Archive for January 2015

Caught Between Your Cattle And A Court Case

“Although only binding law in Wisconsin, a particular case between an insurance company and a dairy farmer, raises an important issue that all farmers and ranchers need to be aware of.”

When we hear about legal cases concerning manure, the usual expectation is that it will have something to do with odor and air pollution. However, in this case, which went all the way from the local court to the Supreme Court of Wisconsin,  it was ground water pollution, not air pollution that triggered the conflict. The question that the whole case resolved around was, “Is manure a fertilizer or a contaminant?” At each level, there were different answers. If you think, this is too fine a distinction to argue over, you’re probably thinking in a way that could have you on the wrong side of a court decision in the future.

The Court Case –Wilson Mutual Insurance Co. v. Falk, (Cases No. 2013AP691 & 2013AP776)

In this particular case, the Court found a Wisconsin dairy farmer, who allegedly caused groundwater contamination by spreading manure on his fields, was not covered by a farm liability insurance policy. The allegation was that the farmer had contaminated the underground aquifer and several neighboring wells.

The Defendant Had Done his Homework

In looking back at what preceded the court case, it is interesting to learn that the Falks had actually tried to be prepared for any eventuality.  Along with their agronomist, the Falks had developed a nutrient management plan to govern their use of manure as fertilizer. The plan was approved by the county conservation office. All was well.  Or was it? When they faced lawsuits, the Falks turned to their insurance company, Wilson Mutual Insurance Co., with whom they had a farm liability policy providing coverage for property damage or bodily injury. And this is when the unexpected happened.

The “Pollution Exclusion” Clause

With the close scrutiny of impending legal action, it was discovered that the policy contained a “pollution exclusion” clause.  This clause stated that coverage was excluded for damages if they resulted from the “actual, alleged, or threatened discharge, dispersal, seepage, migration, release, or escape of pollutants into or upon land, water or air.” The exclusion defined “pollutant” as a “solid, liquid, or gaseous irritant or contaminant, including waste.” At that point, the insurance company filed a declaratory judgment action, requesting the court to determine whether the pollution exclusion clause in the Falks’ policy applied to the claims related to groundwater contamination from manure.

Trial Court, Court of Appeals, Supreme Court. Three Courts. Three Decisions.

The Trial Court found for the insurance company.  In this case, the ruling was that manure was unambiguously a pollutant as defined by the policy.

The Wisconsin Court of Appeals reversed the first court’s decision. The reasoning that a “reasonable farmer would not consider ‘manure’ to be a ‘pollutant.’” Indeed, the Court of Appeals noted, in Wisconsin, most farmers would consider cow manure to be “liquid gold.”

The insurance company then appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court reversed and sided with the insurance company. Rather than looking generally at manure used to fertilize fields, the court focused on “whether manure is a pollutant at the point it entered the injured parties’ wells.” In the Court’s view, it was not the spreading of manure that caused the problem, but rather the seepage of manure into the aquifer. “A reasonable insured would not view manure as universally present and generally harmless when present in a well….A reasonable insured may not consider manure safely applied on a field to be a pollutant; however, a reasonable insured would consider manure in a well to be a pollutant. Just because manure may be beneficial when spread on a field, does not mean it is not a pollutant.” Based on this rationale, the court found manure is a pollutant as defined by the exclusion, and that the Falks could not rely on their farm policy to provide coverage for the lawsuits.

Similar Case. Similar Result.

There have been other cases from Iowa and New York that are in accord with the Falk ruling. In

New York in 1997, a dairy farm was sued for allegedly contaminating wells by the use of manure as fertilizer. There, the New York Appellate Division sided with the insurer, finding that while liquid manure may not always be a pollutant, it was where it leached into the groundwater supply. See Space v. Farm Family Mut. Ins. Co. 652 N.W.S. 2d 357 (N.Y. App. Div. 1997).

There have been other cases in the U.S. with a similar variety of results.  The issue isn’t the findings, but the rising number of conflicts that are finding their way into the court system.

What’s the Best Policy? Avoid Confusion AND Exclusion

The Wisconsin case matters to dairy and other livestock farmers elsewhere:

  1. This issue is crucial for farmers who may be faced with a defending a lawsuit with no assistance from their insurance company. If an applicable exclusion exists, that means that the insurance company is neither under no obligation to pay a judgment entered against the farmer nor is the company required to provide legal defense for a farmer. The costs of a lawsuit alone, much less the potential amount of a verdict, poses significant risks for farm All farmers who could even potentially face suit over odor or manure should review their policy to determine whether a pollution exclusion exists and then seek advice from their insurance agent and attorney to determine what might be done to extend coverage to manure and/or odors, such as an additional rider or pollution policy.
  2. The fact that similar cases involving the application of pollution exclusions to manure and odor from farms have arisen in various states across the country indicates it is a common occurring problem.
  3. More generally, this case is an excellent example of the importance of reviewing and understanding an insurance policy and its exclusions. It is critical that farmers know what coverage their policy offers and what limitations may exist.

A Quick Look at Similar Issues Around the World

This is one aspect of dairy farming that has been in the courts and/or with the rule makers in other countries much longer than it has been in North America. Although the issues may not be specific to exclusions, the lesson to be learned is that management of manure is not going to go away.  With growing populations and concerns of those whose properties are affected by agricultural practices, it is totally unrealistic to think that this is just a fad that will lose momentum.

In the Netherlands, numerous acts have been passed since the mid-eighties to try to address the excess minerals problems. The first law (1983) was the Interim Law for Restricting Pig and Poultry Farms. It prohibited the start-up or expansion of such farms in sandy soil regions but proved ineffective in preventing increases in animal numbers. The Manure Law and the Soil Protection Act replaced it and introduced manure bookkeeping. It took a 3-phase approach.  Phase II of this approach however was proving to be unrealistic in trying to meet the EC’s Nitrate Directive. In late 1995, a new manure and ammonia policy was developed, and is mainly what is being followed now. The primary act in force now is generally termed the Act on Manures and Fertilizers. It receives periodic revisions and fine-tuning.

In England, there has been a Pilot Nitrate Scheme since 1990.  It was replaced in 1995 with the Nitrate Sensitive Areas (NSA) scheme. A total area of 35,000 ha within 32 NSA’s were affected, and these areas all fell within the category of Nitrate Vulnerable Zones as classified under the EC (European Commission) Nitrate Directive. Regulations relating to the structural strength of concrete and steel manure storage tanks are in place. Generally, concrete and steel tanks are not the preferred storage system due to their cost. Earthen storage facilities are required to meet minimum hydraulic conductivity prior to use. All storage facilities must have an expected life of 20 years. The minimum required storage capacity is four months.

Also in place is the “Code of Good Agricultural Practice for the Protection of Water”.

Some key requirements for the code are as follows:

  • Manure nitrogen application rates should not exceed 250 kg N/ha/year
  • Manure should not be spread within 10 meters of a watercourse or 50 meters of a well
  • The maximum recommended liquid manure application rate is 4500 gal/ac. A minimum three-week period between such applications is recommended.

At this writing, I have not researched how many court cases or verdicts have been rendered in upholding these regulations. However, once again, it isn’t “if” there will be more court cases, it is “when”!

The Bullvine Bottom Line

It is critical that farmers know what current coverage their policy offers and what limitations may exist. Have an attorney review your policy and advise on what activities are covered and what specific exclusions exist. It’s important to review your policy and carefully evaluate the potential applicability to your operation! Don’t get caught between your livestock and a court case!


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The Stars are Exposed in the Land Down Under

When it comes to the worldwide dairy genetics market, powerhouses like the USA, Canada, Switzerland, Holland and Italy often come to the minds of most breeders. After spending a week at the Southern hemisphere’s largest dairy show, International Dairy Week, I would add Australia to that elite list.

Often times when you see a picture of a cow or hear comments from breeders from around the world, you have to take it with a grain of salt, because you don’t truly believe that they could compete with the cattle in the powerhouse countries. Well, since attending International Dairy week for the first time since starting The Bullvine, I can confidently say that Australia needs to be considered among the best in the world.

Now to be fair I am not saying that the show at the 2015 IDW would blow World Dairy Expo or The Royal out of the water. However, I am saying that, if you compared it to most North American Championship shows or European National Championships, you would find that the cattle at IDW are very comparable. (Show results: Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Illawarra,Guernsey, All Breed Youth Show)

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In talking with many of the official judges from outside of Australia and the numerous industry professionals from around the world that attended this year’s IDW, all would agree that the quality of Australian cattle are certainly comparable to those in most major markets. Most likely due to the grazing environments these cattle are kept in, I found that all the animals, no matter what breed, had outstanding mobility on their feet and legs. While, on average, they may not be as deep ribbed as some North American cattle that have extensive hay diets, they are very long, clean and dairy animals.

This year’s IDW also provided us with the opportunity to work with our new Australian partner Crazy Cow. Dianna Malcolm was fabulous to work with and greatly assisted us in our new style of coverage. Her background in TV journalism made her an amazing partner for doing post show interviews with breeders and judges (View post show interviews: Elmar Holsteins and Bluechip Genetics). And all of this took place while Bluechip Genetics, the herd she and husband Dean Malcolm operate, totally dominated the heifer and young cow classes at the Holstein Show. Moreover, they withstood an incredible charge by Elmar Holsteins. Elmar dominated the mature cow classes, with one cow family making history as 3 members took home, Senior, Reserve Senior and Honarable Mention Senior Champion. It made things very interesting and, in the end, Bluechip took home the Premier Breeder and Exhibitor honors for the 4th consecutive year. (Read more: Dean and Dianna Malcolm: Forward in Five Gears! That’s Aussie D.I.Y., Dean and Dianna Malcolm: Gobsmacked in Australia – Landing Right Side Up Down Under!)

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Often times we are guilty of being too narrow focused when we look at the world genetic market. We believe there are only a few really important markets. After visiting Australia and meeting many of their top breeders, I am reminded that the world dairy market is truly global and that there are many top herds in all parts of the world we need to recognize (Read more: DAIRY YOUTH WILL GO FAR: Exchange Is Good!, Riverside Jerseys: Travelling Hearts – A Girl, A Guy and Their Jersey Love Story and AUSTRALIA: Is Down Under Going Under?).   The top cattle in Australia, especially the young Holstein cow standouts, Paringa Windsorm Ezra and Elmar Goldwyn Jessica 11, could easily compete in any show ring in the world.

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IDW Holstein Show 2015

Grand Champion – Elmar Ice Jessica – Elmar Holsteins, Leitchville, VIC

Exhibitor Encouragement Award – Justin Johnson

Premier Breeder – Bluechip Genetics

Premier Exhibitor – Bluechip Genetics

For over 250 pictures from the show click here

Junior Champion – Bluechip Goldchip Bonnie – Bluechip Genetics & Fairvale Holsteins, Zeerust, VIC
Reserve Junior Champion – Avonlea -YFWindbrook Cinnamon-ET, Cinnamin Partners, Main Beach, QLQ
Honourable Mention – Bluechip Finalcut Marion, Bluechip Genetics, P Hurley & D Palmer, Zeerust, VIC

Intermediate Champion – Paringa Windsorm Ezra, Bluechip Genetics & P Malcolm, Zeerust, VIC
Reserve Intermediate Champion – Avonlea Winbrook Lulu 2 IMP-ET – Elmar Holsteins & R Blackburn, Leitchville, VIC
Honourable Mention – Sleepy Hollow Jasper Posey – Woodlawn Holsteins, Finley, NSW

Senior Champion Cow – Elmar Ice Jessica – Elmar Holsteins, Leitchville, VIC
Reserve Senior Champion Cow – Elmar Goldwyn Jessica 11-ET – Elmar Holsteins, Leitchville, VIC
Honourable Mention Senior – Elmar Goldwyn Jessica 4-ET – Elmar Holsteins, Leitchville, VIC
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Class 1 – Heifer, born on or after 01/07/14

Hillview Park Trixies Dundee 1st place Class 1

Hillview Park Trixies Dundee

1 Hillview Park Trixies Dundee GG & JD McPhee, Finley, NSW


2 Glomar Supersire Sarah 5310 Glomar Holsteins, Bandalaguah, VIC


Seagul Bay Supersire
3 Coolea Brokaw Smoothie Crawford Family, Numbaa, NSW


Mr Atwood Brokaw
4 Lindon LG Sienna-IMP-ET S Redgrove, Singleton, NSW


Genervations Liquid Gold Ex
5 Bluechip Braxton Whynot-ET Bluechip Genetics, Zeerust, VIC


Regancrest S Braxton
6 Avonlea Acme Pompeil-ET-RED JH & CJ Gardiner, Cardinia, VIC


7 Arrallik Fireworks Mistress C Yarnold, Wingham, NSW


Serenityhill Fireworks
8 Beclah Park Goldchip Nardoo S & R Joyce, Tennyson, VIC


Mr Chassity Gold Chip
9 Emu Banks Supersire Daria 7630 BJ & JL Dickson, Terang, VIC


Seagull-Bay Supersire-ET
10 Cairnhill Dreams Perfect S & M Milne, Strathmerton, VIC


Heavenly Golden Dreams

CLASS 2 – All Australian Heifer – under 12 months on show day – Graham Simpson Memorial

Bluechip Toffee's Apple-RC 1st Place Class 2

Bluechip Toffee’s Apple-RC

1 Bluechip Toffee’s Apple-RC-ET Bluechip Genetics, Zeerust, VIC


MS Atlees Sht Aftershock
2 Bushlea GS Satin AJ & S Mackie, Meeniyan, VIC


Toc-Farm Goldsun
3 Hillview Park Look At Me GG & JD McPhee, Finley, NSW


4 Bluechip Goldchip Beciee-ET Bluechip Genetics, Zeerust, VIC


Mr Chassity Gold Chip
5 Emu Banks Shottle Shade 7427 BJ & JL Dickson, Terang, VIC


Picston Shottle
6 Hillview Park Trixies Dundee GG & JD McPhee, Finley, NSW


7 Glomar Supersire Sarah 5310 Glomar Holsteins, Bandalaguah, VIC


Seagul Bay Supersire
8 Next Generation Atwood Josie J & A Noonan, Invergordon, VIC


Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET
9 Bluechip Goldwyn Suzette-IMP-ET K & R Anderson, Yarroweyeh, VIC


Braedale Goldwyn
10 Avonlea-YFWindbrook Cinnamon-ET Cinnamin Partners, Main Beach, QLD


Gillette Windbrook-ET

CLASS 3- Heifer, born 01/01/14 to 30/06/14

Avonlea -YFWindbrook Cinnamon

Avonlea -YFWindbrook Cinnamon

1 Avonlea -YFWindbrook Cinnamon-ET Cinnamin Partners, Main Beach, QLD


Gillette Windbrook-ET
2 Bluechip Toffee’s Apple-RC-ET Bluechip Genetics, Zeerust, VIC


MS Atlees Sht Aftershock
3 Broadway Gold Satin Peatling Family, Toolamba, VIC


Toc-Farm Goldfish-ET
4 Bushlea GS Satin AJ & S Mackie, Meeniyan, VIC


Toc-Farm Goldsun
5 Sun Vale Attitude Jodie Sun Vale Holsteins, Yarraweyeh, VIC


Damartini Attitude-ET-RED
6 Hillview Park Look At Me GG & JD McPhee, Finley, NSW


7 Emu Banks Shottle Shade 7427 BJ & JL Dickson, Terang, VIC


Picston Shottle
8 Killarra Park Braxton Pam C Yarnold, Wingham, NSW


Regancrest Braxton
9 Diamond Guthrie Allure-IMP-et K & R Cochrane, Gympie, QLD


Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie
10 Coomboona Goldchip Lacey Coomboona Holsteins, Coomboona, VIC


Mr Chassity Gold Chip

Class 4  Heifer, born 01/07/13 to 31/12/13

Bluechip Finalcut Marion

Bluechip Finalcut Marion

1 Bluechip Finalcut Marion Bluechip Genetics, P Hurley & D Palmer, Zeerust, VIC


Gillette Finalcut
2 Bluechip Alexander Gypsy Bluechip Genetics, Zeerust, VIC


Golden-Oaks ST Alexander
3 Moonshay Park Dundee Trixie-ET Peatling Family, Toolamba, VIC


Regancrest Dundee
4 Waljasper Braxton Frosty-ET CP & SJ Walsh, Jaspers Brush, NSW


Regancrest Braxton
5 Carisma Cairnhill Paradise 6-ET Zanders Family, Kialla, VIC


Regancrest Braxton
6 Warwick Farm Sweet Ascandy N & N Pearce, Bega, NSW


Pine-Tree Sid
7 Bluechip Alexander Connie S & J Sieben, Torrumbarry, VIC


Golden-Oaks Alexander
8 Glomar Mogul Wendy 4996 Glomar Holsteins, Bandalaguah, VIC


9 Windy Ridge Atwood Licorice IMP-ET Windy Ridge Holsteins, Cohuna, VIC


Maple Downs I G W Atwood
10 Dundee Atwood Rae Dundee Quality Holsteins, Girgarre, VIC



Class 5- Heifer, Dry born 01/01/13 to 30/06/13

Bluechip Finalcut Marion

Bluechip Finalcut Marion

1 Bluechip Finalcut Marion Bluechip Genetics & Fairvale Holsteins, Zeerust, VIC


Mr Chassity Gold Chip
2 Bluechip Sid Madison-IMP-ET Peatling Family, Toolamba, VIC


Pine Tree Sid
3 Bluechip Damion Beauty-IMP-ET Bluechip Genetics, Zeerust, VIC


Erbacres Damion
4 Sugar’n’Spice Windbrook Delca Bluechip Genetics&Sugar’n’Spice Syndicate, Zeerust, VIC


Gillette Windbrook
5 Brindabella Amazing Mindy S & J Sieben, Torrumbarry, VIC


Mr Atlees Altaamazing
6 Windy Ridge Braxton Paradise IMP-ET Windy Ridge Holsteins, Cohuna, VIC


Regancrest S Braxton
7 Bluechip Windbrook Noni-ET Bluechip Genetics, Zeerust, VIC


Gillette Windbrook
8 Coolea Afters Bunny Crawford Family, Numbaa, NSW


MS Atlees Aftershock
9 Coomboona Braxton Lady Coomboona Holsteins, Coomboona, VIC


Regancrest Braxton
10 Juleanwes Windy Dita Diamond Genetics Aust, Canbewarra, NSW


Gillette Windhammer

Class 9 – Heifer, 2yrs in Milk, born 01/07/12 to 30/06/13

Moonshay Park Winbrook Sondea

Moonshay Park Winbrook Sondea

1 Moonshay Park Winbrook Sondea-ET Peatling Family, Toolamba, VIC


Gillette Winbrook
2 Cairnhill Braxton Perky 2-ET Zanders Family, Kialla, VIC


Regancrest Braxton
3 Benlargo Atwood Aura Benlargo Holsteins, Glencoe SA


Maple Down GW Atwood
4 Beclah Park Bradnick Waffle S & R Joyce, Tennyson, VIC


Regancrest GV S Bradnick
5 Avonlea Sid Lana IMP-ET JH & CJ Gardiner, Cardinia, VIC


Pine Tree Sid
6 Gorbro Gypsy Fever Gordon Brothers, Cohuna, VIC


Crackholm Fever
7 Mandelyn Candy D Simola M, N & E Strong, Jamberoo, NSW


Mandelyn Ladino Candy
8 Coomboona Atwood Vello Coomboona Holsteins, Coomboona, VIC


Maple Downs I GW Atwood
9 Glomar Shamrock Lucky 4778 Glomar Holsteins, Bandalaguah, VIC


10 Shevron Fever Liberty Shevron Holsteins, Muckatah, VIC


Crackholm Fever

Class 10 – Heifer, 2 1/2yrs in Milk, born 01/01/12 to 30/06/12

Avonlea Winbrook Lulu 2 IMP

Avonlea Winbrook Lulu 2 IMP

1 Avonlea Winbrook Lulu 2 IMP-ET Elmar Holsteins & R Blackburn, Leitchville, VIC


Gillette Windbrook
2 Fairvale Damion Melody Bluechip Genetics&Toi Toi Genetics, Zeerust, VIC


Erbacres Damion
3 Windy Vale Windbrook Frosty-IMP-ET Bluechip Genetics& Windy Vale Holsteins, Zeerust, VIC


Gillette Windbrook
4 Shevron P S Sylvia Shevron Holsteins, Muckatah, VIC


Picston Shottle
5 Sensei Atwood Josy Jonathon Jennings, Chapple Vale, VIC


Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood
6 Carisma Pole Reggie Zanders Family, Kialla, VIC


Cairnhill Goldwyn Pole
7 Elm Banks Gold Jemima Elm Banks Holsteins, Crossley, VIC


Toc-Farm Goldsun
8 Elm Banks Dempsey Delila Elm Banks Holsteins, Crossley, VIC


Lirr Drew Dempsey
9 Eastview Sid Surprise Bluechip Genetics&Eastview Holsteins,Zeerust,VIC


Pine-Tree Sid
10 Mclennan Park Goldchip Roulette S & R Joyce, Tennyson, VIC


Mr Chassity Gold Chip

Class 11 – Cow, 3yrs in Milk, Born 01/07/11 to 31/12/11

Paringa Windsorm Ezra

Paringa Windsorm Ezra

1 Paringa Windsorm Ezra Bluechip Genetics & P Malcolm, Zeerust, VIC


Gillette Windstorm
2 Linsand Damion Riche LR & SJ Thompson & B Cullen, Bracknell, TAS


Erbacres Damion
3 Brindabella Atwood Juno S & J Sieben, Torrumbarry, VIC


Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood
4 Rusty Red Apple Becky Judson Jennings, Chapple Vale, VIC


Apples Absolute
5 Lightning Ridge Atwood Topsy-ET Bluechip Genetics&Lightning Ridge Holsteins, Zeerust, VIC


Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood
6 Moonshay Park Atwood Bernie Peatling Family, Toolamba, VIC


Maple Downs Atwood
7 Robsvue Lauthority Shamrock Robsvue, Murray Bridge, SA


Comestar Lauthority
8 Bluechip Sid Josie Bluechip Genetics&Sunrise Holsteins, Zeerust, VIC


Pine-Tree Sid
9 Dryfield Roy Paradise C Steel & S Church, Numurkah, VIC


Roylane Jordan
10 Elm Banks Fever Madeleine Elm Banks Holsteins, Crossley, VIC


Crackholm Fever

Class 12 – Senior 3, born 01/01/11 to 30/06/11

Sleepy Hollow Jasper Posey

Sleepy Hollow Jasper Posey

1 Sleepy Hollow Jasper Posey Woodlawn Holsteins, Finley, NSW


Wolcoxview Jasper
2 Gorbro Sanchez O Shimmer-ET Gordon Brothers, Cohuna, VIC


Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez
3 Cairnsdale Atwood Twilight Cairnsdale Holsteins, Nowra, NSW


Maple Downs-I G W Atwood
4 Cairnsdale VF Atwood Ruby Menzies Farms & M Templeton, Nowra, NSW


Maple Downs-I GW Atwood
5 Coolea Aftershock Dita Crawford Family, Numbaa, NSW


Mr Atlees Sht Aftershock
6 Hillview Park Ariel Maida GG & JD McPhee, Finley, NSW


7 Brindabella Alexander Nan S & J Sieben, Torrumbarry, VIC


Golden-Oaks Alexander
8 Elm Banks Million Ding Elm Banks Holsteins, Crossley, VIC


England Ammon Million
9 Hill Valley Fever Noni-ET R & H Perrett, Kongwak, VIC


Crackholm Fever
10 Avonlea Braedale Bettine JH & CJ Gardiner, Cardinia, VIC


Braedale Goldwyn

Class 13 – Cow, 4yrs in Milk, born 01/07/10 to 31/12/10

Elmar Goldwyn Jessica 11

Elmar Goldwyn Jessica 11

1 Elmar Goldwyn Jessica 11-ET Elmar Holsteins, Leitchville, VIC


Braedale Goldwyn
2 Windy Vale Contender Rose-ET Bluechip Genetics & Windy Vale Holsteins, Zeerust, VIC


Patience Showline Contender
3 Rocket Atwood Connie Bluechip Genetics, Zeerust, VIC


Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood
4 Valivu Denzel Tamie Elmar Holsteins, Leitchville, VIC


La Presentation Denzel
5 Linsand Aspen Cinnamin-ET JH & CJ Gardiner & L Marshall, Cardinia, VIC


EK Oseeana Aspen
6 Elm Banks Damion Delila Elm Banks Holsteins, Crossley, VIC


Erbacres Damion
7 Elm Banks Breakout Odessa Elm Banks Holsteins, Crossley, VIC


Palmcrest Breakout
8 Woodlawn Sanchez Tiffany Woodlawn Holsteins, Finley, NSW


Gen-mark Stmatic Sanchez
9 Woodlawn Spirte Coconut 4555 Woodlawn Holsteins, Finley, NSW


Cedarwal Spirte
10 Cairnhill Carisma Paradise Zanders Family, Kialla, VIC


Ladino Park Talent

Class 14 –  Cow 5yrs in Milk, born 01/07/09 to 30/06/10

Fairvale Baxter Josie

Fairvale Baxter Josie

1 Fairvale Baxter Josie Bluechip Genetics&Fairvale Holsteins, Zeerust, VIC


Emerald-ACR-SA T-Baxter Fairvale Storm Josie
2 Willette Wyn Alison LA & CM Chesworth, Zeerust, VIC


Braedale Goldwyn Willette Jocko Alison
3 Wyoming Shottle Mary JH & CJ Gardiner, Cardinia, VIC


Picston Shottle Wyoming Elysalea Mary
4 Hill Valley Planet Noni-ET R & H Perrett, Kongwak, VIC


Esanda Taboo Planet Page House Shottle Noni
5 Broadway Goldwyn Tammie-ET Peatling Family, Toolamba, VIC


Goldwyn Somerell Alen Tabatha
6 Broadway Goldwyn Tabatha-ET Peatling Family, Toolamba, VIC


Goldwyn Somerell Alen Tabatha
7 Strongbark L Barbie J Strong, Albion Park, NSW


Strongbark Larry Strongbark Laramie Barb
8 Wellstrand Goldwyn Lulu 4 Shevron Holsteins, Muckatah, VIC


Braedale Goldwyn Wellstrand Informer Lulu
9 Glomar Planet Lucky 4142 Glomar Holsteins, Bandalaguah, VIC


Planet Glomar Jose Lucky 3802
10 Corra Lea Aspen Madam Gordon Brothers, Cohuna, VIC


EK-Oseeana Aspen Corra Lea Hobrealance Madam

Class 15 –  Cow 6yrs in Milk, born 01/07/08 to 30/06/09

Elmar Ice Jessica

Elmar Ice Jessica

1 Elmar Ice Jessica Elmar Holsteins, Leitchville, VIC


Braedale Icefyre
2 Blackwood Park Bess 6364 Blackwood Park, Murray Bridge, SA


Elmar Godstar-ET
3 Luccombe Fulton Nell Luccombe Farms, Finley, NSW


Luccombe Blitz Fulton
4 Aberfeldie Talent Susa Harklaje Holsteins, Nerrena, VIC


Ladino Park Talent
5 Elm Banks Bolton Delila Elm Banks Holsteins, Crossley, VIC


Sandy-Valley Bolton
6 Cairnhill Dundee Flayme-ET Zanders Family, Kialla, VIC


Regancrest Dundee
7 Southern Star Dundee Pam Southern Star Holsteins, Cobram, VIC


Regancrest Dundee
8 Gorbro Finalcut Anna Gordon Brothers, Cohuna, VIC


Gillette Final Cut
9 Cairnhill Goldwyn Elegance 2-ET Zanders Family, Kialla, VIC


Braedale Goldwyn
10 Avonlea Frontman Pip JH & CJ Gardiner, Cardinia, VIC


Avonlea Terrason Frontman

Class 16 –  Cow 7yrs & over in Milk, born prior to 01/07/08 – Les Ward Memorial Trophy

Elmar Goldwyn Jessica 4

Elmar Goldwyn Jessica 4

1 Elmar Goldwyn Jessica 4-ET Elmar Holsteins, Leitchville, VIC


Braedale Goldwyn
2 Elegant Durham Pooleybridge-ET LR, SJ, CR & LA Thompson, Bracknell, TAS


Regancrest Elton Durham-ET
3 Melville Park Aspen Marion Shevron Holsteins, Muckatah, VIC


Ek-Oseeana Aspen
4 Coolea Dundee Wattle Crawford Family, Numbaa, NSW


Regancrest Dundee
5 Elm Banks Shottle Interest Elm Banks Holsteins, Crossley, VIC


Picston Shottle
6 Willows Finalcut Sabrina Shevron Holsteins, Muckatah, VIC


Gillette Final Cut
1 Elmar Goldwyn Jessica 11-ET Elmar Holsteins, Leitchville, VIC

Class 17 – Best Udder – Elmar Goldwyn Jessica 11-ET


Junior Champion Heifer – Quamby Brook Verbatim Genie-IMP-ET LR, SJ & CR Thompson, Bracknell, TAS
Reserve Champion Heifer – Rivendell Glory Annabell Rivendell Jerseys, Nowra, NSW
Honourable Mention – Narara Glen Tequila Clau A & M Gavenlock, Numbaa, NSW

Intermediate Champion Ruralco Holdings – Broadlin Illusion 2817 L & L Broad, Lockington, VIC
Reserve Intermediate Champion –  Rivendell Brunchilli Jadestorm Olivia Rivendell Jerseys, Nowra, NSW
Honourable Mention – Cairnbrae Valentino Estelle 2 AG & JA Carson, Irrewillipe East, VIC

Champion Cow Semex Australia – Yandavale Sambo Darcy S&H Menzies, N Paulger & M Templeton, Nowra, NSW
Reserve Champion Cow – Brunchilli Sambo Priscilla Brunchilli Farming Trust, Finley, NSW
Honourable Mention –  Riverside Colettes Covergirl Ex94 Riverside Jerseys, Nirranda, VIC

Supreme Champion Jersery Exhibit –  Broadlin Illusion 2817 L & L Broad, Lockington, VIC

Exhibitor Encouragement Award Darrynvale – Elle Hourigan, Wangaratta

Class 01 Heifer born on or after 01/07/14

  1. Quamby Brook Verbatim Genie-IMP-ET LR, SJ & CR Thompson, Bracknell, TAS
  2. Langdale Verbatim Martha Langdale Jerseys, Inverloch, VIC
  3. Diamond Hill CV Tequila Crystalyn Diamond Hill & S Oslear, Regentville, 1N3S-W
  4. Boggabilla HG Bell W & R Rundle, Ecklin South, VIC
  5. Boggabilla Tequilas Lorna W & R Rundle, Ecklin South, VIC
  6. Brunchilli Excitation Belle Brunchilli Farming Trust, Finley, NSW

Class 02 Rising Star – Heifer Under 12 Months on Show Day

  1. Brunchilli Vanahlem Eileen 2 Brunchilli Farming Trust, Finley, NSW
  2. Diamond Hill CV Tequila Crystalyn Diamond Hill & S Oslear, Regentville, 1N3S-W
  3. Homelands Reagans Sarah Philmar Dairy Company, Tocumwal, N2S4W
  4. Jamber Gun Lady R Wilson, Jamberoo, NSW
  5. Winganna GG Skyla Coburn Family, The Sisters, VIC
  6. Kings Ville Lassie 25-ET R & K Anderson, Drouin West, VIC
  7. Glencraig Tbone Narcissus 5501 SC Salway, Bemboka, NSW
  8. Bushlea Irwins Favourite 5 Bushlea Farms, Koonwarra, VIC
  9. Ripponlea Riley Babe 2796 S Reid & B Egan, Garvoc, VIC
  10. Green Pines Mary 20 Green Pines Jerseys, Cobden, VIC

Class 03 Heifer born 01/01/14 to 30/06/14

  1. Brunchilli Koop Vita Brunchilli Farming Trust, Finley, NSW
  2. Rivendell Jade Priscilla Rivendell Jerseys, Nowra, NSW
  3. Winganna GG Skyla Coburn Family, The Sisters, VIC
  4. Homelands Reagans Sarah Philmar Dairy Company, Tocumwal, N2S4W
  5. Whyndell H.G. Bonny J Easterbrook, Tatura, VIC
  6. Jamber Gun Lady R Wilson, Jamberoo, NSW
  7. Stoneleigh Park Samjo Belle 2 Burnett Family, Merrigum, VIC
  8. Brunchilli Chavez Rose D Crawford, Invergordon, VIC
  9. Bushlea Irwins Favourite 5 Bushlea Farms, Koonwarra, VIC
  10. Ripponlea Riley Babe 2796 S Reid & B Egan, Garvoc, VIC

Class 04 Heifer born 01/07/13 to 31/12/13

  1. Narara Glen Tequila Clau A & M Gavenlock, Numbaa, NSW
  2. Strongbark Celebrity Queen J & K Strong, Albion Park, NSW
  3. Windy Ways Glaxies Dawn Windy Ways, Tongala, VIC
  4. Nimerald Revenge Princess P Buckley, Theresa Park, NSW
  5. Miami Comerica Carmel 4790 Philmar Dairy Company, Tocumwal, N1S6W
  6. Darrynvale Grayson Primrose Darrynvale, Milawa, VIC
  7. Cairnbrae Valentino Daisy II AG & JA Carson, Irrewillipe East, VIC
  8. Gower Park Tequila Marthas Joy Gower Park, Kyabram, VIC
  9. Stoneleigh Park Reagan Kim Burnett Family, Merrigum, VIC
  10. Glencraig Region Mistletoe 5406 SC Salway, Bemboka, NSW

Class 05 Heifer, Dry born 01/01/13 to 30/06/13

  1. Rivendell Glory Annabell Rivendell Jerseys, Nowra, NSW
  2. Hazel Vale Prime Maybelle J Hayes, Invergordon, VIC
  3. Hazel Vale Prime Benita J Hayes, Invergordon, VIC
  4. Bushlea Bbl Doris Bushlea Farms, Koonwarra, VIC
  5. Brunchilli Reward Becky Brunchilli Farming Trust, Finley, NSW
  6. Avon Valley Giggly Rose T Wilson, Gloucester, NSW
  7. Hazel Vale Tequila Maybelle Latteria Jersey stud, Tawonga, VIC
  8. Jamber Premier Lady R Wilson, Jamberoo, NSW
  9. Bralock Tequila Merle Jonathon Jennings, Chapple Vale, VIC
  10. Windy Ways Signal Daydream Windy Ways, Tongala, VIC

Class 06 Heifer, Dry, born 01/07/12 to 31/12/12

  1. Foleama Tequlia Rose 7 E Ferguson, Toolamba, VIC
  2. Homelands Sleeping Beauty 3 P Hentschke, Finley, NSW
  3. Bushlea Tequ Fernleaf 8 Philmar Dairy Company, Tocumwal, N1S2W
  4. Cedar Vale Excitation Maggie Diamond Hill Jerseys, Regentville, NSW
  5. Cedar Vale Getaway Moderia Cedar Vale Jerseys & P Buckley, Gerrin0g6o-0n9g-,2 N0S1W

Class 07 Heifer, Dry, born 01/01/11 to 30/6/12

  1. Bushlea Tequila Felice 2 Bushlea Farms, Koonwarra, VIC

Class 07A Jersey Futurity Class Jersey Australia

  1. Bushlea Galaxies Fernleaf Bushlea Farms, Koonwarra, VIC
  2. Broadlin Illusion 2817 L & L Broad, Lockington, VIC
  3. Homelands Sleeping Beauty 2 Nicholson Family, Girgarre, VIC
  4. Araluen Park Galaxy Astor T Saunders & A Day, Shady Creek, VIC20-04-2011 Galaxies Celebrity Araluen Park Clearcut Astor EX 90
  5. Broadlin Rae 2839 L & L Broad, Lockington, VIC
  6. Windy Ways Gold Daydream Windy Ways, Tongala, VIC

Class 09 Heifer, 2 yrs in Milk, born 01/07/12 to 30/06/13

  1. Miami Tequila Cowslip 4660-ET Philmar Dairy Company, Tocumwal, N3S1W
  2. Rivendell Remake Vera IMP-ET Rivendell Jerseys, Nowra, NSW
  3. Bushlea Tbone Fernleaf 2 Bushlea Farms, Koonwarra, VIC
  4. Pasadena Tequila Olive JC Falls, Finley, NSW
  5. Foleama Galaxy Vicky 25 E Ferguson, Toolamba, VIC
  6. Lara Premier Lassie 56 E Ferguson, Toolamba, VIC
  7. Cairnbrae Valentino Daisy 2 AG & JA Carson, Irrewillipe East, VIC
  8. Riverside Favorite’s Folly IMP-ET Riverside Jerseys, Nirranda, VIC
  9. Lara Galaxy Pamla E Ferguson, Toolamba, VIC
  10. Brunchilli Reagan Rose Brunchilli Farming Trust, Finley, NSW

Class 10 Heifer, 2 & 1/2 yrs in Milk, born 01/01/12 to 30/06/12

  1. Riverside Tequila Nadine Riverside Jerseys, Nirranda, VIC
  2. Cairnbrae Ensigns Illumination AG & JA Carson, Irrewillipe East, VIC
  3. Bushlea Gov Favorite 2 Bushlea Farms, Koonwarra, VIC
  4. Darrynvale Marks Bonnie 15 Darrynvale, Milawa, VIC
  5. Winsdale Getaway Belle-ET C&T Bawden & J&K Strong, Drouin, VIC
  6. Wallacedale Tbone Melaine 4 Wallacedale Jerseys, Poowong North,
  7. Jugiong Mayfair 6536 Nicholson Family, Girgarre, VIC
  8. Cedar Vale Action Finch Cedar Vale Jerseys, Gerringong, NSW
  9. Windy Ways Governor Belle Windy Ways, Tongala, VIC
  10. Rivendell Eli June Rivendell Jerseys, Nowra, NSW

Class 11 Cow, 3yrs in Milk, born 01/07/11 to 31/12/11

  1. Cairnbrae Valentino Estelle 2 AG & JA Carson, Irrewillipe East, VIC
  2. Riverside Governor Ginger Riverside Jerseys, Nirranda, VIC
  3. Kings Ville Tinkerbelle 62 S Reid & B Egan, Garvoc, VIC
  4. Lara BBC Silvermine 119 E Ferguson, Toolamba, VIC
  5. Tara Tbone Lorna P & V Timbs, Jaspers Brush, NSW
  6. Bralock Mexicano Merle S Reid & B Egan, Garvoc, VIC
  7. Froglands Aries Cowslip B Pedretti, Tallygaroopna, VIC
  8. Buffel Vale Renegade Maybelle Fresh Start, Invergorgon, VIC
  9. Jugiong Jade 6389 Mackerdoo Pastoral, Tocumwal, NSW
  10. Windy Ways Prix Mabel Gower Park, Kyabram, VIC

Class 12 Cow, Senior 3 in Milk, born 01/01/11 to 30/06/11

  1. Broadlin Illusion 2817 L & L Broad, Lockington, VIC
  2. Rivendell Brunchilli Jadestorm Olivia Rivendell Jerseys, Nowra, NSW
  3. Rivendell Jadestorm Tammi Rivendell Jerseys, Nowra, NSW
  4. Gelbeado Park Black Bonita 2 ET Aitken & Bawden, Drouin, VIC
  5. Riverside I’M Fancy Too Riverside Jerseys, Nirranda, VIC
  6. Windy Ways Gold Daydream Windy Ways, Tongala VIC
  7. Araluen Park Galaxy Astor Araluen Park, Shady Creek, VIC
  8. Bushlea Action T Fernleaf 5 R & A Heath, Camperdown, VIC
  9. Brunchilli Bowtie Belle Brunchilli Farming Trust, Finley, NSW
  10. Broadlin Rae 2839 L & L Broad, Lockington, VIC

Class 13 Cow, 4yrs in Milk, born 01/07/10 to 31/12/10

  1. Riverside Rsp Tanna Sharna Riverside Jerseys, Nirranda, VIC
  2. Jugiong Leonie 6223 Nicholson Family, Girgarre, VIC
  3. Brunchilli Iatola Ruby Brunchilli Farming Trust, Finley, NSW
  4. Gelbeado Park Dancer 34 C & T Bawden, Drouin, VIC
  5. Loxleigh Galaxies Golden Fancy Akers Family, Tallygaroopna, VIC
  6. Kings Ville Pam 46 R & K Anderson, Drouin West, VIC
  7. Boggabilla Althea F27 W & R Rundle, Ecklin South, VIC
  8. Riverside Exciting Mischief Riverside Jerseys, Nirranda, VIC
  9. Stoneleigh Park Samjo Buttercup Burnett Family, Merrigum, VIC
  10. Loxleigh Ressurection Peace Akers Family, Tallygaroopna, VIC

Class 14 Cow, 5yrs in Milk, born 01/07/09 to 30/06/10

  1. Waterloo Farms Dare To Dream-ET B Neal, Cooriemungle, VIC
  2. Green Pines Sovereign Green Pines Jerseys, Nullawarre, VIC
  3. Brunchilli Request Belle Brunchilli Farming Trust, Finley, NSW
  4. Riverside Ressurection Patricia Ex90 Riverside Jerseys, Nirranda, VIC
  5. Miami Gannon Girlie 4254 ET Ex 93 Philmar Dairy Company, Tocumwal, N2S9W
  6. Bushlea Reagan Maybell Bushlea Farms, Koonwarra, VIC
  7. Brunchilli Opportunity Loretta Brunchilli Farming Trust, Finley, NSW
  8. Shirlinn Special Stephanie Diamond Hill Jerseys, Regentville, NSW
  9. Stoneleigh Park Astound Mistletoe Burnett Family, Merrigum, VIC
  10. Jugiong Daydream 6054 Nicholson Family, Girgarre, VIC

Class 15 Cow, 6yrs in Milk, born 01/07/08 to 30/06/09

  1. Riverside Colettes Covergirl Ex94 Riverside Jerseys, Nirranda, VIC
  2. Broadlin Bubbles 2662 S Reid & B Egan, Garvoc, VIC
  3. Bluechip Comerica Babe G Hammond & F Walsh, Tongala, VIC
  4. Brunchilli Thunder Rose Brunchilli Farming Trust, Finley, NSW
  5. Brunchilli Visionary Cher GG & JD McPhee, Finley, NSW
  6. Broadlin Bubbles 2635 L & L Broad, Lockington, VIC
  7. Broadlin Maid 2599 L & L Broad, Lockington, VIC

Class 16 Cow, 7yrs & Over in Milk, born Prior to 01/07/08

  1. Yandavale Sambo Darcy S&H Menzies, N Paulger & M Templet0on,
  2. Brunchilli Sambo Priscilla Brunchilli Farming Trust, Finley
  3. Pasadena Comerica Olive Pasadena Jerseys, Zeerust, VIC
  4. Glenarron Flower 2 RS, GE & GL Baker, Katunga, VIC
  5. Rye Valley Comerica Bianca-ET R & H Perrett, Kongwak, VIC
  6. Brunchilli BRC Eileen 2 Brunchilli Farming Trust, Finley, NSW
  7. Ganbeer Christmas Lily 246 B Pedretti, Tallygaroopna, VIC
  8. Elm Grove Laurette 93 B Pedretti, Tallygaroopna, VIC 08-04-2004 Juno Elmgrove Laurette Beth

Class 17 Best Udder The Australian Dairyfarmer

  1. Brunchilli Sambo Priscilla Brunchilli Farming Trust, Finley, NSW

Class 18 Pen of three females owned by the Exhibitor

  1. Riverside Jerseys, Nirranda, VIC
  2. Brunchilli Farming Trust, Finley, NSW
  3.  Windy Ways, Tongala, VIC

Class 19 Cow & Daughter or Two daughters of same Dam

  1. Windy Ways, Tongala, VIC

Junior Champion Heifer – Quamby Brook Verbatim Genie-IMP-ET LR, SJ & CR Thompson, Bracknell, TAS
Reserve Champion Heifer – Rivendell Glory Annabell Rivendell Jerseys, Nowra, NSW
Honourable Mention – Narara Glen Tequila Clau A & M Gavenlock, Numbaa, NSW

Intermediate Champion Ruralco Holdings – Broadlin Illusion 2817 L & L Broad, Lockington, VIC
Reserve Intermediate Champion –  Rivendell Brunchilli Jadestorm Olivia Rivendell Jerseys, Nowra, NSW
Honourable Mention – Cairnbrae Valentino Estelle 2 AG & JA Carson, Irrewillipe East, VIC

Champion Cow Semex Australia – Yandavale Sambo Darcy S&H Menzies, N Paulger & M Templeton, Nowra, NSW
Reserve Champion Cow – Brunchilli Sambo Priscilla Brunchilli Farming Trust, Finley, NSW
Honourable Mention –  Riverside Colettes Covergirl Ex94 Riverside Jerseys, Nirranda, VIC

Supreme Champion Jersery Exhibit –  Broadlin Illusion 2817 L & L Broad, Lockington, VIC

Exhibitor Encouragement Award Darrynvale – Elle Hourigan, Wangaratta

International Dairy Week National Ayrshire Show

Junior Champion Heifer – Hurlstone Mabel Twilight Hurlstone Ag High School, Glenfield, NSW
Reserve Junior Champion Heifer – Katandra Farms Burdette Two-Didj G Bawden & R Burgmann, Warragul, VIC
Honorable Mention Junior Champion Heifer – Paschendaele Cinder Blossom-ET Eagles Partnership, Gooloogong, NSW

Intermediate Champion – Paschendaele P.R.Blossom-ET Eagles Partnership, Gooloogong, NSW
Reserve Intermediate Champion – Roland Lodge Poker Corn Canobie Partnership, Drouin West, VIC
Honourable Mention – Woodburn Park Gypsy Bear AC & DE Biffin, Cawdor, NSW

Champion Cow – Encore Pardner Didjago G Bawden & R Burgmann, Warragul, VIC
Reserve Champion Cow – Boldview Far Knightstar Boldview Farms, Jervois, SA
Honourable Mention Champion Cow – Woodburn Park Ginny AC & DE Biffin, Cawdor, NSW

Grand Champion Ayrshire – Encore Pardner Didjago G Bawden & R Burgmann, Warragul, VIC

Exhibitor Encouragement Award James Dillon James Dillon, Waaia, VIC

Premier Sire Des Chamois Poker Semex

Premier Breeder Scott Bramley Boldview Farms, Jervois, SA

Premier Exhibitor Scott Bramley Boldview Farms, Jervois, SA

Class 01 Heifer, born on or after 01/07/14


  1. Liddel Fb Elena S & R Cole, Wagga Wagga, NSW 15-07-2014 Free Beer Liddel Pardner Elena
  2. Ben-E-Geez Doublewhammy Rose-AI BG Hentschke, Glencoe, SA 07-07-2014 Family-Af-Ayr Doublewhammy Enterprise Ristourn Rose 2
  3. Geelunga Bman Candice Geelunga Ayrshires, Echunga, SA 22-08-2014 Palmyra Aclaim Bradman Geelunga Rip Charlotte
  4. Enterprise Doublewhammy Rose 3 MJ & LR Hentschke, Glencoe, SA 06-07-2014 Family-Af-Ayr Doublewhammy Enterprise Ristourn Rose 3
  5. Paschendaele Winter Blossom-ET Eagles Partnership, Gooloogong, NSW 20-07-2014 Terrace Bank Titan Paschendaele Spottie Blossom-ET
  6. Ghinni Creek Simone M & J Eagles, Moto, NSW 28-07-2014 Nexus Dreamer Hurlstone Diedre Solax

Class 02 Heifer, born 01/01/14 to 30/06/14


  1. Katandra Farms Burdette Two-Didj G Bawden & R Burgmann, Warragul, VIC
  2. Ben-E-Geez Doublewhammy Beautiful 2 BG Hentschke, Glencoe, SA 25-04-2014 Family-Af-Ayr Doublewhammy Ben-E-Geez Logies Beautiful
  3. Liddel R2 Skye S & R Cole, Wagga Wagga, NSW 15-03-2014 Reality Regal Park Skye
  4. Cher-Bar Lacey’s Dream Cheryl Liebich, Jervois, SA 12-01-2014 Nexus Dreamer Cher-Bar Zion Lacey
  5. Munden Farms Ambush Susie Munden Farms, Nilma North, VIC 16-05-2014 Munden Farms Milk Ambush Midway Park Sassy
  6. Regal Park Realistic Solax S & R Cole, Wagga Wagga, NSW 22-01-2014 Reality Hurlstone Deborah Solax

Class 03 Heifer, born 01/07/13 to 31/12/13


  1. Paschendaele Cinder Blossom-ET Eagles Partnership, Gooloogong, NSW 03-08-2013 Palmyra Poker Riggins Paschendaele Bonnie Brae Blossom
  2. Billaview Dream Lilly (T) C Afford, Woods Point, SA 23-07-2013 Nexus Dreamer Boldview Rebel Lillium
  3. Ghinni Creek Whistling Dixie M & J Eagles, Moto, NSW 20-09-2013 Palmyra Tri Star Burdette Paschendaele Dixies Damon
  4. Parkville Burdette Didja J Dillon, Waaia, VIC 14-07-2013 Palmyra Tri-Stay Burdette Encore Pardner Didjalynda
  5. Boldview Faraway Dreamer Munden Farms, Nilma North, VIC 04-08-2013 Nexs Dreamer Boldiew Far Knigtstar
  6. Roland Lodge Dream Corn Canobie Partnership, Drouin West, VIC 11-08-2013 Nexus Dreamer Roland Lodge Corny

Class 04 Heifer, Dry born 01/01/13 to 30/06/13


  1. Hurlstone Mabel Twilight Hurlstone Ag High School, Glenfield, NSW 08-05-2013 Mayfield Farm Reality Rosytoon Hurlstone Kondle Twilight
  2. Mayfield Farms Shimitan P & V Timbs, Jaspers Brush, NSW 03-02-2013 Terrace Bank Titan-ET Regal Park Shimmer
  3. Ghinni Creek Flash M & J Eagles, Moto, NSW 05-03-2013 Paschendaele Where’S Wally Paschendaele Flair
  4. Liddel Showstar Flora S & R Cole, Wagga Wagga, NSW 03-01-2013 Showstar Liddel Olympic Flora
  5. Enterprise W Whammy Gaiety MJ & LR Hentschke, Glencoe, SA 26-04-2013 Family Af-Ayr Doublewhammy Enterprise Cee Gaiety
  6. Paschendale Klassy Burd IMP-ET Eagles Partnership, Gooloogong, NSW 17-03-2013 Palmyra Tri Star Burdette Stillmore Bbk Klassy

Class 05 Heifer, Dry born 01/07/12 to 31/12/12


  1. Munden Farms Dream Barcardi Munden Farms, Nilma North, VIC 15-10-2012 Nexus Dreamer Midway Park Bourbon
  2. Cher-Bar Double Incarnie Caitlin Liebich, Jervois, SA 12-11-2012 Family Af-Ayr Double Whammy Cher-Bar Autumn Incarn
  3. Midway Park Fairy Dust 2 PA & JN Flanagan, Moama, NSW 09-10-2012 Midway Park Helper Midway Park Fairy Diego
  4. Geelunga Riggins Stella Geelunga Ayrshires, Echunga, SA 08-08-2012 Palmyra Poker Riggins Geelunga Balts Speck
  5. Arila Barny’s Pact WP & AM Macadam, Gillieston, VIC 23-11-2012 Rockvale Barnstormer Midway Park Pardy Pact

Class 06 Heifer, Dry born 01/07/11 to 30/06/12

  1. Arila Locket 3 WP & AM Macadam, Gillieston, VIC 04-07-2011 Ayrlands Gaels National Roland Lodge Olympic Locket

Class 07 Heifer, 2yrs in Milk, born 01/07/12 to 30/06/13


  1. Paschendaele P.R.Blossom-ET Eagles Partnership, Gooloogong, NSW 28-07-2012 Palmyra Poker Riggins Paschendaele Bonnie Brae Blossom
  2. Boldview Pretty Rose Boldview Farms, Jervois, SA 12-07-2012 Forever Schoon Pretty Boy Boldview Plata Rose
  3. Enterprise Double Whammy Rose GA & LJ Klatt & Family, Mt Barker, SA 02-07-2012 Family Af-Ayr Doublewhammy Enterprise Iceman Rose 2
  4. Paschendaele Hayley’s Star Eagles Partnership, Gooloogong, NSW 16-10-2012 Palmyra Tristar Burdette Paschendaele Hayley’s Comet
  5. Midway Park Berthas Dream PA & JN Flanagan, Moama, NSW 22-08-2012 Nexus Dreamer Midway Park Berthas Crown
  6. Rockvale Dreamer Tiffany MI & JR Hyland, Pine Lodge, VIC 15-08-2012 Nexus Dreamer Rockvale Conn Tiffany 2

Class 08 Heifer, 2 1/2yrs in Milk, born 01/01/12 to 30/06/12


  1. Woodburn Park Gypsy Bear AC & DE Biffin, Cawdor, NSW 10-04-2012 Paschendaele Prince Balthazar Woodburn Park Fossie Bear
  2. Enterprise Ristourn Redrose MJ & LR Hentschke, Glencoe, SA 13-05-2012 Lagace Ristourn Enterprise Mattie Blackrose
  3. Rockvale Burdette Viola 2 Araluen Park, Shady Creek, VIC 09-05-2012 Palmyra Tri-Star Burdette Rockvale Pardner Viola
  4. Rockvale Riggins Gold MI & JR Hyland, Pine Lodge, VIC 27-05-2012 Palmyra Poker Riggins Rockvale Jolly Gold
  5. Boldview Oblique Map Boldview Farms, Jervois, SA 21-03-2012 Jalyca Oblique Midway Park Milk Nap
  6. Geelunga Burdette Tyndall Geelunga Ayrshires, Echunga, SA 25-05-2012 Palmyra Tri Star Burdette Geelunga Harmony Thea

Class 09 Cow, 3yrs in Milk, born 01/07/11 to 31/12/11

  1. Roland Lodge Poker Corn Canobie Partnership, Drouin West, VIC 22-11-2011 Des Chamois Poker Roland Lodge Corny
  2. Boldview Bendig Atlas Boldview Farms, Jervois, SA 08-09-2011 Palmyra Jerry Bendig Boldview Raider Atla
  3. Cher-Bar Poker Incarnation Cheryl Liebich, Jervois, SA 07-08-2011 Des Chamois Poker Cher-Bar Mp Incarnate
  4. Rockvale Poker Ruby MI & JR Hyland, Pine Lodge, VIC 24-08-2011 Des Chamois Poker Rockvale Links Ruby
  5. Rockvale Poker Prim 3 J Dillon, Waaia, VIC 08-08-2011 Des Chamois Poker Rockvale Ripken Prim
  6. Arila Gay Marquisite 6 WP & AM Macadam, Gillieston, VIC 03-12-2011 Arila Trojan Arila Gay Marquisite 3

Class 10 Cow, Dry born before 01/07/11

  1. Blauvelt Park Neville PA & JN Flanagan, Moama, NSW 24-09-2009 Hunnington Mandella Blauvelt Park Merri Rose

Class 11 Cow, 4yrs in Milk, born 01/07/10 to 30/06/11


  1. Woodburn Park Ginny AC & DE Biffin, Cawdor, NSW 20-03-2011 Wroughton Lord Winston Woodburn Park Gill
  2. Enterprise Ristourn Rose MJ & LR Hentschke, Glencoe, SA 21-11-2010 Lagace Ristourn Enterprise Wilton Rose
  3. Rockvale Poker Tammy MI & JR Hyland, Pine Lodge, VIC 22-04-2011 Des Chamois Poker Rockvale Harle Tammy
  4. Midway Park Polkie Orange Araluen Park, Shady Creek, VIC 10-08-2010 Des Chamois Poker Middway Park Kates Orange
  5. Ghinni Creek Frantic M & J Eagles, Moto, NSW 15-05-2011 Palmyra Tri Star Reality Paschendaele Frenzy
  6. Rockvale Reality Locket MI & JR Hyland, Pine Lodge, VIC 21-03-2011 Palmyra Tri-Star Reality Rockvale Pardner Locket 5

Class 12 Cow, 5yrs in Milk, born 01/07/09 to 30/06/10


  1. Araluen Park Poker Pam Araluen Park, Shady Creek, VIC 14-07-2009 Des Chamois Poker Araluen Park Pam
  2. Geelunga Hundella Iris Geelunga Ayrshires, Echunga, SA 27-04-2010 Hunnington Mandella Geelunga Raker Iris
  3. Rockvale Conn Emileta 2 WP & AM Macadam, Gillieston, VIC 21-03-2010 Shady Walnut Conn Rockvale Pardner Emileta
  4. Rockvale Conn Venus MI & JR Hyland, Pine Lodge, VIC 19-05-2010 Shady Walnut Conn Rockvale Laser Venus
  5. Magic Park Shady Maiden R McFee, Casterton, VIC 09-08-2009 Shady Walnut Conn Glen Afton Trident Margiebelle
  6. Midway Park Carrie Munden Farms, Nilma North, VIC 19-01-2010 Hunnington Mandella Dairylea Connie

Class 13 Cow, 6yrs & over in Milk, born before 01/07/09


  1. Encore Pardner Didjago G Bawden & R Burgmann, Warragul, VIC 01-07-2005 Woodland View Pardner Neillunga Didjago
  2. Boldview Far Knightstar Boldview Farms, Jervois, SA 14-08-2007 Tararua Knights Star Boldview Trident Farquhar
  3. Bluegum Park Ice Dust Araluen Park, Shady Creek, VIC 11-01-2006 Kellcrest Ice Man Kalinda Stardust 2
  4. Midway Park Linmira Munden Farms, Nilma North, VIC 29-07-2003 Hunnington Admiral Midway Park Lingold
  5. Magic Park Shady Lady R McFee, Casterton, VIC 08-11-2008 Shady Walnut Conn Rockvale Trident Lorna 10
  6. Paschendaele Sporty Spice M & J Eagles, Moto, NSW 09-02-2008 Raybrook Reme Paschendaele Triple Spice

Class 15 Pen of Three Females owned by the Exhibitor – the Eric & STyhlveia E Eaaggleles sF aMmeimlyorial Trophy

  1. Boldview Farms, Jervois, SA
  2. MI & JR Hyland, Pine Lodge, VIC
  3. M & J Eagles, Moto, NSW

Class 14 Best Udder

  1. Woodburn Park Ginny AC & DE Biffin, Cawdor, NSW


IDW Brown Swiss Show

DATE: January 20, 2015
JUDGE: Ms Rebekah Mast – United States of America

Champion Cow – Tandara Jolt Sarajevo 55 (Jolt), Tandara Brown Swiss, Dingee, VIC
Reserve Champion Cow – Tandara Etvei Heidi 217 (Etvei), Tandara Brown Swiss, Dingee, VIC
HM Champion Cow – Tandara Zaster Lola 33 (Zaster), Tandara Brown Swiss, Dingee, VIC

Intermediate Champion  – Chapple Valley Edison Sherry (Edison), Jonathon Jennings, Chapple Vale, VIC
Reserve Intermediate Champion – Tandara Zaster Lola 39 (Zaster), Tandara Brown Swiss, Dingee, VIC
HM Intermediate Champion- Tandara Brookings Lola 40 (Brookings), Tandara Brown Swiss, Dingee, VIC

Junior Champion Heifer – Ashridge Rufus Tessa (Rufus), J & A Noonan, Invergordon, VIC
Reserve Junior Champion – Tandara Jublend Wabash 22 (Jublend), Tandara&Jayden Drake, Dingee, VIC
HM Junior Champion Heifer – Sherbrooke Nirvana Iris (Nirvana),  Linderlan&Sherbrooke Brown Swiss, Katunga, VIC
Class 01 – Heifer, born on or after 01/07/14 (3)
1.  Linderlan Bouncer Nora (Bouncer), Linderland &Sherbrooke Brown Swiss
2. Tandara Jongleur Heidi 266 (Jongleur), Tandara Brown Swiss, Dingee, VIC
3. Sherbrooke Hobbit Olga (Hobbit), Linderland & Sherbrooke Brown Swiss

Class 02 – Heifer, born 01/01/14 to 30/06/14 (5)
1. Ashridge Rufus Tessa (Rufus), J & A Noonan, Invergordon, VIC
2. Sherbrooke Nirvana Iris (Nirvana), Linderlan&Sherbrooke Brown Swiss
3. Curramore Motel Tornado 2 (Tornado), MR & KJ Osborne, Jamberoo, NSW

Class 03 – Heifer, born 01/07/13 to 31/12/13 (6)
1. Tandara Jublend Wabash 22 (Jublend), Tandara&Jayden Drake, Dingee, VIC
2. Lara Poster Selly 9 (Poster), E Ferguson, Toolamba, VIC
3. Tandara Payssli Heidi 255 (Payssli), Tandara Brown Swiss, Dingee, VIC

Class 04 – Heifer, Dry born 01/01/13 to 30/06/13 (4)
1. Maverick Prunki Jewel (Prunki),  S & J Huth, Jancourt East, VIC
2. Curramore Clarrie Tornado (Tornado), MR & KJ Osborne, Jamberoo, NSW
3. Balgarre WP Heidi 2 (Pilot), PE & SM Balfour, Kanoona, NSW

Class 05 – Heifer, Dry born 01/07/12 to 31/12/12 (3)
1.  Benleigh Galaxy Sarajevo (Galaxy), K Forbes, Gloucester, NSW
2. Curramore Tiney Jeff 2 (Sealion)MR & KJ Osborne, Jamberoo, NSW
3. Roland Lodge Prelude Sarajevo (Prelude), Canobie Partnership, Drouin West, VIC

Class 07 – Heifer, 2yrs in Milk, born 01/07/12 to 30/06/13 (3)
1. Tandara Brookings Lola 40 (Brookings), Tandara Brown Swiss, Dingee, VIC
2. Grasslands Vigor Sandy (Vigor), Grasslands, Mount Gambier, SA
3. Chapple Valley Edison Chloe (Edison),  L Dickson, Terang, VIC

Class 08 – Heifer, 2 1/2yrs in Milk, born 01/01/12 to 30/06/12 (3)
1. Tandara Zaster Lola 39 (Zaster), Tandara Brown Swiss, Dingee, VIC
2. Linderlan View Sigrid (Preview), Linderland & Sherbrooke Brown Swiss
3. Islandrock Poster Melody (Poster), Islandrock & Premium Brown Swiss

Class 09 – Cow, 3yrs in Milk, born 01/07/11 to 31/12/11 (4)
1. Chapple Valley Edison Sherry (Edison), Jonathon Jennings, Chapple Vale, VIC
2. Roland Lodge Queen of Hearts (Cartoon), Canobie Partnership, Drouin West, VIC
3. Tandara Vasir Amy 167 (Vasir), Tandara & D Bacon, Dingee, VIC

Class 11 – Cow, 4yrs in Milk, born 01/07/10 to 30/06/11 (3)
1. Tandara Zaster Lola 33 (Zaster), Tandara Brown Swiss, Dingee, VIC
2. Roland Lodge Bumble Bee (Preview), Canobie Partnership, Drouin West, VIC
3. Tandara Ziado Ann Arbor 24 (Ziado), Tandara Brown Swiss, Dingee, VIC

Class 12, Cow, 5yrs in Milk, born 01/07/09 to 30/06/10 (5)
1.  Grasslands Dynasty Lass (Dynasty), Grasslands, Mount Gambier, SA
2. Ravenswood Sargent Holly (Sargent), Linderland & Sherbrooke Brown Swiss
3. Islandrock Zaster Serena (Zaster), Islandrock & Premium Brown Swiss

Class 13, Cow, 6yrs & over in Milk, born before 01/07/09 (5)
1. Tandara Jolt Sarajevo (Jolt),  Tandara, VIC
2. Tandara Etvei Heidi 217 (Etvei), Tandara Brown Swiss, Dingee, VIC
3. Grasslands Senator Maiden (Senator), Grasslands, Mount Gambier, SA

Class 14, Best Udder
Tandara Etvei Heidi 217 (Etvei), Tandara Brown Swiss, Dingee, VIC

Exhibitor Encouragement Award
Kenny Osbourne, Jamberoo, NSW

Premier Sire Award
Superbrown Edison – CRV

Premier Breeder
Tandara Brown Swiss, Dingee, VIC

Premier Exhibitor
Tandara Brown Swiss, Dingee, VIC

IDW National Illawarra Show

DATE: Jan 20, 2015
JUDGE: Mr Laurie Chittick – Australia

Grand Champion Cow – Wallumlands Sunstorm 8 (Absolute-Red), Gordon, Bacon & Govett, Cohuna, VIC
Reserve Champion Cow – Winganna Empire Plum (Empire), Coburn Family, The Sisters, VIC
HM Champion Cow -Lemon Grove Buttercup 335 (Relix), D Ashe & Nicholson Family, Girgarre, VIC

Intermediate Champion – Lara Twister Glady (Twister), E Ferguson, Toolamba, VIC
Reserve Intermediate Champion- Llandovery JR Joan (Jet-Red), Hayes Family, Girgarre, VIC
HM Intermediate Champion – Illinga Salute Vision (Absolute-Red), Coburn Family, The Sisters, VIC

Junior Champion Heifer – Llandovery Blush’s Jinny (Blushs Savard), Hayes Family, Girgarre, VIC
Reserve Junior Champion Heifer – Lemon Grove Molly (Redlou), E Ferguson, Toolamba, VIC
HM Junior Champion Heifer- Wallumlands Dame Zarah 7 (Blushs Savard), T & U Tidcombe, Shepparton, VIC

Class 01, Heifer, born on or after 01/07/14 (2)

1. Three Creeks Beth 7 (Royalty),  JJ & BL Evans, Laceby, VIC
2. Riversleigh Jetson Belle 19 (Jetson), Tuhan Family Trust, Tatura, VIC
Class 02, Heifer, born 01/01/14 to 30/06/14 (6)
1. Lemon Grove Honeymoon 46 (Belagio), Hayes Family, Girgarre, VIC
2. Llandovery Blushs Jinny (Blushs Savard), Hayes Family, Girgarre, VIC
3. Wallumlands Ivy 12 (Ford), T & U Tidcombe, Shepparton, VIC
Class 03, Heifer, born 01/07/13 to 31/12/13 (6)
1. Wallumlands Dame Zarah 7 (Blushs Savard), T & U Tidcombe, Shepparton, VIC
2. Blackwood Park Susie 61 (Belagio), Blackwood Park, Murray Bridge, SA
3. Wallumlands Veralyn 7  (Marcel), T & U Tidcombe, Shepparton, VIC
Class 04, Heifer, Dry born 01/01/13 to 30/06/13 (2)
1. CherryLock Maldas Pride (Prophet), Hayes Family, Girgarre, VIC
2. Blackwood Park Beauty 85 (Belagio), Blackwood Park, Murray Bridge, SA
Class 05, Heifer, Dry born 01/07/12 to 31/12/12 (3)
1. Llandovery Blush’s Jinny (Blushs Savard), Hayes Family, Girgarre, VIC
2. Lemon Grove Molly (Redlou), E Ferguson, Toolamba, VIC
3. Llandovery Vigils Freda 1192 (Vigil), JJ & BL Evans, Laceby, VIC
Class 06, Heifer, Dry born 01/07/11 to 30/06/12 (1)
Riversleigh Alston Madeline-ET (Prince), Tuhan Family Trust, Tatura, VIC
Class 07, Heifer, 2yrs in Milk, born 01/07/12 to 30/06/13 (2)
1. Lara Twister Glady (Twister), E Ferguson, Toolamba, VIC
2. Kangawarra Gladys 3954 (Jimbo), T & K Cochrane, Pyree, NSW
Class 08, Heifer, 2 1/2yrs in Milk, born 01/01/12 to 30/06/12 (2)
1. Kangawarra Stella 3863 (Empire), T & K Cochrane, Pyree, NSW
2. Riversleigh Prince Tulip 12-ET  (Prince), Tuhan Family Trust, Tatura, VIC
Class 09, Cow, 3yrs in Milk, born 01/07/11 to 31/12/11 (3)
1. Llandovery JR Joan (Jet-Red), Hayes Family, Girgarre, VIC
2. Illinga Salute Vision (Absolute-Red), Coburn Family, The Sisters, VIC
3. Blackwood Park Laurel 94 (Empire), Blackwood Park, Murray Bridge, SA
Class 10, Cow, Dry born before 01/07/11 (2)
1.  Alston Distrigene Madeline (Distrigene), Tuhan Family Trust, Tatura, VIC
2. Lemon Grove Princess 756 (Faber), TJ O’Loughlin, Yarroweyah, VIC
Class 11, Cow, 4yrs in Milk, born 01/07/10 to 30/06/11 (6)
1.  Wallumlands Sunstorm 8 (Absolute), Gordon, Bacon & Govett, Cohuna, VIC
2. Lemon Grove Buttercup 335 (Relix), D Ashe & Nicholson Family, Girgarre,
3. Winganna Viscount Flighty (Viscount), Coburn Family, The Sisters, VIC
Class 12, Cow, 5yrs in Milk, born 01/07/09 to 30/06/10 (2)
1. Riversleigh Bustling Buttercup 5 (Barry Hall), Tuhan Family Trust, Tatura, VIC
2. Wallumlands Blossom 4 (Viscount), Hayes Family, Girgarre, VIC
Class 13, Cow, 6yrs & over in Milk, born before 01/07/09 (6)
1. Winganna Empire Plum (Empire), Coburn Family, The Sisters, VIC
2. Illinga Inferno Rose (Inferno), Coburn Family, The Sisters, VIC
3. Glencliffe Carlee 479 (Mr Fusion), RW & SA Parker, Undera, VIC
Best Udder
Wallumlands Sunstorm 8 Gordon (Absolute), first 4-Yr Old, Bacon & Govett, Cohuna, VIC
Exhibitor Encouragement Award
Brooke & Justin Evans JJ & BL Evans, Laceby, VIC

Premier Sire Award
Llandovery Jinnys Empire – ABS

Premier Breeder
Hayes Family, Girgarre, Vic

Premier Exhibitor
Hayes Family, Girgarre, Vic

IDW National Guernsey Show

DATE: January 20, 2015
JUDGE: Mr Allan Clark – Australia

Champion Cow – Florando Sd Koala 7 (Thomas), Golden Gate Guernseys, Tennyson, VIC
Reserve Champion Cow  – Glenally Spc Clara (Colin), G & S Tivendale, Murchison, VIC
HM Champion Cow – First Love Pearly (Response), M & R Shea, Bacchus Marsh, VIC

Intermediate Champion – Brookleigh Geo Breaktime (George),  LF & JM Cleggett, Glencoe, SA
Reserve Intermediate Champion – Glenally Mrls Della (Samual), G & S Tivendale, Murchison, VIC
HM Intermediate Champion – Brookleigh Glistening (Aaron), LF & JM Cleggett, Glencoe, SA

Junior Champion Heifer – Glenally Esp Karina (Spider), G & S Tivendale, Murchison, VIC
Reserve Junior Champion Heifer – Kookaburra Kringle Stormy (Kringle), DJ & JJ Clarke & Family & WW Gibson, Morpeth, NSW
HM Junior Champion- Glenally Mrls Hetty (Samual), G & S Tivendale, Murchison, VIC

Class 01 Heifer, born on or after 01/07/14 (6)
1. Kookaburra Gwab Sprite (Gwab), DJ & JJ Clarke & Family & WW Gibson
2. Lawarra Icy Scotchontherocks (Iceberg), Bonnano & Joyce, Tatura, VIC
3. Rockmar Phoenix Jackie (Phoenix), M & R Shea, Bacchus Marsh, VIC
Class 02 Heifer, born 01/01/14 to 30/06/14 (4)
1.  Glenally Heralds Della (Herald), G & S Tivendale, Murchison, VIC
2. Brookleigh Yogi’s Brimstone (Yogibear), LF & JM Cleggett, Glencoe, SA
3. Heriot Hill Lana’s Melody (Freedom), DJ & JJ Clarke & Family & WW Gibson
Class 03 Heifer, born 01/07/13 to 31/12/13 (6)
1. Glenally Mrls Hetty (Samual), G & S Tivendale, Murchison, VIC
2. Rockmar Prada Lavender (Prada), M & R Shea, Bacchus Marsh, VIC
3. Rockmar Showtime Grace (Showtime), M & R Shea, Bacchus Marsh, VIC
Class 04 Genetics Heifer, Dry born 01/01/13 to 30/06/13 (6)
1. Kookaburra Kringle Stormy (Kringle), DJ & JJ Clarke & Family & WW Gibson
2. Golden Gate Yogi Koala 2 (Yogibear),  Golden Gate Guernseys, Tennyson, VI
3. Brookleigh Geo Jubilation (George), LF & JM Cleggett, Glencoe, SA
Class 05 Heifer, Dry born 01/07/12 to 31/12/12 (3)
1. Glenally Esp Karina (Spider), G & S Tivendale, Murchison, VIC
2. Rockmar Phoenix Lavender (Phoenix), M & R Shea, Bacchus Marsh, VIC
3. Richmond Grove IM Havana  (Irishman), J Peck, Murchison, VIC
Class 07 Heifer, 2yrs in Milk, born 01/07/12 to 30/06/13 (4)
1.  Brookleigh Glistening (Aaron), LF & JM Cleggett, Glencoe, SA
2. Brookleigh Geo Nell (George), A Cleggett, Glencoe, SA
3. Glencrest Dynamic Diamond (Dynamic), DJ & JJ Clarke & Family & WW Gibson
Class 08 Heifer, 2 1/2yrs in Milk, born 01/01/12 to 30/06/12 (2)
1. Glenally Mrls Della (Samual), G & S Tivendale, Murchison, VIC
2. Kookaburra Hugo Eurangatuck (Hugo), DJ & JJ Clarke & Family & WW Gibson
Class 09 Cow, 3yrs in Milk, born 01/07/11 to 31/12/11 (5)
1. Brookleigh Geo Breaktime (George), LF & JM Cleggett, Glencoe, SA
2. Glencrest Challenge Valmay (Challenge), DJ & JJ Clarke & Family & WW Gibson
3. Brookleigh Peptone (Bradman), LF & JM Cleggett, Glencoe, SA
Class 10 Cow, Dry born before 01/07/11 (1)
1.  Meadow View GNP Treasure (Pride), B Russell, Goulburn, NSW
Class 11 Cow, 4yrs in Milk, born 01/07/10 to 30/06/11 (4)
1. Glenally Spc Clara (Colin), G & S Tivendale, Murchison, VIC
2. Brookleigh Jolie (Achievabull), LF & JM Cleggett, Glencoe, SA
3. Brookleigh Dartmoore (Achievabull), LF & JM Cleggett, Glencoe, SA
Class 12 Cow, 5yrs in Milk, born 01/07/09 to 30/06/10 (1)
1. Glencrest Mission Neerarup (Mission), DJ & JJ Clarke & Family & WW Gibson
Class 13 iaCow, 6yrs & over in Milk, born before 01/07/09 (6)
1. Florando Sd Koala 7 (Thomas), Golden Gate Guernseys, Tennyson, VI
2. First Love Pearly (Response), M & R Shea, Bacchus Marsh, VIC
3. Glenally Bjr Oak Elmo (Royal Oak), G & S Tivendale, Murchison, VIC
Class 14 Best Udder
Florando SD Koala 7 (Thomas), Golden Gate Guernseys, Tennyson, VIC
Exhibitor Encouragement Award
James Peck, Murchison, VIC

IDW Best Sire Award
Golden J Les George –  Agri-Gene

Premier Breeder
LF & JM Cleggett, Glencoe, SA
Premier Exhibitor
LF & JM Cleggett, Glencoe, SA




IDW Grand Champion Heifer 199 Beclah Park Dempsey Nola Erika Quinn Gordon Brothers, Cohuna, VIC
IDW Reserve Grand Champion Heifer 210 Brindabella Gold Sun B Jess Georgia Sieben S & J Sieben, Torrumbarry, VIC
IDW Honourable Mention Grand Champion Heifer 212 Bushlea Gov Favorite 2 Brock Neal Bushlea Farms, Koonwarra, VIC

Senior Champion in Milk Heifer – Senior Leader 199 Beclah Park Dempsey Nola Erika Quinn Gordon Brothers, Cohuna, VIC
Reserve Senior Champion in Milk Heifer – Senior Leader 212 Bushlea Gov Favorite 2 Brock Neal Bushlea Farms, Koonwarra, VIC
Honourable Mention 200 Bushlea Tbone Fernleaf 2 Zack Redpath Bushlea Farms, Koonwarra, VIC

Senior Champion in Milk Heifer – Junior Leader 210 Brindabella Gold Sun B Jess Lincoln Sieben S & J Sieben, Torrumbarry, VIC
Reserve Senior Champion in Milk Heifer – Junior Leader 208 Miami Tequila Cowslip 4660-ET Brady Hore Philmar Dairy Company, Tocumwal, NSW
Honourable Mention 223 Darrynvale Marks Bonnie 15 Ellie Hourigan Darrynvale, Milawa, VIC

Goulburn Murray Water Most Sucessful Youth Handler Award Zoe Hayes Hayes Family, Girgarre,

Junior Champion Heifer – Senior Leader 183 Llandovery Blush’s Jinny Zoe Hayes Hayes Family, Girgarre, VIC
Reserve Junior Champion Heifer – Senior Leader 228 Red Field Doorman Bambi 3186-ET Shanae Fisher K Smolenaars, Sale, VIC
Honourable Mention 131 Broadway Skcheif DD-ET Melinda Gretgrix Peatling Family, Toolamba, VIC

Junior Champion Heifer – Junior Leader 104 Avonlea Windbrook Cinnamon Mitchell Atkins JH & CJ Gardiner, Cardinia, VIC
Reserve Junior Champion Heifer – Junior Leader 71 Whyndell H.G. Bonny Jett Easterbrook J Easterbrook, Tatura, VIC
Honourable Mention 110 Pooley Bridge Rover Kay 179 Rachel Lucich Leslie Farms, Arcadia, VIC


Class 01- Heifer born 01/07/14 to 31/12/14 – Senior Leader


  1. Three Creeks Beth 7 Clare Martin JJ & BL Evans, Laceby, VIC
  2. Dornabrae Windbrook California-IMP-ET Leah Orton Sun Vale Holsteins, Yarraweyeh, VIC
  3. Cedar Vale-DH Verbatim Crystalyn IMP-ET Shanae Fisher Cedar Vale Jerseys, Gerringong, NSW
  4. Enterprise Doublewhammy Rose 3 Beth Hayden MJ & LR Hentschke, Glencoe, SA
  5. Bushlea P.H. Marmie 5 Zack Redpath Bushlea Farms, Koonwarra, VIC
  6. Homelands Remake Silvermine Hamish McPhee P Hentschke, Finley, NSW
  7. Ben-E-Geez Doublewhammy Rose-AI Sam Hentschke BG Hentschke, Glencoe, SA
  8. Riversleigh Jetson Belle 19 Katherine Bohn Tuhan Family Trust, Tatura, VIC
  9. Gorbro Dorman Tiffany Caleb Quinn Glen Gordon, Cohuna, VIC
  10. Paschendaele Winter Blossom-ET Sally Downie Eagles Partnership, Gooloogong, NSW

Class 02 born 01/07/14 to 31/12/14 – Junior Leader


  1. Langdale Verbatim Martha Brianna Weaver Langdale Jerseys, Inverloch, VIC
  2. Brindabella Woody Kay Georgia Sieben S & J Sieben, Torrumbarry, VIC
  3. Elmar Aftershock Jessica Brady Hore Elmar Holsteins, Leitchville, VIC
  4. Diamond Hill CV Tequila Crystalyn Mali Dillon Diamond Hill Jerseys, Regentville, NSW
  5. Jaden Burdettes Dapper Brittany Liebich GA & LJ Klatt & Family, Mt Barker, SA
  6. Brunchilli Excitation Belle Henry Michael Brunchilli Farming Trust, Finley, NSW
  7. Avonlea Acme Pompeil 2-ET-RED Luke Gardiner JH & CJ Gardiner, Cardinia, VIC
  8. Billaview Dream Flicka Tegan Afford C Afford, Woods Point, SA
  9. Homebush Park Raceway Daffodil Anna Dickson A Schulz, Cobden, VIC
  10. Burn-Brae Steady Jolene Scott Mackie AJ & S Mackie, Meeniyan, VIC

Class 03 Heifer born 01/04/14 to 30/06/14 – Senior Leader

  1. Gorbro Lauthority Robin Corey McGillivray Gordon Brothers, Cohuna, VIC
  2. Ben-E-Geez Doublewhammy Beautiful 2 Sam Hentschke BG Hentschke, Glencoe, SA
  3. Katandra Farms Burdette Two-Didj Emily McClure G Bawden & R Burgmann, Warragul, VIC
  4. Munden Farms Ambush Susie Jess Russell Munden Farms, Nilma North, VIC

Class 04 Heifer born 01/04/14 to 30/06/14 – Junior Leader


  1. Whyndell H.G. Bonny Jett Easterbrook J Easterbrook, Tatura, VIC
  2. Avonlea Golden Fig Ashleigh Van Leeuwen JH & CJ Gardiner, Cardinia, VIC
  3. Brunchilli Vanahlem Eileen 2 Jack Michael Brunchilli Farming Trust, Finley, NSW
  4. Brindabella Razor Midge Lincoln Sieben S & J Sieben, Torrumbarry, VIC
  5. Rowlands Park Braxton Chevy April Wishart Rowlands Park Holsteins, Cohuna, VIC
  6. Pooley Bridge Windbrook Kay 182 Rachel Lucich Leslie Farms, Arcadia, VIC

Class 05 Heifer born 01/01/14 to 31/03/14 – Senior Leader


  1. Red Field Doorman Bambi 3186-ET Shanae Fisher K Smolenaars, Sale, VIC
  2. Llandovery Blush’s Jinny 2 Zoe Hayes Hayes Family, Girgarre, VIC
  3. Bushlea Irwins Favourite 5 Zack Redpath Bushlea Farms, Koonwarra, VIC
  4. Gorbro Atwood Baler Kaleb Quinn Gordon Brothers, Cohuna, VIC
  5. Gorbro Atwood Balertwine Erika Quinn Gordon Brothers, Cohuna, VIC
  6. Red Field Doorman Bambi 3185-ET Tamara Loughridge K Smolenaars, Sale, VIC
  7. Calister Golden Glow 6623 Hannah Gretrix E Ferguson, Toolamba, VIC
  8. McLennan Park McCutchen Berkeley 4 IMP ET Abby Pedretti B Pedretti, Tallygaroopna, VIC
  9. Bralock Tequila Power Merle Ricky Nelson S Reid & B Egan, Garvoc, VIC

Class 06 Heifer born 01/01/14 to 31/03/14 – Junior Leader


  1. Avonlea Windbrook Cinnamon Mitchell Atkins JH & CJ Gardiner, Cardinia, VIC
  2. Pooley Bridge Rover Kay 179 Rachel Lucich Leslie Farms, Arcadia, VIC
  3. Sun Vale Attitude Sara Renee Anderson Sun Vale Holsteins, Yarraweyeh, VIC
  4. Southern Star Aftershock Pammie Sophia Wright Southern Star Holsteins, Cobram, VIC
  5. Winganna GG Skyla Kieran Coburn Coburn Family, The Sisters, VIC
  6. Elmar Goldsun Midge Brady Hore Elmar Holsteins, Leitchville, VIC
  7. Brindabella Atwood Ellie Georgia Sieben S & J Sieben, Torrumbarry, VIC
  8. Rowlands Park Fever Sasha Emmalea Wishart Rowlands Park Holsteins, Cohuna, VIC
  9. Rowlands Park Braxton Shamrock Kaitlyn Wishart Rowlands Park Holsteins, Cohuna, VIC
  10. Bluechip Dempsey M Noni Charlie Lloyd Gordon Brothers, Cohuna, VIC

Class 07 Heifer born 01/07/13 to 31/12/13 – Senior Leader


  1. Broadway Skcheif DD-ET Melinda Gretgrix Peatling Family, Toolamba, VIC
  2. HBH Attitude Pala Zoe Hayes Hayes Family, Girgarre, VIC
  3. Pooley Bridge Aftershock Sarah 26 Sarah Dodd S Dodd, VIC
  4. Paschendaele Cinder Blossom-ET Jamie Whybrow Eagles Partnership, Gooloogong, NSW
  5. Blackwood Park Susie 61 Kimberley Henningson Blackwood Park, Murray Bridge, SA
  6. Jugiong Silverbelle 6895 Josh Romano Nicholson Family, Girgarre, VIC
  7. Boldview Faraway Dreamer Jess Russell Munden Farms, Nilma North, VIC
  8. Inverell Fernleaf 193 Tracey Millett T Millett, Langwarrin, VIC
  9. Billaview Dream Lilly (T) Courtney Afford C Afford, Woods Point, SA
  10. Holburn Park Pilot Pia Lachlan Andrew Holburn Park, Katunga, VIC

Class 08 Heifer born 01/07/13 to 31/12/13 – Junior Leader


  1. Darrynvale Grayson Primrose Ellie Hourigan Darrynvale, Milawa, VIC
  2. Cairnhill Paradale Pania-ET Ayla Deenen Zanders Family, Kialla, VIC
  3. Gower Park Tequila Marthas Joy Natasha Russell Gower Park, Kyabram, VIC
  4. Dash Valley Windy Zante Colley Wilkie&Schlenert, Bacchus Marsh, VIC
  5. Ghinni Creek Whistling Dixie Jessica Eagles M & J Eagles, Moto, NSW
  6. Windy Ways Glaxies Dawn Grace Hammond Windy Ways, Tongala, VIC
  7. Homelands Reagans Silvermine Jackie Davies J Davies, Murray Bridge, SA
  8. Riverside TQ Ivy Ella Couch Riverside Jerseys, Nirranda, VIC
  9. Burn-Brae Stanleycup Beauty Jasmin Mackie AJ & S Mackie, Meeniyan, VIC
  10. Southern Star Dempsey Tonka Sophia Wright Southern Star Holsteins, Cobram, VIC

Class 09 Heifer, Dry born 01/01/13 to 30/06/13 – Senior Leader


  1. Bushlea Bbl Doris Zack Redpath Bushlea Farms, Koonwarra, VIC
  2. CherryLock Maldas Pride Zoe Hayes Hayes Family, Girgarre, VIC
  3. Elmar Shottle Jessica 13 Marty Hore Elmar Holsteins, Leitchville, VIC
  4. Cherrylock Caramac IMP-ET-RED Katie Anderson Sun Vale Holsteins, Yarraweyeh, VIC
  5. Bralock Tequila Merle Brock Neal Jonathon Jennings, Chapple Vale, VIC
  6. Red Field Goldchip Oriental ET3126 Shanae Fisher K Smolenaars, Sale, VIC
  7. Dash Valley Tilly Nathan Hart NM Wilkie & DW Schlernert, Bacchus Marsh, VIC
  8. Paschendale Klassy Burd IMP-ET Morgan Penman Eagles Partnership, Gooloogong, NSW
  9. Enterprise Doublewhammy Gaiety 2 Sam Hentschke MJ & LR Hentschke, Glencoe, SA
  10. Blackwood Park Beauty 85 Kimberley Henningson Blackwood Park, Murray Bridge, SA

Class 10 Heifer, Dry born 01/01/13 to 30/06/13 – Junior Leader


  1. Hazel Vale Prime Maybelle Emmalea Wishart J Hayes, Invergordon, VIC
  2. Hurlstone Mabel Twilight Sam Hackett Hurlstone Ag High School, Glenfield, NSW
  3. Pooley Bridge Windbrook Posey 8 Rachel Lucich Leslie Farms, Arcadia, VIC
  4. Ghinni Creek Flash Jessica Eagles M & J Eagles, Moto, NSW
  5. Jamber Premier Lady Hannah Whatman R Wilson, Jamberoo, NSW
  6. Sensei Atwood Electra 2 -IMP-ET Anthony Glennen A Glennen, VIC
  7. Lindon Colt Prudent-IMP-ET-RED-POLL Renee Anderson Sun Vale Holsteins, Yarraweyeh, VIC
  8. Wyena Brook Caboose Cally O’Shannassy D Edge, VIC
  9. Kookaburra Kringle Stormy Lara Clarke DJ & JJ Clarke & Family & WW Gibson, Morpeth,
  10. Kings Ville Canary 42 Meg Anderson R & K Anderson, Drouin West, VIC

Class 11 Heifer, Dry born 01/07/12 to 31/12/12 – Senior Leader


  1. Llandovery Blush’s Jinny Zoe Hayes Hayes Family, Girgarre, VIC
  2. Llandovery Vigils Freda 1192 Clare Martin JJ & BL Evans, Laceby, VIC
  3. Munden Farms Dream Barcardi Tamara Loughridge Munden Farms, Nilma North, VIC
  4. Arila Barny’s Pact Aaron Mcadam WP & AM Macadam, Gillieston, VIC

Class 12 Heifer, Dry born 01/07/12 to 31/12/12 – Junior Leader

  1. Carisma Cairnhill Paradise 4-ET Ayla Deenen Zanders Family, Kialla, VIC
  2. Foleama Tequlia Rose 7 Samuel Fitzsimmons E Ferguson, Toolamba, VIC
  3. Cairnhill Braxton Perky 1-ET Nathan Smith Hightop Holsteins, Mooroopna, VIC
  4. Cher-Bar Double Incarnie Brittany Liebich Caitlin Liebich, Jervois, SA
  5. Homelands Sleeping Beauty 3 Brady Hore P Hentschke, Finley, NSW
  6. Cedar Vale Getaway Moderia Zack Hackett Cedar Vale Jerseys, Gerringong, NSW
  7. Benleigh Galaxy Sarajevo Hannah Whatman T Wilson, Gloucester, NSW

Class 13 Heifer, in Milk born 01/07/12 to 30/06/13 – Senior Leader


  1. Beclah Park Dempsey Nola Erika Quinn Gordon Brothers, Cohuna, VIC
  2. Bushlea Tbone Fernleaf 2 Zack Redpath Bushlea Farms, Koonwarra, VIC
  3. Bluechip Goldwyn Tonio-IMP-ET Zoe Hayes Peatling Family, Toolamba, VIC
  4. Mclennan Park Goldchip Noni Eamon Dean S & R Joyce, Tennyson, VIC
  5. Bluechip Aftershock Connie Katie Anderson Sun Vale Holsteins, Yarraweyeh, VIC
  6. Jezza Nokia Misty Sarah Dodd J Spokes, VIC

Class 14 Heifer, in Milk born 01/07/12 to 30/06/13 – Junior Leader


  1. Brindabella Gold Sun B Jess Lincoln Sieben S & J Sieben, Torrumbarry, VIC
  2. Miami Tequila Cowslip 4660-ET Brady Hore Philmar Dairy Company, Tocumwal, NSW
  3. Foleama Galaxy Vicky 25 Samuel Fitzsimmons E Ferguson, Toolamba, VIC
  4. Brunchilli Reagan Rose Isabel Michael Brunchilli Farming Trust, Finley, NSW
  5. Jackiah Vanahlem Ilagay 2700 Alana Schulz S Reid & B Egan, Garvoc, VIC
  6. Sensei Jasper Lulu 3 Jasmin Mackie AJ & S Mackie, Meeniyan, VIC

Class 15 Heifer, in Milk born 01/01/12 to 30/06/12 – Senior Leader


  1. Bushlea Gov Favorite 2 Brock Neal Bushlea Farms, Koonwarra, VIC
  2. Hartwould Redacres Jacobonia Katie Anderson Sun Vale Holsteins, Yarraweyeh, VIC
  3. Quality Ridge Windbrook Tanya Brock Neal J Fisher & B Joyce, Arcadia, VIC
  4. Cairnhill Seaver Sequeal Grace Leonard Zanders Family, Kialla, VIC
  5. Linderlan View Sigrid Caitlin Cavanagh Linderlan&Sherbrooke Brown Swiss, Katunga, VIC
  6. Glamorgan Gunnar Tiffany Tom Osborn L & L Broad, Lockington, VIC
  7. Midway Park Suri Blossom Aaron Macadam WP & AM Macadam, Gillieston, VIC

Class 16 Heifer, in Milk born 01/01/12 to 30/06/12 – Junior Leader

  1. Brindabella Windbrook D Nana Lincoln Sieben S & J Sieben, Torrumbarry, VIC
  2. Cedar Vale Action Finch Zack Hackett Cedar Vale Jerseys, Gerringong, NSW
  3. Burn-Brae Steady Summer Jasmin Mackie AJ & S Mackie, Meeniyan, VIC
  4. Bushlea Van Fernleaf 2 Emily Anderson E,M & H Anderson, Drouin West, VIC
  5. Darrynvale Marks Bonnie 15 Ellie Hourigan Darrynvale, Milawa, VIC
  6. Windy Ways Governor Belle Grace Hammond Windy Ways, Tongala, VIC


IDW Sheri Martin Memorial, Ridley Senior Champion Handler Leader Aged 18-20 Deandra Tanner
Intermediate Champion Handler Leader Aged 14-17 Katie Anderson
Junior Champion Handler Leader Aged 8-13 Jessica Eagles


IDW Preview

As Australia rounds the corner of 2014 to see in 2015, the first thing that the registered industry zeros in on is International Dairy Week (IDW).

The Tatura venue in Northern Victoria (two hours from Melbourne) will welcome all breeds from throughout the country between January 18 and 22.

The biggest breed show is the Holsteins, and 2015 judge Ken Proctor will be a first-time visitor to Australia. The UK dairyman, his wife Rebecca, and sons Robert, 33, and Ralph, 28, milk 500 cows on an intensive system on a 405-hectare (1000-acre) holding in Norfolk under the Airfield prefix.

Ken says he was “honoured and excited” when Brian Leslie approached him.

“I love other cultures, I love visiting other dairy industries and seeing what other farmers face in terms of various challenges and how they go about producing their milk.”

Ken says he loves type and longevity in his herd, and they breed for no-nonsense cows giving a lot of milk. While Ken hasn’t visited Australia before, oldest son Robert had previously worked in Australia for nine months, so he wasn’t flying blind.

Ken says he will judge with complete honesty and integrity.

“Obviously in terms of the cows, it will be a little bit of suck it and see. But I’m really looking forward to it, and we are prepared for the heat and the flies!”

Ken has served thrice on the Holstein UK board — having been Non-executive Director of Research & Development, Breed Development & Classification, and National Show Director, and was the UK Holstein President in 2009. Ken is also the Chairman of East of England National Farmers Union (NFU) Dairy Board and a member of the NFU Dairy Board. He believes in serving to be in a position to effect change.

Other judges include:

Matt Templeton – Australia
ABS Australia/Ridley All Breeds National Youth Show

Matt was raised on a registered Holstein farm in Victoria, Australia. He worked as a professional cattle fitter for 13 years, travelling throughout Australia and into New Zealand, the USA, Canada, Brazil and Germany. He has had the privilege of helping prepare some of the best cows in the world, including 2012 World Dairy Expo Supreme Champion, RF Goldwyn Hailey. He has also worked with the Budjon Show String at Madison, USA, for seven years. Matt is now working with Coomboona Holsteins (Toolamba, Victoria) as its Show Herd Manager. Matt also operates his own 50-head herd under the View Fort prefix.

Glen Gordon – Australia
Sheri Martin Memorial Youth Showmanship Classes

Glen works on the family farm in Cohuna, Northern Victoria, where his family milks 600 cows — predominantly registered Holsteins, with a limited number of Jerseys and Illawarras. Glen and his brother Drew manage the farm, with their father Ross in support. They have a 50/50 split with registered and commercial cows on 486ha (1200ac). Glen has been showing cows since he was nine years old, starting with Elmar Holsteins and then Corra Lea Holsteins.

Duncan Hunter – England
National Ayrshire Show

Duncan Hunter is from Berkhamsted in Hertfordshire, just outside the famous M25, London’s orbital motorway in England. He is married to Sarah and they have four children. Glen bred Ayrshire cattle all of his life under the Haresfoot prefix. He sold his herd in 2011 for a record-breaking UK average after selling Haresfoot Farm, which has since been developed into a new horse livery business with commercial lettings at the farm. Duncan is still is involved in breeding through his syndicate partnership under the prefix Smartmove. He has judged most of the UK’s major shows, including the National All Breeds Calf Show, Royal Highland, South West Dairy Show, Great Yorkshire, the new UK Dairy Day and Balmoral among others. He has also judged in Finland. Duncan works for the UK Ayrshire Cattle Society as its breed manager for Ayrshires UK.

Laurie Chittick – Australia
National Illawarra Show

Laurie was the fourth generation to own and operate the Lemon Grove herd until its final dispersal in October 2014. Born at Kiama, NSW, in the heartland of Illawarras, the family ran stud Illawarras until 1989, when Laurie, his wife Sandra and children Andrew, Murray and Nicole, moved south to Victoria’s Goulburn Valley to continue dairying. Laurie has served 40 years on the Breed Classification Committee, with more than 20 years as Chairman, and was on the Board of Directors for 17 years, with three as Federal President. He holds Life Membership of both the federal and state bodies.

Allan Clark – Australia
National Guernsey Show

Allan Clark owns and operates Sunny Valley Guernseys at Lismore, NSW. Together with his wife Julie and daughter Shannon, Allan also operate Clarkdale Holstein.  They run a pasture-based dairy, milking around 200 cows, calving all year round in Australia’s sub-tropical region. Allan is the current Guernsey NSW State President and Federal President. Sunny Valley Guernseys has been breeding and showing Guernseys for four generations since 1938. One of the most distinguished Guernseys that Sunny Valley has bred was Sunny Valley Lorry Maretta who scored 94 points as a six-year-old.

Rebekah Mast – USA
National Brown Swiss Show

Rebekah grew up on the family dairy, Calori-D Holsteins, in Denair, California. She has enjoyed significant success in the show-ring at the state and national levels with both Holsteins and Brown Swiss. Some of her most recognised animals include the 2004 All-American senior two-year-old, Lylehaven Durham Marriet-ET, the 2012 California Grand Champion, Calori-D Jasper Marigold-ET, and the 2012 Western National Reserve Senior Champion, Bekah-Jo Vanguard Sandy. In 2005, Rebekah was the National Youth Ambassador for the Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders Association. Rebekah graduated from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo where she majored in Dairy Science and minored in Agriculture Business. While at Cal Poly, she was a member of the Cal Poly Dairy Judging Team that was high team at the 2004 National Intercollegiate Dairy Judging Contest in Madison, Wisconsin, USA. She was second-highest individual overall at the same contest. Rebekah has served as an official for the Collegiate and Post-Secondary Dairy judging contests at the World Dairy Expo for the past seven years. She was approved for the Holstein Association USA Qualified Judges List.

Hank Van Exel – USA
National Jersey Show

Hank and Carolyn Van Exel have a family farm in Lodi, California, USA. They have three children and seven grandchildren, who are all involved in the dairy business with their son still on the farm. The Van Exels farm 972ha (2400ac), milking 2000 cows, of which 1600 are Holstein with the rest Jerseys. Their prefix is Exels and their herd average is 32,830 on the Holstein and 22,500 on the Jerseys. The Van Exels have more than 130 EX Holsteins and 72 EX Jerseys. In the show-ring they have had over 30 All American nominations and Reserve Grand with both Holsteins and Jerseys at WDE as well as winning the Jersey Jug in Louisville, USA. Hank has judged in 11 different countries, including at Louisville Jersey Show (USA), WDE Jersey and Holsteins and the Royal and IDW Holstein Shows.

Stephen McCarthy – Australia
Jersey Futurity

Stephen and his wife Jenny own and operate Ascot Jersey Stud at Budgee in Queensland. They exhibit their cattle at the Toowoomba Royal and Royal Brisbane Shows each year.

Ken Proctor – England
National Holstein Show

Born on a dairy farm in Norfolk, UK, Ken has milked cows all his life. He farms in partnership with his wife Rebecca, and two sons Robert and Ralph (their daughter is a self-employed physiotherapist). The Proctors milk 500 cows on an intensive system, producing all forage on their 405-hectare (1000-acre) holding in Norfolk under the Airfield prefix. They like to produce trouble-free cows that perform well to help maintain the 10,000kg herd average. They have more than 90 EX cows in the herd.

Ken believes in the importance of good cows, so has served for three terms on the Board of Holstein UK, been Non-executive Director of Research & Development, Breed Development & Classification, and National Show Director, as well as breed president in 2009 — its centenary year. Ken is also the Chairman of East of England National Farmers Union (NFU) Dairy Board and a member of the National NFU dairy Board. He is a great believer in serving on these bodies so if something is amiss he is in a position to do something about it.

Be sure to check back daily for complete results and joint coverage by The Bullvine and Crazy Cow In Print


SUNDAY January 18

9.30am – Non-denominational Church Service – Blackmore & Leslie Complex

1pm – Youth Clinic – Blackmore & Leslie Complex 

MONDAY January 19

8am – ABS Australia/Ridley All Breeds National Youth Show – Blackmore & Leslie Complex

2.30pm – The IDW Youth Showmanship Classes – Blackmore & Leslie Complex

4pm – Holstein Australia Victoria Youth Challenge Trials – Blackmore & Leslie Complex

6.30pm – Holstein Youth BBQ and Presentation of Awards – Wilson Hall

TUESDAY January 20

8am – National Illawarra Show – Blackmore & Leslie Complex

8am – National Ayrshire Show – Blackmore & Leslie Complex

8.30am LIC ‘Genetics for Profit’ Half Day Farm Tour – call Liz on 03 5480 3377 for information

9am – IDW seminars begin – Tennis Club Rooms

12pm – Machinery & Farm Field Days, supported by Dairy News Australia – Main Oval

12pm – IDW Elite Ayrshire Sale – Blackmore & Leslie Complex

1.30pm – National Guernsey Feature Show – Blackmore & Leslie Complex

1.30pm – National Brown Swiss Show – Blackmore & Leslie Complex

5pm – NAB Agribusiness Cocktail Hour – Blackmore & Leslie Complex

7pm – IDW Jersey Showcase Sale – Blackmore & Leslie Complex

7pm – NHIA 2015 International Dairy Dinner – Cellar 47 Restaurant, Shepparton

8pm – Virtual Farm Tours – Grange Farm & Van Exel Dairy – Wilson Hall

WEDNESDAY January 21

8am – National Jersey Show – Blackmore & Leslie Complex

8am – Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria (RASV) Industry Leaders’ Breakfast – Ballantyne Centre

8.30am – Semex Holstein Daughter Inspection Tour

9am – Machinery & Farm Field Days, supported by Dairy News Australia – Main Oval

9am – IDW seminars begin – Tennis Club Rooms

12.30pm – Jersey Australia Futurity Class – Blackmore & Leslie Complex

1.30pm – National Jersey Show Continues – Blackmore & Leslie Complex

5.30pm – NAB Agribusiness Cocktail Party – Blackmore & Leslie Complex

6.00pm – Genetics Australia Happy Hour – Blackmore & Leslie Complex

7.30pm – IDW World Wide Sires Evolution Sale – Blackmore & Leslie Complex

THURSDAY January 22

8am – IDW seminars begin – Tennis Club Rooms

8am – National Holstein Show – Class 1 to 8 – Blackmore & Leslie Complex

9am – Machinery & Farm Field Days, supported by Dairy News Australia – Main Oval

12.30pm – MaxCare Challenge – Blackmore & Leslie Complex

1.30pm – National Holstein Show Continues – Class 9

4pm – Grand Champion Presentations – Blackmore & Leslie Complex

4.30pm – Presentation of Lex Bunn Memorial Award – Blackmore & Leslie Complex

5.30pm – Presentation of Australia’s Grand Champion – Blackmore & Leslie Complex

Be sure to check back daily for complete results and joint coverage by The Bullvine and Crazy Cow In Print

2015 Swiss Expo Holstein Show

Judge: Stefan Widmer (Switzerland)


Grand & Senior Champion B&W Swiss Expo 2015
Decrausaz Iron O’Kalibra (Boss Iron)
Gs Alliance & Pat Conroy

Reserve Grand & Senior and Reserve Best Udder Champion B&W Swiss Expo 2015
Glays Vray (Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood)
Junker M. & E., Thomas Staub and AL.BE.RO

Hon. Mention Grand Champion B&W Swiss Expo 2015
Posozaa Goldwyn Sonja (Braedale Goldwyn)
All. Beltramino, Bag2, AL.BE.RO, L. Bach & Luca F. Sarreri

_LRU7012 low

Intermediate Champion B&W Swiss Expo 2015
Holst. Papaux Fever Noella (Crackholm Fever)
Comex Currat-Papaux-Piller

Reserve Intermediate Champion B&W Swiss Expo 2015
Holst. Papaux Seaver Natalia (R-E-W Seaver)
Comex Currat-Papaux-Piller

Hon. Mention Intermediate Champion B&W Swiss Expo 2015
Valana (Pine-Tree Sid)
Gaec De Wittelsheim

_LRU6585 low

Junior Champion B&W Swiss Expo 2015
Doug Artes Tina (Go-Farm Artes)
Nathalie Rey, Erica Rijneveld, Pat Conroy & Quim Serrabassa

Reserve Junior Champion B&W Swiss Expo 2015
Bons-Holsteins Koba 219 (Comestar Lauthority)
Bons Holsteins (Netherlands)

Hon. Mention Junior Champion B&W Swiss Expo 2015
Nova Ida (Coum Extreme)
Scl Novalait

archrival ad

Class 1: Born on or after May 1st 2014

_LRU6248 low

1. (BO) Ruegruet Aftershock Frisky (Aftershock) Ruegruet HOlsteins & Josef Ruttiman, CH
2. Decrausaz Favre O’Kimea (Favre), Dominique & Stephanie Decrausaz, CH
3. Kolly Acme Jonquille (Acme), Fabien Kolly, CH
4. Magnolia Venere (GOldwyn), All. La Magnolia, IT
5. HeKaLu Acme Leila (Acme), Herre & Kramer, CH

Class 2: Born 1st March – 30th April 2014

_LRU6274 low

1. (BO) Bons-Holsteins Koba 219 (Lauthority), Bons-Holsteins, NL
2. Bel Bag2 Mascaleses Violetta (Mascalese), All Beltramino, Bag2, AL.BE.RO, IT
3. Ammann’s Atwood Shania (Atwood), Ammann’s Holsteins, CH
4. La Villaire Seven Kookai (Seven), Jimmy & Cedric Perroud, CH
5. Grand Croix Mascalese Orsola (Mascalese), Perrin Clement & Henneberger Laurent, CH

Class 3: Born 1st January – 28th February 2014

_LRU6292 low

1. (BO) Everdes Aftershock Malaisie (Aftershock), Everdes Holstein, CH
2. Morandale Atwood Nina (Atwood), Francois Morand, CH
3. SautySid Olympia (Sid), Marc-Henri Sauty, CH
4. Fahrm Hvezda Fergie (Hvesda), Michel Fahrni, CH
5. La Biollere Atwood Lisette (Atwoo), Benoit Cardinaux, CH

Class 4: Born 1st November – 31st December 2013

_LRU6344 low

1. Blondin Goldwyn Kosta (Goldwyn), Michel Clement & Sons, CH
2. (BO) Josia (), Demierre Defago, CH
3. Nova Ifty (Fever), SCL Novalait & Duff Holstein, FR
4. Bel Dreams Ulderica (Dreams), Beltramino Holsteins, IT
5. Bel Doorman Upa (Doorman), Beltramino Holsteins,, AL.BE.RO & Quim Serrabassa, IT

Class 5: Born 1st September – 31st October 2013

_LRU6385 low

1. (BO)Everdes Sid Marcia (Sid), Everdes Holsteins, CH
2. Illens Briac Corsica (Briac), Jacques Rouiller, CH
3. Magnolia Quatro Umbrella (Quatro), All. La Magnolia, IT
4. Bel Dreams Umbra (Dreams), Beltramino Holsteins, IT
5. Wilt Elisa (Yorick), Wilt Gaec, FR

Class 6: Born 1st June – 31st August 2013

_LRU6396 low

1. (BO) St Balmont Sid Indochine (Sid), Earl de St Balmont, FR
2. Idylle (Gold Chip), Gaec Wilt, FR
3. La Waebera Atwood Suzette (Atwood), Michel Clement & Sons, CH
4. Nova Ijudie (Atwood), Scl Novalait, FR
5. Magnolia Attlia UrFea (Attila), All. La Magnolia, IT

Class 7: Born 1st March – 31st May 2013

_LRU6422 low

1. (BO) Nova Ida(Extreme) SclNovalait, FR
2. Amighetti Mascalese Ariel (Mascalese), Beltramino & Bag2, IT
3. Supreme Fever Phyrlene (Fever), Patrick Demont, CH
4. Bel Goldsun Usina (Goldsun), Beltramino & Alex Gallard, IT
5. Riedmuellers Goldwyn Winnie (Goldwyn), Salzmann, Moenat, Bertschy, CH

Class 8: 1st October 2012 – 28th February 2013

_LRU6506 low

1. Doug Artes Tina (Artes), Nathalie Rey, E Rijneveld, P Conroy, Q Serrabassa,
2. Magnolia Quadro Tamara (Quadro), All LaMagnolia, IT
3. (BO) Illens Sid Calanda (Sid), Jacques Rouiller, CH
4. La Waebera Mr Top Lindiana, (Mr Top) Michel Clements, CH
5. Les Chaux Fever Alberville (Fever), Pharisa Jaquet, CH

Class 9: 2 Year Old Born 1st October – 31st December  2012

_LRU6637 low

1. (BO) Bopi Atwood Ilali (Atwood), OBerson & Pasquier, CH
2. GS Alliance Artes Chiara (Artes), GS Alliance, CH
3. Holst. Papaux Alexander Opaline (Alexander), Current-Papaux-Piller Comex, CH
4. Holst Papaux Dempsey (Dempsey), Current-Papaux-Piller Comex, CH
5. Hodaia du Tombuy (FEver), FErme du Tombuy & Ferme Derriere la Tour, France

Class 10: Junior 2 Year Old Born 1st August – 31st September 2012

_LRU6669 low

1. Mox Shottle Domenica (Shottle), Francois Chollet, CH
2. (BO) Londaly Sid Joy (Sid), Gobeli Holstein & Lorenz Bach, CH
3. Bons HOlsteins Ella 192 (Seaver), Bons HOlsteins, NEtherlands
4. Hera de Lesperance (Tailor), Elevage de Lesperance & A Laure Ollinger, France
5. CME Alexander Gilly (ALexander), Errera Holsteins, Agriber & M Barnuffini, Italy

Class 11: Senior 2 Year Old Born 1st May – 31st July 2012

_LRU6695 low

1. (BO) GS Alliance Goldwyn Fantasy (Goldwyn), GS Alliance, CH
2. Hellander Demolish Lady Lay (Demolish), THomas Ender, CH
3. Chetelat Goldsun Barca (Goldsun), Patrick Chetelat, CH
4. Henizer Gen Atwood Myriam (ATwood), Rochus & Peter Heinzer, CH
5. Decrausaz Atwood Furtive (Atwood), Dominque & Stephanie Decrausaz, CH

Class 12: Senior 2 Year Old born 1st January – 30th April 2012 

_LRU6725 low

1. Valana (Side0, Gaac de Wittelsheim, France
2. Haenni Sid Caline (Sid), Michel Clement & Fils, CH
3. La prairie Winhninan (Windbrook), Marc & Erhard Junker, CH
4. (BO) Mornadale Manhatten Lover (Manhatten), Francois Morand, CH
5. Kerviso Windbrook Hivine (Windbrook), Benoit Cardinaux, CH

Class 13: Senior 3 Year Old born 1st September -31th December 2011

_LRU6773 low

1. (BO) Holst Papaux Seaver Natalia (Seaver), Comex Currat-Papaux-Piller, CH
2. Ptit Coeur Shottle Violeuse (Shottle), Ueli Burkli, CH
3. Bopi Fever Hevie (Fever), Oberson & Pasquier, CH
4. Wilt Excellence (Fever), Wilt & Gutknecht D Gaec, CH
5. GS Alliance Sid Destiny (Sid), GS Alliance, CH

Class 14: Senior 3 Year Old born 1st July – 31st August 2011

_LRU6804 low

1. (BO) Holst Papaux Fever Noella (Fever), Comex Currat-Papaux-Piller, CH
2. Ptit Coeur Seaver Tabasca (Seaver), RichardVilleneuve & Nicolas Clement, QC & CH
3. Hellender Goldwyn Griffen (Goldwyn), Thomas, Andreas & Anton Ender, CT
4. Goldblack Dud Tombuy (Lauthority) Ferme due Tomboy & Ferme Derriere la Tour, France,
5. Mattenhof Sid Hochzeit (Sid), Marc & Erhardt Junker,CH

Class 15: Junior 4 Year Old

_LRU7081 low

1. Galys-Vray (Atwood), M & E Junker,Thomas Staub & AL.BE.RO, CH
2. Illens Atwood Australia, (Atwood), Jacques Rouiller, CH
3. Garmish du Tombuy (Sanchez), Ferme du Tombuy, FR
4. Morandale Kingstone (Aftershock), Francois Morand, CH
5. Hellender Talent Eileen (Talent), Anton, Thomas, Andrea Ender, CH

Class 16: Senior 4 Year Old born 1st July – 31st Dec 2010 

_LRU7132 low

1. Posozaa Goldwyn Sonia (Goldwyn), All beltramino & AlBe Ro & L Bach & Luca F Sarreri, Italy
2. Belgigue (Herbagere), Marc & Erhard Junker, CH
3. Chollet-Star GOldwyn Louna (Goldwyn), Roger Frossard, CH
4. Morandale Bolton Kita (Bolton), GS Alliance, CH
5. MOllanges Styliste Simone (Styliste), Pascal & Collet Henchoz, CH

Class 17:

_LRU7186 low

1. Jomagro Goldwyn Jasmin (Goldwyn), A Gobeli, L Bach, G J0nes & M Von Kanel, CH
2.(BO) Illens Velvet Valesia (Velvet), Jacques Rouiller, CH
3. Holst Papaux Luciana (Sanchez), Comex CUrrat- Papaux- Piller, CH
4. Bons- Holsteins Koba 191 (Jasper), Bons Holsteins, Netherlands
5. Les Chaux GOldwyn Amande (Goldwyn), Jacquet Pharisa, CH

Class 18: 6 Year Old

_LRU7243 low

1. Delicia (Baxter), Wilt, Wollenburger, JB Genelot, CH
2. (BO) Ptit Coeur Goldwn Milwyna (Goldwyn), Roger Frossard, CH
3.Piller Roy Coucine (Roy), Comex Currat-Papaux-Piller, CH
4. Jaquard Cousteau Lavette (Cousteau), Jacques Raboud, CH
5. Illens Jerry Suede (Jerry), Jacques Rouiller, CH

Class 19: Aged Cow


1. Lady Gaga (Modest), W Wille& Fr Koster, Germany
2. (BO) Holst Papaux Lyster Griotte (Lyster), COmex CUrat-Papaux-PIller, CH
3. DG CLass (Bolton), GS Alliance, CH
4. BonsHolsteins Ella 158 (Mailing), Bons Holsteins, Netherlands
5. Les Chaux Gibson Elodie (Gibson), Gobeli Holstein, CH

Class 20: Production Class under 80,000 kg 


1. Decrausaz Iron O’Kalibra (Boss Iron), GS Alliance & Pat Conroy, CH & USA
2. Carmen OTS (GOldwyn), Scl Ferme D’Autes , France
3. Nicolo Allen Alize (Allen), Jacques & Christian Rey, CH
4. Bejamine L Herbagere (Goldwyn), Marc & Ehrhardt Junker, CH
5. Moo GOldwyn DIamond (goldwyn), REto Flury, CH

Class 20: Production Cow over 80,000 kg

_LRU7527 low

1.Hellender Champion Calanda (Champion), Rey Holstein & Deru, CH
2. Ptit Coeur Iron Dirona (Boss Iron), GS Alliance, CH
3. Hellender Champion Corina (Champion), Thomas, Andreas & Anton Ender, CH
4. Hellender JUror Jurgolin (JUror), Anton, Thomas & Andreas Ender, CH
5. Berseth Mtoto INcendie (Mtoto), Guy & Arnaud Berseth, CH

2015 Swiss Expo Red & White Show


Grand & Senior Champion and Best Udder R&W Swiss Expo 2015
Plattery Savard Renita (Savard)
Christian Menoud

Reserve Grand & Senior Champion and Reserve Best Udder R&W Swiss Expo 2015
Kalinka (Sellcrest Uncle Sam)
Frossard Roger

Hon. Mention Grand & Senior Champion R&W Swiss Expo 2015
La Biolleyre Jet Fureur (Fradon Jet)
Cardinaux Benoît


Intermediate Champion & Best Udder R&W Swiss Expo 2015
Hirsbrunners Absolute Kely (Apples Absolute)
Gobeli Holstein

Reserve Intermediate Champion & Reserve Best Udder R&W Swiss Expo 2015
Kolly-JI Vincent Coucoula (Vande Advent Vincent)
Kolly Jean-Louis & Lionel

Hon. Mention Intermediate Champion R&W Swiss Expo 2015
Holstein Papaux Debonair Orelia (Scientific Debonair)


Junior Champion R&W Swiss Expo 2015
Majoric Texas Tamara (Tastrum Destry Texas)
Overney Frédéric

Reserve Junior Champion R&W Swiss Expo 2015
Baruf Attitude Puffa R (Damartini Attitude)
All. Magniola & M. Baruffini (Italy)

Hon. Mention Junior Champion R&W Swiss Expo 2015
Everdes Adonis Meribel (Luck-e Adonis)
Everdes Holsteins

archrival ad

Class 1: Born May – June 2014

707 class winner 1 low

1. Germain Dew Kiara (Dew),Philippe Germain, CH
2. Bobpi Pitbull Lilis (Pitbull), CE & Pasquier Oberson, CH
3. Plattery Savard Atlilia (Savard), Christian Menoud, CH
4. La Villaire Texas Nuage (Texas), Jimmy & Cdric Perroud, CH
5. Scentic Way Ladd Kwenya (Lado), Thomas Ender & Eric Schopfer, CH

Class 2: Born 1st April – 30th March 2014

716 winner low

1. Flu Farm Lst Adonis Mystical (Adonis), Dominik & Kurt Satteli & Mystical Syndicate, CH
2. Les Verdaux Toppi O’Clock (Toppi), Gerald Daflon, CH
3. Safari (Supreme), John Schopfer -Gold, CH

Class 3: Born 1st January – 28th February 2014

974 winner low

1. Everdes Adonis Meribel (Adonis, Everdes Holsteins, CH
2. Kunzi’s Adventure Harmonye (Adventure),  Fritz Kunzi, CH
3. Dorine (Createur), Rob & J P Gobet, CH
4. Sagnetts As Adonis Dakota (Adonis), Maryline Schopher, CH
5. GS Alliance Ocean Red (Absolute), GS Alliance, CH

Class 4: Born 1st November – 31st December 2013

757 winner low

1. La Waebera Joyboy Odette (JOyboy), Michel Clement & Fils, CH
2. Killy JL Destry Chanone (Destry), Lionel & Jean Louis Kolly, CH
3. La Waebera Joyboy Oceania (Joyboy), Michel Clement & Fils, CH
4. Thusy Createur Blackrose (Createur), Ferme Thusy, CH
5. Schopfred Acme Malynka (Acme), Eric Schopfer, CH

Class 5: Born 1st August – 31st October 2013

765 low

1. Majoric Texas Tamara (Big Apple), Remo Burgi & Markus Nussbaumer, CH
2. Mil-Lion Lucas Etinselle (Lucas), Pasquier & Oberson, CH
3. All.Elisa OV Picl Malibu (Picolo), La Magnolia, GB Benedetti & O VIani, IT
4. Le Saulgy Atlantic Cassis (Atlantic) Bernard Ayer, CH
5. RS Rosanne (Armani), Egon Strudthoff, DE

Class 6: Born 1st March – 31st July 2013

795 low

1. (BO) Baruf Attitude Puffa R (Attitude), La Magnolia & M Baruffini, IT
2. Les Crosets Acme Sagesses (Acme), CE Ropraz Piccand, CH
3. GS Alliance Destry Misty Red (Destry), GS Alliance, CH
4. Schopfred Barbwire Macey (Barbwire), Eric Schopfer, CH
5. Flo Acme Ibiza (Acme), Florian Oberson, CH

Class 7: Born 1st October 2012 – 28th Ferbruary 2013


1. Dubosson Redliner Elysee (Redliner), V Boss, V Stauffler, H Monney, CH
2. (BO) Majoric Jonathon Soraya (Jonathon), Frederic Overney, CH
3. Pivonie (Absolute), Paul & Michael Fohn, CH
4. Deslacs Redliner Alicia (Redliner), Florian Oberson, CH
5. Myr Acme Junquere (Acme), Philippe Meyer & Team BAc, CH

Class 8: 2 Year olds born September – November 2012

815 low

1. Killy Jl Vincent Coucoula (Vincent), Jean Louis & Lionel Kolly, CH
2. Defago Absolute Adora (Absolute), Patric Defago, CH
3. Londaly Jonathan Jenn (Jonathan), Gobet & Vallelian CE, CH
4. Mattenhof Absolute Carmelina (Absolute), Marc & Erhard Junker, CH
5. Siberia Touchdown PIppa (Touchdown), Denis Huguenin, CH

Class 9: 2 Year olds born September – November 2012

847 low

1. Kolly Jl Vincent Coucoula (Vincent), Jean Louis & Lionel Kolly, CH
2. Defago Absolute Adora (Absolute), Patric Defago, CH
3. Londaly Jonathan Jenn (Jonathan), Gobet & Vallelian CE, CH
4. Mattenhof Absolute Carmelina (Absolute), Marc & Erhard Junker, CH
5. Siberia Touchdown PIppa (Touchdown), Denis Huguenin, CH

Class 10: 2 Year old March – May 2012

867 low

1. (BO) Morandale Hvezda Lowel (Hvezda), Francois Morand, CH
2. La Waebera Rockstar Palma (ROckstar), Michel Clement & Fils, CH
3. Plattery LUcas Tentation (Lucas), Christian MEnoud, CH
4. Bachmann Kevin Fantaisie (Kevin), Albert Bachmann, CH
5. Siegsoleil Audacity Banquise (Audacity), Jean Siegenthaler, CH

Class 11: 3 Year old July – December 2011

874 low

1. Hirsbrunners Absolute Kely (Absolute), Gobeli HOlstein, CH
2. (BO) Germain Hvezda Baylise (Hvezda), Philippe Germain, CH
3. Les Gros obin Havanne (Robin), Roger Grosshiklaus, CH
4. Schofpred Adventure Kitty (Adventure), Eric Schopfer, CH
5. Supreme Hvezda Nanie (Hvezda), Patrick Demont, CH

Class 12: 4 Year old January – June 2011

901 low

1. (BO) La Villaire Vincent Zoupette (Vincent), Jimmy & Cedric PErroud, CH
2. La BeroieSavard Ronja (Savard), Markus Gerber, CH
3. Plattery Destry Starlette (Destry), Christian Menoud, CH
4. Sagnetts Delageo Jolie (Delago), GobeliHolstein & Bach Lorenz, CH
5. Vidia Demello Ravisante (Demello), Michel Castella, CH

Class 13: 4 Year old June – December 2010

_LRU5602 low

1. (BO) Jouxvey Redbull LOuange (Redbull), Stephane Renevey, CH
2. PRaderGrens Dusk IRlande (Dusk), Monique & Cedric PRadervand-Rey, CH
3. Schopfred Diploma Jennifer (Diploma), Philippe Germain, CH
4. Sibelle (Delago), Marc & Erhard Junker, CH
5. Bimouna Big Apple Emmi (Big Apple), Gobeli Holstein, CH

Class 14: 4 Year old born June 2009 – April 2010


1. Plattery Savard Renita (Savard), Christian Menoud, CH
2.Noel AdvRed (Advent), GS Alliance, CH
3.Xaintrie Fiere (Accolade), Xaintrie Holstein, France
4. La Biolleyre Talent Galante (Talent), Benoit Cardinaux, CH
5. JeanneratMilson Minnifee (Nilson) ,Niklaus Krebs, CH

Class 15: 5 Year old born February 2008 – February 2009

_LRU5758 low

1. (BO) La Biolleyre Jet Fureur (Jet), Benoit Cardinaux, CH
2. La Waebera Ralstorm Tina (Ralstorm), Michel Clement & Fils, CH
3. Fankis Rustler Tulipe (Rustler), Walter Munger & Hansreudi Allenbach, CH
4. Ptit Coeir Duke Nexiste (Duke), ROger Frossard, CH
5. Thomis Rustler Tirana (Rustler), Res & Pascal Thomi, CH

Class 16: 6 Year old born August 2016 – December 2007:


1. Jowis Incas Flavia (Incas), ERich Singre-Thomi, CH
2. Schuwey Joyboy Rihanna (Joyboy), Beat & Tobias Schuwey, CH
3. La Gotta Sam Wallonie (Sam), Hans Grossen, CH
4. Mox Talent Mandy Red (Talent), GS Alliance, CH
5. Bonbon1 JOyboy Joy (Joyboy), Mathurin Spycher, CH

Class 17: Production Class


1. Kalinka (Sam), Roger Frossard, CH
2. (BO) Germain Savard Vania (Savard), Philippe Germain, CH
3. Plattery Rustler Magaline (Rustler), CHristian Menoud, CH
4. added entry
5. Plattery Salto Milene (Salto), Christian Menoud, CH

Photographer Laurens Rutten “A Rising Star”

Laurens Rutten is only 19 years old but, already, he has garnered recognition in the world of dairy photography. He is both humbled and amazed at what he has achieved in under three years. “Whenever I see one of my photos passing (on the Internet or in magazines), I look back with a heart full of passion. They all contributed tremendously to my incredible journey.”

Little Laurens

Laurens Got His Start with Dad and Dairy Shows

Since he was a child, cows have always been part of Laurens’ life. “My dad has always been actively involved in the dairy industry. He has been the best mentor I could wish for to teach me about the business.” Laurens explains how broad that exposure was. “Back then my dad used to fit a lot of cows in Belgium and sell semen. I regularly went with him to the cow shows and farms to see my dad clipping and showing lots of his own cows/heifers.” Very soon Laurens took a more active part. “When I was six years old (2001), I participated for the very first time in a junior showmanship competition in Battice, Belgium.” That was the start. “After my first experience in the ring, I was so passionate about cows that it kept on growing.”

Dad and I2

Setting Up for Success

Not every dairy photographer starts in the show ring however Laurens has a good foundation there. “In 2004 I became reserve champion handler in Battice and Champion handler in Roeselare (Biggest showmanship competition in the Flemish part). I continuously kept participating at shows, my lifetime highlight in showing was at the European Young Breeders School in Battice, Belgium with my team “Flanders Future”. I ended up 3rd in my class of the showmanship competition, 2nd in the class of the best participators under 16, 3rd with our team and eventually a 14th placement in total out of the 125 participants.”

Roccafarm Windbrook Zaninda

Valued Training

Although he is very young, Laurens already recognizes the importance of getting dairy experience. “Besides showing and helping at shows, I have been doing training during my summer holidays in order to improve my knowledge about cows, travel abroad and improve my languages. I started doing this at an age of 13 years old. Currently, I have trained in Belgium, France, Switzerland, Spain and Italy. My first training was at the well know Italian Farm M.E.dal Farm Ladina in Pandino. When I was 15, I did training at Ruegruet Holsteins where I was able to work with some of Switzerland’s best-known cows such as Mox Kite Maryrose. For the last four years, I have been to Spain to farms such as Ganaderia CID, Ganaderia Blanco, Ganaderia La Benera. All of them have been very successful in the show ring with cows such as James Gretta, James Rosalia and Pebi.” One other thing stands out for Laurens in this list of valued achievements.” I was one of the first 3 members in the junior panel of Holstein International.” He describes this experience of having the opportunity to share his opinions about dairy topics in one word – “Awesome!”


Laurens Begins His Quest for the Very Best

It isn’t surprising to learn that Laurens has always sought out something different. “I was looking for a new challenge besides showing cattle and helping at the shows, so I thought, why not start taking photos and showing my passion through them?” He describes his mindset at the time “I want to make the best photos of the best cows in the world” He immediately took steps to achieve his goal. “I bought myself a professional camera. I bought iPhoto on my IPad and started visiting international shows to seek out the best cows in the world.”

Butz Butler Gold Barbara back

Reaping Recognition from the Right Shot at the Right Time

Part of Laurens’ always-ready-attitude, relates to technology. “I always carried an IPad with me where I always saved side photos of the best cows in the world.” This was a significant undertaking. “I remember having around 800 photos of cows and heifers of which I could nearly name all of them by name, classification results and show results.” His very focused passion paid off. “During my visit at the National Show of Italy in Cremona (2012) I shot a couple of photos for fun. Afterwards I published 2 of my photos on my Facebook profile and got instant reaction from M.E.dal farm Ladina which used them in an ad and were also used by an All-Breeds dairy magazine in it as their show result. This resulted into massive support and positive comments from lots and lots of people. This was the start of Laurens Rutten Photography.” reports this young entrepreneur.

Voorpagina Hotspots kopie

From Covering the Shows to Capturing the Cover Shot

Laurens describes what happened next. “Things got serious when I took photos at the European championship: Afterwards I made a Facebook page and published a series of photos. Hotspots contacted me to see if I had a photo which would fit for their front cover. I couldn’t find a photo until I looked in my garbage can on my computer. There I found a great photo of O’Kalibra that would later become one of my most seen and famous photos ever!” That was just the beginning. “I have had many fantastic opportunities since providing them with that Jun2013 Hotspots cover.”  Including covering World Dairy Expo and Swiss Expo and many sales.” Things were moving quickly for the young man who was a high school student at that time. ‘I decided for myself to try and cover only the biggest shows or the shows, which were during the holidays to stay focused on my studies.’


Laurens Has Favorite Shots in a Growing Portfolio

Photographer Laurens is passionate about which of his photos are his favorites. I absolutely love two of the early photos that I made of O’Kalibra. I still get goose bumps when looking back at the great moments captured in these pictures. These photos truly gave me tears in the eyes the first time I saw them!  I find them to be so special!” He appreciates what it means to him and his future “It gives me great pride I had this chance to capture this amazing cow in this amazing setting. Both photos just show the fantastic quality of O’Kalibra all the way through combined with the great atmosphere of the European show.”

Laurens "The Pretzel" Rutten

Laurens “The Pretzel” Rutten

Young Talent Nurtured by Family

One has to ask how such talent seems to blossom overnight.  Laurens attributes it to his parents Karel Rutten and Anne-lies. “My parents have been the persons, best friends and mentors who have helped me so much in my life and are the reason for where I am today. My dad has a huge network, which helped me tremendously to build up my own network. Besides, without him I would probably never have done anything with cows. Everything I know about cows to preparing and showing cattle is because of him, and I am so happy we share the same passion. Whenever we are together, we talk about it and share our opinions about the dairy industry. My mom has been a great help giving feedback on my work making me more critical and making me more aware of details. Their support has been outstanding, and I cannot thank them enough for what they have done for me and for what they have meant to me in this story.”

1st side photo

Building an International Network of Support

Laurens’ passion and experience continue to grow thanks to the wonderful mentors, advisors and friends that he hasThrough Karen Knutsen I was able to cover my first show, which was the European show. Thanks to her trust I had the incredible opportunity of photographing Europe’s best cows. Thanks to Eurogenes – Holstein Plaza – Hotspots and the people behind these companies such as Jan de Vries, Arjan Van Der Vlis, Jennifer Dingbaum, and Steve Mower.  They have been terrific supporters of my work and were one of the first ones back then that had confidence in my work even though I was rather unknown as a photographer.” Laurens also credits others who helped him to grow his network. “Another person that comes to mind is Isaac Lancaster, who introduced me to Andrew Hunt of The Bullvine. Andrew has been a fantastic help for me with his advice and trust in my work. The Bullvine commissions most of the shows I currently cover for which I am gratefully thankful for.” Laurens continues to hone is photography skills. “Giorgio Soldi has been a great mentor to me on the photography side, through him I learned more about cow photography. Especially on the branch of side photography he has shared incredible amounts of knowledge with me. I had the chance to photograph with him one week during one of his trips in France.”

Ribs Swiss Expo

Capturing the Excitement and Mystique of Showrings around the World

Laurens is enthusiastic about the opportunity to photograph elite dairy shows such as the European Championship and World Dairy Expo. “To me it is a great honor being part of these kinds of shows. It gives me an enormous amount of pride and satisfaction. Both shows are different from each other and are both in their own way a tremendous experience for every dairy photographer.” He explains. “At World Dairy Expo there is the quality of the cows each class all the way through and the way it is organised is beyond excellent.” Laurens especially likes the atmospheric touch, which brings his loyalties close to home. “The European Championship and Swiss Expo are a true must for every dairy enthusiast who loves to see a great show, quality and atmosphere wise.” He particularly loves the great atmosphere of Swiss Expo. “For me it the most epic show I have ever covered. The atmosphere is so special, and the cows are from tremendous quality.”

Laurens Crazy Cow

Laurens Enjoys the Insiders’ Perspective on the Show Ring

As his global experiences have mount up, so has his appreciation for the dairy show ring. “I have noticed that you get a better view of the cows when you are photographing them. Especially at shows like World Dairy Expo or European Championships as the rings are so big.” However, he admits his enthusiasm isn’t only about the photography. “I notice that whenever I am in the ring, I start judging the cows myself to see if I have a true match with the judge. On the other hand, I feel useless whenever I sit and watch the show, I always get the urge to jump in the ring and start making photos of potential winners.”


Laurens is ready for Future Challenges

It isn’t surprising that Laurens is looking to challenges ahead. They may come at University where the 19 year old is currently studying International Agribusiness and Trade in his first year at the University of Applied Sciences Van Hall Larenstein in Wageningen. Here too he has set a goal. “I would like to specialize myself in commodity trading and all the aspects that come in mind to this such as logistics.”  His attitude is positive. “I look forward to what and where the future will still bring me. I look back with great pride and emotion on what I have achieved so far. It has been a tremendous, and I have enjoyed every second of it. On the way, I have been able to meet so many great new people from all over the globe and build up an international network. I am truly honored and thankful that I have had the chance to travel already so much to photograph at some of the best shows along with the best cows in the world.

Medal Stormatic Ilma

The Bullvine Bottom Line

This has indeed been a whirlwind ride for Laurens and the Bullvine, and our readers join in wishing him all the best as he continues to shoot for the top in studies, cameras+ and cows!

Robotic Milking Systems: Breed for Profit Not For Machines

Pick up any dairy magazine or go to any online dairy information site, and you will see numerous ads for milking using robots. In fact, even the ads for sires contain reference to the fact that a sire is Robot Ready as it relates to his daughters being friendly to being milked by a robot. But is it wise to only breed cows to accommodate machinery? Let’s dig deeper when it comes to breeding cows for systems and machines of the future.

Robotic Milking

The first robots were installed in herds of sixty or fewer cows and were an adaption of claw type milking machines. Difficulties were encountered when the machine could not find or attach to the teats or when the milk stimulation was not adequate, and the machine detached before there was milk letdown. Owners routinely complained about cows where the rear teats were too close, and the machine could not determine which rear teat to attach to. Often valuable cows with close or touching rear teats had to be culled from herd breeding programs.

Robot Friendly Sires

A.I. mating and marketing programs adapted and coined the term robot ready for sires whose daughters were more suited to robotic milking. As well after some experience with their robotic milking systems, breeders also removed from their breeding programs sires that produced daughters that had short teats or whose udders were too deep or too shallow to be milked by the robot. Sires, like Planet, who leave close rear teats, short teats and sometimes deeper udders were not used as much as their high TPI or NM$ indexes would warrant. Sires like O Man and Ramos were more desired as they left wider rear teat placement than normal even though the teats cold be somewhat short. Other bloodlines, like Shottle and Goldwyn, did not have problems with robotic milking, as their females had more middle to the quarter teat placement, and teat length was at least average.

Milking Machine Technology Advances

Over the past decade, there have been significant advances in robotic milking technology. The systems remember a cow’s physical configuration and know how to attach successfully. As well machines now exist that do not use the claw cluster principal and therefore are not limited by height or distance. Today’s robotic milking systems not only milk the cows and discard non-saleable milk, but they also collect almost endless amount of data that can be used for cow and herd management and also for breeding and feeding.

If a new milking system is in your future, whether in a single box unit or in a parlor, and you do not make breeding decisions based on show ring type, it may be time for you to reconsider trait emphasised in your breeding program. With milking machine technology advancing quickly and with less than 0.5% of North American dairy cows culled for poor udder conformation, then why continue to insist that your cows need to have show ring udders? Deeper in front, unbalanced side to side, only milking on three quarters or teats not hanging plumb, machines will milk them all.

Breed for Your Own Situation

No two breeders have the same dairy farming scenario or plan. Often genetics is asked to make up for management deficiencies and appropriate priorities are not attached to the traits included in the herd’s breeding program. It is your farm, and you need to decide on the traits and the emphasis allocated to them. If there is more than one trait given the lead emphasis then genetic progress will be significantly reduced. TPI, NM$ or LPI are not a trait and are best used to short list the sires that could be used.

Breed for Profit

For the vast majority of dairy farms, the length of time a cow is productive in the herd has a very significant affect on profit. If there was data captured on the heifer herds and genetic evaluations done using that data then, profit per lifetime could be used in breeding decisions. In most herds increasing the length of productive life by one lactation would reduce herd turnover anywhere from 25% to 50%. Thereby the number of herd replacements and size of the heifer herd could be reduced by 25% to 50%. The resulting cost savings for the dairy enterprise could be from 8% to 16%. That’s huge.

Have a Sire Selection Plan

Consider the following plan when you next purchase semen. Short list the bulls in the gTPI, gLPI or NM$ sire listings to those that are in the top 20 to 30 sires.

Lead Emphasis: Use the index for productive life (PL in USA or HL in Canada) as the lead selection criteria. Those indexes are a combination of factors that determine profit as they are the summation of all things reproductive, health, production, mobility, and conformation.

Secondary Emphasis: The three areas, in order of the importance for breeding, are: production (fat plus protein yield); fertility (FI in USA or DF in Canada); and health (SCS in USA or Mastitis Resistance in Canada)

Useful Information: Traits that can be used to fine tune mating decisions include: Udder Depth (deep udders are detrimental for udder health and cow mobility); Rear Teat Placement (rear teats too close together can create problems for milking); Teat Length (teats too short and too long can both create problem for milking); Milking Speed (slow milking cows lengthen the time to milk a herd); Foot Angle (deep hoofs are associated with less foot infection, less hoof trimming and superior cow mobility); Rear Legs Rear View (cows that walk straighter are more mobile and push the udder out of position to a lesser degree); and Maternal Calving Ease (MCE in USA or DCA in Canada. Bulls’ daughters that give birth easier lead to fewer health problems for both dam and calf, fewer deaths at calving and save on labor costs)

Any other traits are simply chrome for the majority of dairy farmers.

Sire Rankings Using Productive Life

The following tables rank North America sires for productive life (PL in USA and HL in Canada). In developing these lists, only the top ranked sires for gTPI and gLPI were considered.

Table 1 – Top 10 Productive Life (PL) Sires from the Top 30 Daughter Proven gTPI Sires (Dec ’14)

NamePLgTPINM$F+P YieldFert IndexSCSMCEU DepthRTPT LengthFoot AngleRLRV
Wright9.62355631485.32.655.2-0.21 D0.13 C0.48 L0.62-0.33
Petrone7.52361549453.82.685.91.26 S0.93 C0.14 L1.411.5
Denim7.323566158252.715.60.33 S-2.58 W1.95 L1.140.16
Erdman6.92260631913.62.777-0.36 D-0.09 W-0.81 S-2.1-0.55
Shamrock6.72304565663. S2.08 C-3.24 S-0.260.04
Robust6.325047671301. S1.14 C-0.76 S11.72
Sapporo5.92248438434.52.867.70.88 S1.19 C-1.15 S1.060.61
Freddie5.62349533614.62.915.30.71 S-0.20 W0.72 L2.341.83
Dorcy5.5233952771-0.12.798.61.75 S1.43 C1.05 L2.452.27
Epic5.322964495322.886.31.50 S0.37 C0.65 L2.861.57
6.72337571693.42.8260.71 S0.44 C-0.10 S1.050.88

Wright stands out as the clear leader for PL. The sire stack Freddie x Wizard also rings the bell in #3 position. The other sire stack with two on the list (#2 and #10) is Super x AltaBaxter. These ten proven sires produce daughters that remain in herds 202 days longer than the breed average and are sires that on average also produce daughters that are high for fertility, health, production, conformation and maternal calving ease. Robust leads in production but need to be watched for SCS. Shamrock with both close and short rear needs to be correctively mated for those areas.

Table 2 – Top 10 Productive Life (PL) Sires from the Top 30 Genomic gTPI Sires (Dec ’14)

NamePLgTPINM$F+P YieldFert IndexSCSMCEU DepthRTPT LengthFoot AngleRLRV
Motega9.82665790774.42.685.22.83 S1.03 C-1.62 S2.142.44
Charismatic9.128099851521. S0.19C-1.80 S2.672.37
Halbert92702770825.72.624.22.02 S2.39 C-1.01 S0.780.54
Director8.3275988213242.844.71.31 S2.22 C-1.66 S1.090.46
Troy8.32650788963.62.6661.42 S0.62 C02.842.19
Dozer8.226508051072.92.565.81.22 S1.02 C-1.25 S1.571.34
Multiply8.2263577310032.855.82.45 S0.80C-1.01 S3.442.72
Tailor7.92634740933.32.614.71.62 S2.59 C-0.46 S1.40.81
Delta7.827098731322.42.775.51.00 S1.34 C-1.55 S2.261.46
Santano7.826527921114.42.823.70.79 S1.12 C-0.81 S0.610.51
8.426878201083.62.7151.66 S1.33 C-1.12 S1.881.48

Two points stand out when looking at Table 2. Firstly it is expected that the daughters of these sires will stay in herds 257 days longer than average. Even if we regress that number down, as we know genomic indexes are perhaps 10% overestimated, it is still a wow number. The other point of note is the fact all these bulls were sired by genomic sires and in some cases it is a genomic sire on genomic sire. On average, all the indexes are very high but it should be noted that rear teats are indexed to be both close and short. An outstanding group of sires than can be used to increase herd life.

Table 3 – Top 8 Herd Life (HL) Sires from the Top 20 Daughter Proven gLPI Sires (Dec’14)

NameHLgLPIF+P YieldDFMastitisResistDCAU DepthRTPT LengthM SpeedFoot AngleRLRV
Lego11229581171041071073 S9 C10 S97014
AltaRazor1112962139961021092 S5 C3 L10255
Gillsepy1092981134981021022 S5 C097136
Boulder10929121291071011013 S5 C10 L10412
Freddie10928851161121021075 S5 W010748
Dempsey1092856621001071057 C5 C5 S101912
Phoenix10828711381001031034 S7 C9 S9525
AltaCaliber10829019610510410810 S6 W2 L10783
Average10929161161031041055 S3 C1 S10157

These eight sires are all within the top 6% of the Canadian population for Herd Life. Freddie has done an excellent job of improving productive life and appears in both Tables 1 and 3. In Table 3 his daughter fertility stands out at 112. All the sires are rated above average for yield, fertility, and mastitis resistance. Among the eight there are sires that can be used to improve traits where females in a herd may be lacking.

Table 4 – Top 8 Herd Life (HL( Sires from the Top 20 Genomic gLPI Sires (Dec’14)

NameHLgLPIF+P YieldDFMastitisResistDCAU DepthRTPT LengthM SpeedFoot AngleRLRV
Penmanship12135001631131041077 S2 W1 L10797
Rubicon11635961981101011114 S5 C2 S102813
Supershot11635421991081041103 S3 C3 L9876
Brodie11635251901071021073 S3 C3 L9854
Boastful11635001821101021118 S1 C010171
Flattop11634301671071071057 S1 C2 L10278
Kobra11635001581101031098 C5 C3 S1011211
Modesto11534301911071001114 S2 C3 S9767
Average11635031811091031096 C3 C010187

The list of sires in Table 4 are, simply put, outstanding for improving Herd Life. As in Table 2 all these eight bulls are sired by genomic sires. On average, they excel for all traits included in the table. The trait where these sires shine, as compared to the sires in the other tables, is in Feet and Legs. Kobra, Rubicon, and Penmanship are particularly high for feet and legs. The fact that all these sires are rated at 105 or greater for daughter calving ability and at 107 or higher for daughter fertility is very impressive.

Table 5 – Top 5 Productive Life (PL) Sires from the Top 20 Genomic Polled gTPI Sires (Dec’14)

NamePLgTPINM$F+P YieldFert IndexSCSMCEU DepthRTPT LengthFoot AngleRLRV
Layton6.52429611862.32.8261.29 S0.44 C0.26 L0.591.14
Harpoon62281574801.42.776.11.68 S0.79 C-0.86 S0.430.86
Champ5.922824222532.617.13.05 S1.14 C1.71 L0.570.6
Homerun5.323455801000.62.827.40.83 S-0.20 W0.52 L-0.910.53
Gremlin5.32286581961. S0.91 C0.33 L0.070.14
Average5.82325554771.82.786.41.39 S0.62 C0.39 L0.510.65

First off it needs to be said how quickly Holstein polled genetics is improving. All are polled by horned crosses and show how breeders are moving to incorporating polled into their herds. Unfortunately, none of these bulls are PP but still using these sires will leave half their daughters polled and each one of the five has strengths that can match breeders’ needs. Layton stands out a clear leader. He is just now a year old and hopefully will soon have semen available. If production is a breeder’s choice for their first secondary trait, then Homerun is the leader.

Clearly there are many many sires on these lists that will increase the rate of genetic advancement for length of productive life.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Both dairy farming and breeding are changing at an ever increasing pace. Considerable pressure is being placed on on-farm margins with decreased milk prices and increased costs. Ways must be found by breeders to eliminate costs and losses. Breeding cows differently for the future will be required in order for dairy enterprises to be viable and sustainable. Using increased length of productive life as a primary selection tool needs to be part of every breeders plan in breeding for profit.


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Roybrook Revisited

Legendary Holstein breeder Roy Ormiston celebrates his 100th Birthday in a few weeks hence. Bruce Jobson and Roy recount the legacy of Roybrook in an exclusive interview. In this unique conversation, Bruce included some additional datelines for reader clarity and understanding.

Roy Ormiston, of Robrook fame, will celebrate his 100th Birthday in February.  Photo Patty Jones

Roy Ormiston, of Robrook fame, will celebrate his 100th Birthday in February. Photo Patty Jones

There are very few cattle breeders held in the same esteem as Roy Ormiston. He is one of an elite group globally known by a single name; “Roy” (Roybrook) “Wally” (Linskoog: Arlinda) “Pete” (Heffering: Hanoverhill) and in the UK “Moff” (John Moffitt: Hunday) As time has marched forward; only Roy remains with us from what is considered the halcyon era of cattle breeding.

The story really began 70 years ago; when Roy, a young Holstein breeder, joined the Canadian Holstein Association as an Ontario fieldman in 1944; where he worked for seven years as extension officer, including some classifying duties. He had already started farming at 21, taking over his father’s farm (Ormsdale) at Brooklin, Ontario and owning five cows. He later farmed with his brother before establishing his own Roybrook prefix.


BJ “Roy, you purchased a cow bred by Ben Brown, of Bowmanville, Ontario; Balsam Brae Pluto Sovereign Ex. This animal became universally known as “the white cow. How did you find her?

Roy: “I heard about this “white cow” and decided to visit Ben and first saw her as a Very Good five-year-old in 1956. I really liked the look of this cow, despite her being dry; and her age. Ben had turned down $700 that morning from a US dealer; I made an offer of $700, but she had not been on “test” recording and we did not known what her butterfat percent would be – so I offered another $50 bonus – provided she tested at 3.6% or higher.

“The offer was accepted and after she calved-out, Sovereign, known as “the white cow” was judged winner of the All Aged Cow Class at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto and also Best Uddered Cow. She had come from nowhere to win the most prestigious of shows. Albert Seiling of Seiling Holsteins offered $10,000 – a large sum of money at the time – but I refused to sell.”

BJ “There are many people who consider you as the greatest exponent of “line-breeding” owing to the success of the Roybrook bloodlines. Some consider line-breeding; when it does not work is, “inbreeding.” You are the man – what is your take on the subject?”

Roy: “It was line-breeding – not inbreeding. We never inbred. But I owned a remarkable cow family and wanted to capitalise on these immense qualities. It’s a case of wanting to increase or intensify the best traits or qualities such as size and strength. Inbreeding can result in lack of size and strength and vigour. The white cow was strong, more than the average cow – she was dominant and “controlled” the matings.

“Two of her daughters were Roybrook Model Lady and Royal Delight, and both scored Excellent. The latter cow produced the most famous daughter; Roybrook Model Lass Ex, she was bred from Roybrook Ace, a son of the white cow, from a mating to Lakefield Fond Hope.

“We therefore had the white cow as the bull dam on the top side, and the third dam on the bottom line. The resulting bull calf was Telstar, (born December 1963) Telstar was sold at the National Holstein Sale in the following May to the Telstar Syndicate for $25,000. A few weeks later, having sold the bull, I bought into the syndicate.”

BJ “The bull was named after the world’s first satellite, Telstar; which was launched on July 10th, 1962; the date is recognised as the day that “information went global.” Roybrook Telstar arguably did the same in the bovine world; as the first global Holstein superstar?”

Roy “He certainly had an impact in Canada and Japan. Cattle photographer, Jim Rose, suggested the name. The syndicate sold Telstar to Japan in June 1967; his Canadian progeny were outstanding and all the talk was about Telstar. His daughters were show winners, became brood cows and outstanding bullmothers. Due to widespread AI, and export of progeny, his proofs and influence became global.

“Telstar was designated as a Class Extra sire (in 1971, Canada’s highest accolade on the basis of simultaneous improvements in type and production)  In Japan, he was equally admired and in 1978, I was privileged to unveil a bronze statue of Telstar at the All-Hokkaido Show; at the opening of the Dairy Shrine.”

BJ “OK, Telstar paved the way for another bull that arguably had an even greater global impact; Roybrook Starlite. As you stated, the bull was line-bred and only carried 0.93 inbreeding levels. Roy, what was the thinking on that mating?”

Roy “Seiling Rockman was known as the “Genetic Giant” and his daughters had prolific milk production. Starlite was a mating that truly encompassed the best traits of his sire and his dam. For many years the Canadian production Honour List was dominated by Rockman, his son, Starlite and Starlite’s maternal brother, Telstar.  Therefore, Rockman was a very powerful mating.

BJ “I will just mention; the University of Guelph Top Transmitter List contained the top 600 cows throughout Canada. When Starlite died (in 1981) 376 cows ranked on this list were from Ontario – and 103 were Starlite daughters; almost 30% of the top cows in Ontario were related to Starlite.

“Starlite semen was exported all over the world. In 1982, three Starlite daughters at Mowry Farms, Pennsylvania, were rated in the top three positions in the USDA Cow Index. At that time, the chances of one daughter being the No.1 cow USDA milk and butterfat producer were rated above 8 million: 1.  In fact, Starlite had the top three USDA cows – all bred in one herd.

“The bull came to prominence in the UK when 25 Starlite heifers were imported into the UK by the late Harold Nicholson, herd manager for Sam Noble, owner of the Deehaven Herd in Cheshire. The Starlite daughters were an outstanding success. His global influence was immense as well as, through his sons.  Roy, I now want to move on to the next era and will you explain the mating of the third Roybrook superstar; Tempo?”

Roy “I judged the Ontario Show and first two-year-old was Briarwood Melissa. She was an immense Telstar daughter; almost twice the size of others, she had such power and strength. After the show, I went to the barn and asked if she was for sale and they wanted $25,000. I said I wanted to buy the cow; not the farm.

“She was subsequently shown and won at Toronto; and I purchased her at The Sale of The Stars for $14,000. The next day, I went to the bank to borrow the money. Melissa was bred to Starlite; therefore “the white cow” influence was close-up on both sides of pedigree. Tempo had a type proof with the qualities of both bulls.”

BJ “Roy, I will interject, Tempo was born in 1973 and like Telstar and Starlite, he was awarded Class Extra Sire status. Tempo had over 15,000 Canadian scored daughters (29,000 in total) and averaged 70% Good Plus and Better on classification. His sire, Starlite had over 8,000 scored daughters (13,000) that averaged 55%.

“His maternal-sire, Telstar, had 611 Canadian daughters (863) that averaged 86% Good Plus. Tempo came out with an identical average of 70% Good Plus and Better; the exact “mean average” figure between the proofs of both Starlite and Telstar.  Tempo – bred “true.” The legacy was a remarkable achievement, all line-bred from a single cow family, housed in a traditional 30 stall Canadian barn. So, which of the three bulls is your favourite?”


Roybrook Telster

Roybrook Starlite

Roybrook Starlite

Roy brook Tempo

Roy brook Tempo


Roy “I do not have a favourite. All three bulls achieved Class Extra status and all three were different and each bull transmitted different things. Starlite daughters transmitted higher levels of production and were slower to mature as two-year olds – and therefore did not classify as high.

BJ “Roy, 40 years ago you said “Life is too short to start with poor stock.” You are now approaching 100 years old, what advice would you give to someone starting out today?”

Roy “That is still true. Start with the best you can afford. But it is extremely hard for any young person to get involved in farming today. It is even harder in Canada owing to having to buy milk quota, the farm and cows. Everything is bigger and unless your parents are involved or are extremely wealthy, it is almost impossible to get started in dairying.

“Today, many farms have 200, 400 cows or more. That takes a lot of funding with Canadian milk quota at around $25,000 per cow. We kicked the trend even back in the 70s and 80s, we were a small 30-odd cow dairy and the farm was 100 acres; yet I sold cattle to every continent on the globe.

“Things were rapidly changing in the late 80s, with bigger commercial herds and several high profile pedigree breeder herds; (Comstar, Dupasquier, Gillette) these were exciting times; great days, and I remember sitting next to your wife, Helen, at the 1987 Hanoverhill Sale. I sold the Roybrook herd in 1990 – I was getting on in years although, I had a few cows around the farm for another 12 months.

BJ “With all the indices, sexed semen, ET and genomic information available, is it easier to be a breeder in 2014, than in 1944?”

Roy “Bruce, there is more information available today – and maybe there is too much information. It was easier in the past; and breeding goals have changed. We now have genomics and this has changed the bull breeding game and the industry. I have concerns about the level of inbreeding and the possibility of losing, size, capacity, vigour and strength.

“We are also asking two-year-old heifers to produce 120lbs of milk or 50litres per day; and I wonder how long these young cows will last? I still believe in the value of cow families, longevity and a common-sense approach to cattle breeding. Today, everything is faster; everything is bigger.”

BJ “Roy, besides your influence within the global cattle breeding industry, you have, and will continue to have, a strong influence within the local community. How did that happen?”

Roy “Well, I believe in putting back into the local community and since the sale, have done that. I sold land for development and have made donations to local charities. Brooklin has now expanded over the farm and the barn has made way for a new highway. The streets are named in our honour such as Roybrook Avenue, Telstar Avenue, Tempo and Delight.

“I still live on my own, in a bungalow built on the farm – and keep myself busy and active. I have donated 25 acres of land and $2million in order to build a new hospital. It’s something I want to do for the local community; one that I was brought up amongst, and where I have lived my whole life. That will be a true and lasting, Roybrook legacy.”

This article first appear in the December 2014-February 2015 Edition of Crazy Cow in Print.  Click here to check out there Facebook group and watch for their new website soon.

Has Social Media Infected the Tanbark Trail?

For years, there has been considerable debate about how the person who leads or owns a cow influences a judge’s opinion and how the judge places the class.  With the introduction of Facebook and other social media platforms, this debate has been amplified.  Which leads to the question “Have Facebook and other social media platforms infected the show ring?”

There is no doubt that Facebook is the most powerful social tool in the history of mankind.  The ability for Facebook to connect people with similar interests from around the world is unmatched.  Previously, when you wanted to know the results of a cattle show or how a particular cow looked at a show, you had to call someone you knew who was there or wait at least a month to see the results and a few posed pictures in a print magazine.  Now, in the age of social media, pictures are placed on Facebook even before the class has exited the ring. Larger shows now offer live streaming of the show and those at the show and/or watching the show online post their comments in real time.

How the World has changed

All this has significantly changed both the method and the speed that show oriented breeders communicate with one another.  However, has this changed how animals are placed in the show ring? Ten years ago, most often the first time a judge would have seen most cows would have been in the show ring on show day. But today  judges have more than likely seen pictures and heard comments on animals long before they ever enter the show ring.

One of the great things about social media is that it has enabled members of a small, remotely located community, such as the Tanbark Trail, to connect and share their thoughts very easily.  Many top judges are active on social media and they see how certain animals are doing at shows and how popular certain animals are, long before they enter the show ring to judge a show.

Everyone has an opinion

In the past, when members of the Tanbark Trail disagreed with a judge’s placing, their comments would only be heard by a select few.  Now in the age of social media, their opinion can reach thousands in a matter of minutes.  While I have not seen many negative comments about a judge, I have indeed seen comments made about how certain cows where “gifted” due to certain circumstances.  This touches on the question of the integrity of the show ring and those who are selected to judge it.

It’s a question of integrity

The question of integrity is not a new one.  It has been around for as long as there has been subjective cattle judging.  In the age of social media the need for integrity has been amplified.  One of the interesting challenges with selecting dairy cattle judges is the fact that the best ones are often very involved in the show scene.  This means that they have developed friendships, preferences and opinions over the years. The best judges have always been those that are able to let their judging performance not be influenced by these factors.  In the age of social media, a whole new level of integrity is required.  No longer is it just the opinion of a select few, but rather the opinion of thousands that can significantly influence a judge’s decision.  Those who are of the highest integrity are able to tune out all the traditional influences as well as the new ones that social media brings to the table.

There are some who would comment that judges should not be active on social media.  I argue the exact opposite.  I want a judge who is involved in the dairy community.  All aspects of the dairy industry.  In today’s day and age, that means social media as well.  There are many judges that are very active on social media and whom I trust to have the integrity  to tune out what they read on Facebook or see online when, they are making their final decision in the ring.

Does social success influence show ring results?

There are some that would say that how popular a cow is on social media greatly influences her placing at a major show.  I would argue that the reason that most of these cows have become so popular is because they have been able to demonstrate again and again their superior conformation and hence have developed a loyal following.  There is no question that many cows’ show ring pictures have been able to go viral on social media.  However, there is a very sound reason why these cows have great pictures….they are of superior conformation.

One of the great things about show ring pictures is that they are 100% honest.  Since these photos are being posted online usually within minutes of being taken, there is no opportunity for them to be doctored or altered in anyway.  Hence, when a cow looks great in her show ring picture, it is because she looked great in the show ring.

One of the greatest pleasures I get from taking pictures in the show ring at the major shows is that I am able to get the same view of the animals in the ring that the judges of the shows see when they make their decisions.  Often I receive comments from people outside the ring about how one cow placed higher than another when from their view it did not look correct.  Very seldom have I ever had a case where these questions proved accurate. When you see the pictures afterwards, you often see that particular cows looked better from a distance than they did up close.  So while many will let their personal preference or influences affect the questioner’s own opinion, I have seldom found a case where it was not at least a tossup or where one judge’s decision on the day may be slightly different than another’s.  However, never have I seen a blatant error on the judge’s part.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Judging a dairy cattle show is never easy. Since the introduction of social media and the growth of dairy show coverage, the job of judging has only gotten harder.  Probably the most important trait a judge has always needed is that of Integrity.  In today’s social media age, the necessity of integrity is greater than ever.  Now instead of hundreds of eyes watching you there are thousands, all with their own opinions.  Facebook and other social media platforms have done wonders for growing the popularity of the Tanbark Trail, but it has also led to the potential infection by the influences they bring.  It takes judges of the utmost integrity to tune all that out and place the animals based on how they appear on show day and only that day.  And that’s exactly what the best judges have been doing for years.


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How to Increase Milk Production and Herd Health with Better Lighting

Although I resolutely hate New Year’s Resolutions, I confess that each turning of the calendar year will find me dreaming up a “project” for the next twelve months.  Although I hate resolutions because they just don’t work, nevertheless, I am hooked on projects that that actually do something!  Thus, I happily substitute project planning for resolution breaking. However, the project chosen has to have certain features.  It must make a difference.  It must have a plan.  It must have buy in, finances and scheduled action.

Today when I applied those criteria to topics for Bullvine articles, lo-and-behold in the cold dark days of January a light went on!!! Well duh!  As I keep an eye on dear hubby’s daily trips to our little barn, I watch to see his progress by looking for the lights in various locations.  Lights are also the handy way that my ninety-seven-year-old Mother in Love and I signal that “all’s well!” at her house next door! If the signal light is off after dark, it’s time for a check in. This led me to recall some experiments we implemented during our milking herd days regarding long-day versus short-day lighting on milk production and herd health management.

What’s Light Got to Do With It?

While it would seem simple to simply program dairy facility lighting to turn off and on for the desired amounts of time, there are other considerations that complicate the procedure.  For one thing, not all dairy chores are on a predictable schedule.  Calvings, maintenance, health issues all require that the human staff can see clearly to carry out their work. Happily, there are studies that allow the necessary dark time for the cattle but allow the necessary light for reading ear tags, medication or other detailed activities.

To measure the level of lighting available, a light measure should be used to measure the foot candles. Fifteen (15) foot candles of light in the housing is the recommended benchmark for benefiting from a long day photoperiod. At the other end of the light manipulation spectrum, darkness also plays an important role. Research shows that cows do not perceive light under five foot candles.  This is an important piece of information, particularly for managing 3X operations and anywhere that employees need to be able to continue their work without disrupting the photoperiod being targeted for the herd. One recommended solution is the placing of low-intensity red lights 20 to 30 feet apart and 20 feet off the ground.

You might think the amount of light in your barn doesn’t matter much. Think again. You can improve cow comfort, herd health and productivity by the flick of a light switch.

You might think the amount of light in your barn doesn’t matter much. Think again. You can improve cow comfort, herd health and productivity by the flick of a light switch.

Working in the Right Light

Studies carried out by Professor Alma Kennedy at the Universities in Canada (Manitoba and Alberta) conclude that dairy cattle can tolerate at least one foot-candle of white light and still experience this as “dark.”  This research also showed that exposure to 5 foot-candles at night reduced the normal level of the main nighttime hormone (melatonin) by 50 to 70 percent, a significant interference with the animals’ normal nighttime function.

Based on the present research findings, it is determined that night light in dairy barns can be designed with an intensity of about 1 to 1.5 foot-candles. When this is the case, dim light at 1 to 1.5 foot-candles allows surprisingly precise observation. Literature reports that “a person with normal eyesight can read newsprint with one foot-candle of light. More specifically, dairy farmers report that ear tags can be read, and cows identified at a distance when using this level of dim light.” Some farmers refer to this as “moonlight.” Dual-level fixtures and specially designed fluorescent fixtures are commercially available to meet this purpose.

And the Studies Show

Source: Dahl, G.E. & D. Petitclerc: Management of photoperiod in the dairy herd for improved production and health.

Source: Dahl, G.E. & D. Petitclerc: Management of photoperiod in the dairy herd for improved production and health.

The investment in special lighting is well supported by research trials that provide proof on the effectiveness of long-day lighting as a tool for all dairy operations.

Lactating Cows – More production

There is up to a 10% increase in milk production when cows are given a long day photoperiod. One study reports that cows receiving 16 hours of light a day produce 3.7 pounds more milk a day than cows under a natural lighting scheme. Furthermore, after 20 days, the difference increases to 6.8 pounds per day. Sixteen hour lighting also slowed the decrease in milk production of those cows that originally started with natural lighting.

Lactating Cows – More DMI

Results of studies also supports that cattle exposed to long day lighting take in more dry matter. Compared to cows under a natural photoperiod of 9 to 12 hours of light, the 16-hour exposure can result in up to 6% more dry matter intake.  It is interesting that the additional intake did not have a corresponding weight gain.  This suggests that long day photoperiod cows are more feed efficient and are capable of converting increased dry matter intake into milk.

Photoperiod Can Affect Reproductive Performance

Dairy herds that provided 24 hours of light to cattle saw negative results.  Providing 24 hours of light resulted in longer days between breedings, more days open, and more breedings per cow.

Numerous research studies in North America have clearly demonstrated that when dairy cows are provided summerlike, long days in the winter, they respond with increased milk production. The increase in yield noted in nine such studies average 5 pounds per cow per day. No adverse effects on fertility or health have been reported.

Light Can Mean Lower Age to Puberty

A goal of the industry has been to get heifers into the milking herd as soon as possible. Previous research has indicated that long day photoperiod can lead to leaner growth, greater mammary development, and lower the age to puberty by an average of one month.  One study determined that breeding and calving of the heifers in the long day photoperiod occurred earlier than heifers in a short day photoperiod.  Even though long day photoperiod heifers had a lower body weight, they did not experience limited skeletal growth.  Instead, they had lower body condition scores because they were using the energy that they consumed for skeletal growth.  Feed intakes did not differ between the short day photoperiod and long day photoperiod groups and long day photoperiod heifers spent less time at the feed bunk, which would suggest they were more feed efficient.  The long day photoperiod heifers also had higher milk production throughout the first 5 DHI tests.

In one of the first studies looking at differences in the growth between heifers with supplemented lighting (16 hours) and natural lighting, heifers in the supplemented lighting group had a larger heart girth size of about 1.6 inches after the 16-week trial.  These heifers also averaged 1.9 pounds of daily gain compared to the 1.7 pounds for the heifers in a natural lighting scheme.

Dry Cows Need Less Light

Dry cows have the opposite effect with a long day photoperiod compared to lactating cows and heifers.  Providing dry cows with a short day photoperiod leads to higher milk production the next lactation.  One study has shown milk production increased 6.8 pounds per day in the next lactation.  Milk, fat and protein yields were also higher in the short-day photoperiod cows.  A short-day photoperiod also lead to 2.9 lbs more daily dry matter intake during the dry period.

Additional Management Factors

Farmers have many different protocols to increase milk production including manipulating the amount of light available throughout the day.  One practice that would yield significant results would be to start managing lighting at a young age.  Producers should provide long day photoperiod to their heifers to help increase dry matter intake and make them more feed efficient.  Providing a long day photoperiod would also allow them to breed heifers at an earlier age.  Dry cows benefit the most from a short day photoperiod, 8 hours of light and 16 hours of dark.    Dry matter intake increases when dry cows have shorter lighting periods.

With ever-narrower margins, dairy farmers are always seeking tools that will improve the productivity of their dairy farms.

First make the plan. Modernize and develop lighting on your dairy enterprise.

Then consider the finances. Sure there will be expenses but there will also be proven profitability.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

As we have learned, long-day light is a simple and well-proven technique to increase milk production and profitability.

Don’t make resolutions that you won’t follow through on.

Instead, make sure that you’re seeing your dairy herd in the right light!


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Big things are happening in 2015…

With the New Year comes new excitement, new ideas and new plans.  After insane growth in 2014, the pressure is on us here at the Bullvine to continue our innovative ways….and we certainly plan to keep the dairy industry on its toes.

Since our launch, almost three years ago, The Bullvine has indeed changed the dairy industry media.  While all our competitors are trying to be like us, we continue to break new ground in our coverage of all the key facets of the dairy industry.  In 2015, we have the following exciting plans that will continue this innovation:

  1. Bullvine TV will be weekly
    The Bullvine is getting into video in a big way. Since we got our feet wet with Bullvine TV in 2014, the response has been very positive and, in 2015, we plan to take this to new heights.  That means a weekly TV show that summarizes the week that was in the dairy industry.  For those of you that would rather listen to or watch a 30 minute broadcast of the goings on from the past week, Bullvine TV is for you.  We will provide our same unique perspective on all the major issues and help you to stay up to date on the latest events, issues and challenges that face the dairy industry.   We will also be introducing a new show called TanbarkCenter that will be similar to the “SportsDesk” highlight show. It will feature all the shows we cover live in 2015.  This will include video, interviews and analysis of the major shows in North America, as well as many international shows.  It will start from Australia with our coverage of International Dairy Week from January 19th to 25th.
  2. Introducing the Bullvine Quarterly
    While our opinions on print magazines have been well documented, we certainly see the value in offering our unique perspective in that format. It has been a daily request from our community members that we make some of our unique content available in print form.  That is exactly what we are going to do.  Starting in February, we will be launching a quarterly magazine that will have all the best content from the last quarter as well as many unique articles.   While there were certainly rumors about our potential acquisition of a few of our competitors, we decided that, in the end, we wanted to start something new and continue breaking new ground.
  3. Greater International Perspective
    Since our launch in February 2012 we have not been short of opinions. Love us or hate us, there is no denying that we have certainly made people think.  That has been our goal since the beginning and, in 2015, we plan to take that global.  When we first considered how to grow The Bullvine in 2015, we sat down and looked at the international dairy industry and noticed that we had not been applying our same analysis to all markets.  Therefore in 2015 we are going to change that.  We scoured the international dairy media to see who were the best of the best at providing this type of perspective. We are pleased to announce that we have been able to bring two such innovators onto The Bullvine Team.Leading the way is Dianna Malcom from Australia and Crazy Cow fame. Dianna has a wealth of experience in authentic journalism.  Not just skilled at event reporting, Dianna has a knack for getting to the heart of the story.  We have long been a huge fan of Dianna’s and we are excited about the opportunity to partner with her in 2015 (Read more: Dean and Dianna Malcolm: Forward in Five Gears! That’s Aussie D.I.Y. and Dean And Dianna Malcolm: Gobsmacked In Australia – Landing Right Side Up Down Under!). In looking for a distinctive voice in Europe one name kept coming up. Everyone we talked to, everywhere we looked we heard and saw the name Bruce Jobson.  Bruce much like me has not been afraid to tackle the tough stories and challenge his readers.  This is something that we feel the dairy industry needs a lot more of. We are excited to give Bruce this platform to share his unique perspective with the world.  Much like us Bruce views dairying from many different facets. He knows how to cut through the BS and tell it like it is. This refreshing approach is something those who read have come to expect.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

There are those who believe that “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.  We here are the Bullvine believe that “It is our job to Break it”.  We did not start the Bullvine to do the same things the same way that they have always been done.  Instead, we believe the world is changing and you can either lead that change or become irrelevant.  In 2015, we plan to break as many things as we possibly can.  While we certainly don’t want to mess with the success that we have already had in becoming the most influential media outlet in the dairy industry, we believe that in today’s fast paced world we need to be innovating not procrastinating. We will be doing many big things in 2015 to make that happen.  Get ready for an exciting ride.


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