Duane Moff (left) of COBA/Select Sires Inc. was presented with the SMS Genetic Consultant of the Year award at the recent Select Sires SMS Conference by Lon Peters, vice president of dairy sire product services.
Duane Moff of COBA/Select Sires Inc. was honored as the Select Mating Service® (SMS®) genetic consultant of the year in front of an audience of his peers at Select Sires’ SMS Genetic Consultant Conference held May 7 through 10 in New York.
This national award is presented annually to a genetic consultant who exemplifies the qualities that make SMS known throughout the world as the premier mating program in the industry. The recipient must have years of superior service, a history of high-quality evaluations and the ability to build and maintain successful relationships with dairy producers.
Moff was born and raised on a registered Holstein farm in Canfield, Ohio. While attending The Ohio State University he worked as an intern at Select Sires and after obtaining a degree in dairy science he joined the staff at COBA/Select Sires. For the past 31 years Moff has served as an SMS genetic consultant throughout COBA’s northern territory and currently works with herds in northeast Ohio and Mexico. Besides providing genetic consultation services, he has helped develop, test and improve the SMS program, provided relief support for district sales managers and technicians and trained new genetic consultants. Moff started providing SMS service in Mexico in 1999 and now averages 80 days per year in the country where he works closely with distributors, sales representatives and dairy producers and manages the Program for Genetic Advancement™ (PGA™). Since 2000, he has provided nearly 1.5 million matings for cows and heifers. Moff and his wife, Kim, raised four children in Berlin Center, Ohio.
“Duane’s computer savvy and willingness to help anyone has made him a vital part of COBA,” says Duane Logan, general manager of COBA/Select Sires Inc. “He is a great team member who strives to find solutions to whatever challenge is placed in front of him. We are fortunate to have Duane as part of the COBA and Select Sires team.”
Based in Plain City, Ohio, Select Sires Inc. is North America’s largest A.I. organization and is comprised of nine farmer-owned and -controlled cooperatives. As the industry leader, it provides highly fertile semen as well as excellence in service and programs to achieve its basic objective of supplying dairy and beef producers with North America’s best genetics at a reasonable price.
– See more at: http://www.selectsires.com/news/federation/federation_news_20170524.html?version=20170404#sthash.Hp7ZSxz9.dpuf