meta Pan Genome Systems: Developing a novel and effective vaccine for Johne’s Disease :: The Bullvine - The Dairy Information You Want To Know When You Need It

Pan Genome Systems: Developing a novel and effective vaccine for Johne’s Disease

Free Webinar

Title: “Pan Genome Systems: Developing a novel and effective vaccine for Johne’s Disease.”
Date: Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Time: 12:30 PM ET/11:30 AM CT

Johne’s Disease cost the U.S. dairy industry approximately $500 million per year. Globally, the cost of the disease industry wide is several billion dollars. Currently, only 5% of U.S. dairy farmers choose to vaccinate against Johne’s Disease due, in part, to current vaccines ineffectiveness. This means that 95% of the 10 million dairy cattle on the 60,000+ dairy farms across the U.S. go untreated. Pan Genome Systems is currently developing a novel and effective vaccine which is delivered one-time in the first 30 days of life of the animal and provides a lifetime of protection. The potential global market for such a vaccine in the dairy cattle industry is estimated to be $280-360 million per year, with around $50-70 million of this in the U.S. When other ruminant animal industries that could benefit from the vaccine are included, the potential market is estimated at $500 million per year.

The webinar is part of a continuing series called “Innovations in Agriculture and Rural Development” hosted by The North Central Regional Center for Rural Development (NCRCRD) at Michigan State University.

About Our Presenters:
Dr. Adel Talaat is a Professor of Microbiology in the Department of Pathobiological Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and is the primary inventor behind PGS’s technology. He is the author of multiple issued and pending patents and peer-reviewed journals articles. He is also an affiliate member of the Genome Center of Wisconsin and is a recognized international expert on Johne’s Disease and Tuberculosis.

Jon Sandbrook is the President of Pan Genome Systems, and has as served as the senior business leader for early stage biotechnology company development specializing in animal health vaccine and diagnostics development.

To access the free webinar on Wednesday, go to: and select “Enter as a Guest.” You will then be directed to the MSU Adobe Connect page. Currently a flyer for the webinar is on the MSU Connect page in case you want to test your connection.

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