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We all know what it’s like to be Bossy.  You give your “bossy” orders, usually using a very loud voice and then hope that the job will get done.  Super Bosses, on the other hand, run their dairy operations without resorting to being the loudest in the room … and amazingly… everything runs smoothly, and when there are problems, they are handled efficiently. As with any other worthwhile achievement, it takes time. Long before you can build a super-dairy you have to channel your inner super boss and get rid of your cow bossy side.

In the offices of The Bullvine, we have combined experiences of working with eighteen different bosses and all three of us have been “the” boss ourselves.   The challenge we share with dairy teams everywhere is knowing the difference between being bossy and being a super boss. Let’s compare and contrast the differences between the two, when applied to running a dairy operation.

  1. COW BOSSY Hires a CLONE.
    A SUPER BOSS Hires the MISSING piece.
    It goes without saying that a Super Boss must have employees.  In choosing employees, Super Bosses do two things especially well. First off they look to hire people who are good at the things they themselves are weak at.  You don’t need a team that has only one major matching strength.  An exceptional team covers all the abilities the job requires and each one is exceptional in bridging knowledge or experience gaps that you or others don’t
  2. COW BOSSY Saves money with LOW salaries and CUTTING corners
    A SUPER BOSS is Not stingy in PAYING for value and SPENDING to make money.
    Super Bosses recognize the importance of paying top dollar for top talent. Matching the right compensation with the right employee is a Super Boss skill. When your staff knows that you recognize their abilities and appreciate them, you are laying the foundation for an efficient People who feel valued are committed to doing their best on the job. Super Bosses are not stingy when it comes to recognizing consistent and valued contributions. Your team is the first line that suppliers, consultants and clients meet.  You want a team that works well and gives a good impression even when you’re not there.
  3. COW BOSSY Sees no REASON to learn more.
    A SUPER BOSS Never STOPS Learning
    As leaders in an industry that is constantly changing and evolving, dairy super bosses know that they can never stop learning and finding better ways to run their operations.  A super boss is not afraid to try something new, even if their current methods are working. Super bosses are comfortable with continually striving to improve. A successful dairy is never finished evolving.  Super Dairy Bosses have an outstanding ability to know what’s important and how to use new learning and training to keep everyone responding effectively to present and future challenges
  4. COW BOSSY Shrouds Success in MYSTERY
    A SUPER BOSS sets the EXAMPLE for HIGH achievement
    The goal of a Super Boss is to build confidence. Bossy bosses more often find their security when their employees are never exactly sure where the benchmark is set on any given day beyond the fact that the staff is probably falling below expectations. Bossy leaders live by the mantra, “It’s my way or the highway!” On the other hand, Super Bosses instill staff with the tools, instructions and intense feedback that keeps them striving to do better, not only for themselves but the dairy. The dairy team doesn’t fear retribution for failure because they are led by the example of the Super Boss. Super Boss teams often achieve results that were thought to be impossible.
    Even though we want to succeed, there is always the temptation to settle for “good enough”.  It’s easier to wear a boss hat if you don’t have to guide your team through tough changes.  Bossy leaders like the title of Boss and protect themselves from situations that acknowledge that problems exist.  They actually fight against anything that could make them look bad. When problems arise, they respond defensively and try to prove that everything is okay. Rather than work through the difficulty, they put up DETOUR signs.  Super Bosses are all about the movement of the dairy operation from good to better to best. They know that you can’t fix what you don’t acknowledge to be broken, so they use problems as signposts to building a better dairy.  Success comes from knowing the operation so well that there is always room for improvement. Even if the journey hits a few rough patches, they are willing to keep going.
    A SUPER BOSS FACES the future

    Crisis management, while it may be good for an adrenaline rush, is not the way to manage a successful dairy. Letting nature take its course decreases the need for planning but drastically increases the likelihood of problems.  A Super Boss plans for future. Some bosses wear their ability to manage a crisis as a badge of honor never realizing that if they had planned ahead, they may have avoided the crisis altogether. If you’re always running to catch-up, you never get far enough ahead of the situation to feel a sense of calmness as you face the future. Why would anyone allow rising young heifer mortality rates to continue before making changes to nutrition program? Why wait until your dairy is in the red to implement financially responsible changes?  As the world leaps ahead in technology are you moving with it? Are you training yourself and your employees to be mainstream or struggling to keep your head above water? Do you and the staff or employees share a vision for the future?  Is there a clear path? It takes training, commitment, planning and daily adjustments to build a super dairy.
    SUPER BOSSES Grant access to their dairy experts, mentors and peers/advisors
    It is one of the curiosities of life that cow bossies who manage by intimidation are themselves frightened by the successes of their employees. Rather than seeing the benefits for the dairy, they may feel threatened and start staking out their territory in an effort to keep employees in their place.  Employees who interact with consultants or dairy peers tend to make cow bossy bosses feel threatened or territorial. On the other hand, Super Bosses make the introductions and encourage employees to expand their knowledge and skills through interacting with those who are proficient or even experts in their fields.  Super Bosses see the industry as a vast resource for improvement. They take every opportunity to personally introduce their team to individuals who can make a positive impact on their knowledge and dairy skills. They are not afraid of being surpassed or cut out. They know that there is always more room at the top.  That is the way Super-Bosses build Super-Dairies.

    The difference between being bossy and being a Super Boss has a lot to do with where you put your energy.  Bossy spends most of their energy giving orders and trying to keep their employees in the box they have assigned to them.  Super bosses, in contrast, spend their time and energy finding the right people. They look for creativity and confidence in finding new ways to handle problems and excel at their work. They feel it is natural that talented people will continue to rise to the top.  Career changes are not seen as threatening but as a confirmation that skills and training are achieving the right results. Employees who rise to a new position are not cut off or deemed threatening.  The same interest that got them their promotion is seen as a resource to be maintained and perhaps drawn from in the future. The bossy boss is threatened by peers rising to their level.  Super bosses find it to be a natural and rewarding outcome of selecting and nurturing talented leaders.
  9. COW Bossy is Hands OFF.
    SUPER BOSS IS Hands-on
    The Bossy dairy manager is distant from the daily grind of 24/7 problem solving.  They manage from crisis to crisis.  A dairy super boss doesn’t fear what’s going to go wrong because they are working and communicating with staff to a level that keeps all parties engaged. While Bossy bosses point out the shortcomings when something misses the mark, Super Bosses don’t need to be brought up to speed. They have the people and processes in place that they not only know how things are going but can work alongside the team as needed.


It is hard to be a boss.  Many people don’t want to have one.  Having said that, all of us want to follow a good leader, and we know that dairy operations succeed or fail based on the quality of the people in charge. Super Bosses stop thinking about what their people could do for them and started thinking about what they could do to help their people succeed.  Inspire. Teach. Remove obstacles. Be human. If you cultivate these characteristics, you’ll become the Super Dairy Boss that your people will remember for the rest of their careers.



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Find Out Why It Takes Guts to Beat Heat Stress

Modern homes and workplaces are mostly air-conditioned and so working humans are quite literally not getting so hot and bothered over the stresses brought on by the highest seasonal temperatures.  Having said that, on dairy operations, there are still many opportunities to join the animals we care for in panting and sweating and sometimes getting seriously ill due to rising temperatures. Today we are going to look at some Keep It Simple ways that we can deal with heat stress on the modern dairy operation.  Are you still using the same heat stress strategies that were used by the generation ahead of you?  If so, you may not only be closer to losing your cool but, also, closer to losing your cattle too! Keeping it Simple DOES NOT mean Keeping it the Same!

When it comes to heat stress every degree adds up. The following ideas could provide you with 12 degrees of separation from ineffective methods of dairy heat stress management!

  1. HEAT STRESS: Ignoring Heat Stress COULD BE FATAL
    First off you must accept that there isn’t a choice when it comes to dealing with heat stress. You must keep your cows cool.  Nothing gets done without them. Every year heat stress accounts for losses to the tune of US$1.7 billion. One very serious and costly consequence is lowered reproduction. (Read more: BEAT THE HEAT – DAIRY CATTLE BREEDING AND MILK PRODUCTION CHALLENGES CAUSED BY HEAT STRESS and 10 WAYS COOL CALVES BEAT THE HEAT) When temperatures rise, so should your skill in managing the impact on your dairy herd. Some management priorities are optional but ignoring heat stress could be fatal.
    It is easy to recognize as you walk past panting cows that, not only are they picking up heat from the overheated environment, but they are also generating a substantial amount of heat themselves.  It’s a vicious cycle.  Although heat happens everywhere, you may think that, if you’re not in a hot spot, heat stress won’t affect your operation.  Granted some, like California, have severe stress especially during exceptionally high temp days but, to some extent, cattle have adapted to what is the norm in these locations.  Stress occurs in cattle when they have sudden changes in temperature. Recently we had three days of normal (aka comfortable) weather that was followed by a 10-degree spike. Dairy cows are forced to adapt to these sudden changes, regardless of location, and that makes them candidates for heat stress.  Up and down are BOTH stressors. Remember when you got sun stroke at the family reunion?  How long did it take you to get back to your normal self?
    It’s always tempting to use what works on us to solve problems faced by our cattle. That could lead you to suppose that shaded structures and wooded groves are two of the best measures you need to put in place to combat summer cattle heat stress. Your reasoning concludes that summer milk gets made in the shade – so provide lots of shade. Basically, money grows on (shady) trees. Unfortunately, panting, increased water intake and decreased feed intake are the all too familiar visible signs of heat stress that even dairy cattle in shady conditions experience. As well as the obvious visible signs there are invisible signs of heat stress that are also being expressed through rumen acidosis, decreased reproductive performance and increased susceptibility to metabolic diseases.
    Responsible managers can’t stop with cooling interventions such as shade, fans and sprinklers. How are they working for you?  Do you still have substantial decreases in performance? Have you decreased feed intake to lower the heat generated by rumination?  No doubt, it is frustrating. You may think you’re winning that battle but you are losing the production war at the same time.  Decreased feed intake means lost milk.  Increased feed intake means poor performance due to heat stress.  It’s a hot mess no matter how you look at it.
  5. HEAT STRESS: COLD WATER CHILL is Just a DROP in the BUCKET that doesn’t LAST
    Effectively changing the hot mass of a dairy cow’s rumen to a cooler state is easier said than done.  Using human experience, we want to transfer our success with drinking chilled beverages to our overheated cattle. Studies have been undertaken to determine if chilled water could be a solution for heat-stressed animals.  Unfortunately, the results conclude that chilled water is only about 32% effective in lowering body temperature.  Furthermore, the cooling effect only last two hours or less.  This is not enough to keep cows’ body temperatures from rising above the critical temperature of thermoneutrality.  The thermo-neutral zone of dairy cows ranges from just above zero to 22ºC. Above this critical temperature (combined with humidity) cows begin to alter their basal metabolism and metabolic rate. Nevertheless, chilled water may remain as a part of your larger plan or may be used as an incentive for cows to enter the milking parlor.
  6. HEAT STRESS: A Cold Fact that Brings Hope to Heat Stress.
    As mentioned earlier (3), reducing the thermoregulation response by decreasing digestion also decreases milk production. That’s the bad news. If we are going to get a serious handle on managing heat stress, we have to get ourselves out of this vicious cycle. The good news is that recent findings from heat stress studies on dairy cow performance have shown that reduction in feed intake plays a much smaller role than previously thought. Smaller role. Bigger hope.
    The physiology underlying heat stress and abatement methods has been studied for decades. Scientists at Iowa State have run trials that concluded that, “reduction in feed intake accounts for only 35-50% of the decrease in milk production”.  The other 45 to 50% is due to other causes. More research is needed to focus on these remaining issues which could optimise animal feeding and heat management during heat stress. It would be great if simply targeting the correct research was that easy.  However, if abatement strategies are somewhat successful, they will be skewing the results which will then underestimate the problems. Is heat stress under control or under-controlled?  Each dairy operation needs to answer that question with their own assessment of causes, effects and results.
    You never know where you will discover a new approach to bovine health management. Some suggestions we recognize and accept because of parallels in human health.  One such recent finding is the role of insulin in relation to dairy cattle susceptibility and rates of survival when exposed to heat stress.  Consult with your nutritionist for strategies to improve insulin activity in lactating cows. This could improve their ability to cope with heat stress.
    It has taken eight steps to get us to the guts of the matter, as was hinted at in the title of this article. Thank you for persisting this far.  It bodes well for your persistence in seeking heat stress solutions. Here we come to a discussion of another thermoregulation response, namely the shift of blood flow from internal organs to the skin surface.  You will be familiar with the term ‘leaky gut’ which describes the decrease in the health of the gut. When your dairy cows are also suffering from rumen acidosis, they experience a double setback at the gut level.

    1. When gut health is sub-optimal, it impairs the absorption of nutrients that are critical in the rumen for fermentation of feed.
    2. Continued research by Iowa State University also suggests that leaky gut in dairy cows could be a significant factor in other metabolic diseases, including ketosis.
    Dairy managers need to be prepared to take advantage of even the newest feeding technologies. Phytonutrients fall into this category.  They represent a promising natural solution for alleviating heat stress. As reported by Dr. Emma Wall and Jennifer Maurin, Pancosma, Switzerland in “Heat Stress a Refreshing New Take” a specific combination of phytomolecules consisting of capsicum oleoresin, cinnamaldehyde and eugenol (CCE*), does just that.

    1. Capsicum oleoresin has two significant benefits. It increases feeding frequency and does so without increasing total feed intake.  This results in a more consistently filled rumen. It also stabilises heat production and reduces the occurrence of rumen lesions.
    2. The combination of cinnamaldehyde and eugenol acts upon the lower gut. They decrease inflammation and reduce the local generation of heat. This aids in maintaining optimal gut structure and nutrient absorption, while improving the breakdown of ingested feed and enhancing the volatile acids profile and optimal protein metabolism.
      The combination of the two phytonutrients (CCE), has positive effects on both the rumen and lower gut. They prevent any additional heat from being generated and yet optimise digestion and nutrient absorption.
    Seeking ways to manage heat stress in dairy cattle is the same as any other proactive actions in managing a dairy.  Each advance improves outcomes and, at the same time, has the potential to inspire other improvements. Raising awareness through heat wave warnings issued by media channels has proven to result in heat-related mortality (LINK 28). This raises the possibility that adding animal heat advisories would have further positive impacts. More data from more stations could provide even bigger advantages. As data is added and improved, refining it to report exact in-barn heat stress, as opposed to only ambient or outdoor values, is the next level that needs to targeted.
  12. HEAT STRESS: Weather Predictions are NOT PROMISING
    There is an old saying that the only things that are certain are “Death and Taxes”.  Well, dairy farmers need to recognize that climate change is adding a third factor, “Death, Taxes and Heat Stress!”  Regardless of what your viewpoint is on climate change, there is no doubt that we will continue to see a rise in the frequency and severity of extreme weather events such as heat waves. This has the potential for a corresponding rise in the mortality rate of cattle and, therefore, by extension, a rise in economic losses associated with heat stress. We can’t outwait this problem in the hope that it will go away without action on our part.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Losing your cool means losing your cattle.  If you’re serious about making heat stress management a priority, seek out and put into place feeding rations that improve gut health. The goal here is to improve the performance of your dairy herd through solutions that decrease heat stress induced metabolic disease. Keep an open mind and you could be several degrees closer to effective heat stress management and that’s cool!

Dairy Marketing Is Facing A Branding Blunder-Dome

Whether you’re a Bullvine reader in rural Ontario or a 5000 cow herd in California, you are affected by the image consumer’s have of milk as a food product. That means you’re subject to the same brand demands as Coca-Cola, Starbucks, and Dasani. Only those three companies may have bigger advertising budgets, and they intend to stay ahead of milk on the consumers first choice beverage radar. The names that have become iconic brands in the beverage industry didn’t get there overnight, and they are fighting an ongoing battle to maintain their position at the top of the heap. Do they ever screw up?  Yes!  Do they quit when they’re down?  Never!

“But” you say,” Everybody knows about milk!  There’s nothing new to brand!”  Well.  If that’s where your thoughts take you, then you have just guaranteed that you will be forever under the milk branding Blunder Dome.  (Read more: MILK MARKETING: HOW “GOT MILK?” BECAME “GOT LOST”) Milk is an excellent product.  Milk is a healthy product.  Unfortunately, neither of these attributes will guarantee that milk is the consumer’s first choice of beverage. Don’t try to hide your light under a dome – especially not under a blunder dome.

Salute the Power of Branding

You know that branding has worked when there is only one brand that you would consider using.  For me, all tissues are called “Kleenex.”  I only clean windows with “Windex”. For years, I made “Xerox” copies, regardless of what machine I was actually using to produce them.  Likewise, chap stick and aspirin have moved beyond product names to generic titles used for all similar products. Although I have no explanation for the ”X” factor in the first three examples, I readily admit that branding has influenced this consumer in a major way.

Now let’s look at milk branding, where we have a full range of examples to choose from.  On the one hand grocery aisle, consumers choose milk jugs (USA) or milk bags (Canada) with very little brand identification to choose between.  At the other extreme, our industry has enjoyed celebrity with branding campaigns such as “Got Milk?” and celebrity “Milk Moustaches”.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the dairy industry could milk this type of branding for all it’s worth?

Sorry, I find puns irresistible.  But seriously, I wish our dairy products were as in your face.  Before I further jeopardize my opportunity of writing for The Bullvine, let’s take a look at industry blunders, that could undermine dairy industry branding.

BLUNDER #1: Fear of What’s Next

It’s more than six years since Alltech sponsored “Bounce Back 2010” Symposium. This example was presented. “Think of it: There are two beverages. One is full of sugar; rots teeth can rust nails, causes obesity and has zero nutritional value. The other is full of calcium, full of protein, and is nature’s perfect food. The first one sells for $4.39 per gallon; nature’s perfect food for $2.69 per gallon.”

“Why is it we allowed this to happen?” Alltech President Pearse Lyons asked those at the Symposium. He went on, “The first beverage, Coca-Cola, even has the audacity to call itself the “real thing.” Coke has done a tremendous job of marketing itself to consumers and creating a brand image. Milk hasn’t.” Lyons concluded, “Guys, we have to brand our industry, we have to brand our ducts.”


When it comes to a choice of being under attack or being boring, some will deem boring to be acceptable. Being boring has very negative branding consequences that eventually affect all aspects of branding. Can anyone explain the milk marketing love of plastic? If we are trying to sell milk as a first choice beverage, we’ve got to move beyond the big plastic jug and the plastic bag. I am lucky enough to prepare school lunches for my grand-children. It is always a plus when the packaging encourages the selection of milk products, and I don’t have to fall back on, “it’s good for you” or “because I said so”. It is even more exciting when the choice is confirmed and gets eaten.  Milk drinks, yogurt drinks, and cheese, are quite often the first choices.  Remember when ice-cream occupied that dairy space all by itself? Even my five-year-old grand-daughter knows about calcium for healthy bones and teeth.  “Grandparents should drink milk.” And “Oh look we have new yogurt bottles!” I applaud the imagination that ties children’s drinks to containers, colors, and promotions that they can relate to.  It’s great to see more choices that relate to other age groups, including teenagers and seniors!

BLUNDER #3 Terrible Tag-Lines

The right slogan can go a long way toward making a brand memorable. Unfortunately, an awful tagline is also unforgettable. The rule with taglines and slogans is always to Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS).  That’s why “Got Milk” was perfect.  Unfortunately, it is all too easy to turn good intentions into bad taglines.  These three that I have personally penned should have been locked up forever:

“Our good breeding shows.”

“You need an udder drink.”


“We stand behind our cows!”

Yes, I suffer unresolved guilt over these, but I have enjoyed many hours googling “tag lines that failed” so I comfort myself in knowing that even big companies can fall on their branding faces.

One example, although not a beverage, does come from the food industry. In the early 1980s, Wendy’s Old-Fashioned Hamburgers was struggling to differentiate itself from its competitors. At the time, they had this quickly forgotten tagline: “You’re Wendy’s Kind of People.”  I am sure some of us can remember the year 1984 for the introduction of Wendy’s unforgettable octogenarian, Clara Peller, who vaulted Wendy to the top with the catchphrases, “Where’s the Beef?” Now that’s tagline branding the goes from terrible to terrific in three words.

So do your best and then relax.  If you’re trying to improve, you’re in good company.

Blunder #4 Flying Under the Radar

Thinking that it’s a good idea to keep under the radar is a horrific branding blunder.  Modern day families are under every kind of pressure as they fight, and often lose, in searching for work-life balance. The dairy industry can ensure that milk is present at the touch points of everyday life.  Milk at home.  Milk in food establishments, Milk in schools, churches, and community centers.  Failure to promote milk at the benchmark experiences of home and family life represent a failed opportunity for the positive branding of milk. Even if the national industry struggles to do this, we can do our part in our local communities. Milk sponsorships not only celebrates a food product but showcases it with the best parts of community life. Play them up.  Share some milk.  Take every opportunity to let people know why you are passionate about the dairy industry.

BLUNDER #5 Leaving Milk Alone!

One of the biggest mistakes we make is the one of trying to isolate ourselves from competition.  Seriously? Do you have one item menus? We aren’t in competition with the entire food industry.  We are in competition with other beverages. You know what I’m talking about.  We are missing an opportunity if we don’t find perfect partners for the perfect beverage we produce. Milk is a natural for partnerships.  Milk and cookies.  Cheese and Pizza.  Milk and Cake, Pies, etc., etc., etc.  Which partner to choose?  What do you drink milk with?  “If you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em.” is the way to pull the dairy industry out from under the blunder-dome.

Fortunately, in the U.S. DMI (Dairy Management Inc.) is more than six years into partnerships with Domino’s Pizza, McDonald’s and others. We need to move beyond milk as a commodity and promote its value-added role in the value of specific menu items.  Beyond the perfect partnership of taste, it’s time to publicize the move to more nutritional choices.  The big brands are doing it! Let’s bring milk to the table!


At the end of the day, you might tell me that someone else (bigger, bolder or higher up the food chain) is responsible for the branding of milk.  You could be right, but an industry rides on the shoulders of those who produce the product.  We can all do our bit to turn branding blunders into positive branding. Here are five ways to turn blunders around.

  1. Brand Milk FEARLESSLY: Never fear mistakes. Milk branding is all about action.
  2. MILK is EXCITING: Share the milk “WOW” factor whenever you can.
  3. PUT a TAG on MILK: Find a way to put your passion for milk into words.
  4. MILK the CROWDS: Put milk on the table wherever people gather.
  5. FIND MILK PARTNERS: Find great partnerships so that when people think of certain foods, they automatically think of milk too!

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Branding milk is important. But as any good marketer knows, you have to connect with consumers and speak their language.  Let’s not seek so much industry protection that we close ourselves off from success.  It’s time to move beyond Blunder-Dome and continually re-commit to positive branding for the dairy industry.



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Is Danger Lurking in Your Milking Parlor?

As dairy producers, do we know how to describe the way we want the milking parlor to operate?  Certainly “efficient”, “clean” and “productive” come quickly to mind.  But do we consciously include “safety” on that priority list? When asked, we probably answer that we all want to work safely in the milking parlor! Certainly there are many great reasons we have for being in the dairy business, but facing danger every day is not one that we want to brag about. What are we willing to do to make 100% sure that the milking parlor is a safe place?

We have a problem.  Whose safety are we concerned about?

There are many dangerous places on a dairy farm. At the top of the list is the milking parlor. With its 24/7 schedule and the combination of cows, people and equipment all coming together in one place, it isn’t surprising that insurance companies report that every year dairy workers sustain serious injuries. Of course, that list can quickly expand to include the cattle that are in and out of this location on a daily basis. There is the potential to create a world of hurt for both cows and people. Of course, we must be ready to admit that “to err is human” and then, having said that, do everything possible to make sure that a safer milking parlor is an accepted responsibility.

NINE Milking Parlor Dangers and How to Avoid Them

If you have ever tried to sit down to create or recall all the possible safety issues that can occur in a milking parlor, you will have created a long list. Today at The Bullvine we are looking at ten main areas to consider when making your milking parlor a safe place for workers – both human and bovine.

  1. Heading for a Fall
    Milking parlor safety issues can begin outside of the milking parlor.  When cows are being moved to the parlor from pens or barns, they can walk through, mud, manure and other environmental situations that mean they are tracking wet materials into the parlor and thus contributing to potential safety issues. Dairy workers are also transmitters of materials that can cause slips.  Wear proper, well-maintained footwear that has good slip resistance features.
  2. Slips, Lapses, and Mistakes
    Once inside the parlor the very water that is used to keep the area clean can be a problem if it creates slippery surfaces. Someone will have the responsibility for keeping floors clean, but that must also include being alert to situations where there is too much water. Lack of traction on excessively smooth or wet surfaces is a hazard. Hopefully, original planning ensured that the flooring provides slip-resistant footing for both staff and livestock with a roughened surface on concrete ramps and floors in animal facilities. If this isn’t in place, the mistake in design must be corrected. Once that is in place, you must guard against water, milk or algal buildup on concrete surfaces.  Anything that spills from wet feed to manure can contribute to slippery surfaces and dangerous footing. Here again, proper footwear is a necessary part of milking parlor safety preparedness.
  3. There’s No Such Thing as a Good Trip — in the Milking Parlor
    Tripping can also be caused by different floor levels, broken concrete, and obstacles. Open drains or drainage holes should be covered with a firm, flush-fitting grate. Encourage everyone who works in the milking parlor to report damaged or pitted concrete so it can be repaired. Make sure to put in place a regular resurfacing or maintenance plan. Ensure that all open pits and drains have covers or guard rails. You may think that everyone is familiar with particular situations, but accidents are exacerbated by fatigue, multitasking and lack of communication. Have SOPs (standard operating procedures) in place and provide regular training updates in all aspects of equipment maintenance and safe operation. Raise standards wherever and whenever possible.
  4. Control the Hazards of Hoses
    As previously mentioned (#1), water can be a major contributor to safety hazards. Make sure hoses, pipes and taps are maintained at all times and that they are not causing ongoing drips or leaks. Schedule complete flushes and visual checkups for walking lanes. Provide storage for hoses or pressure washers so that the equipment itself does not become a tripping hazard.  Hoses and other obstacles should be secured to the walls and kept out of the way.  Hoses – when under pressure — can produce whiplash injuries. Injuries also can occur when hoses  The injury can be caused by the whipping hose itself, blowing debris or the release of high-pressure or high-temperature water. Always be alert for ways to reduce risks of injury.
  5. Safety Starts on the Drawing Board
    Good design makes safety a priority. We all know how badly designed steps can create a daily and very dangerous hazard. Lighting, surfaces, functional storage and equipment access and maintenance need to be built into the work area.  After that, one must acknowledge that safety issues can also arise from lack of skills or mechanical error. This also means planning for and writing down planned Safe milking parlors always have checklists in place to make sure there aren’t breakdowns in the following three areas: (1) communication, (2) training and (3) teamwork. The goal is to make sure that you have enough of all three.  If you skimp on any one of these standards, you will see a corresponding rise in unsafe situations.
  6. People Must Be Prepared to Work Safely­
    Some safety measures are as simple as being appropriately dressed for the work that is carried out in a milking parlor. Waterproof clothing, proper footwear and correct gloves for specific situations, all contribute to working safely. ­ Chemicals used for washing and cleaning equipment are potential hazards for staff, animals, and the milking parlor environment, and all precautions should be observed. Another potential hazard often associated with milking time is the accidental inoculation of veterinary drugs when administering routine shots, such as hormones in the Ovsynch program. Women should not administer shots in the Ovsynch program, especially if they are pregnant. Regularly scheduled training in all aspects of safety, including biosecurity, can be a definite asset in making sure that your milking parlor is safe, productive and risk-free
  7. Electrical Safety in the Milking Parlor
    It goes without saying that all electrical equipment must be kept in good repair. Updating lighting in older facilities increases visibility and should be adequate for both day and night operations. Seek experienced advice on avoiding electric shock hazards in the milking parlor. Always use an electrical system and equipment grounding that meet requirements of the national electric code. Use ground fault circuit interrupter with stock water heaters, power tools, and other equipment. Make sure fuse boxes, switches, and electrical outlets in wet areas are moisture proof. Avoid the risks which result from using homemade or temporary electrical solutions.
  8. Don’t Make Milking a Risky Business!
    Sometimes we become so familiar with the work we do in the milking parlor, that we become complacent. This can lead to inattentiveness and could cause safety lapses.  Even worse are lapses in good judgment.  The milking parlor is not the place to climb on or sit on gates or railings.  As much as a good working atmosphere is much to be desired, the milking parlor is not the place to participate in horse play.  What starts as harmless fun can too easily escalate into a dangerous situation. Don’t play the blame game. Hold all individuals responsible for working safely in the milk house.
  9. Animal Awareness
    Last but by no means least in working safely in the milking parlor is anything that involves how working safely with dairy cows. Throughout the milking process, staff must move cattle into, around and out of the milking parlor. There are many opportunities for accidents to occur. While experience will always improve animal handling, it is the responsibility of those who manage the milking parlor to make sure that there is sufficient training. There are typical behaviors that can be expected from bovines … such as kicking forward and out to the side.  Unfortunately, sick animals do not behave normally and care must be taking in working around an animal that is suffering from a condition such as mastitis or that is agitated because of unfamiliar procedures or caregivers.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

As with the maintenance of any well-oiled machine, milking parlor safety protocols can always use a tune-up.  A milking parlor relies on many moving parts to get the job done, and all of the parts have to run efficiently from pre-milking to post-milking to ensure milking parlor safety for everyone — human or bovine. Check your operation’s benchmarks in the areas discussed. The priorities should always be threefold: Reduce risks.  Raise standards. Be safe.



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Who Reaps the Benefits of “Bigger”?

In 2016 dairy operations everywhere are coming face to face with the pressure to “go big or go home.” Big business impacts all areas of our daily lives.

  • Entertainment is big business.
  • Politics is big business.
  • Computerization is the biggest business of all.

It isn’t surprising that the dairy industry is consistently implored to use big business principles when planning for the future.

Is “BIG” Synonymous with “BETTER”?

Big may not always be better, but good business sense is recognized as the foundation that any viable enterprise is built upon.  To support two or more family units or partnerships, the dairy must have cash flow, infrastructure, and good management.  Scrutinizing financial considerations and long-term viabilities is necessary before committing to growing bigger. These two areas are included in the following checklist of nine items to consider when deciding if expansion is right for your dairy operation.

  1. Are you READY for the RISKS?
    Managing risk and capitalizing on opportunities are two ways used by the most successful businesses to separate their operations from those that are fading fast. Sometimes weighing risk is instinctive and is done almost without conscious thought. But defining risk is crucial to seek out solutions and gain confidence in deciding whether to grow or to stay the same? People who are risk-averse may consider that avoiding change is the safest route.  But, as the dairy industry changes and grows, maintaining the status quo could well be the riskiest choice of all.
    Before taking even one step forward, it is well worth your while to take a quick look at where you’re standing right now! Ask yourself if there is something that you could be doing better? Even if getting bigger is the right choice, getting better before going bigger could smooth the way for expansion. For example, maximizing milk production per cow is the place to start. Do you know the industry averages for milk, fat, and protein yield? Where does your operation fall?  If you are below average, address that problem before considering expansion.
  3. Are we talking DAIRY LIFESTYLE or DAIRY LEGACY?
    Expansion is going to affect your loved ones. There is no way that a 24/7 dairy operation can be separated from the family side of the operation. Expansion decisions may give you more time with family if more staff can be added to complete the work.  Perhaps more family will be brought onto the team. Do you want more help?  More time with family?  More revenue?  The expansion decision is going to affect your loved ones: both the current generation and the next ones. Are you building a dynasty or planning for retirement?
  4. What’s HEALTH Got to Do with It?
    Expansion depends on the health, creativity and physical and mental stamina of its leader. Take time for yourself to guard against burnout. Stress and burnout lead to illness, relationship breakdowns and more. Stay healthy so that you can steer your ship through expansion to success. But don’t forget to give the same consideration to each team member. Staff –whether family or not – need to feel that all aspects of their contribution matter. They need to feel empowered and that they are contributors to the success of the dairy farm. They need to feel valued if they are to support and sustain the transition ups and downs which are a normal part of the expansion process.
  5. How Good Are Your Management Skills?
    Expansion is complicated. Realistically, you are looking at expansion not only of herd size and milk production goals but also changes in the day to day duties that make up your work day. Of course, hopefully, it includes expansion of your bottom line.  But, before that, it could all fall apart and cause panic and pandemonium, if you do not have the management skills to keep everything – cows, people and equipment and systems– running smoothly.  An expanded operation means dealing with more of everything — including problems.  Are you task-oriented?  Or people-oriented?  Are you solutions oriented?  Can you give up areas of responsibility to others? How prepared are you to deal with a bigger and much different job than you have been used to in the smaller operation?
  6. Is your Infrastructure Solid?
    Okay! You have done your homework. You have the people and the will and the plan to expand.  But do you have the land?

If you don’t have or can’t buy land, can you buy the forages you will need for an expanded herd? Realistically we should have started with land availability because it is the single most important element that will govern the success or failure of your expansion plan. This could be a deal breaker.  Not enough land or availability of feed.  No expansion.

Other factors of your infrastructure are the next challenge.  Do you have manure system? Is there enough feed storage?  What parlor capacity do you have for your expanded herd? Are you ready to handle the need for more or better equipment?  What maintenance plan is in place now and after the expansion.  Failure to carefully consider any of these can bring your forward-looking expansion plans to a screeching halt. If you’re breathing a sigh of relief, because you already have considered all of these, then you’re in great shape. However, before moving on decide how you will use the dollars saved by economies of skill to develop an even better infrastructure that includes employee training, education, and remuneration as well as investment in new technology. The bottom line is more productivity throughout the entire operation.

  1. Succession Planning is Essential
    At, its most basic, a succession plan is a documented road map for your dairy. When it’s in place, it provides a guide that partners, heirs, and successors can follow in the event of your death, disability or retirement. Are you mentoring the next generation? Does everyone know who will be responsible for the next stage in ongoing farm operations? Simply growing without planning for a smooth succession, means you are not taking advantage of the full potential of your dairy’s development.  Having a well-ordered succession plan in place means that history, education, and goals can be a part of the learning experience of the next leader on a daily basis. Many dairy operations experience their most significant challenges when it comes to a sudden situation where the hand-off of management comes as a shock or without understanding or preparation.
  2. Can you “SHOW ME THE MONEY!”?
    You may have clearly determined that expansion is the best way for your dairy to remain viable and sustainable but you are not fully prepared to achieve that goal until you prepare for the banker? Of course, it’s a tremendous advantage if your banker has the background to understand a dairy operation. In many cases, this doesn’t happen. Nevertheless, thorough preparation can make it possible to satisfy the bankers’ questions and at the same time provide a learning experience for this lender. Expansion may bring new timings of payables and receivables and create greater financial strain. You must have a strategy for controlling costs and keeping control of debt. Be ready to disclose fully all factors relating to your request for expansion. The list will include, but won’t be limited to, how much working capital is needed to long-term cash-flow assumptions, transition and construction-phase issues, contingencies and having a well-documented plan. The better you can quantify these areas, the more likely your expansion plans will be approvable and bankable.
  3. Technology Is VERY Important!
    limitations on the dairy that could limit expansion of your dairy. Operational technology can overcome challenges of available labor. Training your staff in new dairy technology is important to maximizing the potential of your operation, whether it involves 100 cows or 1,000 cows.
  4. It’s Up to You!
    Don’t wait until the decision to expand has either passed you by or is forced upon you by circumstances.  Planned expansion is the best way to ensure that your dairy is profitable.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

At the end of the day, there are only two choices: success or failure. It’s a lot of pressure but with foresight, preparation and the courage to follow your expansion dreams, you too could reap the benefits of bigger!  



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Fort McMurray Wildfires: Why You Need An Emergency Dairy Disaster Plan

The majority of us have never experienced anything even remotely similar to the devastating wildfires that have affected the Fort McMurray, Alberta region. It is mind boggling to consider what the evacuees are going through.

As of May 5, the Alberta government reported that the fire covered an area of approximately 85,000 hectares. This is significant; the consumed area is now half as many hectares as were destroyed in the entirety of both 2008 and 2013.

If your dairy farm was to be put under a mandatory people evacuation order, would you have any idea what needs to happen?



Of course, emergencies and disasters by their very nature can occur at any time and without warning. You might think that there is absolutely nothing you can do …. but that would be incorrect.  The more you are prepared for potential disaster, the better you will be able to act, minimizing panic and confusion when an emergency occurs.


Relatively speaking farms have more to lose than other companies when a disaster – natural or otherwise — strikes because of the combination of an imminent threat to animals as well as people.


It could be that you have plans in place for evacuating workers from all structures on your dairy farm.  But are those plans and the materials needed up-to-date?

It is good planning to have all building exits clearly marked.  DC emergency lighting marking exits is a good idea.

The first step is to call 911.  However, in disasters the size of Fort McMurray, the emergency lines may be down or overloaded.  In any case, make sure that the address of your dairy location is clearly marked at the entrances and that all staff knows the address.  It seems simple, but it is one of those things that can be difficult or impossible to remember under stress.


In the case of a barn fire or dairy property-specific event, the first priority is to ensure that no person is harmed. Evacuation of people who could be injured and care for those injured have the highest priority.  Always take actions to prevent the involvement of additional people in the event. This means isolating all affected areas from inadvertent involvement by keeping the curious away.

During an emergency, evacuation routes from barns, buildings, and sites must stay clear.


Any contingency planning must consider the potential for injuries to people.  First aid staff and evacuation teams, rescue equipment and vehicles should be part of any emergency dairy evacuation plan.

Before you go any further, ask yourself these five basic questions:

  1. How well is your dairy prepared right now, if disaster should strike?
  2. What procedures do you already have in place for an emergency situation?
  3. What potential emergency situations could occur?
  4. If necessary, how will staff return to the disaster zone, if it’s allowed, to attend to animals?
  5. Who is the leader in times of disaster including when the owner or manager is absent?


  1. Put a plan in place for quickly evacuating occupants and animals. It is preferable to prepare to move at least 72 hours ahead of landfall (in the event of hurricanes). Procrastination could be especially problematic. Once the emergency hits, roads may become restricted or even impassable.
  2. Have enough transportation available and plan for where the animals will be taken.
  3. Be sure to have access to portable loading ramps to load, or unload animals.
  4. If your Plan A destination also requires evacuation, it is a good idea to have a Plan B already in place.
  5. Of course, during this time period, additional biosecurity measures will need to be in place.
  6. During the disaster event, animals will continue to require feed and water both during transportation and at the destination they are to be taken to.
  7. It is unfortunate but quite likely that the measures taken will have to remain in place for an extended period of time. Does your plan allow for long-term housing?
  8. If safe, accessible, locations are a problem, it is a good idea to establish an emergency plan with locations such as fairgrounds, racetracks or exhibition centers.
  9. Accommodation will need to include milking equipment for lactating cows.
  10. Milk will need to be stored separately from the cows of other herds. Milk “pickup” companies should be notified where to pick up the milk.


  1. Ensure that there will be enough feed supplements and sufficient medication supplies available at the destination.
  2. Minimize the contact among animals from different premises.
  3. Verify the health and vaccination status of animals which must be co-mingled.
  4. Handle mortalities in a manner which will minimize the possible spread of contagious disease.
  5. Monitor the health and well-being of the animals on at least a daily basis, whether sheltered in place or evacuated.
  6. Seek appropriate veterinary medical advice and services where there is suspicion of an animal disease problem.
  7. Whether you evacuate or shelter in place, make sure you have adequate and safe ways to separate and group animals appropriately.
  8. Have specific actions in place to be carried out by assigned people. Assign responsibility for checking all areas to ensure that o person or animal is overlooked.
  9. Specific actions should include people to close doors, shut off power or fuel sources or to shut down computers and equipment.
  10. Be particularly aware of the possibility of contaminants or toxins getting into the feed or the animals.


  1. How do animals get out of their containment areas?
  2. What needs to happen for the animals to be physically evacuated?
  3. Once removed from the structure or area under threat, where will the animals be moved to?
  4. Do you have a plan in place (with neighbors or friends?) if the animals require off-property housing and transportation?
  5. Do you have accurate records of current inventory of animals? Where is it kept and is it easily accessible?
  6. What needs will your dairy animals have once they have been evacuated?
  7. How will you address the ongoing needs of your animals throughout the duration of the evacuation order or disaster recovery time period?
  8. Information is key during an emergency. Current status and ongoing updates must be communicated keeping everyone informed regarding evacuation routes, road conditions, materials and equipment, the location of resources and other elements.
  9. Decision-makers need access to maps, phone directories and other information regarding supplies and resources.
  10. Emergency plans need to identify what supplies and equipment will be necessary when an emergency occurs.
  11. As much as possible run simulation drills with staff


By developing a dairy disaster plan, you are in a much better position to respond, recover and restore your dairy operation if disaster strikes. Educate all dairy staff about the types of emergencies that may occur. Train them in the proper course of action for emergency situations and, as much as possible, run simulation drills with staff. Make sure they understand the components of your evacuation plan and who will be in charge during an emergency. Being ready for a disaster takes planning and practice. Be prepared.



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“Let’s Talk About Getting Away with Murder!”

I am a huge fan of crime and punishment television shows.  The juicier the episode headline, the more I am prepared to make time to watch and learn how, in under an hour, murder and mayhem can be solved and the guilty parties brought to justice. Unfortunately, even TV shows are not maintaining clear distinctions between black and white, guilty and innocent.

One such program, “How to get away with Murder” leads you to believe one thing while something quite the opposite is closer to the actual truth. 

Which brings me to the charges that activist groups lodge against farming practices. Misdirection is one thing, as long as you have no personal stake in the outcome but when headlines imply “Farmers are Murderers” we are no longer spectators only.  It isn’t that long ago that undercover videos and animal right activists capturing headlines with their horrifying revelations, which would have been considered ludicrous when applied to the dairy industry.  Not so today.

We Can’t  Change the Channel or Wait for the Season Finale

TV series “How to Get Away with Murder” can win ratings by revealing the truth in the last episode.  Unfortunately, real life on dairy farms means you have to go beyond the Neilson ratings.  To remain viable, the ratings that our consumers apply to us really do mean life or death to the longevity of our dairy industry and our self-respect.

There’s No Easy Out!  Be Prepared to Answer Difficult Questions

Once you’ve managed to reign in that first desire to give back as good as you’re getting, it’s time to respond smartly. If you’re attacked on social media or through live news or written media, give yourself a cooling down period and then respond with something positive, something pro-active and, at the same time, recognize the position of the challenger. Don’t let negativity fill you with anger.  Taking attacks personally only allows your emotions to cloud your judgment. Nothing good will come of acting irrationally. Of course, all of this assumes that you are running your dairy ethically and responsibly.  There is never any excuse for cutting corners on human or animal health, care, and management.


It rarely happens that an attack comes along when you have everything at hand to diffuse the situation. By their very nature attacks are meant to blindside you. Thinking on your feet when emotions are running high is difficult for anyone.  When you feel that it is unjustified, you are at an even further disadvantage.  Having a good game plan is one way to be prepared.  Sinking to the level of the accusers, is rarely successful, so let’s use the word ATTACK itself as a six-step acronym for the best response:

A: Always Answer and Acknowledge:

When it comes to attacks on farm practices, both producers and consumers have a vested interest in making sure that food is healthy and safe. Acknowledge that we share the same goal and attempt to answer their concerns.  Running for cover is not a solution.

T: Take Time.

When someone gives you the finger verbally or in actual fact, try your best to respond with a thumbs up. There must be something positive in the situation that you can build upon. At the very least, it is an opportunity to begin a dialogue instead of a beat down.

T: Tell the Truth.

Sometimes the simplest response is the best response. All dairy managers have put serious thought and effort into providing good conditions for their dairy herd. Honestly sharing the planning that goes into making it possible for each dairy animal to live up to their best potential is a terrific way to move toward less angry observers and to influence supportive dairy consumers.

A: Agvocate with Anecdotes.

We all have stories about the work we do. Anecdotes always gain more ground than anger. Tell stories that speak honestly to the concerns of the attacker.  When there is fear that you’re uncaring, respond with examples that they can relate to.

C: Connect and Change.   

Ultimately you want those who have attacked your farming practices to have a change of mind. The best thing you can do is to try to determine what is igniting their negative viewpoint. When you know the situation that is influencing their perceptions, you have an opportunity to answer in a way that doesn’t demean their concerns but, at the same time, helps them to grow their understanding.

K: Know when to quit

It is one thing to welcome, give and take viewpoints with those who have genuine questions and concerns, but it is important to know when to draw the line. If things get out of hand, and shouting or name calling begins, it’s time to stop.

Will you be able to fix everything? Probably not.  But a positive attitude and outlook can be a game-changer over time.

Many of the concerns raised by non-farm people stem from the fact that they humanize cows.

They attribute their feelings to the needs of the dairy cow. Rather than debate the inherent differences between people and bovines, it is a much better idea to build on the understandings they can relate to. Everyone understands needs for food, warmth and comfort.

Social Media and Angry Outbursts

The online dialogue we enjoy with most people on The Bullvine or through The Milk House is enriched by the varied perspectives of those who bring their concerns to the forum. When discussion goes too far, we have the ability to moderate the conversation or ban or delete those who merely want to use the page as a platform for their attack viewpoint. We have also had a face to face confrontations, where the only choice was to agree to disagree and excuse ourselves from the situation. The majority of our audience is interested in moving forward not tearing apart. Our time and energy is for those who consume the dairy products that dairy farmers are so passionate about providing. Walking away may leave the door open for better discussion another day.

Where Does Misinformation Come From?

Everyone is entitled to hold their own opinions and concerns, and that includes strong feelings about the way the food they eat goes from the farm to the table.  It is only natural to seek out information on how that happens.  Unfortunately, with all the benefits of modern day information exchange, there are opportunities for error. What sources do attackers use?

Newspaper headlines?  Undercover videos?  Emotional outbursts from activists? Only after getting a better grasp of where the question is coming from, you will you be able to give the best answers. The key to increasing their understanding is learning what practical experience they have had up until now.  If it’s all through media or hearsay, it would be great for you to set up an opportunity for them to visit a farm.

Reflect their concerns with examples they relate to.

For example, we are often asked why animals are taken from their mothers, raised in hutches, undergo clipping or hoof trimming and many other questions usually arising from seeing animals at local fairs or cattle shows.  There are numerous ways to relate each of these concerns to many of the health and safety protocols used by responsible parents.  The main goal is to manage bacteria, infection, and clean food issues in a farm setting — whether it’s in a barn or a field. Calves are not born in sterile hospital rooms and throughout their lives, decisions must be made to prevent them from being infected by environmental pathogens or by germs from other animals.  Nutritionists, Veterinarians, dairy staff, work 24/7 to give them the best opportunity for healthy growth and to eventually become producers of healthy milk.  Most people can relate to this responsible team approach.

Turning Foes into Friends

For the majority of activists, their hope is that they can sway public opinion away from supporting farmers.  Always respond with a calm, level head. You probably can’t change their opinions and can only hope that your responsible actions will be seen by those who are reasonable in their evaluation.  It is unfortunate that there are extremists who go beyond verbal challenges to tactics of harassment and intimidation, and this too greatly diminishes public support for their position.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

When you’re under attack, there is a rush of adrenaline in the hurry to defend and respond.  The key thing to remember when responding to attacks is to LISTEN. Always try to diffuse drama with dialogue.  After all, neither side wants the other to “Get away with murder!” Hear! Hear!



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How to Make the Facebook 10 Most Wanted List

There are numerous good reasons why you don’t want your name to be on a MOST WANTED criminals list.   But today we are going to talk about 10 good reasons to work hard to get your dairy farm to be on a MOST WANTED FACEBOOK list. To be a Facebook Most Wanted you need to identified, recognized and sought after. Let’s look at ways you can use this form of social media to capture positive attention.

  1. Post an Action Photo
    Share photos of your employees in action. Show photos of changing seasonal activities around the farm. It’s especially good to show staff as they handle the animals, from calving to milking. Get your readers in on the action. Post two or three and ask for readers to “like” the selection or choose their favorite. When a new calf is born, ask for suggestions for names.  Give them the parameters you’re working in.  For example, the name must start with letter “M” or fit in with the “Domino Family”.
  2. Look Behind-the-Scenes
    Quite often people think of just one activity on the dairy farm, and that is usually milking. You can post pictures that show how your business operates behind the scenes. This lets them see your office or shots of the variety of people who come to the farm and gives them a more dynamic understanding of how full each day is. When they see the large number of people you interact with: veterinarians, consultants, numerous feed suppliers and of course, the big tanker trucks that pick up the milk – they will gain an appreciation for how much organization and logistics it takes to get milk from the stable to the table.
  3. Show the Funny Side of the Farm
    Many non-farmers have romanticized ideas of how easy, simple and bucolic life on a dairy farm must be. We all know that there is a lot of hard work involved in this 24/7 career, but there are also opportunities to acknowledge the lighter, brighter and fun side of working with animals on a farm.  The previously mentioned animal shots are a start to winning engaged followers, but many farm families are also creative in the way they bring togetherness and fun to their routine.  Picnics in the field.  Shots of future farmers with their favorite “pet” calf.  Family conversations taking place anywhere on the farm, from haylofts to manure pits to leaning on the top rails to look at animals.   I am fully convinced that this is how our family learned to look at life “from both sides of the fence.” Life on the farm is hard work but it is never boring or dull, and there’s always room for laughter and fun.  This humanizes food producers and is something that will benefit us too as we count — and post — our bovine blessings!
  4. “Let’s Talk!”
    Sometimes when we feel that dairy farmers are understood; we bemoan the fact that we don’t have time to defend ourselves against what seems like constant criticism. Rather than worry about what we aren’t doing right, by using Facebook we have the opportunity to start a conversation — or a monolog — about what we’re doing right.  What we are hoping for is to engage our audience in affirming dairying as a business.  Instead of just seeking for a “like” when you give a status update, give your non-farming viewers an opportunity to share their perspective.  Instead of “I’m off to the barn for milking at 4m.” you can say, “Headed out for the 4 a.m. milking and ask, “What do you do to get your morning started right?”
  5. “Can you help me?”
    People love to answer questions. Even more, than that they like to help solve problems. When you are mystified about non-dairy concerns, you can honestly ask for clarification. It’s a great way to build trust.  There is no need to whine or be negative about bad press, but as you build Facebook followers, you will naturally have some questions raised about your animal care of farm practices.  If you deal with the questions openly and honestly, you will have readers who become more invested and engaged in understanding what dairy farming involves.
  6. “Show Off Your Employees”
    Whether it’s a small family farm or very large dairy production center, another great way to show your personality is to show off your employees. Post pictures of your calf care team.  Post an interview with your herd manager.  If you are installing something new … make and post a video diary of your staff getting the job done.  The best thing about this kind of content is that it humanizes dairying and contributes to the image of teamwork between employees and animals that makes everything flow smoothly.
  7. “Share a Pat on the Back!”
    Another facet of recognizing the human side of your dairy team involves congratulating them! This includes simple birthday and anniversary congrats but also recognizes extra-curricular studies or certification that your staff earns, as thy continue to grow their dairy strengths and abilities.  This one small pat on the back – shared openly on Facebook – builds both self-esteem and teamwork.  A simple “way to go” actually goes a long way toward building for the future.
  8. Keep Calm and React to Controversies Promptly
    In this 21st Century, there is always something controversial going on. Sometimes it’s not directly related to dairying, and you can comfortably piggyback your opinions on the news by offering your viewpoint.  This can generate a lot of buzz – especially if your position is an alternative one. But, while this may cause arguments, it is still more comfortable than when the controversy directly involves you or your farm. When you are in the middle of controversy, the key is to react promptly and honestly. But don’t just say your opinion. Support your position with facts and evidence.  Keep calm.  Don’t over-react.  Accept responsibility if that is called for. Things happen. The goal is to keep the conversation open. Name calling and character assassination can destroy all the good that you have been trying to build.
  9. Give Testimonials
    Wouldn’t it be wonderful, if all our hard work earned us those lovely little testimonial pieces that scroll by on Facebook news pages? We may not have the celebrity status for this, but there is nothing stopping us from being a promoter of our fellow dairy breeders.  What is surprising about the idea of recognizing with photos and/or videos of what other dairy people are doing, is the fact that so few people take some time to do it.  At the end of the day, the best promotion comes from the stories we share – and that get shared — about the great job we are doing. Is your dairy neighbor generous with his time in leading 4-H?   Has another local dairy farm consistently topped the production or management lists?  Do you know someone who donates produce, time or finances to those who are less fortunate?  Facebook is excellent at giving a face to the heroes among us.
  10. A Facebook Farm Tour is Worth a 1000 Words
    It goes without saying that those farms which have the staff and time to give tours unanimously report a growing level of support from the public who takes part in the opportunity. When non-farmers are able to get face to face with dairy staff, they rarely leave without a heightened understanding of the passion that inspires dairy folks. For the rest of us, Facebook is the answer. Sometimes all you have to do is answer the recurring questions with a picture or quick video. The main thing here is to engage with what people want to know. It’s a close as you can get to a personal meeting. Use your virtual tour as a way to open the door to ongoing trust and communication.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Try some of these ten methods to get your Farm Facebook page on the most sought after lists. It’s good for the dairy industry when farm Facebook postings become Most Wanted. To miss this opportunity would be a crime.



To learn how to get your farm on Facebook download this free guide.



Good Looking Managers Raise Healthier Calves

Did the title get your attention? That’s what I was hoping it would do. Because first I want to get your attention, and then I want that attention directed to your calves!

The key to raising healthy calves depends on how quickly and effectively you respond to changing clues they’re sending out. This means being observant. You have got to actually get your eyes focused on the calves as a regular part of the daily routine. Walk the line! It never ceases to amaze me when I hear people talking about working with a nutritionist, vet or other consultant who makes recommendations from a phone, computer or their car or truck. Actually looking at the calves is always the best and the ONLY way to raise healthier calves.

Walking the Talk

By the time, today’s managers are receiving printouts on the production of their milking herd, it’s too late to wind back the clock and fix what went wrong when those calves should have been getting a healthy start. Great starts equal great production. Poor starts result in production problems. The challenge is that, at that very crucial time in their lives, we tend to look at calves as a group and from too far away. Not walking up close and personal with calves is like assessing the performance of cars by watching them as they pass by on the highway. As long as the traffic keeps moving, we could assume that all the cars are in good working order. We all know it takes much more careful analysis and maintenance to get longevity and performance from a car. The same applies to calves on a farm.

What Should You Be Looking For?

In the simplest terms, calf managers are looking for indicators of potential problems. Not once a day. Not once a week. They check calves often, walking through from youngest to oldest to avoid transmitting diseases. Is every calf healthy? There are so many factors that can influence the final result that regular oversight is important. The key is to be on the lookout for danger signals. Don’t overlook anything.

Head to Tails

Everyone who works with calves develops a list of indicators they look for, but a simple rule to follow is to do a quick check of the entire calf. Looking from head to tail…observing one section at a time is the proven way to make sure nothing slips through the cracks. You may say that you don’t have time to be this thorough, but this is actually a pretty fast and efficient way to get through the process. Of course, you can choose not to look closely. That indeed may be easier, but it would also be the most costly.

Take Note!

Unless you only have a few calves to monitor, you need to have a method for recording your notes. Memories are fallible and with other distractions all around you, it is best to have notes you can refer to and act upon as needed. Look at every calf, using whatever system you have for covering all the important points. Record the ear tag number and concerns, if there are any. It’s worth mentioning again that prudent managers work from the youngest to the oldest to keep from transmitting anything contagious from one group to the most vulnerable one. Often calves are fed by more than one person. It is paramount that records be available for any calf that is sick. The degree of sophistication of the record keeping system will depend on the size of the calf herd and the on-farm software system which is being used. A white board with the ear tag numbers of sick calves is good for the calf caretakers. It is also beneficial for herd managers. They can see at a glance how many calves are not up to par and if calf rearing protocols are working.

Start with the Big Picture. Then Work End to End.

When you observe a calf, the first evaluation should be of the overall health suggested by the coat and the attitude of the animal. A rough hair coat on several calves may be a reason to check closer into calf health over the past few months. Calves that catch your eye may do so because they have shaggy, dull or off color hair coats. Shiny black body hair is one indicator that calves are in good health. Speaking of eye-catching, healthy calves will be aware of you and respond to your presence. If they fail to do so and are lethargic or disinterested, you should note the calf number and pen for further follow up. Healthy calves interact with their environment. Sick calves will separate themselves and could even be unresponsive if you enter into their flight zone. Look for and take note of any unusual behavior.

“Head and Shoulder, Ears and Nose “

After your general overview, it’s time to check much closer. The eyes of calves, the same as with humans, are good indicators of the health of the calf. When health is good, the calf’s eyes will be bright and shiny. The presence of tears, mucus or thick discharge indicates that something needs attention. As well, drooling of saliva, when not sucking on a bottle, is a type of discharge that should receive follow-up.

Sticking with observation around the head, it is time to note the ears. In healthy animals, there is no crusty discharge and the ears are carried straight out and are responsive to noises. A sick calf conversely has droopy ears.

If you’re familiar with the exercise song, “Head and shoulders, knees and toes”, just give it a slight variation to “Head and shoulders, ears and nose!”. This easy to remember phrase can be a helpful checkpoint in monitoring the` health status of individual calves. Having checked the head carriage and stance of the calf, follow up with a quick look at the ears and nose. As with the ears, we are looking for an unusual discharge. While a wet nose is alright, a snotty discharge should raise concern.

BODY CHECK: Breathing, Bellybuttons, and Bulges

In looking at the calf head to tail, our next area of observation is the main body of the calf. Observe the chest for an indication of ease of breathing. The rise and fall of the calf’s chest indicate respiratory rate and should be neither faster nor slower than other calves around her. Listen for any raspiness or wheezing or calves that are taking shallow breaths. This will help you to determine if there may be a respiratory infection. Drooling from the mouth, if not already noted, is definitely a trigger now for taking the calf’s temperature and then implementing protocols to care for this sick calf.

“Where does it hurt? “

If only calves could talk, that would be the first question to ask. However, since they can’t, we must rely on how things look. As you walk through the calf pens, make a special effort to look at navels. Swelling is one thing you’re looking for. It can be caused by either a navel infection or an umbilical hernia. If your herd is using iodine as a navel dip, it should be obvious for the first day or two after dipping, because of the yellow staining. If you don’t see staining reevaluate your dipping protocol. Overlooking an effective dipping protocol can lead to problems such as navel infection and swollen joints. Once these germs settle in, it is very difficult to treat the calf successfully.

Navel-dipping protocol

To stop problems before they start, work to improve cleanliness in the calving area and improve the navel-dipping protocol.

  • Iodine for navel dipping should be the 7 percent iodine tincture.
  • Apply iodine by dipping the navel into a cup, not by spraying.
  • The dip must cover the umbilical cord and navel where the cord attaches to the body.
  • Disposable paper cups work well for dipping navels.
    • Put about an inch of fresh iodine in the bottom
    • Place the top of the cup over the navel
    • Shake the cup vigorously to thoroughly cover the umbilical cord and navel.
    • Throw away the used cup and any remaining iodine rather than trying to reuse it.
  • Even iodine can lose its disinfecting ability if it has been used over and over.

“Another pair of eyes.”

If you want to surprise yourself, ask your nutrition company consultant or veterinarian to take a look at your calves.  You may be surprised at what you learn from having what is familiar observed from a different perspective or in a more objective light.

“And so we come to the tail end!”

It would seem logical that, if we start looking at calves at the head and ears, we will most likely end with the tail.  Here we are looking for everything to be dry.  Scours always presents with a wet tail, even if you don’t see fresh manure.  If your walk through has discovered streaky walls or watery manure in the bedding, get the calves to move, and it will be easier to discover which one it is coming from. At the other end of the scale, the problem may be hard manure.  This indicates that the calf is not consuming enough water.  Clean, accessible, fresh water is a simple solution for this problem.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Walk.  Look and listen. The goal of every dairy calf manager should be to polish the observation skills of the calf-care team until you can say, “We have the best-looking calf team anywhere!” Use all your senses and don’t overlook anything when looking over your calves.



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TAIL DOCKING: The Long and the Short of it!

Opinions on tail docking cover the full spectrum of views. You might think that there would be a clean division of preferences between On-farm and off-farm thought leaders. This is really not the case. Not all dairy managers and animal care practitioners are in support of tail docking. Not all consumers – especially those familiar with the practice in other species are against it. In reviewing the literature, you can find support or dissension within all sectors. Having said that, time doesn’t stand still and the time is coming for a legal decision.

Clean or Mean. What is the Verdict?

The case for tail docking does not boil down to a simple conflict of the dairy community versus the non-agricultural camp. For a long time, it never really was settled which side was right –regardless of where the support came from. There were people from both sides, within both camps.

One clear shift is that research is becoming more aligned against the practice of tail docking. As long ago as 2002, the Journal of the American Dairy Journal published “The Effects of Tail Docking on Milk Quality and Cow Cleanliness” D.A. Schreiner and P.L Ruegg). The abstract stated:

“There was no significant difference between treatment groups for somatic cell count. The prevalence of contagious, environmental, or minor pathogens did not differ significantly between treatment groups. This study did not identify any differences in udder or leg hygiene or milk quality that could be attributed to tail docking.”

How Are Opinions Formed?

Here at The Bullvine we are well aware that scientific support does not necessarily sway consumer and public opinion, but two things may be having an effect on this situation. First off is that we all tend to respect opinions of those that we feel are well-informed, credible and unbiased. In the case of tail docking, it certainly carries weight when veterinarians – who may be closer to the general public than dairy farmers are— take stances against the procedure. Secondly, the scientific data is achieving critical mass on tail docking. Let’s look at these two areas.

Tail Docking is Tailing Off with Veterinarians

The country’s leading veterinary organizations have long held opinions against tail docking. The American Veterinary Medical Association, which represents over 88,000 veterinarians, came out against tail docking in 2004. They raised concerns about the pain and distress it can cause animals. The organization’s 2014 review on the welfare implications of tail docking on cattle cites 34 studies, surveys, and positions taken on tail docking. It is interesting that the review included that there is a general lack of perceived benefits to docked cattle over intact cattle. This included the often cited claims regarding cleanliness, somatic cell count, or udder health. That leaves tail docking as a management procedure that has no benefit.

However, even within the veterinary association they did not have a unanimous decision. It was a contentious discussion each time it came up,” says Riddell and reports that the contention continues. At this time, “the committee has reviewed but not reconsidered that 2010 decision.”

Science is Achieving Critical Mass

The original cow sense position held that those working herd-side concluded that long tails make milking more hazardous for workers, increased the dirt and germs on udders and contributed to poorer milk quality. In carrying out their responsibility to members, national organizations such as NMPF’s board of directors sought and continue to seek direction from animal welfare committees made up of scientists, industry representatives, and farmers. There is growing proof, scientifically supported, that is swaying opinion toward ending tail docking. The following points are taken from published studies:

  • Leptospirosis in milkers has no relationship to tail docking (Mackintosh, 1982)
  • No studies have shown statistical differences in udder cleanliness or somatic cell count (SCC) (Eicher, 2001 and Tucker, 2001)
  • While leg cleanliness scores were improved in docked cattle, no statistical differences were shown in SCC, udder cleanliness, and intramammary infections (Schrader, 2001)
  • Conversely, tail tip necrosis was found in one Ontario slaughter plant, with 3.4% having infections (Drolia, 1991).
  • Tail tip lesions occur most often in cattle with intact tails on slats, followed by cows with docked tails on slats (Schrader, 2001).
  • Two studies found no differences in performance of docked versus intact cattle on slats (Grooms, 2010 and Kroll, 2014).

Legislation Forecasts the Tail End of Tail Docking

Fifteen years ago, the issue of tail docking was not deemed a high priority and was largely left to producers’ choice. It has, however, become much more front and center with the growing public concern over animal treatment. Seven years ago (2009) California banned the practice of tail docking. The National Dairy FARM program established by the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) set 2022 as the expiration date for tail-docking. As with many things that have a far off horizon, it was easy to become complacent and not proactively prepare for the end game scenario. That 2022 date has since been moved forward to January 1, 2017. The support for the move includes high profile commercial enterprises, including Walmart, Chobani, Kroger, and Starbucks. With them taking public positions against the practice alongside NMPF, it would appear, therefore, to be industry wide support. Not quite so.

Are the Dairy Industry and the Public Still divided?

Recently much more reviews and literature are being published that raise animal welfare concerns. Data is being collected regarding pain from “mild distress” or a “Mild response” to “discomfort”. As happens with human amputees, one study found phantom pain following an amputation, when tested in sensitivity to heat or cold. In some cases, gangrene and tetanus have been reported in association with tail docking. Studies have also been done to see if there were differences in stress levels between heifers that were docked and three-month-old calves that were docked. No statistically significant higher blood cortisol (stress) levels were found.

Looking further into tail docking, we come to how it affects cattle behavior. Studies have reported that tail docking has a limiting effect on normal signaling behavior. As well, tail docking significantly affects fly control, with more flies found on docked young cows and calves.

Thus, reviews are finding that the benefits of tail docking are being outweighed by the problems. Alternative management solutions are better answer to tail problems. For example, lower stocking density would lower the risk of tail trampling.

“Is The Tail Wagging the Dog?”

It often seems that, by the time the problem has achieved spotlight status, we are already too late in determining how the situation got to this level of crisis. On the one hand, it is argued that consumers are largely unaware of the reasons tail docking is being done. Their only exposure may be with dog breeding, where it is largely cosmetic or to retain show dog characteristics. While more transparent communication may have helped, at this point it could be too little, too late.

Also weighing on the minds of observers is the question, “Why is a producer-led organization doing something to limit management options?” First thought would be that they would be on the “other” side! A recent article in Agri-Talk addressed this point, “NMPF’s CEO Jim Mulhern told the crowd at the NMPF/DMI annual meeting that he knew it would be unpopular, but this was a case of leadership where they needed to put a hot topic behind them. He also saw it as a chance to make one decision, rather than a patchwork of requirements pushed by processors.” It is also important to look to the future, as Mulhern added, “Many are establishing their own policies as companies to require their milk supply to come from farms that don’t use this practice.” A food supplier always needs to meet the requirements of those buy the products.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Animal welfare is a complex issue that is interwoven throughout the food production industry.

Producers and consumers want the same thing: healthy well-cared for animals producing healthy food products. Although it’s a serious topic, with serious implications sometimes we may see more clearly, when we take a lighter viewpoint and accept that we must always move forward because, “When it comes to tail docking, it would appear that there are no shortcuts!”

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Yellow Briar Farms: The Cows Are Sold But The Memories Are Priceless!

“Yellow Briar Ayrshire Farm isn’t on TV or listed in travel brochures of Southern Ontario but at eleven o’clock on Saturday morning it was the center of dairy farming not just for the Stephens family but for their friends, neighbours and farming colleagues as fifty years of dairy farming saw 70 head go under the auction hammer in Troy.”


Change the name and location and you will find similar events happening all over North America as the aging baby boomer generation decide to take the next … or even the last … step in their dairy journey. There is nothing unique about families dispersing the dairy herd that has been their 24/7 life for several decades.


“Three generations of ‘The Bullvine’ marvelled at the coating of ice that covered barns, eves and the auction tent as we drove up the typical farm lane that is the introduction to Yellow Briar.  After getting parked, the walk back through the barns to the sales arena was like a meet and greet of what has become a dwindling number of local dairy farmers.  Those who had already sold out of dairying compared how it was on their sale day.  Those who grew up with the “Stephen’s boys” compared how the next generation was growing up and looked just like Mom or Dad or Grandma or Grandpa.”

Champion Classic Team that contained 3 Hunt children as well as 3 Stephens boys.

Champion Classic Team that contained 3 Hunt children as well as 3 Stephens boys.

That single day when a multi-generation dairy herd goes under the hammer presents every range of emotion.  Excitement for the future.  Anticipation for a profitable sale.  Nerves about what comes next, After all, for 50 years or more, life on the dairy farm has been solely focused on raising, breeding, caring for and showing dairy cattle. Nothing against other careers but dairy farming doesn’t wind down in the same graceful way that other careers do.  Even though it seems to take forever to arrive,  the day of that final sale seems almost unexpected. The whirlwind of cattle fitting, catalogue details and keeping the cattle and the prep crew fed and happy is a high intensity contrast to that moment when the last of the sale cattle roll out the lane and a new — non-milking routine begins. Is this what we really want?

john and grand

“The story of Yellow Briar embraces a history of generations of family and the roots that go deep into the community.  As our Huntsdale Holstein and Yellow Briar Ayrshire families shared community activities and show ring teams, the legends (some true, some embroidered) have grown as four generations shared fun and hard work that will always be fondly remembered.”


For those who may unexpectedly pass by a dairy dispersal, they probably wonder what exactly has compelled people to park down both sides of the highway outside the entrance to that farm and may not have anything more than the words “Auction Today” to answer their questions.  They might not be aware of the years of planning and breeding that saw this dairy provide sustenance for families, dairy stars born, judging skills developed and milking records completed and center stage at the very best shows. Unless you have lived it, it’s hard to explain, all the love, sweat and tears that build a life’s work.


“As I sit a ringside — absolutely loving the roll of the auctioneer’s call – and the excited shouts of the ringmen, I was in the perfect place to see the full spectrum of emotions slipping across the faces of the Stephen’s family.  Happiness in welcoming friends and neighbours.  Welling of tears as the progress of the sale also marks the approaching end of one way of life and the start of something different.”


So many factors impact the “success” of a dairy dispersal.  The quality of the cattle.  The size of the market.  The effectiveness of the marketing.  The hard work of the family and the sales team.  Even weather plays a role.  Who would have foreseen an ice storm in March 24th? Oh yes and how is the dollar doing?


“Explaining to a city person that there is excitement in listening to the auctioneer and pedigree reader count the opportunities that are being presented for those in attendance. They put their entreaties before those in the crowd and wait patiently for those who are on phones.  Cattle dispersals are international.  And also inter-generational. For our grandchildren hearing the large dollar amounts gradually going higher and higher until the hammer slams down may have given them one more reason to like the cows that Daddy is so passionate about.”


Looking around a dairy dispersal, you will see folks from all aspects of the industry. Breed officials.  International dairy owners.  Auctioneers.  People in sales.  Show personalities.  The dream is that there will be a balance between getting a great price for the sellers and getting a great price for the buyers.  The one side is taking a final step.  The other continues to build their herd or someone else’s for the future. It’s not always easy for either one.  It doesn’t always work out for everybody.  But one thing every dairy person is familiar with, you must always “keep on going”. Forward is the only direction that counts.

“Yellow Briar isn’t just cows.  It’s Marilyn’s good food from the bounty of homegrown vegetables and fruit.  That will go on. It’s shared experiences on local fair committees. That will continue.  It’s their three kids and our three sharing past memories and making new ones in the modern dairy industry. More to come.  It’s knowing that John is just one phone call away from helping with whatever you need. Hay wagons, bale wrapping or getting a stuck tractor out of a mud hole. The sharing and caring will continue.” 

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Even though the paths between starting, growing and dispersing dairy farms may become less travelled and perhaps worn, the friendships forged will never wear out.  Congratulations to the Stephen’s family for what you have accomplished and all the best, as you look forward to what is yet to come!



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FARM BOOTS and CAREER MOVES. Ag Grads Juggle Multiple Job Offers.

If you have an agricultural background, there are three things you need to know about university and the post-graduation job market.

The GOOD NEWS:                  This year nearly 2 million college students will graduate from college with a bachelor’s degree.
The BIG QUESTION:                Will graduates find a job?
The SIMPLE ANSWER:            Yes…if they majored in agriculture.

You may be surprised to hear this, especially if you are aware of the challenges that face some branches of agriculture and the world economics of dairy farming in the past several years.  If you have college age children who are graduating, you may also be swayed by the “graduating gloom” that pervades these young people, as they leave higher learning to enter the workforce, often accompanied by debt.

Yes!  There is a shortage.  But it’s a shortage of graduates NOT a shortage of jobs.

According to a report released nine months ago by the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture and Purdue University, employers have 57,9000 job openings in agriculture and related fields each year.  But just 35,400 students graduate annually with a bachelor’s degree or higher in agriculture.  That means there is a shortfall of 22,500 ag graduates! If you’re graduating this year or selecting courses in university, it’s a good plan to customize your resume or your curriculum to make the most of your agricultural interests and assets.

The grass is greener on the Ag side of the career fence.

All employers face a catch 22 situation.  They look for entry level employees but find that it’s a challenge for them to find someone with practical experience before that graduate has had a chance for hands-on experience.  A farm background is like the ‘farm league’ for a major sports team.  Employers look here to see who has the skills, work ethic and passion to contribute to their business team.  Many “ag” kids have those attributes in spades!  These grads are known to cross the urban/rural work line easier than those who don’t have comparable hands on experience. Farm life, 4-H, and multi-tasking from an early age means they have experience that will translate well into project management, work logistics, business analysis and commitment to starting and finishing what they start.

Growth in job opportunities will vary.

The facts reported by the USDA study don’t mean that the picture is rosy for everyone.  Some employers will struggle to find enough graduates to fill jobs.  In a few areas, employers will find an oversupply of job applicants.  As well, companies will continue to face the challenge of hiring a diverse workforce reflective of society as a whole.  Generally speaking, this is good news for Ag graduates.  By it’s very nature agriculture is all-inclusive when it comes to practical training to manage climbing the career ladder.  Employers recognize how important self-motivation, work ethic, and passion is to moving their businesses forward, and ag graduates have had numerous practical experiences in learning and applying these skills. Being able to relate to employer’s needs is one of many opportunities that ag graduates have to differentiate themselves in the competitive job market.

“The agriculture workforce is shrinking with age.”

The modern agricultural workplace is not immune from the major changes that are affecting all businesses.  One of the major ones is the aging workforce.  About 25 percent of the existing professional agriculture and food workforce is 55 and older. Inevitably retirement will become the next step for this large group.  Simultaneously this will mean that there will be new opportunities for a steady flow of young people. Discerning employers and human resources departments are planning and preparing ways to handle this migration so that outgoing and incoming changes don’t negatively affect their workforce and financial sustainability.

“Ag students need to be prepared for these opportunities!”

Those who don’t prepare for the job market, even if they have the right background and skills, are overlooking ways to get themselves to the front of the pack.  Practical experience is always an asset.  Many ag students work as summer interns in areas where they have or want to gain expertise.  Graduates who are mobile will also have more job offers, especially if they are willing to use their technical and professional skills in other states or countries.

“How much ag background is needed?”

Full-time employment for new graduates in the agriculture industry spans dozens of fields with nothing more in common than that they work with crops or animals at some point along the production chain.  No wonder knowing what to expect from this industry is tough.  Throw into the mix the fact that there are ever-changing demands from consumers and society, and it is clear that ag careers are raising the bar to a place where job skills include fielding hard questions and media challenges. Once again many ag raised grads have had experience with this aspect of modern society’s not always friendly focus on the food production industry.

Having said that, there are still many significant areas that the USDA research is reporting as having great potential for job seekers between 2015 to 2020.

Here are five areas that are reporting needs for Ag grads.

  1. Veterinarians
    “Graduates with expertise and experience in traditional food animal production will be in demand, especially in poultry, dairy, and swine operations.”
  2. Nutrition
    “Consumer demand for nutritious and safe food will contribute to the high demand for food scientists and technologists in new production development, food processing, and food safety. Food-animal nutritionists will see a continued strong employment market in research and development programs connected with feed and animal health”
  3. Technology.
    “As companies explore the precision ag space, they will be looking for job candidates with experience with software, hardware, and agriculture to develop and enhance their offerings.”
  4. Sustainable
    As the number of specialty producers of fruits, vegetables, and organic products (to name a few) grows, so will the need for knowledgeable workers and advisors. “Graduates with degrees in sustainable crop production and management will likely fare better in the employment market than will those with degrees in animal production and management.”
  5. Management and business.
    Almost 50% of the new ag-related jobs each year are found in this area. “Most graduates with bachelor’s degrees in business management will enter sales and technical and service jobs.  Those with advanced degrees will more likely begin careers as economists, financial analysts, lending executives, marketing managers and human resources specialists.”

Where do you fit in best?

College graduates with an ag background or an ag degree will no doubt find they can make the best of both worlds.  Long gone is the narrow view of agriculture that only saw it as a production industry.  Everyone from the farm gate to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack is singing the praises of ag. “It’s not just production agriculture now, but this is an expanding, entrepreneurial, creative, opportunistic aspect of our economy that I think will continue.” One of the consultants in USDA’s job study summed it up perfectly, “People realize that this sector isn’t our traditional ‘cows, plows and sows’ industry anymore.  It’s tremendously diverse.”

“Show me the money!”

We’ve covered a lot of positive aspects of getting a job offer upon graduation.  Last, but far from least, is a quick overview of what kind of remuneration can be expected. According to Mike Gaul, career services director for Iowa State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences “The average starting salary for ag college’s 2014 grad was about $48,000-with around half going out at about $50,000.”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Regardless of whether you are entering or graduating from university, make sure you consider to emphasize your agricultural background as you look at the broad range of opportunities within agricultural business. Not only will you be warmly welcomed by employers but you will also have the satisfaction of working in a field that addresses the world’s most significant challenge…food production. Great work!



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“If it ain’t broke don’t fix it!”
Everyone on the dairy farm knows how to start feeding calves.  At least they think they do.  The problem may not be in the way they feed colostrum, but in the way they measure success.  Calves are born.  Calves are fed colostrum.  Calves do well.  Until they don’t. The sneaky hidden challenges or problems can be overlooked by seeing what appears to be a healthy calf.

“How much does it cost?”
Here again it’s the method of measurement that could be the problem. Many times if you write a check for the input that alone makes it seems to costly. However, anyone who feels that feeding the mother’s naturally produced colostrum is “free” is only fooling themselves.  Milk costs money.  You should always know the real cost to produce milk on your farm including each step from raising your herd to filling the bulk tank.  Secondly, not all costs are out of today’s pocket.  If a calf grows into a poorly performing milk cow, do we ever look back and determine if those first few days of her life had any cause and effect on that situation.

“It’s too much work!”
In the dairy business we often grow into the work practices that we use.  When you perform the same skill repeatedly, you modify your methods, tools and results as time goes on.  Or maybe you don’t.  This is true for feeding of colostrum. Many times the best way can gradually give way to the fastest or easiest way.

“My part of the calf program is successful just the way it is!”
Sometimes the person or team who manage calf care and feeding do not overlap with the team that works in the milkhouse.  There may not be dialogue on what is working and what is not so successful.  One should be especially aware that a calf that does not make it into the milk line is a major failure of the program.

“I want the best colostrum.  Does that mean fresh, frozen or replacement?”
Dairy farmers love to talk dairy and here at The Bullvine we are thoroughly enjoying the input and insights we get through the magazine and through discussions on The Milk House. Recently colostrum came up for discussion with this question: “What’s everyone’s opinion on feeding colostrum vs. colostrum replacer? We’re paying $30/bag of colostrum replacer we feed fresh colostrum if the calf is born in the morning.  We never freeze colostrum but are starting to think about it since it’s just going down the drain anyway.  Opinion on freezing it? Tried it years ago and had terrible luck with it.” What followed was a fantastic discussion that spilled over into emails, phone calls and even my extended family had interesting viewpoints.

“Mother’s Milk”
A Milk House member started the discussion by reporting, “According to Mike Van Ambrugh of Cornell, you should always feed the colostrum from the dam to the calf.  That cow has a unique set of antibodies in the milk that will help the calf succeed.” A response quickly came in noting the downside of this factual viewpoint which was being experienced on their farm. “Sometimes you can’t feed the mother’s milk. We can’t feed our heifers mom’s colostrum due to Leucosis positive cows.  Until we know exactly who is positive and who is negative, all heifers get colostrum replacer.  Bulls get whatever mom gives unless we’re keeping the bull then he gets the replacer too!” Some skeptics may quickly say that they don’t have a leucosis problem. That too was addressed by one respondent. “We just recently found out that Leucosis was an issue, when a cow presented with visible symptoms of it.”  Many others chimed in with a list of other reasons that make it impossible to give mother’s milk. “If the cow dies, it is a downer cow –or for various reasons, you cannot get her milked in time.”  Two key questions were also raised, “What if her colostrum is not good enough? Or she doesn’t produce enough?”

“Who knows the best way to manage colostrum feedings?”
Dairy folk are no different than any other business managers.  When looking for advice, we can look until we find the answer that supports what we are already doing thus avoiding any need for the dreaded change situation.  Of course, it is always wise to consider where the advice is coming from.  Don’t fall into assuming that if you read it or heard it, that it must be right.

“Develop your own colostrum protocol.”

It is always a good idea to have well thought out best practices for managing colostrum feeding. One dairy person wrote. “I save colostrum from ladies who are 5+ year old and have two negative Johnes tests…especially for first calf heifers.” Another manager explained, “It depends for us.  If it’s nowhere near milking and we don’t have any colostrum frozen, we use a mix. If we milk the cow right away or if she will let us strip her, we will.” There are many variations and one that we heard was this one. “We always freeze colostrum from older cows in jugs. If she’s a second calver or older, we will milk or strip her for the calf.  All heifer calves from heifers get frozen colostrum.”

“I’m not changing!”
As you can imagine, opinions about colostrum vary widely in exactly the same way that our readership represents a broad spectrum of dairy folks.  One stated emphatically, “I would rather have colostrum from my own cows instead of replacer any day.”  The reasoning was clearly stated. “It doesn’t make sense to me to buy someone else’s crap even though it’s ‘superior’ when we vaccinate our cattle etc. so the colostrum should be a ‘good’ fit for our calf’s needs.” The clincher came down to money. “Colostrum is ridiculously priced if you ask me…margins on it are just amazing I imagine.” These are good points provided one major question is accurately determined. “Whether your colostrum is home grown or purchased, make sure it has been tested” This is not an area to base on your assumptions!

“Colostrum MUST be tested!” 

Personally, many of us felt that the best advice shared was that all colostrum must be tested.  “Test with a brix meter.” “We only freeze colostrum that’s over 25 on the Brix scale.” One reader expressed another question, “Where does one find a Brix?  I have seen several people mention them. I have only heard of Brix being measured for grapes.”  The answer was concise.” It’s one and the same…just Google. We purchase through local vets.”

“Great discussion.  I might be changing our SOPs.”

Choices always turn on what actually works on the dairy operation. “We vaccinate our cows with the rotavac corona vaccine.  We bring cows in ASAP after calving, clean the teats with wipes, then collect the colostrum.  We test it with a Brix refractometer—above 24% we will put into an Udder Perfect bag and add potassium.” Sounds good and may influence other dairy managers. “All of our cows get their mums colostrum and they do great.  But, seeing the posts about people checking the quality of colostrum has made me want to try testing just to see what the results would be.”

“What containers do you use for colostrum?”
There were many suggestions for how to collect colostrum, with many contributors suggesting gallon zip lock bags or gallon freezer bags.  “I double bag in 2 gallon freezer bags.” One suggestion was to “Only fill with 1 newborn feeding (depends on your breed and size). I lay them in the large wash vat sink to warm them.” Perfect Udder Bags received a lot of support. “All the colostrum for our heifers is in Perfect Udder Bags.  We switched about 2 years ago and will never go back to anything else.  We pasteurize, store, freeze and reheat them with little to no trouble.  We have an occasional bag break but very few.  We will keep bags froze up to 6 months but it never lasts that long around here.”

“Colostrum mistaken identity.”
It isn’t surprising that sometimes people can be confused when they discover colostrum in half gallon jugs, coffee cans or other suitable containers. The best story came from the dairy which used pails. “We typically freeze our colostrum in 2 gallon pails. I did that and Boy, was my hubby in for a shock when he grabbed the ice cream.  We learned to keep the ice cream in a separate freezer now.  I used to have to really watch.”

“Thawing must be done with precision.”
After carefully making all the right decisions, it is especially important not to ruin it all by improper preparation of the colostrum.  “You are supposed to thaw frozen colostrum slowly in warm, not hot, water – not above 60 degrees. And not below 50 degrees centigrade. ““Don’t microwave it.”  When mixing colostrum speed must be sacrificed for correctness.  ALWAYS follow directions exactly.  This is not the time to think more about your time than about the needs of the calf.

“Colostrum is a revenue stream”

Sometimes you just can’t help looking at the dollar difference. “What we do is basically sell all our surplus colostrum to a company and we buy the powder replacement.” Another says, “We sell to a company that makes replacer and to a neighbor who occasionally needs some for a new fawn.”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

We have only started to consider the many factors that must be assessed when setting up an effect colostrum protocol for your dairy. One breeder summed up.  Always take into consideration that there are factors in colostrum that you can’t immediately see i.e. growth hormones, the health and vitality of the new calf, scour rates.  Many factors affect milk production in their lifetime and they are now being linked back to colostrum.”  Best regards to you in getting your herd off to a great start!



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Cracked & Rough…What Real Dairy Farmers Can Do To Take Care of Their Hands

Our hands are the first touch point with the many physical connections dairymen make every day. From shaking hands with a farm visitor to milking cows, we may not realize how important our hands are until they became so dry, cracked and rough that what should be an easy task becomes painful.  How well do your hands withstand winter’s harsh conditions and the 24-7 skin challenges of dairy farming? If you’re answer is “Nothing seems to work” then here is information and several steps you can use to repair, protect and soothe your hands.

Overworked hands are vulnerable hands

The first step in helping your hands to stay healthy is understanding what it is that is causing the problem.  It all starts when the outer layer of skin is compromised.  Ideally, skin is meant to hold onto moisture and rejuvenate itself naturally.  But constant exposure to bad weather, dirt, chemicals and the sun can gradually damage this layer. Let’s take a look closer at four factors that cause damage.

  1. People who consistently have to wash their hands or immerse their hands in water experience a loss of moisture, as the water steals the skin’s natural moisturizing oils away
  2. People who work with chemicals on a daily basis, or who regularly use chemical-based household cleaners, often have severely chapped hands. These chemicals rob the skin of its moisture, and damage the outer layer, leaving skin vulnerable to all kinds of problems.
  3. Old-fashioned soap bars are drying to the skin. Many of today’s commercial clensers and hand soaps also disrupt skin’s natural integrity, which slows the natural process of skin repair and creates dryness and cracking.
  4. Dry air. Air such as that which occurs in dry climates and during the cold, winter months, saps moisture out of the skin.

Other factors, such as medical skin conditions (like psoriasis and eczema), allergens, and certain medications, can also contribute to dry, cracking skin.

Dairy farming is hands on!

Constant use of our hands — especially in winter conditions – can lead to damage.  Once hands become dry and cracked, everything we do with them can make the damage much worse. It sometimes seems like the skin will never feel smooth again.  (I remember my father-in-law’s hands and the measures he would take to speed up the healing process. My heart went out to him each winter as he found creative ways to heal the fissures that opened up in his hands).

Products Suggested On The Milk House

Before we start into the whys and wherefores of hand care, let’s consider what other people have tried.  First we must recognize that not everything works for everyone in the same way. A recent discussion on The Milk House also included suggestions of name brand salves, creams, and lotions (Read more: INTRODUCING THE MILK HOUSE – DAIRY BREEDER NETWORKING ON FACEBOOK). The Bullvine is not making specific promotions or endorsements but merely giving the widest possible picture of what the options might be.

Personal Experiences Provide Hands-On Insight

Many readers of The Bullvine and The Milk House have personal experience with the discomfort of sore hands.  I went to them and other friends in the medical profession and hair salons.  For those who work 24/7 with their hands, taking time off until they heal is not an option.

Several dairy folks, a nurse, and workers in my local hair salon shared what they have learned from trial and error. One suggestion that came from more than one of those whose hands reached the cracked and bleeding stage was using an emery board and finger nail file to sand down the cracks. “I use a fingernail file to move all the dry, dead or thick skin. Getting the old skin off is the key. Afterward, the lotion and salve soak in better.” Those who have tried this agree that the quick heal is worth the brief pain. One intriguing suggestion was to paint the cracks with 2 or 3 layers of clear nail polish. “It’s inexpensive and very effective at protecting those areas.  I can work and just sand and reapply as needed until they heal.” I have personal experience watching husband Murray use Crazy Glue or Super Glue. Some report that this method stings for a few secs when first applied, but Murray reports “It was stinging before the treatment, so it isn’t any more painful, and it protects the opening from germs, and usually heals within 2 to 3 days.” Of course, everyone needs motivation, and Murray maintains that one of his motivators was “my wife”!


Water plays several roles in both good and bad hands. Start with drinking water.  It’s easy to get dehydrated and not realize it. Then there is the water you immerse your hands in during your work day.  On the one hand, it seems that water should be enough for the moisture in your hands.  In fact, the opposite is true.  Constant exposure to water can be very drying, so the first three words to memorize after your hands have been in water are:

“Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize”

After each and every wash, moisturize your hands.  Some even go so far as to carry moisturizer all the time. It’s up to you to take charge of healing parched scaly hands.

“Some Like It Hot! But Cool is Kinder!”

The next step may take changing your headset regarding water temperature.  Use lukewarm water. Water that’s either hot or cold can make the problem worse. So the next time you’re tempted to turn the heat up, make sure lukewarm is the highest you go, if you want your hands to be happy.

“Skip the Bar”

By its very nature dairying makes us conscious of avoiding germs.  Being told to avoid soap if you can, seems to go against the grain. Dermatologists say soap can actually make your skin feel dry, by stripping oils from the skin. If you must use soap, avoid formulas with synthetic fragrances, preservatives, and sulfates, as these are all drying.  Foaming and antibacterial soaps also strip your skin of its natural fats and oils.  One option is to choose moisturizing cleansers instead and be sure you rinse thoroughly.

“Go Undercover! ”

The extreme condition of your working hands means that you must take every opportunity to protect your hands.  A good rule of thumb (pun intended) is to be aware whenever you might be working with something that you wouldn’t apply to your face; you should wear gloves. Yes, this is occasionally inconvenient but think about what you ask your hands to do over and over again.  When hands are healthy, you use them like they are gloved to touch harsh chemicals.  Normally that isn’t a problem because healthy hand skin is a pretty good barrier, but the chapped skin is broken.  “Harsh chemicals get through chapped skin, irritating it like putting lemon juice on a cut.”  The best approach is to wear gloves.  Many feel that wearing milking gloves under work gloves is the right approach. “Lotions for healing cow’s teats and udders worn under nitrile gloves while you milk rally help.  You are using your hands so much when you milk, that it messages your hands at the same time.” A good tip is to avoid vinyl gloves.  They can make skin even more dry.  Instead, use cotton or leather.

“Prevention is 9/10ths of the Cure.”

You may already do many of the things mentioned so far, but sometimes we forget.  The best treatment is always prevention. So whether you’re in the barn, the fields or just washing up in the milkhouse, protect your hands from damage.

“Sleep On It”

This next step doesn’t cut into your work day.  At night, once you chose a proper pair of gloves, slather on your favorite hand cream or you could just use Vaseline and put them on.

The gloves will ensure that the slave stays put.  Even a single overnight session will go a long way towards healing your hands.  Keep experimenting until you find a heavy-duty moisturizer that is free of fragrance and all of the additives that contribute to drying your hard-working hands. Some of those I spoke to said that they add two further steps to their glove program. “I start my soaking my hands first to open up the cells so that they will take up the cream.” Then they add one final protection. “After I apply Vaseline I wrap my hands in saran wrap and then the gloves. This works great on feet too!” The whole purpose to get the healing below the damaged dried out upper layers of skin.

“Old School.  Raise Your Hand!”

There are always those who have a slightly different perspective on problems and their solutions, especially when it seems somewhat self-centered. One Milk House reader explained his reasoning, “When I was younger, cracked chapped hands were a symbol to wear proudly.  It showed that you worked hard, and you were a real man.  I’m still a little too old school to use anything too sissified, but I have been known to get bag balm on my hands when doctoring a cow.” From the other end of the spectrum, a reader who wears gloves and salves replied, “I don’t like cracked hands when feeding calves. The acid and detergent water get in there and that crap burns!  If I’m sissy for that, so be it!”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

You use your hands constantly.  When your skin finally cracks and chaps, it affects everything you do. Be proactive when it comes to caring for the health of your skin.  Lock that moisture in long before your hands start drying out, and you will be as comfortable at work as you are going out for a nice dinner.



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Your Dairy Mess & How To Declutter It!

Business experts agree that a messy office has a direct impact on your reputation as a dairy manager and also affects how people will work with you.  Some will assume that your office chaos will spill over onto any business dealings they might have with you.  At the very least, they worry that their files could be lost in your mess. With the approaching tax deadline, there are even more reasons to make sure your office is organized and well-maintained.

Are we suggesting that we need office inspectors?

With all the stresses of dairy farming, do we really need one more?  Many feel that people read too much into a messy office.  Of course the same could be said of a super neat one.  How do you know whether they’re truly neat or whether they just bagged everything up and threw it in a closet before you dropped in?

The state of your office isn’t the only measure of your dairy business strengths

There are many talents that must be developed when you are committed to making your dairy operation the best that it can be. Nevertheless, having your office materials well-organized does help with that all-important first impression.  As time goes on, it also helps in building an ongoing working relationship. People coming into your well-organized office are more likely to recognize that doing business with you is efficient and effective.

Here are 4 benefits of a clean office.

  1. Mess equals stress.
    When you feel stress, it’s easier to blame a supplier or staff or both for the problem or problems at hand. A decluttered office makes you feel calm and relaxed. You are more likely to find solutions that are needed, when you aren’t overwhelmed by papers that are missing.
  2. Being organized saves time.
    The less stuff there is, the less you have to clean, put away and maintain. Constantly sorting and moving stuff is a vicious cycle. The 24/7 nature of dairy life doesn’t need added workload in the office. When you have less stuff to deal with, you have more time for your priorities. Don’t underestimate it.
  3. Focus filing means a better bottom line
    Spending hours searching, sifting and screaming is both counterproductive and costly. Once you are able to step into a decluttered office, you will be able to get things done without being distracted or overwhelmed by mess.
  4. No more “tax”ing headaches

Do your nerves gradually tense up as tax deadlines approach? Wouldn’t it be great to know where the stuff you need is every single time? When you organize the important things and clear away the rest, you will never panic again. Ready and on time. Awesome.

What does your office say about your dairy?

You are well aware that cows and milk production are the top priorities of your work day. But just as your cows and equipment make an impression on others, your workspace gives suppliers and consultants a distinct impression about you. “Everything in your office sends a message, whether you want it to or not.” So what might people be thinking when they step into your office. 

“This manager has his finger on everything that goes on here

Whether you have been in the dairy business 20 months or 20 years, there are challenges to be met every day.  You have to deal with veterinarians, your dairy staff, your family, the banker and countless suppliers and consultants who want a piece of you and your wallet.  Organize your office so that you can meet your goals while having a productive dialogue with each of these stakeholders.

“I was successful and with it in the past!”

Awards.  Trophies.  Certificates.  These can mark a successful career.  Or they can become faded … and dusty … with dates more that a decade old! The same is true of your family gallery. If you have a grad picture of your daughter her figure skating photo when she was five is overkill.  And your desk should never parade your hairstyles of the past decade.  Make it a point to update photos.  Don’t simply add frames. The past is past!

“Meet my support crew! ‘Candy’, ‘Caffeine’ and “Cigarettes’!

Not everyone sees themselves as an amateur detective but sometimes the evidence is just too obvious to miss.  A full candy dish, pop and beer cans says that perhaps your backup team is the first thing you reach for. A desk cluttered with empty coffee cups and energy drinks may be sending a message about your time management … or lack of it.

“I can’t even manage the small details. Don’t give me something big to think about.”

When every corner is stacked with boxes and all the flat surfaces are buried under teetering piles of paper, half-eaten pizzas and crumpled invoices, scraps of paper and unknown equipment parts, it is hard to believe that this is an organization focused on leading edge milk production, dairy genetics or achieving ever higher benchmarks.

“I don’t have time for new information”

Sometimes an office doesn’t have to be cluttered or messy to send a message.  In fact, an office with sticky notes everywhere and corkboards an inch deep in paper and pins is not short of organization, it could merely be short of effective organization.  If a light breeze would disturb the priority order of your routine, it’s time to pull down the sticky notes and start compiling your lists and information in a way more befitting the 21t century.  Now put a note up about that upcoming computer seminar training series!

So how do you transform your workspace to tell your story?

Ask yourself these questions.

What is your dairy business all about?

What makes your family and staff proud?

What story and image do you want to convey that sets you apart from your competition? What will inspire you and the people who share your space?

Here are 6 ways to begin your dairy office transformation.

  1. Start with one small step at a time. It is a common but fatal mistake to pull everything out all at once and try to tackle the whole mess at once. Much better and more successful is simply tackling one area at a time. The desktop. One file drawer.  One shelf.
  2. Never make more mess than you can clean up in fifteen minutes. To keep yourself committed to the final outcome, stop after a set time period. Do every day until every area in your office has a place for everything and everything in its place.
  3. Schedule a declutter day. For some, steps one and two may be too slow.  This means you might want to schedule a declutter day.  Ideally you should find a period of uninterrupted time that you know can be made available for tackling a big office issues: tax files; legal documents or shredding of documents. Although this is a bigger undertaking, it is important not to take on more than you can handle in the time you have available.
  4. Go paperless. Get rid of unnecessary paper and magazines. Scan the articles you know you will need.  Throw away the rest.  Uploading documents makes them accessible from anywhere.
  5. Set up a system of flow through that works for you. Dairy folks have years of hands on experience making sure that their dairy cattle are in the right place at the right time. Flow through is a concept that is applied from the milkhouse to the show ring. Paper, projects and information that come to the farm should flow through the system in the same organized way.  Assign a folder to the priority tasks you handle with paper and watch your bottom line improve
  6. Get rid of your junk drawer. Many desks have a shallow drawer front and centre. For many this becomes a catch space where you throw thing to get the out of sight. You can go to Pinterest and find hundreds of ways to organize the countless tiny items.  Organization took a huge leap forward for me when I emptied that mini-office-supply store drawer and only keep two things inside:
    1. my daily calendar and
    2. my current project binder there.

First thing every day those two items come out.  I fire up my computer and get to work.  At the end of the day, the calendar and binder go back in the drawer.  On some occasion, my Mac laptop joins them and my desktop is completely clear. It’s amazing how much this clear space helps in keeping everything organized and accessible.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

At the end of your dairy work day, you are the only one who has control over the message sent out by your office layout, logistics and décor. Ideally, your cow sense and dairy results are already speaking loud and clear. Now make sure your office organization supports that message!



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DAIRY REALITY CHECK: Are you Ready to Grow?

What are the key reasons that lead dairy managers to make the decision to expand? Are they purely financial? Or is it related to the long-term viability of the dairy? Maybe they know something about new markets? No.  It’s more complicated than that.

Dairy owners and managers spend 90% of their time finding and fixing problems.  They want healthier cows, more money, better feed, staff that is happier, more capable and hard working, and on and on.

Who wouldn’t want to solve all these problems?  Yet these are not the real problem.  The real problem is that there are so many problems that dairies get stuck like deer in the headlights.  They’re not prepared to fight.  They aren’t ready for flight.  So they freeze or, at the very least, resist change.

“One reason people resist change is because they focus on what they have to give up, instead of on what they have to gain.

Change is necessary for any business that wants to grow and prosper. Having said that, growth doesn’t always mean bigger.

Unrestrained growth in any business can have serious consequences. Growth comes at a cost. More capital, more physical resources and more people. These go on the ledger as expenses well before there is a return on the investment. Thus, dairy managers face a double-edged sword. On the one hand, we want to ensure that the business grows, but, at the same time, we need to control that growth so that it does not cause its eventual downfall.

“Plan to grow by all means, but not by any means.  Define what growth means to your dairy then plan to grow within that definition.”

Have You Done Your Growth Homework?

Before you go big, you have to do your due diligence.  Here are twelve steps to take action on before you leap into expansion.

  1. Visit farms who have gone through an expansion.
  2. Plan. Plan. Consider your future needs. Do research.
  3. Use top notch consultants.
  4. Make sure you have considered, cash flow, loan availability and financial resources.
  5. Don’t rush into deadlines. Take time.
  6. Accept advice from farmers and consultants.
  7. Know your family. Know your goals.
  8. Don’t overlook the importance of manure handling and storage required by an expanded facility.
  9. Focus on labor efficiency and profitability.
  10. Hire reputable builders and contractors.
  11. Be open- minded, flexible and ready to change.
  12. Be prepared to expand your management style to accommodate the new facility.

To Determine if Expansion is the Answer, First Ask the Right Questions.

It is exciting to think of all the potential improvements that could be put into place along with an expansion.  Unfortunately, improvements should be considered before adding land, cows or facilities.  Give complete answers to the following questions derived from ones suggested by Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. Go beyond a simple “Yes” whenever you can.

  1. Do you currently have the skills to manage employees?
  2. How can you improve the efficiency and profitability of the present operation?
  3. Can production per cow be increased? Can reproduction efficiency be improved?
  4. Could the current herd be milked three times per day? Is your staff used effectively?
  5. Would it be possible to send the heifers to a contract raiser and expand the cow herd?
  6. What are my financial goals? Can revenue be Increased? Can expenses be reduced?
  7. Where do I want to be in five years? In 10 years?
  8. What are the expectations of other family members?
  9. Do I have adequate acreage to expand the herd and manage the waste?
  10. Do I want to deal with regulatory agencies?

Potential Problems that Come with Expansion

You may be well aware of the ways that expansion will solve some of your current problems, but you need to understand what new problems the expansion itself could bring with it. Here are some factors to put into your strategic problem-solving scenarios when expanding.

  1. Detailed manure handling.
  2. Siting to minimize odor conflicts
  3. Detailed effort to hire qualified and experienced contractors. Have a project manager.
  4. Prepare for loan or cost overruns. Expansion is dynamic. Costs rarely get smaller.
  5. There could be disease introduction with the larger herd numbers.
  6. Analyze all aspects of facility design and understand the potential for problems (curtains, sidewall ventilation, size, )
  7. Make yourself aware of legal by-laws, zoning restrictions and environmental impact regulations.

The People Factor is Crucial

A dairy doesn’t exist in a vacuum.  Many people, both on and off the farm, will be affected by changes.  Make sure these areas receive consideration.

  1. Consultants
    Surround yourself with a team of experts and listen to them.  Getting sound advice is the best investment you can make.  Having said that, do not blindly accept everything a consultant tells you.  After it is all done, it is your farm, not their’s, so the decisions need to make sense to you.
  1. Employees
    After expansion, you will be a people manager, not a cow manager. Listen closely to the people who are closest to the day to day operation.  They usually have valuable observations.  Create safe and happy working conditions. The most valuable interaction you can have is in setting up SOP systems (Standard Operating Procedures). Other employee policies may need to be instituted.  Take management classes to learn how to manage people.
  1. Neighbors and Community
    It is important to recognize the importance of neighbours, suppliers and members of the community, as they drive by and are affected by your dairy.  Your expanded operation will have an impact on the local economic community and local businesses. Be ready to have expanded outreach to those who may have concerns. Encourage neighbours to learn about your farm practices and be prepared to show how you give back to the community through the products you produce, the green spaces you maintain or the support you have for local youth, charities or projects.
  1. Your Banker
    Financing is key to a well-developed dairy expansion plan. “Your banker will consider, not just the big picture, but also, the small details from working capital to long-term cash-flow assumptions, transition and construction-phase issues, contingencies and having a well-document plan. Any one of these items alone could slow down or disqualify your expansion.  Bankers will analyze everything in order to determine what is approvable and bankable.”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Expanding a dairy farm does not necessarily mean that making everything bigger will make everything better. More land more cows more buildings all come with the potential for more problems. The reality check should be on making it “better” before actions are taken that make it “bigger”.  At the end of the dairy day, it means getting better at what we do and, in the process, making the dairy industry and our personal part of it a better place to produce milk products that are healthy and safe.



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The Mackinson Dairy Blog. Get Connected. It Makes a Difference.

11390273_10102865360875860_8587866314628627565_nWhen you come from a fifth generation dairy farm, it is sometimes hard to put a single label on exactly what you do. That’s especially true if you live off the farm as is the case for Mary Mackinson Faber. Raised on the family farm located north of Pontiac, Illinois, Mary is well aware of the 24/7 commitment it takes to manage 165 milking cows and over 150 heifers and calves. In addition, there are roughly 2,000 acres of cropland where the Mackinson’s grow corn, soybeans, wheat and alfalfa.

“The Family Connection Always Comes First”

Mary takes pride in the work done by father Donald, her Uncle Roy, her brother Matt and Dan, the hired man. “They begin their days long before sunrise and only call it a day after the stars come out.  Each is committed to providing the consumer with a safe, high-quality product. This commitment to quality means investing in how to best care for the cows and the land.” Great teamwork. So where does Mary fit in? While she freely admits that she has always loved the cows and agriculture, she qualifies that attraction by saying “I knew I was not cut out to be on the farm every day.”

“Bridging the Disconnect”

She was cut out for other facets of the industry.  Incredibly active in 4-H, Mary was crowned the National Ayrshire Princess in 2000. Experiences in off farm roles such as this helped Mary to develop her personal perspective on agriculture.” I started to realize the disconnect between consumer and farmer and soon discovered my passion for advocacy.” This was the beginning of Mary’s move from hands on farm projects to hands on a keyboard.  Throughout university she continued to hone her enthusiasm for agriculture and the need for advocacy. On the family side, she married and became a Mom. Today she works as the Controller for a local agriculture cooperative and her husband Jesse is an agriculture teacher and FFA advisor.” There is no question that agriculture remains a truly important part of Mary’s daily life.

“On-Line Keeps her Supporting On-Farm”

Not everyone who loves dairy farming sets up a blog.  Mary outlines the steps that led her to her place online. “In early 2013, my parents were planning a trip to Brazil with my brother, David.  Of course, my Dad wanted to see a dairy farm while he was there.   David had some difficulty arranging a tour and he asked me, ‘Why don’t we have a presence online?’. The question was no sooner asked then it was answered.  On March 1, 2013; the Mackinson Dairy Facebook page was born.

“Blogging is A Different Way to Do What You Love”

Although it sounds simple, Mary‘s motivation was a little more complicated then the apparently spontaneous beginnings would suggest. “I started the blog for two reasons.  I found myself wanting to explain certain topics but they were too long for a Facebook post.  My second reason was, if someone asked google, what is ultra-filtered milk? I wanted to provide them with a correct answer.  For these reasons, I launched our blog on March 1, 2014 (1 year after the Facebook page).

12186843_712094265556990_2792467499877624874_o“Going Mobile Makes a Big Difference”

“This fall, we redesigned our website ( and logo with Becca at Jumping Jax Designs.” In the same way that dairy farmers work hard to realize the full potential of their dairy operation, Mary explains how the changes impact both the delivery and reception of information. “The self-hosted website is home to the blog and allows us to merchandise our Ayrshire genetics.  After the makeover, our site is mobile friendly, with 75% of our visitors viewing our site on their phone or tablet.” What a fine example this is of the importance of changing with the times. Whether it’s on the farm or on line! In today’s agricultural market, if you have a product or service to sell, you must be optimized for mobile or you’re ultimately losing sales.

“Making a Difference On Behalf of Agriculture”

148755_1524654521099134_8868224875197858192_nThere are many ways to make a positive contribution on behalf of agriculture.  Mary explains. “I encourage everyone in agriculture to speak honestly about what you do, why you do it and what you love about your way of life.  As a Mom, I understand how important it is for other moms and parents to not only know where their food comes from but whom is taking care of the land.  Therefore, my blog topics tend to focus on questions a consumer might have while grocery shopping, like the differences between skim, 2% and whole milk to why certain containers of cow’s milk have a longer expiration date.  In addition to our blog, I am a contributor to Ask the Farmers and Illinois Farm Families websites.  Last November, I decided to participate in a 30 Days series where I featured 34 millennial dairy farmers from across the United States and Canada.  Most bloggers (myself included) are excited to feature guest blog posts. This is a great opportunity to write a post without fully committing to a blog yourself.  This year, for the 30 Days Series; I decided to focus on women in the dairy industry.  I had such an amazing response!” Indeed, the response was outstanding and no wonder! The series concluded with a total of 61 features over 59 days!”

“Dairy Women Make a Difference ‘In their own words!’”

Mary agrees with many bloggers, including myself here at The Bullvine, that connecting with other dairy women in a place away from your business and office can be very uplifting! She shares her enthusiasm. “While blogging is not for everyone, I encourage everyone to share their story in a way they are comfortable with.  She feels very strongly that the story of agriculture is an important one to promote. She declares, “I am very much committed to sharing our way of life and my love of dairy farming as well as standing up for all agriculture not only on social media but in our real lives.”  She takes her own advice and, once again, sets a fine example of ways she connects with those who are becoming further removed from the farm and current farming practices, “I have been involved with our Farm Bureau Breakfast on the Farm, Cheesecake and Calves promotion and the Illinois Harvest Dinner.  Each event successfully connected consumers to agriculture.  We must realize we do not always have to have a “big” event to have an impact.”

“It is Important That We All Try to Make a Difference”

For Mary, people are the key reason she reaches out through “The Mackinson Dairy” blog.  “I love meeting consumers and should they have questions, answering them.  As a Mother to two toddlers, I have enough to worry about.  One thing I will never worry about is the dairy products, meat, fruits or vegetables I feed my family.  I want to share my confidence in our safe food supply with those who have doubt or questions.  I do not want others to fall victim to marketing gimmicks which breed fear to drive the dollar.”

Daniels-cover“One-on-One Builds Sharing and Caring”

There are many role models in modern social media and Mary describes one of hers, Laura Daniels. “I drew on inspiration from the Dairy Girl Network and decided to focus on an often overlooked part of the dairy industry, the women. If you are a woman involved in any segment of dairy please check this organization out!  I wanted to share these stories of hard working women who all care so much about the dairy industry and their families.

Each individual I featured has her own unique story.  Through the series, you will find those involved on the farm, in the industry or both but everyone is a dairy believer.  As Laura explained in her Women in Dairy Feature: You will find women who have been farming for decades to those young women who are just starting out.  The drive these women possess to be successful is inspiring.  Not only do these women raise calves into cows, they are helping raise the next generation of farm kids.  Most of all, you will find passion, lots and lots of it.”

“Mary Provides an On-Line Meet and Greet”

Dairy farmers are known for two things. They love working with cattle and they love a good get together. Mary’s brings those two loves front and center with her blog.  It isn’t surprising to learn that many ladies expressed an interest in being part of her series.

Mary is both humble and grateful to report on the uptake. “The reaction has been awesome and I am very proud of the series.  I truly appreciate everyone who has allowed me to share their story because without their help, this series would not have been possible.  The messages I have received about the series makes me so proud to be involved in this great industry! “

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Mary didn’t just hope for a better way to get the dairy story out to consumers, she set the example herself by making sure the message she delivers is informative, relevant and personal. “My social media goal is to post, tweet and share because I want to share agriculture with consumers.  I do not know what the future holds but I do want to continue to expand our social media presence by focusing on content and relationships, not the analytics.”  The Bullvine and our readers congratulate Mary Mackinson Faber for making a difference with her Blog. “Write on Mary!”



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Top 12 Editor’s Choice Articles 2015

Today it is my pleasure to select a dozen personal favorites from articles published in 2015. The readers of the Bullvine are passionate about every area of dairying and they too have favorites that they appreciated with their interest, comments and feedback. Now I have the opportunity to dig deeper and reveal even more of the loves and even the un-loved issues that hit close to home for all of us this past year. With twelve articles in hand, I see that they appeal to me because they show how dairy breeders are seeking the best for their cows, their families and the dairy industry. I hope you will join with The Bullvine and be inspired by the heartwarming stories, passion and leadership that motivate our days all year round.

#12 – Smoking Is Good For You! 

I never know exactly what will be coming across my desk but it’s never dull and the titles regularly range from catchy to controversial.  That was the case with “Smoking is good for you.”   This article about Genomics put attention on what was one of the biggest recurring focus points of 2015.  It was noted that breeders feel that “AI companies ‘are forcing’ genomics down their throats, in the same way that the tobacco companies ‘forced’ smoking down the throats of millions, by using the weight of doctors’ credibility.” However, what I like best about this article is that everyone was encouraged to take a more reasoned approach, “Unlike cigarettes, where there is certainly no question left about the health risks of smoking, genomics and cigarettes are not interchangeable.  There is significant proof that genomics does, in fact, provide good ‘health’ for your dairy breeding program.”  To genomic detractors, The Bullvine asks “Where is your smoking gun? Where is your proof that genomics does not work?’ (Read more)

#11 – When Good Drugs Go Bad

Many of the issues in the dairy industry require each one of us to make a personal decision about how we feel about them.  Having said that, the health of our dairy cattle is less subjective and The Bullvine takes the reporting of accurate information as a serious responsibility and we always encourage breeders to act responsibly. “Regardless of who is the “most” right or wrong, if you are anywhere on the spectrum between production and consumption, you must share the responsibility. And the appropriate ACTION!” (Read more)

#10 – Dairy Girls ARE Making a Difference in the Dairy Industry

While The Bullvine doesn’t hesitate to put the spotlight on the controversial issues it is obviously much more satisfying to bring attention to positive and inspiring people and events.  Both came together at the Dairy Girl networking evening at World Dairy Expo in October. Laura Daniels Dairy Girl Network founder and president from Heartwood Farm in Cobb, Wisconsin welcomed one hundred and eighty women and expanded on the goals of The Dairy Girl Network.  It was exciting to applaud the many ways that dairy women are making a difference, not just because they are different, but because, especially when networking together, they share and expand the same dairy passion.”   (Read more)

#9 – Teardrops on My Work Boots

Spending most of your life working in and connected with the dairy industry, means that you directly experience a full range of the joys and sorrows connected with working with cattle.  The entire Hunt family has personal experience with those emotional times but Murray and I were particularly moved by Andrew’s heartfelt perspective on the sale of dairy cattle at Huntsdale. We loved the way he summarized the beginnings, development and ongoing legacy of Huntsdale Farms in a way that made us appreciate the life work and legacy of generations of our family. (Read more)

#8 – The Lighthearted Side of the Bullvine

Balance is important in cattle breeding and in life. The next articles that struck a chord with us both expressed the themes of love, marriage and humor – not necessarily in that order.  Last week we published “Take that Off!”which was a follow up piece to one we posted earlier entitled, “Take This Farmer and Laugh Ever After” Judging from the feedback received on both these pieces, it seems clear to me that there are many parts of the dairy community that everyone relates to.  That common experience brings us together and I am thankful that Murray is such a good sport and great husband.

#7 – Are Breed Associations Missing Important Breeding Signals?

It probably isn’t surprising that the next article, “Are Breed Associations Missing Important Breeding Signals”, continues to highlight how important relationships are in the dairy industry.  In this case, the issues move out of the family and into the leadership of the industry. Although it isn’t about marriage it is about trust and shared goals. “The relevance of “right” or “wrong” depends on where the reader sits.  It isn’t a battle to claim victory.  It’s an effort to initiate conversation and, where needed, promote active change.” (Read more)

#6 – Could Breed Wars Be Heating Up?

Change is difficult.  Change when it comes to the cattle we love is an even more threatening concept.  Having said that, a sustainable dairy industry will depend on how well we deal with issues that can help us grow, regardless of where our specific breed focus currently is. “Today breeds are more than color markings, unbroken lineage, and tradition. Breeds in the future, on a global basis, will be about their genetic makeup and how they serve the needs of the dairy food industry. “Accurate visioning, strategic planning, research and development and effective service provision are all integral to what breeds need to do on a continual basis. If that means there will be increased competition for market share amongst breeds, so-be-it.” (Read more)

#5– Rump. Is it Beauty or Utility?

Standing in fifth place in The Bullvine Editor’s Choice 2015 selection is “Rump. Is it Beauty of Utility?” One of the most exciting aspects of writing articles about the dairy industry happens when we are able to research the answers to questions raised by dairy breeders.  In this case, years of experience had us asking the question ourselves.  We brought together the information and summarized, ‘In short, the reason rump may be significant is because of its role in ‘getting the cows in calf and getting the calf out’. It does not require beauty to do that. It’s about utility when it comes to the rump. Why should breeders emphasize rumps at the expense of other body parts known to have more influence on profit?”  (Read more)

#4 Gene Editing – Is It the End of Dairy Breeding?

With so much access to and experience with the dairy industry, there is always a temptation to look into a crystal ball and forecast the future. “In 50 years the world population will require 100% more food and 70% of this food must come from efficiency-improving technology.  Unless someone discovers how to dairy on the moon, we are going to have to become significantly more efficient in our milk production methods.  Gene editing offers the potential to meet this demands.  Current genetic advancement rates will be hard pressed to meet in 50 years what gene editing can offer in under ten years’ time.  Sure a small number of very vocal consumers will be opposed to gene editing, but the masses want cheap, safe milk.  Gene editing, since it is not transgenics, offers this possibility.  This raises the question, “Are the dairy breeders of the future actually scientists sitting in labs?” (Read more)

The Top Three Editor’s Choices of 2015!

#3 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Number 3 on my list is not actually inspired by the written word of an actual article.  In 2015 we at The Bullvine challenged ourselves to go to the next level in making information fast, informative and relevant for our readers. This meant attending meetings, shows, sales and dairy farms and, simultaneously, the creation of a huge data base of pictures, videos and audio interviews. I am always astonished at the way a great picture adds that real time reality that inspires even greater passion for dairying. You can write articles ‘until the cows come home’ but then it’s the pictures like the ones taken at World Dairy Expo, The Royal and Le Supreme Laiteir and more.


#2 The Bullvine as Hosts, Tutors, Students and Teachers.

When The Bullvine began, the goal was to initiate give-and-take with dairy breeders.  We have been honored and delighted to share the insights, questions, hard work and vision of dairy enthusiasts. In 2015 this communication became even more real time when we began hosting webinars.  This has been particularly effective in answering questions around Genomics.  Now those in the labs and those on the farms can raise their concerns and work together to make sure that everyone knows where the other side is coming from. Check out our webinars section to see how this new interactive feature allows us to give, receive and discuss information.

First Place On The Bullvine Editor’s Choice List Brings Us Back To Our Most Important Dairy Asset …. Dairy People!

#1 Oakfield Corners Dairy

With the 24/7 nature of dairy farming, all of us have been asked what keeps us going.  Of course, the cattle are at the center of everything, but the key to success is the people. Whenever there’s a challenge, we turn to those with experience.  Every year the most viewed articles and largest body of feedback is for those about people who describe the passion, methods and vision which has brought them to where they are today. At Oakfield Corners Dairy, Alicia and Jonathan Lamb and key team members Kelly Lee and Adam Dresser are a great team and they shared their perspective with The Bullvine. With 6000 cows and three dairies, it is fascinating to learn how they face the issues and challenges of modern dairying.  Through the video interview we can learn and be inspired (Watch video here)

The Bullvine Bottom Line for 2015

Throughout the year we loved reflecting the innovation that takes place in the dairy industry.  We thank you for your ongoing support and wish you all the best as we continue this amazing journey together in 2016!



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Dairy Farmer Fashion – TAKE THAT OFF!

I don’t consider myself a clothes snob of any kind. I even enjoy what some would call strange outfits.  I don’t turn up my nose at hand me downs. I shop discount racks.  I’ve been known to take scissors and re-design a dress into a skirt, a blouse, or even a shawl. I like to think of myself as being almost as creative as the blogger lady who wrote about turning a dog sweater into a skirt! Well. She goes a little further than I would, but you get the picture.  I am broadminded in the area of fashion.

Having said all that, today the point of my rant is my hubby’s clothes choices. As you know, he’s a senior citizen and his name is Murray.  However, if you are visiting Huntsdale or you are a neighbour within hearing distance (anything up to 4 km) you wouldn’t be blamed if you were convinced that his name is “IsThatWhatYou’reWearing?” “AreYouKiddingMe?” or “WhyIsn’tThatIntheWash?”

Now actually, Murray can appear to be quite attractive. But don’t let this trick you the way it does me. He has me fooled with his thick white hair and his twinkling eyes and his big smile. He is a great hugger, and 99% of our daily interactions are just right.  But today we are talking about his choice of barn clothes. That’s where the attractive part becomes challenged. Now … it’s only fair to acknowledge that for the last three months the fields and barns at Huntsdale have not held a single cow. Nevertheless, chores are still a major part of the daily routine. Every day Murray needs barn clothes.  Moreover, every day it becomes an issue between us, especially if I catch him before he gets out the door.

You are probably asking, “Does he have a choice?” Yes.  He has lots of barn clothes.  Six Rubbermaid tubs to be exact. All sorted by specific item: jeans, overalls, sweatshirts, t-shirts, etc. As well there are several wall hooks in his personal work changing room.  And, furthermore, a washing machine is the first thing that he sees, when coming in from the barn or when going out to the barn.  My point?  He lacks for nothing in the “How-to-have-clean-barn-clothes-department!” However clean barn clothes for Murray are as rare as a good hair day is for Donald Trump.

So how does this scenario happen so often you ask?

Well. Sometimes, it starts when he is walking rapidly past where I am involved in my daily routine and says something like, “Hey! I’m going next door to pick up some fresh eggs!” Helpful. Yes.  Eat local?  Great!  But…he has a strange pair of pants on … the legs look like they wear shortened using a dull knife …. They are held up with a belt (also too big) that he has tried to “tie” because there are no holes in the right place.  When he turns around … there is something fresh and fragrant hanging from the shirt that he’s been wearing for longer than my memory reaches back  It is obvious that  he didn’t quite clear the area when he was housecleaning in the newly cow-free stable.

“Are you going like that?” I ask.  “Of course!” is the short reply. “I’ve been working.  They are farmers too! No problem.”

Yes!  For Murray, when it comes to clothes selection, that “I’m working” part covers a lot of dirt, grime and dairy airs!”

And of course, he’s right. This egg picking up outfit is probably not a big deal.  But the same outfit, or one very like it, also makes the suitable list, when he heads out to the feed store, a fast food restaurant or choir practice!

If he saved pennies like he saves clean clothes, we would be laughing all the way to the bank, and I probably wouldn’t care what he was wearing! Wrong!  I would care.

However, he is only stingy, when picking out barn clothes … He refuses to change them before they are standing waiting for him jump in. His argument, “Why put on clean clothes, when I am only going to get dirty?”

My argument … the embedded dirt is so ground in by the time I get to it with my super Washing-Soda-Oxyclean-Tide” treatment that I’m fighting a lost cause.

In frustration, I have pointed out the choices folded and waiting and he says incredulously, ““But these are all good. Why would I wear them?” “Because they are clean.” I reply and add. “No one is going to whip their head around, when you go by and ask, “What is that smell?”

To give him credit, he keeps his hair tidy, his teeth clean, he helps in the house and provides social and work outings that are vastly entertaining …. But this smelly Freddy the Freeloader look alike always sends my wife meter into the danger zone. And it’s not that I don’t have ragged fragrant days of my own … But … the world is still sexist enough that when he looks so unkempt… I imagine I can overhear observers saying. “Poor Murray.  His wife obviously doesn’t keep his clothes clean!” Well, I would if I could get at them!

So what is the answer?  Well, I always say, “Name the problem and you have the solution”.  And I have a plan. Gradually those wretched barn clothes handed down from the cousin, father-in-law or uncle twice his size are gradually reducing in numbers until, like the cows that necessitated wearing them, they will eventually be gone to greener pastures.

But, so far, he isn’t fooled. I am now starting to hear, “You threw out my good overalls!”  “Would those be the ones with the binder-twine strap and the ripped off pocket?” I innocently ask. “Yes!” is the horrified explanation. “They were broken in just the way I like them! I loved those ones.”

So now it’s my turn to listen and be understanding and sympathetic. We all have our quirks.  It isn’t really too surprising that I find myself standing over a washing machine in an attempt to “break in” a load of blue jeans, coveralls and sweatshirts picked out for his role of a general handyman. They look and feel even older than they already are.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Who says there’s nothing new after 46 years and 4 months of married life? If old is what he wants … I am ready to become an expert at old looking. That’s what married teamwork is all about. He wears a better fit, and I don’t have a fit!  It’s a win-win!



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Allergy Free Kids Need More Cows and More Dirt

An interesting hypothesis has come out of Ghent University. It suggests that farms have the best germs for preventing respiratory problems and allergic reactions later in life. The Bullvine and our readers will be happy to know that “it is statistically proven that growing up on a dairy farm is a good way to have fewer allergy and asthma problems than the rest of the population.”

Now granted I am a small sampling of one but until I read this article in The Post, I assumed that coming from a house construction and horse rearing family, I had much more hacking, coughing, and wheezing than anyone else in the whole world.  Miraculously after getting married into a dairy family I suddenly became wheeze free. I’ve always attributed it to love, but it could be that cows and dirt were just not in the right proportions in my earlier years.

The FACTS:  Seasonal allergies make an estimated 50 million people suffer.

The HOPE:  Early exposure to cows and dirt may hold the key to preventing allergies in children.

The Hygiene Hypothesis: More Cows + More Dirt = Less Allergies

This new perspective proposes the hypothesis that allergy and asthma result from a lack of exposure to microbes as a young child. While I am not ready to “roll kids around on the floor of the subway” as suggested by some microbiologists, I do recognize that it’s counterproductive health wise to insist on (germ-free).  In fact, there is growing data used as evidence that “farms have the best germs for preventing respiratory problems and allergic reactions later in life.”  As well, reports from Southern Bavaria and Switzerland report that only 25 percent of children living on farms in those countries reacted to allergens such as dust mites, pollen, animals, and mold.  In contrast, 45 percent of children in the contemporary general population reacted. Researchers also looked at the Amish and discovered that allergic reactions in Amish children are at an incredibly low 8 percent or less.

Research is proving that epithelial cells of the lungs are more important in the development of allergy responses than previously considered.

A report published in SCIENCE on September 4, 2015, under the heading, “Farm dust and endotoxin protect against allergy through A20 induction in lung epithelial cells.” In short, they feel they have pinpointed the mechanism for allergy protection.  In trials on mice, they concluded that the immune system isn’t the affected area to watch but, rather, the structural cells that make up the lining of the lung.

Furthermore, they have pinpointed A20 as the beneficial protein.

Do you remember how your body reacted the first time the air that you breathed in triggered an allergic response?  As we search for cause and treatment, we have tended to believe that the immune system is responsible for this unpleasant process. Now Bart Lambreht and Hamida Hammad of Ghent University proposed that the first receptors are not the immune system but rather the structure cells that make up the inside of the lungs. To prove this, they worked with mice.  They induced them with dust mite allergies and then by exposing them to dust from a dairy farm early in life they discovered that they were able to make them immune.

Building on this success, they studied what exactly was protecting the mucous membranes of the mice.  They identified a protein called A20 that was produced by the mice that were exposed to farm dust. When A20 was not present in the subjects’ lungs, the farm dust ceased to protect them from allergic reactions.

Of Mice and Men

Having tested the hypothesis, researchers had the impetus to go to the next level. They were able to test 2000 farm children.  Some children, despite their farm backgrounds, still suffered from allergies.  The breakthrough came when researchers were able to prove that these children suffered from a mutation in the gene related to A20. There is certainly much more to discover, but the first steps to a solution have been taken.  How allergies develop and finding ways to prevent them – especially in children — is a challenge that Lambrecht and his colleagues are eagerly seeking solutions for. They are hoping that the cells of the lung itself will get more attention in research. He proposes that “This could be a sign that allergy and asthma vaccines need to be administered by aerosol instead of injection to be truly effective. Moreover, it may mean that epidemiologists need to think twice before focusing on blood samples alone in their allergy studies.”

“It’s time to enjoy a roll in the hay OR drink from the well, the hose or the stream!”

So to experience the benefits, find that dusty haymow and have a cold drink from an old farm pump because it may be exactly what the allergy specialist ordered. Yes, it’s time to cut back on hand sanitizers, disinfectant wipes and take a deep breath of that dust-filled and smelly breeze blowing over the barnyard. Those fragrant airs laden with cow dander, dust, pollen, and bacteria could be carrying beneficial effects to your respiratory system. It may not be quite that simple. But it could be a sniff in the right direction.

The Good News and the Bad News

The good news is that early exposure to dust and cows may have a beneficial effect in protecting against allergies.  The bad news is that prolonged exposure to “non-allergenic” factors … for instance non-allergenic factors such as chemical exposure may modify that early protection. Nothing works in complete isolation from all other factors.  Finding the links and triggers is the challenge ahead.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

It is time to stop stereotyping all germs as bad.  No one wants to see children suffer from allergies, so we constantly seek methods for reducing their discomfort and increasing their enjoyment of healthy living. Young and old both welcome the good news that suggests that there is a positive allergy suppressant between two things kids are already attracted to …. Cows and dirt.  Go out and start inhaling those dairy airs!



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We like to look back through our comfortable rose-colored glasses and speculate that our dairying forefathers never rocked the boat or had it rocked by challenges and change.  We conveniently forget they lived – and farmed—through the inventions of cars, tractors, milking machines and telephones. And, perhaps, a World War or two might have had an impact on how they went about their business. Definitely! Therefore, we can agree that at least the core values of dairying today are the same in many ways. We mustn’t forget that they too had the passionate desire always to improve. They embraced new technology because, in their day, as in ours, technology is an important driver of dairy progress.

Having acknowledged that technology and smart decision making does not mean that you can wait until the annual New Year’s Eve introspection to evaluate how far you’ve come. This could mean your analysis is “too little too late!”  Certainly some evaluation is better than none.  But it would be sad to discover that your information isn’t accurate.  Even worse would be if the past year spawned some good ideas, but they weren’t in a well-thought-out order, and you wasted valuable time and money running in the wrong direction.

Are You Moving with the Times?

Perhaps your reluctance to acknowledge problems stems from the fact that you’re happy with your evaluation.  You see that you’ve had success on your operation and, overall, your operation is as good as or maybe better than when you began it or took it over.  Now the danger becomes that you could become complacent.  Planning for progress never has an end point.  Markets, cows, genetics and every other logistical line impacting your operation can change with or without your input. Your job is to make sure those inevitable changes are positive and profitable.

Technology is here!  It’s time to lose the wait!

Smart farming means a lot more today than simply having smart phones and other digital gadgets. Indeed, your success turns on technology to the extent that you are able to harness automation and information to enhance productivity. Profitable dairy farming means effective use of all resources and technology is key to unlocking that effectiveness.

Technology puts your time to the best use

Here are four main ways that you will want to analyze, harness and put technology into effect if you are to make efficient use of all your dairy resources. First off, technology provides ways for farmers to make the best use of their most limited commodity – time. The first benefits will accrue in time saved. The second benefits come with cost savings, which are always welcome. Closely related to cost savings is the impact that technology makes by increasing revenue. Finally, the ultimate goal and reward of technology is higher milk production. These four are so closely inter-related that they all affect farm profitability, which is one of the fundamental pillars of a sustainable dairy operation.

How many ways are you using technology to save time?

As a quick check, tick all the boxes that are putting your time to the best use:

  • Activity monitoring
  • Heat detection
  • DC305
  • Meters
  • ID system – RFID system
  • Sort gates
  • EZ feed
  • Smartphone
  • Social Media
  • Other

This is by no means a full list.  When you look at your checkmarks are you happy with where you’re at?

“I know it’s available, but I’m still not using it.”

They never make movies about people who give in to fear.  Remember the motivating phrase in Field of Dreams, “Build it and they will come.”  Fear often stops us from realizing a dream. In the face of rapid change and the unknown and the unfamiliar, there are those who are against mechanized farming and technology in general. They long for the good ol’ days. They probably don’t have time to arrive at the conclusion that it was mechanization and technology that has allowed more people to accomplish more, including leaving the farm to pursue other (probably mechanized) jobs.

Investment or Expense?

After years of financial belt-tightening, it is almost a knee-jerk reaction to ask, “How much is it going to cost me?” And perhaps at the same time as you’re getting a handle on that you need to ask the second question, “How much is it going to cost me if I don’t do this?”  Profitability depends on these two answers. After answering the first two questions but before signing any purchase or work contract, you should have the answers to a lot more questions. In the case of technology, “What is the full cost of this product?  What hardware, software, and devices are required?  How much is maintenance?  Is there a cost for data storage?”

What if….?

Everything breaks.  Everything needs fixing at some point. You absolutely must know who to call.  The product may be amazing but service is key.  How many times have you heard someone talking about the computer age and saying, “It’s great when it’s working, but it’s hell when it isn’t working.” Service can be more important than the technology itself.  After you have given up an old method of carrying out a dairy task, it can be devastating if the new technology crashes.  You need an immediate response to your call for help. Waiting days or weeks is not an option. Having the right name and number and confidence in the person or company has to be a major part of the purchase agreement.

Know What the Error Rate Is

First and foremost, what the error rate is.  Are there false positives in testing?  Are there conditions under which the new technology is especially challenged? What percent of the devices fail per year? Any reputable company should be willing and able to tell you how durable their products are. Nothing is perfect, but you are seeking to have the results that are obtained make a noticeable improvement on current levels of accuracy… human or mechanical.

Getting to the next level.

Today there isn’t much that changes faster than technology.  You have committed time, strategic planning and finances to the purchase you’ve made. It’s important to know that you won’t be left falling behind.  The first to be sure of is, “What is the warranty on the product?” With that registered and filed the next consideration is, “What is the upgrade policy?” If you just purchased a 2.0 version of the product and a 3.0 version is released next month, how much will it cost to upgrade? Dead ends don’t just stop you. They kill your profits too!

Consumer Feedback

Will the company provide a list of existing users you can talk with? Sales pitches need real time backup. Is the documented research working in actual applications? Each answer adds to your knowledge base.  When you are far enough along to have questions, nothing beats being able to talk with someone who has had experience with the product, consultant or technology that you are considering.   Once you have made the connection, ensure that you have your questions ready.  Six months after you are committed financially is a little late to consider, “Gee I wished I had asked about that.”  A key point to consider is, “What does this purchase provide that is above and beyond what you have now?” When talking with those who are using the technology be sure to ask, “How long will it take for you or your staff to become proficient in its operation?”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

At the end of the day, you may decide to keep things the way they are.  Regardless of what you do, the dairy industry is getting wired up, plugged and turned on.  Are you keeping up with technology?  Or is technology passing you by?



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You’ve got to Learn How to Pick Your Dairy Battles

As a sister, mother and grandmother, I am well-aware of the battles that can arise between siblings.  On the one hand, this frustrates me because I think it’s inherently a great thing to have a ready-made playgroup, captive audience or blood-is-thicker-than-water defender.  On the contrary, I don’t care who “started it” because I enjoy a good fight that moves things forward. Having said that, I hate arguments that are solely for the sake of a power trip by an individual or a group. To me, they are a complete waste of time! Furthermore, I don’t limit my position on proper fighting to family only.  I think a good fight is even more important in the business world.

How does the dairy industry deal with fighting?

Dairying is by its nature competitive in many ways.  We compete for genetics. We compete for sales. We compete for recognition. This can naturally expose us to many contentious issues. There is nothing wrong with that.  In fact, when two or more co-workers or competitors recognize a problem and have differing viewpoints, it sets up the potential for a solution that could end up being better for everyone. However when anyone puts their own interests above the dairy operation or the association or business they represent, fighting erupts and becomes counterproductive in every sense of the word.

How NOT to pick a GOOD fight

If we are looking for examples of how not to pick a good fight, we can all point to dairy industry operations or family farms, competitors or dairy suppliers, who are so single-mindedly focused on putting down their competition that they end up shooting themselves in the foot. When it’s all about, “Me. My job.  My people. Pay me”, it closes the door to sharing of progressive ideas that keep the industry as a whole relevant.

Agreement Masks Problems

We think we like it when everyone appears to agree. It might seem to be working when everyone is chummy all the time. After all, harmonious agreeable teamwork is a dream we would all like to live with on a daily basis.  However, there is a danger of becoming too agreeable and too loyal.  It backfires when people are content to follow even when they have concerns about the final destination. When harmony is the over-riding goal, signals of impending trouble will not be acknowledged.  Nobody wants to be the whistle-blower, drama queen or lone wolf. Everyone is afraid to point out the elephant in the room.

Beyond Contented Cows

A peaceful, harmonious milking line is the dream workplace for productive cows.  However, it can be the worst thing in the world for a progressive dairy business. While we want contented cows, complacency in other areas of our dairy business becomes one of the first indicators of trouble ahead. For example, why is it that we continually say the dairy industry is healthy when farms passing to the next generation are steadily declining? Or — Why is it so hard to find a pool of labor for agriculture? Maintaining a façade of harmony can become a mask for behind-the-scenes problems.  Essential work is overlooked because nobody wants to rock the boat.  Those who try to “fix” everything to maintain the outward look of teamwork, eventually burn out, as they become dissatisfied with the lost potential. Too much harmony doesn’t work.  Friction and in-fighting don’t work. It’s a fine line, and it’s one that is too important to be ignored.

How do you pick your battles?

There are ways to determine if you are picking the right fight.  First and foremost you must be fighting to gain value.  There are three value propositions that are worth fighting for:

  1. Saving 15% a year. This could be 15% of your resources.  It could be 15% of your time.
  2. Adding 10%. Will the change you’re fighting for allow you to charge more?
  3. Faster growth. The fight is a good one if it enables you to grow sales or market share faster than the current market.

If you answered “Yes!” to one of the above three questions, your battle passes the value test.  If all three answers are “No!” you need to reassess either your business plan or your action plan — perhaps both!

Are you ready to FIGHT for a change?

Change is a hard concept for everyone to get their heads around.  There used to be an advertisement showing a black-eyed smoker who said, “I’d rather fight than switch!” This has so many issues, but most of them are better addressed another day.  Today the key to knowing whether it’s better to fight can be solved with another 3 point checklist.

Will the change you’re fighting for

  1. Require the team, farm, board or business to work in a way that is fundamentally different than the current process?
  2. Will the change require new training, different perspectives or specialized knowledge that is not being used currently?
  3. Change always turns on communication. Will the proposed change require a different real-time information flow between various parts of the dairy operation, team or advisors than the way information is managed now?

You have picked the right fight if you answered “Yes!” at least once.  If all three questions earned a “No!” response, then you are ready for a task force, not a fight.

Turning pain into gain builds dairy strength

We all know that, if there is a fight, not everyone will win.  Winners and losers must both find the way to move on. Not all ideas are good ideas. Not all strategies work. Communicating the outcome to the ones whose position lost can be hard. How it is handled can damage relationships and affect the milking line, the board meeting or the management team. Good leaders find a way to turn disappointing news into an occasion for personal development.

Fighting the right fight is a discipline, not an event.

When one fight ends, the best leaders will be looking for the next fight. That’s not to say that the workplace should be an environment of constant turmoil. Progressive dairy managers know when to give people rest. But they continually seek ways to push people to the point where they find their energy and enthusiasm to seek the next way to move forward.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Always remember that in order to make dairy progress, “It’s not important whether you win or lose. Its how you fight to get it right that makes all the difference!



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The End of Immigrant Labor Could Mean The End of One-In-Six Dairy Farms

From farmgate to retail shelves there are numerous interconnected factors that are required to function properly together to produce the milk that eventually makes it into our homes.

Immigrant Labor could trigger a chain reaction

Like many other important steps in dairy production, labor is one piece that, if affected, has a corresponding impact on all the other pieces. There are concerns ranging from sourcing dairy labour from immigrants to documentation, to wages to political implications. A major concern relates to what would happen if immigrant labor was completely taken away. An updated survey called for by the National Milk Producers Federation and produced by Texas AgriLife Research at Texas A&M University,  predicts serious repercussions if there was to be a loss of immigrant labor on American dairy farms.

Report Findings (Year)

The report shows that of the 150,418 employees working on U.S. dairy farms in 2013, 51 percent of them, or 76,968, were immigrants.  The conclusion drawn by researchers is that losing these workers would double retail milk prices at a total cost to the U.S.  of more than $32 billion dollars. The report suggests that loss of immigrant labour would raise the price of a gallon of milk which sold for $3.37 in June to a whopping $6.40. On top of this — at the other end of the chain … it could also cause the loss of one-in-six dairy farms. (Read more: Losing Immigrant Workers on Dairy Farms Would Nearly Double Retail Milk Prices)

Rising Numbers of Immigrant Labor

Since an original survey of immigrant labor was done in 2009, there has been significant changes in the numbers of immigrants working on dairy farms.  The updated survey shows an increase of 20,000 immigrant workers (35%) in the intervening six years and 27% more of the milk supply coming from farms with immigrant labor.

Beyond the basic statistics, there is concern over documented and undocumented foreign-born workers.

Eighty percent of those who responded to the survey have concerns about immigration raids or unemployment audits due to their lack of confidence in immigrant worker’s employment documents.

Misconceptions about Immigrant Labor

Some believe that immigrants take jobs away from Americans.  According to NMPF’s board chairperson and Missouri dairy farmer Randy Mooney, this is simply not true.  He explains that the average hourly wages offered are  $11.54 and thus are well above the minimum wage of $7.25. Nevertheless even with the three plus dollar increased wage, dairy farmers have been unsuccessful in getting Americans to do these jobs.

The Domino Effect of Failure to Act On Immigration Reform

Not having a reliable, current labor force means an inability to ensure an effective future workforce. Likewise, researchers explain that milk sales also support many more jobs beyond the farm than on the farm. In Canada, the phrase “Milkle-Down Affect” ( ) has been coined to raise discussion on how dairying affects not only the local community but has much wider impacts.  The immediate loss would be from the fact that there would be 76,968 fewer people working on dairy farms. A total loss of immigrant labor on dairy farms would also mean the loss of jobs outside the farm. What is often overlooked is the loss of jobs related to dairying. Those kinds of jobs add up to a loss totaling 131,240 jobs. Almost 200,000 jobs and the numbers keep mounting!

There would also be repercussions beyond the obviously reduced farm milk sales. Losses would be incurred because of the reduced purchasing power, not only of dairy farms but now from the unemployed workers. As well, the lost sales would extend beyond the farm to businesses that support dairy farms, such as feed and equipment dealer, veterinarians, and feed suppliers. . In the bigger dairy picture, there would be an estimated loss of 25% of the national dairy herd and national milk production.  More than 7,000 farms would close

Immigrant Labor is a Hot-Button Election Issue

Discerning observers of the dairy industry feel that Congress urgently needs to address this issue.  Comprehensive immigration reform is necessary for dairy operations to adequately meet their labor requirements. Jim Mulhern, who is the NMPF President and Chief Executive Officer, points out, “Farms that rely on hired foreign workers need their current labor force as well as an effective program to ensure an adequate future workforce.” He warns that the dangers don’t stop at a reduced workforce. “The lack of a reliable source of workers is causing farmers to second-guess decisions to expand,” he said. “That’s economic activity that’s lost to both rural and urban communities — all because Washington won’t act on immigration reform.”

A Catch 22 Situation

This is definitely a problem that needs to be faced with proper action.  It would be wrong, however, if the action taken had negative repercussions for every stakeholder involved.

  1. Dairy farmers need a labor pool to draw upon.
  2. Current immigrant workers rely on the income they are earning.
  3. American workers need to be encouraged to work in agriculture.
  4. Dairy consumers have the right to reasonably priced access to healthy milk products.
  5. It seems that we are coming pretty close to throwing out the baby with the bathwater. The simple solution of throwing out immigrant labor could mean the end of one-in-six dairy farms.

Solving labor problems needs a multi-pronged approach if the solution is going to be effective.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Sometimes we become complacent in North America because we don’t appear to have the challenges that our dairy peers in the UK and Europe have (see “Cheap Milk Flooding the Grocery Aisles”).  However, while the root causes of disruption may differ, the result could be the same – an irreparably damaged dairy industry.



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We all recognize leaders when they are at the head of the line … but are we astute enough to pick them out when they are among the pack. Who is on your leadership short list?

What is the Short List?

Every group, industry or sport has a short list of people who stand above the rest. Who do you instantly think of when you hear the words baseball, money or politics?  Does it work when you think of dairy industry leaders?

Imagine that you’re sitting around the table discussing an upcoming sale or show booth design. “Maybe we can get Bonnie Mohr to design it?” Or you need an upcoming ad campaign for your selling your heifers, cows or embryos.  “Maybe Michael Heath or Charlie Will could give us an endorsement…” or if you’re having a downsizing sale, “Wouldn’t it be great if Norm Nabholz was reading the pedigrees and Brian Craswell calling the auction?”  Do you see the trend here? The shortlist are those folks who are recognized as industry “household names.” They’re known for excelling in their field. When you think about today’s dairy industry, who would you put on the shortlist of people who have that kind of recognition in their area of expertise? Who are the people who have achieved excellence and are setting an active example for the rest of us? ALL the time?

Let’s Identify Short List Leadership Characteristics

What do stubborn and trustworthy have in common, if anything?  They are two characteristics that put exceptional people on the S.H.O.R.T list of dairy leaders. Let’s look at the top five characteristics: 1. Stubborn 2. Humble 3. One-of-a-Kind 4. Resilient 5. Trustworthy.


Leaders are selectively stubborn.  There’s a difference between stubbornly moving … and stubbornly stopped! Leaders are stubborn about maintaining a sustainable level of improvement.

Lots of us are good at something.  Fewer of us are the very best at anything.  Leaders stubbornly work to continually improve the level that they perform at. For the rest of us, I think it’s a crime that we all stop short.  We never test how good we could have been. We GO BUST before we allow ourselves Reach BEST.  Getting to the shortlist is like your favorite cows in the milk line … it takes persistence.  Not only do they have the genetics but they have the will.  Not only do they have the potential but they show up and produce.

Only the persistent manage to achieve and maintain leadership.  It’s a daily job that requires working in the right-place-in-the right way day after day for a very long time. It takes the stubborn will to meet and outlast the challenges — not for just one year — but for a decade or three. Those who are running from confrontation or fearfully seeking the widespread consensus will forever find themselves detouring around progress. Valued leaders accept the harder road and stubbornly work through problems to the solutions.


We don’t often associate leadership with humility. Often those who tell us they are leading … are merely emphasizing the size of their egos, not the distance they can take us toward the future.  Of course, recognized leaders are especially good at something but they are also exceptionally good at seeing what is great in those around them.  They aren’t threatened by others strengths … Nor do they seek to steal other’s work and claim it as their own.  True leadership recognizes everybody’s short list of strengths.  Whether it’s bringing out the best in cows, facilities, processes, employees or organizations, real leaders do so by example and work to raise everyone up to a better standard.  They lead by example and have very little concern for the title or badge.  Too often we experience the complete lack of results produced by those who want the badge before they’ve done the work.  Instead of seeking the number one solution, they are only interested in themselves being #1.


Being “the same as everyone else” is NOT a short list trait. Take the daily very good and lift it to remarkable. They stand up, and they stand out.  They encourage others not to be the same as everyone else… or even anyone else.  Be better.   Dr. Seuss is right. “Why fit in, will fall when you were born to stand out?” You can’t walk where the crowd is and make the short list.  Regardless of how you measure ‘best’, it is almost never present in the thing that is the most popular.

One of the things wrong with today’s marketplace is that there is far too much rehashing of old ideas spun as new.  Great leaders aren’t copycats.  They abhor me too!  Leaders have no patience for the status quo.  They focus their efforts on shattering the status quo.  Game changers refuse to allow their organization to adopt conventional methods and bureaucracy.  They challenge norms, break conventions.  The encourage diversity of thought.


They don’t cry.  They create.  Leaders don’t complain when times are tough.  They create, improve on and innovate in order for things to get better. While they believe in and develop best practices, they don’t stop there.  They move on to next practices. Have you ever wondered how some people come up with the proverbial big idea? To put it simply, “They never settle for the way things are today!” They are not stopped by those who say, “We don’t do it that way” or “it might not work.” They aren’t just dreamers; they are doers.  Successful leaders are persistent.  They are never stopped by the setbacks.  They realize that potential is of little value if said potential fails to be realized.


You can get through anything if there is trust.  However, once that is broken, it’s hard to move forward.  Leaders have to communicate.  They don’t have to be perfect.  They don’t have to have all the answers.  But they have to inspire trust in the fact that they are doing the best they can and will always tell the truth.  That means knowing the difference between right and wrong and having the character to do the right thing. Some so-called leaders who are charged with confronting problems only grow them because of their lack of accountability and questionable motives.   Sometimes real leadership means changing direction.  People follow a leader because of trust.  That’s the real meaning of charisma.


If you hang around long enough, you get the thrill of experiencing the game-changing moments in the dairy industry. Those are the ah-ha moments when the industry takes a leap forward – and moves from ordinary to exceptional. Of course, hindsight is 20/20.

In the past, we had individuals!  We have them today, but we may be too timid to recognize them.  The industry is at a crossroads.  Leaping ahead because of science.  Held back because of economics.  World issues and local issues are each having impact on the way dairying is done. Today we need groups:

  • Scientists and researchers continually breaking new ground
  • Breeders acting outside the box
  • Boards of Directors investing in innovation

Yes, we need leadership.  We know we need it.  Do we know where to find it?


Being a leader isn’t easy.  It’s hard.  Until success is realized, many will label and malign you.  Some people, despite their potential for leadership, are so afraid of ending up on this short sh*t list that they will do anything to avoid landing there.  This ultimately undermines any chance to do something good for the industry, themselves or their dairy. If you are wondering where today’s potential is …. Who can you name that is being labeled “black sheep” “troublemaker” or “pot stirrer”?  Now. Name a leader you admire and respect.  Were they appreciated in their own time? When they started out? If not, why not?


Now we have five punchy adjectives that at first glance might suggest that leadership characteristics overlap. While the characteristics are shared, the areas of excellence are varied.  It takes a broad range of talents to excel in dairying, and there is a need for excellence in every one of them. We need leaders in breeding, advertising, business, sales, showing and fitting, pedigrees and any of the myriad of details that inspire our passion to improve this industry.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Leadership starts with each recognizing and fulfilling a need.  Everyone in dairying needs to stand up for what will take us forward.  We can’t rest on what got us here.  Now we have to move in a dynamic growing direction.  Look for the leader that’s needed.  True leadership is a short list. Don’t be surprised if you find them – or yourself — standing alone. That’s where all the leaders are!!



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Today more than one of us at The Bullvine was interested in reading about “the jobs where people are most likely to marry each other.

We all liked the statement that “farmers, fishers, and lawyers are more likely to find true love among their own”. Having said that, I was a student from a construction family when I married a student from a dairying family. And two of my dairy offspring married outside the farm family. The other one married into a vegetable growing dynasty.  Nevertheless those of us who chose to “have and to hold” a farmer are always interested in having our choice validated. Will it last?  Are farmers good for the long haul?  Here’s my answer to the question, “Do you take this farmer?”

A Simple Love Story

More than a few know the story of me falling in love with my dear husband Murray at a very early age.  The legend is that at 12 I discovered he lived on the same road as I did, albeit at the other end and a whole county away. I then proceeded to chase him until he caught me.  For a while, it looked like higher education was going to win all his affections but just before he ended up with more degrees than a thermometer, I got the chance to marry my favorite farmer. That was a dream come true for Murray and Karen.

Moo-Roo and Kow-ren together forever.

Even though I knew from older and wiser family members that the “girls” in the barn would always be #1 on the list of his affections, I felt up to the task even if I did occasionally rank somewhere between number two and number forty. That positioning lasted until Murray was hired by Holstein Canada to run the Type Classification program.  At that point, the list of girls became much larger and spanned several countries. All that analysis.  The charts.  The computers. The True Type Models.  Believe me I learned never to ask, “Does this dress make me look fat?”

The only thing worse than being married to a classifier is aging alongside a former classifier.
A confirmed “boob” man, my husband, never ever looked me in the eye … but these days he’s looking so far down that people think he has fallen asleep standing up.  In fact, we both have concerns about failing and falling body parts, and it is showing up in our farm management.  When we named the last two genomic heifers “Plummet” and “Nosedive”, we recognized our growing preoccupation with gravity was affecting our marketing.

It’s A Stage We Are Going Through

What isn’t serious in our marriage is the fun ways we have found to adapt to life’s changes. After all, here was a cow loving geneticist married to a story telling carpenter`s daughter who is allergic to the hay, cows, horses and dogs.  It was soon evident that there would be many pratfalls taken during my extensive tractor and animal husbandry training.  From the calf pan to the ink pen, we both have learned to laugh at ourselves in the barn, in the house, and on the stage.  For 32 years, I wrote scripts for local musical comedy productions, and we both acted up in them. Of course back then inspiration was easy to find. It was simply a matter of taking my daily diary and setting it to original tunes such as the,”I Raise Couch Potatoes” waltz or “They Call Them Offspring because they Leak” symphony. These days I’m branching out into Seniors Stand-up Comedy and an exercise video entitled, “Stand up Vacuuming for the Dusting Impaired.”

There is once again excitement in being dairy farm comics.

We are always breaking new ground at Huntsdale, Wellspring, and the Bullvine. Just yesterday I was working on an improv piece entitled, “Looking like a Farmer!” that I thought might work for a skit in a talent show. I asked Murray for enlightenment. Do old farmers wear boxers or briefs? ” His clever reply? “Depends!” I think he is onto something there, as we both are fighting the continuous fashion feud better known as the battle between body and clothes.  Speaking personally, there was a time when a bra used to keep everything up where it was perky — now the holdups are slipping out under the wire!  Along with every other ailment, following fashion in your later years can make you sick. Murray says he’s spent more than sixty years trying to avoid furniture disease.  “You know! That’s when your chest keeps falling into your drawers!”

Even our faces betray us these days.

Have you ever had one of those busy days on the farm, when you had no choice but to sneak a little nap? Unfortunately, although you wake up refreshed, you have one of those deep lines across your face.  Inevitably, that’s exactly when the doorbell rings. It’s the veterinarian, “Are you all right Mrs. Hunt?”  he asks while staring at this new wrinkle.  Of course, I think humor will save face, so I reply, “It’s not mine. I’m wrinkle sitting for my mom.  She’s always losing things, so I offered to mind this one while she goes to Bible Study!”  This didn’t get far with the vet. I can’t imagine how it would go over with my daughter-in-law at the door.  She is a psychiatrist. (Note to self: Never answer her if she asks, “How are you today Mrs. Hunt?”)

Of course, farm wives have to live up to the fabulous cook reputation.

My recipes although not always tasty are earning a reputation for being legendary. For instance, there was the raspberry pie I made for visiting non-farming relatives. No one could get their forks to cut through the piecrust.  One gallant cousin tried so hard that his fork went right through the pie and sent the piece flying across the room. Mom’s Rocket Dessert has become a legend that is recounted at every family reunion.

So once again I’m sharing the errors of my daze.

Throughout forty plus years, I not only have stayed in love with my farmer husband but I’ve fallen in love with cows too! Because of course “Cows don’t shed like dogs and cats do…they won’t chase the cat or bark at the neighbors.  A cow will not bring you dead mice, or spend all night singing on the fence post!”  Here I am talking myself into loving cows, and we just sold the last twenty-one of them last Saturday.  Better late than never I always say!!


With everyone focusing on picking the right mate and staying together longer, I think there are many years left in my adventure with animal husbandry. For the two of us, our marriage and our humor has benefitted just like our crops from being homegrown – or is that home groan?  We’re putting a “Laugh Local” sign at the end of our lane and, my answer to the question, “Do you take this farmer” is now and always will be:  “Yes. I do. Forever.”



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Cheap Milk Is Flooding The Grocery Aisles

Who wins when a price war erupts between competing products?  In the case of water and milk in Europe and the UK, the 5% lower store prices for milk may be great for consumers but the 20% loss at the farm gate is terrible for farmers.

Too Much of a Good Thing

Currently, there is so much milk available in Europe that it is selling cheaper than water. Several conditions have caused this milk surplus led by anything that contributes to rising supply and falling demand.

Too Much Milk Production.

Removal of milk production quotas on EU farms marked the opening of the milk floodgates. For the first time in 30 years, farmers were able to produce as much as they wanted.  However, it contributed to oversupply.  Quotas were originally instituted to prevent overproduction of milk and butter that had happened in the eighties. Quotas set limits on production and established penalties for overproduction.  When they were lifted, it was hoped that it would allow European dairy farmers to compete for business in emerging markets, such as in Asia

Not Enough Demand.

Falling milk demand from China, the Middle East and North Africa was not anticipated and adds even further to the over-supply.

Not Enough Exports.

Forget “From Russia with Love”.  In 2014, the Russian food embargo cut butter 24% and cheese import 32% into that country. This continues to have a tremendous impact.

Too Much Price Competition in Supermarkets.

All of the above are further aggravated in the UK by supermarket price wars.

The Worst that Can Happen?  Now Milk is Cheaper than Water!

In England, a bottle of water costs roughly $1.50.  In France, mineral water costs $1.  That’s not new you say.  What is new is that, with the 20% fall in wholesale milk prices, a liter or milk might be selling for just $1.

Milk Slump Escalates Protests from Push to Shove

With the oversupply of milk depressing the sale price to milk producers, farmers are increasingly agitated with the losses they are shouldering. Milk is selling for less than what it costs to produce it In the UK protests have taken place ranging from clearing grocery shelves to throwing fruit and, in one instance, parading cows through a supermarket.  In Brussels farmers, there took matters into their frustrated hands by throwing eggs, hay and fireworks at riot police.

Calls for Relief

Along with the emotional reaction, there have been more reasoned appeals for relief. The British National Union is calling for supermarkets to increase prices to match production costs. With hopes of getting prices returned to an economically viable level, the European Milk Board is calling for the return of production quotas. President of the Milk Board, Romuald Schnaber, sums it up succinctly, “Unless production is reduced, the market will continue deteriorating at a pace.

Where are Governments in These Bad News and The Good News Scenarios?

Proactive support for the dairy industry has been called for and pledges proposed and started.  The EU is offering $555 million, and France put 600 million euros in place in July. If there is a silver lining in this dark scenario, it’s that new and old milk lovers are enjoying the cheap milk prices. Hopefully, increased consumption will continue and help to grow the market and produce more stable future prices at the dairy farm gate.

Who is telling the Whole Milk Truth?

Back in January 2015 Rob Lyons (Spiked) argued that “Milk is not cheaper than water.” The premise he supports this counter headline position with is that “From booze to petrol, water is the scaremongers’ comparison of choice.” Lyons appears to question that no milk could be cheaper than the water that is free when falling from the skies or coming out of taps.  He asks, somewhat naively, after pointing out that milk is indeed cheaper on shelves than the nearby bottled water on the same shelves “And is this having a knock-on effect on the price received by producers?” You think?

Desperate Dairies

Some dairy spokespersons claim that the slashed prices have left UK dairy farmers facing poverty and financial ruin.  None can continue selling for 10 pence less per litre of milk than it costs to produce it.  If you work it out on the basis of an average of 2,500 litres produced daily, it is easy to see how desperate the situation has become. According to the National Farmers Union, approximately 200 dairy producers have left the industry since January.

What is the Answer?

In truth, there are no easy answers that can satisfy everyone affected by the cheap prices being paid for milk.  Who has the most to win?  The producer?  The distributor?  The consumer?  As long as they all compete with each other and fail to find a workable compromise, there is a very real danger that the question of winning will become irrelevant.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

It’s not about short-term wins. From farm gate to grocery aisle, for any of the stakeholders to benefit, there has to be a viable and sustainable dairy industry.   




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Dairy Girls ARE Making a Difference in the Dairy Industry

dairygirllogoNetworking with the hopes of starting or expanding your career opportunities is a nerve-racking experience for anyone.  But when you’re a woman in a man’s world, the tension can ratchet up even further.

Last week I was in Madison for World Dairy Expo and attended the Dairy Girl Network Dinner which was held off site. As a member of the media (The Bullvine) and representing a publication that positions itself as a somewhat radical, I was worried that some might have a problem with my Canadian loyalties or what they might assume them to be. My worries were the only thing about the whole evening that was proven to be narrow minded. At the end of the day, this networking experience was the enthusiastic start I needed to make my trip to “Dairy in our DNA” a success from both a social and a business leads point of view.

Laura Daniels Dairy Girl Network founder and president from Heartwood Farm in Cobb, Wisconsin welcomed one hundred and eighty women and expanded on the goals of The Dairy Girl Network. She explained “Dairy Girl Network is growing rapidly and working on future opportunities for women. A mentorship program will be starting soon to bring together women on both professional and personal levels.”  Laura then worked the room and made each one feel that they could have a personal impact on the future of women in dairying.


After that very enjoyable evening of introductions, I had common ground whenever I walked up to any of the “dairy girls” manning booths in the commercial buildings or seated beside me at the showring. I was never disappointed.  Ladies’ who work in agriculture were eager to share not only how they became involved with the companies they represented, but also how deep their dairy passion ran outside of work.  Many were raised on dairy farms or had tapped into their passion through romantic or educational connections. For several showing cattle — the premier feature of World Dairy Expo – has been the starting point for both careers and family. Agricultural jobs have wide open arms to those who can bring their expertise and put it into terms that are relevant to dairy farmers and their suppliers.

“If there’s anything that Dairy Girl Network can provide, it’s the confidence that dairy and agricultural connections offer an undeniable advantage when attracting clients or providing service to the dairy industry.”

Inside the large room at the Monona Terrace in Madison it was exciting to see that, along with the well-known champions of woman in agriculture, there was a whole platoon of enthusiastic girls that were drawn together. There was no question that it was planned to have a non-threatening agenda.  No one was required to stand up and account for their right to be there. Quite the contrary.  With enthusiastic encouragement from the energetic and personable Laura Daniels, we had as much time and freedom as we could use, to meet, greet and connect with other dairy girls. It was exciting to hear the variety and passion of the stories that brought girls from all over the U.S, Canada, and Europe to spend time together at the greatest dairy cattle show in the world.  It was proven time and time again over the next three days that those few hours of glad-handing were useful in making contacts relevant to my dairy work, and I’m sure the same was true for many others. Overall we soon recognized that “Everybody knows somebody and developing a colleague relationship allows us to share our list with others.”


Not only were the doors to friendship open, but the very relaxed nature of the setting also provided an opportunity to discuss problems or issues.  Along with the delicious hors oeuvres and dinner,  I learned how other peers are dealing with gender bias, salary issues and problems getting a foot in the barn door in a predominantly man’s world.  Some had no problems at all.  Others recognized that it could take time and would be up to them to earn respect.  Others said that being a girl could be an asset but that it had to be followed up with the knowledge and action that would build and support a long-term positive business relationship.

The entire evening and the days that followed were also a great opportunity to share valuable connections in media relations and problem solving.  It was inspiring to learn of the many other “value-added” services that woman are providing in the dairy industry.

At the end of the evening, my animal nutritionist daughter, Heather Hunt, and I felt that the event had been a real energizer.  We agreed that “It’s important that we understand how different stakeholders feel about different dairy issues.  Coming together from a broad range of dairy backgrounds and companies, it’s helpful for women who have been in different situations to share insights and solutions with other dairy girls. Kudos to The Dairy Girl Network for their plans to develop mentoring.  What a great resource sharing expertise. “It builds confidence to know that we aren’t one woman trying to make a difference on farm or in the boardroom.  We aren’t just wives and daughters but leaders with gifts and skills to share.”


Laura Daniels is enthusiastically receiving feedback and working with the first Dairy Girl Network Board of Directors to empower dairy women everywhere. “It has been a momentous year for the Dairy Girl Network.  We have truly moved the group nationwide.” From my point of view, it could become international.  Dairy girls from Canada and The Netherlands were also motivated upon hearing the plans as shared by Laura. “Our mission of connecting dairywomen across the nation becomes clearer every day.  I am proud of this network we’ve developed.”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Dairy women are making a difference, not just because they are different, but because, especially when networking together, they share and expand the same dairy passion.  “It is exciting to look forward and imagine where the Dairy Girl Network will be five years down the road.” Better make that three!!! This group is on the move.



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Outstanding Dairy DNA Discovered At World Dairy Expo 2015!

WDE2015_posterIf someone claims that we have “Dairy in our DNA”, what does it actually mean?   For the organizers of World Dairy Expo 2015, it is a dairy code they’re offering to each of us. No matter how we trace our dairy roots, it  means that for five days at the Alliant Center in Madison Wisconsin, our environment, what we eat, what we see and what we come into contact with will “run in the dairy family” — all 77,000 of them!  They are getting ready right now to converge on World Dairy Expo from across North America and around the world!

“Dairy in our DNA” is the core theme of World Dairy Expo 2015. It is the common thread that will run through every aspect of the annual dairy showcase.  No matter where you feel the dairy pull, when you get to the Alliant Center in Madison you will find out that the organizers of Expo 2015 have got it covered.

On the one hand you certainly may see the iconic dairy farmer in his plaid shirt, overalls and straw hat.  But, more likely than not, he probably has his smart phone in hand and is working with his show cows in the modern barn facilities, or is lining up future plans with farm consultants or perhaps “he” is a “she” and is questioning financial advisors she has linked with at an Expo seminar. Of course, she could even be checking on her robotic herd back home!

On the other hand, you too will be dazzled by new age information and state-of-the-art equipment. Aisles of machinery and outdoor exhibits elicit more “oohs” and “ahhs” than theme park thrill rides! If you still find yourself longing for simpler times, your heart will respond to the artistic outpouring of dairy designers, artists and hobbyists.  Don’t miss The Purple Cow gift shop. And to wrap it up, you can test your dairy acumen as a spectator at the daily dairy shows, where more than 2400 head of cattle will parade before world class judges to prove that they most assuredly have dairy in their DNA.

The Well Laid Plans of Cows and Men

The best feature of World Dairy Expo is that everything dairy related that you would like to see and hear about is concentrated in one place at one time.  That feature is probably the most challenging part of Expo too!  How do you decide where to go, what to see and when to go and see it amid this ever evolving stream of people, cows and commerce. It’s a wonderful place to do business, have a coffee, arrange a work lunch or attend a seminar. For dairy managers, customizing the connections you make during World Dairy Expo adds a whole new meaning to milking it for all it’s worth! And it’s all wrapped up in the beauty of autumn in Wisconsin.  Do your planning before you leave home (   Refine it as you travel to Wisconsin.  Pull out your well laid plans of “cows and men”.  And then just have a good time.

Prospects ….. Partners…. And Problem Solvers

World Dairy Expo 2015 is where you can get the leads, set up the contacts and establish an action plan for all those top priority projects you’re planning for the coming year.  In five building on the site over 850 companies are ready to meet your needs. Planning an expansion?  Need new equipment?  What consultants do you need to add to your team?  This year it will be easier than ever to make the right connections thanks to a new shuttle service between several local hotels and the Expo site. You can save time and build your rolodex while meeting and greeting people who are just as passionate about dairying as you are. There is no need to go back home without meeting at least one person who can advance your dairy dream. After you have met prospects, potential partners and product problem solvers, rest your feet and inspire your dairy dreams by attending one of the daily cattle shows or sales that highlight the best of the best in each breed. See more than 1,600 owners from the USA, Canada and Mexico prepare and show 2,400 head of cattle. That’s what “Dairy in Our DNA” is built upon.

Get Smart and Blame it on Your Dairy DNA

There are many things that we frequently blame on our genetics: including eye color, sense of humor and baldness!  Quite often health conditions and behavior disorders also get blamed on our genes. But after attending your personal selection from the following seminars offered at World Dairy Expo 2015, we will legitimately have the knowledge to claim that we have, “Dairy in our DNA”.  Bring your smart phone, iPad and notepaper and you will get a personalized education that expresses the best of what Dairy DNA has to offer today.

Dan Rupar“The Time is Right for a Succession Plan”
Tuesday, September 29, 1 p.m.
Dan Rupar, Attorney, Ruder Ware, L.L.S.C.
Good planning starts long before the dairy operation is handed from one generation to the next. Owners and potential successors can learn how to start this conversation from Dan Rupar. Successful transitions depend on identifying and resolving the legal, tax, financial and family conflict issues that can be obstacles to successful transition planning.



Dr JW Schroeder

“Feed Refusals: Waste or Cost of Doing Business?”
Wednesday, September 30, 11 a.m.
Dr. J.W. Schroeder, Associate Professor and Extension Dairy Specialist, North Dakota State University
We all recognize the costs associated with feeding dairy cattle. Dr. Schroeder will discuss how you can find the best ways to lower the amount of feed bunk refusal and take positive steps in managing this expense.



Jerry Wulf“Adding Value to Calves by Breeding to Beef”
Wednesday, September 30, 1 p.m.
Jerry Wulf, Partner, Wulf Cattle
Jerry Wulf, partner at Wulf Cattle, brings a new perspective to cattle breeding. He will discuss his experience and successes with the “Calf Buy Back” program they established to provide value-added genetics through breeding dairy cows to beef.



Dr Micheal Van Amburgh“Defining Factors That Create a Quality Heifer”
Dr. Michael Van Amburgh, Cornell University
Thursday, October 1, 11 a.m.
Dr. Mike Van Amburgh will share how neonatal factors that affect the lifetime productivity functions and outcomes of heifers. He also will share his experience with the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System which is a nutrition evaluation and formulation model used worldwide.



Jack Rodenburg“Design Criteria for Robotic Milking Barns”
Thursday, October 1, 1 p.m.
Jack Rodenburg, DairyLogix
Providing housing that allows dairy cattle to reach their best potential is a goal that all dairy managers seek. Jack Rodenburg has the data, practical experience and research results to answer all your questions on barn layouts, minimizing labor and optimizing cow comfort.



Dr. Gustavo Schuenemann“Apps for Dairying: An Application for Calving Management”
Friday, October 2, 11 a.m.
Dr. Gustavo Schuenemann, Associate Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine – Ohio State University
Here is a chance to learn how to use smart, touch-screen devices for calving management.  Dr. Schuenemann will discuss the pros and cons and financial implications of managing real time events that occur in dairy herds every day.



“Agroterrorism Threat Briefing and Roles of Law Enforcement”
Friday, October 2, 1 p.m.
Stephen Goldsmith DVM, WMD Directorate-Biological Countermeasures Unit, HQ, FBI
This seminar will be presented by Stephan Goldsmith DVM, a long-time employee of the FBI and Army National Guard and Reserve veteran. He will discuss the role of law enforcement and agriculture agencies in the joint investigation of intentional criminal or terrorist attacks against agriculture.



Dr Jan Shearer“Lameness in Dairy Cattle: Causes and Consequences”
Saturday, October 3, 11 a.m.
Dr. J.K. Shearer, Professor, Iowa State University
Dairy cattle lameness has a huge impact on performance, profit and cow welfare.  Dr. Shearer will discuss how to manage this crucial area through early detection, prompt diagnosis and application of effective therapy.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

DNA mapping provides a blueprint for genetics.  The program at World Dairy Expo 2015 provides a blueprint for everything you need to know about modern dairying.  Make the trip to Madison Wisconsin this September and you will be forever convinced that there’s outstanding “Dairy in Our DNA!”

Be sure to stay tuned to the Bullvine for daily video show reports, pictures and interviews.

Taking Time Off! Can Dairy Farms Make It Work?

Dairying and taking care of hard working dairy cattle is 24/7.  Having said that, cattle or cows, don’t produce at their best without taking a break. Often, the cows get more consideration in this respect than dairy staffers do. Family operations quite often accept that they have exchanged those hours at a cottage, on a beach or a cruise ship for the “cows, milk and fields lifestyle” – all year round.  For some operations, along with more working cows, there are considerably more working staff to manage. It’s not a 9 to 5 job and with that there is an acceptance that vacation isn’t part of the package. Regardless of where your job falls on the dairy spectrum, there isn’t an option of shutting down the milkers to make time off for staff possible.

At one time or another during the year this scenario can arise.  Jane announces that she needs to deal with a family health issue.  Devon has never had time off, but he left a request on your desk this morning. You check your file and see that two other employees asked months ago for leave …. When you put all these requests in sequence, you see that they are focused on the same week.”  Now, what?

Shift absenteeism will happen. It’s inevitable.

Even in groups as small as five or under, employees are going to request the same vacation days. Not all will be able to go. So what’s an employer to do?  Well. The only thing you can’t do is say “No!” to everybody. This is another management area that could turn into a nightmare of down production. But it won’t stop there because it can also escalate to emotional turmoil and increased employee turnover.

Minimize Problems with Dairy Leave &Those Who Cover the Dairy While They’re Gone

Every situation is unique but once you know your work pool options and what the needs of your staff are, you are off to a good start.  Most would say summer is NOT the time to have staff taking their vacations.  However, in some situations, the availability of students during this period could make it more feasible than during school months. Of course, employment regulations will also impact decision making.

Planning Must Start at the Very Beginning

Discuss your employee vacation policy during the hiring and orientation process and provide employees with written vacation policies and procedures. Highlight the peak work periods during which vacations may be prohibited or restricted. If there are any conflicts with major religious holidays or prior commitments, discuss them at that time to prevent surprises later on.

You’re The Boss! Don’t Abuse your Position.

As the employer or manager, you should definitely clarify that you have the right to rearrange employee vacation schedules to meet dairy operation demands and changing economic conditions. But be careful not to use this to unduly restrict employees from prime vacation periods by taking them all yourself. Bosses, family members, and managers need to consider how cherry-picking time off affects the morale of the entire staff.

Get the PLAN in Place BEFORE A Crisis Arises

Set a deadline for submitting vacation requests that gives you enough time to project how employee absences might affect production schedules or harvest periods to resolve any conflicts. Depending on your specific operation, this could be anywhere from a month to a year in advance.

Managing employee vacation requests effectively means having plenty of notice so that you have time to prepare. If one of the staff members announces that they need to take a week off starting from tomorrow, then this is going to be a real headache for however handles managing employee vacation requests. This is why it is a good idea to have a policy whereby members of staff are expected to give so much notice if they want vacation time. Of course, there will be emergencies where the staff member won’t be able to give much notice and allowances should be made for this. Otherwise something like a month’s notice should be viewed as the minimum.


Prepare for the absences. If colleagues will cover vacationers’ jobs, make sure they know the specifics of their responsibilities.

  1. Make sure that job protocols are written and posted. This checklist can be a great back up, even if the individuals have already worked on the dairy.
  2. Parcel out vacationing employees’ duties among several colleagues. This action keeps one unfortunate soul from having to do the job of two.
  3. Offer premium pay, bonuses, or other employee incentives to those who agree to work during the most popular vacation periods when too many employee absences could be bad for the dairy.
  4. Allow workers in identical positions to trade off vacation dates among themselves, so long as it won’t jeopardize production schedules or quality of work.
  5. You may wish to monitor the results with an employee vacation tracking system of some kind to make sure the trading was fair to all members of the staff, and that age, gender, ethnic or religious factors are not being used to favor certain people.

What you need to do now

It’s important to consider vacations, but don’t forget sick leave and other kinds of employee absences when you’re planning your staffing levels. While there is a temptation to run on a skeleton staff in tight economic times, you may run into coverage issues when staff is low during prime vacation season, flu season or during other periods of high demand.

Develop a sound system for employee vacation tracking and planning, so you can make clear choices about needed staffing levels for any given workweek.

Make sure your employee vacation policy describes when and how vacation time may be taken, and how disputes over high-demand days will be handled

Managing employee vacation requests can be a real headache.

There is not much thanks when you are able to grant requests, but you can be sure that if you have to refuse them there will be complaints. The fact is that no matter how good you are at managing employee vacation requests there are still likely going to be times when the answer is going to be ‘no’. This is not going to make your popular, but it comes with the job.


It is a good idea to have a vacation planner in the milk house office or staff room (or both) where staff can request their holiday time. This is sure to make managing employee vacation requests a lot easier. This way they can see what holiday time has already been requested so they will be less likely to ask for times that are just not possible due to staffing. A vacation planner means that the employee has some sense of control in managing employee vacations requests and so less likely to complain when they don’t get what they want. This is a simple and efficient tool that is well worth having on your dairy.

Say “YES” Often

When managing employee vacation requests, it is a good idea to say ‘yes’ as often as you can. These holidays are not only an employee’s right but they are also needed for them to remain productive workers. If employees feel that their requests have not received enough of an effort to be granted they will become disgruntled and may even leave the job because of it. It is also possible that employees will just find a way to take the time off anyway by calling in sick.


If you do need to deny some, it’s perfectly reasonable to do it based on seniority. You can also ask people to submit their first and second choices for time away, and use seniority to bump people to their second choice if needed. And if you can, try make sure that everyone gets at least one of those weeks off if they want it; it’s going to breed resentment if some people get two weeks off while others get none.

A caution about using seniority as your system: If you have little turnover among your most senior people, this can lead to a situation where no one else can ever get the time they want, year after year. If that’s the case, you might instead use a rotation system so that newer people still have a chance to get holiday time off sometimes. Or you might do other sorts of rotations, such as putting people on a schedule that rotates time off between Thanksgiving week and the December holidays.

First come, first served, it can work, but it can end up not being fair if it means that some people turns in their holiday requests very early each year and thus reserve all the prime vacation slots months in advance and never have to share the burden of coverage with others.

Four Steps to Take, if you Must say, “No!”

  1. Tell people as soon as possible so that they can plan accordingly.
    Be apologetic about it and openly appreciative that people are willing to pitch in to make it work. That doesn’t mean that people will be thrilled about it, but seeming callous and unconcerned will make it go over worse.
  2. Do what you can to make being in the dairy during the holidays more pleasant for people — bring in food and find other ways to show appreciation that they’re there.
  3. Fatigue affects function. Everybody needs a break.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

We spend a lot of time making sure that dairy cattle are cared for and producing in optimum conditions. That should be true for staff too. Everybody produces better when they feel there is an appropriate balance between work time and off-work time. Get a better hold on dairy vacation planning and you will have a better hold on dairy staff.



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Running a dairy operation sometimes seems like a roller coaster ride. Holding on through economic and marketing challenges propels managers through numerous ups and downs.  Pregnancy rates – a key success metre in dairying — is actually one of the scariest rides of all in the dairy theme park but isn’t always recognized as such.  Because even the best pregnancy rates are not very high, too many dairy managers have become conditioned to accept the summer decline as a fact of dairy life that they can simply “ride out”. To counteract lowered pregnancy rates, you must look to embryo transfer.

Where is Your Dairy on The Pregnancy Slide?

Whenever temperatures rise above 70F, heat stress in cattle means there are fewer pregnancies per service, and this has a dramatic impact on dairy sustainability. Here in August 2015, the hot, dry temperatures are beginning to moderate but most of North America still hovers in the 80s where the effects of summer heat continue to affect embryo development and thus pregnancy rate for at least another couple of months.  Unfortunately, if you don’t take action until you hit bottom, rather than being a thrill, it might mean that your dairy profitability ride could come to an abrupt end!

What Causes the Slide?

Dairy cows originate from temperate climates and so it hot climates or during hotter parts of the year when under the stress of production the most limiting factor suffers. More recent research has shown that when temperature goes above 68F reproduction suffers

Dairy cows use energy.  The order of energy consumption is: 1. producing milk (for their young), 2. Building their body mass and then 3. Reproduction. With the addition of heat stress, the first thing to suffer is the last item in the order …. reproduction.

Under summer attack. What Happens Inside the Cow?

Reproduction research has shown:

  • eggs are not properly formed
  • internal temperature is elevated and eggs / sperm do not survive
  • fertilized eggs do not adhere to uterine wall
  • There is a domino effect as each compromise in the process negatively affects the next step.

Ovum production occurs 40-50 days before they are ovulated so only when a cow’s embryo production returns to normal can we expect to again get more reasonable reproduction rates. Areas that have mean daily temperatures above 68F for May until October can expect reproduction to suffer from late June to mid-November. That’s big time –it’s 42% of the year. For lower temperature areas off-time will be shorter but July thru Sept is still a quarter of the year.

Start with Traditional Heat Stress Tools

  • Lower temperatures by having smaller group sizes
  • Improve insect control (so animals do not group)
  • Use fans and misting
  • Make use of shade covers
  • high quality feed (more balanced diet) to breeding group
  • feed animals at night so they can rest during the heat of the day
  • breed more heifers during summer
  • use every strategy that makes sense to you and your operation

Perhaps you Need to Consider Breed and Other Alternatives?

There are breed differences with Jerseys being best at withstanding hot weather.

There is some evidence that whiter Holsteins suffer less that blacker ones

The University of Florida (and other) research shows that using embryos can produce double the number of pregnancies.


Currently, a critical mass of research is available supporting ET to combat summer infertility syndrome. Results clearly support that embryos collected from thermoneutral donors are successfully maintaining higher pregnancies rates than those achieved by heat stressed animals bred by conventional A.I. In vitro produced embryos transferred into heat stressed animals resulted in improved pregnancy rates when compared with AI during bouts of heat stress.

Of course, the expense of ET cannot be ignored. Traditionally superovulation can be quite expensive. In-vitro embryo production is gaining feasibility as an alternative.

In-vitro Production (IVP) Can Counteract Heat Losses

The laboratory production of embryos is a workable, economical alternative to traditional AI.  The primary method involves harvesting of eggs from slaughterhouse ovaries that are then fertilized with semen and grown in a laboratory for seven days. Using this method, several hundred eggs can be harvested and fertilized with one straw of genetically superior sexed or conventional semen.  The result is the production of dozens of good quality embryos. The great news is that using fresh embryos produced in vitro during the summer results in an increase in the number of heifer calves born and pregnancy rates return to levels achieved during the cooler months of the year.

How do you Measure Heat Stress?

We all know that, before you can fix anything, you must be able to measure the problem.  When considering heat stress, researchers have developed the Temperature Humidity Index.  This measures ambient temperature and relative humidity readings.  This index was developed over 50 years ago.  Original benchmarks showed that dairy cattle become heat stressed at a THI of 72. This has been revised by research produced at the University of Arizona.  Modern THI has been set to 68 as the level at which cattle become heat stressed. This considerably expands the heat stress calendar and emphasizes the need to have strategies in place to deal with the decline in reproduction.

Will you lose Money or spend it?

Embryos of high genetic merit can often be obtained for $300.

Before you look at that as a too-costly of expense consider the red hot costs of heat losses

  • $ the cost of carrying extra animals to cover lower production  (net of $3-$5 per extra animal per day)
  • $$ cost of a lost heat cycle
  • $$$ extra labor for heat detection and breeding more animals, ($25 per missed conception)
  • $$$$ semen costs ($40 per dose)
  • $$$$$ drug cost ($20-$20 per usage)
  • $$$$$$ more time spent in dry pens ($4 per day)
  • $$$$$$$ having to raise more heifers   ($2.50 per day)

The amounts you incur for the above items may be somewhat higher or lower than those we have used. The important point is that you know what it’s costing you.  Summer pregnancy losses are not free.

What are you Waiting For?

It’s one thing to recognize the issues.  It’s another to take action. Three main reasons are given for staying on the merry-go-round:

  • Unfamiliar with buying embryos
  • Setting a dollar limit. Lots of $200 to $300 would serve most breeders quite well.
  • Avoiding the accounting that shows how much is lost (see above). $175 cost of a lost heat cycle

As stated earlier results clearly support the effectiveness of embryo transfer.  University of Florida researchers published a study (2011) that concluded that vitrified embryos (42.1 %) doubled the pregnancy rate of A.I (18.3%). Furthermore, the study showed higher pregnancy rates when vitrified embryos (29.3) were compared to A.I. (18.3).

Work it Out with A Pencil

It is as if breeders think that the cool weather rates are 100%, and therefore slippage is still okay.  This is so wrong.  Average standard pregnancy rates are only 20%, and, therefore, hot weather losses reduce this to 10%.  Furthermore, the heat stressed period is not just a small percentage of the year.  Even in the northern ranges, hot weather can affect four months. In some southern areas, such as Florida, that rises to 7 months of high-temperature effects.  No matter how you do the math, this is a major loss to dairy profitability.


  • Maintain pregnancy rate of 20% throughout the summer
  • Take appropriate measures to reduce heat stress effects on milk production
  • Consider embryo transfer to maintain pregnancy rates

The Bullvine Bottom Line

When the heat is on, pregnancy rates spiral downward. Cooling strategies are proven to help milk production.  To counteract lowered pregnancy rates, you must look to embryo transfer. It’s all about money. Money wasted riding down the summer slide.  OR?  Money invested to fly higher through summer pregnancies.  The choice is yours.



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Stray Voltage Sparking “Current” Headlines in Canada and USA

Stray voltage. It’s unseen.  It’s hard to identify.  And for a growing number of North American dairies, stray voltage is a very real problem that is not easily solved before it causes irreparable damage.

Let’s begin with a look at a few headlines from Canada and the United States.

Here is a closer look at specific North American cases.

Canadian Conundrum Goes Nowhere

In Ontario Canada, Chatham-Kent dairy farmers Patrick and Loretta Herbert have been struggling with the stray voltage issue for seven years.  For them, one hundred and thirty-two years of family history on the farm may end when they are forced to walk away without solving this heart-wrenching mystery.

In USA Stray Voltage Sparks Current Lawsuits

Across the border, stray voltage is in the courts as dairy farmers seek damages from utility companies.  At one point in 2013 there were six active lawsuits in Minnesota.  The results were in stark contrast to the Canadian blame game and court dismissals.

In Waverly, a jury awarded 2.5 million to dairy farmers after determining that stray voltage from faulty power company equipment was responsible for production losses. Harlan and Jennifer Poopler and Roy Marshall began their legal fight with Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association in 2012. At that time, they were awarded $750,000. That award was overturned when the appellate courts ordered a new trial because of errors of the trial court.

In another case, Crow Wing Power of Brainerd was found “negligent in its response to a northern Minnesota farm family’s concerns about stray voltage on their property. The jury awarded Randy and Peggy Norman $4.8 million in economic loss damages and $1.5 million in nuisance damages for a total of $6.3 million, the largest amount ever awarded in a stray voltage case in state history, according to the Normans’ attorneys.”(Read more “Minnesota Farm Awarded Record $6.3M in ‘Stray Voltage’ Lawsuit)

Let’s look back at the Canadian case for examples of arguments put forth by the defending utility companies.

Hydro is “Not Responsible.”

  1. “We don’t know if it is stray voltage or if it isn’t” (Ontario Hydro spokesperson)
  2. “We did some tests to make sure it wasn’t our equipment.”( OH spokesperson)
  3. Hydro One installed a Dairyland Isolater in an attempt to address the issue (paid for by owner). It didn’t help
  4. “Hydro One is not taking responsibility for its practice of routinely sinking current into the ground throughout rural Ontario.” Affected dairy owners say, “We need to get the antiquated distribution network out of the ground and back on the lines.”

Stray voltage is unique to North America.

The most common source of stray voltage in Canada and the U.S. is neutral current generated by typical power consumption in the grounded neutral electrical distribution system. Electrical distribution in Europe is phase-to-phase and with the rare exception of electric shock from ground faults there is no stray voltage on European farms.

Stray voltage in livestock agriculture is the difference in voltage potential measured between two surfaces that may be contacted simultaneously by an animal. Stray current is the electric current that flows through an animal when it makes simultaneous contact with two surfaces that have different electrical potentials.

Research indicates that most animals are not affected by low levels of stray voltage, but those that are developing “behavioural avoidance” patterns. Sensitive cows may show mild behavioural avoidance at current exposures exceeding two milliamps, corresponding to about 1-2 volts.  (Read more: Stray Voltage and Robotic Milking of Dairy Cows)

The electric current can course through the metal on a dairy farm, including through water troughs. This can lead to cows not drinking enough water, not eating enough food and a reduction in milk production, as a result, according to a 2009 publication produced by the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Stray voltage can also cause the animals to produce a stress hormone, decreasing the ability to fight infection.

Six Symptoms of Stray Voltage

  1. Somatic cell count rises
  2. Milk production declines
  3. Cattle are not showing heats
  4. Cattle are failing to conceive.
  5. There are unexplained metabolic disease
  6. Elevated death losses

What Solutions are Available?

Fighting this invisible enemy has tested the ingenuity of farmers, contractors, veterinarians and dairy industry consultants.  This is only a starting list, however, here are some that have been tried with varying degrees of success.

  • Consultation with veterinarians and other animal advisors
  • Water testing
  • Dowsing (a.k.a. witching) for electricity
  • Changing of feed providers
  • Changing power companies
  • Learning from autopsies
  • Decision to stop farming

Electrical and Structural Solutions

Only a few stray voltage problems can be solved with improved grounding or correction of electrical faults. That does not mean these things cannot play a role, but in most cases either an equipotential grid/plane or a piece of separation/correction equipment is needed.

A slatted floor beside the robot also helps keep the area dry and clean and provides a convenient place to drain wash water and waste milk.

With no maintenance necessary, this is one of the better solutions. There are, however, two possible disadvantages.

  • Observation suggests cows are more comfortable walking on solid floors than slatted ones and would avoid slats if possible. If cows are reluctant to step onto the slats, it could be replacing one avoidance problem with another. Using a good quality waffle slat can help solve this potential problem.
  • It is costly to add a pit to an existing barn if it is only used to control stray voltage. But in a newly constructed barn a slatted floor area near the robotic milker is a good option.  (Read more: Stray Voltage and Robotic Milking of Dairy Cows)

Seeking Government Intervention

In 2005 a Private Member’s Bill (Bill 143) was introduced to Queen’s Park in Canada. It would have forced Hydro One and other distributors to respond quickly to stray voltage problems within a six month period. The bill received unanimous first and second reading support but failed to get final approval prior to an election being called.  In 2009 at the request of the Minister of Energy, the Ontario Energy Board ruled that electricity distributors must investigate stray voltage complaints and remedy them if the distribution system is at fault.

Canada: 2009 Ontario Energy Board Ruling

In 2009, the Ontario Energy Board ruled that electricity distributors must examine stray voltage concerns on livestock farms if the farmer can show that stray voltage may be adversely affecting the operation of the livestock farm.

Ruling (paraphrased)

Where an investigation reveals that either:

  1. ACC [animal contact current] on the farm exceeds 2.0 mA or
  2. ACV [animal contact voltage] on the farm exceeds 1.0 V

the distributor shall conduct tests to determine whether and the extent to which the distributor’s distribution system is contributing to farm stray voltage measured on the farm.

Where the tests reveal that the distributor’s distribution system is contributing more than 1 mA ACC or 0.5 V ACV to farm stray voltage on a farm, the distributor shall take such steps as may be required to ensure that such contribution does not exceed 1 mA ACC or 0.5 V ACV. (Read more: Stray Voltage and Robotic Milking of Dairy Cows)

One Last Effort

The couple from Chatham, Ontario have tried valiantly and failed so far– to find a solution.  As a last effort, they have installed four-by-10-foot steel plates and copper wire buried to within a foot of the soil surface in a ring around the barn. Their hope was that this installation will isolate the dairy barn from any ground current and allow the voltage to be analyzed in real time.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

The crippling effects of stray voltage affect all aspects of the dairy farm and go beyond cow health, milk production and farm profitability.  Effective detection devices are the first step. It’s time to go beyond the shocking extremes between doing nothing at all and the awarding millions of dollars in settlements. Stakeholders on both sides of the problem need to take responsibility in seeking and implementing economical and efficient solutions.



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The Inside Story on Calf Care Alternatives

The decisions you make regarding calf housing and feeding methods can have an enormous impact on their health growth and behavior and, as a result, will also affect your dairy farm profit.

Housing, Feeding and Management on the Inside

Research and breeder experience have determined that the benchmark housing choice for disease control in nursing calves is still an individual outdoor hutch. However, careful management and proper barn design can help make nursery barns for either individually or group-housed calves successful. Deciding which one to choose for your farm will require careful consideration of the pros and cons of both types of indoor management systems.

Better Housing by Design

When considering healthy indoor calf housing, the following housing principles are crucial to efficient design:

  1. The layout of the barn must provide a minimum of approximately 15 square feet of bedded area per calf in group pens.
  2. The design of the barn must offer a minimum of approximately 30 square feet in individual pens.
  3. Indoor housing has no physical barrier to prevent the spread of disease so plentiful space must be available.
  4. Indoor housing and feeding usually means the calves consume larger volumes of liquid. As a result, more space is needed per calf because bedding is soiled more quickly.
  5. It is important to remove moisture from the calf’s environment. Sloped concrete and floors with gravel draining base improve the removal of moisture and improve the insulating lifetime of the bedding while decreasing humidity for improved air hygiene in the calf barn.

Advantages for Dairy Calves Raised Indoors

There is a definite advantage for group housed nursing calves when they are given more space. Reports indicate drier beds, healthier calves, and better growth rates, with more space, calves can socialize and play freely in a more natural group setting. The open housing also allows calves to suckle the nozzle between feedings – also a natural behavior. With all the advantages, calf managers must still be as vigilant in monitoring calf health visually. Even with computerized monitoring of behavior changes managers must remember that not all calves change their feeding behavior when they are sick. So, despite the data collection advantages, managers must still be as vigilant in monitoring calf health visually as they are with individual housing.

Benefits for Dairy Producers

Every dairy operation will have its own opportunities and challenges with implementation of group feeding and indoor housing. Labor management differs between automatic group feeders and individual pens.  Total time spent is about the same for both systems, although the focus is different. Five areas that are gaining producer support are the positive results in the areas of calf well-being, dairy profitability, labor savings, caregiver comfort and protection of milk’s good image.

To prevent respiratory disease you must ensure good air hygiene through proper ventilation that is draft-free, preferably achieved through natural ventilation with supplemental positive-pressure tubes.

Inside Pen Management Pointers

  1. All-in/all-out management of group and individual pen calf barns can help break disease cycles by separating older calves from young ones in both time and space and thus reducing the risk of young calves picking up pathogens from contact with older animals.
  2. Clean, deep, dry bedding allows calves to “nest” and, as a result, trap a layer of warm air around themselves to reduce heat loss as well as lowering airborne bacterial counts.
  3. Air exchange is an important consideration and must be managed
  4. If the system is not computerized, it is still important to keep accurate records.

Choosing Between Individual or Group Housing

Before you even consider how to house your nursing calves, a successful program must have started with excellent pre-fresh cow and heifer care, clean maternity pens, and attentive newborn care. Prompt removal from the adult cow environment, navel dipping and colostrum feeding are the next steps. It is well accepted that using individual pens to house calves can solve many of the concerns regarding the spread of disease.  Sick calves may be easier to pick out in individual pens with screening done at each feeding, with restraint for examination and quicker treatment. The issue of socialization can be somewhat resolved by placing calves in pairs by removing a panel between two pens after the period of highest disease risk has passed, perhaps after 2 or 3 weeks old or even waiting until much closer to or after weaning.

With individual pens, chores are mostly focused on feeding and cleaning up after each calf.

Group housing compliments automated feeding systems and allows calves to exhibit or develop healthy social behaviors.

Consider Automated Feeding

Automatic group feeders not only allow for greater volumes of milk or replacer to be fed per day but also allow for a more natural frequency and distribution of milk meals. Producers have automated control over how much milk or replacer each calf receives during its stay in the nursery and can automatically schedule weaning. This removes the potential for human error.

Choosing Between Individual or Group Feeders

It goes without saying that timely delivery of an appropriate quantity of quality, clean colostrum is essential for providing passive immunity to calves. This is especially important for those raised in groups. Labor management differs in focus but not amount between automatic group feeders and individual pens.  The work associated with automatic group feeders is spent more on monitoring, managing health and watching performance. The schedule is more flexible than that needed for individually housed calves, where the chores are mostly focused on feeding and clearing up after each calf.

Challenges with Automated Feeder Management

Every system has its pluses and minuses.  It is important to get the details right when you implement an automated feeding system.

  1. A high stocking density relative to machine availability results in inadequate time for all calves to nurse, which can lead to cross-sucking.
  2. Less expensive machines need more frequent attention for filling and do not have data recording or self-cleaning capabilities.
  3. Not all machines can serve every nipple simultaneously. This reduces the time available to feed calves at each station.
  4. Mixing problems, due to inaccurate calibration and problems with milk replacer clumping, can result in inconsistent delivery of milk or replacer, which can lead to increased incidence of cross-sucking as well as scours and other diseases.
  5. Inadequate cleaning of the machines, either due to inadequate maintenance or even water quality problems, is also one of the main causes of disease in group-housed nursery calves.
  6. Increased group size can mean less time available per calf to nurse and greater risk of exposure to potentially more sick calves.
  7. Note: Producers often find smaller group sizes to be more efficient for calf health and growth.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Recent innovations have made group feeding and rearing a practical alternative to traditional rearing in individual pens or hutches. As producers move away from hutches and look into building new calf barns or remodeling an existing barn to house nursing calves, they have the opportunity to consider both automatic group feeders, group housing or individual pens. Knowing the risks and benefits of both systems, as well as the investment involved, can help determine if the inside story is the right management fit for your operation.



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12 Best Pieces of Dairy Advice to Act on Now!

There are many articles offering good advice to hard working dairy farm managers. The great thing about good advice is that it provides directional signs that we can use to navigate the twists and turns of the dairy farming road. We still fall over, lose our way and get grit in our shoes. But somehow having signposts we trust no matter what comes our way, gives us hope. Of course, our progress depends on whether or NOT we move forward with the advice. In short, the problem isn’t the advice that we are hearing. The problem is what we are doing about it.

The Milk House has been a great place for dairy breeders to share the advice that they find most helpful. Building upon that great discussion here is a selection of the 12 best pieces of dairy advice that you can ACT upon. (Read more: Introducing The Milk House – Dairy Breeder Networking on Facebook)

  1. Be proactive, not reactive!”
    If you’re going to act upon advice, you must have that as an automatic response. Several dairy breeders joined the discussion to say that this has helped their dairy development programs. “Don’t say I’ll just do it tomorrow when you can do it today.” And thus it happens that very early in our “Best Advice” list, we are being urged not only to hear advice or receive it…. But also to put the advice into action.
  2. “Be picky about who you listen ”
    At the other extreme from never taking advice from anyone is the dangerous situation where you accept advice from everyone! Some “experts” have their own agenda, which may be counterproductive to your goals. One dairyman points out the importance of seeking quality over quantity, “Surround yourself with knowledgeable people that that care about not only your business and your cows but about you too.” Others agree that it is possible to find sales rep whose help goes beyond lining their own pockets.” When it comes to advice, a large part of what you are doing is building strong relationships. (Read more: How To Choose The Best Dairy Consultant For Your Business)
  3. “Always remember that dairying is about cows and making milk!”
    When it comes to dairying, a lot of the best advice has to do with producing milk. Short and sweet guideposts start with “Milk makes money!” Those three words may seem dumb to some but are effective and build on the idea, “Breed for type and feed for production.” When you’re in the milk business, the obvious advice is to put the emphasis on production. One contributor refined this idea to “Breed for production and take the show cows as they come along.” Another Milk House contributor shared his trifecta of winning advice regarding this area: “There are three rules to high production – feed your milkers as well as you can, feed your dry cows as well as your milkers and grow your young stock.” Feeding advice rated high with many proactive dairy managers. One lady urged “Keep feeding the best you can, because if they drop, it’s near impossible to get them back up to where they were!” At first you might think this next piece of advice is counter-productive when it urges a negative: “You don’t have to feed what you grow.” The explanation clears up the confusion. “If you have a bad year of making hay then you’ll have a bad year making milk unless you find something better.” Going back from the cattle feeding to the dairy cattle themselves is this advice, “Take care of the cows and the cows will take care of you”.
  4. Know your cows!”
    In the dairy business, your success with the cattle depends on how well you notice the little things. Dairy breeders who know their cattle will know when something is off. For one thing, the cattle themselves will be sending the message that something is wrong. Of course, then it goes back to “doing something about it!” The better you know your dairy herd, the more flexible you will be in responding to problems. Flexibility is key because, just when you think you’ve got it figured out, something will throw you a curve ball – the weather, milk prices, employees or illness. The more you know your own situation, the more okay you will be with changing the plan if you need to.
  5. Keep your calves alive and your cows pregnant”
    This two-pronged approach of pregnant cows and live calves is a profit maker according to successful dairy managers. “It’s hard to lose money if you do both those things well!” Of course if you can’t identify what is limiting your pregnancies or taking down your calves, you will be behind the eight ball. One reader shared advice she acted upon and gave us a pat on the back at the same time when she referenced, “That calf rearing article in The Bullvine some years ago certainly saved us a lot of money!”
  6. “Go back to school and get a business degree!”
    This is great advice for anyone choosing to manage or be part of a dairy business. Business touches on virtually every aspect of modern society and applying these premises to your goals can be a big help. Furthermore, business graduates are in high demand in all areas of agriculture. Another corollary for business-like thinking is this recommendation taken by some of our readers, ““If you treat dairying like a business it can make a comfortable lifestyle. If you treat dairying like a lifestyle, it can make for a lousy business.” One reader ended with this regret, “Too bad it took me so long to realize that it was true.
  7. “People need to know how much you care before they care how much you know,”
    We think we know what we need. We feel that we are in charge, and we talk about targets and goals and visions, but our dairy team (family, employees, suppliers, vets and consultants) don’t care about any of that stuff for very long. We can communicate and engage and connect until the cows come home, but no one really listens to us. They just smile and nod and go back to doing their jobs the way they always have. But once we demonstrate that we care about them … then they care about us. And when they know we care, they will listen … and they will do what is needed.
  8. “Pay close attention to detail every day and do all those “small/extra things” that make a big difference at the end of the day!”
    More, bigger and better aren’t always the key to success. Often times, it is simply doing the little things well. Sometimes it’s a small change that makes a big difference. This is true with our attitudes as well. Each day, pay attention to at least one or two moments that worked out well for your dairy. Don’t shrug your shoulders and conclude that “it was just a crappy day…” Even a bad experience has a valuable moment wrapped up inside of it, if only you‘re willing to dig deeper to discover it. Pay attention to what you have done. The constant barrage to “DO more,” “GET more,” and “BE more” negates what you have done, what you have and who you are. It makes you feel deprived. Less than. Not good enough. In this competitive world of dairying, we often need to remind ourselves of what we have accomplished.
  9. “You should act the way that you want people to remember you.”
    Many dairy people recognize the importance of this advice that Dr. Seuss phrased this way, “Today I will behave as if this is the day I will be remembered” This great advice applies equally well in the ring, on the farm and in life. Live today the way you want to be remembered tomorrow. What a difference that could make toward resolving the unpleasantness of overheard conversations, undercover videos or candid camera shots!
  10. “Work hard but play harder!” Despite the 24/7 nature of dairy farming, or maybe because of it, successful dairy farmers recognize the importance of balancing work and play. Along with the planting, harvesting, milking and equipment maintenance, many dairy operations have jet skis, snowmobiles, 4-wheelers, and boats. They play hard and enjoy life! Others confirm that it is important to spend time with family and friends away from the dairy farm. “It helps you maintain perspective on the challenges you face and thus on the future of your operation.” Not only that, but time off can recharge your batteries and improve performance. So take at least one weekend off of the farm no matter what. Ask a relative, friend, neighbor, or whoever to milk, in order to keep yourself from burning out.
  11. A Truism of Animal Agriculture: “If you have livestock, then you’re gonna have deadstock.”
    The cycle of life and death is something every dairy farmer must deal with. One of our Milk House contributors was told this when she was upset and crying at the loss of one of the farm animals. No matter how true it is, it doesn’t entirely take away feelings of loss when one of our animals loses the fight for life. Striving to improve these odds is an area we all seek advice on.

The previous 11 pieces of advice have contributed to keeping the dairy breeders who shared them focused, compassionate and successful. It is important to remember the three step process of

  1. Hearing the advice
  2. Accepting the advice
  3. Taking action on the advice.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

And so we close with our twelfth piece of dairy wisdom. #12 “Enjoy what you have. It may be nice to look toward what “may” happen in the future – but ALWAYS appreciate what God has given you today!” That is a great piece of advice that we can all act on immediately.



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How To Choose The Best Dairy Consultant For Your Business

Dairying is a complicated business.  Sometimes you need to ask for help. None of us knows everything about growing and managing a dairy herd.  Some are just starting out. Others might be upscaling? Or downsizing?  Regardless of where you are on the spectrum, there could be major questions about dairy nutrition, finances, real estate or animal buying and selling.  At the Bullvine we think there are many questions to ask before hiring a consultant.

The second question is the most important one!

When you’re trying to make sense of a problem, there is no such thing as a stupid question.  Ask them all.  The more, the better.  But the most important question each time is the SECOND question.  That is not question #2.  The second question is that one that you ask after you have been given a part answer.  Listen for what you haven’t been told yet.  Here are ten guidelines that will help you to find the right consultant for your dairy business and we have added a second question to each one to get you started with this important questioning process.


When hiring a consultant, make sure to hire superior problem solvers.  First off you must know actual data on the problem your dairy is facing.  A good consultant should have experience with the challenges or opportunities you are facing.  You need the experience they bring to the table.  That’s what makes it possible to address the issues you face and turn performance into profits. Be specific about everything that you expect the consultant to deliver or produce.

The second question:  What do you expect from me?  What can I expect from you?

Opinion and analysis are great.  But where’s the action plan?

Once you have transparency between both parties, a good action plan is critical.  This must include a method of evaluating the performance expected.  Setting benchmarks based on your objectives and having detailed follow-up is the true measure of the client-consultant relationship.  If you don’t have an action plan to implement, how do you evaluate what you are paying for?

The second question:  Will you provide a written action plan?

What’s The UP side of having a Consultant?

Having someone work with you to develop your dairy operation can be very rewarding.  Successful partnerships establish a trust-based relationship. The relationship between dairy consultants and dairy managers is not unlike the relationship between a doctor and patient.  When there is complete candor, the consultant is not hindered in his or her effort to help your dairy business.  Chose a consultant with whom you can develop this kind of professional relationship.

The second question:  Is our proposed project one that you have the enthusiasm to take on?

GIVE AND TAKE. Who’s giving?  Who’s taking?

Sometimes you can be fooled about the hidden agenda of the person you’re consulting with. I worked with one young lady who had hired me for a marketing project. Our initial meetings went well, and I was given the job of writing up a plan.  In due time, she returned for a review of the completed work.  She arrived at my office without a briefcase, which was a small but significant sign that alerted me to the fact that this wasn’t the usual information exchange. I asked the second question, “Are we working together today?” Sure enough, she explained, “I have found a student who will carry out this project … for a lot less than you requested. So I just need you to give it to me.”  She was the only person who was surprised that she left my office without said project. As I was closing the door, I did so with the words, “For that to happen, it would be unethical.” She was protesting every step of the way that her actions were not unethical because they would win her points with her boss, and that’s what SHE needed.”  Needless to say, the points were lost.  Her boss was told. I was compensated.  And no one had the project to implement.  I filed it under, “Older and wiser!” Bottom of Form

The second question:  What is your personal interest in our business relationship?  

The Big “E”: Expertise, Experience, and Ethics.

First and foremost, an effective consultant must be a person of the highest character.  He or she must be a consummate professional.  Before you entrust your financial future and/or the health and welfare of your dairy herd to other individuals, you want to be confident that they are willing to put your best interests ahead for their own.  For example, the consultant must be willing to tell you things you need to hear, but may not want to — even if doing so means that they lose your business.  Sure you want to hear that your project could bring in big bucks but your future depends on facts, not fiction. Sometimes the truth can hurt your pride. An experienced industry expert will give you facts supported by honest data. The consultant must demonstrate that they care deeply about all of their clients.  While you can’t depend on the rumor mill, do your due diligence and be aware that if some clients are taking losses instead of profits, you could be next.

The second question:  Can you provide industry references for me to speak with?

Are your consultants making you money or just taking it?

We’ve all run into the consultants who look the picture of success. They dress for it.  They drive it.  Their offices are magazine-cover perfect. However, how much of their success translates into moving your dairy operation forward? Consultants who keep up appearances sometimes do so at the expense of their clients. Make sure you know the financial stability of the consultant you are about to work with.  Everybody has ups and downs, but it’s not your job to maintain the consultant in the style that they have become accustomed to.

The second question:  What can you tell me about your financial stability?

Is your consultant ready and reliable? Will they report regularly?

Do you currently work with consultants? If the answer is yes, do you receive regular reports? At the very minimum, you should be receiving monthly updates outlining the progress made on your project.  Ideally you are getting live discussion either over the phone or, better yet, in person.  Whatever method is used to keep you informed, your consultant should continually be asking, “How can we do our job better?”

The second question:  Will you put your promises and results into a written report?

It’s SHOW and TELL time for everybody

Information is the most valuable commodity exchanged between a dairy operation and a potential consultant.  The most important pieces are knowing what results and deliverable are expected. Both sides must be open and straightforward with each other. Above all, it must be clearly defined regarding whom the consultant will work with and exactly who will do the job. In some cases, it may be necessary to specify who owns the finished work, as in the case of a customized feed product or intellectual property.  Perhaps confidentiality agreements will be needed. If results are to be released, who has sign off?  Is there a potential conflict of interest here? Knowing the answers to these questions in advance can prevent legal and financial hassles down the line.

The second question:  Is there something that they are not telling me?

Who’s the Boss?

There’s part of each of us that wants our consultants to remember, “The client is always right!” However, if that was true, why hire a consultant in the first place?  Yes, you know what you want but they should be telling you what to do.  They were hired because they have a specific expertise that you don’t have.  It doesn’t matter if you like what they say or not.  Their job as a consultant is to do what’s best for you.  Good consultants will have data to back up their solutions or promises.  Sometimes it doesn’t work the first time.  How a consultant handles, the roadblocks is the most important characteristic to look for. It is also interesting to find out if the boss of your consulting firm will be doing any of the work on your project.  Some bigger companies catch you with their reputation and then send junior consultants to carry out the work.

The second question:  Who will I actually be working with?

Working with a consultant means having a relationship

If you want to reduce your stress when hiring a consultant, recognize that you are both looking for a productive relationship.  Sometimes all you get is a regular “social” call, followed up by an invoice. Both parties should want more.  You’re looking to improve your dairy enterprise. Consultants only stay in business by getting results for their clients. Don’t get involved with a consultant who won’t or can’t provide you with results. Picking a consultant is like being in a marriage. Sometimes you get into it for the wrong reasons.  “Better than nothing” is not a good foundation to build on.

The second question:  Are we just dating or is this a marriage?

The Bullvine Bottom Line

At the end of the day, most of us probably like our dairy consultants on a personal level.  After all, they work in this industry that we all feel passionate about.  However, that doesn’t mean they are the right consultant for us. They might indeed be good people but are with a firm that is more interested in selling their high-fee products and services. Quite frankly, without learning to ask the second question, it is hard to know whether you’re dealing with a trusted advisor or just a good salesperson.  Some folks might not care, but you should.

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Is it “Family Farm” or Family Firm”? Which one matters the most? 

Today we are going to deal with name calling that surrounds this business of dairy farming.  Based on drive-by impressions, some non-farmers call dairies “Factory Farms”.  “Family Farm” which is somewhat more positively perceived, is usually only applied to small farms.  If said small farms are particularly successful, they too are in danger of sliding into the “Factory Farm” category.  For responsible dairy families the new buzzword is becoming, “Family Firm” and it’s turning around the negative tales which previously resulted from unsuccessful family negotiations.  For those choosing this model of business farming success, the “Family Firm” provides a strong foundation for generations who choose to work together.  It also avoids the quicksand that lack of succession planning causes some dairy families to fall into. Being unprepared literally sucks the life out of the family and sinks the hopes of continued farming for the next generation.

What Name Does Your Family Choose to Work Under?

You might think that choosing between two names is the least of the challenges facing your dairy farming family.  However, if one generation is working under the lifestyle-status-quo category and another is all-business-all- the time (not to mention the third family party who sees the farm merely as a paycheck for funding “real” life), the conflict is going to affect not only the family name but the family dairy profitability.

The first thing to get out of the way, is how the family feels about profitability.  There are some who feel profitability and a business focus could negatively impact how they feel about dairy farming. Others feel it only makes sense to continually improve the business processes to improve the product (milk) and the cows that produce it.  In the end the choice you make needs to be the one that gives all family members a strong sense of purpose, shared values and mutual goals for the dairy.

“Family businesses are neither families nor companies but the best and worst of both”

The above statement is true of family businesses the world over.  When families work together they go into it head first sometimes… heart first all the time.  And it isn’t too long until hard heads and cold hearts meet at the board room or kitchen table.  What sometimes gets lost in the shuffle is that a family dairy farm isn’t an entitlement due to birth.  It’s work.  It’s ownership.  Yes and, hopefully, there will be profits but there is also involvement, hard work and responsibility. The statistic that often gets lost, regardless of what side of the family farm fence you are standing on, is the fact that we are trying to fit 21st century farming into 20th century of even 19th Century “idea” of farming.  This romantic notion must give way to a business-like approach or we will see the end of farming all together.

“Are you already Behind the Late Ball?” 

Does your dairy farm have a clear succession plan in place? Do all family members know and agree with the details.  If asked, would they be able to clearly outline the important points?  Would there be major differences in what they thought was a given? Whenever families work together, there can be different expectations of different generations.  If the generations are the same, there can still be troublesome perceptions of who is “more equal”, when it comes to sharing the wealth.  Sometimes questions arise about “when” a succession plan should come into play, of even “if” one is needed. There are some dairy farmers who have no desire to stop their life’s work, regardless of the needs, wants and necessities of those who also are necessary to the profitable functioning of the dairy farm. Others suddenly see time winding down and want to get out ….now!!   Sit down.  Get it on paper.  It quite likely won’t be right on the first run through.  Work it out.  You wouldn’t leave the details of breeding feeding and caring for the dairy herd up to chance.  Don’t leave your succession planning there either. (To consider these concepts further refer to the Bullvine article, “Farm Succession: Which Exit is Yours?”

A Family Firm Needs to be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

When considering the assets of a Family Dairy Firm, it doesn’t start and end with an accounting of the cows, machinery, buildings and land.  Of course, the first tally is that of the family. Each member brings unique talents and strengths to the business. There can be a variety of education, work and life experiences that add very real value to the business. If there is a crucial element missing, it’s never too late to do some studying.  In these rapidly changing times, dairy learning should be ongoing, voluntary and self-motivated. Remember this quote, “Commit yourself to lifelong learning.  The most valuable asset you’ll ever have is your mind and what you put into it.” (Brian Tracy – Canadian author and motivator)

When multi-generations work together health is a factor.  Health or health issues impact not only the day to day operation but also how modifications – technology and behavioral – will affect the ongoing functioning of the dairy. Aging can’t be avoided. Health conditions can strike young and old alike.  Be prepared to make changes that keep the operation operating.  All firms — country dairy or city conglomerate—must deal with their human resources responsibly.

What Makes the Family Firm Unique to Dairy Farming?

What distinguishes family businesses, of course, is family. Adding family values, loyalty, pride, cohesiveness, meaning and all the other strengths of family to the passion for the dairy industry provides support not available to many purely corporate enterprises. Today’s economy continues to chew up and spit out whole industries. Technology is evolving at unprecedented rates. Global competition and instantaneous communication have turned the competitive advantage of secrecy upside down.  Opportunities in other industries woo well-educated offspring off the farm. Add to this the increasing social and cultural pressures that make successful family life challenging, and targeting a 30% generational survival rate for the family farm is incredible testimony to the positive power of family when applied to the family dairy farm.

Who Owns the Family Firm? Who Owns the Farm? Who’s Getting Rich? 

Maintaining family control of the dairy operation can be difficult.  The increasing size of the family dictates that there must be expansion and growth.  Raising fresh capital or expanding revenue sources must be addressed. These are further sources of potential conflict. Should the family keep control?  Should capital be raised outside the family? If steady long-term growth is the goal what happens if one or more family members need cash now?

Don’t Derail Your Family Success with Family Fighting

Get a clear handle on the debt situation.  Only then will you be able to put your energies into moving forward.  Knowing the problem isn’t your biggest hurdle.  Avoiding dealing with it is.

Treat each other with respect.  Families become very familiar with each other’s strengths and weaknesses.  Being able to push buttons is not a license to do so. Some families develop an adult version of “time out” so that words said in the heat of emotion don’t prevent the family from dealing with the problem. Walking away until cooler heads can prevail is a lot better than making any problem into a situation that is insurmountable.

Everyone participates.  A family firm cannot build on the labor and responsibility of one or two.  It takes a whole family bringing something to the business to make it a successful family farm.  Farming is a legacy.  What it isn’t is a gift that is passed on by entitlement only.  “Everyone involved in the succession should be able to point to what they bring to the table that will allow the dairy operation to continue successfully”.

Dairy farm families must decide, “Does the family serve the business, or does the business serve the family.”  

This could be the most important discussion of all .Work out what the business owes to each generation.  These are tough conversations but nothing goes forward or continues, until the answers are clear— and accepted by everyone.

For more information on the above five succession complications, see ‘Five Stingers that You want to Avoid’ in the Bullvine article, “Farm Succession: Kicking the Hornet’s Nest?

Building a Firm Foundation for the Family Farm

Family farms can go under for many reasons beyond the day to day operation:

  • Conflicts over money;
  • Seeing management weakness through rose colored glasses;
  • Infighting over who’s the boss
  • Squabbles about the succession of power from one generation to the next.

Family farms that survive for many generations make sure that every generation is empowered with a strong sense of purpose.  Over decades, they develop oral and written agreements that address issues that affect the longevity and profitability of the dairy operation. They continually update the roles and responsibilities of all family members who are involved in the business.  It is clearly stated who can and cannot derive profit from the dairy farm. The continual development and interpretation of these agreements is the key that turns the dairy firm into a successful one or one that fails.

The Bullvine Bottom Line 

Dairy farming is not a sure thing.  Family farms and Family firms need clear rules and guidelines to build on.  Success often depends on a shared long-term vision coupled with hard work every single day.  Almost all dairies started out at one time as family businesses.  Those that master the challenges of this business model will endure and prosper for generations. The work involved in developing the dairy firm is complex, extensive and never-ending.  However, when the name-calling is over, it is clear that whether it’s family farm or family firm … the most important part of the equation to focus on is “FAMILY”!



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After a wonderful weekend at my sister’s guest house in northern Ontario, I returned to the Bullvine refreshed, rejuvenated and enlightened.  While there, I thoroughly enjoyed one of those sessions that can only occur when four adult women have their feet up in a gorgeous garden with favorite food and beverage at hand — I discovered that it’s possible that I have control issues.  What?  As much as I tried to steer (or control) the conversation, I had to finally admit that, despite my sense of adventure, I do like to know what’s happening, when it’s happening and why.  Each visitor that joined us was told of my surprise at the label and, having known me and my family for many years, they unanimously laughed out loud.  So I smiled and made a note to look into this later!

I also smiled when I returned home and the first email I opened was from Andrew who asked me to write something humorous to wrap up introduce the month of July, national celebrations and summer holidays on the Bullvine.  Obviously here was someone who knows the inner me.  So… I went to my desk. Opened my computer and checked the recurring list for the 29th of the month which read– “#1. Laugh out loud!” Trust me — the milk I had been enjoying with my breakfast splashed out my nose and all over my papers. There at the top of the page was the name of my daily list, “Control Journal!” I kid you not.  I have had this list for many, many years and yet, when confronted by my mother, sister and niece, I found the idea of “control”, when applied to me, somewhat hard to admit.  However, in honor of happiness inspired by a new month and a new perspective, I am ready to raise a glass and confess all.

“My Name is Karen.  I have a drinking problem.”

Let’s set the scene by admitting that my drinking problem starts with my husband.  Murray –definitely drinks too much … milk.  Far too often my kids and I have caught him at the Dairy Queen!

I over indulge too.  We try to hide it but family members often smell chocolate milk on our breath. The neighbours are beginning to suspect. Our blue box overflows with empties.

I remember that for me it started with my grandmother. She had great ideas for recycling stuff for crafts. We had chandeliers from milk bottles.  Place mats from braided plastic milk bags.  I loved her and quickly realized that somebody had to drink the milk in order to get those empties.  No wonder I too grew to look to milk containers and dairies for creativity. At my High School Prom the ceiling decorations were tin foil streamers left from making the lids for glass bottles!

For Murray it’s all about supporting the dairy industry.  Is it stealing if he pockets the creamers from fast food restaurants and buffets?  Or is a grandfather supporting the small motor skills of his grandchildren as they learn to take the foil off of the creamers.  For all he knows, it might be keeping him from losing his own dexterity!

“The Milk Stops Here!” 

Our kids have been aware of the family problem and, in their own way, have done everything to stop the trend from spreading uncontrollably. Two of our three offspring have married lactose intolerant partners.

Of course, I can stop any time that I want to!”

It wouldn’t be easy but I could do it. However sometimes when I reflect back on all the milk I drink, I feel proud.   I look into that cloudy empty glass and think about the dairy farmers and dairy cows in the alleys, barns and milking lines.  I think of all their hopes and dreams. If I didn’t drink this milk, they might all be turned out to pasture.  No work. Their dreams would be shattered.   Then I say to myself, “It is better that I drink this milk and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about quitting.”

“Milk has left its mark on our family!”

Even though we are getting further away from actually producing milk, our children and grandchildren still recognize their dairy heritage.  Maybe it will be better for them.  When our children were little the milk came fresh from the barn.  Sometimes too fresh.  When they complained about being teased at school, I urged them to adapt.  Explain the benefits of dairy living.  You can call it, “Show and Smell!”

Some families say, “Hello.  How are you?”  We say, “Got milk?” 

There were early hints that I would be attracted to a milk producer.  Even though my father moved off the dairy farm when I was born, our house was decorated with milk cans, milk bottles, and milk crate shelving units that reminded him of his milk producing youth.  One of the best home movies was created on one trip to the islands which gobbled an entire reel as he battled with the coconut that would not yield the milk he sought. Needless to say, he was unusual in his preference for milk.  He loved Bailey’s Irish Cream …. Without the cream!

“Our mom always cried over spilled milk!”

Milk creates strong bones but doesn’t necessarily create the ability to prevent spills.  The old saying goes don’t cry over spilled milk but I remember one time when the problem went way beyond spilled milk. Uncle Mortimer was somewhat creative in his dairy farming.  He loved milk but he didn’t like that the milk fresh out of the udder was hot. So he came up with the idea of keeping his milking gloves in the freezer overnight. The first – and last– time he tried his, the cow shivered uncontrollably.  She kicked the bucket …. And so did my uncle Mortimer. That was one time we ALL cried over spilled milk!

“Not all our family milk stories are bad.”

Cousin Billy Bob’s mother cured everything with Milk of Magnesia. She got quite a bit of attention, by whipping out her blue bottle to help every situation.  One day Billy-Bob was reading a book when he should have been taking the milkers off. By the time he got his mind back to his job, the cow was so upset she kicked him.  Aunt Milly found little Billy-Bob knocked out cold.  He doesn’t actually remember what happened, however, unlike Uncle Mortimer, he survived to milk another day.  He loves to steal Aunt Milly’s thunder and often entertains with s his “milk of amnesia” story!  Unfortunately that family’s love of fresh milk must be cutting into their profits. What other reason would they have for posting this sign in the milking parlor, “NO DRINKING DURING MILKING HOURS?”

“The Psychological implications of Milk Mania”

For some of our family being crazy about milk has been shortened to just being crazy.  How else can we explain our moo-d swings?  When I was young, my imaginary playmate was a calf.  They had to take me to a psychiatrist to have me de-calfinated.  The same thing happened to my cousin Molly (she called herself Molly-Moo). She spend so much time in the fields trying not to think about cows, she starting thinking she was a horse. Now she doesn’t know if she’s been cured or if she is milk dud. Either way, she’s an udder failure!

“Our family stands up for milk!” 

We never know where the next milk joke will come from but we are all ready to recognize dairy comedians.  After the more we laugh, the less time we will have to drink milk.  Some comedians have one liners, we have milk liners.  We don’t drive the punch line, we milk it for all it’s worth!

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Without question, for our family at least, the greatest historical breakthrough came when someone saw milk coming from a cow’s udder and asked, “Why don’t we drink that?” Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with cookies. My name is Karen and I am a heavy milker! See you at the Milk Bar!



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12 Tips to Improve The Bottom Line of Your Dairy Operation

Dairy farm businesses are under extreme pressure. Producers everywhere are looking to boost their profitability wherever possible.  When it comes to growing profitability, the goal is to use simple, common-sense tactics for cost savings that go directly to your dairy bottom line.

Forget the TOP Line – YOUR Profitability starts on the BOTTOM Line

Too often we mistakenly focus on the topline (gross revenue, sales, even wins in the showring). That is costly and pays attention to the wrong end. Start by looking to the bottom line. The bottom line focuses on expenses. Not just the cost paid out but the benefits gained. And remember it’s the little things that count – a ten percent increase in profit is more likely to come from twenty things that contribute one-half percent each than from one thing that gives you the full 10 percent.

Here are 12 tips to start you on your way to a better bottom line and more profitability.

  1. Bottom-up budgeting. The first thing to think about is the net that your dairy enterprise must earn. Everyone involved in the dairy needs to contribute to this investigation of what is absolutely required to sustain a profitable operation. Communication of successes, challenges and future potential must be openly communicated. One of the primary advantages of bottom-up budgeting is that it is traditionally very accurate. As long as everyone takes care to look responsibly at their area of the operation, it will generally come out with an accurate estimate of costs. It is important that all input be received – without padding.  Accuracy gives the foundation to build on. Padding could defeat the whole purpose!
  2. Set targets and achieve You need to be looking at key performance indicators (aka KPIs) and measuring your dairy against them. It is essential to know what you are comparing to so you can work towards it. . When possible, try to quantify the results you are aiming for with quantities, percentages, dollars or time. This will allow you to measure what you have achieved and readjust accordingly. Ideally, you should set goals for the long-term, and then mini goals that are short-term and ultimately tie in with the bigger picture. Differentiating between the two will help you from becoming overwhelmed or discouraged, and will also assist in always keeping the long-term perspective in mind when the day to day threatens to make you lose sight of it.
  3. Make sure the goal is in the right hands. This means the goal must be achievable as a result of your own hard work and determination, or with the willing assistance of someone already in your network. If you have no control over the outcome, it does not make for a realistic goal. Everyone has a role in meeting goals. Each individual, each team and every dairy animal will contribute to the bottom line profitability if they are assigned measurable goals that are linked to that outcome. In order to increase motivation, employees need to be allowed to participate in the goal-setting process. With agreed upon actions and measurable outcomes everyone can identify how their contribution contributes to the success of the dairy operation. Most importantly, when approaching completion of a goal, set a new one.
  4. Beware of false savings. When times get tough, it is tempting to cut back on expensive inputs. Fertiliser or other soil treatments might go on the chopping block. Grazed pasture is the cheapest feed for dairy cows.  When ensiled for the winter it is the lowest cost feed. Saving on crop input costs could indeed be false saving. A better way of saving money would be testing soils tri-yearly and applying the right quantities of slurry, farmyard manure and fertiliser. False economies are everywhere, and the way to avoid them, as much as possible, is to take a strategic approach to thinking through them. Economies of taking away feed additives; doing without automation or adding more free labor (i.e. family) could actually cost more in the long term.
  5. Shop around. Make sure you get three quotes for everything that is purchased for the farm. Don’t forget to look at electricity, labour and even borrowing money. Getting quotes from power companies is easy, or you can use a broker. If you use self-employed labour or a contractor getting quotes can be appropriate or comparing other affordable options. Quotes for money means, simply, talking to other banks than your own. It’s in your profitability’s best interests to compare all suppliers on the basis of price, capabilities and performance. It’s false saving to have a cheap price that doesn’t provide results (see #4).
  6. Milk your milk check. Depending on particular countries, provinces and states .. there are many different rules to meet in order to receive your milk check. It is in your profitability’s best interest to increase the milk price in whatever ways are available to you. Take advantage of all the bonuses available. That could be for butterfat, protein, quality or pattern of supply. Seasonal incentive pricing exists in many areas so take advantage of it also!
  7. Make good on your grazing. Some advisers suggest that now is the time to intervene if your grass is not at its best. With half the season left you could still fix it. Mow and either feed the grass or bale Fertilise the field and get it back in the grazing rotation within 30 days. Also reconsider those late cuts. They are always more expensive to harvest as silage, so graze it or make dry bales to reduce costs.
  8. Manage the short term AND always make sure you have a plan B in every scenario. A plan is the one which has been put on the piece of paper. If it is not on the piece of paper, if it is not in black and white then it is just some random set of ideas and not a If you are really serious about creating a profitability plan, you will make efforts to write it down somewhere and share it with others. Of course, just writing your plan down on paper won’t make it “profitable”. But it is a good start.
  9. Always be better. In many countries, dairying is definitely seeing difficult times but that doesn’t mean there aren’t opportunities for improvement.Set some goals for changes that you want to make to your dairy ­
    1. Continuous improvement should be the number one “VALUE” of the profitable dairy operation.
    2. Continuous improvement is linked with rewards and recognition.
    3. Continuous improvement should be supported by continuous training that is measured for effectiveness.
  10. Calculate the ROI of everything you do. ROI is a more important metric than any conversion rate simply because it takes ‘COST’ into account. As long as you take ‘Cost’ into consideration, you can’t go wrong with improving your business bottom-line. Calculate ‘cost per acquisition’ for all of your dairy (show string; advertising; genetics). Even calculate ROI of all of your meetings, business travel and lunches. What about the days it takes for you to do all your accounting? Equipment repair? Building maintenance? Does your milk production suffer when you have to wear one of your other hats? Vet? Office manager? Field manager?
  11. Hire an Expert. There is always an opportunity – lost or gained – when you choose to do things yourself in which you are not an expert or when you hire someone who is not an expert.
    While you may gain by not writing a check to someone else, you could still be putting money down the drain. When your bookkeeping, animal health protocols, feed supplies or equipment maintenance are sub-par, any one of them could be substantially reducing your bottom line and be costing you your time, your health, mediocre results and even complete failure.
    Hiring an expert may not be profitable at first but, in the long run, can be the best bang for your buck. Not only will you recover your entire hiring cost sooner but you will also make a lot of money on top of that, and you will continue to do so for an extended period. However, all of this can happen only when you first understand that you can’t be an expert in everything and that you need someone who is really an expert in their field.
  12. Manage for Improvement. Efficiency is gained when revenue per cow grows.  Technology, genomics, robotics all are tools, so your herd can become more productive and you don’t have to add new headcount to grow.  What if you could replace your lowest 10% of performers with new cattle that matched your top 10%?  This would result in an enormous productivity boost at virtually no incremental cost.  There are many techniques to improve productivity, but the point is that constantly growing headcount certainly will result in overhead growth but won’t necessarily lead to profitable revenue growth. Focus on acquiring or raising only the best animals. Your best milk producers are your most profitable producers. If you don’t know your best producers yet then get to know them ASAP. If you don’t know which animals are driving up expenses …. Find out ASAP. According to the Pareto Principle (also known as the 80–20 rule), 80% of your costs come from 20% of your herd. These 20% of your herd are hurting your bottom line. The other 80% are your high-value You need more of these best producers to improve your business bottom line. So gradually start reducing your herd of those high expense producers. Aim to breed more cattle targeted at reducing your most limiting genetic factor or factors (reproduction, feet and legs, calving ease).  It is not really rocket science, but some dairy business owners and managers just don’t get it. They remain busy in acquiring low-value animals because they have never made the effort to identify and target their best producers.  Low-value producers — still produce milk — but all milk isn’t equal.  Even though it’s all the same once it’s in the milk tank, there can be quite a difference in the cost that got it that far. The lowest producing cow in the milk line may already have run up extra costs because she was sick as a calf.

The Bullvine Bottom Line
A dollar gained in revenue is an excellent thing assuming it builds profitability. However, remember, only a small portion reaches net earnings.  A dollar saved from cost, however, goes directly to the bottom line.  So move your focus away from the top-line and engage in a systematic approach for improving the bottom line. It’s the best way to ensure long-term dairy profitability and sustainability.



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10 Common Dairy Industry Misperceptions!

It doesn’t matter what industry your business is in, you have probably encountered misperceptions about what you do or what you sell. The problem with misconceptions is that they can be hard to shake. Just like an urban legend, they become beliefs that are assumed to be facts.

Dairy month is a good time for us, as an industry, to consider the stereotypes and misconceptions that affect the dairy industry.  A recent discussion on the Milk House started with the question “What is the biggest misperception that you think consumers have about the dairy industry?” The lively discussion that followed highlighted several misperceptions and even noted some responses that could be helpful. The following list is in no particular order.

#10. “Organic Is Better Than Traditional Milk”

Response: Everyone is promoting what makes their product different.  Consumers are aware of this and look for points to help them choose between products. Says Seth Snook, When organic producers claim no antibiotics no hormones, etc. it is not intended to hurt the conventional producer but the implication that our products are tainted is damaging.

#9. “All Large Dairy Farms are Bad”

Misperceptions are not always outside of an industry.  For example, even those with hands on in dairying are influenced by the good and bad experiences they have been exposed to.  Some, like Dave Puppe, are disappointed by the growth and changes in the industry which leaves them feeling that all large farms are equally bad.

Response:  Painting all big farms with the same brush is playing with the same fire that consumers play with when it comes to farms and livestock in general. It’s safe to say that not all small 40 cow dairies are ethical, and not all big farms are factories. Sloane Michelle Sanders further clarifies her point, The general public seems convinced that every farm that has a free stall/parlor environment over a tie stall/pasture set up is abusive. I’ve seen cows flourish in both settings. Look at Luck-E. Kandie hangs out in the free stalls and still looks perfect.

Response: Cliff Shearer gives this definitive answer. In some ways all farms are ‘factory’ farms and no farms are factory farms. They are all factory farms in the sense that in a contained area ‘ factory ‘ they take a raw product ‘ animal food ‘ and produce a marketable product ‘ milk, beef, eggs, etc. ‘ which is basically how every factory on the planet works. However, none of them are factories because they all deal with animals which makes them into Farms a different thing. No factories are farms because they don’t have livestock, but no farms are factories. To call any farm a factory is misleading – you may as well say General Motors is a farm. Its just yet another word used by ignorant people to try and devalue what farmers do. I don’t think you can call intensive pig and poultry farms factories – they are still farms – just different systems of farming. Even a 20,000 cow farm is still a farm.

Response: Ashley Elizabeth Morin weighed in with this considered response. I would think of a factory as machines producing a product. The work, dedication, time, and effort we put into our livelihoods are what make it a farm. It’s generations of families working together from the past to present to leave an even better tomorrow for our children to carry on. I don’t think the almond milk CEO goes to the factory in the middle of the night because there is a glitch in the system.

You will find the farmer out in the barn, no matter the hour, pulling a calf, iv-ing a cow… the list never stops. That’s the difference to me: the amount of dedication and love it takes to do this every day. It’s not for the faint of heart.

#8. “Dairy Farmers Mistreat Their Animals”

Response: The cows are what make me money, so there’s no way I could ever abuse them.  I think that goes for most dairies in general.  The truth is when prices are down, and cuts have to be made, cows still get fed better than me. Always will.” Noting other aspects of animal care, Mark Yeazel and Amber Kilgour report that people are surprised that the cows are not only registered but have names and are recognized by their spots. All respondents agree, “That we couldn’t care less about our animals really makes us angry!”

#7. “Dairy Farmers Are Hands-Off of Everything Except the Profits”

Supporting this position, Dave Puppe declares “I’ve experienced both the smaller and the mega size….the bigger it is, the less respect for the animal….it turns into a factory and the less hands on debate over large farms, Puppe conceded slightly, “I see your point but confining that many cows to concrete and milking them to death is unnatural and wrong……” To which Sanders responds.

Response:  Milking them to death? Define milking them to death because as far as I can tell, most farms only milk 2 or 3 times a day, regardless of size. I’ve also heard of several smaller herds who never let their cows out of their tie stalls EVER for fear of them hurting themselves. They are in the more-desired (to some) setting, and yet they never see pasture either. There’s good and bad to each. 

Sloane Michelle Sanders responds with her personal experience.

Response: I worked for a farm that milked 1,000 cows. The owner is involved in every single operation on that farm. Every single day, he’s out with the team he’s hired, and can frequently be found out in the barn cutting out cows, pushing them up to the parlor, and on occasion lending an extra set of hands in the parlor.

#6. “Dairies Heartlessly Separate Cows from Calves at Birth”

When non-dairy observers question taking calves from the cow at birth, some dairy managers make the effort of explaining how it is for the good for the health of both mother and calf. In humanizing the event, the general public overlooks the potential for the environment and other animals to pass germs on to the newborn.

#5. ”Dairy Farms Pollute the Water”

The biggest misconception in NZ is that all dairy farmers are filthy rich and also are polluters of the waterways. There is a phrase often trotted out in the media “Dirty Dairying” which means farmers who pollute the water. The belief is that we make so much money that we don’t care about the water or the environment. The truth is that we are most closely watched of all industries in the country, and any pollution is quickly picked up and harshly dealt with. And yes most farm owners [who have worked bloody hard for many decades] are asset rich but we are almost all cash poor. We don’t get our money till we retire.”

Patty Traxler reported a situation regarding an ironic turn of events. “Here in the land of 10,000 lakes as farmers it makes applying manure even more challenging! We have lake people monitoring us all the time which pushes us to do an excellent job. But when the county got a grant to check septic systems of the area 86% of lake homes failed! They now have to put a pipe in to move the waste to a nearby city costing each home hooking up $40,000 or so!!!”

#4. “Dairy Farmers are Rich!”

Since milk is so expensive in the store, consumers assume dairy farmers must be rich.  This misperception was on many lists – some were amused — some wished it was so. Regardless, what farmers get paid is assumed to be making them rich.

#3. “Twice a day Milking” and “Lots of Holidays”

Some who joined the discussion noted that the public thinks “That we simply milk the cows twice a day… And that’s it.” Mark Yeazel’s has experienced this mistaken viewpoint, “You milk with robots, what do you do with all your free time now?” Some were surprised to hear that dairy farmers have vacations, “We have holidays?” Daniel Drummond described dairy farming in a non-holiday framework:” 24/7 on call…..ass to the fire….full bore. Try living with a rocket strapped to your back called debt…..but forget about it when you come in the house and see your kids. Bless the farmer, they need all the help they can get.”

#2. “Women Don’t Do Much on the Dairy Farm”

Dairy women are also misrepresented in the minds of those who don’t know and think “Women don’t do much on the farm. Or that every female farmer is a ‘farm wife’.” Ashley Elizabeth Morin notes, “I’m the farm girl, and my fiancée is the farm wife.” Melynda Naples also pointed out that “Often the female is “the farmer”.  It would make a fascinating article (and statistical study) to see the numbers comparing woman who do the dairying while the husband works off the farm.

#1. “Dairy Farmers are Dumb”

Mark DeBoer and Sam Kenney listed the misperception about farmers being considered dumb.

Kirt Sloan added that some people feel, “Anybody can do it! The truth is that it’s a very complex business with animals, people, and nature… is a calling of maximum intestinal fortitude. And I am grateful to work in this industry.” Michael Steele also notes this misconception is out there and adds. “The truth is that most Americans are 4, 5, 6 generations from the farm, we have to do a better job of educating the public.” On that subject, Patty Traxler shared her experiences.” I spend a lot of time educating kids and the public; I want people to see that I am college educated, that I take amazing care of my animals, that they aren’t just a number, that I can be a great mom & a great farmer, and that I work hard to produce an incredible product for the world!!”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Thanks to everyone who took the opportunity to share their experiences.  Being heard is really what fighting misperceptions is all about! That … and not being buried in a pile of misinformation!



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Tail Docking, Dehorning and How to Make Heads or Tails of the Saputo Announcement

Last week Saputo Inc. announced measures to control dehorning pain and to ban tail docking. (Read more: DAIRY GIANT SAPUTO MANDATES DEHORNING PAIN CONTROL AND BANS TAIL DOCKING) Company policy requirements will be put in place in response to a widely publicized video of animal abuse at Chilliwack Cattle Sales in B.C. Canada, which is a milk supplier to Saputo. (Read more: Dairy Cattle Abuse Video – A black eye for the dairy industry) Saputo is one of the three biggest milk buyers in Canada and a global company with operations around the world.

Saputo’s plan, unveiled on Monday, includes a commitment to end tail “docking” or cutting, and for the use of pain control when removing horns. The dairy company is also spending $1-million to sponsor animal-care education at two leading agricultural universities, University of Guelph in Ontario and University of Wisconsin-Madison.

A spokesman for Saputo acknowledged how they came to implement this process. “We recognized last year after the incident … that there, quite frankly, was not enough leadership in the industry to carry this issue forward. So we have taken a much more robust position.”

“The Cut Stops Here!” says Saputo.  Other milk buyers to follow.

Saputo, which employs 13,000 workers at plants in Canada, the United States, Australia and Argentina, said it will require farms that are direct suppliers to follow the new policies. The Globe and Mail article also reported that Saputo will pressure milk-marketing boards and milk purchasing co-ops to encourage members to do so, as well.

The Bullvine is always pro-actively interested in initiatives that will impact the dairy industry and encourages dairy managers to evaluate what it means to them.  Members of The Milk House were given the following invitation to weigh in. Saputo has mandated dehorning pain control and banned tail docking. Do you think more dairies will follow? Does this change how you will manage your herd?” (Read more: Introducing The Milk House – Dairy Breeder Networking on Facebook)

Tail Docking Questioned?  The Short Answer:  “Don’t do it!”

If you are not involved in dairy farming, hearing that the tails of dairy cattle are amputated, for any reason, could be alarming.  Furthermore, you might assume that everybody does it.  While this practice is more common in New Zealand, it has been used, to varying degrees in other countries as well.  The Milk House discussion group felt it was not as common a practice today.  One herd that previously had docked tails, no longer does so and commented “we only trim switches twice a year.” Another respondent asked, “Who docks tails anymore? It’s truly unnecessary to dock tails. You say they get covered with flies if you keep their tail on, yet if you remove their tail you are removing their first defense against flies. And if you have a fly problem, get more fans in your barn. Problem solved.” In other words, if the problem is with flies or sanitation, deal with those problems before docking tails.

Disbudding%20with%20Caustic%20Paste[1]Cats De-Clawed.  Cows De-Horned.  Children restrained.

Most animal rights proponents are not against having cats declawed.  After all, it saves the furniture and cat lovers as well from scratches. One reader saw the irony in leaving horns on dairy cattle and painted an extreme picture of the dangers that they pose. “Yep it is much better to leave the horns on and go to the sale yards and see animals bleeding because they have holes poked in their sides” Or in her own barn “I’d much rather be head butted by a heifer with horns.” She wrapped up her fearful horn wrangle with, “It would be so much fun to dangling from a bulls horns as he charges around the paddock with me.” Yes, an extreme picture but we know too well that it can happen and therefore leaving the horns on is not considered an option.

Safety in the barn and pasture has evolved in the same way that car safety has changed.  Today we would not consider driving anywhere unless our children were properly buckled into their car seats and seatbelts.  I have been trying to imagine the look on my parents and grandparents faces if they had foreseen that children of the future could not ride in the front seat and had to be properly restrained with buckles and belts. Alternatively, looking back, what would today’s parents think of little ones climbing over seats while the car is moving? Not to mention, my siblings and I often took turns riding in the back window!

Horn Removal! What’s the Alternative?

Several options for horn removal methods other than burning were discussed on the Milk House.  Paste and drugs were two of the options. One reader noted that paste is banned in Australia.

As with all protocols, new, chosen or mandated, questions concerning the added expense for drugs, labor or vet costs, become part of the implementation issues. Added price could mean added costs to the consumer … and that too is a concern.  However, if the consumer isn’t happy with the raising methods, they are less likely to choose the product.  No, consumer.  No, dairy business!  It seems like a Catch-22 situation.

Pharmaceutical Methods of Dehorning

Several readers mentioned that they have always used a sedative and lidocaine.  Medicam was more widely discussed and had several enthusiastic supporters. “It’s a great idea to use Medicam when dehorning” said some and one explained “We have used it when dehorning and there is a total difference.”  The questions all boiled down to who could administer the drug and most often that means veterinarians. Some managers noted that there are differences between vet practices regarding use and approval and handing out of drugs … and who can administer them.  One reader, citing their great relationship with their vets, emphasized that it’s important to discuss what it will be used for. Another outlined the logistics he uses in New Zealand, “Yes vets and/or vet assistants come and dehorn calves here – they do most of the calves in this area – I think about 120,000 last season. I even had the CEO vet come and dehorn one lot of mine last year because everyone else was busy.”

Testimonial for Medicam”

Dianna Malcolm (Blue Chip Genetics and CrazyCow in Print) also recommends Medicam. “It’s just an excellent all-round drug that is also awesome to use in conjunction with pneumonia treatments if calves are well hydrated and old enough, and colic too – among other purposes.” She urges contacting your vet and working out a protocol and a price. Dianna expanded even further. “The manufacturers of Medicam halved its price to the vets so that farmers would use it for dehorning. It is a staple drug in our fridge and very easy to get…I did a story on it in CrazyCow, and I can confirm that the difference between using it and not using it for dehorning is night and day! I’d never go back – it’s fantastic.”

dehorn calves with paste

One dairyman did a trial on about 120 calves for Boehringer using Medicam on every other calf. He administered three cc under the skin at disbudding. Disbudded between 2 weeks and five weeks normally. He reports “From observation calves with no Medicam kicked their heads and rubbed off gates, etc. Medicam calves gave no signs that they had been done at all. All got three cc of local anesthetic near each horn before. Growth rates averaged slightly better from birth to weaning at 56 days. Probably between 3 and 6kg a calf better than their counterparts who had sore heads for a few days after we dehorned with the burning type device, one with the screw-in gas cylinder that heats up the little cup that fits over the bud. For all the cost of doing it, roughly four bottles of Medicam a year, even if it didn’t give me better growth rates I would definitely continue it for the sake of happier calves. Happy stock is profitable stock!”

Producing a Food Product, without Consumer support, means dairying is Redundant

One reader spoke emphatically for listening to the dairy consumer.  He said, “Anyone arguing against this, needs to get their head checked out. Don’t forget that we as dairy farmers, like every other business, are driven by what the consumer wants. And if Saputo made this decision in order to please the consumer then if you care at all about the economic influence that may potentially have on us, you’d stop bitching like a little school kid and change your management practices. Saputo is not saying you have to do this, only if you want to ship milk with them. If you’d rather try to sell your own milk, then best of luck on that and let me know how that works out for you”

SIDE NOTE: In this particular thread on The Milk House, no one mentioned Polled animals. Raising polled dairy cattle is as natural, pain-free and consumer friendly as it gets! And, as has been noted numerous times by The Bullvine, the genetic merit of polled Holsteins is fast catching up to that of horned Holsteins. (Read more: Polled Dairy Cattle)

The Bullvine Bottom Line

The Dairy Industry Can’t Leave Image to a Tossup between Consumers and Suppliers

These milk-buyer initiatives impact the dairy industry.  It requires buy-in not only from the suppliers but buy-in from the consumers too.  Milk companies are using education, protocols and training to turn around the negative impact that some animal handling practices have had on the image of the industry. They naturally have an interest in seeing that their business survives. Breeders should be interested in seeing dairying thrive.  The toss up for me is, “What’s the other side of the coin if dairying isn’t a growth industry?”  “Is there another side at all?



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CALF FEEDING FREQUENCY: The more often the merrier?

There are so many questions when it comes to managing a dairy farm and achieving the ultimate goal of producing a healthy milk product in a profitable and sustainable way.

Not About How Much Feed but How Much Milk

You might think that the size of the calf doesn’t really matter because, until they’re in the milking line, they are in limbo.  Right? Wrong! Everything that impacts the health and growth of the dairy calf will, ultimately, have a significant impact on whether or not she reaches her full potential as a dairy cow

And, furthermore, the point is not about how much feed you get into them … but rather it’s about how the nutrition the calf receives can impact the speed with which they get to breeding maturity.

Disadvantages of 2X Milking

When calves are only fed twice a day, the abomasum sits empty too long.  This causes low pH level to result, and it might lead to ulcerations.

What Are You Willing to Give Up for Convenience?

With the 24/7 nature of dairy managing, we are always looking for ways to save time.  However saving time with calf feeding could prove to be costly, in the end.  What are you willing to give up?  Weaning age?  Weaning weight? Age at first calving? Total lifetime production?

By changing the frequency of feeding – up OR down – be clear about how that changes the expected outcome of your calf program. You may prefer the logistics of 2X for human scheduling, but the goal should be about the calves growing as fast and efficiently as they can.

There are several ways to fit in the three feedings. Those who work with this system agree that once there is a will to make it work, the best method can be figured out.

Not ALL Dairy Calves are Created Equal

Sometimes a new calf needs extra attention.  However, even after receiving that, there are a few who still don’t do well.  It’s a challenge to the animal caregiver to make sure that every animal gets the best opportunity.  Having said that, there has to be the realization that a sick calf will carry the stresses and delays of that slow start with her right into the milking line.

Calf Raising Consultants

Having recognized the importance of an excellent start to a productive milking life, dairy managers would do well to get their questions answered by consulting with calf raising specialists.  Together you can determine the desired outcomes and work out the protocols that will deliver them.  Everyone connected with the calf raising program needs to accept responsibility and be accountable for improving the program. Those are the most important first steps from the human side of the equation.

Consider Where Frequency Research is Coming From

When dairy managers consider the reported results of dairy research projects, it is crucial that they receive the information using the lens of the goals they are trying to achieve.  In the case of calf feeding frequency, there has to be a choice between the comfort and convenience of the calf feeding crew and the goals that the calf program is targeting.

Years of tradition says that 2X feeding works and there are “In summary, calves on a conventional milk replacer program performed similarly whether provided their daily allotment of milk in 1, 2 or 3 feedings per day.  When fed on a slightly higher plane of nutrient, differences in feeding frequency showed no effect on calf performance.”  If you’re looking for support of 2x feeding, this is the research you will quote.  However, it is important to note the reference to plane of nutrition.

Consider Advice from People Who Have “Been There Done That!”

Recent headlines that caught my eye:

  • Three-times-a-day calf feeding gaining popularity.”
    In the not-to-distant past, feeding dairy calves three times per day was relatively unheard of. However, this 3x frequency is rapidly becoming the popular choice.
  • “Study finds 1 in 7 calf raisers feeds 3x some of the year.”
    There are always discerning managers, and there are some who have always fed 3x.  They point to lower levels of sickness and death and feel that those results far outweigh concerns with extra labor and expense.
  • “There are several advantages to feeding milk replacer 3x.”
    In 2011 Don Sockett DVM, Ph.D. epidemiologist/microbiologist for the University of Wisconsin reports his experience with 3X feeding frequency. “ When compared, calves fed a milk replacer three times daily, versus a control group fed the same milk replacer twice daily, were more feed efficient and showed improved average daily gain. Calves fed three times daily grew taller and longer, with added pounds of lean growth.  This growth is optimal for dairy calves to prepare them for desirable breeding weights and freshening at a younger age, leading to greater lifetime performance.” Researchers also noted that these calves were noticeably friskier than calves fed twice a day.  In further discussion of this topic several veterinarians and calf managers frequently report vastly improved results, “Since 3x feeding we now double our weights in less than 60 days and cut treatments for scours in less than half of what they had been.” It is important to target levels of nutrition and the corresponding feeding frequency, which will see dairy heifers reach their performance potential in their first lactation.

The 3X Effect on Profit Potential

The ultimate measure of success of your calf feeding program happens when calves enter the lactating herd.  The previously noted Wisconsin researcher Don (Sockett et al) reports that”97.1 percent (34 of 35) of the claves in the three times a day feeding group entered the milking string. In comparison, 80.0 percent (28 of 35) of calves fed two times per day entered the milking herd. This means for every six calves fed three times a day, one additional heifer entered lactation. Calves fed three times per day also averaged 1,136 pounds more of milk and calved 16 days earlier. This can also translate to improved herd longevity and increased the number of replacement heifers that successfully make it to the milking line.

3X Means Reaching Full Calf Potential

If your goal is to increase first lactation and lifetime production levels in your dairy calves, you must consider these benefits delivered by 3X calf feeding.

  • Decreased calf mortality rate
  • Improved feed efficiency
  • Healthy rumen development
  • Breeding weights reached earlier
  • Calved two weeks earlier than 2X peers

At the Very Least, Consider 3X to Relieve Winter Stress

During winter, calves are exposed to low-temperature extremes and windy and wet weather. These variables can double their daily calorie needs and, if not met, could result in sickness and greater risk of death. By consuming smaller volumes more frequently, calves can better fend off diarrhea or digestive disturbances at any time of year.

Automated Feeders Allow Ultimate Timing Opportunity

Dairies don’t leave calves with their mothers because of the potential for increased disease risk.  Although it’s not likely possible in standard calf raising situations, trying to replicate, the natural nursing frequency of 4 to 8 times per day could be considered a goal. It does become possible with automated feeders. Not only does this rapidly evolving technology work well for calf health but it further aids in reducing the labor costs associated with increased feeding frequency

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Not only is 3X feeding closer to nature’s way, it also delivers benefits for both calves and dairy managers and that’s a promise every dairy wants to have and to hold from calving day to milking day!



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