Archive for 2012 – Page 3

We Will Rock You – Let’s Help Holstein Canada Choose the Theme Song for The Championship Class at the Royal

Holstein Canada has announced an exciting new contest for the National Black and White Holstein Show at this year’s Royal Winter Fair. As a way to excite the crowd in anticipation of naming the Grand Champion at the National Black and White Holstein Show at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, the theme song “Stand Up for the Champions” has been played in recent years. For the first-time ever, Holstein Canada is asking Holstein enthusiasts to submit their vote for a NEW THEME SONG to replace “Stand Up for the Champions” for this year’s upcoming Black and White Holstein Show.

The Top 10 List

In order to help you get some ideas for what song you think should be played before the announcing of the grand champion we have prepared our Top 10 Royal Winter Fair Holstein Show Champion Theme Songs.

#10 “Lose Yourself” –  Eminem

There is something about a white wrapper that just spells dairy cattle.  But “Lose Yourself” by Eminem has lyrics that are very catchy and is about winning a rap contest. It is also one of the best winning songs of all time.


#9 “2012 Champion” – T-Haddy

Originally created as a tribute to the New England Patriots before the 2012 Super Bowl, T-Haddy’s 2012 Champion is a great tribute to a great team.  Even though they did end up losing to the Giants.


#8 “Everyone’s a Winner” – Hot Chocolate

Maybe not to make anyone feel left out they should play “Everyone’s  A Winner”, by Hot Chocolate so that those who are not chosen for Grand Champion honours will still feel good about being in the parade of class winners.


#7 “The Winner Takes it All” – Abba

As I learned during frosh week in university, when I cranked “Dancing Queen” and over 50 hot women came to my dorm room, nothing brings a crowd to their feet better than Abba.


#6 Chariots of Fire – Vangelis

Maybe it’s the classic marketer in movies, or the fact that so many great moments in the movies have been set to it, but I am sure “Chariots of Fire” by Vangelis will be sure to set a great mood for naming of the grand champion.


#5 Star Wars Throne Room Theme Song

There is just something about “The Throne Room” song from the Star War’s movies that just has a grand effect on all those in attendance.


#4 “Eye of the Tiger” – Survivor

This one really gets the pulse pumping and the crowd on the feet and it still ranks as one of the best fight songs of all time.  If it’s good enough for Rocky, is it not good enough for the Royal?


#3 “All I Do Is Win” – DJ Khaled

Pretty simple, it’s all about winning, and no one get’s that better than DJ Khaled.  While the lyrics are a little racy for the Holstein show ring, there is no question this song gets the point of showing at this level.


#2 “Simply the Best” – Tina Turner

What better title for a song could you have for a parade of class winners than Tina Turner’s “Simply The Best”?


#1 We are the Champions – Queen

Probably one of the greatest rock anthems of all time would also be one of the best options to close out what seems to be one of the greatest editions of the Royal in history.


Other Great Song Ideas

For the Curtis Clark award maybe a little “Hall of Fame” by The Script talking about the great achievements that can be achieved behind the scenes.

Then there is Joe Esposito’s “You’re the Best” for the Junior Champion parade to bring out the Karate Kid in all of us.

Or maybe to open the show a little Guns N’ Roses “Welcome to the Jungle”


And of course to end the show there is the Semisonic song “Closing Time”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

No matter what song is ultimately chosen for this year’s Royal Winter Fair, it’s a great idea from Holstein Canada.  Don’t miss your chance to submit your vote for a NEW THEME SONG.  It’s a “win-win” for everybody!

8 Ways to Ensure Calves Remain Alive and Thrive

We have all said at one time or another, “If only we took as good care of ourselves as we do of our cows!” However, we may be a little less precise in our care of newborn calves.  It might mean we need to change our protocols so that these newborns get the same attention to detail as our human babies. 

  1. Clear the airway: Remove mucous from around the mouth and nose, assisting the calf to breath.  Inserting a piece of straw into the nasal cavity or pouring some cold water on the calf’s head should initiate a gasping reflex to promote respiration.
  2. Dry off the calf:  The dam, if she is well and able, will dry the calf.  If she needs assistance, or if you are moving the calf immediately, you can handle the drying by using a clean, dry towel. The vigorous message provided while drying around the shoulders and neck encourages respiration and helps the calf to regulate its body temperature.  As water evaporates, heat is removed, which can lead the calf vulnerable to chilling. In cold weather provide blankets.
  3. Provide Calf Comfort:  Even more than with cows, calf bedding needs to be clean and thick. Thickness is important because the bedding must be thick enough that the newborn is not exposed to all the bacteria underneath.  Take a look at the calving area and you will see that newborn calves do not land in a sterile environment.  The entire area cradles bacteria as well as brand new calves.
  4. Feed adequate colostrum.  Once the calf is breathing well, colostrum should be administered. According to DCHA Gold Standards (Colostrum Management), colostrums equaling 10% of body weight should be fed in the first four hours of life.  It not only provides the calf with disease-fighting antibodies, but it also increases the calf’s blood volume and improves blood circulation.
  5. Use a colostrometer to evaluate quality.  Cattle managers are well aware of the benefits of good quality colostrum.  The question is, “How do you evaluate your colostrum?” Experience tells us that if it’s yellow and thick … it’s probably good.  But is that true? We can’t wait to see if the calf responds well and yet we may be saving poor quality colostrums based on visual assessment alone. Having a trusted and accurate source is well worth the investment in a colostrometer.
  6. Use a meat thermometer. Some sources advise using a meat thermometer to determine if the refrigerator where you store your colostrum is working properly and if your hot water heater is working properly. You can’t just assume because either of these feel cold or hot to the touch that they are working at the most effective temperature. The same attention to detail that you use in cleaning the milk pipelines in the milking parlour needs to be applied to the measureable temperatures that are used in care of your calves.
  7. Special Care: Calves from a difficult calving may need to be moved and handled with extra care. Surviving alive may not be enough to guarantee a healthy growing period for that newborn calf. Extra attention will save time, labour and medication if spent wisely in these early hours and days.
  8. Clean the calf cart!  Clean the calf pails!  Clean the calf bottle! Clean the esophageal tube!

The Bullvine Bottom Line:

When it comes to raising calves it’s the first little details that pay off in big returns later. See that your calves remain alive and thrive!

Ebyholme – The End of an Era

Ebyholme Goldwyn Marcia - Ebyholme Complete Dispersal Top Seller

Ebyholme Goldwyn Marcia – Ebyholme Complete Dispersal Top Seller

It’s with sadness that I watched my first definition of a dairy breeder herd sell on Friday.  I have had the opportunity to get to know Clarence, Don, Brian as well as the many family members that have helped make Ebyholme one of the greatest homebred herds in the country.  Their passion for cattle and their talents as cattlemen are of the highest level.  It’s because of that that watching the Ebyholme prefix come to an end brought a tear to my eye.

How it all began

You cannot go far in the Kitchener, Ontario area without running into the name Eby.  That’s probably because Kitchener’s original name was Ebytown because of the number of Ebys who came there in the early 1800’s.  Starting from it’s roots as part of the Ebydale herd started by his father Edwin, Clarence started the Ebyholme herd in 1957 when he and Doris made the decision to farm on their own.

Since the very beginning, the herd has been known for its long row of tall, framey cows, rather than for any particular prima donna, just a picture of consistency from top to bottom for type and production.  Over the year, any visitors left the farm, somewhat amazed, thinking that they had just seen one of the best homebred herds in the country.

The Foundation of Ebyholme

This three time master breeder herd got it’s start from three main cow families: Ebydale Snow Peggy B (VG-2*): Braeside Benefactor May (EX-3*): and a dam-daughter pair that Clarence had purchased from his cousin, Howard Eby, Eby-Manor Duke Retainer Patsy (VG) and Eby-Manor Shamrock Patsy (EX).In 1991, Clarence’s and sons Don and Brian who had joined the farm in 1967, purchased Oak Ridges Bella (EX) for $27,000 at the Oak Ridges’ Dispersal.  From Bella came Oak Ridges Beverly (EX-2E), who would become the fifth generation member of the Ganaraska Belle (EX) family to classify Excellent in Canada (Later joined by Ebyholme Bubbles EX-92-4E, Ebyholme Leader Babe EX-2E ).  In 1999, Ebyholme Lindy Bella (EX) became the sixth generation, joined by Ebyholme Leader Beauty (EX) to become the 2nd 6th generation excellent.  Who then produced the 7th generation excellent, Ebyholme Lindy Beautiful (EX-2E) in 2006.  Not surprisingly, thirty-five descendants of the Bell family grossed over $143,000 (over 27% of the sale total) in the sale on Friday.

Hillcroft Leader Melanie  EX-96-3E-USA      2*

Hillcroft Leader Melanie EX-96-3E-USA 2*

Another big contributor to the recent sale was Hillcroft Leader Melanie (EX-96), who Don and Brian had purchased from a somewhat reluctant seller, Robert Miller, as a bred heifer in February 2001.  I can still remember when they had purchased her.  Jeff Stephens had told me he had seen one that could be a great one, but was having troubles getting the deal done.  Well Don and Brian did get the deal done and Jeff was correct as Melanie went on to be a 2 time All-American and 2004 Madison Grand champion.  Thirteen descendants of Hillcroft Leader Melanie averaged $6938 in the sale. Including Ebyholme Goldwyn Mellow (VG-89) from a 4E-92 Gibson, then Hillcroft Leader Melanie(3E-96), then 3 VG dams. She was purchased by Yvonne Sicard, Pierre Boulet and Richardo Boulet, PQ

Is it the end of breeder herds?

For me, growing up, there were a few cornerstones when it came to breeder herds.  Fradon Holsteins of Frank and Don Donkers, Dupasquir Holsteins of Oscar and Eric Dupasquier, and Ebyholme Holsteins. The interest in cattle, some international travel, a few family romances and other community involvement provided the opportunity to get to know all of these families quite well.  Two of three now have held dispersals. What this tells The Bullvine is that times are a changing.  , There is not always a next generation to continue the legacy.

What happens next?

I am confident that the we have not heard the last of the Eby name.  Rob (son of Brian) and his wife Julie, from the great Pleasant Nook Jersey’s, purchased the sale topper  Ebyholme Goldwyn Marcia  EX 94 2E for $31,500.  Having grown up and competed against both Rob and Julie there is no denying the level of talent and passion they have for dairy breeding.  From Rob winning grand champion at Hays Classic as an intermediate showman to Julie’s perennial success showing “them Jersey’s” there is no question the Eby name has more to come.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

You will not see an Ebyholme heifer on top of the index lists or Ebyholme following the latest trend.  Don and Brian, like their father Clarence and grandfather Edwin before them, took great care to protect every mating they made.  They made sure that they focused each time on finding that perfect mate that would deliver the consistency, frame and longevity they so desired.  We may be sad at the passing of an icon we can be enthusiastic about the future. With many of the local breeders who they had supported for many years purchasing animals in the sale and Rob and Julie purchasing the sale topper, there is more than likely a 4th Master Breeder Shield destined for Ebyholme.  They have shared their legacy.

For a complete sale recap click here

7 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Use Sires with DGV’s lower than Their Parent Averages

In our recent article, Is the Genomic System Really Working? we pointed out that the early numbers indicate that the genomic system is a 27.1% improvement over the old system.  In taking a closer look, we also noticed an interesting trend that sires with LPI DGV’s (Direct Genomic Values) lower than their parent average actually did a nose dive, when they added daughter information.

In God we trust.  All others must bring data

Now some of you would say that the system is already putting too much weight on DGV’s and that it is too early.  I get that.  However, here are some actual facts from the most recent proof round (August 2012) for you to consider. (Again please note we use the CDN system as a result of being able to have access to the genomic information on it.):

  1. For the sires who dropped more than 200 GLPI points from their genomic parent average index to their official proof, 96% (25/26) of them had DGV LPI’s lower than their parent averages.  Note that 118 bulls received official proofs in the CDN system in August 2012.
  2. For sires with DGV’s higher than PA’s, 33% (11/33) actually increased their LPI ratings with the addition of daughter data.
  3. When we take a look at the 5 sires who took the biggest jump with the addition of daughter information when compared to their parent average (COMESTAR LAUTREC, L-RIDGEVIEW NOAK-ET, GEN-I-BEQ BRAWLER, OCONNORS JAY, FAVREAUTIERE GRIZZLY) we notice that they on average had DGV LPI’s that were on average 536 LPI points higher than their parent averages.
  4.  Conversely when we look at the 5 sires who dropped the most (BIG TIME WILTON, STANTONS BRAKE, EXPRESS DOLSUNN, STANTONS UNLIMITED, WEST PORT BRUTUS) we notice that on average they have DGV LPI values over 1000 points lower than that of their parent averages.
  5. When you take the top 5 sires with the highest DGV LPI values (GEN-I-BEQ BRAWLER, OCONNORS JAY, MORSAN BORIS, EXPRESS BOLLY, COMESTAR LAUTREC) they on average had an increase of 151 LPI points with the addition of daughter information.
  6. Of the 33 sires that increased with the addition of daughter information 30 of them had DGV’s higher than their parent averages.  That compares to only 3 of the 83 sires who dropped having DGV LPI’s higher that their parent averages.
  7. So then it comes to the question, “what if a sire has high genomic values but they are just below his parent averages?”  To answer that, we looked at the sires that had GPA LPI’s of over 2000 and DGV’s lower than their parent averages (ARDROSS STERLING, STANTONS UNLIMITED, and STANTONS BRAKE).They dropped by an average of 787 points with the addition of daughter information.  Conversely those sires that where over 2000 GPA LPI points and had DGV’s higher than their PA’s (GEN-I-BEQ BRAWLER and MORSAN BORIS) actually increased by an average of 134 over their GPA LPI values.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

While the numbers are still early, the facts clearly indicate the merits of only using sires who have DGV’s higher than their parent average.  No matter how high they are.  Breeders need to have access to the DGV LPI values for the young sires they help sample for breeding companies.

The Dairy Breeders No BS Guide to Genomics


Not sure what all this hype about genomics is all about?

Want to learn what it is and what it means to your breeding program?

Download this free guide.




Have You Seen This Farm?

As you leave the city or the suburbs, many observers are, or soon will be, inspired to ask, “Where have all the farms gone?” Crops are not ripening in the fields.  What ones you can see, appear to be withering.  There are fewer grazing herds!  There are no busy harvest scenes.

The stories are different:

  • “We put our prize winning dairy herd up for auction”
  • “We had to sell out.”
  • “We are facing bankruptcy.”

The results are the same:

  • Farms are missing.

Some look at the recent weather change and indulge in “If only’s”.  If only the storm had come a few weeks earlier.  If only the drought had eased.  If only we could have saved the cows. Regardless of what might have happened, the stark reality is that, with pastures so dry that in some places cattle had nothing to eat, farmers were losing money just trying to feed them.

Did They Give Up Too Easily or Too Soon?

Giving up are two words that don’t come easily to dairy farmers.  They especially don’t come easily when three to five generations of one family have milked dairy cows on the same farm for several generations.  One farmer who reluctantly had to sell nearly all of his cows at a livestock auction reports that they hung on for as long as they could “hoping that things would change” Unfortunately, it just didn’t happen.

What did happen?

Well it started with days, and in some places, weeks at a time, where temperatures settled at 100 degrees or above.   There was no rain.  Some places that did get a few drops found it wasn’t enough to penetrate the baked earth.  These are only a few of the factors that created the most severe drought in fifty years. As a result, every single day, farms teeter on the brink of bankruptcy.  Some go over.  Each one of those farms was run by a real person with a name, a face, a family and a lifetime of memories. It’s easy to keep the disaster at arm’s length until you see the tears and hear the stories of broken dreams. This isn’t reality television which is absurd and easily forgotten or forgotten by simply changing the channel.  This is real life and, eventually, it will affect more than just the single farm family.

It could touch YOU

A statistic that isn’t often put at the lead of the daily news stories is the fact that (Statistics on how many jobs depend on agricultural industry). This means that a lot of people are going to feel the effects in a very real way.  It will start with the businesses in rural communities that depend on farmers to be their customers.  For them it’s more than a news item – they worry it could cause retailers to become the next level to lose their business.

It Exacts a Terrible Toll

Some are trying to survive. They pray for rain and try to stay afloat financially, but at what cost?  “It’s frightening” says one farmer. “I wake up many mornings and throw up. The drought has shot my nerves.” Even children are affected, “Are we going to have to sell all the animals?” There are tears and recriminations. “”We didn’t fail. We did everything right. It was the system that failed us.”

The Politics of Defeat

When your back is against the wall, it is human nature to look for help.  Desperate farmers are looking for government help.  This is not a natural source for people who are proud of their ability to survive come what may. The drought hasn’t changed that but with nowhere to turn, they are beginning to feel they are fighting a losing battle. They’re in the uncomfortable position of needing to ask for help. And they’re not necessarily getting it.

What’s Being Offered? 

  • Earlier this month, the Obama administration announced emergency drought assistance
    • Low-interest emergency loans
    • Federal buy-up of meat from livestock producers
    • Opening up of some protected lands for livestock grazing
    • None of those efforts are targeted at dairy farmers, however, dairy advocates say.
  • In Missouri,
    • the governor created a cost- share program to help farmers get access to water for their cattle
    • Some see this as only a partial answer and not a full solution.

What’s Missing?  

  • The under secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Michael Scuse, says that dairy farmers have not been offered enough of a safety net because Congress has not finalized an omnibus piece of legislation called the Farm Bill.
  • Several programs that deal with emergency assistance for livestock owners expired in September 2011;
  • An insurance program for livestock producers will be cut further in September and eliminated by October 1 unless new legislation is passed.
  • Earlier this summer, the U.S. Senate and the House’s agriculture committee passed versions of the five-year bill, which includes everything from food stamps to crop insurance.  The House returns from August recess on September 10. The bill in its current form would create an insurance program specifically for dairy farmers. Currently, most dairy farmers are uninsured, according to officials and policy experts; that makes them more vulnerable to the impacts of a drought or high feed prices, both of which have taken hold now.

The BULLVINE Bottom Line

And so we drive down the road and wonder what is happening, who’s responsible and if there is any possibility for a brighter future.  For the farm families who have lost everything, they cling to hope of some coordinated effort that will make a difference.  Will the well loved family farm disappear and be forgotten?  Another victim of the whims of weather and uncontrollable forces?  “Have YOU seen this farm?”

Which is Your Most Profitable Cow?

Early in my working career, working as a dairy cattle improvement specialist, I was invited to take part in a dairy producer education day with the theme of “Which is your most profitable cow?” That morning program had been organized by an Agriculture Agent in an area not far from my home farm. This effective educator had had a long career as a County Agent, specializing in farm bookkeeping and the use of records on the farm. His plan for the day was to have a variety of speakers who would bring varying points of view on cows that could make a profit. The day had over 150 people in attendance. He had done a good job of getting the crowd out. He wanted producers to go home with ideas on genetics, feeding, management and record keeping. I, personally, learned a great deal from the points of view shared by both the speakers and the crowd.

Is it the show kind?

The lead-off speaker was a well known showman who two years previously had purchased a tall, deep bodied, sharp chined, good uddered four year old cow with feet and legs that were not the best. He had worked with the cow to get her to walk just right in order for her not to show off her questionable feet and legs. He had done such a good job that the previous year she had been Grand Champion at the Royal, All Canadian and eventually her daughters would also do very well at Madison. Everyone in the crowd knew what he had paid for the cow, as she’d been purchased at a public auction. So the excellent showman and cow developer described how he would be able to sell sons of her to AI and daughters and granddaughters to foreign countries. That for him was his most profitable cow, yet for the vast majority in the crowd they could not personally identify with this showman. Buying cows in the rough and developing them was not in their expertise. The speaker did not get any questions.

Is it the balanced kind?

The next speaker was the sire analyst from a successful AI coop, who had recently been designated as an Official Judge and who would go on to be a very successful international dairy cattle judge. He spoke about bulls that can consistently sire daughters that can win in the show ring and at home can produce very good volumes of milk with a minimum of 3.8% butterfat. His speech mainly dealt with how a sire analyst uses his knowledge to search the breed office records before he goes on-farm to check out all members of the family of young sires already on the ground and that could pass health tests to enter into the young sire sampling program. Many in the crowd were interested in his presentation as dairy cattle breeders always want to know who the next hot bull is. However the producers present did not go away with any gems of knowledge on which would be the bull they should start using. Balancing strengths and limitations gives an average but not necessarily profit.

Is it the index kind?

At that time, nearly four decades ago, cow indexes for production traits had just been produced by genetic researchers and were starting to be used by some early adopters. So the third speaker was a recent college graduate whose family farm had decided to invest in two cow families that had placed cows at or near the top of the index list. This speaker, although not long in the tooth as a cattle breeder, was eager, entertaining and informative on what he had learned in buying into the cow families. He spoke of BLUP and the need to treat all cows in a herd in a like manner for accurate indexing. However few in the crowd comprehended the value or benefit of cow indexing or how that could be translated into cow profitability. From the questions asked of this speaker, it was obvious that there were more doubters than believers in the crowd. By the way, this speaker through sound business and breeding decisions and the use of ET has developed an excellent herd of high performing cows earning him a Master Breeder designation. But, on that day, his speech did not resonate with the crowd on what should be their most profitable cow.

Can you use a pencil to calculate?

I was the fourth speaker on the program. Newly out of graduate school where I had developed the “Dollar Difference Guide to Dairy Sire Selection” I was to speak about that new listing service. I focused my presentation on how to use the guide when selecting proven bulls to produce profitable cows. The formula was similar to the present day Net Merit index only it did not include traits beyond milk and fat. The Dollar Difference would eventually be replaced by the Canadian LPI system for ranking both males and females. I received many questions both in support and questioning how dairy cattle could be bred using just numbers and not the human eye. In fact the crowd all on their own debated the merits of selecting for yield only, selecting for the balanced Canadian kind or the merits of selecting only for the recently adopted Canadian Holstein true type model. To say the least I learned much that day about delivering a speech, about getting the crowd involved in the discussion and how to react as a speaker to both support and criticism. Yet, in the end, I likely did not help producers when they went home to breed profitable cows.

What works in the barn?

The final speaker was a quiet middle aged man, who dairy farmed locally with his wife. They milked thirty cows in an older tie stall barn, having taken over the farm when his father had been killed in a farm accident. They were raising a family of five very bright children, two of whom were already in university. They were devoted pupils of the county agent’s farm records and bookkeeping club. I had heard many in the crowd during the coffee break time question what this man could bring to the crowd as he seldom attended cattle shows, their children’s 4H calves were always at the bottom of the class, he did not attend breed meetings and they only owned a few purebred cows. He started his speech with an explanation of how people learn and then proceed to describe his most profitable cow. She always stood in the same stall at the far end of the barn. It had a steel plate as the floor over the stable cleaners. She was a purebred Holstein classified Good 76, milked ten percent below the herd average, gave milk of 5% butterfat, ate mainly the feed swept to her that the other cows did not eat, never kicked, was loved by his children, first calved at 24 months, conceived every time on first AI service, had never seen the vet, never had mastitis and was now 72 months old milking in her fifth lactation. Well the crowd, almost laughing, thought he was joking. He wasn`t! For him she was his most profitable cow. Obviously the county agent had selected him to speak because his views were different from what all of the breed, DHI and AI recommendations would be and from what the other speakers thought to be the most profitable cow.

Lesson learned?

At the end of the day, I spoke with many producers present and the buzz was about the final speaker. They remarked on how he had made the day beneficial for them because he had shared real life practical experience with them. His way of farming meant breeding cattle, raising a family and that cows were present on farms to bring financial returns to the farm and not just to look pretty. These were all points I heard mentioned by the crowd. Yes profit is in the eye of the beholder. Dairy cows exist to feed the world. And yes every cow does not fit every dairyman’s view of the most profitable cow.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Every farmer and every farm has their own individual situation. One type of cow is not the most profitable for everyone. But it is important that every cattle breeder takes the time to decide which, for them personally, is the most profitable cow. And then it’s equally important that they take the next step and breed for that type of cow. Your reality is the source for your profit..

What has your experience been?  Please share in comments box below.



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From Corn on the Cob to Corn in the Tank, Farmers are Consumers Too!

Sometimes I wonder if non-farming consumers ever ask themselves how farmers feel about the price of food.

Farmers have to eat too!

Even though I’m a farmer, I am also affected at the grocery store when events such as the largest drought in the last fifty years drives corn prices to record highs.  You don’t have to be much of a food label reader to know that corn finds its way into more than 2500 products on grocery store shelves. Having said that, food corn only represents 1% of the annual corn crop. The corn planted in 2012 represents the largest it’s been in the U.S. since 1937. One might assume that the one percent grown for human consumption may have benefited, depending on local water reserves, from irrigation and therefore will not see higher prices this year. According to industry experts, the value of the corn in both processed foods and non-food products is usually not large enough for the current corn price spike to have much impact on what the consumer pays at the checkout.

So, if the impact is small, why is the forecast for food prices to rise 4.5 per cent?

Regardless of individual items, the USDA projects overall food prices in the U.S. will rise three to four per cent in 2013. That’s more than the inflation rate but food prices have been running ahead of inflation for the last few years. The Wall Street Journal calculates that the impact of the drought will be “not that much,” or $32.76 for the year for the average U.S. consumer. Sylvain Charlebois, the project lead of the University of Guelph’s Food Retail Price Index, told CBC News that he does not expect the U.S. drought to have a significant impact on food prices in Canada. He forecasts food prices will increase by no more than 4.5 per cent in 2013, and only a fraction of that can be attributable to the drought.

Farmers Grow Corn.  Farmers Buy Corn.

Recently, Statistics Canada released its latest crop production forecast. In contrast to what’s happening in the U.S., corn production in Canada is expected to increase 9.5 per cent from 2011. Nevertheless, the U.S. situation will have quite an impact on Canadian agriculture. Because nearly 43 per cent of U.S. corn goes to feed cows, pigs, chickens and even farmed fish, that is where the price increase is likely to be felt most. In Ontario, which grows about three-quarters of Canada’s corn, 50-55 per cent of the crop is used as animal feed.

About 12 per cent of U.S. corn gets exported and Canada is a big buyer. Last year, another 10 per cent of U.S. corn went into “other products,” while the remaining seven per cent was surplus.

Data shows that “Canada is by far the top buyer” for the other-products category which includes corn flour, starch, malt and worked grains.

First Increases will be in dairy and eggs

Dairy and egg prices should be the first to see an increase from the higher input costs. Beef and pork prices are actually forecast to drop initially. That’s because producers are expected to send some animals to market earlier than they would have otherwise, to reduce costs. In the short term, the extra supply will put downward pressure on meat prices and then smaller herds will mean less supply.

Corn in the Tank

After animal feed, the next largest share of U.S. corn ends ups as ethanol, which gets blended into the gasoline sold at the pumps. To encourage energy efficiency and renewable fuels, governments have mandated a minimum amount of renewable fuels being blended with gasoline. These laws have led to a progressively larger share of the corn harvest ending up as fuel. In Canada the federal government has set the average minimum content for renewable fuels at 5 per cent. In Saskatchewan, the mandate is 7.5 per cent; it is 8.5 per cent in Manitoba. The U.S. now has a 10-per-cent mandate for the amount of ethanol that has to be added to gasoline.

In the U.S., the National Corn Growers Association says 38 per cent of the country’s corn crop is destined for ethanol. But since those same cobs get made into both ethanol and animal feed, in the form of distillers’ grains, they do the math to end up with 29 per cent of the corn crop getting used for ethanol, and add nine points to what’s used for animal feed. In Canada, about 30 per cent of the corn crop is grown for ethanol, or about 20 per cent, after accounting for distillers’ grains.

When it comes to the price of ethanol, government subsidies and other factors that mean the end cost is not a simple equation based on input costs. Ethanol futures prices are up about 19 per cent since the start of the year. Corn prices, on the other hand, fell through the first half of the year but have spiked sharply since then, resulting in a price increase for corn of about 35 per cent so far this year. It is nearly twice that for ethanol.  A surplus of ethanol has probably helped to keep its prices low and, with ethanol prices still below those of gasoline, analysts expect the increase in corn prices for consumers buying blended gas at the pump will be insignificant.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

When all is said and done, a bad crop year has wide-ranging ripples that can hit the farmer at multiple touch points.  The farmer feels the negative effects twice at the farm, as a corn producer and corn consumer, and again as the consumer at the checkout.  And so perhaps the original question needs to be changed, “Why don’t non-farming consumers recognize that farmers are consumers too?”

The Story behind How Two Full Sisters Dominated Expo Quebec

As one of the last shows before Madison, Expo Quebec marks a great opportunity to figure out who are the contenders and who are the pretenders.  Arguably, Quebec breeders have one of the strongest passions for exhibiting top Holstein cattle, and this year’s edition of Expo Quebec did not disappoint.  That why it is so amazing to see two full sisters dominate such a competitive show.  It has been a long time since two full sisters dominated a major show, but that is exactly what happened this past weekend when RF Goldwyn Hailey and RF Goldwyn Halona took home the Grand Champion, HM Grand Champion and the Intermediate Champion honors.  To figure out how this happened we decided to find the story behind the story.

Stepping Up in 2012

RF Goldwyn Hailey  Expo Quebec 2012

RF Goldwyn Hailey Expo Quebec 2012

After spending the 2011 show season in the shadow of Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy,   it now appears that Hailey is ready to shine, while Missy is off making eggs. Since earning Res. All Canadian and America honors last year, Hailey is ready for 2012.  It makes you almost wish Missy was back. What a battle that would be.

Mammary System - RF Goldwyn Halona - Expo Quebec 2012

Mammary System – RF Goldwyn Halona – Expo Quebec 2012

While Hailey is well known to most show enthusiasts, Halona is  just emerging on the scene.  Despite a strong showing at Madison last year where she finished 10th, Halona, has only  one show victory to her credit at Ayer’s Cliff last year.  However, never underestimate the power of great genetics and a great “hotel”.  And there is no better hotel  than Lookout Holsteins for Halona to mature in.  Callum and the team give the cattle the best care in the world so that they can  live up to their potential.  Halona is certainly responding.

This is No Fluke

When it comes to many great show cattle, we have to recognize that they are such an extreme of the breed that often it is hard for any of their other family members to achieve similar success.  That’s part of what makes this story so intriguing.  Here we have two full sisters achieving success at major shows.  So how does  happen?

Well  in this case it isn`t a fluke it’s great genetics.  Their dam, MELLHOLM LOUIE HANAH EX-92-2E CAN 2* was a show winner in her own right, winning HM. All Canadian Sr. 2YR honors back in 2005.  When you cross the chest width, body depth and pin width of Hanah on the bone quality and set of legs and the proven ability to sire show winners of Goldwyn,  the real question is, “How could you miss?”  When you add in the fact that  along with these two daughters  another full sister, RF GOLDWYN HALTON, also went VG-86-2YR, and you realize the odds are stacked in their favor!

Hailey and the Judge have a History

Judge David Crack Jr.

Judge David Crack Jr.

From November 2006 until September 2007 the Judge David Crack Jr. and his family Crackholm Holsteins owned Hailey, and are currently marketing a VG-86 2yr Baxter daughter, CRACKHOLM BAXTER HANNAH.  Does that make easier for David to win with Hailey? Yes and no.  “Yes!” because the judge has had firsthand knowledge of how great the cow performs. “No!”Because he knows that all eyes are on him and he had better be 100% sure in his decision.  But David is not afraid to make the tough decisions as we have pointed out before on The Bullvine (read Dairy Show Judging – It Takes Courage), when he showed the courage of his convictions by choosing to win with Earlen Goldwyn Secret over the highly touted Craigcrest Rubies Gold Rejoice. This time he is taking the 10th place Sr. 2yr old from Madison last year (where Rejoice was the class winner) and making her his intermediate champion.

Does this build or break David’s credibility?  “It definitely builds.” He is not afraid to stand behind what he thinks.  I have always had great  respect for David from the time I first met him at 4-H shows.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Gen-Com paid $100,000 to purchase Hailey back in July 2010 at the Excellence of Cowtown International Sale, but if she marches to the head of the line at Madison or The Royal ,she will look cheap compared to some others that where purchased for upwards of a million dollars  attempting  to get the same thing done.  And, who knows, maybe Halona will be right behind her.  That would make them the first full sisters to win the honor.  At the Bullvine, we pride ourselves at bringing you more than just the results. We try to bring you the story behind the story.   Now you have it.


For the full show results check out – Quebec Holstein Show Results

Weekly Show and Sale Recap– 8/25/2012


  • Simcoe County (Ontario) Holstein Show
    Aug. 22, 2012
    Judge – John Werry, Oshawa, ON
    Total shown – 113

    • Junior Champion: Langelands Attic Popstar (Allyndale-I Attic), 1st intermediate calf, Langelands Farm
    • Res. Junior Champion: Elizadon Samuelo Tease (Regancrest Mr Samuelo), 1st winter yearling, Elizadon Holsteins
    • HM Junior  Champion: Sildajack Dundee Paradise (Regancrest Dundee), 1st senior calf, Harvdale Holsteins
    • Senior & Grand Champion and Best Udder: Harvdale Goldwyn Britney (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st 4-year-old, Harvdale Holsteins
    • Res. Senior & Res. Grand Champion: Alcoma Lucky Star Jeb (Bofran Lucky Star), 2nd 4-year-old, Walkhavern Farms Ltd.
    • HM Senior & HM Grand Champion: Harvdale Dundee Karma (Regancrest Dundee), 1st mature cow, Harvdale Holsteins
    • Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Harvdale Holsteins
  • Oxford County Holstein Show
    August 23, 2012
    Woodstock, ON
    Judge: Garry Vanderpost

    • Junior Champion – Donelea Alex Bailey (Alexander), Summer Yearling, Marthaven, Donelea & H. Ochs
    • Reserve Junior Champion – Howard-View-I Rosalee (Alexander), Summer Yearling, Howard-View Holsteins
    • HM Junior Champion -Hanalee G Busty Babe (Glacier), Junior Calf, Hanalee Holsteins & Marty Hazeleger
    • Grand Champion -Maplekay Miami Jewellery (Miami), 1st Senior 3 Year Old, Maplekay Farms
    • Reserve Grand Champion – Huffmandale Goldwyn Gabrielle (Goldwyn), 2nd Senior 3 year old, Martincroft Holsteins and Fountlane Holsteins
    • HM Grand Champion -Goudyview Goldwyn Judith (Goldwyn), Mature Cow, Marthaven Holsteins and Walnutlawn Holsteins
    • Premier Breeder – Walnutlawn Holsteins
    • Runner up Premier Breeder – D.W. Karn Farms
    • Premier Exhibitor – Walnutlawn Holsteins
    • Runner up Premier Exhibitor – D.W. Karn Holsteins
  • Kentucky State Fair Holstein Show
    • Junior Champion – Gebert Cope Chanity, Stookeyholm Holsteins, Milford, IN
    • Reserve Junior Champion – Lookwell Brooke, Jordan Eby Elkhart IN.
    • Grand Champion – Gloryland HM Macy Red, first four year old, Charlie Cameron, Broadhead, KY
    • Reserve Grand – Howard View Aspen Danielle, first senior three, Brad Taylor
  • Lambton County Holstein Show
    August 22, 2012
    Forest, ON
    Judge: Alan Hawthorne
    67 head shown

    • Junior Champion – Hodglynn Dynasty Licorice (Sanchez), Senior Yearling, Hodglynn & Little Star, ON
    • Reserve Junior Champion – Crestmore Sanchez Vital (Sanchez), Junior Yearling, Charlyn Farms, ON
    • HM Junior Champion – St. Jacob Goldwyn Hazel (Goldwyn), Summer Yearling, Little Star, ON
    • Grand Champion – Kaymanor Hollywood (Jasper), 4 Year Old, Gandiway, ON
    • Reserve Grand Champion – Lincrest Final Cut Fredia (Final Cut), 2nd 4 Year Old, Little Star, Hodglynn, Lincrest, Phoenix, ON
    • HM Grand Champion – Irishview Piston Fiona (Piston), Senior 2 Year Old, Charlyn Farms, ON
    • Premier Breeder – Willowlane Holsteins, ON
    • Runner up Premier Breeder – Errolea Holsteins, ON
    • Premier Exhibitor – Willowlane Holsteins, ON
    • Runner up Premier Exhibitor – Errolea Holsteins, ON
  • Southeast PA Championship Show
    Tuesday, August 21, 2012
    Judge – Bill Taylor, NJ
    71 head exhibited

    • Junior Champion- Open – Heart & Soul CS Roxanne-ET (1st Spring Yearling), Matthew Boop
    • Reserve Junior Champion-Open – Cass Ridge Palermo Spring (1st Spring Calf), Jon, Sam, Nate & Paul Beiler/Barry Hostetter
    • Junior Champion-Youth – Heart & Soul CS Roxanne-ET (1st Spring Yearling), Matthew Boop
    • Reserve Junior Champion-Youth – Buzzy-Bee Chez Shamrock (2nd Spring Yearling), Brianna Balmer
    • Senior & Grand Champion-Open – Lylehaven Pronto Lorena-ET (1st Sr 3 yr old), B Hoover, B&H Hlavaty, Dale Zimmerman, Loren Zimmerman
    • Reserve Senior & Grand Champion-Open – Shady-Row Dundee Daphne (1st 5 yr old), Coy Campbell
    • Senior & Grand Champion-Youth – Shady-Row Dundee Daphne (1st 5 yr old), Coy Campbell
    • Reserve Senior & Grand Champion-Youth – Kirbyville Goldwyn Sass-ET (1st Sr 2 yr old), Andy Younker
    • Premier Breeder & Exhibitor- Brook-Corner Holsteins-Reid & Diane Hoover family
  • Missouri State Fair
    Sedalia, MO
    August 17, 2012
    Judge: John Erbsen, Lanark, IL
    Total Head: 70

    • Junior Champion – Wrightvale E Elvis Datoma, 1st fall yearling, Josh & Amber Highfill
    • Reserve Junior Champion – Redcarpet KBBRX Target-ET, 1st winter calf, Jayden Pritchett
    • Intermediate Champion – Wrightvale JL Aspen Jewelry, 1st senior 3-year-old, Larry & Jodi Wright
    • Reserve Intermediate Champion – Robthom Linzee Baxter, 2nd senior 3-year-old, Janice Ling
    • Senior & Grand Champion – Roslem Gibson Marcy, 1st 4-year-old, Grace Hilgenberg
    • Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion – Robthom Amarilo Ramses, 1st 125,000 Lb cow, Janice Ling
    • Premier Breeder & Exhibitor – Robthom Farm


  • Lebanon County Showcase Sale Averages $2538
    The 34th Annual Lebanon County Showcase sale was held on August 18th on a beautiful Saturday in Myerstown, PA.  The sale averaged $2538 on 116 full lots including semen and embryos.

    • Topping the sale was lot 1, a 1st choice female by Sajac from Even-Par Ross Z12445-ET +2388 GTPI, the #1 Ross.  Her dam is a VG-87 EX-MS Planet from the Zip family.   Oakfield Corners Dairy, NY bid $17,000 on this consignment from Joel Krall & John Campbell, PA.
    • The highest selling live lot at $7000 was for the #4 Gold Chip daugther at +2377 GTPI.    She is from a Socrates x VG-88 Oman.    Joel Krall was the successful bidder on this lot from Eric High, PA.
    • The next highest selling lots consigned by Kevin High, PA were from High Spire Shottle Ravan-ET EX-91 +2191 GTPI.    Ravan is from an EX Detroit that traces back to the Raven family.  Her first choice Distibute sold for $6200 to Flintville Holsteins,PA, while her + 2196 GTPI Dempsey sold for $6000 to Randy Lirr, WI.
    • The top selling lot from Klinedell Holsteins, the sale host was for a fancy December Atwood daughter of Luck-E Kartoon 3E-94.   She was knocked off to Troy Longenecker, PA at $5200.


Is the Genomic System Really Working?

With Genomic sampled sires starting to get proofs, many breeders are finding themselves asking, “Is genomics really working?” Since it takes about 36 months for a sire to be sampled this is the first round we can start to evaluate the genomic system since its release in August 2009. To answer that question we decided to take a close look at how the system is working and if there are any early trends indicating if it is or not.

New Release Sire Performance over the past 2 Years

Probably this first place to look is how the young sire sampling programs are working proof round over proof round. (Due to the access of information, we are using the CDN system for this analysis).


# of New Release

Average LPI*

# >2000 LPI





























*not base adjusted

Let`s start with the good news. The breed has been advancing when factoring in the base change. Now the not so good news, when compared to previous rounds at delivering top sires the numbers are not so pretty. As you can see by the table above, the last two proof rounds have not been so favorable for genetic advancement). We see the lowest average LPI from the sire sampling programs, with also the lowest number of elite sires being proven. This caused us great concern about the merits of the genomic system at delivering top sires and so we decided to look even deeper.

What’s going wrong? Or Right?

To get a better understanding of just why this last round was the 2nd lowest performing round in the past years (only behind Apr 2012) we decided to look at the group of young sires receiving proofs this round and discover whether it`s the system or how we`re using it.

In order to determine this we figured it would be best to compare the old system, top 10 parent average LPI (PA LPI) sires to the Top 10 Genomic sires (GPA LPI) and see how they stacked up. For the record her are the two groups.


The results are as follows:





Top 10 GPA LPI




As you can see from the table above the GPA LPI sires outperformed the PA LPI sires by 27.1% indicating that the GPA system is a better indicator of estimated performance than the old PA system. In actuality, the top 10 GPA LPI sires actually increased their numbers by 3%, contrary to the expected drop. Even all 119 sires only averaged a drop of 89 points (9%) contrary to some other stats showing sires drop upwards of 20% from GPA LPI to the official LPI proof.

It’s also important to note that with an average official LPI proof of 2033 (445 points for base change) would have this group rank #5 behind the August 2009 proof round behind (Shottle, Justice, Goldwyn and Ashlar) with BRAWLER’s base adjusted proof (3083=2638+445) falling behind Shottle’s August 2009 proof of 3873.

So if it’s Not the System, What Is the Problem?

As the analysis of the PA LPI system vs. the GPA LPI system above indicates the issue is not the system. So then the question becomes, is it how we are using the system? Or are we just going through a lull? That question is tricky to answer. If we look at a longer period trend using currently available data from CDN we see that the two proof rounds before this period where even lower performing than the last two proof rounds.

Round # of New Release Average LPI # >2000 LPI









It may also be that as an industry we are still very much learning how to use the Genomics system and sire selection practices have to adjust for these changes. When we look at the PA LPI list vs. the GPA LPI list we see two herds whose sires on average drop between 400 and 600 LPI points. Can we say hot house effect? (to read more Has Genomics Knocked Out Hot House Herds?)

The Bullvine Bottom Line

It is still early to weigh the success or failure of Genomics. The early indicators show that it is a 27.1% improvement over the old PA system. There is still much room for refinement and education on both the breeder side and the sire sampling side!

The Dairy Breeders No BS Guide to Genomics


Not sure what all this hype about genomics is all about?

Want to learn what it is and what it means to your breeding program?

Download this free guide.




Everything You Need To Know About TPI and LPI

How much do we really understand the TPITM and LPI system? Do we really know what they mean and what their limitations are? Earlier this week CDN General Manager Brian VanDoormaal posted an informative an interesting article, ‘Canadian Pride of the Canadian Kind!’, on the CDN website comparing and contrasting TPI™ and LPI, the national indexes for the USA and Canada. This got us here at the Bullvine thinking, maybe it’s time to revisit just what these indexes mean, why we have them and what their limitations are.

A New Tool was Needed

These indexes started in Canada and the USA for a number of reasons.  In 1984 Holstein Canada had adopted its breeding strategy whereby equal emphasis was to be placed on type and production yet almost two animal generations later breeders often continued to practice single trait selection – for show type, for conformation, for fat percent, for other traits. Marketers were all claiming to the #1 bull for this that or the other thing. In short the strategy was not being followed and the benefits of moving the population forward were not being achieved.

Setting the Standard for Continuous Improvement

TPI and LPI were introduced at relatively the same time and their primary achievement was to set a common base for breeders to rank their animals. Both indexes were first used over twenty years ago and have been continuously improved. Since starting as a way of combining type and production TPI™ and LPI have been enhanced by attaching economics to the traits.  This relates back to the breeders bottom line. The indexes have been adjusted to norms and standard deviations. For instance, milk yield is a big number and conformation is a single number, but their relative importance may be more closely related than the numbers alone would indicate.  Having said that, it was a good move to remove milk yield in favour of fat plus protein.  We don’t need to be shipping water or forcing cows to producing more and more low component milk.  Next conformation traits used in the indexes was limited over time to those of most economic importance on the farm. More recently the indexes have added health and fertility traits.

These are all worthwhile enhancements. Yes these indexes have been dynamic over the past two decades but have not been changed so frequently that they have lost the trust and support of the users

How to Use the Indexes

Today we make multiple uses of  TPI™ and LPI:

  • to select parents especially bulls to be used,
  • to market both males and females,
  • to follow the breed’s breeding strategy specifically indentifying the animals that best combine the traits and weightings in the strategy
  • used as culling tools within a herd or population primarily for proven bulls. Cows are most often culled for one or two economically limiting factors they have.

And the most important use of TPI™ and LPI

  • To rank animals based on the breeding strategy.

Moving the Population Forward!

It is the breeder’s and breeding companies that use the rankings to move their herd of the population forward. Since the traits in these indexes frequently have zero or negative correlations with each other, the indexes are a way to rank animals and come up with what is often referred to as ‘balanced breeding’. Animals with show type and production well below average or high production and low type, do little to improve herds or breeds.

Indexes Go Beyond the Numbers

Wouldn’t it be great, if you could just combine this LPI or TPI number with this trait you’re trying to improve and , “Voila!” you have the progeny that will improve your breeding program?  In 2012, when we are using, TPI™ and LPI we must be mindful that they include composite and predictive traits that are independent or negatively associated with each other. This means that the number in the index cannot be seen in the milk pail, in the eye of the breeder or in the bottom line of the farm. For instance a cow or bull with 3000 LPI – where do you see that number? It’s the combination of factors that is important. Simply stated, the indexes are a way of comparing the merits of animals.  The significance is in the comparison not in the number itself.

So what are the Results?

Since the adoption of both TPI™ and LPI, breeders and breeding companies have been able to significantly improve their herd and move the breeds forward according to the breeding strategies. The results can be seen in the udders in the barns and the volumes of fat and protein in the bulk tanks to name just three components of these indexes. Less obvious are the results for less heritable traits like feet and legs, SCS and the more recently added traits for female reproduction and longevity. Measuring the results of breeding is not easy or free of complication. Variables on each farm such as nutrition, housing, labour, management and environment can all impact the breeding results.

Annually CDN publishes the changes in many traits for the Canadian dairy cattle populations. These changes are estimates of the genetic gains made in the previous year. In 2012 the published changes for Holsteins include LPI +160, fat +3.4 kgs, protein +2.4 kgs. Conformation+1.05, Mammary System +0.93, Feet & Legs +0.81, Herd Life +0.50, SCS -0.03 and Daughter Fertility -0.27.  As you can see progress was not made for all traits. This happens because animals in the population are the result of breeder decisions and not the result of having a national breeding strategy. We do not have access to the results for the USA however we expect that they would mirror those in Canada.

Are There Limitations?

Yes there are two limitations.  First, as mentioned, TPI™ and LPI points cannot be seen by the human eye, measured in the bulk tank or on a farm’s financial statement. Secondly TPI™ and LPI function as if breeders are mating animals evenly rated for all components in the index. In actual fact, every bull and every cow has both strengths and limitations. Neither the absolute average nor the perfect animal in the population has ever been achieved. Each time a breeding decision is made, breeders must consider the attributes and limitations of both the male and the female in the population along with the objective of that particular mating and not just take the TPIs™ or LPIs of the parents, add them together and divide by two to get the resulting progeny!

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Even though TPI™ and LPI have limitations, they are beneficial tools to use in improving the genetics of North America’s dairy cows. There is no doubt that these indexes will be refined and improved in the future. The dairy cow of the future will be even better. Genetics does make a difference!

Eight Proven Holstein Sires to Watch For or to Watch Out For

Far too often many proven sires get missed. This can be for two reasons. Either their initial proof is lower than expected or everyone is so caught up in using the latest genomic release sires, that they miss some great ones.  And then there are those new release sires that certainly seem to be amazing and then   plummet to earth like a meteor.  In order to help breeders understand which sires are which, we took a closer look at some of today’s top proven sires.  Here is what we found.

(Please note: Due to the need to get DGV values all numbers are based on the Canadian System)

Sires to Watch for

    With a dam that has MACE proof of over +4000 MLPI, it can be pretty scary for many breeders to use a MACE sire that is so high.  Concerns that his proof is all parent average and genomics are not unusual.  However, when it comes to MASACLESE his daughters are actually backing up what his family and genomics would indicate.  His young sire proof estimates (65% Genomics and 35% Parent Average) would be +3019 MLPI and his MACE proof has him at+ 2972, telling you that, while his daughters are slightly lower, they are not far off.
    While no means a new release sire ALTAESQUIRE’s 2nd crop daughters seem to be outperforming his first crop proof.  Watch for ALTAESQUIRE to sire more production, components as well as better mammary systems than his current proof would indicate. Currently ALTAESQUIRE’s proof is held back significantly by his low parent average MLPI of +1763, that is 1171 points lower than his current official MLPI proof of +2934.  With the addition of more daughters watch for his official CDN proof to have him among the top 2-3 LPI spots.
    With so many sires from De-Su at the top of the genomics list, and breeders expecting that the top genomic sires will drop with the addition of daughter information, ALTAGOALMAN has actually outperformed his genomics and parent average.  With a PA MLPI of +1960 and DGV MLPI of +2710, ALTAGOALMAN’s official proof MLPI is +2887, indicating that his daughters are significantly outperforming expectations for both type and production traits.
    Unlike some sires that are significantly helped by their Parent Average’s SANTANA is actually significantly held back by his parent averages.  With an official proof MLPI proof of +2854 that outperforms his strong DGV MLPI of +2778 and his not so strong PA MLPI of +1678, SANATANA’s daughters are performing significantly better than expected, especially for production and components.
    Here is one Goldwyn sire that I think many breeders might have missed. His lower DGV’s (DGV MLPI of +2024) and parent average of +1420 MLPI, do not spell breed topper.  With an official MLPI proof of +2392, ARTES’s daughters are significantly outperforming expectations.  While already among the breed leaders for type, watch for ARTES to be a significant type improver across all the major type traits, as well as giving significantly more production than expected.

Sires to Watch Out For

    As we highlighted in our recent article The Effect Genomics Has On The August New Release Sires, DORCY’s current daughters are not performing as high as his Genomics (DGV MLPI of+ 2726) would indicate.  Even when you factor in his lower parent average (PA MLPI of +2016) his expected young sire proof would have been +2477 MLPI higher than his current official proof of +2305 MLPI, indicating that his daughters are currently performing below his parent average.
    Living up to expectations can be very challenging,   especially for sires that come from extreme families.  That is the challenge EXPLODE finds himself in.  With high genomics (DGV MLPI of +2333) and parent average (PA MLPI of +2127), EXPLODE falls short of what his young sire evaluation would be (YS MLPI +2261), with an official MLPI proof of 2183.  Specific areas to watch out for are his feet and legs and rumps, based on current daughter performance.
    When his first proof came out END-STORY was not genomically tested.  Being a late Oman son and internationally proven, many breeders were hesitant to use END-STORY, fearing that his numbers would not hold up.  His daughters are significantly outperforming his DGV’s (DGV MLPI of +2419) and PA MLPI of +1504, with an official proof of +2502 MLPI.  The hesitation factor is that with 57 daughters in 39 herds, there is plenty of potential for END-STORY’s proof to go in either direction.  If the daughters live up to the numbers, he may have many breeders thinking twice and those that took the risk looking pretty smart.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

While we are not saying don’t use bulls like DORCY or EXPLODE, what we are saying is to use them with some level of caution, as current daughter performance has them below their DVG’s and parent averages.  This does not absolutely mean they will drop with the addition of more daughters, but, if the additional daughters maintain current daughter performance, then a drop is in their future.

CATTLE BREEDING: If we don’t change we don’t grow

The Art of Livestock Breeding: It starts with a need

The breeding of domesticated livestock has long been considered to be an art practiced by food producers of the world. It is has definitely not been static. It started with observant farmers seeing an opportunity to improve the attributes of their stock. Initially this meant fixing the characteristics of their stock and establishing breeds. Breed purity was the primary focus which often meant coat colour in cattle or ability to pull heavy loads in horses; reproduction rates in pigs’, egg production volume in chickens; ability to find their way home in carrier pigeons and so on as the need or goal was established.

Dairy Cattle Breeding: The cream rises to the top

Over the centuries species and breeds have evolved. In cattle it meant animals that were developed for draught, meat and milk production. Milk has achieved special designation and has been recognized as nature’s most perfect food. Over time, there have been hundreds of attempts at developing breeds of cattle for their milk producing ability. That progressed to the point where there were only a few. Today Holstein and Jersey are the major survivors. These breeds were developed in temperate regions of Europe each with their own characteristics.

Advancement of North American Breeding: No decade stands still

Over the twentieth century dairy farmers in North America have molded their dairy cattle into what they are today by taking many steps. A brief and not all inclusive synopsis of some of those changes by decade are:

Early 1900’s Milk recording groups formed to authenticate volumes and milk quality
1920’s Type Classification programs started
1930’s With electricity came the start of machine milking, larger herds and the need for teats to point to ground and be close together
1940’s Artificial insemination, the painting of breed True Type pictures and the need for milk not to carry diseases humans could contact
1950’s Mechanization of field work resulted in farms specialization, improved forage quality, off farm processing of milk and sire daughter raw averages
1960’s Sire proving coops were formed, milk recording started to be used for more than just animal authentication purposes and farmer marketing coops were established
1970’s Greatly expanded numbers of young sires being sampled, BLUP analysis technique and genetic indexes for both bulls and cows
1980’s Significant changes in genetic indexing methodologies, breeds and breeding companies with specified breeding strategies, the practise of on-farm preventive medicine programs by veterinary practices and amalgamation of farmer coops for recording, breeding and milk marketing
1990’s Dairy cattle breeding adopted more finely tuned breeding formula’s (TPI, LPI and Net Merit), total mixed rations, on-farm least cost feeding, increased on-farm management practises including computer software programs, data analysis to better predict genetic merit, and in Canada governments , due to budgetary constraints removed themselves from the provision of milk recording and genetic indexing services
2000’s Greatly enhanced rates of genetic advancement, capture of data for auxiliary and functional traits, refinements in breeding strategies to consider more than milk and conformation, routine use computerized farm management for both production and economics, greatly expanded herd sizes,management took on greater importance on all farms and researchers started to consider if the DNA make-up of an animal could be used for genetic advancement

Finding a New Path: Adding Genomics

Very definitely the move about five years ago by a few AI companies and the USDA to compare the DNA snips results with the genetic evaluations for dairy bulls proven in the USA and Canada was significant. However the decision not only to study but to make the results openly available to breeders was a gigantic step. Breeders could know the genomic results for bulls and cows. This meant that breeders were central to the genetic future of their animals and their industry. Compare that to the swine and poultry industries where relatively few breeding companies own the genetics of the world. Now in 2012 all dairy cattle breeding regions of the world are using, or are about to use, genomics to evaluate their animals’ genetic composition.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

I have always noticed that people who make a difference are the ones who, not only don’t resist change, but welcome it. It is important that producers through their breed societies and breeding coops continue to have open minds and collectively research and develop the genetics of their dairy cattle. If breeders are to govern their destinies, they need to make sure that their elected and organization officials are objective and dynamic in how they approach changes to cattle breeding such as genomics. Many changes are yet to be thought of. We always need to remember that, “When you are through changing, you are through.”

Where There Is Smoke There Is Fire!

The dairy industry can be unbelievable at times with some of the rumours that go around.  From who has found that 65 inch Jr.  two year old to who’s making whoopee out behind the barn.  Well not exactly out behind the barn but some of the things I have heard suggest that it’s not out of the realm of possibility.  Therefore, when I heard in the spring rumor that Chris Parry was leaving Morsan I thought it was an overworked grapevine.  But then sure enough that rumor recently came true as Parry is going to become the General Manager at Westgen in September.

Westgen is a great organization.  We have all had the pleasure of working with gentlemen such as Gordie Souter and Harley Nicholson and have always had great respect for them.  Nevertheless, it has me asking why would Parry leave Morsan?

Could there be a better opportunity?

Remember when Morsan first came on the scene, spending lots of money on lots of high priced animals?  (Read Morsan Farms – Money Well Spent).  From the very start, Chris had been their marketing manager.  At the time it almost seemed odd.  Here is a dairy farm with it’s own person in charge of marketing.  Very progressive for the time.

Now we see Parry leaving, which has me asking, “What better job could you have?”  Here you have the opportunity to market the reigning Madison and Royal Grand Champion, the family of the #2 August 2012 new release sire in Canada as well as many other leading index and show cattle.  Awesome.

Do dairy breeders need marketing people?

Maybe the issue is that Morsan no longer needs a marketing manager?  For me, I almost find that’s impossible to believe.  After all, over recent years we have seen other leading breeding programs add marketing staff to their programs.  In my opinion, more dairy farmers need to think strategically about their breeding programs as a business and not just a passion.

There is more to marketing than just placing ads

When Calbrett-I H H Champion was about to come out, I learned then, and I know now, that it’s as much about the promotion as it is about the product.  There is more to marketing dairy cattle than just placing a few pretty ads in the major magazines.  It’s as much about building the brand and the community around your farm as it is actually breeding great cattle. Even if your barn is housing the best, you have to make sure people know about it.  Each one of us can name a bull that first came out and everything you could imagine was being said about the bull, the stud and the owners.  There can be as much time spent dealing with the rumors as is spent on creating the ads and marketing strategy.  The biggest difference we see  today is that, the rumour mill is no longer controlled by one or two competing  companies, but now has gone down to the breeder level.  This is because breeders can now communicate much easier with each other, instead of having the local salesman/technician coming in and controlling what is being spread.  Social media and email have changed all that.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

The reasons for Parry leaving Morsan could be many, one of which might just be that both sides needed a change.  However, that does not diminish the need for all breeders to think about how they handle their marketing.  Whether or not you can afford a full time marketing staff or not, you need to remember it takes more than just a few pretty ads to market top cattle.  It’s as much about managing information as it is the ads.  With the addition of Facebook, breeders can both market their cattle and engage the community in the latest conversations.  Always make sure whatever smoke you create has fire behind it.

For those of you wanting a little guidance check out “The Dairy Breeders Guide to Facebook”.

Weekly Show and Sale Recap– 8/18/2012


  • Ontario Red & White Show
    August 16, 2012
    Listowel, ON
    Judge: Ken Empey, Dorchester, ON
    Total head: 86

    • Junior Champion: Flowerbrook Gyna-Red (Patience Showline Contender-Red), 1st summer yearling, Cormdale Genetics
    • Reserve Junior Champion: Harphil Dawn Clover (Sherona-Hill-I Red Clover), 1st intermediate yearling, Scott Brethet, Mt. Elgin Dairy Farms & Harphil Holsteins
    • Grand Champion: Fradon SS Jordan (Pursuit September Storm), 1st mature cow, Fradon Holsteins, Dupasquier Holsteins & Dana Erway
    • Reserve Grand Champion: MD-Heavensent Ladeva-Red (Markwell Kite-ET), 2nd mature cow, Gerald Roefs & Capthorne Holsteins
  • 2012 Atlantic Summer Classic Show
    August 11, 2012
    Charlottetown, PE
    Judge; Don Chalack, Alberta
    127 Total Head Shown

    • Junior Champion: Jacobs Sanchez Joelle (Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez), 1st senior yearling, Valleyville & Conant Acres
    • Res. Junior Champion: Bullsbrow Chapter Katie Highoutput (Calbrett Chapter), 2nd senior yearling, Bricon & Robin Antworth
    • HM Junior Champion: Red Oak Sanchez Odyssey (Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez), 1st summer yearling, Blair Weeks, Lookout, F&D Borba & G Halbach
    • Intermediate Champion: Cherry Crest Goldwyn Aspire (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st Junior 2-Year-Old, IGL, Trekili, Rusendale & Aspire
    • Res. Intermediate Champion: Bernalta Goldwyn Jade (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st Senior 3-Year-Old, Crasdale, Blondin & Clark Woodmansee
    • HM Intermediate Champion: Brookhill Goldwyn Cecile (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st Junior 3-Yr-Old, East River Farms
    • Grand Champion: Arethusa-I Gold Marche (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st 4-Year-Old, Crasdale, T&L Cattle Co & Ty-D Holsteins
    • Res. Grand Champion: Weeksdale Goldwyn Raleigh (Braedale Goldwyn), 2nd 4-Year-Old, Weeksdale Holsteins
    • HM Grand Champion: Cherry Crest Goldwyn Aspire (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st Junior 2-Year-Old, IGL, Trekili, Rusendale & Aspire
    • Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Eastside Holsteins
  • MA All-Breeds Championship Show
    Aug. 10 – Greenfield, MA
    Type judge – Jason Lloyd, Middleburgh, NY
    Showmanship judge – Eric Bogardus, Schoharie, NY

    • Supreme Champion (open): Whittier-Farms FCut Tigris (Holstein), 4-year-old, Whittier Farms Inc., West Sutton, MA
    • Res. Supreme Champion (open): Indian Acres L Passion Pie-ET (Guernsey), Sr. 2-year-old, Ashley Sears, South Deerfield, MA
    • Supreme Champion (youth): Gunncrest Joy-Red (Holstein), 4-year-old, Simone Fleury, Millers Falls, MA
    • Res. Supreme Champion (youth); Tierneys Justice Liza Jane (Jersey), 5-year-old, Kim Kubosiak, Southampton, MA
    • Best Bred & Owned (youth): Hidden Springs Callie (Ayrshire), summer yearling, Ashley Owen, Huntingdon, MA
    • Novice Showmanship Winner (6): Cynthia Shaw, Oxford, MA
    • Junior Showmanship Winner (11): Gus Koebke, Dudley, MA
    • Intermediate Showmanship Winner (13): Amanda Goodfield, Hardwick, MA
    • Senior Showmanship Winner (20): Sara Shaw, Oxford, MA
  • California State Fair Holstein Show
    Jul. 23 – Sacramento, CA
    Judge – Paul Trapp, Taylor, WI
    Total shown – 78

    • Junior Champion: Fradon Redliner Aka (Fradon Redliner), 1st fall yearling, Dominic Agresti-Assali
    • Res. Junior Champion: Calori-D SM Aftershock Eva (Ms Atlees SHT Aftershock-ET), 1st intermediate calf, Calori-D Cattle
    • Senior & Grand Champion: Calori-D Jasper Marigold-ET (Wilcoxview Jasper), 1st Sr. 3-year-old, Calori-D Cattle
    • Res. Senior & Res. Grand Champion: Zendi Dundee Exhilarate-ET (Regancrest Dundee), 1st aged cow, Becky Deniz
    • Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Airoso Dairy, Joseph Airoso
  • Peterborough Exhibition Holstein Show
    August 13 –  Peterborough, ON
    Judge – Jeff Sayles, Paris, ON
    Total shown: 102

    • Junior Champion: Crovalley Knowledge Akika (Sicy Knowledge-ET), 1st senior yearling, Crovalley Holsteins
    • Res. Junior Champion: Crovalley Sid Achiever (Pine-Tree Sid), 1st junior calf, Crovalley Holsteins
    • HM Junior Champion: Crovalley Fever Aurora (Crackholm Fever), 1st intermediate calf, Crovalley Holsteins
    • Grand Champion: Kawartha Goldwyn Divine (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st Mature Cow, Kawartha Holsteins
    • Res. Grand Champion: Crovalley Goldwyn Rhapsody (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st Sr. 2-year-old, Crovalley Holsteins
    • HM Grand Champion: Tomalynn Roy Deborah (Roylane Jordan), 1st 5-year-old, Tomalynn Farms
    • Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Ronbeth Holsteins
  • Peterborough County Holstein Show
    August 13 – Peterborough, ON
    Judge – Jeff Sayles, Paris, ON
    Total shown: 87

    • Junior Champion: Crovalley Knowledge Akika (Sicy Knowledge-ET), 1st senior yearling, Crovalley Holsteins
    • Res. Junior Champion: Crovalley Sid Achiever (Pine-Tree Sid), 1st junior calf, Crovalley Holsteins
    • HM Junior Champion: Crovalley Fever Aurora (Crackholm Fever), 1st intermediate calf, Crovalley Holsteins
    • Grand Champion: Crovalley Goldwyn Rhapsody (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st Sr. 2-year-old, Crovalley Holsteins
    • Res. Grand Champion: Ronbeth Jolt Nicki (Second Look Jolt) 1st 60,000 kg production, Ronbeth Holsteins
    • HM Grand Champion: Braedale Alta Baxter Metric (Emerald ACR St Baxter), 1st 4-year-old, Crovalley, A. Ekstein and Greaveston
    • Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Ronbeth Holsteins
  • Lennox & Addington County Holstein Show
    August 4 – Napanee, ON
    Judge – Don Aylsworth, Napanee, ON
    Total shown: 45

    • Junior Champion: Frankhaven Adolf Frolic (Tri-Day Adolph), 1st senior yearling, Brownlands Farms & Jill Brown
    • Res. Junior Champion: Brownlands Tenacious Slick (Futurecrest Tenacious), 1st summer yearling, Brownlands Farms
    • HM Junior Champion: Brownlands Fever Larissa (Crackholm Fever), 1st intermediate calf, Brownlands Farms
    • Grand Champion: Pynacker Jasmin Lorenzo (Lystel Lorenzo), 1st mature cow, Pynacker Holsteins
    • Res. Grand Champion: Poplardell Lheros Boston (Comestar Lheros), 1st 4-year-old, Bruce Caughey
    • HM Grand Champion: Waltz Acre Gold Laurentia (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st Sr. 2-year-old, Trekili & Waltz Acre Holsteins
    • Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Brownslands Farms
  • Northumberland County Holstein Show
    August 10 – Campbellford, ON
    Judge – Brian Carscadden, Guelph, ON
    Total shown: 111

    • Junior Champion: Kingsway Sanchez Armadillo (Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez), 1st winter yearling, Kingsway & Jason David Mell
    • Res. Junior Champion: Kingsway Fever Cowbell (Crackholm Fever-ET), 1st summer yearling, Kingsway Holsteins
    • Grand Champion: Nipponia RD Lizabeth (Regancrest Dundee), 1st 4-year-old, Kingsway, Trentward & Ronald G. Werry
    • Res. Grand Champion: Kingsway Dundee Drumstick (Regancrest Dundee), 1st 5-year-old, Kingsway & Trentward
    • Premier Breeder: Kingsway Holsteins
    • Premier Exhibitor: Webb View Holsteins
  • Glengarry County Holstein Show
    August 11 – Williamstown, ON
    Judge – Ken Rose, Mountain, ON
    Total shown: 63

    • Junior Champion: Cherry Crest Aspen Twix (EK-Oseeana Aspen-ET), 1st intermediate calf, Robert D. MacDonald & Bethany MacDonald
    • Res. Junior Champion: Gleneil Windbrook Fish Fry (Gillette Windbrook), 2nd intermediate calf, Gleneil Farms
    • HM Jr. Champion: Gleneil Don’t Touch My Gold (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st senior calf, Gleneil Farms
    • Grand Champion: Lochdale SS Sangria (Pursuit September Storm), 1st mature cow, Lochdale Farms
    • Res. Grand Champion: Gleneil Final Cut Fiddich (Gillette Final Cut), 1st 4-year-old, Gleneil Farms
    • HM Grand Champion: Kirklea Attic Amberlee (Allyndale-I Attic), 1st Jr. 2-year-old, Robert D. MacDonald
    • Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Gleneil Farms
  • Middlesex County Holstein Show
    August 8, 2012
    Ilderton, ON
    Judge Bruce Sayles
    98 head

    • Junior Champion – Heather Holme Goldwyn Mist (Goldwyn), Senior Yearling, Glen & Curtis McNeil, ON
    • Reserve Junior Champion – Cavanaleck Braxton Aspire (Braxton), Summer Yearling, Cavanaleck Farms Ltd., ON
    • HM Junior Champion – Cavanaleck BG Bruin (Goldwyn), Senior Calf, Cavanaleck Farms., ON
    • Grand Champion – Cavanaleck Dundee Olivia (Dundee), 4 Year Old, Cavanaleck Farms., ON
    • Reserve Grand Champion – Cavanaleck Gibson Pretty (Gibson), Mature Cow, Cavanaleck Farms., ON
    • HM Grand Champion – Heather Holme Dundee Malibu (Dundee), Mature Cow, Glen & Curtis McNeil, ON
    • Premier Breeder – Cavanaleck Farms Ltd, ON
    • Runner up Premier Breeder – Hillmark Holsteins, ON
    • Premier Exhibitor – Cavanaleck Farms Ltd, ON
    • Runner up Premier Exhibitor – Hillmark Holsteins, ON
  • Kamouraska Holstein Show
    July 21, 2012
    Kamouraska, Quebec
    Judge: Eric Hetu
    123 Head Shown

    • Junior Champion – Jadoux Magnetism Bunny (Magnetism), 1st Summer Yearling, Ferme J & A Rioux INC
    • Reserve Junior Champion – Rotaly Sid Olie (Sid), 1st Intermediate Calf, Rock Hebert & Nathalie Dumais
    • Grand Champion – Wendon Goldwyn Allie (Goldwyn), 1st 5 Year Old, Ferme Laitiere Rayon D’or INC
    • Reserve Grand Champion – Smithden Mr Burns Emma (Mr Burns), 1st 4 Year Old, Ferme Laitiere Rayon D’or INC
    • Exhibitor Banner – Ferme Val D’Espoir INC
    • Breeder Banner – Ferme Val D’Espoir INC
  • New Hampshire Holstein Show
    August 7 & 8, 2012
    Judge: Justin Burdette, Mercersburg, PA
    70 Head Shown

    • Junior Champion, Junior Show – Ms Marston Sykes Indy, 1st Fall calf, Bob Sykes
    • Reserve Junior Champion, Junior Show – Leachland Golden Mist,1st Winter calf, Brooke Clark,
    • Junior Champion  – Putnam Farm Wndbrk Giada (Windbrook), 1st Spring Calf, Putnam Farm
    • Reserve Junior Champion – Putnam Farm Tristan Oaklin (Tristan), 1st Winter Calf, Putnam Farm
    • Grand Champion – Leeland Advent Star-Red (Advent), 1st 4 Year Old, Morrill Farm Dairy, Penacook, NH
    • Reserve Grand Champion – Bressners Advt Molly-Red (Advent), 1st Jr. 2 Year old, Morrill farm Dairy, Penacook, NH
    • Premier Breeder and Exhibitor – Morrill Farm Dairy


  • Island Heat Wave Sale Averages $5,823
    The Island Heat Wave Summer Sale featuring the Elite of Crasdale took place on Friday, August 10th and was hosted by Crasdale Farms of Hunter River, PEI. A large, social crowd gathered at the farm and lively bidding all day produced an unofficial average of $5,823 on 125 lots.

    • High seller on the day at $46,000 was Lot 9 – Ms Lookout Pesce Neva-ET, a 4/12 Supersonic that carried numbers of +2459 GTPI, +3021 GLPI and +3167 DGV. She also has big type numbers which is not surprising as her dam is De-Su 9842-ET, one of the high-type Atwood daughters in the breed. Consigned by Lookout Holsteins and Richard Pesce, Neva was purchased by La Ponderosa Holsteins (Augustine Celis).
    • The consignment of Mapleisle Holsteins – Butz-Butler GLD Brittney – brought $25,000, good for second high. Scored VG-85 at 2 yrs in Canada, Brittney is a full sister to Butz-Butler Gold Barbara-ET, who recently sold for big money at the International Intrigue Sale and both are Goldwyn daughters out of EX-92 Regancrest Brasilia. Walkerbrae Holsteins made the final bid for Brittney at $25,000.
    • A VG-85 2-year-old Man-O-Man daughter of Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95-CAN brought $24,000 from Lindenright Holsteins. Morsan Miss Congeniality, consigned by Crasdale Farms , was fresh in early July and makes Missy three-for-three in milking daughters scored VG.
  • Red & White National Convention Sale
    Carsons Auctions
    Listowel, ON
    92 lots averaged $2078

    • Lot 112-$10,000-1st Summer Yearling Ontario Summer Show 2011, Jun 2010 Rose Royce x Wikkerink Jockey Sunny VG-87 plus 5 more gen VG or EX Consignor: Whiskey River Holsteins & Gary Troup, ON
    • Lot 72- $5200- Lenslake Contender Matilda VG-85  (Contender x Rozenes Advent Matti VG-85 plus 4 more gen VG or EX) Consignor: Lenslake Holsteins, ON
    • Lot 22-$4700-Westport Robo Suzanne VG-88 (Robo x Westport Mister Surreal EX-90 plus 6 more VG or EX Dams from Selsy family) Consignor: Ten Brummelhuis Dairy & Wendon Holsteins, AB

The Effect Genomics Has On The August New Release Sires

With the recent proof release, breeders now have the opportunity to start seeing the effect of genomics has on the top new proven sire proofs. Thanks to the Canadian System and CDN (Canadian Dairy Network) we can even take one-step further and get a better appreciation  of how genomics actually is affecting sire proofs.

The Process

In an effort to  better understand these effects The Bullvine took a look a closer look at the top 5 new release sires. We looked at their official proofs, DGVs (Direct Genomic Values) and PAs (Parent Average).  We also calculated what the sire’s current YS (Young Sire) index would have been  (based on the CDN formula  of 65% DGV and 35% PA) to see what their current index would have been without daughter information.  We then took each of these parts and compared them to each other. The results are as follows.


Trait GLPI Milk Fat Protein %F %P Conf
Official 2638 1307 67 55 0.18 0.10 13
DGV 2605 1289 66 55 0.18 0.10 12
DGV Diff 33 18 1 0 0.00 0.00 1
PA 2003 1484 74 44 0.20 -0.04 9
PA Diff 635 -177 -7 12 -0.02 0.14 4
YS 2394 1357 69 51 0.19 0.05 11
YS Diff 244 -50 -2 4 -0.01 0.05 2

What stands out in BRAWLER’s official proof is that he actually outperforms his DGV and parent average indexes.  While the general expectation has always been that high genomic sires will drop, with the addition of daughter information, BRAWLER is a high genomic sire that actually increased his values.  Note that his official values for protein, conformation and LPI significantly exceed his PA values. One of the interesting points on BRAWLER is that his official conformation score is higher than both his DGV and PA values.  It appears that so far his daughters are performing much better than his parent average or DGVs predicted, especially in mammary traits.


Trait GLPI Milk Fat Protein %F %P Conf
Official 2305 1670 45 48 -0.17 -0.05 12
DGV 2726 1730 50 52 -0.14 -0.05 14
DGV Diff -421 -60 -5 -4 -0.03 0.00 -2
PA 2016 1399 62 42 0.10 -0.04 9
PA Diff 290 271 -17 7 -0.27 -0.02 3
YS 2477 1614 54 48 -0.06 -0.04 12
YS Diff -172 56 -9 0 -0.11 -0.01 0

While BRAWLER’s PA and DGV actually held him back,  we see the exact opposite effect for DORCYNOTE: Due to the need for DGV’s we have had to look at US proven bulls on the CDN system.  DORCY posts outstanding DGV values, but so far his daughters are falling short of those values, especially for fat, udders and legs.  In fact, his DGV’s actually elevate his proof, by our estimate, by almost 30%.  While these early daughters (65) may not be a complete indication of where his proof will end up, current daughter values would predict that we should see declines in these traits.


Trait GLPI Milk Fat Protein %F %P Conf
Official 2305 1419 63 75 0.10 0.24 10
DGV 2291 1465 65 77 0.09 0.24 10
DGV Diff 14 -46 -2 -2 0.01 0.00 0
PA 1710 1190 45 49 0.05 0.09 10
PA Diff 596 229 19 27 0.05 0.15 0
YS 2087 1369 58 67 0.08 0.19 10
YS Diff 218 50 5 8 0.02 0.05 0

While BRAWLER’S official proof is higher and DORCY’S is lower than their DGVs, JAY’S official proof is bang on.  The biggest difference between his young sire proof and his official proof is that his parent averages are actually much lower than his DGVs and daughter information.


Trait GLPI Milk Fat Protein %F %P Conf
Official 2183 2042 49 58 -0.26 -0.07 12
DGV 2333 1917 50 56 -0.22 -0.04 14
DGV Diff -150 125 -1 2 -0.04 -0.03 -2
PA 2127 1910 65 55 -0.06 -0.06 10
PA Diff 56 132 -16 3 -0.20 -0.01 2
YS 2261 1915 55 56 -0.16 -0.05 13
YS Diff -78 127 -6 2 -0.10 -0.02 -1

EXPLODE joins his fellow US proven DORCY in finding it hard to live up to his high DGV values.  Similar to DORCY, EXPLODE’s daughters are lower than his DGV’s for feet and legs, as well as rump and protein.  However, so far his daughters are proving to be much more durable than his DGV did predict over his parent average.


Trait GLPI Milk Fat Protein %F %P Conf
Official 2171 796 68 45 0.38 0.17 12
DGV 2207 778 67 44 0.39 0.17 11
DGV Diff -36 18 1 1 -0.01 0.00 1
PA 2035 963 57 46 0.22 0.13 12
PA Diff 137 -167 11 -1 0.17 0.04 1
YS 2147 843 64 45 0.33 0.16 11
YS Diff 24 -47 5 0 0.05 0.01 1

Much like the other Canadian proven sires, BORIS’s DGV values are bang on, with only a slight variation where his daughters are  currently outperforming predictions for feet and legs.

Interesting Note

When we applied the same analysis to Co-Op Bosside Massey, we see that his daughter information was much higher than both his parent average and DGVs, hence explaining with the addition of more daughters Massey’s proof increasing.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

While most of the early top genomics sires are still awaiting proofs, this analysis of a small group shows some interesting trends.  First it shows that there may be differences from country to country in the accuracy of predictions (Editors note: As we have now crunched over 200 US sires we see that this is no longer the case, these two are more an anomaly than the standard.  Watch for the results of this number crunching in a future Bullvine post).  It also shows that, at least in the Canadian case, the DGV values are a much better indicator of potential than the old PA system predictions.  This could be because genomics so far has been able to limit the effects of hot house herds (read Has Genomics Knocked Out Hot House Herds). In looking at the differentials for these five sires, we see that DG Values vary by 6% from official LPI Proofs, while their PA’s vary by 15%.  This is in line with CDN’s prediction of a 5% accuracy gain, as a result of using genomics for calculating first crop proven sire proofs.  Furthermore, it shows that with daughter information added top genomics sires, can actually outperform their high parent average and DGV predictions.

For more information check out our Genetic Evaluation Resource Center.

A Closer Look at the August 2012 New Release Sires

With many new sires coming out in this week’s proof round, we here at The Bullvine figured we should take a closer look. The following is our analysis of the top new TPITM and LPI sires.


0200HO05929 Gen-I-Beq Brawler (Baxter x Shottle)


Owner/Distributor Semex

Daughter Strengths

  • Fat Yield
  • Protein Yield
  • Conformation
  • Feet & Legs

Protect for

  • Straight Rear Legs (Side View)
  • Height at Front End

Sire Stack Baxter x Shottle x Champion x Storm x Grand

Dam: GEN-I-BEQ SHOTTLE BARBI VG88(5yr) 4* 1 Superior Lactation tracing back to Baler Twine 32* / Gypsy Grand 37*


Best used on typical daughters of:
Man-O-Man, Snowman, Planet, AltaEsquire, AltaIota, Garrett, Bolton

Boris is the latest sire from the family to be designated as ‘Extra’ with third dam Baler Twine having three Extra Sons, including Goldwyn and Topside now #4 LPI sire, and fourth dam Gypsy Grand having five Extra sons. In the future more awards can be expected from his dam Barbi’s progeny. Barbi is a full sister to Shottle Bombi Ex 92 with many sons with high DGV’s and awaiting proofs. His progeny proofs closely match his DGV except for a slightly lower rating on his progeny for Health & Fertility for which he still has a positive rating. His highest rated milking daughter is Gen-I-Beq Brawler Fee from a Goldwyn from Lila Z. She has a DGV LPI + 2689. Brawler was a high genomics young sire and already has 2321 registered daughters.



Owner / Distributor – ABS

Daughter Strengths

  • Udder Composite
  • Feet & Legs Composite
  • Productive Life
  • SCS

Protect for

  • Calving Ease
  • Straight Rear Legs (Side View)

Sire Stack – Bolton x Bret x Rudolph x Merrill x Darby

Dam: COYNE-FARMS BRET DAFFERS ET Ex91 (5yr) DOM 3-01 (305D) 14,034kgs 4.4F 3.3P


  • Sisters
  • Brothers

Best used on typical daughters of:
Man-O-Man, AltaEsquire, AltaIota, Dempsey, Lauthority, Goldwyn

Dorcy was a high genomics (DGV LPI +2726) young sire with high ratings for Production, Durability and Health & Fertility. He has good ratings for all functional traits except for calving ease. Breeders interested in a Bolton son from an outcross pedigree, top notch udders, very good feet & legs and functional traits may consider Dorcy. Dairy Strength and Rump are only slightly above breed norms.


Owner/Distributor Semex

Daughter Strengths

  • Fat Yield
  • Protein Yield
  • Component %’s
  • Conformation
  • Mammary

Protect for

  • Daughter Fertility
  • Milking Speed
  • Calving Ability

Sire Stack Bolton x Durham x Marvellous x Benchmark x Spipper

Dam: BROAD-VUE DURHAM JACOBEE EX-CAN 6* 2 Superior Lactations


Best used on typical daughters of:

Man-O-Man, Snowman, Planet, AltaEsquire, AltaIota, Shottle, Fever, Lauthority, Baxter

Jay is a result of the popular Bolton x Durham cross. Although not from a well known cow family, Jay’s dam achieved a 6 Star Brood Cow rating. Jay’s Extra award and high conformation and mammary system ratings are definitely a result of him having seven GP84 (2yr), ten GP83 (2yr) and fourteen GP82 (2yr) daughters from his first ninety classified daughters. Breeders should note that Jay’s rating for Health & Fertility are below average but they are above his DGV’s for functional traits. This means his daughters have outperformed expectations.


Owner/Distributor Taurus Service

Daughter Strengths

  • PTAT
  • Udder Composite
  • Body Composite
  • Milk Yield

Protect for

  • Fat %
  • Daughter Fertility

Sire Stack Bolton x Shottle x Oman x Mtoto x Rudolph

Dam: WABASH-WAY EMILYANN VG-88-2YR-USA DOM 1* from the Lead Mae family


Best used on typical daughters of:
Man-O-Man, AltaEsquire, Logan, AltaIota, Fever, Dempsey, Lauthority, Goldwyn

Explode is the first son to be proven from Emilyann and is a strong candidate for Gold Medal. His sire stack is very strong for production, durability and breeder respect. Explode was used extensively as a young sire having high DGV’s, especially for milk yield, conformation and herd life. Breeders can expect Explode to excel for overall conformation, mammary, feet & legs, dairy strength and rump. In fact only fat % and daughter fertility are rated below the breed norms.


Owner/Distributor Semex

Daughter strengths

  • Fat Yield
  • Protein Yield
  • Conformation
  • Feet & Legs

Protect for

  • Milk Yield
  • Straight Rear Legs (Side View)
  • Daughter Calving Ability
  • Dairy Strength

Sire Stack Bolton x Durham x Airliner x Leadman x Chief Mark

Dam: OCEAN-VIEW DURHAM DORIS EX-94-CAN VG-87-2YR-USA 10* from the Dellia’s


Best used on typical daughters of:
Man-O-Man, AltaEsquire, Logan, AltaIota, Manifold, Twist, Shottle, Fever, Sudan, Dempsey, Lauthority, Goldwyn

Boris’ dam has a double shot of Regancrest breeding through Dellia and her son Durham. His dam and two Dundee sisters have been show winners in Western Canada and Ontario. Breeders interested in using the Dellia bloodline will find Boris combines the Dellias with Bolton, a bull starting to show his ability to sire superior bulls and cows. Boris’ proof ratings closely follow his DGV’s except for Health & Fertility. Daughter Fertility is the trait where Boris daughters underperform what had been predicted by both his PA’s and DGV’s . His top daughter is Clearsky Boris 1501 with LPI + 2382.

For more information check out our Genetic Evaluation Resource Center.

Genetic Evaluations – August 2012

With some countries not releasing proofs till next week, here is a break down of the North American Proofs for August.


  • Massey Jumps to #1
    Moving up from his debut at #3 in April is Co-Op Bosside Massey. With an increase in his production ratings as well as all major conformation composites Massey passes the well respected Man-O-Man (now #2).
  • Dorcy New #3
    Debuting at the #3 spot is the popular genomic sire Coyne-Farms Dorcy.  Siring outstanding udders and feet and legs with strong production, Dorcy is ideal for commercial environments. While needing to be protected on strength traits, Dorcy excels in herd life and calving ease.
  • Freddie Drops to #4
    While actually increasing his TPI by 6 points, Freddie drops in ranking to the #4 spot.
  • Three New Cows in the Top GTPI ranks
    Moving into the top 10 is MS PRIDE PLNT TASKET 788 (#3) and SEAGULL-BAY OMAN MIRROR (#9). Tasket is from the Genesis breeding program and has been a breed leader for Lifetime Net Merit, but now joins the top GTPI cattle as well.  Mirror is the granddaughter of the brood cow extraordinaire Lynmead Celcius Minnow-ET EX-91 GMD DOM and moves up from her #11 spot in April. Debuting in the top 10 is COOKIECUTTER MOM HALO (#4).  Hola is the maternal sister to Heineken at ABS and Henry at Accelerated as well as full sister  to Hefty at Semex. Her Epic daughter topped the National Convention Sales at $76,000.


  • Plant Drops but still maintains #1 Spot
    Although Esenada Taboo Planet loses 216 LPI points this round, he retains his stronghold as #1 LPI with a lead of 363 points.
  • Top New Release & #2 LPI– Gen-I-Beq Brawler
    Gen-I-Beq Brawler is the highest among the first group of Baxter sons progeny proven in Canada and is also the oldest of 50 registered progeny of his outstanding dam, Gen-I-Beq Shottle Barbi, a  granddaughter of Braedale Baler Twine. Brawler’s LPI is over 600 points above his parent average but within 30 points of his DGV. Since Brawler was popular as a genomic young sire and already has over 2,200 registered daughters in Canada.
  • Other Top Newcomers – Jay & Boris
    Coming in at #6 LPI and the #2 new release sire is OConnors Jay. Jay is a Bolton from an EX 6* Durham and then a EX 2E Marcis Marvelous. An extreme feet and leg improver, Jay is almost 600 points over his parent average but only 33 points over his DGV’s. Following Jay as the #3 new release sire and the #10 LPI sire is Morsan Boris.  Boris is also a Bolton x Durham cross, coming from the world renowned Ocean-View Durham Doris. Much like many of the descendants of Snow-N Denises Dellia, Boris sires outstanding conformation with strong components and herd life.   Boris is just 100 LPI points over his PA and 36 points below his DGV.
  • Those Heading In The Wrong Direction
    High ranking active sires that lose ground include Butoise Bahamas (from #4 to #13 LPI), UFM-DUBS Olegant-ET (from #6 to #29 LPI), Kilobyte (from #7 to #19 LPI), Velthuis Solstice (from #18 to #52 LPI) and B-Crest Shadow-ET (from #24 to #93 LPI).
  • New #1 LPI Cow
    With her first official GLPI, OConnors Planet Lucia is crowned Queen of the Breed at #1 GLPI combining high yields and components with desired conformation (#1 Protein, tied #10  conformation). Lucia is a daughter of Comestar Goldwyn Lilac (#29 GLPI) and granddaughter of the famous Lylehaven Lila Z. As is consistent in this family, Lucia is well above her outstanding parent average by over 800 points, and is also over 300 LPI points above her DGV. Lucia sells in the upcoming Genetics by Design Sale on November 6th.
  • Two New Top 10 LPI descendants from Crockett-Acres Mtot Elly
    The dam of the #8 LPI sires (Eight) also has 2 new descendants on the top cow list. The first is Calbrett Planet Eve debuting tied at #7 GLPI (maternal line is Wabash-Way Evett-ET by Shottle x Crockett-Acres Elita-ET x Elly). The second is the only of the three cows who are entering the Top 10 GLPI that is not a Planet daughter, namely Stantons Manoman Ezra at #10 spot (her dam is Crockett-Acres Echo- ET, a daughter of Elly by Outside).

For more information check out our Genetic Evaluation Resource Center.

Are You Going To Make a Profit This Year?

Every day during this summer of 2012 dairy breeders are reading about or personally experiencing the challenges of feeding their dairy herd.  The articles in the press deal with the cost of corn and soybeans as well as the quantity and quality for forages preserved or available for purchase.  Since the cost of feed to produce a pound or kilogram of milk is usually 55 to 60% of the cost of production, feeding the dairy herd is extremely important.

In a recent article the Bullvine addressed key factors that contribute to profit on farm ( read Why Dairy Farmers Need To Know Their Key Performance Indicators).  However, for many dedicated North American dairy cattle farmers the immediate challenge is to implement steps that will contribute to or assist with profitability until we have another crop-growing season.  The following ideas are offered based on the results I saw from working with success farms participating in dairy farm management clubs.

A Check List for Managing

  1. Know your facts
    A saying often herd is “If you don’t measure, you can’t manage.”  So taking time to review the details on your last milk cheque, your current feed bills, your daily feed fed and the information for the past two years from your DHI printouts or from your farm management software reports, all are key to getting started.  Also critical to taking positive steps is the farm manager’s attitude to problem solving on farm.  Yes prices received and prices paid are important but most frequently they are mainly outside individual manager’s control.
  2. Output per Cow
    Simply put farms producing over 5 pounds or 2.3 kgs of fat plus protein per cow per day return between 25 to 40% more profit per cow per day than farms producing 4 pounds or 1.8 kgs per cow per day.  Filling the bulk tank with 100 cows producing 55 pounds (25 kgs) or 79 cows producing 70 pounds (32 kgs) is what this equates to.  Those extra 21 mouths to feed are paramount to profit.  Moving the lower producing cows to dry pens, selling below average producers for meat or buying of bringing in, take care to protect biosecurity (read more Biosecurity – How Safe Is Your Dairy or Biosecurity: Control What’s Coming In, Going Out Or Going Around), animal about to calve or recently fresh are all steps that will move the herd to more profit per milking cow per day.
  3. Dry Matter Intake (DMI)
    Average DMI of at least 50 pounds (23 kgs) of feed are achievable.  Herds with DMI’s over 55 pounds (25 kgs) make 15 to 25% more profit per cow per day than herds with a DMI of less than 44 pounds (20 kgs).  However, feed intake averages and profit per cow per day are not achieved by feeding the average cow.  Keys to achieving desired levels of DMI and profit are caring and grouping of cows and heifers three weeks before and after calving, feeding the highest quality forage to the cows producing the most milk and not overfeeding cows later in lactation in any year not just when feeds are in short supply or high in price.
  4. Feed Quality
    Without feed testing or knowing the quality of feeds, be it home grown or purchased feeds, decisions and corrective actions cannot be taken.  Managing for profit and using feed resources wisely depend knowing the products you are working with.
  5. The Heifer Herd
    Managing for profit is greatly influenced by how the heifer herd is feed and managed.  Not raising all heifer calves, feeding heifers according to their needs (high quality feed to heifers in their first three months), using milk replacer instead of keeping extra cows so calves can get be feed whole milk and breeding heifers to calve by 24 months of age all need re-consideration in times of tight feed supply, lower quality feeds, and expensive feedstuffs.  Having 0.7 or 1.1 heifers per milking cow can significantly affect profit through feed cost, labour costs and overhead costs. (read 10 Ways Cool Calves Beat The Heat)
  6. Manage Reproduction
    In times of high costs, lack of plentiful feed supply and pressure on the time to manage, managers take steps (often inadvertently) not to check as often for heats or eliminate regular visits by the herd reproduction specialists.  Current estimates run between $75 to $110 for every heat that a cow or heifer is either not bred on or does not conceive on.  Of course that cost is a function of taking more feed, more labour, more animals on-farm and more time to manage.
  7. The Basics are Important
    We all know how nice it is to have fresh air to breathe, our climate controlled and a fresh glass of clean water.  Well animals are no different.  Clean waterers, lack of manure build-up near animals and clean air all lead to high performance by dairy cattle.  Documented and delivered herd protocols are important and can be neglected in times of stress including when feedstuffs are in short supply.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Success in business very often is associated with managing to be ahead of challenges rather than in reaction to circumstances.  Profits on dairy farms depend on providing the crucial trinity, feed, environment and genetics.  Doing only two of the three is not sufficient.

Friends of Andrea Crowe Fundraiser Raises over $83,000

A while back I said that we are not going to be an event-reporting website.  However, I have to break my own rule for this great event.  For those of you who don’t know, Andrea Crowe, from Broad Cove & Hi-Calibre Holsteins, has been in hospital since last August.  To assist the family with the financial burdens associated with Andrea’s illness (to read more It’s Time to Pull Together and Support One of Our Own) and her much needed care at the Mayo Clinic, the Eastern Canadian dairy community put on a great event, Friends of Andrea Crowe Fundraiser, that raised over $83,000.

Angela Masters came up with the idea and did much of the work, but as one close friend, Marie-Eve Veronneau, put it, “It was really easy because everybody loves and admire Andrea.”  And yes, without doubt Andrea is really an amazing person, but it still took the hard work of Angela, Marie-Eve, Brian Craswell, Amber Craswell, Blair Weeks, Bloyce Thompson, Bruce Wood and many others to help make this event such a success.

What Is a Sale Without Great Consignments?

Of course, none of this would have happened without some great consignments.  One such consignment drawing a lot of attention was a framed print of the Mount Victoria Barn donated by Suntor Holsteins.  Kevin Sundborg met Andrea over 10 years ago while clipping in the Maritimes.  “She is a hard worker, and you could tell she was friends with everyone.”  It’s that early connection the lead to a strong friendship and when Andrea needed their help, it was a no brainer for the Sundborg family of Ormstown PQ.  “We wanted to help out with Andreas Fundraiser because she is a person who is always positive, and expects nothing in return.  She loves her family, friends, and cattle and she is always smiling.  When we saw there was going to be a Fundraiser it was automatic we wanted to help her.”

Not having any embryos to donate to the sale Sheila Sundborg asked Brian Craswell if a picture would be suitable.  “We thought this picture of Mount Vic would be appealing to a wide range of people, from Holstein History buffs, to those who simply like old aged barns.”  And what a great idea it was.

Mount Victoria Barn

The History of Mount Victoria

The story of Thomas Bassett Macaulay and the Mount Victoria farm dates back to the early 1900’s.  It became famous for its breeding program for Holsteins, under the “Montvic” prefix.  Macaulay was the President of Sun Life Company from 1915 to 1934.  The farm, located in Hudson, Quebec, started out as a simple country home and hobby farm until the 1920s when Macaulay bought “Johanna Rag Apple Pabst” (Old Joe) a prize-winning Holstein bull, and six pure-bred Holstein cows (including Abbekerk and Posh lines).  Macaulay was the recipient of a Master Breeder Award and was inducted into the Canadian Agriculture Hall of Fame.

“One of the greatest geneticists of all-time was T.B. Macaulay.  He learned through experiments with corn and beans then put that knowledge into practice by breeding Holstein cattle.  Mt. Victoria Farm was located on a plateau atop a beautiful small mountain near where the Ottawa River flows into the great St. Lawrence.  The herd was founded in 1924 and dispersed in 1942 at an average nearly double the previous record for either a Canadian or a U.S. Holstein dispersal.  Mort Butchers, one of history’s greatest herdsmen, played an important part at Mt. Victoria.  In 1948, six years after the dispersal, there were six Gets of Sire shown at the Royal Winter Fair.  The first five were all by bulls carrying the “Montvic” prefix.  Montvic Rag Apple Gladiator, sire of Osbornedale Ty Vic, was bred by Mr. Macaulay.”  ~Horace Backus, Seed Stock

Today the main dairy barn is still standing albeit showing some age.  There have been discussions between the current owners, the Town of Hudson and the Historical Society about the future of the site.  This small remnant of a world-famous farm is of considerable heritage and architectural interest.

An Unlikely Buyer Makes a Very Generous Gesture

While other times on the Bullvine I have taken the liberty to point out some of the failings of some of other dairy publications (read Are Other Diary Publications Big, Fat, Lazy Couch Potatoes?), it’s only fair that I point out some of the great things they do as well.  Case in point, Peter English, long time publisher of the Holstein, purchased the Mount Victoria framed print for $4,500 and indicated that it should be hung in Andrea’s Barn at Broad Cove/ Hi-Calibre Holsteins to await her return.

I have had the pleasure to know Peter for pretty much my whole life.  Though at times we’ve had “elevated” conversations, there is one thing that I know to be true:   Peter is a person of great quality.  I just wish that he would put more of his great character into the Journal, a magazine that I have been pretty much raised on and which to this day still holds a near and dear place in my heart.  Who knows maybe I should put my money where my mouth is and just buy it?

The Rest of the Story

The consigners lists for The Friends of Andrea Crowe Fundraiser reads as a who’s who of the eastern and Canadian dairy industry (Crasdale/Tuytel/Walkerbrae,Eastside/Lewisdale,Lindenright/Bellton, Don Fraser, Ferme Jacobs, Blair Weeks, Lookout/ Tuytels, Ferme Blondin, Westgen, Nicholas Pelletier, Glen MacNeil, Ferme Gillette and Rocky Mountain, Sunnylodge, Belcher Holsteins, Brian Enright, Cobequid, Bernadale, MapelWood – Oconnors & GenerVations, Tom and Laury Degroot, Semex, Jetstream Genetics Eastgen, AHN Select Sires, The Bullvine, Cowsmo, Genervations, Suntor Holsteins, Idee Holsteins, Mapleisle Holsteins, ABS, Adam Hodgins, Holstein Canada, Holstein World, NSAB, Dairy Agenda today and CRV).

However, no sale would be complete without those willing to put their money where their mouth is, and so it’s great to see the following individuals and organizations stepping up to help a worthy cause:  Ponderosa Holstein, Wendon Holsteins, Zimmer Holsteins, Pat Conroy, Gary Jones, Adam Hodgins, Rob Heffernan, Ponderosa Holstein, Valleyville, Ferme Blondin, Luke McLellan, Connie McLellan, Dann Brady, Semex Finland, Wilsim Dairy, Joseph O’Callaghan, Crasdale Farms, Curtis Moxsom, Dandyland Farm, Ron Stewart, Pat Conroy, Rockhill Dairy, Les Terpstra, John Greenough, Gilles Bernard, Birkentree,  Joel Phoenix, Frank MacKenize, Albert Cormier, Peter English, Bruce Wood, Brian Yuill, Lookout Holsteins, Extondale Farms, Jennifer VandeSande, Cowsmopolitain.  A special thanks goes out to Ferme Jacobs & Ty-D as they purchased our offering of a website and social media package (watch for this great site to come soon).

It’s also important to not forget those who have put made cash donations to this worthy cause: Chris and Jenn Hill, Crasdale Farms, Derwin Clowe, Scot Frazee, Central Nova, Straiside, AHP, Lorna Thompson, Wade Dickie, Peter Vail, Ian Mathers, James Black/Petra Meier, Scott/Kritina Culbertson, Butz-Hill Exports, Hollis Newson, NS Branch, Brian & Sharon Connor, MacBeath Farms, Damien & Lynn Maconald, Jamie Farrell, Knonaudale Farms, Abelaine, Helen Craswell, Vicki Fletcher, Elgin Craig & family, John and Karen Buckley, Gerald Coughlin & Jason Mell, Mike & Alison West, John & Heather Werry, Michael Heath, Aaron & Caitlin Eaton, Ethan McMillan, Martin Roberge, Richard Villeneuve, Bryce Seaborn, Steve & John Velthuis, Stephane Tardif, Marie-Philip Brisson, Frank Putman, Rick Shaw, Greg Mclean, Gary Jebson, Scott Buckley, Patrick Baird, John & Alice Devries, Gord and Patti Sharp, Tom Hawman, Don Donnan, Cybel Fisher, Bob Crowe, Neil Hyde and Mike & Jessica Phoenix.  If you are interested in making such a donation please send your cheque payable to Atlantic Holstein News, PO Box 191 Truro, NS B6L 2E2.  Please indicate on the cheque it is for the Friends of Andrea Crowe Fundraiser.  (No tax receipts will be issued)

For those looking to support Andrea, you can also like our Facebook page, for all new likes before August 18th we will donate $1 to the Fundraiser


Weekly Show and Sale Recap– 8/11/2012


  • Finnish National Show
    The British judge John Gribbon judged the National Show in Finland and selected Gårdsby Stormatic Vilarosa EX-92 as his Grand Champion, with Bra Ko Shottle Sonya being Reserve Champion. Also in Finland, the Semex Day and Semex Sale took place, where Katja and Tatu Weman paid the top price of €6000 for Delaberge Goldwyn Leanne. (source:
  • Lebanon County Holstein Show
    Friday, August 3, 2012
    Judge – Donovan Hollingsworth, MD
    158 head exhibited

    • Junior Champion – Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn-ET (Fall Yearling) -Brad Hoover, Nathan Heim, Bryant & Holly Hlavaty
    • Res. Jr. Champion – Cassridge Palermo Spring (Spring Calf) – Barry Hostetter and Jon Beiler
    • Grand Champion – Lylehaven Pronto Lorena -ET ( Sr. 3 yr.old) – Dale and Loren Zimmerman, Bryant Hlavaty and Brad Hoover
    • Res. Gr. Champion – Kirbyville Aspen Sneaker-ET ( 4 year old) – Briana Balmer
    • Best Bred & Owned – Brook-Corner Sanchez Mayhem ( Sr. 2 year old) – Aaron Hoover
    • Premier Breeder & Exhibitor – Brook-Corner Holsteins, Reid & Diane Hoover & Family
  • 2012 Northern Tier Championship Show
    Aug. 2 – Meshoppen, PA
    Judge – Dennis Patrick, Woodbine, MD
    Total shown – 100

    • Junior Champion: Siemers FVR Haya Queen-ET (Crackholm Fever), 1st summer yearling, Spencer Weimer, Emlenton, PA
    • Res. Junior Champion: Sweet Peas Asteroid Amber (Kingsmill Gdwyn Asteroid), 1st winter yearling, Sweet Peas Holsteins, Susquehanna, PA
    • Senior & Grand Champion and Best Bred & Owned: Scarlet Summer RB Gwendelyn (STBVQ Rubens *RC), 1st 125,000-lb. cow, Scarlet Summer Holsteins, Muncy, PA
    • Res. Senior & Res. Grand Champion: Jor-Col Ross Sophie (Plain-O Durham Ross 331), 1st Sr. 3-year-old, Jordan Snyder, Rome, PA
    • Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Sweet Peas Holsteins, Lloyd & Denise Pease family, Susquehanna, PA
    • Junior Champion: Siemers FVR Haya Queen-ET (Crackholm Fever-ET), 1st summer yearling, Spencer Weimer, Emlenton, PA
    • Res. Junior Champion: Calkins Farm Marconi Rach (Freyrehaven Marconi), 1st winter calf, Gordon Calkins, Troy, PA
    • Senior & Grand Champion and Best Bred & Owned: Jor-Col Ross Sophie (Plain-O Durham Ross 331), 1st Sr. 3-year-old, Jordan Snyder, Rome, PA
    • Res. Senior & Res. Grand Champion: Jor-Col Damion Angel (Erbacres Damion), 1st Jr. 2-year-old, Jordan Snyder, Rome, PA
  • 2012 California State Fair Junior Milking Shorthorn Show
    Jul. 24 – Sacramento, CA
    Judge – Paul Trapp, Taylor, WI
    Total shown – 5

    • Junior Champion: Innisfail JO Lily 066 EXP (Innisfail Jonathon Twin), 1st fall yearling, Sarah Ainsworth
    • Res. Junior Champion: Innisfail KM Lily 077 (Kuzmar Megadeth), 1st winter yearling, James Robinson
    • Senior & Grand Champion: Innisfail CY Princess 927 (Mysha McNutmeg Cyclone), 1st 3-year-old, Kasidi Barcelos
    • Res. Senior & Res. Grand Champion: Innisfail RU Emily 047 EP (Innisfail Reu Ruben), 1st Jr. 2-year-old, James Robinson
  • 2012 California State Fair Junior Guernsey Show
    Jul. 22 – Sacramento, CA
    Judge – Paul Trapp, Taylor, WI
    Total shown – 8

    • Junior Champion: Faria Farms Messenger Mamba (Faria Farms Messenger), 1st spring yearling, Sierra Omlin
    • Res. Junior Champion: Faria Farms Mentor Narelle-ET (Mar Ral Royal Mentor), 1st winter yearling, Victoria Shuey
    • Senior & Grand Champion: Faria Farms Success Lisa (Idle Neer Success), 1st 3-year-old, Anton Fernandes
    • Res. Senior & Res. Grand Champion: Faria Farms Messenger Manila (Faria Farms Messenger), 1st Jr. 2-year-old, Benjamin Howard
  • 2012 California State Fair Junior Brown Swiss Show
    Jul. 22 – Sacramento, CA
    Judge – Paul Trapp, Taylor, WI
    Total shown – 33

    • Junior Champion & Overall Supreme Junior Champion: Top diMark Flash Blue (Top diMark Dynasty Flash), 1st summer yearling, John Paul Regusci
    • Res. Junior Champion: Willow Branch Legacy Willdee (Blessing Mort Lavra Legacy), 2nd summer yearling, Nicole Sanders
    • Senior & Grand Champion & Overall Supreme Champion: Busy Bee Syndicate Jasper ( Red Brae Prelude Zeus ), 1st 5-year-old, Elisabeth Regusci
    • Res. Senior & Res. Grand Champion: Bridge View Sunlove Jazzie (Bridge View Sunlover), 1st Sr. 2-year-old, Elisabeth Regusci
  • 2012 California State Fair Junior Jersey Show
    Jul. 24 – Sacramento, CA
    Judge – Paul Trapp, Taylor, WI
    Total shown – 71

    • Junior Champion & Overall Supreme Res. Junior Champion: Elliots Blackstone Chanel-ET (Lencrest Black Stone), 1st intermediate calf, Jacqueline Kisst
    • Res. Junior Champion: Yosemite Action Jenn-ET (Forest Glen Avery Action), 1st senior calf, McCalister Russell
    • Senior & Grand Champion & Overall Supreme Res. Champion: Select PHS Madelina-ET (Pine Haven Senior), 1st 4-year-old, Rebecca Sanders
    • Res. Senior & Res. Grand Champion: Yosemite Redwood Fanclub Cherry (Schultz Paragon Redwood), 1st 5-year-old, McCalister Russell
  • 2012 California State Fair Junior Holstein Show
    Jul. 23 – Sacramento, CA
    Judge – Paul Trapp, Taylor, WI
    Total shown – 56

    • Junior Champion: Scientific Pico Doll-Red-ET (La Presentation Picolo-Red), 1st senior calf, Elise Regusci
    • Res. Junior Champion: BVK Alexander Adalira-ET (Golden-Oaks St Alexander), 1st winter yearling, Tony Garcia
    • Senior & Grand Champion: Zendi Outside Nutmeg (Comestar Outside), 1st aged cow, Brandon Almeida
    • Res. Senior & Res. Grand Champion: Paulo-Bro-SP Shari-Red-ET (KHW Kite Advent-Red), 1st Sr. 3-year-old, Macey Pearson
  • Virginia Summer Holstein Show
    August 4, 2012 – Harrisonburg, VA
    Judge: Gayle Carson
    87 Total Head

    • Junior Champion – Open: Harvue Atwood Emily Ann (1st Fall Yearling), Matt Hardesty
    • Reserve Junior Champion – Open: Heiz-Acres Damion Flower (1st Spring Yearling), Heiz-Acres
    • Junior Champion-Youth: Ehrhardt Sanchez Liz-ET (1st Winter Yearling), Cole & Isabelle Leonard
    • Reserve Junior Champion-Youth: Harvue Goldwyn Legend-ET (1st Fall Calf), Davey Hardesty
    • Senior & Grand Champion – Open Show: Mer-Gold Jet Montana (1st 4 yr old), James & LaVaun Janney and Malorie Rhoderick
    • Reserve Senior & Grand Champion – Open Show: Harvue Roy Luck (1st 5 yr old), Harvue Farm
    • Senior & Grand Champion-Junior Show: H-Two-O Advent Excetra-ET (1st Sr 3 yr old), Joseph Gilbert
    • Reserve Senior & Grand Champion- Junior Show: Harvue Roy Divine (Futurity Winner), Davey Hardesty
  • St. Lawrence County NY Holstein Show
    August 4, 2012 – Gouverneur, NY
    Judge: Gerald Coughlin, Peterborough, Ontario
    96 Total Head

    • Junior Champion Jr. Show: Gebarten Alexander Evie (Golden-Oaks St Alexander), 1st spring calf, Ryan Morrill
    • Res. Junior Champion Jr. Show: Fanico Reginald Marty (RegancrestDL Reginald-ET), 1st fall calf, Paige Morrill
    • HM Junior Champion Jr. Show: Purple Fever Dempsey Sam (Lirr Drew Dempsey), 1st winter calf, Taylor Morrill
    • Junior Champion Open Show: Gebarten Alexander Evie (Golden-Oaks St Alexander), 1st spring calf, Ryan Morrill
    • Res. Junior Champion Open. Show: Fanico Reginaed Marty (RegancrestDL Reginald-ET), 1st fall calf, Paige Morrill
    • HM Jr. Champion Open Show: Carpsview Destry Exquisite (Scientific Destry-ET), 1st summer yearling, Woodcrest Dairy & Kevin and Barb Ziemba
    • Intermediate & Grand Champion Jr. Show: Hurcroft Sanchez Whitey (Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez), 1st jr. 2-year-old, Natalie Chambers
    • Res. Intermediate & Res. Grand Champion Jr. Show: Liddleholme Roxbury-Red-ET (Carrousel Resurrect-Red-ET), 1st sr. 2-year-old, Jennifer King
    • HM Intermediate Champion: Ziems Pontiac Izzy-ET (Klumbs Durham Pontiac), 2nd sr. 2-year-old, Zachary Young
    • Intermediate Champion Open Show: ZBW-JP At Last-ET (Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET), 1st jr. 2-year-old, Woodcrest Dairy & Kevin and Barb Ziemba
    • Res. Intermediate Champion Open Show: Bodnar Baccardi Belle (Gen-I-Beq Shottle Baccardi), 1st jr. 3-year-old, Sara Hargrave
    • HM Intermediate Champion Open Show: Ziems-EF Sanchez Eternal-ET (Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez), 1st sr. 2-year-old, Woodcrest Dairy
    • Sr. Champion Jr. Show: Gebarten Stormatic Salsa (Comestar Stormatic-ET), 1st 5-year-old, Paige Morrill
    • Res. Sr. Champion Jr. Show: Roput Battleship Joker-TW (Schaulane Battleship-ET), 1st 4-year-old, Adam Young
    • Sr. & Grand Champion Open Show: SRF-ZBW Storm Lucky-ET (Comestar Stormatic-ET), 1st 5-year-old, Kevin & Barb Ziemba
    • Res. Sr. & Res. Grand Champion Open Show: Sibert Goldwyn Stacey-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st 4-year-old, Woodcrest Dairy and Kevin & Barb Ziemba
    • HM Grand Champion Open Show: ZBW-JP At Last-ET (Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET), 1st jr. 2-year-old, Woodcrest Dairy & Kevin and Barb Ziemba
    • Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Roput Farms
  • 2012 Northern Tier Red & White Show
    Aug. 2 – Meshoppen, PA
    Judge – Dennis Patrick, Woodbine, MD
    Total shown – 46

    • Junior Champion: Saybrook-MRK C Cori-Red-ET (Patience Showline Contender-Red), 1st fall calf, Carly Sherwood, Meshoppen, PA
    • Res. Junior Champion: Long-Brook Sec Dandy-Red-ET (Crackholm Secure-Red), 1st spring yearling, Carly Sherwood, Meshoppen, PA
    • Senior & Grand Champion: Jon-Lu Cal Fine-Red (MD-Valleyvue SS Cal-Red), 1st 4-year-old, Promise-Haven Farm, Ulster, PA
    • Res. Senior & Res. Grand Champion: Arethusa Adv Maiden-Red-ET (KHW Kite Advent-Red), 1st Sr. 3-year-old, Marlin & Mark Shultz, Danville, PA
    • Best Bred & Owned: Castlemont Spitfire Red-ET (Lynncrest Cashman-Red), Jr. 2-year-old, Bryan Castrogiovanni, Montrose, PA
  • Middlesex County Holstein Show
    August 8, 2012
    Ilderton, ON
    98 head

    • Junior Champion – Heather Holme Goldwyn Mist (Goldwyn), Senior Yearling, Glen & Curtis McNeil, ON
    • Reserve Junior Champion – Cavanaleck Braxton Aspire (Braxton), Summer Yearling, Cavanaleck Farms Ltd., ON
    • HM Junior Champion – Cavanaleck BG Bruin (Goldwyn), Senior Calf, Cavanaleck Farms., ON
    • Grand Champion – Cavanaleck Dundee Olivia (Dundee), 4 Year Old, Cavanaleck Farms., ON
    • Reserve Grand Champion – Cavanaleck Gibson Pretty (Gibson), Mature Cow, Cavanaleck Farms., ON
    • HM Grand Champion – Heather Holme Dundee Malibu (Dundee), Mature Cow, Glen & Curtis McNeil, ON
    • Premier Breeder – Cavanaleck Farms Ltd, ON
    • Runner up Premier Breeder – Hillmark Holsteins, ON
    • Premier Exhibitor – Cavanaleck Farms Ltd, ON
    • Runner up Premier Exhibitor – Hillmark Holsteins, ON


  • Island Heat Wave Sale
    Average $5823 on live and choices

    • Lot 9 .$46,000 – MS Lookout Pesce Neva-ET GTPI +2459 Super x De-Su 9842-ET x VG-88 De-Su 7051-ET x 5 VG or EX dams – Buyer: La Granja Ponderosa, Spain
    • Lot 2.$25,000 – Butz-Butler GLD Brittney-ET VG-85 2yr x EX 90 Brasilia x Barbie Buyer: Walkerbrae Holsteins, ON
    • Lot 102B. $24,000 Morsan Miss Congeniality VG (Manoman x Ex-95 “Missy” WDE & RWF Supreme 2011 Buyer: Lindenright Holsteins, NS
  • International Intrigue Averages $36,845
    The fourth edition of the International Intriugue Sale took place on Saturday, August 4th at Butlerview Farm in Chebanse, Illinois. It was a hot summer day and the bidding was even hotter as 139 full lots averaged an astounding $36,845 on 139 lots with a total gross of $5,121,500. Cattle sold to 16 states and 5 provinces as an enthusiastic crowd overflowed the sale tent. (source:

    • Topping the sale at $490,000 was Lot 3 – Cookview Goldwyn Monique, the EX-92 senior 3-year-old that won her class at the NY International Spring Show and was named Grand Champion at the Quebec Spring Show earlier this year. She’ll hold down a box stall at Butlerview as Jeff Butler and Joe & Amber Price signed the ticket for Monique.
    • Butlerview will also be the new home for Silvermaple Damion Camomile VG-89-CAN, the Damion daughter that was All-American and All-Canadian Junior 3-Year-Old in 2011. Consigned by Stanhope/Wedgwood and Ben & Suzanne Cuthbert, Camomile sold for $290,000.
    • The #1 GTPI & GLPI Sudan female – Mapel Wood Sudan Licorice – created lots of buzz at the sale and sold for $200,000 to Mark Butz of Iowa. Licorice carries a +2543 GTPI and a +3992 GLPI and is out of a Man-O-Man daughter of Comestar Goldwyn Lilac VG-89 who is making waves in the genomic world for the Lila Z family. Licorice was consigned by Mapel Wood Farms, Genervations and O’Connor Land & Cattle Co. of Ontario.Virginia Sale of Stars Averages $2,540
  • The Virgina Sale of Stars
    The Virgina Sale of Stars was held on Friday afternoon August 3rd in Harrisonburg. Managed by Landis Marketing, Daniel Brandt and the Virginia Holstein Association, the sale averaged $2,540 on 99 full lots. (source:

    • Topping the sale at $15,800 was Lot 3, Stump-Valley Smrk Shira-ET, +2417GTPI Shamrock from an EX Durham followed by a VG-86 Boss Iron.   Consigned by Stump-Valley Holsteins of Myerstown, PA, she was purchased by Sexing Technology, TX.
    • The second highest seller at $9300 was  lot 11, Ernest-Anthony Amaya-Red-ET.  Amaya is sired by Jotan and due in October to Attitude-Red.   Her dam is an EX September Storm followed by All-American EX-94 Lee Alice.   The next dam is the renowned EX-94 Chief Adeen.
    • Lot 5, the only choice in the sale was the 3rd highest seller at $8800.   Dr Patrick Comyn bid last on a choice of Massey or Latimer calves from Brandt-View Planet Posey-ET VG-86 EX-MS  +2208 GTPI.    Posey has several brothers in A.I. and is from VG-86 Shottle Fern.
  • Plushanski Farms Complete Dispersal Report
    Plushanski Farms Complete Dispersal held on July 25th was a tremendous success with 530 head selling for an average of $1,313 on 501 full lots (4 months of age & older).  The tent was packed with neighbors and breeders from across the great state of Pennsylvania & surrounding states.  400 head were sold individually with short bred heifers down to hutch calves offered in groups of 5 to 15 head. (source:

    • The sale topper, lot 1590, sold for $4,000.00 to James Younker of Fleetwood, PA.  Sired by Manager & classified VG-88 @ 3yrs, she sold due 12/16 to Plushanski Hayden Farhay.  This 6th Generation VG or EX cow’s 8th dam was “Chief Faith”.  Her daughter by Man-O-Man, lot 1896, sold for $2,800.00, also purchased by James Younker.
    • Plushanski’s built a new freestall ten years ago and the state of the art facility with a capacity for 500 cows along with 320 acres of land will be offered at public auction on Monday, September 25th at 12 Noon.  The better young cows in the sale sold for $1,700. to 2,400.00 and a number of close bred heifers were selling from $1,600.00 to $2,000.00.
  • High Hill Farms Complete Dispersal held on July 31st
    The High Hill Farms Complete Dispersal was finally held on July 31st on a beautiful day in Sharon Springs, NY.  The sale was originally scheduled for June 21st but had to be postponed for herd health reasons.  The final average on the day stood at $1,592 on 114 head.   (source:

    • Topping the sale for $7,100.00 was lot 13, a VG-87 Red Advent selling fresh in may and backed by 8 EX dams from the world famous “Roxie’s”!  The buyers were Robert Sloss III & George Morgan of Walton, NY!
    • Sloss & Morgan also took home lot 16, a VG-87 Jasper with a tremendous udder, again from the “Roxie” family!  Walter Brooks of PA, took home lot 14, a GP-83 Red Advantage-Red dtr fresh in May from the “Roxie’s” for $4,500.00.

Who Is Going To Miss You When You Die?

This week has been very challenging for me.  Our family unfortunately lost my grandfather to cancer earlier this week and while I was able to go and spend some great quality time with him just before he passed, I had to be out of the country on business mid-week and meant that I have not been able to support my family as I would like to.  On the plus side it has given me time to reflect as I sat on the airplane for 5+ hours and thought about just how amazing the dairy community is.

It’s about the community

The biggest thing that stands out is how the dairy community steps up and helps their own.  This week marks a great event, Friends of Andrea Crowe Fundraiser, being put on by the friends and family of Andrea Crowe in support of her battle with cancer (to read more It’s Time to Pull Together and Support One of Our Own).

The way the dairy community has come to her support and is not something you find every day.  This struck me as I was talking with some business executives and they talked about how a child of a contemporary’s child was in a battle for their life.  These executives who had more than enough means to offer help, just shrugged their shoulders and moved on to the next topic of discussion.  They did not think to ask what they could do to help.  They did not go out and start a fundraiser to help the family.

I am extremely impressed with the work that Angela Masters, Brian Craswell, Amber Craswell, Blair Weeks, Bloyce Thompson, Bruce Wood, Marie-Eve Veronneau and many others that have been putting in so much effort in order to help support Andrea.  Often the best way to show you care is not with words, but with action, and the members of the Eastern Canadian dairy community are doing exactly that.

Did you step up and contribute

When my paternal grandfather past 9 years ago I learned a huge life lesson that I will never forget.  My grandfather achieved many successes in his life.  He had been a Master Breeder, won many awards for his community involvement but the one thing that I learned is that it’s not about what awards you win or how much money you make, it’s about the effect you had on the people around you.  He always worked at helping young farmers and members of the community to progress.  He was never a schoolteacher but it not surprising that many of his daughters did become teachers.  When he passed the number of people that came out to pay tribute to the effect he had on their lives was overwhelming.

This week when my maternal grandfather passed I was reminded, it’s not about how much money, it’s about who will remember you when you are gone.  Which is a lesson I need reminding from time to time, as I seek to grow the companies I run.  Since the death of my first grandfather there has not been a day that I have not thought of him.  The role models that both my grandfather’s were and my father still is, has me striving every day to be a better father to my children, husband to my wife and member of my community.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Life is not about how much money you make, or show winners you breed.  Life is about being a part of your community, and there is no better community in the world than that of the dairy community.  I have put up a sign in my office that says “Who Is Going To Miss You When You Die?” and each day I am going to make sure that I do at least one act that will contribute to my community so that when I pass at least one person will say, that “Andrew Hunt made difference”. Thank you Grandpa Sterling and Grandpa George for showing me what it means to make a difference.


Is Polled the NEW Red?

For years breeders who were looking for something a little different could use a Red and White sire. While this meant usually using a sire of lesser overall genetic merit, the resulting unique colour often made the reward worth it for many breeders.  But it seems more recently some breeders have moved their focus from using red and white sire to polled sires.    Prompting us to ask “Is Polled the New Red?”

Key reasons polled is the new red

  • Consumer Demand
    While consumers for the most part could care less what colour the cow their milk comes from, they do care about the treatment of the animals.  This gives polled a significant advantage as it does not require the animals to be dehorned. (read more Polled Genetics: Way of the future or passing fad)
  • Herd Advancement
    For years breeders have had the enjoyment of breeding for R&W calf, the motivation for such was mostly personal.  Contrary to that, polled breeding offers more direct herd impact in the need or should we say no need since you don’t have to de-horn calves.
  • Revenue Potential
    While the opportunities to breed some of the top index cattle in the world to red and white or polled sires has existed for years, for the most part they have been left as a niche market.  But as more breeders look to see where the end user consumer market is headed, they have started to more and more use polled genetics on their top index cattle.  As a result the prices for high index polled females have been sky rocketing lately. Ask anyone with a polled female at or near 2000 GTPI what kind of interest they are getting, and they will all tell you everyone is trying to buy them, and the A.I and embryo interest is extreme. (read more They’re Sold on Polled)

Will red & white survive?

This trend of breeders endorsing polled sires would cause some to wonder if that means the end of the red and white market.  While yes both have traditionally played to niche markets and there are only so many niches to go around.  I would say that for the most part polled is more opening up new markets as opposed to stealing the red and white market.

The other interesting part is when it comes to the show ring.  The growth over the past 10 years in the red and white show market has been significant.  To the point where you see more and more red and white animals that could compete in the traditional black and white classes.  Since the traditional red and white breeders do so for the uniqueness, I would think that this trend would just continue.  I have yet to find a breeder using polled sires to get the next Royal or Madison Grand Champion.  Polled breeders are doing more for economic impact than show ring success.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

While there is no question that in the past 18 months or so the demand for polled genetics has gone to new heights.  Prices for the top GTPI or LPI polled animals have reached outstanding levels.  Never before have we seen the top index cattle being mated to what was a traditional “niche” market.  While this will only have to rapidly improve the genetic gain and selection in the polled market, the polled market is very much a different segment of the marketplace than the red and white market.  So yes, polled is way more “trendy” at this point and time than red and white, it’s more of a growth of new markets than a stealing of the red and white market.


Genetic Evaluations – Why the Sky Is Not Falling

As more and more early high genomic young sires are getting their daughter proofs in next week, I am sure we are going to hear that the sky is falling.  And yes, while there is much certainty that the bulls may drop, that in no way indicates that genomics does not work.

As early proofs have indicated, the large majority of genomic sires will drop.  But that should not have everyone running for the hills.  Instead, what you should do is look at 2 key metrics:  1) How they compare to the proven sires that where available at the same time as the breeding  2) The percentage that are returned to service.

Why genomic bulls may drop

While critics would say that any drop is not acceptable, that just shows that they do not understand how the system works.  There are other reasons that bulls may drop that most breeders may not consider;   here are a few reasons:

  • Hot House Effect
    While we all would like to believe that the system is faultless, that is just not the case.  It’s important to remember that proofs are first and foremost based on herd variation and genetic gain over their parents.  So if a genomic sire is used on a dam who maybe lost a teat, or was sick as a calf and did not develop to her full genetic potential, this will have a huge advantage for the genomic sire.  Same is true if breeders are looking to work that system.  By that, I mean they are going to have other genomic cattle in the herd that do not receive the same level of attention as the families that they are working to have succeeded. (read more here:  Has Genomics Knocked Out The Hot House Effect)
  • Higher Quality Dams
    In the past, young sires were used on G and the odd time a GP dam, but never on your high scoring 2yr olds.  But with genomics, we see sires being used on VG 2 yr olds.  Unless the progeny can score higher than the dam (not account for herd variance), it will be next to impossible for that bull to receive a positive type proof, let alone one that will allow them to be a breed leader.   However, the potential for these sires to have the exact opposite effect is very possible, for instance, they were used on a VG-87 2yr old and her resulting progeny ending up a GP-80 2yr old.  The sire will actually receive a much lower type score as a result.  In reality, it is better to compare and note the similarities between a genomic sires daughter proof to a 2nd crop proof of the past.
  • System Improvements
    As mentioned in the hot house bullet above, the system is not perfect.   These early proofs are based on the best educated guess that the geneticist could do given the data provided.  As more data is available it will be possible to refine the system.  The most useful data they will get will be these early genomic sires with daughter proofs.  This will allow them to see how effects such as being used on higher quality dams will have and how they can adjust the system to account for this.

Does it matter?

The critics will say that the AI companies could care less if the bulls drop.  They have sold so much semen on these young sires at such high rates that they have already made their profit.  And yes, this is partly true.  There is no question that a high genomic young sire will probably become a significant profit as compared to the past when they were a $50,000 investment.   And then there is still the issue of credibility.  It does not take long or many sires killing pedigrees before the clients of these AI companies will start losing business. The other part of the equation is that often these same AI companies have used these sires as sires of sons in their own programs, resulting in a significant risk for their programs and future profits as well.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

What breeders need to remember is, yes, genomic sires may drop.  But instead of running around like Chicken Little announcing the sky is falling, what they need to do is compare those same sires to the proven sires that were at the top of list at the time when they made the breeding decision.  From a systems perspective, it is better to look at what percentage of these genomic young sires are return to service.  This will indicate if the system is working or not.

The Dairy Breeders No BS Guide to Genomics


Not sure what all this hype about genomics is all about?

Want to learn what it is and what it means to your breeding program?

Download this free guide.




BIOSECURITY: Control What’s Coming In, Going Out or Going Around

Although the specifics of a Biosecurity Program will differ from farm to farm, the overriding concern is to keep everything as free of germs as possible and to limit contact between animals. One of the greatest threats of disease to a dairy cow or calf is from other cattle, whether through surfaces, equipment, insects or people contaminated by diseased animals. A disease outbreak in any herd can be financially devastating to the operation.  There are many items to be considered so The Bullvine has looked at what comes in, what goes around and what goes out and has put together three checklists for your consideration.

What’s Coming In?

  • Limit the number of new additions to the dairy herd.
  • As thoroughly as you check out new animals, check out the sources you buy from.
  • One of the best ways to control mycoplasma is to avoid buying cattle from known positive tested herds.
  • Pest and Animals control. Employ rodent and other pest control measures.
  • Prevent birds, rodents, pets and other animals from coming into contact with the herd.
  • Make sure all suppliers and other farm visitors follow your biosecurity measures
  • Avoid borrowing equipment and vehicles from other farms.
  • Lock the doors to the barn.
  • Post a warning sign asking visitors to keep out. Leave a telephone number to call.
  • Limit access to the dairy facilities from outside visitors.
  • Limit access to the dairy herd from outside visitors.

Sign Them In – Write them Up

  • Maintain a log book of all visitors — date, time and origin.
  • Maintain records of the movement of animals and equipment coming in, on and off the premises.
  • Strictly control contact with newly arriving cattle (human and animal traffic, feeding, manure, etc.)

Keep Them Clean

  • Provide clean coveralls and boots for all visitors.
  • Require all visitors to wear clean boots, clothing and gloves.

Test Everything

  • Obtain serum on arrival and test for risk adverse diseases.
  • Maintain banked serum from new arrivals.
  • Test every new lot of hay or load of feed.
  • Test feedstuffs for microbial content, including molds, aflatoxin and salmonella.
  • Although salmonella most often enters a dairy through contaminated feed, new/replacement animals should also be tested for salmonella.
  • All new cattle should also be tested for the presence of mycoplasma.
  • In addition, sample the bulk tank at least monthly and preferably bi-weekly for problem organisms
  • Embryo transfer recipients can be a source on infectious disease, test appropriately.
  • Test all calves from purchased cattle for persistent infection with BVDV.
  • Require hoof trimmers to sanitize their chutes, tables, knives, and other equipment.

What’s going Around?

  • Identification
    • Identify all animals with proper ear tags for traceability.
    • Establish a functional record-keeping system.
  • Isolation:
    • Use proper quarantining of returning animals (from shows, sales, other farms etc.)
    • Isolate sick animals from the rest of the herd.
    • Isolate any new animals or animals returning to the herd.
    • Separate cattle by age or production groups.
    • Use a separate enclosure for isolating animals.
    • Be aware that multiple livestock species can share and transmit diseases.
  • Sanitation:
    • Routinely clean and disinfect buildings, barns, equipment, clothing and footwear.
    • Buildings should be thoroughly cleaned of all organic debris and pressure-washed using approved disinfectants.
    • Spray all surfaces with a commercial-grade disinfectant.
    • After each calving, all bedding, cleansings and discharges should be removed and cleaning and disinfection procedures should be repeated. That includes all buckets, tools, vehicles and utensils.
    • Never use moldy or dusty bedding.
  • Vaccination:
    • Develop a strategic vaccination program with your herd veterinarian.
    • Vaccinate cattle against certain diseases.
    • Vaccinate on arrival with standard herd protocol and re-vaccinate (booster) in 3-4 weeks prior to leaving quarantine facilities.
    • It’s also vital that producers follow label directions for the vaccinations and medications they use.
    • Immediately report any signs of illness to your veterinarian or the nearest CFIA office.
  • Ventilation
    • Check buildings for good, draft-free ventilation. One way to do this is to use the smoke-bucket technique–you burn some straw in a metal bucket and observe how the smoke escapes the building.
    • Don’t overstock areas.
  • Transportation
    • Maintain records of the movement of animals leaving the farm.
    • Maintain records of the movement of equipment leaving the farm.
  • Implementation
    • Monitor herd health daily.
    • Employ veterinary services to help implement herd health programs.
    • Train all staff in the application of your biosecurity program.
    • Regularly monitor the effectiveness of the program.
    • Be aware of any diseases in your area and just your Biosecurity Program to meet specific needs, as required.

What’s going Out?

  • The goal is to prevent mixing of age groups.
  • Promptly dispose of dead animals. Implement a manure management program.
  • Calving should occur in a designated building away from the rest of the herd.
  • Utilize individual calf hutches for newborn calves. Thoroughly disinfect between uses.
  • Designate a cleaning area for vehicles and equipment.
  •  Isolate sick and diseased cattle with unusual clinical signs or cattle that do not respond to customary treatments.
  •  Have a veterinarian necropsy (autopsy) any animal that dies from undetermined causes and dispose of dead animals promptly.


  • If the target organism(s) is detected, the options for maintaining biosecurity will depend on the number of animals that are infected. If only a few cows are infected, these can be removed from the herd.


  • Implement strict quarantine procedures.
  • When selling cull cows and bull calves, identify a location outside of the barn for cattle buyers to pick up these animals without entering the barn.

Traffic control

  • Don’t share (on feet or clothing or tools or equipment)  pathogens from your farm with others
  • Exhibiting cattle at fairs presents a risk of disease transmission (a lower risk than others).
  • Food safety is also a vital part of biosecurity, Salmonella-contaminated milk or other products that may leave the farm are a still a very real threat to food safety.


  • Reduce manure contamination of water sources, bunks, feeds and feeding equipment.
  • Keep cattle out of mud, streams and farm ponds.  Water and mud are havens for coliform bacteria and organisms like Pseudomonas aeruginosa that can cause mastitis.
  • Keeping cattle out of streams not only protects animals on the farm, it also reduces the possibility of contaminating animals downstream—or spreading organisms to other animals such as fish.
  • Controlling manure runoff and following proper waste management guidelines makes for healthier soils and animals.


A disease outbreak in any herd can be financially devastating to the operation. Take the time to make sure you know what is coming in, going around and going out. Protect your farm.  Protect your future.

International Intrigue – The Secret Is Exposed!

The wind was blowing and cash was flying”, and that was just from the auctioneer’s box.  All kidding aside!  They really blew the lid off the secret of success, when it came to the amazing International Intrigue Sale “Sell great cattle, work with great people and you will have great results!”  And so, another tremendous International Intrigue Sale went into the books with an average of $36,704 on 140 lots with a gross of $4,138,600!

Cookview Goldwyn Monique

Leading the Intrigue way is the not so secret agent – Cookview Goldwyn Monique EX-92.  In naming Monique Grand Champion at Quebec Spring Show, Judge Mike Deaver stated she was “nearly flawless and just runs away with this show.”  For some she could even be the best 3yr old ever.  According to the sales catalogue, “With natural progression and good fortune it is our opinion that Monique could be a future Grand Champion at World Dairy Expo and the Royal Winter Fair.”  No surprise then that Butlerview Farm & Joe & Amber Price who paid $490,000 are certainly ready to put their money where their mouth is.

Not since Brookview Tony Charity, over 25 years ago, has there been a reigning Grand or Reserve Grand Champion cow selling at public auction.  Silvermaple Damion Camomile did just that and brought an outstanding $290,000.  A price that may look cheap for a potential Grand Champion who is also the dam of the highest PTAT Bolton daughter in the world (4.14).  The part that makes this cow a potential major moneymaker for her new owners, Butlerview, is that she can also flush (51 Embryos on last four flushes) and we all know how necessary great flushing is, when  buying cows in this expense range (read more What Comes First The Chicken Or The Egg?).

What is a top sale without a high genomic daughter bringing insane prices?  Mapel Wood Sudan Licorice fits that sweet spot.  She is one of the highest rated protein females in the world. She is also the #2 DGV female in the world.  However, there is pedigree to go with her genomics.  Licorice is from the full sister to Lexor from the great Lila Z family.  The Lila Z’s have proven to flush well and make money (read more Lylehaven Lila Z: Was She Really Worth $1.15 Million?, Lessons Learned: 6 Dairy Cattle Investment Secrets Revealed, and It’s in her genes…).  At $200,000, Licorice will certainly need to prove that she is the next great one in that amazing family.

For great photo’s from the sales check out Butlerview Farm’s on Facebook.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

When looking at the sale buyer’s sheet, we see sale co-host Butlerview buying many of the top animals.  Much like Rocky Mountain Holsteins at their recent Rocky Mountain High Sale, this is not outside their normal activity.  When you get top breeding programs such as these ones, where they are selecting cattle that they are going to attach their reputation to, of course they are going to pick cattle that they love and would buy.  Such is the case here.  Butlerview simply putting their money where their mouth is.  They worked very hard to get an outstanding lineup of cattle and they are certainly not afraid to invest.  So, “That’s the secret!!”



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The rest of the story

1 – $52,000 MS Atlees Goldwyn Ariel-ET EX-92, Goldwyn x Atlee
10 – $16,500 BVK Atwood Ana-ET (full sister to dam of Lot 9) born March ’11, Hardys Holsteins, buyer
100 – $15,000 1st choice Supersire x Fortale Marsie Observer, GLPI+2971
103 – $2000 – Butlerview Bookem Shake-ET, a 5/12 Bookem full sister to Shade
103A – $4500 – Butlerview Bookem Shade-ET, a 5/12 Bookem from Vision-Gen Sho A12024-ET x KY-Blue GW Dana-ET (VG-87 +2038 GTPI)
104 – $5500 – 1st choice Let it Snow from July IVF flush from Vision-Gen Sho A12024-ET (GTPI +2224)
105 – $5600 – 1st choice Supersire from June flush from Ms Alex Christmas Day-ET x Regancrest S Chassity-ET (EX-92 DOM) +2193 GTPI x 7 more VG & EX dams
106 – $12,500 for choice from Courtlane-UR Chassity (EX-90 DOM) x Regancrest S Chassity (EX-92 DOM)
107 – $20,000 – Ms Aubreys Gold Chip Ace-ET, a 12/11 Gold Chip at +3.29T out of Ms Atlees Shottle Aubry-ET VG-88
108 – $25,000 – 1st choice Gold Chip due in March, 2013 out of Ms Atlees Shottle Aubry-ET VG-88 then EX-92 Durham Atlee
110- $8,400 – Toddsdale Braxton Rita-ET, a September calf from Long-Haven Gold Rochelle-ET EX-92
112- $5,000 Silvermaple Windbrook Candy, Dec ’11 Windbrook maternal sister to Camomile
113- $5,700 – Delcreek Femme Fatal Dec ’11 Goldwyn x Delcreek K Royal Ruby, maternal sister to the All-American and All-Canadian Delcreek Fatal Attraction
114- $10,000 – Rotaly Sid Layton Dec ’11 Sid x Rotaly Goldwyns Lizia x Blondin Talent Lasie from the Supra’s!
115 – $4200 – 1st choice Let it Snow from July flush of Rocking-P Bowser Luna-ET +2204 GTPI
115A – $225/embyro – 4 #1 Let it Snow embryos from Luna – IVF females
115B – $200/embryo – 4 #1 Let it Snow embryos from Luna
116 – $10,000 – Claquato-RHH At Rocky Ridge – due 8/12 to Advent – Atwood daughter of High-Mountain Ridge-ET (VG-88) x Ms Astrahoe Reno Storm Riva (VG-86) x Pinehurst Royal Rosa family
119- $14,500 – Budjon-JK Atwood Elmond-ET November ’12 Atwood x Budjon-JK Durham Embrace-ET EX-95
12 – $8,500 – Sildajak Tristan Sassy 3-Red – R&W Senior 2-year-old
120- $8,000 – Budjon-JK BX Emma Lynn-ETS Dec ’11 Braxton x Budjon-JK Emilys Edair-ET EX-94
121- $4,000 MS Reese Raizel, 3/10/12 Atwood x Beldavid Goldwyn Reese VG-87 2y
121A- $6,300 – MS Reese Ribbon-ET (Atwood x Reese born 3/14/12)
124 – $20,200 – Robin-Hood Clumbo-ET (EX-91), 3rd 5-year-old Western Spring National 2012 – Durham x Carnation Mica Connie-ET (EX-90) x Carnation Cleitus Caroline-ET (EX-91 2E GMD-DOM) x 8 more VG and EX dams
125- $6,800 Butz-Butler Mac Bam Bam, Mac x Brasilia
126- $9,200 MS Gold Chip Barbra-ET
126A- $14,500
127 – $5800 – Ms Chassity Osmond Casi-ET, a 1/12 Osmond from Regancrest S Chassity (EX-92 DOM)
128 – $8000 – Ms Chassitys Arm Comical-ET, a 3/12 Armitage from Regancrest S Chassity – same family as Gold Chip and Colt 45 – GTPI +2169
129- $3,800 MS Farnear Broc Bronze-ET, an October 2011 Jeeves Jives x Brocade
13- $200,000 Mapel Wood Sudan Licorice GLPI +3992 GTPI +2543 #2 DGV female in the world at +4454 Sudan x Mapel Wood Man O Lucy x Comestar Goldwyn Lilac
130- $2,800 Farnear Brocades Butter ET, Robust x Brocade x Barbie
131 – $7200 – Ms Chassity Super Charo-ET, a 12/10 Super from Regancrest S Chassity (EX-92 DOM)
132 – $3800 – Ms Chassity Sup Charlize-ET, a 12/10 Super from Regancrest S Chassity (EX-92 DOM)
133- $3,900 Farnear Brocade Britestar-ET GTPI +2097, a May 2011 AltaJupiter x Regancrest G Brocade-ET EX-92
139- $15,000 1st choice McCutchen Female x Regancrest DGR Byrsha-ET GTPI +2325
14- $70,000 1st Choice Galaxy x MS Chassity Goldwyn Cash x Chassity
146- $11,000 A&M Bushman Dest Merritt-ET *RC, Destry mat. sister to Sunburst
147- $85,000 Earlen Goldwyn Secret VG-87 2y CAN, Grand Champion 2012 Ontario Summer Show
15- $175,000 Misty Springs Epic Savannah, GLPI +3962, DGV +4481 #1 in the world. March ’12 Epic x Man O Man x Shottle Satin
16 – $53,000 – Ralma Manoman Bluejay-ET +2272 GTPI – a 3/10 Man-O-Man from Ralma Shottle Chickadee-ET (VG-88 DOM) – full sister to Ralma Shottle
17- $165,000 Benner Lavaman Boo Boo #5 GPA LPI heifer in Canada from Gypsy Grand Family
1A- $42,000 MS Annas Epic Andreya-ET GTPI +2422, April ’12 Epic x MS Ariel Freddie Anna-ET x MS Atlees Goldwyn Ariel EX-92
2- $290,000 Silvermaple Damion Camomile VG-89 3y, Res. Grand Champion WDE 2011
20- $38,000 1st choice Mogul x Seagull-Bay Shauna Saturn x Ammon – Peachey Shauna
21 – $129,000 – Hammer-Creek Sha Kassidy-ET, a 2/12 Shamrock at +2589 GTPI – the highest GTPI heifer in the sale!
22 – $50,000 – Regancrest Shamrock Lava-TW, a 12/11 Shamrock with +2549 GTPI from Regancrest Jose Lakisha-ET (VG-87) x Miss Outside Lookin In-ET (VG-88) x 4 more VG & EX dams
23 – $135,000 – Ms Regelcreek Cmrn Ardis-ET, a 4/12 Cameron +2572 GTPI out of a Planet from the Adeen family. The #1 Cameron in the breed!
25- $10,200 – Crossbrook Minister Charity Jr. Champion NY Spring Show, Jr. Champion Mid-East Spring National 2012 Nominated All-American Spring Calf 2011
26 – $17,500 – Claquato-RH Escape-ET (VG-89) – Nom. All-American & All-Canadian 2011 – 9/09 Dundee from Skagvale Miracle Ellee (EX-91) – potential 10th gen. EX
27 – $13,500 – Budjon-Vail Damaris-Red-ET, a 9/2011 red fall calf by Camden-Red out of Budjon Redmarker Desire EX-96 3E
28 – $8,200 – Ms Winterfield SC Trend-Red, a 9/2011 Contender out of 11 EX dams
29- $18,500 Milksource Fever Golden, 1st summer yearling at IL Championship Show 2012
2B- $10,000 2nd choice Windhammer due 11/26/12 x Camomile
3- $490,000 Cookview Goldwyn Monique VG-89, Butler and Price buyers, Gene Iager, contender
30- $10,200 Ehrhardt Gold Chip Lilac-ET, a March ’12 Gold Chip x Idee Lustre EX-95
31- $11,500 Duckett-SA Braxton Fran-ET 9/4/11 x Harvue Roy Frosty EX-97
32 – $20,000 – 1st choice Mascalese or Windbrook out of Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95-CAN, Supreme Champion at Expo and the Royal in 2011
33 – $32,000 – 1st choice Mascalese due in March, 2013 out of Morsan Miss Snow Flake +2172 GTPI, the Snowman daughter of Gold Missy
34 – $23,000 – Butz-Hill Misy GC Madlyn-ET, +2332 GTPI Gold Chip our of a Man-O-Man granddaughter of Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95
35- $19,000 1st Choice Headlienr x Regancrest S Chassity
38- $38,000 1st choice McCutchen x MS Chassity Snowman Clea x Chassity
39A- $122,000 Feb ’12 O-Man Just x Blue-Horizon Planet Edith
39B- $117,000 April ’12 AltaKool x Planet Edith
4 – $154,000 – RockyMountain Gold Winter VG-89-CAN – *RC Goldwyn that will show as a 4-year-old this fall. Nominated All-Canadian and All-American Senior 3-year-old in 2011
40- $60,000 1st choice Uno x Blue-Horizon Planet Edith
41 – $90,000 – choice of 12/11 Shamrocks from Coyne-Farms Fredi Jeven-ET +2286 GTPI x Coyne-Farms Ramos Jelly (VG-85 DOM +2109 GTPI) x 4 more VG & EX dams
42 – $45,000 – 2nd choice Numero Uno out of Sandy-Valley Robust Ruby-ET GTPI +2495
43- $139,000 Aurora-Rama Yano Harmony-ET +2570 GTPI
44- $40,000 Aurora-Rama GChip Havily-ET
45- $125,000 Curr-Vale Delish-Red-ET GTPI +2325
46 -$30,000 – SRP Magnus Z013699, a 3/12 Magnus with +2501 GTPI out of Dorcy dam then the Zip family
47- $120,000 MS Rollen-NC Cam Lexie P-ET *PO *RC #1 GTPI PO heifer in the US
47A- $95,000 MS Rollen-NC Camr Lucy-P-ET *PO*RC #1 PTAT polled animal in the world
49 – $35,000 – 1st choice Mogul due in January, 2013 out of Comestar Lautamire Planet VG-85-CAN, the #1 GLPI cow in Canada at +3584.
5- $187,000 Butz-Butler Gold Barbara-ET VG-87 bred to Atwood, Goldwyn x Brasilia EX-92 x Barbie, Budjon Farms and Peter Vail, buyers
50 – $30,000 – 1st choice Mogul due in October out of Comestar Lautamai Man O Man +2964 GLPI
51- $40,000 – 1st choice Headliner from Feb ’13 calves x Vison-Gen SH Frd A12304-ET x Applouis Jet Stream Alda VG-85
52- $32,000 – 1st choice Mogul x Miller-FF Bookem Esther-ET GTPI +2463 x Nova Shottle Evelyn-ET VG-86
53 – $17,000 – 1st choice Gold Chip x Dubeau Dundee Hezbollah EX-92 from six transfers due March 6, 2013
54- $9,800 – 3rd choice Atwood x Dubeau Dundee Hezbollah EX-92, six females due September
55 – $18,000 – Ms Emilyann Alex Emery-ET (VG-85) – Alexander x Wabash-Way Emilyann-ET (VG-88 DOM) x Crockett-Acres Elita-ET (VG-87 DOM) x 9 more VG & EX dams
56 – $4,000 – Quality-Ridge Advn Abby-Red, Res. Grand Champion MN State Show 2012 – Advent x Quality-Ridge Talent Anita (VG-87)
57 – $24,000 – Ms Talent Applicious-Red, an EX-91 Talent daughter of All-American Apple
57A – $8,500 – 1st choice of Redburst or Atwood out of Ms Talent Applicious-Red EX-91
58 – $26,500 – BBM Gold Chip Apple-ET, a *RC +2151 GTPI Gold Chip daughter of Ms Candy Apple-Red-ET VG-87, then EX-95 Apple
59- $9,500 – 1st choice Supersire x MS Goldwyn Adorable-ET RC VG-87 x MS Talent Applicious-Red-ET GP-84 CAN
6- $48,000 Regancrest Brasilia-ET EX-92, Shottle x Barbie
60 – $7800 – Robin-Hood LKI Carrissa – 3/10 Atwood x Robinhood Connie-ET (EX-90) x Carnation Leduc Connie (EX-91 2E)
61- $55,000 Mapel Wood Epic Giggle-Red +2530 GLPI Epic Man-O-Man that carries the variant red gene
63 – $27,000 – Dymentholm Sunview Satin-ET, a 4/12 *RC Epic daughter +2352 GTPI out of VG-87 Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk +2220 GTPI
64 – $23,000 – 1st choice MAS out of Dymentholm Sunview Santana, a +2961 GLPI Snowman daughter of Planet Silk
65 – $56,000 – Stantons Shamrock City Girl, a 4/12 Shamrock with +2487 GTPI +3185 GLPI from Stantons Freddie Cameo x Stantons Lucky Cameo (VG-89)
66 – $41,000 – Jolicap Emlilas Shamrock, a 3/12 Shamrock +2986 GLPI from Tramilda-N Baxter Emily-ET (VG-85) x Whittier-Farms Lead Mae family
67 – $31,000 – Ransom-Rail Facebk Paris-Et +2380 GTPI – a 1/12 Facebook from Welcome Mac Peytan-ET (VG-87) +2134 GTPI
68 – $60,000 – Siemers Snman Centuria-ET, a 6/11 Snowman +2341 GTPI out of Ralma Planet Century-ET (VG-86) +2323 GTPI from Ralma Juror Faith family
69 – $16,000 – Comestar Model Lizbosy Lobster, a 1/12 Lobster +2334 GTPI +74P out of Comestar Model Lizboli Sydney VG-85-CAN
7- $59,000 1st choice Numero Uno x RockyMountain Talent Licorice EX-95
70 – $24,500 – Vieuxsaule Supersonic Sugi +2344 GTPI, a 3/12 Supersonic from Vieuxsaule Bolton Halia (VG-87), then Vieuxsaule Allen Dragonfly (EX-94 2E)
71 – $4,100 – Farnear-BH A Barbora-ET, a 4/12 Alchemy +2307 GTPI out of Farnear Brocad Brilliant-ET, a Man-O-Man daughter of Brocade
72 – $20,000 – Farnear GC Bridg Bry-ET, a 3/12 Gold Chip out of Farnear Brocade Bridge, the Aftershock daughter of EX-92 Brocade
73 – $20,000 – Choice of T-Spruce Armitage 4756-ET +2398 GTPI 1/12 Armitage or T-Spruce Armitage 4768-ET, a +2381 GTPI 1/12 Armitage both out of Lar-Lan Time Annabelle +2136 GTPI Time daughter from the Durham Annabell family
74 – $15,500 – Choice of Wa-Del-DH Bookem Camara-ET, +2291 GTPI Bookem or Horstyle-RW Bookem Clear-ET +2317 GTPI out of Horstyle-RW Mano Cluster VG-85 +2185 GTPI
75- $18,500 MS Boyana FB Babe-ET GTPI +2413 x Farnear-TBR Bosr Boyana-ET x Klassic Mac Barb-ET VG-85
76- $30,000 MS Benshae Benish-ET GTPI+2308, March ’12 Shamrock x Farnear-TBR Benshae-ET
77- $8,400 – Tranquility AC Drear Candy-ET GTPI +2355 x Ronlee Boliver Dreary-ET x Ronlee Outside Dabble-ET EX-91
78- $18,000 – Nova-TMJ Jeeves Eleta-ET GTPI +2308, Jeeves  x Nova-TMJ Golden Echo-ETS VG-88
79- $8,000 – Choice of three Gold Chip females x Regancrest-BH Super Delish x Regancrest-BH Delica-ET x Windsor-Manor Z-Delight-ET 2E-93
8 – $34,000 – Cam-Bing Gold Nila-ET (VG-88) – Goldwyn maternal sister to Bingland Leduc Nancy (2E-96) -dam is Bingland Starb Noel-ET (VG-88)
80- $10,000 – UFM-Dubs Sherun-ET GTPI +2304, a Super daughter of UFM-Dubs Sheray-ET bred 5-29-12 to Lithium
81 – $23,000 – 1st choice MAS out of Ms Planet Cheri-ET +2257 GTPI from an EX-92 Goldwyn dam
82 – $16,000 – 1st choice Mascalese out of Gloryland Linette Rae VG-89 +2217 GTPI, a Goldwyn from the Roxys
84 – $31,000 – 1st choice McCutchen from Ladys-Manor Dominique-ET, a +2425 GTPI Shamrock from the Dur Chans
85- $25,000 – 1st choice McCutchen female x Velthuis Snowman Lorette-ETS GTPI+2360, calves due April 2013
86- $35,000 1st choice Uno x Boldi Snowman Lillico-ETS GTPI +2282 x MS Chartrois Planet Leoni-ET VG-87 2y CAN
87 – $23,000 – 1st choice Mascalese due in February, 2013 out of Larcrest Cinergy-ET +2455 GTPI Robust out of Larcrest Crimson VG-89
88 – $25,000 – 1st choice Let It Snow due in April, 2013 out of Kellercrest Manoman Lacy-ET +2411 GTPI
89 – $32,000 2nd choice Uno x Sully Planet Manitoba-ET GP-83
9- $29,000 1st choice MAS x BVK Atwood Arianna-ET VG-89, Int. Champion IL Championship Show
90 – $20,000 1st choice Lithium x Sully Hart Gerard 147 GTPI +2344 x Sully Hart Manitoba GP-83
92- $21,000 1st choice Latimer x Langs-Twin-B Christa GTPI +2455
93- $17,500 1st choice McCutchen x Opsal Planet Fame-ET GP-84, from June IVF
97 – $9,200 Marbri Shamrock Felicity GLPI +2906, March ’12 Shamrock x SerenityHill Frosty (full sister to Facebook)
99 – $12,000 for 1st choice Let it Snow female x Gepaquette Iota Ravisette +2966 GLPI – from July flush – built in PA at +2364 GTPI
99A – $11,500 for 1st choice Let it Snow female x Gepaquette Iota Ravariume +2904 GLPI from July flush – built in PA at +2334 GTPI


Weekly Show and Sale Recap– 8/4/2012


  • Mid-East Summer National Show
    Columbus, OH
    July 28-29, 2012
    Judge: Mark Rueth, Oxford, WI
    Total Head: 215

    • Junior Champion: Springway Sassy Rae (Gen Mark Stmatic Sanchez), 1st Winter Yearling, Cole and Olivia Cummings and Colton Thomas, North Lewisburg, OH
    • Reserve Junior Champion: T-Triple-T Paradise (Kingsmill Goldwyn Anigma-ET), 1st Summer Yearling, Triple-T Holsteins, North Lewisburg, OH
    • HM Junior Champion: Cloquato-RH Elicit (Maple Downs I GW Atwood), 2nd Winter Yearling, Doebriener and Iager, Urbana, OH
    • Intermediate & HM Grand Champion: Kingsmill Ashlyns Annisa-ET (Scientific Destry-ET), 1st Sr. 2-year-old, Gene Iager and Triple-T Holsteins, North Lewisburg, OH
    • Reserve Intermediate Champoin: C-Shylane Gold Dione-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st Sr. 3-year-old, TK Plain View Farm, West Liberty, OH
    • HM Intermediate Champion: Quietcove-W TMK Curran Divine (Avalanche), 1st Futurity, Quietcove, Curran & Koster, Wapokoneta, OH
    • Senior and Grand Champion: Ruann Lassiter Anna-70651 (Ruann Durham Lassiter-75), 1st 5-year-old, Triple-T, Van Exel and Maddox, North Lewisburg, OH
    • Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion: KN&EW Goldwyn Smarty (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st 4-year-old, Triple-T, Heath and Van Exel, North Lewisburg, OH
    • HM Senior Champion: Brookview-E PT Diligent (Windy-Knoll-View Primetime), 2nd 5-year-old, Brookview Farms, Fremont, OH
    • Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Stan-Mar-Dale/Express
  • South-Central PA Holstein Championship Show
    Jul. 27 – Shippensburg, PA
    Matt Lawrence, New Castle, PA, judge
    Total shown – 112

    • Junior Champion:  Penn-Gate Asteroid Fizzy (Kingsmill Gdwyn Asteroid-ET), 1st spring calf, Corbin Wood, Littlestown, PA
    • Res. Junior Champion: Penn-Gate Damion Fennie (Erbacres Damion),1st winter calf, Corbin Wood, Littlestown, PA
    • Senior & Grand Champion:  Fountain-Farm Gold Lila-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st aged cow, Harry & Ailene Thompson, Carlisle, PA
    • Res. Senior & Res. Grand Champion: MSC-Haven BF Ellie-ET (Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez), 1st Jr. 3-year-old, Ed Crossland, Newburg, PA
    • Best Bred & Owned: Fountain-Farm Gold Lila-ET, Harry & Ailene Thompson
    • Premier Breeder: Tower-Vue Holsteins, the Walton family, Carlisle, PA
    • Premier Exhibitor:  Tower-Vue Holsteins & Fountain Farm Holsteins, the Walton & Thompson families, Carlisle, PA
  • Expo de Chicoutimi Results
    July 27, 2012
    131 Head

    • Junior Champion – Bellecite Windbrook Tamarine (Windbrook), Ferme M.B. Inc, QC
    • Reserve Junior Champion – Mabel Brett Talyni (Brett), Ferme Maguy Enr, QC
    • HM Junior Champion – Beaucoise Lambert Nadine (Lambert), Ferme Saguenayenne, QC
    • Intermediate & Grand Champion – Tresy Jasper Leticia (Jasper), Ferme Tresy Inc., QC
    • Reserve Intermediate  Champion & Reserve Grand Champion – Mabel Dundee Talyne (Dundee), Ferme Maguy Enr., QC
    • HM Intermediate Champion – Deslacs Duplex Burton (Duplex), Robin & Diane Gilbert, Kevin Gilbert et Tommy Gilbert, QC
    • HM Grand Champion – Mabel Goldwyn Josephfine (Goldwyn), Ferme Maguy Enr., QC
    • Premier Exhibitor – LA Ferme A.B.G. Blackburn Inc., QC
  • Expo Bassin de la Chaudière Results
    July 21, 2012
    Judge: Daniel Brochu, QC
    137 Head

    • Junior Champion – Pelrick Cherry Extreme (AltaExtreme), Isabelle Morin, Lookout Holsteins et Michael P Heath, QC
    • Reserve Junior Champion – Mikael Brenta Attic (Attic), Ferme Mikael Enrg., QC
    • HM Junior Champion – Roquet La C D Lauthority (Lauthority), Barbara Paquet & Sylvio Rodrigue, QC
    • Grand Champion – Jacobs Jack Viola (Jack), Ferme J.P. Poulin & Fils, QC
    • Reserve Grand Champion – Jeanlu Stormatic Bora (Stormatic), Ferme J. P. Poulin & Fils, QC
    • HM Grand Champion – Lehoux Sidney White (Sidney), B. Lehoux & Fils Inc., QC
  • Expo de Kamouraska Holstein Show
    July 21, 2012
    Judge: Éric Hétu, QC
    123 Head

    • Junior Champion – Jadoux Magnetism Bunny (Magnetism), Ferme J. & A. Rioux Inc., QC
    • Reserve Junior Champion – Rotaly Sid Olie (Sid), Rock Hebert & Nathalie Dumais, QC
    • HM Junior Champion – Rotaly Windbrook Hilda (Windbrook), Rock Hebert & Nathalie Dumais, QC
    • Grand Champion – Wendon Goldwyn Allie (Goldwyn), Ferme Laitiere Rayon D’Or Inc., QC
    • Reserve Champion – Smithden Mr Burns Emma (Mr Burns), Ferme Laitier Rayon D’Or Inc., QC
    • HM Grand Champion – RF Blackforest BGJ Melinda (Gold Jules), Ferme Laitiere Rayon D’Or Inc., QC


  • Salem Tag Sale a Success
    The Salem Tag Sale was hosted at Salem Holsteins in Lindsay, Ontario last week and averaged $5235 on 16 lots sold. Cattle were sold to buyers from Australia, Canada and three US states. The high seller was Lot #1 – 1st Choice Goldwyn x Black Forest Duplex Lila x RockyMountain Talent Licorice EX-92 purchased by Westcoast Holsteins of Chilliwack, BC. The sale was managed by Hanover Hill Sales & Marketing, Ltd

Cristy Nurse – Standing Tall

An unfortunate injury sidelined Cristy Nurse from competing in the London Olympics.  (For those of you who wish to know more about Cristy, check out our article Cristy Nurse: From Show Ring Beauty to World Class Rower).  However, the part that has inspired this article is not that she did not compete but rather the class and dignity that she handled it with.

I have had the fortunate opportunity to know the Nurse family for almost 25 years.  One of my first recollections of them is Kenda (Cirsty’s mother) judging me during 4-H dairy competitions.  Kenda was the first female judge I had ever showed in front of and I was extremely impressed.  Women like Kenda and Nancy Hazeleger have been great role models for many of the young female 4-Hers who were looking to make their way in a male dominated industry.

The fine examples set by Kenda and Jeff (Cristy’s father) are probably a big part of why Cristy has been able to handle this very challenging time with such class and dignity.  The passion the Nurse family puts into everything they do is outstanding.  Whether it is dairy cattle, Clydesdale horses, or rowing, there is always a focused effort to achieve a very specific goal.

christy and robThat is why the way Cristy has handled this only amazes me more.  Imagine all the time and effort she has dedicated while putting her life on hold to train for the London Olympics. “To be named to the team is great, but to be sitting in the starting gate on race day was what I have been striving for, so yes, it’s a real mix of emotions”, comments Cristy in an email.  “I am still very proud to be part of the Canadian contingent in London, but of course it’s extremely disappointing to have gone through all the selection and to have been successful but ultimately not be able to race,” she said. Her boyfriend, Rob Gibson, was a member of the Canadian Men’s eight Team.  She is there seeing all the success of others around her realizing their Olympic dream.  It could bring most people down.  Cristy stands tall.  A beaming and passionate support of both teams.

During the interviews that aired during the coverage, the team members were asked what makes London 2012 different from Beijing in 2008, where the Canadian team suffered a heart breaking 4th place finish.  Each and every one of them said that it was the “seat race” they had internally to determine who would be on the team.  No one was guaranteed their seat.  Everyone had to prove themselves.  Cristy was selected to be the London 2012 team.  What a testament to how far she had developed since taking up rowing in 2006.

On her Facebook page, she said, “The power of sport – hundreds of crazy Canadian fans in tears (of joy) this morning at Eton-Dorney.  So amazing to be there and so proud of Rob and the boys.  Spontaneously bursting into tears every few minutes.  Back tomorrow to watch the girls give it their everything – Go Canada.”  Wow!  It shows the quality of person, friend, and athlete that Cristy is.  All of these attributes she humbly says are ones she learned from her parents and growing up on the dairy farm.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

It’s interesting in our first interview with Cristy she pointed out “Work ethic is engrained pretty early on.  Few things can harden your resolve to improve like being left on the outside of the ring in a showmanship class or not making the cut at a major show.” Well Cristy, I would think that this is another.  Your handling of this has shown once again, how classy you are.  I am sure we will be seeing you at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil or wherever your passion leads you.  You have achieved many amazing things and no doubt there are many more to come.  Thank you for being an exceptional Canadian role model and showing us how to stand tall!  Olympian indeed!!

World Records Are Not Only Set at the Olympics

She won’t bring home a gold medal from the 2012 Olympics but Gillette Emperor Smurf EX-91 like her human counterparts proudly represents the best in a record setting achievement.  She too has been globally recognized for surpassing all her peers.

She Stands Apart

Even though everyone at Ferme Gillette would gladly spoil this star who is recognized  by the dairy industry and The Guinness Book of Records as the most prolific milk producer in the history of dairy cows Eric Patanaude describes how she quietly sets herself apart in attitude as well. “Smurf is a trouble free cow who looks after herself. She has character.” The Patenaude’s really enjoy spending special time with their animals says Eric and learn their individual traits.  “Most of our show cows love to get petted.” He goes on to describe another unique characteristic of Smurf, “Even though she’s very approachable, she just shakes her head at you if you try to pet her.”

Training Program: Eat First. Milk Hard. Eat Again. Rest.

Nothing extraordinary is ever achieved accidentally or by doing what everyone else does.  This holds true with exceptional dairy cows as well. “Smurf loves to eat.” Big output requires big input and her energy consumption is one of the keys to her incredible story. “She’s always the first one at the manger during chores just waiting for us to give her TMR.” Another key is her ability to calmly manage the day-to-day schedule.  “When milking time comes she knows the routine. She gets up in her box stall and walks right over to where she has to get milked. We don’t even need to tie her up. She just stays there until she’s finished eats a bit more and then goes to lay down.”

Breaking Records.  Pushing New Limits.

The Motto of the Olympic Games is “citius, altius, fortius”, which translates to “faster, higher, stronger”.  We thrill to the stories behind Olympic athletes who strive to fulfill this dream, especially those who achieve success in more than one area, over more events than any others and throughout longer careers.  We all have our favourites. Clara Hughes is mine!  For Eric Patenaude, of course, it’s Smurf. “She’s unbelievable! At almost 16 years old and now fresh 2 and a half months she is milking more than ever!” Could he be biased and looking through rose coloured glasses? Not at all. “To be more precise she’s producing 70 kgs a day! She just keeps adding to her record” and becoming a legend.

Smurf’s Performance Advantage

If there’s anything that informed observers understand it is the basic truth that the greatest performers don’t achieve the pinnacle of success without the right support around them.  “Of course at this point, just like an Olympic athlete, she has everything she needs to perform.”  Years of working with dairy cattle at three generations of Ferme Gillette have produced many insights into the best treatment. “Smurf has a private box stall, her own fan, ample straw and TMR and just recently we’ve added peat moss to the bottom part of the box stall where she walks. This makes it a little softer and comfortable for her to walk on.” That’s the physical side but there is a human factor too. “It is not possible without the efforts of our 24 hour knowledgeable staff. “says Eric and then specifically adds more names that have had an impact on Smurf’s specific achievements “I would like to give a special thanks to Amanda Cowan, Christina Crowley and Crystal McKay for their support and advice.”

Gillette Emperor Smurf EX-91

Gillette Emperor Smurf EX-91

A Legacy of Champions

As so often happens when athletes, dairy farmers or cows excel in ways that seem almost impossible it often comes back to an entire family that have special attributes.  Eric feels that “Smurf’s longevity makes her special” and then goes on to give what he thinks are the reasons this has been possible. “She is a 6th generation VG or EX. Her dam, 2nd, 3rd and 4th dam all lived to be at least 10 years old. Her only daughter at the farm an EX Champion, Gillette Champion Sally, is now fresh at 9 years old and she looks like she will reach the 10 yr milestone as well. Sally has been in a freestall pretty much her whole life.” Exceptional history. Exceptional care.  Exceptional results for Ferme Gillette. “Smurf traces back to Maeford Starbuck Chrissy EX 17*, who has played a big part in us getting our Master Breeder Shield back in 2005.” And nothing stops at the podium. “Since getting this recognition, we have brought Sally over to our tie stall barn where we do our flushes and she has been in demand constantly.” But decisions are made on an individual basis, “Smurf is not a cow that we intend to flush at this point.”

Attention from Both Sides Now

The story of Smurf has reach out to people outside the dairy industry. Media attention has been both positive and negative.  Eric is philosophical. “That’s ok. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.” Statistics show that a very small percentage of the population works to provide food and that means there can be a disconnect between producers and consumers. “I don’t expect everyone to understand or like what we do. I mean how can you? Some of these people who criticize may have never stepped out of their downtown apartment or office to visit a farm or take the scenic route outside the city.” Farming can fall into a storybook world populated by villains. Eric admits, “To certain people we are obviously the bad guys and the only ones that don’t see it is us!” He doesn’t expect to change the world but he knows the facts. “I can probably name you at least 20 farms right off the top of my head, including ours, where the cows are better treated than some humans!”

Shared Enthusiasm Builds Success

The story of Gillette Emperor Smurf EX-91 is far from reaching the final chapter.  Eric enthuses, “I am happy about all the positive feedback that we have received from our community and surrounding region.” Like Smurf’s achievements, it continues to grow. Eric acknowledges that the support is amazing “Including some from Ottawa, our nation’s capital.” Canadians supporting Canadians.  “People in our amazing dairy industry truly understand what we do and how hard we work for our cows.”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Even though she won’t bring home a gold medal from the Summer Olympics, Smurf has definitely earned her special place in the sun.  Loved and admired, she is simply, “The World’s Best!” Incredible!

How Social Media Is Changing the Holstein World

The days when dairy breeders could only find out the latest gossip from the local semen or feed salesman are long gone.  With the help of social media platforms like Facebook, breeders can find out who won what show or who just got the VG-89-2yr almost instantaneous.  The World Wide Web and more specifically social media have taken bulk tank conversation to a completely new level.

As a kid I could remember when our local embryo technician came in we would find out everything that was going on in the local community and then later when the sires analysts came in we would find out what bulls are hot or what gossip was going around.  I can remember that every time the sires analysts came in we were always trying to find out who the next top bull was going to be.  These days even the sire analysts are heading online to find out what’s happening.

Perception is NOT reality

The biggest challenge that has caused the dairy industry to be behind other is a perception issue.  For a long while many breeders thought, and some still think that, twitter is just about what people are having for lunch and Facebook is about sharing pictures of the kids.  The reality could not be any farther from the actual fact than that.  There are over 77,000 dairy farmers on Facebook, and that the average Facebook user logins in daily.  (To read more check out 7 Reasons Why Your Dairy Farm Needs To Be on Facebook)  Could you imaging a platform more suited for dairy breeders looking to find out the latest news?

Then there is Twitter.  While still new to lots of dairy breeders there are some great opportunities for breeders to join in real-time discussion about the issue that face them.  Two great examples of this are AgChat, a moderated Twitter discussion that takes place every Tuesday night, and Bullchat that happens on Thursdays at 1pm EST.  Since its creation in 2009, nearly 10,000 people from ten countries have attached the hashtag #agchat to their tweets, or joined in to discuss issues and share ideas related to food and farming.  In addition, the hashtag #bullchat has had many great discussions about the value of A.I. contracts, breeding cattle in the heat, Genomics, and many more pressing issues.  All topics on #bullchat are breeder driven but have had some great support from the socialally enabled A.I. companies.

Dairy Magazines are Old School

Gone are the days when the few magazines controlled what dairy breeders got to be aware of and think.  In the past information was pushed on dairy breeders as the dairy publications decided what was relevant and what was not.  In today’s socially empowered day and age, it’s now the dairy breeders who control the conversation and the dairy magazines are struggling to keep up.

If you look at how many of the dairy magazines are using social media you will see that they are just using these new channels to push out the same old message.  They are not working at engaging in the conversation.  Instead of letting breeders dictate the conversation, they are trying to dictate to the breeders.  Check out how many of these magazines allow comments on their articles?  What are they afraid of?  Better yet how many of these magazines actually share articles online?  Alternatively, are they just using their social media accounts and their website to sell more magazines?

The Bottom Line

Social media is like teen sex.  Everyone wants to do it.  But for the most part nobody knows how.  When breeders finally get on to social media and learn as they go, they discover that it was not as hard as they thought.  The biggest thing I can say, just dive in, I am sure you will enjoy the ride.

For those of you wanting a little guidance check out “The Dairy Breeders Guide to Facebook”.

Why Dairy Farmers Need To Know Their Key Performance Indicators

Having a successful dairy farm enterprise can be achieved in a multitude of ways.  Even though no two farms are exactly alike, where there is success there is a business person with dreams, goals and plans that get put into action.  Invariably there are five key factors that the business manager monitors closely on a continual basis.  These factors are often referred to as Key Performance Indicators.

Choose YOUR Key Indicators

Each farm and farm manager has individual needs and factors that need attention at any given time.  One way to get started on knowing your KPIs is to consider six main areas.

  1. Daily output
  2. Nutrition program
  3. Animal reproduction
  4. Heifer rearing
  5. Animal health and disease
  6. Genetics and Marketing

A good recommendation is to focus on one performance indicator from each of the six areas:

Daily Output

  • Milk yield per cow per dairy
  • Fat plus Protein yield per cow per day
  • Milk revenue per cow per day
  • Daily revenue less feed cost per cow per day
  • Milk sold per worker per year


  • Dry matter intake per cow per day
  • Feed cost per cow per day
  • Cost per ton for feed consumed by the milking herd


  • AI services per conception
  • Percent of cows detected in heat by 90 days in milk
  • Pregnancy rate
  • Days Open
  • Calving Interval

Heifer Rearing

  • Live heifer calves per hundred milking cows per year
  • Percent of heifer calves ,born live, that enter the milking herd
  • Rearing cost per heifer
  • Age at first calving

Animal Health and Disease

  • Cull rate from the milking herd
  • Average weighted SCC per cow
  • Days between mastitis onsets
  • Vet and medicine costs per cow per year
  • Number of lame cow incidents per 100 cows per year

Genetics, Sales and Marketing

  • Breeding stock revenue per cow per year
  • Average TPI or LPI or Net Merit per pregnancy
  • Average classification score for first calvers
  • Number of farm website hits per month
  • Total annual revenue per worker per year

How To Get Started:

The task of developing a KPI program for a herd can be daunting. Suggestions on getting started include:

  • While relaxing in the evening for a week jot down some areas you feel could be improved on your farm
  • Give your list to your vet, your accountant and your feed advisor and ask them to comment
  • Narrowing the list down to five making sure they are numbers easily obtained from your DHI records, your herd management software or your farm financial software.
  • Start by getting the historical numbers for the past year
  • Set goals you wish to achieve in one year`s time
  • Keep the process dynamic including changing the list annually, if necessary
  • Do not make the list too long.  Five is a good number.


Dairy cattle breeders tend not to speak in terms of profit per cow per year.  More often their bragging points are in terms of animal records or enterprise performance.  Yet it is profit per cow that covers living costs, provides return on investment, pays for kids’ college educations and keeps the banker happy.  It is strongly recommended that at least one of the five KPIs should be a measure of dollar revenue, feed costs or net returns.


Relating genetics to farm management and farm profit is not always an easy twosome to bring together.  However, for success there must be measures that can be continually monitored so that farm managers can make informed decisions or take corrective actions.  Find your key performance indicators and grow your profits.

Dairy Show Judging – It Takes Courage

Sr. 3 yr old Reasons Ontario Spring Show 2012I had the opportunity to attend Ontario Summer Show last week and saw something that really got me thinking.  During the Senior 3 year old class, Judge David Crack Jr showed the courage of his convictions by choosing to win with Earlen Goldwyn Secret over the highly touted Craigcrest Rubies Gold Rejoice.

Setting the Stage

By now everyone has heard of Craigcrest Rubies Gold Rejoice.  She is the 3 time All-Canadian, 3 time All-American, Res. Int. Champion from Madison last year.  But who has heard of Earlen Goldwyn Secret?  Her only show winnings of record are 2nd Sr. 2yr at a county show last year.  Their records could not be more different.  Rejoice has people drooling in the barns over her massive size and her amazing frame.  Did this nobody deserve to beat her?

Setting the Precedent

Throughout the day, Judge Crack had always gone with the most correct, most dairy heifers and 2yr olds.  Therefore, when it came time for the Sr. 3yr old class.  To some it may have seemed that he had worked himself into a corner.  He could stick with what he had gone with all day and win with Secret or give in to popular pressure and win with Rejoice.

As Judge Crack switched the two from his initial pull to then place Secret on top, in discussion with the ringside judges it was noted that making that move  would “take a set of balls”.  Big ones! Judge Crack either had to win with Secret or he had to put her into third, as the 2nd and 3rd place cows very much typed in together.

I have always found this to be a very complex and interesting problem.  The Dairy Cow Scorecard is clear on the weightings and you are taught that every animal is to be judged individually.  So then why does a judge have to put cattle in groups?  The best way I can describe it, is to remember what Murray Reisner and Lowell Lindsay once said to me.  “While the judging scorecard is very clear every judge has their preferences, and if you are going to stray from the scorecard in your preferences, you need to be consistent.  So if there is a particular type of cow you like, be consistent.”

Consistency is actually a huge part of earning credibility as a judge.  While everyone may not always agree with your placings, if they can follow them, and see that you are consistent, they may not agree but they will respect your decision.  As a spectator and an avid show advocate this is my biggest beef with some judges.  I would like to tell them, “I don’t need to agree with you, but make sure I can follow your placings.  Follow a consistent pattern, and you will earn my respect.


A question was raised on Friday that I want to address before it goes too far.  “Is Judge Crack favoring his fellow Quebecers?”  Judge Crack’s  pattern was definitely there with  the winning Senior 2 yr Old, Junior 3 year old, Senior 3 year old and 4 year old who would eventually be pulled to the centre of the ring for the final selection of Champions.  Indeed, a heck of a day for Ferme Yvon Sicard, Ferme Blondin and Ghyslain Demers.  However, having watched the classes first hand and knowing Judge Crack as I do, I would say it was more that the exhibitors knew exactly the type of cow Judge Crack likes and knew that it would be worth their while to make the long trip to The Ontario Summer Show.

If you look at the winner of every cow class, they all type in together extremely well.  You had to have a great udder, dairyness throughout and you had better have an animal with great mobility.  That was supported  by an exhibitor of a 2nd place animal who reported that as soon as his cow stuttered (blamed on a rock in the ring) he knew that he would not be winning that class.

Lily vs. Beauty

Watching the Sr 3 Yr Old  class unfold reminded me of 1999 when I had the chance to work with the western Canadian string when  ACME STAR LILY was going head to head with RAINYRIDGE TONY BEAUTY.  With both cows being from the same show string tension and speculation was high to see how Judge Comtois would place these two cows.  Compared to Rejoice and Secret their difference in backgrounds was not as great.  At that point Lily was the two time reigning Royal Grand Champion and Beauty was six years off her Royal win and had won Madison that year.  However, in a similar way to Judge Crack’s handling at The Ontario Summer Show, Judge Comtois stayed true to the same style he had selected all day and went with Lily.  Of course, there was a wide-ranging response from the ringside.

Bottom Line

The biggest thing I love about these cases is that both Judge Crack and Judge Comtois stayed true to what they liked and did not give in to the ringside pressure.  While everyone is entitled to their opinion, the opinion that matters most is that of the judge.  For all those who would have placed them differently, “Fantastic!”  I am sure you could have given a great   set of reasons too. The thing you need to remember about judging is to stay true to what you like. The judge’s job is to set a pattern for the breed. Do that and you will earn the respect of everyone that matters!  It takes guts to pick the glory!


Weekly Show and Sale Recap– 7/28/2012

Ontario Summer Show - Grand Champion - Earlen Goldwyn SecretShows

  • Ontario Summer Show
    Lindsay Ontario
    July 27th

    • Junior Calf (16)
      • (BO) Hanalee G Busty Babe (Glacier), Hank & Nancy, Lee & Martin Hazelegeer, ON
      • Crovalley Fever Accent (Fever), Crovalley Holsteins, ON
      • Phoenixholm Dazzler Allison (Dazzler), John Buckley & Robert Crowe, ON
    • Intermediate Calf (25)
      • Sunspark Windbrook Extra (Windbrook), Gracehaven Holsteins (1st 4-H Natasha Tripp), ON
      •  Browlands Fever Larissa (Fever), Brownlands Farm (2nd 4-H Jill Brown), ON
      • Kingsway Lauthority All In (Lauthority), Kingsway farms, Jason David Mell, ON & WI (Matthew Forrestell)
    • Senior Calf (32)
      • Grillsdale Teanscious Rascal (tenacious), John Buckley, ON
      • Lorneva Braxton Dolly (Braxton), Werry Bros & Almet Farms (1st 4-H Dan Werry), ON
      • Crovalley Lauthority Androra (Lauthority), Penny Lane Holsteins (Colleeen Halpenny), ON
    • Summer Yearling (25)
      • Bosdale Fever Laura (Fever), Bosdale Farms Inc, ON
      • Springbend Kalee Atwood (Atwood), Cormdale Genetics INc., ON
      • Kingsway Fever Cowbell (Fever), Kingsway farms, ON
    • Junior Yearling (11)
      • Sharpacres ST Jessy (Showtime), clarkvalley Holsteins, Cassandra & Ronald Werry, ON
      • Benrise Spirte Diamond (Spirte), Benshop Farms, ON
      • Morsan Atwood burka (Atwood), Jamie Farrell, Mosnang Holsteins , Daniel Martin & Marbrae Holsteins, ON & AB
    • Junior Champion of 4-H Show – Lorneva Braxton Dolly (Braxton), Senior calf, Dan Weery, ON
    • Reserve Junior Champion of 4-H Show – Bosdale Fever Laura (Fever), Summer Yearling, JOsh Bosh, ON
    • HM Junior Champion of 4-H Show – Crovalley Lauthority Andorra (Lauthority), 2nd Senior Calf, Colleen Hallpenny, ON
    • Intermediate Yearling (8)
      •  Kingsway Sanchez Armadillo (Sanches), Kingswy Farms & Jason David Mell, ON & WI
      • Winright Jasper Baby Doll (Jasper), Brian Joseph Enright, ON
      • Blondin Destry Sally (Destry), Cormdale Genetics IN., Todd Whittier, Oscar Dupasuier & Al Be Ro Land & Cattle, ON, MA & Italy
    • Senior Yearling (11)
      • Kingsway Goldwyn Artichoke (Goldwyn), Kingsway farms & Jason David Mell, ON & WI
      • Clarkview Picolo Pam (Picolo), Clarkview & Clarkridge Holsteins, ON
      • Brackley Farm Chelios Cheerio (chelios), Vale O Skene Holsteins, Robrook Farms & Bill Metcalf, ON
    • Junior Champion of the Open Show – Kingsway Goldwyn Artichoke (Goldwyn), Kingsway farms & Jason David Mell, ON & WI
    • Reserve Junior Champion of the Open Show – Sharpacres ST Jessy (Showtime), clarkvalley Holsteins, Cassandra & Ronald Werry, ON
    • HM Junior Champion – Grillsdale Teanscious Rascal (tenacious), John Buckley, ON
    • Junior 2 Year Old (11)
      • Mapel Wood Atwood Barbara (Atwood), Mapel Wood Farms, ON
      • Benrise Goldwyn Barbie (Goldwyn), Vale O Skene Holsteins & Gary Troup, ON
      • Kingsway Sanchez Arangatang (Sanchez), Kingsway Farms & Jason David Mell, ON
    • Senior 2 Year Old (11)
      • Blondin Alexander Armana (Alexander), Ferme Yvon Sicard & Ferme Blondin, ON
      • Torpedo Damion Susan (Damion), Hodglynn Holsteins & Dennis E Martin, ON
      • Pencroft Jasper Nisha (Jasper), Hodglynn Holsteins, Ferme Blondin, Barclay Phoenix & Gary Jones, ON, QC & Ireland
    • Junior 3 Year Old (7)
      • Cobequid Goldwyn Leno (Goldwyn), Ferme Yvon Sicard & Ghyslain Demers, QC
      • Eastside Gold Offering (Goldwyn), Maplekeys Holsteins, ON
      • Vale o Skene Zircon Kiki (Zircon), Vale O Skene HOlsteins, ON
    • Senior 3 Year Old (8)
      • Earlen Goldwyn Secret (Goldwyn), Ferme Yvon Sicard, Ferme Blondin & Ghyslain Demers, QC
      • Craigcrest Rubies Gold Rejoice (Goldwyn), Craigcrest Holsteins, ON
      • Quality Gold Danzi (Goldwyn), Quality Holsteins, ON
    • Intermediate Champion – Earlen Goldwyn Secret (Goldwyn), Ferme Yvon Sicard, Ferme Blondin & Ghyslain Demers, QC
    • Reserve Intermediate Champion – Cobequid Goldwyn Leno (Goldwyn), Ferme Yvon Sicard & Ghyslain Demers, QC
    • HM Intermediate Champion – Blondin Alexander Armana (Alexander), Ferme Yvon Sicard & Ferme Blondin, ON
    • 4 Year old (11)
      • Roggua Dundee Evelyne (Dundee), Ferme Yvon Sicard & Ghyslain Demers, QC
      • Nipponia RD Lizabeth (Dundee), Kingsway Farms, ON
      • Lincrest Final Cut Freida (Final Cut), Hodglynn Holsteins, B
    • 5 Year Old (4)
      • Kingsway Dundee Drumstick (Dundee), Kingsway Farm & Trentward Farms, ON
      • Crovalley Bltiz Amelia (Blitz), Crovalley Holsteins, ON
      • Tolamika Dundee Allison (Dundee), Crovalley Holsteins, ON
    • Mature Cow (6)
      • Starbrite Lyster Lindsey (Lyster), Hodglynn Holsteins & Starbrite Holsteins, ON
      • Lorshire Talent David (Talent), Mapel Wood Holsteins, ON
      • Pascobac Goldwyn Astra (Goldwyn), Emilane Holsteins, ON
    • Breeders Herd (3)
      • Kingsway Farm, ON
      • Quality Farms, ON
      • Frank Barkey & Family, ON
    • Dairy Herd (4)
      • Kingsway Farm, ON
      • Crovalley Holsteins, ON
      • Vale O Skene Holsteins, ON
      • Frank Barkey & Family, ON
    • Grand Champion – Earlen Goldwyn Secret (Goldwyn), Ferme Yvon Sicard, Ferme Blondin & Ghyslain Demers, QC
    • Reserve Grand Champion – Roggua Dundee Evelyne (Dundee), Ferme Yvon Sicard & Ghyslain Demers, QC
    • HM Grand Champion – Cobequid Goldwyn Leno (Goldwyn), Ferme Yvon Sicard & Ghyslain Demers, QC
    • Premier Breeder – Kingsway Farms, ON
    • Premier Exhibitor – Crovalley Holsteins, ON
  • Ontario Summer Jersey Show
    Lindsay Ontario
    July 26th

    • Junior Calf (7)
      • Sikmas Tequila Sunrise (Tequila), Howard & Connor & Brent Sikma, ON
      • Avonlea Mischeif Made U Look (Hired Gun), Avonlea Genetics, ON
      • Garhaven Getaway Dayton (Getaway), Tim Hunt, ON
    • Intermediate Calf (8)
      • Buckland Tequila Lexicon (Tequila), Scott & Nathan Honey & Sandra Osborne, ON
      • Stee La Minister Flavie (Minister), Laurent Lambert, S Lambert, Weavercroft Int & L&L Pires, ON
      • Jaspar Colton Chocolate (Colton), Randy & Tara Bullock, ON
    • Senior Calf (16)
      • Charlyn Reagan Rosebud (Reagan), Charlyn Jerseys, ON
      • Glenholme Request Tirumph (Request), Robert & Bruce Mellow, ON
      • Avonlea Gator Kimber (Gator), Avonlea Genetics Inc., ON
    • Summer Yearling (6)
      • RJF Gator Chloe (Gator), Robert Jarrell, ON
      • Charlyn Perennial Tequila Nite (Tequila), Charlyn Jerseys & Bryan Weldrick, ON
      • RJF Ragan Raptor (Reagan), Robert Jarrell, ON
    • Junior Yearling (8)
      • Avonlea Reagan Venus (Reagan), Avonlea Genetics, ON
      • Bridgeview Money Impala (On the Money), Bridgeview Farms, ON
      • Marlau Socrates Arcadios (Socrates), Laurent Lambert, QC
    • Junior Champion of 4-H Show – Glenholme Request Tirumph (Request), Robert & Bruce Mellow, ON (Curtis Ruta 4-H)
    • Reserve Junior Champion of 4-H Show – Huronia RBR Cherish (Reagan), Hollylane Jerseys, ON (4-H Courney Ray)
    • Intermediate Yearling (2)
      • Avonlea CF Silk (Socrates)  Avonlea Genetics Inc & Cybil Fisher, ON & WI
      • Avonlea CF Satin (Socrates), Robert Jarrell, ON
    • Senior Yearling (3)
      • RJF Unique Ontime Marathon (On time), Robert Jarrell & Unique Stock Farms, ON & AB
      • Lone Pine ONtime Believe (Ontime), Avonlea Genetics & Anselmo Vasconsellos, ON & Brazil
      • RJF Iatola Blistex (Iatola), Robert Jarrell, ON
    • Junior Champion of the Open Show – RJF Unique Ontime Marathon (On time), Robert Jarrell & Unique Stock Farms, ON & AB
    • Reserve Junior Champion of the Open Show – Avonlea CF Silk (Socrates)  Avonlea Genetics Inc & Cybil Fisher, ON & WI
    • HM Junior Champion – Charlyn Reagan Rosebud (Reagan), Charlyn Jerseys, ON
    • Junior 2 Year Old (11)
      • Arethusa Ontime Vogue (Ontime), Whiskey River, ON
      • Enniskillen BV Suzy (Vincent), Enniskillen Jerseys, ON
      • Pleasant Nook Iatola Fancy (Iatola), Pleasant Nook Jerseys, ON
    • Senior 2 Year Old (10)
      • Huronia Vincent Mindy (Vincent), Robert Jarrell, ON
      • Lorivale Excitation Carousel (Excitation), Lorivale Jerseys, ON
      • Terrace Bank Telina (Iatola), Ferme Elegance & Denis Fossaert, QC
    • Junior 3 Year Old (3)
      • (BU) RJF Blackstone Illusion (Blackstone), Robert Jarrell, ON
      • Avonlea JK Kool Kat (Jacknife), Avonlea Genetics, ON
      • Garhaven Iatola Daydream (Iatola), Tim Hunt, ON
    • Intermediate Champion – Arethusa Ontime Vogue (Ontime), Whiskey River, ON
    • Reserve Intermediate Champion – Enniskillen BV Suzy (Vincent), Enniskillen Jerseys, ON
    • HM Intermediate Champion – RJF Blackstone Illusion (Blackstone), Robert Jarrell, ON
    • Senior 3 Year Old (8)
      • Pleasant Nook Giller Caprice (Giller), Pleasant Nook Jerseys, ON
      • Avonlea Jade Reba (Jade), Avonlea Genetics, ON
      • Hiddendream Blackstone River (Blackstone), Laurent Lambert, QC
    • 4 Year old (6)
      • Peninsula Barbaro’s Drama (Barbaro), Jake & Annie Vander Meulen, ON
      • RJF Iatola Sadie ( Iatola), Robert Jarrell, ON
      • Charlyn Nevada Emma(Nevada), Charlyn Jerseys, ON
    • 5 Year Old (9)
      • Payneside Sig Paris (Signature), Ferme Elegance & Denis Fossaert, QC
      • Fletchdale Sultan Tess (Sultan), Laurent Lambert, QC
      • Shantals CGar Shiloh (CGar), Avonlea Genetics & Cybil Fisher, ON & WI
    • Mature Cow (5)
      • Enniskillen Respect Suzy (Respect), Enniskillen Jerseys, ON
      • Glen Caro Nan 2 (Millenium), Cybil Fisher, Trent Valley & Jason Mell, ON & WI
      • Hollylane Halmark Emma (Hallmark), Hollylane Jerseys, ON
    • Grand Champion – Payneside Sig Paris (Signature), Ferme Elegance & Denis Fossaert, QC
    • Reserve Grand Champion – Peninsula Barbaro’s Drama (Barbaro), Jake & Annie Vander Meulen, ON
    • HM Grand Champion – Arethusa Ontime Vogue (Ontime), Whiskey River, ON
    • Premier Breeder & Exhibitor – RJ Farms, ON
    • Runner up for Premier Breeder & Exhibitor –
    • Enniskillen Jerseys, ON
  • Wisconsin Championship Show
    July 16, 2012
    Marshfield, WI
    Judge: Brian Carscadden, ON

    • Spring Calf (14)
      • Siemers Gwyn Glam Thisup (Goldwyn), C, J, J, J, C & L Siemers, WI
      • Siemers Braxton Alexa-ET (Braxton), C, J, J, J, C & L Siemers, WI
      • (1st Jr.) MS GenTerRaetion SK Cha Cha (Shamrock), P, H, L & M WI
    • Winter Calf (24)
      • Siemers Destry Joy-Red-ET (Destry), C, J, J, J, C & L Siemers, WI
      • (1st Jr) Hobby-Hill Apple Lana (Big-Apple-Red), Riley Miller, WI
      • Bella-Ridge Go For It-ET (Braxton), Lynn & Sarah Harbaugh 7 Kurt & Sara Loehr, WI
    • Fall Calf (23)
      • (1st Jr) Siemers Dstry Sunraygal-ET (Destry, C, J, J, J, C & L Siemers, WI
      • D-Force GW Atwood Anaconda (Atwood), Orville Kemink, Brandon, WI
      • Budjon-JK Atwood Elex-ET (Atwood), Budjon Farms & Joel Kietzman, , WI
    • Summer Yearling (13)
      • Stranshome Goldwyn Saffron (Goldwyn), Jordan & Whitney Ebert, WI
      • (1st Jr) Siemers Fvr Hiadream-ET (Fever), C, J, J, J, C, & L Siemers, WI
      • Lyn-Vale Jasper Geneva (Jasper), William A. Schultz, WI
    • Spring Yearling (9)
      • Crackholm Fever Heat Island (Fever), MilkSource Genetics, WI
      • Budjon-JK Damion Essence-ET (Damion), Harbaugh, Ryan & Ebert, WI
      • (1st Jr) Vellhaven Ali Braxton Miracle (Braxton), C, J, J, J, C & L Siemers, WI
    • Winter Yearling (15)
      • Scientific Donatella Rae-ET (Braxton), Matthew Nunes, Chippewa Falls, WI
      • Siemers Dundee Goldn-One-ET (Goldwyn), C, J, J, J, C & L Siemers, , WI
      • Duckett P Lucky-Red-ET (Picolo), MilkSource Genetics, WI
    • Fall Yearling (15)
      • (1st Jr) Tomkins Mr Burns Sizzle-Red (Mr Burns), Brodie Bunkelman, WI
      • Unique Alexander Resist (Alexander), MilkSource Genetics,, WI
      • Charwill Attic Mary (Attic), Peter & Lynn Vail & Budjon Farms, WI
    • Junior Champion of the Junior Show – Siemers Dstry Sunraygal-ET (Destry), 1st Fall Calf, C, J, J, J, C & L Siemers, WI
    • Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show – Tomkins MrBurns Sizzle-Red (Mr Burns), 1st Fall Yearling, Brodie Bunkelman, WI
    • Junior Champion of the Open Show – Stranshome Gold Saffron (Goldwyn), 1st Summer Yearling, Jordan & Whitney Ebert, WI
    • Reserve Junior Champion of the Open Show – Siemers Dstry Sunraygal-ET (Destry), 1st Fall Calf, C, J, J, J, C & L Siemers, WI
    • Junior 2-Year-Old (11)
      • Mel-Rob Sanchez Milly (Sanchez), Peter & Lyn Vail & Budjon Farms, WI
      • Cavanaleck Lana Rae-ET (Goldwyn), C, J, J, J, C & L Siemers, WI
      • Ehrhardt Gold Beauty-ET (Goldwyn), Peter & Lyn Vail & Budjon Farms, WI
    • Senior 2-Year-Old (17)
      • (BO) Budjon-Vail Gold Dreams-ET (Goldwyn), Peter & Lyn Vail & Budjon Farms, WI
      • (BU) Wales Vibe Calamity (VR Vibe), Milksource Genetics, WI
      • Vision-Gen Snz Whip A770-ET (Sanchez), C, J, J, J, C & L Siemers, WI
    • Junior 3-Year-Old (14)
      • (BU) Eastside Talent Cam (Talent-Imp-ET), Premium Star, Herman & Kathleen Hoffman, WI
      • (BO, 1st Jr) Fischerdale Damion Reality (Erbacres Damion), Elizabeth Sarbacker, WI
      • Quad-R Lyman Mustang (Comestar Lyman), Ryan & Tanya Smith, WI
    • Senior 3-Year-Old (7)
      • (BU) (1st Jr) Siemers Goldwyn Goldie ( Goldwyn), Jordan & Whitney Ebert, WI
      • Benrise Goldwyn JoJo ( Goldwyn), Peter & Lyn Vail & Budjon Farms, WI
      • Glendyer Goldwyn Gwn (Goldwyn), Jason & Ami Lasecki, WI
    • Intermediate Champion – Siemers Goldwyn Goldie-ET (Goldwyn), 1st senior 3-year-old, Jordan & Whitney Ebert, WI
    • Reserve Intermediate Champion – Benrise Goldwyn Jojo (Goldwyn), 2nd senior 3-year-old, Peter & Lyn Vail & Budjon Farms, WI
    • HM IntermediateHM In Champion – Mel-Rob Sanchez Milly (Goldwyn), 1st junior 2-year-old, Peter & Lyn Vail & Budjon Farms, WI
    • 4 Year Old (10)
      • (BU) Milksource Goldwyn Africa (Goldwyn), Peter & Lyn Vail & Budjon Farms, WI
      • Oakvale Advent Cinnabar-Red (Advent-Red), Milksource, WI
      • Blondin Jasper Billabing (Jasper), Kyle Natzke & Nick Schuster, WI
    • 5 Year Old (8)
      • (BU) Scientific Gold Dana Rae (Goldwyn), Budjon, Kietzman & Woodmansee, WI
      • Ms Del-Hollow Javent-Red-ET (Advent-Red), Kyle Natzke & Kyle Demmer, WI
      • Pyramid Goldwyn Shimmer-ET (Goldwyn), Jordan & Whitney Ebert, WI
    • Aged Cows (3)
      • Luck-E Dundee Jenna (Dundee), Milksource, WI
      • (BU) Hylite SS Alasandra (September Storm), Andy Sell & Mitch Immel, WI
      • Melarry Atlanta Nancy (Atlanta), Jenna Langer, WI
    • 125,000 Pound Cows (6)
      • (BU) Siemers Alisha Gold Ava-ETS (Goldwyn), Crystal Siemers-Peterman, WI
      • Kelroys Rubens Vivian (Rubens), Chad & Mark Ryan & Brian Kelroy, WI
      • Four-of-a-Kind Best Peg-ET (Best), Four-of-a-Kind Partners, WI
    • Best Bred & Owned of the Open & Jr. Show – Siemers Alisha Gold Ava-ETS (Goldwyn), 1st 125,000 Lbs Cow, Crystal Siemers-Peterman, WI
    • Senior & Grand Champion of the Jr. Show – Siemers Alisha Gold Ava-ETS (Goldwyn), Crystal Siemers-Peterman, WI
    • Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion of the Jr. Show – Siemers Goldwyn Goldie-ET (Goldwyn), 1st senior 3-year-old, Jordan & Whitney Ebert, WI
    • HM Senior & HM Grand Champion of the Jr. Show – Ms Del-Hollow Javent-Red-ET (Advent-Red), Kyle Natzke & Kyle Demmer, WI
    • Senior & Grand Champion of the Open Show – Milksource Goldwyn Africa (Goldwyn), (1st 4 Year Old), Peter & Lyn Vail & Budjon Farms, WI
    • Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion of the Open Show – Scientific Gold Dana Rae (Goldwyn), (1st 5 Year Old), Budjon, Kietzman & Woodmansee, WI
  • Expo de Portneuf Holstein Show
    July 20-21, 2012
    86 Head

    •  Junior Champion – Petitclerc Sid Sunkiss (Sid), 1st Summer Yearling, FERME JEAN-PAUL PETITCLERC & FILS INC, QC
    • Reserve Junior Champion – Petitclerc Goldwyn Sidney (Goldwyn), 1st Intermediate Calf, Ferme Jean-Paul Petitclerc & Fils Inc, QC
    • HM Junior Champion – Petitclerc Goldwyn Silver (Goldwyn), 2nd Intermediate Calf, Ferme Jean-Paul Petitclerc & Fils Inc, QC
    • Grand Champion – Bonaccueil Maya Goldwyn (Goldwyn), 1st 5 Year Old, Ty-D Holsteins, Drolet & Fils, Ferme Jacobs Inc ET A & R Boulet Inc., QC
    • Reserve Champion – Friesia Goldwyn Lainey (Goldwyn), 2nd 5 Year Old, Ferme Geno Inc. Et Ferme Kamlake, QC
    • HM Grand Champion – Petitclerc Goldwyn Flamigo (Goldwyn), 1st Junior 2 Year Old, Ferme Jean-Paul Petitclerc & Fils Inc., QC
  • Western PA Championship Holstein Show
    July 14, 2012
    Lawrence County Fairgrounds
    Judge Denny Patrick
    165 headed

    • Spring Calf (13)
      • Plum-Line Sanchez Kellie (Sanchez x Plum-Line Gibson Krackle), Patrick Carey
      • Daydreamer Deuce Claire-Red, Lindsey Beatty Henry
      • Plum-Line Sid Lettie, Brooke Carey
    • Winter Calf (20)
      • Plum-Line Advent Gem (Advent x Plum-Line RM Glitter), Patrick Carey
      • Conno-Q Sanchez Flirt, Leighton Meals
      • Clayholm Attic Devon, Clayholm Farms LLC
    • Fall Calves (19)
      • Mases Manor AS Quicksilver (Aftershock x Simpsons Energizer Quilt), Garrett & Maggie Mase
      • Erinwood Windbrook Loverae-ET, Tom & Erin Uber & J. Travis Couch
      • Mases Manor Ross Quincy, Alyssa Campbell
    • Summer Yearling (15)
      • Red-Springs Atwood Jordyn (Atwood x Red-Springs Damion Jewel), Justin Kennedy
      • E-Ricks Asteroid Apache, Harold Rader Jr. & Alex Claypool
      • Peachy Palermo Indy, Mike & Vanessa Uber
    • Spring Yearling (12)
      • Lawrence-Haven Laramee Dora (Laramee x Oakdale Dundee Denise-ET), Wyatt Lawrence
      • Rolling-Spring Sanchez Ella, Charles Bean
      • Hillmont Sanchez Marie, Justin Kennedy
    • Winter Yearling (12)
      • Gretz Sanchez Avatra, Sarah Cambell
      • Lawrence-Haven Perseus Val, Ian Taylor Lawrence
      • Alright Elmo Razzy, Kyle Wright
    • Fall Yearling (12)
      • MS Duckett Jasper Magic, Black Magic Syndicate
      • Craggon Goldwyn Dime, Chad McConnell, Garrett & Maggie Mase
      • Alright FC Kelsy, Katelyn Neff
    • Junior Champion Open Show – 1st Junior Yearling: Lawrence-Haven Laramee Dora, Wyatt Lawrence
    • Reserve Junior Champion Open Show – Plum-Line Advent Gem, Patrick Carey
    • Junior Champion Junior Show – 1st Fall Calf: Plum-Line Advent Gem, Patrick Carey
    • Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show – 1st Summer Yearling: Red-Springs Atwood Jordyn, Justin Kennedy
    • Fall Yearling in Milk
      • MS Rolling-Spring Esteem-ET (Laurin x Budjon-JK Exquisite-ET), Charles Bean
    • Junior 2 Year Old (4)
      • Plum-Line Aspen Karamel (Aspen x Plum-Line Gibson Krackle), Patrick Carey
      • Plum-Line Rubens Darcy, Plum-Line Holsteins
      • Boqurt Director Ruby-Red, Megan McQuaide
    • Senior 2 Year Old (12)
      • Fieldstone Silver Sachet-ET (Goldwyn x Fieldstone Silver Solace-ET), Marburger Farm Dairy
      • Sold-Gold Gold Euro, Spencer Weimer
      • Rolling-Springs Spear Spark, Charles Bean
    • Junior 3 Year Old (10)
      • C-Cove Denison Lani-ET (Denison x GCS Durham Lisa), Matt & Angela Lawrence
      • Miss March Madness, Richard Henry & Sarah Cambell
      • Peachey Tundel Iris, Mike & Vanessa Uber
    • Senior 3 Year Old (11)
      • Highland-H Champion Cabaret-ET (Champion x Highland-H Durham Cameo-ET), Mike & Vanessa Uber
      • Rolling-Spring Electric-ET, Heather Bean
      • Fran-Kee Aden Ava, Paige Nye
    • Intermediate Champion Open Show – Highland-H Champ Caberet-ET, Mike & Vanessa Uber
    • Reserve Intermediate Champion Open Show – C-Cove Denison Lani-ET, Matt & Angela Lawrence
    • Intermediate Champion Junior Show – Plum-Line Aspen Karamel, Patrick Carey
    • Reserve Intermediate Champion Junior Show – Fran-Kee Aden Ava, Paige Nye
    • 4 Year Olds (10)
      • Le-Ara Sovereign Rudy-TW (Sovereign x Le-Ara Brass Prudy), Tim Sturgeon & Family
      • MS Plum-Line Aspen Libby, Plum-Line Holsteins
      • Carday-Pride Gibson Lynn, Carlton Miller
    • 5 Year old (3)
      • Rolling-Spring Da Janeile (Damion x Elm-Brint Mtoto Julia-ET), Heather Bean
      • GH Simpson Damion Selma, Justin Simpson
      • Rolling-Spring Decker Snowy, Brady Dumont
    • Aged Cow (8)
      • Plum-Line Gibson Krackle (Gibson x Plum-Line Kit Kat), Patrick Carey
      • Rolling-Spring CL Splash-ET, Matthew Bean
      • Martinholm AA Mattie Ann, Martinholm Holsteins
    • 125,000lb Cow (2)
      • Highland-H Sully Scout (Highland-H Lee Sully x Highland-H Leduc Secret), Christy Hindman
      • Red-Vision Doe-Red-ET, Jolene Nicoletto
    • Senior and Grand Champion Open Show – Le-Ara Sovereign Rudy-TW, Tim Sturgeon & Family
    • Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion Open Show – Plum-Line Gibson Krackle, Patrick Carey
    • Senior and Grand Champion Junior Show – Plum-Line Gibson Krackle, Patrick Carey
    • Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show – Rolling-Spring D Eccentric-ET, Morgan Gooch
    • Premier Breeder – Rolling-Spring, Charles Bean & Family
    • Premier Exhibitor – Plum-Line Holsteins, the Carey Family
  • Western Pennsylvania Red & White Championship Show
    July 14, 2012
    Judge: Denny Patrick
    43 Head

    • Junior Champion – Daydreamer Deuce Claire-Red, 1st Spring Calf, Lindsey Beatty Henry
    • Reserve Junior Champion – Starmark White Rose-Red, 1st Spring Yearling, Starmark
    • Grand Champion – Lawrence-Haven Vixen-Red, 1st Senior 2 Year Old, Ian Taylor Lawrence
    • Reserve Champion – Martinholm Redman Sunny-Red, 1st Aged Cow, Martinholm Holsteins
  • Frederick-Montgomery Co. Holstein District Show
    July 19, 2012
    Judge: Dave Lease, MD

    • Junior Champion – Knob-View Atwood Katlyn-ET (Atwood), 1st Winter Yearling, Richard Kepler
    • Reserve Junior Champion – M-Riverview Damion Ruby (Damion), 1st Fall Yearling, Scott Hood & David Eigenbrode
    • Grand Champion – Knob-View Sanchez Kayley (Sanchez), 1st Senior 2 Year Old, Richard Kepler
    • Reserve Champion -Glen-Toctin Sanchez Dara (Sanchez), 2nd Senior 2 Year Old, Katelyn Allen
  • Illinois State Holstein Show
    July 20, 2012
    Judge: Chris Hill, MD
    Lincoln, IL

    • Spring Calf (7)
      • Roll-N-View Fever Brand-ET (Crackholm Fever-ET), Caitlin & Blake Meyer and Megan Rohe, IL
      • MS Im An Angel-ET (Mr. Chassity Gold Chip-ET), Connor Erbsen, IL
      • B-J-Grove Confirm Sex Tim (Ralma Confirm-ET), Lucas Clanton, IL
    • Winter Calf (11)
      • MS Gold Chip Bright-ET (Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET), Jeff Butler & Amanda Kennedy, IL
      • Elder-V Avatar Athena-Red (Mr Apples Avatar-ET), Erbsen, Opperman & Lenkaitis, IL
      • Lylehaven Atwood Dreamer (Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood-ET), Brett Woker, IL
    • Fall Calf (17)
      • MS Atwood Adrenaline (Maple-Downs I GW Atwood-ET), Jeff Butler, IL
      • Lake-Prairie Alison-Red-ET (KHW Kite Advent-Red), Marvin & Joe Schluter, IL
      • R-Vision Lauth Duplicate-ET (Comestar Lauthority-ET), Emily Irwin, IL
    • Summer Yearling (5)
      • Milksource Fever Golden (Crackholm Fever-ET), Jeff Butler, IL
      • Erbacres Chicago Lottery (Erbacres Goldwyn Chicago), Kevin Erbsen, IL
      • Erbacres Dempsey Ericka (Lirr Drew Dempsey), Erbsen, Opperman & Wakely, IL
    • Spring Yearling (5)
      • Headwater Lheros Juliet (Comestar Lheros), Caitlin & Blake Meyer & Miles Price, IL
      • BVK Atwood Alex-ET (Maple Downs-I GW Atwood), Miles Price, IL
      • Erbacres Atwood Sunkist (Maple Downs-I GW Atwood), Payton Erbsen, IL
    • Winter Yearling (6)
      • Erbacres Hope of Peace-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), Connor Erbsen, IL
      • Bri-Mel Erstead Layal-ET (Wilcoxview Jasper-ET), Caitlin & Blake Meyer & Miles Price, IL
      • Erbacres Love of Peace-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), Erbsen, Opperman & Wakely, IL
    • Fall Yearling (9)
      • Pellerat Jasper Ginger-ET (Wilcoxview Jasper-ET), Jeff Butler, IL
      • MS Ecstasys Encore-ET (Wilcoxview Jasper-ET), Ludwig Farms, IL
      • Luck-E Braxton Maeve (Regancrest S Braxton-ET), Dalton Engel, IL
    • Junior Champion Bred & Owned – Erbacres Hope of Peace-ET, 1st winter yearling, Connor Erbsen
    • Reserve Junior Champion Bred & Owned – Erbacres Chicago Lottery, 1st B&O summer yearling
    • Junior Champion – Pellerat Jasper Ginger-ET (Wilcoxview Jasper-ET), 1st fall yearling, Jeff Butler, IL
    • Reserve Junior Champion – Milksource Fever Golden (Crackholm Fever-ET), 1st summer yearling, Jeff Butler, IL
    • HM Junior Champion – MS Gold Chip Bright-ET (Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET), 1st winter calf, Jeff Butler & Amanda Kennedy, IL
    • Junior Best Three (1)
    • 2-year-old futurity (13)
      • Erbacres Goldwyn Cotton (Braedale Goldwyn), Kevin Erbsen, IL
      • Erbacres Ad Lacross-Red (KHW Kite Advent-Red), Carla Erbsen Mickey, IL
      • Erbacres Advent Muffin (KHW Kite Advent-Red), Nathan Erbsen, IL
    • Junior 2-year-old (12)
      • BVK Atwood Arianna-ET (Maple-Downs I GW Atwood-ET), Jeff Butler & MB Lucklady Farm, IL & CA
      • Swanee-Acres Sho Ectasy (Patience Showline Contender-Red), Jason Swanson, IL
      • Erbacres Ad Lacross-Red (KHW Kite Advent-Red-ET), Carla Erbsen Mickey, IL
    • Senior 2-year-old (9)
      • Boisblanc Jasper Cristala (Wilcoxview Jasper-ET), Jeff Butler, IL
      • Erbacres Goldwyn Cotton (Braedale Goldwyn), Kevin Erbsen, IL
      • Korian Goldwyn Sun-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), Katelyn Dugan, IL
    • Junior 3-year-old (7)
      • Ludwigs-DG Goldwyn Ellie-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), Ludwig Farms, IL
      • Ludwigs-DG Goldwyn Emmy-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), Ludwig Farms, IL
      • Lindale Affirmed Kinsey (BKB Affirmed-ET), Dale and Linda Drendel, IL
    • Senior 3-year-old (14)
      • Golden-Oaks Plaid 4830 (Windy-Knoll-View Plaid), Golden Oaks Farm, IL
      • Golden-Oaks Dundee 4891 (Regancrest Dundee), Golden Oaks Farm, IL
      • Pierstein Goldwyn Maya (Braedale Goldwyn), Ben Sauder, IL
    • Intermediate Champion – BVK Atwood Arianna-ET (Maple-Downs I GW Atwood-ET), 1st Jr. 2-year-old, Jeff Butler & MB Lucklady Farm, IL & CA
    • Reserve Intermediate Champion – Ludwigs-DG Goldwyn Ellie-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st Jr. 3-year-old, Ludwig Farms, IL
    • HM Intermediate Champion – Ludwigs-DG Goldwyn Emmy-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), 2nd Jr. 3-year-old, Ludwig Farms, IL
    • 4-year-old (3)
      • Lindale Advent Dulcie (KHW Kite Advent-Red), Dale & Linda Drendel, IL
      • Team Aspen Michele-ET (EK-Oseeana Aspen-ET), Dale & Linda Drendel, IL
      • Bluff-Ridge Roy Baretta (Roylane Jordan), Sarah Butler, IL
    • 5-year-old Futurity (4)
      • Team Durham Morgan (Regancrest Elton Durham), Team Holsteins, IL
      • Lindale Aspen Maybelle (EK-Oseeana Aspen-ET), Dale & Linda Drendel, IL
      • Bluff-Ridge Roy Jessie-ET (Roylane Jordan), Sarah Butler, IL
    • 5-year-old (6)
      • MS Dundee Belinda (Regancrest Dundee), Jeff Butler, IL
      • Team Durham Morgan (Regancrest Elton Durham), Team Holsteins, IL
      • Kagwick Durham Suzy (Regancrest Elton Durham), Dale & Linda Drendel, IL
    • Aged Cow (3)
      • Gundys Alise (Silky Gibson), Robert Gunderson, IL
      • Hicklee Goldwyn Good-TW-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), Team Holsteins & Jason Swanson, IL
      • Kalmeys Roy Piehe (Roylane Jordan), Erdman Dairy, IL
    • 125,000 lb. cow (3)
      • Exels Goldwyn Anna-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), Legendholm & Norm Nabholz, IL & IA
      • Gardner Durham Medusa (Regancrest Elton Durham), Dale & Linda Drendel, IL
      • B-J Grove Champion Hoover (Calbrett-I HH Champion), Casey Clanton & Miranda Kollmann, IL
    • Senior & Grand Champion – MS Dundee Belinda (Regancrest Dundee), 1st 5-year-old, Jeff Butler, IL
    • Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion – Exels Goldwyn Anna-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st 125,000 lb. cow, Legendholm & Norm Nabholz, IL & IA
    • Premier Breeder – Erbacres
    • Premier Exhibitor – Lindale Holsteins
  • Connecticut Holstein Show
    July 23, 2012
    Judge: Doug Wolfe
    74 Head Shown

    • Junior Champion of the Open Show – MS Atlees Shot Aleena (Shottle), 1st Spring Yearling, R&S Allyn, J Lloyd, M Heath
    • Reserve Junior Champion of the Open Show – Powder-Mill Roy Tia Lynn (Roy), 1st Summer Yearling, John & Ashley Collins
    • HM Junior Champion of the Open Show – Devans Lindsey (Sid), 1st Winter Calf, Justine Allyn
    • Junior Champion of the Junior Show – Devans Lindsey (Sid), 1st Winter Calf, Justine Allyn
    • Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show – R-E-W Sapphire-ET, 2nd Winter Calf, Michael & Max Wolf
    • Grand Champion of the Open Show – MS Rocklan Shottle Tippy (Shottle), 1st Junior 3 Year Old, R&S Allyn, B Murphy, S Culbertson
    • Reserve Grand Champion & Best Udder of the Open Show – Combination September Sushi (September Storm), 1st Aged Cow, Rick &Dori Wolf
    • HM Grand Champion of the Open Show – BVK Atwood Andrea (Atwood), 1st Junior 2 Year Old, R&S Allyn, J Lloyd, M Heath
    • Grand Champion of the Junior Show – Cedar Rail BWML Hooray, 1st Senior 3 Year Old, Casey Wolf
    • Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Show – MS Duckett Dolman Sandra (Dolamn), 1st Senior 2 Year Old, Max Wolf
    • Premier Breeder & Exhibitor – Schilldale/Tiffany
  • All-Oregon Holstein Show
    July 14, 2012
    Tillamook, OR
    Judge: Adam Van Exel, Lodi, CA
    80 Head Shown

    • Junior Champion of the Junior Show – Mistvale Advent Robyn-Red (Advent), 1st Winter Yearling, Staci Sherer
    • Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show – TMK Sanchez Honkey (Sanchez), 1st Fall Calf, Katie Sherer
    • HM Junior Champion of the Junior Show – Mistvale Melky Shani, 1st Winter Calf, Rylee Armstrong
    • Junior Champion of the Open Show –  Crazy-For Damion Tickle (Damion), 1st Fall Calf, Kenny Coppini
    • Reserve Junior Champion of the Open Show – Sculpture-Of San Enhance, 1st Spring Yearling, TMK Farm
    • HM Junior Champion of the Open Show – Crazy-For Contender Stylin (Contender), 1st Summer Yearling, Kenny Coppini
    • Intermediate Champion – Juniper-Haven A Raja-Red-ET, 1st Senior 2 Year Old, Juniper-Haven
    • Reserve Intermediate Champion – Danielle-L Sanchez Alise-ET (Sanchez), 1st Junior 2 Year Old, Gracie Krahn
    • HM Intermediate Champion – Crazy-For Sept Delirious-TW (September Storm), 1st Senior 3 Year Old, Kenny Coppini
    • Senior & Grand Champion of the Junior Show – Western-Lite Sanchez Dally (Sanchez), Missy Moretti
    • Reserve Senior & Grand Champion of the Junior Show – Premium-Farms Amaz Noel-Red, Missy Moretti
    • HM Senior & Grand Champion of the Junior Show – Hale-Valley Rubens Jigalow (Rubens), Jason Hale
    • Senior Champion of the Open Show – Crazy-For Advent Dazzle (Advent), 1st 4 Year Old, Kenny Coppini
    • Reserve Senior Champion of the Open Show – Cazy-For Durham Lil Lea-ET (Durham), 1st 5 Year Old, Kenny Coppini
    • HM Senior Champion of the Open Show – Midway Dundee Dazzle (Dundee), 1st Aged Cow, Midway Dairy
    • Grand Champion of the Open Show – Crazy-For Advent Dazzle (Advent), 1st 4 Year Old, Kenny Coppini
    • Reserve Grand Champion of the Open Show – Juniper-Haven A Raja-Red, 1st Senior 2 Year Old, Juniper-Haven
    • HM Grand Champion of the Open Show – Cazy-For Durham Lil Lea-ET (Durham), 1st 5 Year Old, Kenny Coppini
  • Michigan State Holstein Show
    July 20, 2012
    Michigan State University in East Lansing
    Judge: Eric Top, OH

    • Spring Calf
      • Cass-Ridge Palermo Spring , Paul Beiler
      • Tri-Koebel Gwn Warrior-ET,Greta Koebel, MI
      • Preston Dempsey Fawn, Jenna Beeker,
    • Winter Calf
      • Hardys Braxton Spice-ET, Hardys Holsteins, MI
      • EK-SYJ Lauthority Bijou-ET, Spencer Weimer, PA
      • Tumbleweed Powerplay Divine, Nugent, Nugent and Burkhardt, MI
    • Fall Calf
      • Co-Vista Digger Dreamy-ET, Levi Westendorp, MI
      • Gibbs Attack Lone Rock, Parker Hardy,, MI
      • MS Tri-Koebel Go-Getter, King Street Holsteins,
    • Summer Yearling
      • Siemers Fvr Hayla-Queen-ET, Spencer Weimer, PA
      • Heaths Got Potential, Todd Watts, , MI
      • Class-E Atwood Cashew-ET, Eric Moser, MI
    • Spring Yearling Heifer
      • Mapel Wood Fever Bombino, Hardys Holsteins, MI
      • SJ-Reed Sanchez Barracuda, Marcus Reed, MI
      • Star-Summit Mitch Renita, Star-Summit, MI
    • Winter Yearling
      • SRD-IL Fremont Brina-ET, Lucas Moser,, MI
      • Tri-Koebel Sanchez Winter-ET, Greta Koebel, , MI
      • Freelands Glen Hamms, Todd Watts, MI
    • Fall Yearling
      • Crooked Tree JLF Gold Medal, Ian Black, Joe Domecq,
      • Siemers Sanchez Happy Gal-ET, Spencer Weimer, PA
      • Class-E Classic Cheddar-ET, Lucas Moser, MI
    • Junior Champion of the Junior Show – Siemers Fvr Hayla-Queen-ET, Spencer Weimer, PA
    • Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show – Crooked Tree JLF Gold Medal, Ian Black, Joe Domecq
    • Junior Champion of the Open Show – Siemers Fvr Hayla-Queen-ET, Spencer Weimer, PA
    • Reserve Junior Champion of the Open Show – Co-Vista Digger Dreamy-ET, Levi Westendorp, MI
    • Great Lakes Futurity
      • Tri-Koebel Roy Elaborate, Greta Koebel, MI
      • Moram Cele Tanent Pip, Moram Holsteins, MI
      • Star-Summit L.P.T. Pauline, Star-Summit, MI
    • Junior Two Year Old
      • (BU) WOC-ZBW Atwood Skittles, Hardys Holsteins, MI
      • Hardys Jasper Diamond-ET, Parker Hardy, MI
      • Tumbleweed Debonair Birthday, Nugent, Nugent and Burkhardt, MI
    • Senior Two Year Old
      • Hardys Goldwyn Magenta-ET, Hardys Holsteins, Tipton, MI
      • Star-Summit Rhonda-Red, Star-Summit, Byron Center, MI
      • Posey-Creek Juror Ivy, Posy Creek Farm, North Adams, MI
    • Junior Three Year Old
      • (BU) Dutchline Cary, Hardys Holsteins, MI
      • Tri-Koebel Pagewire Muffin, Tera and Greta Koebel, MI
      • Hardys Talent Danika-ET, Parker Hardy, MI
    • Senior Three Year Old
      • Minsu Lyster Haywood, T&H Dairy,, MI
      • Green Meadow Roswell Jasinia, Green Meadow Farms, MI
      • Ri-Val-Re Sidney Wendy-ET, Nick Clark, MI
    • Intermediate Champion – WOC-ZBW Atwood Skittles, first junior 2,, Hardys Holsteins, MI
    • Reserve Intermediate Champion – Tri-Koebel Roy Elaborate, Futurity winner,, Greta Koebel, MI
    • Four Year Old
      • (BU) Little River Goldwyn Sandra, Hardys Holsteins, MI
      • Tri-Koebel Roy Fear None, Terry and Jennie Koebel, MI
      • Class L & E Fabulous Tina, Lucas Moser, MI
    • Five Year Old
      • (BU) Tri-Koebel Goldwyn Trophey, Eric Sneller, MI
      • Green Meadow Kari-ET, Justin Webster, MI
      • Leann-Acres Terrason Honey, Eric Sneller, MI
    • Aged Cow
      • Tri-Koebel Fear This-ET, Tera Koebel, MI
      • Green-Meadow Guston Lindsay, Long/Green, , MI
      • Hardys Durham Dolly, Parker Hardy, Tipton, MI
    • 125,000lb Cow
      • Rod-er-Dic Durham Amy, Rod-er-Dic Farm, MI
      • Green Meadow Rolex Allie, Kelvin Webster, MI
    • Senior Champion and Grand Champion – Little River Goldwyn Sandra, first 4 year old,, Hardys Holsteins, MI
    • Reserve Senior Champion and Reserve Grand Champion – Tri-Koebel Fear This-ET, first aged cow, Tera Koebel, MI
    • Senior and Grand Champion of the Junior Show – Tri-Koebel Fear This-ET, first aged cow, Tera Koebel, MI
    • Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Show – Hardys Durham Dolly, second aged cow, Parker Hardy, Tipton, MI


  • Reflections of Maple Downs Sale
    • Lot 5 – $10,000 – Hobby-Acres Pronto Edge-ET VG-87 – Sr. 3yr Old pregnant to Fever x 2E-94 Durham x 3E-92 Progress x EX-91 Skychief
    • Lot 3 – $9750 – Ms Charos Duplex Carrie-ET EX-92 95-MS
    • Lot 89 – $9500 – Co-Vista Japser August – Milking 2yr Old sired by Jasper x Cranberry-Mdws D Appeal-ET VG-88
  • Maryland State Sale Highlights
    July 17, 2012
    McHenry, Maryland
    78 Full lots averaged $4,832

    • High Seller – Lot 2 $29,000 Locust Ayr C Mercy P Red Et, A flush age Red Polled Colt P with a GTPI of +2036 Buyer: San Dan Holsteins Consignor: Mike and Anita Haines
    • 2nd High Seller – Lot 4 $25,000 Ladys Manor GR Lachelle ET, A March 2012 Grafeeti with a GTPI of +2394 Consignor: My Ladys Manor Farm Buyer: Glen-Toctin Farm

What Happens If Genomics Doesn’t Work?

There has be so much talk lately, The Bullvine included, about how much the dairy breeding world has changed since the introduction of Genomics, that it has  me thinking, “What if genomics doesn’t pan out.  What if it doesn’t work as well as predicted?”

History is full of trends and inventions that the world thought would be amazing that in the end seemed nothing more than hype.  In recent history there has been foursquare (location based social network) and the Snuggie that, due to great marketing and an audience starved for something new, saw immediate rapid growth but lacked staying power.  Are genomics no better than the Snuggie?

While I must admit, I am sure there has been way more research and development behind genomics than there was behind the Snuggie, there are some significant areas that we have had to assume as musts that may turn out to bite us in the butt.  Such as:

  • Not a Perfect Science
    Because genomics are so new, this means that we have to operate on a number of assumptions.  As time goes on and more and more animals are tested, I am sure the accuracy will improve.
  • Limited Data
    While the ability to have genetic evaluations and recording systems provides genomics the ability to more accurately predict genetics merit far ahead of genomics in other animals or humans, it’s still in its infancy.  As more and more cattle are tested there will be more and more data to work from providing geneticists with greater accuracy in the systems they produce.
  • Hot House Effect
    While even we have written about how genomics has removed the hothouse effect (Has Genomics Knocked Out Hot House Herds?), does it really mean that it has been removed, or maybe it has just changed the game?  Maybe “shady” breeders just need to think of new ways to work the new system.

Is It Genomics or Is It You?

History is littered with wide scale aversion to new, disruptive technologies.  Thomas Edison turned down the radio because it had no commercial value; Western Union turned down the telephone because management thought ‘it will never be more than a toy’.  Can you believe that Thomas J. Watson Sr., founder and head of IBM, turned down the computer; and Kodak turned down the Xerox copier.  This makes me think of how many old school breeders are pissing on genomics (Old School Dairy Breeders – STOP PISSING ON GENOMICS) maybe more because of fear of change, than anything else.

May be you should also stop listening to the radio, talking on the telephone or taking pictures?  Now tell me how many cattle you’ll be marketing?

The Bullvine Bottom Line

There are no guarantees in life (well, I guess I should say with the exceptions of   death, taxes) and genomics is no different.  Genomics is not a perfect science, yet.  However, it does have a very sound scientific basis that, as time goes on, can be refined and enhanced.  For those who are afraid of genomics I ask you, are you afraid of genomics, or are you afraid of change?
The Dairy Breeders No BS Guide to Genomics


Not sure what all this hype about genomics is all about?

Want to learn what it is and what it means to your breeding program?

Download this free guide.




How Dairy Cattle Judging Made Me Rich

No, I have not judged the Royal or Madison.  No, I have not bought or sold a Supreme Champion.  However, what I have gotten is worth far more, and has helped me become far richer than any of these things could have.  It gave me the confidence to be heard, the ability to know what I am talking about, and the skills to defend my position, and these three things have served me extremely well in my career.

With Ontario Summer Show & Dairy Cattle Evaluation Clinic coming up tomorrow and Friday it has me thinking about how fortunate I was to grow up and have the amazing opportunity to learn at these great events.  I  remember being 11 years old and poking my head around Lowell Lindsey or Orton Eby trying to get a look at the cattle.  I can also remember trying to stand as close as I could to Bert Stewart so that when he would pick someone to give reasons he would pick me.  The skills that I learned there have served me extremely well.  The following are three skills I learned at these evaluation clinics that have set my career on fire.

Public Speaking

There is no question the ability to speak well in public is a great skill to have.  Everyone always ask me why don’t you get nervous before speaking to crowds of five hundred and sometimes one thousand people?  I say, “Why that is easy. Try giving reasons on a class of Jersey 2 yr. olds after Court Carmichael has just given reasons on the class that you placed exactly opposite to his. Of course,  they do look at me kind of funny, but the point is, there has been no better place to learn how to speak in public than at these clinics.  I can tell you I  remember to this day the feeling I had when Orton Eby and Frank Donkers came over and said, good job kid.  I tell you I was on top of the world.  Two men that, to this day, I still think the world of, patting me on the back.  There could be nothing better.

I can never forget  the first time I went to Madison and heard the 4-H members from the US give their reasons.  Man, did they sound sweet and long.  “She is dairy from the tip of her nose to the tip of her tail,”  They have some good sayings that seem to roll off their tongues.  Fortunately, for me,  Bert Stewart was there telling me, “Just say what you see and leave all the other BS for them.”  Those experiences showed me that having the ability to articulate what you are saying and putting mental images in your audiences’ head can do wonders for bringing what you have to say to life.  Not only do you learn  to say that she has a “more desirable” set of feet and legs instead of “better”, but, you also gain the ability to clearly articulate what you are thinking.

Evaluation Skills

From having to hire sales people or selling  to some of the biggest tech companies in the country or building demand generation programs for extremely complex products, the ability to evaluate options is a skill everyone should have in their tool box.  Learning at these evaluation clinics the importance of a scorecard or understanding how subtle nuances can make the world of difference to overall conformation or profitability, has helped me understand the need for systems and processes for everything you do.

When I first started judging, I tried to do everything on gut feel.  Sure, I got lucky sometimes, but in order to build repeatable results you need to have systems in place that set you up for success.  That  starts with knowing what   the end result is aiming for  (the true type model) and then understanding what areas are where  the money is made (mammary systems) and what areas are  just for show (size and stature).

Confidence to Defend My Position

Some might say I have enough confidence to fill a sinking ship, others might call it arrogance. Either way, the ability to translate that “arrogance” into “confidence” comes from the lessons I learned during these dairy cattle evaluation clinics.  Knowing your reasons for why you believe one option is better than another one is and having the ability to defend your opinion, even under the most rigorous of scrutiny, is a skill all young people should have.

It’s a skill that will serve you well regardless of the career you choose. This is especially true of you go into a sales career, such as I have.  Knowing the reasons why one option is better than another is one thing, being able to convince others that it is, is even more important.  That skill has served me extremely well.  I have been fortunate to sell products from $1.99 to over 2 million and the one thing that is the same in all these processes is you must have  the ability to defend why your option is the best option for that specific prospect’s needs.  That’s a skill I learned at these clinics.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

From my first trip to the InterCounty 4-H  Judging Competition and winning top placings and still not making the Madison team, to my last trip and winning top reasons things sure did change as  a direct result of what I learned at the dairy cattle evaluation clinics.  However, more importantly, the lessons I learned at these clinics have served me in every facet of my career as I judge, show and sell in the arena of big business.  Rich indeed!

KIDS, CALVES and COMPETITION: Safety in the Dairy Ring

dairy cattle showing youthOne of the outstanding benefits of living on a dairy farm is that it provides the opportunity to learn how to compete in the dairy ring. Working with dairy animals improves physical fitness, coordination, self-discipline and teamwork, but these beneficial activities can also put participants at risk for injury.

Show-related injuries are preventable.  It is a matter of protecting bodies, while they are still growing and just beginning to understand the skills involved in working with animals. Unlike sports such as baseball or hockey where flying objects can cause injuries to the face, the danger in the show ring  most often lies in the child’s awareness of the living, and sometimes unpredictable, animal at the end of the lead.

Training of both the child and the animal is the key to avoiding injuries to both participants.  Of course, it is up to the adults in charge to make sure that youth participating in the events are safe from foreseeable harm.

Dairy Show Injury Prevention Tips

  • Dress participants in appropriate protective equipment. Most sports teams require participants to have specific equipment that is the proper size and adjusted to each athlete. We should do the same for young cattle show persons. Footwear that can withstand tromping on and that is safe from slipping in wet, muddy or messy conditions. Steel toed work boots are the safest choice. Flip flops, clogs and bare feet are strictly unacceptable when working with cattle.  If proper protective equipment isn’t available, it is NOT alright to go ahead.  It teaches two incorrect things: a- the rules don`t count  b- rules can be broken.
  • Proper halter size. A halter that is too big is dangerous as it can be easily pulled off. The halter should not cause discomfort to the calf. As well, make sure the lead shank is neither too long nor too short. This is where experience will be the best teacher but don`t let the handling of the halter or lead become a bigger job than moving easily with the calf.
  • Maintain safe show ring conditions. Wherever, cattle are being shown, basic safety precautions should be in place. Clear the area of debris. Beware of broken glass, rusty nails, used syringes, rocks and other items that would increase injury if a child fell or slid on them. If this will be an outdoor event, watch weather forecasts; have a set of guidelines for postponing the event, if necessary.
  • Have an emergency plan for injuries during shows. If at all possible have an adult trained in first aid techniques on hand. At least have an adult with a charged mobile phone. Provide the adult supervisor with a notebook of emergency phone numbers for parents or guardians of all participants. Carry a well-stocked first aid kit.
  • Enforce basic sportsmanship rules. This is the beginning of learning how to care for animals, prepare them for showing and putting forth their best feet forward in the ring. By all means, prevent bullying of competitors by adults or children. Young show persons need to focus on showing, not on their shame, embarrassment or humiliation.
  • Ensure children drink plenty of liquids. In the excitement of participating in this highlight of dairy cattle this may be overlooked and could result in dehydration. This is especially important in high heat, high humidity or high altitudes or with children who are novices and may not have experience in maintaining control of their animal for an extended time.
  • Provide proper training and skills building for young show people. Select a calf that will be a suitable size for the child to work with and show. Begin training as soon as possible. Training is not something that can be done in a couple of days! As the child builds fundamental skills, they will gain confidence in handling the calf and in presenting it for the judge`s consideration.
  • NEVER wrap the lead rope around the hand, arm, wrist or any body part. If they are bound like this and the heifer moves away quickly, the child could be seriously hurt.


When children are properly prepared to show dairy cattle, the skills they learn and mentors they meet will last them a lifetime. Safety first.  Memories forever.

When You’re Trying To Get Ahead … Try Feet First!!

When it comes to managing a profitable dairy herd, you have to place a high priority on mobility. If your cows are suffering from pain and discomfort when they try to walk, every other area from reproduction, to nutrition and milk production will be negatively affected.  Unfortunately, we often don’t identify the problem until it is so far along that treatment costs are high and recovery rates are low.

Step by Step: There are three main areas to address

  1. Observation and Detection
  2. Environment and Genetics
  3. Treatment and Medication



Of course, the goal is to reduce lameness to a zero percent occurrence.  Even if everyone observing the herd strives for this objective, it is a difficult job, especially if the animal to observer ratio is high.

  • Numerical Rating Scores (NRS) Work
    Studies on gait scoring or locomotion scoring are available to make assessment easier. Some research studies have gone a step further incorporating weight displacement analysis.  The use of a weight scale to read the weight displacement from one leg to another supports the observation that lame cows in standing position will remove weight on their injured leg by transferring body weight to the opposite (contralateral) leg.  These studies are scored from video recordings, some of which are available on the Internet and are quite helpful in identifying and understanding observable characteristics of lameness. Researchers recorded gait scores and weight transfer before and after they injected a local anaesthetic (lidocaine) to healthy and lame lactating dairy cows. Results showed that 92% of cows with sole ulcers were correctly identified. For the day-to-day dairy operator, it will still come down to personal observation which is not perfectly accurate.  In the always evolving age of technology, it probably won’t be long until an automated system is available to measure the weight distribution on each hoof, while cattle are in a holding area or milking stall.
  • Administering anesthetic
    Lame cows treated with anesthetic demonstrated less weight transfer to healthy limbs, as indicated by both gait scoring and a scale that measured weight borne by each limb. It was found that, before injection of the anaesthetic, lame cows were transferring more weight from the injured leg to the contralateral leg, and they also had a higher gait score than healthy cows. After injection of the anaesthetic, the gait score of lame cows decreased and the animals reduced the weight transfer from the injured leg to the contralateral leg. The study concludes that the two methods of detecting lameness have some degree of validity.
  • Lame Cows Stand Apart in Other Ways Too
    When an animal has sore feet, it affects other areas of their movement and how they move through their environment.  One study noted four non-foot areas that were present when there was lameness or other foot problem: 3.8% had neck lesions, 3% had broken tails, 23% had dirty hind limbs and 4.6% had dirty udders.
  • Future studies
    Work is being done with infrared thermography and visual examination of dairy cows in different stages of lactation to see the effects of lameness on milk production.


Once, the lameness problem has been identified, we start looking to discover what has caused it.  It comes down to two choices, environment and genetics.

Research points to three helpful conclusions:

  1. Cows housed in tie stalls on rubber mats spend more time lying down and have fewer hock injuries than those housed on concrete.
  2. Softer, higher-friction flooring improves the gait of cows with and without sole ulcers.
  3. Wet conditions.  Exposure to moist surfaces results in softer claws and cows with softer claws are at greater risk for lameness.
  4. By far the area with the most environmental impact is tie-stall design. Some dairy cows spend most of their days confined in tie-stalls. Tie stall design can, therefore, affect animal health, welfare, productivity and longevity. Studies are available that can provide the pros and cons of stall length, width, tie-chain length and tie rail height.

Genetics of Locomotion

We have all heard cattle classifiers and show judges point out that locomotion is a key point in identifying exceptional animals. “Moving on a great set of feet and legs” is highly desirable. Cows with a higher feet and legs score, steeper foot angle and somewhat straighter legs have genetically better locomotion. We all think we know what great legs look like, but the inheritance and genetics of proper foot structure is an area that requires scientific research.



At the simplest level, although not always achievable, lame cows benefit from spending even short periods of time on pasture.  Relative to the cows housed indoors, cows on pasture improved by a full gait score (i.e. from 3 to 2) over the 5 week treatment period. Two specific elements of gait, tracking up and reluctance to bear weight evenly on all 4 hooves, also improved. There was no change in two other specific gait elements (head bob, back arch). Cows on pasture also spent less time lying down than did cows kept indoors. The study concluded that lame cows benefit from spending even less than 3 weeks on pasture.


Cows were scored after administered pain relief medication (ketoprofen) to cows exhibiting gait impairment. Saline was administered to lame control cows. Cows were scored before, during and after treatment. Numerical Rating Scores improved in response to ketoprofen dose, with the greatest improvement occurring at the highest dose (3 mg per kg of body weight). However, even NRS improved by only 0.25 suggesting that more potent drugs are required to treat this pain or that much variation in cow gait is due to factors other than pain.


You can`t fix what you don`t see. Use your eyes. It is crucial that you use every observable technique at your disposal to identify animals that are having foot problems and, it is even more crucial that you do it sooner rather than later.  Keep records. This is one area that sets apart the winners from those who also-ran, or more correctly, those who also-limp.

BIOSECURITY – How Safe is Your Dairy?

As I got out of my vehicle and walked into the cow barn at my friend’s dairy farm last week, I asked myself, “Does he know where my shoes and clothes have been since I left home this morning?”  It’s all too easy for me to hop in the truck at my farm and, in the same clothes and shoes that I’ve been working in, pop over to his place.  Does he care where I’ve been walking? It also seems that the TMR mixer repairman or the milking equipment dealer can also walk anywhere in his barn without him showing concern. I do know that his AI Tech and Vet both take care to wash their footwear on both entry and exit from his farm. However, both those individuals know the cost of disease and carrying contamination between farms.

The Balance Between, “Hi! We’re Open for Business!” and “PRIVATE! Keep Out!”

Two months ago I visited a broiler farm being run by the children of my college classmate. There was a sign at the entry gate to the farm informing all visitors that they were to check at the farm office at the back of the house before proceeding further along the farm lane. At the office, I was served coffee and a sweet but at no time was there any consideration of allowing me anywhere near the exterior door to the poultry barn. Repairmen coming on that farm are given orders to put on completely clean shoes and clothes. I know for sure that the feed delivery truck must have its wheels hosed off before entering and after exiting that farm. These consistent rules are friendly but secure at the same time.

FACT: Dairy producers remain behind their counterparts in the pork and poultry industries on this front called biosecurity.

So why the difference?

The differences probably arise from tradition. Dairy cattle breeders like to see cows in the flesh and welcome opportunities to view the four-legged results of their labours. Poultry producers talk in terms of net return per kg of quota and are focused on producing a healthy product. They are well aware of the devastation that even a minor outbreak of disease can do to ruin the profit potential. Beyond the health of their flock, they also have the desire to guarantee the consumer the safe and biosecure product they demand. If you are thinking that we in the dairy industry do not need to worry about that, then think again. In time, and likely not a long time, it will be a global standard.

Taking absence of disease for granted

In temperate climates, where there is freezing during the winter, endemic zooenotic diseases are far less common than in tropical climates. This quickly became evident to me when I was consulting in the Middle East and witnessed firsthand that our dairy cattle had to be kept in eight foot high walled cow lots so that the native animals did not share their multitude of diseases. The end result from these precautions is that the producers in those countries profit from selling a safe, high quality product.

 What you don’t know CAN hurt you

In truth dairy farmers often are not aware of the incidence or level of a disease on their farms. As well they frequently do not know the cost associated with diseases. A good example is fact that many producers do not see the need to register in state or provincial Johnes eradication programs.  It is reassuring to see the leadership state, provincial, university and industry officials are providing in developing programs to eliminate positive animals. However, are we being too complacent in buying in? At the end of the day do we want to ask ourselves, “Is it comfortable to produce a product that we know we cannot guarantee as being safe and secure from disease contamination? “ Of course, the answer is, “No!”

What’s Ahead

Just last year I had a discussion with Canada’s Chief Veterinary Officer about what happens on the farms of Canada’s trading partners when it comes to biosecurity and what those countries are likely to require to happen in Canada, if they are to sign  trade agreements with us in the future. He spoke in terms of setting in place systems to monitor on-farm biosecurity which would be joint government and industry initiatives. Additionally he spoke about the need to fast track systems of recording, monitoring and guaranteeing healthy food products in Canada.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Producing nature’s most perfect food does not only involve the production but also the obligation that the product is guaranteed free of any contamination. We all need to get behind the efforts needed at the farm and industry level to guarantee biosecurity. It is part of the future success of dairy farming.

Weekly Show and Sale Recap– 7/21/2012


  • Wisconsin Championship Show
    July 16-17, 2012
    Marshfield, WI
    Judge: Brian Carscadden, Guelph, ON
    Total head: 194

    • Junior Champion: Stranshome Gold Saffron (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st summer yearling, Jordan & Whitney Ebert, Algoma, WI
    • Reserve Junior Champion: Siemers Dstry Sunraygal-ET (Scientific Destry-ET), 1st fall calf, C, J, J, J, C & L Siemers, Newton, WI
    • Intermediate Champion: Siemers Goldwyn Goldie-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st senior 3-year-old, Jordan & Whitney Ebert, Algoma, WI
    • Reserve Intermediate Champion: Benrise Goldwyn Jojo (Braedale Goldwyn), 2nd senior 3-year-old, Peter & Lyn Vail & Budjon Farms, Lomira, WI
    • Senior & Grand Champion: Milksource Goldwyn Africa (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st 4-year-old, Peter & Lyn Vail & Budjon Farm, Lomira, WI
    • Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion: Scientific Gold Dana Rae-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st 5-year-old, Budjon, Kietzman & Woodmansee, Lomira, WI
    • Premier Breeder: Siemers Holsteins, Newton, WI
    • Premier Exhibitor: Peter & Lyn Vail and Budjon Farms, Lomira, WI
  • Western PA Holstein Championship Show
    July 14 – New Castle, PA
    Judge – Dennis Patrick, Woodbine, MD
    Total shown – 165

    • Junior Champion: Lawrence-Haven Laramee Dora (Pine-Shelter Laramee Mar-ET), 1st spring yearling, Wyatt Lawrence, Mercer, PA
    • Res. Junior Champion: Plum-Line Advent Gem (KHW Kite Advent-Red), 1st winter calf, Patrick Carey, Titusville, PA
    • Intermediate Champion: Highland-H Champ Cabaret-ET (Calbrett-I HH Champion), 1st Sr. 3-year-old, Michael & Vanessa Uber, Mercer, PA
    • Res. Intermediate Champion: C-Cove Denison Lani-ET (Jerland Denison-ET), 1st Jr. 3-year-old, Matthew & Angela Lawrence, Mercer, PA
    • Senior & Grand Champion: Le-Ara Sovereign Ruby-Tw (Stanhope Sovereign-ET), 1st 4-year-old, Timothy Sturgeon, Fombell, PA
    • Res. Senior & Res. Grand Champion: Plum-Line Gibson Krackle (Silky Gibson-ET), 1st aged cow, Patrick Carey, Titusville, PA
    • Premier Breeder: Rolling-Spring Holsteins, the Charles Bean family, Franklin, PA
    • Premier Exhibitor: Plum-Line Holsteins, the Carey family, Titusville, PA
    • Junior Division champions
      • Junior Champion: Plum-Line Advent Gem (KHW Kite Advent-Red), winter calf, Patrick Carey, Titusville, PA
      • Res. Junior Champion: Red-Springs Atwood Jordyn (Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood-ET), summer yearling, Justin Kennedy, New Castle, PA
      • Intermediate Champion: Plum-Line Aspen Karamel (EK-Oseeana Aspen-ET), Jr. 2-year-old, Patrick Carey, Titusville, PA
      • Res. Intermediate Champion: Fran-Kee Josh Mickey (Amoore Exclusive Josh), Sr. 3-year-old, Shane Cook, Fombell, PA
      • Senior & Grand Champion: Plum-Line Gibson Krackle (Silky Gibson-ET), aged cow, Patrick Carey, Titusville, PA
      • Res. Senior & Res. Grand Champion: Rolling-Spring D Eccentric-ET (Regancrest Dolman), Morgan Gooch, East Earl, PA
  • Lancaster County (PA) Holstein Show
    July 19 – Lampeter, PA
    Judge –  Steve Shaw, Williamsburg, PA
    Total shown – 75

    • Junior Champion: Cedar-Crest Alexan Lollipop (Golden-Oaks Alexander), 1st spring yearling, Mark & Kris Welk & David K. Stoltzfus, Quarryville, PA
    • Res. Junior Champion: Betty Pottsdale Goldroy Asa (UFM-Dubs Goldroy-ET), 1st winter yearling, Kelsey Heiney, Strasburg, PA
    • Senior & Grand Champion: New-VisionTenley-Red-ET (KHW Kite Advent-Red) 1st Sr. 3-year-old,  Peila Bros LLC, Lancaster, PA
    • Res. Senior & Res. Grand Champion: Gajan Carla (Gajan Counselor JP) 1st 4-year-old, Galen Martin, East Earl, PA
    • Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Star-Rock Farm, the Barley Family, Conestoga, PA
  •                 Junior Division champions
      • Junior Champion: Betty Pottsdale Goldroy Asa (UFM-Dubs Goldroy-ET), 1st winter yearling (1st open) Kelsey Heiney, Strasburg, PA
      • Res. Junior Champion: Pottsdale Dusk Bernadine, (Scientific SS Dusk), 1st fall yearling (1st open), Jordan Zimmerman,  East Earl, PA
      • Senior & Grand Champion: Arethusa Goldwyn Varina (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st Jr. 3-year-old (1st open), Jordan Zimmerman, East Earl, PA
      • Res. Senior & Res. Grand Champion: Star-Rock Pro 4334 (Windy-Knoll-View Rubens Pro), 1st 4-year-old (2nd open), Jonah Barley, Conestoga, PA
      • Best Bred and Owned Youth: Star-Rock Lightning 5695 (Lylehaven Lightning), 1st Sr. 2-year-old (1st open), Emma Barley, Conestoga, PA
  • Illinois State Holstein Show
    July 20, 2012
    Judge: Chris Hill, MD
    Lincoln, IL

    • Spring Calf (7)
      • 1. Roll-N-View Fever Brand-ET (Crackholm Fever-ET), Caitlin & Blake Meyer and Megan Rohe, IL
      • 2. MS Im An Angel-ET (Mr. Chassity Gold Chip-ET), Connor Erbsen, IL
      • 3. B-J-Grove Confirm Sex Tim (Ralma Confirm-ET), Lucas Clanton, IL
    • Winter Calf (11)
      • 1. MS Gold Chip Bright-ET (Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET), Jeff Butler & Amanda Kennedy, IL
      • 2. Elder-V Avatar Athena-Red (Mr Apples Avatar-ET), Erbsen, Opperman & Lenkaitis, IL
      • 3. Lylehaven Atwood Dreamer (Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood-ET), Brett Woker, IL
    • Fall Calf (17)
      • 1. MS Atwood Adrenaline (Maple-Downs I GW Atwood-ET), Jeff Butler, IL
      • 2. Lake-Prairie Alison-Red-ET (KHW Kite Advent-Red), Marvin & Joe Schluter, IL
      • 3. R-Vision Lauth Duplicate-ET (Comestar Lauthority-ET), Emily Irwin, IL
    • Summer Yearling (5)
      • 1. Milksource Fever Golden (Crackholm Fever-ET), Jeff Butler, IL
      • 2. Erbacres Chicago Lottery (Erbacres Goldwyn Chicago), Kevin Erbsen, IL
      • 3. Erbacres Dempsey Ericka (Lirr Drew Dempsey), Erbsen, Opperman & Wakely, IL
    • Spring Yearling (5)
      • 1. Headwater Lheros Juliet (Comestar Lheros), Caitlin & Blake Meyer & Miles Price, IL
      • 2. BVK Atwood Alex-ET (Maple Downs-I GW Atwood), Miles Price, IL
      • 3. Erbacres Atwood Sunkist (Maple Downs-I GW Atwood), Payton Erbsen, IL
    • Winter Yearling (6)
      • 1. Erbacres Hope of Peace-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), Connor Erbsen, IL
      • 2. Bri-Mel Erstead Layal-ET (Wilcoxview Jasper-ET), Caitlin & Blake Meyer & Miles Price, IL
      • 3. Erbacres Love of Peace-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), Erbsen, Opperman & Wakely, IL
    • Fall Yearling (9)
      • 1. Pellerat Jasper Ginger-ET (Wilcoxview Jasper-ET), Jeff Butler, IL
      • 2. MS Ecstasys Encore-ET (Wilcoxview Jasper-ET), Ludwig Farms, IL
      • 3. Luck-E Braxton Maeve (Regancrest S Braxton-ET), Dalton Engel, IL
    • Junior Champion Bred & Owned
      • Erbacres Hope of Peace-ET, 1st winter yearling, Connor Erbsen
    • Reserve Junior Champion Bred & Owned
      • Erbacres Chicago Lottery, 1st B&O summer yearling
    • Junior Champion:
      • Pellerat Jasper Ginger-ET (Wilcoxview Jasper-ET), 1st fall yearling, Jeff Butler, IL
    • Reserve Junior Champion
      • Milksource Fever Golden (Crackholm Fever-ET), 1st summer yearling, Jeff Butler, IL
    • HM Junior Champion
      • MS Gold Chip Bright-ET (Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET), 1st winter calf, Jeff Butler & Amanda Kennedy, IL
    • Junior Best Three (1)
      • 1. Erbacres Holsteins, IL
    • Show Dedication – Lewis Porter, IL
    • 2-year-old futurity (13)
      • 1. Erbacres Goldwyn Cotton (Braedale Goldwyn), Kevin Erbsen, IL
      • 2. Erbacres Ad Lacross-Red (KHW Kite Advent-Red), Carla Erbsen Mickey, IL
      • 3. Erbacres Advent Muffin (KHW Kite Advent-Red), Nathan Erbsen, IL
    • Junior 2-year-old (12)
      • 1. BVK Atwood Arianna-ET (Maple-Downs I GW Atwood-ET), Jeff Butler & MB Lucklady Farm, IL & CA
      • 2. Swanee-Acres Sho Ectasy (Patience Showline Contender-Red), Jason Swanson, IL
      • 3. Erbacres Ad Lacross-Red (KHW Kite Advent-Red-ET), Carla Erbsen Mickey, IL
    • Senior 2-year-old (9)
      • 1. Boisblanc Jasper Cristala (Wilcoxview Jasper-ET), Jeff Butler, IL
      • 2. Erbacres Goldwyn Cotton (Braedale Goldwyn), Kevin Erbsen, IL
      • 3. Korian Goldwyn Sun-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), Katelyn Dugan, IL
    • Junior 3-year-old (7)
      • 1. Ludwigs-DG Goldwyn Ellie-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), Ludwig Farms, IL
      • 2. Ludwigs-DG Goldwyn Emmy-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), Ludwig Farms, IL
      • 3. Lindale Affirmed Kinsey (BKB Affirmed-ET), Dale and Linda Drendel, IL
    • Senior 3-year-old (14)
      • 1. Golden-Oaks Plaid 4830 (Windy-Knoll-View Plaid), Golden Oaks Farm, IL
      • 2. Golden-Oaks Dundee 4891 (Regancrest Dundee), Golden Oaks Farm, IL
      • 3. Pierstein Goldwyn Maya (Braedale Goldwyn), Ben Sauder, IL
    • Intermediate Champion
      • BVK Atwood Arianna-ET (Maple-Downs I GW Atwood-ET), 1st Jr. 2-year-old, Jeff Butler & MB Lucklady Farm, IL & CA
    • Reserve Intermediate Champion
      • Ludwigs-DG Goldwyn Ellie-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st Jr. 3-year-old, Ludwig Farms, IL
    • HM Intermediate Champion
      • Ludwigs-DG Goldwyn Emmy-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), 2nd Jr. 3-year-old, Ludwig Farms, IL
    • 4-year-old (3)
      • 1. Lindale Advent Dulcie (KHW Kite Advent-Red), Dale & Linda Drendel, IL
      • 2. Team Aspen Michele-ET (EK-Oseeana Aspen-ET), Dale & Linda Drendel, IL
      • 3. Bluff-Ridge Roy Baretta (Roylane Jordan), Sarah Butler, IL
    • 5-year-old Futurity (4)
      • 1. Team Durham Morgan (Regancrest Elton Durham), Team Holsteins, IL
      • 2. Lindale Aspen Maybelle (EK-Oseeana Aspen-ET), Dale & Linda Drendel, IL
      • 3. Bluff-Ridge Roy Jessie-ET (Roylane Jordan), Sarah Butler, IL
    • 5-year-old (6)
      • 1. MS Dundee Belinda (Regancrest Dundee), Jeff Butler, IL
      • 2. Team Durham Morgan (Regancrest Elton Durham), Team Holsteins, IL
      • 3. Kagwick Durham Suzy (Regancrest Elton Durham), Dale & Linda Drendel, IL
    • Aged Cow (3)
      • 1. Gundys Alise (Silky Gibson), Robert Gunderson, IL
      • 2. Hicklee Goldwyn Good-TW-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), Team Holsteins & Jason Swanson, IL
      • 3. Kalmeys Roy Piehe (Roylane Jordan), Erdman Dairy, IL
    • 125,000 lb. cow (3)
      • 1. Exels Goldwyn Anna-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), Legendholm & Norm Nabholz, IL & IA
      • 2. Gardner Durham Medusa (Regancrest Elton Durham), Dale & Linda Drendel, IL
      • 3. B-J Grove Champion Hoover (Calbrett-I HH Champion), Casey Clanton & Miranda Kollmann, IL
    • Senior & Grand Champion
      • MS Dundee Belinda (Regancrest Dundee), 1st 5-year-old, Jeff Butler, IL
      • Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion
      • Exels Goldwyn Anna-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st 125,000 lb. cow, Legendholm & Norm Nabholz, IL & IA
    • Premier Breeder – Erbacres
    • Premier Exhibitor: Lindale Holsteins
  • Illinois State Junior Holstein Show
    July 19, 2012
    Lincoln, IL
    Judge: Molly Sloan, WI

    • Spring Calf (9)
      • 1. Roll-N-View Fever Brand-ET (Crackholm Fever-ET), Caitlin & Blake Meyer and Megan Rohe, IL
      • 2. MS Im An Angel (Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET), Connor Erbsen, IL
      • 3. Clearfield Jeeves Amoura-ET (Ked Outside Jeeves-ET), Lila Sloan, IL
    • Winter Calf (10)
      • 1. Edler-V Avatar Athena-Red (Mr Apples Avatar-ET), Erbsen, Opperman & Lenkatis, IL
      • 2. SRD-IL Atlas Bonita (MD-Delight Durham Atlas-ET), Carson Kasbergen, IL
      • 3. Luck-E Guthrie Kaboo (Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-ET), Katelyn Engel, IL
    • Fall Calf (15)
      • 1. SRD-IL Windbrook Bryn-ET (Gillette Windbrook), Carson Kasbergen, IL
      • 2. R-Vision Lauth Duplicate-ET (Comestar Lauthority-ET), Emily Irwin, IL
      • 3. R-Vision Lauthority Flash (Comestar Lauthority-ET), Bailey Hart, IL
    • Summer Yearling (3)
      • 1. Erbacres Dempsey Erica (Lirr Drew Dempsey), Erbsen, Opperman & Wakeley, IL
      • 2. Char-La-Don Sanchez Lace-ET (Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez), Jessica Telgmann, IL
      • 3. Golden-Oaks Clark Peachy (Dool-Leigh Goldwyn Clark), Riley Koehn, IL
    • Spring Yearling (5)
      • 1. Headwater Lheros Juliet (Comestar Lheros), Caitlin & Blake Meyer & Miles Price, IL
      • 2. Erbacres Atwood Sunkist (Maple Downs-I GW Atwood), Payton Erbsen, IL
      • 3. BVK Atwood Alex-ET (Maple Downs-I GW Atwood), Miles Price, IL
    • Winter Yearling (7)
      • 1. Erbacres Love of Peace-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), Erbsen, Opperman & Wakeley, IL
      • 2. Erbacres Hope of Peace-ET (Braedale Goldwn), Connor Erbsen, IL
      • 3. Bri-Mel Erstead Layla-ET (Wilcoxview Jasper-ET), Caitin & Blake Meyer & Miles Price, IL
    • Fall Yearling (7)
      • 1. Luck-E Braxton Maeve (Regancrest S Braxton-ET), Dalton Engel, IL
      • 2. MS Jasper Spearmint (Wilcoxview Jasper-ET), Caitlin Meyer, IL
      • 3. R-Vision Monument Callie (Palmcrest Monument-ET), Emily Irwin, IL
    • Junior Champion Bred & Owned
      • SRD-IL Windbrook Bryn-ET, 1st place fall calf, Carson Kasbergen, IL
    • Junior Champion
      • Erbacres Love of Peace-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st winter yearling, Erbsen, Opperman & Wakeley, IL
    • Reserve Junior Champion
      • Erbacres Hope of Peace-ET (Braedale Goldwn), 2nd winter yearling Connor Erbsen, IL
    • HM Junior Champion
      • Headwater Lheros Juliet (Comestar Lheros),1st spring yearling, Caitlin & Blake Meyer & Miles Price, IL
    • Junior 2-year-old (5)
      • 1. Lady-Alicia Sanchez Adore-ET (Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez), Tyler Carter, IL
      • 2. Bri-Mel-Acres Sanchez Greta (Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez), Caitlin Meyer, I
      • 3. Brendayne Aftershock Rosie (MS Atlees Sht Aftershock-ET), Brett Walker, IL
    • Senior 2-year-old (7)
      • 1. Cross-Jen Macdad Jesslynn (Foxberry Lou Macdaddy), Jennifer Wakeley, IL
      • 2. Bluff-Ridge Goldwyn Biddy (Braedale Goldwyn), Sarah Butler, IL
      • 3. Schluter Sanchez Tena-ET (Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez), Katelyn Dugan, IL
    • Junior 3-year-old (1)
      • 1. Luck-E Goldwyn Amber-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), Jessica Telgmann, IL
    • Senior 3-year-old (6)
      • 1. Regancrest S Desire (Picston Shottle-ET), Connor Erbsen, IL
      • 2. O-Kop Logan Adrian (Erhart Logan-ET), Olivia Telgmann, IL
      • 3. Bluff-Ridge Dundee Jeannie (Regancrest Dundee), Sarah Butler, IL
    • Intermediate & Reserve Grand Champion
      • Lady-Alicia Sanchez Adore-ET (Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez), 1st Jr. 2-year-old, Tyler Carter, IL
    • Reserve Intermediate Champion
      • Regancrest S Desire (Picston Shottle-ET), 1st Sr. 3-year-old, Connor Erbsen, IL
    • Four-year-old (1)
      • 1. Bluff-Ridge Roy Barretta (Roylane Jordan), Sarah Butler, IL
    • 5-year-old (2)
      • 1. Mohrfield Supra Precious (Blondin Supra-ET), Tyler Carter, IL
      • 2. Mil-R-Mor Damion Cheerios (Erbacres Damion), Bri Sheehan, IL
    • Aged Cow (1)
      • 1. Wessmann Best Velocity (Hidden-View Best), Jessica Telgmann, IL
    • 125,000 lb Cow (1)
      • 1. Schluter Roy Leann (Roylane Jordan), Jessica Telgmann, IL
    • Senior & Grand Champion
      • Schluter Roy Leann (Roylane Jordan), 1st 125,000 lb. cow, Jessica Telgmann, IL
    • Reserve Senior Champion
      • Mohrfield Supra Precious (Blondin Supra-ET), 1st 5-year-old Tyler Carter, IL
  • Vancouver Island Holstein Show Results
    July 12, 2012
    Duncan, BC
    Judge: Pierre Boulet, QC
    94 Head

    • Intermediate Calf (13)
      • 1. Westcoast Goulet Victoria (Goulet), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
      • 2. Rypster Winners M701 (Winners), T&L Cattle Ltd., Kingsway & Josh Larson, BC & ON
      • 3. Tolamika Dempsey Georgette (Dempsey), T&L Cattle., BC
    • Senior Calf (15)
      • 1. Saanwood Goldwyn Tiara (Goldwyn), Viewfield Farms, BC
      • 2. Poelman Phoenix Roxalyn (Phoenix), Sunny Vale Farm Ltd., BC
      • 3. Springbend Sanchez Rose (Sanchez), Springbend Farms, BC
    • Summer Yearling (14)
      • 1. Nipponia Atlas Memorable (Atlas), T&L Cattle Ltd., BC
      • 2. Miss Kansas (Gold Chris), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
      • 3. Dubeau Dundee Shiekh Salah (Dundee), Silvermaple Holsteins, BC
    • Junior Yearling (6)
      • 1. R-John Atwood Ashlyn (Atwood), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
      • 2. Hammingview Fever Montie (Fever), Hammingview Farms, BC
      • 3. Hammingview Fever Abbie (Fever), Silvermaple Holsteins, BC
    • Intermediate Yearling (2)
      • 1. Willswikk Duplex Connie (Duplex), Meadow Green Farms, BC
      • 2. Ashview-TG Lovely Cut (Final Cut), T&L Cattle Ltd., BC
    • Senior Yearling (2)
      • 1. Brabantdale Alexander Splendid (Alexander), John Sunder, Premier West & Rose Gate Dairy, BC
      • 2. BVK MB-Lucky Atwood 5629-ET (Atwood), T&L Cattle Ltd. & Kingsway, BC & ON
    • Junior Champion – Saanwood Goldwyn Tiara (Goldwyn), Viewfield Farms, BC
    • Reserve Junior Champion – Nipponia Atlas Memorable (Atlas), T&L Cattle Ltd., BC
    • Honorable Mention Junior Champion – Brabantdale Alexander Splendid (Alexander), John Sunder, Premier West & Rose Gate Dairy, BC
    • Junior Group of Three (2)
      • 1. Viewfield Farms, BC
      • 2. Sunny Vale Farm Ltd., BC
    • Junior 2 Year Old (8)
      • 1. Morsan Sanchez Priscilla (Sanchez), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
      • 2. Robin-Hood LKI Carrissa (Atwood), T&L Cattle Ltd., BC
      • 3. RockyMountain Tarmac Daphne (Tarmac), T&L Cattle Ltd., BC
    • Senior 2 Year Old (9)
      • 1. Cedarwal Sanchez Icing (Sanchez), Cedarwal Farms, BC
      • 2. Bradner Curry Goldwyn (Goldwyn), T&L Cattle Ltd., Kingsway & Cherry Crest, BC & ON
      • 3. Butz-Butler Sanchez Banjo (Sanchez), Stanhope-Wedgwood, BC
    • Junior 3 Year Old (6)
      • 1. Willswikk Shottle Deidre (Shottle), Willswikk Holsteins, BC
      • 2. Butz-Butler Gold Brandy-ET (Goldwyn), Stanhope-Wedgwood, BC
      • 3. Wedgwood Lavina Goldwyn (Goldwyn), Stanhope-Wedgwood, BC
    • Senior 3 Year Old (5)
      • 1. Falonasprings Ralst Holly Red (Ralstrom), Stanhope-Wedgwood & Beemer Holsteins, BC & AB
      • 2. Wedgwood Prism Goldwyn (Goldwyn), Stanhope-Wedgwood, BC
      • 3. Goldenset Jasper Haylee (Jasper), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
    • 4 Year Old (4)
      • 1. Dardel Dundee Tiara O (Dundee), T&L Cattle Ltd., BC
      • 2. Claquato-RH Excite-ET (Dundee), Stanhope-Wedgwood, Claquato & Robin Hood, BC & WA
      • 3. Silvermpale Damion Gordana (Damion), Silvermaple Holsteins, BC
    • 5 Year Old (4)
      • 1. Robin-Hoold Clumbo-ET (Durham), T&L Cattle Ltd., BC
      • 2. Vandyk-S Pontiac Kaadrian (Pontiac), T&L Cattle Ltd., BC
      • 3. Poelman Roy Savannah (Roy), Willswikk Holsteins, BC
    • Mature Cow (6)
      • 1. Jon-Lu Talent Regina (Talent), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
      • 2. Oakparke Linjet Jamie (Linjet), T&L Cattle Ltd., BC
      • 3. Springbend Talent Piston (Talent), Springbend Holsteins & Jim & Kirsty McAvoy, BC
    • Grand Champion – Jon-Lu Talent Regina (Talent), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
    • Reserve Grand Champion – Cedarwal Sanchez Icing (Sanchez), Cedarwal Farms, BC
    • Honorable Mention Grand Champion – Morsan Sanchez Priscilla (Sanchez), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
    • Best Island Bred Cow – Willswikk Shottle Deidre (Shottle), Willswikk Holsteins, BC
    • Total Performance Cow – Oakparke Linjet Jamie (Linjet), T&L Cattle Ltd., BC
    • Best Udder – Jon-Lu Talent Regina (Talent), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
    • Breeder’s Herd (1)
      • 1. Stanhope-Wedgwood, BC
    • Premier Breeder – Stanhope-Wedgwood, BC
    • Premier Exhibitor – T&L Cattle Ltd., BC
  • All-Oregon Holstein Show
    Tillamook, OR
    Judge: Adam Van Exel, Lodi, CA
    80 Head Shown

    • Spring Calves (5)
      • 1. (JR) Moretti Damion Lizzie (Damion), Missy Moretti
      • 2. Mistvale Bolton Buddy (Bolton), Nolan Fletcher
      • 3. Hale-Valley Above Rihanna, Jason Hale
    • Winter Calves (9)
      • 1. TMK Atwood Bitchn (Atwood), TMK Farm
      • 2. (JR) Mistvale Melky Shani, Rylee Armstrong
      • 3. Midway GW Atwood Satin (Atwood), Midway Dairy
    • Fall Calves (9)
      • 1. Crazy-For Damion Tickle (Damion), Kenny Coppini
      • 2. (JR) TMK Sanchez Honkey-TW (Sanchez), Katie Sherer
      • 3. (JR) Chameleon Secure Red Apple Pie (Secure), Cody Perry
    • Summer Yearling (2)
      • 1. Crazy-For Contender Stylin (Contender), Kenny Coppini
      • 2. (JR) Hale-Valley Reality Jif-Red (Reality), Hale Valley
    • Spring Yearling (8)
      • 1. Sculpture-Of San Enhance-ET, TMK Farm
      • 2. Midway Braxton F Anna (Braxton), Midway Dairy
      • 3. Crazy-For SCR Dip-ET, Kenny Coppini
    • Winter Yearling (3)
      • 1. (JR) Mistvale Advent Robyn-Red (Advent), Staci Sherer
      • 2. (JR) Lazy-A Sanchez Tori (Sanchez), Mathew Ruby
      • 3. Hale-Valley Jammer Taffy, Hale-Valley
    • Fall Yearling (4)
      • 1. Midway Sanchez Elaine (Sanchez), Midway Dairy
      • 2. Hale-Valley Destry Skatter (Destry), Hale-Valley
      • 3. (JR) Paulo-Bro-Hakker Dacia 8691, Scott Rocha
    • Junior Champion of the Junior Show
      • Mistvale Advent Robyn-Red (Advent), 1st Winter Yearling, Staci Sherer
    • Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show
      • TMK Sanchez Honkey (Sanchez), 1st Fall Calf, Katie Sherer
    • HM Junior Champion of the Junior Show
      • Mistvale Melky Shani, 1st Winter Calf, Rylee Armstrong
    • Junior Champion of the Open Show
      •  Crazy-For Damion Tickle (Damion), 1st Fall Calf, Kenny Coppini
    • Reserve Junior Champion of the Open Show
      • Sculpture-Of San Enhance, 1st Spring Yearling, TMK Farm
    • HM Junior Champion of the Open Show
      • Crazy-For Contender Stylin (Contender), 1st Summer Yearling, Kenny Coppini
    • Junior Best Three Females (6)
      • 1. Kenny Coppini
      • 2. Mistvale Farm
      • 3. Midway Dairy
    • Junior 2 Year Old (5)
      • 1. (BU) Danielle-L Sanchez Alise-ET (Sanchez), Gracie Krahn
      • 2. Crazy-For AD Dapple-Red (Advent), Kenny Coppini
      • 3. Midway Aftershock Anna (Aftershock), Midway Dairy
    • Senior 2 Year Old (9)
      • 1. (BU) Juniper-Haven A Raja-Red-ET – Juniper-Haven
      • 2. Juniper-Haven Sanchez Dolly – Juniper-Haven
      • 3. Permium-Farms Brax Aladin – Cristopher Rocha
    • Junior 3 Year Old (5)
      • 1. (JR & BU) Western-Lite Sanchez Dally (Sanchez), Missy Moretti
      • 2. Hale-Valley Alex Clementine (Alexander), Hale-Valley
      • 3. Chameleon Shaquille Nikki (Shaquille), Cristopher Rocha
    • Senior 3 Year Old (6)
      • 1. Crazy-For Sept Delirious-TW (September Storm), Kenny Coppini
      • 2. (BU) Crazy-For Sept Delicious-TW (September Storm), Kenny Coppini
      • 3. Oceanview SM Dund Zandra-ET (Dundee), John Lewis
    • Intermediate Champion
      • Juniper-Haven A Raja-Red-ET, 1st Senior 2 Year Old, Juniper-Haven
    • Reserve Intermediate Champion
      • Danielle-L Sanchez Alise-ET (Sanchez), 1st Junior 2 Year Old, Gracie Krahn
    • HM Intermediate Champion
      • Crazy-For Sept Delirious-TW (September Storm), 1st Senior 3 Year Old, Kenny Coppini
    • 4 Year Old (6)
      • 1. (BU) Crazy-For Advent Dazzle-ET (Advent), Kenny Coppini
      • 2. Midway Gage Secret, Midway Dairy
      • 3. Midway Affirmed Farah (Affirmed), Midway Dairy
    • 5 Year Old (3)
      • 1. Crazy-For Durham Lil Lea-ET (Durham), Kenny Coppini
      • 2. (BU) Hale-Valley Lou Alley (Lou), Hale-Valley
      • 3. Midway Talent Nina (Talent), Midway Dairy
    • Six Years & Older Cow (6)
      • 1. (BU) Midway Dundee Dazzle (Dundee), Midway Dairy
      • 2. Bob-Cat 829 HiMetro Sara (HiMetro), Kenny Coppini
      • 3. Mistvale Roy Freda (Roy), Mistvale Farm
    • Senior & Grand Champion of the Junior Show
      • Western-Lite Sanchez Dally (Sanchez), Missy Moretti
    • Reserve Senior & Grand Champion of the Junior Show
      • Premium-Farms Amaz Noel-Red, Missy Moretti
    • HM Senior & Grand Champion of the Junior Show
      • Hale-Valley Rubens Jigalow (Rubens), Jason Hale
    • Senior Champion of the Open Show
      • Crazy-For Advent Dazzle (Advent), 1st 4 Year Old, Kenny Coppini
    • Reserve Senior Champion of the Open Show
      • Cazy-For Durham Lil Lea-ET (Durham), 1st 5 Year Old, Kenny Coppini
    • HM Senior Champion of the Open Show
      • Midway Dundee Dazzle (Dundee), 1st Aged Cow, Midway Dairy
    • Grand Champion of the Open Show
      • Crazy-For Advent Dazzle (Advent), 1st 4 Year Old, Kenny Coppini
    • Reserve Grand Champion of the Open Show
      • Juniper-Haven A Raja-Red, 1st Senior 2 Year Old, Juniper-Haven
    • HM Grand Champion of the Open Show
      • Cazy-For Durham Lil Lea-ET (Durham), 1st 5 Year Old, Kenny Coppini
    • Oregon Distinguished Service Award – Jerry Strandlund – Bovagraph & Northwest Holstein News
    • Senior Best Three Females (4)
      • 1. Kenny Coppini
      • 2. Midway Dairy
      • 3. Juniper-Haven
    • Exhibitor’s Herd (3)
      • 1. Kenny Coppini
      • 2. Midway Dairy
      • 3. Hale-Valley
    • Dam & Daughter (1)
      • 1. Kenny Coppini
    • Produce of Dam (7)
      • 1. Kenny Coppini
      • 2. Kenny Coppini
      • 3. Midway Dairy
  • Expo Lachute Champions
    July 15, 2012
    Judge: Jocelyn Côté, QC
    76 Head

    • Junior Champion – Rietben B Sassy (Braxton), 1st Int. Calf, Ferme Drouin & fils, QC
    • Reserve Junior Champion – Bonnie Brae Jasper Coreena (Jasper), 1st Sr. Calf, Bruce & Susan Mode, ON
    • HM Junior Champion – Pierstein Oasis Reba (Oasis), 1st Jr. Yearling, Andrew Mcouat, QC
    • Grand Champion – Klagvale Goldwyn Jackie (Goldwyn), 1st 5 Yr. Old, Ferme Lolisee et Jean Desrosiers, QC
    • Reserve Grand Champion – Bobasyl Dundee Rosa Glow (Dundee), 1st Mature Cow, Ferme Filiking et Ferme Blondin, QC
    • HM Grand Champion – Elm Bend Mudslide (Titanic), 2nd Mature Cow, Mario Lauzon, QC


  • Ath-Mor Holsteins Complete Dispersal Results
    Ath-Mor Holsteins Complete Dispersal on Tuesday, July 17 saw 273 full lots average $2,338 for a total gross of $660,850.00.   A large crowd was on hand this blazing hot summer day with the temperature hitting 95 degrees with high humidity.  The partnership of Tom Morrell & Russ Atherton and their families crafted a highly respected herd with incredible production (RHA 3x 29,757M 3.6 1086F 3.0 899P) & many high GTPI individuals.  Over 30 head sold in the sale with AI contracts and many others will garner attention from astute AI units.

    • Topping the sale at $18,000.00 was lot 576.  Sired by Shamrock, she carried a GTPI +2348 +96F +74P +$771NM +5.0PL.  Her dam is a VG-85 Jammer with 39,030M 1516F 1313P who also sold in the sale carrying AI contracts.  The high seller went to Sexing Technologies & the dam heads to Pine Tree in Ohio.
    • High selling embryos for the day were sired by Numero Uno from a GP-82 Planet w/GTPI +2141 and contract interest in the resulting calves.  The embryos sold to Dr. Richard Whitaker and Carlton Bull.
  • Maryland State Sale
    July 17, 2012
    McHenry, Maryland
    78 Full lots averaged $4,832

    • High Seller: Lot 2 – $29,000 – Locust Ayr C Mercy P Red-ET – A flush age Red Polled Colt P with a GTPI of +2036 – Buyer: San Dan Holsteins – Consignor: Mike and Anita Haines
    • 2nd High Seller: Lot 4 – $25,000 – Ladys Manor GR Lachelle ET – A March 2012 Grafeeti with a GTPI of +2394 – Consignor: My Ladys Manor Farm – Buyer: Glen-Toctin Farm
  • Guernsey Gathering Sale Averages $2230
    The Guernsey Gathering Sale averaged $2230 on 80 head in Mechanicsburg, Ohio, on July 14. The sale was managed and hosted by Land of Living Farm – John, Bonnie, Lucas, Austin and Eli Ayars. The offering truly provided something for everything with 28 milk cows, a handful of bred heifers and a large selection of show-aged open heifers.

    • The top seller was $9000 for Lot 9, a fancy, fresh Jr. 2 that is a potential 7th generation EX. Her EX-91 dam was the Intermediate Champion at Madison in 2010 and All-American that year. The next dam, an EX-91 Deemand, made over 950F and won the National Guernsey Futurity in 2006. The next four dams are scored EX-94, EX-93, EX-93 and EX-91. She sold to Paul Nicley of Indiana and was consigned by Leroy Kipp of Wisconsin.
    • Rolling Prairie Farm of Garnavillo, Iowa, provided the second high seller, a Fall Calf from a VG-85 dam with 20,000M and 930F. Ready for the colored shavings, she sold to Darlene Moser of Pleasant Lake, Indiana, for $5300.
    • The third high of the sale was a fresh Sr. 3-Year-Old milking very well after having made 19,000M as a 2-Year-Old. Clearview Creek Paige was consigned by sale hosts Land of Living Farm and was the 2nd Sr. 2-Year-Old at the Ohio State Fair last year. She sold for $4700 to Spring Walk Farm of Big Prairie, Ohio.

Is The Bullvine Your Guilty Pleasure?

Everyone has their guilty pleasures.  Some people like to eat lots of ice cream, some people drink a little too much (yes cattle fitters out there you know who I am talking about), but everyone has their guilty pleasure.  Recently The Bullvine has started to become many dairy breeders’ guilty pleasure.

For years, dairy breeders have had limited options when it came  to reading unique content.  I can still remember when Holstein International came on the scene.  At the time, it was so different from all the other publications that breeders had, that it was very warmly received.  Since launching the Bullvine we have enjoyed  the same reception.  Dairy breeders have been giving us such great feedback it’s really humbling, even for someone with as big an ego as mine.

In introducing the Bullvine, we are seeking to make breeders think.  Yes we do produce content that for some can be edgy, but, with every piece we produce, we are seeking to give our readers something unique to chew on.  For example: Holstein vs. Jersey: Which Breed Is More Profitable?The Top 10 Most Influential Holstein Breeders of All-Time and Show Cows: All Type and No Action? As long as we achieve that with even one breeder than we have achieved our goal.  Does that mean that everyone needs to agree with us?  Hell no.  I would be disappointed if it did.  We are not doing our job if we are not pushing the limits.

Have We Gone Too Far?

Now some might call our willingness to push the limits,  tabloid fare, or even dairy scandal mongering. To them I say, get real.  We have never slandered a single person.  Every article we write is written and backed by hard facts.

However, for those who call us controversial!   Great!   We wanted to be different.  We wanted to stand out from the crowd and be something that dairy breeders would enjoy reading.  Moreover, the stats prove it. Are we “XXX” rated?   How do YOU measure pushy and provocative?

What makes us the fastest growing dairy magazine in history?

Well part of it is the age we live in.  In launching the Bullvine, we did not seek to use the old school printed versions.  Instead we did a full press digital launch.  That means more than just our website.  It included The Bullvine’s Facebook page where we reach over 30,000 readers weekly, and our Twitter account that reaches over 300,000 readers monthly.  All that in fewer than 5 months.  We are happy to say folks, and competitors, there is no question we are the fastest growing dairy magazine in the world.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Do we use a creative spin to make things interesting?  You bet.  Are we afraid to say something just because it may not be politically correct?  Hell no.   We aim to be an influential information source for dairy breeders. For us, that will mean that no subjects, issues or people are off limits! Thanks for all the amazing support and constructive criticism.  We are excited about the many great issues we plan to cover in the future.  That is our guilty pleasure.

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