. This is especially true when we read headlines that vilify farmers or the food we produce. Fortunately, in the case of butter, the pendulum is swinging in a more positive direction.

“Who Can You Believe?”

Over time butter has been blamed for everything harmful from obesity to heart disease. Dr. Ancel Keys – an American scientist who studied the influence of diet on health – believed saturated fats were the leading cause of heart disease because of their high caloric values and cholesterol levels. In 1961, the American Heart Association endorsed Keys’ hypothesis on fat, and the war against saturated fats was on. That same year, Keys was featured on the cover of Time magazine. Needless to say, margarine sales flourished while butter purchases plummeted.

“The Start and End of My Butter Blues!”

I am exactly the right age to remember the campaign against fat that came to the forefront in the 1960s.   I distinctly recall the difference that switching to margarine made in the taste of food. Butter had always been at the top of my list for improving bland tasting foods.   Gradually my grandparents and parents were won over to the idea of margarine as a healthier alternative to butter. I wish I had known that I could have pointed them to master chef Julia Child. It might have helped.  But maybe not. Sometimes the way we accept information is more mystery than recipe!

“Good Sense. Good Science.  Butter Brings Them Together Again!”

It has taken a long time, but hindsight regarding butter is becoming 20/20. Using the considerable data collected it is now possible to compare inverse relationships as the consumption of butter dropped and cancer and heart disease soared.  Certainly the rise in cancer and heart disease can no longer be blamed on high-saturated-fat butter. Indeed new research points to other contributing factors which need pro-active attention. Common sense needs to become more common.

The New Tune “Bring Butter Back” Is Hitting the Health Charts

Whenever we are in agreement with opinion reversals, we happily report that the change of tune. Today, after additional research and failures to curb obesity and type 2 diabetes, researchers are indeed singing a new tune. So-called heart healthy spreads, hydrogenated vegetable oils, margarine and shortening are under scrutiny. Excess dietary sugar creates insulin and leptin resistance, which can lead to obesity and inflamed arteries – which both raise the risk for a heart attack.  It’s not over-dramatic to declare that fighting obesity is a battle we all wage. But not all of us recognize the harm that one or two cans of soda can inflict. (Every American consumes on average 400 8 oz. servings of Coke products per year!) However, let’s stay focused on butter.

“Butter UP!” It’s High Time We Melted Those Butter Myths.”

Currently, both sides of the butter market — production and consumption — are strong.  In 2014 butter consumption in the US reached its 40 year peak of 5.6 pounds per capita, compared to 4.1 pounds in 1997. Meanwhile, margarine has fallen to a 70-year low. The butter boom, at least in part, has been attributed to a shift in consumer preferences away from processed foods and back toward natural foods.

“What you Don’t Know About Butter, Could Fill a Crock!”

It’s time to review and revise what you know about butter.

  • Almost as harmful as bad science is misleading advertising. Everyone who has a product to sell uses advertising to support purchases by targeted consumers. Imitation products made from vegetables, weeds, seeds or nuts are packaged like real dairy products and have the words “milk” or “dairy” in their names or advertising. They are a choice. But they are definitely not dairy even though advertisers keep churning things up.
  •  “Overall intake of dairy products was not associated with mortality. A possible beneficial association between intake of full-fat dairy and cardiovascular mortality needs further assessment and confirmation.” (European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2010) 64, 569–577; doi:10.1038/ejcn.2010.45;)
  • There are a lot of fat soluble vitamins in butter. This includes vitamins A, E and K2.
  • Butter contains short and medium chain fats which are metabolized differently from other fats. They lead to improved satiety and increased fat burning.
  • Butter is an excellent source of a fatty acid called Conjugated Linoleic Acid. This fatty acid has powerful effects on metabolism and is actually sold commercially as a weight loss supplement.
  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid has been shown to have anti-cancer properties as well as lowering body fat percentage in humans. However, some studies on CLA show no effect on body composition.
  • In 2013, the USDA began the process of banning trans fats from the American food supply.

“Upgrade to a Butter Vocabulary”

New terms that you may want to spread around are Vitamin K2 and Butyrate.

Vitamin K2. As previously mentioned, butter contains Vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 is somewhat rare in the modern diet. It is involved in calcium metabolism. Low intake of K2 has been associated with many serious diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer and osteoporosis.

Butyrate: The 4-carbon fatty acid butyrate is created by bacteria in the colon when they are exposed to dietary fiber. Butter, is about 3-4% butyrate. In fact, butyr-ate derives its name from butter.

“Does Butter Make My Butt Look Bigger?”

Nutrition authorities often recommend that we choose low-fat dairy products. That way, we can get the calcium we need without all those “bad” fats and calories. Furthermore, despite the higher calorie content, eating high-fat dairy products is NOT associated with obesity. Modern research results point to high caloric intake and artificial ingredients as the more likely culprits impacting current health challenges.  In 2012, a study examined the effects of high-fat dairy consumption on obesity, cardiovascular disease and other metabolic disorders. They discovered that high-fat dairy did NOT increase risk of metabolic disease and was associated with a reduced risk of obesity.

“Always Consider Where It’s Coming From”

Making better choices is what makes life such a challenge and an opportunity.  Always consider where the information you’re buying into is coming from.  Try to avoid agendas of the information provider.  Obviously The Bullvine has a definitely pro-dairy viewpoint.  Having said that, the choice to accept, reject or react is up to you!  With instant access to news, we are bombarded with information 24/7.  We need to understand that headlines sometimes are aimed at sensationalism and are not necessarily scientific fact. Furthermore, when it comes to eating, you can have too much of a good thing. Just because something is good for you, it doesn’t follow that you should overindulge. But, having said that, there are some well-supported reasons for choosing butter.

“Butter is the Source for GOOD Fats.”

Healthy Saturated Fats The “war” against saturated fat was NOT based on real science. And speaking of good, there are good fats, and there are bad fats for us to learn to recognize. Saturated fats raise HDL (the good) cholesterol and change the LDL from small, dense (very bad) to Large LDL, which is benign.

Butter Does Your Heart Good

Recent studies suggest that there is no association all between saturated fat and cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately in our misguided enthusiasm we replaced healthy butter with unhealthy highly processed Trans fats. Trans fats are the bad guys and cause all sorts of diseases. In the Framingham heart study, they examined the effects of butter and margarine on cardiovascular disease.

Margarine significantly increased the risk of cardiovascular disease, while butter had no effect.

Another study revealed that high-fat dairy consumption reduced the risk of heart disease by a whopping 69%, most likely due to increased Vitamin K2 intake.

Conclusion: “You can’t Beat Butter.”

Well, actually you can beat butter but in terms of better eating, butter bashing has gone bye, bye!

In all the hype over good and bad, we sometimes are told or assume that if it tastes good it must be bad for you. It’s important to weigh the facts and make responsible choices.  Allowing butter to regain its place at the table, is a win-win-win for science, health and good taste.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

It`s time to bury the myth that butter is bad for you right along with  the accompanying threats, scare tactics and alarm bells.  The information is out there. It is based on real science and makes good sense and most importantly you can declare with confidence, “If you know what’s good for you …. eat butter!”




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Holstein vs. Jersey – What Color of Dairy Breed Is the Real Money Maker?

A recent headline in Hoard’s Dairyman proclaimed “Brown is the Color of Money” and that’s all it took for “The Hunt Family Feud” to take off over phone, email and Facebook.  With roots in Holsteins, dairy nutrition and dairy genetics, the perfect ingredients were present for arguments, controversy and loud proclamations of bull* –all of which are highly esteemed in the Hunt family.

Can you Measure the Difference?

This debate is fueled by a lot of things but every good argument needs actual facts. Inputs of feed, facility, equipment and staff may be impacted by the size differential between Holsteins and Jerseys.  Smaller animals may correspondingly require less inputs.  We have to recognize that “may” is the operative word here because there are different variables depending on each particular dairy operation.

One size variable that can’t be ignored is that dairy herd size is growing.  Faced with this scenario, there may be good reasons for choosing one breed over another or for having a combination of breeds on a single operation. Choice might be influenced by:

  • Specific markets
  • Relative health issues between breeds
  • Calving ease
  • Initial investment and sources for replacements

Many questions have to be answered, before a winner can be named.

Which Breed Fits the Facilities?

For those working in barns that were built twenty or more years ago where stalls are smaller, Jerseys may be a better fit.   As well new dairy operators who are renting such facilities could find that Jerseys would operate better in those smaller stalls.  Bedding packs also are another way to put minimal effort and expense into rented facilities. Jersey’s work well on packs. If there is a drawback, it could be that it may take more stalls to produce the same volume of milk.  However, if the Jerseys are high volume for %F and %P, then the pounds of fat+protein produced per day may be the same whether it’s Holsteins or Jersey.

 Which Breed Eats the Most?

Scientific examples abound regarding “efficiency” because of the Jersey’s smaller size. Let’s briefly consider human size relating to efficiency. “Is the size two female more efficient than her size 18 cousin. What are they producing?  Food for a party?  Or are you measuring food consumed? Not relevant.  Well – what about groceries consumed? Or children produced?  Getting warmer.  But there are still too many variables to make a choice based on efficiency related to size alone. However, back to choosing the most efficient dairy breed to feed. It isn’t only about quantity of feed consumed per cow per day. The calculation should refer to the net dollars per day for the herd. When calculating returns minus feed costs, Jerseys can be competitive. (Read more: Feed Efficiency: The Money Saver)

Which Breed Has Better Genetics and Genomics?

Jerseys are not just for show oriented breeders.  Milk production focused herds are using Jerseys.

Genetically Jerseys differ from Holsteins in that SCSs are higher, and the Median Suspensory Ligament (cleft) may not be as defined. Their reproduction is much superior.  Jersey dropped bull calves are much less in demand. Dollar value is low.  Using sexed semen for the top of the herd and beef semen on the bottom half gives a revenue source because crossbred dropped calves are in demand. (Read more: SEXED SEMEN – At Your Service!) Jerseys have genomic indexes as well. Genomics may have been a little slower to be adopted than in Holsteins but just wait Jerseys will catch up. Or so the argument goes. (Read more: Dairy Cattle Genomics)

Which Breed will Save Time?

Jerseys are the Queens when it comes to reproduction in dairy cattle, boasting easier calving, better conception rates and fewer inseminations. All of these have an impact on less vet time required for checking or treating as well as staff time and effort daily and annually. Easier calving for Jersey’s impacts that there will be fewer calf losses at birth and most likely more calves getting off to a better start. Superior reproduction can allow for less time off in the dry cow pen or less time milking at lower levels during a lifetime. (Read more: Artificial Insemination – Is Doing It Yourself Really Saving You Money?)  Every manager knows that staff and cows need time off. Unnecessary time off on the cow’s part means less than optimum returns over a cow’s lifetime. Jersey heifers reach puberty at a younger age.  This means age at first calving can be earlier, thus saving on rearing costs.

Which breed sells more milk? More live sales?

In the US, Jerseys are about 10% of the population. There has been steady growth in the number of Jersey herds in the U.S., particularly among large dairy owners in the West. The way breeders market and which markets they send their milk to is essential in areas where cheese and butter sales (which are at the highest relative level in twenty years) can greatly influence which breed you choose to work with.  Owners are producing milk that their processors desire.  In fact, the processor is the breeders’ customer not the end consumers.  With eat local food movements the world over being emphasized, Jerseys may fit better than other breeds in some situations. The recent popularity of Jerseys has resulted in the fact that sales of breeding stock have been good as well,

It’s All About the Numbers. Are they In the Red or In the Black?

When you want to win the argument over which breed is the most profitable it all comes down to the actual data, you are analyzing.  The reason the debate goes on is because there isn’t a source for reliable data comparing Jerseys and Holsteins.  And so we come back to the initial article which triggered these questions which reported a comparison that exists through financial reports of Ganske, Mulder & Co. LLC, the largest dairy accounting firm in the U.S., They prepared reports summarizing all of its clients as a group and also does a separate summary for its Jersey clients. “It is perhaps the only such set of Jersey financial data that exists” reports the article that goes on to present statistics and the following summation. “Jerseys did make less milk per day than did all of the firm’s clients. But Jersey herds had much higher protein and fat tests, which resulted in significantly higher milk price per hundredweight. As a result, Jersey herds’ bottom line was much bigger – they made 45.7 percent more net profit per head.

OCONNORS PLANET LUCIAGenetics By Design13823
MAPEL WOOD LAST DANCEGenetics By Design33710
OCONNORS BOULDER LUNAGenetics By Design63537
OCONNORS LAST HOPEGenetics By Design23534
GEN-I-BEQ LEXOR PLAGESale of Stars453398
MAPEL WOOD M O M LUCYGenetics By Design123299
BOLDI V S G EPIC ASTERSale of Stars73240

So What Color of Dairy Breed Is the Money Maker?

Jersey herds produced 48 pounds of fat and protein where all herds produced 5.0 pounds of fat and protein. This is not significantly different. But on any given day, on any particular dairy operation, the numbers can be rallied to support the choice that is dearest to the heart of owner-operators.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

In the end, your particular passion is what it all boils down to. When it comes to the choice of Black and White, Brown, or “green”, the only thing you can know for sure is that dairy love is NOT color blind. Whether your passion is driven by the color of the dairy breed or by the color of money … or both… the right answer is up to you?  End of argument.




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Why Subclinical Hypocalcemia Can Sink You Faster Than The Titanic!

Hypervigilance is the new watchword for profitable dairy farming in the 21st Century.  Cow comfort in clean, stress-free environments is getting the attention and implementation that makes milk production a rewarding experience for both staff and animals.  But even with this focus and continuing advances in cow management, there is one under-diagnosed disease that is linked to almost every disease that has onset around the time of calving. This disease is subclinical hypocalcemia (milk fever) and it’s sneaky, harmful and costly.

Hypocalcemia is Most Apparent in Its Subclinical Form

Recognition and treatment of milk fever (hypocalcemia) at calving is becoming well-recognized and treatment protocols are in place on well-managed dairies. Unfortunately subclinical hypocalcemia, because of its non-symptomatic nature, is not dealt with as efficiently. It’s easier for cows to get enough calcium from the food eaten when they are late in their lactation or early in the dry period.  But as they get closer to giving birth, the calf’s bones are growing rapidly, and the need for calcium increases by two to ten grams a day. Subclinical hypocalcemia is defined as low blood calcium concentrations without clinical signs of milk fever.

One Out of Every Two Cows Has Subclinical Hypocalcemia

Subclinical hypocalcemia affects about 50% of second and greater lactation dairy cattle fed typical pre-fresh diets. If anions are supplemented to reduce the risk for milk fever, the percentage of hypocalcemic cows is reduced to about 15 to 25% (Oetzel, 2004). Cows with high body condition at calving also are more likely to have hypocalcemia. However, subclinical hypocalcemia does not present with recognizable symptoms, and can only be diagnosed when blood samples which must be collected within the first 1 to 2 days post-calving and blood calcium concentration is determined to be below 8.5 md/dl.

Jersey and Guernsey cattle are more susceptible to the disorder.

One reason for this is that Jersey cattle have fewer vitamin D receptors than Holstein cattle.  Incidence increases with higher milk production and successive lactations.  First-calf heifers rarely develop clinical hypocalcemia because they produce less colostrum and milk and can more rapidly mobilize calcium from bone in their growing skeleton.  Reinhardt and co-workers at the National Animal Disease Center in Ames, Iowa, found the prevalence of clinical hypocalcemia was 1% for first-lactation, 4% for second-lactation, 7% for third-lactation, and 10% for fourth-lactation Holstein cows in a study where 1,462 cows were sampled.

Studies Show Reduced Dry Matter Intake

In recent studies used a group of induced subclinical hypocalcemic cows and a control group of normalcemic cows no differences were detected in heart and respiratory rates, rectal temperature, and white blood cell counts between the two groups.  However, subclinically hypocalcemic cows had a major decline in dry matter intake, from 26 lbs of dry matter/day on the days before, to 12 lbs of dry matter/day during hypocalcemia, whereas the decline in dry matter intake in normocalcemic cows during the infusion of saline was of only 4 lbs/day.

Subclinical Hypocalcemia Is Sinking Dairy Herds

Subclinical hypocalcemia could be a contributing factor in herds with a high incidence rate of metabolic disorders. A recent study (Martinez et al., 2012) defined subclinical hypocalcemia as serum total calcium below 8.59 mg/dl during any of the first 3 days in milk.  Cows with subclinical hypocalcemia in this study also had reduced pregnancy rate and longer days open. Other problems such as the following can be attributed to hypocalcemia:

  • Can inhibit muscle and nerve activity and lead to increased risk of injuries due to falling and slipping.
  • Subclinical hypocalcemia has a blocking effect on immune function
  • Greater risk of developing milk fever, metritis, ketosis, retained placenta and pneumonia.
  • Poor smooth muscle function brings on slower GI tract activity, so a cow feels full when it’s not, and eats less. The loss of dry matter intake continues to decrease calcium intakes and the cascade continues.

Check for Higher Rates of Uterine Disease

One of the most common health problems affecting dairy cows is uterine disease. It affects 20 to 30 per cent of the cows either in confinement or in grazing systems. Recently, a group at the University of Florida (Martinez et al., 2012 J. Dairy Sci. 95: 874-887) documented that cows with subclinical hypocalcemia in the first 3 days postpartum had 3-fold greater risk of developing metritis and 11 times the risk of developing metritis concurrent with fever, compared with cows with normal blood Ca after calving.

Is there Increased Incidence of Endometritis?

There were other interesting results. “Cows with subclinical hypocalcemia also had increased incidence of endometritis, a disease that is less recognized by producers and characterized by presence of pus in the uterus after 3 weeks postpartum. It is thought that the inability to eliminate the typical bacterial contamination of the uterus after calving predisposes cows to develop inflammation of the uterus and extension of the period in which pathogens remain in the uterus of dairy cows. In fact, cows with subclinical hypocalcemia had immune cells with impaired function, which is thought to explain some of the inability to eliminate the bacterial contamination with the onset of parturition.”

Compromised Reproductive Performance

Not only do cows with subclinical hypocalcemia have increased risk of uterine diseases, but they also have compromised reproductive performance. The interval from calving to pregnancy becomes extended from 109 days in normocalcemic to 124 days in cows with subclinical hypocalcemia. This means that the affected cows had more diseases and also had a 15-day delay to become pregnant. Fifteen more days means that more cows will be needed to meet production goals. There are more dry days and other logistical issues that this causes.

Subclinical Hypocalcemia Steals Profits

Oetzel at the University of Wisconsin has estimated that the economic cost of subclinical hypocalcemia in a dairy herd is four times the cost of clinical cases, thus resulting in a substantial impact on profitability of dairy operations. This increased economic cost is attributed to the greater number of cows with subclinical versus clinical hypocalcemia even though a subclinical case costs 40% of a clinical case.

The Oetzel research gives this sobering example. “If a 2000- cow herd has a 2% annual incidence of clinical milk fever and each case of clinical fever costs $300 (Guard, 1996), the loss to the dairy from clinical cases is about $12,000 per year.  If the same herd has a 30% incidence of subclinical hypocalcemia in second and greater lactation cows (assuming they are 65% of cows in the herd) and each case costs $125 (an estimate that accounts for milk yield reduction and direct costs due to increased ketosis and displaced abomasums), then the total herd loss from subclinical hypocalcemia is about $48,750 per year.  This is about 4 times greater than the cost of the clinical cases. (Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference – April 23 and 24, 2013).

Pro-Active Prevention Strategies

A general rule of thumb is that no more than 15%-20% of cows should have blood calcium levels below 8.5 mg/dl at calving. As with all metabolic disorders, prevention is the key.

  • The use of anionic salts until the urinary pHs are between 6.0 and 6.3. (Jerseys, 5.5-5.8)
  • An intentional strategy for oral calcium supplementation is cost-effective due to increased milk yield in supplemented cows.  Most second- and greater-lactation cows should be given an oral dose at the time of calving and a second dose about 12 hours later.
  • Oral calcium supplementation is the best approach for hypocalcemia in cows that are still standing, such as cows in Stage 1 hypocalcemia or who have undetected subclinical hypocalcemia (Oetzel, 2011).  Cows absorb an effective amount of calcium into her bloodstream with about 30 minutes of supplementation.  Blood calcium concentrations are support for only about four to six hours afterwards (Goff and Horst, 1993, 1994) for most forms of calcium supplementation.
  •  Blood calcium levels and urinary pH levels are inversely related.  Properly acidified animals will have urinary pH between 6.0 and 6.3.
  • Feeding a negative DCAD diet 21 days pre-fresh has been shown to prevent clinical (a five-fold reduction) and subclinical hypocalcemia.
  • More studies are needed before extending or reducing the number of days pre-fresh anionic salts are fed in the field.

Raise the Subclinical Threshold to 8.5 Mg/dl (2.1 mmol/l)

As previously mentioned subclinical hypocalcemia occurs in dairy cows with blood calcium concentrations at or below 8.0 mg/dl (2.0 mmol/l) but not showing clinical signs.  Recently, Martinez and co-workers at the University of Florida suggested that the cut-off should be raised to 8.5 mg/dl (2.1 mmol/l) because cows below this concentration were more likely to develop metritis or metabolic disorders. Using this higher criterion, Reinhardt and co-workers’ data indicate that over 65% of mature cows and 51% of first-calf heifers were below this threshold. Research suggests that subclinical hypocalcemia may be directly associated with other metabolic disorders and may be the primary or secondary cause of decreased performance.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Prevention of hypocalcemia should go beyond minimizing milk fever after calving. It is necessary to take proactive steps to reduce the prevalence of cows that develop subclinical hypocalcemia.  Even though the attack may be unseen, using prevention strategies could have a very positive and visible effect on your dairy profitability. Don’t become the next statistic of a preventable disaster. Remember the Titanic?




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Mario Perreault – Leading From the Holstein Heart

We have all heard the buzzwords that claim to be the answer to moving the dairy industry forward: cow sense; walk-the-talk; strategic marketer; team player.  There is nothing inherently wrong with any of these descriptions. In fact, Holstein Canada President Mario Perreault embodies all of these, but he goes beyond labels to another level altogether. Mario recognizes that dairy industry growth is not simply the external label that we give Holstein breeders … or even Holstein cattle … it goes much deeper than that.

Holstein Breeders with a Common Goal

Although his experience with cows brought him to this role, it is his passion for the people of dairy breeding that excites this dairy industry leader. “I made a clear statement in my first editorial of the Info Holstein: I will focus on teamwork – with our Board members, with our very qualified staff and with our industry partners. The reason is simple: the more goals we have in common, the more benefits our members will receive.” Mario believes passionately in Canadian Holsteins.


Holstein Canada’s Ambassador Walks the Talk

As is often seen in the dairy industry, passion is the foundation for successful dairy operations. This is certainly the case for the current President of Holstein Canada who is a successful dairy farmer from Quebec (Read more: Vieux Saule Holstein: Rooted in family Values). It has been seven years since Mario was elected to the Board of Holstein Canada. With the support of his wife Linda, he has not only become fluently bi-lingual but he also speaks the language of passionate dairymen everywhere and is an enthusiastic and approachable ambassador for Canadian Holsteins.  This owner operator of Ferme du Vieux Saule in the Lanaudiere region enjoys sharing his personal experience of the potential of the Canadian dairy breeding industry and is always excited to attend shows, visit farms and work with people who share his enthusiasm for Holstein cattle.

Vieux Saule Allen Dragonfly Ex 94 2E
14* NOM. ALL-CANADIAN 4-H JR.1-YR 2003
2 Superior Lactations
Nominated Holstein Canada Cow of the Year 2013

Supporting and Listening to the Next Generation of Holstein Leadership

There are many challenges in attracting the next generation into the dairy business and doing so is high on Mario’s and Holstein Canada’s priority list. “The younger generation is very important to Holstein Canada – after all, they are our future!” He outlines how Holstein Canada is taking action to support that priority. “Our Young Leaders program has been enhanced to support, motivate and train tomorrow’s leaders, in collaboration with our Industry Partners. Our activities range from scholarships, domestic and foreign exchanges (6 young Canadians will represent us the European Breeding School this fall), to a Young Leader program at our annual convention, and supporting youth in our Branches and at the Royal.” Mario and the Holstein Board are always looking for new and creative ways to support the next generation. “We are working on other new things such as a Leadership Convention similar to the Young Dairy Leaders Institute (YDLI) held in the United States.” Holstein Canada is committed to bringing finding new opportunities that build on experience and enthusiasm. “Projects are endless as we get our ideas directly from our youth.” The entire association benefits from that kind of commitment to and connection with the next generation.

Mario and wife Lynda as well as son Jimmy Perreault operate a 200 acre family farm in Saint-Esprit, in the Lanaudière region of Quebec.  Pictured here is son Jimmy as well as his son.

Mario and wife Lynda as well as son Jimmy Perreault operate a 200 acre family farm in Saint-Esprit, in the Lanaudière region of Quebec. Pictured here is son Jimmy as well as Mario’s grandson.

Holstein Canada is Pulling down Barriers and Losing the Labels

Less focus on internal differences and more focus on profitability for the breed.Squabbling is counterproductive agrees President Perreault,who is happy to see changes in how breeders see their peers. “Labels such as ‘commercial’ and ‘breeder’ are not used by Holstein Canada – all producers strive for increased profitability, and the source of income is first and foremost the milk cheque! Each farm is diverse and takes a different road to reach this goal but the goal remains the same!”

Mario Perreault  with his first official signed registration as Holstein Canada President.

Mario Perreault with his first official signed registration as Holstein Canada President.

HOLSTEIN CANADA VISION: Creating a Competitive Advantage Beyond Registration

Mario appreciates that interesting ideas come from many sources, including those who occasionally ruffle feathers.  He embraces the fact that in our common goal is a sustainable industry.  “To this end, Holstein Canada’s services are tools to support increased profitability. We are talking more in terms of economics and added value – for example genotyping heifers is to decide which ones to breed, while classification is an indispensable herd management tool: cows with good conformation last longer, etc.” With characteristic enthusiasm, he looks forward to great things. “Holstein Canada will  soon unveil the results of a study completed by a third party, revealing the financial benefits of our services – expect great things this fall.

Educate the Breeder.  Elevate the Breed. “Registration. Education. Elevation”

President Perreault is committed to making sure that Holstein Canada Members are up to date on advances in the dairy breeding industry. “We know we must better inform and educate our members – it is always the key to success when introducing something new on the market.  We must especially deal with misinformation or misinterpretation.” In particular Mario is gratified regarding the uptake of genomics. “The use of genomics increases each year – we had 20% more genomic tests in the first six months of 2014, as compared to last year.” He reports on steps taken to keep this trend growing. “Holstein Canada has hired Extension and Education staff, to better inform our members on the value of using this new tool in the future. I believe the percentage will gradually climb each year, so my forecast for 2016 would be approximately a 20 – 25 % increase. The more we learn about properly using genomics, the more important this tool will become for all milk producers.” Mario balances his optimism with a definitive statement that genomics is not the only answer to advancing the Holstein breed. “We cannot repeat it enough – Genomics is a tool to be used in conjunction with other important factors: classification and cow families.”

Holstein Canada Classification and Field Service Team

Holstein Canada Classification and Field Service Team

Classification Provides Added Value

Change is the only constant in the dairy industry marketplace.  Holstein Canada has to adapt to new goals of Holstein members and the dairy marketplace. “We have changed our approach in these changing times. People no longer just want to talk about four generations of VG or EX – they want to see the added value of our functional Holstein cow.”  Mario acknowledges that other industry partners are also addressing these changes. “Our AI Partners still support their clients (beyond paying for bull daughter classifications) and some are simply doing it in other ways, such as price discounts.”  He sees an important role for the breed association. “It is up to Holstein Canada to promote the economic value and return on investment of classification – it is a Herd Management tool, first and foremost.” He is proud of ongoing and future plans in this area. “The goal remains the same: to promote a well-balanced Canadian Holstein cow that produces a lot of milk for many years, all while improving its health traits. Our very devoted classification team is doing this every day – and stay tuned this fall for more on this level.”

Holstein Canada Board of Directors (back row, l-r): Robert Chabot (QC); Doug Peart (ON); Gilles Côté (QC), Ron Sleeth (ON); Gerald Schipper (ON); Harry Van Der Linden (Atlantic provinces); Ron Boerchers (SK & MB); and Orville Schmidt (AB). (front row, l-r): John Buckley (ON)- Vice President; Mario Perreault (QC)- President, Richard Bosma (BC); and Elyse Gendron (QC).

Holstein Canada Board of Directors
(back row, l-r): Robert Chabot (QC); Doug Peart (ON); Gilles Côté (QC), Ron Sleeth (ON); Gerald Schipper (ON); Harry Van Der Linden (Atlantic provinces); Ron Boerchers (SK & MB); and Orville Schmidt (AB).
(front row, l-r): John Buckley (ON)- Vice President; Mario Perreault (QC)- President, Richard Bosma (BC); and Elyse Gendron (QC).

The Future of Holstein Cattle Data Capture Changing with the Times

The Canadian dairy cattle improvement industry has a very progressive approach to making animal information universally available. With automated animal data capture increasing at a rapid rate and less third party verification, The Bullvine put forth this idea to the Holstein Canada President. “Do you see it possible that information from automated systems will be used by the Association and made available on the Association website?” Mario responded with characteristic passion regarding the potential in this area. “This is an excellent question!  I also have the opportunity of sitting on the CDN Board, and we have formed a committee to study this issue.  Other partners, as well as a few producers using automated systems, also sit on this committee.” Mario sums up that this area of research is a given. “Of course Holstein Canada is there. We must change with the times!”

Holstein Canada's CEO Ann Louise Carson attending the  World Holstein Friesian Federation (WHFF) Council meeting in Berlin, Germany.

Holstein Canada’s CEO Ann Louise Carson attending the World Holstein Friesian Federation (WHFF) Council meeting in Berlin, Germany.

Collaboration -At Home and Abroad – Expands the Holstein Marketplace

When it comes to marketing Canadian Holsteins Mario is especially enthusiastic. “This comes back to my strong feelings about teamwork! Yes, we want to help our member’s market Canadian genetics, and our way of helping is to work closely with The Canadian Livestock Genetics Association.  In fact, our CEO sits on the CLGA Board.” He elaborates how working with CLGA is part of an ongoing Holstein Canada strategy. “Our goal is to work with exporters, to contribute in lobbying Government and to promote the quality of our Canadian Holsteins around the world. There are some things a generic and neutral association can do to help international marketing. This will be a priority in the coming years.”  As well, Mario eagerly points out that collaboration within Canada is also a high priority for Holstein Canada. “Another very important issue for me is to put even more emphasis on the work accomplished with Dairy Farmers of Canada in the last couple of years.”  His reasoning is not only based on “protecting our system of supply management” but also goes back once again to a basic commitment to all Holstein members that is best realized through teamwork. “Together we are stronger in promoting Holstein Canada’s profitable tools to all Canadian milk producers.”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

We must never underestimate how the world looks in on our national dairy associations. It is so easy (from the outside) to see where the other national association has cracks, negativity or blind spots.  Getting to know Mario Perreault is a positive experience.  He speaks with pride, enthusiasm and passion about the Canadian dairy industry and especially about Holstein people.

All the best to Holstein Canada President Mario Perreault from the Bullvine and our readers. Congratulations for helping our industry to succeed not only on the balance sheet but from the heart as well. 




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Want More Milk? Get Moo-ed Music!

It’s not surprising that there is a link between milk production and music.  Music and word production are already linked for me as I firmly believe that writer’s block and silent rooms may be correlated.  It is therefore quite natural to accept that flowing music and flowing milk may be linked as well.

What’s Behind Better Milk Production?

Turning the radio on is one of the first things I do every morning before facing my computer keyboard.  No, I don’t select to the news murder and mayhem. And neither heavy metal nor hard rock inspires my pen. For me, the choices usually rotate between “Easy Listening” “Jukebox Oldies” or “Nature”. My goal is to have a non-intrusive background. Unfortunately sometimes when I select nature sounds, I find myself jumping up to see what’s leaking or to get a fly swatter.  When it comes to finding music to produce by, research is proving that it can be productive in the milking parlor too!

Research and Rhythm get Milk and Money Rolling

Researchers are like all of us who hope to have daily work that inspires them and that is enjoyable to carry out.  Both goals were met for those investigators who proposed delving into the effects of music on milk production. In the end, the only surprising part was that they found their hypothesis accepted by those responsible for higher learning. … and, even better, the research financing was provided.  When money enters the mix … musical or otherwise … it makes any undertaking much more rewarding for all of us. That’s not science.  That’s profitability.

Keep Calm and Turn the Spa Music On.

Stress can inhibit the release of oxytocin — a hormone key to the milk-releasing process. As long ago as 2001 studies showed that musical timing is everything when it comes to having an effect on milk production in dairy cows. Cows have been proven, like some of us humans who must multitask while listening, to be more productive depending on the tempo of the music.  In one study, slow tempo music increased milk production by 3 percent. In contrast, harsher, faster music had no effect on milk production. Not surprisingly the conclusions drawn from this physiologic response is that faster music increases cow’s stress level. Increased stress has been repeatedly shown to negatively impact milk production.  Perceptive dairy managers scrutinize everything from handling (Read more: The Lost Art of Dairy Cow Stockmanship. When Push Comes to Nudge) to bedding (Read more: A Bedtime Dairy Tale: Once Upon a Hard Place…) with the goal of providing the perfect ambiance for productive bovines.  Although fast music was not specifically determined to decrease milk production, the three percent increase attributed to slower music is one of the easiest to put into play, if you will.  Perhaps the smart thing is to mimic spa music. No big cash investment.  Simply select easy listening.

Want Milk?  It’s Time for Rhythm and Moos. Not Willy Nelson!

When first looking in – or listening in – to milking music it would seem logical that country music would find a welcome in the milking parlor.  In the biggest revelation of all, we discover that this just isn’t so.  In fact, Willy Nelson’s music is proven to be counterproductive on milk production. So here’s another sad story for a musical genre built on sad stories.  Although studies don’t prove that country music is bad … they do suggest that fast country won’t put more milk in the pail. Forget Garth Brooks and “Thunder Rolls” and tune-up some golden oldies like, “Listen to the Rhythm of the Falling Rain.”  Of course, sounds of waterfalls could have a positive effect too!

Is it Science or Pavlov`s Cows in the Milking Parlor

Remember Pavlov’s dogs that became conditioned to salivate when being fed.  Conditioning at milking time is possible too … and music may be noteworthy! One study conducted in 1996 assessed the impact of music on cows’ behavior in a dairy with an automated milking system (AMS), in which the cows herd themselves to the milking machines. This study showed that when music was played specifically during the milking period for a period of a few months, more cows came to the AMS than when music wasn’t played at all. In other words, music encouraged more cows to be ready to milk than no music. The abstract of this study does not mention what type of music was played and in my mind, indicates the behavior similar to Pavlov’s famous dogs that were trained to salivate at the ring of a bell. These cows associated music with milking and this influenced their physiology.

Music to Milk By

When creating your own moo-worthy mix tape, keep in mind that the type of music may be less important than the beat.  This conclusion regarding rhythm was reached by Leanne Alworth of the University of Georgia. She proposes listening to new age.  Other sources looking into calming music have compiled lists.

The following suggestions are from Modern Farmer:

  • What a Difference A Day Makes, Aretha Franklin
  • Bridge Over Troubled Water, Simon & Garfunkel
  • Moon River, Danny Williams
  • Perfect Day, Lou Reed
  • Oronoco Flow, Celtic Woman

The University of Leicester also gets into the musical milking scene suggesting R.E.M.’s hit “Everybody Hurts.”  Speaking of everybody, the people actually doing the milking should be consulted as well.  It’s always important (and therefore more likely to have success) if everyone in the milking parlor has input on what music they like to “workout” to. Remember the old quotation. “Music calms the savage beast” or correctly quoted, “Music calms the savage breast!”… It works for dairy udders too!

Play Mozart in the Maternity Pen

When you’re updating your musical playlists, don’t forget the maternity pen. Here is a place where reducing stress is especially important.  On some dairy farm, they play classical music in this location. Brahms, Beethoven and Bach are welcoming sounds for cows, calves, veterinarians and the calving team. If you think about it “The timing of milk production in bovines is a carefully balanced biological ballet.”  If “Midsummer Night’s Dream” or “The Nutcracker” doesn’t ring your bell, try anything by Enya. It works for me!

The Bullvine Bottom Line

A stressed cow is not a productive cow. Despite their contented expressions, the constant motion and machine noises of daily milking may be adding stress to your dairy cow’s day. You can change that. Are your cows picking up on good vibrations?  Want More Milk?  Get Moo-ed Music!




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Sounds rule the dairy day. But even those who rise when the cock crows and listen intently for pasture moos or dog alerts or the rumble of properly working farm machinery, can’t honestly say that they are masters of the finer aspects of attentive listening.  Author Stephen R. Covey (7 Habits of Highly Effective People) says, most of us have had years and years of learning how to read and write, and to speak but then he asks a revealing question, “How much training have you had in listening?” Well, the answer for most of us is “None!”

Cows and Communication.  You’ve Got to Market Both!

There are so many skills to learn as a dairy farmer. Even more if you intend to be profitable and sustainable in an industry that is consolidating many pieces into larger and larger dairy operations. The pieces should fit together like a puzzle. However we sometimes skip the work needed to win our customers hearts and wallets. We think we can talk our way into the marketplace but, in actual fact, we need to listen first. Consider this. If you listened to your potential customers of semen, embryos or animals better than anybody else could, how do you think it would affect your sales?

It’s fine to promote your milking stats, classification scores or showring successes but, if you aren’t listening to your marketplace, all you will probably hear is the echo of your own voice.

Every one of us in the dairy industry is a salesperson of one sort or another. Whether it’s an idea, an association, a service or a product, we all have something to sell. Quite often it’s that personal agenda that we carry around with us that prevents us from really listening. “Everybody wants show type/genomics/ ” or “Nobody wants show type/genomics” Fill in the sales feature of choice. It isn’t the feature that we need to establish first. It is listening to the customer first. Our business grows when we focus on the customer’s frame of reference ahead of our own.

Here at the Bullvine we are well aware that enthusiasm can have us pushing an agenda that is mostly ours and not necessarily that of the majority of breeders. Having said that, we have been shown over and over again that listening and asking questions goes much further than talking and telling. It is the only way to understand what is happening in the marketplace and who is asking for what. Listening doesn’t mean there is only one way. It means listening to the market you are intending to serve. It means knowing what they want more than pushing what you’ve got.

Are we Car Salesmen or Cow Salesmen?

The day of the fast talking cattle salesman with a big car and the “right” connections, no longer sells cattle. Today in the dairy industry, as in most other businesses, new tools are in our faces every day.  Genomics, robotics, nutri-science and much more combine with instant worldwide communication.  Today the choices for both selling and buying are multiplying exponentially.

  • Social media makes it easier for customers to express their needs. Imagine! They expect to be listened to. “Don’t talk me into changing my mind about the kind of cows to work with. Listen and give me what I want.”
  • Live cattle auctions are facing challenges from attendance to lineup to top price relevance.
  • Show string marketing isn’t the “sure” thing it once was.

Where are Your Customers Talking From?

There was a time when your strategy for selling would be based quite specifically on geographic location. Unless you had an “in” with specific buyers or cattle dealers, you were pretty much limited to selling what the local marketplace wanted. Today you can set your strategy based on your dairy vision and particular skill and, find a market worldwide. This means more focused targets, deeper discussions about customer wants and providing and maintaining an ongoing relationship. But first off, it means gaining expertise in the digital marketplace.

Come and Get It?

So you know what the dairy cattle buyers want. You know what you have. How do you put the two together? Whether you use social media, tag sales, auctions or simple word of mouth you have to be found. Sales don’t happen unless the market knows what you have and how to find you. More and more the marketplace is customizing the product to a specific buyer. When you can customize your product to a specific marketplace you can leave the pontificating, posturing and politics behind.

Who do YOU listen to?

When you’re talking all the time, you’re limited to what you already know. When you’re listening, there is much to learn.  Having said that, if you just listen to people who reflect back who you are (and what you believe in) – then you’ll stay where you are.  Anti-genomics.  It’s fairly simple to pick the crowd to talk to.  Pro showring.  You know where to spend your time.  It makes for comfort, but it doesn’t make for progress. Comfort may be your goal but if you’re feeling stalled, perhaps you need to set your GPS for a different dairy destination.

The RIGHT information at the RIGHT time from the RIGHT source.

Even the smallest dairy operation has the marketing budget to make use of listening skills. It’s not expensive to listen. It starts with knowing what your customer wants. Insights derived from that information means you can take action. So what? What does the customer want? How will my dairy operation respond? If the market wants a genomic baseline of 2400+ gTPI, why are you settling for 2000 to 2300 gTPI in your breeding decisions? When you serve the type market are you seeking the udders and legs of longevity or do you breed for the showring judge who gives the advantage to stature?

Do You Hear the Criticism?

Marketplace criticism is valuable. Especially if you listen closely and make changes. If your sales are bogged down, finding out the cause is especially necessary. What a lever to get you unstuck! Use the power of two way communication. Social media adapts the old formula: “Two ears. Two eyes. One mouse.” Listen first and then respond pro-actively. Don’t hide from criticism. Accept and respond by making adjustments. One of the telltale signs of success are those dairy/genetics operations that are building new brands and experiencing exponential growth in a fraction of the time it takes to “launch”, advertise and push your own agenda. If you’re so busy putting your own stamp on the marketplace – regardless of what they’re asking for – you are also squashing any creative new direction that could take you to the next level.

Customer first. Then what?

We can all understand and repeat the sales mantra, “The customer is always right!”  That’s what the message so far has been emphasizing.  It’s easy to accept that the one who listens the best will serve the customer best.  But there is other listening that can lift your business higher on the ladder of success.

Listen to your Dairy Staff

Sometimes we forget that the people who work with the calves, heifers and cows every day have the clearest picture of the assets we are trying to sell in the marketplace. Here is a listening skill that is absolutely basic to dairy success that is too often overlooked. What does your staff say about working in the milking parlor with your cattle?  What do they like about certain cow families? What insights do they have that can be used to attract buyers to your operation.  Even more than the glossy ad or a catchy tag line is the endorsement of someone who works every day in the barn or in the show ring.   Simple question.  “What is she like to work with?” and then really listening to the answer.  That is the easiest, fastest and most effective way to re-start, re-design and remake a dairy marketing strategy that is stagnating.  Listening begins in the barn.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Now listen up. It’s fair to say that dairy cattle marketing can be complicated. However, if you put some of these listening skills to work in your dairy marketing strategy, the next sound you will hear could be coming from your cash register. Dairy genetic businesses sell best when they listen best! Cha-Ching!




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Over Exposure – Sunshine not always good for dairy farmers

Extended days of sunny weather – at just the right temperatures – those are the conditions we welcome so that our crops can grow and thrive.  However, the sun can beat down too hard, too hot or too long. When that affects crops, we are prepared with irrigation, new plant breeds … whatever it takes to protect the harvest.  However, when it comes to the sun beating down on our own heads, arms shoulders… backs… we may not be as conscientious about preventing the damage. The hazards of extended exposure to the sun is one of many side effects of this career called farming and can lead to skin cancer, premature aging of the skin and suppression of the immune system.

“One in five will get skin cancer in their life!”

Every year more than 3.5 million new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed in more than 2 million people.  In the US there are over 600,000 cases with 9.000 deaths each year. One person dies from melanoma every hour in the United States.  Anyone can get skin cancer however the incidence among farmers, who spend much of their workday outdoors, is noticeably higher than in the general population, and it is increasing.  In fact, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation, outdoor workers experience twice the amount of non-melanoma skin cancers (basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas) compared to those who work indoors. Fortunately, skin cancer is highly curable if found early and can be prevented.

Over Exposure

Sunburns, though a contributing factor, are not the main cause of skin cancer. It is rare that one severe sunburn is attributed with skin cancer.  It is the build up of repeated exposures that result in damaging changes to the skin.  Of course, summer months are more harmful and the midday hours of bright sun most destructive. While those are obvious, it is important to recognize that sunburn is possible during other seasons, on cloudy days and at other times of day.  Even on a cloudy day, 80% of the sun’s ultraviolet rays can pass through the clouds.

Spot Skin Cancer and See a Doctor

It is important to be aware to changes in your skin.  A new growth, mole of discoloration, or a sudden change in an existing mole are signs that you should see a physician. It cannot be overemphasized that early detection is the first step in successful treatment. It could save your life.  Early detection of all types of skin cancers is crucial for successful treatment.  In the case of melanoma, it is critical.  The 5 year mortality rate for whites with melanoma is 85 percent and for blacks it is 70 percent (NCDEHNR).  The earlier the detection, the greater are the chances of survival.

Where to Look

With many farm jobs, requiring working while bent over, the back of the neck and ears are exposed and perhaps not as easily monitored as face, eyes, arms and hands.  It is always best to wear protective clothing, hats, sunscreen and sunglasses.

Hats On!

Farmers should wear wide brimmed hats with a brim of at least 4-inches. Not everyone would choose to wear the bright red wide-brimmed hat that is my “haying” hat.  But those extra inches of shade have made a tremendous difference, not only, in preventing sunburn and heat stroke but also in my comfort while bouncing across the fields in my favorite tractor (of course hubby gets the tractor with the air-conditioned cab). The usual ball caps worn by farmers don’t provide enough coverage for the most vulnerable areas – tops of ears, temples, face and neck.  When my sons were young, they had a summer tradition of shaving their heads.  One year, that coincided with a hatless day in the sun and “crispy bacon” was the description of the painful resulting sunburn.

It’s A Cover Up

What you wear is most important in protecting the skin from ultraviolet rays (UVR). Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants. Tightly woven and light-colored fabric can actually keep the body cooler in the sun and will protect against cancer-causing rays. UV radiation reflects off water, sand, concrete, light-colored surfaces and snow.  Even when wearing a hat, UV radiation will reflect off the surface and can damage the skin.  High-quality sun protective clothing is available, or you can use a sun-protective solution that you can wash into everyday clothing to make it protective.

What’s Your SPF Score?  Are you Choosing or Losing?

Any product that is not “Broad Spectrum,” or has an SPF below 15, must have a warning stating that the product has not been shown to help prevent skin cancer or early skin aging.  New water resistance claims on the front label must indicate whether the sunscreen remains effective for 40 minutes or 80 minutes while swimming or sweating. Apply sunscreen 30 minutes before going outside and reapply every two hours.  Apply more often if you are sweating.

You should apply sunscreen every day to exposed skin – and not just if you are going to be in the sun.  UVB rays cannot penetrate glass windows. However, UVA rays can, leaving you prone to damaging effects if unprotected.

You are at Risk! Men are Risking the Most

Those who have a family history of skin cancer, numerous moles or freckles or a history of severe sunburns early in life are at a higher risk of skin cancer as well. To minimize the harmful effects of excessive and unprotected sun exposure, protection from intense UV radiation should be a life-long practice for everyone.  Research has shown that men are less likely than women to protect their skin when outdoors.  Of course, once there is a problem, the protection is more likely.

DO IT NOW! Check your face, ears, hands and arms before reading any further.  What do you see?  Is your physician working with you to monitor changes?  Make an appointment. Now.

Denial Could be Fatal.

It is unfortunate that sunburn or the potential of developing skin cancer are not seen by farmers as something deserving preventive action.  Because it doesn`t (until it`s fatal) affect their ability to farm it doesn`t receive high priority.  Although simply wearing protective clothing and applying, sunscreen could go a long way in preventing future problems, the inconvenience and added heat results in what could be a fatal decision.

“One person every hour dies from melanoma in the United States.”

The good news is that melanoma is highly curable if detected on the skin at an early stage.

UVA exposure also is known to lead to signs of premature aging of the skin, such as wrinkling and age spots. The UVB rays are the sun’s burning rays (which are blocked by window glass) and are the primary cause of sunburn. A good way to remember it is that UVA rays are the aging rays and UVB rays are the burning rays. Excessive exposure to both forms of UV rays can lead to the development of skin cancer.

For Want of a Tan — a Life was Lost

Being well-tanned is often associated with being healthy.  Those who are pale skinned are (sometimes wrongly) assumed to be sickly.  The truth probably lies somewhere in between.  Unfortunately, baking our bodies on the beach or on a tanning bed to achieve just the right “glow” could have very dangerous results. While few farmers spend time in tanning salons, the equally dangerous effects of that movie star tan, although obtained from days of working instead of playing, can be equally harmful.

How Much Sunscreen

The type of sunscreen you use is up to you. Be sure to toss outdated products, as they will lose their effectiveness.  Don’t forget that lips get sunburned, too.  Apply a lip balm that contains sunscreen with an SPF or higher.  When using sunscreen, be sure to apply it to all exposed areas and pay particular attention to the face, ears, hands and arms.  Coat the skin liberally and rub it in thoroughly. Surveys have revealed that most people only apply 25 to 50 percent of the recommended amount of sunscreen.  One ounce, which is enough to fill the palm of your hand, is considered to be the amount needed to cover the exposed areas of the body properly.

Stay Out of the Noon Day Sun

Although working outdoors when the sun is less intense, before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m., may not easy, sometimes rescheduling chores to times when exposure is lessened can be achieved. Finding available shade may be hard, but creating shade where you work with an umbrella or awning is a great idea. You certainly now see more tractors with a canopy to protect the operator from exposure to the elements. Avoid long workdays spent outside in the sun, especially from May-October.  You should also wear wraparound sunglasses that block 100% of both UVA and UBV rays.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Don’t become a statistic.  Skin cancer is preventable.  Keep a weather eye on your exposure at ALL times.  Always be aware of changes to your skin.  When it comes to spots, remember this powerful reminder from the American Academy of Dermatology:  Prevent. Detect. Live.




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