meta Oldest Cow in the World – Guinness World Record (49 Years old with 39 calvings) | The Bullvine

Oldest Cow in the World – Guinness World Record (49 Years old with 39 calvings)


When you consider that the average lifespan of a cow is about 4-6 years, “Big Bertha” lived 49 years old which holds two Guinness World Records, one is for being the oldest cow ever lived in the world and another record for lifetime breeding, having produced 39 calves naturally with the use of IVF or embryo transfer.

Apart from this this cow also managed to help raise $75,000 for cancer by making celebrity appearances at cattle shows. Big Bertha was born in Ireland on 17 March 1945 on St Patrick’s Day. It is a Droimeann breed of Cattle (a native Irish cattle breed), The cow was bought at a cattle show by Jerome O’Leary and he reared her at his farm near the market town of Kenmare in County Kerry, southwest Ireland.The cow lived for 49 years and died on December 31st of 1992.

(T25, D1)
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