meta Reese Burdette and Patricia Stiles Update – June 22nd 2015 | The Bullvine

Reese Burdette and Patricia Stiles Update – June 22nd 2015

10246346_841036729278466_8407295022279489902_n[1]Reese’s Aunt and Patricia’s daughter, Laura Dufford Jackson, shares the following:

Sometimes it is hard to update as healing can be such a slow process, but we are healing. These days Reese’s kidneys continue to heal – ever so slowly, but they seem to show improvements each week. She is making HUGE strides in physical therapy. Today, we played hide-n-seek as Reese made her walk down the hall – she would walk until she found one of us and she would then squirt us with a syringe (one of her favorite things to do)…She walks further and further each week and seems to walk faster and faster – her strength is so obvious when we get to watch or partake in her therapy…And as a matter of fact, she broke her own record today in walking…166 feet with only 3 short breaks! AMAZING progress and Reese was as proud of herself as we were of her. Yes, a few of us teared up! She ended her walk at the end of her hall where there is a big window – and she sat and looked out the window at a new view. Reese continues with her massage therapy which has really helped her swelling – it is so evident as you look at her pictures that the massage therapy works – she is down so much fluid these days. She also continues to have acupuncture which helps her stomach and we hope, her lungs. Overall, her health in general seems to be so much more consistent, with longer periods without fresh infections and longer periods of really good days…and for this, we are so thankful. Reese continues to be such a trooper – trying her best even when she doesn’t want to and always offering up that million dollar smile which melts all of our hearts. Reese finished up with her school year last week and is so excited to be done – just like every other kid in America! Reese finished right on track for 3rd grade and will resume in August like the rest of the kids out there. Without her school tutoring, we do look for things to fill our days – so any ideas or people who might make her smile, please let us know. One thing we wanted to share – you will see from the pictures above that Reese’s story is being used by the Red Cross Celebrity Campaign to push for blood donors through the summer months when blood is needed the most. The Red Cross did reach out to the family after the overwhelming support through pledges on our sleeves up site. This is a huge honor that we are all excited about – so any celebrity you might follow on Facebook, be sure to watch for Reese’s story and picture to be shared.
As for Mom, she has a follow up appointment tomorrow at Johns Hopkins – but we think her breathing is so much better since her vocal cord surgery. As we all know, she is a strong woman and can overcome about anything!
Thanks so much for the continued support. At this time, we ask that you pray for healing lungs, continued improvement of the kidneys and the strength to push through therapy and get stronger. Pray for healing grafts and for the itching to go away and pray for Reese’s stomach to stay calm. Pray for Mom to grow stronger each day and for her breathing to improve too. Pray for the entire family as we face another summer at the hospital – pray for bright days that keeps the sadness at bay. We thank you all for the prayers and we want you all to know that we pray for all of these things too and pray for so many others that have sufferings and sadness and difficulties too. ~ Watch for a special surprise post next week – I assure you Reese will have HUGE smiles! ~
Many thanks from our entire family.

(T1, D1)
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